Vietnam Black Ops

Vietnam Black Ops

16.10.2013 07:28:47
Vietnam: Black Ops

Table of Contents

I - Introduction
Legal Information
Version History

II - Codes

III - Walkthrough

000.0 - Basic Strategies
001.0 - Escape From The Prison Camp
002.0 - The Tunnels
003.0 - The River
004.0 - Through The City Ruins
005.0 - Beneath The Well
006.0 - The Jungle
007.0 - The Temple

Welcome to my Vietnam: Black Ops FAQ.

Any questions, comments, corrections, or contributions are welcome, my email
is tarrun75(at)gmail(dot)com. Please make sure to add something related to
Vietnam: Black Ops in the subject line so I don't have to figure out what
game you're talking about. Also, questions regarding something that's already
covered in the guide will not be answered. Credit will be given to anything
sent to me that I add or major corrections. For corrections, please email me
only if it's something really important, something that will clearly confuse
anyone reading.

Legal information:
This document is copyrighted Tarrun 2005.
This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstance except for personal
or private use. It may not be placed on any web site, magazine or otherwise
distributed publicly without advanced written permission. This guide may not
be used for profit, and may only be used on the following sites:


Use of this work on any other web site besides the ones noted above or as a
part of any public display is a violation of copyright and is strictly

Version History:

First Submission: August 21st - Version 1.0

II - Codes

Press "T" to bring up the window and enter the following codes.

Code: god
Result: God Mode

Code: weapons
Result: All Weapons

Code: ammo
Result: Full Ammunition

Code: noclip
Result: No Clipping

Code: removeai
Result: Enemies Disappear

Code: easy
Result: Easy Mode

Code: normal
Result: Normal Mode

Code: hard
Result: Hard Mode

III - Walkthrough

000.0 - Basic Strategies

- The controls can be jumpy at times, but you should still try to be as
careful as you can be; especially in this game, where it seems the only place
the developers thought to place enemies was right around a corner. Always
examine an area from afar and strafe out into the open when you attack.

- Naturally, the assault rifles are going to be your weapons of choice.
Taking this into consideration, don't automatically try and get headshots,
the recoil will knock you off-target. And that's not even counting the time
it takes to aim, which can be the determining factor between life and death.
The best way to kill someone is to fire at their torso and allow the recoil
to bring your sights up onto the head.

- As a general statement for First Person Shooters, reloading during a
firefight is not a good thing. To avoid any mistakes, after killing a few
enemies, take the time to make sure your weapons are loaded.

- Save often. This can't be said enough. One of the worst things that can
happen is dying near the end of a level and having to replay it. This is even
more important when it comes to jumping puzzles; one mistake will result in
death, so make sure to save beforehand as a precaution. Also, the game likes
to play the same trick on you over and over again; you'll be walking down a
seemingly safe hallway when the floor suddenly collapses and you fall into a
pit of spikes. There's no warning of any kind, the only two ways to know
where all of these traps are is by reading this guide or the always-fun
method of trial and error.

001.0 - Escape From The Prison Camp

You begin the game in a small cell. Use this time by getting used to the
controls; in a few seconds a bomb will be dropped and blow off the front of
the cellblock.

Once you're free, run outside and use the wall in front of you for cover.
There are three enemies in a foxhole just ahead, but there's no way you can
fight them unarmed. Wait behind the wall until you hear an explosion; in an
extraordinary stroke of luck, the blast has killed all three enemies. Run
over and collect their ammo (as well as the knife next to the corpse in the
open), and look down to the end of the detention center. There are two guards
at the end, as well as another in the last cell on the left. Use the pillars
as cover while you take shots; it can be difficult to find them due to all of
the shadows and darkness, but they give themselves away by their gunfire.

