Sims - Party ohne Ende

Sims - Party ohne Ende

26.09.2013 10:15:07
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MMMM MMMM 88' `88 88ooood8 *The Sims *
MMMM MMMM 88 88 88. ... *Item & Career Guide v6.1 *
MMMM MMMM dP dP `88888P' *May 10, 2001 *
MMMMMMMMMM ***************************

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|=========| FAQ Info |
| \----------/
| guide version: 6.1
| created on: 06.11.00
| last update: 06.06.01
| creator: BestGuy9 (

|-------------------------------| NOTES |------------------------------|

Copyright Notice

All contents of this FAQ are copyright
2001 by BestGuy9. They are the sole
property of BestGuy9. If you would like
to copy the FAQ to your website, it must
be a non-profit website, and the FAQ must
be completely un-altered.

E-mail Policy
I welcome any and all e-mails you wish to send (in the general sense). I
will do my best to respond to every one (in the general sense). However,
if you could just follow a few guidelines before writing, it will make
everyone's day just a little happier.
First, as a general rule of thumb, I do not send out attachments attached
to any e-mail responses. I do not send out install files that you might
be missing, cheats that require a seperate file, or the latest FAQ version.
I just don't do it. If you want the latest version of my FAQ, I WILL NOT
send it to you. See below for more info.
Also, along those same lines, I do not send out CD-keys. At all. Ever.
I don't care what your reason is or whether it is legitimate or not. I
don't so it. So, please don't ask me to send you files or CD-keys. If
you do, don't be surprised if I send an angry e-mail back, or don't reply
at all.
Next, if you are contributing a piece of information, please read the
following. By crediting people, I usually out their alias in the FAQ body,
and I then list their alias along with their e-mail in the credits section.
When you contribute, please send me an alias (if you have one) that you
want me to put in the FAQ body. Otherwise, I'll put your e-mail. Also,
if you do not want your e-mail listed anywhere, let me know, and I won't
add it.
If you would like to post this FAQ on your website, that's fine.
Do not alter it in any way. Also, I cannot keep track of all the places
that this guide is posted. I cannot guarantee in any way that the version
of the guide at the website you are visiting is the most update. See
below for more information.
One last thing - I have recently been getting many e-mails about people
installing Livin' Large and saying that items are missing. Let me say that
I AM NOT A TECHNICAL EXPERT on the Sims! This is obviously a bug of some
sort, but I do not know what is causing it or what the problem is. Please
do not e-mail me asking, because I will not know the answer, and from now
on, I will likely not bother responding. You can try e-mailing Maxis tech
support (from

Official Websites

This FAQ is copied to many websites over time. I cannot keep track nor
will I keep track to see if the guide you are looking at is the latest
version. I cannot guarantee in any way that the version you are viewing
is the more up to date. For the most up-to-date version, please visit:

Navigating this Guide

To make your way around this guide, first take a look at the table of
contents. The guide is divided into two main parts: the item guide and
career guide. The guide is pretty evenly distributed, so, basically, the
top half is the item guide and the bottom half is the careet guide. See
the table of contents for more information.

Game Info

Name: The Sims
Genre: Simulation
Platforms: PC
Developer: Maxis
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Quick Info: THE SIMS is Maxis' brand new game. It is, most basically, a
people simulator. You create your own people, find jobs,
build them a house, buy stuff, and, ultimately, find happiness.
Expansion is Livin' Large. Second expansion is House Party.
Rumored sequel is The Sims Online. This game will also be
linked to Maxis' upcoming Simsville; you can import you Sim
families into the towns you build.

i. Revision History
ii. Introduction and Notes
iii. Credits
iv. Other FAQs

* *
*PART ONE* The Item Guide*
* *

~Information on Item Appreciation

*Chapter One* The Sims Item Guide
~ Seating
~ Surfaces
~ Decorative
~ Electronics
~ Appliances
~ Plumbing
~ Lighting
~ Miscellaneous
~ Secondary Categories

*Chapter Two* Livin' Large Item Guide
~ Seating
~ Surfaces
~ Decorative
~ Electronics
~ Appliances
~ Plumbing
~ Lighting
~ Miscellaneous
~ Secondary Categories

*Chapter Three* House Party Item Guide
~ Seating
~ Surfaces
~ Decorative
~ Electronics
~ Appliances
~ Plumbing
~ Lighting
~ Miscellaneous
~ Secondary Categories

*Chapter Four* Item Analysis
~ Primary Categories
~ Secondary Categories

* *
*PART TWO* The Career Guide*
* *

*Chapter Five* The Sims Career Guide
~ BUSINESS career track
~ ENTERTAINMENT career track
~ LAW ENFORCEMENT career track
~ LIFE OF CRIME career track
~ MEDICINE career track
~ MILITARY career track
~ POLITICS career track
~ PRO ATHLETE career track
~ SCIENCE career track
~ X-TREME career track

*Chapter Six* Livin' Large Career Guide
~ MUSICIAN career track
~ SLACKER career track
~ PARANORMAL career track
~ JOURNALISM career track
~ HACKER career track

*Chapter Seven* Career Analysis
~ Charts by Career
~ Career Comparison: Hours Worked
~ Career Comparison: Wage Earned
~ Career Comparison: Wage per Hour
~ Career Comparison: Skills & Friends
~ Career Comparison: Overall Analysis


i. Revision History
*** see "Introduction & Notes" section for details on changes ***
v1.0 - 06/11/00
original version
half of all items oublished
entry-level jobs on every career listed
v2.0 - 06/13/00
Publish #2
Item Guide finished! - downloaded items coming soon?
added "Other FAQs" section
added "Next Update" section
other minor changes
v2.05- 06/14/00
Publish #3
Item Guide finished! (really)
Problem? (see notes)
other minor changes
v2.1 - 06/16/00
Publish #4
LIFE OF CRIME career track complete (see notes)
other minor changes
v2.2 - 06/24/00
Publish #5
BUSINESS career track complete
other minor changes
v2.3 - 06/30/00
Publish #6
added secondary categories for items
additional section: sorted items into secondary categories
other minor changes
v2.4 - 07/07/00
Publish #7
other minor changes
v3.4 - 07/09/00
Publish #8
item sizes added for Seating - Decorative
Career Analysis chapter added
other minor changes
v3.5 - 07/11/00
Publish #9
MEDICINE complete
Career Analysis filled in for MEDICINE
item sizes added for Electronics
other minor changes
v3.6 - 08/05/00
Publish #10
MILITARY complete
Career Analysis filled in for MILITARY
other minor changes
v3.7 - 08/08/00
Publish #11
POLITICS complete
Career Analysis filled in for POLITICS
added item sizes
other minor changes
v4.0 - 08/16/00
Publish #12
CAREER GUIDE complete! (yahoo!!)
Career Analysis filled in for PRO ATHLETE, SCIENCE, & X-TREME
Overall Analysis written
secondary charts (sorted charts) completed
Table of Contents changed
chapter structure updated in prep. for Livin' Large release
other minor changes
v4.1 - 09/05/00
Publish #13
LIVIN' LARGE has been released!
Item Guide for Livin' Large had been completed
Tons of new items!
Item Analysis filled in for Seating & Surfaces
first level careers filled in
other minor changes
v5.0 - 01.01.01
Publish #14
added MUSICIAN career track & analysis
added SLACKER career track & analysis
added PARANORMAL career track & analysis
added JOURNALISM career track & analysis
added HACKER career track & analysis
added all Item Analyses
added Livin' Large secondary categories
Item Guide complete!!
Career Guide complete!!
streamlined guide:
moved most current "Notes" to top of Notes section
abandoned old numbering system
added more "graphics" to make it easier to find things
grouped lists by Career and Item, rather than Old and New
changed copyright to 2001 :)
other minor changes
v5.05 - 01.17.01
Publish #15
added an e-mail notice
other minor changes
v5.1 - 01.28.01
Publish #16
updated e-mail notice - *please read*
other minor changes
v5.5 - 04.27.01
Publish #17
added House Party items
updated Item Analysis
added text before The Sims Item Guide - see Notes for more info
updated e-mail notice - *please read*
other minor changes
v6.0 - 05.04.01
Publish #18
added House Party secondary categories/list
changed dates so they are correct :)
other minor changes
v6.05 - 05.10.01
Publish #19
minor changes
v6.1 - 06.06.01
Publish #20
added information about item appreciation
added some new Alternative Careers
other minor changes

ii. Introduction & Notes
notes for v6.1 - I have been getting some e-mails about item
appreciation issues. You know, that's when you buy an item and it
gains monetary value over time. Check it out right before the Item
Guide starts.
I also added some new Alternative Careers thanks to JPrier256.

notes for v2.0 - Here's the next update. I know that you all want
this information so much, that I rushed just to put it out! Okay,
not really, but I hope that it helps you in all your buying. I'll
put out more updates with the careers updated soon!

notes for v2.05- Golly gee, did you notice that I forgot to actually
finished the darned Item Guide? Well, I did. So, here's the
final version - I'll have an update for the Career Guide soon.
Oh, yeah, and I put the wrong dates on the last version. Sorry.
One more thing - some of my apostrophes seem to have been changed to
the capital "AE" symbol in this text document. I don't know if it's
just WordPad or saved that way, but just so you know...

notes for v2.1 - All right! I decided to go a bit differently - I
decided to complete the career guide by career track instead of
levels. I decided that an eight-person family was too hard to
manage. So, I'll just start a series of bachelors and finish the
individual career tracks. Completed: LIFE OF CRIME. Next up:
BUSINESS and ENTERTAINMENT. I will go in order, from now on, just
that my guy with the LIFE OF CRIME job was already at #7. So, I
just advanced him and now I'll work on the rest.

notes for v2.2 - The next track is completed! Career tracks are
surprisingly hard to finish - it took me over 80 days of living in
the same house to finish one track. But I'm getting there... slowly,
but surely. ENTERTAINMENT is planned next. My goal is to have all
the career tracks done by the end of summer, so I'll be ready to
work on the Livin' Large tracks when it comes out on Sept 1.

notes for v2.3 - Couple things to cover here. First, I'm trying as
hard as I possibly can to finish up these career tracks. I'm very,
ever so sorry that the next track isn't done yet. I've rearranged my
neighbohood, and a loss of several friends can certainly set you back
a few days. I'll have that done next update.
I've been getting a lot of response
(positive, that is) from the "community" - thanks to some of the
websites who have been supporting this FAQ. Thanks also to those
people who have been submitting "corrections." See the credits.
On a final note, I'll try to have five tracks done by July 11. More
on that in the next update.

notes for v2.4 - Sorry it's been so long... I've been busy with
Independence Weekend activities. But, ENTERTAINMENT is complete!
I've narrowed my goal to four tracks by July 11... We're going
on vacation, so updates will spread out until August. I'm still
set on finishing every track by the end of summer, so I can begin
work on Livin' Large tracks when it comes out, September 1.
On an unrelated note, I noticed that this FAQ was longer & bigger
(in terms of KB) than my Harvest Moon FAQ, which I was sure was
longer. Okay, that wasn't that interesting, but a little side
note for you.
Oh, yes, another note for you. I've decided NOT to include
Official Maxis item downloads because they will all be included in
Livin' Large... and it'll get far too confusing if I put them if
a bunch of different places.

notes for v3.4 - Wonders behold! - LAW ENFORCEMENT is complete.
My heavens, in only two days, too.
I've also added the item sizes with low-quality pictures for your
enjoyment. Only for Seating - Decorative, I'll get to the rest
later. I'm hoping for one more update by the time we leave for
vacation, but you never know... we'll see. Wish me luck.

notes for v3.5 - Well, I'll be. That's two career tracks in four
days... and I made it to my goal after all! Five tracks by July
11, and I'm well set on finishing by August 31. No problem at all.
In other notes, I've filled in the Analysis for the Medicine track
and added item sizes for the Electronics category. Please remember
that updates will be sparse until August, due to vacation. Thank
you for your patience!
One other thing... if you noticed, this FAQ has broke 100K! Yahoo!

notes for v3.6 - Well, well, here we are. The MILITARY track is
complete, and that leaves only four (count them: four) to finish
by the time Livin' Large comes out at the end of the month. So!
Here we go!

notes for v3.7 - Here it is! The tenth version of this lovely
FAQ. I've finished Politics; it took a while because you do need
quite a few friends (and in Politics, I can see why.) I also
added the rest of the item sizes. Enjoy!

notes for v4.0 - Well, ha ha ha! It's done! Yahoo! The Career
Guide for THE SIMS is officially done. Now, all we've got to do
is wait for Livin' Large to come out.
A few notes on that subject. I'm going to put the Livin' Large
items into their own chapter, sorted, of course, like the items
are right now. I'll also add the secondary categories and sizes
over time. I am also going to put the Livin' Large career tracks
in their own chapter, but I am going to meld the two analyses.
I'm going to do that because the point of the analysis is to help
you choose the best career track, and it won't help that much if
you have to read through two of them. Okay? All rightey, then,
I'll update again when Livin' Large comes out!

notes for v4.1 - Yahoo! Livin' Large has been released! It has all
kinds of cool stuff from new characters to new career tracks and tons
of new items!
I've added all the new items to the Item Guide for Livin' Large
(remember, it is seperate from the original). Sizes and 2nd
categories aren't in yet (I don't have THAT much time.) Career
tracks will soon follow.

notes for v5.0 - Well, I am truly sorry for the lack of updates. I
can't and won't explain my absence. Hopefully you will accept my
apology, and the load of updates will make up for it. :)
And... everything is done! Complete! Absolutely and positively
OVER. I'm so happy. Now, any following updates should only be minor
ones, such as typos and changing item descriptions. Unless, of course,
Maxis decided to release another version of Sims. However, we will
jump that hurdle when we reach it.
Next, I have tried to fix and always-present problem. That is, guides
can be very confusing. Scrolling to a random part of the guide to
approximately where you think a section is will most likely lose you
somewhere. My odd numbering system certainly didn't help any. So, I
have gotten rid of that and labeled things so, hopefully, it will be
easier to find your way around. Good luck. Any comments, questions,
compliments, or complaints, can certainly be e-mailed to me. I will
do my very best to reply to every e-mail I get.
My Email:

notes for v5.05 - An FAQ can never be complete. The only way an FAQ
can be in its final update is if its author is giving up or not
putting more time into it. Therefore, v5.05 contains minor changes
that benefits or corrects existing information. I also added an
e-mail notice. Please read it if you are planning on e-mailing me.

notes for v5.1 - I've changed around the pre-FAQ stuff. I'm doing
this to all FAQs written by me, to have a sort of uniformity. Not
that it matters all that much, but there you go. Secondly, I've
updated my E-mail Notice (now found above). If you would please read
it before sending me e-mail, you will be my friend. Thank you.

notes for v5.5 - House Party has been released, so, naturally, I must
update my guide. I have added all the items from House Party, which
really aren't as many as one might have thought, but the secondary
categories have yet to be put up. There are no new career tracks in
House Party, so we don't need to worry about that.
In other news, I also updated my E-mail Notice. I still appreciate
any and all e-mail you wish to send, within limits. If you don't
read the E-mail Policy before you send your e-mail, I will get upset
and I might even ignore you. Though I can't usually bring myself to
do that, so I might just send a nasty letter back. You can decide
which is worse. Finally, I rewrote the whole text directly before the
original Sims Item Guide. You might want to read it, as I explained
many of the guide's oddities. Do enjoy, and e-mail me if you have any
Oh, yes, one other minor thing. I did away with the little "X"s
representing the sizes of the items; I felt that it was pointless.
However, if you feel for some reason that they should really be there,
get enough people to petition me and I'll put them back up. It's
trivial, I know, but I aim to please. Enjoy!

notes for v6.0 - If you noticed any discrepancies in the last version,
you're right. I was working with two different copies of the guide;
one on my disk and one on my hard drive. Well, I sent off the wrong
one, believe it or not, so the dates were all wrong and that version
didn't have the little Xs for Size removed under The Sims and Livin'
Large. This is, I think, the second time I've done this, so I'll
try not to do it again.
Instead of doing another minor update, however, I just decided to get
out the next version. So, here it is. This one has all House Party
secondary categories added, as well as the list of secondary
categories. With any luck, the guide should now be complete. If you
notice anything wrong or needs adding, let me know. Please read the
E-mail Policy before doing so, because that tells you how I give
credit and such useful information.

notes for v6.05 - Like I said in Notes for v5.05, a FAQ can be
finished, but NEVER complete (like a game - you can finish it by
beating it, but that'd different than completing it by collecting all
the items and finding all the secrets). Anyway, the only way a FAQ
is finished is if the author is giving up or not putting any more time
into it - but it's still not complete. There will always be something
wrong. Such as grammar, mistake's. or things speled incorekly.
Don't let me bore you, but I'm trying to explain my reasoning behind
another update to a seemingly complete guide. I just fixing a few
problems that I uncovered while admiring my beautiful work; that's

iii. Credits
I will recognize SigZag, which I used to make the "logo" at the

OTHER CONTRIBUTORS ("Jailburger with Fries")
Adam V. (
Carmine (
Sahil Javeri (
JPrier256 (

iv. Other FAQs
If you really love my FAQs all that much, you might want to check out
my other ones. See them below with a short description.

Harvest Moon 64 (N64)
My full FAQ on Harvest Moon covers games basics as well as
coverage on various game events, and a full walkthrough for your
first two years of playing.
Roller Coaster Tycoon (PC)
My RCT FAQ gives you a complete guide on each scenario in the game
to help you complete every one.
StarCraft (PC)
Stuck on SC? No problem. My FAQ will assist you in making your
way through the single-player campaigns and scenarios.

Item appreciation is where you buy an item, and it gains value over time. You
can then sell it for more money. Personally, I haven't experimented much and
I haven't noticed any items gaining value. However, I have gotten e-mails
from people who have noticed this. Here's what one person, Sahil Javeri, had
to say about the subject. Try it out and let me know what happens.

"The funny thing is that these objects appreciate at times and also depreciate
at times. I tried to find out why this was happening, and I think I might have
the answer. If I buy any of these objects and place them in the house and just
leave them there without doing anything (clicking on them, viewing them etc)
then they appreciate. The moment I go to buy mode and check on the items value
to see if it has appreciated, the value of the item later starts going down!
I tried this 4-5 times with all these items and got similar results. Every
time I went to buy mode to check on the items price, the item started
depreciating, but when I just left the item in the house, its value went up. I
recommend buying any of these items, putting them wherever in the house, and
selling them about 3-4 days later so as to make a profit(you can always repeat
this over and over again). During this time, do not interact with the object
at all if you want to earn some money.
I also tried out the antique lamp and the antique rug, but neither seemed to
appreciate no matter what I did."

I don't really have any other information on the subject. I have listed whether
or not an item appreciates under the item notes. I've also added a career on the
subject, thanks to Thanks again to Mr. Javeri for all this

Here are all the items of the Sims, sorted into their default categories
(seating, surfaces, decorative, electronics, applainces, plumbing,
lighting, and miscellaneous). I have also listed the items' secondary
categories (you get to this mode by clicking on the "Buy" button twice).
These are Living Room, Dining Room, Study... You can find a list of the
secondary category items at the bottom.
I have also listed sub-categories. PLEASE NOTE: sub-categories are not
official in any way or form! Sub-categories are special categories that
I MADE UP that make it easier to organize items in a category. Please
DO NOT e-mail me asking how to make the game tell you an item is in a
sub-category; the game does not contain sub-categories. This is
something that I'm just doing. You don't need to pay attention if you
don't want to.
Finally, there's the size of the item. The numbers are the number of
tiles the item takes up. "Wall - #" means that an item hangs on a wall,
and the number is the number of spaces it takes up. You can usually
place another item on the floor beneath a wall item. "Wall - #x#" means
that the item sits on the floor, but requires an attached wall. So, these
items use up floor space, but you can still hang regular wall items above
them (i.e. pictures). "#x# - Surface" means that the item requires a
surface - a table. I don't believe that there are any surface items more
than 1x1, but I could be wrong.
One other thing worth mentioning: I only include the items included in
include third-party items, and I do not include Maxis's item downloads.
Most of the item downloads have been included with the expansions, anyway,
and if they are available for download I have noted that.
So, that's a "guide to the guide" in a nutshell. If you have any
questions that I did not address, by all means, e-mail me. I don't mind
comments or complaints at all. Enjoy!

| Chapter One: The Sims Item Guide |

| The Sims Item Guide - SEATING |

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Here we are - Seating. This includes chairs as well as beds. Just *
* a note for the sub-categories: I consider a "Couch" to be a two- *
* seater, and a "Sofa" to be a three-seater. Just so you know what *
* I'm talking about. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Seating #1 ~ Sioux Sity Wicker Chair
PRICE: $80 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 2
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
This chair is cheap, but ugly. I would go for the next chair in line,
which is the same price but better looking.

Seating #2 ~ Werkbunnst All Purpose Chair
PRICE: $80 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 2
SUB-CATEGORY: Dining Chair
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
This chair is most certainly all-purpose. You can use if for anything,
really... kitchen to living room to bedroom. Good to use when you
can't afford better.
Seating #3 ~ "Posture Plus" Office Chair
PRICE: $100 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 3
2nd CATEGORY: Study
No, this chair does not roll, so don't build a special floor (like I
did.) This chair is good by a desk, is more expensive, but also more
comfortable. Good chair to play on the computer (by the desk)
Seating #4 ~ Contempto Loveseat
PRICE: $150 SIZE: 2x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 3
Energy - 4
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
The very cheapest couch, it's two person and very cheap. If you've
got the dough, go for something bigger and better.
Seating #5 ~ Deck Chair by Survivall
PRICE: $150 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 3
2nd CATEGORY: Outside
This deck chair is very professional and goes great in any atmosphere.
Love it, personally. Put it on a deck or balcony. Looks great by the
Seating #6 ~ Indoor-Outdoor Loveseat
PRICE: $160 SIZE: 2x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 3
Energy - 4
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
This couch looks like it's made out of plastic. Actually, anything
can be outside, considering it doesn't rain. I don't like it, but
if it fits your budget and room, go for it.
Seating #7 ~ Recycled Couch
PRICE: $180 SIZE: 2x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 2
Energy - 5
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
It looks recycled... maybe it is! This couch looks okay, but it's
not very comfortable (and I don't blame it!) If you want a cheap
couch to be used for napping, go for it. Buy a better couch for TV
Seating #8 ~ Contempto Couch
PRICE: $200 SIZE: 3x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 3
Energy - 5
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
Here you are, the three-person version of the Contempto Loveseat.
It looks the same but is slightly more comfortable. I still say
you need a better couch for the TV, but if you are short on cash,
this is a good one.
Seating #9 ~ Touch of Teak Dinette Chair
PRICE: $200 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 3
SUB-CATEGORY: Dining Chair
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
Here's the first dining chair (besides the all-purpose chairs.)
It looks really nice, but can get pricey when you need a lot. Get
these if you have a large budget and small table.
Seating #10 ~ SimSafari Sofa
PRICE: $220 SIZE: 3x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 3
Energy - 5
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
It may not be the best couch, but looks awesome! If you're going
for looks, it's a fantastic buy. If you just want a couch for
sitting, you can get the exact same attributes for a cheaper price.
Check out the Contempto Couch.
Seating #11 ~ "Back Slack" Recliner
PRICE: $250 SIZE: 2x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 6
Energy - 3
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
This is one of the few chairs that you can sleep in. This chair's
looks are gaudy and bright, but it's a good chair for both TV
viewing and napping.
Seating #12 ~ Parque Fresco del Aire Bench
PRICE: $250 SIZE: 2x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 2
2nd CATEGORY: Outside
If you can afford it, this is an excellent bench to buy for your
deck. It looks great, and will beautify any lawn.
Seating #13 ~ Country Class Armchair
PRICE: $250 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 4
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
This chair does not recline, therefore does not give energy. If
you are looking for a mediocre chair, this is the way to go. Made
to go along with the Country Class Loveseat & Sofa.
Seating #14 ~ Spartan Special
PRICE: $300 SIZE: 3x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 6
Energy - 7
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
The cheapest bed is not much more than a cot. This bed is cheap,
yes, but doesn't give as much energy, so you'll need to go to bed
eariler. I suggest the next cheapest bed, or, if you don't have
room for a double, buy the kid's bed. An adult can sleep in it no
Seating #15 ~ Country Class Loveseat
PRICE: $340 SIZE: 2x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 5
Energy - 4
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
As we get more expensive, we get better couches. Made to go with
the Country Class Armchair and Sofa.
Seating #16 ~ Pinstripe Loveseat from Zecutire
PRICE: $360 SIZE: 2x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 5
Energy - 4
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
This loveseat also goes with the very next item, the Pinstripe Sofa
from Zecutire. This loveseat, however, is slightly more expensive
than the Country Class model with the same attributes. If looks
does not concern you, go for the Country Class.
Seating #17 ~ Pinstripe Sofa from Zecutire
PRICE: $400 SIZE: 3x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 5
Energy - 5
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
This sofa goes with, well, duh. If choosing a sofa, go with this
one over the Country Class Sofa, 'cuz it's same attributes &
cheaper price. This is a good sofa for TV viewing and napping.
Seating #18 ~ Cheap Eazzzzze Double Sleeper
PRICE: $450 SIZE: 3x2
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 7
Energy - 8
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
This is a cheapest double bed there is, and a better energy rating
than the Tyke bed above it. It's cheaper, yet better, unfortunetly
some houses just don't have room for a double. So, if you've got
room, I would go with this one over the cot and the Tyke bed,
unless, of course, you do have a kid.
Seating #19 ~ Tyke Nyte Bed
PRICE: $450 SIZE: 3x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 7
Energy - 8
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
This is the only other single bed besides the cot, which is the
reason an adult would sleep in one. That is, you want better than
the cot, but you don't have room for the Cheap Eazzzzze.
Seating #20 ~ "Citronel" from Chiclettina Inc.
PRICE: $450 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 6
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
Hmm... sounds like the car company in France.
Here's an ugly yellow chair for you. Too bright for me, but some
may enjoy it. It's rather expensive, at a $200 price jump from the
previous armchair, but the Comfort also jumps two whole points.
Seating #21 ~ Country Class Sofa
PRICE: $450 SIZE: 3x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 5
Energy - 5
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
This sofa is really not worth it, if you ask me. The Pinstripe
Sofa works just as well, and for a cheaper price.
Seating #22 ~ "The Sarrbach" by Werkbunnst
PRICE: $500 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 6
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
Second in the line of four chairs from Werkbunnst,
same attributes as the yellow Citronel, but $50 more expensive.
So, here's the big question. Will you spend an extra $50 for a
better looking armchair? Up to you, but I like this chair.
Seating #23 ~ Empress Dining Room Chair
PRICE: $600 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 4
Room - 2
SUB-CATEGORY: Dining Chair
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
Here's the second-best dining chair. It looks nicer, unfortunetly,
it's an incredible $400 price jump from the last one, which is out
of many people's budgets. It's not even than much more comfortable
The only thing that would make me consider this chair is the fact
that it adds two points to the room value.
Seating #24 ~ "Von Braun" Recliner
PRICE: $850 SIZE: 1x2
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 9
Energy - 3
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
Here is another of the few chairs that you can sleep in, and third
in the line of four Werkbunnst chairs. This chair is $350 more
expensive, and trades a drop of two energy points for an incredible
jump of three comfort points. Is it worth it? I wouldn't buy it
specifically for napping, but it's an excellent chair for just
sitting, reading, or watching TV.
Seating #25 ~ Luxariare Loveseat
PRICE: $875 SIZE: 2x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 8
Energy - 4
Room - 2
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
If you can afford it, this is a great sofa for watching TV. It's
comfortable, and adds to the room value. The only drawback is the
high price tag.
Seating #26 ~ Napoleon Sleigh Bed
PRICE: $1,000 SIZE: 3x2
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 8
Energy - 9
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
The first item to hit the $1K price tag also hits new standards in
attributes. If you can afford it, it's a fantastic compromise
between the Modern Mission & Tyke Nyte. It's very elegant,
comfortable, and relaxing.
Seating #27 ~ "The Deiter" by Werkbunnst
PRICE: $1,100 SIZE: 3x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 8
Energy - 5
Room - 3
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
Here's the fourth and final item in the Werkbunnst line. Compared
with the last loveseat, it goes up a point in both energy and room,
unfortunetly, it also has a heavy price tag for those who are heavy
in cash.
Seating #28 ~ Parisienne Dining Chair
PRICE: $1,200 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 6
Room - 3
SUB-CATEGORY: Dining Chair
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
WHAT!? The price of this chair staggered my mind. It's just as
expensive as the matching table, and for only one chair! It's not
even that comfortable, just that it adds to the room value. The
only reason to buy it would be if you had a large cash supply and
wanted to be a classy family.
SSj4Vegeta says that the chair would be a decent
investment for a stable income family, because the Comfort rating
goes ways up from the Empress chair, and it could increase your
Sim's house rating.
Seating #29 ~ Dolce Tutti Frutti Sofa
PRICE: $1,450 SIZE: 3x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 9
Energy - 5
Room - 3
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
This sofa is very ugly, to me, but it is the best sofa. Expensive,
but it'll bring the room up and is very comfortable.
Seating #30 ~ Modern Mission Bed
PRICE: $3,000 SIZE: 3x2
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 9
Energy - 10
Room - 3
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
The thirtith and final item doubles the price of the previous sofa-
to $3K! The bed is great, though, it's elegant, confortable,
relaxing, and the only bed that improves your room rating. Take
it if you can afford it.

