

11.10.2013 00:58:32
Published by THQ
Gamefaqs Guide v1.00 by
S.Mattison at GMail
Date; 05-30-06

--------Table of Contents--------
1. CULTURES - A Brief Overview
1.a. What Is Cultures All About?
1.b. Keyboard Controls
1.c. Frequently Asked Questions

2. Gameplay in Cultures
2.a. Introductory Missions
2.b. Campaign Missions
2.c. Single Player Scenarios
2.d. Multiplayer Scenarios

3. The demo: Discovery of Vinland
3.a. Where can I get it?
3.b. What's it about?
3.c. How's it different?

4. Stuff in the game
4.a. Environmental Objects
4.b. Buildings and Tribes
4.c. In-game Technology Tree
4.c.i Building Requirements
4.c.ii Career Requirements
4.d. Quitting the game?
4.e. What are they saying?

5. Cheats and Codes

1. CULTURES - A Brief Overview
1.a. What Is Cultures All About?
"You accompany a small group of Vikings on their adventurous journey over the
Atlantic. Once they have landed on the North American shore, you will help them
establish a village and the study the unknown continent. Each individual
inhabitant of the settlement is important for the success of your mission,
because each particular has non-standard abilities, character characteristics
and development possibilities! It fits now in your hand to observe and lead
into the correct ways these from birth - however you never forget your
superordinate, strategic targets in view of the affectionately animated
Vikings. Every Viking has individual characteristics and desires: They eat,
sleep and converse, can marry and have children, and they can choose from more
than 30 different occupations!"
1.b. Keyboard Controls

P - Pauses the Game
L - Toggle Double-speed
H - Build a House
S - Build a Street

[Z/Mousewheel] - Toggle Double-size (Zoom)
[9/0/Mousewheel] - Tilt viewpoint

F1 - Help
F2 - Menu
F3 - Load Game
F4 - Save Game
F5 - Diplomacy
F6 - Statistics
F7 - People List
F8 - Tech Tree
F9 - QuickSave
F10 - Toggle Map Radar

TAB - Show all Names on the screen in tooltips

[Cursor Keys/Numpad] - Scroll the map

Esc - Close current screen

Alt+F4 - Quit Game


Space - Menu
O - Center screen on selected group
B - Assign new Job
W - Assign new Home
A - Assign new Working area [click destination]
G - Send group to [click destination]
M - Make Mini-windows for selected group


CTRL and a number [1-6] - Define a Group
SHIFT and [1-6] - Add to existing Group
[1-6] - Select Group


[. or >] - Select next tab
[, or <] - Select previous tab


[RETURN or ENTER] - Chat with other players
1.c. Frequently Asked Questions
q. "This game is horribly slow! I regret even buying it!"
a. Hold your tongue, rogue! Press the L key. Not here, in the game!
Next time read the Keyboard Controls before you go jumping to conclusions.

q. "Why is everything black?"
a. You're new here, aren't you? That darkness is called "Fog of War". You can't
see anything out there, because you haven't explored it yet. If you don't see a
little map in the bottom left, press [F10] a few times. See that flashing
thing? That's your map, radar, mini-screen, whatever you want to call it.
Click on the area where all the little dots are. There are your guys. Have fun!

q. "What are all those little plus signs on each of my guys?"
a. Those are their four statistics. When you look at the people chart [F7], you
can see who has points to spend by clicking on the star on the right. Click on
one of the people in the list, and you should see "Available:" on the bottom
right, followed by a number of little glowing dots. Click on one of the plus
signs (Strength, Endurance, Rhetoric, or Piety) until you have no dots left.

q. "What do those statistics do?"
a. Each of them affect the speed and efficiency of the individual viking.