When the three of them are dead, pick up their ammunition and heal yourself,
there are medkits in front of your cell and one behind the far end of the
detention center. Afterwards, head around to the other side of the large hut
on the right and enter it. Pick up the grenade launcher on the right; during
this time another explosion will go off and destroy the gate across from the

Enter the second compound through the now-open gate and look right, there's a
guard in the corner. Use the broken pillars for cover against the two enemies
in the barricade, fire a grenade inside to kill them both, and make sure to
shoot the one on the roof before venturing out into the open. If you took any
damage, there are two medkits on the right: one near the pillars and another
to the right of the barricade.

Once through the barricade, find the guard tower in the right corner and kill
the guy inside. Each tower contains two enemies, so head around to the left
side of the tower and kill his partner. Head towards the second tower in the
left corner of the compound, but look left to avoid the guard in the corner
to catch you by surprise. Enter the partially open hut on the right and
collect the ammunition and medkit; look through the window and kill the two
guards in the second tower, and then continue past it. If you go around the
building, the entrance is right there. Shoot the guard just past the walkway
in the small courtyard; you can also get a few cheap shots against the guards
in the walkway from here, just back up until you can see their heads and fire
away. Afterwards, run up the ramp and onto the walkway, there are two guards
in the first stretch plus another pair if you didn't kill them beforehand.
Kill the four of them and follow the path down underground. If you stop
halfway down the ramp you can get a cheap shot in on the enemies in the next

Once in the tunnel, there's a lone enemy is at the end of the hall; use the
boxes for cover and kill him. If you take too long, he backs up around the
corner where another pair of guards are. Don't forget to pick up the M-16 in
front of the second crate, and continue around the passage. After killing the
two enemies, continue to the ramp leading back to the surface, but stop and
look up. Kill the grenade-wielding soldier on the roof of the tunnel before
continuing. There are three enemies in the foxhole to your left, possibly
less if you killed a few of them before running down into the tunnel. Fire a
grenade at the group of them, and afterwards focus your attention on the two
guards in the tower.

Pick up all of the spare ammunition and head over to the hut on the other
side of the compound. There are two entrances, with an enemy guarding each
one. Both of them are in their respected corners, so hug the outside wall of
the hut and pick them off before going inside. Once they're both down for the
count, run around to the back and find the desk. If you look down, there's a
pathetically obvious secret passage under the wooden panel; throw a grenade
onto it and drop down inside to complete the level.

002.0 - The Tunnels

Immediately after dropping into the tunnels, kill the guard about halfway
down the passage. To his left behind a portion of the tunnel that jets out is
another guard, and past him is a third in front of the ledge. Kill them both
and make your way to the wooden bridge; look above you to the right to
prevent being caught off guard by the soldier up there.

Now cross the bridge; most of it will collapse when you get too close, so
walk along the left edge and jump onto the rock wall next to you. On the
other side of the crevice, use the rocks for cover and kill three of the six
enemies in the next area. One of them is on the second level platform and is
equipped with a sniper rifle; it's probably a good idea to take him out
first. When the hail of gunfire dies down, jump up onto the main level and
get closer, there are two more guards in the right corner and another in the
back with grenades. Kill the grenade soldier first, and then the other two;
don't go too far into the area though, there are four guards on the platform
directly above you. When all of the enemies on the bottom level (and the
sniper on the second) are dead, turn around and walk backwards until you can
make out their heads. Kill each of them as their heads appear until all four
of them are out of action.

When the four of them are dead, run up the ramp on the right and kill the
soldier around the corner. Head along the platforms to your right and collect
all of the ammunition on this level, including the sniper rifle. At the end
of the path on the level is a passage cut into the rock, around the corner is
a guard waiting to ambush you. Kill him and jump onto the bridge; like
before, walk along the left edge to avoid falling to your death when the
bridge collapses. At the end, jump from the railing to the remaining
platforms and continue through the tunnels.

