The Hulk

The Hulk

02.10.2013 03:46:44
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System: Gamecube, PS2, X-box
Written by: Berserker93 (Kevin)
Started: June 29, 2003

This document (c) 2003 Kevin Hall

Hulk interactive game (c) 2003 Universal Interactive Inc.

The Incredible Hulk character (c) 2003 Marvel Characters

Version History

Version 1.0 - (July 17, 2003) Walkthrough is complete. FAQ
is complete for the most part...still have some areas that
I need to add. If anybody can give me the X-box controller
setup for the X-box version, that would be very much
appreciated. Please list it similar to the Gamecube and
PS2 controller setup. My email is

Version 1.1 – (September 13, 2003) Finally got around to
adding the X-box controller setup. I still have a few more
additions to make to this FAQ before I am completely

Version 1.2 – (June 1, 2004) Revised the FAQ a bit, added
some helpful advice to the SECRETS section, another site to
the Copyright section.


Section I: Introduction
Section II: Basic Controls
Section III: Collectibles/Items
Section IV: Move List
Section V: Walkthrough
Section VI: Secrets
Section VII: Copyright



The Hulk is one of my most favorite comic book characters
ever. I remember watching the 80's series when I was
younger and collecting a few of his comics. But enough
about that, lets get to the game. The Hulk (GC, PS2, X-
box) has got to be the best Hulk game ever made! Finally
we have a worthy successor to The Incredible Hulk (Genesis,
SNES). The Hulk is the first game that gives you the
impression that you actually are the Hulk. From smashing
down doorways to making your own door, The Hulk involves a
path of endless destruction from the beginning to the end.

I hope this FAQ will answer any questions that you might
have about The Hulk. I have tried to make the FAQ as
detailed as possible. I have stayed away from anything
dealing with the storyline or cutscenes to avoid spoilers,
but I cannot guarantee that this FAQ is totally spoiler-
free. So be sure to use the FAQ as a last resort if you
are playing through for the first time.

This is my second FAQ so I am still a novice at writing
FAQs so please forgive me if it is not perfect. :) Any
comments, suggestions, questions,...etc. are always
welcome. Email me at ( If you
find any errors in this FAQ, then please email me about it.



Controls for Hulk (Gamecube)

(default controller setup)

Analog: Moves Hulk
D-pad: Moves Hulk
C Stick: Change target (when targeting)
Start: Pauses game, and displays pause menu
L: Free Look/First Person View
R: Lock-on/targeting
Y: Gamma (G)
A: Jump (J)
B: Attack/Punch (P)
X: Grab (GR)
Z: N/A

Controls for Hulk (PS2)

(default controller setup)

Left analog: Moves Hulk
D-pad: Moves Hulk
Right analog: Change target (when targeting)
Start: Pauses game, and displays pause menu
L1: Free Look/First Person View
R1: Lock-on/Targeting
Triangle: Gamma (G)
X: Jump (J)
Square: Attack/Punch (P)
Circle: Grab (GR)
L2: N/A
R2: N/A

(thanks to Matt31098 (GameFAQs message boards) for the
control setup info. for the PS2 version.)

Controls for Hulk (X-box)

(default controller setup)

Left analog: Moves Hulk
D-pad: Moves Hulk
Right analog: Change target (when targeting)
Start: Pauses game, and displays pause menu
L: Free Look/First Person View
R: Lock-on/Targeting
Y: Gamma (G)
A: Jump (J)
X: Attack/Punch (P)
B: Grab (GR)
Black: N/A
White: N/A

(thanks to mc1287 (GameFAQs message boards) for the control
setup info for the X-box version.)

Picking up Objects

There are many items throughout the levels that Hulk can
grab and use as weapons. The objects range from club-type
objects (such as pipes, tank cannons, slender rocks,
columns...etc.) to heavier objects (such as boulders, cars,
crates, boxes...etc.) Club-type objects and heavy objects
can be swung (see move list for Hulk) or thrown at enemies.

Actual Combat

While the player plays as the Hulk he or she will have many
different moves and combos at their disposal. The moves
range from punches, overhead smashes, sonic claps, charged
attacks, and grabs...just to name a few.

Jumping Attacks

Hulk has a few attacks that can be done in the air. These
attacks can be really useful when the going gets tough on
the ground. They range from ground punches to a ground
stomp. Both attacks can be charged for greater damage.
Hulk's normal jump can also cause damage to any enemy or
breakable object.

Destruction of the environment

Each stage has tons of background objects that can be
destroyed from doors to rail carts. Some of the objects,
once destroyed, can be used as weapons.

Rage Mode

When Hulk gets really angry by filling his rage meter, he
can unleash some devastating attacks that can clear the
whole area. He has the ability to do a Super Sonic Clap
and a Super Overhead Smash once the rage bar is full. His
normal attacks take off more damage during rage mode also.

Filling the Rage Meter

Hulk's rage meter can be increased by him being attacked or
by collecting Red orbs that are dropped by enemies
throughout each level.

Punching Rockets

If an enemy fires a rocket at Hulk, he can actually punch
the rocket back at the enemy. In order to do so, the punch
has to be timed precisely so it will hit the rocket right
before hitting Hulk. The rocket will tumble back toward
the enemy.

Controls for Bruce Banner (Gamecube)

(default controller setup)

Analog: Moves Bruce
D-pad: Moves Bruce
C Stick: Change target (when targeting)
Start: Pauses the game, and displays pause menu
L: Free Look/First Person View
R: Lock-on/targeting
Y: Grab/release crate (G)
A: Crouch (J)
B: Attack/Punch (P)
X: Grab enemy/Stealth attack (GR)
Z: N/A

Controls for Bruce Banner (PS2)

(default controller setup)

Left analog: Moves Bruce
D-pad: Moves Bruce
Right analog: Change target (when targeting)
Start: Pauses game, and displays pause menu
L1: Free Look/First Person View
R1: Lock-on/Targeting
Triangle: Grab/release crate (G)
X: Crouch (J)
Square: Attack/Punch (P)
Circle: Grab enemy/Stealth attack (GR)
L2: N/A
R2: N/A

(thanks to Matt31098 (GameFAQs message boards) for the
control setup info for the PS2 version.)

