Half-Life - Natural Selection

Half-Life - Natural Selection

18.09.2013 00:57:54


A guide to the popular Half-Life mod


Version 1.00 ---- Was put on GameFAQS.com

Copyright 2004 Mobius One
E-mail - pyroguy6666@hotmail.com

Feel free to e-mail me suggestions and/or corrections. My first FAQ, so I'll
gladly accept help.

-----Legal Stuff

-This guide is sole property of me, the creator. I have given this guide to
gamefaqs.com, and is not to be used for anyone else's commercial gain nor may
any other website use this guide. Use this guide only for personal reasons and
ask for permission before copying any part of my guide. Thank you.


1.0 - Introduction
2.0 - Races and Advantages/Disadvantages
2.1 - Marines
2.2 - The Kharaa
3.0 - The Weapons
3.1 - Marine weapons/technology
3.2 - Kharaa weapons/attacks/upgrades
3.3 - Kharaa species
4.0 - Objectives of Combat Scenarios
5.0 - Strategies
5.1 - Marine strategies/Skill set builds
5.2 - Kharaa strategies/Skill set builds
6.0 - Etiquette
7.0 - Thanks/credits
8.0 - FAQ section

*Let's start the show!*

*Note: You can use quicksearch by pressing Control key + F key and typing in
1A, 2A, etc.


- Welcome to the Combat guide for Natural Selection! Natural Selection is a
First person Shooter mod for Half-Life. In this popular modification, there are
two teams: Aliens and Marines. The marines have encroached upon the habitats of
the Aliens, and the marines must take control of the ships and compounds that
the Aliens have infested.

This is Natural Selection.


- As said before, there are two races to choose from. These are:

- The Kharaa, the alien race
- and the Marines, the humans

Each team has unique advantages and disadvantages, but understanding and
adapting to each one will help you become a better player. This section will
delve into the advantages and disadvantages presented by each team.

- 2.1 - MARINES

- Humans have been one of the most adaptable races to ever inhabit the
universe. They have always strived to become the dominant species, and have
reached out across the cosmos in search of colonization and other life.
However, their search was stopped in its tracks when the Kharaa decided to rear
their ugly heads. Here are the skills the Marines have at their disposal in
order to rid the universe of the alien menace.

- Marines rely almost entirely on ammunition. They use ranged weapons 99
percent of the time, so they have the ability to shoot while the target is
still a ways ahead.

- Marines receive their upgrades instantly, instead of waiting for them. This
can come in handy in the heat of battle.

- Superior technology allows the Marines to discover hidden enemies and track
any enemy motion.

- Marines, as with any race, have safety in numbers. Travel alone, and you'll
get wasted faster than 10-course meal for one person.

======Here are the Marine DISADVANTAGES======

- Marines move considerably slower unless upgraded with a catalyst or jetpack.
If the round just started and try to rush some point, chances are a skulk got
there first

- As said before, Marines rely on ammunition. If you run out of ammo for your
main weapon, fall back onto your pistol. Use the pistol only as a back up or
finishing weapon. If you have to resort to your knife, there's a good chance
you'll die within 3 seconds, unless your enemy has maybe, what, 10 hp left?

- Aiming with all Marine weapons takes practice and time. A Skulk can easily
outmaneuver a panicky Marine by circle strafing around and around, waiting for
the telltale click of an empty gun

- Reloading is the worst disadvantage of all. Certain weapons take ages to
reload, namely the HMG and the shotgun, but also...well, every marine weapon
takes a while to reload except the pistol and Light machine gun. (all weapons
will be given more detail later) This reload can leave a Marine open to attack,
and makes easy prey for any Kharaa lucky enough to be around the poor guy.

- 2.2 - THE KHARAA

- The humans have invaded the homes of a certain alien race, called the Kharaa.
Exhibiting extreme intelligence and a bloodlust like no other, they fight
ferociously to expel the Marine menace from their hives.

- The Kharaa can easily fit the playing style of anyone, as the different
species present their own playing styles in themselves.

- The Kharaa can develop certain evolutions to aid in their battle against the
Humans. These organic abilities require no sacrifice in speed, and can be
tremendously valuable while setting up ambushes.

- Kharaa aliens are really the only ones that can effectively set up an ambush.
While Marines rely more on their technology and brute force, some Kharaa can
easily climb up walls, cloak themselves, or even silence their footsteps to
approach an unsuspecting marine patrol. One or two skulks can easily throw a
whole squad into complete and utter chaos, given the skulks move fast and
erratically enough.

- Each alien species has it's own role, maximizing the ability of a certain
players style. While most are attackers, they can also be used as supportive
and defensive positions. (more on this later)

======Here are the Kharaa DISADVANTAGES======

- The lower species Kharaa have little starting health, and must be upgraded to
lessen damage taken or regain lost health.