Around the corner is an area with five guards. Here's a quick ASCII map of
the area.
|___ |
| x | |
|___| |
|___ __|
| x | | |
| x | |x |
|_x_| | |
| |x |
|___| | |
| | |
|__| |
| |____

Pretty simple: an X is an enemy while a C represents your character. Strafe
into the open and kill the two soldiers on the right. Once they're both dead,
use the walls for cover and kill the other three; grenades work well here.
When the coast is clear, stand on the right walkway and jump to the one on
the left. Make your way to the platform in the far corner and jump into the
waterfall to complete the mission.

003.0 - The River

This is where the game begins to get hectic. Since the areas are much more
open than before, groups of eight or nine soldiers can be attacking you from
all different directions; and unfortunately, they're spread out enough to
prevent the grenade launcher from worth using.

When the level starts, head up the hill on the right and collect some extra
ammunition for your AK, M-16, and grenade launcher. Drop back down into the
river and follow it as it curves around, there are four soldiers a ways back;
although it would seem like a good time to use the sniper rifle, hold back
the temptation and continue using your AK. The mountainside makes great cover
against any return fire, so you shouldn't have any trouble avoiding injury.

Past the group, the path branches off into two different directions; if you
continue following the river you'll get caught in an underwater minefield,
whereas climbing up to the hut on the right is only guarded by two soldiers.
Obviously, the latter is a much safer route. After killing the two of them,
pick up the medkit on the left and jump up onto the ledge opposite the
entrance. Slide down the mountain and look left, there are two enemies
positioned at the end of the minefield, so kill them and continue right.
Continue straight and jump up onto the fallen tree with the corpse on it;
there are some crates of ammunition and a medkit, but don't go to far or
you'll drop over the waterfall to your death. Return back to the fork and
look at the other path; there's a single guard and a mounted turret at the
top of the ledge. Kill him and climb up the rocks.

Head around the winding path until you see an enemy soldier; you probably
won't notice because of trying to kill him quickly, but he's actually running
at you instead of firing a weapon. If you couldn't have guessed, he has
explosives strapped to him and will detonate them when he gets close to you.
Back up if you have to, but make sure to fire as many rounds as possible to
prevent him from getting too close. When he dies (one way or the other),
continue following the river around the corner. Another three of these
kamikaze soldiers appear, so kill them from afar and proceed.

This next area is the first of three really insane portions of the level. If
you look to your right, there are two soldiers on a raised platform, as well
as another one on the ground below them. Kill the three of them and run to
underneath the platform. Look over the small hill near the dead enemy and
kill the other guard hiding there. From here, use the platform's supports for
cover and shoot the three soldiers on the other side of the river. There's
also one final guard just left of the others on a higher platform.

Continue down the river until you reach the next group of enemies. Along the
mountainside is a long, raised platform that forms an "L" shape, with the
bottom part of the "L" pointing up river. On this platform are eight or nine
guards, two on the portion closest to you and the rest lined up on the other.
Strafe back and forth to avoid their gunfire and counter attack with your
own. Hopefully you haven't used your sniper rifle too much, because this is a
perfect time to and the more ammunition the better. When the entire group is
dead, continue down river and kill the two enemies in the hut at the end.
Climb up to the shore on the left, there's an enemy at the top of the hill as
well as one behind you on the platform. Kill them both and look past the hut
in the trees; a soldier is standing at the end, so take him down too.

Before proceeding to the end of the level, it's a good idea to climb onto the
platform and collect all of the ammunition that was dropped by the guards you
killed. Also, there are medkits and M-16 ammunition littered around the huts,
and at the end (the first hut you came across), there's ammo for your sniper
rifle; just make sure to avoid the guard hiding inside.

When all of that's been taken care of, head back to the end of the river and
continue through the trees to the next area; there's an allied helicopter
that was shot down along with a half-dozen guards. At least three of them are
out in the open, and a few others are in the trenches. Also remember to check
behind the chopper, there is a web of vines with two guards behind them, one
with grenades. When the area is clear, climb up the fallen tree next to the
helicopter and stand on the platform. Jump off onto the other side and head
over towards the wooden wall. On the other side is a bridge being guarded by
six guards, many armed with grenades. Two or three of your own well placed
grenades should be more than enough firepower to wipe them out, especially
considering that there's a good chance they'll kill themselves.

