Nocturnal Illusions

Nocturnal Illusions

18.10.2013 00:02:16
Nocturnal Illusion

Complete FAQ/Walkthrough

By YuSaKu

This H-Game is intended for Mature Audiences ONLY!!!
It includes a LOT of f'ing, (Involving a few underage girls,
M.I.L.F. sex, BDSM, male demon-on-human girl sex, female
demon-on-human guy sex, ghost sex, and a rape scene).
It also contains a hefty amount of hardcore, uncensored,
ALL-OUT f'íng, so if this offends you, or you are not old
enough to be looking at a girl's wet, juicy cunt, then go
away. Go on, shoo. AND PUT THAT THING AWAY, you'll
go blind. ;)

If you're still reading this, that means you're a sick-ass
pervert like the rest of us. Welcome brothers!!!
If you really enjoy this guide, please visit the Gamefaqs Contribution rating
page ( and give
me a few good reviews. I appreciate it in advance.
A Second Note
This guide has been a long time in coming. I bought Nocturnal Illusion when it
was first released. Back then, I contemplated writing a FAQ for the game. But
the thing is, this game doesn't even need a guide. It is part of a sub-genre of
Bishoujo games known as a 'Visual Novel', meaning that there are no bad choices,
the game progresses from point A to Point B regardless of what you do.

I put the idea of a guide out of my head and never thought about it again, until
one day when I was perusing Gamefaqs, looking for ideas as to what game I wanted
to play next, and I happened to end up on the N page for PC games. I noticed
that Nocturnal Illusion had a FAQ listed. I clicked on the page to discover not
one but FOUR guides for this game, which I have already stated needs NO GUIDE

I must admit that it angered me that someone had beaten me to writing a guide
for what I still consider to be one of my top-5 favorite games of all time.
To think that I almost did it back then, but didn't because I thought that
it would never be published (For this is a game that needs NO GUIDE!).
Well, I decided right then that I would, after all, write the guide that
has been 6 long years overdue. I now present to you what I hope will be
considered THE definitive guide for this game, which you now know,

Learn from my mistake: If you really love a game, write a guide for it.
Don't let others snatch the credit away from you.

Table of Contents

I. Opening Sequence
II. Game Description
III. System Requirements
IV. Cast of Characters
V. Game Soundtrack
VI. Area Maps
VII. Walkthrough
VIII. Endings
IX. Memorable Quotes
X. BasfTech Censorship Restoration Patch v1.1
XI. Locations
XII. Contact Information
XIII. Other Works

I. Opening Sequence


Pellets of rain drub the body, and nearby
the wind howls like a living creature.
The fierce wind was attacking as if trying
to peel my body off the ground.

Shinichi: "Shit!"

I dug in with my feet so as not to lose
to the wind.

LOOK: The area was dense with trees shaking
noisely. Torn leaves fly through the air and
pound my body along with the raindrops.

CHECK: There's no time for that

TALK: In these mountains, who's going to
respond to me? Even if there was someone
nearby, the vicious wind would easily wipe
out my voice.

THINK: It was a mistake to come up with the
totally unbecoming idea of using summer vacation
during university to spend some time by myself
in the wilderness to reexamine myself.

Shinichi: (If this was how it was going to be ...
I definitely, definitely should have chosen a
tourist spot.)

But, it was me that had to make a point if telling
my friends before the summer break that I wouldn't
be able to do any soul-searching in a place filled
with tourists.

Shinichi: (That's right, if I had only known that it
would turn out this way... I wouldn't have made
the trip!

LOOK: The raindrops enter my eyes, preventing me
from keeping them properly open. I was so isolated
in the desolate mountains that I was about to go
crazy with loneliness.

THINK: (Shit... you stupid typhoon!) I badmouthed
the weather to myself, while looking up at the
darkly moving sky. One week has passed since I
escaped crowded Tokyo, picked a desolate place
in the mountains -- of course far from any tourist
spots, as well -- and pitched a tent. At first it
was better than I had expected. Whether or not it
was due to the strangeness of it all, I don't
know, but I didn't mind the swarms of insects,
having to sleep in a sleeping bag or eating
meals made mainly from MRE rations.

