Rogue Spear

Rogue Spear

01.10.2013 08:24:27
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear
Version 2.0
Created by idyoticwyzard
Copyright (c)2005 idyoticwyzard

Table of Contents

1. Legal Intro
1.1 Version History
2. Gameplay Tactics
2.1 Characters
2.2 Equipment
3. The Missions
3.01 Pandora Trigger
3.02 Arctic Flare
3.03 Sand Hammer
3.04 Lost Thunder
3.05 Perfect Sword
3.06 Crystal Arc
3.07 Silent Drum
3.08 Feral Burn
3.09 Diamond Edge
3.10 Silver Snake
3.11 Oracle Stone
3.12 Temple Gate
3.13 Sargasso Fade
3.14 Majestic Gold
3.15 Frost Light
3.16 Hero Claw
3.17 Ebony Horse
3.18 Zero Gambit
4. Closing


1. Legalities

This guide should only be available at the following sites:

If you see this guide on another site, or would like to use this on your own
site, or would like to contact me anyway, here is my info:

AIM: idyoticwyzard

Eric Fung/idyoticwyzard copyrights this document, so if you steal it *shakes
fist* then screw you.

1.1 Version History

Version 2.0 (11/05/06): Retried and revamped strategies for all missions.
Version 1.1 (10/04/05): Edited for clarity and corrected final mission.
Version 1.0 (10/02/05): Covers the single player campaign.


2. Gameplay Tactics

--The HQ plans are trash.
--The AI easily gets shot, so in general, leave the computer only to move from
point to point and to cover/snipe open areas with only a few guards.
--Along the same lines, don't totally rely on the AI to watch your back. So a
team with more than 2 people is unnecessary; most of the time, the last few
members hardly get to shoot anyone anyway.
--When rescuing hostages, the team you control should be the first into the
room (after flashbangs, if needed).
--Learn to love the heartbeat sensor and 3rd person view.
--Do not continue the campaign with dead operatives; it's very unprofessional.
If your characters are wounded, continue only if this mission is extremely
frustrating AND you have a decent substitute for the next mission.

2.1 Characters

Leaders: Chavez (stealth team), Novikov, Bogart, Price, Walther, Noronha
Assault Team: Every other member in the Assault category
Stealth: Every Recon member
Sniper: Any sniper, but I often use Johnston, Weber, and Galanos.

2.2 Equipment

For these missions, there is no standard issue kit, so I will detail each
team's equipment before each mission walkthrough. But make sure everyone has a
HB sensor and silenced pistols (unless noted otherwise).


3. The Missions

-EXT = extraction zone
-INS = insertion zone
-SAlpha, SBravo, SCharlie, SDelta = Snipe at [Go-Code]
-CAlpha, CBravo, CCharlie, CDelta = Cover at [Go-Code]
-I don't use Defend -_-

Note: Mission plans are designed for Elite missions. However, they work just as
well on Veteran and even Recruit. Adjust for the different number of

3.01 Pandora Trigger

-This is a pretty challenging hostage rescue for a first mission. HB Sensors
are already set up. 1 recon operative/team, 1 assault team, and a sniper.

MP5SD5 (JHP) / PSG-1 (JHP - Green sniper)
HK .45 Mark23-SD (JHP)
Frag Grenades

Blue Team: Hold at the NE INS for Bravo. Bravo, blaze a path west through the
museum and clear the majority of the 1st floor. Hold for Delta by
the east door leading to the hostages. Make sure you approach the
opening along the east wall so that the guard inside will not see
you. Delta, flash the room and kill the tango, then escort the
hostages to EXT.

Red Team: Start from the SW INS and enter the museum. Head upstairs, looking
for the patrol around this area. Walk through this hallway and
continue across the balcony, shooting one guard. Enter the next room
and kill the visible tangos on the balcony entrance to the SE. Then
CCharlie where you can watch the north entrance of this room. Many
guards will head in your direction. When all the tangos up here are
dead, Charlie sends you west and down the first set of stairs you
reach. Keep going west and clear the large exhibit hall, close to the
SW INS. Hold for Delta outside the room just south of the hostages.
Delta, rush in and help Blue secure the hostages, then return to EXT.

Green Team: Using the NE INS, head up the stairs and hug the pillar on your
right. Escort the hostage away from the door (only on Elite) and
hug the pillar while you take him down to EXT. When he's secure,
wait for Alpha. Alpha, go back up the stairs and slowly sidestep
left, sniping inside. There are 3 1st floor tangos to take care of,
plus 2 more that might come to see what's going on. As Red, check
where the balcony guards are located. Then you can go through the
western bathroom and slowly step out to snipe each balcony guard.
Frag any remaining hard-to-reach tangos. At the NW corner of this
room, by the bathroom door, SDelta towards the balcony. Delta, head
back to EXT.

Order of Operations: Set up Red first, since the first two tangos sometimes
shoot faster than Red can. When they are covering at
Charlie, you can clear a few of the 2nd floor guards. Then
give Alpha and Green takes care of the entrance hall. You
may have to switch back to Red to locate all the balcony
guards. Then Bravo sends Blue to secure the 1st floor,
Charlie sends Red to finish off the exhibit hall, Delta
secures the hostages.