| The Sims Item Guide - SURFACES |

Surfaces #1 ~ Pinegulcher End Table
PRICE: $40 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
This end table is cheap, but not very nice looking. If you don't
have a lot of cash, go for the next end table - only $15 more.
Surfaces #2 ~ Wicked Breeze End Table
PRICE: $55 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
This end table is carefully neutral looking, but nice for the
cheap price. There are better end tables, but this is the way to
go if you are looking cheap.
Surfaces #3 ~ KinderStuff Nightstand
PRICE: $75 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
What's the difference between an end table and nightstand? The
name, of course. Anyway, this colorful end table is for the
kids' room.
Surfaces #4 ~ Mesquite Desk/Table
PRICE: $80 SIZE: 2x1
2nd CATEGORY: Study
This furniture can serve as a desk or a crude kitchen table. This
is a good place to put the mail, a computer, or to study by. Many
purposes, really.
Surfaces #5 ~ NuMica Folding Card Table
PRICE: $95 SIZE: 2x2
SUB-CATEGORY: Dining Tables
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
Here it is... the kitchen table for under $100! This card table is
not classy, but it serves the purpose well enough. Made to go with
the NuMica kitchen counters.
Surfaces #6 ~ "Anywhere" End Table
PRICE: $120 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
End table #3 of 6. This end table is very elegant and a good
choice for a low price. Looks much better than the cheaper end
tables and goes well in any room design.
Surfaces #7 ~ Imperious Island End Table
PRICE: $135 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
End table #4 of 6. This end table is not exactly elegant, but
small and goes well with anything, really.
Surfaces #8 ~ NuMica Kitchen Counter
PRICE: $150 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
The NuMica Kitchen Counter matches the NuMica table perfectly, if
you don't need class or sophistication. Cheapeast kitchen counters
you can get.
Surfaces #9 ~ "Colonial Legacy" Dining Table
PRICE: $200 SIZE: 2x2
SUB-CATEGORY: Dining Tables
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
The Colonial Legacy is a very nice looking table. It's the same
size as the NuMica version (2x2) if you don't have room for a 2x3.
I would take the Backwoods table over this one, because it's the
same price but larger.
Surfaces #10 ~ Backwoods Table by Survivall
PRICE: $200 SIZE: 3x2
SUB-CATEGORY: Dining Tables
2nd CATEGORY: Outside
The Backwoods table is also very nice, and the same price as the
Colonial Legacy. I would get this table, because it's bigger.
Only take the Colonial Legacy if you don't have enough room.
Surfaces #11 ~ London "Cupertino" Collection Desk/Table
PRICE: $220 SIZE: 2x1
2nd CATEGORY: Study
This is the second cheapest desk, but with a heavy $140 jump in
price. Personally, I would take the other desk over this one, only
because it's cheaper and looks just as good.
Surfaces #12 ~ Modern Mission End Table
PRICE: $250 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
End table #5 of 6. This end table has a steep price per unit,
considering the cheaper ones look just as good. This is the first
end table to add to the room value.
Surfaces #13 ~ Tiled Counter
PRICE: $250 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
This next counter in line, this one is green tiled, probably meant
to go with the green tiled floor and wallpaper. It fits most
anywhere, actually, but I prefer the fancy counters. Take these
if it fits your budget.
Surfaces #14 ~ Sumpto End Table
PRICE: $300 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
I think that this is one of my favorite items. If you are thinking
price-wise, you can get equal quality for a cheaper price in the
Modern Mission. If you want looks, this is great. It's sleek,
elegant, and very nice. My favorite end table.
Surfaces #15 ~ Count Blanc Bathroom Counter
PRICE: $400 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Bathroom
It could go in the kitchen, I suppose, but it really looks good in
the bathroom, esp. with a white toilet & shower. Put a kitchen
sink on the top of it, and a mirror above it, and you've got a nice
little setup.
Surfaces #16 ~ London "Mesa" Dining Design
PRICE: $450 SIZE: 3x2
SUB-CATEGORY: Dining Tables
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
This is a very nice dining table, and goes really well with the
Empress chairs. The price for such a setup is rather steep, but it
does add room value, which is very nice.
Surfaces #17 ~ The "Redmond" Desk/Table
PRICE: $800 SIZE: 2x1
2nd CATEGORY: Study
This desk is very nice, and I would take it if you can afford it.
Surfaces #18 ~ "Barcelona" Incurve Counter
Surfaces #19 ~ "Barcelona" Outcurve Counter
PRICE: $800 per unit SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
The two Barcelona counters are meant to alternate, and they look
very nice, if you do. Each one adds two to the room value. It'll
make your room value skyrocket. Unfortunetly, they are expensive,
if you want a lot of counters.
Surfaces #20 ~ Parisienne Dining Table
PRICE: $1,200 SIZE: 3x2
SUB-CATEGORY: Dining Tables
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
Here it is, the best and most expensive dining table. Made to go
with the chair of the same name. Unfortunetly, the chair is the
same price as the table - each! Go with it if you have an
extremely fat wallet, but filling a table with these chairs will
cost over $8,000. Good luck.

| The Sims Item Guide - DECORATIVE |

Decorative #1 ~ Pink Flamingo
PRICE: $12 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Outside
Tell me, now, why wouldn't you get one of these? They are one of
the cheapest items, and they make your room value go up quite a bit
This is a must buy, if you ask me.
Decoartive #2, 3, 5 ~ African Violet - Spider Plant - "Roxana" Geranium
PRICE: $30 PRICE: $35 PRICE: $45
ATTRIBUTES: Room - 1 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
2nd CATEGORY: Outside
All of these little plants are very nice. They are cheap, look
and can be put on any end table or dining table. Good buy.
Decorative #4 ~ "Tragic Clown" Painting
PRICE: $45 SIZE: Wall - 1
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This painting is, uh, nice... It's good to spice up a room a bit. If you
own this painting and your family is in a bad mood, the Tragic Clown will
pay you a visit. He will try to do tricks, but will only end up
upsetting your Sims even more. You can get rid of him by calling the
Clown Catchers (included with House Party or as a download on
They will charge a fee to get rid of the clown. Also, this item
appreciates over time (thanks to Sahil Javeri for the info).
Decorative #5 ~ Watercolor by J.M.E
PRICE: $75 SIZE: Wall - 1
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This is a very nice vertical painting that you can hang on a wall.
Still on the cheap side, too.
Decorative #6 ~ Rubber Tree Plant
PRICE: $120 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Outside
Despite the name, these plants still need to be watered. They can
be put outside or in, your choice.
Decorative #7 ~ Echinopsis Maximus Cactus
PRICE: $150 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Outside
This is a very nice cactus. It, well... if it suits your fancy,
take it.
Decorative #8 ~ Jade Plant
PRICE: $160 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Outside
I like this plant second to the Rubber Tree, but it is more
expensive, for the same attributes.
Decorative #9 ~ Poseidon's Adventure Aquarium
PRICE: $200 SIZE: 1x1
Room - 2
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
Here it is - the fish tank! You can get a bit of fun by watching
them, but you also have to feed them and clean their tank. The
tank will also act as a light in the room.
Decorative #10 ~ "Bi-Polar" by Conner I.N.
PRICE: $240 SIZE: Wall - 2
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This (painting?) is kind of cool, and it's cheap. You can get the
same room rating for a cheaper price, though, if price is your
Decorative #11 ~ "Delusion de Grandeur"
PRICE: $360 SIZE: Wall - 1
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This is a small, one tile painting, perfect for any room.
Decorative #12 ~ "Fountain of Tranquility"
PRICE: $700 SIZE: 1x1
Room - 2
2nd CATEGORY: Outside
This fountain is good outside. It's fun (if you watch it) and adds
to the outside room. Unfortunetly, it's also a double price jump
from the last object.
Decorative #13 ~ Landscape #12,001 by Manny Kopees
PRICE: $750 SIZE: Wall - 2
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This is a huge painting - 2 tiles. It's also really expensive. It
would be cheaper just to buy two of the Delusions.
Decorative #14 ~ Bust of Athena by Klassick Repro. Inc.
PRICE: $875 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Same attributes as the Landscape painting, but this is one tile
standing up. Really small, but really expensive.
Decorative #15 ~ "Scylla and Charybdis"
PRICE: $1,450 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This sculpture of Homer's beasts only raises the room one point,
but takes a heavy price jump. Stick with the Bust.
Decorative #16 ~ Snails With Icicles in Nose
PRICE: $2,140 SIZE: Wall - 1
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
I must admit that the name is not particularly alluring. The price
is very steep, but the room rating is high. Seems a bit low for
your money, though. You can, however, enthrall your guests with
the elegance of snails and icicles in their noses.
Decorative #17 ~ Portrait Grid by Payne A. Pitcher
PRICE: $3,200 SIZE: Wall - 1
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This portrait grid is very, very expensive, but the room rating
leaps up three points. Worth it? Up to you, but high budget
is required.
Decorative #18 ~ Grandfather Clock
PRICE: $3,500 SIZE: 1x1
adults only
2nd CATEGORY: Study
I don't know what the point of this object is - it's more expensive
with a smaller room rating. Really, I would go for the portrait
grid over the clock. Oh, and you've got to wind it every day.
Decorative #19 ~ Blue China Vase
PRICE: $4,260 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This Vase is even worse than the clock - super expensive and low
room rating. Save it for the junkyard.
Decorative #20 ~ "Still Life, Drapery and Crumbs"
PRICE: $7,600 SIZE: Wall - 2
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Attractive room rating, but super high price. If you've got dough
to spend, by the Large Black Slab.
Decorative #21 ~ "Large Black Slab" by ChiChi Smith
PRICE: $12,648 SIZE: 3x2
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Can anyone say "mountain of cash to burn?"
Here's the big mother of decorative items. The highest room rating
possible, but also requires MAJOR bucks. It's even more expensive
than the whole Parisienne dining set! If you've got the dough, it
does go up in value during the duration of your ownsership, so you
can sell it for more than you bought it for. Thanks to Mario (see

| The Sims Item Guide - ELECTRONICS |

Electronics #1 ~ FireBrand Smoke Detector
PRICE: $50 SIZE: Wall - 1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This is a must buy. Put it in any room with a fire hazard (stove,
microwave...) It will basically call the fire dept. to your house
automatically. And it's cheap, for heaven's sakes. Why wouldn't
you buy one? Range is one room. Put one in the kitchen, for sure,
and perhaps one by the grill, just in case.
Electronics #2 ~ SCTC BR-8 Standard Telephone
PRICE: $50 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Every family needs a telephone. Without one, you can't call for
pizza or invite friends over. This is a cheap phone that sits on
a table or end table. If anyone is sleeping in the room when it
rings, they will wake up, so don't put one in the bedroom. If
you've got a bit of extra money, spring for the wall phone instead.
Why2K4 (see credits) pointed out to me that this phone is actually
more expansive because you've got to buy an end table, too. This
is true, but it can be cheaper if you put it on a table that's
already being used for something else (e.g. empty space on the
kitchen table.)
Electronics #3 ~ SCTC Cordless Wall Phone
PRICE: $75 SIZE: Wall - 1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Ooh, cordless. This phone is better than the standard, mostly
because it doesn't take up table space. It's actually cheaper than
the table phone if you need to buy a seperate end table.
Electronics #4 ~ Urchineer Train Set by Rip Co.
PRICE: $80 SIZE: 2x1
kids only
group activity
SUB-CATEGORY: Other Entertainment
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This nice little train set is cheap, and can give your kids a quick
fun boost. Good for more than one person, too.
Electronics #5 ~ Monochrome TV
PRICE: $85 SIZE: 1x1
group activity
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
Here's the most basic TV you can get. The color TV is the most
standard, you should only get this one if you can't afford better.
It's a group activity, too, if you've got several chairs.
Electronics #6 ~ "Down Wit Dat" Boom Box
PRICE: $100 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
group activity
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
This small stereo is great for a bit of fun, if you dance to it.
Otherwise, drop your fav. MP3 files into the folders of THE SIMS
and listen to your music in-game. Put this stereo on a small
end table and you've got yourself a nice little dance setup.
If you do add your own MP3 files, you've got yourself a primitive
CD player. You can even say "Play Next Song" and it'll pick
another at random. You can have as many songs as you want on one
station, but it becomes quite difficult to play a particular song
when the stereo picks them at random.
DIRECTORY: The Sims\Music\Stations
Drop the MP3 into the station you want it in. Also,
you can go into the Music\Modes directory to change
the music in the neighborhood and build & buy modes.
Note that when selecting a song, the game will look in
the hard drive folder first, and if there aren't any,
go look on the CD. Therefore, if you drop only one
song in any of the folders, the game will play ONLY
that song (it won't play that song in addition to the
default songs.) If you want to add your song to the
default songs, take the default MP3 files off the SIMS
CD (they are in the same directory - Music\Stations)
and put them in the corresponding folders on your hard
Electronics #7 ~ SimSafety IV Burgular Alarm
PRICE: $250 SIZE: Wall - 1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
A burgular alarm is very important. It keeps burgulars off your
property. It calls the police automatically, since Sims take so
long to get out of bed. HINT: Put one on the outside of your home.
Since the range is one room, it will ring as soon as the burgular
is within five tiles of the front door (thanks to for pointing this out.) You get a $1000 reward
for the capture, too.
Electronics #8 ~ Trottco 27" Color Television B94U
PRICE: $500 SIZE: 1x1
group activity
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
This is really the most standard TV (unless you spring for the
plasma). It's a good group activity, and PLEASE buy a couch.
Electronics #9 ~ Zimantz Component Hi-Fi Stereo
PRICE: $650 SIZE: 2x1
group activity
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
This stereo functions the same way as the rest of them... it's
the cheapest floor-standing stereo. It's worth it, if you can't
afford the more expensive one. Good for parties.
Thank you to Why2K4 (see credits) for pointing out that I forgot
to add this item!
See the Boom Box description (1.4.6) for instructions on playing
your favorite songs on the stereo.
Electronics #10 ~ OCD Systems SimRailRoad Town
PRICE: $955 SIZE: 3x2
Room - 3
group activity
SUB-CATEGORY: Other Entertainment
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Here's the adult version of the train set. This nicely fashioned
train system is quite cool. It's large, and less fun than TV, but
it's yet another way for you to entertain your guests.
Electronics #11 ~ Moneywell Computer
PRICE: $999 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
+ study
2nd CATEGORY: Study
Here's the cheapest computer you can get. They are actually quite
useful - anyone can play on them, and kids can study for school.
Also, adults can use them to find 3 or 4 jobs at once.
Unfortunetly, we're already getting to the expensive side.
Electronics #12 ~ Microscotch Covetta Q628-1500JA
PRICE: $1,800 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
+ study
2nd CATEGORY: Study
Here's the next best computer. It's more on the expensive side,
but also more fun. The fun rating goes up two points from the
last computer. You can also find a job. Too bad it's so
Electronics #13 ~ "See Me, Feel Me" Pinball Machine
PRICE: $1,800 SIZE: 2x1
group activity
SUB-CATEGORY: Other Entertainment
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This nice purple pinball machine is yet ANOTHER way to
entertain and make your guests like you. If you're a rich buff,
then by all means, get one. If you don't got the dough, then
there are other ways to get just as much fun.
Mr. Jailburger (see credits) adds that "The See-Me-Feel_Me is what
Tommy the (later in life) pinball wizard says when he's blind,
deaf, and mute because he's seen a murder in the who album."
Electronics #14 ~ SSRI Virtual Reality Set
PRICE: $2,300 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
SUB-CATEGORY: Other Entertainment
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Now, here's something cool. Unfortunetly, it's so expensive. But
wouldn't you love to have your own Virtual Reality Set? It's a
self-item, too, though, so no letting guests have a go.
Electronics #15 ~ Strings Theory Stereo
PRICE: $2,550 SIZE: 2x1
Room - 3
group activity
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
Ooh! We may be getting expensive, but these items sure are darned
cool! Maxis went all-out in designing the electronics. Anyway,
here's the best stereo you can get. It may be less fun than the
Virtual Reality set, but it's a group activity and adds to the room
rating. So, why not?
See the Boom Box description (1.4.6) if you want to know how you
can play your own favorite songs through the stereo.
Electronics #16 ~ The Brahma 2000
PRICE: $2,800 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
+ study
2nd CATEGORY: Study
The difference between the four computers is only the fun rating -
for an extreme price jump. If you want it, though, go for it.
Electronics #17 ~ Soma Plasma TV
PRICE: $3,500 SIZE: 2x1
Room - 2
group activity
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
All right! Here, at last, is the Plasma TV! It's so much more fun
than the old TV - you won't have to watch it for as long. Also,
it's a group activity. You might just buy one so that YOU can look
at it!
Electronics #18 ~ Meet Marco
PRICE: $6,500 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
+ study
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This computer is the most expensive one there is, but it's really
not THAT much more fun. It's super expensive, but it is the
highest scoring fun object. So, hey, if you've got the money, you
might buy it.

| The Sims Item Guide - APPLIANCES |
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* There aren't that many appliances, but they are important. Mostly *
* for the kitchen - they are very important. Buy the higest scoring *
* version, if you can. Buy a smoke detector with any cooking object, *
* and STUDY COOKING as soon as possible. I implore you not to use *
* the stove until you have at least two or three Cooking points. *
* I know it may not seem like a full kitchen, but if you have the *
* Cooking skills, get a stove and no microwave, food processor, or *
* toaster oven. If you keep one of them, your Sims will occasionally *
* use that instead of the stove, and the food won't be nearly as *
* fulfilling. *
* Even though the in-game notes say that the dishwashers are adults *
* only, kids CAN use them. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Appliances #1 ~ Mr. Regular-Joe Coffee
PRICE: $85 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
ATTRIBUTES: Bladder - neg. 1
Energy - 1
adults only
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
You should buy this little coffee pot, if you can't afford the
espresso machine. They are the only two items in the game that
make your energy go up (without sleeping). It's worth it,
even more so if you have guests over and need a short energy boost.
Appliances #2 ~ Brand Name Toaster Oven
PRICE: $100 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
ATTRIBUTES: Hunger - 1
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
This little toaster oven is the smallest item you can get that
allows you to cook food. Buy a smoke detector with this one,
please - chance of fire is surprisingly high if you haven't studied
Appliances #3 ~ XLR8R Food Processor
PRICE: $220 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
ATTRIBUTES: Hunger - 2
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
Looks more like a humidifier to me, but hey... what do I know?
This Food Processor is a different way to prepare food (NOT to cook
it, as Why2K4 pointed out to me - see credits). According to my
less-than-good timing methods, it's faster than cutting it up.
An almost must-buy, as it saves a lot of time cooking your meals.
Cheap, too.
Appliances #4 ~ Positive Potential Microwave
PRICE: $250 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
ATTRIBUTES: Hunger - 2
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
Same attributes as the Food Processor... but a microwave just seems
like THE THING to get. Don't ask me, though, I don't know anything
If you have cooking skills, then buy the stove and the Processor.
Appliances #5 ~ Wild Bill THX-451 Barbecue
PRICE: $350 SIZE: 2x2
ATTRIBUTES: Hunger - 4
adults only
2nd CATEGORY: Outside
Here's a nice grill for your backyard. Well, I suppose you could
put it inside, but...
Well, anyway, it's the only way you can cook hamburgers! Watch out
for fires, though - either put a phone or, better yet, a smoke
detector nearby.
Appliances #6 ~ Junk Genie Trash Compactor
PRICE: $375 SIZE: 1x2
SUB-CATEGORY: Appliances
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
Shiny Things, Inc. has a whole line of terrific kitchen items!
Here's a nice trash compactor - it eliminates the need for several
garbage cans in the kitchen, and you don't need to empty the trash.
Good buy if you can afford it.
Appliances #7 ~ Dialectic Free Standing Range
PRICE: $400 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Hunger - 5
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
This nice stove is much better as feeding your Sims than the
Microwave, but there is a HIGH risk of fire. Be sure to buy a
smoke detector.
Appliances #8 ~ Gagmia Simore Espresso Machine
PRICE: $450 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
ATTRIBUTES: Bladder - neg. 2
Energy - 2
Fun - 1
adults only
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
I can't see any reasons not to buy it! It's cheap, it gives the
most energy without sleeping, and on top of all that, it throws in
a fun point! So, this is almost a must buy, for those late night
Appliances #9 ~ Dish Duster Deluxe
PRICE: $550 SIZE: 1x2
ATTRIBUTES: adults only
SUB-CATEGORY: Appliances
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
This nice dishwasher will wash you dishes in less time than it
takes you to wash them. Unfortunetly, you can't put in one dish
right after another, it's not THAT fast. If you can afford it,
go for the Shiny Things, Inc. model. (Heh, heh, I love
Appliances #10 ~ Llamark Refrigerator
PRICE: $600 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Hunger - 6
SUB-CATEGORY: Refridgerators
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
Here it is. This item is absolutely, positively essential to your
Sims success. After all, they can't eat without it! Buy this one,
or another one, but buy one! (Personally, I like the Shiny Things
Appliances #11 ~ Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher
PRICE: $950 SIZE: 1x2
ATTRIBUTES: adults only
SUB-CATEGORY: Appliances
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
All right! Another fine item by Shiny Things, Inc. (I love that
Anyway, this dishwasher is mighty fast, and frees up time for other
stuff. The only drawback is the price.
Appliances #12 ~ The "Pyrotorre" Gas Range
PRICE: $1,000 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Hunger - 7
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
Ah, yes, the Shiny Things Stove!
This nice stove is very good for feeding you Sims - they'll love
it. And, it's by Shiny Things, Inc! The price is a little steep,
Appliances #13 ~ Porcina Refrigerator Model P1g-S
PRICE: $1,200 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Hunger - 7
SUB-CATEGORY: Refridgerators
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
This is the next best refrigerator - nice, and fills you up well.
Appliances #14 ~ Freeze Secret Refrigerator
PRICE: $2,500 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRBUTES: Hunger - 8
SUB-CATEGORY: Refridgerators
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
The refrigerator by Shiny Things, Inc. works well in any kitchen!
Actually, this one is very nicely designed, and feeds you well.
The only problem is the extremely steep price tag.

| The Sims Item Guide - PLUMBING |

Plumbing #1 ~ Hydronomic Kitchen Sink
PRICE: $250 SIZE: 1x1 - Counter
ATTRIBUTES: Hygiene - 2
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
This small sink is for washing both your hands and dishes. You can
put it in the kitchen or in the bathroom on a bathroom counter.
TIP: The Hydronomic sink on a counter is the price as a Pedestal
sink. So, don't bother adding it up.
SIZE NOTE: By the way, I say "Counter" instead of "Surface" because
you can't put a sink on an end table or kitchen table. Only
Plumbing #2 ~ Hygeia-O-Matic Toilet
PRICE: $300 SIZE: 1x1 - Wall
ATTRIBUTES: Bladder - 8
2nd CATEGORY: Bathroom
This standard toilet is nothing special - it just fills up your
bladder rating. Standard toilet.
SIZE NOTE: The toilet actually sits on the floor, but I added
"Wall" because it is required to go against the wall (presumably
because of plumbing).
Plumbing #3 ~ "Andersonville" Pedestal Sink
PRICE: $400 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Hygiene - 2
2nd CATEGORY: Bathroom
This sink is good in the bathroom, but can go well other places,
too. A bit on the expensive side, but worth it. The sink is not
required to go against a wall. You can place a medicine cabinet
over the sink and your Sims will still be able to reach it.
Plumbing #4 ~ Epikouros Kitchen Sink
PRICE: $500 SIZE: 1x1 - Counter
ATTRIBUTES: Hygiene - 3
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
This kitchen sink is slightly better for washing you hands, but
doubles the price. Well, doubles the basins, too, so I guess it's
SIZE NOTE: See the Hydronomic Kitchen Sink (1.6.1).
Plumbing #5 ~ SpaceMiser Shower
PRICE: $650 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Hygiene - 6
2nd CATEGORY: Bathroom
This is the basic, and only shower. It will clean you off. If you
need comfort instead, take a bath. The shower is not required to
go against a wall.
Plumbing #6 ~ Justa Bathtub
PRICE: $800 SIZE: 2x1
ATTRBITUES: Comfort - 3
Hygiene - 6
2nd CATEGORY: Bathroom
It's not that much more expensive than a shower, and it gives
comfort as well. The downside is that Sims take more time when
they are bathing. The bathtub takes up two tiles, and both tiles
next to it must be free as well, so the Sim can turn it on and
then get in.
Plumbing #7 ~ Flush Force 5 XLT
PRICE: $1,200 SIZE: 1x1 - Wall
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 4
Bladder - 8
2nd CATEGORY: Bathroom
Here is the all-powerful slef-flushing toilet! At last, no more
telling your Sims to flush! It even gives you comfort and has a
fast modem! Very worth it, but has quite a price tag.
SIZE NOTE: See the Hygeia-O-Matic Toilet (1.6.2)
Plumbing #8 ~ Sani-Queen Bathtub
PRICE: $1,500 SIZE: 2x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 5
Hygiene - 8
2nd CATEGORY: Bathroom
Here's a medium bathtub - it's very nice, but also quite expensive.
Plumbing #9 ~ Hydrothera Bathtub
PRICE: $3,200 SIZE: 2x2
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 8
Hygiene - 10
2nd CATEGORY: Bathroom
This bathtub is incredibly expensive, but also very nice. You've
gotta dip deep into your pockets for this one. Unfortunetly, it's
also for only one person. Requires a large bathroom, as well.
If you do buy one, take a look at which side the fauct is on,
because this side cannot be against the wall. Of course, you can
eliminate the problem by not putting it against a wall, but this
requires a huge bathroom.
Plumbing #10 ~ WhirlWizard Hot Tub
PRICE: $6,500 SIZE: 2x2
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 6
Hygiene - 2
Fun - 2
adults only
group activity
2nd CATEGORY: Outside
With five whole attributes and an out-of-this-world price tag of
over $6,000, this hot tub is the best you can get. It holds four
people, and is very luxurious. It's also a bit of fun - and a
group activity. Unfortunetly, the price! [gag]

| The Sims Item Guide - LIGHTING |

Lighting #1 ~ Bottle Lamp
PRICE: $25 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This tiny, cheap light it perfect for any low-class family. It's
not a floor light, though - you need to buy an endtable or put it
on a free space on a desk or kitchen table.
Lighting #2 ~ Halogen Heaven Lamp by Contempto
PRICE: $50 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Ah, yes, Contempto. Get second-rate items here, from couches to
This is the cheapest floor lamp available. It doesn't need a
seperate table. It is cheaper than the Bottle Lamp/endtable
combo, though the Bottle Lamp would be cheaper if you just stick
it on an existing table.
Lighting #3 ~ Garden Lamp by Lunatech
PRICE: $50 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Outside
This small lamp is made for outside, in your garden (well, duh.)
Anyway, this small little lamp just sits on the ground. Good to
line your sidewalk with if you take your trash out late at night,
or leave early in the morning. Remember, if it's dark out when
you leave, then your room rating will go down right before you get
in the car. Not good.
Lighting #4 ~ Love 'n Haight Lava Lamp
PRICE: $80 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
SUB-CATEGORY: Other Lights
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This lava lamp is very cheap, and adds to the room value. You need
to put it on a table, though, or buy a special end table.
Lighting #5 ~ Ceramiche Table Lamp
PRICE: $85 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Here's the second cheapest table lamp, available for a cheap price,
too. Looks a little nicer than the previous lamps, but you do need
to put it on a table.
Lighting #6 ~ Lumpen Lumeniat Floor Lamp
PRICE: $100 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
The second floor lamp available goes for only $100, and is rather
Lighting #7 ~ Elite Reflections Chrome Lamp
PRICE: $180 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This little table lamp is very sleek and elegant. The only
downside is that it is expensive for a low budget, and you do have
to put it on a table.
Lighting #8 ~ SC Electric Co. Antique Lamp
PRICE: $300 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This lamp is also a table lamp, but it's antique. It might
appreicate over time, if you try hard enough.
Lighting #9 ~ Torchosteronne Floor Lamp
PRICE: $350 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This very nice floor lamp is a marvel to have, and it adds to the
room value. The downside, as always, is price.

| The Sims Item Guide - MISCELLANEOUS |

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* There are no sub-categories for these items because they are *
* miscellaneous: a whole bunch of different items bunched together. *
* So, it would be next to impossible to group them. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Miscellaneous #1 ~ Trash Can
PRICE: $30 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This little item is very important if you can't afford the Junk
Genie. It can't hold much, though, so you might need several if
you have a big load. Of course, if you are lazy, you could buy
one, fill it up quickly, then sell it for full price!
Miscellaneous #2 ~ SnoozMore Alarm Clock
PRICE: $30 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
This alarm clock will wake you up two hours before you start work.
It needs to go on a table, though it might be easier just to wake
your Sim up manually.
Miscellaneous #3 ~ Magical Mystery Toy Box
PRICE: $50 SIZE: 3x1
kids only
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
This toy box is for the kids, though they can't play together.
It needs three tiles (3x1) though, which is a bit big.
Miscellaneous #4 ~ Narcisco Wall Mirror
PRICE: $100 SIZE: Wall - 1
ATTRIBUTES: + charisma
adults only
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
This mirror will go well in the office or bedroom - it's for
practicing your Charisma.
Miscellaneous #5 ~ Medicine Cabinet
PRICE: $125 SIZE: Wall - 1
ATTRIBUTES: Hygiene - 1
+ charisma
2nd CATEGORY: Bathroom
This mirror is meant to go in the bathroom. You can work on your
Charisma, or brush your teeth. It gives you a quick & small
Hygiene boost. You can put the mirror behind your sink and the
Sims will still be able to use it.
Miscellaneous #6 ~ Narcisco Floor Mirror
This mirror is like the Wall Mirror, but will stand on the floor.
PRICE: $150 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: + charisma
adults only
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
Miscellaneous #7 ~ Will Lloyd Wright Doll House
PRICE: $180 SIZE: 1x1
group activity
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
I love the description on this one! Take a look... remind you
of anything?
Miscellaneous #8 ~ Cheap Pine Bookcase
PRICE: $250 SIZE: 1x1
+ cooking
+ mechanical
+ study
2nd CATEGORY: Study
This is the cheapest bookcase you can buy. You can read a book,
for fun, or study Cooking & Mechanical. Kids can also study for
Miscellaneous #9 ~ Pinegulcher Dresser
PRICE: $250 SIZE: 2x2
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
Dressers are used for changing your clothes (permanently). Also,
you can change into your swimsuit, work clothes, PJs, and formal
wear. This is the cheapest one.
Miscellaneous #10 ~ "Dimanche" Folding Easel
PRICE: $250 SIZE: 1x1
+ creativity
2nd CATEGORY: Study
This easel is used for painting pictures. You can increase your
Creativity, and it is also fun. As an added bonus, you can sell
your pictures! (not for much until you get a higher Creativity)
Miscellaneous #11 ~ Kinderstuff Dresser
PRICE: $300 SIZE: 2x2
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
This dresser is for the kids - goes great with the Kindestuff
Nightstand. They can change their clothes, too.
Miscellaneous #12 ~ Chuck Matewell Chess Set
PRICE: $500 SIZE: 1x1
+ logic
group activity
2nd CATEGORY: Study
This very nice chess set is great - it increases your logic. Two
people can play together and both will earn logic points. You
need to buy chairs to put next to the set.
Miscellaneous #13 ~ Armishim Bookcase
PRICE: $500 SIZE: 1x1
+ cooking
+ mechanical
+ study
2nd CATEGORY: Study
This is the second bookcase - fun if you read for fun. The fun
rating is slightly higher.
Miscellaneous #14 ~ Traditional Oak Armoire
PRICE: $550 SIZE: 2x2
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
This nice little chest of drawers is actually quite nice and
elegant. It doesn't have any special features, but it does give
one to the room value.
Miscellaneous #15 ~ SuperDoop Basketball Hoop
PRICE: $650 SIZE: 4x1
group activity
2nd CATEGORY: Outside
This basketball hoop goes outside (obivously), preferably on
a basketball court. It's very good for your active Sims to play
around, but it doesn't buiuld Body. Sorry.
Miscellaneous #16 ~ Exerto" Benchpress Exercise Machine
PRICE: $700 SIZE: 3x1
adults only
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This exercise machine may be a bit on the expensive side, yes, but
it is the fastest way to up the Body skill. You can also gain body
points in the swimming pool, but there is not indicator bar and it
takes quite a bit longer. The machine does eat up energy, so don't
use it right before you go to work.
Thanks to
Miscellaneous #17 ~ Buchman Wood Beverage Bar
PRICE: $800 SIZE: 2x1
ATTRIBUTES: Hunger - 1
Fun - 3
Room - 2
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
It may be a bit on the expensive side, yes, but very useful. With
this little item, you can have a drink or serve your guests drinks.
Your kids can even make themselves a soda or something, now isn't
that cool? Quick pick-me-up - that is, a small & quick hunger
boost right before work or bed.
Miscellaneous #18 ~ Libri di Regina Bookcase
PRICE: $900 SIZE: 2x1
+ cooking
+ mechanical
+ study
2nd CATEGORY: Study
This is the fanciest bookcase you can buy, and it increases your
Fun rating if you are reading without studying (you know, casual
reading...) Note that this bookcase take up two tiles, instead of
one tile like that other two book cases.
Miscellaneous #19 ~ Antique Armoire
PRICE: $1,200 SIZE: 2x2
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
This is yet another clothes dresser, except that it's antique and
Miscellaneous #20 ~ The Funinator Deluxe
PRICE: $1,200 SIZE: 3x3
kids only
group activity
2nd CATEGORY: Outside
Now, THIS one looks like FUN. It's a custom built home swingset,
only without the swings. Major fun for the kids, especially if you
have more than one. Really worth it, if you've got the cash.
Miscellaneous #21 ~ Chimeway & Daughters Piano
PRICE: $3,500 SIZE: 2x2
Room - 3
+ creativity
group activity
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
Here's a nice piano for you. It's a great item - creativity while
have lots of fun at the same time. Adds to the room value, too,
except for the fact that it's REALLY expensive. Multiple people,
too, unlike the easel.
Miscellaneous #22 ~ Aristoscratch Pool Table
PRICE: $4,200 SIZE: 3x2
adults only
group activity
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
This very nice looking pool table is a good way for many people to
have fun - but it's expensive. There are better ways to have fun
if you can't afford this. Can you say "Plasma TV?"