Controls for Bruce Banner (X-box)

(default controller setup)

Left analog: Moves Bruce
D-pad: Moves Bruce
Right analog: Change target (when targeting)
Start: Pauses game, and displays pause menu
L: Free Look/First Person View
R: Lock-on/Targeting
Y: Grab/release crate (G)
A: Crouch (J)
X: Attack/Punch (P)
B: Grab enemy/Stealth attack (GR)
Black: N/A
White: N/A

(thanks to mc1287 (GameFAQs message boards) for the control
setup info for the X-box version.)


For Bruce Banner, it is better to sneak by an enemy rather
than actually engaging in combat. If enemies manage to
surround Bruce, things can get very ugly. Soldiers with
guns are practically impossible to take out with Bruce. It
is best to avoid combat altogether by sneaking and hiding
behind objects or perform stealth attacks while playing as


As Bruce, the player will run across many puzzles
throughout the sneaking missions. The puzzles require
Bruce to match up a series of numbers and letters, which
are shown at the bottom of the screen, so that it will
correspond with the top portion. The puzzles eventually
get longer as you progress through the game. Bruce will
always have twenty seconds to solve each one and will have
a chance to try again if you fail.

Hand to hand Combat

If Bruce gets involved in a fight with enemies he will have
a very limited amount of moves at his disposal. The moves
range from a simple three hit combo to a grab...that is it.

Stealth Attacks

If Bruce manages to sneak up behind an enemy he can perform
a stealth attack that immediately knocks the enemy
unconscious. Stealth attacks should only be done on a
single enemy that is alone or far from the other enemies so
that Bruce will not be noticed.



Red Orb

Helps to fill Hulk's rage meter. Red Orbs are only
available to the Hulk by defeating enemies. They can also
be found by smashing certain objects.

Green Orb

Replenishes Hulk's or Bruce Banner's health. Green Orbs
are left by enemies that have been defeated. Sometimes
they will be available to pick up in various areas of a
stage without having to beat an enemy. They may also be
hidden behind an object.

Blue Orb

Adds one continue to the player's stock of continues. Blue
Orbs are usually hidden behind objects or can be found by
smashing a certain object as the Hulk or moving a crate
with Bruce.



Move List for Hulk

P = Punch (B, Square, X on default controller)
G = Gamma (Y, Triangle, Y on default controller)
GR = Grab (X, Circle, B on default controller)
J = Jump (A, X, A on default controller)
B = Back
F = Forward
* = button tap can be charged for greater damage

Hand to hand combat

Left Hook: P*
Right Hook Combo: P, P*
Backhand Combo: P, P, P*
Gut Punch Combo: P, P, delay, P
Right Jab Combo: P, P, delay, P, P
Overhead Smash Combo: P, P, delay, P, P, P
Overhead Smash: P+G
Sonic Clap: G*
Two-Handed Upper Combo: P, G
Punt Kick Combo: P, P, G
Hammer Fist Combo: P, P, G, P
Rising Upper: (while targeting) B, G
Dash/Shoulder Ram: F, F
Dashing Punch: F, F, P or (while targeting) F, P

Jumping Attacks

Gamma Crusher: (during a jump) P*
Gamma Stomp: (during a jump) G*


(all moves are performed after a grab (GR))

Against Small Enemies:

Toss: GR
Combo Throw: P, P, P
Gamma Slam: G
Jumping Throw: (during a jump) GR

Against Large Enemies:

Toss: GR
Backbreaker: G
Slam: P
Double Slam: P* (must hold P for double slam)

Against Hulk Dogs:

Knee Strike: GR

Pole/Club-Type Weapons

Pick up Weapon: GR
Throw Weapon: GR
Downward Swing: P
Upward Swing Combo: P, P
Baseball Swing Combo: P, P, G
Battering Ram: (during targeting) F, P
Overhead Smash: G

Heavy Objects

Pick up Object: GR
Throw Object: GR
Smash: P
Swing: G

Rage Attacks

(the following moves can only be performed when Hulk's rage
bar is full and will deplete the rage bar completely)

Super Sonic Clap: G+GR
Super Overhead Smash: P+G

Move List for Bruce Banner

P = Punch (B, Square, X on default controller)
G = Gamma (Y, Triangle, Y on default controller)
GR = Grab (X, Circle, B on default controller)
J = Crouch (A, X, A on default controller)
B = Back
F = Forward
* = button tap can be charged for greater damage

Hand-to-hand Combat

Left Hook: P
Right Hook Combo: P, P
Uppercut Combo: P, P, P
Grab Enemy: GR

Stealth and Evasive Moves

Crouch: J (crouch button for Bruce)
Diveroll: F, J or F, F
Stealth attack: (sneak up on enemy) GR

Crate Controls

Climb Crate/Clamber: (when next to crate) F
Grab Crate: GR
Push Crate: (after grabbing crate) F
Pull Crate: (after grabbing crate) B
Release Crate: (after grabbing crate) GR




The first stage is just basically a melee between Hulk and
General Ryker's army. Use this stage to get the feel of
the game. Targeting and throwing an object at the
helicopters is the best way to take them out. Don't feel
bad about wrecking sure to trash the whole
place! (including Bruce's car...doh!)

In order to beat the stage Hulk will have to keep taking
out enemies until a helicopter eventually drops a tank in
front of the gas station. When the tank is dropped, you
will have to destroy it by either punching the rockets back
at it, or throwing objects at it. After the tank is
destroyed another cutscene will start.


After the cutscene you will be in control of Bruce Banner.
For this stage, Bruce cannot transform into the Hulk(run
out of health), or it is "Game Over".

Go straight ahead and go up the stairs to the left.
Proceed through the door on right. In the next area, Bruce
will have to sneak by some guards by crouching and walking
below the glass window. Before going by the room, make
sure that all the guards have gone in and closed the door
to the side. After sneaking by them, head toward the
elevator and press the button to activate it.

