Runescape 3


15.10.2013 21:21:40
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Runescape II
Advanced Quests Guide:
Written by Zeroknightxz


Who or What is a RuneScape?

Runescape is an online MMORPG created by Jagex Ltd. and Paul and Andrew
Gower. Its actually quite a fun game to some, and others on the game boards
(RSGB) would say, th1s g@m3 $u@ks b@11s W0W 1$ m0r3 b3tt3r y0u @r3 @11
1d10t$. That, which leads to flames. In this game, your dealing with kicking
monster ass, medieval questing, raising levels of skills such as farming and
combat, and making friends while having a good time (except for when you

Quests is the main reason of Runescape. About 36 for Non Members, and over
90 for members (and counting)! The quest will test your skills and your
knowledge of Runescape. Can you help King Arthur recover the Holy Grail, or
find buried treasure in the deep parts of the Shantay Desert? How about
taking the challenge and help Sir Ramidus Erkle and become an honorary
member of the Legend's Guild?

This guide will help you on really hard quests, the easy ones, well, you can
figure them out yourself or go to a site like Rune Headquarters.

Happy Questing!


| Table of Contents |

i. Introduction
I. Version Updates
II. Quest List
III. Difference Between F2P and P2P
IV. The Quest's

The order of the quest will be Introduction of the quest, Requirements,
Walkthrough, and then reward.

(For quick search of quests press the keyboard button Ctrl and F and
your search query.)


a. Legend's (Lg)
b. Regicide (Rc)
b. Monkey Madness (Mm)


V. FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)
VI. Ending Credits/ Thank's


-Version Updates-

7.25.06 - 1.0 Started Guide. Started most of the misc. stuff on the Table
of Contents.

7.27.06 - 1.0 Finished Legends and Monkey Madness sections.

8.12.06 - 1.0 Finished Regicide sections.

8.20.06 - 1.1 Deleted Desert Treasure and Roving Elves, due to losing
members and not completing the quests.

8.25.06 - 1.1 Given to Defcon999 for repairs.

8.25.06 - 1.1 Accepted into GameFAQS.

8.26.06 - 1.2 Fixed line breaks, a few typos, and version. Resubmitted.

8.28.06 - 1.3 DSL down so can’t go on the internet. Added some headings for
the quests. Added FAQ’s and Version Updates (>.<). Legal added
to VI.


-Quest List-

Non- Members:

Black Knight's Fortress
Cook's Assistant
Demon Slayer
Doric's Quest
Dragon Slayer
Ernest the Chicken
Goblin Diplomacy
Imp Catcher
Knight's Sword The
Pirate's Treasure
Prince Ali Rescue
Restless Ghost, The
Romeo and Juliet
Rune Mysteries Quest
Sheep Shearer
Shield of Arrav
Vampire Slayer
Witch's Potion


Between a Rock...
Big Chompy Bird Hunting
Cabin Fever
Clock Tower
Creature of Fenkenstrain
Death Plateau
Death to the Dorgeshuun
Desert Treasure
Devious Minds
Digsite Quest
Druidic Ritual
Dwarf Cannon
Eadgar's Ruse
Elemental Workshop
Enakhra's Lament
Eyes of Glouphrie, The
Fairy Tale Part I, A
Fairy Tale Part II, A
Family Crest
Feud, The
Fight Arena
Fishing Contest
Forgettable Tale of a Drunken Dwarf
Fremennik Trials, The
Garden of Tranquillity
Gertrudes Cat
Ghosts Ahoy
Giant Dwarf, The
Golem, The
Grand Tree, The
Hand in the Sand, The
Haunted Mine
Hazeel Cult
Heroes Quest
Holy Grail
Horror From The Deep
Icthlarin's Little Helper
In Aid of the Myreque
In Search of the Myreque
Jungle Potion
Lost City
Lost Tribe
Lunar Diplomacy
Making History
Merlin's Crystal
Monk's Friend
Monkey Madness
Mountain Daughter
Mourning's Ends Part I
Mourning's Ends Part II (The Temple Of Light)
Murder Mystery
Nature Spirit
Observatory Quest
One Small Favour
Plague City
Priest in Peril
Rag and Bone Man
Rat Catchers
Recipe for Disaster
Recruitment Drive
Roving Elves
Royal Trouble
Rum Deal
Scorpion Catcher
Sea Slug Quest
Shades Of Mort'ton
Shadow of the Storm
Sheep Herder
Shilo Village
Soul's Bane, A
Spirits of the Elid
Swan Song
Tai Bwo Wannai Trio
Tail of Two Cats, A
Tears of Guthix
Temple Of Ikov
Throne of Miscellania
Tourist Trap, The
Tree Gnome Village
Tribal Totem
Troll Romance
Troll Stronghold
Underground Pass, The
Watch Tower
Waterfall Quest
Witch's House
Zogre Flesh Eater Quest