THINK: It was last night that I found out about
the typhoon while I was listening to the portable
radio that I had brought along on my carefree
camping trip. There was no way that I wanted to
be out in the open with a typhoon on its way.
I hurriedly decided to return to Tokyo, but ...

Shinichi: "You lying weather report. Ahhhh! You
said the typhoon wouldn't hit until tomorrow night!"

The winds of the typhoon picked up suddenly while
I was asleep and hit land more than half a day
ahead of schedule ... of all times, while I
was still in the mountains.

MOVE: Shinichi: "Whoa!"
A driving gust almost sweeps me off my feet. I grab
on to a nearby tree for dear life.

MOVE: Shinichi:(I must get back to civilization.)
I started to slowly push forward.

MOVE: Whenever I let up, the wind immediately
starts playing with me, and I feel like I am being
thrown around like a leaf. The raincoat I had on
was useless and I was soaked to the bone. it felt
gross having wet hair sticking to my forehead.

Shinichi:(It's like a natural shower.)

I was pushing ahead while thinking of a towel and
a warm bath.

Move to: I felt a throbbing pain and noticed that my
bare hand was covered with scratches. It would
have been a miracle if I hadn't been hurt, the
way I was holding onto the trunks of trees so as
not to be blown away by the wind. In addition to
the injuries, I was feeling cold, and every time
I tried to Move to my limbs ached with pain.

Shinichi:(Even if I make it out of here alive, I'll
probably have to stay in bed for several days. ...)

MOVE: Whoosh. Driving winds assail me. I keep my feet
while resisting the wind with all my strength.


I slid on the muddy and slippery ground.


I lost my balance and shivered with fear as I realized
that I was sliding in the direction of a sheer cliff.
I frantically try to grab hold of a branch of a nearby


The branch causes a sharp snapping sound as it ruthlessly


The next moment, I was sent off the cliff into midair.

and I was attacked by a great crash and pain.


Shinichi:(... u, ugh) (Where ... is this?) (I can't Move. ...)

Woman:"Well, ..."

Shinichi:(It hurts ... it hurts a lot ...)

Woman:"So much blood is being spilled ..."

Shinichi:(It's dark ... So very dark ...)

Woman:"What a bright ... beautiful ... red ..."

Shinichi:(I'm cold ... Very cold ...)

Woman:"He's shaking ..."

Shinichi:(... Who is it? ...A woman's voice? ...)

Woman:" ......"

Woman:"He'll die if nothing is done. ..."

Woman:" ....."

Shinichi:(Someone is there ...I can sense it ...)

Woman:" ....."

Woman:" ....."

Shinichi:(Ooo ... I'm losing ... my consciousness. ...)


"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream."
Edgar Allan Poe, "A Dream within a Dream"

-Title Screen Appears-

Shinichi:(It's cold... I feel like I'm going to freeze...)

My consciousness started to return slowly in a chill that
seemed to freeze to the bone.

Shinichi:(Ohh... so I was... unconscious...)
(... My head... feels so light...)

(No... I can't think straight...)

Woman:"Hello, stranger?"

Shinichi:(Someone is... calling... but...)

Woman:"Can you hear me?"

Shinichi:(I can't... Move...)

Woman:"... Oh no... his life energy hasn't returned to his body yet..."

Another Woman:"... Is it too late, Mistress?"

Woman:"... Maybe..."

Shinichi:(... Too late!?)
(Am I... am I going to die!?)
(That... that couldn't be...)

Shinichi:(No... )
(No, no)

Shinichi:(I don't want to die.)
(I want to live!!)

Woman:"......... !"

Another Woman:"What's wrong, Mistress?"

Woman:"I thought I heard a voice..."

Another Woman:"A... voice?"

Woman:"Yes. I heard... "I want to live""

Another Woman:"......"

Woman:"... Miwako"

Miwako:"Yes, Mistress?"

Woman:"You're excused."

Miwako:"As you wish, Mistress."

Woman:"... So cold.... You feel like you've gotten so cold.... "

Someone took my hand. It was a warm hand. I tried to squeeze the
as if to cling on, but, to my irritation, my hand refused to do
what it was told.

Woman:"Let me give you some... warmth..."

A warm hand was placed on my chest. The hand entered through an
opening in my shirt and started caressing my skin gently. It was as
if she was trying to give away some of her body heat through
the palm of her hand.