| The Sims Item Guide - SECONDARY CATEGORIES |
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Here is a list of all the items sorted into their secondary *
* The attributes & description aren't included in this list - if you *
* need those, find the item in the list above. I've included the *
* primary category next the item name. If you need the price or *
* attributes, find it in the list above. *
* *Note* that this list, like the in-came catalogue, is organized *
* by price. The most expensive item in each category is last in *
* that category's list. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sioux Sity Wicker Chair - Seating
Monochrome TV - Electronics
"Down Wit Dat" Boom Box - Electronics
Comtempto Loveseat - Seating
Indoor-Outdoor Loveseat - Seating
Recycled Couch - Seating
Poseidon's Adventure Aquarium - Decorative
Contempto Couch - Seating
SimSafari Sofa - Seating
"Back Slack" Recliner - Seating
Country Class Armchair - Seating
Country Class Loveseat - Seating
Pinstripe Loveseat from Zecutire - Seating
Pinstripe Sofa from Zecutire - Seating
"Citronel" from Chiclettina Inc. - Seating
Country Class Sofa - Seating
Trocotto 27" Color Television B94U - Electronics
Zimantz Component Hi-Fi Stereo - Electronics
"Von Braun" Recliner - Seating
Luxuraire Loveseat - Seating
"The Deiter" by Werkbunnst - Seating
Dolce Tutti Frutti Sofa - Seating
Strings Thing Stereo - Electronics
Soma Plasma TV - Electronics
Chimeway & Daughters Piano - Miscellaneous
Aristoscratch Pool Table - Miscellaneous

Werkbunnst All Purpose Chair - Seating
NuMica Folding Card Table - Surfaces
Colonial Legacy Dining Table - Surfaces
Touch of Teak Dinette Chair - Seating
London "Mesa" Dining Design - Surfaces
Empress Dining Room Chair - Seating
Buchman Wood Beverage Bar - Miscellaneous
Parisienne Dining Table - Surfaces
Parisienne Dining Chair - Seating

SnoozMore Alarm Clock - Miscellaneous
Pinegulcher End Table - Surfaces
Magical Mystery Toy Box - Miscellaneous
Wicked Breeze End Table - Surfaces
KinderStuff Nightstand - Surfaces
Narcisco Wall Mirror - Miscellaneous
"Anywhere" End Table - Surfaces
Imperious Island End Table - Surfaces
Narcisco Floor Mirror - Miscellaneous
Will Lloyd Wright Doll House - Miscellaneous
Modern Mission End Table - Surfaces
Pinegulcher Dresser - Miscellaneous
Sumpto End Table - Surfaces
Spartan Special - Seating
KinderStuff Dresser - Miscellaneous
Tyke Nyte Bed - Seating
Cheap Eazzzzze Double Sleeper - Seating
Traditional Oak Armoire - Miscellaneous
Napoleon Sleigh Bed - Seating
Antique Armoire - Miscellaneous
Modern Mission Bed - Seating

Mesquite Desk/Table - Surfaces
"Posture Plus" Office Chair - Seating
London "Cupertino" Collection Desk/Table - Surfaces
"Dimanche Folding Easel" - Miscellaneous
Cheap Pine Bookcase - Miscellaneous
Chuck Matewell Chess Set - Miscellaneous
Amishim Bookcase - Miscellaneous
The "Redmond" Desk/Table - Surfaces
Libri di Regina Bookcase - Miscellaneous
Moneywell Computer - Electronics
Microscotch Corvetta Q628-1500JA - Electronics
The Brahma 2000 - Electronics
Grandfather Clock - Decorative
Meet Marco - Electronics

Mr. Regular-Joe Coffee - Appliances
Brand Name Toaster Oven - Appliances
NuMica Kitchen Counter - Surfaces
XLR8R Food Processor - Appliances
Hydronomic Kitchen Sink - Plumbing
Positive Potential Microwave - Appliances
Tiled Counter - Surfaces
Junk Genie Trash Compactor - Appliances
Dialectic Free Standing Range - Appliances
Gagmia Simore Espresso Machine - Appliances
Epikouros Kitchen Sink - Plumbing
Dish Duster Deluxe - Appliances
Llamark Refrigerator - Appliances
"Barcelona" Incurve Counter - Surfaces
"Barcelona" Outcurve Counter - Surfaces
Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher - Appliances
The "Pyrotorre" Gas Range - Appliances
Porcina Refrigerator Model P1g-S - Appliances
Freeze Secret Refrigerator - Appliances

Medicine Cabinet - Miscellaneous
Hygeia-O-Matic Toilet - Plumbing
"Andersonville" Pedestal Sink - Plumbing
Count Blanc Bathroom Counter - Surfaces
SpaceMiser Shower - Plumbing
Justa Bathtub - Plumbing
Force Flush 5 XLT - Plumbing
Sani-Queen Bathtub - Plumbing
Hydrothera Bathtub - Plumbing

Pink Flamingo - Decorative
African Violet - Decorative
Spider Plant - Decorative
"Roxana" Geranium - Decorative
Garden Lamp by lunatech - Lighting
Rubber Tree Plant - Decorative
Echinopsis Maximus Cactus - Decorative
Deck Chair by Surviall - Surfaces
Jade Plant - Decorative
Backwoods Table by Survivall - Surfaces
Parque Fresco del Aire Bench - Seating
Wild Bill THX-451 Barbecue - Appliances
SuperDoop Basketball Hoop - Miscellaneous
"Fountain of Tranquility" - Decorative
The Funinator Deluxe - Miscellaneous
WhirlWizard Hot Tub - Plumbing

Bottle Lamp - Lighting
Trash Can - Miscellaneous
"Tragic Clown" Painting - Decorative
FireBrand Smoke Detector - Electronics
SCTC BR-8 Standard Telephone - Electronics
Halogen Heaven Lamp by Contempto - Lighting
SCTC Cordless Wall Phone - Electronics
Watercolor by J.M.E. - Decorative
Love n' Haight Lava Lamp - Lighting
Urchineer Train Set - Miscellaneous
Ceramiche Table Lamp - Lighting
Lumpen Lumeniat Floor Lamp - Lighting
Elite Reflections Chrome Lamp - Lighting
"Bi-Polar" by Conner I.N. - Decorative
SimSafety IV Burgular Alarm - Electronics
SC Electric Co. Antique Lamp - Lighting
Torchosteronne Floor Lamp - Lighting
"Delusions de Grandeur" - Decorative
"Exerto" Benchpress Exercise Machine - Miscellaneous
Landscape #12,001 by Manny Kopees - Decorative
Bust of Athena by Klassick Repro. Inc. - Decorative
OCD Systems SimRailRoad Town - Electronics
"Scylla and Charybdis" - Decorative
"See Me, Feel Me" Pinball Machine
Snails With Icicles in Nose - Decorative
SSRI Virtual Reality Set - Electronics
Portrait Grid by Payne A. Pitcher - Decorative
Blue China Vase - Decorative
"Still Life, Drapery and Crumbs" - Decorative
"Large Black Slab" by ChiChi Smith - Decorative

| Chapter Two: Livin' Large Item Guide |

| Livin' Large Item Guide - SEATING |

Seating #1 ~ Satinistics Reproduction Armchair
PRICE: $155 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 3
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
Check out this electric blue chair. Meant to go with the Loveseat.
Seating #2 ~ Sir Laxalot Dinette Chair
PRICE: $210 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 3
SUB-CATEGORY: Dining Chairs
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
This nice heart-shaped chair goes great in any room! There isn't
really anything that it goes with - even though it IS a dinette
chair. It might go well with the NuMica table.
Seating #3 ~ Satinistics Loveseat
PRICE: $240 SIZE: 2x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 3
Energy - 4
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
This loveseat goes with, well, duh. You can, of course, sleep on
it for a slight boost in energy. Matching electric blue.
Seating #4 ~ The M Chair
PRICE: $299 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 5
SUB-CATEGORY: Dining Chairs
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
This is actually a pretty cool chair - kind of futuristic. It's
fairly good in the comfort department. Meant to go with the M
table in the dining room. You could put it in the family room,
too, I suppose.
Seating #5 ~ Etherette Lounger
PRICE: $335 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 5
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
This chair isn't quite as blue, but it still sure can get your
attention. It's actually quite cool... sculpted in a way to look
really neat. But, hey, do I know?
Seating #6 ~ Frogg
PRICE: $460 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 6
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
Well, hmm... This is a nice, purple chair. The design itself
is quite interesting, with half of the backside raised above the
other half. In terms of attributes, it scores higher than the
Seating #7 ~ Velvet Sofasaurus
PRICE: $575 SIZE: 3x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 6
Energy - 5
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
This sofa is really quite cool. It is actually a nice sofa for a
fair price... though it might not appeal to everyone's tastes.
Actually, this sofa has +1 Comfort over the Country Class model...
this sofa is a nice compromise between the pre-Livin' Large
Country Class and the also pre-LL Loveseat.
Seating #8 ~ Egg Chair
PRICE: $840 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 7
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
Ah, now here's something everyone can be proud of; the all-powerful
Egg Chair. This chair gives you a modern, sophisticated feel for
less than a grand. Looks nice, actually, and the Comfort ain't
bad either.
Seating #9 ~ Ebonized Victorian Chair
PRICE: $1,200 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 9
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
This chair would actually go well with the bright red wallpaper
that shipped with Livin' Large. This is a family room version.
If you want one for around the dinner table, there's the El Tomayo
with same price, attributes, and shade of red, but it's a dining
Seating #10 ~ The Manchester
PRICE: $1,200 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 7
Room - 4
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
Personally, this is a great chair. Same price as the red pair, and
it does take a hit in Comfort, but it is a nice color, and the room
Seating #11 ~ El Tamayo Dining Chair
PRICE: $1,200 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 9
SUB-CATEGORY: Dining Chairs
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
This dining chair is much like the Victorian, except that you can
put it in the dining room.
Seating #12 ~ Duke of Earle Throne Chair
PRICE: $1,440 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 8
Room - 2
SUB-CATEGORY: Dining Chairs
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
This nice chair is meant for the living room, not the dining room,
like many seem to think. It's a great chair if you're going for
the castle theme; put some by the fireplace and you'll get great
Seating #13 ~ Le Grande Guignol Loveseat
PRICE: $1,445 SIZE: 2x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 7
Energy - 5
Room - 4
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
This nice loveseat suggests elegance and refinement. It's nice,
but if you've got three space available, then I would say that the
pre-LL Tutti Frutti Sofa has it beat in Comfort.
Seating #14 ~ "Red Matter" Sofa from Studio Bakonmi
PRICE: $1,600 SIZE: 3x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 9
Energy - 5
Room - 3
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
This curved sofa looks cool, though not very comfortable. Still,
it goes very well in a predominately red room. Unfortunetly, it
has the same attributes as the pre-LL Tutti Frutti Sofa, for nearly
$150 more. Basically, you have to decide if appearance or cost is
more important.
Seating #15 ~ Gothic Revival Bench
PRICE: $2,000 SIZE: 3x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 7
Energy - 5
Room - 5
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
This bench clearly goes in a castle theme. It takes a hit in
Comfort, but balances the difference with a nice room rating.
Seating #16 ~ Antique Four Poster Bed
PRICE: $3,650 SIZE: 3x2
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 10
Energy - 9
Room - 4
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
This bed is very comfortable, and is worth the heavy price. The
"four poster" part of the bed, however, look very awkward when
place in the home.
Seating #17 ~ The Vibromatic Heart Bed
PRICE: $4,500 SIZE: 3x2
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 10
Energy - 8
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
Well, here it is. This bed has been talked about, praised, blasted,
and everything in-between. It is the answer to many Sim-ers dreams.
It allows you the option to "Play In Bed" (you may interpret that
as you wish.) Note that the bed is quite expensive; the initial
cost is one killer, and every time you select "Vibrate," you must
pay $20. Not cheap.

| Livin' Large Item Guide - SURFACES |

Surfaces #1 ~ Rampa Lopside End Table
PRICE: $79 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
This is basically an elephant statue with a flat surface on its
Surfaces #2 ~ The Queen's Rose End Table
PRICE: $399 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
Apparently, Maxis didn't see the need to make more cheap surface
items, hence the price jump. This is an expensive end table,
overtaking the pre-LL Sumpto End Table as the most expensive.
Actually, I would take the Sumpto over the Rose, as the Sumpto
adds to your Room rating.
Surfaces #3 ~ Cornerstone Counter
PRICE: $425 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
Here's the counter that will go with the Castle theme.
Surfaces #4 ~ Retratech Dining Table
PRICE: $450 SIZE: 3x2
SUB-CATEGORY: Dining Tables
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
This table is mostly white. Actually, it's a nice, big table,
and it's hard to go wrong with white. If you're not sure, take
this table. You can always sell it back later.
Surfaces #5 ~ The M Table
PRICE: $850 SIZE: 3x2
SUB-CATEGORY: Dining Tables
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
This table is actually quite cool, but it all really boils down
to what you like best. Meant to go with the M Chair, of course.
Surfaces #6 ~ O'Mann Partners Desk
PRICE: $999 SIZE: 2x1
2nd CATEGORY: Study
This is now the most expensive desk. You know, a desk is a desk
is a desk. Personally, I like the pre-LL Redmond better.
Surfaces #7 ~ El Tomayo Plank Table
PRICE: $1,500 SIZE: 3x2
SUB-CATEGORY: Dining Tables
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
This table is not the most expensive. Fortunetly, the El Toyamo
matching chair is not nearly as expensive. This set looks really
cool if you can afford it.

| Livin' Large Item Guide - DECORATIVE |

Decorative #1 ~ What a Gas! Party Balloons
PRICE: $50 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Outside
These party balloons look great. They bring your room way up and
are very cheap. They are good for parties, just remember that
they pop within a day. When they all pop, your room rating goes
down, and you can't delete them. You have to physically clean
them up, and they block your path, too. Originally a downloadable
item, now included with Livin' Large.
Decorative #2 ~ "The Forgotten Guinea Pig"
PRICE: $60 SIZE: Wall - 2
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This guinea pig painting has a huge description, which forms into
a poem. I haven't actually tried to buy this painting, yet, so I
don't know if it has some adverse effect on your family. Perhaps
it just brings back bad memories of the Trojan Horse pet.
Update: Looking at this painting will cure the Guinea Pig sickness.
Thanks to Crovax.
Decorative #3 ~ "Tongue of the Tiger"
PRICE: $60 SIZE: Wall - 1
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Nice tiger painting.
Decorative #4 ~ "Tahitian Eye" by Nick N. Borrow
PRICE: $60 SIZE: Wall - 1
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Another nice painting. The item's value does appreciate over time, as
the item description suggests (thanks to Sahil Javeri for the info).
Decorative #5 ~ Potted Palm
PRICE: $90 SIZE: 1x1
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Outside
This small palm tree will go well with lots of other things,
especially cactuses and the like.
Decorative #6 ~ Guinea Pig
PRICE: $120 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
group activity
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
This item is somewhat more famous, and, its first appearance
was before Livin' Large, as a download off of This
item became well known because it could make your Sims sick, which
had never happened before, and not many Sim-ers really knew how to
heal their Sims. You get sick if the guinea pig bites you and
its cage is dirty. Solution: keep the cage clean. To cure your
sickness, buy the Guinea Pig painting and look at it. Thanks to
Crovax for pointing this out.
Decorative #7 ~ Bird of Paradise
PRICE: $170 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Outside
This is actually a pretty cool plant, i.e. it looks cool. If you
like it, buy it. Like I said in the beginning, many of the
Decorative items appeal to taste, so go for looks, and don't worry
so much about cash on hand.
Decorative #8 ~ Cuckoo Clock
PRICE: $180 SIZE: Wall - 1
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Study
This item was also a download available off of, before
it joined the collection on the Livin' Large CD. This cuckoo clock
will "cuckoo" a few times every day, including once at 6am. It
might just be useful as an alarm clock, but it may "cuckoo" in the
middle of the night, too, I don't really remember. The secondary
category is Study, so you might just follow their advice and put
it in there.
Decorative #9 ~ Christmas Tree
PRICE: $199 SIZE: 2x2
Room - 2
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
This is a really cool item. Not only is it a light that's
constantly on, but it also brings your room rating up. You can
"open a present" for an immediate fun boost. Unfortunely, there
are only a few presents under the tree, and when they run out,
you've got to buy a new tree (sigh.)
Decorative #10 ~ Old Movie Prop
PRICE: $210 SIZE: Wall - 1
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This old movie prop looks like it would go well in a castle
Decorative #11 ~ Deer Master Trophy
PRICE: $390 SIZE: Wall - 1
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
If you want to look and feel like a hunter, you can put one of
these on the wall and buy a bearskin rug, and you'll be all set.
Decorative #12 ~ Floor Rug by Leopard Life
PRICE: $460 SIZE: 3x3
2nd CATEGORY: Study
This floor rug looks really cool, and is apparently leopard skin.
This is a brand new subcategory (Decorative/Rugs) that was created
by Livin' Large; there are two others, as well.
Decorative #13 ~ "David" by DeLux Sculpture
PRICE: $510 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Nice golden statue. Nicely carved, all golden, and some, er, NICE
red dotted shorts round out the thing.
Decorative #14 ~ Trajicklowna Cloisonne Urn
PRICE: $580 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Okay, it doesn't take a Harvard graduate to notice something about
the title of this item: Trajicklowna (or, Tragic Klown). Hinting
at something? I don't know. If you do, let me know! Also, this
item does appreciate over time (thanks to Sahil Javeri for the info.)
Decorative #15 ~ Granite Guard Lion
PRICE: $650 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Nice Guard Lion that can go at the end of your sidewalk or
something like that.
Decorative #16 ~ "Space Chicken" Macquette
PRICE: $790 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Here's an interesting sculpture.
Decorative #17 ~ "Hazard the Guess" by Connor Tiist
PRICE: $950 SIZE: Wall - 1
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellanoeus
This painting is quite plain, except for the few dabs of color
here and there.
Decorative #18 ~ "Blind Date" by I. Rony
PRICE: $1,020 SIZE: Wall - 2
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Well, this painting sure captures your attention. This is a huge
painting, not only taking up two wall spaces, and is bigger
vertically than horizontally! Surely an attention grabber.
Decorative #19 ~ Empty Circles Again (Seriograph) by N.I. Strane
PRICE: $1,100 SIZE: Wall - 1
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This is a pretty cool painting that is mostly a swirl of color and
black. Really neat to look at, though a bit on the expensive side.
Decorative #20 ~ Schwa Carpet
PRICE: $1,300 SIZE: 2x3
2nd CATEGORY: Study
Here's another item that joins the rug subcategory; and another
carpet. This one isn't quite as big as the 3x3s, taking up three
less squares in one direction.
Decorative #21 ~ Head in a Jar Curio
PRICE: $1,470 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Well, it's a curio, all right. I'm not sure if it has some strange
effect on your Sim, but it would go well in a castle. This item does
appreciate over time (thanks to Sahil Javeri for the info.)
Decorative #22 ~ Estate Sale Conversation Piece
PRICE: $1,750 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellanoeus
Here you go: the perfect castle piece. A skeleton in a cage is the
perfect item for any castle dungeon.
Decorative #23 ~ Highbrau Coat of Arms
PRICE: $1,800 SIZE: Wall - 1
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Another coat of arms. Could go well a bunch of places; best
probably in the castle.
Decorative #24 ~ "Cosine Cathedral" by S. Neverdunne
PRICE: $3,300 SIZE: 2x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Enormous price jump here, but the Room rating is pretty good. Not
only that, but the piece actually looks good, too. Nice
sculpture of curving lines and neat colors.
Decorative #25 ~ Sham Tiger Skin Rug
Decorative #26 ~ Faux Bearskin Rug
PRICE: $4,300 SIZE: 3x3
2nd CATEGORY: Study
Note that these two rugs are $4,300 each, and they are not a set.
Good for the aspiring hunter. They look nice in front of a
fireplace or on a cold castle floor.
Decorative #27 ~ White Rhino Re-enactment
PRICE: $4,800 SIZE: Wall - 2
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Again, for the aspiring hunter. There are a whole bunch of
objects that can all go together in the hunter's collector room.
Decorative #28 ~ Judith Peynter - Self Portrait
PRICE: $5,000 SIZE: Wall - 1
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
A nice picture of Mrs. Judith Peynter.
Decorative #29 ~ Black Tree Tapestry
PRICE: $8,100 SIZE: Wall - 1
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Now were getting into the REAL expensive stuff. Nice Room rating,
Decorative #30 ~ "Eruption of Decadence" Tapestry
PRICE: $8,100 SIZE: Wall - 2
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Another nice tapestry.
Decorative #31 ~ Antique Persian Rug
PRICE: $8,200 SIZE: 3x3
2nd CATEGORY: Study
Nice rug. Strangely enough, it's expensive but takes a hit in
Room!? Oh, well. It's an antique, maybe it goes up in value?
Get back to me if you know:
Decorative #32 ~ Shabycratah Figure
PRICE: $13,000 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Finally, we are down to the last three Decorative, all having the
highest possible Room rating. This one looks like it belongs in
Egypt, but if you've got the cash, put a couple outside your
home. They look great.
Decorative #33 ~ "La Gargouille" Ornamental Sculpture
PRICE: $13,100 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Another sculpture to go outside, quite like the other one.
Decorative #34 ~ Suit of Armor
PRICE: $15,000 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Here's a Suit of Armor, tying the most expensive item at $15,000.
Goes well in a castle (duh). It should appreciate over time (thanks to
Sahil Javeri for the info.)

| Livin' Large Item Guide - ELECTRONICS |

Electronics #1 ~ Wurl 'N' Hurl Retro Jukebox
PRICE: $1,199 SIZE: 1x1
Room - 2
group activity
SUB-CATEGORY: Other Entertainment
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
This item was originally available as a stand-alone on the Visa
RankIt website. It's now in Livin' Large, and will play your
favorite songs, providing you drop the correct MP3 in the correct
Electronics #2 ~ Viva PGT Home Casino
PRICE: $1,750 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
adults only
SUB-CATEGORY: Other Entertainment
2nd CATEGORY: Study
Nice home casino. You can gamble, and hope to get paid off. Goes
on a table.
Electronics #3 ~ Meet Servo
PRICE: $15,000 SIZE: 2x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Yahoo! Servo is fantastic! And, what better company to make this
fine product... Shiny Things, Inc! My favorite SimCompany, in
case you hadn't guessed. Shiny Things, Inc makes a whole line of
kitchen appliances including top-notch refridgerators and stoves.
Oh, right, about the item. Servo is basically a robotic maid.
He'll do everything a maid does, including making the beds, washing
dishes, cleaning the beds, and everything inbetween. You can even
tell him to serve dinner! It won't cost your the normal $20,
Servo will serve it immediately (i.e. he doesn't have to prepare
or cook it.) The only downside is that his cooking doesn't fulfill
hunger very much. Very useful if you are running late and need
a quick meal. I believe he will do gardening work, as well, but
don't hold me on that one. He will also get rid of those pesky
Basically, if you've got lots of cash, Servo is a great investment.
You'll never need a maid again!
Update: Servo does do gardening. Thanks to Adam V. who pointed that
out to me.

| Livin' Large Item Guide - APPLIANCES |

Appliances #1 ~ CiaoTime Moderna Cooktop
PRICE: $1,100 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
ATTRIBUTES: Hunger - 7
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
This nice stove goes on a counter, instead of standing alone like
the pre-LL ranges. So, before, you'd have to interrupt your nice
sequence of Barcelona counters to fit in a stove. Now, you can
continue your sequence without interruption. Unfortunetly, the
attributes are the same as the Shiny Things, Inc. model, but the
base price is more expensive, and you have to pitch for the
counter as well. So, looks are not cheap.
Appliances #2 ~ Olde Thyme Restored Oven
PRICE: $1,600 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Hunger - 9
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
This oven is made to be at home in the castle theme. It is more
expensive than even the CiaoTime (base price), but you might want
to consider this model even for the non-Castle. The Hunger rating
it higher than all the other stoves.
Appliances #3 ~ Olde Thyme Victual Preservatorium
PRICE: $2,750 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Hunger - 9
SUB-CATEGORY: Refridgerators
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
Basically, a fancy way of saying "Castle Refridgerator." This
nice fridge is completely black, made for a castle. Again, you
might consider it even if you don't have a castle, as the Hunger
rating is one higher than the Shiny Things' Freeze Secret. It
IS the most expensive fridge.
Hey, you knew a castle wouldn't be cheap. Makes you wonder how
all the monarchs of the European empires were able to afford
those complex forts that we visit as tourists. So that's where
our tax dollars are going, huh?

| Livin' Large Item Guide - PLUMBING |

Plumbing #1 ~ In-house Outhouse
PRICE: $350 SIZE: 1x1 - Wall
ATTRIBUTES: Hygiene - neg. 1
Bladder - 8
Room - 2
2nd CATEGORY: Bathroom
Well, ugh. That's the first word that comes to mind. It's a state-
of-the-art toilet, state-of-the-art for the eleventh century, that
is. Standard castle toilet, but it's not very clean. Strangely
enough, it does add to the room value.
Remember that this has "Wall" attached to it under Size. This is
because that while toilets are sitting on the floor, they must be
attached to the wall.
Plumbing #2 ~ Stonewash Sink
PRICE: $600 SIZE: 1x1 - Counter
ATTRIBUTES: Hygiene - 3
Room - 1
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
This is actually a great sink, even out of the castle. It has the
highest Hygiene rating for any sink, and it adds to the Room value
for a cheap price.
This has a "Counter" on it instead of "Surface" under Size because
sinks cannot be put on tables, only counters.
Plumbing #3 ~ "Suds du Solei" Antique Tub
PRICE: $2,000 SIZE: 2x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 6
Hygiene - 9
2nd CATEGORY: Bathroom
Nice tub, actually, for the Castle, or in any fancy house.

| Livin' Large Item Guide - LIGHTING |

Lighting #1 ~ White Globe Sconce
PRICE: $35 SIZE: Wall - 1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Originally a download, this is the cheapest wall light you can get.
Wall lights are very useful because more often than not, your
floor space is more limited.
Lighting #2 ~ Hawaiian Fantasy Tiki Torch
PRICE: $70 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Outside
This one looks, well, Hawaiian. It's a nice torch, those kinds of
things you see to keep bugs away. They would go well outside.
Lighting #3 ~ Oval Glass Sconce
PRICE: $85 SIZE: Wall - 1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This one was also a download. It's the next cheapest wall light.
Lighting #4 ~ "Torchemada" Wall Torch
PRICE: $110 SIZE: Wall - 1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Yet another wall "light" or torch.
Lighting #5 ~ Top Brass Sconce
PRICE: $110 SIZE: Wall - 1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This wall light was also originall a download.
Lighting #6 ~ Femme de Luxe Lamp
PRICE: $120 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Here's a nice little lamp that sits on a surface - looks like those
kinds of lamps they had back in the colonial days.
Lighting #7 ~ Greek Fire Garden Lamp
PRICE: $125 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Outside
This lamp almost looks Chinese in a way... but it's meant to sit
outside on your porch to light the night.
Lighting #8 ~ "Cupidity" Art Lamp
PRICE: $130 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Basically a lamp with a cupid as its base.
Lighting #9 ~ Blue Plate Special Sconce
PRICE: $135 SIZE: Wall - 1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Originally a download, this was my favorite wall light. Looks
very cool... even more so when it's on.
Lighting #10 ~ Neon Flamingo Sign
PRICE: $149 SIZE: Wall - 1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Originally a download, this was a very nice bar light that Maxis
offered up. You could put it by your beverage bar and it'll
look great.
Lighting #11 ~ Gam Sarfatti Floor Lamp
PRICE: $160 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This nice lamp looks like it has a huge, rounded, red shade. Oh,
well, most of the upcoming lamps are more interesting than cool,
but that's what you get, right?
Lighting #12 ~ "Blue Note" Floor Lamp
PRICE: $170 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
If it weren't for the title, I'd think that this is a table lamp.
Nope, it is actually a floor lamp, and the shade is a complex array
of blue colors.
Lighting #13 ~ Menorah
PRICE: $175 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
The menorah in included with Livin' Large. Nice little glow is
givin off, but it does require a surface.
Lighting #14 ~ Mica Tube Lamp
PRICE: $180 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This tall, tubey lamp would be great for one of those futuristic
Lighting #15 ~ Torchosteronne Table Lamp
PRICE: $200 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This is, perhaps, one of my favorite new items. My favorite lamp
before Livin' Large was the Torchosteronne Floor Lamp, and now
they have a table lamp to match. Yahoo!
Lighting #16 ~ The "Methanopolis" Floor Lamp
PRICE: $250 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Well, if the name says anything about it, it's powered by methane.
Hope it doesn't blow up. Nice red, though.
Lighting #17 ~ The Biomushric Floor Lamp
PRICE: $250 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This is, uh, nice. Certainly fulfills the "Bio" part of the name.
Yes, very interesting.
Lighting #18 ~ NeoRococo Wall Sconce
PRICE: $300 SIZE: Wall - 1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This sconce was NOT originally a download, but it still is quite
cool. Blue lamp, might go well in a castle.
Lighting #19 ~ The KranialKone Light
PRICE: $300 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Here's another cool lamp. The lamp shade is basically a cone, with
a cool design to boot. Not only that, but it adds to the room
Lighting #20 ~ "Torchemada" Candelabra
PRICE: $330 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This torch is very nice. Also comes in a neat wall version to fit
all your Castle needs.
Lighting #21 ~ "Sisters of Mercy" Candelabra
PRICE: $360 SIZE: Wall - 1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
The wall version of the Candelabra torch. Perfect for a Castle.
Lighting #22 ~ Knight Niche Light Piece
PRICE: $1,150 SIZE: Wall - 1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Perfect for a Castle. Unfortunetly, the price skyrockets. Hey,
you knew a Castle wouldn't be cheap.
Lighting #23 ~ The Firey Friary Midieval Garden Lamp
PRICE: $1,150 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Outside
Expensive, yes, but perfect for the gardens of your castle. Every
castle has gardens... does yours?

