

02.10.2013 15:11:33


Players: 1-4
Console: Playstation 2
Genre: Action/Fighting
Requirements: PS2 DualShock Controller
Memory Card: 70KB
Author: RedClyde
AIM: WoundedKneeSFX
Yahoo: xredclydex
Homepage: The Ultimate Bouncer Website (
First Created: 10/6/01
Last Updated: 10/30/01
Version: 1.6


The Bouncer belongs to Squaresoft and Dream Factory. This guide belongs to me
and if you want to use it on your site, contact me first. Printing it out for
your own personal use is fine, but don't use this for profit. I sure didn't
make any money out of this, so why should anyone else?



0.1 Contents
0.2 Update History

1.1 Bouncer Intro
1.2 Controls and Terminology
1.3 Bouncer Points
1.4 Trinity Rushes
1.5 Extra Game

2.1 Sion Barzahd
2.2 Volt Krueger
2.3 Kou Leifoh
2.4 Dominique Cross
2.5 Echidna
2.6 Mugetsu
2.6a Mugetsu(masked)
2.6b Mugetsu(unmasked)
2.7 Kaldea Orchid
2.8 PD-4
2.9 Wong Leung
2.10 Leann Caldwell
2.11 Dauragon C. Mikado
2.11a Dauragon (1-Handed)
2.11b Dauragon (2-Handed)
2.11c Dauragon (Leather)
2.11d Dauragon (Final)

3.1 Sion Walkthrough
3.2 Volt Walkthrough
3.3 Kou Walkthrough
3.4 Loading Screen Texts

4.1 One-on-One Strategies
4.2 Three- and Four-Way Strategies

5.1 PD-4 Survival Walkthrough
5.2 Leather Dauragon Survival Walkthrough

6.1 Unlocked Endings
6.2 Unlocked Characters
6.3 Unlocked Levels

7.1 Kou
7.2 Beta Combos

8.0 FAQ



Version 1.6 (10/30/01) - Added Custom Combos section and put in my custom
combos for Kou and untested combos. Also put in some ASCII art. Hey! Stop
laughing! ;)

Version 1.4 (10/25/01) - Added the rest of the Versus strategies as well as
other little updates.

Version 1.2 (10/11/01) - Added more Versus strats, my two survival guides, a
Volt walkthrough which I was missing, and some other touch-ups.

Version 1.0 (10/6/01) - I just got the guide started, but I put in a lot of
stuff. However, I'm still missing many things...I'll definitely get those
done when I find the time between school work and well, actually playing The
Bouncer and Other games.



Sion, a man haunted by a tragic past
Within him lies strength and kindness, but also great sorrow
All this will change when he meets a girl named Dominique
These are the residents of DOG STREET
- Intro to The Bouncer

The Bouncer is a wonderful Squaresoft/Dreamfactory game that combines the
elements of both RPGs and action/fighting genres. Mixed with very good
graphics and voice acting, this game is remarkable as it if fun.

There are three modes of play. Story Mode, where you go through the game
using either Sion, Kou, or Volt. Depending on who you choose, the story goes
different ways. A majority of characters and costumes are unlocked in Story
Mode, as are ALL Versus levels. Also, the rank that you are once you beat a
Boss is the rank they'll be in Versus Mode and Survival Mode. To max everyone
out, you must get Sion, Kou, and Volt, all at Rank S(the highest).

Now, in Story Mode, you fight enemies and for each one you kill, you receive
Bonus Points(BP). As you spend the BP you earn in battles, your rank goes up.
The lowest and starting rank is Rank G, then it goes up to F, E, D, C, B, A,
ad finally S once you buy everything. The things you can "buy" with your BP
include moves and stats for the character you chose to use. But a unique thing
about the Bouncer is that, you get the choice of choosing what character you
want to use before EVERY battle, and also get to save your game/spend BP after
every battle. This makes the game more fun, in my opinion.

Now, Versus Mode is where you can fight up to three computers, or have the
comps fight themselves, or get your friends to play too. You can pick from
levels and characters you unlocked in Story Mode.

Survival Mode poses the biggest challenge that I have ever had in a
videogame. You have to go through 10 levels and 50 grueling enemies using
only one character and one lifebar.

Oh yeah, I have to mention this. The game is short. The Story Mode takes
roughly an hour and a little more if you're not experienced. Now, for me, this
makes it all the better, but some take one look at it and throw it away. This
is a mistake, because the game is fun if you try.


There are special terms in The Bouncer that refer to moves. If you don't know
these terms, you'll have a hard time understanding some things that are said
by not only me, but others as well.

H - a strong, high attack. Firmly press Triangle to activate this.
h - a weak, high attack. Lightly tap Triangle to activate this.
M - a strong, middle attack. Firmly press the Square button to activate this.
m - a weak, middle attack. Lightly tap the Square button to activate this.
L - a strong, low attack. Firmly press the X button to activate this.
l - a weak, low attack. Lightly tap the X button to activate this.
J - a strong, jump attack. Firmly press the Circle button to activate this.
j - a weak, jump attack. Lightly tap the Circle button to activate this.
ES - means "Extra Skill". Press L1 to activate this.
Block - R1. This blocks any incoming attacks, however, it doesn't stop throw
attacks. You can only block until you still have Defense left. After it runs
out you can't block anymore.
Taunt - activated by R2. Does nothing except triggering Trinity Rushes in
Story mode.
BP - abbreviation for Bouncer Points.

And here are the out-of-battle controls.

X - accept command
Triangle - cancel command
Circle/Square - nothing
Start - opens up menu(in Story Mode only)
R1/R2/L1/L2 - change character's costume in Versus and Survival Modes


Bouncer Points are earned after every enemy you kill. Some enemies give more
BP than others. Usually, robots give the most. Bosses give even more. You
should always strive to kill as many enemies as possible, and if you can, kill
everyone. Why? Because BP is what you need to become stronger.

After every fight, you have the chance to use the BP you have on the
character you chose for the fight. There are several things you can do with
your BP. You can raise your stats(Life, Power, Defense) or buy moves that you
will be able to use for every following fight.

Not only do BP make you stronger, but it has a big effect on characters in
Versus and Survival Mode. See, there is a Rank system in this game. When you
first start off in Story Mode, Sion, Kou, and Volt are all Rank G. As you buy
more moves/stats, their rank will go up. From G to F, then E, D, C, B, A, and
finally S. Like I said before, before each battle you choose which character
to use. Well, depending on what Rank that character is when you defeat a Boss,
that will be the Boss's rank in Versus and Survival Mode. To max out the Ranks
for all the characters in those two modes you must get all three bouncer to
Rank S in Story Mode.

The last aspect of the BP system is chains. Everytime you kill an enemy,
words show up on the screen that say "Received XX Bouncer Points". Well, if
you kill another enemy while those words are still on your screen, you'll get
a chain bonus. If you chain two enemies, the last enemy's BP is doubled. If
you chain three enemies, the second enemy's BP is doubled, and the third is
tripled. After that the fourth enemy's BP gets quadrupled, and finally the
fifth gets...uh, well, multiplied by 8(don't know what the short version is).
But once you get to 8, it won't go up anymore(the multiple I mean, but the BP
of that enemy will still be multiplied by 8). However, just because I've been
explaining it like this it may sound easy. Well, getting a double chain or
triple chain may be easy, but anything past that is hard. You may have to wait
until the character's single events to do this and even then you'll have to
fight really carefully.


Trinity Rushes are special attacks that you can do in Story Mode. Each of the
three bouncers has a taunt. Once one of them activates it, quickly activate
your own taunt(R2) and a Trinity Rush will follow. This is a special FMV where
the bouncers execute some painful-looking attacks on the enemy. However,
although the Trinity Rushes may look damaging, they really don't do that much
damage if the enemy is almost dying already. The reason is Trinity Rushes do
damage based on a percentage of how much life the enemy has left. It damages
all enemies in the battle, though, so try to pull these off when you can.

The three bouncers each have their own Trinity Rush. Kou has two, one of
human and dog enemies, and another for robot enemies.

Remember, Trinity Rushes can only be done in Story Mode, even though it may
seem like they are possible in Team Battle as well.


Once you beat Story Mode, you have the choice to save your game as a cleared
save. You can then load this game up as an Extra Game. All the moves and stats
of your last game will be carried over. The enemies get stronger too, however,
but that adds fun to the game.

Also, on your third time through the game there will be an extra boss at the
end of the game...



Age: 19
Height: 5'9"
Fighting Style: A personalized style of both kenpo and street fighting.
Manual Bio: A bouncer at the bar, "Fate". He lost his love two years ago,
which has caused him to distance himself from others. However, Dominique's
innocence is slowly helping Sion to open up again. Sion always wears silver
necklaces, and his favorite brand of clothing is DOG STREET.

My Bio: Sion led a hectic life from the beginning. He somehow wound up on the
streets and was taken in by Wong Leung. The old man taught him the arts, and
together they led a very happy life. However, when Wong suddenly disapears,
and Sion's close friend, Kaldea, dies, Sion is transformed into a suicidal
man and forgets most of his training. He is once again roaming the streets,
but this time the cause is madness. In his search to find someone who can
kill him, he discovers a bar named Fate where he fights the bouncer there,
Volt. After doing well against him, the Boss of Fate proposes that Sion work
for him, and Sion agrees saying he's only doing it until he can beat Volt.
Little did he know that job would change his life forever...

LIFE (205)
POWER (200)

Life > 200 > 300 > 400 > 500 > 700 > 1000 > 1500
Power > 200 > 300 > 400 > 500 > 700 > 1000 > 1500
Defense > 200 > 300 > 400 > 500 > 700 > 1000 > 1500

400 > Buster Throw
600 > Torpedo Kick
1000 > Ground Sweep
1200 > Floating Mine
1600 > Tornado Uppercut
2000 > Double Knuckle
2800 > Hurricane Blitz



Age: 27
Height: 6'4"
Fighting Style: A professional wrestling style that makes use of his massive
Manual Bio: A bouncer at Fate. For some reason, he is very well-informed
about the Mikado Group. Though he has a quiet demeanor, Volt's size,
strength, and distinct facial piercings instill fear in most people.

My Bio: Volt has a mysterious past. Little is known about his early life.
However, he revels that he was the personal guard to the original Mikado.
This proves why he knows so much. He was also betrayed by Echidna, and that
led to their current hate for each other. His real beef with Dauragon: to
avenge Master Mikado.

LIFE (225)
POWER (205)

Life > 160 > 240 > 320 > 400 > 560 > 800 > 1200
Power > 160 > 240 > 320 > 400 > 560 > 800 > 1200
Defense > 160 > 240 > 320 > 400 > 560 > 800 > 1200

960 > Shoulder Uppercut
1000 > Hammer Typhoon
1200 > Lift Up Slam
1500 > Power Bridge
1800 > Cannonball Strike
2400 > Earthshaker
3500 > Giant Swing



Age: 25
Height: 6'0"
Fighting Style: A style that uses Tae Kwon Do's ferocious long-range kicks.
Manual Bio: A bouncer at Fate. A man of many words, he is cocky and sets the
mood for the rest of the group. Fortunately, he is not all talk; he also has
the skills to back up his smart mouth.

My Bio: He left his home early in his life due to his mom's lack of
cooperation to Kou's martial arts interest. After that he really got into
martial arts, and eventually wound up joining LUKIS. His latest assignment
is what drives him to join Fate and ultimately gets him mixed up in the whole

LIFE (200)
POWER (185)

Life > 220 > 330 > 440 > 550 > 770 > 1100 > 1650
Power > 220 > 330 > 440 > 550 > 770 > 1100 > 1650
Defense > 220 > 330 > 440 > 550 > 770 > 1100 > 1650

320 > Heel Smash
400 > Circular Uppercut
550 > Double Spin Kick
750 > Mountain Storm
1000 > Lightning Smash
1200 > Tiger Spin Kick
1500 > Tiger Frenzy
2500 > Raging Tiger



Age: 15
Height: 4'10"
Fighting Style: Custom
Manual Bio: Before Sion rescued her, she was just a girl lost in the city,
with nowhere to go. A cheerful, simple, and innocent girl, Dominique has
become a sort of a mascot for the bar Fate. Sion and his friends get into a
lot of trouble because of her.

LIFE (140)
POWER (255)



Age: 25
Height: 5'6"
Fighting Style: Capoeira
Manual Bio: A supervisor in the Mikado Group. She is arrogant, and hates to
lose. She boasts a flamboyant outfit and a very unique hairstyle. Echidna
has some sort of history with Volt.

My Bio: Echidna joined the Mikado group and soon found herself working close
to Volt. The man was always one-upping her; a fact she did not like.
Eventually, she helps someone assassinate Mikado and frame Volt. Then she
deals a few gunshots to Volt's head. They meet again during the game, and
that haunting past comes rushing back.

LIFE (200)
POWER (175)



Age: Approximetely 30
Height: 5'11"
Fighting Style: Profane/Insane Arts
Manual Bio: The head of the Mikado Special Forces Unit. With the aid of his
henchman, and his superhuman abilities, he kidnaps Dominique.

My Bio: A man who was experimented on. The results have left his mind
unstable. Halfway through the game we see how unstable his mind really is!
Now leading the Special Forces, he is a true example of what Dauragon's
twisted experiments can create.

2.6a Mugetsu(Masked)

LIFE (210)
POWER (200)


2.6b Mugetsu(Unmasked)

LIFE (220)
POWER (210)



Age: Unknown
Height: 5'5"
Fighting Style: Transcendental
Manual Bio: A beautiful woman who holds within her a great sorrow. She is the
only one who truly understands Dauragon, and is always by his side.

My Bio: Experimented on by Dauragon using Bionoid technology. The purpose was
to help attain information that could help in Dauragon's plans. Kaldea has
gained an impressive ability due to the experiments. She can transform into a
panther and back on whim! However, she always seems to hold grief in her eyes
and is always at Dauragon's side.

LIFE (195)
POWER (170)

(Human Form)

(Panther Form)

2.8 PD-4

Age: Unknown
Height: 5'11"
Fighting Style: Muay Thai (Thailand Kickboxing)

My Bio: Another bionoid of Dauragon's. PD-4 appears mid-game and shows amazing
abilities, such as his "detachable" arm. A conclusion can be made that he was
created to be mass produced, because soon after you defeat him five more show

LIFE (220)
POWER (180)



Age: Unknown
Height: Unknown
Fighting Style: Open-palm Dragon Prayer

My Bio: Sion's guardian for most of his young life. Mysteriously disappeared
a few years before the game. This, along with Kaldea's "death" drove Sion to

LIFE (180)
POWER (225)



Age: 24
Height: 5'4"
Fighting Style: Cutting Fist

My Bio: Not much is known about Leann. She works for LUKIS, the company that
Kou works for. She serves as his contact and helps him get classified info on

LIFE (200)
POWER (185)



Age: 26
Height: 6'1"
Fighting Style: Open-palm Dragon Prayer
Manual Bio: The young CEO of the Mikado Group international megacorporation.
Dauragon has risen to his present position because he is the adopted son of
the previous CEO. He has been trained since childhood to succeed as head of
the Mikado Group and is capable of handling any situation calmly. He is
responsible for Dominique's abduction, but his motives for such an action
are unknown.