3.02 Arctic Flare

-If you use only silenced weapons, this mission may seem way too impossible (on
Elite, that is). The trick is to alert the guards with sniper rounds oustide
so that they fall into positions that are much easier to take on. A recon
operative and a sniper.

MP5SD5 (JHP) / PSG-1 (Red sniper)
HK .45 Mark23-SD (JHP)
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Start from INS and take the south path to the main part of the boat.
On the way, you will help Red kill the 4 patrols outside. Before you
reach the tower, head north and enter the main structure from the
north entrance. Kill the 2 guards in the hall, then wait for the
patrol to come downstairs and kill him too. Continue west and shoot
the tango outside. Reload and head up the outside stairs, but pause
on the 5th floor. Using 3rd person mode, check for the two tangos on
the floor above - they are just oustide the hostage room. If they
are looking away from you, so much the better. Slowly sidestep up
the stairs and get as close to them as you can without them seeing
you. When you're ready, let the sniper shoot while you take down the
2 guards outside. Run in and secure the hostages from their guard.
Watch the door leading to the bridge; a tango might try to come in
and execute the hostages. Stop him as he comes in. Continue north
through the bridge and go down the stairs on the other side. Stop at
the landing and kill the two tangos below. Finally, secure the other
pair of hostages, killing the hostage guard as well as the two
tangos outside at the top of the stairs. Escort the hostages back
across the bridge and pick up the other hostages as well. Return to
EXT the way you came in.

Red Team: Quickly run to the north path and SAlpha west. Remain standing since
there's little time to aim. 2 patrols will soon come into your view,
so dispatch both of them. Now snipe here until you know that 4 guards
were killed: you shot 2 and more might come unless you hear Blue
report their kills. Anyway, when all 4 are down, give Alpha and head
to the north part of the bow (the tip of the boat). SBravo here and
aim towards the bridge, where the detonator is. DO NOT FIRE AT THEM
YET. When Blue is ready to rescue the first pair of hostages, open
fire and try to take down all 4 tangos on the bridge. Bravo, go to

Order of Operations: Start the mission as Red and execute the 4 outside guards
first. When they are all down, give Alpha and switch to
Blue for the rest of the mission. Once both pairs of
hostages are secure, you can look for the remaining guards
in the main part of the boat if you want to kill everyone
on board. To look for those guards, it's safer to check
the HB sensor on the outdoor staircase so that you won't
be surprised when you come down the central staircase.

3.03 Sand Hammer

-This mission is quite difficult because of the layout and the short range of
your silenced weapons. You should probably let the computer snipe for you. A
stealth team and an assault team.

HK .45 Mark23-SD (JHP)
Frag Grenades
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Head north and CAlpha at a point east of the ladders. You will take
out one guard on the north half of the balcony. Alpha, move to the
corner of the building and check the HB sensor for the two patrols
between the two main buildings. Don't move out into the area but
shoot them when they come into view. Also, try not hit the north
building's walls. Climb the north ladder and check the HB sensor
again before you enter. Go in and clear the tangos already on the
catwalk, then CBravo between the two computers (water tanks). This
area shows up on the recon map where the east-west catwalk narrows a
bit. You are aiming towards the ramps to the SW. Before Bravo,
continue north up the catwalk and neutralize the tangos in the NW
corner of the 1st floor. Bravo, keep going and shoot the tango on
the bridge. SCharlie at the doorway to the balcony. Aim for the
staircase to the far north. There are 4 patrols up here; make sure
they all go down QUIETLY; let the computer snipe so that you don't
accidentally shoot the walls and alert the guards. Before Charlie,
slowly head out onto the balcony and eliminate any remaining guards.
Head north to where you can see the hostages and snipe the hostage
guard. Charlie, help Red clear the area from above. Return to EXT.

Red Team: From INS, clear the small shack nearby and the other small hut
attached to the south building. Then enter the plant through the
south door and, while staying in the little entrance area, CBravo
towards the SW corner. Once Blue gets into position and all the
patrols are dead, head out (before Bravo) and kill the primary target
in the center of this room. Bravo, head north and neutralize any
stragglers left in this building. Head out and wait for Charlie just
inside the NE door of the north building. There's a guard waiting by
here. Before Charlie, peek around south to clear the 1st floor
patrol. Charlie, head south and loop around to the NW corner to
finish clearing this building. Escort the hostages to EXT.

Order of Operations: Take Red through clearing the small buildings first. Then
give Alpha as Blue and take care of the outside guards and
the catwalk patrols. Check for any more building patrols
as Red, then eliminate them. Clear the rest of the
building with Blue, then switch back to Red and give
Bravo. Make sure sure the south building is empty, then
use the HB sensor to check where the tangos are in the
north building. Blue snipes the balcony guards as Red
sneaks in to make the initial kills. Charlie as Red to
finish up.