- Each action a Kharaa does, regardless of its species, requires a certain
amount of energy. Run out of energy during a heated fight, then you might as
well scurry around and draw the fire from your teammates.

- Some Marine upgrades make some of your abilities harder to use effectively or
at all. One example is motion tracking. (more on upgrades later)

- In order to effectively use your abilities, you should first find cover and
wait for them to work. This is especially true and annoying with the cloak

- 3.0 - WEAPONS

- This section will deal with the attacks and weapons of each team. As with the
teams who handle them, each one has advantages and disadvantages. Let's start
with Marine.


Light Machine Gun

- The starting rifle of every Marine, this weapon is reliable in its accuracy
over close to medium ranges. Be careful though- if the target is too close,
you'll waste bullets trying to follow the target's movement due to the targets
likely speed.

Clip size: 50 rounds per clip

Ammo carrying capacity: a loaded 50 round clip, plus 250 spare rounds

Damage: 10 dmg per bullet. If you are a REALLY, REALLY, REALLY good shot, you
can easily kill a fade with this gun. I stress the "really" part.

Firing rate: Good. I'd estimate around 8 - 9 rounds per second

Accuracy - close range - okay

Accuracy - medium range - excellent

Accuracy - long range - poor


- The trusty pistol, although, well, trusty, should only be used as a back up
or finishing weapon. The pistol has a sleek, sort of future desert eagle look,
but it certainly doesn't have the stopping power...or power, for that matter.
Here's the lowdown.

Clip size: 10 rounds per clip

Ammo carrying capacity: a loaded 10 round clip, plus 30 rounds in reserve

Damage: 20 dmg per shot. I call this weapon the "Skulk-killer". Try it and
you'll see.

Firing rate: poor - excellent. It's semi-auto, so it depends on your trigger

Accuracy - close range - poor

Accuracy - medium range - excellent

Accuracy - long range - excellent

*Quick tip: Never fire off one shot and re-aim. If your target is staying your
crosshairs, then squeeze out your whole clip. Almost every bullet will hit.


- In my opinion, never use the knife for a combat map. Like I said before, use
it if you know your foe is almost dead. Nothing special here. Well, there is
infinite ammo. It's a knife, man. Maybe make yourself a nice Onos steak...

Clip size: N/A

Ammo carrying capacity: N/A

Damage: 30 per slice

Firing rate: around 3 slices per second

Accuracy - close range - excellent

Accuracy - medium range - N/A

Accuracy - long range - N/A


- My favorite weapon. This thing can make Swiss cheese out of any Fade or Onos.
This baby also works wonders on Skulks. This thing can interrupt a leap if you
know where the Skulk is coming from. Accuracy diminishes over range, but still
a great weapon.

Clip size: 8 shots per clip

Ammo carrying capacity: one loaded 8 shot clip, plus 40 rounds in reserve

Damage: 10 dmg per pellet. 17 pellets = 170 damage at point blank

Firing rate: poor. 1 round per second, I'd say.

Accuracy - close range - excellent

Accuracy - medium range - okay

Accuracy - long range - poor

Skill point cost: 1

*Quicktip: The shotgun is the only weapon that can actually fire in the middle
of the reloading process. Use this to your advantage.

Heavy Machine Gun

- This is an extremely overrated weapon. While the damage and firing rate from
it's lighter cousin have been improved, it is not the best weapon (the best is
the shotgun :P) But anyway, it's still a good choice if you prefer long range

Clip size: 125 rounds

Ammo carrying capacity: one loaded 125 round clip, plus 250 rounds in reserve

Damage: 18 dmg per bullet

Firing rate: Excellent. Maybe 11-12 rounds a second

Accuracy - close range - excellent

Accuracy - medium range - excellent

Accuracy - long range - poor

Skill point cost: 1

*Quicktip: never reload this weapon unless you are below 25 rounds, or unless
you have to.

Grenade Launcher

- This weapon is for the demolition freaks. Having a very small magazine, and a
low ammo reserve, you'd think it would be worth it, right? Wrong. Please, don't
waste your skill points on this. While it is a hive and Onos killer, that's it.
The grenades only explode on contact if they hit an alien as soon as they leave
the barrel. If they hit the floor, ground, etc, then they explode after maybe
1.5 seconds. These are good for taking out Skulks and Lerks, but that's about

Clip size: 4 rounds

Ammo carrying capacity: one loaded 4 round clip, plus 12 rounds in reserve

Damage: 115 damage per shot

Firing rate: POOR. Maybe 1 shot per second.