In the next room you will have to do the exact same thing
over again. Sneak by the guards and go towards the door
around the corner. There will be a puzzle waiting for you
next to the elevator. Solve the puzzle and go through the

In this room you will need to find a place to hide from the
guards. The best place to hide is where the green arrow is
pointing, which is behind the crates. The are many other
places to hide, but that is your decision. Anyway,
wherever you decide to hide, wait until the guards exit the
room. They will exit through the doorway that you came in.
After they leave, go to the left side of the room. There
is a "Universal Code Input" computer against the far wall
if you want to enter a cheat (see SECRETS). Grab the set
of crates that are against the wall and pull them away from
the wall. Go through the vent that was behind the crates.

Now Bruce will be in a room with a desk and windows on the
left wall. If you go towards the windows a cutscene will
play. You will need to open the elevator door. Activate
both levers on each side of the elevator door, and then
press the green switch to open the doors.

When the doors open, go over to the computer with the blue
screen and activate it. Bruce will have to solve another
puzzle and this will open the doors that lead to Professor
Crawford's lab. Go through the doors and a cutscene will

Stage 3 – BETRAYAL

After the cutscene, you will be in control of Hulk.
Soldiers will eventually start coming out of the door to
the left...chunk them off the building or plow right
through them. Go toward the broken area on the side of the
building (there will be a green marker there) and jump to
the area below.

Break down the glass windows and go forward, knocking out
any soldiers that get in your way. Keep moving until you
see a broken area on the side of the building (with a green
marker) once again, and do another jump.

Once inside the next building, go down the left pathway, or
you can easily make your own pathway on the right side.
Either way, go toward the broken glass window that is
guarded by two soldiers. Jump through the window and Hulk
will land on the next building.

Once he lands, soldiers will be all over him. Go toward
the windows in front of you and trash them. Then jump to
the area below. Once you land, go forward and attack the
soldiers and then break the glass windows on the right side
and jump to the next area. A helicopter will start to drop
more soldiers. If you want, you can grab the soldiers and
target the helicopter and throw soldiers at it. ^_^ Go
forward and jump between the two columns to get to the next

In this room soldiers will come out of the elevators on the
side wall. Jump through the broken window at the end of
the room to reach the next building.

Once Hulk lands, pound through the glass windows and
soldiers. On the left is a section where you can jump, so
jump to the next building.

When Hulk lands, pound through the glass windows once
again, and make your way to the area ahead where you can
jump to the next building.

The next building's room has a couple of cars that you can
throw at the soldiers. After you've had your fun, jump
through the open area in the side wall. The columns can be
broken, and Hulk can use a chunk of the column debris as a

The next room has a car and a few other objects that Hulk
can attack soldiers with. Jump through the open space in
the wall.


Grab one of the rocks to your left, and follow Ravage down
into the sewers. Destroy the metal door that eventually
closes and go straight. A cutscene will play, and you will
be introduced to a new enemy...the Hulk dogs. Overhead
smash the ground if they start to gang up on you. After
the Hulk dogs are beaten soldiers will pour into the room.
The soldiers seem to be never-ending so you can bash
through the metal door with the green marker in front of it
anytime you want to and proceed forward.

After bashing down the first door another door will close.
Destroy it and go further into the sewers until you
approach another metal door. You know what to do. :) The
combo that ends with the overhead smash works wonders in
the next area (as well as others) and the Super Overhead
Smash is a godsend. Once you destroy the metal door keep
following the path deeper into the sewers. You will
eventually run into new kinds of soldiers with shock
shields. Throw objects that are off to side at the
soldiers and they will fall in no time. These soldiers
cannot be physically touched while their shield is up. The
Sonic Clap and Overhead Smash only knock them back, so you
must throw or swing an object at them. Once they have been
disposed of, follow the path deeper into the sewers.

Jump into the next area and more soldiers will ambush Hulk.
Fight them off and break through the metal door on the
right side. Break through the next door and fight off the
soldiers. Break down even another door and you will enter
an area where soldiers with Rocket Launchers will be trying
to hit Hulk. You will have to throw something at them or
Sonic Clap at them in order to take them out. Take out the
shock shield soldiers and beat down the next three metal
doors along the path. Eventually, some soldiers and a Hulk
dog will ambush you. Dispose of them and drop down the
hole in the middle of the room. In this room you MUST beat
the soldiers to go further. After the soldiers in the room
are disposed of, a wall to the side will blast open. Go
through the wall and take out all the soldiers. I would
recommend ignoring the first few and dispose of the
soldiers with rocket launchers first.

Pummel the next metal door until it breaks. Be careful,
some rockets may greet you as soon as the door is broken
down. Go into the room and go wild! Your main priority
should be to take out the soldiers with rocket launchers
first, then go after the rest. Keep trashing the enemies
until a cutscene starts.


Oooo...this stage is fun. Look at all the metal objects
just begging to be destroyed. :)

A Hulk dog will eventually break through one of the doors
that leads to the warehouse on the left. The dog will be
joined by soldiers; dispose of the enemies and make your
way into the warehouse.

Inside the warehouse you will have to deal with more
soldiers and several dogs.

Break through one or both of the metal doors and go into
the next room. The metal beams that hold the warehouse up
can be knocked out and used as weapons in this room. Break
through one of the doors in this room and go outside.

There is plenty of stuff outside that can be used as
weapons. The metal towers can be destroyed and the debris
can be used as weapons along with the many barrels and
boxes. Make your way to the next warehouse and go through
the metal doors Hulk-style.

Go outside and dispose of the enemies and go into the next
warehouse. Break through one (or trash both) of the metal

Dispose of the dogs and soldiers outside. Once again, use
weapons to dispose of the shock shield soldiers. There is
a drop-off to the left where Hulk can jump down to a lower
area. After the jump the stage is over.



Boss battle – Half-Life

After the cutscene, Half-Life will appear. Whatever you
do, DO NOT touch him. If you touch him, you will take
damage so weapons and a few other moves are the only other
alternatives. The Sonic Clap can be good for chipping away
at his life meter when he is far away. Whenever the rage
meter builds up, hit him with the Super Overhead Smash. If
he starts to chase after Hulk it is best to jump away from
him. He can be easily beaten by grabbing objects and
hurling them at him. Don't worry, the objects will
regenerate eventually.

The fastest way to beat him is to punch the generators on
all four sides and then knock him into one of the
generators. If you manage to line him up with a generator,
then throw something or swing something at him and make him
fly back into it. The generators take about 25 percent of
his life. His life meter has to be taken down twice.