3.04 Lost Thunder

-If you don't know what order to do things in this mission, you will easily get
slaughtered. Even though it's a hostage rescue, you can use assault rifles. A
stealth team and 2 assault teams.

Enfield L85A1
HK .45 Mark23-SD
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Advance north up the road and CBravo in the hallway that leads to
the big NE areas. Face northeast to take down a tango who comes to
investigate the shooting. Bravo, head north and take the northermost
stairs up. There is usually one tango at the bottom of these stairs.
On the second floor, head directly into the church and flashbang the
hostages in the NE room. Run in after the flash goes off and secure
these hostages. Wait for Charlie in here. Charlie, escort all three
nearby hostages to EXT.

Red Team: Run NW to the run-down building here and climb the stairs. Check the
HB sensor for a tango who is sometimes here. Kill him, then head down
the stairs you just used and follow Green to the main road. Make sure
there are no living tangos left. If you need to, hold your team in
place and switch to Green to finish killing the patrols around the
terrorist base. Once the area is clear, advance along the road,
looking up at the sniper tower. You will be able to get an easy shot
at his head without being noticed. With him down, enter the enemy
base and make sure it's empty. Climb to the second floor and exit
onto the road in front of the church. Snipe the patrol outside the
church, then advance along the road. Check the HB sensor for one
other tango along the road, then wait for a patrol to come by the
front door of the church. Take him out and enter, clearing the
entrance hall and anyone standing by the pews. Climb to the balcony
and shoot anyone on the first floor still alive. Wait here for
Charlie. Charlie, head to EXT.

Green Team: Advance north up the road but turn left as it loops back around.
Once you have full view of this road, CAlpha towards the terrorist
base (landmark on the recon map) and the nearby stairs. You will
shoot a guard out here, bringing all the patrols down the stairs
and into your trap. Make sure not to set up too far down the road,
or the sniper in the tower above will kill you. Alpha, head up the
stairs and follow Red's path to the church. Instead of entering,
though, head for the second sniping position--next to a staircase,
east of the church's main entrance and just NW of the sniper tower
on the map. Clear this area out and proceed to the base of the
enemy sniper tower. Kill the last two guards here and wait for
Charlie. Charlie, head to EXT.

Order of Operations: Advance as Red first, then Green, and finally Blue. If you
are careful and advance slowly, this mission should run

3.05 Perfect Sword

-Hope you're not claustrophobic. This mission can be fun and frustrating at the
same time since stealth is extremely essential here. A recon operative and a

MP5SD5 (JHP) / PSG-1 (Green sniper)
HK .45 Mark23-SD (JHP)
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Wait for Alpha next to the truck. Once the truck starts moving, give
Alpha and walk east alongside it. You need to hide from the guard at
the top of the ramp on the NW side of the plane. Anyway, once you're
out of sight of him (around EXT), run to the cargo bay entrance on
the SE of the plane. Keep your gun pointed at it, since there may be
a tango at the top of the ramp. Kill him, then enter the plane and
clear four tangos in the cargo area. Climb the stairs in the middle
of the cargo floor and pull out the HB sensor when you get to the
top. There are two pairs of patrols as well as a stationary hostage
guard. Wait for both patrols to head out of the vicinity. Once they
have left, peek out and shoot the hostage guard, then proceed to
carefully eliminate the patrols. Red Team can now fire on his
target. This will bring tangos from upstairs, so hold in front of
the stairs and let them walk into your sights. When they stop
coming, head up and secure the hostages, waiting for Bravo. Bravo,
bring all five hostages to EXT.

Red Team: Head NE and follow the base of the south hill as it connects to the
north hill. In between the two, SBravo at the tango directly east of
you. Don't shoot until Blue's hostages are secure. Bravo, head back
to EXT.

Order of Operations: Control Blue for the entire mission, allowing Red to fire
only when the first set of hostages are secure. Try to
keep your shots in bursts to minimize any noise.

3.06 Crystal Arc

-The first recon mission. Rules: do not use your gun, close doors behind you as
you go through them (in general), and live/die by the HB sensor. It really
comes down to avoiding just three guards. You will probably restart many times
until you really learn the patrol routes, so patience is key - the mission
lasted 17 minutes when I eventually beat it. Dubarry and Sweeney.

