Rogue Spear: Urban Operations

Rogue Spear: Urban Operations

17.10.2013 10:53:23
Tom Clancy's Rogue Spear: Urban Operations
Version 2.1
Created by idyoticwyzard
Copyright (c)2005 idyoticwyzard

Table of Contents

1. Legal Intro
1.1 Version History
2. Gameplay Tactics
2.1 Characters
3. Urban Operations
3.1 Iron Comet
3.2 Virgin Moon
3.3 Aztec Palace
3.4 Infinite Seven
3.5 Jade Key
4. Classic Missions
4.1 Sun Devil
4.2 Fire Walk
4.3 Yellow Knife
4.4 Deep Magic
4.5 Black Star
5. Closing


1. Legalities

This guide should only be available at the following sites:

If you see this guide on another site, or would like to use this on your own
site, or would like to contact me anyway, here is my info:

AIM: idyoticwyzard

Eric Fung/idyoticwyzard copyrights this document, so if you steal it *shakes
fist* then screw you.

1.1 Version History

Version 2.1 (09/30/05): Corrected and reworded each mission.
Version 2.0 (09/26/05): Added the Classic Missions campaign.
Version 1.0 (09/25/05): Covers the Urban Operations campaign.


2. Gameplay Tactics

--The HQ plans are trash.
--The AI easily gets shot, so in general, leave the computer only to move from
point to point and to cover/snipe open areas with only a few guards.
--Along the same lines, don't totally rely on the AI to watch your back. So a
team with more than 2 people is unnecessary; most of the time, the last few
members hardly get to shoot anyone anyway.
--When rescuing hostages, the team you control should be the first into the
room (after flashbangs, if needed).
--Learn to love the heartbeat sensor and 3rd person view.

2.1 Characters

Leaders: Chavez (stealth team), Novikov, Bogart, Price, Walther, Noronha
Assault Team: Every other member in the Assault category
Stealth: Every Recon member
Sniper: Any sniper, but I often use Johnston, Weber, and Galanos.


3. The Urban Operations Missions

-EXT = extraction zone
-INS = insertion zone
-SAlpha, SBravo, SCharlie, SDelta = Snipe at [Go-Code]
-CAlpha, CBravo, CCharlie, CDelta = Cover at [Go-Code]
-I don't use Defend -_-

-Note: Mission plans are designed for Elite missions. However, they work just
as well on Veteran and even Recruit. Just the number of tangos are
different. Overprepared is better than underprepared.

3.1 Iron Comet

-This mission gets complicated because of civilians standing around. You can
easily mistake an innocent for a terrorist. Only terrorists carry guns. 1
stealth team and 1 assault team.

HK .45 Mark23-SD (JHP)
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Hold for Alpha at INS. Alpha, continue through the west market area.
Advance south through the hallway and stop at the opening. Find the
tangos in this open area: 2 in the SE corner, a few to the east by
the ramp, and sometimes 2 that run out the door next to you. When
it's all clear, head to the ramp and kill the tango at the top. On
the 2nd floor, use the HB sensor and 3rd person view to locate the
guards so you can take them out one at a time. Be careful of the
guard to the north; he is partially hidden by the windows. Continue
through this room and clear the balcony to your left. Enter the
hallway south of you and clear it, continuing past the stairs and
waiting for Charlie on the other balcony. Charlie, plow through the
rooms ahead and secure the hostages quickly. Don't forget the sniper
out on the balcony. Hold by the hostages for Delta. Delta, escort
them to EXT.

Red Team: Start by heading into the west market. Stay under the canopies for
cover from a sniper overhead. There are two guards in this area
filled with civilians. If you want, you can take out the sniper too,
though he usually ducks out of sight when the two are killed. Exit to
the east and clear this room as well. CBravo towards the NE exit.
Bravo, head into the east market while staying under the canopies.
Clear it then head south through the next area. Exit west into the
center market and clear it too. The shops have windows and door
door chimes, so take extra caution. Hold for Delta when this place is
empty. Delta, head back to EXT any way you prefer.

Order of Operations: Red starts by clearing the first two areas, then Alpha and
Blue clears most of the 1st floor and 2nd floor. Give
Bravo and Red cleans out the rest of the 1st floor. Then
Charlie for Blue to rescue the hostages. If you want, you
can hunt down the rest of the 2nd floor guards afterward.
Give Delta to return to EXT.

3.2 Virgin Moon

-A difficult map with long sniping areas. Clearing the big room that has 4
hostages is trickiest. One assault team and a sniper.