Walk out onto the bridge and look towards the other end. Another group of
enemies are waiting for you, but don't risk getting too close to throw a
grenade their way. Stand about halfway across the bridge and use your AK to
mow them down. Continue to the other side and head over to the city to
complete the level.

004.0 - Through The City Ruins

Strafe right and look around the broken wall, there are two guards in the
open area just ahead. Kill them and head about ten feet forward, look through
the doorway on the right and shoot the soldier in the grass. Turn left and
find the guard inside the ruins of the building. Kill him and enter the
clearing left of the building. A pair of enemies has holed up in a small
bunker in the top left corner; while you don't necessarily have to kill now,
you'll meet up later on if you leave them alive. There's also a soldier
behind the broken portion of the wall. Now head to the other side of the
building, there's a small hill blocking most of the entrance, with three
guards on the other side: two against the far wall and another in the left

In the left corner of the clearing is an alley. Use the fallen pillar to
reach the second floor of the ruins and run up the stairs. Kill the guard
halfway up the stairs and continue to the third floor. Cross the alley by
running across the pillar and drop down onto the roof of the other building.
Look over the side and kill the guard on the ground, jump down and examine
the wall across from you. When you get close enough, it collapses and reveals
three soldiers, who immediately attack you. A bit of a cheap shot in my
opinion, but there are medkits and ammunition behind the overhang that you
were on just before.

Facing the river, head right and kill the two guards on the ground floor.
Jump onto the stairway and fire a grenade into the room above you, which
contains three guards and two kamikaze soldiers. Kill them and return to the
lower level; follow the river, killing the soldier on the other side and the
three on your own. The first is straight ahead of you in plain view, while
the others are hidden. There's one behind a broken wall on your left, and
another just above him standing on some girders.

Take a left just after the broken wall and head forward until the path
branches off. Look left and kill the three guards in the bunker, as well as
the four in the open area on the other side and the two kamikaze soldiers.
When they're all dead, look to the right and climb up the pillar to reach the
second level of the ruins. Kill the three guards on the lower level and climb
up the two sets of stairs to reach the roof; after killing the two soldiers
there, use the fallen pillar to cross over to the next building. Look over
the right side of the ruins and kill the four guards in the alley below.
Afterwards, drop down into the alley and enter the ruins on the right through
the hole in the wall. Climb up the girder on the right to reach the second
floor and look up and to the left, there are two guards above you. Cross the
girders and jump to the window in the far left corner. Kill the guard
straight ahead and look below you to find another soldier waiting to catch
you by surprise.

Jump down from the window and run over to the river. Swim across to the other
side and climb up the hill. There are three guards directly in front of you,
as well as two more in a small bunker opposite you. When you've taken care of
them, look to your right and kill the two soldiers in front of the bridge. If
you attempt to head over to the other side of the area, your character makes
the comment, "Hmmmm, a minefield?" He must be pretty perceptive to have
noticed this, that or the mines were poorly hidden. Either way, head over to
the left side of the area and use the stone blocks to cross over to the
church at the other end.

While outside of the church, kill the sniper in the tower on top of any
soldiers you can see from where you are. Enter the church and kill any of the
remaining four guards inside, including one in the small area in the middle
of the tower, one on your left, another in the far right corner, and a forth
one in the courtyard to the left. When the area is clear, jump up to the
girder left of the entrance and use it to climb up to the roof. Pick up the
sniper rifle from the tower and jump down into the courtyard. Run over to the
well and climb down to complete the level.

