Tombi 2: The Evil Swine Return

Tombi 2: The Evil Swine Return

28.09.2013 13:52:10

The Evil Swine Return

(written by Wilson)

Table Of Contents:

I.) Introduction
II.) Events
A.) Required Quests
B.) Optional Quests
III.) Evil Pig Locations
IV.) Item List
V.) Final Thoughts

I.) Introduction

Let me start out by saying that this is my very first walkthough. I loved this game so much
that i figured i'd have a lot of fun with writing it. So in other words, i commend you on your
choice on the game you are playing :) Anyways, i tried to set this walkthrough up in a way that
it won't destroy the gameplaying if you don't let it. The Events and the Items go hand in hand.
For instance, in an Event i will tell you of an object you need to complete it. But it won't say
where to find that particular item. If you choose to know WHERE it is then you look under the
Item list. Understand?
I highly implore that you try to complete this game on your own as much as you can. It is
so highly worth it and very awarding on your self psyche. If you feel that you want to stab
yourself or another individual then please feel free to resort to this document as often as you
wish. It's your call.
If any of you know of any ways i can better the quality of this walkthrough then please
feel free to contact me. As i said, this is my first walkthrough so i'm still pretty
unexperienced at this sort of thing. Maybe someday i will write another and i want to know if
i'm on the right track with this line of work or if i should just submit my application at
McDonalds. I thank you for your time and here's the walkthrough...

***One more note, being that i finally got the miner's ring, i went back and beat the game again.
It said that i completed all the quests and DID give me a special ending for doing so. I've been
informed that there is even MORE quests to do so i'm eager to find out what happens the next time
around. More info on this to come.

II.) Events

A.) Required Quests

1.) Find Tabby
2.) Go to The Burning House
3.) Pour The Water In
4.) Save the Crab
5.) Wind It Up
6.) The Crab Basket
7.) Collect the Golden Crabs
8.) Win's Windmill
9.) Cools Off and Disappears
10.) Remove All the Cappers
11.) Pull and Open
12.) Bury It In the Sand
13.) Let's Go To Tabby's House
14.) Wash the Strange Lump
15.) Look For the Hammer
16.) Blast the Rock
17.) Get Bombs
18.) Deliver To Gran
19.) Capture Evil Flame Pig
20.) Bring the Big Sack
21.) Melt the Giant Ice
22.) Let's Take the Lift
23.) Kujara's Favorite
24.) The Hidden Diary
25.) Static Explosion
26.) Raise the Ladder
27.) Capture Evil Ice Pig
28.) Put It In the Spirit's Eye
29.) Kill the Guards
30.) Take the Grapple
31.) More Blue For the Picture
32.) Device Guards the Treasure
33.) Use Rock Crabs For Balance
34.) Capture Evil Ghost Pig
35.) Use Pig Suit To Talk
36.) Use The See Saw
37.) Let's See the Clown Circus
38.) Let's Help the Clown
39.) Lift the Lid On the Well
40.) A Pig Tribe Clown Statue
41.) Capture Evil Earth Pig
42.) A Mermaid In A Water Tank
43.) Crystal Panel Blocks A Hole
44.) Open the Water Gate
45.) The Broken Up Mermaid Harp
46.) Sink the White Platform
47.) Wake Up The Giant Fish
48.) Find Another Reflector
49.) Capture Evil Water Pig
50.) Look For the Last Evil Pig
51.) The Evil Flame Pig Plate
52.) The Evil Ice Pig Plate
53.) The Evil Ghost Pig Plate
54.) The Evil Earth Pig Plate
55.) The Evil Water Pig Plate
56.) Capture The Last Evil Pig

1.) Find Tabby

Discover - It's there when you start the game.

Finish - When you beat the game.

2.) Go to The Burning House

Discover - You pretty much start with this mission as well.

Finish - Walk To the right until you see the house. Talk to Kainen.

3.) Pour The Water In

Discover - After you collect the bucket.

Finish - Go back and forth on the second see-saw pump until water comes out of the faucet.
Collect water in bucket.

4.) Save the Crab

Discover - When you collect water in the bucket.

Finish - After the fire is put out.

5.) Wind It Up

Discover - When you find the star shaped cog.

Finish - Take the cog to the man in the House on the Point. Town of Fisherman.

6.) The Crab Basket

Discover - You learn of it after completing, "Wind It Up".

Finish - After raising the bridge in the Town of the Fisherman, walk left and hit the pig. The
basket flies into the air. Go get it.

7.) Collect the Golden Crabs

Discover - When you get the crab basket.

Finish - Collect the two golden crabs.

8.) Win's Windmill

Discover - Give Win the golden crabs in the Win's Windmill.

Finish - Same.

9.) Cools Off and Disappears

Discover - Man at the beginning of the Pipe Area tells you about it.

Finish - Hit a capper with the ice boomerang.

10.) Remove All the Cappers

Discover - When you kill a capper.

Finish - Remove the cappers by hitting then all with an ice boomerang and then jumping on their

11.) Pull and Open

Discover - Talk to the man at the entrance to the Coal Mining Town.

Finish - Pull the two chains that are connected to the door.

12.) Bury It In the Sand

Discover - Investigate hole in ground on the very top level of coal mining town.

Finish - Pick up the wheel barrow located in the same area. Collect the sand that is coming out
of a chute on the back wall. The hole will take 3 loads of sand.

13.) Let's Go To Tabby's House

Discover - Talk to Gran after completing, "Pull and Open".

