

14.10.2013 21:34:34
Rune Weapons/Skins FAQ
For the PC (DOS/Windows)
By Xboxlover2, Copyright 2006
Version 0.9, 1/23/06

NOTE: To get to a section easily, press CTRL + F and type in the letters/
numbers in parentheses right next to each section title.

| Table of Contents |
| I. Introduction/Version History (1A) |
| - Version History (1AA) |
| - Coming Soon... (1AB) |
| II. Legal Stuff, etc. (2A) |
| III. Weapons (3A) |
| - Swords (3AA) |
| - Axes (3AB) |
| - Hammers (3AC) |
| - Other (3AD) |
| - Shields (3AE) |
| V. Skins (3B) |
| IV. Contact Information (4A) |
| VI. Credits (4B) |

| I. Introduction/Version History (1A) |
Hello there! :D I'm Xboxlover2, a huge fan of the Rune series and a second
time FAQ writer. This FAQ will cover ONLY the weapons and skins that are
available in Rune, so if you're looking for a walkthrough, I recommend reading
akiraZ's FAQ.

If you need to contact me, read the Contact Information section for my info.
CTRL + F (4A).

And yes, I've recycled my FAQ layout from Halls of Valhalla guide because I'm
incredibly lazy and didn't feel like making a brand-new one.

Before I get started, I find it necessary to give a little introduction to Rune
for any beginners that might happen to stumble upon this FAQ.

Rune is an action-adventure game about a Viking named Ragnar who is out to kill
an evil viking named Conrack that has stolen some Rune Stones from the almighty
Odin. Conrack plans on using the Runes to summon the evil god Loki so that he
can use Loki's powers to conquer various lands. Rather than going too far into
the story and spoiling it for you guys, I'll left you all find out what happens
on your own. Anyway, while you go on your quest, you'll discover various types
of weapons to further your progress in your journey to defeat Conrack. In this
FAQ, I shall give a detailed description on each weapon as well as the many
shields in the game. As a limited-time offer, I'll also include descriptions
on the various skins available for use in multiplayer games - ALL FOR THE CHEAP
PRICE OF ONLY $0.00!!!

By the way, you'll find a lot of useless information in this FAQ. A lot of
things have been written just for the sake of writing them. However, I see no
reason to remove those aforementioned items as they aren't hurting anyone and
someone might be wondering exactly how powerful a human head is as a weapon...


* Version History (1AA) *
1/16/06 (0.7) - Started work on my second FAQ :) So far, I've completed the
section on the swords.
1/17/06 (0.78) - Added the Axes and Hammers section.
1/23/06 (0.9) - Added the Other and Shields section.
4/17/06 (0.9) - Whoa, I'm lazy! o_O Finally submitted the update to GameFAQs.

* Coming Soon... (1AB) *
- More in-depth descriptions of the weapons.
- Descriptions of how the the skins look and how to unlock Sark Ragnar.

| II. Legal Stuff, etc. (2A) |
This FAQ is protected by copyright. You may not host or sell this FAQ without
permission or pass this FAQ off as your own. Doing so is considered a serious
copyright violation. The following sites are permitted to host my FAQ:

If I catch any site not listed above hosting my FAQ without permission, I'll
cut off a horse's head and put it in your bed while you're asleep. :)

| III. Weapons (3A) |
Well, it's time to get into the main focus of this guide - the weapons. There
are 15 different weapons in Rune, each with their own power, strength, and
speed levels. There is a huge assortment of weapons, ranging from clubs to
swords to axes to hammers. There's even a torch! Of course, there's no denying
the fact that some of the weapons are blatantly 10 times as more powerful as
the others, so you can see that there is a huge balance issue. But that's one
of the things that makes Rune fun: the fact that there are weak weapons and
that they are very powerful weapons. Now you may be wondering, "How is that
fun? Is this guy smoking something?" Well, the fun part is trying to master
the game by using only the weaker weapons. It's possible to become so good at
the game that you can have a 100 kill lead in a 16-player deathmatch game using
only the Viking Short Sword.