Accuracy - close range - okay/good

Accuracy - medium range - excellent

Accuracy - long range - okay

Skill point cost: 1

*Quicktip: You can use this weapon to bank around walls and into vents. This
also does more damage to buildings (The Hive). This is also a splash damage
weapon. There is no need to hit an enemy DIRECTLY in order to do him damage.

Hand Grenade

- This is just a hand grenade. Nothing special. Just pull the pin and throw. Be
careful not to be near the explosion. They do have an interesting shape though.

Clip size: N/A

Ammo carrying capacity: One hand grenade every time you spawn.

Damage: 100. Does double to a structure

Firing rate: Takes about 2-3 seconds to cook it and throw it

Accuracy - close range - excellent

Accuracy - medium range - okay

Accuracy - long range - Depends on skill of the player

Skill point cost: 1

*Quicktip: This grenade can also bank and also has splash damage


- This is my baby right here. I always grab these and set them near vents, the
CC, armory, or wherever I feel like it. These are great on Skulks, since they
kill with one hit on Skulks. However, they can jump over them. But you can
place them anywhere, even ON the CC.

Clip size: N/A

Ammo carrying capacity: 1 mine every time you spawn

Damage: 120

Firing rate: Takes no time at all to place a mine. Just point and click.

Accuracy - close range - excellent

Accuracy - medium range - N/A

Accuracy - long range - N/A

Skill point cost: 1


- THIS IS NOT A COMBAT WEAPON. Well, it shouldn't be used as one. But, it is
extremely hilarious to see a weld kill, but also very humiliating for the
victim. If you know your target has maybe 1 health left, go for it :D

Clip size: N/A

Ammo carrying capacity: You spawn with a welder each time you spawn. It never
runs out.

Damage: 4 dmg per blue spark on the enemy

Firing rate: 3 sparks per second, I estimate

Accuracy - close range - excellent

Accuracy - medium range - N/A

Accuracy - long range - N/A

Skill point cost: 1

*Quicktip: You can use a welder in order to shut the vents on some maps, and
you can also use it to unseal doors. You'll see a progress bar at the bottom.
You can also weld fellow marines that are in Heavy Armor, as it restores their

*****The following items/abilities/technologies are not weapons, they are

Motion Tracking

- Does exactly what it says. Tracks motion. Be careful, still. A non-moving
target will not show up on your tracker. A moving target however, shows up with
a blue circle around them.

Duration: once acquired, it lasts the entire round

Skill point cost: 1

Scanner Sweep

- Scanner Sweep makes all cloaked enemies visible, for everyone on your team.
However, it does have a certain range, represented by a sort of blue pulse. If
the enemy moves out of the pulse's range, it will be able to cloak again.

Duration: Once acquired, it will last the entire round.

Skill point cost: 1


- The catalyst is, like other FAQ contributors have noticed, exactly like the
Stimpack found in StarCraft. When you kill an enemy, some unknown commander
from above will drop you a catalyst. The catalyst will boost your attack by 25
percent and it will boost your speed by 25 percent. However, this comes at a
sacrifice of health. I wouldn't recommend this.

Duration: once acquired, the catalyst skill will stay with you for the entire
round. The speed resets* each time you die, I think.

Skill point cost: 1

*(I'm not sure, so if someone could e-mail me, that'd be great!)


- Also known as a JP, and someone that uses it is a JPer. The JP is an upgrade
which allows you to zoom and fly about the maps, avoiding the hungry, biting
mouths of Skulks, Onos, Fades, and other land-restricted enemies. This is also
annoying to the aliens, as the aliens have a hard time getting to a JPer on top
of the hive fast enough before he/she does extensive damage.

Duration: once acquired, lasts the entire round

Skill point cost: 2


- Resupply gives you ammo and health every now and then. This can be very
helpful during a fight.

Duration: once acquired, lasts entire round

Skill point cost: 1

Heavy Armor

- Heavy Armor (HA) is not usually far from a welder, since a Lone HA can be
easily killed. However, these are worthless if you are eaten by an Onos. That's
doesn't mean you should get it though. HA increases your armor level to 200,
but you go slow as hell, I mean SLOW. A HA with a shotgun is a killer combo.

Duration: once acquired, lasts the entire round

Skill point cost: 2

Weapons 1, 2, and 3

- Each level upgrades your weapon damage by 10 percent.

Duration: Once acquired, lasts the entire round

Skill point cost: 1 for each level

Armor 1, 2, and 3

- Each level will increase your armor level

-Armor level 1: 45 points of armor
-Armor level 2: 65 points of armor
-Armor level 3: I don't know, but I'm guessing 85 points of armor

Duration: once acquired, lasts the entire round

Skill point cost: 1 for each level


- Instead of guns or other technology, the Kharaa rely upon their species
evolutions in order to combat the Human menace. This means no ammunition is
required, but each attack takes some energy.