-Difference Between F2P and P2P-

First off, F2p(Non-Members) stands for Free-2- Play while P2p (Members)
means Pay- 2- Play. F2p is the free version of Runescape and P2p is the
version where you pay $5 a month to play.

F2p is a limited version of the game that has less quest than members and
skills you can‘t use. F2p do NOT get big updates like new skills, but if
you're a member, you will have weekly updates and rarely, new skills.

The quest list for Members is pretty long, while non members list is short.
Plus the extra skills will help boost up your total level. Then there is the
extra places you can go to that non members can't. Members have a wider map
of Runescape and extra levels in the wilderness. This helps you not get
bored too easily and have places to explore.

Non members don't have lots of monsters to chose from, maybe 50 or so, while
members have over 300! This helps train your combat without having to kill
lesser demons, and Giants.

So the difference? LOTS more stuff to do on members and updates while having
a limited selection to do on non members with almost no updates. That's
pretty good for only $60 a year.


-The Quests-


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Accept the challenge of the Legends Guild to map the Southern part of
Karamja Island, make friends with the natives and bring back a prize to
display in the Legends Guild Main Hall.

Requirements (Lg)

The requirements for the Legends Quest :

Quest to be Beaten:

1. Hereo's Quest
2. Family Crest
3. Underground Pass
4. Shilo Village
5. Waterfall quest

Also have at least 107 Quest Points.

Stat Requirements:

1. 56 Magic
2. 50 Strength
3. 50 Thieving
4. 50 Crafting
5. 50 Wood Cutting
6. 50 Smithing
7. 52 Mining
8. 45 Herblore
9. 50 Agillity
10. 42 Prayer

And the power to kill 3 level 92's, 100's, 106's, and 3 level 187 demons.

Item's Required for Quest:

1. 1 Soul, 1 Mind, 1 Earth, 2 Laws ( SMELL )
2. Runes to cast any Charge Orb Spell + Unpowered Orb
3. AT LEAST 2 Gold Bars but more helps
4. 1 of each: Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby, Diamond, Jade, Opal, Red Topaz
5. Pickaxe, Hammer
6. Vial of Water
7. Lock pick
8. Charcoal
9. Prayer Potions

Helpful Items:
Stat restore pots, Silverlight/ Darklight, Vials, Teleportation Runes or
Glory or Duel

Items in Inventory at ALL TIMES:
Rune axe, Armor, Food, Machete, Radimus Note's, food, and prayer pots


Walkthrough (Lg)


1. Start the quest by talking to the guards in front of the Legends Guild in
North-East East Ardougne (Note that they won't let you pass the gate if you
don t have the minimum requirements). Go through the gates and don't try to
get through those doors and be an idiot, because they won't let you in.

Go to the little house just outside the doors of the Guild and talk to Sir
Radimus Erkle. Talk to him about the quest and he will tell you to do 3
things for him. He will give you Radimus Notes. Search the cupboard for a
machete if you don't have one and take 2 or 3 papyrus that spawns on the
table while your at it.