One of the coolest things about Rune is that each weapon in the game
(excluding the torch) has it's own special Rune Power. Rune Powers are powers
that are summoned when you press the Use key with a weapon out. You must
collect Rune Stones as you play to fill up a Rune Power gauge. When you have
enough, press the Use key, and ta-da, you have a weapon on steroids. Each
weapon's Rune Power is unique. Some weapons become VERY, VERY, VERY powerful
while others gain attributes such as the ability to shoot lightning or cause a
rock fall.

Also, pay very close attention to the way your character wields a weapon. If
they use only one hand to hold it, then congratulations, you have a weapon that
you can use a shield with. Shields add extra protection for you, allowing to
stay in a battle longer. Don't get your hopes up just yet, however - you can
only use a shield with one-handed weapons...aka the weaker weapons. So there's
no Magic Shield + Viking Battle Sword combo, but you should ashamed for even
thinking about doing something like that, you bastards!

Well, now it's time to introduce you guys to the weapons of Rune...

* Swords *
There are 5 default swords in Rune: the Viking Short Sword, the Roman Sword,
the Viking Broad Sword, the Dwarven Work Sword, and the Dwarven Battle Sword.
One thing I've seemed to notice is that the swords seem to cover all of the
extremes when it comes to power and speed. The Viking Short Sword is the
weakest sword but it is the fastest, allowing you to get in high combos. The
strongest sword, the Dwarven Battle Sword, is also the slowest, meaning you
generally won't get higher than a two-hit combo. All of the other swords fall
in place between the two aforementioned swords.

= The Viking Short Sword =
The Viking Short Sword is a combo enthusiast's dream come true. It gets the
highest amount of hits in the shortest amount of time out of all of the swords,
but a downside to its speed is the fact that it's incredibly weak. I mean,
seriously its hits are probably as hard as a cake. At least you get to use a
shield with the weapon. Anyway, even though it is weak to the point of idiocy,
it can still decimate your opponents provided you use it well and play

Go to for a drawing of each of the swords
in the game.

Speed: 9/10 - As I've said before, this is the fastest sword in the game due to
its short stature. You can get in many a combo with this sword within one

Power: 2/10 - Although I hate how weak the sword is (it hits like a feather), I
understand that it was necessary to provide at least SOME form of balance in
the game.

Rune Power: Magic Shield. Generates a black and green glowing shield.
This is the strongest shield in the game; it is the only shield that
is indestructible. Now having an ultra powerful shield is nice and all but
that means absolutely nothing if you don't know how to play. Now I'm not going
to teach you how to fight effectively (at least, not in this guide - I'm
planning on writing another guide for Rune that will cover the combat basics of
the game...), so you're going to have to do a lot of practicing to become a
master with this weapon.

= The Roman Sword =
The Roman Sword is the second-least powerful sword in Rune. It's a TINY bit
stronger than the Short Sword but it is also a bit slower. It's still a fast
sword, compared to the others, however. You can also wield a shield (LOL THAT
RHYMES!) while holding this. If I could only choose between using the Roman
Sword and the Short Sword, I would definitely pick this one, no questions

Spped: 7/10 - Not quite the fastest, but definitely nowhere near the slowest.

Power: 3/10 - It's a bit more stronger than the Short Sword, but still not
strong enough in my opinion. It does pack a slight punch, though. I love it's
combo though, as you can get in quite a few hits with it.

Rune Power: Flame. Surrounds the sword in a small flame. Anyone that is hit
by the blade of the sword is then set ablaze, adding for fire damage. This is
a pretty cool Rune Power and it comes it pretty handy at times, but I usually
don't waste my Runes on this. I recommend saving up your Rune Power and
snatching up a Dwarven Work Sword so that you can use possibly the best Rune
Power summon in the whole game.

= The Viking Broad Sword =
The Viking Broad Sword is pretty much THE sword for newcomers to Rune to train
with. It's the median in power and speed - it's close to the speed of the
Short Sword and comes close to matching the power of the Battle Sword. If
you've never played Rune, rather than trying to give yourself a challenge right
off the bat, start off with this sword, and work your way up whichever path you
want (more power or more speed).

Speed: 6/10 - Definitely not as fast as the Roman or Short Swords, but it's
good enough to get in some small combos.