Finish - Go to Tabby's house in the Coal Mining Town. House with the red door.

14.) Wash the Strange Lump

Discover - Talk to Gran in Tabby's House on the top floor in Coal Mining Town.

Finish - Talk to Gran again after completing, "Bury It In The Sand".

15.) Look For the Hammer

Discover - After completing, "Wash the Strange Lump".

Finish - Go to the Trolley after completing, "Wash the Strange Lump".

16.) Blast the Rock

Discover - After getting the hammer.

Finish - Take the bombs across the drawbridge in Pipe Area. Hit detonator with the hammer.

17.) Get Bombs

Discover - Lower the drawbridge in Pipe Area by pulling the chain under it. Walk up to the rock.

Finish - Get the bombs.

18.) Deliver To Gran

Discover - When you get the trolley rail.

Finish - Bring it to Gran in Coal Mining Town. Next to the broken trolley track.

19.) Capture Evil Flame Pig

Discover - When Gran gives you the evil flame pig bag.

Finish - When you capture the pig.

20.) Bring the Big Sack

Discover - Talk to Santa in the chimney of Kujara Ranch.

Finish - Bring him the big sack.

21.) Melt the Giant Ice

Discover - Walk to the giant ice block in Kujara Ranch.

Finish - Hit it with the fire hammer.

22.) Let's Take the Lift

Discover - Talk to the man in the lift shed in Kujara Ranch.

Finish - Climb onto the lift after completing, "Kujara's Favorite".

23.) Kujara's Favorite

Discover - Near where you find the green key, to the right there's a snow clump. Hit it.

Finish - Bring the mountain peach to the man in the lift shed.

24.) The Hidden Diary

Discover - Talk to the man in the upper left corner of Kujara Ranch.

Finish - Bring him the traveler's diary.

25.) Static Explosion

Discover - Talk to the man in Summit Shed.

Finish - Bring him the 3 Kujara located in the Summit.

26.) Raise the Ladder

Discover - In Ranch Summit, talk to the man near the hexagon crank.

Finish - Bring him the hexagon cog.

27.) Capture Evil Ice Pig

Discover - When you get the evil ice pig bag.

Finish - Capture the ice pig.

28.) Put It In the Spirit's Eye

Discover - When you kill the first ghost in Forest Entrance.

Finish - When the third ghost is killed.

29.) Kill the Guards

Discover - After killing the third ghost in Forest Entrance.

Finish - Kill the guard by hammering the monster that comes out of the guards mouth. Hit him 3

30.) Take the Grapple

Discover - Hit a wooden post in the Laugh/Cry Forest with a hammer.

Finish - Hit 3 wooden posts in Laughing/Crying Forest with a hammer. Open the blue chest that
is revealed.

31.) More Blue For the Picture

Discover - When you talk with the artist in the Artsian House located in Forest Entrance.

Finish - Give him the blue fruit.

32.) Device Guards the Treasure

Discover - Jump on the see saw in Deep Forest.

Finish - On each see saw in the Deep Forest you'll notice that if you walk across the plank, a
spiky thing comes down and knocks panel down. There are two different pictures. One
looks like it smiles. the other looks like it frowns. You want all of those pictures
to be "smiling". If it's frowning, hit the spiky thing with a weapon and it'll reset,
walk across the see saw again and it should be smiling.

33.) Use Rock Crabs For Balance

Discover - Speak with the man in the Treasure Room in Deep Forest.

Finish - Give him the rock crab

34.) Capture Evil Ghost Pig

Discover - When you get the evil ghost pig bag.

Finish - Capture the evil ghost pig.

35.) Use Pig Suit To Talk

Discover - Talk to lady at the beginning of Circus Village. She's wearing a big red hat.

Finish - Use closet key on the closet in the Circus Warehouse in Circus Village. Talk to any

36.) Use The See Saw

Discover - Talk to the pig by the top see saw in Circus Village.

Finish - Locate the ball. Roll it to the bottom see saw and roll it onto one end. hit the other
end with the hammer. Climb to the top see saw and do it again.

37.) Let's See the Clown Circus

Discover - Talk to the old man next to the boy in the pig suit in Circus Village.

Finish - Go watch the clown entertain the child after completing, "Let's Help the Clown".

38.) Let's Help the Clown

Discover - Talk to the clown in Circus Village

Finish - The clown wants you to catch him with the trampoline if he falls. Finish this easy
mini game.

39.) Lift the Lid On the Well

Discover - Examine the well in Circus Village.

Finish - Take Paon Grass to the Circus Warehouse in the Circus Village. Slowly lead the flying
paon out to the well.

40.) A Pig Tribe Clown Statue

Discover - Talk to old man in Pig Tribe Hall in Circus Village, after completing, "Let's See the
Clown Circus".

Finish - Take Carpenter Book to man in Pig Tribe Hall.

41.) Capture Evil Earth Pig

Discover - When you get the evil earth pig bag.

Finish - Capture the evil earth pig.

42.) A Mermaid In A Water Tank

Discover - In Water Temple, enter the room next to the round cog crank. Talk to mermaid.

Finish - Give the mermaid the crystal panel. Step on the platform to the left.

43.) Crystal Panel Blocks A Hole

Discover - In the Water Temple, after giving the Crystal Artisian some crystal.

Finish - Give the mermaid the crystal panel in the Water Temple.

44.) Open the Water Gate

Discover - Go straight from the entrance of the Water Temple, you'll see a guy near a crank. Talk
to him.

