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January 19, 2005
Version 0.71

Written by: Dan Simpson

If emailing me, use this subject: Messiah v 0.71

(Emails that don't use this subject will be deleted, avoid using all CAPS)

Email Policy: (read before emailing me!)
If you see any mistakes, or have anything that you want to add
please email me! I will, of course, give you full credit for
your addition, and be eternally grateful to you. Email addresses
are not posted in the FAQ, unless you specifically state that
you want it to be.

The most recent version of this FAQ can be found at:

If you are a webmaster and wish to post this on your web page, please email
me first. And if you do post this FAQ on your site, please make an attempt
to keep it up to date. There is nothing worse than getting emails from
people who saw an old version asking about things that are already in the
newer versions. Well, maybe there are worse things, but it IS annoying!

Want to try the Demo before buying? Here it is:

There is a patch out for Messiah, which you can find at the official site:

Special Thanks to Peter Luptak for adding the Weapons Factory to the

This FAQ looks best in Courier New at about 9 points.

What's New in 0.71:
Changed my email address and updated the format.

Still to Do: Finish the Walkthrough, Fill in the Weaponry and People
Appendices, Anything else!

For a complete Version History, check out the Final Words Section at the end
of the FAQ.

Table of Contents:

i. Introduction
ii. The Fine Art of the Possession
iii. Combat
iv. General Strategies


1. Shipping Sector
2. Old Town
3. The Outskirts
4. The Sewers
5. The Laboratory
6. Warehouse
7. Annex
8. Conveyor Belt Heaven
9. Weapons Factory

Frequently Asked Questions


A. Weaponry
B. People (whom Bob can Possess)
C. Cheats

Final Words...

i. Introduction

"Earth has changed. It smells bad and looks worse than it smells. The law
has a new doctrine of moral and physical brutality, inspired by a new regime
of money, technology, and myth. The leaders of the Earth no longer care
about the people; Even knowledge and personality are just a dollar symbol
away. Life is a cheap commodity, and after hundreds of years the people have
sadly adopted this philosophy as their religion and government.

"Science breathes a new life in this world. Computers crackle their optical
and biological nerves to serve their creators, unlocking the world's
mysteries. All of this new information is pumped directly in the minds of the
dictators they serve giving them superhuman intellect. Here they are born
into a new state of mind and life. "Give me mankind's greatest thoughts and I
will crush them." These words spoken from Earth's new leader, informally
known as Father Prime. These minds no longer serve the people; people that
they could design and manufacture themselves. Like those given too much
power, they serve only themselves by seeking knowledge obetyond science
itself, into scientific myth. It is in this new study that they focus their
greatest energies. The quest has driven them deep into the universe and
beyond, leading to the undeniable proof of the existence of Heaven, God, and
Hell. Which one do you think they want to try to control first? Hence our

"Somewhere on the dark side of the moon is a facility built by the Fathers.
There, they've constructed a portal leading to Hell and to Satan himself. The
Fathers have theorized that God is too pwerful and won't easily be bargained
with therefore leaving Satan who should prove an easier subject to aquatint
with and to study. If you can control Satan, you can control God; or so they
postulate. They also ponder the following. If you can control both Heaven
and Hell where does that put you? Just like anything scientific, immortal
beings also are bound by the laws of the universe, those laws that God has
made for himself. These laws are the weakness that the Fathers intend to

"Of course God knows of the Father's intentions. God's defense is conceived
and put forth...


"Bob is taken to Earth and given a soul, and has not a clue about what is
really going on. God's creations -- the infinity of the universe, life and
souls -- those are the tools God has been using since the beginning of time
and his gift of a soul, usually devoid in angels, is all he needs to give
Bob. This is how God works... The Fathers know that God plans destiny. What
God doesn't know is tat the Fathers know through their technology what God
has destined, thus making it easy for them to work out their own strategy and
plan for God's destiny.

"This leaves Bob in an unfamiliar world. His only defense is that not only
does he have a human soul, but he is also an angel and a spirit. This state
allows him to enter the organic bodies of the living and control them.
Destiny is planned, for only God knows your true fate, including Bob's.

"Bob will serve God's need, conveyed through his given soul. Despite God's
guidance, Bob follows his own path, directed by his freewill and assisted by
his soul. God plans to acquire knowledge about the Fathers; knowledge that
they have learned to keep secret from Him. Little does God know that his
plan has already been anticipated by the Fathers who have taken steps to
guide Bob's destiny towards their own goals. So God is doomed to lose to a
new order of life, and we all know you can't change destiny...right?

"Right Bob?

"We shall see..."
-- From the Messiah Manual, Prologue, Pg. 3

System Requirements:

Windows 95/98
DirectX 7.0a Required (You MUST have DirectX 7 or the game won't run)
Pentium II 233
3D Accelerator Card
Microsoft Direct Sound Compliant Sound Card
Microsoft Compatible Mouse Keyboard
Installation Space Required - 600MB


Pentium II 300
PCI or AGP 3D Accelerator Card with 16MB RAM
Try to have about 300MB free on your hard drive when playing the game.
Close ALL OTHER PROGRAMS before running Messiah.
To speed up your disk access speed, do a disk defragment after installing
the game (Click on Start->Programs->Accessories->System Tools-> Disk
Play the game using 16 bit color mode selected in the OPTIONS->VIDEO
menu... You will generally find an overall performance improvement on
nearly every video card.
Remember to un-install the Messiah DEMO before installing the FULL MESSIAH

Some information in these first few sections somewhat overlaps what is in the
Messiah Game Manual. If you have thoroughly read the manual, you may not even
need to read these sections at all, though there are some useful tips here.

ii. The Fine Art of the Possession

Most of Messiah revolves around Bob's ability to possess mere mortals, and
make them do what he needs to get done. That doesn't make it an EASY thing
to pull off, plus, when you De-possess, the previous occupant of the body
tends to get angry at you for some reason.

The Basics:
To possess someone you must jump into their back. Accomplishing this
without them killing you is the trick.

The best way to do this is to make sure you aren't noticed to begin with.
So, first find the person you wish to possess, then watch them for a moment
to see what they're up to. You would be in the most advantageous position
if you could get them to walk away from you with their back to you. Once
their back is to you, make your move and possess them.

The actual act of possession isn't that difficult, do a quick little jump
into their back, and the game is pretty forgiving by letting you in fairly

Note: Where you can possess a body from depends on the difficulty setting
in your game. If you set it to "Disciple" (easy) then you can
possess them from anywhere, "Prophet" (normal) can do it anywhere
from the back, and "Messiah" (hard) can only do it from a small
patch in the back. For the purposes of this section, I say you
have to go in the back, but that really depends on how you set your

Wouldn't it be great if it was always that easy? Well, it isn't! There are
two wrinkles to throw into this mix: One, you have to switch to new people
in order to get to certain places (such as you need to get through a Door
that only a Commander can open), and Two, when you depossess someone they
tend to attack you. Which means that the body you start out in, isn't the
body you will end out in.

Depossessing without getting killed:

Some people when depossessed don't do anything bad to Bob, they merely go
back to what they were doing. However... some people (those who are likely
to not like Bob anyway, such as Cops) will lash out at you.

Note: Not everyone will attack Bob, for example, a Welder will just be a
little curious. But a Cop will attack. Of course, just because
they aren't attacking doesn't make what they are doing any better.
Say you need to possess someone, and they notice you and keep
looking at you trying to figure you out. Hard to possess them
then. Simply hide somewhere until the excitement wears off, and
the person goes back to what they were doing. Then set up another
possession, and try not to be seen this time.

People who have just been possessed tend to act unkindly towards poor
little Bob, usually trying to kill him. Even if you possess a new body,
they will still be attacking you, despite the fact that you are hiding in a
new body, proabably because they saw you go in.

Note: When you first possess someone, others in the area can see this,
and may react with deadly force!

So the moment you depossess someone (by using the BACKSPACE key usually),
you have a second or two that they are disoriented. Use that time
effectively to possess someone else! This is best done by optimally
placing yourself before you depossess. Sneak up behind your Mark,
depossess, and run into the new guy.

Of course your old guy may still hate you and could try to kill you, but
you're now in a body and can take a hit or two.

So here are some ideas on keeping the old body from being a threat:

- Before depossessing jump off a somewhat high ledge and break its legs.
Once that is done, depossess and it can't harm you as it can't walk
any more.

- Doors make great barriers, so open a door, depossess and go through.
The door closes, and it won't follow you.

- Get the body killed, and Bob will pop out relatively unharmed. Of
course, if you get yourself in a gunfight, Bob will pop out in a hail
of bullets and might get quickly killed that way. You could try
dropping off a higher ledge, or exploding something. (DO NOT DO THIS
on the hardest level!)

Before taking any FINAL MEASURES (i.e. killing) be absolutely sure that you
won't need that body anymore. Don't want to kill it to find out that you
needed it for something!

For a list of the bodies that Bob can possess go down to Appendix B. People
(whom Bob can Possess).