My Bio: Dauragon had a younger sister who was dying from an illness. Mikado
makes a deal with Dauragon: Mikado will adopt him as his son, but Dauragon
must become worthy. He must train his body, mind and soul, and it is
discovered that Wong Leung is his trainer! Of course, Dauragon isn't too
fond of Wong as of lately, as it is he who seals Wong's fate in the game.
He has many secret plans...ones that put the whole world in danger! Sion,
Volt, and Kou must stop him before he does any more harm. After all, isn't
he the main villain?

2.11a 1 Handed Dauragon

LIFE (220)
POWER (200)


2.11b 2 Handed Dauragon

LIFE (230)
POWER (200)


2.11c Leather Dauragon

LIFE (235)
POWER (200)


2.11d Final Dauragon

LIFE (255)
POWER (210)



This is the main mode of the game. It contains the actual game and its many
cinemas. This is the place where you'll build up Sion, Volt and Kou and it has
several effects in Versus and Survival Modes.

The basics have already been explained, but here's a quick recap. After every
battle you can save and use your BP, which you get after defeating enemies.
This can be used to buy stats or moves, and the more you buy, the higher your
chosen character's rank will go up. Once you beat a boss, that boss will take
whatever rank the character you used was and will be able to be used in Versus
and Survival Modes. You can go through Story Mode several times to max all the
bosses' ranks.



- try not to get hit(obviously).
- strive to kill as many enemies as you can.
- in tough boss fights where the enemy blocks often, sneak up behind him as he
focuses on your friends
- if you're low on life, hide behind your friends, but remember to get the
finishing hit in.
- try to hit the Double-Uppercut (M-M) over and over and over
- the Hurricane Blitz is one of Sion's biggest strengths. It is unblockable and
does good damage


STAGE 1 - "Fate" bar
Enemies: Mikado Special Forces(MSF) x5
Stage Clear: Kill all enemies
After the introductory scenes, you'll find yourself in your first battle. Try
to kill everyone yourself, or as many MSF's as you can. Remember, you need as
much BP as you can get. You shouldn't have too much trouble with this fight,
but if things start to get ugly, don't hesitate to hide behind your allies.
Just remember to get the finishing hit on the enemies.
Suggested BP Use: buy power.

STAGE 2 - Central Square
Enemies: Mikado Special Forces(MSF) x5
Stage Clear: Kill all enemies
Sion will start with two enemies going toward him. Avoid getting surrounded,
because this early in the game it's very easy to die if you're not careful.
Using the usual plan, try to kill as many MSF's as possible.
Suggested BP Use: buy life.

STAGE 3a - Train Station
Enemies: Security Guards x3
Stage Clear: Kill all enemies
In this fight, Sion "shares" enemies with Volt. Try to hit one of the guards
away from the others and kill him off. You should be able to do this before
the others kill any guards themselves. After that just move on and kill the
Suggest BP Use: save your BP.

STAGE 3b - Train Station
Enemies: Security Guards x5
Stage Clear: Kill all enemies
Immediately head to your right and start pummeling your enemies. Watch your
allies. If they hit someone, and you see one of the green/yellow dots in the
upper right corner of your screen turn red, then attack that opponent.
Besides that, just try and kill as many as possible.
Suggested BP Use: save BP or buy Torpedo Kick if you have enough.

STAGE 4a - MSD Cargo Train
Enemies: Security Guards x6
Stage Clear: Kill all enemies
This fight is atop the MSD cargo train. It's narrow, which should allow for
your opponents' bodies to hit each other for massive damage. Just try to be
quick, because your allies can use that to their advantage as well, and kill
the enemies...
Suggested BP Use: buy Torpedo Kick.

STAGE 4b - MSD Cargo Train
Enemies: Security Guards x2, Echidna
Stage Clear: Defeat Echidna
This fight is just like the previous one. Be careful of Echidna; she can kill
you fast. Try to sneak past her and kill her guards for extra BP. If she comes
after you, run away and try to get her to attack one of your allies. If you're
lucky, she'll go after Volt the whole fight. Use Torpedo Kick a lot in this
fight. It's very effective.
Suggested BP Use: buy defense.

STAGE 4c - MSD Cargo Train
Stage Clear: Find the card key
To clear this, you gotta check the three boxes. They are in the left and right
seat, and one is by the wall across from where Sion is standing. The card key
will be in the last box you check. Make sure you find it, because it will
eliminate the time limit in the next stage.

STAGE 5 - Emergency Exit
Enemies: Security Guard x 8, Security Chief x 6
Stage Clear: Reach the emergency exit
If you found the card key, you can take as much time as you want. If not,
well, load up your saved game and try again(you, didn't you?). Just
kill all the enemies as you go. After they're all down, run to the end of the
hall, and right. Do the same thing for the second floor. On the third floor,
at the end of the hall is a right turn, followed immediately by a left turn,
leading to the emergency exit. Kill everyone as you move through the floors.
Suggested BP Use: buy power/life.

STAGE 6 - Air Carrier
Enemies: Carrier Soldiers x3
Stage Clear: Kill all enemies
You might find these guys tough since they block a lot. Well, if they block
your attack, block yourself. When they drop their guard to attack, block it,
then counterattack. This is a small area, so killing all enemies shouldn't be
Suggested BP Use: buy life/power.

STAGE 7a - Hanging Garden
Enemies: Mikado Special Forces(MSF) x3, Watchdogs x2
Stage Clear: Kill all enemies
Sion will have watchdogs and an MSF around him as the battle starts. Try to
stay away from the MSF as you pummel the dogs with low attacks/Heel Smash.
After you've dealt with the canine, go after the MSF's.
Suggested BP Use: save your BP.

STAGE 7b - Hanging Garden
Enemies: Mikado Special Forces(MSF) x4, Mugetsu
Stage Clear: Defeat Mugetsu
Stay away from Mugetsu and go after the MSF's for those extra BP. After you've
dealt with them, go after Mugetsu. Use your friends as bait, then come up from
behind and do the Torpedo Kick or some other combo like h-h-h. Repeat for
Mugetsu's defeat.
Suggested BP Use: save your BP

STAGE 8 - Crystal Dome
Enemies: ???, Dauragon
Stage Clear: Defeat Dauragon
Stay away Dauragon, and pummel ??? with low attacks. After you've dealt with
the panther, use the same strategy you used for Mugetsu.. Use your friends to
distract Dauragon as you sneak up on him and do Torpedo Kick/others combos for
an easy win..
Suggested BP Use: save BP.

STAGE 9 - Sion's event
Enemies: MSF x1
Stage Clear: Reach the executive room
Sion wakes up in a storage room. He busts out of the door, fighting two guards
right off the bat. This fight shouldn't be hard, and you can kill all the
enemies since your friends are elsewhere. After the fight with the two guards
Sion gets some info from an MSF, then you're given control. Head to your
southeast(lower-right) and go through that door. Now walk down the hall and
through the door on the left. Continue through the next room, then walk
through the door just opposite of you in the next. You'll soon encounter some
more guards. After dealing with them, Sion will walk back out to the previous
hall with the two doors right next to each other. Here, head down and you'll
run into several MSF's. After the fight, head back to the previous hall and
enter the door on your left(not the one at the end of the hall, but the one
closest to you after the fight). Run to your left at that door. In the next
room, you'll want to enter the skinny door to your north. After going up a few
steps, head right through those green doors. The next room is a dark one with
blue walls. Go right, ignoring the door on your left. At the end of the room
will be a solitary green door. Go through that. Well, what do you know,
another fight! Okay, after that one Sion will automatically go the right way,
and he'll meet up with the black panther. Continue through the door the
panther went through and you'll find another storage room. Walk towards the
lab top and check out the info. After checking out the last two sections, two
MSF's will bust in. After beating them, Sion will emerge in the hall before
the executive room. He meets up wit the black panther once more, and now
fights it. This fight is easy. Just block when you see it attack, and knock it
down with low attacks. After the fight, you'll have finished Sion's event.
Suggest BP Use: buy Hurricane Blitz. If you don't have enough, save it.

STAGE 10 - Executive Room
Enemies: Mikado Special Forces(MSF) x 2, MSF Elite x 2, Mugetsu
Stage Clear: Defeat Mugetsu
The strategy for this fight is the same as the strategy used when you fought
Mugetsu back at the Hanging Gardens. Defeat all the MSF's before going after
Mugetsu, and when you do, sneak up behind him while he's distracted by your
Suggested BP Use: buy Hurricane Blitz if you don't have it. If you have left
over BP, buy stats, but GET HURRICANE BLITZ!

STAGE 11 - Rocket Tower
Enemies: a lot of them
Stage Clear: reach the elevator several floors down
The part of the game that is considered the toughest. Let's try to see if we
can change that. Remember to always use the Direction + j-j move against the
robots. It's fast, it does good damage, and it works. And also, don't use
Hurricane Blitz. It's range is short, and besides, the robots can't block
anyway. ;)

First Floor: just run past all the robots. Ignore them! If you stop to fight,
you'll be double and sometimes even triple-teamed! Not a good thing.

Second Floor: try to destroy the MC-07 before the LD-15 comes to double-team
you. If the big orange robot does reach you while you're still hitting the MC-
07, it might just stand there and wait for its smaller ally to perish, or it
might try to hit you. Either way, be careful. Stand in such a way that you'd
be able to block the LD-15's attack if it does try to hit you. Up some nearby
stairs is another MC-07. Kill it using Direction + j-j. Do the same for the
LD-15 a little further from there.

Third Floor: immediately to your right is a guard. Dispose of him. Now you
have a choice, skip 2 robots(2 MC-07's) and go straight for the stairs of this
level, or fight the robots for extra BP. If you think you're good then you
should go face the robots. If not, or if you did really bad already and are
hurting, then just skip them. The guard guarding the stairs shouldn't be a

Fourth Floor: There will be a LD-15 right around the corner. Pummel it Dir +
j-j, and move on. The next part can be tricky. You'll find an MC-07, another
MC-07 behind it, and a LD-15 behind that. As soon as you reach the first
MC-07, the other 2 robots will start to walk toward you. Destroy the first MC-
07 before the other robots reach you. If they do, run away and use the narrow
catwalk you just passed. They will have to get to you one by one, which will
give you the "acceptable odds" you want. You'll also be facing the way the
robots will be attacking, so you'll be able to block them. Remember that it's
a pair of catwalks, so if a robot body is blocking the way, you can pass
through the other catwalk. After passing through another narrow catwalk a
little farther down, you'll see a LD-15 and a MC-07. Depending on how much
life you have, you may or may not want to fight them. If you have a lot of
life, then you might as well lure them into the catwalk like you did the other
robots. If you're hurting, then you will want to run past them.

Fifth Floor: This is the last floor. If you run to your right and follow that
path(turning right whenever you hit an obstacle), you'll reach the elevator in
no time, and you won't have to fight any robots. But since this is the last
level, you can get busted up as much as you want(just don't die). Fight as
many robots as possible, or all of them if you have enough life. When you're
done, return to the elevator and walk inside.
Suggested BP Use: raise stats.

Toughest part of the game? Nah. That's still to come.

STAGE 12 - Rocket Tower Basement
Enemies: PD-4
Stage Clear: Defeat PD-4
This guy blocks. A lot. And he has some nasty counterattacks. Wait for him to
turn his back and go to attack one of your friends, then hit him with Torpedo.
Stand next to him, and when he stands up, let loose Hurricane Blitz. Repeat
that process and you'll beat him. Just don't confront him face to face...
Suggested BP Use: raise stats.

STAGE 13a - Rocket Tower Deck
Enemies: LD-15 x2, LD-X1 x1
Stage Clear: Kill all enemies
Use the Dir+j-j you used at the escape level. The LD-x1 is just like the
LD-15, except it is stronger and faster. The attacks are the same though, so
there's really nothing new. The only thing to watch out for is to be around
two of these guys at the same time. Lure one away from the others, and hit him
away. Your friends will most likely hit the others, leaving you free to kill
them one at a time. As for killing all of them, that shouldn't be too hard.
You friends will have a hard time killing them by themselves, but they can get
that last hit that finishes them off after you've done all the hard work.
Suggested BP Use: raise stats.

STAGE 13b - Rocket Tower Deck
Enemies: LD-X1 x2, Echidna
Stage Clear: Defeat Echidna
Go after the LD-X1's. They will most likely be divided, so you won't have the
problem you might have had in the previous fight. Stay away from Echidna until
you finish the black robots off. Now, for Echidna herself, well, she might be
easier than she was on the MSD cargo train! Hit her with either Torpedo Kick
or some other combo when her back is turned, (although she doesn't block as
much as some of the other enemies you've faced) then do Hurricane Blitz once
she gets up to finish her off quickly. This fight shouldn't be too hard. This
is one of the last fights before Dauragon, so choose the way you spend your BP
Suggested BP Use: raise stats.

STAGE 14 - Air Carrier 2
Enemies: Mugetsu(unmasked)
Clear Stage: Defeat Mugetsu
The first character selection screen is NOT the character you'll be using for
the fight. It's the character who'll be flying the Air Carrier(and therefore
not available in the fight). Now, both Kou and Volt are pretty much useless
on the offensive, but Volt is better on the defensive, so make Kou pilot the
Air Carrier. Now when the second character selection screen comes up, choose
Sion(to fight).

This fight can turn ugly in a second. If Mugetsu falls down on the floor for
no reason, and you are near him, BLOCK. He'll do a spinning attack that hurts
badly. He can also fly across the screen or spin really fast in the position
he's in. Both attacks damage you a lot. Try and hit the Torpedo Kick or h-h-h,
and if he blocks, block yourself to protect from a possible counterattack.
After he lowers his guard, hit him Torpedo Kick or h-h-h or another combo.
Now, when you get Mugetsu down, stand next to him and use Hurricane Blitz when
he gets up. If you're having trouble hitting him, use Volt as a punching back,
and hit Mugetsu as his back is turned(usual strategy).
Suggested BP Use: raise stats.

STAGE 15 - Galeos
Enemies: ???
Stage Clear: Defeat ???
If ??? is in panther mode, hit her with low attacks. If she's in human form,
treat her in the usual manner(Torpedo Kick, then Hurricane Blitz). This fight
is nothing compared to what you've faced...and are about to face.
Suggested BP Use: raise stats. This is your last fight before Dauragon,
although you will be able to buy stats between the Dauragons.

