Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

Return To Castle Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory

17.10.2013 13:49:35
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: ENEMY TERRITORY
Weapons FAQ (Smashnuke 2004)

1)Table of Contents

2)Introduction to Enemy Territory
3)Explination of Weapons
4)Weapons and Equipment
5)Closing(Disclamer, Version History)


2)Introduction to Enemy Territory

Enemy Territory was originally planned as a mod to the first-person shooter
Return to Castle Wolfenstein. The project got canned, but another company got
it and decided to finish it. However, it was released as a stand-alone FPS
instead of a mod, and free at that. ET is based on World War II, as the Axis
powers (featuring the Wolfen symbol as its flag) battle the Allies(USA flag)on
one of many different maps,ranging from stealing key objectives to transporting
gold and ammo and even blowing up walls and structures. Being stand-alone, you
don't need to own RTCW to play this.


3)Explination of weapons

The weapons have many features that make them what they are. A brief
explination of the characteristics:

Spread: Wherever you point your crosshairs is the general area where your
bullets are going. Most guns with continous fire tend to hit in a spread out
area. Some guns, like the Sten, are very precise and can keep their spread
limited, but most aren't very accurate if your far away. A good way to test
this is to stand a few feet away from a tannish colored wall, fire about 10
shots, then press B to look into your binoculars (if your not in one of the Ops
classes, you need level 1 Battle Sense to get binoculars). Spread is reduced
by Level 3 Light Weaps: 35% for SMGs, 50% for pistols.

Splash Damage: When something goes boom, this is there. Its basically damage
from the blast, and this is what can get you over 100% acc with a weapon. Each
explosive weapon has varing levels of splash damage. Another note as to never
stand too close to what explodes, as even on Friendly Fire off servers, your own
splash damage can kill you. At level 4 Engineering, you obtain a Flak Jacket
that halves any splash damage you get.

Also, a company named Splash Damage made the game FYI <_<

Fire: Very simple, seeing as only the Flamethrower has this characteristic.
When you score a hit with a flamethrower, the victim gets set on fire (his body
will glow orange with the flames) and takes 5 HP worth of damage every half a
second or so, but it wears off after about 3 seconds. 25 - 30 damage for one
shot is still pretty devastating though.

Alt-Fire: Some weapons have 2 different firing methods, and some can only be
used when in the Alt-Fire mode. Use this by hitting the weapon's hotkey while
that weapon is equipped, or right click.

Gib: Whenever a person takes enough damage, they become wounded and lie on the
ground, still moving. When enough damage is dealt to them in THIS state, they
die and are sent into the renforcement cue (aka Limbo). Explosive weapons can
blow up the body, auto gibbing. Medics drop Health Packs when gibbed on Shrub
servers, and Covert Ops can steal a players uniform only when gibbed. Gibbing
also prevents a medic from reviving a unit. You can tell when you have done
enough to gib when they stop moving and their gun pops out.

Helmets: These show wether the player has been headshotted yet. The helmet will
reduce the power of the first headshot by 10 damage.


Note: The SMGs, Pistols, and Grenades both sides have function the same even
though they are different. A player can pick up any weapon as long as the class
can equip it (i.e. Engineers can pick up the Thompson, MP40, Garand, and K43
while Medics can only grab Thompsons and MP40s). Switching out weapons leaves
you with no extra clips, even if you pick the same gun right back up. Running
over a gun you already have will give you extra ammo equal to the amount left in
that clip.

Airstrike (aka the Can of Whoopass)
Used by: Either team's Field Ops (Hotkey 5)

Ammo: Infinite, but each can takes an entire power bar. At level 2 signals,
the cost is cut to 2/3rds of the bar.

Power:This thing can easily drop a tank, so massive damage we are talking about.
One hit gib on anyone taking a direct hit, and anyone not gibbed gets flung
about 50 yards :)

Area of Effect: As wide as the area where the assault ramp is on Battery. There
is also major splash damage, which basically increases the hit (not kill) area
by about 1.5 times.