Yep, another Bruce Banner mission. As soon as you begin
the stage, run over to the left side and get behind the
first truck. Stay there until all 3 guards pass by. Run
between the trucks and go toward the search towers until
you find a metal fence with Hulk dogs behind it.

Push the smaller crate over to the stack of crates and get
on top of the stack of crates. NOTE: For some reason, it
is difficult to get Bruce Banner to climb on top of the
shed that is behind the fence. You will need to press and
hold in the direction of the crate and move the analog
down-right in order to get on top of the shed behind the

Crouch and move along the shed and jump off on the other
side. Quietly hug the wall while crouching and make your
way to the crates that are stacked next to the other shed.
Use the smaller crates to get on top of the shed. Jump
over the gate and hide on the right side of the truck to
avoid detection by the guards. Once the guards start to
walk away, go over to the right. There is a blue orb
(continue) behind the two crates against the right wall.
Near the left wall is a lever that will shut down some of
the searchlights. Pull the lever and run back to the right
of the previous truck, because the guards will be coming

Go down the area where the two guards were at and turn
left. Avoid the search light and push the smaller crate
over to the larger crate. Use both of the crates to climb
on top of the metal shed. Drop to the other side and go

Go down the left path while avoiding the guards and search
lights. There will be a green arrow next to a metal shed.
There is a large stack of crates and a smaller crate on the
right side. Grab the stack of crates and pull it over to
the metal shed. Position the stack of crates in front of
the shed. Now pull the smaller crate over to the stack of
crates. Once situated, climb up the crates and get on top
of the shed. Hop off the shed and push the lever on the
other side of the fence. This will open the gate on the
other side.

Go through the gate in front of you, and make your way to
the gate on the other side that you just opened. The
search light on the left side is now off, so the only worry
is the soldiers. Sneak by the search light on the other
side and go through the gate. There is a blue orb on the
right side, and a lever on the left. Push the lever and it
will open the door to the building. The searchlight on the
right side is now off also.

Go through the front door of the building. There is a
"Universal Code Input" computer on the right side of the
open doorway. Go through the open doorway. Crouch and
stay against the left wall and position yourself behind a
crate so the guard on the right will not see Bruce. The
guard on the left will not see Bruce as long as you stay
near the left wall. Wait until the guard on the right is
moving, and then move to the next two crates while
crouching. Once the guard on the right moves again, crouch
and move against the wall until you get to the computer
around the corner. Solve the puzzle and watch the


The machine-gun turret can be taken out easily by throwing
a crate at it. Soldiers will join the machine-gun turret
soon. You can also take out your anger on that last puzzle
now if you want to. :)

Go down the area on left side of the room. Smash through
the wall and go down the right side when the path splits.
Destroy another wall. Destroy two more walls after that,
along with a few enemies, and you will eventually reach a
room with a generator in it. Throw crates at the generator
to destroy it. After the generator is destroyed, the force
field will be down. Head back the way you previously came
from and go down the left side this time.

Take out the enemies and destroy the next two walls in
Hulk's path. Destroy and jump through the window in the
next room. Soldiers and Hulk dogs will attack once you
drop to the room below. Destroy the parapets to keep the
above soldiers from picking you off from a distance.

Once you've had your fun in this room, move on through the
open doorway to the next room. There are two Hulk dogs in
this room, along with many soldiers that will join them
eventually. Grab a pole off the wall and hit a few
homeruns. Go through the next doorway and many more
enemies will attack. Get a chunk of meat off the hangers
and let them have it!

Bash down the doorway on the sidewall. Go through it and
turn left. Knock down three more walls along the way and
tackle the enemies. Destroy the generator in the next room
and go back the way you came. The force field is now gone.
The path to the left leads to a room with a few computer
terminals. The terminal against the left wall holds a blue

Go down the path where the force field previously was.
Destroy the wall and fight off the soldiers in this room.
The third terminal on the right contains a blue orb. Jump
down to the area in front of you.

Destroy the wall on the left side and go straight. Destroy
the next four walls in Hulk's path. Now you will enter a
room with a new kind of enemy...gamma guards. Try to
attack them before they attack you. If the gamma guards
are grabbed by Hulk, different moves can be performed than
with normal soldiers. Throw something at the machine-gun
turrets to dispose of them. See that big square in the
middle of the floor? Once all the enemies have been taken
out, use Hulk's gamma stomp and destroy it. Drop down the
hole to finish the level.


Hulk dogs will be let out of their cages one at a time to
challenge Hulk at the beginning of this area. Tackle them
and then redesign that small doorway. Go down the path and
destroy the next three walls along the way until you come
to a room with four gamma guards. Show them who the true
"Green Goliath" is! You can't go straight because of a
force field, so go to the area to the right. Smash down a
few walls and gamma guards along the way, and you will
eventually enter a HUGE room. Take out the machine-gun
turrets with a weapon of your choice. Destroy the
generator to get rid of the force field that was blocking
your previous path. Prepare to dispose of some gamma goons
once the generator is disposed of. The area to the left
has a force field blocking the way, so go back the way you
came, and take the other path. There will be plenty of
Hulk-wannabes on the way back.

There are a few green orbs down the new path along with
some more gamma guards and soldiers. Take them out and
continue down the path. Destroy two walls and you'll be in
another huge room with four generators. Grab something
(machine guns, gamma creeps, pieces of helicopters...etc.)
and destroy the four generators along with the many enemies
that will be trying to stop you. Destroy the small doorway
on the right side of the room and enter. Take down the 2
walls along the way and enter the next room. The path on
the right only leads you back to an area where a force
field once stood, so drop to the area below. Take out the
gamma guards and other puny humans that try to hurt Hulk
(sorry couldn't resist...). Beat down the metal doors on
the right and this level is finished.

Stage 10 – SAVIOR


Boss battle – Madman

When the battle begins, immediately run up and jump punch
Madman. The first requirement in this boss battle is to
save Betty. Take out the four computer consoles to save
her. The best way to take them out is to do the combo that
ends with the Overhead Smash, so it will keep the nearby
enemies from ganging up on you.