| Livin' Large Item Guide - MISCELLANEOUS |

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* There are no sub-categories for these items because they are *
* miscellaneous: a whole bunch of different items bunched together. *
* So, it would be next to impossible to group them. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Miscellaneous #1 ~ Professional Trash Can
PRICE: $40 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This trash can was originally available for download. It's
basically a trash can that's colored black.
Miscellaneous #2 ~ Dungeon Dumpster
PRICE: $45 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Well, duh. Everyone who inhabits a castle must have a castle
themed trash can.
Miscellaneous #3 ~ Little Voodoo Dolly
PRICE: $65 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
adults only
2nd CATEGORY: Study
Nice little voodoo kit. You can hurt people with it - I'm not
exactly sure if it effects your relationship or not. Note that it
can only be used by adults, on adults. So, don't buy it if there's
only one adult in your household. I suppose you could use it on
friends, though :P
Miscellaneous #4 ~ Sky Scorcher Fireworks Kit
PRICE: $90 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Outside
It's cheap, it's cool. Don't launch them inside, or there's a very
good chance of starting a fire.
Miscellaneous #5 ~ Elephant Foot Trash Can
PRICE: $230 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This trash can resembles an elephant's foot. Not the most elegant,
but if you can put up with the looks, it does hold more trash than
the standard ones.
Miscellaneous #6 ~ Antique Lamp
PRICE: $375 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
The most famous lamp in the whole neighborhood. The genie
contained inside sometimes grants... bad wishes. Try it. You
get a wish a day. Only adults can wish, but kids can view the lamp.
Miscellaneous #7 ~ Makutu Tiki Dresser
PRICE: $510 SIZE: 2x2
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
Going Hawaiian? Here's the dresser for you - matches the Tiki
Miscellaneous #8 ~ Guido
PRICE: $560 SIZE: 2x2
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
Here's a cool dresser. It's kinda futuristic - but it adds to the
room value, at any rate.
Miscellaneous #9 ~ Beejaphone Guitar
PRICE: $580 SIZE: 1x1
+ creativity
group activity
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
Here's a nice guitar. It's the only new way to raise your
creativity, besides the old easel.
Correction: The piano can also raise your creativity level. Thanks
to who pointed this out to me.
Miscellaneous #10 ~ KraftKing Woodworking Table
PRICE: $720 SIZE: 2x1
ATTRIBUTES: + mechanical
adults only
2nd CATEGORY: Study
Now, here's a great investment. You can make cute little garden
gnomes that you can put out in your garden. Okay, they might
explode, but still... Actually, aside from raising your mechanical,
these gnomes will raise in value as you make more. So, before too
long, you'll be able to make 10+ a day, each one selling for $50+.
Quite a bit of money to be made there.
NOTE: All right, after some usage, I have decided that my numbers
were somewhat pessimistic. Actually, gnomes sell for $100 if you
have full Mechanical skill. Not only that, but you can make
15-20 gnomes per day, if you work all day. For those of you who
can't do the math, that's almost $2000 a day for making gnomes.
I added that as an "alternate career," so check out the Career
Analysis for a description.
Miscellaneous #11 ~ Madame Blahbatfry Crystal Ball
PRICE: $760 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: adults only
2nd CATEGORY: Study
This crystal ball will give you suggestions about your future.
Some of the messages are a little confusing, but you would be wise
to follow them. Sometimes you'll get rewarded with skills/friends
if you follow the ball's advice.
Note that it is very difficult to orient this, because each of the
four sides of the ball look the same, so you don't really know
which side your Sim will want to sit down on. Good luck.
Miscellaneous #12 ~ "The Swing" Bookshelf
PRICE: $910 SIZE: 1x1
+ cooking
+ mechanical
+ study
2nd CATEGORY: Study
This is a modern day bookshelf. It bit expensive, but it looks
Miscellaneous #13 ~ The "Concoctanation Station"
PRICE: $980 SIZE: 2x1
adults only
2nd CATEGORY: Study
Here's a cool chemistry set. According to the box, you can make
eight different potions (though you can't choose which one you
make). There's blue, which will refresh your Sim, or green, which
will make an evil clone, or... well, we want to leave SOME
surprises, don't we? See for yourself what happens.
Miscellaneous #14 ~ Baroque Optilopticon
PRICE: $1,100 SIZE: Wall - 1
+ charisma
adults only
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
Nice mirror. It's big, gold, and expensive. Thanks to Carmine who
pointed out that I actually had written "creativity" as opposed to
Miscellaneous #15 ~ Horwitz "Star-Track" Backyard Telescope
PRICE: $2,100 SIZE: 1x2
+ logic
2nd CATEGORY: Outside
The telescope that can help you gain logic. Apparently, if you
use it too much, you can get abducted by aliens. Try it if you
Miscellaneous #16 ~ Fantzi di Pantza Dresser
PRICE: $2,500 SIZE: 2x2
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
Nice dresser. Unfortunetly, it's the most expensive. It does add
quite a bit to the room.
Miscellaneous #17 ~ Liebefunkenmann Piano
PRICE: $5,399 SIZE: 3x2
Room - 6
+ creativity
group activity
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
Yet another piano. It helps your creativity go up, and it's more
"roomy" than the other piano.

| Livin' Large Item Guide - SECONDARY CATEGORIES |
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Here is a list of all the items sorted into their secondary *
* The attributes & description aren't included in this list - if you *
* need those, find the item in the list above. I've included the *
* primary category next the item name. If you need the price or *
* attributes, find it in the list above. *
* *Note* that this list, like the in-came catalogue, is organized *
* by price. The most expensive item in each category is last in *
* that category's list. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Guinea Pig - Decorative
Satinistics Reproduction Armchair - Seating
Menorah - Lighting
Christmas Tree - Decorative
Satinistics Loveseat - Seating
Etherette Lounger - Seating
Antique Lamp - Miscellaneous
Frogg - Seating
Velvet Sofasaurus - Seating
Beejaphone Guitar - Miscellaneous
Wurl 'N' Hurl Retro Jukebox - Electronics
The Manchester - Seating
Ebonized Victorian Chair - Seating
Duke of Earle Throne Chair - Seating
Le Grande Guignol Loveseat - Seating
"Red Matter" Sofa from Studio Bakonmi - Seating
Liebefunkenmann Piano - Miscellaneous

Sir Laxalot Dinette Chair - Seating
The M Chair - Seating
Beach Boss Beverage Bar - Miscellaneous
The M Table - Surfaces
El Tomayo Dining Chair - Seating
El Tomayo Plank Table - Surfaces

Rampa Lopside End Table - Surfaces
The Queen's Rose ENd Table - Surfaces
Makutu Tiki Dresser - Miscellaneous
Guido - Miscellaneous
Baroque Optiloptican - Miscellaneous
Fantzi di Pantza Dresser - Miscellaneous
The Vibromatic Heart Bed - Seating

Little Voodoo Dolly - Miscellaneous
Cuckoo Clock - Miscellaneous
Floor Rug by Leopard Life - Decorative
KraftKing Woodworking Table - Miscellaneous
Madame Blahbatfry Crystal Ball - Miscellaneous
"The Swing" Bookshelf - Miscellaneous
The "Concoctanation Station" - Miscellaneous
O'Mann Partners Desk - Surfaces
Schwa Carpet - Decorative
Viva PGT Home Casino - Electronics
Sham Tiger Skin Rug - Decorative
Faux Bearskin Rug - Decorative
Antique Persian Rug - Decorative

Cornerstone Counter - Surfaces
Retratech Dining Table - Surfaces (Don't know how THIS one slipped in)
CiaoTime 360 Moderna Cooktop - Appliances
Olde Thyme Restored Oven - Appliances
Olde Thyme Victual Preservatorium - Appliances

In-house Outhouse - Plumbing
Stonewash Sink - Plumbing
"Suds du Solei" Antique Tub - Plumbing

What a Gas! Party Balloons - Decorative
Hawaiian Fantasy Tiki Torch - Lighting
Sky Scorcher Fireworks Kit - Miscellaneous
Potted Palm - Decorative
Greek Fire Garden Lamp - Lighitng
The Firey Friary Medieval Garden Lamp - Lighting
Horrorwitz "Star-Track" Backyard Telescope - Miscellaneous

White GLobe Sconce - Lighting
Professional Trash Can - Miscellaneous
Dungeon Dumpster - Miscellaneous
"Tongue of the Tiger" - Decorative
"Tahitian Eye" by Nick N. Borrow - Decorative
"The Forgotten Guinea Pig" - Decoartive
Oval Glass Sconce - Lighting
Top Brass Sconce - Lighting
"Torchmada" Wall Torch - Lighting
Femme de Luxe Lamp - Lighting
Cupidity Art Lamp - Lighting
Blue Plate Special Sconce - Lighting
Neon Flamingo Sign - Lighting
Gam Sarfatti Floor Lamp - Lighting
"Blue Note" Floor Lamp - Lighting
Mica Tube Lamp - Lighting
Torchosteronne Table Lamp - Lighting
Old Movie Prop - Decorative
Elephant Foot Trash Can - Miscellaneous
The Biomushric Floor lamo - Lighting
"The Methanopolis" Floor Lamp - Lighting
NeoRocco Wall Sconce - Lighting
The KranialKone Light - Lighting
"Torchemada" Candelabra - Lighting
"Sisters of Mercy" Wall Candelabra - Lighting
Deer Master Trophy - Decorative
"David" by DeLux Sculpture - Decorative
Trajicklowna Cloisonne Urn - Decorative
Granite Guard Lion - Decorative
"Space Chicken" Marquette - Decorative
"Hazard the Guess" by Connor Triist - Decorative
"Blind Date" by I. Roney - Decorative
Empty Circles Again (Seriograph) by N.I. Strane - Decorative
Knight Niche Light Piece - Lighting
Head in a Jar Curio - Mescellaneous
Estate Sale Conversation Piece - Decorative
Highbrau Coat of Arms - Decorative
"Cosine Cathedral" by S. Neverdunne - Decorative
White Rhino Re-enactment - Decorative
Judith Peynter - Self Portrait - Decorative
"Eruption of Decadence" Tapestry - Decorative
Black Tree Tapestry - Decorative
Shabycratah Figure - Decorative
"La Gargouille" Ornamental Sculpture - Decorative
Introducing Servo - Electronics
Suit of Armor - Decorative

| Chapter Three: House Party Item Guide |

| House Party Item Guide - SEATING |

Seating #1 ~ Freedom Chair
PRICE: $165 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 1
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
This, uh, distinctive chair takes over the spot of cheapest chair
previously held by the Sioux Sity chair and the red dining chair.
Made out of hay, meant to go with the Cowboy set. Not that
comfortable, as you can imagine.
Seating #2 ~ Rusty Redneck Barrel Chair
PRICE: $95 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 2
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
A little ol' barrel made chair. I'm not exactly sure which set
this fits into, if it fits into a set, but it is another chair that
you can buy on the cheap and it is slightly more comfortable than
sitting on hay.
Seating #3 ~ "Magneti" Inflatable Fun Chair
Seating #4 ~ "Biome" Inflatable Fun Chair
Seating #5 ~ "Aquaqu" Inflatable Fun Chair
PRICE: $109 per chair SIZE: 2x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 3
Room - 1
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
These chairs are exactly the same, except in different colors.
Basically, they are air chairs, if you've seen them in stores or
not. Kind of cool. They all match with their respective couches.
Seating #6 ~ Surplus Theatre Seating
PRICE: $153 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 3
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
Here's a nice little theatre seat. They can go by themselves, but
they really do look like theatre seats if you put them together in
a row. Of course, they don't have guest amenities like cupholders,
but I've never actually seen a Sim holding a cup. Maybe that
doesn't matter...
Seating #7 ~ Tiki Drean Dining Chair
PRICE: $175 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 3
SUB-CATEGORY: Dining Chairs
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
This dining chair is made specifically to go with the Tiki Dream
Dining Table.
Seating #8 ~ "Sky Surfer" Inflatable Sofa
Seating #9 ~ "Verdette" Inflatable Sofa
Seating #10 ~ "Psycha" Inflatable Sofa
PRICE: $190 SIZE: 2x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 3
Energy - 5
Room - 1
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
I must admit that I think air chairs are kinda cool - but I haven't
yet seen an air sofa on the market. These are two-seater sofas
you can take a nap on. In case you hadn't already guessed, they go
with their matching color Inflatable Fun Chair.
Seating #11 ~ Chair of the Future
PRICE: $203 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 3
SUB-CATEGORY: Dining Chairs
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
Here's a rather cool looking chair. They go very well with the
Artist's Concept Table, kind of a futuristic set. They aren't that
expensive, either.
Seating #12 ~ Tropi-Cone Island Chair
PRICE: $315 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 5
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
Here's a nice Luau chair.
Seating #13 ~ Plushie Mushie Pleasure Chair
PRICE: $329 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 5
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
Well...hmm. I really don't know what to think about this chair.
Don't hold me to this, but I believe that it is meant to go with
the Efficiency Table (but I could be wrong).
Seating #14 ~ Tropi-Cone Sofa
PRICE: $535 SIZE: 3x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 5
Energy - 5
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
Well, gee, what might this sofa go with? I'll give you one guess.
Seating #15 ~ Cowch Country Lounger
PRICE: $1,115 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 8
Room - 1
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
Here's a chair that is strictly cowboy set. Despite being in a
specific set, this chair is very comfortable, and it might not hurt
to have this chair in your house regardless of the setting.
Seating #16 ~ Cowch Country Sofa
PRICE: $1,350 SIZE: 3x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 8
Energy - 5
Room - 1
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
The matching cowboy couch is still very comfortable. While not up
to par with some of the Livin' Large couches in terms of attributes,
it has a decent price tag.

| House Party Item Guide - SURFACES |

Surfaces #1 ~ Freedom End Table
PRICE: $40 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
Here's a nice 'ol end table made out of hay. As you can imagine,
this fine product goes with the Freedom Chair.
Surfaces #2 ~ The Elegant Chef's End Table
PRICE: $50 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
This nice chef's end table will work in any environment, though it
makes an excellent table for the punch bowl, sitting next to The
Elegant Chef Buffet Table. Works for parties!
Surfaces #3 ~ "Lola Mona" Occasional Table
PRICE: $170 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
Here's another end table, this one for the Luau setting.
Surfaces #4 ~ Efficiency Table
PRICE: $179 SIZE: 1x1
SUB-CATEGORY: Dining Tables
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
This is a brand new type of dining table - 1x1 dining table, the
likes of which Simers have never seen before! Very cool, actually,
as Sims can still comfortably sit one on each side, making a very
small and compact dining area that seats four. There are a few new
tables like this in House Party.
Surfaces #5 ~ Wicked Breeze Counter
PRICE: $180 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
This is supposed to be a counter, I suppose, though my first
thought was an end table. You could use it for either, I suppose.
Anyway, this is a nice counter to go with the Luau setting.
Surfaces #6 ~ Cape Crab Coastside Counter
PRICE: $249 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
Here's a very nice, elegant counter in a pleasant shade of blue.
I don't really know if it fits into a set or not, but it will go
well in many kitchen settings.
Surfaces #7 ~ Efficiency Table Plus!
PRICE: $275 SIZE: 2x1
SUB-CATEGORY: Dining Tables
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
Here's an expansion of the Efficiency Table, for those of you who
are still space-conscious, but need a little extra room. This is a
nice 2x1 table that will comfortably seat six people.
Surfaces #8 ~ Country Counter
PRICE: $276 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
Here's another counter that looks like it was from the same people
who designed the Cape Crab Counter - except with a different theme.
This counter is clearly meant to go with the Cowboy setting.
Surfaces #9 ~ Artist's Concept Table
PRICE: $349 SIZE: 1x1
SUB-CATEGORY: Dining Tables
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
Here's another small, 1x1 dining table that seats four. This one
is quite cool, as it is probably meant to go with the Rave setting
(though I label it futuristic).
Surfaces #10 ~ Tiki Dream Dining Table
PRICE: $379 SIZE: 3x1
SUB-CATEGORY: Dining Tables
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
Here's a dining table that is much longer than it is wide. Meant
to go with the Luau setting. For your information, this table can
only accomodate six people, as you cannot put a chair between two
other chairs on the long side.
Surfaces #11 ~ ScienStone Wall Counter
PRICE: $425 SIZE: Wall - 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
Here's a very interesting counter - one that does not touch the
floor and is entirely supported by the wall. Very nice, but the
downside is that it must be attached to a wall, so you can't put
one in the middle of the kitchen. Under Size, I put "Wall - 1x1"
as opposed to "Wall - 1" because the counter does need a wall, but
it also uses up one floor tile. Note that, like toilets, it
requires being next to a wall, but you can still put other wall
items (such as paintings) above it.
Surfaces #12 ~ The Smart Counter
PRICE: $432 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
Despite this item's description, it does not offer any special food
or hunger bonuses with cooking. It just looks cool - fits in with
the Rave setting.

| House Party Item Guide - DECORATIVE |

Decorative #1 ~ Jack-O-Latern
PRICE: $27 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Outside
Here's a nice cheap ornament that will up your Room value just a
bit. If you don't own House Party, this item is also a download
off of
Decorative #2 ~ Desert Not Lawn Ornament
PRICE: $70 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This is a cowboy lawn ornament. I suppose it's supposed to go
Decorative #3 ~ "Amaizing" Lawn Ornament
PRICE: $89 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Another Cowboy lawn ornament. Nice wheat. You could make a
convincing hedge maze out of this, though it would probably take
up a whole lot.
Decorative #4 ~ Queen Vivanco Roses
PRICE: $99 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
These are actually very nice roses. They are meant to go on a
table. Also available as a download item off of
Decorative #5 ~ Jungle Jumble Import Display
PRICE: $151 SIZE: Wall - 1
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Painting
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Here's a nice imported Luau wall display. It actually looks quite
cool, though it's a bit on the expensive side for only a one room
Decorative #6 ~ Pacific Island Relic
PRICE: $198 SIZE: Wall - 1
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Painting
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Another Luau relic that you can place on your wall. A bit more
realistic in terms of price:room rating ratio.
Decorative #7 ~ "Duke Tubula" Memorial Surf Board
PRICE: $230 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Despite initial appearances, this is not a wall hanging (which is
what I thought at first. Silly me). Yet another item in the deluge
of Luau themed Decorative items.
Decorative #8 ~ Scraps Ranch Rag Rug
PRICE: $233 SIZE: 3x2
2nd CATEGORY: Study
Finally, we deviate from the Luau setting. Here, we see a nice rug.
From the description, you might think that it's a cowboy rug, but
it does fit well into any setting. Rugs are nice because they look
nice, but Sims can also walk on them and you can put other items (
i.e. bookshelves, sofas, etc.) on top of them.
Decorative #9 ~ Savant-Naif Art Rug
PRICE: $290 SIZE: 3x3
2nd CATEGORY: Study
Here's kind of a pseudo-rug, though it does go well in many
different living room settings.
Decorative #10 ~ Long Horn Wall Accent
PRICE: $395 SIZE: Wall - 1
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Here's a nice hunter's artifact from the good 'ol days of stalking
through the forest, looking for those animals... Anyway, the
price is fairly decent for a room rating of 3.
Decorative #11 ~ Weft Wrights Wall Quilt
PRICE: $515 SIZE: Wall - 2
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Now, we're starting to get into the more expensive side. The
price to room ratio is not that great on this item. It's rather
expensive, though it does go well in many environments.
Decorative #12 ~ "Black Bile Bear"
PRICE: $520 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Here's a cool, carved bear for your home.
Decorative #13 ~ Native Sim Wall Hanging
PRICE: $639 SIZE: Wall - 1
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
More expensive still. This wall hanging is kinda neat, though you
might be hard-pressed to find a place where it goes well.
Decorative #14 ~ SimBad's Stuffed Marlin
PRICE: $777 SIZE: Wall - 3
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Now here's a massive, expensive, poor-room-rating item that is only
good for those hunters out there. This is the only item in the
whole game (I believe) that takes up three wall spaces - and that
is quite a lot, when you consider windows, paintings, lights, and
all the other things that grace your walls. You will probably have
a hard time finding space for it, and it's expensive. I recommend
dumping this item.
Decorative #15 ~ "Blue Inca Pilot" Band Poster
PRICE: $1,789 SIZE: Wall - 2
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Here's another large item, though it may only seem large because
it's tiny in the preview picture. Not a bad item, but we take a
huge price leap from the last House Party item to this one.
Decorative #16 ~ Ali'i Kahuna Ceremonial Tiki
PRICE: $2,000 SIZE: 1x1
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Here's another luau monument for your home. Not a bad item, but a
bit on the expensive side.
Decorative #17 ~ Non-experimental Neon Painting
PRICE: $2,012 SIZE: Wall - 2
SUB-CATEGORY: Wall/Paintings
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This painting obviously goes with the Rave/futuristic theme of the
Decorative #18 ~ "Sublime Slime" Installation
PRICE: $9,000 SIZE: 2x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
A massive leap in price, but not a bad room rating. Interesting
model, though I think it goes well with those air chairs/sofas.

| House Party Item Guide - ELECTRONICS |

Electronics #1 ~ Neukum Stereo Speakers
PRICE: $99 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
Now we get to Electronics; some of the coolest new items in House
Party are electronic. One such invention are the Speakers. These
nice, handy items are cheap stand-alone speakers that you can put
anywhere in your house. If you put them somewhere, turn a radio
on, and turn the speaker on, then the music will be broadcast to
that area. You can't dance there; I have a strong suspicion that
these speakers are more for the player's benefit than the Sim's.
That doesn't mean it's not a cool item, though.
Electronics #2 ~ Recycled Pay Phone
PRICE: $111 SIZE: Wall - 1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneou
Here's a new wall phone that fits in with the Cowboy theme. There
aren't any Rave or Luau phones, sorry.
Electronics #3 ~ "Bounce My Booty" Dance Floor
PRICE: $1,250 SIZE: 2x2 (one)
ATTRIBUTES: Fun - 6 any size by connecting them
Room - 3
group activity
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This dance floor is one of the "main items" in House Party (the
dance floor is to House Party as the Heart Bed was to Livin' Large.)
One of the features everyone was looking forward to, that is. And
awesome it is. By putting it near a radio or the DJ Booth, Sims can
dance to their favorite tunes. And, you can put 2x2 sections
together to make a large dance floor. Not only that, but the whole
floor will light up in different patterns based on the type of music
playing. Definitely one of the better items added in House Party.
Electronics #4 ~ Spazmatronic Plasmatronic Go-Go Cage
PRICE: $1,749 SIZE: 1x1
Room - 3
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Parties are very expensive, I can't deny that. This is a very
useful item for any party, however; Sims will get into the cage and
dance. It's fun for them, and it usually attracts a crowd to watch
and dance along. Quite a fun item, especially if you have music
and a dance floor nearby.
Electronics #5 ~ ToroTee Mechanical Bull
PRICE: $5,678 SIZE: 3x3
+ body
group activity
SUB-CATEGORY: Other Entertainment
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Here's a nice mechanical bull that allows Sims to raise their Body
level. You can ride it as Easy, Medium, and Difficult. It is
interesting to watch the Sims ride. While listed as a group
activity, I would be careful; participating Sims can only watch,
and if their relationship isn't high, they will boo, which will
send the relationship down.
Electronics #6 ~ Turntablitz DJ Booth
PRICE: $7,129 SIZE: 3x2
Room - 3
group activity
2nd CATEGORY: Living Room
Here's another party item: the large DJ Booth that you can put
next to the dance floor. Sims can DJ, for fun, or they can just
turn the machine on and let it play.

| House Party Item Guide - APPLIANCES |

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* There are no new Appliances for House Party. Sorry. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

| House Party Item Guide - PLUMBING |

Plumbing #1 ~ Savage Salvage Sink
PRICE: $229 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
ATTRIBUTES: Hygiene - 2
2nd CATEGORY: Kitchen
True to the description, it is cheaper to buy a sink from Savage
Salvage than buy a new one. It has the same Hygiene rating than
the previous cheapest Sink.
Plumbing #2 ~ Boggs Memorial Commode
PRICE: $375 SIZE: Wall - 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Bladder - 8
2nd CATEGORY: Bathroom
Here's another toilet for your use. I have yet to decide which set
it belongs in; most likely, Cowboy.
Plumbing #3 ~ Chrome Faucet System
PRICE: $622 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Hygiene - 3
Room - 2
2nd CATEGORY: Bathroom
Ah, a very fancy sink that goes into the Rave category. Goes with
(duh) the matching shower.
Plumbing #4 ~ Wicked Breeze Surf Shower
PRICE: $672 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Hygiene - 5
Room - 1
2nd CATEGORY: Bathroom
Finally! A new shower! Yahoo! Sims fans everywhere were upset
when new showers weren't included with Livin' Large. At last, we
have some! This shower isn't the cleanest in the world, but it
goes well with the Luau theme.
Plumbing #5 ~ Chrome Concept Shower
PRICE: $2,999 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Hygiene - 10
Room - 2
2nd CATEGORY: Bathroom
Sorry for the pun, but Maxis really did decide to shower us with
showers! This one is expensive, to be sure, but it is extremely
clean and does look very cool. Goes with the Chrome Sink. Excuse
me, the "Faucet System."

| House Party Item Guide - LIGHTING |

Lighting #1 ~ SUNOT Shop Light
PRICE: $30 SIZE: Wall - 1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Here's a nice industrial-looking light for your living room or
Lighting #2 ~ Old Railroad Lamp
PRICE: $63 SIZE: Wall - 1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This is an old lamp that looks like it belongs in the Cowboy
Lighting #3 ~ Vintage "Hula Girl" Dancing Lamp
PRICE: $80 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Here's a nice Luau lamp for your living room. This light is unique
in that if you manually turn it on, it does not go off until the
bulb burns out or your turn it off. All other lights go off at 7AM
if you manually turn them on. This item is also available for
download at
Lighting #4 ~ LED Pod Light
PRICE: $131 SIZE: Wall - 1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
This is a very nice looking light, and it flashes. Well, the
lights move around. This is more of a disco item.
Lighting #5 ~ Symbol Light
PRICE: $135 SIZE: Wall - 1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Here's another cool looking Disco light.
Lighting #6 ~ Faux Blowfish Fish Lamp
PRICE: $173 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Here's a very curious looking lamp. I'm not exactly sure which
set this one is supposed to fit into.
Lighting #7 ~ Club Code Thrill Light
PRICE: $1,000 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Here's another very cool lamp made for the discos - and somewhat
close to the dance floor, too. You can't actually see the red and
blue lights bouncing off nearby walls, sorry. Despite looks, this
lamp only produces normal white light.