STAGE 16 - Galeos Control Room
Enemies: Dauragon
Stage Clear: Defeat Dauragon
Depending on how many times you've cleared the game, you'll have to fight
either 2 or 3 Dauragons. The strategy is the same no matter how many you're
going up against.

The first thing. Try to not get hit at all. As soon as the fight starts, run
sideways and let Dauragon attack your friends. As his back is turned,
quickly(if you're not quick he'll turn towards you) move in and strike with
the Torpedo Kick, then use Hurricane Blitz on him when he stands up. Hopefully
he'll get knocked, then do Hurricane Blitz again. If he blocks the Torpedo
Kick, block yourself. Sometimes he's too quick, but sometimes it works.

This is your strategy for all the Dauragons. If you manage to defeat him,
great! You've just beaten the game with the one and only, Sion Barzahd!



- try not to get hit(obviously).
- strive to kill as many enemies as you can.
- what Volt lacks in speed he makes up for in strength so block a ton and hit
as much.
- remember that throw techniques are unblockable, but your opponent can't be
doing an attack
- in tough boss fights where the enemy blocks often, sneak up behind him as he
focuses on your friends.
- if you're low on life, hide behind your friends, but remember to get the
finishing hit in.

STAGE 1 - "Fate" bar
Enemies: Mikado Special Forces(MSF) x5
Stage Clear: Kill all enemies
After the introductory scenes, you'll find yourself in your first battle. Try
to kill everyone yourself, or as many MSF's as you can. Remember, you need as
much BP as you can get. You shouldn't have too much trouble with this fight,
but if things start to get ugly, don't hesitate to hide behind your allies.
Just remember to get the finishing hit on the enemies.
Suggested BP Use: buy some power.

STAGE 2 - Central Square
Enemies: Mikado Special Forces(MSF) x5
Stage Clear: Kill all enemies
Volt will start with two enemies going toward him. Avoid getting surrounded,
because this early in the game it's very easy to die if you're not careful.
Using the usual plan, try to kill as many MSF's as possible. If you notice a
dot on the top right part of your screen turn yellow or red and you haven't
hit anybody, seek out your friends. They are close to killing someone so go
and finish the job yourself for the BP. ;)
Suggested BP Use: buy life.

STAGE 3a - Train Station
Enemies: Security Guards x3
Stage Clear: Kill all enemies
Volt will start off near Sion, with two guards close. You might want to take
out the guard Kou is fighting because Sion will have a tough time beating
those other two by himself, so you'll have some more time.
Suggest BP Use: buy power.

STAGE 3b - Train Station
Enemies: Security Guards x5
Stage Clear: Kill all enemies
Immediately head to your right and start pummeling your enemies. Watch your
allies. If they hit someone, and you see one of the green/yellow dots in the
upper right corner of your screen turn red, then attack that opponent. Besides
that, just try and kill as many as possible.
Suggested BP Use: save your BP.

STAGE 4a - MSD Cargo Train
Enemies: Security Guards x6
Stage Clear: Kill all enemies
This fight is atop the MSD cargo train. It's narrow, which should allow for
your opponents' bodies to hit each other for massive damage. Just try to be
quick, because your allies can use that to their advantage as well, and kill
the enemies...
Suggested BP Use: save your BP.

STAGE 4b - MSD Cargo Train
Enemies: Security Guards x2, Echidna
Stage Clear: Defeat Echidna
This fight is just like the previous one. Be careful of Echidna; she can kill
you fast. Try to sneak past her and kill her guards for extra BP. If she comes
after you, run away and try to get her to attack one of your allies.
Suggested BP Use: get Shoulder Uppercut if you can. If not, save your BP.

STAGE 4c - MSD Cargo Train
Stage Clear: Find the card key
To clear this, you gotta check the three boxes. They are in the left and right
seat, and one is by the wall across from where Sion is standing. The card key
will be in the last box you check. Make sure you find it, because it will
eliminate the time limit in the next stage.

STAGE 5 - Emergency Exit
Enemies: Security Guard x 8, Security Chief x 6
Stage Clear: Reach the emergency exit
If you found the card key, you can take as much time as you want. If not,
well, load up your saved game and try again(you, didn't you?). Just
kill all the enemies as you go. After they're all down, run to the end of the
hall, and right. Do the same thing for the second floor. On the third floor,
at the end of the hall is a right turn, followed immediately by a left turn,
leading to the emergency exit. Kill everyone as you move through the floors.
Suggested BP Use: get Shoulder Uppercut if you don't have it. If you do, raise

STAGE 6 - Air Carrier
Enemies: Carrier Soldiers x3
Stage Clear: Kill all enemies
You might find these guys tough since they block a lot. Well, if they block
your attack, block yourself. When they drop their guard to attack, block it,
then counterattack. This is a small area, so killing all enemies shouldn't be
Suggested BP Use: raise stats.

STAGE 7a - Hanging Garden
Enemies: Mikado Special Forces(MSF) x3, Watchdogs x2
Stage Clear: Kill all enemies
Volt will have watchdogs and an MSF around him as the battle starts. Try to
stay away from the MSF as you pummel the dogs with low attacks.
After you've dealt with the canine, go after the MSF's.
Suggested BP Use: save your BP.

STAGE 7b - Hanging Garden
Enemies: Mikado Special Forces(MSF) x4, Mugetsu
Stage Clear: Defeat Mugetsu
Stay away from Mugetsu and go after the MSF's for those extra BP. After you've
dealt with them, go after Mugetsu. Use your friends as bait, then come up from
behind and do the Circular Uppercut/Heel Smash combo. Repeat for Mugetsu's
Suggested BP Use: save your BP

STAGE 8 - Crystal Dome
Enemies: ???, Dauragon
Stage Clear: Defeat Dauragon
Stay away Dauragon, and pummel ??? with low attacks. After you've dealt with
the panther, use the same strategy you used for Mugetsu.. Use your friends to
distract Dauragon as you sneak up on him and do damaging moves like Shoulder
Suggested BP Use: save BP.

STAGE 9a - Volt's event
Enemies: a whole bunch of MSFs
Stage Clear: Reach the Executive Room.

After some fine show of strength by Volt, you'll fight two MSF's. This
Shouldn't be a problem. Try to chain them too.
Suggested BP Use: get Lift Up Slam. If you can't, save your BP.

After that you gain control of him. Just head right to your left down the
stairs. You'll wind up in another fight, this time with a lot more MSFs and
two PD-101's too If you can, chain kills here too, but if things start to get
ugly, just end the fight quickly.
Suggested BP Use: get Lift Up Slam or buy stats if you already have it.

Volt will automatically move on and another fight will ensue. Again, try to
chain kills so that you can afford more stat boosts. Wait in the beginning of
the stage so that the MSF's fill out the little hall in front of you. Then hit
them down with L or ES+H. This should bang them into each other and hopefully
chain some kills for you.
Suggested BP Use: raises stats if you have the Lift Up Slam.

Once you regain control of Volt head to your left and go through that door. If
you've done Sion's event, things should start look familiar to you. Continue
and Volt will think some stuff to himself...After you regain control once more
go right and eventually you'll hit the executive room.

STAGE 10 - Executive Room
Enemies: Mikado Special Forces(MSF) x 2, MSF Elite x 2, Mugetsu
Stage Clear: Defeat Mugetsu
The strategy for this fight is the same as the strategy used when you fought
Mugetsu back at the Hanging Gardens. Defeat all the MSF's before going after
Mugetsu, and when you do, sneak up behind him while he's distracted by your
Suggested BP Use: raise stats(all the BP you get from now on should be used
for stats). Also a word of advice, buy the Defense stat only until it reaches
94. That's all you really need. After that focus on Life and Strength.

STAGE 11 - Rocket Tower
Enemies: a lot of them
Stage Clear: reach the elevator several floors down
The part of the game that is considered the toughest. Well, you're here to
breeze through it. Just a word of advice, when fighting robots: be careful.

Now, with Sion you have the Dir+j-j, and with Kou you have the Tiger Frenzy.
Volt's most useful move against the robots are...well, h-h! The first two
punches of his h-h-h series can be done in quick succession, keeping the
bots still and making the Rocket Tower escape stage much easier.

First Floor: just run past all the robots. Ignore them! If you stop to fight,
you'll be double and sometimes even triple-teamed! Not a good thing.

Second Floor: try to destroy the MC-07 before the LD-15 comes to double-team
you. If the big orange robot does reach you while you're still hitting the MC-
07, it might just stand there and wait for its smaller ally to perish, or it
might try to hit you. Either way, be careful. Stand in such a way that you'd
be able to block the LD-15's attack if it does try to hit you. Up some nearby
stairs is another MC-07. Kill it using h-h of Volt's h-h-h series. Do the same
for the LD-15 a little further from there.

Third Floor: immediately to your right is a guard. Dispose of him anything
you'd like. Now you have a choice, skip 2 robots(2 MC-07's) and
go straight for the stairs of this level, or fight the robots for extra BP. If
you think you're good enough with fingering Volt's h-h, h-h, h-h, etc. then
you should go face the robots. If not, or if you did really bad already and
are hurting, then just skip them. The guard guarding the stairs shouldn't be
a problem.

Fourth Floor: There will be a LD-15 right around the corner. Pummel it with
h-h, and move on. The next part can be tricky. You'll find an MC-07, another
MC-07 behind it, and a LD-15 behind that. As soon as you reach the first
MC-07, the other 2 robots will start to walk toward you. Destroy the first MC-
07 before the other robots reach you. If they do, run away and use the narrow
catwalk you just passed. They will have to get to you one by one, which will
give you the "acceptable odds" you want. You'll also be facing the way the
robots will be attacking, so you'll be able to block them. Remember that it's
a pair of catwalks, so if a robot body is blocking the way, you can pass
through the other catwalk. After passing through another narrow catwalk a
little farther down, you'll see a LD-15 and a MC-07. Depending on how much
life you have, you may or may not want to fight them. If you have a lot of
life, then you might as well lure them into the catwalk like you did the other
robots. If you're hurting, then you will want to run past them.

Fifth Floor: This is the last floor. If you run to your right and follow that
path(turning right whenever you hit an obstacle), you'll reach the elevator in
no time, and you won't have to fight any robots. But since this is the last
level, you can get busted up as much as you want(just don't die). Fight as
many robots as possible, or all of them if you have enough life. When you're
done, return to the elevator and walk inside.
Suggested BP Use: raise stats.

Toughest part of the game? Nah. That's still to come.

STAGE 12 - Rocket Tower Basement
Enemies: PD-4
Stage Clear: Defeat PD-4
This guy blocks. A lot. And he has some nasty counterattacks. Wait for him to
turn his back and go to attack one of your friends, then hit him with the
Shoulder Uppercut. Repeat that process and you'll beat him. Just don't confront
him face to face...
Suggested BP Use: raise stats.

STAGE 13a - Rocket Tower Deck
Enemies: LD-15 x2, LD-X1 x1
Stage Clear: Kill all enemies
Be careful of the LD-X!. The LD-x1 is just like the LD-15, except it is
stronger and faster. The attacks are the same though, so there's really
nothing new. The only thing to watch out for is to be around two of these guys
at the same time. Lure one away from the others, and hit him away. Your
friends will most likely hit the others, leaving you free to kill them one at
a time. As for killing all of them, that shouldn't be too hard. You friends
will have a hard time killing them by themselves, but they can get that last
hit that finishes them off after you've done all the hard work.
Suggested BP Use: raise stats.

STAGE 13b - Rocket Tower Deck
Enemies: LD-X1 x2, Echidna
Stage Clear: Defeat Echidna
Go after the LD-X1's. They will most likely be divided, so you won't have the
problem you might have had in the previous fight. Stay away from Echidna until
you finish the black robots off. Now, for Echidna herself, well, she might be
easier than she was on the MSD cargo train! Hit her with Shoulder Uppercut or
something else when her back is turned(although she doesn't block as much as
some of the other enemies you've faced) to finish her off eventually. This
fight shouldn't be too hard. This is one of the last fights before Dauragon,
so choose the way you spend your BP carefully.
Suggested BP Use: raise stats.

STAGE 14 - Air Carrier 2
Enemies: Mugetsu(unmasked)
Clear Stage: Defeat Mugetsu
The first character selection screen is NOT the character you'll be using for
the fight. It's the character who'll be flying the Air Carrier(and therefore
not available in the fight). Now, both Sion and Kou are pretty much useless
on the offensive, but Kou is better on the defensive, so make Sion pilot the
Air Carrier. Now when the second character selection screen comes up, choose
Volt(to fight).

This fight can turn ugly in a second. If Mugetsu falls down on the floor for
no reason, and you are near him, BLOCK. He'll do a spinning attack that hurts
badly. He can also fly across the screen or spin really fast in the position
he's in. Both attacks damage you a lot. Try and hit the Shoulder Uppercut, and
if he blocks, block yourself to protect from a possible counterattack. After
he lowers his guard, hit him with Shoulder Uppercut or h-h-h. If you're having
trouble hitting him, use Kou as a punching back, and hit Mugetsu as his back
is turned(usual strategy).
Suggested BP Use: raise stats.

STAGE 15 - Galeos
Enemies: ???
Stage Clear: Defeat ???
If ??? is in panther mode, hit her with l-L or L. If she's in human form, treat
her in the usual manner you've been trating most enemies up to this point. By
that I mean the Uppercut, h-h-h, or maybe even try out a new combo. After all,
this fight is easy. It's nothing compared to what you've faced...and are about
to face.
Suggested BP Use: raise stats. This is your last fight before Dauragon,
although you will be able to buy stats between the Dauragons.

STAGE 16 - Galeos Control Room
Enemies: Dauragon
Stage Clear: Defeat Dauragon
Depending on how many times you've cleared the game, you'll have to fight
either 2 or 3 Dauragons. The strategy is the same no matter how many you're
going up against.

The first. Try to not get hit at all. As soon as the fight starts, run
sideways and let Dauragon attack your friends. As his back is turned,
quickly(if you're not quick he'll turn towards you) move in and strike with
the Shoulder Uppercut or h-h-h. Move in, and execute the Lift Up Slam when
he's fully up. If he blocks the Uppercut or h-h-h, block yourself. Sometimes
he's too quick, but sometimes it works.

This is your strategy for all the Dauragons. If you manage to defeat him,
great! You've just beaten the game using the most underrated bouncer,
Volt Krueger!



- try not to get hit(obviously).
- strive to kill as many enemies as you can.
- use the Circular Uppercut/Heel Smash combo often. This consists of pressing L1
+ Square to hit the enemy with the Circular
Uppercut. Now keep pressing that button combo to keep executing the Uppercut.
But after a few hits(2-3, no more than 4)
let him drop and then quickly do the Heel Smash(L1 + X). This is an effective
combo. Thanks to Hawk for it.
- also, to use the Tiger Frenzy often. It might take long to get, but it's worth
- in tough boss fights where the enemy blocks often, sneak up behind him as he
focuses on your friends
- if you're low on life, hide behind your friends, but remember to get the
finishing hit in.