Exp: Signals: 3 per kill, 5 for destroying a tank or truck with one

Comments: Throw out a can, which emits a colored smoke (blue for Allied, pink
for Axis). About 3 seconds later, a plane will fly over, and bomb the hell out
of the area where the can landed. The plane comes parallel to the way the Field
Ops is facing upon the arrival. At Level 3 Field Ops, expect a second plane to
come about a half a second later to catch anyone that thought the strike was
over. Only works outdoors, but an awesome way to get the enemy out of your hair
for a few seconds and disable enemy vehicles. Unless thrown high, airstrikes can
be blocked by crouching or going prone on the can. Make sure you get off when
you hear the plane, or the can will explode and take you out. There are some
places where you can throw a can so you can hit a high traffic area, but they
will have a hard time seeing it. An example is right outside the door on
the catwalk at Goldrush's first tank barrier (it's the part where the tank
passes under).

Akimbo Pistols
Used by: Anyone with level 4 Light Weapons (the equivalent of 47 normal kills
or 28 headshot kills with your SMG or Grenade)(Hotkey 2)

Ammo: 8/8 clip, 4 extra clips

Reload time: MASSIVE OF DOOM

Power: 18 damage, 50 headshot

Exp: Light Weaps: 3 per non-headshot kill,5 per headshot kill (like you need it)

Comments: These replace the pistol on your next respawn with level 4 LW. There
is no damage increase, but you do get double the ammo and faster rate of fire,
along with the best reload animation in the game :) Try to reload when you have
time, as even with how fast your guy moves with his hands, he still has to load
2 guns. One disadvantage to CovOps is that you cannot remove Akimbo silencers,
meaning you have to choose fooling people with an unsilenced single or the
firepower of dual silenced. For a level 4 upgrade, these will only see use by

Used by: Field Ops (Hold B and left click to mark an area for the attack)

Ammo: Same as the Airstrike

Power: See Airstrike

Area: When you call it in, wherever you aimed will be the circle upon which
bombs will rain down. It is a rather large circle, but the hits are random.

Exp: Signals: 4 exp per kill, 5 for destroying tank/truck

Comments: You don't lose your power bar if your call winds up in an overhang
(a massive disadvantage of airstrikes). A successful call will wind up with a
'Firing For Effect' radio message transmitted to you only. A few seconds later
a marker shot hits, followed by a barrage of 4 artillery shells that land
randomly around where you called (which is why you have to be careful so that
one of the shells doesn't land on a building or an ally). Level 3 makes 8 bombs
come down, which can keep an area covered for a LONG time. Also, upon calling
in the strike, all Soldiers with Mortars deployed will have an orange crosshair
appear where the strike is called. If you don't mind having a few of the
shells be wasted,you can call on high walls to take down those on the high road.

Used by: Engineers (Hotkey 6)

Ammo: Infinite, but one batch takes an entire power bar until level 3, where
it's cut by 1/3

Power: One hit kill. Surprisingly, it does roughly the same amount of damage
to a tank as a grenade O_o

Exp: Engineering: 5 for something that required 50% Powerbar (MG Nest)
7.5 for something that required 100% Powerbar (Tank,CP)
10 for Objectives (Fuel Dump, Old City Wall, etc)
6 for defusing dynamite on any explodable
4 per kill (most likely a late engineer)

Comments: Engineer's second most important item (first being the Pliers).
Throw one down, and arm it with the Pliers you automatically pull out. It
now has a 30 second timer, and if you planted on an objective, a Dynamite
Planted radio message goes out to EVERYONE. Disarm the bomb by using your
Pliers on it. Dyna on the ground but unarmed glows yellow, armed will
glow red. When you hit level 3, go for the double plant if you get enough
time. Try to make your second plant one engis will want to get first, allowing
the first one to go BOOOOM even if they disarm the second. Also, try to reserve
dynamite for targets undestroyable by Satchels, unless you lack Covert Ops.
If you're an Axis defusing, take note of the flashing that comes with armed
dynamite. If it is blinking very fast and you attempt a defuse, you're just
going to give the planter 4 more experience.