005.0 - Beneath The Well

You can go both right and straight ahead; the right path has a tripwire and
the ceiling is too low to jump over, so head down the other path. Look around
the corner and kill the two guards, and continue to the end and turn right.
At the end, look down by your feet to the left, there's a soldier hiding in a
small hole, but he won't immediately fire at you unless you get too close.
Kill him and jump over the hole, the tunnel eventually leads to a large
compound surrounded by ruins. This area is filled with enemies hiding in the
ruins; there are four on the left side, three on the right, three at the very
top of the far wall, three directly above you, and a final pair in the

To come out of this in one piece, use the wall in front of you as cover from
the enemies on the right and far walls, and position yourself so that you can
attack the soldiers on the left. Slowly strafe left so that more and more of
the wall comes into view, shooting enemies as they appear. Be careful,
because often one will be hiding and occasionally jump out into view and open

When the enemies on the left are dead, peak around the corner and find one of
the guards in the courtyard. Kill him and take out your sniper rifle; aim at
the very top of the far wall and kill the three soldiers there, you're far
away enough that they don't put up any kind of counter-attack.

We're just about half done now. Face the right wall and slowly back up
towards the left one. The far side will begin coming into view, so repeat
what you did before. Just keep in mind that the soldier nearest you has
grenades. After that side is clear, move out about a quarter of the way into
the courtyard and take out the trio perched behind you.

If you try to cross to the other side of the courtyard, you'll notice that
the area is blocked off with the exception of a small archway, which has a
trip-wire running across it. Instead, look to your right and find the stone
blocks leading up to the ruins. Climb up and head through the passage that
leads to the other side. Before dropping back down into the courtyard, find
the last soldier in the area and kill him.

Walk around the stairs and enter the tunnel behind it. There's another one of
those lovely spike traps waiting for you, so hug the left wall and head to
the other end. When it branches off, take a left and follow that path (it's
completely unprotected) until you reach the room at the end, which contains
ammunition, medkits, and a half-dozen soldiers. Kill them, collect all of the
items (including a new weapon - the LAW), and return back to where the path
split. Take the right this time; there are two enemies directly in front of
you, one with a turret.

Down the dirt path is another pair of guards, and after taking a right you'll
encounter another seven. Such a large group in such a small space calls for
demolitions, so use a few grenades to knock down their numbers, and finish
the rest of them with your AK. Continue along the path until you enter a
large, open area. There's a small passage on the right, so head that way and
drop down into the crevice. Kill the soldier on your side, and use your
sniper rifle to take out the other on the opposite side. Just like every
other time you've crossed a bridge, it's going to collapse as soon as you
step on it, so walk along the left side to avoid falling off.

Once on the other side, you find the area is littered with large stone
blocks. Navigate through and be prepared to attack a pair of soldiers in a
bunker at the end, as well as a single guard hiding behind the last block on
the left. Past the bunker is a circular crevice; if you look across to the
other side you should see two soldiers, one on the left and the other on the
right. Kill them both, and then jump to the ledge on the right. From here,
look straight down and kill the two guards at the bottom of the crevice.

Collect the weapons in the bunker and slide down the dirt ramp on the right.
Jump to the small platform where the one soldier was, and climb on top of the
crate. There's a second soldier on the other side as well as another to your
left behind the corpse of the other guard you killed over there. Make your
way to the other side of the crevice and run down the spiral dirt ramp,
you'll end up in front of a small stream with a hut in the middle. From here,
kill the guard in the hut; you should also be able to pick out two soldiers
in the water, there's on the right and another on the left. As you cross over
to the hut, the platform collapses and drops you into the stream. Take a
right and follow that path to the end, there are four soldiers evenly spread
out along the way.

At the end of the stream is a guard, kill him and climb out onto dry land.
Walk through the tunnel; make sure to stay on the left side to avoid the
spike trap and take a right at the end. Kill the guard at the other end of
the passage; there are two more just around the corner, a grenade works well
here. After the tunnel bends to the right, there are a final four soldiers
guarding the exit. Kill them and head through the passage to complete the

006.0 - The Jungle

This is a fairly short level, about a third of the others. However, enemies
are in larger groups, making it easy to be overwhelmed.