92FS 9-mm SD
Lockpick Kit (Blue) / Electronics Kit (Red)
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Advance forward and crouch by the nearby rock. On Elite, there is an
extra patrol that comes by here, so this rock will give you enough
cover. Once that patrol leaves, follow the west wall of the map,
staying behind the patrol. When you get to the end of the wall,
switch to 3rd person and watch for the driveway guard as well as the
balcony guard. The driveway guard should be walking north while the
balcony guard is just rounding the corner to patrol south. When that
happens, climb up and follow the driveway guard at a distance. Don't
worry about being seen since the other guards take a while to come
back here. When you get to it, crouch in the alcove in the north
wall while the driveway guard goes into the guardhouse. Wait for
him to pass your hiding place as he heads west, then run into the
guardhouse. The patrol in here should be heading upstairs as you
enter. Quickly deactivate the security and leave. Now hug the east
wall of the map as you head south toward the dacha. There should be
a guard in front of you, and he's patrolling east. As he gets to the
corner of the house, stand and walk behind him, heading for the
locked door. Check that no one is in the hallway inside, then pick
the lock and enter. If someone is in the hallway, pray that he will
not hear you open the door, since there's really no place to hide
except inside. Close the door and check for the patrol that comes by
the southern locked door (the door directly in front of you). If
he's out of the way, unlock that door for Red. You can leave it
open. Hide in the bathroom to the east as you wait for two patrols
to leave the hallway. Once it's clear, head down the hall and enter
the bedroom across from the phone that needs to be bugged. Wait for
Bravo here to watch the 1st floor guards for Red. Bravo, exit the
dacha using the SE door (where Red enters and exits). On Elite,
watch out for the extra patrol and also the dacha's south door
patrol as you return to EXT.

Red Team: From the start, run west and around the wall, holding for Alpha near
the ramp just north of INS. You will not be caught. Alpha, check in
3rd person for the patrol that comes by the door that Blue unlocked.
When he's walking away, quickly enter and close the door. When the
hall is clear, hurry and bug the phone, then wait for the hall to
clear again. When it's safe, head for the bathroom in the west part
of the house. You can crouch between the sink and toilet in just the
right position to hide. Wait for tangos to patrol out of your way,
then run upstairs to the north. Make sure no one's up here and go
plant the camera. Leave the bedroom door open to avoid making noise.
Now wait in here and use Blue's map (press G) to check for the 1st
floor guards. The path to the bathroom must be clear, and the guard
that patrols the northern locked door must be out of the way, too -
this tango can see you through the windows. Once you see a path open
up, blitz for the bathroom. Hide here for the area to clear, then
head down the hallway and out of the house. On Elite, you should wait
for the extra patrol to come by the rock before you attempt to get
back to EXT.

Order of Operations: Control Blue until he is in position for Bravo. Then view
the map for all teams (press G) and Alpha. Control Red
through planting the camera and getting back to EXT. Bravo
and get Blue back to EXT.

3.07 Silent Drum

-Back to rescuing hostages. The hostage room is extremely tricky to secure. You
cannot shoot anyone in the studio prematurely or else the hostages will be
executed. So, you have to take on all 6 tangos at the same time. HB sensors
are set up. 2 assault teams.

HK .45 Mark23-SD (JHP)

Blue Team: Head west across the roof and help Red clear it; you should be
looking for the patrol pair. Head downstairs via the east staircase
and climb down the nearby ladder. Enter through the lobby and kill
any tangos you see. Head east through an office, then head towards
the central east-west hallway. Shoot the guard here, then wait for
Bravo by the NE door to the hostages. Bravo, rush in and clear the
room. Escort the hostages to EXT.

Red Team: Follow the edge of the map as it curves SW and then west. Shoot the
terrorist on the helicopter pad, then enter the building via the west
stairs. Go down a floor, then head east into the catwalk area. CAlpha
on the nearby catwalk so you can ambush anyone who comes down the
main east-west catwalk. Sometimes there is a stationary tango on the
far east end of the catwalk. If so, have Blue climb up the SE studio
ladder and peek out to shoot him. Alpha, move forward and climb down
one of the studio ladders to the 1st floor. Kill the guard by the
south wall and hold for Bravo by the south door of the hostage room.
Bravo, blitz in and help Blue clear the room. Return to EXT.

Order of Operations: Control Blue for most of the mission. Once the catwalks
are clear, give Alpha to put Red in position. You should
let the computer handle the assault on the main studio
since it does a good enough job of quickly clearing the
room without the help of flashbangs.

3.08 Feral Burn

-Finally, a mission without hostages. The first part requires infiltration and
will alert the leaders and they will escape. A recon operative, an assault
team, and a sniper.

MP5SD5 (JHP) / HK G36K (Red) / Barret Model 82A1 (Green sniper)
HK .45 Mark23-SD (JHP)
Frag Grenades
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Advance north and head up the north staircase. There will be two
patrols above you, but do not shoot them yet. They may hear you get
out of the water, but don't worry about that either. Kill the tango
in the garage above, then work on killing the 3 pairs of patrols.
Take out the pair patrolling the west area first - they are the ones
you saw earlier. Then, if you were perfectly quiet, kill the pair at
the SE part of the map. Wait until they patrol east before coming
out to shoot them in the back. Finally, deal with the NE patrols.
The order is really up to your judgment, but you should use the
walls of the garage as cover from the patrols. When all 3 pairs are
down, then the outside areas are secure and you can give Alpha. At
the T-junction south of the garage, CBravo east.

Red Team: Hold for Alpha at INS. Alpha, follow Blue's path upstairs and emerge
from the garage through the eastern door. CBravo south, close to the
SE corner of the garage. Bravo, move forward a bit and bounce a frag
into the meeting. From this angle, it's quite easy to kill everyone
inside. enter the room and kill the remaining tangos, then head down
to the boat and clear that area as well.