Strength defines how much a viking is slowed down by what he is carrying.
Endurance defines how long he can go without sleep.
Rhetoric defines how long he can go without talking with other vikings.
Piety defines how long he can go without prayer.

q. "Why is my viking just standing there waving his arms in the air?"
a. He's praying to you. ;)

q. "Where's my town hall? How can I make new peasants?"
a. Welcome, warcrafter! This viking game starts you out with everything you
need. If you have a male viking and a female viking, you can make little
vikings. All you need is a Dwelling tent, or a house. Assign a male viking to
the dwelling area. Then have him marry a nearby female viking. As soon as they
rush into eachother's arms, you should hear a tone that tells you they are
married. At that point, you must wait for the female to want children. It might
take a minute. Try asking her politely. After that, simply rightclick on her,
(or press Space after clicking on her), and choose whether she should have a
male or female child. In a short while, she will sneak away into her dwelling
tent with her husband, and sparks will fly! A short while later, the stork will
deliver the bouncing baby to the lucky couple's doorstep! How quaint!

2. Gameplay in Cultures
2.a. Introductory Missions
The first four missions are Tutorials, which teach you respectively;
* How to use the Game's Interface
* How to achieve Cultural Sustainability
* How to trade with other cultures
* How to battle with other cultures

2.b. Campaign Missions
The main storyline of the game, this extended single-player scenario follows
the trek of our heros and heroines as they journey across the rough Atlantic,
brave the harsh elements, and attempt to retrieve the pieces of the Shattered

2.c. Single Player Scenarios
These missions let a player become acquainted with the game at his or her own
pace, without having to worry about advancing the storyline. The open-ended
environments promote cultural expansion, advancement of technologies, and
enjoyment of the "lovable characters" as they trek through their daily lives.

2.d. Multiplayer Scenarios
These missions let more than one player interact with one another, harvest and
share resources and technologies, and wage war upon one another.

3. The demo: Discovery of Vinland
3.a. Where can I get it?
Search your favorite search engine for the filename CulturesDemoEng.exe

3.b. What's it about?

This demo version contains only the first four tutorials and the single player
scenario called 'Niagara', each of which can be found in the main game.

3.c. How's it different?
* You can load a previously saved game. However, all you can do is
watch (i.e. you can't intervene). This is yet another way for you
to become more familiar with the world of CULTURES.

* Only the "beginner" option is available to be played completely.
All other play versions, like campaign, individual scenarios or
multi-player possibilities, are not available in this demo.

* All important bonus items, such as shoes, iron and wood tools,
furniture and table-ware are already available in large quantities
in the main warehouse. Therefore, building the structure of the
village is much easier.

* Although there are three in total, only one military units is
available in this demo.

* On the demo maps, there are no opponents or other tribes except
your own Vikings available.

4. Stuff in the game
4.a. Environmental Objects
Gold nugget
Iron ore



4.b. Buildings and Tribes

4.c. In-game Technology Tree
I feel this tree makes little sense, and blends the Buildings with
the careers and technologies. I have taken the liberty of
elaborating buildings and careers in the sections that follow.

Building Constructor
Tool Maker
Iron Ore Miner-------Iron Smelter---Armourer
/ \
/ WeaponSmith
Clay Worker---Stonemason-----------Gold Digger----Goldsmith
Dwelling Tent-House for 2 Families-House for 3
Woodcutter----Joiner---------------Cabinet Maker
Spear Workshop-Bow Maker-Defense Tower

Shoe Maker-----------Tanner

Farmer--------Fruit Collector
Mushroom Collector---Druid

Supply Tent---Warehouse

4.c.i Building Requirements
Basic buildings;
Main Warehouse
Benefits: Storage of Resources, Improves Religion, Defends itself
Storage Limit: 200
Equipment: All
Max Assignable Carriers: 5

Level 1 buildings;
Dwelling Tent
Recommended: Nearby a road
Benefits: Population Increase
Equipment: Furniture, Crockery, Oil
Max Occupancy: 2; one male, one female

Fisherman's Tent
Recommended: Nearby accessible water
Benefits: Food Increase, Working area changeable
Max Workers: 3

Huntsman's Tent
Recommended: Nearby animals
Benefits: Leather/Food Increase
Max Workers: 3