Used by: Covert Ops (Hotkey 3)

Ammo: 20 per clip

Reload: About the same as a standard SMG

Power: 15 bodyshot damage, 50 headshot damage
30 sniper bodyshot damage, ? sniper headshot damage

Secondary: Sniper Scope

Exp: Light Weaps: 3 per non-headshot kill, 5 headshot kill (both unscoped)
Covert: 3 per non-headshot kill, 5 headshot kill (both scoped)

Comments: The 'n00b gun' of Covert Ops. It fires very fast, but has a drawback
of massive spread, making even medium range risky for this. You can snipe,
but aim for bodyshots and keep firing, even sniper hits with this gun aren't
as strong as its bigger sniping cousin, the K43/Garand. Also, the gun is not
silenced. In fact, it's really fricken loud, so don't shoot with this gun after
getting someone's pants. Take this gun if you expect a lot of CQC and stealth
is not a priority or option.

Used by:Soldiers (Hotkey 3)

Ammo: 100 (no clips)

Reload: No reloading required. One AP will fill the flamethrower to 100%

Power: Dependant on how long you can keep an opponent in the flames, but burn
damage can rack up 25-30 damage by itself

Exp: Heavy Weaps: 3 per kill

Comments: Usually used for indoor combat which contains many narrow chokepoints
and obstacles for a rocket to get blocked by, or on a Limited HW server when
all the panzers are taken :| Range is very limited, so use your pistol in long
ranges, or switch weapons if indoors combat is few and far inbetween. Watch out
for players that get TOO close, as the flames can bounce off them and light you
up, possibly even affecting their health loss. A great feature is the ability
to have a full clip given to you with no reload by simply getting one Ammo Pack.
You can abuse this by running to an enemy ammo rack or pile of APs and firing
your flamethrower until the entire rack or pile is gone, thus depriving the
opposing team of ammo. Obtaining lvl 3 Soldier negates the speed drop entirely,
removing the need to run around with your pistol CS-style. You will slow down
when firing, however.

M4 Garand
Used by: Engineers and Covert Ops (Allies only) (Hotkey 3)

Ammo: 8 with up to 4 extra clips. Engis spawn with 4 rifle nades until you get
your first star there, giving you 4 more. Also, 50% of your powerbar is used to
fire a rifle nade.

Reload: Fastest, but must expend all the ammo in your current clip before a
reload is possible.

Power: 36 body, 80 headshot. Rifle Grenades are just like normal Grenades damage
wise. Sniper mode does 50 bodyshot and 100 headshot damage

Secondary: Rifle Grenade (Engi), Sniper Scope (Covert Ops)

Exp: Light Weaps: 3 per non-headshot kill, 5 headshot kill (both unscoped)
Engineering: 3 per riflenade kill, 10 for destroying tank
Covert: 3 per non-headshot kill, 5 headshot kill (both scoped)

Comments: When it came down to rifles, the Allies got the short end of the stick
IMO. Not being able to reload means you either have to waste ammo or risk an
early reload in your next encounter. However, 2 headshots with this thing will
drop anything short of an adren'd Medic. The true fun comes in when you right
click. If your an Engineer, you will stick a grenade onto the attachment on
the end of your Garand. This can be bounced around walls, launched really far,
and will be the staple attack of this weapon. Just don't get too greedy: you
need that powerbar to use other items (ie if your going to need to use lots of
dyna, opt for the SMG instead). The Covert Ops version comes with a scope and
silencer. The silencer will allow you to fire this gun and not lose a uniform
as long as no enemy sees you fire it. This scope has 8 views of zoom, does
more damage, but has the problem of mass recoil after a scoped shot. ETPro 3
makes the Garand the same specs as the K43 the Axis get.

Used by: Everyone! (Hotkey 4)

Ammo: Dependant on your class. Soldiers get 4, Covert Ops get 2, Medics and Fld
Ops start with one, but can recieve a second with their first level, and Engis
start with 4 but gain 4 more upon getting their first star

Power: 5 to take out a tank, can instagib someone too close, and will deal
considerable splash damage. To compare to other games, its between CS (which
can never kill from full health) and Day of Defeat (which killed you if you
were anywhere within 10 ft, although that may be due to player durability more
than damage)

Exp: Light Weaps: 3 per kill, 10 for destroying tank or truck

Comments: Nades have a 5 second countdown from when you press the attack button
to the explosion. You will not throw the nade until you release the attack key.
This allows you to 'cook' the nade and make it explode in midair. Use this for
enemy encampments, MGs, tanks, and suiciding if you need to go to the other
spawn in a hurry (like if you still have the first as Axis in Fuel Dump and they
plant on the dump). If you're about to die to a Covert Ops, pull a nade and cook
it. Then laugh as they find a boom in your pants :)

Used by: Axis Engis and Coverts (hotkey 3)

Ammo: 10 max with 4 extra possible clips

Reload: A bit longer than the Garand, but can be reloaded at any time.