Run forward towards the fort. Just in front of it is a small outhouse on the
left with a guard inside. After he's dead, check out the entrance to the
fort. The large metal gate doesn't seem to have any weak points; but then
again, when you have a LAW you don't need to attack a weak point. Fire a
rocket at the gate to destroy it and head inside. There's a large hut
directly in front of you; around the left side is the entrance, which is
guarded by six soldiers. A few well-placed grenades should reduce their
ranks. Inside of the hut is a small room on the left with sniper rifle
ammunition and grenade rounds.

Exit the hut and run over to the far right corner of the area. Enter the
building through the doorway in the back and kill the four guards inside.
There are some rockets for your LAW on a crate on the left.

After collecting all of the available weapons, head towards the small wooded
area to your left. Use your sniper rifle to kill the guard at the top of the
small hill, his weapon is a new one: the M-60. After reaching the top, look
over the other side and kill the pair of soldiers running back and forth at
the bottom. There are another half-dozen enemies hiding behind different
trees, so slide down to the bottom and strafe left, keeping your back against
the side of the mountain. As they come into view, attack and kill each guard.

Follow the path until you reach a village. There's a guard directly in front
of you, as well as another to your left. This area is filled with enemies, as
an estimate I'd say around two dozen. However, most of them are in the
individual huts in groups of three or four, and there are crates of
ammunition and medkits with them. Feel free to loot them; you aren't going to
strike gold like this again for the rest of the game.

But after killing everyone in the village and collecting all of the weapons,
you'll notice that there aren't any visible exits. However, in the bottom
left corner of the area is a well being guarded by two soldiers (if they
aren't dead already). If you remember back a few levels, wells can be a
sneaky way to conceal a secret passage, and this is no different. Climb down
the rope to the bottom and dive into the water. In the opposite corner is an
underwater tunnel, swim through it and complete the level.

007.0 - The Temple

The final level is broken up into three parts. However, the first and last
portions are so short that Level 7 ends up being about the same length as the
rest of the levels in the game.

007.1 - The Temple

You begin the level at the edge of a small lake in front of the temple. There
aren't any enemies outside or immediately inside the temple, so don't worry
about being shot. As you enter the temple, though, look right and kill the
guard standing in the corner. Directly in front of you is a circular room
with a pool of water in the middle; there are four soldiers spread out in
that area, so use the doorway as cover and clear out the room.

When everyone in the main room is dead, return to the front entrance and kill
the two guards in the halls on the right and left, they're both near the
opposite end. Afterwards, follow the hall on the left to the large bath area.
The right hall leads to this place as well, but from the left you're hidden
from the two soldiers directly above you. However, there's a guard across the
bath at the top of the stairs and another at the end of the passage under the
two soldiers. Kill them and follow the passage until you reach the end, which
has a large hole. Drop down inside to complete the first part of the level.

007.2 - The Temple - Part Two

Run down the dirt ramp and kill the guard at the end on the right. This next
room contains a large gap with a number of narrow platforms connecting both
sides. Kill the guard on the other side and jump onto the first one. When it
branches off, take a left and take the outer three platforms, the ones that
lead to the inner part of the room will collapse. The very last platform on
the outer rim of the area will also collapse, forcing you to jump to the
small pillar on your right. Jump to the third pillar in the middle of the
area, which is right next to a platform leading to the other side.

Nope, sorry, that one collapses too. Walk along the platform that takes you
to the right side of the room and pick up the LAW rockets and follow those
platforms to the end. Jump to the final pillar and then to the end. Damn
jumping puzzles in first person shooters...

Run through this hall until the floor under you collapses, and slide down to
the lower level. Kill the two soldiers at the other side of the room, under
the ramp you slid down is a medkit if you need it.