STAGE 1 - "Fate" bar
Enemies: Mikado Special Forces(MSF) x5
Stage Clear: Kill all enemies
After the introductory scenes, you'll find yourself in your first battle. Try
to kill everyone yourself, or as many MSF's as you can. Remember, you need as
much BP as you can get. You shouldn't have too much trouble with this fight,
but if things start to get ugly, don't hesitate to hide behind your allies.
Just remember to get the finishing hit on the enemies.
Suggested BP Use: save the BP you get from this battle.

STAGE 2 - Central Square
Enemies: Mikado Special Forces(MSF) x5
Stage Clear: Kill all enemies
Kou will start with two enemies going toward him. Avoid getting surrounded,
because this early in the game it's very easy to die if you're not careful.
Using the usual plan, try to kill as many MSF's as possible.
Suggested BP Use: If you have enough, buy the Circular Uppercut. If you don't
have enough for that, get the Heel Smash. If you can't afford either, save
your BP.

STAGE 3a - Train Station
Enemies: Security Guards x3
Stage Clear: Kill all enemies
Kou starts off near one enemy, while Sion and Volt have the other two fighting
them. Try to take out the one nearest you as quickly as possible. By then, the
other two guards will probably be weakened from your allies' attacks, and will
be easy to finish off.
Suggest BP Use: Buy the Circular Uppercut if you don't have it. If you do, buy
the Heel Smash. Save your BP if you can't buy these moves.

STAGE 3b - Train Station
Enemies: Security Guards x5
Stage Clear: Kill all enemies
Immediately head to your right and start pummeling your enemies. Watch your
allies. If they hit someone, and you see one of the green/yellow dots in the
upper right corner of your screen turn red, then attack that opponent. Besides
that, just try and kill as many as possible.
Suggested BP Use: Buy Circular Uppercut/Heel Smash if you don't have them. If
you have BP left over, buy stats.

STAGE 4a - MSD Cargo Train
Enemies: Security Guards x6
Stage Clear: Kill all enemies
This fight is atop the MSD cargo train. It's narrow, which should allow for
your opponents' bodies to hit each other for massive damage. Just try to be
quick, because your allies can use that to their advantage as well, and kill
the enemies...
Suggested BP Use: raise stats.

STAGE 4b - MSD Cargo Train
Enemies: Security Guards x2, Echidna
Stage Clear: Defeat Echidna
This fight is just like the previous one. Be careful of Echidna; she can kill
you fast. Try to sneak past her and kill her guards for extra BP. If she comes
after you, run away and try to get her to attack one of your allies. If you're
lucky, she'll go after Volt the whole fight. After taking out the guards, you
can use the Circular Uppercut/Heel Smash combo to quickly dispose of Echidna.
Suggested BP Use: raise stats.

STAGE 4c - MSD Cargo Train
Stage Clear: Find the card key
To clear this, you gotta check the three boxes. They are in the left and right
seat, and one is by the wall across from where Sion is standing. The card key
will be in the last box you check. Make sure you find it, because it will
eliminate the time limit in the next stage.

STAGE 5 - Emergency Exit
Enemies: Security Guard x 8, Security Chief x 6
Stage Clear: Reach the emergency exit
If you found the card key, you can take as much time as you want. If not,
well, load up your saved game and try again(you, didn't you?). Just
kill all the enemies as you go. After they're all down, run to the end of the
hall, and right. Do the same thing for the second floor. On the third floor,
at the end of the hall is a right turn, followed immediately by a left turn,
leading to the emergency exit. Kill everyone as you move through the floors.
Suggested BP Use: raise stats.

STAGE 6 - Air Carrier
Enemies: Carrier Soldiers x3
Stage Clear: Kill all enemies
You might find these guys tough since they block a lot. Well, if they block
your attack, block yourself. When they drop their guard to attack, block it,
then counterattack. This is a small area, so killing all enemies shouldn't be
Suggested BP Use: save your BP.

STAGE 7a - Hanging Garden
Enemies: Mikado Special Forces(MSF) x3, Watchdogs x2
Stage Clear: Kill all enemies
Kou will have watchdogs and an MSF around him as the battle starts. Try to
stay away from the MSF as you pummel the dogs with low attacks/Heel Smash.
After you've dealt with the canine, go after the MSF's.
Suggested BP Use: save your BP.

STAGE 7b - Hanging Garden
Enemies: Mikado Special Forces(MSF) x4, Mugetsu
Stage Clear: Defeat Mugetsu
Stay away from Mugetsu and go after the MSF's for those extra BP. After you've
dealt with them, go after Mugetsu. Use your friends as bait, then come up from
behind and do the Circular Uppercut/Heel Smash combo. Repeat for Mugetsu's
Suggested BP Use: save your BP

STAGE 8 - Crystal Dome
Enemies: ???, Dauragon
Stage Clear: Defeat Dauragon
Stay away Dauragon, and pummel ??? with low attacks/Heel Smash. After you've
dealt with the panther, use the same strategy you used for Mugetsu.. Use your
friends to distract Dauragon as you sneak up on him and do the Uppercut/Heel
Smash combo.
Suggested BP Use: save BP.

STAGE 9a - Kou's event
Enemies: MSF x1
Stage Clear: Kill the enemy
If you need help with this fight, I don't know how you got this far.
Suggest BP Use: get Tiger Frenzy if you have enough BP. If not, save it.

STAGE 9b - Kou's event
Stage Clear: Pass through all the MSF's(either by tricking them, or destroying
Ok, there are three parts to this event. If you screw up during a part, you'll
be forced to fight several enemies, although that part will end. If you don't
screw up, you'll know the part has ended when Kou does a certain action and
victory music plays. Note that your life is not replenished after the separate
parts, so it's not wise to pick fights with everybody, since you are a low
rank. Now if you're feeling confident, screw up on another part. And if you're
feeling extremely lucky, screw up on everything! I REALLY don't recommend it
if you didn't save(WHY would you not save?!), though. Since the commands the
MSF's do are random, I can't just give you the answers. Just remember what
button does what command(press start for a list) and you'll be good to go.

In the middle part, the first MSF will just keep on going with the signals so
if you want to end it quickly, just screw up after you've gotten a few right.
He'll point to either left or right, and you'll continue. After another MSF,
you'll reach a third, which will execute commands really fast. The object of
this one is to do the same command he does at the same time he does. Any one
of them will do, but you must do it at the same time he does the command
you've chosen. For example, you decide to go for the Old Man in Thought. Well,
look at the MSF carefully and remember his pattern. Then click Triangle when
he does Old Man in Thought, and you should both do it at the same time. He'll
keep on going with the signals for a second, then accept you and Kou will

In the last part the first MSF you meet will await YOU to do a command.
However, DO NOT press X if you don't want to fight. But you can press either
O, Square, or Triangle, and the MSF will follow. After that MSF, there will
come two MSF's that will do separate commands. You must first press the button
that matches the command that the LEFT one did, and after that you press the
button that matches the command that the RIGHT one did. So first you do what
the left one did, then the one that the right one did. Okay, you passed Kou's

Also, if you didn't get caught at all, Kou will do a funny pose and say
"Kou Leifoh, Superspy!". It's really funny, and you should go for it at least
once(you need to do that to unlock Kou's secret costume anyway).

Suggest BP Use: buy Tiger Frenzy or save your BP if you don't have enough.

STAGE 10 - Executive Room
Enemies: Mikado Special Forces(MSF) x 2, MSF Elite x 2, Mugetsu
Stage Clear: Defeat Mugetsu
The strategy for this fight is the same as the strategy used when you fought
Mugetsu back at the Hanging Gardens. Defeat all the MSF's before going after
Mugetsu, and when you do, sneak up behind him while he's distracted by your
Suggested BP Use: raise stats(all the BP you get from now on should be used
for stats). Also a word of advice, buy the Defense stat only until it reaches
90. That's all you really need. After that focus on Life and Strength.

STAGE 11 - Rocket Tower
Enemies: a lot of them
Stage Clear: reach the elevator several floors down
The part of the game that is considered the toughest. Well, you're here to
breeze through it. Just a word of advice, when fighting robots, ALWAYS USE THE
TIGER FRENZY. It keeps them still as you pummel them with kicks.

First Floor: just run past all the robots. Ignore them! If you stop to fight,
you'll be double and sometimes even triple-teamed! Not a good thing.

Second Floor: try to destroy the MC-07 before the LD-15 comes to double-team
you. If the big orange robot does reach you while you're still hitting the MC-
07, it might just stand there and wait for its smaller ally to perish, or it
might try to hit you. Either way, be careful. Stand in such a way that you'd
be able to block the LD-15's attack if it does try to hit you. Up some nearby
stairs is another MC-07. Kill it using the Tiger Frenzy(over and over and
over). Do the same for the LD-15 a little further from there.

Third Floor: immediately to your right is a guard. Dispose of him using the
Uppercut/Heel Smash combo. Now you have a choice, skip 2 robots(2 MC-07's) and
go straight for the stairs of this level, or fight the robots for extra BP. If
you think you're good enough with Kou(using his Tiger Frenzy and blocking)
then you should go face the robots. If not, or if you did really bad already
and are hurting, then just skip them. The guard guarding the stairs shouldn't
be a problem.

Fourth Floor: There will be a LD-15 right around the corner. Pummel it with
Tiger Frenzy, and move on. The next part can be tricky. You'll find an MC-07,
another MC-07 behind it, and a LD-15 behind that. As soon as you reach the
first MC-07, the other 2 robots will start to walk toward you. Destroy the
first MC-07 before the other robots reach you. If they do, run away and use
the narrow catwalk you just passed. They will have to get to you one by one,
which will give you the "acceptable odds" you want. You'll also be facing the
way the robots will be attacking, so you'll be able to block them. Remember
that it's a pair of catwalks, so if a robot body is blocking the way, you can
pas through the other catwalk. After passing through another narrow catwalk a
little farther down, you'll see a LD-15 and a MC-07. Depending on how much
life you have, you may or may not want to fight them. If you have a lot of
life, then you might as well lure them into the catwalk like you did the other
robots. If you're hurting, then you will want to run past them.

Fifth Floor: This is the last floor. If you run to your right and follow that
path(turning right whenever you hit an obstacle), you'll reach the elevator in
no time, and you won't have to fight any robots. But since this is the last
level, you can get busted up as much as you want(just don't die). Fight as
many robots as possible, or all of them if you have enough life. When you're
done, return to the elevator and walk inside.
Suggested BP Use: raise stats.

Toughest part of the game? Nah. That's still to come.

STAGE 12 - Rocket Tower Basement
Enemies: PD-4
Stage Clear: Defeat PD-4
This guy blocks. A lot. And he has some nasty counterattacks. Wait for him to
turn his back and go to attack one of your friends, then hit him with Tiger
Frenzy or the Uppercut/Heel Smash combo. Repeat that process and you'll beat
him. Just don't confront him face to face...
Suggested BP Use: raise stats.

STAGE 13a - Rocket Tower Deck
Enemies: LD-15 x2, LD-X1 x1
Stage Clear: Kill all enemies
You'll never guess what you'll need to fight these guys. Tiger Frenzy. The LD-
x1 is just like the LD-15, except it is stronger and faster. The attacks are
the same though, so there's really nothing new. The only thing to watch out
for is to be around two of these guys at the same time. Lure one away from the
others, and hit him away. Your friends will most likely hit the others,
leaving you free to kill them one at a time. As for killing all of them, that
shouldn't be too hard. You friends will have a hard time killing them by
themselves, but they can get that last hit that finishes them off after you've
done all the hard work.
Suggested BP Use: raise stats.

STAGE 13b - Rocket Tower Deck
Enemies: LD-X1 x2, Echidna
Stage Clear: Defeat Echidna
Go after the LD-X1's. They will most likely be divided, so you won't have the
problem you might have had in the previous fight. Stay away from Echidna until
you finish the black robots off. Now, for Echidna herself, well, she might be
easier than she was on the MSD cargo train! Hit her with either Tiger Frenzy
or the Uppercut/Heel Smash combo when her back is turned(although she doesn't
block as much as some of the other enemies you've faced) to finish her off
eventually. This fight shouldn't be too hard. This is one of the last fights
before Dauragon, so choose the way you spend your BP carefully.
Suggested BP Use: raise stats.

STAGE 14 - Air Carrier 2
Enemies: Mugetsu(unmasked)
Clear Stage: Defeat Mugetsu
The first character selection screen is NOT the character you'll be using for
the fight. It's the character who'll be flying the Air Carrier(and therefore
not available in the fight). Now, both Sion and Volt are pretty much useless
on the offensive, but Volt is better on the defensive, so make Sion pilot the
Air Carrier. Now when the second character selection screen comes up, choose
Kou(to fight).

This fight can turn ugly in a second. If Mugetsu falls down on the floor for
no reason, and you are near him, BLOCK. He'll do a spinning attack that hurts
badly. He can also fly across the screen or spin really fast in the position
he's in. Both attacks damage you a lot. Try and hit the Tiger Frenzy, and if
he blocks, block yourself to protect from a possible counterattack. After he
lowers his guard, hit him with Tiger Frenzy/the Uppercut/Heel Smash combo. If
you're having trouble hitting him, use Volt as a punching back, and hit
Mugetsu as his back is turned(usual strategy).
Suggested BP Use: raise stats.

STAGE 15 - Galeos
Enemies: ???
Stage Clear: Defeat ???
If ??? is in panther mode, hit her with Heel Smash or a low attack. If she's
in human form, treat her in the usual manner(Tiger Frenzy/Uppercut/Heel Smash
combo). This fight is nothing compared to what you've faced...and are about to
Suggested BP Use: raise stats. This is your last fight before Dauragon,
although you will be able to buy stats between the Dauragons.

STAGE 16 - Galeos Control Room
Enemies: Dauragon
Stage Clear: Defeat Dauragon
Depending on how many times you've cleared the game, you'll have to fight
either 2 or 3 Dauragons. The strategy is the same no matter how many you're
going up against.

The first. Try to not get hit at all. As soon as the fight starts, run
sideways and let Dauragon attack your friends. As his back is turned,
quickly(if you're not quick he'll turn towards you) move in and strike with
the Tiger Frenzy. Move away, and let him attack your friends again, then
repeat the Tiger Frenzy. If he blocks the Tiger Frenzy, block yourself.
Sometimes he's too quick, but sometimes it works.

This is your strategy for all the Dauragons. If you manage to defeat him,
great! You've just beaten the game using only Kou!

STAGE 17 - Central Square
Enemies: Leann
Stage Clear: Defeat Leann
This fight is tough. Block a lot in this.