Skulk Bite

- Just a simple bite from the Skulk. 3 bites will kill a level 1 armor marine,
but 2 bites with focus will kill the same marine

Damage: 80

Range: Close range attack

Energy amount required: 5 percent of your maximum energy

Firing rate: About 1 bite for every 1.75 seconds

Skill point cost: N/A

Skulk Leap

- This is an interesting attack, in that if it doesn't have a set damage limit.
If you touch a marine during a leap, 4 damage is applied. But if you keep
touching that marine in your leap, the damage keeps adding up. This is also
used as a way of quicker movement.

Damage: 4 damage is applied for as long as you stay on the marine (so you hit a
unarmored marine head on. Chances are you'll kill him. But if you hit a marine
from the side, you'll probably take a good chunk of his health away)

Range: Medium Range attack

Energy amount required: 25 percent of your maximum energy

Firing rate: 1 leap for every 2.5 seconds

Skill point cost: 1

Skulk Parasite

- The parasite is an infinitely useful attack that does a little bit of damage
AND makes the afflicted marine show up on the hive sight. A bugged marine will
show up to all of your teammates as a yellow circle. The closer you are, the
bigger the circle, and the farther you are, the smaller. Use this when you're
acting as a scouter for your team. It can be used on buildings, but it does
them no damage.

Damage (To marines personnel): 10 dmg for each parasite

Range: Any range attack

Energy amount required: 30 percent of your maximum energy

Firing rate: 2 parasite every 1.6 seconds

Skill point cost: N/A

Skulk Xenocide

- Ah, the Kamikaze. Use this on a group of marines to cause widespread panic
and pain/death. Xenocide does a whopping 200 damage! It's works like a grenade,
so there is splash damage. As soon as you activate this, you'll have about 3
seconds to get into position. You'll screech, and as the screech gets louder,
you're closer to your kamikaze. This attack does double to buildings.

Damage: 200 (double to buildings)

Range: Close - semi-medium range attack

Energy cost: 70 percent of your maximum energy.

Firing rate: N/A

Skill point cost: 2

*Quicktip: Pay no heed to your energy consumption during this attack. Since
your about to die, it really doesn't matter THAT much.

Lerk Bite

- This is the same as the Skulk bite, but damage has been toned down. This
means no more one hit focus kills on some marines. However, you can use this in
conjunction with the Lerk flying ability. It rocks.

Damage: 60 dmg

Range: Close range attack

Energy cost required: 5 percent of your maximum energy

Firing rate: Same as Skulks

Skill point cost: N/A

Lerk Flying
- This is not really an attack, per se, but it can be used in conjunction with
other attacks for maximum effectiveness.

Damage: N/A

Range: N/A

Energy cost required: about 2-5 percent of your maximum energy (every time you
press space, that takes away 5 percent. You can glide however, without energy

Lerk Spikes

- This is sort of like a sniper weapon for the aliens. It is a rapid fire
attack, and it is one hundred percent accurate, but doesn't do much damage.

Damage: 18 dmg per spike

Range: Close range to long range attack

Energy cost: about 3 percent of your current energy for each spike

Firing rate: 3 - 4 spikes for every second

Skill point cost: N/A

Lerk Spores

- This attack fires a cloud of green gas that damages all Marine personnel in
the cloud. This does NOT do damage to Heavy Armor marines, since their gas mask
allows it to filter out the harmful stuff.

Damage: 7 dmg for every second a marine is caught in the cloud

Range: Close range - medium range attack

Energy cost required: 35 percent of your maximum energy for each cloud fired

Firing rate: 1 cloud every 2.4 seconds

Skill point cost: N/A

*Quicktip: This can be used on the armory in order to damage any marines hoping
to hump it. (Hump is a term used for people using the armory) This will prevent
them from using it for a little bit.

Lerk Umbra

- This attack is for the role of support. When you fire a cloud, the cloud will
block bullets for you. Not every single one, but I estimate about every 2 or so
bullets out of 3 or 4 is blocked. This is great when a heavy machine Gunner is

Damage: N/A

Range: Close range - medium range attack

Energy cost required: 35 percent of your maximum energy

Firing rate: 1 cloud for every 3 seconds

Skill point cost: 1

Lerk Primal Scream

- This boosts the stats of all your teammates nearby and you. Attack strength,
attack speed are increased by 30 percent. Maximum energy is increased by a
hefty 60 percent. All this lasts for only 3 seconds though. A cool thing is
that when used, any teammate nearby will give a scream back in reply. This
sounds very haunting when used around 8+ players.

Damage: N/A

Range: Close range- medium range attack

Energy cost required: 30 percent of your maximum energy per scream

Firing rate: 1 scream per second

Skill point cost: 2

Gorge Spit
- A horrible weapon for engagement, this attack spits out gobs of green goo
that will strike a marine for 25 damage. However, chances are you'll miss,
given the agonizingly slow speed of the projectile.