| House Party Item Guide - MISCELLANEOUS |

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* There are no sub-categories for these items because they are *
* miscellaneous: a whole bunch of different items bunched together. *
* So, it would be next to impossible to group them. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Miscellaneous #1 ~ Granny Raymond's Holiday Cookies
PRICE: $10 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Here is some definite insta-food. You can buy them and eat them
for a very cheap price. They aren't that filling. However, they
do take over the award for cheapest item: previously held by the
original Sims Flamingo ($12). I believe this item is also
available for download at
Miscellaneous #2 ~ Birthday Cake
PRICE: $49 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
Here's another insta-food for your enjoyment, though this one has
quite a few bonuses. When you tell a Sim to blow out the candles,
they will gather all the other Sims in the house over to watch.
Not only that, but many of your neighbors will come over to give
you presents. It's a very subtle way of calling a party.
Miscellaneous #3 ~ SimFarm Turkey Dinner
PRICE: $102 SIZE: 1x1
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
This is almost exactly the same as the Birthday Cake (see above).
Miscellaneous #4 ~ Punchucopia Extraordinaria
PRICE: $150 SIZE: 1x1 - Surface
ATTRIBUTES: Hunger - 1
Fun - 2
group activity
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Here's the Punch Bowl - something the Caterer will be responsible
for filling if you hire one. When the punch bowl is full, you can
drink from it, and have your friends drink from it, and they will
all converse while doing so. It goes extremely well when placed on
the Elegant Chef's End Table, next to the Elegant Chef Buffet Table.
Miscellaneous #5 ~ The Elegant Chef Buffet Table
PRICE: $194 SIZE: 3x1
ATTRIBUTES: Hunger - 4
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
This is the main event for your parties - the food! Hire a caterer,
and he will come over and fill up the Table every time it is empty.
You'll never have to worry about food! If you choose not to hire
a Caterer, you can fill it up yourself, for the price of $100 each
Miscellaneous #6 ~ Fancy Feet Cake Treat
PRICE: $300 SIZE: 2x1
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Here's another great item for the parties - a large cake. Should
you need a quikc boost of fun at your party, but one of these
and you can hire a male or female entertainer. They will pop out
of the cake and do a little dance. Of course, all the Sims on the
lot at that time will run over to watch. After, (s)he will hang
around and converse with you and your guests. Careful, though,
as (s)he is very seductive. This can cause much jealously among
those who are already in love. This happened at my party. I
figured something was wrong when everyone started hating each
other. You might be wise to dismiss he(r) after he(r) dance.
Miscellaneous #7 ~ KampRile Instant Campfire
PRICE: $482 SIZE: 1x1
ATTRIBUTES: Comfort - 2
Fun - 2
group activity
2nd CATEGORY: Outside
Here's another nice little item for your informal gatherings. You
can gather some people together, start a fire, and tell stories
and sing songs around the campfire. Best done late at night, but
your Sims probably won't care anyway. I'm not sure if your Sims
can start anything on fire by using this item, but you might be
wise to have a smoke alarm in the same room just in case.
Miscellaneous #8 ~ Porta-Parody Costume Trunk
PRICE: $496 SIZE: 2x2
2nd CATEGORY: Bedroom
Another of the House Party Genius Items. This little costume trunk
will allow you to change your clothes, but not permanently. Before,
you could only dress in Formal, PJs, Work, or Swimsuit clothes from
the dresser. Now, you can temporairly dress in any number of
preset skins and categories. As a bonus, after you issue the
command to Dress In..., then everyone at your party will come over
to dress in that theme of costume also.
Miscellaneous #9 ~ "Bezique's Folly" Card Game
PRICE: $502 SIZE: 1x1
+ charisma
group activity
2nd CATEGORY: Study
Here's a nice little card game that your Sims can play together.
It looks more like Charades to me, but anyway... According to the
EA Tech Support, your Charisma will only go up if your Sims play
together. However, I have found that my Charisma goes up if you
practice the game as a single player. So, I don't know. Play
around with it, and let me know what you find.
Miscellaneous #10 ~ Super Schlooper Bubble Blower
PRICE: $710 SIZE: 3x3
ATTRIBUTES: Charisma - 2
Fun - 3
group activity
2nd CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Here's a nice little bubble blower. I haven't tested it all that
much, but it doesn't seem to raise your Charisma. I don't really
know, though.
Miscellaneous #11 ~ Whether Vain Drink Dispenser
PRICE: $920 SIZE: 2x1
ATTRIBUTES: Hunger - 1
Fun - 3
Room - 3
Here's a very nice bar following the Rave/futuristic theme.
Miscellaneous #12 ~ Antique Saloon Drink Cabinet
PRICE: $922 SIZE: 2x1
ATTRIBUTES: Hunger - 1
Fun - 3
Room - 3
2nd CATEGORY: Dining Room
Ooh, it's not only a drink dispenser, it's a drink cabinet! This
bar, I'm assuming, goes with the Cowboy/Wild West theme.
Miscellaneous #13 ~ Galvanator Bookshelf
PRICE: $925 SIZE: 1x1
+ cooking
+ mechanical
+ study
2nd CATEGORY: Study
Here's another bookshelf that looks very, uh, well, I don't really
how to describe this item. "Modern," I suppose, as it's not
futuristic, but it's not old fashioned/Cowboy, either.
Miscellaneous #14 ~ Ornery Owl Pioneer Bookcase
PRICE: $935 SIZE: 2x1
+ cooking
+ mechanical
+ study
2nd CATEGORY: Study
Ah, now here's the Cowboy bookcase. Longer than it is wide, much
like the best bookcase in the original Sims.

| House Party Item Guide - SECONDARY CATEGORIES |
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Here is a list of all the items sorted into their secondary *
* The attributes & description aren't included in this list - if you *
* need those, find the item in the list above. I've included the *
* primary category next the item name. If you need the price or *
* attributes, find it in the list above. *
* *Note* that this list, like the in-came catalogue, is organized *
* by price. The most expensive item in each category is last in *
* that category's list. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Freedom Chair - Seating
RustyRedneck Barrel Chair - Seating
Neukum Stereo Speakers - Electronics
"Magneti" Inflatable Fun Chair - Seating
"Biome" Inflatable Fun Chair - Seating
"Aquaqu" Inflatable Fun Chair - Seating
Surplue Theatre Seating - Seating
"Sky Surfer" Inflatable Sofa - Seating
"Vedette" Inflatable Sofa - Seating
"Psycha" Inflatable Sofa - Seating
Tropi-Cone Island Chair - Seating
Cowch Country Lounger - Seating
Cowch Country Sofa - Seating
Turntablitz DJ Booth - Electronics

Birthday Cake - Miscellaneous
The Elegant Chef's End Table - Surfaces
SimFarm Turkey Dinner - Miscellaneous
Tiki Dream Dining Chair - Seating
Efficiency Table - Surfaces
The Elegant Chef Buffet Table - Miscellaneous
Chair of the Future - Seating
Efficiency Table Plus! - Surfaces
Artist's Concept Table - Surfaces
Tiki Dream Dining Table - Surfaces
Whether Vain Drink Dispenser - Miscellaneous
Antique Saloon Drink Cabinet - Miscellaneous

Freedom End Table - Surfaces
"Lola Mona" Occasional End Table - Surfaces
Porta-Parody Costume Trunk - Miscellaneous

Scraps Ranch Rag Rug - Decorative
Savant-Naif Art Rug - Decorative
"Bezique's Folly" Card Game - Miscellaneous
Galvnator Bookshelf - Miscellaneous
Ornery Owl Pioneer Bookcase - Miscellaneous

Wicked Breeze Counter - Surfaces
Savage Salvage Sink - Plumbing
Cape Crab Coastside Counter - Surfaces
Country Counter - Surfaces
ScienStone Wall Counter - Surfaces
The Smart Counter - Surfaces

Boggs memorial Commode - Plumbing
Chrome Faucet System - Plumbing
Wicked Breeze Surf Shower - Plumbing
Chrome Concept Shower - Plumbing

Jack-O-Lantern - Decorative
KampRite Instant Campfire - Miscellaneous

Granny Raymond's Holiday Cookies - Miscellaneous
SUNOT Shop Light - Lighting
Old Railroad Lamp - Lighting
Desert Nut Lawn Ornament - Decorative
Vintage "Hula Girl" Dancing Lamp - Lighting
"Amaizing" Lawn Ornament - Decorative
Queen Vivanco Roses - Decorative
Recycled Pay Phone - Miscellaneous
LED Pod Light - Lighting
Symbol Light - Lighting
Punchucopia Extraordinaria - Miscellaneous
Jungle Jumble Import Display - Decorative
Faux Blowfish Fish Lamp - Lighting
Pacific Island Relic - Decorative
"Duke Tubula" Memorial Surf - Decorative
Fancy Feet Cake Treat - Miscellaneous
Long Horn Wall Accent - Decorative
Weft Wrights Wall Quilt - Decorative
"Black Bile Bear" - Decorative
Native Sim Wall Hanging - Decorative
Super Schlooper Bubble Blower - Miscellaneous
SimBud's Stuffed Marlin - Decorative
Club Code Thrill Light - Lighting
"Bouncy My Booty" Dance Floor - Electronics
Spazmatronic Plasmatronic Go-Go Cage - Electronics
"Blue Inca Pilot" Band Poster - Decorative
Ali'i Kahuna Ceremonial Tiki - Decorative
Non-experimental Neon Painting - Decorative
ToroTec Mechanical Bull - Electronics
"Sublime Slime" Installation - Decorative

| Chapter Four: Item Analysis |
I decided to remove the complete lists for primary and secondary
categories. Really, there's no point, since you can go in the game and
see for yourself. Instead, I am just putting how many items in each
category are from SIMS and how many are from Livin' Large.

*note* Miscounting is possible. I have counted the number of items from
the categories in the FAQ; the numbers in terms of total items between
the Sims and Livin' Large may differ by a few.

*another note* Maxis claims that House Party contains "100+ new items."
By this base count, it does not, however, I am not going to argue this. I
am not counting new wallpapers, columns, fences, floors, etc., etc. Maxis,
most likely, is. So, please don't complain about it.

| Item Analysis - Primary Categories |






| Item Analysis - Secondary Categories |






| Chapter Five: The Sims Career Guide |
*Important Notes!!!*
- The "Skills" and "Friends" fields are those attributes needed to
advance FROM that level, not TO that level.
- "Skills" based on meeting MINIMUM skills required for last
promotion, and does not include any possible disasters that randomly
befall your Sim while at work (loss of Skill points, etc.)
- Job descriptions come from the game itself.
- "Hours" section is the hours of the job, NOT when the carpool picks
you up... so you actually leave one hour before the time listed, though
you do return to your house at the ending time listed. Strange, huh?

| The Sims Career Guide - BUSINESS career track |

Business Level 1 ~ Mailroom Clerk
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $120
SKILLS: none
Minimum wage, but you're on the ground floor of one of SimCity's
mega-corps. Keep the copier and coffee machine in working order. Be
organized, prompt, and friendly when you push the cart through the
halls - maybe some sharp-eyed company officer will consider you for a
kick upstairs.

Business Level 2 ~ Executive Assistant
HOURS: 9am - 4pm
PAY: $180
SKILLS: Mechanical: +2
FRIENDS: [none]
Longer hours, but an opportunity to work the phones, increase people
skills, and keep the Boss happy. If you work on your mechanical skill,
you might be able to repair that infernal copy machine the next time
it breaks. Now THAT would make your boss notice you.

Business Level 3 ~ Field Sales Rep
HOURS: 9am - 4pm
PAY: $250
SKILLS: Charisma: +2
Before you move up in the company, you'll have to earn your dues
putting in a long day on the road. Meet your quotas (charisma can
make a good sales pitch great) and make good contacts and you'll be
ripe for a promotion to an office with wheels.

Business Level 4 ~ Junior Executive
HOURS: 9am - 4pm
PAY: $320
SKILLS: Logic: +2
Now you have your own grunt to boot around, a personal cubicle, and a
nice salary - but it's still a long walk down the hall to the
washrooms. Good relationships with people to whom you've proven your
superior logic skill will definitely get you noticed.

Business Level 5 ~ Executive
HOURS: 9am - 4pm
PAY: $400
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Logic: +1
Creativity: +2
You have your own Junior Executive, and an actual office with a door
that closes. Problem is, the Executive level at your company is
heavily populated. Well-rounded skills and a good work attitude will
help you stand out from the crowd and impress the higher ups.

Business Level 6 ~ Senior Manager
HOURS: 9am - 4pm
PAY: $540
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Body: +2
Logic: +1
Salary hops up, as you are now overseeing several franchise offices.
There are a lot of executives under your command, so charisma and
logic help in settling disputes and keeping the various teams running
smoothly. Your golf game needs to be good if you expect to close
deals, so a little more work in the body department might not be a bad

Business Level 7 ~ Vice President
HOURS: 9am - 5pm
PAY: $660
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Logic: +2
Creativity: +1
The corner office is yours. Pay takes another leap. However,
competition is rougher on this floor. Keep sharpening those skills
and keep making lots of friends. You never know when you'll need

Business Level 8 ~ President
HOURS: 9am - 5pm
PAY: $800
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Logic: +1
Creativity: +2
The company sends a town car to pick you up in the morning. You get
the top floor suite and a hefty paycheck. Your creative juices are
flowing and you're feeling smart and powerful. But there's a downside
as well. More stress, and some of the neighbors might resent your
success (Nothing a barbecue at your place wouldn't fix. And who knows,
you might meet someone new...)

Business Level 9 ~ CEO
HOURS: 9am - 4pm
PAY: $950
SKILLS: Charisma: +2
Logic: +2
Creativity: +1
Top of the heap at your company. But can a powerful, well-to-do exec
balence the responsibilities of the office with mate, children and
friends? Social responsibilities are peaking - it might be time to
move up to a bigger house, to better entertain bigwigs.

Business Level 10 ~ Business Tycoon
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $1,200
You're a corporate raider and mogul, heading a world wide conglomerate.
But not that you're a famous local figure, guess what? You'll be
expected to give money to charities to maintain your standing with
your fellow Sims. Still, it does feel good to glow in the bask of

| The Sims Career Guide - ENTERTAINMENT career track |

Entertainment Level 1 ~ Waiter/Waitress
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $100
SKILLS: none
You're available for auditions, but can still make your tips at night.
Good people-skills could get your picture and resume served along with
the salad.

Entertainment Level 2 ~ Extra
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $150
SKILLS: Charisma: +2
FRIENDS: [none]
You're "atmosphere," "living scenery." The pay is pitiful, but at
least you're on the set. No lines, though... and Central Casting can
call you for the day shift or the night shift, depending on production
needs. Make sure you develop your Charisma skill so when the speaking
part does come, you'll be ready.

Entertainment Level 3 ~ Bit Player
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $200
SKILLS: Body: +2
You're able to support yourself in your chosen career - barely.
You've actually got a few lines to speak... ironically, they often
seem to be "May I take your order, sir?" Building relationships and
your body is important now.

Entertainment Level 4 ~ Stunt Double
HOURS: 9am - 4pm
PAY: $275
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Body: +1
Creativity: +1
That's not the box-office mage star being set on fire and tossed from
a helicopter - that's you. You're making a name for yourself, though,
directors like your ideas for mock meyhem. Keep those creative juices
flowing. You just might graduate to a low-budget starring role of
your own - if you survive. Keep yourself and your gear in top-shape,
or you may miss that air bag. And keep developing your active social
life - not only is it fun, it's very useful.

Entertainment Level 5 ~ B-Movie Star
HOURS: 10am - 5pm
PAY: $375
SKILLS: Mechanical: +1
Charisma: +1
Body: +1
Creativity: +1
Cheap sci-fi, lowbrow horror and teen hormone comedies - you're the
star, even if your best work goes "straight to video." If you really
want to make it big, you'll need a great body and some very convincing
and creative dialogue. Lots of work on skills from here on out.

Entertainment Level 6 ~ Supporting Player
HOURS: 10am - 6pm
PAY: $500
SKILLS: Charisma: +2
Body: +1
Creativity: +1
You name's not on the poster, but at least it's a "major motion
picture." You're the best friend, the villan's sidekick, or the who
dies in the first half-hour. But, the studios have noticed you and
big things may be on the horizon. Keep practicing your lines and
remember, it's not always what you know, but who you know that counts.

Entertainment Level 7 ~ TV Star
HOURS: 10am - 6pm
PAY: $660
SKILLS: Mechanical: +1
Charisma: +2
Body: +1
Creativity: +1
Your talent is acknowledged at last, and you're referred to as
"SimCity's home-grown star." It's never been easier to throw a party
at your place. You can build a bigger house now, but the killer hours
assure that you're not at home as much as you'd like. Keep developing
your charisma and body skills or you'll never make it to the big

Entertainment Level 8 ~ Feature Star
HOURS: 5pm - 1am
PAY: $900
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Body: +1
Creativity: +3
You made it to the big screen. You're now making money for fewer
hours, but you may suddenly have to leave town for a distant location
shoot. You're loving all the attention. Everyone wants to be your
friend - but is that always a good thing? Sometimes you long for the
spontaneous creativity and audience response of Broadway...

Entertainment Level 9 ~ Broadway Star
HOURS: 10am - 5pm
PAY: $1,100
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Body: +1
Creativity: +3
It's a whole new world for a star of your magnitude. Live
performances, six days a week, singing, dancing in Sim City's latest
musical. Who knew it would be so physically demanding? But those
cast parties are a great place to meet new friends, no? And you've
never felt to creatively pumped up!

Entertainment Level 10 ~ Superstar
HOURS: 10am - 3pm
PAY: $1,400
Everywhere you go, the paparazzi snap your picture. They've just
placed your star on the Sim City "Walk of Fame." And when the lights
get too bright, you can always retreat to your mansion on the hill.

| The Sims Career Guide - LAW ENFORCEMENT career track |

Law Enforcement Level 1 ~ Security Guard
HOURS: 12am - 6am
PAY: $240
SKILLS: none
A badge, a gun... and the graveyard shift. As you're required to supply
your own firearm and uniforms, it doesn't leave much in your pay
envelope. Also, you can't leave your post - which means your skills
on the hot plate come in handy at meal breaks.

Law Enforcement Level 2 ~ Cadet
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $320
SKILLS: Body: +2
You're going to the Police Academy with a starting salary from the
city buring a hole in your blues. Like a combination of boot camp and
college, the experience can be physically and mentally draining.
Improve your body skill so you can graduate and get a real job.

Law Enforcement Level 3 ~ Patrolman
HOURS: 5pm - 1am
PAY: $380
SKILLS: Mechanical: +2
You're riding the mean streets on Sim City in a squad car - dangerous
work without a lot of pay. Keep yourself in top physical condition
and study up on your mechanical skills so you can be considered for a

Law Enforcement Level 4 ~ Desk Sergeant
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $440
SKILLS: Mechanical: +1
Body: +2
A break from the mean streets, and a promotion with a pay hike... but
tons of paperwork. However, you're on regular hours with a reduction
in physical demands. If you get tired of this desk job, improve those
body and mechanical skills and you may be out on the street in a much
more interesting job.

Law Enforcement Level 5 ~ Vice Squad
HOURS: 10pm - 4am
PAY: $490
SKILLS: Cooking: +1
Charisma: +1
Body: +1
Logic: +1
You're attached to your first plainclothes job. Vice duty can be
exciting, but your squad operates mostly at night. It's important to
shine here, so you can be considered for detective training.
Well-rounded skills, including logic, will help hasten that promotion.

Law Enforcement Level 6 ~ Detective
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $540
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Logic: +2
Creativity: +1
You get your shield and continue plainclothes work. Logic needs to be
sharp and friends are very important. Charisma also comes into play,
if suspects and informants are to help you close cases and step up the
departmental ladder.

Law Enforcement Level 7 ~ Lieutenant
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $590
SKILLS: Mechanical: +1
Charisma: +1
Body: +1
Logic: +2
Cases have a higher profile, and your experience has advanced you to a
better pay rate. As a Lieutenant, you are a Detective Squad Leader,
and you need to keep those skills sharpened. The stress of dealing
with that thick, unsolved folder of Sim City crimes can do real damage
to your home life. Try to emphasize "family time" and recreation at
home to achieve a proper balance.

Law Enforcement Level 8 ~ SWAT Team Leader
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $625
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Body: +1
Logic: +2
Creativity: +2
An elite job with a good bonus in the form of "danger pay." But
you've got to be very smart and creative to be successful. Make sure
you're making friends in high places.

Law Enforcement Level 9 ~ Police Chief
HOURS: 9am - 5pm
PAY: $650
SKILLS: Logic: +3
Creativity: +2
You're finally "Top Cop." You can afford a substantial house on the
hill and are one of the most influential people in Sim City. What
more can you possibly to to protect the citizens of Sim City?

Law Enforcement Level 10 ~ Captain Hero
HOURS: 10am - 5pm
PAY: $700
Crime peoples beware! A new day has dawned on our most wonderful
community. A day of righteous justice for all, for Captain Hero is
here at last! With his massive superpowers at hand, Captain Hero
fights crime on a daily basis, to the fullest extent of the law.

| The Sims Career Guide - LIFE OF CRIME career track |

Life of Crime Level 1 ~ Pickpocket
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $140
SKILLS: none
Entry-level two-bit thief - but you are your own boss. Dexterity and
physical speed are obviously important. A certain amount of charisma
is helpful, too, if you are going to charm those marks before you dip
into their cents.

Life of Crime Level 2 ~ Bagman
HOURS: 11pm - 7am
PAY: $200
SKILLS: Body: +2
You're a foot soldier for a small-time mobster - making pickups and
deliveries of dirty cash and "sensitive merchandise." You'll need to
be quick on your feet to avoid the heat and rival punks. Work on your
body skill will definitely pay off.

Life of Crime Level 3 ~ Bookie
HOURS: 12pm - 7pm
PAY: $275
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Creativity: +1
Make book on the dog track, horse races, stadium game - where, one way
or another, "the house" always wins. And this time, "the house" is
you. You never know when something may go wrong that requires some
fast talking so keep those charisma and creativity skills sharp.

Life of Crime Level 4 ~ Con Artist
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $350
SKILLS: Mechanical: +2
Creativity: +1
Run schemes, scams, and swindles - anything to seperate a naive Sim
from their hard-earned cash. Profits inrease, but this job needs
inspired thinking and the power to persuade others.
Life of Crime Level 5 ~ Getaway Driver
HOURS: 5pm - 1am
PAY: $425
SKILLS: Mechanical: +1
Charisma: +1
Body: +1
Logic: +1
From two-bit crook to three-bit crook. To succeed as a driver you'll
need some strong physical skills, and a mechanic's knowledge. But you
want to get in on the main action, right? Work on your skills to show
the boss just how indispensible you are.

Life of Crime Level 6 ~ Bank Robber
HOURS: 3pm - 11pm
PAY: $530
SKILLS: Body: +2
Logic: +1
Creativity: +1
Instead of just driving the money away, now you're inside the Sim City
First National Bank when it goes down - which cuts you in for a bigger
slice. But you'd like to try your hand at some sneakier, more
challenging crimes. Better brains, brawn, and buddies will move you

Life of Crime Level 7 ~ Cat Burgular
HOURS: 9pm - 3am
PAY: $640
SKILLS: Mechanical: +2
Logic: +1
Creativity: +2
Higher scores, but more risk involved. Suddenly you're on the night
shift. You cannot afford to let physical energy flag, or you'll botch
a job. Mechanical skills are handy to keep your tools in good order
and some creative problem solving will help keep you out of the
slammer. Your friends are coming in very handy - more can only help.

Life of Crime Level 8 ~ Counterfeiter
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $760
SKILLS: Charisma: +3
Body: +1
Creativity: +1
You're getting more sophisticated. Why steal money when you and your
gang can print your own? You're getting quite a reputation and people
are seeking your advice. Better practice your charisma and creativity
in case you need to go national.

Life of Crime Level 9 ~ Smuggler
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $900
SKILLS: Charisma: +2
Logic: +1
Creativity: +2
Your business card says you're in the "Import/Export" business. Let's
just say that you supply everything that people want that the law says
they cannot have. You're bringing in and sending out goods by land,
sea, and air, and earning the large profits all that implies. Your
skills need to be fully honed to reach the apex of this illustrious

Life of Crime Level 10 ~ Criminal Mastermind
HOURS: 6pm - 12am
PAY: $1,100
Most men fear you. You run your own mob of theives and hijackers, and
can buy any house on the block. Your front is a respectable Sim City
business, and you feel almost above the law.

| The Sims Career Guide - MEDICINE career track |

Medicine Level 1 ~ Medical Technician
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $200
SKILLS: none
Entry-level, low-paying grunt work in a big medical lab - but a way to
test your aptitude and intrest in exploring a doctor's work. Taking
X-rays, logging smaples, preparing test results are among your duties.

Medicine Level 2 ~ Paramedic
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $275
SKILLS: Mechanical: +2
You're attending medical school and working part time as a paramedic.
You'll need to avoid fatigue while allowing time for study and riding
in an amublance on the night shift. To keep your vehicle and
equipment maintained, work on your mechanical skills as much as you

Medicine Level 3 ~ Nurse
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $340
SKILLS: Body: +2
You've made it through med school, and secured your first job at Sim
City General Hospital. This is a physically demanding job and will
require good body skill. Work on your bedside manner to get those
patient referrals.

Medicine Level 4 ~ Intern
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $410
SKILLS: Mechanical: +1
Logic: +2
There's a "M.D." after your name, but it seems you spend more time
doing paperwork and changing bandages than saving lives. Pay special
care to develop your mechanical and logic skills; doctors are
multi-talented. The hours are steady, though, so you're earning more.

Medicine Level 5 ~ Resident
HOURS: 9pm - 4am
PAY: $480
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Body: +1
Logic: +2
You've been promoted to a night shift residency in the Emergency Room.
This is a obviously stressful position, so make sure home is a
comforting place. You need fun, rest, and proper meals, or you won't
succeed. If you work on the proper diagnoses, and care for those
tough cases, and develop a good bedside manner, your promotion to
General Practitioner will come quickly.

Medicine Level 6 ~ General Practitioner (GP)
HOURS: 10am - 6pm
PAY: $550
SKILLS: Mechanical: +1
Charisma: +1
Body: +1
Creativity: +1
A altruistic streak has compelled you to join a neighborhood Sim
clinic as a GP. The pay won't be high, but you'll be helping a lot of
less fortunate Simcitizens through broken bones, pregnancies, and
measles. You will be handling a lot youself, but don't slack off on
the skill-building - you may want a different job someday.

Medicine Level 7 ~ Specialist
HOURS: 10am - 4pm
PAY: $625
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Body: +1
Logic: +2
Creativity: +1
Congratulations. You've "hung up your shingle," gaining a traditional
work schedule and golf game occasionally. Now you have more time to
maintain a happy home and maybe happy family? Work on your charisma
if higher steps in this career seem appealing.
Medicine Level 8 ~ Surgeon
HOURS: 10am - 4pm
PAY: $700
SKILLS: Mechanical: +1
Charisma: +1
Body: +1
Logic: +2
Creativity: +1
One of the elite with an income advance to go with it. This job
demands a rested, calm individual, so watch your emotion levels, eat
right, and get plenty of sleep. And, you'll need some home study
time, especially in the areas of creativity and logic, to keep left
brain skills sharp in the operating room.

Medicine Level 9 ~ Medical Researcher
HOURS: 9am - 4pm
PAY: $775
SKILLS: Mechanical: +1
Charisma: +2
Body: +1
Logic: +1
Creativity: +1
You've created a new vaccination serum in Sim City's most advanced
research clinic. You've notw joined the ranks of the highest paid
researchers in the world. If you decide to go for the top bucks,
continue the skill-building path up to Chief of Hospital Staff, where
you can get a cut of the profits.

Medicine Level 10 ~ Chief of Hospital Staff
HOURS: 9am - 4pm
PAY: $850
You are one of the most respected physicians in Sim City. You spend
office hours at the hospital. You are now part owner, and are making
large profits keeping your fellow Sims in good health.

| The Sims Career Guide - MILITARY career track |

Military Level 1 ~ Recruit
HOURS: 6am - 12pm
PAY: $250
SKILLS: none
Buzz cuts and boot camp. I don't know but I've been told, scrubbing
latrines gets mighty old. Better maintain prime physical shape to
advance from the trenches. Cooking and Repair skills also help you
pass KP and cleanup detail to earn your stripes.

Military Level 2 ~ Elite Forces
HOURS: 7am - 1pm
PAY: $325
SKILLS: Body: +2
Special training as a commando brings you more prestige, and as an
added incentive you will be earning special hazard pay. Physical
skills are important, so get your body pumped up and strong.

Military Level 3 ~ Drill Instructor
HOURS: 8am - 2pm
PAY: $400
SKILLS: Mechanical: +1
Charisma: +2
Now that you're an experienced vet, the base commander has
"volunteered" to impart your wisdom to a squad of green, malleble
recruits. Charisma is important here, as you'll need to drill fear,
loyalty, and discipline into these jar-heads.

Military Level 4 ~ Junior Officer
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $450
SKILLS: Cooking: +1
Body: +2
You've finally gained entrance to the Officer's Club. No resting on
your laurels, though, as you must keep your body in top physical
condition to advance.

Military Level 5 ~ Counter-Intelligence
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $500
SKILLS: Mechanical: +1
Charisma: +2
Logic: +1
Tracking the enemy is your whole life right now. You know enough
about the enemy for them to really want to kill you - so you have to
stay one step ahead of them for your sake and that of your troops.
Work on your mechanical skill to keep those highly sensitive machines
in top working order and logic skills to interpret all the data you're

Military Level 6 ~ Flight Officer
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $550
SKILLS: Mechanical: +1
Charisma: +1
Logic: +2
Somebody has to deliver those troops, drop that cargo, and guard the
air space over Sim City. There's a pay grade advance here, but
earning your wings will require additional training with a flight
simulator program at the base. Mechanical skill is a must and logic
is not far behind.

Military Level 7 ~ Senior Officer
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $580
SKILLS: Mechanical: +3
Charisma: +1
Logic: +2
You've survived your airborne tour and made it to "the brass." You're
well respected your counsel is often sought. More logic training will
make you a better strategist amd charisma will improve your speeches.
Work on these if you want to move on to Commander.

Military Level 8 ~ Commander
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $600
SKILLS: Mechanical: +3
Body: +3
Logic: +1
Your great leadership accomplishments have brought you to the post of
Commander. No more dodging bullets and crawling under barbed wire.
But don't get all soft and flabby because it's been whispered that
you're being considered as a political condidate for astronaut.
You'll have to show exceptional mechanial and body skills for that

Military Level 9 ~ Astronaut
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $625
SKILLS: Mechanical: +1
Charisma: +2
Body: +2
Logic: +3
One of the highest achievements for a military lifer like yourself.
Fame and fortune climb with each mission into space, and you're in the
best physical shape of your life. Keep working on your skills if you
want to become one of the most influential people in history.

Military Level 10 ~ General
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $650
Your logistical genius has earned you the rank of General, the top of
the top brass. Your day is filled with government officials
requesting your wise council and a book deal for your memoirs is
looking good. Is your home life as successful as your professional

| The Sims Career Guide - POLITICS career track |

Politics Level 1 ~ Campaign Worker
HOURS: 9am - 6pm
PAY: $220
SKILLS: none
The salary is miniscule, but you get your feet wet in the political
puddle by helping a favorite local candidate into officer. The job
requires long hours managing telephone teams and volunteer groups
canvassing neighboorhoods for votes.

Politics Level 2 ~ Intern
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $300
SKILLS: Charisma: +2
Start running errands for the Sim City Comptroller, and try to work
your way up to getting lunch for the mayor. Low pay, long hours.
You'll need lots of Charisma to advance in Politics.

Politics Level 3 ~ Lobbyist
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $360
SKILLS: Logic: +1
A special-intrest group to influence a local politician hires you.
Heavy social skills and lots of friends are needed to advance in this
career - you must win friends and influence people. Charisma is
essential to progress in a political career.

Politics Level 4 ~ Campaign Manager
HOURS: 9am - 6pm
PAY: $430
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Body: +1
Salary jumps, but overtime work increases. You must still maintain
neighborhood relationships and domestic tranquility. You need to
cultivate your "image." Practice your charisma and develop that
all-important spin control. Without it, your political career is sunk.
But friends in the right places can sometimes be very useful.

Politics Level 5 ~ City Council Member
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $485
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Body: +1
Creativity: +1
Your first elected post, finally admitted to Sim City's inner power
circle. A well-paid job to be sure. The more pursuasive and creative
you are in pushing your own agenda through the council, the faster you
will advance in the political machine.