When she first runs at you, execute the Tiger Frenzy. If you successfully
knock her down, move next to her and hit her with it again when she gets up.
If she blocks, then block yourself and wait for her to attack. After she does
that, hit her with either the Tiger Frenzy or the Uppercut/Heel Smash combo.
Play defensively and attempt to hit her only when you knock her down or when
she lets down her guard to attack you. Following this strategy, she'll go down
in no time.


You know the screens that show up sometimes when the game is changing scenes?
Those are the loading screen texts, and the following are what they say.

NOTE: Thanks to Zerocustom for the following lists because I was too impatient
to get this information from the game itself.


13 years ago...
Wong: Why do you follow me?
Sion: Will I ever strong as you?
Wong: That is up to you.
Sion: Hey, will you teach me?
Wong: It is my policy not to take any disciples. It is late... Go
Sion: I... don't have a home...

11 years ago...
Sion: Wong: Giving up already?
Sion: N-No...! I'm just hungry! Can't fight on an empty stomach!
Wong: Hmph... You are persistent... I'll give you that.
Sion: Wh-What do I do... Next?
Wong: Jump off this cliff.
Sion: A-All right...
Wong: Whoa whoa... I'm kidding! is time for dinner.

9 years ago...
Girl: What're you doing?
Sion: Can't you tell? I'm training!
Girl: Looks like a lot of fun.
Sion: No one's stopping you from doing it.
Girl: I get sick real easily, so...
Sion: ...What's your name?
Girl: Kaldea.

5 years ago...
Sion: I finally made my master use one of his hands!
Kaldea: Wow! You've finally did it!
Sion: Yeah, but that geezer said it'd take me a lifetime to make
him use both of his hands.
Kaldea: You two really do get along, don't you?
Sion: Kaldea, your parents are always kind and caring to you, too.
Kaldea: I've never been scolded my whole life. I don't know if
you'd call that caring...

3 years ago...
Kaldea: What is it?
Sion: Master Wong...hasn't come home...
Kaldea: What...?
Sion: He said something weird a while ago...but I didn't expect him
to disappear so suddenly...
Kaldea: Have you notified the police? He could have been involved
in some accident.
Sion: No accident could kill him! Even if someone tried to murder
him...that old man wouldn't die...!

2 years ago...
Sion: Here, congratulations.
Kaldea: Are you sure?
Sion: Of course! You got that job at Mikado, right?
Kaldea: But... Can you afford this...?
Sion: Don't worry.
Kaldea: Thank you. I'll treasure it.
Sion: OK, but don't go locking it away in some box. It's a pendant.
You're supposed to wear it.

2 years ago...
Sion: What do you mean an accident!?
Kaldea's Father: There was an...accident at Mikado and...
Sion: And...what hospital is she in...?
Kaldea's Mother: Kaldea's Father: She...didn't make it...
Sion: Huh...?
Kaldea's Father: It was a...massive explosion...
Sion: You're lying...
Kaldea's Father: S-Sion!

2 years ago...
Sion: (Kaldea...)
Man: Hey! Watch it!
Sion: (...)
Man: Who the hell do you think you are, running into me like that
without an apology!? What's with the pathetic look on your
face? What, did your girlfriend dump you?
Sion: Errr...raaaaaaaah!!

1 year ago...
Sion: ...
Man: Hey... Noticed you were looking at me. You got a problem with
me or something?
Sion: C'mon...
Man: What!?
Sion: Why don't you go ahead and kill me...
Man: What are you on!?
Sion: That is... if you think you got what it takes...
Man: You're asking for it, you little...!!!

1 year ago...
Sion: Someone! Anyone! Come and kill me!
Sion: Anyone!? You can use a gun if you have to!
Young Man: Uh... umm...
Sion: You're going to be the one to kill me?
Young Man: I think I know a man... who could get the job done...
Sion: Who is he?
Young Man: A man who works at a bar called Fate!

1 year ago...
Customer: Ah-aaaaahhhhh!
Boss: Hey, hey, you're scaring my customers. Why don't you take it
someplace else?
Volt: I think that's my job, Boss.
Sion: Those piercings make you look like a demon straight outta
hell. You think you got what it takes to get my there?

1 year ago...
Sion: I'm... not dead... yet...
Volt: Not bad... for a little kid...
Boss: What do you think about working for me, boy?
Sion: What...?
Boss: He works for me as a bouncer. It's your choice. No one's going
to stop you from leaving if you want to...
Sion: All right. I'll do it... But only until I could beat him...!


5 years ago...
Boy A: Dammit! We've been had!
Boy B: I told you! We shouldn't have pushed while he was away...
Boy A: D-Damn...!
A Voice: You're right about that.
Boy B: V-Volt!

5 years ago...
Man: Guh... hua!
Volt: Giving up already?
Mob Boss: Impressive! Most impressive!
Volt: !
Mob Boss: You just tore up one of my best men like a dog on a rag
doll. How 'bout you pull a job for me?
Volt: Why should I...?
Mob Boss: I need someone erased... In exchange for your service,
I'll keep my hands off your turf...
Volt: ...

5 years ago...
Agent: It's impossible... We can't stop him!
A Voice: Cease your attacks. He's far more than any of us can
Agent: M-Master Mikado!
Mikado: It appears he has some business to settle with me.
Agent: Stay in the car sir! It's too dangerous out here.
Mikado: It won't make any difference whether I'm in the car or not.
Volt: You... aren't afraid?

5 years ago...
Mikado: Have you ever though about working for me?
Volt: I've come here to kill you.
Mikado: And thanks to that, I was able to meet you. Don't worry,
I'll have a word with that 'organization.'
Volt: Who are you...?

5 years ago...
Woman:'re the new rookie?
Volt: You're an agent as well?
Woman: The name's Aena Paula. Codename: Echidna.
Volt: Who would've thought they'd make a woman an agent.
Woman: Hey, don't underestimate me. You know as well as I do that
you've gotta be damn good to work as a security agent here.

4 years ago...
Volt: Echidna, get the Master Mikado to safety.
Echidna: What about you, Volt?
Volt: I can handle this myself just fine.
Echidna: Are you crazy? You're gonna get slaughtered!
Mikado: Let's trust Volt.
Volt: Get going, Echidna!
Echidna: ...!

3 years ago...
Echidna: I challenge you...
Volt: What...?
Echidna: I've always wanted to go up against you.
Volt: Unfortunately, I'm on duty protecting Master Mikado. And it's
against my principles to raise my hand against a woman.
Echidna: ...!
A Voice: I see that man is an eyesore to you...
Echidna: Huh...?

3 years ago...
Volt: (Master Mikado... Forgive me...! I should not have taken my
eyes off you...)
Echidna: You seem to be in agony, Volt.
Volt: Echidna! You were with Master Mikado! How could you let
Echidna: It couldn't be helped. I'm much weaker than you. I couldn't
protect him...
Volt: Why you...!

3 years ago...
Volt: What're you trying to say, Echidna?
Echidna: Now I'll be the one to move ahead... Once I deal with you,
the one who conspired in the death of Master Mikado!
Volt: What!?
Echidna: FIRE!
Volt: Echidnaaaaaa!

3 years ago...
Man: Looks like you've come to.
Volt: Where am I...?
Man: I found you out on the shore.
Volt: Why am I here...?
Man: I assumed you wouldn't want the cops or docs involved.
Volt: ...
Man: I did a lot of crazy things when I was your age, too.

2 years ago...
Man: You got a place to go?
Volt: I don't want to trouble you anymore than I have.
Man: You interested in a job at my bar? It sure would help if I had
a bouncer like you.
Volt: A bouncer, eh...?

2 years ago...
Volt: Well if it's okay with you... I wouldn't mind working as a
Boss: But the gunshot wound on your forehead's gonna attract some
unwanted attention. How 'bout we cover it up with some body
piercings? But the only thing that would work on that spot
would be some horns.
Volt: Horns, eh...? That might actually be appropriate.


17 years ago...
Teacher: Your boy is a genius. Not only scholastically; he is also
musically and artistically very talented.
Mother: Indeed. I want him to bring honor to the Hurst family name.
Kou: I'd like to learn martial arts, too.
Mother: Absolutely not! What if something happened to you!

13 years ago...
Kou: Mother, I have a favor to ask you... I really want to learn
Tae Kwon Do.
Mother: No son of mine will learn martial arts! How many times must
I tell you?
Kou: Then I will leave this house! I believe in order to be a
proper heir to the Hurst family, one must be strong as well!
Mother: ...!

11 years ago...
Grand Master: It is amazing. I never expected someone your age to
be able to go hand-to-hand with me. If I had my way,
I would have you inherit this dojo.
Kou: Really?
Grand Master: But that is not possible. You are the heir to the
Hurst family.
Kou: ...

9 years ago...
Mother: You earned a doctorate at such a young age. I'm so proud of
you. You are indeed a Hurst...
Kou: I'm sorry, of today, I renounce that name. I
appreciate my birth into the Hurst family and I do appreciate
the education you have provided me. However, I've learned
something more important from Tae Kwon Do.
Mother: Wh-What are you saying?
Kou: From now on, I will live on with my master's name: Leifoh.

4 years ago...
Senior Officer: So you are the elite they've been harping about.
Kou: I'm not elite. I'm just here to do a job that's worth risking
my life over.
Senior Officer: Heh... You passed. According to our reports, it
appears you are from the Hurst family. Defending on
your reaction, I was going to disqualify you.

3 years ago...
Senior Officer: Allow me to introduce your partner for the next
Kou: A..A woman?
Woman: I've got a name; it's Leann Caldwell.
Senior Officer: Her survival abilities may be higher than yours.
Kou: ...
Leann: Is there something on my face?

3 years ago...
Leann: I screwed up. I didn't expect them to have so many on
Kou: You can make it out of here alone, right?
Leann: Alone...? What're you going to do?
Kou: I'll draw their attention.
Leann: That's suicide!
Kou: Just trust me. And if we make it out of here alive, you owe me
a drink.
Leann: ...I'll think about it.

2 years ago...
Kou: Hey! Heard you were promoted! Congratulations!
Leann: I told high-command that it was all because of you...
Kou: No, it was because of your talent. Oh yeah, by the way, you
still remember that promise we made?
Leann: Huh?
Kou: You owe me a drink.

1 year ago...
Leann: Did you call for me, sir?
Senior Officer: Here... I knew Mikado's solar energy plan sounded
Leann: And there's also information about surgical enhancements in
Senior Officer: This mission's going to be our toughest yet...
Leann: Rest assured, I'm confident he will be able to pull it off.

6 months ago...
Kou: A full-body tattoo? What the hell kind of mission is this? I'm
just supposed to watch over the girl, right?
Leann: That's not all. It's also your job to prevent her from
falling into the hands of the Mikado Group.
Kou: You mean that mega-corporation!?
Leann: If all else fails, your job is to eliminate her...

6 months ago...
Boss: You're an unfamiliar face.
Kou: Yeah, just moved into town... hoping to find a job.
Boss: This place used to be pretty busy, thanks to Mikado, but
lately they haven't been outsourcing much of their work.
Kou: ... We've hit some bad times. Drinking seems to help the
time pass, though...

3 months ago...
Man: Agh...!
Boss: Not bad at all for someone like you.
Dominique: Boss, why don't you hire Kou as a bouncer, too?
Boss: Hey, hey, you know how expensive it is for me to just keep two
Dominique: I'll help clean the bar!
Boss: Ahhh, fine, fine... It's only because you insist on it,
Kou: I admire your good taste, princess!


Versus Mode provides a place where you can practice your skills by fighting
computers or even your friends. There are two different modes in Versus Mode
itself. One is called Battle Royal, and the other, Team Battle.

In Battle Royal, you have the choice of selecting how many characters will
participate(from two to four). You also select the time limit, how many rounds
this match will be composed of, and who will control what player. Finally,
players choose their characters and level. Once the game starts, it's an all-
out brawl. As characters' lifebars run out, they are eliminated, and the one
left standing in the end is the winner of that round.

Team Battle is like that. You choose who will control each team(computer or
human), then the time limit and rounds like Battle Royal. The difference in
this mode is that each "captain" is accompanied by 2 computers, who you will
be able to choose. These two computers are only for support because if the
captain of the team dies, then the whole team loses the round.

These two modes are really fun, especially if you have some friends that can
come over and play with you.

NOTE: The following strats are assuming you have all Rank S characters.
And if you have some strategies that you think are worthwhile, send them in
to me, and if I like it I'll put it up. Remember, these strategies are the
ones I use. They may not be the best ones for you. Also, when I say something
like ES+H or ES+L, it doesn't mean you have to press the buttons hard. Extra
Skills don't require strong attacks' firmness, I just like writing it ES+H
and ES+L rather than ES+h or ES+l.



Make good use of ES+J here. Since there are no other computers to disrupt you,
you can land a hit and make a clean getaway with ES+J.

Don't try hitting the Dir+j-j often, because if the first kick hits the second
will miss. The only way to make both hit is if they're blocking(though from
time to time you'll be able to hit both, though it's hard).

Also try hitting ES+H+J. If it hits you can get in an extra L.

The M-M is a good move here, because you can juggle your opponent without
having to worry about being hit out of it. Also, if you do this near a wall
you might be able to hit them with an ES+H+J or ES+J(thanks to Hawkuk for that
great tip).

The ES+M+L does great damage and chops off a lot of defense if they block.
However, the downside is that it leaves you open afterwards, so only use this
if you're confident or doing good.

Sion's basic combos like h-h-h, h-H, m-M-m, l-L, etc. can also do you good.
Remember that his basic H is quick which makes it a good counterattack or
attack stopper(stopping your enemy's attack before it gets underway, like
Final Dauragon's Rushing Beat or Leather Dauragon's Jet Uppercut).

If you find yourself in a corner and your opponent floored, move over him/her
and activate the Hurricane Blitz when they get up. That should do some damage.


When using Volt, you have to be very careful, even in one-on-one matches.

First of all, his best basic combo is h-h-h. It's probably his fastest as
Well. Although this may sound unapealing, Volt has an arsenal of throw moves
that you can use on your enemy as they get up.

Use the Lift Up Slam (ES+L) or the Power Bridge (ES+J) if there's little room.

Use the Giant Swing (ES+L+J) if you have a lot of room around you. It does a
lot of damage.

Use the Cannonball Strike (ES+H+M) facing other enemies to knock them into
each other.

Volt's two other Extra Skills, Shoulder Uppercut (ES+H) and Hammer Typhoon
(ES+M) aren't throw moves but they are effective. Shoulder Uppercut sends the
enemy straight in the air, doing good damage and possibly knocking the enemy
amongst themselves. The Hammer Typhoon sends enemies down sideways, which
might be a better attack if you're surrounded.

Don't use the m-M or l-L attacks too often, because they leave you hanging
and you need as much life as possible when using Volt.