Green Team: Hold for Alpha at INS. Alpha, take the north staircase up, then go
to the building in the SW part of the map. Enter and go to the top
floor. Take out the sniper here and SBravo at the boat a few floors
below you. You will take out any mafia leaders who try to get away
via the boat.

Order of Operations: Blue does all the work, so control that team. Remember to
shoot a tango only if there is no metal behind him. The
JHP bullets will help minimize sound, but they will also
make it harder to puncture the tangos' light armor. When
Blue has secured the outdoors, Alpha sends the teams into
position. Bravo as Red to clear the target areas.

3.09 Diamond Edge

-A simple assault mission that also involves capturing a tango. A good combo of
long and short range action. An assault team and a sniper.

M4 Carbine / Barret Model 82A1 (Red sniper)
.50 Desert Eagle
Frag Grenades
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Hold for Alpha at INS while Red snipes the first four tangos. Alpha,
go through the entrance area and head into the west part of the
compound. When you get to the hallway connecting the two storage
areas, CBravo to the north. Bravo, make your way over to the main
complex and thoroughly clean it out. Watch out for a tango at the
bottom of the stairs inside. Once you get to the bottom of the
stairs, shoot the door and CCharlie facing the door. Tangos will
come to investigate and you can slaughter them at the door. Red will
take care of the escaping armored car. When it's quiet, Charlie,
clean out the rest of the compound and follow the path that the car
took. There will likely be a few escorts remaining by the car, so
pick them off from far away. Give Delta once the colonel is secure
and take him to EXT.

Red Team: Head to a spot south of EXT and SAlpha towards the gates. You will
kill two guards on the second floor and two coming out of the gate.
Alpha, kill a guard left in the entrance area, then head for the east
side of the compound. Shoot the two guards here and snipe up to four
guards in the western storage area. Make your way to the SW corner of
the storage shed. Reload and SDelta NW towards the ramp; the armored
car will come this way. when it does, quickly shoot the driver and
any escorts. Delta, return to EXT.

Order of Operations: You can watch either team from the beginning. When Red has
killed 4 tangos, give Alpha and clear the outdoor tangos.
Once Red is done sniping everyone in sight, control Blue
for the rest of the mission.

3.10 Silver Snake

-You've been here before, so you should be familiar with the map. You'll follow
roughly the same path as you did for the recon mission. Take Lofquist and a
recon operative, with Lofquist leading the team.

HK .45 Mark23-SD
HB Sensor

Follow the wall as it turns from west to north. Avoiding shooting until you
climb up to the driveway. Wait for the 2nd floor balcony patrol to come, then
take him down. Crouch and run up the ramp, looking forward for a pair of
patrolling tangos. Shoot them without letting them see you. Head to the guards'
station and shoot one of them through the window. That will bring three to the
door; take each one out as he tries to open the door. Head upstairs and kill
the sniper here. Head back down and approach the dacha's SE entrance. Take out
the two patrols on the south side of the house before you enter through the
south entrance. Clear this entire half of the house before proceeding. Move
forward, clearing the rest of the 1st floor, then head up the north staircase.
There is a tango patrolling the rooms and a stationary guard next to the
computer. Either kill the patrol first or let him wander out of sight before
running into the bedroom and shooting the stationary guard. Download the files,
then leave the dacha through the garage. There may be one guard left in the
garage, or he may have wandered outside. Take him down and head to EXT.

3.11 Oracle Stone

-The other recon mission, so same rules apply. However, this may be a lot
trickier and unpredictable because of the wandering guests and ridiculously
long hallways. Still, there are less guards to avoid, so it should take you
less tries than Crystal Arc. I finished the mission in 6:49. Sweeney.

92FS 9-mm SD
Electronics Kit
HB Sensor

Wait at INS and switch to 3rd person view. There is one patrol who will come to
check this outdoor area. Once you see him come and leave, follow the south wall
to EXT, then head north and enter the estate through the east door. Continue
through this room and wait in the hallway as you check for tangos. There is one
patrol in the long, major hallway to the north as well as a tango who sometimes
visits the room in the NW. Once it is safe to go, run north and make your way
to the room with the ladder. (Note: a guest sometimes comes here, so if you see
her coming on the map, climb the ladder to the 2nd floor until she leaves.)
Head into the next room and wait by the door for the long hallway's patrol to
go out the front door. Once he does (and the west end of the hallway is clear),
RUN east to the small alcove with the window in it. Pause here to check for
tangos in the SE by the staircase, then continue to the library and place the
camera. Sometimes 2 guests will wander into this room (from the 2nd floor) but
it's highly unlikely that you'll meet them. Once you're done here, make sure
it's safe and head into the NE room. It's much safer to head back west using
the rooms along the north wall. Check for the hallway tango before going back
to the ladder. This time, climb it and check for tangos in the hallway as well
as in the bedrooms to the west. You may have to wait a while. When you are sure
the area is safe, continue to the bedroom areas. It is probably more useful to
enter one of the northern guest bedrooms and to climb the balconies outside to
avoid the guards in the hallway here. Once no one is looking again, head out
and bug the phone, then head downstairs. Let the driveway guard patrol east
again, then quickly head back to EXT.

