Rainbow Six - Eagle Watch

Rainbow Six - Eagle Watch

17.10.2013 00:35:39
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Eagle Watch
Version 1.1
Created by idyoticwyzard
Copyright (c)2005 idyoticwyzard

Table of Contents

1. Legal Intro
1.1 Version History
2. Gameplay Tactics
2.1 Characters
2.2 Equipment
3. The Missions
3.1 Little Wing
3.2 Sapphire Rising
3.3 Lion's Den
3.4 Red Lightning
3.5 Eagle Watch
4. Closing


1. Legalities

This guide should only be available at the following sites:


If you see this guide on another site, or would like to use this on your own
site, or would like to contact me anyway, here is my info:

Email: idyoticwyzard@hotmail.com
AIM: idyoticwyzard

Eric Fung/idyoticwyzard copyrights this document, so if you steal it *shakes
fist* then screw you.

1.1 Version History

Version 1.1 (09/30/05): Edited and reworded all missions.
Version 1.0 (09/22/05): Covers the five single player missions.


2. Gameplay Tactics

--The HQ plans are trash.
--The AI EASILY gets shot, so in general, leave the computer only to move from
point to point and to watch open areas with only a few guards.
--Along the same lines, don't totally rely on the AI to watch your back. So a
team with more than 2 people is unnecessary; most of the time, the last few
members hardly get to shoot anyone anyway.
--When rescuing hostages, the team you control should be the first into the
room (after flashbangs, if needed).
--Use the map extensively to track terrorists.

2.1 Characters

Leaders: Chavez (stealth team), Bogart, Price, Walther, Noronha
Assault/Sniping Team: Every other member in the Assault category
Stealth: Every Recon member

2.2 Equipment

For these missions, there is no standard issue kit, so I will detail each
team's equipment before each mission walkthrough. Heartbeat Sensors (HB Sensor)
are set up around almost all the maps, so it is not necessary to carry one.


3. The Missions

-EXT = extraction zone
-INS = insertion zone

-Note: Mission plans are designed for Elite missions. However, they work just
as well on Veteran and even Recruit. Just the number of tangos are
different. Overprepared is better than underprepared.

3.1 Little Wing

-A mix of long range fire and small rooms. One assault and one stealth team.

.45 Mark-SD
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Head up the stairs right next to you. Check the HB Sensor for the
tango nearby: flashbang and shoot him. Also make sure there isn't a
guy in the next room on your floor. Round the corner and slowly walk
to the stairs while constantly watching the balcony above. There is
sometimes a guy up there; if not, he is in the room just beyond the
top of the stairs. Enter that room with the giant window and hold
for Bravo here. Snipe the patrol on the walkway that leads to the
shuttle. Look a little left (at your 11 o'clock) to the area lit by
a reddish light. You may see a guard walk through here, or you might
not. You'll get him soon enough. Bravo, exit the room and follow the
balcony east. You need to clear the rooms along the way, so check
the HB sensor again. First kill the patrol I mentioned before. Then
flash the adjacent room and take out the guard here. Continue north
and kill the guard by the ladder. Now head to the top of the shuttle
while shuffling along the walkway roof to minimize noise. Wait for
Delta here. On Delta, advance forward and shoot the guards through
the window. Head to EXT.

Red Team: Take the south path to EXT, where a guard usually hangs out. Continue
into the north hallway a bit; if the guard is not in EXT, he is in
the room north of EXT. With these two rooms empty, head back into the
hallway extending east from EXT. Hold for Alpha here and watch for
two tangos to enter your sights. Alpha, HB check the closest room
(the one with the ramp) for one tango. As he patrols away from you,
enter via the door in the hallway and shoot him in the back. Don't go
much farther past the door; instead, continue east to the corner of
the hallway and look to the second floor. You will hear and then see
a guard patrolling around, and you can easily kill him from here.
With him down, continue down the hallway and kill everyone along the
way, including the guy outside just north of this hallway. Once you
reach the big room at the end, clear it but don't go in too far. Head
back to INS via the way you came. Go upstairs and clear the second
floor of the ramp room, checking first with the HB Sensor. Hold for
Charlie in this room. Charlie, go east and kill the last two guards
in the eastern rooms. Hold for Delta by the shuttle walkway. Delta,
throw a flash down the hall, and let it detonate before killing the
hostage guards. Escort the hostages to EXT.