Damage: 25 dmg per spit

Range: Close range to long range attack

Energy cost required: 12 percent of your maximum energy

Firing rate: 2 spits for every 2.7 seconds

Skill point cost: N/A

Gorge Healing Spray

- Another bad choice for battle, this attack is a healing spray, like stated.
It will heal your allies health and armor, but damage you enemies

Damage: 16 dmg per spray

Range: Close range attack

Energy cost required: 15 percent of your maximum energy

Firing rate: About 1 spray per 1.5 seconds

Skil point cost: N/A

*Quicktip: use the healing spray to heal your hive also. This is the only way
to heal your hive, even though the hive heals by itself, but very slowly. Use
this to speed it up a little

Gorge Bilebomb

- A pretty gross attack, you'll hear a strange vomit sound sometimes when you
use this one. This one damages buildings only, so don't even try it on Marines,
or you'll get laughed at.

Damage: 200 (buildings only)

Range: Close range - medium range attack

Energy cost: 22 percent of your current energy

Firing rate: About 1 bomb for every 1.7 seconds

Skill point cost: 1

Gorge Web
- While not a weapon, this is still a very effective ability to protect certain
chokepoints with. Use it around your hive too. After choosing a spot, spit once
on one side of the floor, wall, etc, then spit any other place, and the webs
will connect automatically, but only if there is no obstruction, like a box.

Damage: N/A

Range: Close range - medium range attack

Energy cost required: 15 percent of your maximum energy every time you spit out
one spot

Firing rate: 2 shots per second

Skill point cost: 2

*Quicktip: Use this to care of pesky JPers. Any Marine caught in a web is
stopped for a little bit and his weapon is useless for a few moments. However,
grenades and welders can destroy webs, and there is a certain limit of webs you
can produce

Fade Slash

- A brutally powerful attack, this becomes even better with focus. Using it's
two scythe-like claws, it brings them down upon whatever unlucky human happens
to be chosen.

Damage: 90 damage per slash

Range: Close range attack

Energy cost required: 7 percent of your maximum energy for every slash

Firing rate: 1 slash for every .9 seconds

Skill point cost: N/A

Fade Blink

- This is not an attack, but an ability. When Blink is used, it will make you
go insanely fast to wherever you pointer is currently, well, pointed. Use this
to get to high places, and it can outrun (out fly?) a JPer.

Damage: N/A

Range: N/A

Energy cost required: 5 percent of your maximum energy for as long as you hold
the fire button. (e.g. 10 blinks, or half a second, costs you half your maximum

Firing rate: N/A

Skill point cost: N/A

Fade Metabolize

- This looks like the Fade is doing some voodoo spell when you use. Weird.
Anyway, this just heals you 20 health every time you use it. Like regenerate.

Damage: N/A (heals 20 health on yourself for every metabolize)

Range: N/A

Energy cost required: 35 percent of your maximum energy

Firing range: N/A

Skill point cost: 1

Fade Acid Rocket

- This is a ranged attack. It's like a heavier hitting spike with splash dmg,
but with a slower fire rate.

Damage: 50 dmg for a dead center shot (splash dmg decreases the amount)

Range: Close range - long range attack

Energy cost required: 20 percent of your maximum energy per rocket

Firing rate: 1 rocket per second

Skill point cost: 2

Onos Gore

- Utilizing the massive horn on the beasts' nose, the attack will rip apart any
marine that gets in your way. It does about the same damage as a Fade Slash,
but it has a barely faster firing rate, and it does double to structures.

Damage: 85 (double to structures)

Range: Close range attack

Energy cost required: 6 percent of your maximum energy

Firing rate: 2 hits per second

Skill point cost: N/A

Onos Devour

- Hehe, my favorite attack when I go Onos. This awesome little attack can
devour and marine you choose. However, there are no crosshairs, and you have to
be pretty aligned with you target before you eat him/her. A good rule of thumb
is to have your horn level with the marine's waistline. Once eaten, the target
will see an inside view of an Onos Belly. I applaud the developers of this game
for such a small, but wonderfully detailed, er, detail. Use this on JPers and
Heavy Armor marines. This is ESPECIALLY useful against heavy armor marines. Be
aware, though, if you die or redeem yourself, you lose your food.