Tip: If you need to enter a Hostile Person who is already alerted to your
presence, try this out: Run straight at them, and under their legs.
Then while you are under there, jump, and press back a little to
get possess them.

Tip: When you enter a person while Bob is injured, Bob siphons off as much
of their life as he needs to get back to 100. This is a great feature
to keep Bob alive, just hop into a new body, but not so great if it
hurts the host body too much.

iii. Combat

Combat in Messiah varies wildly depending on who Bob happens to be inhabiting
at that moment. Bob can't actually fight himself (he can certainly pretend
to though), so you have to depend on the body that you are in for your
fighting skills.

Note: A human in "Combat Mode" is a suspicious looking guy, others will
tend to be more likely to shoot him, than if you aren't in Combat
Mode. So unless you are already under attack (or know that you need
to kill someone) don't enter combat mode.

To enter Combat Mode press the Fire button once (usually the SPACE key or the
left mouse button) and to exit Combat Mode press the Action button once
(which is usually the ENTER key).

Note: Bob himself has no fighting skills, although he does a great
impersonation! (He makes his hand into a gun, and says "bang", but
this is useless!) So unless you're in a Body, don't bother with it.

Unarmed Combat:
There are three ways to attack someone without any weapons, punch, kick,
and choke.

By far the most useful of these is the Choke. This is done by sneaking up
behind someone, pressing and holding the attack button. If done right, you
choke them, keep holding it and they'll die.

Armed Combat:
Guns, obviously, and not much to say about it. Cops have a Sniper Mode
(press + to zoom in and - to zoom out, or use your mouse wheel) which can
be used to do a one shot kill. Aim at the poor soul, and wait for the
Skull icon to appear. You can get the skull icon outside of sniper mode
as well, but usually not.

Also, always trade up in weaponry. If you have a Pump Gun, take the
Machine Gun, and so forth. There are some points in the game where you
really need (as much as you NEED anything in this game) one specific
weapon, and that will be noted in the walkthrough.

Bob Combat:
Bob can't really fight himself, but he can do some really neat tricks.
There is the old Possession trick. When fighting superior numbers you are
going to get your body killed (unless you have superious weaponry), so
don't bother keeping it alive (unless you are on the hard level and Bob
dies when his host body dies), once the body is dead, jump Bob immediately
into the Body of the nearest person.

Possession is quite easy to accomplish when done in a crowd of people, even
if they're hostile. Just jump into the crowd, and you're almost guaranteed
to land in someone.

Once you're in the new body, try to waste some of the rest of the crowd,
but don't worry if you don't. Once this body gets killed, go to the next,
and so forth. Try to minimize Bob's time outside of a body, if you can,
as he is extremely vulnerable this way.

Tip: If you can, try to keep one enemy undamaged to be your FINAL body,
the one that you will take to the next area if you can.

This strategy is pretty much the only one you have to deal with large
numbers of enemies when you can't seem to shoot your way out of it. It
also is surprisingly difficult to pull off, and may take several attempts.
So make sure that you have a Save Game somewhere nearby, and if you lose,
or win but not well enough (a very wounded body is near useless) reload and
try again.

iv. General Strategies

Note: These are just my ideas, but I think they work well!

Don't be Rambo!
Most of Messiah is getting around without having to kill everything that
moves. This isn't Quake. You should try to get past people without
shooting them. This is a fairly sound idea as the enemies tend to have
pretty good aim, and fairly decent weapons. And unless you are in a really
good body, you won't be able to withstand much punishment.

So normally what I do is sneak around. Possess a body, and hide in it
until you have a good reason to switch bodies.

Let them Kill each other
Cops and Chots don't mix, so if you find yourself being attacked by one,
and the other is also present, let them fight it out.

A slight change to this is if you are in the body of a Cop (or a Chot) and
you see a Chot, you depossess, and let them fight it out while you find
some place to hide. Then you find the winner and possess.

Bob can't really Fly, he falls with style. To do a Higher Jump, press the
Jump button, then hit it repeatedly to get more air. This is useful when
you have to get up to something, but not terribly useful if you need to
go across to something.

Which brings us to the Long Jump. Run, Jump, and keep Flapping until you
reach your goal. Keep in mind that you won't get very far doing this, and
may need to find another way to get across to your goal.

Finally there is Gliding, which is to Jump, and hold down the jump key.
This is best when you need to slowly descend from a high point to a low

Save Often!
Not only should you save often so as to avoid an untimely demise, but you
should save strategically as well. By this I mean that when you first
start a level, create a LEVEL SAVE. This save you keep no matter what.
Save this in the very bottom slot. If you really screw up on the level and
need to restart, you'll always have your LEVEL SAVE. Keep this save as
long as you like. At the top of the Saves have your Default Saves. Rotate
among the top three or four slots. So the first time use the top slot,
then the second slot, then the third, then back to the first. This way if
you screw up a little, you can go back a little, rather than simply
restarting the level.

Also I would make the saves something like this. For your level saves,
name them "Level 1" or "Level 2" or whatever. Then on your rotating
regular saves do it like this "Level 1 - Got a gun 1" or "Level 1 - Killing
Goons 2." Notice that I number the rotating saves. This allows you to know
instantly which was the last save made. (although the game does add a time
to each save, I find this more convenient)

Another really good motivation for saving often is that the game will often
crash without warning.


Some things to remember about this walkthrough. First, there is no auto map
in the game, nor is there a compass. That means that I can't say "go north"
and know that you know what I mean. What I can do is to say "go right", but
this depends on you having already followed the walkthrough up to that point.

To help with this I'm going to try to mention Landmarks as often as possible,
to help keep everyone on the same page. So I might say "go right, and
forward to the big door" or something similar.

This is a sequential walkthrough (i.e. "Do this, then do that"), and is full
of spoilers, if this bothers you, read no further! Levels end when you fight
a BIG BATTLE or have something otherwise climactic happen. There aren't
really any "levels" in the game, these are completely made up. I just end
them when you seem to have accomplished something.

Finally if this walkthrough is incomplete, check to
see if there is a newer (i.e. complete) version out.

1. Shipping Sector

Note: At various places in this area you will be given "tutorial help", when
you find an object, it tells you what to do with it. This can be
quite helpful.

Body: Light Cop

Choose your difficulty, watch the beginning movie, and off we go! You will
find yourself already possessing the body of a Light Cop. Play around with
the controls a little until you feel comfortable to go on. Be sure to try
out the Sniper feature (using the + and - keys). You can't actually sniper
anyone yet as you don't have a gun.

There is a locked door behind you that you can't open until you possess a

Walk forward towards the horizontal red bars, they lock a door. Turn
around. On your right side will be a set of crates shaped somewhat like
stairs, jump up them (CTRL). Here there is a tall thin box, press your
ACTION key (ENTER), and it will activate the self destruct on it. Run
forward around the box, and down to the ground, then run all the way to the
door and wait for the explosion.

Return and pick up your Gun (ENTER).

To get some extra ammo for your gun, stand a ways away from the other Box
Crate here (not the small crates, the BIG one), and shoot it once with your
gun. It will explode (which is why you stood far away from it!) and reveal
the ammo.

Standing facing the Locked Door (the one with the lasers in front of it)
turn right, go forward, right again, and up the stairs. On the stairs you
will get a message to press F5, do it to get a mysterious message:

"You have come! If it's true, then my prayers have been answered. You
are the one... You will set this planet free of its tyranny... And I
will help you. I am in a dark place... But I can see through your eyes
and the eyes of others. I will do my best to guide you by sharing what I
know, and what I steal from the minds of the weak.

"As a mortal you must learn how to survive in this world. Become
comfortable with your new surroundings... I will contact you soon and
move you in the right direction.

"You must trust me... The past has seen me at the pinnacle of this
world's power. But I have been cast down and great evil has taken my

Finish going up the stairs and onto the bridge. There is a moving cigarette
vending machine here, (stop to listen to it, it's very funny, the Stinger
at the bottom of the FAQ has some of what it says) ignore it. Past that
is a welder working on some boxes. Walk up to the boxes and press ENTER,
quickly back away, and the boxes will blow up revealing the door behind.
The blown crate also leaves some AMMO, go get it. Go up to the door and
open with ENTER.

Note: The blast also kills the Welder, causing him to drop his welding
torch (see Appendix A. Weaponry). Don't bother getting this
weapon, as your gun is much better.

To your right is a sealed room, that you can't get into until you get a
Radiation Worker, and to your left is a passage. Down the passage a ways
is another Light Cop. As long as your weapon isn't drawn, you can run/walk
past the Cop and he won't care, after all you're -- for all he knows -- a
Cop too.

Past this Light Cop the passage continues (there are also stairs up, but we
can't go there yet) to the left.