Finish - Give the round cog to the guy.

45.) The Broken Up Mermaid Harp

Discover - After mermaid gives you a new pig suit in Water Temple.

Finish - Get the 4 pieces :
a.) Low Pitch Pearl
b.) High Pitch Pearl
c.) Harp's Right Side
d.) Harp's Left Side

46.) Sink the White Platform

Discover - In Water Temple, go into the backround and head right. Speak with the guy standing on
the treasure chest.

Finish - There's a switch above the same guy. Hit it to the right with your blackjack.

47.) Wake Up the Giant Fish
Discover - When you find the giant fish located in Water Temple.

Finish - Bring the mermaid her harp.

48.) Find Another Reflector

Discover - After waking the fish, enter the Great Temple and talk to the man.

Finish - Bring the man the mystery reflector.

49.) Capture Evil Water Pig

Discover - When you get the evil water pig bag.

Finish - Capture the evil water pig.

50.) Look For The Last Evil Pig

Discover - When you beat the evil water pig.

Finish - In the Pipe Area. Climb down

51.) The Evil Flame Pig Plate

Discover - Examine the flame statue in the last pig area.

Finish - Cast flame magic on the flame statue in the last pig area.

52.) The Evil Ice Pig Plate

Discover - Examine the ice statue in the last pig area.

Finish - Cast ice magic on the ice statue in Ranch Summit. Near where you found the rare squid.

53.) The Evil Ghost Pig Plate

Discover - Examine the ghost statue in the last pig area.

Finish - Warp to the Laugh/Cry Forest. Cast ghost magic on the statue. It's at the bottom of
the ladder that leades to the Deep Forest.

54.) The Evil Earth Pig Plate

Discover - Examine the earth statue in the last pig area.

Finish - Use Baron to go to Circus Village. You'll see it when you land. Cast earth magic.

55.) The Evil Water Pig Plate

Discover - Examine the water statue in the last pig area.

Finish - Use the Water Temple door underneath the Pipe Area. Head right. You'll see it. Cast
water magic.

56.) Capture the Last Pig

Discover - After completing, "Look For the Last Pig".

Finish - Capture the last pig. It takes 5 throws to beat him.

B.) Optional Quests

1.) A Red Treasure Chest
2.) Adventure's Chest
3.) Adventurer's Clue
4.) Golden Tower
5.) Chick From An Egg
6.) Where Is The Bird's Nest
7.) Feed the Chicks
8.) With the Nishiki Bird
9.) Other Side Of the Waterfall
10.) The Stuck Fishhook Line
11.) Lost and Found
12.) Closed Clamshell
13.) The Tiny Mouse's House
14.) Tiny Mouse's Berry Nuts
15.) Annoying Mushroom
16.) Berry Nuts Harvest
17.) Let's Make A Pot
18.) Lost Clay Spatula
19.) Get Clay From The Mud
20.) What's inside the Mud
21.) The Fuel That Burns Well
22.) Let's Make Dried Fish
23.) Cooking With Tomba
24.) The Best Hash Potatoes
25.) The Cook's Special Menu
26.) Trolley Ticket
27.) Quick! The Trolley!
28.) Make A Light Alloy
29.) Turbo Trolley
30.) The Laughing Door
31.) The Crying Door
32.) Strange Fruit
33.) Normal Fruit
34.) Where's My Son
35.) Getwell Plant Heals Wounds
36.) I'm Thirsty
37.) Oil Smeared Traveler
38.) Laughing Traveler
39.) Invisible Traveler
40.) Starving Traveler
41.) Forgotten Rucksack
42.) Mythical Tower Of Courage
43.) Mythical Tower Of Stength
44.) Mythical Tower Of Wisdom
45.) Sea Anemone's Burning Dregs
46.) Sea Anemone's Ice
47.) Witch's Concoction
48.) Starving Charles
49.) Itchy Charles
50.) Wormy Charles
51.) Potato Bug Eats Leaves
52.) Snow Firefly Nest
53.) Collect Snow Fireflies
54.) Too Dark To See
55.) Holy Tree
56.) Fatigue Curing Spa
57.) A Rare Collection
58.) Taboo Fruit
59.) The Ultimate Sculpture
60.) Holy Pedestal
61.) Ready Or Not! Here I Come!
62.) Who's the Liar
63.) Escaped Kujara
64.) Kujara Washing Shed
65.) Wash the Kujara
66.) The Washing Machine Fuse
67.) A Kujara Washing Expert
68.) Ghost Sticker
69.) Baron Turned To Stone
70.) Switch With Donglin
71.) Secret Of The Aquatic Plant
72.) Unmoving Blessed Priest
73.) Collect Ice Candy
74.) Ball To the Pigs
75.) Tiny Tomba/Mini Tomba
76.) The Nishiki Servants
77.) Precious Ring

1.) A Red Treasure Chest

Discover - Jump on a red chest with out the red key.

Finish - Get the red key and open a red chest.

2.) Adventure's Chest

Discover - Try opening an AP box.

Finish - Open an AP box with enough AP points.

3.) Adventurer's Clue

Discover - When you open the first AP box.

Finish - When you have opened all the AP boxes. 5 in total.

4.) Golden Tower

Discover - Speak with the man in the doorway above the entrance of the Water Temple.

Finish - Bring 5 pig nose panels to the far upper right of Water Temple.

5.) Chick From An Egg

Discover - Smash one of the eggs that are on the see saw at the beginning of the game.