After the consoles are taken our, Hulk must deal with
Madman. If Madman starts to stomp the ground, be sure to
dodge the fireballs by running around him. If he charges
and tries to ram Hulk, try jumping away from him or you
could grab a nearby gamma guard (Hulk is invincible while
lifting a heavy enemy). A well timed Sonic Clap will stun
Madman so you can grab or combo him. If the rage meter is
full, combo Madman a bit, and then let him have it with a
Super Overhead Smash. Be on the lookout for incoming
rockets from enemies during this boss battle; the rockets
from the enemies will also hit Madman if he is in the way.
There is no real special way for draining Madman's life bar
in large chunks, so normal hand-to-hand or enemy-throwing
combat is the only way. Also, be sure to stay away from
him when he gets up from a knockdown; he cannot be hit
during his overhead smash.



Now you're in control of Bruce Banner again. He cannot
turn into the Hulk for this mission because of a gamma
suppressing drug...heh, figures. Be sure to put your
thinking cap on...this mission has many requirements to be
met and with each requirement is a puzzle. It's still not
too bad though, so don't fret.

Anyway, now that I've got your attention...after the
cutscene, head to the right until you come across a big
door. Use the control panel on the left side to open it.
The room on the other side will eventually lead you to a
room that has a blue orb inside and a "Universal Code
Input" computer. The room to the right is the next room
that must be entered. Again, use the control panel to open
the door. Once inside, get on the elevator and press the
switch to go up to the next floor.

Get off the elevator. There is a "Universal Code Input"
computer against the far wall. Go through the door on the
left side to continue with the mission. In this area you
have a choice of right or left. There is something to pick
up in both areas so the choice is yours. I will start with
the left area first.

Weave through the scientist and the soldiers and go left.
In the next hallway there will be 2 soldiers and 2
scientists. The room to the right has a blue orb inside.
Go to the room in front of Bruce and get the first
chemical. If the scientists spot Bruce, do not fear; the
scientists are incredibly easy. Once punch combo or one
grab will dispose of them. Go around the left side
(Bruce's right) and stay behind the machinery so the
scientists will not notice. Activate the panel with the
green arrow. Solve the puzzle and grab the chemical. Exit
the room and go to the area on the right side.

In this area, there will be 3 scientists and one soldier
standing guard by a room. Sneak by the scientists and the
guard and go into the room. Once inside, stay to the right
side (Bruce's left) of the room and sneak behind the
machinery to avoid detection. Go over to the computer
panel with the green arrow. Activate the panel. Solve the
puzzle and get the chemical. Exit the room, and then go
back to the elevator.

Get on the elevator, activate it with the panel, and Bruce
will automatically go to the third floor. The suppressant
starts to take effect once you begin on the third floor.
While slightly annoying, it shouldn't be much of a burden.
Let the soldiers walk out of the hallway and then go down
the hall. Go through the sets of sliding doors. In the
next room, try to stay away from the tank as much as
possible. The tank will generate a force field that will
push Bruce back and cause damage and may possibly alert the
scientists and soldiers in the area. If the scientists or
soldiers manage to spot Bruce, run around the tank a few
times and they will eventually forget about him. It is
also advised that you exit the room after being spotted and
re-enter. Go to the panel with the green arrow. The panel
is in the back on the left side of the room. Insert both
chemicals, and then solve the puzzle. Grab the new
chemical and enter the room on the right.

There are no guards or scientists in this room so rejoice.
Go to the computer panel with the green arrow. Insert the
chemical, and solve the puzzle (you should be a pro at this
by now). Grab the antidote and go through the doorway on
the left. Pay no attention to General Ryker's warnings;
he's just trying to unnerve you. Sneak past the guards and
go down the hallway. Eventually, you will enter a real big
room. This is actually the room with the elevator. There
is a blue orb to the right and a "Universal Code Input"
Computer next to the stairs. Go up the stairs and get on
the elevator.


Get rid of the guards and beat down the door to the left.
Go into the hall and dispose of the shock shield soldiers.
The pipes on the wall can be hit and used as weapons.
Continue down the hallway and destroy the sliding doors on
the right. Enter the room and destroy the doors on the
other side. Go out into the hallway and take down the
enemies. Continue down the hallway. There will be a door
to the left that holds a few terminals and enemies. The
door in front is the way to go. Take down the door, beat
the enemies, and get on the elevator.

On the elevator you will encounter a new kind of enemy.
These robots can be easily disposed of with a few combos or
a few slams. If one of them begins to shoot out a beam,
grab the other, cause Hulk is invincible during a grapple
(the actual lift animation) or when performing a grapple
move. If you manage to knock them off the elevator they
will just fly back on, so concentrate on draining their
energy with throws and combos. After about 4 robots, the
elevator will stop and more enemies will welcome Hulk.

Go to the left and beat down the door when it closes. Go
into the hallway and turn right. Dispose of the shock
shield soldiers along the way. Destroy both pairs of
sliding doors and get rid of the enemies in the next room.
There is a blue orb in the terminal next to the door that
you came through. Once the enemies are taken care of,
destroy the next two pairs of sliding doors. This room can
get ugly. If the robots start to gang up, grab one and do
the double slam or throw it at another robot. If the rage
bar is full, do a Super Overhead Smash. After disposing of
them, go through the next two sliding doors.

Go down the hall and take out the shock shield soldiers
along the way. Grab a pipe from the wall if you need it.
When the hallway splits, go left and dispose of the next
batch of soldiers. Make another right and take down the
door. Beat the soldiers and robots and get on the
elevator. After plenty of robots (you should be a pro at
robot-pounding by now), get off and bash the next group of
enemies. Go to the left and destroy the door that closes.
Go towards the group of enemies in the next room and
something special will happen, which will get rid of a
majority of them for you. Defeat the rest of the soldiers
and prepare for some more robots. Grab the chemical tanks
on the side of the room and use them as weapons or simply
start throwing them. One of the chemical tanks has a blue
orb inside. After what seems like countless robots, they
will eventually stop coming and the stage will end.