... I don't know how long it lasted. The 'hand' creeped around my
body, aimlessly, as if it were just wandering around. Whether or not
it was due to the 'hand,' I don't know, but although I was on the
verge of death, hard as it is to believe, my mind was in a state of
ease. I was just wallowing in the pleasantness of the 'hand's'


I noticed that part of my flesh had from some time ago become
intensely erect, about to burst. Strangely... the reaction felt
natural, and I didn't think it was indecent.

Woman:"It's OK... leave everything up to me..."

A pleasant voice whispers in my ear, as if trying to cheer me up.

Shinichi:(Is this... a dream? Am I... hallucinating in the region
between life and death...?)

I was unable to Move, and had no choice but to put myself in the
hands of a situation which I wasn't sure to be a dream or reality.

After a while, I started to regain my vision.... The faint light was
like the morning twilight... and from it emerged...

-We see the Mistress licking Shinichi's cock-


From the far end of my foggy vision I made out what was beyond
the understanding of common sense.

Shinichi:(I guess... this must be... a dream...)

Before I knew it, a beautiful woman was squatting at my feet, and I
was practically naked, having had most of my clothes removed. I
knew immediately that she was the person who owned the 'hand'
that had been warming my body from before. Now, the 'hand' was
squeezing my swelling penis. She brought the penis to her lips
and put it in her mouth in the loving way one would treat a
precious object. All the nerves in my body focused on that
one place. It was as if my whole body had become a sexual

Slurp... shlarp...

In the eerie silence, the Room was filled by the obscene sounds.
She affectionately licks up the shaft and slides her tongue around
to excite the head. She coils her tongue around the gland as it is
brought into her mouth. Her beautiful face slowly Moves to the base,
and parts from it again. Her frighteningly exact technique and
irritatingly gentle Movement was immersing the lower half of my
body in boundless pleasure. Suddenly, it seemed as though she
muttered something.

Woman:"Oh... It will be okay... you're brimming with a powerful life force...."


I wanted to see if I heard her correctly, but I didn't have the strength
left anywhere in my body to open my mouth. She raised her face. A strand
of long hair slides off her shoulder. Erotic colors and scents arose.

Woman:"You will live. And..."

She Moves, swaying like a shadow without a form, straddles me and
joins our hips together. With only slight guidance with her fingers,
my sexual organ was sucked in by her vagina as if it were being

Woman:"Ah, ngh.... "

She raised her voice. If I had been able to, I would have liked to
make noise with her, too. A good feeling spread throughout my body.
I felt like I was going to tremble from the feel of our mucous
membranes rubbing against each other. My heartbeat picked up.

She may have settled down to the base of my penis. Her Movement
seems to have stopped. And then... as if spinning the yarn of
pleasant feelings, she slowly starts to Move her hips.

Woman:"Aah... ah... ah..."

She seems to be enjoying the same good feelings. The trembling
and strained sound of her panting voice reverberates. On my
unmoving hips, she squirms as if trying to meld her hips onto mine.
The quality of the pleasurable sensations change from peaceful to
active. As if a glass filled with a wine called pleasure were
violently shaken, I felt a sweet liquid gush forth in my head.
My breathing is irregular, and my heart has started to pound
dangerously fast.

Woman:"Haa, aah... mmm..."

It was even difficult to make out the beautiful moaning words of the
woman. The flesh of my body was being tossed about by the violently
surging waves of pleasure. My existence, which until just minutes ago
had been waiting to be blown out like the flame of a candle, was
suddenly regaining some of its vitality as a result of the action.
It was then that I realized, Yes, That my body and mind, at this
moment, were being kept in this world by the feelings of pleasure
alone.... Reason and logic were being washed from my mind. In its
place came ferocious male instincts and a pure attachment to life.
They overtook all my other feelings and became a large river and
guided me.

Woman:"Ha, ahn!!, ah, please... oh"

The woman cried out. She banged furiously in a last effort.

Woman:"Oh, oooooh!, oh, oh, aaah!!

It suddenly turned all white in front of me and something exploded.

I was once again wrapped in darkness. I couldn't open my eyes, let
out my voice, or Move. All I had was the sense of touch. I was
covered in something that felt strangely soft and nice.

Shinichi:(Umm... it's so warm.)

It seemed like a long time since I had felt this peaceful.