MP5SD5 (JHP) / Barret Model 82A1 (Red sniper)
HK .45 Mark23-SD (JHP)
Frag Grenades / Primary Mags (Red sniper)
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Hold for Alpha at INS. Alpha, go west into the train car and onto
the train platform. Eliminate the guards by the escalators, then
crouch while heading up. There is one guard at the landing at the
top. CCharlie here northward. Charlie, head north to the other
escalators and start to go up. There should be 4 guards up here: one
in the NE corner of the room (close to you), two patrolling the
windowed rooms and guarding the hostages, and one by the hostage on
the far side of the room. Kill the guy in the corner first, then
go southward a bit so you can see through the windows. As the two
patrols come by, quickly shoot through the windows and kill them.
The windows are slightly bulletproof so it will take a big burst to
be effective. Once they're down, look west and sidestep right. The
last tango will come into view. He won't be able to see you as you
kill him. Escort all the hostages up here back to EXT.

Red Team: Snipe the guard in the train, then the two in the window above,
then the ones that investigate the noise. SBravo here towards the end
of the subway car. FYI, the Barret can pierce through multiple targets
in one shot. Bravo, go up and onto the south platform and up the
stairs past that. There is one tango on the first landing. when you
get to the open area (with 4 escalators and the ticket booth), turn
around and look up at the window. Walk backwards slowly until you see
a forehead to shoot. Head east some more and pick the lock. Shoot the
guy in the ticket booth with the silenced pistol. Escort the hostage
inside back to EXT.

Order of Operations: As Red, snipe everyone on the 1st floor. You will draw
tangos from the top floor and make it easier for Blue's
rescue. Alpha, take Blue to the top of the escalators.
Bravo, play as Red until you save the hostage. Finally,
Charlie and finish the mission as Blue.

3.3 Aztec Palace

-Another difficult map with snipers and a well-guarded layout. One demo expert
(probably McAllen) and a sniper team (sniper leader).

Steyr Aug / AW Covert (Red sniper)
HK .45 Mark23-SD
Frag Grenades
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Advance west a bit and CAlpha up the alley. Alpha, move forward and
hug the building on your right. Check your HB sensor and kill the
nearby tango, then frag the ones you can't reach. Save one frag for
later, though. When the guards on this side of the map are killed,
crouch and run up the ramp to your left. Look east and slowly
sidestep left; there is a tango on the opposite end watching the top
of the ramp. I find it easy to sidestep while standing, and once you
see his head, crouch. When you stand up again, your reticule should
be focused right on his head as you stand all the way up. With him
down, CROUCH and head north down the other ramp. Here you can shoot
the other sniper on the balcony. Now advance towards the library.
Circle the library's perimeter to clear any guards outside. Open the
north door and kill the tangos on this floor. Run left behind the
bookcase and peek out, looking for a possible tango on the balcony
above or on either staircase. When he's down, disarm the bomb.
Continue towards the front of the library and shoot the guard here.
Go upstairs and clear the upstairs offices. When the entire library
is empty, go back outside and take the NE stairs down to the canal.
You can use that last frag to mop up the last area.

Red Team: Infiltrate forward and kill the two guards in this area - one to your
left and one on the porch. Throw a frag downstairs and follow it
after it detonates. Clear this whole cellar and open the door. Throw
a frag across the canal and over the ramp - this frag has to go far
enough to kill a tango hiding in the alcove there. Now using the
doorway for cover, shoot the sniper on the balcony of the library.
CBravo north for the rest of the mission.

Order of Operations: Control Red until you kill the sniper. Then take Blue to
the end of the mission.

3.4 Infinite Seven

-One of the easier missions, though you face some dug-in tangos. An assault
team and two snipers.

HK G36K (Blue) / Barret Model 82A1 (Red sniper) /
Walther WA 2000 (Green sniper)
HK .45 Mark23-SD
Frag Grenades
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Hold at INS for Bravo. Bravo, head east through the building near
you and continue down the basement of the large building. Head down
there slowly and shoot anyone as soon as you see a part of their
body. Clear both sides of the basement, then take the west staircase
all the way up to the second floor. As you turn the corner, a tango
is waiting for you on the stair landing, so get him first. Clear the
entire floor and keep going up (the west stairs). Approach the main
room however you'd like, but throw a frag in first. Kill the guards
that ran away, then make your way back downstairs using the east
staircase. Go all the way down to the basement and slowly head
outside. Shoot anyone on the fire escape. With this building clear,
head north and throw a frag through the 2nd floor window (you better
have good aim for this). Head into the building and shoot the

Red Team: Advance north to the corner of the building. Kill the guard nearby
and using the building for cover, SDelta to the other side of the
street. Make sure you kill at least one tango down there so you can
attract the others into your sights.