Finish - Collect both of the chicks.

6.) Where Is The Bird's Nest

Discover - Collect the chick that comes from the egg.

Finish - In Town of the Fisherman, climb the tree in the backround at the beginning of the

7.) Feed the Chicks

Discover - When you get the chick food.

Finish - Bring the baby chicks the chick food.

8.) With the Nishiki Bird

Discover - In the Mouse Temple in Water Temple. Go to the big huge fish. Head right and make
yourself small to go thru the cage. Once thru, make a left.

Finish - Make sure you have the Nishiki wings in your possession. Go back to the nest at the
beginning of the game. Make yourself tiny and climb the tree.

9.) Other Side Of the Waterfall

Discover - While on top of the second red roof in Waterfall of the Heavens

Finish - In the Water Temple, where you find the right piece to harp. Go up one platform and go
thru the door behind the waterfall.

10.) The Stuck Fishhook Line

Discover - Talk to the fisherman sitting on a wooden plank towards the end of Waterfall of the

Finish - In the same area, climb to the top of the first red roof. Walk over to the fishing

11.) Lost and Found

Discover - Hit the red and blue barrels in the Town of the Fisherman and the Waterfall of the
Heavens. Make sure they are all red side up.

Finish - Retrieve the golden fishhook that appears and give it to the fisherman on the plank in
Waterfall of the Heavens.

12.) Closed Clamshell

Discover - Enter room to the immediate right of the mermaid room in the Water Temple.

Finish - Bring back the mermaid scale.

13.) The Tiny Mouse's House

Discover - Try going thru a tiny mouse door. They're obvious.

Finish - Make yourself tiny after completing, "Tiny Tomba/Mini Tomba". Then go thru a mouse

14.) Tiny Mouse's Berry Nuts

Discover - Talk to the mouse in the Town of the Fisherman. Obviously he's in his mouse house.

Finish - The mouse wants you to collect nuts for them. Collect 100 nuts in this rather easy
mini game.

15.) Annoying Mushroom

Discover - Talk to the same mouse in the Town Of The Fisherman a second time.

Finish - Give the spoon to the mouse.

16.) Berry Nuts Harvest

Discover - After giving the spoon to the mouse in the Town of the Fisherman.

Finish - Complete the mini game a second time. This time collecting 200 nuts.

17.) Let's Make A Pot

Discover - When you find the clay spatula.

Finish - Bring master's pot to the guy who's pot you broke in the Coal Mining Town.

18.) Lost Clay Spatula

Discover - A man in the tool shed in Coal Mining Town.

Finish - Give the man the clay spatula.

19.) Get Clay From The Mud

Discover - After completing, "Lost Clay Spatula".

Finish - Bring the guy back some clay.

20.) What's inside the Mud

Discover - Get a mudball in the Pipe Area.

Finish - Wash the mudball in the Underground Machine Room in Coal Mining Town.

21.) The Fuel That Burns Well

Discover - When you get the power coal.

Finish - Go thru the door on the top floor of Gran's House. Follow conveyor belts to the end.
Talk with the first guy you see. Must have the power coal.

22.) Let's Make Dried Fish

Discover - Take a small fish to the man in House on the Point. Town of the Fisherman.

Finish - Make a dried fish.

23.) Cooking With Tomba

Discover - In the Coal Mining Town, read the sign about how to make steak in the cafeteria.

Finish - In the same cafeteria there are two big pieces of meat by the chef. Take one and cook
it in the kiln in the underground passage. The one that opens when you fill in the

24.) The Best Hash Potatoes

Discover - In the Coal Mining Town, read the sign about the potatoes in the cafeteria.

Finish - Take a potato to the hot water spout in Pipe Area. Place potato under the spout. Hit
switch with the hammer TWICE. Collect the boiled potato.

25.) The Cook's Special Menu

Discover - Talk to the chef in the cafeteria in Coal Mining Town.

Finish - Make each of the three sandwiches.

26.) Trolley Ticket

Discover - When you get the trolley ticket.

Finish - Take the ticket to the operator of the Trolley in the Pipe Area

27.) Quick! The Trolley!

Discover - Talk to the operator of the Trolley after completing, "Trolley Ticket".

Finish - Beat the Trolley mini game. Have fun. heh.

28.) Make A Light Alloy

Discover - When you get the low purity lightomite

Finish - Combine the high lightomite and the high hardonium in the combinging machine.
Underground Machine Room in Coal Mining Town.

29.) Turbo Trolley

Discover - Go back to Trolley after completing, "Make A Light Alloy".

Finish - Complete the mini game with the new trolley.

30.) The Laughing Door

Discover - Try entering a door with a smile face on it.

Finish - Eat a laughing fruit and laugh in front of the door. Fruits are in the Laugh/Cry

31.) The Crying Door

Discover - Try entering a door with a frown face on it.

Finish - Eat a crying fruit and cry in front of door. Crying fruits are in the Laugh/Cry

32.) Strange Fruit

Discover - Talk to the man in the Crying door in Laugh/Cry Forest.

Finish - Go inside the crying door in Ranch Summit. Open the blue chest.

33.) Normal Fruit

Discover - Talk to the other man in the Crying door in Laugh/Cry Forest.

Finish - Go inside the laughing door in the Pipe Area.

34.) Where's My Son

Discover - Lady in the house near the entrance of Coal Mining Town.

Finish - Visit lady again after completing, "Getwell Plants For Healing".

35.) Getwell Plant Heals Wounds

Discover - When you get the Getwell plant.