Power: 6/10 - Combine the speed of this sword with its power and you've got
yourself a winning combination. It packs quite a punch and a well place attack
can decapitate your opponent. You have to be really lucky for that to occur,
because of the fact that the sword is not very sharp, which makes doing that
very difficult. Either way, as long as it gets the job done (the job being to
brutally destroy your enemies), you shouldn't complain.

Rune Power: Vampire. The damage you inflict to your opponents turns into red
energy and adds more life to your health bar. This is really one of the best
Rune Powers in the game. It doesn't add extra damage, but it really, really,
REALLY helps you out during a very heated battle. Running very low on health
and there's no Health Runes around? Well, then summon Vampire and swing
wildly. You don't even need to use any tactics for this. Just swing your
sword around madly as if you strung out on coke and you'll be rewarded with
extra health.

= The Dwarven Work Sword =
The Dwarven Work Sword is, in my opinion, the best sword in the game. It's not
the most powerful, but it is VERY strong nonetheless AND it is quite fast for
a strong sword. It also holds the title of having the coolest Rune Power. If
you think you've gotten the basics of combat down, you should definitely think
about trying to train with this sword. You WILL win many battles with this
monster of a sword.

Speed: 5/10 - For a two-handed weapon, it is faster than Pauly Shore in bed.
If you use this weapon and turn on TargetStrafe, your opponents are pretty much
marked for death. Just run up on them and before they even have a chance to
defend themselves, you'll have them missing an arm and their head.

Power: 7/10 - WOW! That pretty much sums up this weapon. It is incredibly
easy to maim/decapitate other players with this weapon. You have an 85% chance
of slicing off at least an arm. Use this weapon and perform a spin attack on
your opponent and the chance for decapitation is pretty much 99.9%. It is just
that good.

Rune Power: Lightning. Gives your sword the ability to shoot out charged
clouds that fire bolts of electricty. If you aren't convinced by now that the
Work Sword is the best sword in the game, seeing its Rune Power definitely will
do the trick. A two hit combo with Lightning on is guaranteed death. In fact,
it is terribly unfair to even use this power is a game with Infinite Runes. I
guarantee you will have tons of people bitching at you for being cheap. And to
be honest, they would be right - this is a pretty cheap Rune Power. But who
gives a crap when you'll be destroying your enemies in no time flat?!

= The Dwarven Battle Sword =
The Dwarven Battle Sword is the strongest sword in the game. It is so powerful
that it can break the weaker shields with one blow. Decapitations are a 100%
guarantee with this weapon. In fact, it's difficult to NOT maim or decapitate
anyone with this. This is my second favorite sword in the game just for the
fact that it is a pure powerhouse weapon. It also has one of the strongest
throws in the game - it can be a one-hit KO.

Speed: 2/10 - If this weapon were as fast as the Short Sword, no one would ever
use the other weapons. It's pretty damn slow as it is. I bet Fat Albert could
run down a block faster than this weapon can swing.

Power: 9/10 - Notice something? This weapon and the Short Sword are pretty
much exact opposites. One's really fast and really weak while the other is
really slow and really strong. Anyway, as I said before, this weapon is so
strong, its throw can cause a one-hit KO. It just impales itself right through
your opponent's stomach. It's a shield destroyer and makes mincemeat out of
anyone that gets in its way.

Rune Power: Avalanche. Gives your sword the ability to cause an avalanche of
rocks to crush nearby opponents. This is a pretty strong Rune Power - every
swing you take sends out a stream of rocks. Multiple swipes mean certain death
for anyone unlucky enough to be near you.

* Axes *
As with the swords, there are five axes each representing a different degree of
power and speed: the Hand Axe, the Goblin Axe, the Viking Axe, Sigurd's Axe, and
the Dwarven Battle Axe. There's the two extremes: the Hand Axe and the Dwarven
Battle Axe and everything else falls somewhere in between.

For 2-D visuals of the following weapons, go to

= The Hand Axe =
This is the default weapon that you will start every multiplayer game with
unless the administrator of the game has changed that. It is a pretty weak
axe - the weakest one available. It's not as fast as the Short Sword but it
also packs a little bit more impact. Not really my choice, but plenty of
people that love to show off use this as a primary weapon.