Politics Level 6 ~ State Assemblyman/woman
HOURS: 9am - 4pm
PAY: $540
SKILLS: Body: +1
Logic: +2
Creativity: +1
The voters trust you enough to represent their fair city in the State
Assembly. Fortunetly, Sim City is the state capital, so you'll be
close to home. A lot of creative thought will be needed in meeting
with state officials to be sure Sim City's local intrests and
protected and promoted.

Politics Level 7 ~ Congressman/woman
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $600
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Body: +1
Logic: +1
Creativity: +1
The people have spoken once again, and this time elected you to
Congress. You'll spend your time covering your district from your
local office. Networking with neighbors and making new friends to
keep political support must be balanced with keeping a contented house
and family.

Politics Level 8 ~ Judge
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $650
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Body: +1
Logic: +2
Creativity: +1
You win a position on the Sim City Central Court. Your peerless
logical skills at reading human nature and deconstructing legal
arguements will prompt your success and continuing rise in status.
Cultivate friends in your spare hours. Watch mood indicators and
keep alert - you're supposed to be clear-headed and impartial when
the gavel comes down.

Politics Level 9 ~ Senator
HOURS: 9am - 6pm
PAY: $700
SKILLS: Charisma: +3
Logic: +1
Creativity: +1
You're authoring bills and chairing sub-committees. You appear
regularly on political talk shows and your influence is being felt
around the Capitol. With a little more speaking experience and a few
more friends, you may attain the most coveted Sim position: Mayor of
Sim City!

Politics Level 10 ~ Mayor
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $750
As Mayor of Sim City, you're entitled to big bucks - you can finally
afford that "house on the hill" where the town's elite citizens
cluster. You are a master at the political game and it's obvious that
you enjoy the fame as well as the excitement of shaking up the
entrenched bureaucrats. It's great to be powerful, isn't it?

| The Sims Career Guide - PRO ATHLETE career track |

Pro Athlete Level 1 ~ Team Mascot
HOURS: 12pm - 6pm
PAY: $120
SKILLS: none
A young athlete has to start somewhere - even if it's sweating inside
a cartoon animal suit. A very physical grunt job with lousy pay - but
at least you can watch the game from up close. You are also expected
to keep your suit in good repair.

Pro Athlete Level 2 ~ Minor Leaguer
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $170
SKILLS: Body: +2
A scout spotted you in a local pickup game and figured you had talent.
Welcome to the "Llamas," Sim City's minor league team. Your starting
pay isn't much, and you'll have a lot of training time to deal with.
Develop your body skill so you can rise through the ranks.

Pro Athlete Level 3 ~ Rookie
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $230
SKILLS: Body: +3
Advancing into the pros, you start out with league minimum salary,
which is the highest starting pay in the neighborhood. Keep working
on your body and just hope injury doesn't slow your advancement.

Pro Athlete Level 4 ~ Starter
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $300
SKILLS: Mechanical: +1
Charisma: +1
Body: +1
You've made it of the bench and into the starting line up. Some
money's coming in, but long practices take their toll on your mood.
It's essential to get your rest and keep your body in prime shape -
this is your livelihood. And since you're going to be interviewed
more now, work on that charisma skill so you can get noticed.

Pro Athlete Level 5 ~ All-Star
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $385
SKILLS: Mechanical: +1
Charisma: +1
Body: +1
You've become a household name in Sim City. You need to be
comfortable speaking in front of a camera, not just playing in front
of one. Improve your charisma and body and you'll be voted MVP in no

Pro Athlete Level 6 ~ MVP
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $510
SKILLS: Cooking: +1
Charisma: +1
Body: +1
You're heading through the mid-point of your career. There is a
special need to work on relationship skills here and present a
positive image. If the fans love you, that fills the stadium - and
that fills your pay envelope. Meanwhile, family and mate (and even
your house) might need attention too.

Pro Athlete Level 7 ~ Superstar
HOURS: 9am - 4pm
PAY: $680
SKILLS: Cooking: +1
Charisma: +1
Body: +1
Creativity: +1
Major income, you've got those commercial endorsements, and you're at
the top of your game. Your body works like a well-oiled machine
except that it's taking longer to recover from injuries. How long can
you remain "Number One?" It's probably a good time to start thinking
about future opportunities; you may be retiring sooner than you think.

Pro Athlete Level 8 ~ Assistant Coach
HOURS: 9am - 2pm
PAY: $850
SKILLS: Cooking: +1
Charisma: +3
Creativity: +1
You've retired from playing: a change both dreaded and welcome. But
there's an opportunity to stay with the team you love - although this
time you'll be carrying a play-book. Make sure you're still
networking with friends because your relationships and creativity are
going to get you further than your body skill can.

Pro Athlete Level 9 ~ Coach
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $1,000
SKILLS: Cooking: +1
Charisma: +3
Creativity: +1
More prestige and a nicer paycheck, but longer work hours dealing with
the media, game films, and the team's personal appearances. Thank
goodness for those friends. They can help your career when you least
expect it.

Pro Athlete Level 10 ~ Hall of Famer
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $1,300
You are now a "living legend." The residents to Sim City shower you
with a ticker tape parade, and your number is retired. The team gives
you an office and salary as their "goodwill ambassador." This is as
good as it gets!

| The Sims Career Guide - SCIENCE career track |

Science Level 1 ~ Test Subject
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $155
SKILLS: none
While earning a science degree, you're picking up a mediocre salary as
a human guinea pig at a local kinetics lab. It's a way to introduce
yourself to the scientific community, but it's tough to be charming
after several hours in a wind tunnel.

Science Level 2 ~ Lab Assistant
HOURS: 11pm - 5am
PAY: $230
SKILLS: Logic: +2
Cleaning rat cages, fixing delicate lab equipment for minimum wage -
how's your mood today? A lot of logic-building-time at home is needed
to advance. And guess what? You're on the graveyard shift. Work all
night, sleep all day.

Science Level 3 ~ Field Researcher
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $320
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Logic: +1
This job takes you into the field, working on far-flung projects.
However, your pay increases. Develop your charisma and logic and
maybe you can actually teach about the stuff in the classroom, instead
of doing it in remote, inhospital places.

Science Level 4 ~ Science Teacher
HOURS: 9am - 4pm
PAY: $375
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Logic: +1
Creativity: +1
No amount of field research could have prepared you for the naked job
of teaching a high-school science class, (At least it's a job with
regular hours.) A creative approach with the kids can sometimes yield
positive results, and more logic skill might aid you in getting a
different job.

Science Level 5 ~ Project Leader
HOURS: 10am - 5pm
PAY: $450
SKILLS: Mechanical: +2
Creativity: +2
It is up to you to manage a team of researchers in the quest for an
important scientific breakthrough. Creative inspiration is absolutely
necessary, and mechanical know-how doesn't hurt either. If you really
shine here, you may be on your way to becoming an inventor.

Science Level 6 ~ Inventor
HOURS: 10am - 7pm
PAY: $540
SKILLS: Mechanical: +2
Logic: +2
Creativity: +1
Income has climbed, but to succeed as an inventor, you'll need to put
in long, hard hours at the lab. Maintaining your home relationships
may be harder now - there will be little time for socializing as you
create the auto-recycling newspaper.

Science Level 7 ~ Scholar
HOURS: 10am - 3pm
PAY: $640
SKILLS: Cooking: +1
Mechanical: +2
Charisma: +2
Logic: +1
You've been named Chairman of the Science Department at Sim University.
The regents are depending on your leadership and logical thinking to
invigorate the school science curriculum. This is a high-paying,
well-respected position with good hours and more time at home. But it
takes a well-rounded skill set to guarantee success and promotion.

Science Level 8 ~ Top Secret Researcher
HOURS: 10am - 3pm
PAY: $740
SKILLS: Mechanical: +1
Logic: +2
Creativity: +3
Your expertise with auto-recycling has led to a position on a highl
classified, very demanding government project. The money is excellent,
but you may be called to the lab at any time. Special care should be
taken to stay happy and rested - a tired, cranky scientist might pose
as a security risk. If exceptional creativity is demonstrated, a
promotion to Theorist may be in the cards.

Science Level 9 ~ Theorist
HOURS: 10am - 2pm
PAY: $870
SKILLS: Cooking: +1
Mechanical: +2
Charisma: +1
Logic: +1
Creativity: +3
The accolades from your research have earned you the highly paid
position of Theorist. You enjoy a higher salary-to-work hours ration
then the one you had as an inventor. You must work hard to keep a
high state of happiness and health, and only a successful theory can
lead to the status and rewards you seek.

Science Level 10 ~ Mad Scientist
HOURS: 10am - 2pm
PAY: $1,000
With lecture fees and book advances, you're able to purchase the big
house on the hill. The question is, what experiments will you be
conducting in it's cellar?

| The Sims Career Guide - X-TREME career track |

X-Treme Level 1 ~ Daredevil
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $175
SKILLS: none
You've turned a bar bet into the foundation of an extreme career. In
short, you'll try anything, the crazier, the better. Swim under the
surface of a frozen lake, leap between rooftops with a bicycle, beat a
train to a crossing, juggle a chainsaw while whistling "Dixie." Your
workday is short, but intense.

X-Treme Level 2 ~ Bungee Jump Instructor
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $250
SKILLS: Body: +2
The salary sinks - but whoever thought that you'd get paid to do this?
Body skills are critical here; nutrition and fatigue must be carefully
monitored at home. You might invest in home gym equipment as well, to
keep in the best shape possible.

X-Treme Level 3 ~ Whitewater Guide
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $325
SKILLS: Body: +2
Mechanical: +1
You're in charge of the rafts bobbing down the river in Sim Canyon.
Hope your body skills are sufficient - to advance here, your paying
riders need to have confidence in your strength. Never know when you
might have some boat repairs to do, so mechanical aptitude is a plus.

X-Treme Level 4 ~ Xtreme Circuit Pro
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $400
SKILLS: Cooking: +1
Mechanical: +1
Logic: +1
Snowboards in winter, mountain bikes in spring, kayaks in summer, and
skateboards in fall - you've entered the year-round pro circuit.
Strategies for winning can be helped by developing your logic skill.
Since you're burning mega-calories, learning a few cooking tricks is a
good idea, too.

X-Treme Level 5 ~ Bush Pilot
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $475
SKILLS: Mechanical: +2
Body: +2
Piloting that antique plane of yours demands some serious mechanical
skill if you're going to safely dive through dense cloud cover and
land on dangerous terrain. And you'd better be in great physical
shape in case you can't get out the same way you got in. Of course,
the danger does yield high pay.

X-Treme Level 6 ~ Mountain Climber
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $550
SKILLS: Mechanical: +1
Charisma: +2
Creativity: +3
You've become a renowned climber of unscaled peaks, and there's lots
of cash to be made by filming your expeditions for television.
Mechanical and creativity skills will be important - a failure in your
ascent gear or strategy could be devastating.

X-Treme Level 7 ~ Photojournalist
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $650
SKILLS: Mechanical: +1
Charisma: +1
Body: +1
Logic: +2
Creativity: +1
Creative skills will help you here. Work time is divided between
taking photos and writing articles at the Sim Times newspaper office.
You need to make sure you allow enough time to write without social
distractions, in order to meet deadlines and collect a nice, fat fee.
Maybe you should practice charisma. Who knows when you may be called
upon to narrate your photos?

X-Treme Level 8 ~ Treasure Hunter
HOURS: 10am - 5pm
PAY: $725
SKILLS: Charisma: +2
Logic: +2
Creativity: +3
You've moved on to salvaging wrecks off the Sim City coastline. You
need friends in the right places to secure all those permits. Hone
that creative talent to get an edge in the search.

X-Treme Level 9 ~ Grand Prix Driver
HOURS: 10am - 4pm
PAY: $825
SKILLS: Cooking: +1
Charisma: +3
Body: +1
Logic: +1
Creativity: +2
Your latest job involves laying rubber on Sim City's racetracks. It
is important that you leave home in a good mood with high spirits -
you'll drive your best race that way. Playing an Electronic Arts
racing game on your home computer might sharpen your reflexes, too.

X-Treme Level 10 ~ International Spy
HOURS: 11am - 5pm
PAY: $925
You've become a "secret agent" on assignment for your government in
Sim City. To survive this highly lucrative business, you must keep
yourself in top mental and physical condition. Spies are also
irrestible - which can cause problems with your mate.

| Chapter Six: Livin' Large Career Guide |

| Livin' Large Career Guide - MUSICIAN career track |

Musician Level 1 ~ Subway Musician
HOURS: 3pm - 9pm
PAY: $90
SKILLS: none
Simoleons are sparse and the looks from passers-by are harsh, but the
hours are great. Plus, isn't contributing music to SimCitizens'
commutes a community service?

Musician Level 2 ~ Piano Tuner
HOURS: 3pm - 8pm
PAY: $120
SKILLS: Creativity: +2
Keeping everyone else in tune is a good ground-floor "in" for the
music industry. Longer hours, but the work is still relatively easy,
though it requires a good ear and plenty of listening.

Musician Level 3 ~ Wedding Singer
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $190
SKILLS: Creativity: +3
So much for EVER getting a weekend off - you're the best wedding show
in town now, and always busy. The pay is a bit better, and you have
to start being more creative, too, but you'll get to hob-nob with the
rich and famous while they sip their champagne.

Musician Level 4 ~ Lounge Singer
HOURS: 8pm - 4am
PAY: $250
SKILLS: Mechanical: +2
Creativity: +1
So, the day job got boring? You'll sleep days now, since you'll be
working until the last call is made and the last patron stumbles home
from the bar.

Musician Level 5 ~ High School Band Teacher
HOURS: 7am - 2pm
PAY: $325
SKILLS: Mechanical: +3
Creativity: +1
Squeaky trumpets, whiny violins, off-tempo timpani, and a constantly
ticking metronome are the burdens of your trade now, but the hours are
the same as all the school-age kids.

Musician Level 6 ~ Roadie
HOURS: 11am - 8pm
PAY: $400
SKILLS: Body: +4
Time spent tolerating the high-school crowd was worth it - you are now
cool enough to take your act on the road - setting up someone else's
gear. Long hours are exhausting, but you're having fun and making the
right contacts. You will need plenty of body skills, but maybe
something cushy will present itself soon.

Musician Level 7 ~ Back-up Musician
HOURS: 12pm - 9pm
PAY: $550
SKILLS: Charisma: +2
Body: +1
Creativity: +2
Spending time on the road pays off - occasionally, someone in the band
you cover quits, and you get to fill in for the remainder of the tour!
Dress casual, practice often, play hard, have fun, and start to make a
name for yourself.

Musician Level 8 ~ Studio Musician
HOURS: 11am - 6pm
PAY: $700
SKILLS: Charisma: +5
Body: +2
Rest for the road-weary: you get to play back-up on album cuts in the
studio now. Spending time around all these recording label producers
and executives is bound to pay off, if you play your cards right.
Make sure you schmooze all the right people in addition to delivering
a perfect performance every day.

Musician Level 9 ~ Rock Star
HOURS: 5pm - 2am
PAY: $1,100
SKILLS: Charisma: +3
Logic: +4
Fame, fortune, tours, parties, and a number-one album! Congrats,
you're now living every teenager's dream. Sleep is a rarity, power
lunches are common, shades are almost mandatory outside your own home,
and people mob you for autographs almost everywhere you go. Enjoy it!

Musician Level 10 ~ Celebrity Activist
HOURS: 10am - 3pm
PAY: $1,400
With all the fame comes a sense of responsibility and social
conscience. Use your fame and power to promote the causes you care
most about, whether they be political, enviromental, social, or
intellectual. The hours are easier, the extra pay is almost
inconsequential, you're so wealthy, and the Heads of State now send
you engraved invitations to their fundraisers.

| Livin' Large Career Guide - SLACKER career track |

Slakcer Level 1 ~ Golf Caddy
HOURS: 5am - 10am
PAY: $90
SKILLS: none
What could be better than spending your sunny days carrying someone
else's clubs for a round of 18? Early morning tee times call for
early work hours, but it's a terrific opportunity to schmooze with the
wealthy at the local country club.

Slacker Level 2 ~ Convenience Store Clerk
HOURS: 10am - 3pm
PAY: $110
SKILLS: Body: +2
The customers are considerably less wealthy than those in your last
job, but there is plenty of free soda pop and candy bars - not a bad
trade. Besides, all of you friends can hang out at the store late in
the evening and read all the comics while you pretend to work.

Slacker Level 3 ~ Life Guard
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $150
SKILLS: Charisma: +2
Back in the sunshine again! Like, remember to be all hip and stuff
and work on your charisma. Be sure to load up on sunscreen, too!

Slacker Level 4 ~ Record Store Clerk
HOURS: 12pm - 5pm
PAY: $180
SKILLS: Charisma: +2
Nothin' but tunes all day long, man... While you'll need to boost your
your Charisma to keep this cushy job, there's no easier way to get
paid to listen to all your favorite music all day long.

Slacker Level 5 ~ Party D.J.
HOURS: 11pm - 4pm
PAY: $220
SKILLS: Mechanical: +3
Those contacts you made record store certainly paid off - now you're
spinning tunes at the best parties at town. Late nights and lots of
mechanical skills are needed to keep those turntables spinnin'.

Slacker Level 6 ~ Projectionist
HOURS: 6pm - 1am
PAY: $280
SKILLS: Mechanical: +2
Show the finished product to the world, press a button here and there,
and presto! - you're not working very hard for that tidy little
paycheck, are you? Good thing you're a night owl.

Slacker Level 7 ~ Video Editor
HOURS: 12pm - 6pm
PAY: $350
SKILLS: Charisma: +3
Body: +1
The best part of your job? Seeing all the blunders those mega-stars
make when filming. Making them to look good can help you to make
friends, though you'll want to concentrate on making plenty of them
yourself - never hurts to know the right people when you're looking to
just be comfortable.

Slacker Level 8 ~ Free Lance Photographer
HOURS: 12pm - 5pm
PAY: $400
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Body: +3
That time in the editing room taught you well - you know how to get a
good shot the first time around. Go everywhere, see everything, take
gorgeous pics on someon else's dime, and look good doing it. It's a
free-and-easy way to live, but requires lots of travel, as well as the
connections to finance it.

Slacker Level 9 ~ Personal Tour Guide
HOURS: 2pm - 7pm
PAY: $450
SKILLS: Charisma: +2
Body: +3
The best part about knowing so many people is that you get to use that
knowledge to earn your keep. Point out all the best places to
newcomers, and keep your friends connected to all the great places you
visited when you were a lowly photographer. Those who learn the most
from you learn to love you best, and may eventually invite you into
their inner circle.

Slacker Level 10 ~ Professional Party Guest
HOURS: 10pm - 2am
PAY: $600
This is it, the ultimate lap of luxury, at no cost to you! Living the
good life, partying and living at someone else's house, surrounded by
more artificial friends than the best politicians in town. Enjoy it
while you can...

| Livin' Large Career Guide - PARANORMAL career track |

Paranormal Level 1 ~ Psychic Phone Friend
HOURS: 6pm - 12am
PAY: $100
SKILLS: none
You knew you were meant for this job before it was even offered to you.
Evening hours, lots of talk on the phone, and the chance to warn
others of impending disasters in their lives is just what you're best
at doing.

Paranormal Level 2 ~ Conspiracy Theorist
HOURS: 11pm - 5am
PAY: $130
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Creativity: +2
They're out to get you, you just know it. That suspicious warning on
the phone the other night proved it too. Charm the locals and perhaps
you'll be able to get to the root of all this supposedly random (but
you know better) chaos in Sim City.

Paranormal Level 3 ~ Tarot Card Reader
HOURS: 5pm - 11am
PAY: $200
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Logic: +3
Branching out on your own to do more in-depth analysis of your
customer's love life and family history is an interesting career
change. Get to know your clients on a more personal level, up the
aura on your personal appearance, and generally get away with being as
odd as you like - everyone expects it, after all.

Paranormal Level 4 ~ Hypnotist
HOURS: 10am - 4pm
PAY: $300
SKILLS: Logic: +1
Your interest in "helping" your clients get in touch with their inner
selves has prompted you to study hypnotism, and offer your services to
calmly and peacefully help those seeking freedom from their poor
Earthly habits.

Paranormal Level 5 ~ Medium
HOURS: 8pm - 2am
PAY: $375
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Body: +1
Logic: +1
All that hypnotic work kept providing you with Otherworldly
interference, so address it on a daily basis. Contact deceased family
members, friends from former lives, and even the client's long lost
guinea pig to the wonder and appreciation of all around you.

Paranormal Level 6 ~ Dowser
HOURS: 6am - 3pm
PAY: $480
SKILLS: Mechanical: +1
Charisma: +2
Logic: +1
Creativity: +1
Use your gifts to help local organizations find everything from
missing children to a new water supply. This will earn you the notice
of local officials, and the hours are a bit odd, but the work is
definitely interesting...

Paranormal Level 7 ~ Police Psychic
HOURS: 6pm - 2am
PAY: $600
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Logic: +1
Creativity: +1
The local police force has noticed your work in the field and wants
you to help profile and track down some of their toughest criminals
(Just hope they aren't your neighbors.) Late nights and strange phone
calls abound, but you're doing the public a great service.

Paranormal Level 8 ~ UFO Investigator
HOURS: 11pm - 6am
PAY: $810
SKILLS: Charisma: +2
Creativity: +1
Keep the RV gassed up and the equipment finely tuned, because tracking
down these UFO reports will take you all over the country in search of
... well, who knows what? Develop many friends in the science
community, and make sure your personal theories get talked about in
many circles, so the word gets passed along.

Paranormal Level 9 ~ Exorcist
HOURS: 10am - 3pm
PAY: $1,000
SKILLS: Mechanical: +1
Charisma: +2
Body: +1
Logic: +2
Creativity: +2
When science and the law can't provide answers, people turn to a
higher authority. That's where you come in. Whether it's
consecrating some earth or full-scale diabolical investigation removal,
your powers are not questioned... nor is your cost. Save enough souls
and make enough friends and you could be the shining path to a whole
"New Way" of living.

Paranormal Level 10 ~ Cult Leader
HOURS: 10am - 4pm
PAY: $1,200
The New Way is here! And you are the messenger! Enforcing a highly
regulated and disciplined lifestyle, you "deprogram" people from their
selfish, materialistic ways. Politicians, movie stars, venture
capitalists, they all want a glimpse of the truth. YOUR turth. THE
TRUTH. And they will pay you anything to set the "free." Display
this wealth openly, as a lesson against "false suffering."

| Livin' Large Career Guide - JOURNALISM career track |

Journalism Level 1 ~ Typesetter
HOURS: 4am - 12pm
PAY: $120
SKILLS: none
Prep the morning SimCity Times for its suscribers, and get the first
look at the breaking news stories. The hours are early, but it's a
great way to get your foot in the door.

Journalism Level 2 ~ Game Reviewer
HOURS: 11am - 6pm
PAY: $200
SKILLS: Creativity: +2
The lowliest writing job you can get, but your name is in the byline.
Game companies send you free beta builds, and you get to play them
(game and company), deciding on a whim whether you'll give them good
press or not.

Journalism Level 3 ~ Tabloid Writer
HOURS: 9am - 3pm
PAY: $230
SKILLS: Charisma: +2
Your sensationalist side provi8des a great benefit in the
high-circulation industry of tabloid journalism. The seedy side of
reporting lets you focus more on the rich and famous, too.

Journalism Level 4 ~ Paparazzi
HOURS: 5pm - 1am
PAY: $350
SKILLS: Logic: +2
Creativity: +2
Well, now since you're "in" on the rich and famous, you're capable of
hunting them down and harassing them all day AND night. Those
tabloids pay better for scandalous photographs than they do for the
accompanying article, so live as vicariously as you like.

Journalism Level 5 ~ Newspaper Reporter
HOURS: 3am - 10am
PAY: $420
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Body: +1
Logic: +1
Creativity: +1
Finally - the ability to be taken seriously for all the hot topics of
the day you've broken to the paper-reading world. Early mornings
continue as you struggle to meet the deadlines for the morning edition,
and your world is filled with more serious journalists than ever

Journalism Level 6 ~ Meterologist
HOURS: 5am - 1pm
PAY: $510
SKILLS: Charisma: +3
Body: +1
Rain, sun, snow, sleet, hail, wind - or perpetual Springtime.
Whatever the weather, you'll be the trusted source that SimCitizens
look to for the forecasts. Brush up on your image so people have a
respectable, trustworthy face to watch with in the morning and
evening braodcasts.

Journalism Level 7 ~ TV Reporter
HOURS: 12pm - 8pm
PAY: $660
SKILLS: Charisma: +2
Logic: +1
Your respected face and voice have earned you the chance to report on
local news stories from the scene of the event. Keep your
presentations concise, winning, and offer perfect sound bites for the
national news affiliates - they'll remember you for it.

Journalism Level 8 ~ Investigative Reporter
HOURS: 10am - 5pm
PAY: $850
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Body: +3
Logic: +1
Creativity: +1
Building trust with your viewers over time enables you to dig in to
those issues that matter to you the most, and present your findings to
the public while on location. Find enough headline-worthy stories,
regardless of the danger involved in procuring them, share them before
any other reporter, and you could be on your way to a seat at the main
news desk.

Journalism Level 9 ~ National News Anchor
HOURS: 11am - 8pm
PAY: $975
SKILLS: Charisma: +1
Logic: +2
Creativity: +1
You are the face of honesty, truth, and have that perfect hairdo
required of all evening news anchors. The hours are long and late,
but you get to deliver news to the nation on politics, entertainment,
social crises, and an assortment of crime and education issues. More
SimCity households know you by name than you had ever hoped for.

Journalism Level 10 ~ Talk Show Host
HOURS: 1pm - 5pm
PAY: $1,200
Retiring from your anchor position has left you with the enviable
ability to discuss the issues seizing the public's interest and
reflect on them in a forum of your most respected peers. Keep the
arguments lively, the personalities slightly less-than-comfortable
with each other, and your ratings will soar.

| Livin' Large Career Guide - HACKER career track |

Hacker Level 1 ~ Beta Tester
HOURS: 9am - 5pm
PAY: $120
SKILLS: none
Put the next version of the software through its paces, and try to
crash the software as often as possible. The Company is depending on
you to make sure this code arrives on the store shelves in the
cleanest possible condition, provided you don't rack up too many
late-night pizza bills.

Hacker Level 2 ~ Support Tech
HOURS: 8am - 4pm
PAY: $150
SKILLS: Mechanical: +2
Time in the testing trenches has earned you a break working on the
phone. The hours are more regular, but the work isn't very
entertaining. Keep up on the latest technology trends, and watch
out for those nifty bugs that slipped through the cracks. Keep your
customers happy...

Hacker Level 3 ~ Web Master
HOURS: 6pm - 2am
PAY: $200
SKILLS: Mechanical: +1
Logic: +2
Your understanding of what the company has to offer and what the
customer is looking has you uniquely suited to creating (and
maintaining) the company's website. Expect late-night work to avoid
high-traffic downtimes, and requests from literally everyone in the
company for changes and additions to your fine work.

Hacker Level 4 ~ Hacker
HOURS: 12am - 9am
PAY: $240
SKILLS: Mechanical: +1
Logic: +2
Answering to the world was for the birds, so causing trouble on your
own time has all the advantages you've been seeking. Keep your mind
sharp so you cdan infiltrate government databases and eventually hone
your skills to go after international banks.

Hacker Level 5 ~ Security Consultant
HOURS: 10am - 7pm
PAY: $400
SKILLS: Creativity: +4
Getting caught breaking into that government database had you on the
brink of incarceration. Fortunately, the SimCitySoftware Company
needs someone to help protect their Intellectual Properities from
people with just your kinds of skills, so they'll let you out on
probation if you agree to beef up their electronic security. Keep
your creative and logic skills high to outsmart your former friends'
assault on your new company's firewall.

Hacker Level 6 ~ Game Designer
HOURS: 2pm - 11pm
PAY: $610
SKILLS: Charisma: +2
Logic: +1
Creativity: +2
Good thing you've gotten so creative as of late - turns out your ideas
for games have caught the eyes and ears of the Powers That Be. Now
the pressure's on for you to develop a game script that will capture
the public's interest, as well. That also means you get to work
nights, since that's when the engineers are at the office.

Hacker Level 7 ~ Internet Entrepreneur
HOURS: 10am - 8pm
PAY: $800
SKILLS: Charisma: +2
Logic: +1
Creativity: +1
Take your brilliant ideas out into the e-commerce world on your own.
The hours are ridiculously long, the work is physically and mentally
exhausting, but the payoff could be big at the end of the road. Make
sure you don't overspend your VC budget in the first month, and
there's a chance others may want to work for you.

Hacker Level 8 ~ Software CEO
HOURS: 10am - 7pm
PAY: $1,100
SKILLS: Mechanical: +1
Charisma: +2
Logic: +1
Creativity: +2
If you lead, they will follow... and they have. You are now a
hard-working, headline-0making software industry baron, with
impossible work hours, lots of healthy industry competition, and a
P/L report to die for.

Hacker Level 9 ~ Venture Capitalist
HOURS: 11am - 8pm
PAY: $1,300
SKILLS: Mechanical: +2
Charisma: +2
Logic: +2
Creativity: +1
All those stock options paid off - now that you've gotten more liquid,
you can pick and choose which struggling little startups will earn
your magnanimity, as well as the prestige for your name as a backing
of their work.

Hacker Level 10 ~ Information Overlord
HOURS: 11am - 8pm
PAY: $1,550
Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, the hours eased up,
the public became both worshipful and insufferable, and you have all
the answers that everyone else in technology is seeking. You can
become increasingly reclusive, bulking up your home security system,
and taking lots of phone calls, but the money just keeps rolling in.

| Chapter Seven: Career Analysis |
The numbers are in! All charts are complete; all analyses are written.

Just the reminders that I had posted here before: first, I am not going
to sit here and say "All right, take this career - it's the best." I
simply can't do that - you have to decide based on your Sim's situation
and your goals. You can read more about that below.

Second, please note that the majority of this chapter is based on the
assumption that you are choosing the career that you want to keep
forever. (i.e. your "final" career) I do mention a few things about
short-term jobs, but I go much more in-depth based on that assumption.

That's all! Go ahead and check it out.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
* 6.1) Charts by Career *
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Here are charts that put each level of each career side by side, and show
you how each level increases in stats & wage earned. This chart compares
level-by-level within a career. This shows you the rate of increase of
many of the attributes of the careers. You can also compare these
increases with other careers; wither do it yourself, or see the comparison
charts below.
We start at the beginning, with the BUSINESS Career Track.

