Dark Fall

Dark Fall

16.10.2013 18:06:06
Dark Fall: The Journal

Walkthrough by Adam Crolla (Rimsy@hotmail.com)


Now I know you dont want a big introduction and the such,
so I'll keep this brief.

All I will recommend is that you have your speakers on
and nice and loud as to get the best atmosphere, and:


If you just play the game step by step with this guide,
it will really spoil the experience!

Also, this is one game you really need to take notes throughout!

And just a quick word on movement etc:

You can not save the game until after you exit the train tunnels.

By default, subtitles are turned off each time you load your
game, just press F1 to turn them on (this may help American
players who may have trouble understanding some English dialects,
or if you cant have your volume too high).

So here's the walkthru, the main bits that you need to do, all the
other little investigations and exploring are up to you! Have fun ;)


After the introduction of the story, you fall asleep on the late train, only
to wake up in a train tunnel in the company of Tim Pike, a local youth who
seems eager to lend a hand. Move foward down the tunnel and turn right to
face the wall where you should notice an old newspaper on the ground, read
it and listen to what Tim has to say. Then turn left again and carry on down
the tunnel until you make your way out, then turn right and climb up onto
Platform 1.

As you climb up onto the platform, you should automatically be facing down
an alley way, down which you should find the power shed, enter it and pull
on the lightbulb chain so you can see, then open the cabinet in front of
you, and pull down on the left lever, then right lever to restore power to
Dowerton Station, and The Station Hotel. Timothy says that he'll leave you
now, but you can always find him on the bridge which is the big white
building spanning across both railway lines. Also from now on you can save
your game if you wish.

If you turn around you should be facing the station's toilets, it's only
particularly important for you to enter the Gents', so enter it, and enter
the cubicle and look through the gloryhole on the wall, you will see a
symbol on the wall, which is the first of twelve symbols, known as "lyrics"
that you will need to collect, so write the symbol down on a pad or
something, and write it's name next to it, "LARSUS". After you've noted this
down, exit the toilet and go back to the platform and turn so the platform
is on your left hand side, then move forward a pace, and turn right to see a
door, click on it and enter the foyer.

In the foyer, turn right and walk over to the ticket vending machine, turn
the handle and pick up the coins that fall out. Then turn left and enter the
green-lit office on the left of the stairs to the bridge, in the office turn
right and pick up the lantern on top of the pigeon holes, then return to the
main foyer, and turn to the Waiting Room door, and enter. In the Waiting
Room, turn right and pick up the PDA/Palmtop on the table, and on starting
it up click the "document" icon at the bottom to access Pete's journal, and
read through to find out more information including settings for the
Theodolite, which should be noted down as position 271X632, and a name which
came into mind during this, "KARS". After this, return to the main Foyer and
move to the rear of the room and turn left to face the Public Telephones.
Walk over to the phones and lift the reciever on the phone on the left, then
use the coins from your inventory on the phone, and you should have a brief
conversation with Nigel (who sounds remarkably like Peter), during which he
mentions the key to his room being hidden in a silver teapot. After this, go
over to the stairs by the office you were in earlier, and cross the railway
bridge (picking up Tim's note as you do so), over to Platform 2.

On Platform 2, turn right and go over to the surveying device, turn it on
and press the buttons so the settings are 271x632, at this point the screen
will fade in and out on another "lyric" symbol, note it down along with the
name that
was mentioned earlier, "KARS". Then turn so you are facing the Dowerton
sign, you should see a gap in the fencing to the left of the sign, move
through it and through the bushes, turning left until you come across the

In the barn, use your lantern so you can see, and move forward and right
until you can see a ladder, ascend the ladder into the loft, then turn right
and pick up the screwdriver from the wooden box and go back down the latter,
this time turning so you are behind the old car, behind which you should
spot a trapdoor on the floor, which you should then open and enter.

In the dark cave area move forward until you come to a pillar with symbols
on it, at this point use your lantern on the wall on the right hand side so
you can see. Examine the pillar by looking through the holes on the pillar
in front of it from top to bottom noting the top hole (and the lyric you see
through it) as #1 right down to #12. You should have a page of 12 lyrics, of
which we currently only know the names of two, "LARSUS" (lyric #8) and
"KARS" (lyric #2), so write down those names by the lyrics, pick up your
lantern, and head back to platform 2.

Cross back across the railway bridge and down onto Platform 1, walk to the
end of the platform and turn right, open the door with the word "Buffet" on
the windows and enter, inside walk to the back and turn left, and on a lower
shelf you should find the Electromagnetic Tracket, which when used can alert
you to the presence of paranormal activity, its handy to keep this minimised
on stand by. Turn right and go through the double doors, and into the
reception area of The Station Hotel.