Since you're only facing one opponent, Kou's H-h-h is safer to use. However,
it still leaves you open nevertheless so you might want to stay away from it
here too. His h-h-h and h-H on the other hand are good to use.

Kou's ES+H+J is a very fast, very powerful move. It hits three times and you
are able to recover quickly! On top of that, the enemy usually drops his/her
guard after the second hit if they block at all. Use this move often, but not
when the enemy is attacking with a move that hits a wide range like Dauragon's
Crescent Moon Slash.

Kou's j is good if you're not close to your opponent, and his J is also good
Because you recover from it fast.

The m-M is a nice combo. If the first hit lands, the second will too which
makes it a good choice for a counterattack.

Kou's ES+M is a very fast and potential move. You can do this move over and
over to accumulate awesome damage! Then, when you're tired of it, you can just
drop the body and finish it off with an ES+L.

ES+L+J is good if you can hit it. The second kick in that ES does a lot of
Damage, so even if the enemy blocks it'll take a pounding on the Defense.

The Raging Tiger is one of the best moves to use against human enemies(well,
when I say humans I mean non-robot/dog enemies, not actual human players).
They usually blocks their guard somewhere in the middle of it and get floored.
Just be sure you're close to them when you activate it, because if you're not
You might get hit out of it.


Echidna has an advantage against almost everybody, because her stance provides
her with some insurance. High attacks will most likely miss, but fight and
block as if they could. Better safe than sorry. ;)

Anyway, moving on. Echidna's h-h-h-h combo is great, as is her l-L-l-l. Use
those often(although the l-L-l-l can get you hit).

Her Extra Skills are great. They are almost all combos and almost all very

Use the ES+L a lot, because it damages like heck and gets Echidna away from
the enemy in the process.

The ES+H is a good combo, but it can get you hit easily, even in one-on-one
matches. Try to stay away from this unless you're confident or doing good.

The ES+J is a move that has more range than usual, but leaves you hanging
some. If you do this move while an enemy is running at you, they probably
won't be able to retaliate, however.


Dominique is the strongest fighter in the game. The only downside in hers tats
is her low life(140). To effectively fight as her you must use strategy to
avoid getting wiped out fast.

First, note her Extra Skills. The ES+H is a very powerful move. It can also be
followed up with ES+J(one of my custom combos ;). Also, her throw moves are
very useful, but you must be really close to make it work. ES+L and ES+M are
very good throw moves(impressive, too).

Then come her basic moves. The most useful combo is M-m-m, since it puts her
in a low stance while doing some good damage. Alternatives to it can be h-H,
m-M, or h-h-h.

Use j, J, or Dir+M for some ninja jumps, but they all leave you hanging
afterwards...Of course, because this is a one-on-one fight, that might not be
much of a problem if you knock the enemies down.

ES+J is a good move to use while your enemy is getting up.


Both Mugetsu forms are quick in their h-h-h combos. Use this to your
advantage. Pummel your enemy with it until his guard is sore. ;)

Masked Mugetsu has a great move, the ES+J. You have to do ES+J, then j again
to do the whole thing, but it's worth it. You'll see why when you do this

The Unmasked Mugetsu has his own good move, but it's a regular one. Dir+m.
He'll spin in the air really fast, knocking down unsuspecting enemies. This
attack will leave you open a little, but with the right usage you won't have
to worry about that because your enemy will be down on the floor.

Don't use Mugetsu's disappearing Extra Skills, because they miss a lot and get
you hit a lot as well. It's just not worth it.

Mugetsu's j is a very quick attack. Though it isn't very powerful, it can
knock the opponent down when he least expects it.


PD-4 doesn't really have any strategies except using his great combos over and
over. By "great combos" I mean h-h-h-h-H and M-m-m-m-m-m-m. They both work
wonders, and 'cause you're only fighting one enemy, they won't be interrupted.

If you're far away from your enemy try and hit them with the ES+M. Only use
ES+H+M if you just knocked the enemy down and they are getting up.


If you're in panther form, simply do the ES+H attack over and over.

In human form, Kaldea has a really quick h-h-h/h-H. Simply block and wait for
your opponent to hit you, then counterattack with h-h-h/h-H. This will almost
always hit.

Kaldea also has a pretty cool custom combo(invented by Conceptninja). First
hit the m-M on the enemy, sending him/her high in the air. Then, as quick as
possible do Kaldea's ES+J. If you hit, add in l-l-L to try and maximize the

Kaldea's j/J aren't very good. They miss a lot and/or leave her hanging and
will get you hit most of the time.


Wong plays a lot like Dauragon, except his Extra Skills leave him open BIG
TIME. Well, at least the old man has more Power than Dauragon.

His ES+L is an ok move, as in the ES+M. They both put Wong in a middle/low
stance so that high attacks will, but afterwards Wong is open to attack so
you might want to stay away from these unless you're doing good/are confident.

His ES+H is unblockable, but doesn't home in to the enemy and also takes a
little while to get started. Do this move after you knock the enemy down so
that you'll hit them as they get up.

The ES+H+M is also unblockable and is the most damaging move in the game, but
is pratically crazy in terms of time it takes to get it started. Only do this
move after you knock an enemy down, and MAKE SURE you'll have enough time to
pull it off and that you are facing your opponent. If you DO manage to hit it,
it'll be worth your while(watch that life go down!!!). Just don't die for it.

If the going gets tough you can lay back on h-h-h.


Leann is a fast character. Practice pulling off her basic combos and you
Should be on your way to victory.

Her h-h-h is short-range, but keeps the enemy stunned. Her H-h-h is more
effective than Kou's, because it is faster AND doesn't leave her open after
the attack is over. Also, the m-M is a pretty good trick which you can chain
an L or Dir+l afterwards for an extra hit.

Her Extra Skills are pretty good.

If you are near the enemy, her ES+J will most likely hit twice and put him in
your range for a follow-up Dir+l or L.

ES+H hits a blocking enemy several times(non-blocking enemy once) and gets
Leann away. Kind of like Sion's ES+J, eh?

The ES+H+J is her most powerful ES, and is a pretty well-rounded move.

Note that you can follow up J in quick succession.


This is one Dauragon who should use his basic moves equally with his Extra
Skills. The reason is that 1 Handed Dauragon's attacks don't leave him open to
retaliation should the enemy block or you miss. You'll know what I'm talking
about when you pound away at the enemy over and over with h-H without giving
him a chance to counterattack.

Despite the fact that his basic moves don't leave him open, some of his Extra
Skills are the same way. 1 Handed Dauragon's ES+H-h-h is a fast and powerful 3
hit combo. Although it's close range, it's a good attack to use. His ES++H+M
is a long range spear with his elbow, which is good for when the enemy doesn't
expect it. Finally, his ES+J hits the enemy and moves 1 Handed Dauragon away
from him as well. Try to use these effectively.


Another underrated Dauragon. Although this version lacks the powerful moves
of Leather and Final, and quick recovery time of 1 Handed, this Dauragon can
still do some damage.

His ES+H+J is a good throw move that can be used very effectively after you
knock your enemy down. Sometimes the second hit of it misses though...

Use his h-h-h a lot, because the enemy drops its guard from time to time in
the middle of the attack.

The other new found move, J-j, can be very helpful. You recover rather quickly
from it, it does good damage, and can be linked to j at the end for another


This guy's ES+M+L will murder anyone who gets in your way. After hitting them
high in the air with it, follow up with a J-J, then a j. This combo does great
damage and has no chance of being interrupted since it's a one-on-one. (Just
don't use this combo against your friends, because it's very cheap)

Though it may seem powerful and useful at first, Leather Dauragon's ES+J is
rather bad. It leaves you open BIG TIME if you the enemy blocks, and if they
do block they only get hit once.

His regular combos (h-H, h-h-h, m-M, l-L) are all pretty good, and don't leave
you hanging too bad.

Use the Sonic Elbow(ES+M) to knock your victim down, then do the ES+M+L as
they get up(the combo mentioned at the beginning of Leather Dauragon's


Pretty much the same as Leather Dauragon, but his ES+M+L and ES+J moves have
been replaced.

Final Dauragon's ES+J is REALLY good against enemies who block a lot. It chops
off around 48 defense if they block the whole attack! The damage is also
pretty good if it hits and leaves them stunned so they can't block once you
start hitting them.

The other replaced move, ES+M+L, is also excellent. However, like the Jet
Uppercut, it needs time to execute, so knock the enemy down with ES+M and
do it as they get up. Dauragon will unleash a flurry of punches here and there,
and if the enemy doesn't block they'll
get HURT and BADLY. If they do block,
their defense takes the punishment. Either way, it helps you a lot. Just don't
give the enemy time to hit you out of it by screwing up the timing.

Besides the stat changes and those two moves, Final and Leather Dauragon are
pretty much the same.



Make great use of Sion's ES+J. It hits and retreats, two things you want to do
very often with three or four people in the match.

Sion's H is a great move. Although it doesn't do much damage, it's fast and
knocks the enemy down. If you can get them to knock into each other, it WILL
do a lot of damage. And even if you miss, you can block very quickly after the

Also, his h-h-h is also effective.

If you're surrounded, activate the Hurricane Blitz. It's a gamble, since you
may be hit. But, if they're close enough to you, you'll give them knocks on
their heads that'll bother them for weeks.

Since it takes a long time to recover from Sion's ES+L, don't use it.

ES+H+J is an ok move, but it's easy to get hit if someone sneaks up on you
from behind.

Don't use Sion's M-M unless you're REALLY far away from the others. This is
because they have a high chance of hitting you during the combo. However, the
m-M-m is a little safer.

If you can sneak up on someone, don't miss the opportunity to hit them! If
they are close to other enemies, use H, ES+J, or h-h-h. This might knock them
into each other.

With three or four people in the match, Sion's j-J is a little more risky.


Since Volt is slow, you'll have to watch your back so that you don't get
surrounded and beaten silly. It's difficult to get out of a position like that
if it happens.

Attacks that don't leave Volt open are very recommended. Some of these can be
h-h-h, h-H, l-L, j. Also, ES+H and ES+M are also pretty fast.

Throw moves, excluding the quick ones like ES+L, shouldn't be used too much.
With more than one person in the match it's very simple to get hit out of a
throw .

Try using the j h-h-h combo. You follow up the h after the j rather fast.


Kou is quick, which can help him a lot in Versus.

Repeat the Tiger Frenzy (ES+H+J) a LOT. This move rocks. Computers usually
drop their guard somewhere in the attack and get knocked down hard. The same
happens with Raging Tiger (ES+H+M).

Those two attacks should be your main arsenal, but you can use other ones if
you like. Best from them are h-h-h, h-H, m-M and the combo j J (which requires
clever timing to be pulled off effectively).


I find that I get hit a lot with Echidna. Against one person, her attacks are
good, but against several, they get her all over the place so that she is hit

Never use L. It leaves her too open.

Her h-h-h-h is a good move since it's probably the one that keeps her in
remotely the same spot. The h-H is another good one, since it's fast.

m-M is good if the enemies are crowded. Well, the M part is. If you can not
get hit in the first part it might work.

Echidna's jump attacks are bad in general, and even more in multiplayer

Make sure no other on going attack is currently being executed (Hurricane
Blitz, Raging Tiger, Rushing Beat, etc.) and do the ES+L-l-l. It can cause
good damage, just hopefully you won't be hit.

ES+H-h-h-h is a very bad move for multiplayer. Don't use it.

ES+J can be good, since afterwards Echidna is in low stance, so you might
escape some more lethal attacks.


Dominique may be even stronger in 3 or 4 way matches! Her moves cause a great
deal of damage, and usually don't leave Dominique open. Then if the enemies
knock into each it can be even more mass destruction!

Dominique has a lot of moves that get her into advantageous positions. Her j
is an example. If your opponents are crowded together, it can hit all of them
down and maybe into each other.

ES+H is fatal. It does a ton of damage, and if you can get the downed guy into
the other enemies, BIG damage will be dealt.

Follow up the ES+H with an L for an extra hit. Also move in close to the
person before they get up and do ES+J. You can hit this before the recover,
but if not, then just wait until they get up, then do it. You'll most likely
hit them.

M-m-m is very useful, because it sets her in a low stance. So does l-L.


Mugetsu is still the same crazy guy in 3 and 4 people matches.

Use h-h-h and m-m-m to beat on the opponent's defense/life. It leaves Unmasked
Mugetsu a little more open than Masked, but it's still good in both versions.

Use Masked Mugetsu's ES+J to hit several enemies at once, or knock enemies
into each other. It can also get you away from enemies if you only press j

Use Unmasked Mugetsu's Dir+m a lot. It puts Mugetsu in a low stance afterwards
so that attacks will miss you unless they're low.

As in One-on-One, don't use Unmasked Mugetsu's disappearing skills, since they
have an even higher chance of getting you hit. And with more enemies to get
rid of, you want to get hit LESS.

Mugetsu's j is a very quick attack. Though it isn't very powerful, it can
knock the opponent down when he least expects it.

Masked Mugetsu's L is very quick to begin (though it leaves you open
Afterwards), use it to knock enemies into each other.


ES+M can hit several people, so try it.

PD-4's massive combo, h-h-h-h-H, is good when you're fighting only one person
(meaning separated from the other two). If you are in this situation then it
might be a good idea to pull it off. The hand coming back at the end might
also hit somebody else.

The same goes for his other massive combo, M-m-m-m-m-m-m.

Use a shortened version of PD-4's h-h-h-h-H if you're fighting near others.
A list of them: h-H, h-h-H, h-h-h-H. Also, H-h can be good.

Don't use PD-4's j-j-j. It rarely hits, but often gets YOU hit.

If you are surrounded, you're likely to get hit anyway, so go ahead and do
ES+H. You might also want to try ES+L.


Kaldea's strategy here is the same as against one computer. Since I know you
probably won't like having to scroll back up there, I'll put it here too:

If you're in panther form, simply do the ES+H attack over and over.

In human form, Kaldea has a really quick h-h-h/h-H. Simply block and wait for
your opponent to hit you, then counterattack with h-h-h/h-H. This will almost
always hit.

Kaldea also has a pretty cool custom combo(invented by Conceptninja). First
hit the m-M on the enemy, sending him/her high in the air. Then, as quick as
possible do Kaldea's ES+J. If you hit, add in l-l-L to try and maximize the

Kaldea's j/J aren't very good. They miss a lot and/or leave her hanging and
will get you hit most of the time.


You have to be careful with Wong. The old man can get killed rather fast.

Learn to use ES+H effectively. It makes Wong dash a long distance, and is
Unblockable, so it use when the enemies are lined up in a row.

As in the one-on-one strategy, Wong's ES+M and ES+L should be used sparingly.
It leaves him open afterwards, though it can be destructive if you actually
hit it. If you can sneak up on somebody, then do it.