Speed: 7/10 - I've tested the Short Sword, the Roman Sword, and the Hand Axe
out in a game once and I've noticed that the Roman Sword and the Hand Axe are
identical in speed, at least to me. If given a choice out of the three, I
would still use the Roman Sword as it has a better comboing ability.

Power: 3/10 - This is essentially a Roman Sword in axe form. It takes the same
amount of attacks from a Hand Axe to down a Loki Guard as it does the Roman
Sword (four attacks, by the way.)

Rune Power: Spirit. Makes your character turn transparent and invincible.
This is a love it or hate it Rune Power summon. Some people love it because of
the extra defense you get, some people hate it because they feel it's next to
useless. I personally don't care much for it. Sure, you're invincible for a
short time, but most people won't be stupid enough to stay around and let you
attack them to death.

= The Goblin Axe =
This is one my favorite axes because of its Rune Power, which is incredibly
useful. I've found that it is a BIT weaker than the Hand Axe but it has the
speed of the Viking Short Sword, which makes it a winner in my opinion because
in Rune, it's all about who can kill who first and not who has the strongest
weapon. I personally find this to be a much better axe than the Hand Axe.
Besides, the Hand Axe is the default weapon - everybody knows that default
weapons are always the crappiest.

Speed: 9/10 - It is wielded the same way as the Short Sword and it is also
swung in the same fashion, which gives it incredible speed. Of course, since
it is a speed demon weapon, you also get the ability to perform tons of combos.

Power: 2/10 - I was surprised to see that this weapon was a bit weaker than the
Hand Axe (it takes an extra blow or two than the Hand Axe to down a foe.) But
you know what? It doesn't really matter because you can get in many more hits
with this weapon than with the other and that all adds up when it comes to
dealing damage.

Rune Power: Unlimited Throw. Allows your axe to create mirror images of
itself that can be thrown for some really good damage. This is a nice little
Rune Power that not only adds an extra function to your axe, it also makes it
nearly twice as powerful from what I've noticed. Without the Rune Power summon
it takes about five to six hits from the axe to down a Loki Guard; with the
summon you can do that in three, either by throwing it or directly assaulting
your enemy.

= The Viking Axe =
One of the more powerful axes, the Viking Axe is the axe family's answer to the
Viking Broad Sword. It is a nice mix of speed and power that provides a middle
ground when it comes to the axe selection. As with the Broad Sword, I
recommend this weapon to any beginners that are looking to get better.

Speed: 5/10 - In my opinion, the Broad Sword is just a *tiny* bit faster, but
they both are around the same speed. The Viking Axe is not that great at
performing combos but at the end of day, it does its job.

Power: 7/10 - Nice, sharp, jagged, and blunt, it can down foes in no time. Be
very careful around anyone that might happen to be wielding one of these as you
can be dead in three seconds flat.

Rune Power: Ally. This Rune Power summon was very confusing to understand at
first and still is. Apparently, anyone you attack with this summon turns into
an ally of yours. For some strange reason though, it also makes your Viking
Axe stronger and allows you to kill them o_O. I might have to come back to
this one in a future update as I still do not completely understand its exact

= Sigurd's Axe =
I really do not like this axe. It is incredibly strong, yes, but I just don't
like it. I can't explain why, but I just don't. It's pretty fast for a heavy
weapon but I do not care, I still don't like it.

Speed: 4/10 - Not much to explain here, it's slow, but not that slow,
especially when you consider the fact that it is a two-handed heavy weapon.

Power: 8/10 - It's strong. If you're looking for a deeper description of its
power, it's not going to get much more deeper than that.

Rune Power: Freeze. All enemies you attack are frozen. Basically a weaker
version of the Dwarven Battle Sword's stone attack. It doesn't allow you to
instantly kill them with one strike and they will melt if not striken after a
while. Not really my cup of tea because why would I want to waste my Rune
Power bar on this when I can use a much better attack.