Power: See Garand

Secondary: See Garand

Exp: *points at Garand*

Comments: This is basically the Garand with 2 more shots per clip and can reload
any time. This is usually what I opt for as an Axis engi, but if you like your
MP40, I'm not stopping ya :)

Used by: Everyone (hotkey 1)

Ammo: Infinite

Power: 10 damage, 20 if your Covert, 108 backstab

Special: Backstab

Exp: Light Weaps: 3 per kill

Comments: Never pull this out in a gunfight if you run out of ammo: your better
off dying and getting more ammo by tapping, or using your grenades (and if your
out of those as well... gg). Use this for corpse gibbing when no other threats
are present (other enemies, enemy died on mine, ect) and to break objects that
are annoying you. If you sneak up on someone, you can instakill them with a
backstab (don't worry if they have over 100 hp due to medics, the RoF is high
enough to easily allow 2 backstabs). Never run around with this out as a Covert,
as you will make anyone suspicious (esp if you are running fast behind someone).

Used by: Engineers (hotkey 7)

Ammo: 10 mines which are shared amongst the team

Power: A bit less than a nade, but will still drop players who arent suspecting
it. A skillful player can get off with only 40 life lost however.

Exp: Engineering: 4 exp per kill, 10 per tank or truck destroyed
Covert: 3 exp per landmine spotted

Comments: A staple defense weapon, landmines are planted the same way as dyna.
A flag will appear where you've laid your trap to your team only, a signal to
jump or die. I will give this warning only once: THE FLAGS ARE NOT POWERUPS
DAMNIT. Covert Ops can spot enemy landmines with their binoculars, so if you
see a 'teammate' looking at one of your minefields with binocs, shoot him for
being a newb covert :P Mines can only be planted on earthen surfaces, and cost
50 percent of your powerbar to deploy. Engineer upgrades decrease the arming
time and cost of mines. A spotted mine explodes to any sort of explosions,
so chuck a nade if you think a covert op leeched some EXP from your minefield.
If you have mines to spare and a disabled tank, plant mines around the tank.
They will help stop tank repairs by blowing up enemy engis real good, and if you
have at least 5 mines remaining when the tank finishes repairing, the mines will
blow the tank up real good and net you at least 10 exp (more for anyone around
the tank).

Used by: Soldiers can carry one on hotkey 3, but anyone can use them by mounting
a Tank or Emplaced MG

Ammo: The Soldier MG has 100 rounds per clip, with 2 extra clips. Mounted MGs
have infinite ammo.

Power: 20 damage a hit, with no bonus for headshots (use this thing then tell me
how much headshots would be overpowered)

Reload: Extremely long, about as long as Akimbo reloads.

Secondary: Deploy Bipod (prone only)

Exp: Heavy Weaps: 3 per kill (class does not matter)

Comments: Standing and firing this is a horrid idea, as the spread and recoil
will send the bullets all over the place. Proning and deploying the bipod will
give you more control over the firepower. It is still very inaccurate at long
ranges, so be careful. This weapon spits out 18 bullets a second, and will
overheat after about 4 seconds of continous firing. Deployed and Emplaced MGs
are very shaky, which can throw off your aim. However, tank mounted MGs aren't
shaky at all. The Browning MG found on the British tank (the one used in Fuel
Dump) falls under this category. The more common Jagdpanther uses the standard
MG-42. Level 1 HWs allows this thing to be fired longer and cooled off faster.
If you are on the tank firing this and you die, you are instagibbed.