Woman:"Rest up now."

A woman's voice. It sounds like it is being whispered into my ear,
but then again, it sounds like it is coming from a distance. The
voice seeps softly into my head and slowly spreads around, like
blotting paper soaks ink.

Woman:"You're OK now.... You're a strong person aren't you..."

Shinichi:(... Strong? Me?)


Woman:"Reality is a momentary dream, but a dream is reality for an eternity."

Shinichi:(...? I wonder what that meant... ?)

My mind became numb from the vibration of the voice and it was
difficult to even put together the meaning of what she was saying.

Woman:"I felt it..."

Woman:"... You... possess a powerful strength..."

Woman:"You may be able to lead us..."

Shinichi:(... Lead?)

The voice continued, but that was all I was able to pick up.
An powerful urge to sleep overcame me like a large wave,
and my senses started to disappear.


And that is how what should be considered one of the greatest games of all
time begins.

II. Game Description

Shinichi Kashiwagi is lost in life. Dissatisfied with the direction his
academic life was taking, he takes time off mid-semester and heads up
into the mountains to try and find himself. As luck would have it, Japan's
worst typhoon is about to make landfall. Unknowingly, Shinichi overstays
in the mountains, and gets caught in the storm. In the chaos of wind and
rain, he flies off a sheer cliff and comes crashing down to the rocky
ground below.

When he awakens, he discovers that he is in a mysterious Mansion.
Many other people are living here, but no one can seem to answer
his questions about the place. Frightened, Shinichi tries to leave,
but the Front Gates don't open. The Mansion, he discovers, holds its
prisoners captive. The others have all given up, they are resigned to
stay inside the Mansion for eternity rather than face what awaits them
on the other side of those Front Gates. Does Shinichi have the strength
to escape from the illusionary Mansion, or will he remain its
prisoner for all time?

Nocturnal Illusion is a point-and-click menu driven adventure game.
You decide where Shinichi goes inside the Mansion, and who he interacts

III. System Requirements

Operating Systems: Windows 95/98/Me/XP

Processor: Pentium II200MHz or faster
Memory: 16 MB of RAM (or more)
Sound Card: SoundBlaster PRO or 100% Compatible sound card

IV. Cast of Characters

Shinichi Kashiwagi

Shinichi is/was a law student at Toshima University in Tokyo. Mid-semester,
he decided to take some time off from school to find himself. Out in the bleak
wilderness, he suddenly finds his life is at a crossroads. After the accident,
he's not sure how to proceed. Maybe the illusionary Mansion can help him to
find himself?

The Mistress

The Caretaker of the Mansion, and a very mysterious woman. despite her position,
she knows little to nothing about the true nature of the Mansion. She inherited
her job from the previous caretaker, who escaped from the Mansion years ago when
someone appeared who could create the 'wind of change'.


Miwako works as a maid in the Mansion. Her bashful nature causes
her extreme discomfort when she first meets Shinichi. Beneath her
mild exterior, she hides a truly dark secret...

Maya Okazaki

Maya was a reporter for a news magazine in Tokyo. She's probably
the only person to ever intentionally seek out the Mansion on
purpose. Her competitive attitude gives her personality a harsh,
grating edge. She claims to hate men, but surprisingly she gets
along well with Shinichi. Almost too well...

Kunio Kusayama

A typical hard-drinking Japanese businessman. Kusayama was a computer
programmer, until one night on his was home from one too many at the
pub, he took a nap on the yellow line in the middle road, and woke up
inside the Mansion. As the only other man around, he looks to Shinichi
for companionship, but Shinichi doesn't share his love of perversion
and all forms of alcohol.


The mysterious beauty who lives in the Room next door to Shinichi.
He whole demeanor puzzles Shinichi, as she is terrified of him and
runs away screaming. What could have happened to her to cause such


A red-haired tomboy with a huge chest, a goofy smile, and a much
too forward and outspoken personality for normal tastes. She loves
teasing Shinichi by pulling childish pranks, which leads him to
wonder just how old she really is...


While walking through the garden at night, Shinichi runs into a
woman who makes him stop dead in his tracks. With ankle-length
silver hair, and a flawless pale complexion, Sari is hauntingly
beautiful. Her beauty is even more enhanced by the moonlight.
Shinichi quickly discovers that she only appears for him a night.
Where could she possibly go during the day?