Finish - Give to a boy near the beginning of Circus Village.

36.) I'm Thirsty

Discover - Talk to the man in the first door of the Pipe Area.

Finish - Bring him a bucket of cold water.

37.) Oil Smeared Traveler

Discover - Talk to the man in the corner of the Operations Room in Ranch Summit.

Finish - Take a steak to the chef in Coal Mining Town. Then take the sandwich to this traveler.

38.) Laughing Traveler

Discover - Talk to man in the laughing door in the Laugh/Cry Forest.

Finish - Bring him a hash brown sandwich.

39.) Invisible Traveler

Discover - Talk to man in a house near the entrance of Circus Village.

Finish - Give some dried fish to the chef in Coal Mining Town. Give the sandwich to this

40.) Starving Traveler

Dicover - Talk to the man in the room above the main entrance of the Water Temple.

Finish - Give him a basket of food.

41.) Forgotten Rucksack

Discover - The Starving Traveler mentions this.

Finish - Climb the Holy Tree in the Ranch Area. Fly all the way right. Pick up sack and go down
the ladder.

42.) Mythical Tower Of Courage

Discover - In the Pipe Area, travel right to the first pipe. Climb down the ladder between the
first two steamb bursts. head right and jup onto the tiny ledge embedded in the wall.
Cast the 1/2 spell of courage.

Finish - Comeback when you have the whole spell of courage. Cast it and walk thru the door.

43.) Mythical Tower Of Stength

Discover - In the Ranch Area, get up to the floating see saws. Head left along the see saws to
the far left wall. Cast the 1/2 spell of strength.

Finish - Come back when you have the whole spell of strength. Cast it and walk thru the door.

44.) Mythical Tower Of Wisdom

Discover - Far bottom left of the Deep Forest. After the yellow blocks. Cast the 1/2 spell of

Finish - Come back when you have the whole spell of wisdom. Cast it and walk thru the door.

45.) Sea Anemone's Burning Dregs

Discover - When enemy is thrown into a pink anemone's mouth in the Pipe Area.

Finish - Throw enemies into both of the anemone's mouths.

46.) Sea Anemmone's Ice

Discover - Mizuno the Witch mentions it. She's in the laughing door in the Forest Entrance.

Finish - Give her two Sea Anemone's Digs.

47.) Witch's Concoction

Discover - Talk to Mizuno in Forest Entrance (laughing door).

Finish - Bring her two Anemone's Icy Dregs.

48.) Starving Charles

Discover - In a house in Coal Mining Town.

Finish - Bake a banana in the kiln in Coal Mining Town. Give it to Charles.

49.) Itchy Charles

Discover - Talk to Charles in the tool she of Ranch Summit.

Finish - Give the itching salve to Charles.

50.) Wormy Charles

Discover - Talk to Charles in the little cave below the ghost door in Deep Forest.

Finish - Jump on caterpillar after completing, "Potato Bug Eates Leaves".

51.) Potato Bug Eats Leaves

Discover - Potato bug hanging from a string on the last see saw in Deep Forest.

Finish - Make the right hand set of see saw's be in a downward chain so caterpillar can crawl
down to the leaf on the ground

52.) Snow Firefly Nest

Discover - In Ranch Summit, head FAR right. You'll see the nest suspended in mid air. Jump on it.

Finish - In the same area, above the bird and to the left there is a ledge. Grapple your way up
there and push the boulder to the right. Collect the fireflies that are released.

53.) Collect Snow Fireflies

Discover - When you catch your first snow firefly.

Finish - Bring 20 snow fireflies to the man standing next to a cage in the upper left corner of
the Forest Entrance.

54.) Too Dark To See

Discover - Go into the first room after the round cog crank in the Water Temple.

Finish - Bring him the snow firefly box.

55.) Holy Tree

Discover - Investigate the small stone stump in the Ranch Area. It's to the right of the blue
anemone on the high ledge.

Finish - Pour holy water on the stone.

56.) Fatigue Curing Spa

Discover - When you first enter Kujara Summit, talk to Kainen.

Finish - Fill the spa with hot water. You can get it from the spout in the Pipe Area. Far

57.) A Rare Collection

Discover - In Ranch Summit, go down the hole with the ladder attached. Talk to the guy.

Finish - Bring the man the 4 rare life forms
a.) Crab
b.) Squid
c.) Shrimp
d.) Fish

58.) Taboo Fruit

Discover - The guy who you give the rare life forms to will mention it after you have collected
all of the life forms.

Finish - Enter a taboo state using the source in the same room. Warp to Ranch Area. Climb the
Holy Tree. Fly high and right. Drop down ladder and enter the box.

59.) The Ultimate Sculpture

Discover - When the ice block is given to the sculptor in Ranch Summit.

Finish - Come back later when he's done.

60.) Holy Pedestal

Discover - Go wayyyyy right in Water Temple. Step on the pedestal.

Finish - Go back and visit the sculptor in Ranch Summit. He gives you the statue. Take it back
and put it on the holy pedestal.

61.) Ready Or Not! Here I Come!

Discover - Talk to the girls in the Operations Room in Ranch Summit.

Finish - Find the 3 girls in Ranch Area:
a.) There's one stuck in the rock cliff to the right of the area. Pick up the
snowball and throw it into the bottom hole.
b.) On a ledge in the far right side of the area. Near the Snow Firefly Nest.
c.) Stand underneath the area where the lady in the cliff was. Climb the ladder and
go left thru the cave.