3.12 Temple Gate

-This mission requires methodical hunting. The tangos also don't seem to mind
the noise from assault rifles, so bring weapons that pierce their armor. To
make the guide easier to understand, rotate the recon map so that EXT is to
the south. HB sensors are already provided. 2 assault teams.

HK .45 Mark23-SD
Frag Grenades

Blue Team: Start from the south INS (front door). There are 2 guards in the
entrance area; you can frag and/or flashbang both of them.
Infiltrate into the lobby with the grand staircase. The west hallway
patrol should be close to you, so take a short detour and drop him
with a silenced shot. If possible, also shoot the tango patrolling
behind the audience area. Now head to the east door, returning to
assault rifles. There are 2 tangos escorting a hostage to the
bathroom. Wait until the first tango enters the bathroom, then open
the door and shoot the two terrorists. Leave the hostage, continue
north to the second staircase (by the opening to the stage), and
hold your teammate at the bottom of the stairs. Head up to the
balcony, staying crouched. Shoot the guard here with a burst before
he runs down to execute the hostages. Go back down and rejoin with
your teammate. A few patrols will now investigate, so CBravo in the
hallway towards the north, where you can take down up to six at this
choke point. When there is no one left, sneak up to the door to the
stage and see if you can eliminate either of the two hostage guards
still onstage. If not, don't worry about it since Red will have an
easier time with them. Bravo, head for the SE entrance to the
audience area and proceed to flush out the last few tangos. Take the
hostages back to EXT.

Red Team: Wait for Alpha at the north INS (back door). Alpha, clear the tangos
in the back areas - anything north of the stage. Head for the west
hallway and eliminate the west balcony guard, just as Blue did. Head
south and to the second floor, where two guards are patrolling in the
balcony seats at the top of the grand staircase. Eliminate both, then
check Blue's map to see which first floor tangos you can take down
from here. Shoot the ones on stage first because they will kill the
hostages if they get a chance. Once you're done here, pick up the
hostage still in the bathroom and escort him to EXT.

Order of Operations: Take Blue through their objectives until they are holding
for Bravo. Then control Red until they're ready to escort
the bathroom hostage back. This leaves Blue with about 3
tangos hiding in the seats. You can either throw a frag
and rush in blazing, or you can get into a position to
shoot them in the back of the head. It's up to you.

3.13 Sargasso Fade

-The operatives you take into this mission are the ones who will do the next
mission, too. Since I like to completely clear the map, I will detail how to
kill every tango, though that's optional. An assault team and a sniper team
(sniper leader).

HK G36K / PSG-1 (Red sniper)
.50 Desert Eagle
Frag Grenades
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Head up the east path and when it opens up to reveal the compound,
CAlpha towards the second floor entrance of the southmost building.
Several tangos will run out of here to investigate the noise. Alpha,
snipe the guy in the NW tower, then head through the 2nd floor door
and shoot the 2 tangos downstairs. Once this building is clear, go
to the NE building. Shoot the one guard downstairs, then turn
towards the northern staircase to kill the tango coming downstairs.
Head up the south stairs and kill the 2 tangos outside. You can
shoot the metal door if you want them to come to you. Once they're
down, shoot the windows of the room north of you and toss a frag in.
Rush inside and clear the rest of the tangos, then plant the
explosives to finish the mission.

Red Team: Head up the west path, following the west edge of the map. Once the
path opens up to the rest of the map, snipe the tango by the closest
building, by the door. Also snipe the guard on the NE tower. There is
a mine near you that could go off, so stay crouched to protect
yourself from the explosion. Remain sniping here to the NE in case
any more tangos come. Alpha, follow the west wall some more until you
are in view of the guard tower to the NW. SBravo towards it; you
might have to take down one of the guards up there.

Order of Operations: Control Red to kill the first two tangos. Once the bombs
go off (if they do), switch to observation mode and watch
Blue pick off their tangos. Once it gets quiet, take Blue
to clear out the two buildings.

3.14 Majestic Gold

-Now this mission may seem harder because of the closer quarters, but it still
should give you no problems. An assault team and a sniper.

Enfield L85A1 / PSG-1 (Red sniper)
.50 Desert Eagle
Frag Grenades
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Head north and wait for Alpha by this boulder. Alpha, head into the
compound and shoot the tango on the balcony between the two towers.
Go through the fence by the west tower and look to the north;
sometimes three tangos will come investigate the noise through this
path. When they're down, open the door to the guard tower and shoot
the tango as he is climbing down the ladder. Cross to the other
tower (staying on the ground floor and close to the towers) and do
the same. Head NE and clear this room, then head up to the next
floor using the ramp. Though it doesn't show up on the recon map,
there is a staircase on the north wall of this area. Head down it
and clear the rooms in the north of this building. Now go back
upstairs and head down the south staircase. Kill the tangos by the
entrance to the complex, then head over to the room with your
objective. Frag and secure it. Plant the explosives and leave via
the ramp that heads down. Before you get to the bottom of the ramp,
aim down the tunnel, where there is a handful of guards. Take them
all down and head through the tunnel, emerging in one of the side
buildings. Carefully head outside and kill all the patrols out here.
You may want to shoot through the windows in the first room to your
left as you come up the stairs. Anyway, clear the other building,
then go and plant the other explosives.