2. Go south of Shilo Village and talk to one of the foresters. Then cut your
way through some of the bushes and trees until you are in the Khazari
Jungle. There are enemies in here but only the level 64 wolves attack you


No go to the Western, Eastern, and Middle parts of the jungle and map them
by clicking on your Radimus Notes (you might run out of Papyrus if you mess
up so you might want to bring more than 3).

3. Once your done mapping get out of there and talk to the forester. He is
impressed and gives you a Bull Roarer.

Go back into the jungle and swing your new item (note some monsters might
come to attack you) until a native named Gujuo appears. If you accept the
right things to say, he will eventually be your friend. He tells you he
needs help to rescue Ungadulu from a demon.


4. Follow the North wall of the Khazari Jungle until you see some rocks in a
triangle formation. Search it and accept to squeeze through the rocks. There
isn't a 100% chance of getting in on the first try and can hurt you.

5. Once your in the cavern, look around and you will see a wall of flames.
Talk to Ungadulu and he tells you that only Holy Water from the Khazari
Jungle itself can eliminate the flames.

Get back to the surface and call Gujuo.

6. Gujuo tells you that only metal of the sun can hold the Holy Water and
give you a sketch of what the bowl should look like.

Now go get 2 gold bars or more, hammer, and the sketch and find an anvil.
The nearest one is near Tai Bwo Wanni Village. If you fail, you will lose 2
gold bars.

7. Now take your bull roarer, a lock pick, pickaxe, the golden bowl, the
SMELL runes, the 7 jewelry gems, a hatchet, machete, and the map. Armor,
food, prayer potions, and stat restore potions are helpful.

Go back to the jungle and call for Gojuo. You can enchant the bowl but will
need 42 prayer. When your ready to bless the bowl you will start singing and
if you fail lose some prayer points (you cannot attempt this again if you
have less than 42 prayer).

Once you have the blessed bowl, head towards the middle of the Khazari
Jungle until you find a small pond. Cut a water reed with your machete and
use the cut reed with the pond. You will get a bowl full of Holy Water. Go
back to the cavern with Ungadulu and use the Holy Water bowl with the
flames. (you can search the desk for a Shaman's Tomb book but doesn't really

8. Talk to Ungadulu. He talks funny and will throw you out of the flames
reducing some of your stats.

Search the north-east book shelf and squeeze through it. You will find your
self in a small cave with an Ancient Gate. Use your lock pick on the gate
and it will open (note that your lock pick might break). Smash the three
boulders with your pickaxe (if you fail to demolish the boulder, you will
lose about 2 mining levels and you need at least 52 mining to break through
the rocks). Once your through the boulders, push the next gate open (you
need at least 50 strength).


9. Now you will be in a room with a whole mess of Deathwings level 83. Pass
through them and go south-west until your in a hallway and there is a north-
west path. Pass the obstacle and you will find a room with a marked wall on
one of the sides, search it. It tells you a riddle and use the SMELL runes
with the wall and you will find yourself in a room with 7 pools with a
stalagmites in the middle of them. Use your gems in all of the 7 pools until
they all fit (you will know when the gems fit when they appear on the
stalagmite). When they are correctly placed you will be teleported to the
middle of the room and little white balls will come toward the front of you
and make a book called the Book of Binding. Grab it and read it.

The book tells you how to defeat a demon with Enchanted Holy Water Vials.
These potions don't really help but here's how you make them:

On the last page of the Book of Binding, it says Activus . Make sure you
have empty vials while doing this. When you click Activus , it asks you
how many vials you'd like to enchant. But be careful! Enchanting 1 vial
consumes 5 prayer and 4 magic levels! When you have the enchanted vials, you
have to go to the spring of Holy Water and use your reed with the pond to
get the water into your Golden Bowl. Then use your Golden Bowl with the
enchanted vials to get Enchanted vials of Holy Water. When your fighting the
demon, just wield them for your weapon spot, and throw them at the ugly


10. Now go get your weapon and the holy vials if you wish, and prayer
potions (REALLY helpful) if you want, and go back to Ungadulu. Get ready to
fight a level 187 demon. Equip whatever weapon you prefer and talk to
Ungadulu. The demon appears and might drain all your prayer so drink a
prayer pot and put on Protection from Melee.