A little word of advice for this do not have to
take out every enemy to proceed, so keep that in mind when
the going gets tough. ;)

Pound through the steel door and exit the room. There are
three tanks out here so grab a piece of the door or an
explosive crate off to the side and start chunking stuff
like mad. The rockets can be punched back at the tanks,
but with three tanks firing at about the same time, I would
not recommend it. The tanks will only take about three
hits if you throw stuff. The towers along the sides in
this area can be destroyed if you feel so inclined to do

Go straight ahead after the tanks are disposed of. Another
tank will block Hulk's path, so get rid of it. Go left and
two more tanks will be waiting. Run by them or dispose of
them and continue along the path. Three more tanks will be
blocking the way soon enough. Either run or fight.
Continue along the path, and some robots will interrupt
your progress. Further ahead are three tanks, and the
steel door that needs to be destroyed to proceed to the
next stage. Either take out all of the enemies and be a
true hero or bash down the door and live to fight another
day. The robots seem to keep coming, so I would recommend
bashing down the door after disposing of the tanks.

Stage 14 – GUARDIAN


Boss battle – Flux

To beat Flux, destroy the three power cells on the side of
the room and throw him into the core. When destroying the
power cells it is best to do a quick three hit combo on
each, and by that time Flux will throw a grenade up under
you. When you run away, the grenade will damage the power
cell further. Run to the next power cell and repeat.
Eventually the force field will be gone. Grab Flux and
throw him into the core to take about 25% of his life.
After he is thrown in, he will throw a grenade and jump to
the floor above. Flux will drop grenades around the area.
To avoid them, stay moving and jump over any grenades that
land in front of you. Grab the green orbs that appear to
replenish your health. After his life has been taken down
once, he will become a bit faster, but the same strategy
still works.



A new enemy will break through the door at the beginning of
the stage. This is probably the most annoying normal enemy
in the game. The shots from this gamma guard's gun can hit
Hulk about five times if he takes all the blast. That can
take about 25% of Hulk's life. ALWAYS take out gamma
guards with guns first when they are in a group of enemies.

There will be some soldiers that will join the gamma guard
soon enough. Go through the doorway that the gamma guard
smashed through. Smash the fuse box to get rid of the
force field, and smash through the metal door. Fight off
the Hulk dogs and soldiers. Punch through the wall on the
right side of the area ahead.

Jump to the floor below. Knock down the fence to the side
and jump to the area below. By this time, gamma guards,
Hulk dogs, and soldiers will be over you. Fight them off
and smash through the steel door. Go through and beat the
gamma guard to a bloody pulp. Smash the next metal door
and enter the room with two Hulk dogs. To get rid of the
force field, grab a crate or something else lying around,
target the fuse box above the force field, and throw the
object at the fuse box. Now, punch through the metal door.

In the next room, fight off the enemies, then smash the
fuse box on the right wall to get rid of the force field.
Destroy the metal door and go through. Destroy the two
fuse boxes on the side wall and take care of the Hulk dogs.
There is a section of the wall on the right side that can
be destroyed. Destroy it, and go into the next area.
Defeat the gamma guards and smash the metal door. In the
next room, pound through the gamma guards and soldiers,
then smash the walls to the left. Jump to the floor below.

Two gamma guards with guns will be waiting for you. Beat
them and jump to the area below. Eventually, helicopters
will start to come out of the big hole ahead. Take care of
the enemies that will swamp you. Grab an enemy or object
off to the side and throw it at the helicopter. The
helicopter should be destroyed after hitting it twice.
Destroy the towers on the four sides of the area as well.
After about 3 helicopters, the hanger will open up. Jump
through the hangers and prepare for some more gamma creeps.

Grab an object off to the side and start swinging or
throwing. After the numbers have dwindled, go through the
doorway in front of you. Go down the hallway and into the
next room. Jump to the floor below and destroy the fuse
boxes on the right and left walls. Go down the hall a bit
and take out the next two fuse boxes. Go into the room at
the end of the hall. Beat down the overwhelming amounts of
enemies. Eventually a cutscene will start and some gamma
guards will come through the steel doors off to the side.
There are about four gamma guards with guns that come out.
To finish the level, go through the doorway.


The metal cylinders along the wall throughout this level
can be knocked down and used as weapons. Go down the hall
and defeat the soldiers and the gamma guard. Turn left,
and then make another left, then a right. Fight off the
soldiers and gamma guards once again. Make the doorway off
to the side bigger (think like Hulk) and go through.

In the next area there is a doorway in the back, but a
force field blocks the path. Turn left. Go right and bash
through the doorway. Proceed into the hallway, while
fighting Hulk dogs and soldiers with rocket launchers. Go
right and tear down the small doorway. Go straight ahead
and smash the next doorway. Go into the room ahead. Grab
a chemical tank off to the side and fight off the gamma
goons. I find it best to swing the chemical tank
horizontally at the enemies in this room and the ones that
follow in the next few rooms. Go down the hallway on the
left. Before you even make it into the next room, you will
hear the sounds of test tubes breaking open. Dispose of
the gamma guards to get rid of the force field that is
blocking the next hallway. About three soldiers will come
down the hall after the force field is gone.

Go through the hallway. Go into the next room and fight
off the gamma creeps. Go down the hallway to the left.
Defeat the gamma guards in the next room and break down the
doorway in the area ahead. Go inside the next room. Punch
all four extensions on the generator so that the light on
each extension turns red. Hulk dogs, gamma guards, and
soldiers will be all over you while doing this, but it is
best to focus on the generator.

After the generator is down, go into the hallway to the
right. Eventually you will come to a split. Take the left
path. Go down the hall and turn left. Enter the next room
and destroy the small doorway against the back wall. Go
down the new path and turn right. Enemies will literally
drown the room in this hall. If the enemies start to
overwhelm you, then just jump down the hall until it ends.
A cutscene will start once the end is reached.

This part can get hard if you try to fight off every Hulk
dog around you. The only thing that really needs to be
destroyed is the rocket launcher turrets. Go toward the
cliff and destroy the crag on the side of the cliff (it has
a green arrow pointing to it). Jump to the next level,
take care of the turret, and then jump up again through the
right side. Destroy the next crag on the left. Jump to
the next area and destroy the turret. Jump to the next
area above you and destroy the next crag on the left. Take
out the turret and go into the back hallway. Turn right
and fight off the swarm of gamma guards. Jump by them if
you're real weak in health. Continue down the hall to
finish the level.