Head over to the exit by the two dead soldiers and enter the next area, which
is a pit of fire. Use your sniper rifle to kill the two soldiers on the other
side; right about now your character makes a comment about having to watch
his step, which is your clue that parts of the platform leading across will
collapse. At first, it's easy to see which pieces are unstable as they're
shaded in, but later on there's no way to tell besides trial-and-error.

However, you lucky dogs have a nice picture of the correct path to take.

____ ____ ____
|####| |####|
| | |####|
| |####|####|
| | | |
|####|####| |
|####|####| |
|####| | |
|####| |####|

Simple enough, the shaded in parts will collapse on you, the others
will not.

Once on the other side, take a right and kill the two soldiers around
the corner, as well as the two at the other end of the hall. Run up the
incline and enter the water maze.

The area is enormous, and there are quite a few enemies hiding on
platforms. It would be nearly impossible to describe exactly where they
all are, but I'll give you a general idea and you should be able to
find them with your sniper rifle's scope.

If you stand on the left side of the platform, there are four soldiers
you should be able to find. Two are on the higher levels; one is on the
left about halfway across the area, and the other is standing near the
exit at the opposite end of the room. The other two soldiers are on the
lower levels; one is near you just off to the right, and the other is
farther away towards and in the center of the area. Now move to the
right side of the platform and find the final guard standing near your
side of the room at the left end.

When those half-dozen soldiers have been dealt with, jump down into the
water and swim to the far left end of the room. There's a long platform
that's low enough for you to jump onto, so use that to get out of the
water. On the left side of the room is a set of stairs that leads to
the exit, but there are two soldiers on it. Kill them both and the one
near the exit if you didn't kill him before, and leave the area.

Kill the guard at the other end of the room as well as the one in the
small room on the right. Pick up the medkit there and walk up the ramp
near the corpse of the guard on the other side of the room. On this
level, there are two soldiers, one on either side of the room. Kill
them both and head up the ramp; just before reaching the top, look into
the next area and shoot the two guards standing around in front of you.
Use the ramp at the other end of the room to advance.

On your left is an ammunition cache in front of a large metal gate,
don't bother trying to destroy it just yet. Collect as many weapons as
you can hold and head across the wooden bridge that leads to a small

Inside the building, there are two enemies on your immediate left.
After killing them, take a right and follow that path until you stumble
upon another guard. Take two quick lefts and kill a fourth guard; just
around the corner is a group of four soldiers, a well-placed grenade
should kill most of them. Behind them is a lone soldier, who happens to
be General Pham, the commander in charge of this area. Kill him and
head back to the room with the ammunition. Run over to the metal gate
and it'll be destroyed by a rescue helicopter. Pass through the gateway
to complete this part of the level.

007.3 - The Escape Point

This final area is very short, but still probably the most difficult part of
the game. There's a single guard at the end of the hall, so kill him and
continue past him and up the stairs, which leads to a large open area. A
helicopter is waiting for you, but you'll have to get past the thirty or so
enemies in the area first.

Actually, scratch that. You don't have to kill all of the soldiers in the
area, but if you expect to simply run over to the chopper without dying
you're in for a surprise.

Your best course of action is to stand near the end of the hall and kill as
many of them as you can. Use your grenade launcher and LAW to wipe out large
groups of them, and your sniper rifle can take out the rest. You should use
this strategy until one of the following happens: A - You run out of sniper
rifle rounds, grenades, and rockets; or B - You clear the area. More than
likely the former is going to come before the latter, so switch to one of
your assault rifles and slowly enter the area. Kill soldiers as they appear,
and make your way to the helicopter. Use the ruins for cover, but keep in
mind that the enemies are doing the same thing.

When you reach the helicopter, jump up and grab the rope ladder to complete
the level and the game.

Congratulations, you've completed Vietnam: Black Ops.
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Engl. Lösung

16.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
24.Февраль 2018
25.Июнь 2019
11.Февраль 2016
22.Октябрь 2014
24.Июль 2014