Go to the office behind the reception area. Answering the phone is optional.
Examine the desk and open the draw, move the flour advert out of the way and
look at the card underneath it to reveal the code for the safe, copy this
diagram down on your notes. Move back to reception so that the office is in
front of you, and look down at the safe. The cross on the right hand side is
identical to the one you just drew in your notes, so click the spaces in the
order as shown by the dots on the diagram, (which is left, up, middle, very
bottom, right), if at any point you make a mistake, just move away then move
up close again and try again. When the safe opens, pick up the key to the

Back to main reception, use a piece of paper on the desk and drag it onto
the ink blot pad, then click on the pen for a series of confusing numbers to
appear. Then move the paper so that the 1, 2 and 3 are on the three large
blobs of ink, the 1 being on the largest blob on the right hand side, if you
do this properly, you should hear Edith's voice complaining about Betty
wasting paper. Now try and make a little doodle showing the order of the
numbers in relation to each other.

Turn left and climb the stairs to the first floor hall and move forward and
turn right, ascending the stairs to the 2nd floor hall, then when possible,
up the stairs to the third floor hall (we'll start from the top and work
down!) Enter room 3A, which although unlabelled, is the first door on the
left. Room 3A is Arther Johnston's Studio, go over to the table and move the
painting of George and pick up the piece of paper underneath it, then go and
look at the cabinet by the door, looking at the cupboard under the stove,
turn on the gas tap next to the cupboard, then look at the stove, turn the
left knob then press the ignition on the left of it. Hold the paper up to
the flames and the following words should appear:

Betty: TYMA


Grable: FRENIC

Edith: IXIAM

Turn the stove off, dont worry about the cryptic note just yet, we'll sort
that out soon. For now, leave the room and walk to the end of the corridor
(with the painting on it), and turn left, then enter the bathroom and turn
so you are facing the door, then click the mirror on the left of the door a
couple of times until one of the purple lamps can be seen in the reflection.
Now turn left and you should see a white light shining on the wall (how
you're meant to know to do that I do NOT know!), anyway note the numbers
down in the order they're in, (top left: 00:20, top right: 00:90, bottom
left: 00:5, bottom right: 00:40), then leave the bathroom, and enter the
door next to the bathroom, which is the storage room.

In the storage room, you should find a teapot on one of the shelves, and you
should find the hidden key to Polly and Nigel's room in there, collect it
and climb the ladder to the attic. In the attic of a haunted hotel...
peachy... hehe... anyway, move over to the boiler and look down the left
hand side of it, turn the wheel, and make sure flames are visible in the
boiler window, then go to the other side of the boiler and turn the wheel on
the far left, then pull down the handle, this makes sure there is now hot
water running to the first floor bathroom, so you can have a bubble bath!
...or not... maybe later, I dunno ;)

Now move around the attic and find the suitcase, then use your screwdriver
on its lock and pick the lock by click left, right, or down (the correct
combination is left, right, left, right, down). When the suitcase opens,
pick up the copy of War of the Worlds, and read through the piece of paper
sticking out of the pages, at the end you will be told that lyric #3 is
named "OLIVIAK" so write that down in your notes!

The Ouija Board is optional.

Go back down the ladder and into the hallway again and face room 3F (you can
work out which one that is), the most noticable point being that it's
locked, from the outside, take a close look at the door and slide the piece
of paper under it, then use the screwdriver in the keyhole to poke the key
out of the other side, landing on the paper (which you then pick up), you
then use that key on the door to enter George Crabtree's Office. In the
office read the journal on the desk, it's quite lengthy but he mentions
several trials he must solve, but mentions that the first trial's solution
was recorded on a quilt pattern made by Edith who made the pattern as shown
in the notes, "top left = 1st, top right = 2nd, bottom left = 3rd, bottom
right = 4th", it'd be worth noting that down as we can add to it later.

Turn to the other desk and open the box, turn on the projector and insert
slide 5, when the projection is thrown onto the wall, notice that the man on
the bottom left of the picture is holding lyric #10, turn the projector off
and close the box, then look at the slide reference on the desk, slide 5 is
listed as "MORTYM", so write that down in your notes next to lyric 10!

Now go over to the device near the wall, turn it on and turn the crank, then
insert the film strips in the box near it's base, and view them through the
eyeholes. One of them should be called "Elements", note down the order the
elements are shown in (Fire, Lightning, Wind, Water)

Exit this room and go next door into room 3D, Betty Penfold's room. In here
examine the trumpet by the desk, click the mouthpiece twice and you should
see a small strip of paper wrapped around the middle, look at it and see
that its a few notes from "Knees Up Mother Brown", with a few notes circled,
highlighted as needing practice, note them down (G, G, A, B, C).