= Dwarven Battle Axe =
My favorite axe just because it's pure power in handheld form. It obliterates
your foes like nobody's business. It turns the strongest of shields into dust
within one or two blows. It's like a combination between the Battle Sword and
the Battle Hammer. You will love this weapon when you get it in your hands.
A huge downside is its speed, which is basically non-existant. More on that

Speed: 1/10 - Yeah, it's quite possibly the slowest weapon available, and it's
very understandable considering how huge it is. It would be quite unbelievable
to make it incredibly fast since the Battle Axe likely weighs more than your
character does.

Power: 9/10 - WOW! IT'S EFFING UNBELIVABLE! The Battle Axe can destroy a
sword in less than two seconds. It is possibly the strongest weapon available.
Even though it is slower than a 14.4 modem, its power more than easily makes up
for that shortcoming. I absolutely love it ^_^

Rune Power: Super Damage. Makes your already-powerful axe a 15/10 in the
Power department. I couldn't believe my eyes when I first used this Rune Power
summon on an opponent of mine. I didn't believe there was anyway to make the
Battle Axe anymore stronger than it was without giving a terribly unfair
advantage to it and making it an ultra-cheap weapon. Of course, Human Head
proved me wrong with this. EVERY attack with this summon on is an instant
kill, complete with the total destruction of your unlucky opponent's body.

* Hammers *
In the game, there are five weapons that are officially recognized as being
hammer weapons: the Rusty Mace, the Bone Club, the Trial Pit Mace, the Dwarven
Work Hammer, and the Dwarven Battle Hammer. To save any confusion from
occuring, I've decided to only list the actual hammers in this section. The
other weapons can be found in the Other subsection. Now, about the hammers: in
my opinion, there isn't a completely stronger hammer - they're both pretty
tough. But still, I'll try to list and describe any differences that I can
find between the two, but I can guarantee that they will be few and far

= The Dwarven Work Hammer =
Not really much to explain about this weapon. It's a hammer and it's freaking
strong and capable of smashing your body into tiny pieces (and I'm actually not
joking when I say that...) The only difference that I can find is that it
seems a *bit* heavier than the Dwarven Battle Hammer but it is also a bit
stronger. Oh yeah, there is also the physical difference - the Work Hammer is
shaped like a square while the battle hammer resemble two small wheels
connected by a piece of wood.

Speed: 2/10 - Seeing as how this is a heavy weapon, it's expected to be really
slow. Which it is. You must be very alert and precise when using this - a
missed assault will usually result in your death, especially if the person you
tried to attack is wielding a sword.

Power: 8/10 - It's really strong and makes a cool pounding noise whenever you
hit the ground with it. Not much more to it than that.

Rune Power: Earth Attack. Every strike you perform with your hammer causes
the ground under the hammer to break apart and damage any of your opponents
that are directly in front of the hammer. This is a good Rune Power that I use
pretty often, as it is very powerful and helps catch those pesky crouchers. I
still prefer Lightning over this, but this definitely is a top tier summon.

= The Dwarven Battle Hammer =
This is nearly identical to the Work Hammer (not physical-wise), except this
hammer is a bit faster yet also a bit weaker than the other.

Speed: 3/10 - Notice that I said it was a BIT faster. I hope you weren't
expecting to see a 6/10 here.

Power: 6/10 - To be honest, I rarely ever use this hammer. Sure, it's a bit
faster than the Work Hammer, but that doesn't matter as they're both still very
slow. Not to mention the fact that this is weaker than the Work Hammer. You
might like this one over the other but I sure never will.

Rune Power: Stone. All enemies you attack are turned into stone statues that
can either be broken by another attack or will break on their own in a few
seconds. This is one of the more hated Rune Power summons as many find it to
be very cheap. I personally like it because it's really cool to have your own
personal statue :) Seriously though, I wouldn't recommend overdoing it with
this summon as it is a very easy way to make you unpopular.

* Other *
This section is dedicated to three weapons that are officially recognized as
hammers in the game (Rusty Mace, Bone Club, and Trial Pit Mace) and the various
other weapons that are available in the game that aren't classified as
belonging to any weapon "family", as well as the Rune Powers. In addition to
the three weapons mentioned above, the Other section also contains descriptions
for the Limb, the Head, the Torch, the Rune of Health, the Rune of Power, and
the Rune of Strength.