Stage 17 – RESOLVE

After the cutscene, crouch and go through the narrow hole
in front of Bruce. You see those Hulk dogs to the right?
You will have to sneak by them. Crouch and move toward
them, and stay against the trolley on the left. Be sure to
stay against the left side until you sneak by all the dogs.
Now, on the other side, you will need to sneak past a few
more dogs and crawl through the small hole to the side.
Crouch and sneak past the remaining dogs. Be sure to stay
on their left side. In the next room, there is a small
hole that Bruce will have to go through.

Turn left and go down the hallway. Make a right turn and
go through the narrow hole in the pile of rocks. Crouch
and sneak behind the rock column on the right side. Debris
will fall from the top floor and rocks will take out the
soldiers in your path. Now run through the hall and go
into the next room. If you go over to the tank on the
left, a cutscene will play. Go through the hall on the
left side. When debris starts to fall, BACK OFF!

Continue down the hall. Once you reach the next room, a
Hulk dog and two soldiers will be fighting. There can be
three total outcomes in this fight. Either the dog will
win, or one soldier will win, or perhaps, both soldiers
will win. If the dog wins, it will eventually fall asleep
and can be easily snuck past. If the soldiers win, Bruce
will, most likely, get spotted when trying to go into the
hallway. If this happens, run down the hall as quickly as
possible and try to lose the soldiers. Either way, go into
the hallway (beware the collapsing ceiling) and into the
next room. Go into the next hallway (again, beware the
collapsing ceiling) and follow it until you reach a room
with a few Hulk dogs. Crouch and sneak past the Hulk dogs.
I always go around the right side. Go into the next hall.
Crouch and go through the small hole in the rocks.

In the next room, activate each of the switches that were
previously punched in. The power will be back on. Go down
the hallway on the right. Go through the tiny hole on the
side of the wall. A green arrow will point to it. Go up
to the rocks that are blocking the way ahead of you. See
all those Hulk dogs outside? Well, you have to fight them
all off with only Bruce Banner...nah, just playing. Wait
until they leave and then crawl through the hole in the
rocks. Wait until the Hulk dogs carry their battle to the
opposite end of the crates and then make a run for dear
life to the trolley door.

Stage 18 – ONE AND ALL

Follow the trail and go into the room on the left.


Boss battle – Ravage

The key to beating Ravage is to outsmart him. Do not try
to run into him and start pounding away; he will counter
and really take off some damage if you do that. He is a
real sucker for the Gamma Stomp. You can easily wait until
he comes toward you, and then jump and do a Gamma Stomp. A
charged Gamma Stomp is useful also. After doing a charged
Gamma Stomp, run away from Ravage and let him chase you.
The falling debris that results from a charged Gamma Stomp
may hit him while he chases you. Grabbing rocks and
swinging them or throwing them at him is useful also. He
can be stunned with a sonic clap and hit afterward. Be
sure to dodge his charge moves (air punch and sliding
punch) and beat him to a pulp once he misses. After he has
been knocked down, get away from him; he will try to do an
overhead smash once he gets up and he is invincible during
this move. As usual, a Super Overhead Smash once the rage
meter builds up, is a definite must (especially for round

After his life has been taken down once, gamma guards will
come and join the fight for the second round. The
unfortunate thing is, these gamma guards are the type with
guns. It is best to concentrate on getting rid of the
gamma guards first. The guards can be disposed of by
tossing them off the side (on the sides of the teleporter).
Don't even try to toss Ravage off the side; he will just
jump back up and continue the fight...nice try though.
Ravage can also accidentally hit the guards and vice versa.
The gamma guards leave green orbs if they are beaten
normally (without being tossed off).


Stage 19 – RECKONING

Go over to each of the two columns and pull the switch on
the front of each one. Once the door is open, go through
the corridor. RETREAT once you hear Bruce talking. Gamma
guards will come down the corridor after you. Go back into
the room with the two switches and hide behind the right
column. Once the gamma guards come in, sneak behind them
and go back into the corridor. Run to the door at the end
of the corridor. The door will open automatically and a
cutscene will start.


Boss battle – Madman and Half-Life

This battle can be a real pain. Be sure to concentrate all
your attacks on Madman. Gamma stomps will bring rocks down
from the ceiling for Hulk to use. Madman falls easy prey
to a jump punch, and the falling debris that results from a
jump punch might hit him. Slender rocks work nicely to
keep both of them away. Once 50%-75% of Madman's life has
been taken, he will leave the battle. Be sure to grab the
green orbs that he leaves behind.

Half-Life, by himself, is not a problem at all. Just gamma
stomp the ground, get some rocks and swing or throw them at
him. Try to make him run through the debris and the rocks
might hit him.


After the battle, destroy all four columns in the room.
Punch down the door behind you, and go back to the first
room where Bruce teleported in. Destroy the two columns in
this room. Two gamma guards will teleport in eventually.
After the columns have been destroyed, go back to the room
where you fought Madman and Half-Life. Gamma guards will
come at you continuously throughout the rest of the level.
Now destroy the door in front of you. Go through the
hallway and the next door. Destroy the machine-gun turret
in the next room; it will blast you as soon as you come
through the door. There is another machine-gun turret on
the other side. Dispose of the 4 gamma guards and destroy
all the columns in this room. There are seven columns
total. The doorway on the right leads to a collection of
gamma orbs if your health is running low. Go to the
doorway on the left. Go down the hallway and into the next
room. Destroy all four columns while avoiding or fighting
the gamma guards.

After all the columns have been destroyed go back down the
hallway and through the newly opened front doorway. This
will lead to the next stage.