Once you kill the demon, talk to Undagulu again and he will give you Yomie
Tree seeds. He will put a spell on you so you could get out of the wall of
fire. Go back to the surface and go to the pond. The pond is muddy and can t
get Holy Water from it. Call Gujuo and he tells you you need to get to the
source to get more Holy Water. But to get to the source you will need to
make a Bravery Potion.


To make a Bravery Potion you need the following ingredients:

1 Snake Weed - SW of Tai Bwo
1 Ardrigal - Search the palm trees NE of Tai Bwo
Use the Snake weed and then the Ardrigal to make the potion.

11. Now bring your bravery potion, lock pick, rope, pickaxe, unpowered orb,
the spells to cast a charge orb spell, and the 3 items you need to get into
Khazari Jungle.

Go back to the room with the gems and the pools. Go to the north wall and
use the spell on the door. It will let you in. You will see a winch but
before using your rope on it to get down, DRINK YOUR BRAVERY POTION! If you
forget your rope, some barrels contain one or may contain enemies or

11. Take the blue hat near the entrance and it will appear into a ghost
named Viyeldi. Go down the weird stairs and go through the agility
obstacles. Kill the 3 ghost warriors named San Tojalon (level 106), Ivrig
Senay (level 100), and Ranalph Devere (level 92) to get 3 crystals. Go to
the NE wall and use the crystals on the lava furnace to make a heart shaped

Find the rock that looks like a dragon eye on your map and can search it and
search it. Use your crystal on it and it will begin to glow.

12. Go to the SE corner and use the crystal on the little key slot. The
crystal will fit perfectly. Go through the Shimmering Wall. Go west past the
lessers try to push the boulder. A ghost will appear and tells you to kill
Vydeli with a black dagger. Now you have two options:


Go to the blue hat and attack and kill Vydeli. Go back to the boulder and
use the black dagger with the ghost. Then push the boulder and another
level 187 demon will appear.

OR If you want to use a spell that will weaken the demon, go back to
Undagulu and use the black dagger with him. He will give you the Holy Force
Spell that will weaken the demon. If you want, you could go bank for more
food and come back but you will need the charged orb runes.

When you finish slaughtering the demon again, push the boulder until it says
you can get the Holy Water from the surface again. Refill your blessed bowl
and use it with the yomie seeds to germinate them. You can get water from
the surface now if you forgot your bowl.

13. Now get your rune hatchet, bull roarer, Blessed bowl with holy water in
it, and germinated yomie seeds. Bull roar for Gujuo and he will tell you to
germinate the seeds. You already have them so just look for a brown spot
with fertile soil and use your seeds with the soil.

A tree will start to grow and when it turns into a young tree use water on
it and it will turn into an adult tree. You need to cut it down before it
hit's the floor. Keep cutting the tree until you have a totem pole. Beware
that the totem pole is so heavy you may lose strength levels!


14. Now get ready for the final 4 battles. Go to a dark totem pole and use
your totem pole on it and the 3 ghost warriors will appear one at a time.
Kick there ass and then the 3rd and final demon will appear. Kill him and
bull roar for Gujuo. He will give you a golden totem pole.

15. Go back the Legend's Guild and talk to Sir Radimus Erkle. He tells you
to come in to the guild. Go inside the guild and talk to him. He tells you
to choose 4 stats to be trained in...