Wong's h-h-h is one of the most safe options. You can wind up wearing down the
enemy's defense or life down to almost nothing or even defeat that opponent.

If you find the focus of the fight shifted off of you, try hitting the Silent
Exploder. If you can hit it, it's fatal. If you can hit it and have the
enemies hit each other, it'll be the most damaging thing you'll ever see in
this game.


Leann's quickness can save her from mass beatings sometimes. Most of her moves
can be used in great quickness.

Superior to Kou's H-h-h, Leann's H-h-h is fast and doesn't leave her hanging.
The same goes for h-h-h, J, m-M, and some others.

If the enemy is blocking a lot, use Leann's throw move.

Her other Extra Skills are all useful. They don't leave her hanging, yet are
pretty decent attacks. The one with the most range is ES+H. The one with the
most hits is ES+J. Finally, the coolest-looking one (and one that could grant
you a chance at an extra L) is ES+H+J.


Use 1 Handed Dauragon's extreme quickness to quickly defeat your opponents.

Follow h-H with h-H over and over and as quickly as possible. This can whittle
Down the enemy's defense very quickly if they block. If they don't, they'll be

1 Handed Dauragon's ES+H-h-h is also a great move. It hits around you, too, so
if you are surrounded, it'll be a great help.

Be sure not to use the ES+M almost at all, because it leaves you hanging a lot
and doesn't do enough damage to be worth it.


2 Handed Dauragon has the new h-h-h which 1 Handed Dauragon lacks. Use it a
lot, because as mentioned in the one-on-one strategy the enemy usually drops
his guard somewhere in the attack.

His m-M and j-J are also good.

With more than one person against you, 2 Handed Dauragon's throw move
decreases in value. It can get interrupted fast.


Leather Dauragon's ES+M+L, J-j, j combo still works, though you may be hit out
of it. You should still use it often, because the damage you'll inflict is
well worth it.

Again, use his h-h-h. His m-M is good, and also the l-L. And j-J. Well, I just
repeated that for the 50th time, huh?


Final Dauragon's ES+L puts him in a low stance, and has a high chance of
knocking enemies into each other if they are near each other.

Now, Dauragon's ES+J is a little dangerous to use. I've found that since it
puts him in a high position it gets him hit easily. Against one enemy this is
still helpful, though.

The same goes for his Rushing Beat. Against one person it's effective, but
with several people it becomes dangerous to use.

His Sonic Elbow (ES+M) is still a quick way to floor someone. It sends them in
a straight line so you'll find it easier to knock them each other too.


This mode poses one heck of a challenge.

10 Stages, 50 grueling enemies, and only one lifebar.

I don't know how that sounded, but let me tell you that it is hard to beat.
Well, depending on the character it may be easy, but you have to be real
careful to even have a chance. If you're one of those people that likes to
unlock everything, well, you'll have to finish this mode because it is the
only way to unlock Black-Hooded Sion.

I myself have beaten Survival Mode with several characters, and have written
a few guides to help you.

By the way, I suggest you play through this mode a few times to get to know
it before trying really seriously to beat it. This way you'll know what I'm
trying to explain more clearly in the guides.



Okay, first of all, let me just tell you right now that to win this thing
you've got to be either very skilled, very lucky, or very cheap. I'm no the
first, I don't find much of the second, so I settled for the third. Don't
complain if you don't think you beat Survival Mode with skills. Well, to me,
beating Survival Mode AT ALL requires skills, and Survival Mode is cheap in
itself. I know two wrongs don't make a right, but two rights make an airplane,
so let's just get on with it, ok?

PD-4's greatest strength is his Lightning Whip, executed by ES+M. This attack
has long range and does good damage. It can also hit several enemies, and
knock them into each other! In my opinion, PD-4 is the easiest character to
use to get through Survival Mode. In the beginning, I tried to beat Survival
with Kaldea, Sion, Final Dauragon, and failed with all of them. PD-4 gave
me my first win in Survival Mode. ///_^ If you're having the same problem,
then great! This can help you! If not, then you shouldn't be here! Get outta
here and go eat some M&M's or something! ///_O

Now, I'm not gonna have a bio, because that's not gonna help you in beating
Survival Mode at all. And I'm not putting up a move list either, because the
only two moves you need to know are ES+M and ES+H+M.

Also, I suggest going through this mode at least once to get to know where the
enemies are and all. I'm saying this so my explanations will make more sense
to you if you know what I'm talking about.

Enemies: 2 Security Guards, 2 MSF's

Ha! This is nothing compared to what you'll face later. Guards and MSF's don't
block too much, so go ahead and ES+M them to death. You shouldn't get hit at

Enemies: 3 Security Chiefs, 2 Commanders

This is still easy. Forget the stuff about beating them one-on-one and just
get the attention of all 3 Security Chiefs. When they get close ES+M them and
they'll probably knock into each other. Keep doing the move after the stand up
and you'll kill them easily. Moving on, you'll find two Commanders. These guys
aren't that tough. They don't block too much, and shouldn't pose much of a
problem. Try not to get hit at all in this level.

Enemies: 3 PD-101's, 3 Air Carrier Pilots

Okay, right in front of you are several boxes. The right box and the left box
each have a PD-101 behind them. What I usually do is walk up to the boxes and
look straight at where the PD-101 is on the other side. Then I do ES+H+M. This
move is like the Lightning Whip, but it only hits straight. It also has a
better range. The move can also go through obstacles, so it'll travel through
the box and hit the PD-101 on the other side. The little robot will rush out
to meet you after that, but at least you'll have hit it already. Once it shows
its little face, ES+M to death. If you get too close, back off. If you hear
its winding up for its charge attack, either quickly hit it with ES+M, or
block. Do the ES+M+H move through the box on the two PD-101's as well. They'll
rush out after the first hit like the first, so just dispose them with ES+M,
following the same strategy you used for the first.

Past the boxes and dead PD-101 carcasses you'll find a turn on your right.
Here you'll find 3 Air Carrier Pilots. These dudes can be very annoying. They
block a lot, and usually counterattack. Keep your distance and hit them with
ES+M. Hopefully, you won't get hit as they bounce into each other for massive

Enemies: 3 Watchdogs, 2 MC-07's

A dog will run at you as soon as you start. You can hit it with ES+M, or if it
gets too close, use l-L to be safe. After taking care of it, move on and hit
the MC-07 a few times with ES+M, then run away. You'll probably have called
the attention of another Watchdog. Take care of him while keeping away from
the MC-07. After you've dealt with the canine, destroy the MC-07 and move on
once more. You'll find another MC-07, and out of sight, there's another dog.
Walk up to the MC-07, then run away. The dog will follow. Kill it one-on-one,
then ES+M the last MC-07 to death.

Enemies: 2 MSF's, 1 MSF Elites, 1 LD-15, 1 LD-X1

Getting harder? You'll immedietely come to an MSF and LD-15. Kill the MSF
before the LD-15 reaches you. If you want, you can use the h-h-h-h-H combo on
him, since they don't block that much. This should kill him faster. Once
you've dealt with the MSF, closely walk towards the LD-15. You're able to hit
it with ES+M while barely outside of its range. ES+M knocks the enemy back and
makes PD-4 go forward a little, so as long as you don't have it pinned against
a wall, you should always be the same distance from each other. Hit it quickly
with ES+M, and repeat until its dead. STRIVE not to get hit by the LD's. They

Up some stairs, through a catwalk and down some more stairs you'll come to an
MSF, and an MSF Elite. Nothing extreme, but they can potentially hit you, so
be careful. Try to get one to knock into the other for an easier time. Don't
hesitate to run if you get surrounded. You need as much life as you can get
for this.

Past the two MSF's you'll find a LD-X1. Use the same strategy you used for the
LD-15. Hit it with ES+M while staying outside of its hit range. If it gets too
close for your taste, run away and wait for it to close in before trying to
hit it again. Another thing you can try is to run away, then turn around,
position yourself so that you're facing the LD-X1, and use the ES+H+M move.
This can definetely hit it without putting yourself at rist, just be careful
when using it because it takes a moment to execute. If worse comes to worse,
you can run back to the stairs and hide out there. The LD-15's and LD-X1's
can't go up stairs so you'll be safe there. But of course, you need to kill it
to pass the level, so this will only you a breather.

Enemies: 2 PD-101's, 4 MC-07's

This level is easy. First, kill the PD-101 behind you with ES+M. Then just go
through the level and kill the rest with the same move.

Enemies: 1 Security Guard, 1 Security Chief, 1 Air Carrier Pilot, 1 Commander,
3 Watchdogs

First you'll see two narrow catwalks. Go up the right one and hit the Air
Carrier Pilot from behind with the ES+M. Unlike other characters, you WANT the
Security Chief to see you. This way, you can knock them into each other for
more damage.

After you've dealt with the cards, go down and past the stairs a bit, then
run back up them. You'll have 3 Watchdogs right on your tail. Hit them with
ES+M. Hopefully, they'll knock into each other. If not, you should still hit
more than one with this attack. Repeat and hopefully you'll kill them without
getting hit.

Continuing on you'll find two more narrow catwalks. Go up on the left one this
time. Hit the Commander and run away. This time you want only the Commander's
attention, since getting double-teamed in this case would suck. The Commander
blocks a lot, so the Security Guard won't help too much. Well, besides getting
you hit he won't help much. Just deal with both of them individually with ES+M
and you should be fine.

Enemies: 1 LD-15, 1 LD-X1, 1 MC-07, 1 PD-101

This stage, along with Stage 9, will pretty much decide how much life you
have. The robots, specifically, the LD Series, are very strong and fast. In
this level you'll want to use the ES+H+M trick I told you about in Stage 5.
Use this move because it has very long range, and you can hit the robots
without getting in range to be hit yourself. But you'll want to first call the
attention of only the LD-15 and fight it alone.

Some people say its hard, and others say its easy. I say I know the exact spot
where you should stand so only the LD-15 follows you. Notice the little black
"holes" on the ground? Stand to the left of the 4th hole which is in the half-
"block" right before the dark metal flooring. This probably sounds very
confusing, but don't worry. Scroll down a bit to the end of this stage and
you'll see the URL of a page at my site where I placed a pic of where to stand
to get only one LD to follow you, and also how you should position the LD-15
body(it'll make more sense once you read some more).

Anyway, stand at that spot for a second, then run away past the stairs.
Continue running away and you'll run into an MC-07. Destroy quick before the
LD-15 gets close. Once it does, you can risk doing the ES+M, or the ES+H+M
trick. Whichever way you kill it, you need it to block passage way on one of
the sides of the stairs(next to where you started off in this stage). By doing
this, the LD-X1 won't be able to get through, and you'll be able to hit it
with ES+H+M over and over without fear of getting hit. Now, to position the
LD-15 to where you want, just hit it. But now that it's dead, use combos that
really move then along like h-h-h-h-H, or you can just use simple moves like
ES+M. Whichever method you use, the LD-15 should be blocking the entrance of
the short passageway. HERE'S a pic of that to show you what I mean. You should
then call the LD-X1's attention, and go behind the LD-15 body. The LD-X1 will
try to get it(like in this PIC) but won't be able to. You can pound away on it
with ES+H+M. After dealing with the LD-15, LD-X1, and MC-07, go around the
level to find a lone PD-101. Come on, after what you just faced, you really
need help on this guy?

I have this guide up at my site, but there I had the ability to so I put up
several screenshots to better display what I tried to say in stage 8( and also
some less important stuff on stage 3). The URL is:
Just copy and paste that into your Netscape/Explorer/whatever's adress line
thingy and ta-da.

Enemies: 3 MSF's, 2 MSF Elites, 2 Watchdogs

Just as the dude says FIGHT, run to your left. Keep going and enter the little
elevator. Pretty soon, they'll be on you. Quickly do the ES+M move and just
sit there hearing the bones crackling. Once they get up, do it again. Keep
repeating and they'll die soon enough from al lthe banging into each other
thing. BUT, a word of caution. Be careful if someone gets on the elevator,
ESPECIALLY, a dog. Kill the dogs with sweeps rather than ES+M, because if the
dog is right near you in the elevator, ES+M won't hit it.

Enemies: Black Hooded Sion

Wat up, Sion?

First things first. Run behind the couch. Second, hit him with ES+M.

You're behind the couch, so he won't be block, thinking you can't get him.
He's wrong. Just keep hitting away with ES+M and he'll die eventually. DON'T
FIGHT HIM FACE TO FACE. You'll probably die unless you're really skilled/
lucky. Fight with patience and circumspect, and you'll be allright. If he
enters the little narrow passage between the desk and the couch(where you
should be, hitting him with ES+M), then run out of there and go on the other
side and keep hitting. Your biggest friend here: THE COUCH. ///_^



Leather Dauragon is a very powerful and very fast character. This combination
makes him deadly, and his possession of the move, Jet Uppercut, only adds to
his power. I find it very easy to beat Survival Mode with him, even if I do
really bad.

Now I'll explain some of his better moves for Survival Mode. If a move isn't
listed here, or I tell you it's a bad idea to use them...well, it's a bad
idea to use 'em. ;)

ES+M (Sonic Elbow) - This move is pretty fast, and you can recover from it
pretty quickly, making it a good choice for most situations(non-robot and
non-dog enemies, of course). This move is most useful when setting up for
the Jet Uppercut. Knock them them with Sonic Elbow and then...

ES+M+L (Jet Uppercut) - This move is unblockable, does good damage, and also
good range(well, not really range, but Dauragon dashes forward when you do
it, so I guess that counts). The only problem is the amount of time it takes
for the move to be pulled off. It's safer to knock an enemy down with Sonic
Elbow then start it as they are getting up, and you'll punch them straight
into orbit. However, you can also use this against enemies that are standing.
See, human enemies usually run to you until they reach just outside your
range, then they stop and get into a fighting position. Now's the time to
pull this move off. Remember, this move hits PD-101's and dogs too! So use it
against them, and also MC-07's. Yes, this move is great all around...except
for LD's. Well, this move isn't good for defeating LD's by itself, but if you
can sneak up on an LD, you can hit them with this before you change to a MUCH
SAFER strategy...which is...

J-J - This double-kick is VERY fast, Use this against LD's, it's your very
best choice. You can also do this move and have to wait very little time
before you can do it again. Get to know this move, because you can also use
it to chain more hits after the Jet Uppercut. After the enemy is in the air
after the Jet Uppercut, let them fall a little bit, then do J-J for two more

j - This move is bad against every enemy. So why did I put here? Well, after
the Jet Uppercut, and then the J-J, you can hit the floored enemy with this
for an extra hit. Phew, Dauragon, calm down man!

ES+J (Launcher) - This move does pretty good damage, sounds and looks cool,
But you recover from it very slowly, leaving you open a lot. Only use this
move against the human enemies of stages 1 and 2, and MSF's of later stages.
If the enemy blocks, cross your fingers and hope they don't hit you before
you get up. If you want to be really safe, don't use this move at all.