Note: This Cop represents a good opportunity to practice killing people!
Drop your weapon behind the crates here, then walk behind the
guard. When you get close to him, press the WEAPON FIRE to enter
Combat Mode and press and HOLD the WEAPON FIRE button to choke the
Cop to death. Of course, save before trying this. Why do this?
Practice! There will be times where you will need this skill, may
as well learn it here. For best results, after you succeed at it,
reload and try to do it again. Don't forget to retrieve your gun
(not the Cops) after doing it, though.

Tip: If the Cop turns around to talk to you (commenting about having to
look for a Baby), stop, wait, then take a step back. Wait for him
to turn back around then walk up to him again. Holding down SHIFT
and walking helps reduce noise which could turn him around.

Tip: Choking people in this fashion is a SILENT DEATH, in that it won't
bring the guards in the area dashing towards you guns blazing. If
you had shot and killed the Cop, then they would have.

Go past the cop, then turn left. Go down the stairs, and you will see a
sign that says "Navigational Control". Turn left to see a scientist at a
console. Behind that scientist is another scientist hiding in the

Here's where things could get sticky. What we need to do is to ditch the
Light Cop, and get into this Scientist. But if the Light Cop sees the
Possession take place, he'll open fire. So go behind the barrels to where
the scientist is hiding. You want to be on the dark side of the scientist
by the wall (rather than out in the open). Save it here. Now face the
Light Cop away from the Scientist (point him at the wall, or anywhere
else), and depossess (BACKSPACE). Now quickly go over and into the
scientist (to possess, if you forget, you jump into the person's back, so
walk up to him and press CTRL). If it works, you won't get shot!

Tip: Since you're ditching a Body, disarm him first! This is a prudent
measure since he becomes hostile the second you leave him. Well...
after his disorientation wears off.

Body: Scientist

If you want, go back to the other scientist, who wants you to take over for
him at the console. Do so, and press ENTER by it. Alarms sound, and
guards rush in guns blazing... at the OTHER scientist! Don't ask why, just
be glad.

Note: In case you're wondering, the door behind the scientists leads
back to the first room, but we've been there, and don't need to go

Go back to the first Light Cop we saw, more specifically to the stairs by
him that I told you to ignore, well this time go up them.

Tip: Although the guard you killed here still has his gun, don't be
tempted to take it. Guards don't see anything wrong when a Light
Cop (possessed by you) walks by them, but they start firing
(eventually) if they see a scientist walk by them armed.

Follow this walkway past a couple guards. At the end of the walkway is a
locked door. Step on the pad in front of the door to open it.

Note: If you managed to get your scientists killed off, there is another
way to open this door. Shoot the crates by the door for a large
explosion which takes out the doors lock allowing you to get
through. Or you can get through with just Bob. Notice how the
top of the forcefield is green while the rest is red? Have Bob
climb the crates and flap his way through the green part. I would
heavily NOT recommend these methods as they are quite hazardous to
your health!

Note: Although it says "Laser Deactivated for 5 Secs", it only means
that if you don't go through the door. If you just stand there,
in 5 secs it reactivates. If you go through it stays out forever.
If it does reactivate just step on it again.

To your right is a bright green door, that is the Barracks. Inside you can
find a Yellow Weapons Dispenser at the far end. That gives you a neato
Flamethrower (see Appendix A. Weaponry). Don't get it yet, as a Scientist
you'll get shot if you take it. At the end of the room is a scientist
standing by another console, called ACCESS CONTROL. Use it (ENTER) to
unlock Gate 4.

Return to where you got the Scientist body, and once down the stairs turn
right and open Gate 4.

At the top of the next door is the word STERILIZE. Wait here and be
sterilized, once that's done, you will be given access to the next door. Go
to it and open it (ENTER).

When you enter the tunnel, you will be given another briefing (F5):

"A mad inhuman dictator known as Father Prime is at the nucleus of the
great shadow that hangs over us.

"Do whatever it takes to get to him. He controls the people from his
technology center near the entrance to the main city. You can access the
center from the laboratory that feeds it. I can lead you there, Bob. But
you must stay hidden... Use the darkness and hide in the skin of others.
The people of this world have no faith and they will fear you and attack
you. They are misdirected by years of oppression. You must help them
despite themselves and see to the demise of Father Prime... or he will
see that the Planet consumes itself."

You can't get into the tunnel, so follow the path to the right. Here there
is a door (Gate 5) and some stairs to the right of that. The stairs are
barred by lasers, but you can get around that by using the crates to the
right. On the top crate is a Machine Gun (Appendix A. Weaponry), but avoid
it if you are still a scientist. Now jump from here onto the stairs.

Go up the stairs and down the passage. There is a gate here that opens and
closes. Go through. There is a Light Cop here on a balcony. Walk the
scientist to the left side of the balcony, facing away from the cop. Then
depossess, and jump into the Cop.

Body: Light Cop

Now here's where things get tricky (which means that you MUST save here).
To the left of the balcony is a ledge that we need to get to, but there's
no way to make that jump. But Bob could fly there. So here's what we do.
Position the Cop on the rail, and have him jump off slightly to the left,
(he'll fall to his death below, otherwise he'd shoot you here) now with Bob
flap your wings (CTRL) over to the ledge. If you miss it, there are some
smaller ledges below it that you can jump onto to climb up. Careful of the
steam, though.

Body: Bob

You'll be overlooking another drop into a large room with some fans in it.
Drop into the room, flapping occasionally to keep from getting squished.
The game gives you a hint about the fans (that they help you fly higher).
Drop all the way to the floor. This is a fairly standard puzzle (I saw one
similar in Drakan). Step onto the middle floorplate, and press ENTER. Then
go to the right floorplate, and press ENTER twice. What does this do?
Moves the Fans into a climbing position, which will allow Bob to fly

Now climb the ledges in the room to where you can see the lowest fan. Jump
over the fan, keep yourself directly over the fan and flap your way up to
where you are as high as you can get, then fly over to the second fan, and
so on until you reach the top.

Here there are some Radiation Workers, possess one.

Body: Radiation Worker

This room has 4 floorplates. Step on each one, and press ENTER to
reactivate each console. Once that's done the power will be restred and
the room will turn Blue. (The room is kinda divided in two halves, with
each half having 2 consoles) Careful not to fall back down or your
Radiation Worker will die.

Note: One of the Radiation Workers has a big set of Tongs, which can be
used to pick up the Radioactive Thingie (it's floating by one of
the consoles). If you take this thing outside of this room, it
will slowly kill anyone not in a radiation suit.

Find the door marked "Exit", and open it with ENTER. This is an elevator.
Walk over to the console in here, and press and hold ENTER and DOWN to get
the elevator moving down to the basement.

Eventually the elevator will stop, open the door, and notice the pool of...
goo. Head right towards the EXIT sign, and open the door that is just to
the left of the sign. Go through the door into a small passage. Open the
next door and enter the room.

There's a tank... thing here along with some Medium Cops. Work your way
around to the right, and to the center with the tank. Depossess your
current body, and take over the Worker.

Note: If you go near the Medium Cops they'll shoot you, despite being in
the Radiation Worker's body.

Note: If the Worker wanders off, don't worry, he'll come back to the
center. Remember that we don't want the Guards to see the

Body: Worker

Now walk (or run) past the guards. They'll turn towards you, but won't
fire. If you watched the worker work on his own, he often comes over here
to fix things. Wait for the guards to turn their backs again, then
depossess and possess the Commander.

Body: Commander

Quick couple things, go to the ACCESS CONTROL and press ENTER to unlock
Gate 5. Then step on the floor panel (it's red) to the right to see a
transmission telling you to do something.

Note: The Commander has a Secondary Weapon (press C instead of SPACE to
use the Grenades), which if you want, you can use against the two
Guards here. Throw the grenades at them, then collect the Machine
Gun. This isn't necessary if you still have that Machine Gun back
on the crates. (in the tunnel by the other side of Gate 5)

So, now go around the walkway around the tank to Gate 5, open it, and get
another briefing:

"Century old strife continues between Father Prime's police force and the
underground sewer dwellers known as the Chots. When Father Prime assumed
power, a group of separatist dwellers took to the underground to resist
his tyranny. Since the Chots dropped from mainstream society they have
been clashing with Father Prime's troops in an effort to overthrow him.
They are an ally of your cause, but will not recognize you as such. Fear
them... 100 years of living underground has changed them... to something
other than human...

"They fight with little provocation. They eat their own. Their goal is
no longer visible in their poisoned minds, only the means by which they
set out to accomplish it so many years ago. You will meet them soon.
Convince a Commander to return to Gate 2..."

Get the machine gun if you left it here. Go back through Gate 4, get
sterilized again, then through to Navigation Control (where the Scientists

Note: If you want, go back to the Barracks to get the Flamethrower. It's
up the stairs, right, then up the next stairs, all the way down,
and into the next room, then right into the Barracks. Go to the
end of the Barracks onto the yellow floor pad, press ENTER, and
get the Flamethrower.