Reward (Lg)

Now for your reward:

1.Lots of EXP in 4 chosen stats of any out of the 22
2. Unlimited access to the Legends Guild
3. The ability to wield one of the strongest shields in RuneScape, the
Dragon Sq Shield and wield one of the best capes in RuneScape, the Legends
4. Ability to buy the Legends Cape, SilverLight, Mithirl seeds, and Shield
Right half.
5. 4 QPS


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Continuing the Plague City series, the Regicide Quest takes you beyond the
'Well of Voyage' to a new realm.

King Lathas will employ you once again, this time for the grim task of
deposing his brother.

Once you have travelled to the realm you will find yourself surrounded by
new and strange plants, animals and even a new race.

Once there, you will see that everything is not as serene as it first

Requirements (Rc)


53-56 Agility (53 with agility potion)
43 Prayer (Not required to start the Quest)


Underground Pass


1. Antiposin (4) x 2
2. Spade, Pot, Pestle and Mortar
3. Limestone
4. Rope
5. Food/ Prayer potions/ Armour
6. Bow and Arrow
7. 4 Balls of wool

Walkthrough (Rc)


1. After you have completed the Underground Pass , a message will be sent
to you from one of King Lathas's men. Read it and go back to King Lathas.

2. Start the quest by talking to King Lathas. He will tell you that the
mages have finished their portal to the Elven Land, Isadafar.

3. Head back to the Underground Pass and go through the whole thing. Once at
the gate to the arena where you fight Iban, you'll see those needles popping
out of the ground. Don't worry, once you open the gate the needles and Iban
will disappear. A portal, some mages, and the helper will be replaced. Enter
the portal and you will be taken to Isadafar. Walk a little up to the path
and an elf will appear, will shortly get ass kicked by two Crystal Rangers.


4. Follow the path up a little more to find a Leaf Trap (if you fall down
the trap you will get hit 15). Use the jump leaves option and follow up the
path until the path is curved north. A wall of trees will block the west
side but there is a stick trap (will hurt you by 8 damage if you get hit)
that you can go through to get to the other side. Use the pass sticks option
and continue north until you hit water and a log you can cross hitting a
leaf trap on the way.


5. Cross the log to get into Lord Iorweths camp. Talk to Iorweth and he will
tell you to search for his tracker in Isadafar somewhere.

6. Cross the log back and go down all the south (passing the leaf trap)
until you see a Elf Tracker. Talk to him and say you were sent by Lord
Iorweth. He won't believe you so go back to Lord Iorweth. He will then give
you a pendant. Go back to the tracker and talk to him. He tells you to
search for the Tyras camp. Go a little north near some dense trees to find
footprints. Search them and then go back to the tracker.

When your ready to fight a level 110 Guard, go past the 3 dense forests near
the footsteps. Kick his ass and then go up the path where there are 2 Trip
wire traps that is hardly visible. If you don't successfully go past it, you
will be hit by 2 arrows doing 5 damage each and poison you. Go up a little
more until there is a clearing and then go south through the dense forest.
You will be at Tyras camp. Talk to General Hining. If your low on health or
like to buy a halberd, bronze from rune (you can get Dragon after the quest
is finished) go to the general store there. Go back to the tracker and talk
to him. Next go back to Lord Iowerth. He will give you a Big Book of Bangs.


7. To make the bomb, you'll need the following items:

1. Sulfur - You can find this south of the Elf Tracker. Use it with a pestle
and mortar to get a powder.

2. Quicklime - You can mine limestone by going back to before the stick trap
and going north past the bridge. Go east of the gigantic gate and you'll
meet some Dire Wolves and a Leaf trap. Once you have found the location of
the Limestone rocks, mine it and go back to Tyras camp.

Get a pot from the camp and then use the limestone on the furnace (it can
hurt you by 8 damage) to get quicklime. Then use the quicklime on a pestle
and mortar to get a powder.