Then go back out into the hall and down one flight of stairs, enter room RB,
Matilda Fly's Room. In here go over to the desk and look at the clock, press
the buttons on the front listening to the click they make, you need to press
them in order, if they make a higher pitched click when you press them, well
done, if not, then keep trying so they all make a high pitched click when
you press them (the order is 3, 1, 2, 4). The paper in the hidden
compartment shows lyric #5. As this is Matilda Fly's room, we can assume
that the list earlier is relevent here, so "Fly: morcana" would indicate
that lyric #5 is named "MORCANA".

Exit this room and enter room 2C, which is probably Arther's room. Open the
closet on the left of the bed and notice a small box on a shelf inside. The
pattern is very similar to that seen on the ink blotter in reception. Press
the buttons in the same order you noted them down from the ink blotter. If
done correctly, the box will open, examine the papers within to find that
lyric #1 is named "LUSSA"

Exiting into the hall again, use the key we found in the teapot to open room
2D, this is Polly and Nigel's room. The noticeboard mentions a password for
the computer being the only thing he likes on one of the take away menus. If
you look at the desk you can assume they like a good Chinese, so note down
the phone number of the Dragon Inn (01622 643853), then go over to the
computer desk, if you look at the left side of the desk you should find a
mobile phone, phone the Dragon Inn and the automated service will ask if you
want your normal order, press star key (*) twice to agree, and the automated
service will confirm Order 15. Go back to the noticeboard and read the menu,
Order 15 is "Chicky Chow" which is the password for PC Terminal 2, allowing
you to view the CCTV cameras around the hotel, the last of which is a
thermoscanner in the basement, use the settings you found in the bathroom,
(top left: 00:20, top right: 00:90, bottom left: 00:5, bottom right: 00:40)
and the scanner will suggest a manual inspection... in the basement... of a
haunted hotel... fun eh?

Terminal 1 is Polly's terminal, and can be fully accessed using the toolbar
on the left hand side, have a good look through her notes and journal
entries etc to unveil some interesting and useful information such as the
song "As Time Goes By" being played in the hotel. Also check the web browser
and click recent viewed website, "http://www.learn_piano.co.uk and note down
the layout of keys A to G on the piano, and the location of middle C (if you
arent already musically inclined).

If you look down the left side of the desk, you should find some thermoscan
goggles, pick them up. From now on if you enter a room and face a certain
direction which allows you to use the goggles, a spirit will say "Here",
allowing you to use the goggles.

Now enter room 2E, Andrew Varney's room. In here look in the box on the
floor and pick up the astronomy book and open it. Then look in the other box
and piece together the note. It mentions that I=R and D=W, so you need to
look through the alphabet to try and work out how the rest of the code may
work! But if you want to save time, then write down the alphabet A-Z and
then beneath it write the alphabet BACKWARDS, Z-A, you will then have your
code cracked! I'm not telling you what the messages read though, you can do
that yourself now you have the code! ;)

Now exit the room and go to the end of the corridor (where the painting is),
and turn left to see a telescope, look through it at the stars until you
hear Andrew commenting on one constellation being brighter than the others.
Go back to his room and look in his wardrobe at the star chart stood in the
corner and look for the constellation you just saw, (it should be at the
bottom, listed as Raka), then look in the drawer third from the top of the
night-stand and find the book, look in the book for Raka, and note down its
index number (12/534/76), now in the wardrobe you may have found the note
showing the lock mechanism of the puzzlebox on the night-stand, if so then
you can probably work this part out, press the buttons on the puzzle box in
the order of the index number of the Raka Constellation (1st, then 2nd, then
5th, then 3rd, then 4th, then 7th, then 6th), and the box should pop open,
inside which you should find lyric #12, which we can now note down as
Now go back to where the telescope was, and enter the bathroom here. Look
under the sink at the soapbox and look at the photo stuck to the bottom of
the lid, note down the size and type of each rune and where abouts they are
on the chalk circle.

After exiting here go down the hall to Room 3B which is George Crabtree's
bedroom, in which is a cabinet by the bed, if you look in it you should find
another puzzle box. If your British History is a little rusty, the images
are Henry VIII, Henry V, and Elizabeth I, so turn the dials to match the
monarch's numbers, then when the box pops open, note down the size and type
of each rune and their location on the chalk circle. Now go over to the
table by the chair and place the runes in the order you noted down (large
brown rune on the right where the chalklines merge, the smallest yellow rune
on the lower right where the chalk lines merge, the medium sized yellow rune
on the top left chalk line merge, and the white rune on the bottom chalk
line merge. As soon as you do this the runes will disappear and reveal the
name for lyric #9, "OLKAS" (note it down!).

On leaving this room, enter Room 3E, which is Edith Penfold's room, the most
friendly feeling room I'm sure you'll agree.