Go through Gate 3 to get to the room you started in. Now we can open the
locked door that we passed by earlier, since you are now a Commander. This
is the Gate 2 that was mentioned in your briefing. Save it here, and then
open the door. Also I would ARM (press SPACE once) before opening.

Once Gate 2 is opened, you will be attacked by Chots! These mean buggers
will take you down quick, so make sure to duck for cover as quick as

Tip: This battle can be very tough, and could be over in a second if you
do it wrong. Here's what I would do. As soon as you touch the
floor panel to open the door, throw the first grenade (press C),
then back away from the door to close it. Then open the door again,
and throw another grenade. Now walk forward and clear out any
survivors. This could take a few attempts to get right (i.e.

Inside the new room to the right is another Chot with a Harpoon Gun. Run
behind the Large Crate, and from there jump to the smaller crate behind it.
From where you now stand, this Chot can't hit you. Throw your grenades at
him to kill him.

Once he is dead, the real fun begins, as two waves of Chots descend upon
you! These guys are pretty nasty, so you may as well give up any hope of
keeping the Commander alive. What I did was fought with one body till it
was toast, then jumped to the next one and fought with it. There are some
neat weapons in here such as the Harpoon Gun, the Maimer, and a Bazooka!

Once all the Chots are dead, the big doors that the Harpoon Gunner was
blocking can be opened, and this level is completed!

"Presently, Chots are invading Old Town. Prime's forces have evoked
martial law and riot gates block many routes through the city. Bypass
the gates and reach the outskirts by travelling through the inner network
of labs and officer quarters that connect to the outer streets."

2. Old Town

Body: Chot, or Commander whichever survived

First thing's first, if you are in a Chot, let's ditch that body and get a
Riot Cop. So, turn left, and go down the way. The Riot Cops are behind
the boxes by the door. Get next to them, and ditch the Chot, then
immediately get into one of the Cop's, and let him get killed, then get
into the last Cop.

Body: Riot Cop

Note: You might want to get aquainted with the skills of the Riot Cop
here, he's different from the other people we've been so far. When
he crouches, (press D) he uses a shield to protect him from
weapons, but he can't actually use guns, he fights hand to hand

We're on the "left" end of the street, go down the "right" end. There is
a Domina behind a shield, but she shouldn't shoot you as a Riot Cop.
As you get closer, a cutscene interupts as some Chots appear in the area.
Use the Riot Cops shield to keep them from hitting you, then beat them to
a pulp. You'd be surprised how easy this can be.

Tip: If you can keep close to the Domina behind the Shield, she'll help
you by shooting at the Chots.

Note: In case you are wondering what that flying droid is doing, it's
vaporizing the dead bodies.

Now, in front of the Domina is a Crate with a hand print on it, go up and
press ENTER. Back off and let it explode. Now go forward and let her kill
the Riot Cop, once that's done, possess her.

Body: Domina (or Riot Cop, or Chot, or Light Cop)

Note: There are a great many ways to proceed in this part of the game.
One thing to try would be to jump into the hole that the Chots
came out of, and possess a rat there. Then go back to where the
Riot Cops were and walk under the forcefield. It doesn't keep
rats out. Or if you have the Bazooka you can blast the forcefield
to pieces. Of course, you will get attacked that way. The way I
do it just seems to be more fun.

Now on the right side is a lift, jump onto it and press ENTER. At the top
of the lift, turn right, and there will be a console. Use the console and
you will be in a Gun Turret. Use the Turret to blast any enemies you see
around, and then blast the barrier in front of the stairs. Press ENTER
again to get out of the turret, and go back down the lift.

Now run across the alley, and go right up the stairs. There is a Light Cop
here. If you need to, steal his body. To the right is a door, open it and
go through to get another briefing:

"You are finding much resistence in your travels, I see. I'm sorry this
has been difficult but you must prevail. Father Prime has betrayed his
loyal subjects by making them the subjects of scientific experiments. For
decades he has been scooping up the population for genetic manipulations.
The creation of new biological products that defy description have given
him power and knowledge that you can't imagine.

"Just before you arrived, Bob, the Father's need for living human tissue
had increased drastically for some reason. As the city's dwellers
disappear, the cannibalistic Chots are now more driven by hunger as their
main food supply is dwindling. The increased violence it has spawned
will hinder your travel."

Welcome to the Meat Grinder! Ahead and to your right is a console (which
I call the "first console"), and straight ahead of you is the actual
grinder itself. What we need to do here is to fill the meat grinder. You
need to drop in 4 people into the Grinder. Don't ask. So start with the
body you came in with, then possess the worker and throw him in. Now have
Bob go up the stairs, then around the narrow pathway towards the scientists
above the grinder. Possess the scientist at the console, and have him
use the console (ENTER) to drop the other scientist into the grinder. And
if necessary drop this scientist in as well. Here I waited for another
Scientist to arrive, and then possessed him. Use the console again, and
this time you drop through the floor. Since the grinder is now stopped,
you don't die.

Body: Scientist

Go to the first console, and use it. This causes a barrel to rise out and
go to the lift, and up.

Climb up the stairs with your Scientist, and have him jump onto the barrel.
This is easiest to do if you jump on the little metal bar that faces back
out into the room. Now turn towards the left door (marked "incinerator")
and to the left of that is a small ledge. Here's what to do. Have the
Scientist jump, and in mid-air depossess, and have Bob flap his wings to
get onto the ledge. You will likely be hanging on by your fingers, and
have to pull yourself up.

Body: Bob

Walk along the ledge to a small switch, press it (ENTER) for the door to
open, for seven seconds. Go inside (don't bother getting the Scientist

Note: You can probably figure this out, but avoid the flames here, as
they will kill you very quickly!

Welcome to the incinerator! Jump onto the barrels, and from there onto the
pipe. From here look back across the room to the small pipe. Now, jump,
and FLAP over to that pipe. Turn around, now jump and FLAP to the ledge
located just above the first pipe. On this ledge, jump and FLAP as high
as you can get, then fly over to the next platform (located just to the
left of you).

Walk to the end of the pipe, jump and flap over to the next pipe. Repeat.
Now jump and flap over to the area just above a previous pipe, there will
be a ledge here for you to get on. Now below you is a narrow bridge over
some killer water, so jump off and glide down careful to land on the
bridge. Go down the bridge to a doorway on your left. Once you get there,
it automatically opens and lets you in.

On the left wall is a small ledge, follow it until it ends. Now look down
over the ledge, and you will see a glass walkway beneath you, float down to
it. You are now perfectly positioned in the room to plan whatever you want
to do, I'd recommend possessing the Light Cop in the corner of the room,
and going from there.

Note: To kill the Medium Cop, there is a button right below his

Near where the Medium Cop was is a Lift, press the button to use it.

Note: There are two buttons near the lift, the one we want to use is on
a metal bar actually on the lift, as opposed to the other button
which is on the wall.

Ride the lift up, and open the door. There are two rats in here, possess
one of them.

Body: Rat

While in the Rat we are in First Person perspective. Go into the tunnel,
and follow it until you are given an overhead perspective. Welcome to the
sewer (not sure what you would call this as it doesn't transport waste, it
transports body parts).

Note: The "water" here rises and lowers, and if you touch it, you die.

Go over to the skeletal hand, and cross it (make sure that the "water" is
low enough!), then follow the "land" until you reach the skeleton, cross
that, and head for the next skeleton, cross that, then get over into the
next rat tunnel. Go through this until you reach a ledge in a room. Wait
for the Chot down there to not be paying attention, then depossess, and
jump down and possess him.

Body: Chot

Jump onto the box and press ENTER to blow it to pieces. Get the grenades.
Now you have access to a hole, jump out it and use the helicopter feature
to float to safety. (press CTRL and hold CTRL!)

You'll be in a similar room, jump out of it and into a warzone!

Note: Right by where you exit is a powerless lift. This'll be important

Chots and Cops are fighting it out here, so be sure to have your weapon put
away, or everyone will fire at you. Just let them kill each other, that's
what they're good at. To your right are a bunch of Light Cops, so we want
to go left.

At the end of the street there is a forcefield on your right that is
blocking access to some stairs. This is our goal, however, the way to
deactivate the field is in the Cop held territory. What I would do is wait
for a few cops to rush into Chot territory, and find some cover. Let your
"allies" kill them, and try to get better weaponry, such as a Machine Gun.
Now rush into the Cop area, shooting anyone you find, but there should be
only one or two since the others rushed over to attack.

Take a left, and a right when the street ends. There is a plate of glass
here that says "Do not break", well... Break it! Inside is a console, use

Go back into Chot territory, and back to the Stairs, which are now
accessible. Go up the stairs, but stay clear of the Plasma Door, a Cop in
there can shoot at you. Toss a grenade at the boxes here, and back away to
blow them to bits. Then strafe in, aiming at the door, and shoot the Cop.
Jump onto the barrels, and from there jump across and into the room. Go
down the little hall (notice the Anti-Bob message on the viewscreen) and
press the button.

Note: There are two weapon dispensers back in the room the Cop was in.
One has a mere machine gun, while the other has a Bazooka!