3. Naphtha - get a Barrel from the Tyras camp then use it on the swamp south
of the tracker to get coal tar, then teleport to Falador and put the barrel
and some Coal in your inventory (10-20 pieces depending on how well you can
distill). Go to the Rimmington Chemist that was in the Biohazard quest.
Distill the coal tar by putting the Coal tar in the distiller then adding
Coal (see instructions below). You want your heat in the red/green areas and
pressure in the green area. Once you have filled the green 'distilled' bar
then exit it then you will have naphtha.


How to Distill:
First, Use the tar-filled barrel with the distiller. Then click the right
side of the valve to the right twice, so the tar should be flowing at
maximum. You should see the 'pressure' indicator on the left go up. When the
indicator reaches the green region, click the right side of the valve on the
left to let out pressure. This should stall the indicator on the left. Now
you can start adding coal. This will raise the indicator on the right. If
it's below the green region, add more coal. If it's above, don't add add
coal until it gets lower. The bar on the bottom will start turning green,
when it's full you can stop adding coal and close the window on the top
right to get your distilled tar.

(how to distill and how to get he Naphtha was taken from runehq).


8. Use the Quicklime powder with the Naphtha barrel and then with the sulfur
powder. Go back to Isadafar with a hatchet, tinderbox, and 4 balls of wool.
Go to Iorewths camp and use the wool with the loom to get a cloth. Use the
cloth with the barrel to get a highly explosive bomb!

9. Go kill a rabbit and cook it with a fire. Use the cooked meat with the
guy near the catapult near Tyras camp so he will let you use it. Use the
bomb with the catapult and & BAM! You just blew the Tyras asses. Go back to
Iowreth and talk to him. He tells you well done and go talk to King Lathas
to claim your reward.

10. Go back to Ardougne and at the steps to the castle --

******************!!SPOILER BELOW!!***********************

An elf will appear and tell you that King Lathas and Lord Iowreths joining
wasn't just to destroy Tyras& it was only the beginning.

11. Talk to King Lathas to claim your reward!


Reward (Rc)

1. 3 QPS
2. 15k
3. Wield/Buy Dragon Halberd



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Monkey Madness

The King of the northern Gnomes, Narnode Shareen, is once again in need of
your help. He recently decided to send an envoy of his Royal Guard, the 10th
squad, to oversee the decommissioning of the Gnome owned ship-building
facilities on the eastern coast of Karamja.

It has been quite some time since the 10th squad were dispatched and they
have been deemed missing in action.

Can you unravel the mystery behind the deception? Can you separate the truth
from the lies? Can you decide for yourself what is real and what is not?


Requirements (Mm)

Here are the requirements for Monkey Madness:

Quest to be Beaten:
1. The Grand Tree
2. Tree Gnome Village

Stat Requirements:
1. Ability to defeat a level 195 Jungle Demon
2. 43 Prayer is a BIG help

1. Gold bar
2. Ball of wool
3. Monkey bones
4. About 5-15 Anti poison potions
5. Teleportation to Al Kahrid (Ring of Dueling/ Glory)
6. Food and Prayer potions
7. Armor to kill the level 195 demon and run through high level monsters.


Walkthrough (Mm)


1. Start the quest by talking to King Narnode at the Grand Tree. He has a
new quest for you and the traitor Glough was replaced. He gives you a scroll
that you must give to the King's Royal Guard.

2. Go to the very top floor and take the glider to Karajma.
Go to the nearby shipyard and talk to G.L.O Caranock. He tells you the ship
might have been blown of its course.

Go back to King Narnode and tell him what Caranock thinks. He will send you
to talk to Daero on the floor with the bar. He takes you to a hangar

3. Once in the hangar and the two gnomes are finished talking, talk to Daero
and ask why the gliders are folded. He tells you that they're locked.

4. Go to the control panel to start a puzzle that will open up the gliders
when finished. For this part, you can pay 200k for a free ride. If you wish
to, find Glough on the tree house SE of the grand tree entrance. The answer
to the puzzle is in a nearby crate of the starting panel.