62.) Who's the Liar

Discover - Talk to the girls in the Operations Room of Ranch Summit after completing, "Ready Or
Not, Here I Come.

Finish - Play their mini game.

63.) Escaped Kujara

Discover - Talk to the man in Summit Shed after you beat the ice pig.

Finish - Find the 3 Kujara in the Summit. Really easy.

64.) Kujara Washing Shed

Discover - Try entering the Washing Shed in Ranch Summit.

Finish - Talk to the guy outside of the sculptor's house in Ranch Summit. Go back to the shed.

65.) Wash The Kujara

Discover - Talk to the man in the Kujara Washing Shed.

Finish - Play his mini game. This can be quite annoying. Heh.

66.) The Washing Machine Fuse

Discover - When you find the large fuse.

Finish - Give it to the man in the Kujara Washing Shed after playing the mini game.

67.) A Kujara Washing Expert

Discover - Talk to the man in the Kujara Washing Shed a 2nd time.

Finish - Complete the mini game. Super annoying.

68.) Ghost Sticker

Discover - Try going thru a door with a ghost on it.

Finish - While invisible, go thru a door with a ghost on it.

69.) Baron Turned To Stone

Discover - Examine the statue at the beginning of the Laugh/Cry Forest.

Finish - Pour holy water on him.

70.) Switch With Donglin

Discover - Go inside the laughing door in the Laugh/Cry Forest.

Finish - In the same room, push the block into the groove in the floor. Step on the block.

71.) Secret Of The Aquatic Plant

Discover - Break an aquatic bouncy plant. These things are obvious

Finish - Break em all over the world. Speak with the mermaid that's above the main entrance of
the Water Temple.

72.) Unmoving Blessed Priest

Discover - Talk to the pig near the fountain in Circus Village.

Finish - Water all the flowers in the world. Come back to the fountain in Circus Village.

73.) Collect Ice Candy

Discover - Talk to the pig in the house near the boy in the pig suit.

Finish - Bring about 30 pieces of ice candy back to him.

74.) Ball To The Pigs

Discover - Learn of it after completing, "Collect Ice Candy".

Finish - Bring him back the 5 tiny pigs.

75.) Tiny Tomba/Mini Tomba

Discover - After getting the rare crab, continue upward. Talk to man that is standing next to a
large crank that holds 4 gears.

Finish - Bring the man the other 3 gears that you've found throughout the game. You need to go
retrieve these from their respective locations.
a.) Town of the Fisherman
b.) Ranch Summit
c.) Circus Village

76.) The Nishiki Servants

Discover - After completing, "With the Nishiki".

Finish - Go inside the mouse house in Circus Village. Talk to Bluie and go head back to the
mouse temple.

77.) Precious Ring

Discover - Talk to the man in the corner of the Coal Mining Town after you beat the Flame pig.

Finish - Take the man the Miner's Ring.

III.) Evil Pig Locations

1. Evil Earth Pig High in the air of the Kujara Ranch. Above the see saws.

2. Evil Flame Pig Drop into the water in the Forest Entrance. Head left and
enter the cave.

3. Evil Ghost Pig Underneath the pipe that leads to the Trolley Entrance in the
Pipe Area.

4. Evil Ice Pig The "Other Side of the Waterfall" Room in the Water Temple.

5. Evil Water Pig Climb on to the first red roof in the Waterfall of the Heavens.
Look to your right. You'll see it in the air.

6. The Last Evil Pig Climb down the right chain under the drawbridge in the Pipe
Area. Talk to Kainen.


1/2 Spell of Courage Receive it after completing, "Let's Make A Pot."

1/2 Spell of Courage Receive it after completing, "Where's My Son".

1/2 Spell of Strength The 3 girls in the Ranch Summit Operations Room give it to
you after the "Who's the Liar" mission.

1/2 Spell of Strength The mermaid gives it to you after completing, "Closed

1/2 Spell of Wisdom Man in Summit Shed. After completing, "Escaped Kujara".

1/2 Spell of Wisdom Learn it after completing, "Too Dark To See."

Anemone's Icy Dregs In Ranch Summit. Climb pole to top. Fly Right. Throw spike enemy
into the Anemone's mouth. Use fire hammer to break ice. Second
one is nearby. Throw either the snowball or the guy (after
beating the ice pig) into the anemone's mouth. Repeat process.

Anemone's Burning Dregs In the Pipe Area. Throw an enemy into both of the pink anemone's

Baked Banana Take the bananas and bake em in the kiln in the Underground
Machine Room in the Coal Mining Town.

Banana Hanging on the chain under the drawbridge in Pipe Area.

Baron Get him after completing, "Baron Turned To Stone".

Boiled Potato Boil a potato by using the hot water spout in Pipe Area.

Big Piece Of Meat In the cafeteria of Coal Mining Town. It's right nect to the
Big Sack On a protruding ledge to the left of the ice pole in Kujara
Ranch. Hidden in a snow clump.

Bird Clothes Receive them from the fisherman in Waterfall of the Heavens
after completing, "The Stuck Fishook Line.:

Blue Chick Inside an egg on the 2nd see saw at the beginning of the game.

Blue Fruit Suspended in the air on the left side of the Forest Entrance.

Blue Key Artist gives it to you after you give him the blue fruit.

Boomerang On the bridge that gets raised in Town of the Fisherman.

Bombs After getting the hammer. Go to the beginning of the Pipe Area.
Hit the post outside of the door with the hammer. Go inside.