Go back, and press the button by the Door to open it and let yourself out.

Head back to the Lift that I pointed out earlier, now it works, so get on
it and use the button. Once up, go through the door and get another

"Father Prime is meddling with fire... He and his 'scientists' are
meddling in realms where they have no business. The experiments they
have been conducting on the dark side of the moon will be their undoing.
I can assure you there will be a reckoning... They have no idea what
they have unleashed in their search for power. It is too late for them.
Bob, but perhaps you.... and I... can put things right."

Welcome to the Commander Console Room. There are two consoles here, both
of which are to be used by Commanders only. And a staircase to the right
leads to a door that can only be opened by Commanders. Anyway. Ahead and
to the right of the consoles is a stack of boxes underneath a grate. Toss
a grenade onto the boxes to blow out the grate. Then jump up the boxes and
into the hole where the grate was.

Tip: Leave your weapon in the Console room. You'll be coming back, but
your current Body won't be!

Note: If you lost your Body, then have Bob get up to the long
rectangular box to the left of the Vent, then press ENTER on it to
blow it.

Now, get over to the platform (don't fall down!) and go to the end of it.
In the middle of the platform is a grate, toss a grenade onto it to blow it
out. Drop down, and get the Pak Gun here, you'll need it. If you need to,
shoot out some glass here. Then jump out, and hold jump to glide down to
the pipes below.

Body: Commander

Here you'll see the Commander taking a shower. To the left of that is the
door. Wait for it to open, then go inside. Drop your weapon, and let the
Commander kill the Chot, then possess the Commander. Once that's done, get
the Gun.

Tip: If you can destroy the locker by the "man" vidscreen you can
deactivate the red forcefield and get a Bazooka. The only real way
to do that would be to go into the next room, and possess the
Commander with the Machine Gun, then go shoot it. However, that
way you would have to kill at least 3 Commanders.

Go into the next room. There are 3 Commanders here looking at a Big Blob
thing on a vidscreen. Ignore the stairs, and go through the Big Door back
to the Commander Console Room. There are two choices here, Offense (left)
and Defense (right). Offense is a Bot that hovers near you and shoots when
you shoot, Defense is a Bot that will attack nearby enemies. I'd take the
Defense one.

Go back to the Three Commanders, and take the Left Stairs up, and out.
Here turn left, and go down the street.

Note: You MUST keep a Commander alive in order to open the door! If you
lose this one, go back and get another. Of course, once that's
done, you might have to kill the others.

Go through the right door, and down to the Console where you activate
another Gun Turret. This time, the Guards notice you and will fire on you
(when you get hit you will see a message like "75% Hull left"), take out
the supports under the Yellow Shielded platforms to destroy those, then
take out any of those ships. Once that's done aim at the force field near
you and destroy it.

Get out of the turret, and go down the walkway to the next door, and in.
There is a Heavy and a Medium Cop here. If you are wounded, you should
consider switching to one of them, but be prepared to fight. Or you could
just shoot the crates and kill them that way, but you don't get a body to
possess that way.

Tip: I would definately try to get into that heavy cop, and here's how
I would do it. Do a quick "back to back" swap into the body of the
Medium Cop, and then wait for the Commander to go away. Now
quickly swap into the Heavy Cop, and hope for the best. Another
way to do it is to choke the Medium Cop, then let the Commander get
killed, and get into the Heavy Cop.

A brief message will disply on a vid screen before you get another

"I have an idea that will even the odds with Father Prime, perhaps even
put them in your favor!

"The Chots have captured the power generator in Old Town. You are going
to need to reclaim that power if this plan is to be successful.

"Locate it... I will contact you again shortly...."

Body: Heavy Cop (Or Commander, Or Medium Cop)

We're now right before the end of the level, and like the last one, this
one ends with a large Chot fight. Go to Access Control, and use the panel
to unlock the Door.

Take cover behind the barrels, and take out the some odd 5 Chots that
attack you here. Once they're toast, hit one of the explosive crates on
the wall to blast it to bits. Pick up any grenades you want, and go

Here is the toughest battle in the game thus far. Rush up to the crates
here to avoid getting shot. Don't rush out, whatever you do! Do a quick
strafe all the way to the left, to try to get the Bazooka Chot to fire on
the Shielded Machine Gun Chot. (Where we're hiding is a small nook in the
wall) Now switch to Sniper Mode, and scan around for the Bazooka Chot.
Fire if you got a shot, if not, sneak out a little to the right, and fire.

Once he's dead, switch out of Sniper mode and duck behind the crates again.
Now sneak along the left side of the crates, aiming slightly right, peek
out and fire if you see the Chot. It shouldn't take long to kill him. Now
get close to the ramp, and throw some grenades to take care of this
shielded Chot.

The final Bazooka Chot is hiding behind those last few crates, so sneak up
on him, keeping the crates between you and him. If you're lucky, he'll
shoot himself!

Before going through the big doors, I'd be sure to grab some of the weapons
that the Chots had, specifically the Bazooka, you'll need some soon.

3. The Outskirts

Body: Heavy Cop (or Chot, or Medium Cop or Commander)

Head down the alleyway, keeping yourself covered behind the debris in the
street. Take out any Chots you find. The street turns to the left, but
just before that is a Door with a green pad in front of it. Inside a Cop
step on the pad to open the door. If you aren't in a Cop, when you step
on it some cops will rush you, get into one of them.

Note: There will be a couple more Chots just past the turn. If you need
some weapons, they have a Bazooka. Also past that is a Harpoon
Gun, which you get by pushing a barrel into place. Of course, you
have to survive the Bazooka Chot first.

Open the door by stepping on the pad, and go in the door. Go down the
stairs and into the Red Room with the welder. Drop your weapon here.
Continue into the next room, and then turn right into the elevator. Use
the console (ENTER + UP to get it to go up). The elevator will stick.
Depossess and have Bob pop out. Get into a Light Cop if you can.

Body: Welder

Go back to the Welder and switch bodies, being careful not to be seen by
the Light Cop as you depossess. Now go back to the elevator, go below it,
and there will be a panel with smoke coming out of it. Go to it and press
ENTER to repair the elevator. Now get back out. There is a small button
on the wall to the left of the elevator to call the elevator back to this

Be sure to take your weapon that you left here before you go.

Body: Light Cop (or Heavy Cop, or Welder)

Get on the elevator and have it go up again. Once the elevator reaches its
goal, it will be very damaged, in other words, you can't go back.

Turn right and go down a ways. There are two ways to go here. Go right
first to find a Medium Cop standing by a locked door and a forcefield.
Do a quick body swap to get a better cop with a better weapon, then go back
and go down the other path.

Note: Why take this Medium Cop? He doesn't turn to face you! Also keep
this place in mind, we will be back later. It leads to the Lab.

Body: Medium Cop

Down the left path you'll find a door, open it.

Step through and you'll see a light cop with a Bazooka, and further on are
some more cops. As you arrive, Chots will attack. Just let the Cops take
care of it. Go up the stairs.

Here you'll see another set of stairs, and a door to the left. Go in the
door, and use the elevator to go down. Once at the bottom open the door
into the Tank Garage. There is a Medium Cop here with a Machine Gun. Open
the big Doors here to enter the mean streets.

We're in a round end of the street, head down the street, turn right, up
the stairs and in the door. There's a weapon dispenser here that has a
Maimer, Harpoon Gun, and a Flamethrower. I'd take the Harpoon Gun, it's

Go back to the garage we came in from (it's the one that DOESN'T have
stairs in it), and go back up the elevator.

Now go up these stairs here, and follow it along, killing the Chots you
find along the way. At the end of the platform, you can look down and see
the next passage. Have the Cop fall to his death, and possess one of the
Chots down there.

Body: Chot

Get the Cop's weapon, kill any foes around, and then jump up onto the small
ledge. You're looking down on a series of ramps down into the Sewer. It
may be possible to take your weapon with you, but my Chot always broke his
legs on this, so, depossess and go down the ramp.

You'll find another Chot at the bottom on guard duty, possess him.

4. The Sewers

Body: Chot

Welcome to the sewers! Dash down this passage a ways until you get to a
Chot guarded locked door. Continue along to find another Chot guarded
door, but this one isn't locked. Go inside. You will be spotted by a Cop,
who opens fire.

Tip: Back into the passage, and get the Chots to take out the cops for

Once they're dead, go out onto the metal walkway.

Note: Ahead of you are two locked doors, one underneath the stairs, and
another above them.

So, turn right on the walkway, and follow it. Be sure not to fall off, or
you might die. At the end of the walkway, which has fallen into the sewer
below, is a Chot. Kill him. The easy way to do that is to get right
behind him, and knock him into the sewer. Now take a note of where the next
section of walkway is, now jump as close as you can, depossess dropping
this Chot into the sewer, and FLAP over to it with Bob.