Visuals of the Rusty Mace, Bone Club, and Trial Pit Mace can be found here:

= The Rusty Mace =
A small, light mace covered with spikes. The fastest "hammer family" weapon
that's not actually a hammer. It's not too fast and you'll hate how weak it
is. You will probably never even touch this weapon and I don't recommend using
it. An overall crappy weapon.

Speed: 6/10 - I was surprised at the speed of this weapon, seeing as how it is
just a bit strong as the Viking Short Sword but nowhere near as
fast as it.

Power: 3/10 - It's terrible. It takes four hits to down an enemy, just one
less than the Viking Short Sword. But the Short Sword can get
the enemy down much quicker than this P.O.S.

Rune Power: Blast. The mace is surrounded by a blue glow and every swing you
make causes a small harmless blast wave that pushes your enemies away from you.
Hmm, I actually like this Rune Power as it comes in very handy at times and
gives this crappy weapon an actual reason to exist. If you want to be REALLY
cheap, you can trap your enemy into a corner and keep swinging your mace until
they are very high in the air, then let them drop to their death.

= The Bone Club =
Not too bad of a weapon. Stronger than the Rusty Mace AND it's about as fast
as it too. I would definitely choose this weapon over the Rusty Mace, but this
really isn't a favorite of mine either. You might like it, you might not like
it, it's how you react to it. Its Rune Power pwns hard though.

Speed: 5/10 - It's basically as fast as the Rusty Mace.

Power: 5/10 - Much stronger than that crappy weapon I don't even want to talk
about anymore. Three hits to down a Loki Guard.

Rune Power: Sonic Blast. Adds a fast-moving revolving wind circle to your
club and makes it much stronger. Don't let the similar names confuse you,
Blast and Sonic Blast are no way at all related. Blast is a harmless blue
force wave. Sonic Blast is a deadly wind circle. Cuts the number of hits it
takes to down an enemy to just two. You can have them out before they can
even defend themselves.

= The Trial Pit Mace =
The strongest of the two maces, the Trial Pit Mace is a really useful weapon.
If you are low on health and need to get out of a tight situation, just grab
one of these and start smashing on your enemies' heads. Not to mention that
its Rune Power isn't too bad either.

Speed: 4/10 - Not too much slower than the Bone Club.

Power: 7/10 - Hella stronger than it though :P

Rune Power: Blaze. Surrounds your mace in a small firey shell. Every swing
you make sends out a blaze of fire that burns your enemies.

= The Limb/Head =
'The Limb/Head'? TF is that, might you be wondering to yourselves. Well, in
Rune you can maim your opponents by slicing off their arms or heads. You can
actually then pick up the arm or head and use it as a weapon. Since they are
identical in terms of speed and power, I decided to combine them into one
section rather than separating them.

Speed: 4/10 - As fast as the Trial Pit Mace. Not much else to be said. I
probably should've just skipped this part >_>

Power: 1/10 - ...LOL @ the strength. You're better off just throwing it at
someone. If you do somehow do manage to kill someone with this,
you are the ultimate PWN.

= The Torch =
The Torch is actually a pretty useful weapon. It's useless as a melee weapon,
but you can use it to find your way around in dark places or to burn any
enemies that might be coming after you.

Speed: 3/10 - You would expect a lightweight torch to be somewhat quick when
it comes to attacking. WRONG. I have no idea wtf was going
through Human Head's mind when they made this, but whatever.

Power: 6/10 - As a melee weapon, it doesn't even deserve to be called a
weapon, in my opinion, but is pretty convienient to have as an
all around useful tool.

= The Rune of Health =
This is not an actual weapon, so this won't be following the usual format.
Instead, I'll just talk about this rune for a little bit. Out of the three
Runes available in the game, the Rune of Health is the second most common, just
behind the Rune of Power. The purpose of the Rune of Health is exactly what
its name suggests - it restores your health. These runes are surrounded by a
rotating blue energy line...or something. I actually don't know what it is to
be honest.