Used by: Soldiers (Hotkey 3)

Ammo: About 14 shells, fired one at a time, uses 75% PB (lvl 2 makes this 50%)

Power: Even stronger than the Panzerfaust in all aspects. 2 shells will take out
a tank.

Secondary: Deploy (required to fire)

Exp: Heavy Weaps: 3 per kill, 10 for destroying a tank or truck

Comments: One of the hardest weapons to master, a good mortar can give a team
a crucial edge by softening the enemy up for your main attack or barraging a
chokepoint with heavy firepower. Right-click to deploy, then use your mouse to
change the Altitude and Azimuth (east-west) of the shot. Left click to fire.
When you do so, hit G to bring up the map and search for where your shot landed
(the target), adjusting accordingly. The yellow circles are where field-ops
have called artillery. Note that 10 degrees = 1 square on the map, and that you
cannot hit indoor areas. Also, if anything is in the flight path, it will mark
the shot there, so take note if your coming up way short.

Used by: Soldiers (Hotkey 3)

Ammo: 4 rockets, each rocket requires a full powerbar (lvl 2 makes this 75%)

Power: Very Strong. 3 hits will kill a tank, and it will splat anyone close to
the area where the rocket hits.

Exp: Heavy Weaps: 3 per kill, 10 for destroying a tank or truck

Comments: The RPG of this game. In the early stages, this weapon shows one of
its major weaknesses: powerbar usage. Expect to wait about 30 seconds after
firing to be able to shoot this again. Save the shot for large clusters of
opponents, as 3 XP per rocket is going to get you NOWHERE fast if you shoot a
single person. Use this to spawncamp and guard chokepoints to rake in the HW
XP (just remember, one person = 3 HW XP, and you can drop many people at once
with this. My personal best is 5) Also note that you move very slowly with this,
and cannot fire from the prone position. Make sure you aim for walls/floors.
Hitting someone directly shields whoever was behind them, if you even manage to
hit directly. Also, if someone gets close to you, you may have to drop
yourself to kill them (aka the panzer n00bicide)

Reader Submission: If your hurting for levels early on, you get 10 HW XP for
disabling a tank, so throw 3 nades then panzer the tank and you should get L2 in
no time. Just make sure the nade explodes before the rocket hits, or you get
10 LW exp as the nade (a Light Weapon) does the final hit.

Used by: Everyone (hotkey 2)

Ammo: 8 with 4 extra clips

Power: 18 bodyshot, 50 headshot

Reload: About the same as the K43

Secondary: Silencer (Covert only)

Exp: Light Weaps: 3 per non-headshot kill,5 per headshot kill

Comments: Run your SMG dry in the middle of a firefight? Using that heavy chunk
of metal know as the Panzerfaust? Switch to this. It's as powerful as a SMG
(which makes sense, seeing as SMGs usually use pistol ammo), but has a much
lower Rof and clip, making it last resort. Either try to carefully get headshots
or click quickly at the body of a target. If you get a medic's pants, you can
run around with this out even though you can tell (after a bit of staring)
between the Colt and Luger.

Satchel Charge
Used by: Covert Ops (hotkey 6)

Ammo: Infinite, requires 75% of powerbar (reduced by 1/3rd at Covert 2)

Power: A bit weaker than a grenade

Exp: Covert: 5 per kill, 7 per objective

Comments: Usually used to destroy the Command Post and the Fuel Dump defenses,
this sucker can be used as a faster nade, requiring 75% powerbar to throw. You
can also set a trap by laying one down at a chokepoint then waiting for someone
to come by. Be careful, an engineer can defuse a satchel if you fall asleep on
the job, netting him 4 Engi XP. Be careful if you wield one when in someone's
pants, as most seasoned players can differentate between the colors of the
satchels (tan for Allies, Black for Axis), and anyone other than a CovOps
with one will be spotted and shot at really fast by anyone but the newbies.
Only use on Command Posts if your team has a reasonable chance to keep it, as
Engi exp is far more important than Covert exp. For Fuel Dump defenses, throw
one down but wait until you get sufficient Powerbar before throwing the second.
By doing this, you can instantly throw the second Satchel and really screw up
the Axis by forcing them to rebuild a 2-part wall from scratch. The Assault
Ramp on Battery is where the Axis will love a Covert.