Tip: That way is a little tough. There are two barrels in the sewer
that you can use. Jump your Chot to the first barrel, depossess
over the water, and have Bob flap down to the barrel, then jump and
FLAP over to the next barrel near the next section of walkway, and
finally jump and flap up to the walkway.

Body: Bob

You are now on the next section of walkway. Be careful here as the walkway
is not always steady, it might fall into the sewer at any moment, so be
prepared for a takeoff. Follow the passage until you reach a turning

To the left is a locked door, and to the right is a yellow forcefield.
Notice that a cop has fallen into it, and is blocking the lowest laser.
Crouch (press D once) and crawl under. There is a console just to your
left that will turn off the forcefield.

Walk into the room, and watch as one of the Chots here is eating a Cop.
Two Chots will attack you, possess one and kill the other (or possess one
let him get killed, then possess the other).

Step on the yellow pad in the middle of the room. Use the Console to
restore power to the Outskirts. Now we just have to get back to the Lab.

Body: Chot

Ok, now go out of the Power Room, and across to the door that was locked
before. Open it and go across the walkway here to another door, open it
and go through. We've just come out of the door we passed by earlier, so
go right to get back to the first walkway.

This time instead of turning right, go forward.

Here's the stairs again, now go through the door under the stairs, and
follow the ramps downward, and keep going until you come across a Chot
Behemoth. Watch as it beats a Light Cop silly. Do a quick body switch,
avoid the Dwarf Chots, and get back out.

Body: Chot Behemoth

Go up the stairs, and through the door. You'll be back out on the streets
in the middle of a warzone between Chots and Cops. But with the Behemoth
you can beat just about anything, so run around pounding the peons who are
all now beneath you.

Turn left and continue down the street. Turn right and go through the big
doors here.

You are now in Chot territory, so you won't have to fight. Run down the
alley, turn right. At the end of this alley is a Door that is guarded by
a Medium Cop with a Bazooka. Use the running strafe to try to dodge his
attacks, to get within killing range.

Once past him, open the door.

Body: Bob

The door only opens a very small amount, which is just about large enough
for Bob to walk under. Quickly run to the left and behind some boxes, now
wait for a Cop to come near and possess him. If you're lucky, they won't
notice, but you probably won't be lucky.

Body: Medium Cop

Regardless of how many cops you died in here, you want to enter the left of
the two doors here, and once in there, go up the stairs.

We'll be back at the Lab.

5. The Laboratory

Body: Medium Cop

Fire at the panel behind the forcefield to disable the forcefield. Walk
through to get another briefing:

"Now go to the Laboratory Control Center and activate Prime's experiment.
Gain control of the fearsome entity you will spawn... the culmination of
his genetic research... and take it to the maintenance elevator leading
to the main city.

"How very poetic it will be to see his favorite abomination turned
against him."

Turn right, and go through the door into the elevator. Press ENTER + Up to
get to the Laboratory level. Once there, you will notice that the door
sticks before opening completely. Yep, Bob must go in alone.

Body: Bob

Depossess and go into the lab. Directly ahead of you is a door marked
"Laboratory", which is where the Fleshy Behemoths are. But we don't want
to go there just yet. Take a right, and go down the passage.

There will be a door to your right, that you can't open yet, but keep it in
mind. A little further down the passage are a couple of scientists,
possess one.

Body: Scientist

Continue down the passage.

There will be a blue forcefield ahead, but just keep running, it will
deactivate as you get close (because you're a scientist).

Immediately on your right will be another scientist working at some
consoles. Step on the pressure plate, and use the console to initialize
the Behemoth creation thingy.

Run around to the Laboratory Door, and open it. A security door will
prevent you from entering, but the Behemoth will bash that down quickly.
As soon as he is out, depossess the scientist (who gets his head bashed in
by the Behemoth) and possess the Behemoth.

Body: Fleshy Behemoth

As soon as you are in the Behemoth you are given a briefing:

"You have done very well, my savior. You are nearing the end of the
journey. Go face the demon with your head held high. Be not afraid...
You are the one!"

Go along the right path to the door that we passed by earlier. Have the
Behemoth step on the floor plate, and a cutscene will take over.

Note: If you can't hear what's going on (I couldn't the first time) make
sure to have the SECOND disk in. You can only put this disk in at
the Main Menu by doing an Alt Tab, getting the first disk out,
then putting the second in.

If you can't hear what's going on, here's the gist of it:

- Satan manipulated you into taking out Father Prime so that he could
have free reign over the Earth. (He was the Voice that kept talking to

- God doesn't seem to care what happens on Earth, and orders Bob back to

- Bob refuses to give in to God's pressures ("Later Creator!") and runs

6. Warehouse

Body: Bob

When you reach the top of the lift, Satan taunts you with another message:

"So, you're coming for me, are you... Well, I must say, this is very
brave of you to continue on. Certainly someone of your questionable
ethics should not be eager to meet his judgment. You have turned your
back on your Father... So do not count on him to keep you from the
bowels of Hell when you die... And you will die... As for when will be
determined by your stupidity."

Anyway, open the door. In here there are two welders, and two Light Cops,
and we want to get into a Light Cop. Try to use the cover here to avoid
getting killed before you can accomplish that. Be sneaky.

Now sneak up behind the other Light Cop, drop your weapon, and choke this
guy. Switch bodies to the Welder who is standing working on one of the

Note: Or you could try to just get into that Welder without the Light
Cops. It's just easier this way.

Body: Welder

Now with this guy, go to the other tank where the other Welder is working,
and press the switch there to crush the other welder. Now out of the door
at the end of the room will come a Medic. Make sure that you can't be seen
by the Light Cop, and possess the Medic.

Body: Medic

Now go back to that new door, and open it.

You are now in a room with two welders and two new Light Cops. If you
think you can do it, get into one of the Light Cops here.

Body: Light Cop

Go across the room into the control room, and use the right switch to move
the floor up a little. Go back into the room, and jump onto the center
crates, and from there onto the higher crate, and from that to the platform
where you can get a Machine Gun.

In the control room you will be taunted again by Satan:

"I welcome you here, Bob. You fill me with no fear whatsoever. I can't
imagine you will make it, to be honest, but if you do I'm going to enjoy
watching your escapades as you live them... knowing that each step could
be your last... wondering if I'll have the pleasure of escorting you to
Hell myself. Or if your missteps will rob me of my prize...

"It's going to get messy from here on in, little one. I can tell you
from experience, Chaos is one Hell of a tool if you know how to set it in
motion. If you are going to find me you will have to step on the backs
of many -- so use Chaos as your wings. We'll soon see what you're made

Go back to the control room and use the other switch, this unlocks one of
the doors (the one that DOESN'T have the big A on it).

Go to that door, and open it.

We're now in another Tank Garage with a buncha welders working on tanks
here a patrolling Medium Cop, and a couple Light Cops guarding a door to
your right. Go through that door and into an elevator, take the elevator

You'll be in a small Elevator Control Room with another Light Cop. There
is also a weapon dispenser here that will give you a Flamethrower if you
please. Take out the Light Cop here (choking is still good).

Go to the Big Console here and press ENTER. The other door will be
unlocked but a couple of Light Cops will attack you. Take them out, and go
through the new door.

The only thing here is one Welder. Depossess the Cop, and possess the

Tip: One fun thing to try is to have the Light Cop jump off the ledge,
depossess in mid-air, and fly into the Welder. This won't actually
kill the Cop, but he won't be having any fun down there.

Body: Welder

Have the worker fix the door (press ENTER on that switch by the door). Go
back through the door, and down the elevator.

Back in the Tank Garage, turn right, and activate the Console there, by the
Light Cop. This opens the door with the big 1 on it. Go into that door,
to find yet another elevator. Go up.

This takes us to Level 2 Storage, open the door and get out of the
elevator. There will be a Worker in here as well as some Cops. Ignore
everything here for the moment, and continue to the next door with the big
2 on it.

Open the door, and take the elevator up to Level 3 Storage.

Go to the Off Limits sign, and use the Console there. This drops the robot
down to Level 2 Storage, so go back down to there.

Exit the elevator and wander over to the next console by the "Off Limits"
sign. Switch over to the Medium Cop without letting the Heavy Cop see you,
and then ditch the Medium Cop behind some crates switching back to a welder
or a worker. Now go back to the console and use it, then take the elevator
(not the one we were just in) down to the basement.

Once in the basement, there will be a bunch of cops here. Go to the next
console and use it. The robot is now sent away yet again.

Open the next door into the next elevator and take it down.

This opens up into the Nuclear Power Control Center. Find a Radiation
Worker, and switch bodies.

Body: Radiation Worker

Go to the big Console here, and use it. The robot that we kept moving
around will now do some things, which it apparently wasn't designed to do
as it causes an accident. The room floods with radiation (which won't
affect you in your Radiation Suit, but will kill whatever body you brought
with you). Wait for the robot to finish, then open the door and go back

Tip: In this room is a console that can only be used by Radiation
Workers. You can use it now, a crate will come out, quickly jump
on it before it gets too high, and it will rise up a little higher.
Now jump to the platforms and follow them around the room until you
can't go any farther. Now find the crates in the center of the
room and jump to them, and from there jump to the platform at the
other end of the room. Go to the end of this platform to find a
crate, and inside is the Harpoon Gun.