Red Team: Jump down and head to the south side of the road, where you can head
west under cover of the hills. When it's possible, SAlpha the tango
in the small guardhouse to the west of the entrance to the compound.

Order of Operations: Controlling Red at the beginning is optional, but fun
nonetheless. Obviously, you are controlling Blue for most
of this mission.

3.15 Frost Light

-Just as you had an assault mission on the first recon map, you get to fight
through the other one too. The layout will be familiar and should be pretty
easy to complete. One assault team.

HK .45 Mark23-SD (JHP)
HB Sensor

From INS, snipe the outdoor guards to the north. There is one on each floor.
Then head into the driveway area and kill the two guards here. Enter the house
and climb the spiral staircase. Shoot the four guards near the first hostage,
then locate and shoot the patrol pair - they patrol the main hall and the
balcony above the casino. Head for the second hostage, then clear the area
around him. If you'd like, kill the balcony guard, but keep in mind that doing
so will alert guards below. Escort this hostage down the south stairs and clear
the entire first floor while you head back west. It's really your choice
whether you want to clear the outdoors too. Head back west via the rooms along
the north wall. Anyway, once you get back to the west side of the house, go
upstairs again and pick up the first hostage. Take both of them to EXT.

3.16 Hero Claw

-This mission is extremely fast-paced, and it can be very frustrating. With
good planning, however, the AI can handle the majority of the mission. 3
assault teams.

MP5SD5 (JHP) / M-16 A2 (Green)
HK .45 Mark23-SD (JHP)
Frag Grenades
HB Sensor

Blue Team: From INS, head west in between the two trains. Shoot anyone you see,
then after passing the first car, head north and CAlpha next to the
small tower structure. Aim towards the center of the trainyard; 2
tangos are patrolling and they MUST go down before they can run to
the building and alert the others. Alpha, continue to the east side
of the building and climb both ladders to the roof. Shoot the sniper
on the NW corner of the roof. For safety's sake, you can climb back
down to the ground and watch the nearby door until Charlie.

Red Team: Follow Blue west in between the trains, but continue west to a point
south of the circular structure. SAlpha towards the SE corner of the
roof and kill the sniper there. Alpha, continue to the SW corner of
the building and wait for Bravo there. Bravo, enter the building
through the NW door and CCharlie east away from the door of this room
(before you reach the main part of the room). From this position, you
have a good view of any tangos trying to escape. Charlie, head in and
eliminate anyone left.

Green Team: Infiltrate west a few feet and hold for Alpha by the ladder. Alpha.
join Blue at the SW corner of the building (you can switch to
rifles now) and hold for Bravo. Bravo, run to the NW corner of the
building and frag the 2 tangos near the cars. You killed the west
car's driver, so head around the corner and CCharlie east towards
the other two cars. Shoot anyone inside the cars or anyone who even
tries to get in. Be alert, since the guard on the roof above may
jump down to investigate. Charlie, climb the west ladder up to the
roof I just mentioned and make sure the tango up here is dead.

Order of Operations: You can easily observe the computer do the whole mission.
After the 4 outside guards and the roof sniper are down,
give Alpha and control Blue to kill the other sniper.
Bravo as Green and trigger the tangos to try to escape.
Charlie, take control and mop up the survivors.

3.17 Ebony Horse

-The terrorists have the advantage of terrain; it is quite hard to sneak up on
most of the tangos. You will need to use door frames as cover by sidestepping
around them until you see the tangos. 2 assault teams.

M-16 A2
.50 Desert Eagle
Frag Grenades
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Head down the mountain path on the west of the castle and wait for
Alpha outside the basement gate. Alpha, pick the lock and kill the
tangos down here. Climb to the ground floor, where two tangos have
come down to investigate by now. Kill them both, then head outside
and kill the 4 outdoor tangos that have gathered by the doors. With
them down, head upstairs to the room with the ramp. A few tangos
will be in this room; either frag or shoot them. While having your
teammate guard the staircase in the corner, 3rd person check and/or
crawl up the ramp with the HB sensor out. You are looking for maybe
2 tangos in these rooms. Since it's hard to take them out, make sure
they're not looking at the stairs behind you so that you can climb
them safely. Otherwise, try to frag them. Anyway, climb the stairs
that your teammate was guarding. Shoot the tangos on the ramp, then
frag the top floor if you can't reach all the tangos. Your primary
target may be in the southmost room at the top floor, so frag him
too. Then head down the stairs to the south and head through the
lounge to check it one more time for tangos.