Green Team: Hold at INS for Alpha. Alpha, head up the stairs of the nearby
building. Kill the 2 guards up here. There is a sniper in the
window of the building to the east, so you need to sidestep right
until you see that window. As soon as the other sniper shows up,
take him down. Oftentimes the graphics screw up here and you can't
see the sniper, so shoot the door when you see it. If it's a hit,
you will definitely see the death animation. Move up to the window
and try to shoot the other sniper in the north building. Help Red
clear the street for the rest of the mission.

Order of Operations: Set up Red first, then carry out Green's objective. Then
take Blue through the rest of the level.

3.5 Jade Key

-The map includes open areas and many sniping points, which means you can have
a lot of fun if you know what you're doing. 1 assault team and 2 snipers.

UMP 45SD (Blue) / PSG-1 (Red sniper) / Barret Model 82A1 (Green sniper)
HK .45 Mark23-SD
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Hold for Bravo at the west side of the eastern INS. Bravo, head NE
to the black and yellow striped divider. You want to crouch as you
approach it, then pass it on its right side, going north. This is to
protect yourself from the two tangos down in the basement ahead. Go
forward and carefully scan the garage area for guards. Head down the
right side of the ramp so you can check your HB sensor while using
the wall for cover. When they are down, continue west. You can shoot
two more guards on the loading docks. Then clear the booth area and
the other guard in the corner. Now head upstairs using the north
staircase. Go all the way up to the kitchen/restaurant area. Peek
into the restaurant, shooting the one guard here. Don't expose
yourself to the guard on the other end of the restaurant. Anyway,
once you have killed this guard, the other will escort a hostage to
the basement. You are in his way, so let him enter the kitchen, then
execute him. If the last restaurant guard sees this guy die, then
he will shoot the remaining hostage in the restaurant. So when you
have killed the two hostage guards up here, head back downstairs one
level and proceed towards the lobby. Shoot the guard here in the
head, then go up the stairs nearby. Follow the path to the entrance
of the restaurant, where there are two more guards for you to take
care of. Hold for Delta after you have killed them. Delta, return to

Red Team: Start at the west INS and go north. At the corner, look west with the
sniper scope and slowly step right until the enemy there comes into
view. Shoot him, then head up the ramp nearby. Shoot this guard with
the pistol. Head through the first set of glass doors, then wait here
for Charlie. Charlie, head north into the restaurant, where you get a
clear shot at the tango at the far end. Go to the hostages and wait
for Delta. Delta, escort them to EXT.

Green Team: SAlpha at the northeast corner of the eastern INS. You are watching
for tangos coming out of the bus. Once it seems quiet, crouch and
approach the bus with your HB sensor out, just to make sure there
aren't any more tangos that will rush out. Enter the bus and check
your HB sensor again. You should see two guards in the west end of
the hotel lobby, one in each corner. While staying inside the bus,
you should have no problem sniping these two guards dead without
either of them seeing you. Hold for Delta in the bus. Delta, return
to EXT with the lobby hostage.

Order of Operations: Start as Red and make your way to Charlie. After you kill
the second guard, you should check the HB sensor since
there could be guards that are right outside the glass
doors. When Red is in place, switch to Green and clear the
lobby. Then give Bravo and take Blue through the whole
map, ending in front of the restaurant. Finally, switch
back to Red and kill the final guard.


4. The Classic Missions

-EXT = extraction zone
-INS = insertion zone
-SAlpha, SBravo, SCharlie, SDelta = Snipe at [Go-Code]
-CAlpha, CBravo, CCharlie, CDelta = Cover at [Go-Code]

4.1 Sun Devil

-What used to be a pretty difficult mission before is now much easier with the
Rogue Spear engine and updated map. 2 assault teams and a sniper.

HK MP5SD5 / Barret Model 82A1 (Green sniper)
HK .45 Mark23-SD
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Move forward and wait for Bravo at the foot of the cliff path. Use
the nearby rock to hide from the main gate and watch for the guard
at the top of the rocky path. Shoot him when he comes out. Bravo, go
through the main gate and enter through the NE door. As you get to
the basement stairs, kill the guy on your right, then the guy on the
balcony above in the room to your left. Then get the other guy on
the 1st floor. Finally, head into that room on the left and walk
backward, facing the door you came through. Look for one last guard
on the balcony. Now head down the stairs and check your HB sensor
for the patrolling guard. As he is walking away from you, take him
down quickly; you don't want his death to alert the other hostage
guard. Then approach the hostages and kill the guard by them. There
should be one last guard in the back room of the basement. Kill him
and wait for Charlie. Charlie, escort the hostages to EXT.