Go into the next doors, and go up. Wait for the cops here to die, and take
their weaponry. Go through the big doors opposite the one we came in.

You will be back near where we started, air filters will clear out the
radiation. Go through the big doors marked with the 'A'.

7. Annex

There are a lot of enemies lurking around here. And Satan has some more
words for you:

"My God!! Did you ever fry some people! How can you sleep at night? Heh,
heh, heh...

"I tell you, there is something very satisfying watching a 'good' boy do
such bad things... my spawns are not nearly as entertaining... they're
kind of annoying, actually... but you... well,... I'm waiting for you on
Earth's moon... on a scientific 'research' base appropriately situated on
the dark side...

"So, get moving...

"Oh, and... heh, heh... stay out of trouble..."

To your left is a locked door, and to the right are some stairs leading up to
more enemies. Naturally we have to go right. There's also a Chot here, take
care of him (either by killing him or possessing him). Turn right and head
up the stairs.

Once here a firefight will break out between a pair of cops and a bunch of
Chots. Keep out of it! Try and find some cover back a ways, but close
enough to see the action. There's also a cop with a bazooka on a ledge, who,
if you aren't a Chot will kill the Chots and leave you alone. (I was still
in the Radiation Worker from earlier)

Continue down the alley towards where the Bazooka Cop is, turn left, go up
the stairs, and go right through a door. Immediately turn right, and through
the next door to get to the Bazooka Heavy Cop. Possess him!

Body: Heavy Cop

Now you have a Bazooka and a very good Host Body. Go back through the door
into the room again. There are a couple of Light Cops here, as well as a
couple Weapon Dispensers, but we already have a Bazooka. Opposite from the
door we just came out of is a Console. Use it.

Note: Before you use the Console, you may want to take out the Light Cops
in here. Just wait till they're both at the other end of the room,
and fire your bazooka. If you don't kill them, when you use the
console they'll attack.

This deactivates the Laser Field and allows us to continue. (The laser
field, in case you were wondering, is located under where the Chots attacked
the Cops from earlier) Go out, down the stairs, right, and back to where we
started this level. Go back through the door, find a worker, and switch

Body: Worker

Head now to where the Chots attacked, and drop into the hole there. Continue
forward, and right to find the Console. Use it. That reactivates some
power, but not enough to open our original Locked Door (remember? The door
to the left from where we first came in?).

Anyway go back up the alley to where we entered the room with the first
console, but don't go in the room. You may want to kill the cops here, if
you can as we are about to depossess!

Body: Bob

There is a large Pipe thing here, jump onto it and run to the end of it.

Jump and flap over to the next pipe. You may need to aim a little left to
get onto the lower part. Notice the things sticking out of the walls here,
those occasionally shoot out flames, so be careful of that. Head right on
the pipe (left leads to where the bazooka cop was), then jump and flap onto
the next pipe.

Turn left, and go down the pipe. It leads to 3 Flame Pipes ahead. Goodie.

What we want to do here is to jump across these Flame Pipes and not get
burned. To do that, wait, then jump while the flame burns on a Pipe that
you won't be going to, then jump when that one goes out, and so on.

Note: The jumps here are small, so you may need to flap BACKWARDS after
having jumped too far. Don't fall!

Once that's done, jump onto the next pipe. To the left is a big door, jump
and open it, and go in.

Things get a little sticky here. In this hallway are a lot of flame jets,
so try to avoid those, and once you get past that, you'll be on a ledge that
is being shot at by a duo of Light Cops. Here's what to do. As soon as you
jump over the last Flames, keep flapping, turn right to face the cops, and
flap over to them. Quickly possess one, and kill the other, then have this
cop jump off the ledge, depossess in mid air, and flap over to the platform
where the worker is working. (which would be to the left of the Cops

Alternatively, you could flap your way to the right towards the big Red Laser
field, try to flap under it, but still over the yellow lasers below.

Anyway you have to work your way up that way past the yellow lasers. If you
didn't just flap your way there, you'll have to take the Welder through it.
Try not to get killed.

Once past that, possess the new welder here.

Body: Worker

Have the worker use the Console here to reactivate the turbines, and to
deactivate that big red laser field. You now have 30 seconds to make it all
the way back to the locked door at the other end. Have the worker jump from
the edge of the platform, depossess in midair, and jump onto the platform
in front and above you.

Body: Bob

The platform will come alive, and move you forward to another platform, jump
onto that and it will come alive also. As soon as it starts moving, jump
off, and flap through the open door in front of you.

Turn right, go up the stairs, and through the door. We're now where we
activated the power from earlier. Immediately in front of you are the
crates, use them to get back up.

Head back down the alley towards the previously locked door, near where we
first entered. It is now unlocked, and leads to the next level. Stand near
the right side of the door, and open it there to avoid getting killed once
the door opens.

8. Conveyor Belt Heaven

Past the crates protecting you is a big blue forcefield, and behind that is a
big mean Behemoth. Go close to the crates. To your right is a tunnel,
ignore it, and a big door with a picture of a guy in a hard hat. Dash from
one set of crates to the next quickly as to not get shot, and enter the door.

Find the crates, and duck behind them to avoid getting pelted by the light
cops stationed on a bridge above you. On the right side of crates, jump onto
the lower crate, and from there to the higher crate. Now jump and flap onto
the bridge, possess one cop and kill the other.

Body: Light Cop

Use the console here to open up the next door.

Here's where things get a little sticky (again). Enter the door, and then
jump onto the pipes. Wait for one of the lifts with a crate to come close,
then jump onto it. As soon as it gets level with the next platform, jump
onto that.

You're now on a Conveyor Belt (hence the name of the level). Follow the belt
into the next room, and wait there for a crate to come along on the belt,
jump onto it, and then use it to jump over the laser field (you have to be
somewhat close to it for this to work, but not too close).

You'll fall to another conveyor belt where you must do the same thing, jump
onto a crate to get over the Field. Then you'll fall to another conveyor
belt, but this one leads to a grinder, but there's an elevator to the left,
so jump onto that and use the Console to go down.

This takes you to a catwalk, follow it. To your right is a console with an
arrow (don't use this yet), and ahead is a red console, use that one to burn
up some cops in the next room. Now use the other console to open a door to
another elevator.

Use the elevator and go up. And up. And up some more. At the top there is
only a small platform, jump onto it, and use the big white button. This
activates the "trolley" which takes you into the next level, the Weapons

9. Weapons Factory

As soon as you enter, you get another F5 message from the Devil:

"Ha! You sure have spunk... you little rascal... Look at you go in flying
around in all that machinery. Could have made stew out of you! Hey!
That's not a bad idea!

"So, you're in the weapons factory... now that's my kind of place...
wouldn't you know it, I've got a penchant for machinery of mass
destruction... Maybe you'll find something there that you could use
against me!! Ha, ha,... and... you know, put a stop to my plans for world
domination... hee, hee...

"Oh, and speaking of that, did you know I'm running for president now that
Father Prime is no longer tying up that chair. I don't want to ruin the
surprise, but I think I'm gonna win! Yours is not the only mind I have
been wandering around in lately..."

Now posess the scientist.

Body: Scientist

Go over the bridge and turn left. Use the console. This will open the factory
door. Go through it and turn left. Do NOT try to use the door to the right.
The guards will shoot you if you do so, and we don't want to get shot, right?
Pass the big EXIT gate and open the door you should stay in front of. Now you
are in a room with a big sentry gun. Use the console and the sentry will go
crazy. It will start to shoot all around, so you will have to crouch. Anyway,
jump down to a bridge bellow. The scientist will break his legs so posess a
new one. Use the console ELEVATOR POWER. This will make the elevators
operational. Go through the door, upstairs and use the console. Now go
downstairs and use the other console. Pick the maser weapon. You will get a
message from the Satan:

"That's a fine gun you've got there, boy, but I'd say you are shooting
blanks... heh, heh..."

That's true. Maser is a very powerful weapon, but you have to charge it
first. By this time it will be useless, but you must NOT throw it away. So
enter the elevator and go up. Now go to the other elevator (door in the
middle) and go down. You will see how a scientist will try to prevent you
from charging the maser by opening a bridge and activating a laser shield.
Silly, heh? Place the maser on the floor and deposess the scientist.

Body: Bob

Now comes the trickiest part of the level. Flap with Bob to the door below,
where the bridge was. Open it. Now you will have to make your way through a
system of huge, spinning wheels. Jump from one to another, don't fall and
save frequently. Once you are at the end flap up to the door using the pipes.
Posess that scientist.