Red Team: Run to the east part of the front gate and look up to the west. There
is a window here and part of the arm of a tango. Shoot him so that
you can enter the castle safely. Head up the eastern stairs and
continue to the top floor. Frag/shoot the tangos at the top and crawl
along the top of the wall. You should stay crouched because guards on
the ground could see you. Anyway, clear the top of the walls and
head down to the 1st floor using the SW stairs. The 2nd floor walls
should be clear already, so you can skip them. Make sure the 1st
floor walls are clear and head back to the front entrance.

Order of Operations: Control Red to clear the walls first and to put patrols
into a better position for Blue. Most of this mission is
just advancing slowly and fragging where you have to. Once
the walls are secure, switch to Blue and clear the main
part of the map. Try not to use the HB sensor often, since
tangos could easily peek out and shoot you while you're
checking. Keep trying; it's not as hard as it seems.

3.18 Zero Gambit

-There are two targets to eliminate, and they must die within one minute of
each other. You need to stay quiet until both are dead, since some tangos can
radio to the leaders, who will melt down the reactor and fail the mission.
After both targets are dead, then the rest of the mission is easy: tearing up
the power plant with your assault team. A sniper team (sniper teammate), a
lone sniper, and 1 assault team.

UMP 45SD (Blue leader) / PSG-1 (Blue and Red snipers) / Steyr Aug (Green)
HK .45 Mark23-SD
Frag Grenades
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Head south around the parking lot and wait for Alpha behind the
concrete barrier. Alpha, head sneak behind the parking lot guard and
follow him inside. He will stop at the fork that leads into the rest
of the plant, so when he leaves, turn right and head down that
direction. Climb the stairs and bring up your scope to scan the east
end of this room. One guard is on patrol and another is crouched by
one of the blue turbines. Wait for the walking guard first and take
him out with a burst of fire, then go hunt the stationary one down.
Continue east and wait by the south door. Using the HB sensor, wait
until the two tangos come by and patrol away, then enter the room
and quickly take both down. Wait by here and scan the catwalks above
for one guard up there who will cause problems. Take him out and
continue east. Check the HB sensor one last time for tangos in the
next room, then SBravo in the little alcove towards the middle
window to the east. After your sniper kills the target, Bravo sends
them back west a bit and CDelta north to watch the openings to the
eastern area.

Red Team: Follow Blue south to the parking lot, but continue forward to the
lamppost. Turn north to the entrance and wait in this corner for a
patrol to come outside, then climb the ramp and sneak in behind him.
Head west into the office area of the plant while avoiding the single
tango patrolling inside. Make your way to the NW staircase and hold
for Bravo at the top of the stairs. Bravo, wait for a tango to come
to your end of the hallway. As he walks away, come out and shoot him
in the head with your pistol. Now enter the 2nd office on the left.
From here, you have a clear shot at the other target on the 1st
floor. But first, take out the patrol on the yellow catwalk across
from you. Then climb on the NE corner of the table and snipe the
target's head; that's all that will be showing. Quickly run to the
room across the hall and CDelta towards the door.

Green Team: Wait at INS for Charlie. Charlie, sweep the area that Red went
through. So kill the parking lot guard as well as the other 1st
floor guard, then head up the stairs to the north. Kill anyone left
in the hallway and offices here, and try to kill the catwalk tangos
from the offices' windows. Head back downstairs and enter the main
room from its SE door. Clear this room and the catwalks above, then
climb up to the 2nd floor. Head east through the small room and
secure it, then continue east to the turbine room. Head downstairs
and continue east, shooting any patrols left here. Keep going east
and climb the stairs at the far east end of this area. You will
emerge on a catwalk system; continue east and frag the three guards
in the area overlooking the reactor. Make your way farther east to
the offices, then frag and clear the 3 areas.

Order of Operations: Take Red inside, and once they are past the two guards,
give Alpha and switch to Blue. The timing should be right
so that you can follow the parking lot patrol as he goes
back inside. Now take Blue all the way to shooting the
first target. In the catwalk room, you may want to set up
temporary Cover commands (num pad 8) and let the AI shoot
the other tangos for you. Once Blue has shot the leader,
Bravo and switch to Red. Don't worry about the time limit
and focus on sniping the other target. Charlie and control
Green for the cleanup.


4. Closing

If you still have problems, use the invisible cheats (theshadowknows or
teamshadow) and take a look around. Now you can explore the level and find out
where all the terrorists are. Of course, you could kill them all, but why would
you need a guide then? Hopefully, you can tweak your plans with this new info.

Of course, you can ask me if you have still any further questions.

Thanks to Red Storm Entertainment.

Copyright (c)2005 idyoticwyzard
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Engl. FAQ

01.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

30.Сентябрь 2013
Im Singleplayer-Modus mit Terroristenwaffen spielen

04.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Hinweise

02.Октябрь 2013
Munitions- und Gegenständetrainer (für v2.0)

02.Октябрь 2013
Charakter-Editor (dt.)

04.Октябрь 2013

03.Октябрь 2013

10.Октябрь 2008
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
24.Февраль 2018
24.Июль 2014
22.Октябрь 2014
25.Июнь 2019