Here is the correct conversation choices you myst choice to either:
A) Have sex with Jeanette.
B) Save them both and get 1 extra experience point.
First we'll start off with how to get Jeanette into bed with you, the responses
are arranged in the order that you recieve them. While in conversation just
pick the correct response.
Sleeping with Jeanette:
You need a Seduction Feat of 2. Then just choose the conversation choices
provided here.
First Meeting, entering her club for the first time:
Need a Seduction of 2, not Malkavian -
2. Frightening isn't the word I'd use. . .exciting is more like it.
1. Fire hoses?
2. That's what I was thinking. What's your name?
2. Aren't you the tease? Got a name I can remember you by?
1. I see before me a beauty who shares the madness of my mind...
1. Greetings, daughter of Janus...
1. You are the whiteness, she of alabaster and ivory...
2. Fear and love are two sides of the same coin. . .
1. You mean we're both rolled up and twisted?
2. Burn, baby, burn. Give me the pleasure of your label...
2. My heart beats like a thousand primal drums. Give me the gift of your name...
2. Until our shattered selves once again collide.
Second Meeting, after the events at the Hotel:
Need a Seduction rating of 2, not Malkavian -
3. Yes, as a matter of fact, I did. I couldn't stop thinking about you.
3. All the time, Jeanette. What do I do in your thoughts?
1, 2, or 3, doesn't matter.
2. Of course. Here, take it.
3. It would look good on you. I'm sure anything does.
1. Listen, Therese told me she'd call off the feud with Tung.
4. I can't stand her type.
1 or 2, doesn't matter.
1. What?
2. For you, anything.
1 or 2, doesn't matter.
2. I'd never intentionally keep you waiting, Jeanette. Goodbye.
3. All of my selves are intoxicated with you, white mistress...
3. You haunt my fark dreams, but what deeds do I do in your own?
1, 2, or 3, doesn't matter.
2. Yes. Here is the ghostly locket...
1. I would like to see it glistening against your bloodless pale heart-place...
1. Your father's darker daughter said she would forgive the hiding worm...
4. Nightmares and needles. She sickens my very skin...
1 or 2, doesn't matter.
1. Yes, white mistress?
2. For you I would face the flame at noontime...
1 or 2, doesn't matter.
2. I will think of you only as I slash these splatterings...
Third Conversation, on the telephone at the diner:
Need Seduction of 2, not Malkavian -
2. Of course I'll save you. But first, tell me what happened.
Now, after you return from the Elizabeth Dane, head over to the club to see
4th Meeting, after returning from the Dane:
Have at least 2 Blood, not Malkavian
1. Are you lonely?
2. I know something we can do. But I'm not sure it's possible. . .
Congrats! You have now slept with Jeanette, and only missed out on 2 experience
points by doing so.
Now, incase you'd rather not sleep with Jeanette, or you really want those 2
XP, here's the way to save them both.
Saving Jeanette and Therese (Tourette):
You need to have a Persuasion Feat of 4 and a seduction rank of 4 or higher for
both of them in order to save Tourette, here are the conversation choices you
have to pick to get those ratings.
First meeting with Jeanette:
Need a Seduction of 2, not Malkavian -
2. Frightening isn't the word I'd use. . .exciting is more like it.
1. Fire hoses?
2. That's what I was thinking. What's your name?
2. Aren't you the tease? Got a name I can remember you by?
1. I see before me a beauty who shares the madness of my mind...
1. Greetings, daughter of Janus...
1. You are the whiteness, she of alabaster and ivory...
2. Fear and love are two sides of the same coin. . .
1. You mean we're both rolled up and twisted?
2. Burn, baby, burn. Give me the pleasure of your label...
2. My heart beats like a thousand primal drums. Give me the gift of your name...
2. Until our shattered selves once again collide.
First meeting with Therese:
Not Malkavian -
2. I'm just glad she's gone. You are Therese?
1. I need you to call off the feud with Bertram Tung.
2. Why do you hate him?
1. Then can you put out the word that you've got no feud with him?
1. That's unfortunate, but I do need to see him.
2. Gladly. What do I have to do?
1. I'll do it if you promise to call off the feud.
2. I can respect that. And I appreciate it. Goodbye.
2. I could stomach her oozings no longer. You are Therese, the dark daughter?
1. Call off your conflict with the worm, dark one. . .
2. What has brought your darkness upon him?
1. Please tell the worm that all is forgiven. . .
1. I am no politicking blood-sucker. I need to see the worm. . .
2. Speak your quest, dark one. . .
1. If you will give word that to the worm that he is not wanted, I will go.
2. Your words are ;like the reddest nectar, dark daughter. Farewell.
1. I will do what needs be done, dark one. . .
2. Then I am off to the House on the Ocean.
Second Meeting with Jeanette, after the events at the Hotel:
Need a Seduction rating of 2, not Malkavian -
3. Yes, as a matter of fact, I did. I couldn't stop thinking about you.
3. All the time, Jeanette. What do I do in your thoughts?
1, 2, or 3, doesn't matter.
2. I'm not giving it to anyone but Therese.
2 or 3, doesn't matter.
3 or 4, doesn't matter.
3 or 4, doesn't matter.
1, 2, or 4, doesn't matter.
2. For you, anything.
1 or 2, doesn't matter.
2. I'd never intentionally keep you waiting, Jeanette. Goodbye.
3. All of my selves are intoxicated with you, white mistress...
3. You haunt my fark dreams, but what deeds do I do in your own?
1, 2, or 3, doesn't matter.
2. Your sister only receives this treasure...
2 or 3, doesn't matter.
3 or 4, doesn't matter.
3 or 4, doesn't matter.
1, 2, or 4, doesn't matter.
2. For you I would face the flame at noontime...
1 or 2, doesn't matter.
2. I will think of you only as I slash these splatterings...
2nd Meeting with Therese, after returning from the Gallery:
Not Malkavian -
1. I-
1. But-
1. I didn't do it! I swear!
1. Yeah. I have the item from the Ocean House too.