Damage: 3 dmg per second

Range: Close range attack

Energy cost required: 20 percent of your maximum energy per devour/attempt

Firing rate: 1 devour attempt every 2 seconds

Skill point cost: N/A

Onos Stomp

- This attack freezes any marine caught in the line of the charge, making an
easy target for devour or your teammates. Charge also makes their weapon
useless. It's like a mobile web, but the webs don't stay. Think of it like

Damage: N/A

Range: Close range - medium range attack

Energy cost required: 30 percent of your maximum energy per stomp

Firing rate: 1 stomp every 3 seconds

Skill point cost: 1

Onos Charge

- I have only gotten this once, and I found it pretty useless. It takes an
insane amount of energy, but you move super fast (as fast as insane for an onos
is, anyway), and if you connect with a marine, you're almost guaranteed a kill.
However, you are usually moving around too fast to even take note of any
marines. I usually leave this alone.

Damage: ? (someone e-mail me the dmg values. Thanks)

Range: Close range attack

Energy cost required: (?)

Firing rate: 1 charge every 10 seconds (?)

Skill point cost: 2

====Note: the following are upgrades, not attacks. Upgrades are available to
any species====


- This doubles your attack power. Allows for one hit kills on un-armored

Skill point cost: 2

Duration: once acquired, lasts the entire round

*Quicktip: This attack has knockback, meaning it will knock your target back
(duh). Most other alien attacks that involve physical contact have knockback

Scent of Fear

- This makes all wounded marines show up on the hivesight, but only for you,
not your whole team. Use this to help out your teammates if you've got a mic,
and for annoying campers.

Skill pint cost: 1

Duration: once acquired, lasts the entire round


- Does exactly what it says. Makes you almost completely invisible to the eyes
of a marine. You stay still for about a second, your cloak will take effect,
and you can tell because your alien body parts will be almost a translucent
white. If you run, jump, or fall from a height, then the effect wears off.
Stand still to regain the effect. If you walk, your cloak does not wear off.
However, when you're a skulk with cloak, don't walk forward and strafe at the
same time. This makes you go too fast.

Skill point cost: 1

Duration: once acquired, lasts the entire round


- This reduces damage from all marine weapons, including mines, grenades,
welders, etc.

Skill point cost: 1

Duration: once acquired, lasts the entire round


- Again, does exactly what it says. If you are injured, get away, and hide.
After a few moments without taking damage, your health and armor start to
regenerate. After your health is full, then your armor. Get in, kill, get out,
hide, heal. Rinse and repeat.

Skill point cost: 1

Duration: once acquired, lasts the entire round


- I hardly ever get this. Unless you're a stat whore, don't get this. All it
does is, when close to dying, there is a CHANCE that you will be teleported
back to the hive. However if you're Onos, you will lose any marine in your
belly (GET IN MAH BELLAH...sorry.)

Skill point cost: 1

Duration: once acquired lasts the entire round


- This increases you speed for the whole round. It will stay with you through
species evolutions. This skill is invaluable when going Onos.

Skill point cost: 1

Duration: once acquired, lasts the entire round


- This increases the rate at which you regain energy. When going Gorge,
remember to get this so you can heal the hive for a long time without running
out of energy.

Skill point cost: 1

Duration: once acquired, lasts the entire round


- This makes your footsteps inaudible to everyone. Use this for ambushes.

Skill point cost: 1

Duration: once acquired, lasts the entire round

Unlock Next Ability (1)

- This unlocks your next ability (NO WAY, REALLY?). Nothing else.

Skill point cost: 1

Duration: once acquired, lasts the entire round, even through evolutions

Unlock Next Ability (2)

- Duuhhhhhh...(see above)

Skill point cost: 2

Duration: (SEE ABOVE)


- This section will describe all of the species available to an alien player.


- Your starting species. This is the fastest thing at the very start of a game,
and is not such a bad starting point. The attack is strong for a starting
class, and it can even climb up walls. A great choice, even for large games ( I
say that because I excel at using stealth skulk, more on strategies later)

Attack available: Skulk Bite, Parasite, Leap (must unlock), Xenocide (must

Ability: can climb up walls and ceilings and just about anywhere you can think
of, can go long falls without taking damage


- The next species in line. While not exactly a combat-ready unit, this is the
only species able to heal other teammates and the hive. It has no "special"
abilities, like the Skulk does (wall climbing)

Attacks available: Spit, Healing Spray, Bilebomb (must unlock), Web (must

Ability: N/A (unless you count healing)

Skill Point Cost: 1


- This is pretty much a flying Skulk with a less powerful bite. Don't be fooled
however. This species has 3 starting attacks instead of 2, and it can be a
lethal ambusher when cloaked

Attacks available: Spikes, Lerk bite, Spores, Umbra (must unlock), Primal
Scream (must unlock)

Ability: Flying, Can go long falls without taking damage

Skill point cost: 1


- This is a Medium-heavy attack unit. This thing is more like the foot soldier
of the alien race. Use it as such.