Body: Scientist

Use the console. This will deactivate the laser shield and shut the bridge.
Get over the bridge and pick up the maser you left there. Place the weapon on
the charging plate and use the console to charge it. Now, your maser weapon
is fully functional. Please, don't use it on humans as it's actually quite
harmless to 'em. Now, go back to the elevator and go up. Enter the big EXIT
gate. Go to the SMALL door and enter the lift. Go up, enter one of the two
doors on the passage. Wait for the door to close and than use the palm
scanner. Something like a balcony will open. Get rid of the medium cop
patrolling there (I suggest to posess him jump down and deposess in mid-air,
so you won't fall down too). Do the same in the next room. And now just go
down the elevator, open the big door and shoot the beast from the back.
(Using your new maser toy, of course.:-))

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
| Q: I'm getting killed! Got any life-saving cheats for me? |
| |
| A: Yeah, check the section suspiciously labeled "Cheats." |
| Q: My game won't run! When I try to load, I see some weird looking |
| screens, but nothing resembling the game! |
| |
| A: The problem could be that you are running the game under a GeForce |
| card, which Messiah does not currently support. My advice? Find an |
| older video card, and replace your wonderful new card with the older |
| one. Sucks, don't it? |
| |
| There is a Beta Driver that you can download to try to get the game to |
| work. You can find it here: |
| |
| Q: I don't hear any music or sound while the Intro is playing, how can I |
| fix this? |
| |
| A: When the game loads up to the main menu (Play Game, Options, etc.), do |
| an ALT-TAB to get to windows. Now, take out Disk One, and put in Disk |
| Two. Hold down SHIFT while doing this so that your CD Player won't |
| start running. Then ALT-TAB back to the game and play as normal. |
| |
| Note: Shiny recommends that you do this anyway, as the second disk is |
| the music disk. |
| Q: I have some bizarre and obscure technical problem.... |
| |
| A: I have no idea how to fix technical problems, such as the game not |
| running or the game crashing. Try looking at Shinys' Official Messiah |
| Troubleshooting Website: |
| |
| Q: I have another question not covered in this FAQ... |
| |
| A: Then by all means, email me with it! |
| |
| Q: I have a question about another game... |
| |
| A: Unless it's one that I have written a FAQ for (see the Shameless Self |
| Promotion in the Final Words... section), then don't bother! Chances |
| are that I can't give you a satisfactory answer. |


A. Weaponry

Bone Saw
Harpoon Gun
Machine Gun
Pak Gun
Pump Gun
Welder's Torch

Secondary Weapons

Concussion Grenade
Distortion Grenade
Jumping Betty
Stick 'Em Grenade

B. People (whom Bob can Possess)

Armored Behemoth
Beast Chot
Dwarf Chot
Fleshy Behemoth
Heavy Cop
Light Cop
Medium Cop
Pimp Daddy Prime
Radiation Worker
Riot Cop
Sub Girl

C. Cheats

Press [Esc] during game play, then type one of the following codes at a
constant pace to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect Code

Bob is invincible ucantkillme
Disable invincibility fleshnblood
AI disabled braindead
AI enabled einstein
AI vision disabled icantsee
AI vision enabled icanseeu
Camera is fixed freezecam
Camera is free thawcam
End current game toohardforme
Character wireframe enabled charwireon
Character wireframe disabled charwireoff
World wireframe enabled worldwireon
World wireframe disabled worldwireoff
Polygon count enabled onpolycount
Polygon count disabled offpolycount
Spawn Armored Behemoth mynightmare
Spawn Barman bestfriend
Spawn Bazooka voodooextreme
Spawn Bazooka bigbang
Spawn Behemoth onsteroids
Spawn Bouncer letmein
Spawn Buzzsaw buzzbuzz
Spawn Chot 1 smellyguy
Spawn Chot 2 nohygiene
Spawn Chot 3 idontdance
Spawn Chot 4 scumbucket
Spawn Chot Behemoth smellysteroids
Spawn Chot Dwarf chotling
Spawn Companion Bot keepmecompany
Spawn Dancer 1 bustamove
Spawn Dancer 2 cutarug
Spawn DJ mixalot
Spawn Domina incharge
Spawn Female Dweller 1 janeplain
Spawn Female Dweller 2 jillplain
Spawn Flamethrower lightmeup
Spawn Fungirl fungirl
Spawn Grenades softwarebuys
Spawn Grenades getsome
Spawn Gun Commander guncmndr
Spawn Harpoon Gun stickaround
Spawn Heavy Cop hcop
Spawn Hung specialguy
Spawn Light Cop lcop
Spawn Machinegun rapidfire
Spawn Maimer slicendice
Spawn Male Dweller 1 averagejoe
Spawn Male Dweller 2 averagejack
Spawn Male Dweller 3 averagejohn
Spawn Maser coolfx
Spawn Medic heydoc
Spawn Medium Cop mcop
Spawn Offensive Bot addedfirepower
Spawn Pak Gun cooloff
Spawn Pimp Daddy tophat
Spawn Prost 1 workit
Spawn Prost 2 mansdream
Spawn Pumpgun boomstick
Spawn Radiation Worker glowstick
Spawn Rat varmint
Spawn Riot Cop rcop
Spawn Scientist egghead
Spawn Subgirl 1 femfatale
Spawn Subgirl 2 nastyone
Spawn Waitress bringmeadrink
Spawn Weapon Ammo gamespot
Spawn Weapon Ammo illbeback
Spawn Welder cantseemyface
Spawn Welding Torch weldme
Spawn Worker workinman

Final Words...

Online Resources:
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ -- The Official Messiah Page -- The Creator's page -- GameFAQs, the best FAQs site on the
Net! -- The first Messiah Fan site -- Messiah Nation

ASCII Art created using the ASCII Art Maker by LTS (freeware)
You can possibly (doubtfully) find it at

This FAQ was written entirely using the GWD Text Editor: (shareware)

Shameless Self Promotion:
I am Dan Simpson ( and have also written FAQs for:

NES: Disney Adventures in the Magic Kingdom
Final Fantasy -- Magic FAQ
The Legend of Zelda
SNES: Aerobiz
Aerobiz Supersonic
Utopia: Creation of a Nation
Genesis: StarFlight
PSX: Thousand Arms -- Walkthrough
-- Forging/Dating FAQ
PS2: Madden NFL 2001
XBOX: Star Wars: KotOR II: The Sith Lords -- FAQ/Walkthrough
-- Influence Guide
PC: AD&D Rules FAQ, 2nd and 3rd Editions
Baldur's Gate & Tales of the Sword Coast -- FAQ/Walkthrough
NPC List
Creature List
Baldur's Gate II & Throne of Bhaal -- FAQ/Walkthrough
-- Items List
-- Class FAQ
-- Creature List
Civilization III (incomplete)
Colonization -- the Single Colony Strategy Guide
-- the Cheat Guide
Drakan: Order of the Flame
Dungeon Hack
Icewind Dale & Heart of Winter -- FAQ/Walkthrough
Items List
Kresselack's Tomb Map (JPG)
Burial Isle Map (JPG)
Shattered Hand Map (JPG)
Icewind Dale II -- Items List
Master of Magic (revision)
Pharaoh (currently being edited by Red Phoenix)
Planescape: Torment -- FAQ/Walkthrough
Items Listing
Rollercoaster Tycoon
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
The Sims
Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar
Ultima 7: The Black Gate
Ultima 7 Part 2: Serpent Isle
Ultima Underworld -- Keyboard Commands
Ultima Underworld II -- Keyboard Commands
-- Spell List
All of my FAQs can be found at:

Version History:
Preliminary Version 0.4 (4-4-00, 78k)
Preliminary Version 0.41 (4-5-00, 83k)
Added the Cheats Section to the Appendix
Preliminary Version 0.5 (4-25-00, 90k)
Finished section 6. Warehouse
Added section 7. Annex
Other Small Changes
Preliminary Version 0.6 (5-5-00, 99k)
Finished section 7. Annex
Created section 8. Conveyor Belt Heaven
Created section 9. Weapons Factory
Other Small Changes

Version 0.7 March 26, 2001 102k

Peter Luptak added the Weapons Factory section to the walkthrough.

Version 0.71 January 19, 2005 102k

Changed my email address and updated the format.


"Cigarettes! Smoking is Cool! First one's free! Come on buddy, come get
some! The Surgeon General is a fool!"

This Document is Copyright 2000-2005 by Dan Simpson
Messiah is Copyright 2000 by Interplay and/or Shiny

I am not affiliated with Shiny, Interplay, or anyone who had anything to
do with the creation of this game. This FAQ may be posted on any site so long
as NOTHING IS CHANGED and you EMAIL ME telling me that you are posting it. You
may not charge for, or in any way profit from this FAQ.
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Engl. FAQ

30.Сентябрь 2013
Dt. Komplettlösung im Word-Format

14.Октябрь 2013

10.Октябрь 2008

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

18.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
24.Февраль 2018
22.Октябрь 2014
25.Июнь 2019
24.Июль 2014
24.Июль 2014