If you look in the wardrobe you'll find a record, note that track 2 is "As
Time Goes By", now this record is already on the gramophone, so simply look
at the gramophone and crank the handle, click the lower left switch to start
the turntable, and click the far left of the record for the arm to move over
and start playing the record, then click a little further in so the needle
plays track 2, and turn the volume up, the record should be stuck on “and
when two lovers woo...”, now if you move left one of the photos on the wall
should fall off. Pick it up and you should find a few pieces of paper stuck
in the back of the frame, showing lyric #11, and it's name, "IXIAM", which
you should now note down.

Now in the hallway, descend the staircase to the first floor hallway, and
make your way to the bathroom (you should know where it is by now!), Go over
to the sink and turn on the hot tap, the steam will rise and reveal lyric #7
in the mirror, with it's name, "MALUS" (scribble scribble!)

Room 1E is the so-called "Gloria Grable" 's room. This is a room you'll hear
a spirit say "here" in, so if you use your goggles you should see some (Most
Haunted style) orbs focussing around a board in the middle of the room,
which if you remove it, you should find cash! Loads of cash! We're rich!
Rich beyond our wildest dreams!! ...*ahem*... well thats apparantly not what
we're bothered with, we're bothered with the piece of paper there showing
lyric #4, which is named "FRENIC". Replace the board, and leave, thank you
Sly Fox!

Now go into room 1A, you can use the goggles in here to see the room in its
former glory, the most informative detail being to look at the quilt cover
to see the coloured icons, (top left: green, top right: blue, bottom left:
purple and bottom right: rusty orange.

Now we go back down to the reception (woo!), and use the bar key on the door
to The Station Hotel Bar, on the left of reception. In the bar make your way
forward and right into the second room to find a piano, now when you choose
to sit at the piano, there are only seven white keys you can use (to make
things easier I imagine), find the first key on the left that you can use,
this is key F, and so the scale is F G A B C D E as shown on the website you
saw earlier, and the notes you need to play are G G A B C (2nd key twice,
then 3rd, 4th and 5th once each... easy eh?), a piece of paper will be
revealed in a secret compartment in the front of the piano, which reveals
the name for lyric #6, "TYMA".

Now back out to reception, and with the stairs on your left, go down the
corridor to the right of them, and turn left, entering the kitchen, go
through the kitchen and turn left to open the doors to the dining room, note
down the designs on each table, and the table number (only table 3 is
labelled, but the other tables are easy to work out if you've been reading
information about customers being seated at numbered tables, or moving to
and from numbered tables for various reasons), then go back through the
kitchen and out to the reception. This time turn so you are facing the
stairs, and open the door to the right of the chair, under the stairs, and
enter the cellar.

In the cellar, turn left, move foward then turn right, move forwards, and
turn back around, you will be facing a control panel with buttons bearing
symbols matching the tables up in the dining room, the code is the table
numbers (I still think this is a bit advanced for a 1940's establishment!),
so you need to assume the numbers are 1-6, top to bottom, (if you didnt get
the table numbers properly, you need to press the buttons in order 3, 2, 5,
1, 4, then go and open the metal door nearby.

This opens into the old DarkRoom, which all looks very interesting, but you
only need to look in the cabinet below the shelves to collect the piston
key, then you can go back out into the cellar, and go over to the other
side. When you get there, turn left and click on the metal sheets to move
them out of the way and reveal a secret passage, behind which you need to
use your lantern, then use the pison key to reveal a secret passage.

In this passage you will have to pass The Three Trials (sadly, not the same
Three Trials as in The Secret of Monkey Island, but ah well!).

Moving forward will bring you to the first trial, you need to click the
runes in the order of the colour patches in the quilt seen earlier, (green,
blue, purple, rusty orange), the barrier will dissipate, and you can
progress to the second trial. In the second trial, click the runes to hear a
sound effect, each representing one of the elements, so press them in the
order you noted the elements down earlier, (fire, lightning, wind, water =
top, left, right, bottom), and you can progress to the third and final
trial. This one is considerably trickier. If you click on the left and right
walls, you will have sounds played to you in the order you must play them,
and they are played so they string into one another, making things harder!
But lucky for you, if you're having trouble with that part, I'm here!
Hooray! Press top-right, low-left, low-right, centre, left, and you can
progress to
the chamber of Dark Fall!

To banish Dark Fall for good, you must say the 12 lyrics in their proper
order. Type each lyric and press "say" after each one, not forgetting to
delete your typing before moving onto the next lyric. Take your time with
this, there's no rush.

You should have noted down that the order is: LUSSA, KARS, OLIVIAK, FRENIC,
this, the trapped souls will be freed from their keeper, Dark Fall, you get
your happy ending, and the game is complete... or is it!?! ...okay, it is.


Well I hope you enjoyed the game, and hope this walkthru has been helpful
for you! If you have any questions about it or need further help (not
technical help, and not help on Dark Fall II), dont hesitate to E-Mail me!
Rimsy@hotmail.com :)

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