Attacks available: Slash, Blink, Metabolize (must unlock), Acid Rocket (must

Ability: Can go long falls without taking damage

Skill point cost: 2


- This is the Heavy Tank of the alien race. A whopping HP and armor amount
makes sure this thing will take a beating and keep on eating.

Attacks available: Gore, Devour, Stomp (must unlock), Charge (must unlock)

Ability: N/A

Skill point cost: 2


- The objective of EVERY combat scenario is to destroy the opposing teams' base
while protecting your own. If you are a marine, you must destroy the alien hive
and protect your command center. If you are alien, then you must destroy the
command center and defend your hive. Although most servers will make it so no
one wins until a base is destroyed, the default setting is that aliens defend
while marines attack. While destroy opposing base works here, too, if the
marines don't kill the Hive in a timed round, then the aliens win by default.

- 5.0 - Strategies

- This section shall deal with the numerous strategies and skill sets of each
team. I will accept reader contributions if they feel like e-mailing them to


- This is the most important of all. DO NOT TRAVEL ALONE. If I have to beat
this into your skull, I will. If you travel alone, your skull will not be on
your head, but probably in the stomach of an alien. DO NOT TRAVEL ALONE. If I
meet you somewhere, and you decide to go off on your own little way, I will,
repeat, WILL laugh at your moronic ways. DO NOT TRAVEL ALONE.

- It is always important to stick with people that have different weapons. This
maximizes the effect that each person can do. If a GL marine, an HMG marine,
and a Shotgun marine are together, they are most likely going to kick butt.

- Despite what people say, the Shotgun IS THE BEST WEAPON. However, I guess it
does depend upon your preference. But, bullet for bullet, this baby does the
most damage up close. When fully upgraded, this thing can do 200 damage if all
bullets hit. This is brutal on an Onos.

- Always get resupply. Firstly, most aliens try and harass marines by depriving
them of an armory. Most, anyway. Also, when out in the field, there is going to
be NO ARMORY. Resupply is like an IV in the hospital. If you run out of juice,
you get more. However, there are set intervals. Be careful of that.

- It is always good to have at least one welder for every two Heavy Armors.
This gives each welder more time to help his teammates.

- Anyone with mines, USE THEM. Too many times have I seen someone set some
mines, die, then forget to set down his new ones. You can use these as defense
or anti-personal (anti-alien...?) use. They work great in vents or on ladders.
These kill un-carapaced skulks in one hit. They also kill wounded fades.

- If you decide to go for a toe-to-toe approach, go with the Heavy Armor. If
you have a Heavy Armor on, and go head to head with a fade, you win. (full
health is needed, though :D)

- If you decide to try and hit the hive, go with a Jetpack. This makes you SO
hard to hit to all ground based aliens, and it's still pretty hard for Lerks to
hit you also. However, Onos can eat you out of the sky. Careful, hehe.


- Support Marine -

Level One: Resupply
Level Two: Welder
Level Three: Mines
Level Four: Weapons 1
Level Five: Shotgun
Level Six: Armor 1
Level Seven: Weapons 2
Level Eight: Armor 2
Level Nine: save
Level Ten: Jetpack or Heavy Armor


Level Nine: Grenade Launcher
Level Ten: Weapons 3

- Heavy Hitter -

Level One: Weapons 1
Level Two: Armor 1
Level Three: Armor 2
Level Four: Shotgun
Level Five: Weapons 2
Level Six: Save
Level Seven: Heavy Armor
Level Eight: Weapons 3
Level Nine: Armor 3
Level Ten: Resupply

- Annoying, But (somewhat) Effective Jetpacker -

Level One: Armor 1
Level Two: Armor 2
Level Three: Weapons 1
Level Four: Shotgun
Level Five: Save
Level Six: Jetpack
Level Seven: Weapons 2
Level Eight: Weapons 3
Level Nine: HMG
Level Ten: Resupply

- Foot Soldier -

Level One: Weapons 1
Level Two: Shotgun
Level Three: HMG
Level Four: Armor 1
Level Five: Armor 2
Level Six: Mines
Level Seven: Save
Level Eight: Heavy Armor OR Jetpack
Level Nine: Weapons 2
Level Ten: Resupply

- MY most used set-up -

Level One: Mines
Level Two: Weapons 1
Level Three: Shotgun
Level Four: Armor 1
Level Five: Weapons 2
Level Six: Weapons 3
Level Seven: Resupply
Level Eight: Armor 2
Level Nine: Save
Level Ten: Heavy Armor

- Heavy Support -

Level One: Welder
Level Two: Armor 1
Level Three: Armor 2
Level Four: Save
Level Five: Heavy Armor
Level Six: Weapons 1
Level Seven: Scanner Sweep
Level Eight: Shotgun
Level Nine: GL
Level Ten: Weapons 2

- Scouter -

Level One: Scanner Sweep
Level Two: Motion Tracking
Level Three: Weapons 1
Level Four: Shotgun
Level Five: Armor 1
Level Six: Armor 2
Level Seven: Weapons 2
Level Eight: Save
Level Nine: Jetpack
Level Ten: Resupply

*** I AM taking reader suggestions, remember. I'll put'em here, so send them


-When Kharaa, don't be afraid to travel alone. A skulk can catch and kill a
marine that is unawares. One or two skulks can throw a whole group of marines
into chaos. Using skulks also allows you to easily access ambush points and
vantage points, for parasiting.

times have I died because of some moron Gorge sticking to my backside for some
experience. Don't do that. Please.