Recommended: Nearby an open grassy space
Benefits: Wheat Increase
Max Workers: 3

Recommended: Nearby a road
Benefits: Training Trades without work experience
Max Students: 3

Clay worker's tent
Recommended: Near clay quarries
Benefits: Lump-of-Clay Increase
Max Workers: 3

Woodcutter's tent
Recommended: Nearby a forest
Benefits: Wood Increase
Max Workers: 3

Supply Tent
Recommended: Nearby a road, close to allied villages
Benefits: Increase storage, distribution of Resources
Storage Limit: 100
Equipment: All
Max Assignable Carriers: 3

Recommended: Near an Iron ore quarry, and a road
Benefits: Train population in combat
Max Assignable Carriers: 3

Level 2 buildings;
House for 2 families
Pre-requisites; Supply Tent
Recommended: Nearby a road
Benefits: Population Increase
Max Occupancy: 4; two males, two females

Shoemaker's workshop
Pre-requisites; Huntsman's Tent
Recommended: Near a Huntsman's Tent
Benefits: Turns Leather into Shoes
Max Workers: 1

Pre-requisites; Farm, Spring water
Recommended: Dig for water near a Mill
Benefits: Water Increase; No workers; Automatically generates 5 Water buckets

Pre-requisites; Farm
Recommended: Near a farm
Benefits: Turns Wheat to Flour
Max Workers: 1

Iron Mine
Pre-requisites; Clay worker's tent
Recommended: Near iron ore quarries
Benefits: Iron Ore Increase
Max Workers: 3

Fruit Farm
Pre-requisites; Farm
Recommended: Nearby fruit bushels
Benefits: Food Increase
Max Workers: 1

Mushroom Collector's Hut
Pre-requisites; Farm
Recommended: Nearby mushrooms
Benefits: Mushroom Increase
Max Workers: 1

Stonemason's tent
Pre-requisites; Clay-Worker's Tent
Recommended: Near stone quarries
Benefits: Stone Increase
Max Workers: 3

Shepherd's hut
Pre-requisites; Huntsman's tent
Recommended: Near a flock of sheep
Benefits: Wool Increase
Max Workers: 1

Potter's workshop
Pre-requisites; Clay worker's tent
Recommended: Near a Clay worker's tent
Benefits: Turn Lumps-of-Clay into Pottery (usable at living quarters)
Max Workers: 1

Carpenter's workshop
Pre-requisites; Woodcutter's tent
Recommended: Near a Woodcutter's tent
Benefits: Turns Wood into Wooden Tools
Max Workers: 1

Pre-requisites; Supply Tent
Recommended: Nearby a road
Benefits: Increase storage, distribution of Resources, Defends itself
Storage Limit: 200
Equipment: All
Max Assignable Carriers: 5

Level 3 buildings;
House for 3 families
Pre-requisites; Carpenter's workshop
Recommended: Near a road
Benefits: Population Increase
Max Occupancy: 6; three males, three females

Leather workshop
Pre-requisites; Huntsman's Tent
Recommended: Near a Huntsman's Tent
Benefits: Turns Leather into Leather Armour (usable at Barracks)
Max Workers: 1

Pre-requisites; Bakery
Recommended: Nearby a mill and a well
Benefits: Combines Water and Flour into Food
Max Workers: 1

Iron smelting works
Pre-requisites; Iron Mine
Recommended: Near iron mines
Benefits: Turns Iron Ore to Iron Bricks (usable as Armour, Swords, Tools)
Max Workers: 1

Gold Mine
Pre-requisites; Clay worker's tent
Recommended: Near gold nugget quarries
Benefits: Gold Nugget Increase
Max Workers: 3

Weaving mill
Pre-requisites; Shepherd's hut
Recommended: Near a Shepherd's hut, and a Barracks
Benefits: Turns Wool to Tunics (usable at Barracks)
Max Workers: 1

Pre-requisites; Mushroom Collector's Hut
Recommended: Nearby a Mushroom Collector's Hut
Benefits: Turns Mushrooms to Oil (usable at living quarters)
Max Workers: 1