Red Team: Wait for Alpha at the foot of the cliff, also hiding from the main
entrance. Kill the guy coming down the cliff path if Blue doesn't.
Alpha, continue up and down the rocky path. Head to the SE door, but
keep an eye on the NE door to make sure no guards unexpectedly come
out. Anyway, clear the side rooms on the south side of the estate and
go to the foot of the stairs. Throw a flash up there, then run up and
shoot the two tangos here. Hold for Charlie, then at Charlie, head
back to EXT.

Green Team: Move west several yards onto the other side of the dirt path.
SCharlie at the north balcony, where you will take out the balcony
guard plus another thirteen tangos that run to you. Charlie, return
to EXT.

Order of Operations: You can start as any team, though being Green is most fun.
When tangos stop coming to investigate, Alpha and Red goes
to kill Calderon. Bravo and Blue rescues the hostages.
Charlie sends everyone to EXT.

4.2 Fire Walk

-A difficult mission with plenty of ambush positions. 2 assault teams and one
sniper team (sniper leader).

Biosuit Light (Blue) / Wood Medium (Red and Green)
Enfield L85A1 / Barret Model 82A1 (Green sniper)
HK .45 Mark23-SD
Frag Grenades
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Infiltrate east until you get to the corner of the building you just
walked next to. Make sure you're assaulting and CCharlie towards the
open area. Charlie, enter the lab. Throw a frag into the south room,
killing two tangos and bringing another two. Clear the lab going
counter-clockwise, moving slowly and using walls for cover. Be more
careful as you get to the north and NW rooms, but the enemies should
not give you excessive problems.

Red Team: Infiltrate SSE until you hit the wall of the building nearby. Then
switch to assault and CAlpha east, towards Blue. Alpha, head into the
building to your south and kill the two guys inside. Then shoot out a
window in the north building. Throw a frag inside, aiming for the guy
in the far west of the building. Frag it some more if you need to,
then go in and make sure everyone is dead.

Green Team: Infiltrate and run south until you're behind the building. Then
switch to assault and SBravo at the building's corner towards the
getaway car. Shoot any tangos in your sight, especially if they try
to get in the car. Bravo, head forward to the loading dock area and
snipe the guy on the east side of the warehouse. Then throw a frag
so it kills the rest of the guards on the west. Enter and make sure
everyone is down. Finally, go to the three cubicles on the left and
shoot the guard in that area.

Order of Operations: As Green, guard the car until you shoot the driver and
passengers. Then switch to Red as you clear the two other
buildings. Go back to Green and empty the warehouse, then
as Blue, secure the lab. If you find it easier, you can
have Blue clear the SE rooms first, then clear the north
part of the lab going clockwise.

4.3 Yellow Knife

-The first and easier recon mission. A few tips: don't shoot at all, close the
doors behind you as you go through them, and constantly check your HB sensor
for tangos all around you. Patience is key - you will restart the mission
several times, and you need to learn the patrol routes. Use Dubarry and

92FS 9-mm SD
Electronics Kit
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Stay close to the north wall and move west. When you get over the
hill, you should see one guard patrolling back and forth. When he's
walking away, run up to the corner of the stone wall and check the
HB sensor to make sure no one's in the driveway on the other side.
If it's all clear, hurry up and pick the lock, then close the door
once you're inside. Deactivate the security, then go to the SW door
of the garage. Make sure no one's coming your way, then head into
the laundry room nearby. Close the door and hold for Bravo in here.
Bravo, double check to make sure no one's looking and bug the 1st
floor phone. Head back to the security console and hold for Delta.
Delta, when no one's looking, head out and return to EXT.

Red Team: Advance along the south wall and hold for Alpha before you get over
the hill. Alpha, move up a bit and look for the backyard guard. When
he's not looking, run along this wall to the SW corner of the house.
There is a guard that patrols the front as well as a guard inside
that patrols the 1st floor. when both are out of the area, enter the
front door, close it, and head upstairs crouched. Make sure you are
unable to see the 2nd floor hallway. There is one guard on patrol up
here, and he passes right through that part of the hall. He should
enter the room with the phone and take the hallway north. When that
happens, move in quickly and bug the phone, then crouch and exit
south. The only hiding place is the bathroom by the bedroom, located
southward. Hide here until Charlie. Charlie, head downstairs through
the front door again (closing it as you leave) and look for the
backyard guard as you wait by the corner. When it's clear, follow the
south wall down the hill and then break for EXT.