Order of Operations: Control Blue first, then alternate teams as you reach the
next go-code. Before Delta, you can pick off the hostage
guards one at a time with Blue. If Red has problems at the
beginning, hold Blue at INS and take Red to Alpha.

3.2 Sapphire Rising

-An easy format but a diffcult execution. HB Sensors are already set up for the
rest of the maps, so you can carry another secondary item. 3 assault teams.

.45 Mark-SD

Blue Team: Hold for Alpha at INS. Alpha, head down the west staircase but stop
at the top. If you look at your map, you can see about 4 guards (not
including hostage guards in the west area. #1: a guard that patrols
up the staircase you are on. #2: the guard that patrols the western
room. #3: the guard next to the hostage room. #4: a guard at the top
of the stairs going to the 1st floor. When they are all neutralized,
you can flash and rush the hostages, or just sidestep left until the
tangos come into view one at a time. I like the second method better
because flashbangs don't always seem to work, plus you have to shoot
three guards all at once instead of one at a time. When the hostages
are secure, sidestep slowly to the hostages while looking east. This
lets you kill the balcony guards. When both go down, head onto the
balcony and shoot any terrorists on the 1st floor, especially the
two in the tomb/bomb room. Take the hostages to EXT when you are

Red Team: Hold for Charlie at INS. Charlie, clear the east side of the 2nd
floor just as Blue did. Green will have cleared out the #1 and #4
guards for you. Secure the hostages and take them to EXT.

Green Team: Head north while looking west. There is a patrol on the far side
who cannot see you yet. Take him down and enter the tiny hallway to
the north. As you emerge from the west end, you can kill the
stationary guard far to the south. Continue south and shoot the guy
patrolling the south part of the roof. Hold for Bravo once he's
down. Bravo, head down the west stairs to the 1st floor. Wait on
the stairs for a tango to pass, then shoot him in the head. Now
clear the entire first floor going clockwise. Beware of tangos in
the center area as you pass the windows. It's much easier to shoot
them from behind rather than kill them through the windows. When
you get to the east staircase, slowly head upstairs. Kill the guard
that patrols these stairs and also the the one standing at the top.
Head back down and clear the rest of the 1st floor. Once it has
been swept, disarm the bomb and head back to EXT via the way you
came in.

Order of Operations: Control Green to clear the roof. Alpha, Blue to rescue the
first hostages. Bravo, back to Green and disarm the bomb.
Then Charlie, Red rescues their hostages.

3.3 Lion's Den

-The hardest mission in Rainbow Six history. You need to become good at hiding
behind walls while still being able to see just the arms and legs of a tango,
since you'll be doing that for the whole mission. 1 demolition expert and 3
assault operatives.

.50 Desert Eagle
Frag Grenades
Frag Grenades

Blue Team: Head downstairs and hold for Bravo in the basement. Bravo, head up
the ramp and proceed to clear the bell tower. To avoid being shot,
sidestep SLOWLY until you see the arm or leg of a tango. You can
then open fire. Since you have an M-16, chances are he'll die from
those shots. Take your time as you go up the stairs, since some
tangos hide at the foot of each staircase. When the stairs open up
into a more spacious area, frag the west guards. When this floor is
clear, go up to the last area. There is usually one guy at the north
end of the floor, so don't let him surprise you as you finish
climbing the stairs. Look west and sidestep right. You can frag the
guard on your floor to the west, then continue sidestepping right as
you keep your back to the wall. One guard on the balcony will
eventually come into your sight. You may need to follow the wall as
it turns west before you actually spot this sniper. When that one is
down, you can frag the guy on the south end of this floor. There are
two more on the balcony right above you (the east balcony). You can
throw a frag up there to take care of both. Now throw a final frag
at the stairs to the south. You are trying to kill the last tango on
the landing. When this area is clear, escort the hostages to EXT.