Furniture workshop
Pre-requisites; Carpenter's workshop
Recommended: Near a Woodcutter's tent
Benefits: Turns Wood into Furniture (usable at living quarters)
Max Workers: 1

Spear workshop
Pre-requisites; Carpenter's workshop
Recommended: Near a Barracks
Benefits: Turns Wood to Spears (usable at Barracks)
Max Workers: 1

Level 4 buildings;
Pre-requisites; Bakery
Recommended: Nearby a road
Benefits: Combines Water and Wheat into Beer (usable at Barracks)
Max Workers: 1

Armourer's forge
Pre-requisites; Iron smelting works
Recommended: Near an Iron smelting works, and a Barracks
Benefits: Combines Wood and Iron into Iron Armour (usable at Barracks)
Max Workers: 1

Swordmaker's forge
Pre-requisites; Iron smelting works
Recommended: Near an Iron smelting works, and a Barracks
Benefits: Combines Wood and Iron to Sword (usable at Barracks)
Max Workers: 1

Toolmaker's forge
Pre-requisites; Iron smelting works
Recommended: Near an Iron smelting works
Benefits: Combines Wood and Iron to Iron Tools
Max Workers: 1

Goldsmith's workshop
Pre-requisites; Gold Mine
Recommended: Near a Gold Mine
Benefits: Turns Gold Nuggets to Gold Bricks (usable at Barracks)
Max Workers: 1

Bow maker's workshop
Pre-requisites; Spear Workshop
Recommended: Near a Barracks
Benefits: Turns Wood into Bows (usable at Barracks)
Max Workers: 1

Level 5 buildings;
Defence tower
Pre-requisites; Bow Maker's Workshop
Recommended: Near village outskirts, or enemy villages
Benefits: Attacks enemies automatically, Defends itself


4.c.ii Career Requirements

Dead-end Jobs;

Building Constructor Works; Outdoors
Scout Works; Outdoors
Fisherman Works; Out of a Fisherman's Tent

Archers, Swordsmen, and Spearmen Work; Outdoors

Advancable Careers;

Clay Worker Works; Out of a Clay-worker's Tent
-Iron Ore Miner Works; In an Iron Mine
==Iron Smelter Works; In an Iron Mine
----Armourer Works; In an Armourer's Forge
----WeaponSmith Works; In a Sword maker's Forge
----ToolMaker Works; In a ToolMaker's Workshop
-Stonemason Works; Out of a Stonemason's tent
==Gold Digger Works; In a Gold Mine
----Goldsmith Works; in a Goldsmith's Workshop

Woodcutter Works; Out of a Woodcutter's Tent
-Carpenter Works; In a Carpenter's workshop
==CabinetMaker Works; In a Furniture workshop
----Spear Maker Works; In a Spear workshop
----Bow Maker Works; In a Bow Maker's workshop

Huntsman Works; Out of a Huntsman's Tent
-Shepherd Works; In a Shepherd's hut
==Weaver Works; In a Weaving mill
-Shoe Maker Works; In a ShoeMaker's workshop
==Tanner Works; In a Leather workshop

Farmer Works; On a Farm
-Fruit Collector Works; On a Fruit Farm
-Miller Works; At a Mill
==Baker Works; In a Bakery
----Brewer Works; In a Brewery
-Mushroom Collector Works; Out of a Mushroom Collector's Hut
==Druid Works; In a Temple

Carrier Works; At any Storage building
-Merchant Works; Outdoors/Between two allied cultures

Assuming that all you start with is a basic set of supplies, your basic
strategy is to work your way up from scratch with nothing but the fundamental
cultural tools, to the finest cultural refinements. There are many paths that
will lead to success, but in order to ascend through the ranks most
efficiently, there are only a few things you need to worry about.