Quick Notes:
Before we begin, here are a few notes to keep the chart as non-confusing
as possible.
-Increase is wage from the last level
-Skills & Friends needed are not included; for those, see the previous

Level # & Name | HoursWorked(#) | Wage | Increase | Wage/Hour
The BUSINESS Career Track
1. Mailroom Clerk 9am - 3pm (6) $120 -=[n/a]=- $20/hr.
2. Executive Assistant 9am - 4pm (7) $180 +$60 $25/hr.
3. Field Sales Rep 9am - 4pm (7) $250 +$70 $35/hr.
4. Junior Executive 9am - 4pm (7) $320 +$70 $45/hr.
5. Executive 9am - 4pm (7) $400 +$80 $57/hr.
6. Senior Manager 9am - 4pm (7) $540 +$140 $77/hr.
7. Vice President 9am - 5pm (8) $660 +$120 $83/hr.
8. President 9am - 5pm (8) $800 +$140 $100/hr.
9. CEO 9am - 4pm (7) $950 +$150 $135/hr.
10. Business Tycoon 9am - 3pm (6) $1200 +$250 $200/hr.
BUSINESS AVERAGES: 7.0 hrs/day +$120.0/promotion $77.7/hr.

Level # & Name | HoursWorked(#) | Wage | Increase | Wage/Hour
1. Waiter / Waitress 9am - 3pm (6) $100 -=[n/a]=- $17/hr.
2. Extra 9am - 3pm (6) $150 +$50 $25/hr.
3. Bit Player 9am - 3pm (6) $200 +$50 $33/hr.
4. Stunt Double 9am - 4pm (7) $275 +$75 $39/hr.
5. B-Movie Star 10am- 5pm (7) $375 +$100 $54/hr.
6. Supporting Player 10am- 6pm (8) $500 +$125 $63/hr.
7. TV Star 10am- 6pm (8) $660 +$160 $83/hr.
8. Feature Star 5pm - 1am (8) $900 +$240 $113/hr.
9. Broadway Star 10am- 5pm (7) $1100 +$200 $157/hr.
10. Superstar 10am- 3pm (5) $1400 +$300 $280/hr.
ENTERTAINMENT AVERAGES: 6.8 hrs/day +$144.4/promotion $86.4/hr.

Level # & Name | HoursWorked(#) | Wage | Increase | Wage/Hour
1. Security Guard 12am- 6am (6) $240 -=[n/a]=- $40/hr.
2. Cadet 9am - 3pm (6) $320 +$80 $53/hr.
3. Patrolman 5pm - 1am (8) $380 +$60 $48/hr.
4. Desk Sergeant 9am - 3pm (6) $440 +$60 $73/hr.
5. Vice Squad 10pm- 4am (6) $490 +$50 $82/hr.
6. Detective 9am - 3pm (6) $540 +$50 $90/hr.
7. Lieutenant 9am - 3pm (6) $590 +$50 $98/hr.
8. SWAT Team Leader 9am - 3pm (6) $625 +$35 $104/hr.
9. Police Chief 9am - 5pm (8) $650 +$25 $81/hr.
10. Captain Hero 10am- 5pm (7) $700 +$50 $100/hr.
LAW ENFORCEMENT AVERAGES: 6.5 hrs/day +$51.1/promotion $76.9/hr.

Level # & Name | HoursWorked(#) | Wage | Increase | Wage/Hour
The LIFE OF CRIME Career Track
1. Pickpocket 9am - 3pm (6) $140 -=[n/a]=- $23/hr.
2. Bagman 11pm- 7am (8) $200 +$60 $25/hr.
3. Bookie 12pm- 7pm (7) $275 +$75 $39/hr.
4. Con Artist 9am - 3pm (6) $350 +$75 $58/hr.
5. Getaway Driver 5pm - 1am (8) $425 +$75 $53/hr.
6. Bank Robber 3pm -11pm (8) $530 +$105 $66/hr.
7. Cat Burgular 9pm - 3am (6) $640 +$110 $107/hr.
8. Counterfeiter 9am - 3pm (6) $760 +$120 $127/hr.
9. Smuggler 9am - 3pm (6) $900 +$140 $150/hr.
10. Criminal Mastermind 6pm -12am (6) $1100 +$200 $183/hr.
LIFE OF CRIME AVERAGES: 6.7 hrs/day +$106.7/promotion $83.1/hr.

Level # & Name | HoursWorked(#) | Wage | Increase | Wage/Hour
The MEDICINE Career Track
1. Medical Technician 9am - 3pm (6) $200 -=[n/a]=- $33/hr.
2. Paramedic 11pm- 5am (6) $275 +$75 $46/hr.
3. Nurse 9am - 3pm (6) $340 +$65 $57/hr.
4. Intern 9am - 3pm (6) $410 +$70 $68/hr.
5. Resident 9pm - 4am (7) $480 +$70 $69/hr.
6. General Practitioner 10am- 6pm (8) $550 +$70 $69/hr.
7. Specialist 10am- 4pm (6) $625 +$75 $104/hr.
8. Surgeon 10am- 4pm (6) $700 +$75 $117/hr.
9. Medical Researcher 9am - 4pm (7) $775 +$75 $111/hr.
10. Chief of Hospital Staff9am - 4pm(7) $850 +$75 $121/hr.
MEDICINE AVERAGES: 6.5 hrs/day +$72.2/promotion $79.5/hr.

Level # & Name | HoursWorked(#) | Wage | Increase | Wage/Hour
The MILITARY Career Track
1. Recruit 6am -12pm (6) $250 -=[n/a]=- $42/hr.
2. Elite Forces 7am - 1pm (6) $325 +$75 $54/hr.
3. Drill Instructor 8am - 2pm (6) $400 +$75 $67/hr.
4. Junior Officer 9am - 3pm (6) $450 +$50 $75/hr.
5. Counter-Intelligence 9am - 3pm (6) $500 +$50 $83/hr.
6. Flight Officer 9am - 3pm (6) $550 +$50 $92/hr.
7. Senior Officer 9am - 3pm (6) $580 +$30 $97/hr.
8. Commander 9am - 3pm (6) $600 +$20 $100/hr
9. Astronaut 9am - 3pm (6) $625 +$25 $104/hr.
10. General 9am - 3pm (6) $650 +$25 $108/hr.
MILITARY AVERAGES: 6.0 hrs/day +$44.4/promotion $82.2/hr.

Level # & Name | HoursWorked(#) | Wage | Increase | Wage/Hour
The POLITICS Career Track
1. Campaign Worker 9am - 6pm (9) $220 -=[n/a]=- $24/hr.
2. Intern 9am - 3pm (6) $300 +$80 $50/hr.
3. Lobbyist 9am - 3pm (6) $360 +$60 $60/hr.
4. Campaign Manager 9am - 6pm (9) $430 +$70 $47/hr.
5. City Council Member 9am - 3pm (6) $485 +$55 $81/hr.
6. State Assemblyman 9am - 4pm (7) $540 +$55 $77/hr.
7. Congressman 9am - 3pm (6) $600 +$60 $100/hr.
8. Judge 9am - 3pm (6) $650 +$50 $108/hr.
9. Senator 9am - 6pm (9) $700 +$50 $78/hr.
10. Mayor 9am - 3pm (6) $750 +$50 $125/hr.
POLITICS AVERAGES: 7.0 hrs/day +$58.9/promotion $75.0/hr.

Level # & Name | HoursWorked(#) | Wage | Increase | Wage/Hour
The PRO ATHLETE Career Track
1. Team Mascot 9am - 3pm (6) $120 -=[n/a]=- $20/hr.
2. Minor Leaguer 9am - 3pm (6) $170 +$50 $28/hr.
3. Rookie 9am - 3pm (6) $230 +$60 $38/hr.
4. Starter 9am - 3pm (6) $300 +$70 $50/hr.
5. All-Star 9am - 3pm (6) $385 +$85 $64/hr.
6. MVP 9am - 3pm (6) $510 +$125 $85/hr.
7. Superstar 9am - 4pm (7) $680 +$170 $97/hr.
8. Assistant Coach 9am - 2pm (5) $850 +$180 $170/hr.
9. Coach 9am - 3pm (6) $1000 +$150 $167/hr.
10. Hall of Famer 9am - 3pm (6) $1300 +$300 $217/hr.
PRO ATHLETE AVERAGES: 6.0 hrs/day +$132.2/promotion $93.6/hr.

Level # & Name | HoursWorked(#) | Wage | Increase | Wage/Hour
The SCIENCE Career Track
1. Test Subject 9am - 3pm (6) $155 -=[n/a]=- $26/hr.
2. Lab Assistant 11pm- 5am (6) $230 +$75 $38/hr.
3. Field Researcher 9am - 3pm (6) $320 +$90 $53/hr.
4. Science Teacher 9am - 4pm (7) $375 +$55 $54/hr.
5. Project Leader 10am- 5pm (7) $450 +$75 $64/hr.
6. Inventor 10am- 7pm (9) $540 +$90 $60/hr.
7. Scholar 10am- 3pm (5) $640 +$100 $128/hr.
8. Top Secret Researcher 10am- 3pm (5) $740 +$100 $148/hr.
9. Theorist 10am- 2pm (4) $870 +$130 $218/hr.
10. Mad Scientist 10am- 2pm (4) $1000 +$130 $250/hr.
SCIENCE AVERAGES: 5.9 hrs/day +$93.9/promotion $103.9/hr.

Level # & Name | HoursWorked(#) | Wage | Increase | Wage/Hour
The X-TREME Career Track
1. Daredevil 9am - 3pm (6) $175 -=[n/a]=- $29/hr.
2. Bungee Jump Instructor 9am - 3pm (6) $250 +$75 $42/hr.
3. Whitewater Guide 9am - 3pm (6) $325 +$75 $54/hr.
4. Xtreme Circuit Pro 9am - 3pm (6) $400 +$75 $67/hr.
5. Bush Pilot 9am - 3pm (6) $475 +$75 $79/hr.
6. Mountain Climber 9am - 3pm (6) $550 +$75 $92/hr.
7. Photojournalist 9am - 3pm (6) $650 +$100 $108/hr.
8. Treasure Hunter 10am- 5pm (7) $725 +$75 $104/hr.
9. Grand Prix Driver 10am- 4pm (6) $825 +$100 $138/hr.
10. International Spy 11am- 5pm (6) $925 +$100 $154/hr.
SCIENCE AVERAGES: 6.1 hrs/day +$83.0/promotion $86.7/hr.

=ABOVE: The Sims==================================BELOW: Livin' Large=

Level # & Name | HoursWorked(#) | Wage | Increase | Wage/Hour
The MUSICIAN Career Track
1. Subway Musician 3pm - 8pm (5) $90 -=[n/a]=- $18/hr.
2. Piano Tuner 9am - 4pm (7) $120 +$30 $17/hr.
3. Wedding Singer 9am - 3pm (6) $190 +$60 $32/hr.
4. Lounge Singer 8pm - 4pm (8) $250 +$60 $31/hr.
5. High School Band Teacher7am- 2pm (7) $325 +$75 $46/hr.
6. Roadie 11am- 8pm (9) $400 +$75 $44/hr.
7. Back-up Musician 12pm- 9pm (9) $550 +$150 $61/hr.
8. Studio Musician 11am- 6pm (7) $700 +$150 $100/hr.
9. Rock Star 5pm - 2am (9) $1100 +$400 $122/hr.
10. Celebrity Activist 10am- 3pm (5) $1400 +$300 $280/hr.

Level # & Name | HoursWorked(#) | Wage | Increase | Wage/Hour
The SLACKER Career Track
1. Golf Caddy 5am -10am (5) $90 -=[n/a]=- $18/hr.
2. Convenience Store Clerk10am- 3pm (5) $110 +$20 $22/hr.
3. Life Guard 9am - 3pm (6) $150 +$40 $25/hr.
4. Record Store Clerk 12pm- 5pm (5) $180 +$30 $36/hr.
5. Party D.J. 11pm- 4am (5) $220 +$40 $44/hr.
6. Projectionist 6pm - 1am (7) $280 +$60 $40/hr.
7. Video Editor 12pm- 6pm (6) $350 +$70 $58/hr.
8. Free Lance Photographer12pm- 5pm (5) $400 +$50 $80/hr.
9. Personal Tour Guide 2pm - 7pm (5) $450 +$50 $90/hr.
10. Professional Party Guest10pm-2am(4) $600 +$150 $150/hr.

Level # & Name | HoursWorked(#) | Wage | Increase | Wage/Hour
The PARANORMAL Career Track
1. Psychic Phone Friend 6pm -12am (6) $100 -=[n/a]=- $17/hr.
2. Conspiracy Theorist 11pm- 5am (6) $130 +$30 $22/hr.
3. Tarot Card Reader 5pm -11pm (6) $200 +$70 $33/hr.
4. Hypnotist 10am- 4pm (6) $300 +$100 $50/hr.
5. Medium 8pm - 2am (6) $375 +$75 $62/hr.
6. Dowser 6am - 3pm (9) $480 +$105 $53/hr.
7. Police Psychic 6pm - 2am (8) $600 +$120 $75/hr.
8. UFO Investigator 11pm- 6am (7) $810 +$210 $116/hr.
9. Exorcist 10am- 3pm (5) $1000 +$190 $200/hr.
10. Cult Leader 10am- 4pm (6) $1200 +$200 $200/hr.

Level # & Name | HoursWorked(#) | Wage | Increase | Wage/Hour
The JOURNALISM Career Track
1. Typesetter 4am -12pm (8) $120 -=[n/a]=- $15/hr.
2. Game Reviewer 11am- 6pm (7) $200 +$80 $28/hr.
3. Tabloid Writer 9am - 3pm (6) $230 +$30 $38/hr.
4. Paparazzi 5pm - 1am (8) $350 +$120 $44/hr.
5. Newspaper Reporter 3am -10am (7) $420 +$70 $60/hr.
6. Meterologist 5am - 1pm (8) $510 +$90 $64/hr.
7. TV Reporter 12pm- 8pm (8) $660 +$150 $82/hr.
8. Investigative Reporter 10am- 5pm (7) $850 +$190 $121/hr.
9. National News Anchor 11am- 8pm (9) $975 +$125 $108/hr.
10. Talk Show Host 1pm - 5pm (4) $1200 +$225 $300/hr.

Level # & Name | HoursWorked(#) | Wage | Increase | Wage/Hour
The HACKER Career Track
1. Beta Tester 9am - 5pm (8) $120 -=[n/a]=- $15/hr.
2. Support Tech 8am - 4pm (8) $150 +$30 $19/hr.
3. Web Master 6pm - 2am (8) $200 +$50 $25/hr.
4. Hacker 12am- 9am (9) $240 +$40 $27/hr.
5. Security Consultant 10am- 7pm (9) $400 +$160 $44/hr.
6. Game Designer 2pm -11pm (9) $610 +$210 $68/hr.
7. Internet Entrepreneur 10am- 8pm (10) $800 +$190 $80/hr.
8. Software CEO 10am- 7pm (9) $1100 +$300 $122/hr.
9. Venture Capitalist 11am- 8pm (9) $1300 +$200 $144/hr.
10. Information Overlord 11am- 8pm (9) $1550 +$250 $172/hr.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* 6.2) Career Comparison:Hours Worked *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Here's a nice little chart to show the total hours worked for each level
of each career. The average hours worked is at the far right
side. The first chart shows the careers in their original order, the
second shows them sorted by average hours worked. An analysis follows.

This chart shows the careers in their order (as defined by the SIMS
instruction manual.) Above the line are SIMS careers, below the line
are Livin' Large careers.
| Levels:| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AVG.|
|BUSINESS | 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 7 6 7.0 |
|ENTERTAINMENT | 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 7 5 6.8 |
|LAW ENFORCEMENT| 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 6 8 7 6.5 |
|LIFE OF CRIME | 6 8 7 6 8 8 6 6 6 6 6.7 |
|MEDICINE | 6 6 6 6 7 8 6 6 7 7 6.5 |
|MILITARY | 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6.0 |
|POLITICS | 9 6 6 9 6 7 6 6 9 6 7.0 |
|PRO ATHLETE | 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 5 6 6 6.0 |
|SCIENCE | 6 6 6 7 7 9 5 5 4 4 5.9 |
|X-TREME | 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 6.1 |
|MUSICIAN | 5 7 6 8 7 9 9 7 9 5 7.2 |
|SLACKER | 5 5 6 5 5 7 6 5 5 4 5.3 |
|PARANORMAL | 6 6 6 6 6 9 8 7 5 6 6.5 |
|JOURNALISM | 8 7 6 8 7 8 8 7 9 4 7.2 |
|HACKER | 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 9 9 9 8.8 |
|CAREER STANDARD (hours/day): 6.63|

SORTED from least average hours worked to most average hours worked
(per day.) The careers above the line are better than the career
standard, the careers below the line are worse than the career standard.
| Levels:| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AVG.|
|SLACKER | 5 5 6 5 5 7 6 5 5 4 5.3 |
|SCIENCE | 6 6 6 7 7 9 5 5 4 4 5.9 |
|MILITARY | 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6.0 |
|PRO ATHLETE | 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 5 6 6 6.0 |
|X-TREME | 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 6.1 |
|LAW ENFORCEMENT| 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 6 8 7 6.5 |
|MEDICINE | 6 6 6 6 7 8 6 6 7 7 6.5 |
|PARANORMAL | 6 6 6 6 6 9 8 7 5 6 6.5 |
|LIFE OF CRIME | 6 8 7 6 8 8 6 6 6 6 6.7 |
|ENTERTAINMENT | 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 7 5 6.8 |
|BUSINESS | 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 7 6 7.0 |
|POLITICS | 9 6 6 9 6 7 6 6 9 6 7.0 |
|MUSICIAN | 5 7 6 8 7 9 9 7 9 5 7.2 |
|JOURNALISM | 8 7 6 8 7 8 8 7 9 4 7.2 |
|HACKER | 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 9 9 9 8.8 |
|CAREER STANDARD (hours/day): 6.63|

SLACKER is most clearly the winner here, with an average of 5.3 hours per
day. Nearly all of SLACKER's levels are below 6 hours, with level 10
being only 4. The career never tops 7 hours a day, and even 7 hours a
day isn't bad. This balances out the horrific pay. If you want a more
balanced career, SCIENCE looks good. The average is 5.9 hours. After
you clear a nine-hour hurdle at level 6, all the rest of the levels are
4-5 hours, with level 10 being only 4 hours long. The pay is not bad,
either ($1000 at level 10). MILITARY and PRO ATHLETE are both excellent
choices in terms of time worked; MILITARY has a six-hour workday on all
levels, while PRO ATHLETE has one seven hour day and one five hour day.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* 6.3) Career Comparison: Wage Earned *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Here's a chart that shows wage per level of each career. The 10th level
wage is on the far right. The top chart shows careers in original order;
bottom shows sorted by final level wage.

This chart shows the careers in their order (as defined by the SIMS
instruction manual.) The careers above the line are SIMS careers, the
careers below the line are Livin' Large careers.
| Levels:| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
|BUSINESS |$120 $180 $250 $320 $400 $540 $660 $800 $950 $1200|
|ENTERTAINMENT |$100 $150 $200 $275 $375 $500 $660 $900 $1100$1400|
|LAW ENFORCEMENT|$240 $320 $380 $440 $490 $540 $590 $625 $650 $700 |
|LIFE OF CRIME |$140 $200 $275 $350 $425 $530 $640 $760 $900 $1100|
|MEDICINE |$200 $275 $340 $410 $480 $550 $625 $700 $775 $850 |
|MILITARY |$250 $325 $400 $450 $500 $550 $580 $600 $625 $650 |
|POLITICS |$220 $300 $360 $430 $485 $540 $600 $650 $700 $750 |
|PRO ATHLETE |$120 $170 $230 $300 $385 $510 $680 $850 $1000$1300|
|SCIENCE |$155 $230 $320 $375 $450 $540 $640 $740 $870 $1000|
|X-TREME |$175 $250 $325 $400 $475 $550 $650 $725 $825 $925 |
|MUSICIAN |$90 $120 $190 $250 $325 $400 $550 $700 $1100$1400|
|SLACKER |$90 $110 $150 $180 $220 $280 $350 $400 $450 $600 |
|PARANORMAL |$100 $130 $200 $300 $375 $480 $600 $810 $1000$1200|
|JOURNALISM |$120 $200 $230 $350 $420 $510 $660 $850 $975 $1200|
|HACKER |$120 $150 $200 $240 $400 $610 $800 $1100$1300$1550|
|CAREER STANDARD (wage earned): $1055.00|

SORTED from most earned in the 10th level to least earned in the 10th
level. The careers above the line are better than the career standard,
the careers below the line are worse than the career standard.
| Levels:| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
|HACKER |$120 $150 $200 $240 $400 $610 $800 $1100$1300$1550|
|ENTERTAINMENT |$100 $150 $200 $275 $375 $500 $660 $900 $1100$1400|
|MUSICIAN |$90 $120 $190 $250 $325 $400 $550 $700 $1100$1400|
|PRO ATHLETE |$120 $170 $230 $300 $385 $510 $680 $850 $1000$1300|
|BUSINESS |$120 $180 $250 $320 $400 $540 $660 $800 $950 $1200|
|PARANORMAL |$100 $130 $200 $300 $375 $480 $600 $810 $1000$1200|
|JOURNALISM |$120 $200 $230 $350 $420 $510 $660 $850 $975 $1200|
|LIFE OF CRIME |$140 $200 $275 $350 $425 $530 $640 $760 $900 $1100|
|SCIENCE |$155 $230 $320 $375 $450 $540 $640 $740 $870 $1000|
|X-TREME |$175 $250 $325 $400 $475 $550 $650 $725 $825 $925 |
|MEDICINE |$200 $275 $340 $410 $480 $550 $625 $700 $775 $850 |
|POLITICS |$220 $300 $360 $430 $485 $540 $600 $650 $700 $750 |
|LAW ENFORCEMENT|$240 $320 $380 $440 $490 $540 $590 $625 $650 $700 |
|MILITARY |$250 $325 $400 $450 $500 $550 $580 $600 $625 $650 |
|SLACKER |$90 $110 $150 $180 $220 $280 $350 $400 $450 $600 |
|CAREER STANDARD (wage earned): $1055.00|

Who would have guessed? I certainly wouldn't have. HACKER takes top
honors here, hauling in $550 more than a grand, and $150 more than its
two competitors, ENTERTAINMENT and MUSICIAN. HACKER also tops a grand
per day on level 8, something no other careers to. It doesn't take too
much looking before you can spot a trend: generally, starting pay (i.e.
level 1 pay) is ascending the chart (with the obvious exception of
SLACKER). This means that the more you earn in the beginning, the less
you earn at the end. Compare MUSICIAN to MILITARY. MILITARY earns a
whole chunk of money at the beginning, but only $650 at the end.
Meanwhile, MUSICIAN earns only $90 in the beginning (almost not enough to
support yourself), but earns $1400 at the end.
Another tip: SCIENCE, despite being right below the line, is an excellent
career because of the short hour load.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* 6.4) Career Comparison: Wage Increase *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
This chart shows the wage increase from promotion to promotion, comparing
different careers. The top chart shows careers in their original order,
bottom chart is sorted by best average.

This chart shows the careers in their order (as defined by the SIMS
instruction manual.) The careers above the line are SIMS careers, the
careers below the line are Livin' Large careers.
| Levels:| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AVG. |
|BUSINESS | +60 +70 +70 +80 +140 +120 +140 +150 +250 +120.0|
|ENTERTAINMENT | +50 +50 +75 +100 +125 +160 +240 +200 +300 +144.4|
|LAW ENFORCEMENT| +80 +60 +60 +50 +50 +50 +35 +25 +50 +51.1 |
|LIFE OF CRIME | +60 +75 +75 +75 +105 +110 +120 +140 +200 +106.7|
|MEDICINE | +75 +65 +70 +70 +70 +75 +75 +75 +75 +72.2 |
|MILITARY | +75 +75 +50 +50 +50 +30 +20 +25 +25 +44.4 |
|POLITICS | +80 +60 +70 +55 +55 +60 +50 +50 +50 +58.9 |
|PRO ATHLETE | +50 +60 +70 +85 +125 +170 +180 +150 +300 +132.2|
|SCIENCE | +75 +90 +55 +75 +90 +100 +100 +130 +130 +93.9 |
|X-TREME | +75 +75 +75 +75 +75 +100 +75 +100 +100 +83.0 |
|MUSICIAN | +30 +60 +60 +75 +75 +150 +150 +400 +300 +144.4|
|SLACKER | +20 +40 +30 +40 +60 +70 +50 +50 +150 +56.6 |
|PARANORMAL | +30 +70 +100 +75 +105 +120 +210 +190 +200 +122.2|
|JOURNALISM | +80 +30 +120 +70 +90 +150 +190 +125 +225 +120.0|
|HACKER | +30 +50 +40 +160 +210 +190 +300 +200 +250 +158.9|
|CAREER STANDARD (wage increase per promotion): +$100.6|

SORTED from highest average wage increase per promotion to lowest average
wage increase per promotion. The careers above the line are better than
the career standard, while careers below the line are worse than the
career standard.
| Levels:| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AVG. |
|HACKER | +30 +50 +40 +160 +210 +190 +300 +200 +250 +158.9|
|ENTERTAINMENT | +50 +50 +75 +100 +125 +160 +240 +200 +300 +144.4|
|MUSICIAN | +30 +60 +60 +75 +75 +150 +150 +400 +300 +144.4|
|PRO ATHLETE | +50 +60 +70 +85 +125 +170 +180 +150 +300 +132.2|
|PARANORMAL | +30 +70 +100 +75 +105 +120 +210 +190 +200 +122.2|
|BUSINESS | +60 +70 +70 +80 +140 +120 +140 +150 +250 +120.0|
|JOURNALISM | +80 +30 +120 +70 +90 +150 +190 +125 +225 +120.0|
|LIFE OF CRIME | +60 +75 +75 +75 +105 +110 +120 +140 +200 +106.7|
|SCIENCE | +75 +90 +55 +75 +90 +100 +100 +130 +130 +93.9 |
|X-TREME | +75 +75 +75 +75 +75 +100 +75 +100 +100 +83.0 |
|MEDICINE | +75 +65 +70 +70 +70 +75 +75 +75 +75 +72.2 |
|POLITICS | +80 +60 +70 +55 +55 +60 +50 +50 +50 +58.9 |
|SLACKER | +20 +40 +30 +40 +60 +70 +50 +50 +150 +56.6 |
|LAW ENFORCEMENT| +80 +60 +60 +50 +50 +50 +35 +25 +50 +51.1 |
|MILITARY | +75 +75 +50 +50 +50 +30 +20 +25 +25 +44.4 |
|CAREER STANDARD (wage increase per promotion): +$100.6|

Isn't this interesting? This chart looks almost identical to the last, in
terms of which careers are above and below the line, with SCIENCE again
right below the line and HACKER again taking the top spot. HACKER might
start out slow in terms of increase, but really picks up soon (going into
triple digits as early as level 5). You might say "Oh, but PARANORMAL and
JOURNALISM have triple digits in level 4!" Yes, that's true, but they
both drop back down again and don't enter triples until level 6, level 7
again tumbled to the very bottom.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* 6.4) Career Comparison: Wage per Hour *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
This chart shows the wage per hour from level to level, comparing
different careers. The top chart shows careers in their original order,
bottom chart is sorted by best average.