- A cloaked Fade that blinks into a vent is so funny, and so effective. When
fade, make sure to try this. Since a fade can kill any marine besdies a Heavy
Marine in a few hits, try. Chances are, you'll kill him before he kills you.

- Don't be afraid to stay skulk for an entire round. Skulks are very effective
at setting up ambushes, and you're bound to get better and better, so try
staying skulk, see how it feels.


- Stealth Skulk -

Level One: Cloak
Level Two: Silence
Level Three: Celerity
Level Four: Carapace
Level Five: Save
Level Six: Focus
Level Seven: Unlock Next Ability
Level Eight: Save
Level Nine: Unlock Next Ability
Level Ten: Scent Of Fear

- Support -

Level One: Gorge
Level Two: Adrenaline
Level Three: Carapace
Level Four: Unlock Next Ability
Level Five: Save
Level Six: Unlock Next Ability
Level Seven: Regeneration
Level Eight: Celerity
Level Nine: Whatever you want
Level Ten: Whatever you want

- Frontline Fade -

Level One: Save
Level Two: Save
Level Three: Gorge ---> Fade
Level Four: Adrenaline
Level Five: Carapace
Level Six: Celerity
Level Seven: Regeneration
Level Eight: Unlock Next ability
Level Nine: Save
Level Ten: Unlock Next ability

- Hungry, Angry Onos -

Level One: Save
Level Two: Save
Level Three: Save
Level Four: Save
Level Five: Gorge ---> Fade ---> Onos
Level Six: Carapace
Level Seven: unlock Next Ability
Level Eight: Cloaking
Level Nine: Celerity
Level Ten: Regeneration

- Battle Lerk -

Level One: Save
Level Two: Gorge ---> Lerk
Level Three: Save
Level Four: Focus
Level Five: Carapace
Level Six: Adrenaline
Level Seven: Unlock Next Ability
Level Eight: Save
Level Nine: Unlock Next ability
Level Ten: Regeneration

*I am taking reader suggestions, remember.


- Here we are. How to play an online game without pissing soemone off. This,
however, is not foolproof. It may not work all of the time.

- DO NOT CALL ANYONE A HACKER. This seriously just annoys everyone on the
server, especially the admins and the accused player. Only, ONLY accuse them if
they have excessive screen shaking, they know where every alien/marine is going
to come from, or if the shoot through walls. I have YET to see a single person
hack on Natural Selection.

- Be friendly and polite. For example, if someone tries talking to you, talk
back. See if you can make some more buddy-buds. Don't instigate anything by
saying crap like, "OmGZ, ur such nuby. Go wayz!!11one!1" Hear me? Don't say

- Tell other players what they are doing right. If somone does something that
REALLY helped the team, say good job or something. Do the same thing to
opposing team members. A lot of times, when I'm a marine, a cloaked alien will
scare me out of my wits. I'm walking along and BAM, "SCRRREEAAACKKKCH!!!!!" And
I wet myself. Tell the person that He/she scared you senseless, and this
usually opens up more conversation for laughs and friendship. Trust me, it is
pretty funny :D.

- If anyone is bothering you, just let it go. They worst thing you can do is
strike back with words of your own. If anything, don't say anything at all.
Just totally ignore your antagonizer's message.

- DO follow in groups. This helps you teammates and gives you a sense of
belonging. Plus, you don't get scared so badly :D

- DO NOT use other players as bait. Too many times has some supposedly
awesomely skilled player stayed back and let me go ahead. Only to get chopped
in half by a lovely Fade. DON'T DO THAT.

-more later...maybe.-


Me, for making this guide
GAMEfaqs.com, for hosting it
The developers of NS, for making such a wonderfully innovative game
And the developers of half life, for without it, NS wouldn't be here.


*None yet. E-mail any questions to me.*

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Combat Scenarios Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Сентябрь 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

01.Октябрь 2013
Marine/Kharaa Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

30.Август 2013
Engl. FAQ

03.Октябрь 2013
Kharaa Perfect Guide
Engl. FAQ

04.Октябрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
07.Июнь 2019