Stage 20 – MIND GAMES


Boss battle – The Leader

When the battle starts, you will be in control of Bruce
Banner. In order to get the gamma orb back, all 4 switches
on the four columns must be activated. The Leader will be
constantly teleporting and trying to hit Bruce Banner
during this entire process. The first thing to do is to
run over to one of the switches and wait. When the Leader
teleports next to you, run to the switch across from the
one you're currently at. Pull the switch. Now, wait for
the Leader to teleport next to you. Run to another switch
and activate it. Wait for him to teleport again. Now run
to the next switch. If you keep up this pattern the Leader
will not even touch you. After all the switches are
activated, run over to the gamma orb and a cutscene will

Now you're back in control of Hulk. The Leader will float
around the area shooting a beam at you. He also has an
attack that he will use at close range, where he will
affect the Hulk's mind and eventually push him back. The
best way to hit him is to run at him at an angle, and he
will miss with his beam shot. Use this chance to combo or
jump punch him. He will teleport after being hit. Run up
to him again at an angle and hit him when he misses. The
Leader will eventually do a continuous beam attack. When
the Leader teleports very quickly twice in a row, this is a
dead giveaway that he is about to perform this attack. To
avoid it, get behind the side of one of the elevators. The
beam will totally miss you. Wait until he is finished and
then run up and hit him. After finishing his continuous
beam attack, the Leader will make multiple images of
himself. One of them is the real Leader and the other
three are copies. The false Leader's will leave behind a
green orb after being defeated.

After the Leader has been defeated the first time, he will
call on gamma guard helpers. Unfortunately, these are the
types with guns. The same rules still apply to this fight,
but the gamma guards must be taken out before going after
the Leader. Try to get the gamma guards to follow you to
the opposite end of the screen away from the Leader. Jump
punch and gamma stomp them until they have been defeated.
I would not recommend any ground hits except for the Super
Overhead Smash. If they start to fire, then try to grab
one of them. If the Leader accidentally hits a gamma guard
with a beam attack it will take about 50% of the gamma
guard's life. After they have been defeated, go after the
Leader. Use the same method that was used in the first
fight to hit him. Be careful when he does his continuous
beam attack, he will sometimes add three short beam attacks
to the end of the attack to trick you. He does not use his
image trick the second time. More gamma guards will
eventually come down the elevators after the others are
disposed of. Just try to beat the guards separately and
then go after the Leader.



You will need to punch down the door behind you. Wait for
the debris to fall in front of the door and then knock it
down. Run down the hall. Do not even pay attention to the
gamma guards. They will not attack, because they are too
busy running. Run into the next area, and go through the
door ahead. Run down the hall and into the next area. In
this room, the ground will start to crumble away as you run
by. As soon as the ground starts to break up, jump
forward. If, for any reason, you jump back to the previous
ledge or fall, you will have to continue. Now go through
the doorway and go down the hall. A cutscene will start.


Boss battle – Madman

You should be a pro at fighting Madman by now. The only
difference now is that there is little room to run. The
same tactics that worked during the last battle will work
here. He seems to use the ground stomp more often during
this battle, so be sure to run around him to avoid it.
Basic combos, gamma stomps, and Super Overhead Smashes work
really good for this battle. Rocks that fall from the
ceiling seem to take off the most though.


Congrats! You have now finished the game.



To enter each code, you must go to "Options" and then
select "Code Input"

Note: To save the secrets, once they have been entered, you
must save your current game. If you have a specific save
that you want the secrets to be on, then load that game
before you type in the codes. If you do not save the
codes, then you will have to input them each time you play.

Saving the Codes to a File

1. Go to "Options", then choose "Load/Save".

2. Load whichever game save you want the secrets to be
unlocked on.

3. Enter the codes.

4. Go back to "Options" and choose "Load/Save".

5. Choose "Save".



Enter "GMMSKIN" on the Code Input menu


Enter "FLSHWND" on the Code Input menu.

Unlimited Continues

Enter "GRNCHTR" on the Code Input menu.

Double Hulk's Health

Enter "HLTHDSE" on the Code Input menu.

Double Enemies Health

Enter "BRNGITN" on the Code Input menu.

Half Enemies Health

Enter "MMMYHLP" on the Code Input menu.

Reset High Score

Enter "NMBTHIH" on the Code Input menu.

Level Select

Enter "TRUBLVR" on the Code Input menu.

Full Rage Meter

Enter "ANGMNGT" on the Code Input menu.

Wicked Punch

Enter "FSTOFRY" on the Code Input menu.

The following codes must be entered during Story Mode at a
"Universal Code Input" terminal: (NOTE: These can only be
found on Bruce's missions)

Hulk Transformed Gallery

Enter "SANFRAN" at a "Universal Code Input" terminal in
story mode.

Hulk VS Hulk dogs Gallery

Enter "PITBULL" at a "Universal Code Input" terminal in
story mode.

Desert Battle Gallery

Enter "FIFTEEN" at a "Universal Code Input" terminal in
story mode.

Hulk Movie F/X Movie

Enter "NANOMED" at a "Universal Code Input" terminal in
story mode.

Unlock Grey Hulk

Enter "JANITOR" at a "Universal Code Input" terminal in
story mode.




This document Copyright 2002 Kevin Hall

Hulk interactive game (c) 2003 Universal Interactive Inc.

The Incredible Hulk character (c) 2003 Marvel Characters

This document is for private and personal use only!

Do not try to sell this document for profit! This is a free
document and should remain free.

Do not try to reproduce this document in any way, shape, or

If you want to use this document on your site then contact
me, ( and ask for permission. Do
NOT post this FAQ up on your website without permission. I
tend to be a very nice person, but do NOT cross me. ^_~


This FAQ can be found on the following sites:

GameFAQs (
Neoseeker (
Cheat Code Central ( ( ( (
Vivendi Universal Hulk Forums ( (

If you see this FAQ on any site not listed above, then
please contact me! (



- myself for typing out this FAQ, but I love this game so
it was kinda fun. ^_^

- my parents for helping me to get the game.

- catatonia, smashfan 2nd, spiderman013web, Halo54,
Gandalf685, Styxx21, and Self Mutilation for listing the
codes for the game on GameFAQs. I would have never found
them otherwise. :)

- Matt31098 and mc1287 for the controller setup

- the users on the Hulk message boards at GameFAQs (all

- CjayC at GameFAQs for posting this FAQ and for having
such a cool site that all video gamers can enjoy.

- golbez66 for recommending that I should write FAQs in the
first place. ^_^

- all the sites that posted this FAQ.

- everybody that has emailed me, I appreciate the comments
that I have gotten on this FAQ.


My previous FAQ(s):

Eve of Extinction [EOE] (PS2)


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