Bucket In Town of the Fisherman it's hanging on a string in front of
the burning house.

Bucket After completing, "Turbo Trolley".

Carpenter's Book From the well in Circus Village. You get it after you complete,
"Let's Lift the Lid".

Chicks Food A red chest in Pipe Area.

Clay Collect a mudball from the pulley under the drawbridge. Leave
the are and come back for another one. Go wash em.

Clay Spatula Go across the street from the guy who's missing it. Talk to the
man. After he leaves, inspect the pot on the table.

Clear Fruit Go into the ghost door in the Deep Forest.

Closet Key Give triangle gear to the pig in the house by the top see saw,
while in Circus Village. Cross bridge that is formed. Get key on
the doorway.

Coal Mine Bell In blue chest behind the stakes in Coal Miner Town.

Cold Powder Received after completing, "Witch's Concoction".

Crab Basket In the Waterfall of the Heavens. To the left of the raised
bridge, on one of the levers.

Crystal In the Water Temple. Go right, past the round cog crank. Kill
the giank crab thingy. It's in plain sight.

Crystal Panel Crystal Artisian gives it to you after you bring him some
crystal. Water Temple.

Doka Pin At the top of the Wisdom Tower. Need the torch hammer. White

Donglin Bell Receive it after you kill the guard in Forest Entrance.

Dried Fish Use a small fish in the drying net in the Town of the Fisherman.
Raise the net then leave the area. Come back later and claim
your dried fish.

Earth Pig Bag In the underground passage of Circus Village. After you break
the statue.

Fast Pants Red chest in Win's Windmill.

Fire Hammer After completing, "Bring the Big Sack".

Flame Pig Bag Gran gives it to you after completing, "Deliver It To Gran".

Getwell Plant Get it from a pig in Circus Village. Climb down the ladder to a
ledge. Go inside the door.

Ghost Pig Bag Receive it after completing, "Use Rock Crabs For Balance."

Glacier Boomerang Top floor of the Tower of Courage. Green chest.

Golden Crab Receive one from Kainen after putting the fire out in Town of
the Fisherman. The other two are in the Waterfall of the Heavens
on the planks and on the first red roof.

Golden Fishhook Find it after you hit the barrels in Town of the Fisherman and
the Waterfall of the Heavens. Make sure all the barrels are red
side up. It'll be in the first canal in Waterfall of the

Golden Moon Beat the man twice at the Kujara Washing mini game in Ranch

Golden Powder From the pig in the Golden Tower. Bring the Golden Sun, the
Golden Moon, the Golden Star, the Doka Pin, the Torch Hammer,
and the Glacier Boomerang.

Golden Star Finish the "Berry Nut Gathering Harvest" mission.

Golden Sun Get it after completing, "Turbo Trolley".

Grapple Hit wooden pegs in the Laugh/Cry Forest with your hammer.

Green Key Receive it after completing, "The Hidden Diary".

Green Pants You start with these pants.

Hammer In the Trolley area after completing, "Wash the Strange Lump."

Harp's Left Side In the water tank room of the Water Temple.

Harp's Right Side In Water Temple, after getting rare crab, continue up all the
way. On left in a blue chest.

Hash Brown Sandwich Bring a boiled potato to the vhef in Pipe Area.

Hexagon Gear Frozen in an ice block in Ranch Summit.

High Pitch Pearl White chest next to where you find the white key.

High Purity Hardonium Throw the low purity hardonium into the kiln in the Underground
Machine Room in Coal Mining Town.

High Purity Lightomite Throw the low purity lightomite into the kiln in the Underground
Machine Room in Coal Mining Town.

Hot Powder After giving Mizuno the Anemone's burning dregs.

Ice Boomerang Get it in the Pipe Area. On a platform that is raised with the

Ice Candy Cast ice magic on an enemy.

Ice Pig Bag Receive it after completing, "Static Explosion".

Itching Salve Climb the ladder that gets raised in Ranch Summit. Fly left. It
is frozen in an ice block.

Large Fuse In the tool shed in Ranch Summit.

Light Alloy Combine the high purity hardonium and the high purity lightomite
in the combining machine in the Underground Machine Room in the
Coal Mining Town.

Light Cutting Box Go to the guy who's collecting snow fireflies in the Donglin
Forest. Go inside the ghost door next to him.

Low Pitch Pearl In Water Temple, go to the backround. Head all the way right.
Head up and left all the way. Go up again and then right. Ride
the second waterfall down.

Low Purity Hardonium Wash one of the first mudballs you find in Pipe Area.

Low Purity Lightomite Wash one of the first mudballs you find in Pipe Area.

Master's Pot Receive it after giving the clay to the guy in the tool shed of
the Coal Mining Town.

Max Vitality Charles gives it to you after completing, "Wormy Charles".

Mermaid Bucket Mermaid gives it to you after you complete, "Secret of the
Aquatic Plant".

Mermaid's Harp When all 4 pieces of the harp are collected.

Mermaid Scale Receive it after giving the fisherman his golden fishhook.
Waterfall of the Heavens.

Miner's Ring Go to the Pipe Area. Go over to where the two chains under the
drawbridge are. Look to your left and you'll see a pipe. Grapple
underneath it. when you get to where the pipe curves up, drop
straight down. You'll fall into a small room with a small
mudball for washing. Well wash it.

Minnita Bell Go inside the mouse house in the Water Temple.

Minnita Mushroom After gaining the ability to make yourself small, visit the
mouse house in the Town of the Fisherman.