Order of Operations: Start as Blue and you should have no problem deactivating
the security. Move to your Bravo point. Now switch to Red
and get onto the second floor stairs, again with little
trouble. Now the second floor guard has a weird pattern,
so when he leaves the hallway right in front of you going
north, RUN and bug your phone, then crouch and RUN to the
bathroom. You might be seen by the 1st floor guard as you
you pass the balcony, but it's extremely unlikely. While
still as Red, watch the second floor guard. The north part
of the hallway overlooks the other phone, so this guard
has to be walking away from the hall in order for Blue to
carry out his objective. When Red's guard is out of the
way, switch to Blue and quickly check for the 1st floor
guard. Quickly decide whether to bug the phone or not; the
process takes about 6 seconds. Go ahead and do so, then
head back into the garage. Switch to Red and let the 2F
guard walk away. Double check as Blue to make sure the 1F
patrol isn't near the front door, then as Red, blitz out
the front door. You should have no problem getting back to
EXT. As for Blue, however, there are 3 guards watching
your exit. Make sure no one is in the driveway before you
escape out of the door by the security console. But I
found that whenever the backyard guard walked away, a
driveway guard came. So I waited for both driveway guards
to leave, then I ran out the garage door and waited by the
stone wall for the backyard guard to turn around, then
headed to EXT from there.

4.4 Deep Magic

-This is a bit harder than the last mission because of the long hallways and
open areas. Same recon tips apply here. If Sweeney is fatigued, use Yacoby.

92FS 9-mm SD
Lockpick Kit
HB Sensor

Get to the bottom of the elevator shaft as quickly as possible, or else you may
screw up the timing. Check the HB sensor for the 2 guards on the floor - one
patrols the north, one patrols the south. If you are lucky, the one guard to
the south is still in the SE hallways, while the guard to the north is crossing
the open area, not looking in your direction. Hurry and pick the lock, then run
to the security station, closing the door behind you. It doesn't matter if the
elevator shaft's door is still open. Now deactivate the security. Check the HB
sensor again for the right time to leave - both guards will come to the desk
just outside the door and then leave after a few seconds. When the north guard
walks past the elevator shaft door, head out and run around to the staircase to
the north. Quickly pick the lock, and enter and close the door. Head up one
level. Open the door and 3rd person-check that the guard out on the balconies
is not looking your way. Follow the hallway east and south. There is another
guard that patrols this hallway, but he usually walks clockwise - that means
you should be following him. Make your way past the two bathrooms, but at the
corner, 3rd person-check again to be sure that no one is looking down the hall
as you enter the office. When it's clear, go close the door leading to the
balconies, then pick the lock to the office. Download the files and wait by the
door for the 2 tangos to walk away. Now returning to the stairs is trickier;
you will probably need to hide either in the bathrooms or by the elevators. If
you wait by the elevators, you might want to close the doors on both sides,
just don't alert the guards when you do so. When you make it to the corner by
the security camera, 3rd person-check one last time to check for the balcony
guard, then run upstairs and exit the level.

4.5 Black Star

-A quick and dirty hostage rescue. One sniper team (sniper leader) and one
assault team.

HK .45 Mark23-SD
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Start at the NW corner of INS and run up the ladder. You want to be
the first one up there to cover the other teams. Once there, head
south down the path a bit and wait. One tango will come into your
sights, so give him a bullet in the face. Continue down the path
until you see the "greenhouse." Snipe the guards around here, then
keep your eye on the door. A few more tangos will run out to see
what's going on. When they're down, run forward to that door and
double check the HB sensor. The hostage is in the bathroom (smallest
room), so shoot everyone else, clearing the building from north to
south. The guard upstairs should have ran down here, so don't worry
about going up there. Instead, head outside towards the other
hostage building and CBravo towards the "gate" (a landmark on the
recon map). More tangos will come out here, but if you are fast
enough, the mission will end before they arrive. Bravo, head to EXT,
picking up the hostage you rescued along the way.

Red Team: Follow Blue up the ladder and take the western path down. At the
opening, CAlpha towards the south hostage building. You will take
down a majority of the tangos on the map. Alpha, enter that building
from the west entrance and clear it. Wait by the hostages for Bravo,
and on Bravo, escort them to EXT.

Order of Operations: You need to act decisively as Red for the whole mission. I
find that Blue kills everyone by the building they are
guarding, so when Red clears their building, the mission


5. Closing

If you still have problems, use the invisible cheats (theshadowknows or
teamshadow) and take a look around. Now you can explore the level and find out
where all the terrorists are. Of course, you could kill them all, but why would
you need a guide then? Hopefully, you can tweak your plans with this new info.

Of course, you can ask me if you have still any further questions.

Thanks to Ubisoft and Red Storm Entertainment.

Copyright (c)2005 idyoticwyzard
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