ES+L (Dragon Spiral) - This move is ok. The recovery time is acceptable
(faster than the Launcher, slower than the Sonic Elbow). This is a good
move for knocking enemies into each other, and also if you are surrounded.

l-L - With some PD-101's you'll want to use this rather than the Jet
Uppercut. You recover really fast, and does pretty good damage, so why not
use it? Of course, you have to be fast-fingered to use this to its max

OK, enough on moves, ON WITH THE GUIDE!

Enemies: 2 Security Guards, 2 MSF's

Two guards and two MSF's. I laugh at their punyness! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *ahem*
Sorry about that. Ok, this is really easy. Just Uppercut them to death. Also,
if they don't die from the Uppercut, half of the J-J combo right after can
kill them. This stage is a breeze.

Enemies: 3 Security Chiefs, 2 Commanders

If you like the Uppercut, run back and fight the guards one at a time. If you
more excitement, run forward and fight all three guards at once. Just do ES+L
or ES+M and knock them into each other. After you take care of the guards,
head for the commanders. These guys have more life, so you may want to run
back some after you get the attention of just one guard to Uppercut them to
death. Repeat with the other. Easy, eh? ;)

Enemies: 3 PD-101's, 3 Air Carrier Pilots

Well, there are several ways to take care of the PD-101's. First, you can
just Uppercut them to death, but there's a likely change that you'll get hit.
If you're good with Dauragon, this won't matter so much in the long run, but
if you're not so confident you might want to use l-L. Or, a better way is to
mix them up. Get the first hit using the Uppercut, then switch to l-L. But,
remember that the last PD-101 dies in only two Uppercuts(whereas the others
took 3), so you may want to just kill that one using the Uppercut.

Past the big crates comes a turn on your right. Head toward and you'll find
three Air Carrier Pilots. These guys attack and block a lot. The blocking
part doesn't matter for Leather Dauragon, but the attacking part does. Stay
out of their range and active the Uppercut. Hopefully you'll hit two or all
of them, or just knock one into the others. The Uppercut is probably the
safest way to beat these guys without rataliation.

Enemies: 3 Watchdogs, 2 MC-07's

Since the Uppercut hits dogs, you may want to use that to take care of the
canines, but if you time it wrong you'll get hit hard. A safer way is to
block and wait for the dog to attack, then retaliating with l-L. After the
first dog is a MC-07. Just keep doing Uppercut while out of its range and
you'll be fine. Now walk past the MC-07 carcass a bit, and hopefully just
one dog will follow you. Use the same strategy you used for the first dog.
Then head for the last MC-07, and the last dog should jump out. Take care
of it before the MC-07, since they are more of a threat. Then, destroy the
MC-07 with the Uppercut.

Enemies: 2 MSF's, 1 MSF Elites, 1 LD-15, 1 LD-X1

Getting harder? You'll immediately come to an MSF and LD-15. Kill the MSF
before the LD-15 reaches you. This is easy with the Uppercut, J-J, j combo.
Now, run up to the LD-15 and keep doing J-J over and over. You should be
able to kill it easily without getting hit.

Up some stairs, through a catwalk and down some more stairs you'll come to an
MSF, and an MSF Elite. Nothing extreme, but they can potentially hit you so be
careful. Try to get one to knock into the other for an easier time. Don't
hesitate to run if you get surrounded. You need as much life as you can get
for this. It's kind of dangerous to use the Uppercut here, so try using ES+L
and ES+M to be safe. Once there's only one left, then use the Uppercut to
speed things up.

Past the two MSF's you'll find a LD-X1. This LD-X1 is easy to sneak up on, so
you should do that and hit it with the Uppercut. But after that, repeat the
J-J move on him. No more explanation needed.

Enemies: 2 PD-101's, 4 MC-07's

For the PD-101 behind you, hit him first with the Uppercut, and then repeat
the l-L combo. I've found this to be the safest way. For all the MC-07's on
this level, simply repeat the Uppercut. But remember to stay out of their
range when you activate it. For the last PD-101, use the strategy you used
for the first one in this level.

Enemies: 1 Security Guard, 1 Security Chief, 1 Air Carrier Pilot, 1 Commander, 3

First you'll see two narrow catwalks. Go up the right one and make the Air
Carrier Pilot see you. Be careful not to let the Security Guard see you,
though. Once the Air Carrier Pilot has spotted you, run back down the catwalk
to your starting position and walk for him to come. When he stops running,
active the Uppercut and kill him using normal means. Then do the same to the
Security Guard, but don't go down the catwalk on the other side (to not
activate the dogs while you're beating the Guard).

After you've dealt with the guards, go down and past the stairs a bit, and
then run back up them. You'll have 3 Watchdogs right on your tail. Hit them
with either L or ES+L. Hopefully they'll knock into other. If ANY of them are
left standing, BLOCK. Wait for one to hit your guard before dropping it and
hitting them again with L/ES+L. Repeat to kill them. Hopefully the dogs don't
hit you.

Continuing on you'll find two more narrow catwalks. Go up on the left one this
time. Make the Commander spot but not the Security Chief (just like the first
pair of humans on this stage). Then kill him, then move on to the Chief.

Enemies: 1 LD-15, 1 LD-X1, 1 MC-07, 1 PD-101

Ok, first you'll want to call the attention of only the LD-15. Go to my PD-4
Survival Guide for the exact spot on how to do that. After you've gone to The
Spot, run back (DOWN, not to the side, because running to the side might get
you spotted by the LD-X1) and destroy the MC-07 right around the corner with
the Uppercut. Now run back so that you can see the stairs from which you
started the level. The LD-15 should be closing in on you. Once it does, start
your rampage with J-J. Keep doing this as quickly as possible to reduce the
chances of getting hit. After the LD-15, go back and destroy the LD-X1 with
the same move (J-J). It's easier to keep it pinned down if you hit to the
wall. Even if this is not possible, just repeat J-J. In all my experience with
this LD-X1, its one arm jab is its fastest move. I've stopped it with the J-J
a few times (the arm was fully stretched out though, which means a millisecond
more and I would have been floored). Fighting this LD-X1 with ANY strategy is
very tricky, because no matter what there's a chance you'll get hit. But, if
you've been following this guide and have been doing good, a hit or two by
this LD-X1 shouldn't put you into critical life status. After you've killed
the LD-X1, circle the whole stage and take care of the PD-101.

Enemies: 3 MSF's, 2 MSF Elites, 2 Watchdogs

Just as the dude says FIGHT, run to your left. Keep going and enter the little
elevator. Pretty soon, they'll be on you. Wait until the MSFs are pretty
close, then do either the ES+L or ES+M. From my experience, the ES+L knocks
them into each other more, but it leaves you exposed for more, so a dog that
has dodged his comrades bodies may hit you. Remember that killing the dogs is
your top priority, but that doesn't mean going out of the elevator. If a dog
somehow makes his way into the elevator, take a step back and beat it to
death with l-L or ES+L. This is dangerous though, because MSFs might enter it
while you're beating the dog, but if you stay at the entrance and hit the MSFs
the dog will hit you. So you're damned if you do and you're damned if you
don't if a dog gets into the elevator. For me, 99.9% of the times I have died
on this stage or got beat REALLY bad was because of the dogs. So be very very
careful. Unless there are only 2 MSFs left, stay in the elevator, repeating
ES+L/ES+M and blocking often.

Enemies: Black Hooded Sion

First thing you should do is block. Wait for Sion to hit you, then retaliate
with ES+M. If he blocks that, block yourself. Then, after he attacks again, do
ES+M. Keep doing this until you knock him down. Then active the Uppercut as he
gets up, then do the J-J, and finally j(sounds familiar). Repeat this combo
and he'll go down in no time.


Here I will list how to unlock stuff.

Note that some of the following stuff I'm not sure on. If you see something
incorrect please send me an email notifying me of it. You'll be credited for
your help.


DOMINIQUE ENDING - play as Sion in every battle.
KALDEA ENDING - only Sion in his single event and the battle with Kaldea.
LEANN ENDING - play as Kou in every battle.
WONG ENDING - don't use Sion in his special event, and don't use Sion in the
battle with Kaldea on the Galeos.
ECHIDNA ENDING - play as Volt in every battle.


DOMINIQUE - successfully escape with Dominique in the Rocket Tower stage.
ECHIDNA - Defeat her
MUGETSU(MASKED) - defeat him in the Hanging Garden
MUGETSU(UNMASKED) - defeat him on the Air Carrier that's heading for the
KALDEA - unlock Kaldea's ending
WONG - unlock Wong's ending then defeat him as Sion in the flashback.
LEANN - unlock the Leann ending and defeat her as Kou.
1 HANDED DAURAGON - defeat him in the Crystal Dome.
2 HANDED DAURAGON - defeat him on the Galeos.
LEATHER DAURAGON - defeat him on the Galeos.
FINAL DAURAGON - defeat him on the Galeos.

BLACK HOODED SION - beat Survival Mode with any character.
MSF KOU - go through Kou's single event without getting caught once.


CENTRAL SQUARE -> finish Stage 2
CENTRAL STATION -> finish Stage 3
MSD CARGO TRAIN -> finish Stage 4
AIR-CARRIER -> finish Stage 6
CRYSTAL DOME -> finish Stage 8
MIKADO BLDG. - ROBOT FACTORY -> use Volt for the single event
ROCKET TOWER - DECK -> finish Stage 13
GALEOS - MID-FLIGHT -> finish Stage 14
GALEOS - CONTROL ROOM -> finish Stage 16


Custom combos are combos putting different attacks or extra skills in a way
that either looks good, gives you great satisfaction when it is pulled off, or
is very effective against an enemy.

All the following combos and names (including Beta ones) were created by me
without any other reference or help(aside from possible playtesting) unless
stated otherwise.

7.1 KOU

Fierce Tiger
j h-h H m-M ES+L+J

Good Against: slow LD-15's, MC-07
This combo is my favorite. It works excellent on MC-07's, since they are too
slow to counter. It also works on LD-15's, but the faster ones can hit you out
of it. If you pin them next to a wall you might even be able to hit this on
LD-X1's, but I wouldn't try it.

Roundhouse Axe
H H H m-M

Good Against: LD-15, LD-X1, MC-07
This combo is simpler and faster, although it does a bit less damage. This
works against the MC-07's, LD-15's, and LD-X1's. I haven't tested whether
dealing with counterattacks will be a problem or not with this combo, but I
can say safely that this works good against MC-07. But you gotta be quick with
your fingers.

Front and Around
j J

Good Against: human enemies
The first j will knock a human enemies down, but if they block, quickly follow
up with the J. The J also hits around you, so this combo is also helpful when
you're surrounded, although kind of useless against robots.

Fists of Fury
h-h h-h h-h h-H

Good Against: guards, MSF's, human enemies that don't block
This combo is especially good against MSF's and guards. They don't recover and
just keep getting knocked over the head. This might also work against robots,
but I haven't tried that out.

Mad Fury
h-h h-h h-h H-h H-h H-h h-H

Good Against: guards, MSF's, human enemies that don't block
Fancier version of the Fists of Fury, this combo adds in some double
roundhouses. This is just an amplified version that will cause even more
damage to guards and MSF's.

Mixed Fury
Good Against: guards, MSF's, human enemies that block and counterattack more
h-h H-h H-h h-h-h

Good Against: guards, MSF's, human enemies that block and counterattack more,
Air Carrier Pilots(?)
Especially designed for the annoying Air Carrier Pilots. Since the h-h to h-h
transition is too slow and you'll most likely get hit by them, the h-h to H-h
transition is more favorable since it is faster. The attacks might get
blocked, in which case watch out. But enough of enemy strats, thats in the
enemies section ;). Well, I haven't fully testest this thing out though since
the only Air Carrier pilot fight is a bad one to test combos in...

Dog Killer
l l l ES+L

Good Against: Dogs, PD-101
A-ha! No more dog troubles! Actually, this also works with PD-101's, too. The
thing about this combo is I remember the range being kind of short. Block
until the pup decides to try and claw you, then go for it. Repeat for a quick


These are combos I scribbled down while playing. Note that these are still in
the Beta version.


h-h m-m-m

h-h m-M

h-h M-m

h-h H-h

h-h J

h-h-H L

h-h-H m-M

h-h-H M-m

h-h-H M-m H-h

h-h l-l-L

h-h ES+M (just once)


h-h-h ES+L-l-l

h-h-h m ES+H-h-h-h

l-L-l ES+H ES+L-l-l

h-h J


h-h-h M

ES+H-h ES+L-l-l

h-h-h ES+M

m h-H

ES+M ES+L-l-l


h-h J L

m H


h l m H

h-h ES+L

h-h m-m ---> ES+H+J

h-h l-L

h-h m ES+M

8.0 FAQ

Q: Are there any special equipment needed to play The Bouncer?
A: Well, you don't need anything special except a Playstation2 Dual Shock
Controller. It would help to have a memory card, but it's not required.

Q: I plugged in my controller(s) but it still won't work! WHY?
A: Make sure they are PS2 Dual Shock controllers. If not you need to get some
to play this game.

Q: Can two/three people play Story Mode at once?
A: No, although it may seem possible due to there being three selectable
characters, Story Mode is single-player.

Q: How much damage do Trinity Rushes do?
A: Trinity Rushes damage the enemies based on how much life they have(Current
life, not max life). So if your enemy has a lot life, the Trinity Rush will do
more damage.

Q: I went through the whole game, but there's still one level in Versus that's
not unlocked! What is it?
A: It's probably the Robot Factory. You need to choose Volt in the single
Event to unlock it.

Q: Ok, I followed guides and unlocked the levels, but then I go into Versus
Mode, load up my characters, but the levels don't show up! What's happening?
A: The same thing happened to me. What you have to do is go to Story Mode and
go to Load/Extra Game(whichever one has the save file with the levels on it)
and load it. Then when the game starts just open the menu and Title Screen.
Now go back to Versus, choose your characters and ta da! The levels
are there.

Q: I went through the whole game but there's still a character left unlocked.
I'm sure it's not Wong, Leann or Kaldea...Who is it?
A: The last character on the top row? That's Final Dauragon whom you face at
the end of your third time through the game in Story Mode.

Got a question? Send it to me at


Me - for having the patience to actually write this

CjayC - for putting this guide up

Zerocustom - for his enemy listings for Story Mode, and the Loading Screen

Hawkuk - for encouragement, some information I was missing, and great
strategies for every game mode including custom combos

Square and Dreamfactory - for making this game

You - for reading this thing

This document Copyright RedClyde(Renato Farias) 2001.

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Special Events FAQ

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02.Октябрь 2013

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01.Октябрь 2013

30.Сентябрь 2013

03.Октябрь 2013
Full Walkthrough and FAQ

30.Сентябрь 2013

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30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
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24.Февраль 2018