Mountain Peach On a green vine in Kujara Ranch. You can't miss it. Swing on the
posts to get yourself high enough to land on the peach.

Mudballs Found in Pipe Area by bringing up platforms on the chains.

Mystery Mushroom Inside the crying door in Ranch Summit.

Mystery Reflector From an egg on the far right side of Kujara Ranch. Near the Snow
Firefly nest.

Nishiki's Wings Mouse in the Mouse Temple gives it to you. Water Temple. In the
cage by the big fish.

Normal Fruit Inside laughing door in the Pipe Area.

Paon Grass Old man in the Pig Tribe Hall gives it to you. Clown Village.

Pig Ball Get it after completing, "Collect Ice Candy."

Pig Clothes In the closet in Circus Warehouse.

Pig Nose Panels These are located in the AP chests around the world.

Power Coal Red chest in Pipe Area.

Rare Crab In Water Temple. Go far far right. Stand next to edge on the
platform with water faucet. Cast an earth pig spell (while
wearing robe). Climb the two steps that form.

Rare Fish Hanging on a string at the beginning of Town of the Fisherman.

Rare Shrimp Hit toadstool in Laugh/Cry Forest with your hammer.

Rare Squid On a ledge in Ranch Summit. Inside of an aquatic plant.

Red Chick Inside an egg on the first see saw at the beginning of the game.

Red Key Receive it after completing, "Win's Windmill".

Rock Crab Far bottom left of Deep Forest.

Round Cog On a pillar, near beginning of the Water Temple.

Seeds Of Strength Collect them during the Trolley mini game.

Small Fish Find themon the ground through out the Town of the Fisherman.

Snow Fireflies 10 in Kujara Ranch. 1 in the Forest Entrance. 5 in the Snow
Firefly nest. 4 with the guy who wants them all.

Spoon In the Waterfall of the Heavens. Between two aquatic plants near
the planks.

Squirrel Clothes Open the green chest to the immediate left when you first get
the green key.

Star Shaped Cog Hanging from the net in Town of the Fisherman.

Steak Sandwich Bring a big piece of meat to the chef in Pipe Area.

Swimming Pig Suit Mermaid in Water Temple gives it to you after rescuing her.

Taboo Fruit Receive after completing, "Taboo Fruit."

Tiny Flame Pig Hit a pig with the pig ball in Pipe Area.

Tiny Flying Pig Hit a pig with the pig ball in the Town of the Fisherman.

Tiny Ghost Pig Hit a pig with the pig ball in the Forest.

Tiny Ice Pig Hit a pig with the pig ball in Ranch Area.

Tiny Water Pig Hit a pig with the pig ball in the Water Temple.

Toradako Remover Man gives it to you after beating the Kujara Washing mini game
for the first time. In Ranch Summit.

Torch Hammer In the strength tower. Blue chest.

Traveler's Diary Go down the chimney in the Ranch Area. Push the block left. Open
the chest.

Triangle Gear Received after you complete, "Use the See-Saw".

Trolley Rail Gran drops it after completing, "Blast the Rock".

Trolley Ticket Get it from a man inside the tool shed in the Coal Mining Town.

Turbo Pants In the red treasure chest outside of the house that you go thru
to get to Deep Forest.

Water Pig Bag After completing, "Wake the Giant Fish". Go inside the Great
Temple and place the Mystery Reflector on the pedestal. Go thru
the door that opens up.

White Key In the Water Temple. Open the chest after you complete, "Sink
the White Platform".

IV.) Final Thoughts

1. Acknowledgements
Well at the time of this walkthrough's release i have no one to acknowledge. I have
achieved all of this info on my own. I know that i am missing stuff and when people give me
info that i can use i will give them due credit.
Actually that's not true... see my cleverness. I'm trying to trick you. heh. My roommate
Shawn and my girlfriend Mel deserve credit for helping solve some of these perplexing puzzles.
Thanks people.

2/04/99 - Well i have some people to thank now. Finally! Special thanks go out to: - for giving me the peace of mind i needed to solve the Precious
Ring quest. Thanks man.
Ryan at - For giving me the knowledge of even MORE quests
to solve if you have the previously saved original
Tomba quest. More info on this when i go out and
rent or buy the first one.
2. My Feeble Plea For Help
Please feel free to contact me with anything that i may be missing. That said, contact me
freely with info. When i deem that this walkthrough is 100% complete then i will post my thoughts
and stop accepting emails with further info.

3. Stupidity Sucks
I am not one of high patience to deal with stupid people. And by stupid i mean this.
Don't email me with a question about something that is so obviously in this document. It'll show
me that you are lazy and never took the time to look. I have better things to do than answer
these ridculous questions. If this happens i will ignore you and laugh behind your back. And
don't try to pass this off as your own. Be a little more original than that.

4. Contact Info

Email ------
ICQ ------ 36326616
AOL ------ WilsonPhish

5. Disclaimer
Being the author of this document, i own it. If you feel the need to add this to your
website i require the permission of me, the website that you will put it on, and proper credit
to the author, which is me. You are in no way to alter it or try to pass it off as your own.
That would be called plagarism. If i find out differently then i will persure it in my own
little way :) I hereby copyright this document in the year 2000.

6. Revisions and Such
2/03/99 ---- The time i submitted this.
2/04/99 ---- Added the Precious Ring quest. Added a few more items. Updated the Acknowledgement
2/07/99 ---- Added more to the items list.

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