catsndogs 200 Sachen werden zufällig über die Insel
paveme Pflanzen werden zu Gegenständen
hialiens Aliens-Nachricht
beauregard Bewohner werden blau
warbucks Maximal mögliche Summe Geld
rizme Rizzo erscheint auf Verlangen
Speichere die Insel unter folgenden Namen ab:
duhdun AT-Deasaster
jennerdrawgoodpictures Dorf aus Drogen
quakerattleandroll Erdbeben
al'sfetish Alle Cheats AN
chinslovetreats Arbeiter sind erfahren
3527490 Arbeiter sind erfahren
marysecosystem Kein Geld
peanutbettertoast Öl läuft am Terminal aus
pinkeyandperkyeatchease Öl läuft aus Tanker aus
headlesstourists Katastrophe im Hafen
catsndogs 200 random things are added to island
paveme Change plant life into earth tiles
hialiens Display alien message
beauregard Islanders turn blue
warbucks Maximum amount of money
rizme Rizzo appears on demand
Save your island as
duhdun AT disaster
jennerdrawgoodpictures Drug-peddling village
quakerattleandroll Earthquakes
al'sfetish Enable all cheats
chinslovetreats More skilled laborers
3527490 More skilled laborers
marysecosystem No money
peanutbettertoast Oil spill at terminal
pinkeyandperkyeatchease Oil tanker spill
headlesstourists Portside disaster
Edit the file simisle.exe (hex-editor recommended, and make a backup
first). Go to line 7846 or something, or search by money until found.
Put behind 75.000 or ??? as much nills you like, so it becomes 750.000
or higher. If it works, you have more money for the random game.
This will work too with the (un)skilled labour, building materials and
food.(Maybe more is possible!)