This chart shows the careers in their order (as defined by the SIMS
instruction manual.) The careers above the line are SIMS careers, while
the careers below the line are Livin' Large careers. ALL NUMBERS ARE PER
HOUR ($##/hr).
| Levels:| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AVG. |
|BUSINESS |20 25 35 45 57 77 83 100 135 200 77.7 |
|ENTERTAINMENT |17 25 33 39 54 63 83 113 157 280 86.4 |
|LAW ENFORCEMENT|40 53 48 73 82 90 98 104 81 100 76.9 |
|LIFE OF CRIME |23 25 39 58 53 66 107 127 150 183 83.1 |
|MEDICINE |33 46 57 68 69 69 104 117 111 121 79.5 |
|MILITARY |42 54 67 75 83 92 97 100 104 108 82.2 |
|POLITICS |24 50 60 47 81 77 100 108 78 125 75.0 |
|PRO ATHLETE |20 28 38 50 64 85 97 170 167 217 93.6 |
|SCIENCE |26 38 53 54 64 60 128 148 218 250 103.9|
|X-TREME |29 42 54 67 79 92 108 104 138 154 86.7 |
|MUSICIAN |18 17 32 31 46 44 61 100 122 280 75.1 |
|SLACKER |18 22 25 36 44 40 58 80 90 150 56.3 |
|PARANORMAL |17 22 33 50 62 53 75 116 200 200 82.8 |
|JOURNALISM |15 28 38 44 60 64 82 121 108 300 86.0 |
|HACKER |15 19 25 27 44 68 80 122 144 172 71.6 |
|CAREER STANDARD (wage earned per hour of work): $81.12/hr.|

SORTED from highest average dollars per hour of working time to lowest
average dollars per hour of working time. The careers above the line are
ones that are better than the career standard, while the careers below
are worse. ALL NUMBERS ARE PER HOUR ($##/hr)
| Levels:| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AVG. |
|SCIENCE |26 38 53 54 64 60 128 148 218 250 103.9|
|PRO ATHLETE |20 28 38 50 64 85 97 170 167 217 93.6 |
|X-TREME |29 42 54 67 79 92 108 104 138 154 86.7 |
|ENTERTAINMENT |17 25 33 39 54 63 83 113 157 280 86.4 |
|JOURNALISM |15 28 38 44 60 64 82 121 108 300 86.0 |
|LIFE OF CRIME |23 25 39 58 53 66 107 127 150 183 83.1 |
|PARANORMAL |17 22 33 50 62 53 75 116 200 200 82.8 |
|MILITARY |42 54 67 75 83 92 97 100 104 108 82.2 |
|MEDICINE |33 46 57 68 69 69 104 117 111 121 79.5 |
|BUSINESS |20 25 35 45 57 77 83 100 135 200 77.7 |
|LAW ENFORCEMENT|40 53 48 73 82 90 98 104 81 100 76.9 |
|MUSICIAN |18 17 32 31 46 44 61 100 122 280 75.1 |
|POLITICS |24 50 60 47 81 77 100 108 78 125 75.0 |
|HACKER |15 19 25 27 44 68 80 122 144 172 71.6 |
|SLACKER |18 22 25 36 44 40 58 80 90 150 56.3 |
|CAREER STANDARD (wage earned per hour of work): $81.12/hr.|

This chart is not identical to the last two, and shouldn't be, since this
compares salary to work hours. This is almost the most important chart to
look at (out of the three money charts) because it accurately judges
careers by both salary and work hours. HACKER is sent sprawling to the
near bottom because of the incredible work schedule, and ENTERTAINMENT and
MUSICIAN are both low because of the same reason: higher work hours. Here,
you can see that SCIENCE is the best. While pay isn't stellar, the work
schedule is very low, therefore you earn the most buck for the amount of
work that you do.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* 6.5) Career Comparison:Skills & Friends *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
This chart shows skills and friends needed for the final level of
the career - as well as totals. First chart is
sorted by career order; second is sorted by total skills. The
third chart (yes, there is a third one) is sorted by total friends. Just
to make it easier on those tired eyes of yours.
Cook. - Cooking
Mech. - Mechanical
Char. - Charisma
Logi. - Logic
Crea. - Creativity

This chart shows the careers in their order (as defined by the SIMS
instruction manual.) The careers above the first line are SIMS careers,
the careers below the first line are Livin' Large careers. The third
section has averages for each individual skill.
| Skills:|Cook. Mech. Char. Body Logi. Crea. TOTAL Friends |
|BUSINESS | 00 02 08 02 09 06 27 14 |
|ENTERTAINMENT | 00 02 10 08 00 10 30 14 |
|LAW ENFORCEMENT| 01 04 06 07 10 05 33 12 |
|LIFE OF CRIME | 00 05 07 06 04 08 30 12 |
|MEDICINE | 00 06 06 07 09 04 32 11 |
|MILITARY | 01 10 07 10 09 00 37 08 |
|POLITICS | 00 00 09 05 07 05 26 17 |
|PRO ATHLETE | 03 02 09 10 00 03 28 13 |
|SCIENCE | 02 09 05 00 10 10 36 10 |
|X-TREME | 02 06 08 08 06 09 39 11 |
|MUSICIAN | 00 05 10 07 04 10 36 15 |
|SLACKER | 00 05 10 09 00 00 24 15 |
|PARANORMAL | 00 02 10 02 09 07 30 17 |
|JOURNALISM | 00 00 10 05 07 07 29 14 |
|HACKER | 00 07 08 00 10 10 35 08 |
|AVERAGES | 0.6 4.3 8.2 5.7 6.3 6.3 |
|CAREER STANDARD (skills): 31.4|
| (friends): 12.2|

SORTED from lowest total skill points needed to highest total skill
points needed. The careers above the first line are better than the
career standard, while the careers below the first line are worse. The
third section has averages for each individual skill.
| Skills:|Cook. Mech. Char. Body Logi. Crea. TOTAL Friends |
|SLACKER | 00 05 10 09 00 00 24 15 |
|POLITICS | 00 00 09 05 07 05 26 17 |
|BUSINESS | 00 02 08 02 09 06 27 14 |
|PRO ATHLETE | 03 02 09 10 00 03 28 13 |
|JOURNALISM | 00 00 10 05 07 07 29 14 |
|LIFE OF CRIME | 00 05 07 06 04 08 30 12 |
|ENTERTAINMENT | 00 02 10 08 00 10 30 14 |
|PARANORMAL | 00 02 10 02 09 07 30 17 |
|MEDICINE | 00 06 06 07 09 04 32 11 |
|LAW ENFORCEMENT| 01 04 06 07 10 05 33 12 |
|HACKER | 00 07 08 00 10 10 35 08 |
|SCIENCE | 02 09 05 00 10 10 36 10 |
|MUSICIAN | 00 05 10 07 04 10 36 15 |
|MILITARY | 01 10 07 10 09 00 37 08 |
|X-TREME | 02 06 08 08 06 09 39 11 |
|AVERAGES | 0.6 4.3 8.2 5.7 6.3 6.3 |
|CAREER STANDARD (skills): 31.4|
| (friends): 12.2|

SORTED from lowest number of friends needed to highest number of friends
needed. The careers above the first line are better than the career
standard, while the careers below the first line are worse. The third
section contains averages for each individual skill.
| Skills:|Cook. Mech. Char. Body Logi. Crea. TOTAL Friends |
|MILITARY | 01 10 07 10 09 00 37 08 |
|HACKER | 00 07 08 00 10 10 35 08 |
|SCIENCE | 02 09 05 00 10 10 36 10 |
|X-TREME | 02 06 08 08 06 09 39 11 |
|MEDICINE | 00 06 06 07 09 04 32 11 |
|LAW ENFORCEMENT| 01 04 06 07 10 05 33 12 |
|LIFE OF CRIME | 00 05 07 06 04 08 30 12 |
|PRO ATHLETE | 03 02 09 10 00 03 28 13 |
|ENTERTAINMENT | 00 02 10 08 00 10 30 14 |
|BUSINESS | 00 02 08 02 09 06 27 14 |
|JOURNALISM | 00 00 10 05 07 07 29 14 |
|MUSICIAN | 00 05 10 07 04 10 36 15 |
|SLACKER | 00 05 10 09 00 00 24 15 |
|POLITICS | 00 00 09 05 07 05 26 17 |
|PARANORMAL | 00 02 10 02 09 07 30 17 |
|AVERAGES | 0.6 4.3 8.2 5.7 6.3 6.3 |
|CAREER STANDARD (skills): 31.4|
| (friends): 12.2|

All right. There are a couple of interesting observations that you can
draw from these two charts. First, you'll notice that the Skill chart
is almost opposite the Friend chart. This means that generally (not
always) the more skills you need, the less friends you need. You need
a ton of friends for POLITICS (on the bottom of the Friends chart) but
the fewest number for skills (on the top of the Skill chart.) Balance
is always important - you'll see that next in the overall analysis.
Really the only exception to this rule is MUSICIAN, which requires a huge
number of skills AND friends.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* 6.6) Career Comparison:Overall Analysis *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
All right, here we go! This is where I give you the final low-down on all
the careers in THE SIMS. First, I've given you information on short-term
careers and careers that aren't going to be your family's primary career,
such as an extra one that you want just as supplementary income. After
that, we launch into the big stuff. I've seperated all the careers and
taken a look at each one - the advantages and disadvantages of each one.
I've based that section off of the above charts, descriptions of the 100
jobs, and my own personal experiences, since I have gone through each and
every career just to bring you this information. For those of you who go
purely by numbers, I've given each career a rating that I feel demonstrates
an average of not only income, but number of skills & friends needed, as
well as other things that affect how "good" each career is. After that,
I've stacked all the careers up together and you can look for yourself at
how "good" each one is. Ready?

That's good. Before we start, I would like to say that I have assigned a
number value to each career based on how I like it (stress the "I".)
If you don't like the rating I have given a career, and can put up a good
argument as to why I should change it, then I will. E-mail me at Now, are you ready? All rightey then, let's go!

Oh, yes, one more thing. I always have notes to help make my poor
description ability easier to understand. Here are the notes for this

- when I talk about "the career standard," I mean the career-wide
average, or the number listed underneath all the above charts.
- NS-DS or NS-DS syndrome is the "night-shift to day-shift" transition
where your Sim gets home, is promoted to an opposite shift, and has
to leave again within a few hours (so Energy really suffers.)
- Saying that an attribute is "above the career standard" means that it
is better than the standard, while being below the career standard
means that it is worse than the standard. For example, the standard
for total skills needed is 31.8. Having a total of 29 skills needed
would make it "above the career standard" because it's better than
the standard, even though the actual number is "physically" lower than
the standard. That's because lower is better with skills, friends, and hours

This section is for those of you who want information on a short term
career, or one that is not going to be the big money-maker for your family.
Now, you can see for yourself that MILITARY and LAW ENFORCEMENT bring in
the most money initially, but there is more to it than that. It depends
on what exactly you want to do. If you are taking a career just until you
can find the appropriate one for you, then MILITARY might be the one for
you. It brings in good money at the beginning, and the hours are good,
despite being eariler in the day than most jobs. LAW ENFORCEMENT is also
a good job, but it brings in slightly less money and the ND-DS can be
tough on your Sim.

If you plan to keep this job for a while, but aren't planning for it to
be your "final" job, then you need to use your best judgement on your
circumstances. I wouldn't take a job that constantly changes from night
shifts to day shifts (like LAW ENFORCEMENT) because, again, that can be
hard on your Sim. Even more so if you have an eariler version of the
game - those versions have a bug that count a night shift as two days, so
you get fired if you miss one day of work. You can download the patch
(1.1) at BUSINESS might be good in this situation,
because the hours are quite constant and the pay isn't too bad. MILITARY
might be good here, but it depends on how long you want to keep the job.
Take a look at the wage chart to see when MILITARY is overtaken by the
higher paying jobs.

The last case I am talk about in the "Short Term" section is about a
career that isn't your family's main money-maker, but you want it
just as a supplementary income. In this case, I would strongly
suggest the SCIENCE career, especially if you are going to keep it
forever. Except for the nine-hour hurdle at level 6, the hours are
good. At the last level, there's only a four hour day (the shortest
out of all the careers) and the money is pretty good for the amount of
time you work ($1,000, or $250/hr or working). If you want an even
shorter average number of hours worked, then try SLACKER. While the pay
is no better than abysmal, the average hours is only 5.3, a full hour
less than the career standard of 6.6. If $600 a day is good enough for
you, then check out SLACKER.

That's all I'm going to say for the "Short Term" section. If you've
got another case that you'd like me to examine in this section,
e-mail me at If I don't feel that it's common
enough to write it up here, I'll at least get back to you and help
you with your problem.

By long term careers, I mean, most basically, your final career, or the
one that you are going to keep forever. First, I'm going to break down
the careers one by one and take a look at the pros and cons of each.
Every track is surprisingly well balanced; some give and some take. While
some are obviously more trade-offs than not, every track has some good
points and bad points. Tracks such as MILITARY trades bad pay at the end
for low number of friends needed, or, depending on how you want to look at
it, high pay at the beginning. Balance is very important, and you'll read
more about it in the following descriptions.

BUSINESS (7 - Good)
ADVANTAGES: First and foremost, the BUSINESS track has very constant
hours. There is no changing from night shift to day shift and back
again. In terms of hours, the graph is very domed. That is, the
hours worked per day grow from 6 to 8 by the latter end of the track,
then eventually fall back to 6 again by the end. So, there's no
jumping around, and every transition is very gradual and easy on your
Sim's life. The money is fairly good by the end of the track; over
a thousand Simoleons a day. It's not the best, but it is very good
money and you can't live a bad life with it. Also, a lower number
of skills is needed for this job - only 27. Also, those 27 are
spread out over several skills, not just concentrated on three or four.

DISADVANTANGES: BUSINESS has good hours, yes, but the domed graph rounds
out to a very high average of hours worked per day. The average turns out
to be exactly seven hours a day, a half-hour more than the career standard
of six and half. Also, the average amount of money per hours worked is
lower than the career average ($81.1/hr. while BUSINESS earns $77.7/hr.)

BOTTOM LINE: Despite the longer average hours per day, BUSINESS is a
good career track. The final level earns over a grand, and you don't
need that many skill points to get through. The fact that there are
no NS-DS shifts rounds out the whole package.

ADVANTAGES: The first thing that springs to mind is the high salary at
the end. ENTERTAINMENT almost pays the most ($1400), and therefore has
one of the biggest wage increase per promotion. Also, the hours on the
final level of the track are very good, having only a five hour workday
and a very high wage earned per hour worked.

DISADVANTAGES: ENTERTAINMENT requires quite a few friends, and keeping
track of them all is quite a hassle. The average hours worked per day
is almost 7, and certainly above the career standard of 6.6. You don't
need as many skills, but the skills you do need are concentrated around
four skills, which makes it harder to earn them all. The NS-DS syndrome
is present here, switching from day to night between levels 7 and 8, and
then back to day for level 9.

BOTTOM LINE: ENTERTAINMENT may seem like a track to grab for, just for
the high ending salary, but you need to take a look at the opposite
sides. Nearly all the advantages are money related, and the problems
that you encounter while earning friends and skills degrade this rating
to only a six. The fact that NS-DS is here brings the rating down further
to only a five. You can get a better track and not sacrifice too much of
the income. Take a look at PRO ATHLETE, or BUSINESS.

LAW ENFORCEMENT (1 - Horrible)
ADVANTAGES: The starting pay is excellent. Though you need quite a few
skills, they are mostly spread out instead of concentrated.

DISADVANTAGES: This job is plagued with NS-DS syndrome. The day shift
and night shift flips back and forth all the way up until level 6, which
is, in my opinion, far too taxing on your Sim. The hours worked per day
is slightly below the career standard. By the end of the track, your
wage really isn't that much. Both the average wage increase and average
wage per hour is horribly far below the career standard. Also, you need
lots of skills and quite a few friends. The ending level of the career
is quite long (seven hours) compared to other careers. The wage earned
per hour never goes far above $100, unlike other tracks that breach

BOTTOM LINE: Despite what I've said about balance, this is a horrible
career track. The disadvantages far outweigh the advantages. The
single biggest advantage with this track is the high starting salary,
and you can do better with MILITARY. That is the biggest thing, but
plus the horribly bad TS-DS, has earned this track a measly one - the
lowest you can get.

LIFE OF CRIME (8 - Good)
ADVANTAGES: The ending wage is quite high. The average increase of
wage per promotion is far above the career standard, and the average
wage per hour worked is just about on par. Skills and friends are
very low, both being a bit under the career standard. The few skills
that you need are spread out nicely, making them much easier to earn.

DISADVANTAGES: This track is even more plagued by NS-DS than LAW
ENFORCEMENT - the flip-flop continues through level 7. Also, there
are quite a few long days to be had, as well as the level 2 job
going all the way to 7pm - a very late hour.

BOTTOM LINE: Despite the TS-DS and long hours, LIFE of CRIME is a
great career track. As I've said, the final pay is high (over a
grand) and the skills are neatly spread out. Both skills and friends
needed are over the career standard, which is very unusual. Also, the
pay is quite high. That makes this career track more than worthy of a
rating of eight.

MEDICINE (2 - Bad)
ADVANTAGES: The skills are again neatly spread out, making them easier
to obtain. You need less friends than the career standard.

DISADVANTAGES: Virtually all of the averages are below the career
standards. Here's a comparison:
hours/day 6.5 6.63
ending wage $850 $1055.00
wage increase per promotion +$72.20 +$100.60
wage earned per hour $79.50/hr. $81.12/hr.
Unfortuetly, it's also rounded out by a semi-severe case of TS-DS,
occuring every other promotion. The ending level hours are quite long.

BOTTOM LINE: This track earns a two because it as so many bad sides.
It's statistics end up being sub-standard, and the TS-DS makes it that
much worse.

MILITARY (4 - Okay)
ADVANTAGES: Starting pay is very high. There is no TS-DS, even though
the hours start off a bit odd. The career has a flat average of
exactly 6.0 hours per day, since every level on this track is a six
hour day. Virtually every level has the hours of 9am - 3pm, making
it easy to figure who's going where and when. Also, very few friends
are needed.

DISADVANTAGES: Pay is the lowest at the peak of the career, that is,
the end. You need lots of skills, and the monetary attributes of the
career are all sub-standard.

BOTTOM LINE: The bad monetary aspects towards the end of the career
automatically degrade the rating. This career has great value in the
fact that is has an excellent beginning pay, so it makes a great short-
term career. Also, it requires the fewest number of friends. These
pluses sustain the rating at a four.

POLITICS (1 - Horrible)
ADVANTAGES: Very few number of skills required.

DISADVANTAGES: This job has absolutely atrocious hours. The starting
job is a NINE-HOUR day, which is incredibly long, even more horrible
because of the fact that it is a starting level job. Two other levels
in the career are also nine hours, which makes the average a solid 7,
horribly far above the standard of 6.63. The reward for all of that?
Bad pay and the requirement of tons of friends. The pay and career
averages fall far short of the standards, and you need 17 friends
by the time you are done. Sometimes you need a leap of three friends
for a promotion, which can be incredibly hard, even more so with a
nine-hour day, to boot. The final wage is only a measly $750.

BOTTOM LINE: This career gets the worst rating, mostly because of the
horrible nine hour days and no five or four hour jobs to compensate. The
money is terribly bad, almost rivaling the "badness" of the LAW
ENFORCEMENT track. This career should be shoved aside, to be saved
for the mothballs.

PRO ATHLETE (9 - Great)
ADVANTAGES: The money is really good. This is probably your next best if
you don't want to go with ENTERTAINMENT but still want one of the highest
salaries. The hours worked is a flat 6.0, well above the career standard,
and the average salary increase and wage per hour are both well above the
standard, making the money really good. In addition, you need a total of
28 skills, well above the standard of 31.4. This track is completely
void of TS-DS.

DISADVANTAGES: You need quite a few friends for this track - a bit below
the standard. You need to earn a full 10 Body Skill points very early on
in this track (by level 8), which is difficult to do.

BOTTOM LINE: This track is a fantastic track, and probably THE one to go
for, especially if you don't like the disadvantages offered by
ENTERTAINMENT. The money is still good, and hours aren't too long, and
there's no TS-DS. Besides that, you really don't need that many skills.
That gives this track a very high rating of nine.

SCIENCE (10 - Excellent)
ADVANTAGES: The money is still pretty good (at least a grand), though
slightly below the standard by $55. Still, you'll be earning a full
thousand Simoleons a day, which isn't too shabby. Also, you don't need
that many friends, and the hours worked per day is very low. The ending
level of this track is only a four hour day, so you can go to work and
still get the house cleaned up. The final level of the career comes up
into the range of $250 per hour of working, which is a very nice wage.
Another plus: no Body skills required.

DISADVANTAGES: TS-DS only slightly affects this track, and the beginning,
at that. You need a LOT of skills. Also, there is a nine hour hurdle
to jump at level 6 of this track; you don't get home until 7pm, which
is very late. With that kind of a job, you really don't have enough time
to go to work, and make friends and work on skills all at once.

BOTTOM LINE: That hurdle at level 6 is difficult, but can be overlooked by
the fact that the last four levels of the career are less than six hours,
and in some cases, only four hour days. This gives you plenty of free
time to do whatever you want. Also, the money is still good, and you don't
need that many friends. To top it off, no Body skills are required (which,
in my opinion, are the hardest to earn.) That gives this career an
all-star rating of a 10.

X-TREME (5 - Okay)
ADVANTAGES: The hours are really good - the average ending up to be only
6.1. Also, not as many friends are needed, and the money is fairly
good. Average wage earned per hour is slightly above the standard.
Friends needed starts off easy, going up by one every promotion. This
makes for a nice, easy transition. You end up getting to be an
International Spy (and who wouldn't want to?)

DISADVANTAGES: Okay, maybe the money isn't THAT great. It's pretty good
but falls just short of the standard by about $175. You need A LOT of
skills, and the average wage increase per promotion just isn't up to

BOTTOM LINE: The hours are friends needed can make this job look good, but
the money isn't quite up to par, the you need a TON of skill points, which
end up taking a long time to earn. That gives this career only a five.

MUSICIAN (3 - Bad)
ADVANTAGES: High ending salary - tying ENTERTAINMENT for the highest. This
also logically leads to the highest increase salary per promotion.

DISADVANTAGES: Extremely high average hours worked, with a handful for 9
hour a day jobs thrown in. The pay is horrible at the beginning, only
taking huge leaps in the end. Extraordinary number of skills and friends
needed (very hard).

BOTTOM LINE: The salary is really the only reason MUSICIAN gets a 3. High
number of hours, high number of skills and friends needed, and much lower
amount of salary per hour worked, make this a bad career.

SLACKER (3 - Bad)
ADVANTAGES: Low number of skills needed. Extremely low number of hours
worked. Hours average is 5.3, a more than a full hour less than the
career standard of 6.41. Also, you only need a total of 24 skills, as
opposed to the standard of 31.5.

DISADVANTAGES: Abysmal ending salary, even less than MILITARY. Also,
high number of friends needed. Very low salary per hours worked, and
very low wage increase per promotion.

BOTTOM LINE: SLACKER is good career for a family supplementary income.
The only reason is scores a three is the very low number of skills needed
and extremely low number of hours worked.

ADVANTAGES: Number of skills required below the career standard. Wage
increase per promotion is above the standard, as is final wage, at $1200.
That is not a bad ending salary.

DISADVANTAGES: Besides money, this track is pretty bad. Extremely high
number of friends needed, rivaling POLITICS for the most (17). Also,
high number of hours worked. Finally, this career iis plagued with
NS-DS syndrome, flipping back and forth several times before the end.

BOTTOM LINE: PARANORMAL is an okay career. While it has a high income at
the end, the extremely high number of friends required make it a struggle
to get to the top. Also, a higher number of hours than some of the other

ADVANTAGES: Ending level hours very good. Because of the low number of
hours, the pay per hour is excellent ($300/hr.) High ending pay. Good
salary increase per promotion. Very few skills required. The ending
salary, as $1,200, is very good.

DISADVANTAGES: Rather high number of friends required. High number of
hours worked (first level is an eight hour day!) Hours tops out at 9
hours at level 9 before dropping to four. This is a very long day for
your Sim, not leaving you much time to work on skills and friends. Bad
case of NS-DS.

BOTTOM LINE: JOURNALISM is a satisfactory career. The pay is rather good,
and there aren't many skills required. However, high number of friends,
high number of hours, and the NS-DS drops the rating to only a 4. If you
want a better career with roughly the same salary, try BUSINESS, which
also ends with $1,200.

HACKER (6 - Okay)
ADVANTAGES: The salary is out-of-this-world. The tenth level salary is
$1,550, more than any other career, both in SIMS and Livin' Large. The
salary tops $1,000 at level 8, eariler than any other career. In
addition, the salary increase per promotion starts out slow, but hits
triple digits (i.e. over $100) as early as level 5. Extremely few number
of friends required. While NS-DS is present, it is somewhat cushioned.
See the disadvantages section for details. Wage increase per promotion
is extremely high.

DISADVANTAGES: If the salary is out of this world, so are the hours
worked. The lowest number of hours you'll be working is 8. The level 7
job is a 10 hour day, more than any other career. This rounds out to an
average of 8.8 hours, more than an hour and a half longer than the next
highest, MUSICIAN and JOURNALISM, both at 7.2 hours. The pay per hour
takes a severe hit, especially in the beginning, due to the high number
of hours. High number of skills required.

BOTTOM LINE: The hours are abysmal, the skills are high, and the pay per
hour is bad. So why does HACKER get such a high rating? Money is a
powerful thing, my friends. The salary is wonderful. Skills are not that
hard to earn, and friends (in my opinion the hardest) are extremely low
(rivaling only MILITARY). However, you do have to consider the hours.
Let's examine the 10-hour hurdle: 11 hours for work (the ten hour day plus
an hour early for the carpool), assume 8 hours for sleeping, 2 hours for
standard needs-building (such as going to the bathroom, showering, eating,
watching TV, though I suppose you can eat and watch TV with a friend).
This leaves only a meager three hours a day to build skills and friends.
Therefore, HACKER only gets a six.

Alternative careers are ones that aren't official "jobs," exactly, that is, you
don't go to work via carpool and you don't have a set salary. Basically, they
are just other ways to regularly make money besides having a job. You can set
you own hours, of course, but if you don't work, you don't earn money. This is
a benefit if you have plenty of money. Of course, you can also do these
alternative careers besides another official job, as well, to make more money.
This career involves an up-front cost of $720 to buy a KraftKing Woodworking
Table (Livin' Large only). After that, you only need 10 Mechanical skill points
(which you earn by using the table) to sell your gnomes and make money. The
more Mechanical skill you have, the less time it takes to make one gnome, and
the more you can sell it for. It takes a good amount of time before it becomes
a profitable business, but it is worth it in the end.

ADVANTAGES: No skills or friends required. Highest salary, assuming you
work all day. You can set your own hours; sometimes you can work, and
you don't have to if you don't want to.

DISADVATAGES: Requires 10 Mechanical skill points. If you do not have any
previous Mechanical experience, it takes a good deal of time to build up those
skill points.

BOTTOM LINE: Being a Gnome Manfacturer earns you the most money (up to
$2000, if you work hard.) You don't need any skills or friends, and
you can set your own hours and work days. Great career!

ARTIST - (6 - Okay)
Alternative careers are ones that aren't official "jobs," exactly, that is, you
don't go to work via carpool and you don't have a set salary. Basically, they
are just other ways to regularly make money besides having a job. You can set
you own hours, of course, but if you don't work, you don't earn money. This is
a benefit if you have plenty of money. Of course, you can also do these
alternative careers besides another official job, as well, to make more money.
This career involves an up-front cost of $250 to buy the "Dimanche" Folding
Easel (original Sims). Again, it takes 10 Creativity points (which you earn by
using the Easel) to make approximately $166 per picture you paint, and you can
paint 2-3 per day. Again, it takes a good amount of time to build up you skills
it the beginning.

ADVANTAGES: No skills or friends required. You can set your own hours
sometimes, you can work, and you don't have to if you don't want to.

DISADVANTAGES: Requires 10 Creativity skill points. Only makes
roughly $200 a day. Takes a good amount of time to build up your skills to make
even that much.

BOTTOM LINE: It doesn't make that much money, but it's great if all you are
buying is food. If you are trying to buy expensive items, you should get a job
or make gnomes. This career is great for housewives who stay home while their
spouse goes to work; it's a bit a extra income.

HOMEWRECKER - (9 - Great)
*Thanks to for this career*
Alternative careers are ones that aren't official "jobs," exactly, that is, you
don't go to work via carpool and you don't have a set salary. Basically, they
are just other ways to regularly make money besides having a job. You can set
you own hours, of course, but if you don't work, you don't earn money. This is
a benefit if you have plenty of money. Of course, you can also do these
alternative careers besides another official job, as well, to make more money.
This career does not have any up-front cost and only requires a free lot in your
neighborhood. Basically, it involves creating a Sim, marrying him/her into your
family, and killing him/her. It does not require a great amount of time, and
can in fact be accomplished over a period of time, if you have another job as
well. Since new Sim families all start out with $20,000, just make a single
person family. Have that person marry/Move In with one person in your original
family (remember to do this at your original family's house) and you get the
single person's entire fortune ($20,000).

ADVANTAGES: Very lucrative - can get great amounts of money all at once. Does
not require any skills or friends whatsoever - the only friend you'll need is
the person that you are trying to marry.

DISADVANTAGES: If your family is poor, and desperate for money, this is not the
way to go, as it can take time.

BOTTOM LINE: This is a side thing that you can do while tending to your official
job; it is great for more money and you can earn lots if you put your mind to
it. However, this is not a very realistic career; i.e. it's not something
people would do in the real world. So, if you are trying to mimic the real
world, this is not a good career.

ART COLLECTOR - (7 - Good)
*Thanks to for this career*
Alternative careers are ones that aren't official "jobs," exactly, that is, you
don't go to work via carpool and you don't have a set salary. Basically, they
are just other ways to regularly make money besides having a job. You can set
you own hours, of course, but if you don't work, you don't earn money. This is
a benefit if you have plenty of money. Of course, you can also do these
alternative careers besides another official job, as well, to make more money.
This career does have an up-front cost that requires you to buy all the artwork.
Basically, this career involves buying artwork, letting it appreciate in value,
and selling it.

ADVANTAGES: Does not require skills or friends. No set hours, of course. In
fact, this career does not occur in game time at all - the game is always
paused while you are wheeling and dealing.

DISADVANTAGES: Does not earn terrific amounts of money. Requires a large up-
front investment. Requires careful micro-management, as items can easily start
depreciating if you don't handle them correctly.

BOTTOM LINE: This is a side thing that you can do while tending to your official
job; after all, it doesn't require any of your Sims time. Unfortunetly, you
don't earn that much and probably can't hold out as your main job. This is only
a side thing that you can do.

Here are the numbers, for those of you who think in numbers.
|11: Best |
|10: Excellent|
|9: Great |
|7-8: Good |
|4-6: Okay |
|2-3: Bad |
|1: Horrible |
BUSINESS: 7 - good
LAW ENFORCEMENT: 1 - horrible
LIFE OF CRIME: 8 - good
MEDICINE: 2 - bad
MILITARY: 4 - okay
POLITICS: 1 - horrible
PRO ATHLETE: 9 - great
SCIENCE: 10- excellent
X-TREME: 5 - okay

MUSICIAN: 3 - bad
SLACKER: 3 - bad
PARANORMAL: 4 - okay
JOURNALISM: 4 - okay
HACKER: 6 - okay

ARTIST: 6 - okay
HOMEWRECKER: 9 - great
or, sorted...
(* indicates alternative career)
SCIENCE: 10- excellent
*HOMEWRECKER: 9 - great
PRO ATHLETE: 9 - great
LIFE OF CRIME: 8 - good
*ART COLLECTOR: 7 - good
BUSINESS: 7 - good
*ARTIST: 6 - okay
HACKER: 6 - okay
X-TREME: 5 - okay
MILITARY: 4 - okay
PARANORMAL: 4 - okay
JOURNALISM: 4 - okay
MUSICIAN: 3 - bad
SLACKER: 3 - bad
MEDICINE: 2 - bad
LAW ENFORCEMENT: 1 - horrible
POLITICS: 1 - horrible

If you go strictly by the numbers, you cans see that SCIENCE is the best
career. It earns a decent sum of money ($1,000), and has very short
hours. The ending level is only four hours long, leaving you plenty of
time to come home and do whatever it is you do.

If you don't want to sacrifice that much salary, try PRO ATHLETE. The
final wage is $1,300, and the hours are pretty short (average of 6).
You don't need many skills, and friends aren't that bad. You will have
to sacrifice the short days at the end.

If you don't care whether or not you have an real career (i.e. where you
get picked up by a carpool, etc.), try manufacturing gnomes. It only
requires an up-front cost of $720 (for the KraftKing Woodworking Table).
After that, you only need to build your skills to 10 Mechanical (which
will only take a couple days). By that point, you'll be able to push out
a gnome worth $100 every half-hour or so. You can easily earn $1,500 a
day, and probably $2,000 if you really push it. Also, no friends
required and you only have to work when you want to.


Thanks for reading my FAQ! I really hope it helped. Any feedback, e-mail
me. Remember, if you don't like a rating I've given a career, and have
a good argument as to why I should change it, then e-mail me. Any other
complaints, changes, or things that should be added or said, e-mail me.
Thanks again!

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04.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

28.Сентябрь 2013
Sehr umfangreicher Guide für alle Sims-Versionen
Engl. FAQ

04.Октябрь 2013

03.Октябрь 2013
Alle Cheats in einer Word.Datei
Engl. Cheats

04.Октябрь 2013

04.Октябрь 2013
Dt. Geldtrainer für den Gamehack

04.Октябрь 2013
Gegenstände und Karrieren
Engl. Hinweise

26.Сентябрь 2013

27.Сентябрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
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04.Март 2019
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