Used by: Everyone except Covert Ops (Hotkey 3)

Ammo: 30 per clip, max 3-4 clips

Power: 18 body, 50 head

Reload: Moderate

Exp: Light Weaps: 3 per non-headshot kill, 5 per headshot kill

Comments: The staple gun of ET. Medics and Field Ops must use this gun, Engis
usually go for this gun, and Soldiers can opt for one in their secondary slot
(but you need lvl 4 HW and its in slot 3, which can be confusing).Learn this gun
and how to use it if you ever plan to be good. The various LW upgrades are
usually to this gun, from an extra clip to lower spread to faster reloading.
You can pick up the other team's gun by pressing the Use key over it, although
this should only be done if your current gun is out. Use burst shots for those
long range shots, and spray for CQC. Each class spawns with a certain amount of
extra clips.

Note: The LW 1 upgrade does NOT stack with the Medic 1 upgrade. You will still
spawn 30/30

Smoke Canister
Used by: Covert Ops

Ammo: Infinite, but uses a lot of powerbar

Power: None

Comments: Not a true weapon, the smoke canister's power comes not to the player,
but their computer. Lesser computers (like mine) will take a drop to the FPS.
The main non-lag purpose is to allow your team some cover with a thick blanket
of smoke. It is much harder to see through this than in other games like CS. You
can also use this if you get a field op's pants, as the can is very hard to tell
apart from the airstrike can (you know, the one with the prettier smoke and big
boom?), so you can use this to fool people for a bit.

Used by: Covert Ops (Hotkey 3)

Ammo: 32, with 4 extra clips possible

Power: 14 body, 40 head

Reload: Moderate

Exp: Light Weaps: 3 per non-headshot kill, 5 per headshot kill

Comments: This is the standard SMG of the Covert Ops class. It is silenced and
has much less spread than the Thompson/Mp40, but has the major factor of
overheating after about 10 shots. Burst firing is a must, and aim for the head
to prevent the opponent from gaining the advantage due to an overheat. If your
good, the lowered damage shouldn't matter. This gun excels in the middle range,
where SMG shots can miss easily while your accurate shots put them down, along
with the fact they can't hear your shots. Use this if you can burst well and
want a gun that does well at any range.

And then the Easter Egg weapons...

Construction Madness!

This is the Telefrag of ET. Whenever an engineer builds, a white outline showing
WHAT is being built appears. If some fool is unlucky enough to be in that spot
when you complete construction, they get splattered by a whopping 10000 damage.
No EXP for this one.

Pile of Rubble

Kinda the opposite of Construction Madness, but this one is a suicide. When
an Engi completes construction, the box they had to use pliers on disappears.
If that construction gets destroyed, the boxes reappear and take out anyone in
their area by a 'Pile of Rubble'.

Goomba Kill

This is only on Shrub servers, and gives no XP (what is it gonna give? Battle
Sense?) but is funny nevertheless. If you've ever played Super Mario Bros, its
the same thing. Land on someone's head and you deal damage to them! This can
be changed to small falls doing small damage to instagibbing from .1 second
hangtime. When you do manage one, this message appears:

! experienced death from above from

Be careful, corpses can goomba too (even instagibbed if you're really unlucky)


Version History
Version 1 - Submitted to GameFAQs 8/12/2004

1.1 - Added the panzer tip, DLH.net (was in 1.0), and a reader submission for
the panzer along with some more notes from me

1.15 - Went ahead and added the Smoke Canister, along with tips for many of the

1.2 - Edited comments for many weapons, added sections for Exp gain from each


This FAQ is copyrighted 2004-2005 to
Robbie Smith A.K.A. Smashnuke

This is for personal use only, you may not put this
in your site or use it to make a profit. If you wish
to use this FAQ on your site, contact me at me e-mail
or IM me and I will consider it.Do not distribute this
document, or alter it in any way, shape or form.
It can be printed out for personal use only. You can NOT
use this document without my permission on your site.

If you find the FAQ on a site other than



or have something to add, please contact me at:


Thanks to:

Splash Damage - For making the game

Andrew - for the tip for early HW XP with the panzer
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Engl. FAQ

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