First off, Housing. Your vikings don't really need a house, as much as they
complain that they want one of their own. If you are VERY low on population,
you will want to build dwelling tents right away, so that your vikings can have
some much-needed privacy, in order to reproduce. Otherwise, wait until you
have the options to build a two or three family home for them, and they will
be happier, and space will be more abundant.

Secondly, Food. Without food, your vikings will wither and die. Assuming that
you have no scouts or warriors, your vikings should scavenge your storehouses
for rations. If, however, your storehouses don't have that many rations in
them, you may desire to build a huntsman's tent or fisherman's tent as soon as
possible. The differences are; Fishermen can't always fish near water (some
ponds are inaccessible, see "Niagara" for a prime example of this), and
Fishermen don't produce 'leather'/'pelts' when they practice their trade.

Now that those are out of the way, it's time to focus on your main goal.

If you know of any foreign tribes on this map, then I'm pretty sure you have a
good idea of how you want to interact with them. Myself, I'm a 'tradesman'
kinda guy, and so I might focus on leveling up some carriers, in the hopes
that they may become good merchants. To do this, build a Supply Tent or two,
assign a few workers, and increase the levels of requested resources on them.
Make sure they are basic resources you already have access to, and your
carriers should get the idea. Switch back and forth between where you want your
resources, and they will become Master Carriers in no time at all.

On the other hand, if you want Militia as soon as possible, send some scouts
out in search of Clay quarries, and build a Clay-workers tent ASAP. You'll want
your Clay-workers to find Iron and Gold in addition, in order to make weapons
and upgrades, so keep scouting around mountainous area for these rare
resources. Build your Barracks as close to your Iron-smelter's workshop as
possible, and your armoury and weaponsmith should be nearby as well.

Or, you may just prefer "the quiet life" of fishing and butterfly watching. In
that case, make a few fisherman's tents and employ some carriers to bring fresh
fish throughout your village. In addition, set up a farm to grow tall
wheat-grass, and a mill and bakery in order to cook some fresh warm bread to
go with your fish. A brewery should produce fine ales and wine to wash down
your wonderful meals. Surround your village with giant defense towers to
protect your tranquil way of life.

(Of course, a Defense Tower is a Level 5 Building, and requires that you first
build and master a Woodcutter's tent, Carpenter's workshop, Spear workshop,
and a Bow maker's workshop before you can build it. So get crackin'!)

4.d. Quitting the game?
Yes, but I'll be back
Yes, but not for long
Yes, I have to go shopping
Yes, I have to go to the restroom
Yes, I have to go to work
Yes, I have to walk the dog
Yes, I played 3 days nonstop!
Yes, I think somebody tries to break into my house!
Yes, it's late
Yes, my boss returned!
Yes, my husband wants to play
Yes, my PC is almost burning
Yes, my PC needs a pause
Yes, my wife is upset
Yes, pizza is ready
Yes, Someone calls me
No, how dare you to ask me this!

4.e. What are they saying?
Not that I speak Viking or German or Dutch... But when I do, or when someone
tells me what these people are saying and what it means, I'll write it down
here. This is what I know so far. Email me if you know more. ;)

The guys;
Yeah? - "What can I do ye for, knave?"

The girls;
Yeh? - "Prithee, is there naught I can help thee with upon this wonderful
afternoon, kind sir?"

5. Cheats and Codes
Press F2 then enter these cheats:

Code Effect

funfillup Adds 5 of every item to your stock
funfrieda Big item titles
funmorepower Creates three soldiers outside of your main storehouse
funexploration Reveal map
funspeedup Turbo mode (Press L to revert to slow, doublespeed, or triple)

This game-faq is public domain. It may be used and copied freely
for private purposes. A commercial utilization is permitted only
with previous written agreement by The Author (See section 8).


I am the author of this FAQ, speaking herein and hereafter of sound mind.
Contact me via the email address; s.mattison at yahoo, or at gmail...
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Engl. Leitfaden

11.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
Dt. Savegame-Editor

17.Октябрь 2013
Alle Missionen spielbar

17.Октябрь 2013
Savegame-Editor, kann alle Variablen verändern

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