Red Team: Go east and guard that opening until Alpha. Alpha, wait until about
three tangos head downstairs into the House of Lords (eastern part of
the map). You can see them on your map. Once they stop moving, head
into the House of Lords and take them down one by one. Use frags if
you want, since they usually gather at the bottom of the stairs. Go
upstairs. By now, the whole 2nd floor should be cleared out. As you
enter the hallway connecting the two balconies, hold here and switch
to either Green or Gold. You want to check the 1st floor map for
tangos around EXT. Note their positions so that you can switch back
to Red and kill them through the windows. Once you are done here,
head downstairs and go to EXT.

Green Team: Go north and guard that opening until Bravo. Bravo, head to EXT.

Gold Team: Go south and guard that opening until Bravo. Bravo, head to EXT.

Order of Operations: Red Team clears the main halls, then switch to Blue for
the bell tower. If Blue runs out of frags, then have the
other teams go up the bell tower and use their frags.

3.4 Red Lightning

-An easy, spacious hostage rescue map. You just need patience in advancing and
using walls for cover. 3 assault teams.

.45 Mark-SD

Blue Team: Head up the north set of stairs and hold for Alpha in the opening.
Alpha, continue north and clear the two garden areas. Keep your eye
on the balcony above for any guards. Now when you enter the second
garden, watch out for a guard who descends the nearby steps. Shoot
him first, then the other garden guard. When both are down, hold for
Delta at the bottom of the stairs. Delta, go halfway up the stairs
and throw a flash over the rail. Just as it's about to go off, run
upstairs and shoot all tangos. Escort hostages to EXT.

Red Team: Let Green get in position first, then take the south stairs into the
southern gardens. Clear those areas, also watching out for guards on
the balcony above. Wait for Charlie at the foot of the stairs leading
to the south hostage room. Charlie, neutralize the nearby tango on
the 1st floor, then head halfway upstairs and flash the room above.
Run up and secure the hostages, taking them to EXT.

Green Team: Head up the south set of stairs and hold for Bravo at the opening.
Bravo, follow Red's path but continue to the SE corner of the map,
again watching out for balcony guards. You get to clear the rest of
the 1st floor going counterclockwise. When you reach the room that
Blue is in, head out into the garden and clear the central area as
well. Now hold for Alpha below the east hostage room. Alpha, flash
the second floor and eliminate all tangos. Escort the hostages back
to EXT.

Order of Operations: Straightforward according to the go-codes: Red, Blue, then
Green. For the rescue, the teams can go in any order.

3.5 Eagle Watch

-A surprisingly linear map. You beat this with one big assault team.

.45 Mark-SD

You should clear out the 1st floor in a big S-shape. Head west and clear out
those offices. Then proceed into the atrium south of INS. In front of the NE
entrance to the congressional chambers, look at the 2nd floor balcony. There
should be a patrol on the second floor - kill him first. There's also another
guard hiding in the SW corner of that room. With that area taken care of, keep
going south and east as you follow the S-shape. There is a library nearby in
which you can kill a tango through the hole in the bookcase. Wind your way west
again and start to make your way to the SW corner of the map. Wait for a guard
to patrol downstairs, then take him out too. Go to the SW corner now and clear
those rooms. Continue east down the hallway, clearing side rooms as you go.
Disarm the bomb when you get to it, then go to the stairs in the SE corner.
Advance up them slowly, since there is a slight chance that there will be
patrols looking through the two doorways. Up here, clear the 2nd floor
clockwise, ending up at the west door to the other chambers. Open the door and
use it for cover as you take out the patrols on the balcony first, then the
hostage guards. Finally, kill the stationary balcony guards. If you need to,
use the north door to approach the last few guards more easily. Once this area
is clear, escort the hostages out.


4. Closing

If you still have problems, use cheats (teamgod and explore) to find out where
the terrorists really are. If you already know, then you will have to be faster
at shooting. Of course, you can ask me if you have still any further questions.

Thanks to Red Storm Entertainment.

Copyright (c)2005 idyoticwyzard
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