5. Once your finished, exit the puzzle page and the room will begin to shake
if the puzzle is correct. The gliders unfold while the room shakes.

6. You land on an island and you see the crashed glider of the 10th squad.
Talk to Lumdo and tell him to bring you to Ape Toll. He doesn't listen to
you. Talk to the pilot of your glider and he orders Lumdo to take you.


7. Head NW and keep going north (put on Ranged Prayer when the walls start
to close in) until your shot down by some monkey archers. You will be locked
up with some of the members of the 10th squad. Drink some of your anti-
poison and eat some food if your injured then picklock the door when the
guard is in the switching room with the other monkey in the room and run to
the west of the jail into the tall grass where Karam is near. (Be warned, if
your near the rails of the prison, you will be attacked by the monkey

8. Talk to Karam. There is a temple to recharge your prayer near Karam if
you need to heal prayer, but there are a lot of level 167 monkeys in there
so put on protection from melee if planning to heal prayer there. To go on
to the next step you must speak to the sergeant. The sergeant is SE of the
temple. Do NOT go around the east side of the temple, go directly south of
Karam until your south of the temple and then go east. Talk to the sergeant
and he says you must make an alliance with the Monkey King. He tells you to
talk to Zooknock.

9. Go to the house south of the statue in the middle of the city and don't
run that long. You could only stay in the brown part of the house. You must
enter the house from the back. Search the crates near the trapdoor but don't
go to near the trap door. You find some monkey dentures. Search the SE crate
and answer yes to the options. You will land on an underground cavern.
Search the crates on the NE part of the cave and you'll find a M'Amulet

10.Teleport to al-kahrid. Go heal your prayer if needed at the altar in the
dueling ring. Store all your armor and weapons and wear armor and weapons
that increase prayer. For your inventory, take 6 energy potions, 4 anti
poison potions, 4-6 prayer pots, gold bar, M'Amulet mould, food, and monkey

11. Go to the glider in al kahrid, go the grand tree, talk to Daero, go to
the hangar, talk to Lumdo, and then take the boat to Ape Toll. Head west of
the boat until you see a dungeon sign. Go down and turn on protection from
melee. Put on run and run like hell! Drink anti poison potions when your
poisoned, prayer potions when low on prayer, drink energy potions when low
on running, and eat food if your low on health. Go all the way until the end
and see 3 gnomes. Talk to Zooknock. He tells you to make the things you
need, you will need monkey dentures, gold bar, the mould, monkey bones or
corpse, and a monkey talisman. Use the dentures, gold bar, and the mould to
make a green bar.

12. Go back to al kahrid. Bring good armor food and weapons, the green bar,
the amulet, ball of wool, and 4 anti poison potions. Restore your prayer and
then take the route back to Ape Toll. Get shot down, go to the temple, climb
down the trapdoor, and then put on protection from melee. Use the gold bar
on the Wall of Flames and then use the ball of wool with the new item. Go
back upstairs and teleport back to al kahrid.

13. Heal your prayer, wear your armor and weapon and the monkey amulet, and
take 4 anti- poison potions.

14. Go back to Ape Toll and get shotdown, escape the prison, go to Karam,
and then go back to the house where you got the dentures. Search the SW
crates and take 4-6 bananas. Go to the house west of the prison and you will
see a little alley where there is an entrance to the yard of a house. On the
yard is a monkey child. And also an aunt passing through every now and then.
DO NOT let the aunt see you so stay in the alley way when she is coming your
way. Talk to the monkey child and say you're his uncle. Say the right things
to get into the next step. He says he need 20 bananas. Talk to him again and
give him the bananas and tell him they are twenty since he doesn't know how
to count. He gives you a monkey talisman.

15. Go back to al kahrid and recharge your prayer. Wield armor to increase
prayer and get all the items you needed to get through the tunnel plus the
talisman and monkey remains. Go back to Ape Toll and go through the exact
same tunnel in step 11. Talk to Zooknock and give him the remains and the
talisman to get a Monkey Gregree.