= The Rune of Power =
Not a weapon, so no standard description. This is the most common Rune that
you will encounter in the game. Runes of Power come in two flavors - Runes of
Lesser Power and Runes of (Greater) Power. The Lesser Power rune offers a
small boost in your power level, a sort of "sugar rush". The Greater Power
rune completely fills your power bar, allowing you to perform a Rune attack
with a weapon of your choice. Runes of Power are distinguished by their
yellow energy line that rotates around the runestone.

= The Rune of Strength =
Also known as the Rune of Bloodlust and the Bloodlust Rune, the Rune of
Strength gives your bloodlust bar a small boost. Once your bar is completely
full, your character will explode in a spiteful rage of fury. You will gain
an INCREDIBLY amount of strength - most of your blows from your weapons will
result in an instant, violent, brutal, and terribly messy death. These runes
have a unique rotating red energy line, symbolizing blood.

* Shields *
Ahh, the shield section. As the title suggests, you will find descriptions of
the various shields available throughout rune from the pitiful Viking Wooden
Shield to the impenetrable Magic Shield. Please note that shields can only be
wielded with one-handed weapons. So you cheap bastards are out of luck :P

= The Goblin Shield =
The smallest and weakest shield available, the Goblin Shield is the shield
that Goblins carry. Its small size provides very little protection as an
opponent only needs to aim downwards to cause harm. I hate this shield, but
it's the most common one available, so you'll end up using it pretty often.
Weak protection is better than no protection...this isn't a sexual education
class, get your mind out of the gutter.

Strength: 4/10 - It actually isn't really THAT weak, but considering the fact
that it is so small, this is a shield you'll definitely overlook if there are
other shields available.

= The Viking Wooden Shield =
Another small shield but one that's much stronger than the crappy Goblin
Shield. The Viking Wooden Shield is a very common shield, about as common as
the Goblin Shield, and if those two shields were the only ones available, you'd
be much better off selecting the Viking shield.

Strength: 6/10 - Umm, let's see. About the same size as the Goblin Shield,
except much stronger. By the way, why did Human Head add the Goblin Shield in
the game when there's a much better option, one that is as common as that?

= The Dark Shield =
The middle ground of the shield family, the Dark Shield is a nice shield made
out of stone that's pretty nice when it comes to protection. It covers much
more of your body than the previous two while being as strong as the Viking
Wooden Shield. Basically:

Strength: Dark Shield = Viking Wooden Shield >> Goblin Shield
Protection: Dark Shield > Viking Wooden Shield = Goblin Shield

Strength: 7/10 - Pretty okay shield.

= The Dwarven Wooden Shield =
The second strongest shield in the game, this is the one you will definitely
want to go for as it much more common than the ultra-rare Magic Shield. It
can take six blows from someone wielding a Viking Broad Sword. This will be
your best friend during the tougher spots in the game.

Strength: 8/10 - Not much more to say than what was said previously. It's the
strongest common shield available.

= The Magic Shield =
The absolute strongest and best defense available in the game, the Magic Shield
is...well, invincible. That's not an exaggeration, by the way - you really can
not destroy the Magic Shield. The only way to kill a Magic Shield bearer is by
hitting them from around the shield.

Strength: 10/10 - You don't get much more stronger than invincibility.

| V. Skins (3B) |


| VI. Contact Information (4A) |
AIM: Xboxlover3, ModHunterz
GameFAQs: Xboxlover2. I post on Message Board Help, LUE, and various other
The boards I admin at:
Rune: Halls of Valhalla: Runelover is my main nickname, you can find me usually
in deathmatch games or arena games. No one plays
headball :(
Rune: I have to re-install Rune, so this is currently not a contact option at
the moment.

| VI. Credits (4B) |
I'd like to thank the following:
- My parents because without them, I wouldn't be here.
- My brother and sister for being great influences in my life.
- The users of GameFAQs (the ones that aren't jackasses), because they make
the message boards a great place to visit.
- The people that contribute to GameFAQs. Without them, GameFAQs wouldn't be
up anymore. They dedicate a lot of their free time to helping out people
like you and me everyday.
- You, for taking the time to read my FAQ. Hope you enjoyed it! :D
- Human Head for making a great and addictive game.
- CJayC, because he's the reason that we have a great game database such as
GameFAQs around. He's done a lot for us and I really appreciate him for his
hard work and effort.
- All of my friends.
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