16. Teleport back to Al kahrid. Recharge prayer and wield your armor and
weapon and wielding the monkey amulet. Bring food 4 anti poison potions and
the monkey gregree. Go back to Ape Toll.


17. You will not be attacked by the monkeys on the island if you wield the
gregree so wear it at all times! Go NW and go through the gate where you
usually get shoot down and go through. Go to the sergeant and talk to him.
Then talk to the Elder Guard. He wont let you in. Go back to the gate and go
to the cliff on the north side. Go up the ladder and talk to Kruk. He takes
you to the king. Ask the king for alliance. He tells you to rescue a monkey
from Ardougne Zoo.

18. Go back to al kahrid and take the monkey gregree with you to the zoo.
Wield the gregree and talk to the Monkey Minder. Talk to one of the monkeys
and convince her to come with you. WALK to the grand tree while the monkey
is in your inventory. Go back to Ape Toll and show the monkey to the king.
He will think about the alliance. Talk to the sergeant to get a 10th squad


19. Go back to al kahrid and recharge prayer and take teleport runes and at
least 2 prayer potions and food. If your planing to range the demon, take at
least dragon hide armor and yew bow with Mithirl arrows +. Another way is to
use a cannon which is really useful.

Melee is not suggested since he can blow off 30 with melee and magic. When
your ready, wield the sigli and the screen will start shaking. The gnome
sergeant and his crew will be there to help you, but not much. Put on
protection from magic when you are teleported, hide on the side of the
gigantic statue and kick his ass.

20. Once his killed, talk to the indicated person on the screen and then
teleport. Go back to The Grand Tree and talk to the king. WALA! QUEST
COMPLETE! Talk to Dareo for the training.



Reward (Mm)

1. The right to wield Dragon Scimitar
2. 10k GP
3. 3 cut Diamonds
4. 3 QPS
5. Training in strength and hit points OR in attack and defense. 20k in the
choice you didn't choose and 35k for the set you did choose.


V. FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)


Q. I used up all of my Yomie seeds! How can I get more?!

A. Go back to the rock triangle cavern and talk to Undagula.


Q. I haven’t gotten a message yet. When will I?

A. Wait for a little a day or two, or talk to King Lathas.

Q. When will I be able to buy a Dragon Halberd.

A. You can buy it from the shop in Tyras Camp or buy it from another player
after you finish the quest.

Monkey Madness-

Q. I lost the sigli/ talisman/ gregree! How do I get another one?!

A. To get them back, you have to do the same steps as getting it for the
first time.

VI. Ending Credits

Thanks GameFaqs/IGN for hosting my guide, RuneHeadQuarters and for
there great RuneScape database, and Jagex Ltd. for creating this great game
and quests!

I would also like to thank “” for there
great ASCII generator and Defcon999 of the “FAQ Contributors - Help and
Critiques” boards for fixing my guide. Thank you so much!


Sorry if the format is all jumbled up. I had to work on this guide at
times, little by little.

Note that more quest guides will be up in the future (As long as they are
referred as a “Advanced” quest. Recipe for Disaster and Mournings End Pt1-2,
will NOT put in this guide. Roving Elves and Desert Treasure will be put in
as soon as I finish the quest).


Want to fix/add something? Have a question? Then please contact me at, contact me in game (RSN Zeroknightxz), or simply
post a notice for me on the boards.

See you on the boards ; )


This FAQ should ONLY be hosted on the website GameFAQ’s and IGN. This file
should not be hosted on any other site (without permission from me) and may
NOT be sold for profit period. You can contact me at the address above if
you have any questions concerning the FAQ and the legal.

Thanks! Copyright 2006 Paul Ngo


Introduction of quest(s) taken from
Quest list was taken from

`Happy Questing!`

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Advanced Quests Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

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