A tragic beauty straight from a feudal fairy tale, Yura is every
bit the traditional Japanese woman. Always wearing her starch
white kimono, she is a prisoner of the past. Can Shinichi
discover a way to set her free?


They say that the heart of a child produces the purest souls, and if
that is true, then none are more pure than Arisa. From the moment
she first appears inside of his daydreams, Shinichi is vexed with
her beauty. Later, when he finally meets her, he can hardly believe
that it is the same girl. Can this naughty child really be the
goddess from his dreams?

V. Game Soundtrack
The game has a fairly decent OST, though it gets very repetitive over time.
The songs are listed in the order given under the BGM option:

Lyric - This is the song that you will hear most often throughout the game.

Illusory Nocturne - The music that plays at the title screen. This also plays
during the ending sequence.

Elegy - You'll also hear this one a lot while exploring the Mansion. It has a
light, airy tone.

Ragtime - As the name suggests, this is a ragtime piano piece. I'd also label
this one as Misao's theme song. Not only does it play almost every time you
see her, it also fits her personality.

Baroque - The third 'Mansion Theme', and potentially the most annoying.
Normally I enjoy Baroque, and this song was no exception, until I heard
it for the 100,000,000th time.

Afraid Time - This music plays when Shinichi is, well, afraid.

Dance of Flame - Oh yeah! Danger music with FLARE! This one plays when the shit
has hit the fan. Probably my second-favorite of the lot.

Nocturne for Love - This is Nocturnal Illusion's equivalent to sex music. Plays
whenever you are 'helping' a girl to overcome her problems *wink*. Granted, it's
not Barry White, but it's not that bad.....okay, it is. Just turn the volume
down and put something else in your CD player.

Fairy's Waltz - This is my favorite song in the game. This is Arisa's theme
song, and boy did they pick the right one. Fits her mischievous personality
like a charm.

Sunrise - I guess this is supposed to be victory music? This plays a few times,
most notably when Red Hood is 'cured'.

Staff Roll - The music that plays when the credits roll. Personally I think that
they could have done better.

VI. Area Maps
I listed all of the areas if interest, which are points to which you will have
to go at some point during the game. once you become familiar with the layout,
it is not hard to find your way around. If a Room is blank, it means that it
is empty or locked, and has no relevance to the story.

First Floor

___________ ____________
|Mistress| | | | Bathroom|
| | |____________| |___ |
| | | | | | |
|________| Dining Room ___|____|
|Miwako | |_____ _____| | Sari |
|________ _____ _____ ______ |
| | | Lobby | | Maya |
|___________|_____ _____|____________|

Second Floor

___________ ___________
|Kusayama| | | | |
|________ |____________| ________|
| | | | | |
|________ Study ________|
|Arisa | |_____ _____| |Yukina |
|________ ____________ ________|
|Misao | | | |Shinichi|
|_________ |____________| _________|

Mansion Grounds
| Back Garden | |
| ____________ | () |<- Well
| | | | |
| ___ | Mansion | |_____|
Storehouse ->| | | | Interior | |
| |_ _| |_____ _____| |
| |__| |
| |<- Terrace

Front Gate

VII. Walkthrough

Opening Sequence/The Typhoon

Move once

Think four times

Look twice

Talk twice

Move to four times

Day One

Talk eight times

Think once

Look at the Mistress three times

Think once

Shinichi will fall asleep

Day Two

Finally, you are able to take control of Shinichi

Check your Surroundings twice

Check the Window once

Check the Furniture once

Look at your Surroundings once

Look at the Window twice

Look at the Furniture once

Miwako enters the Room

Talk twice

Ask about Miwako three times

The Mansion three times

The Innkeeper once

Look twice

Move to Any other Room

Maya appears

Talk to her four times

Ask three times

Move to the Lobby

Talk twice

Ask six times

Move to Yukina's Room

Talk three times

Look twice

Talk four times

Ask four times

Move to the Study

Look once

Move to the Dining Room

Look once

Move to the Well

Drink water twice

Move to the Master Bathroom

Check the Bathtub twice

Check the Wall twice

Check the Lion once

Look once

Talk eight times

Move to the Front Gate

Open twice

Check twice

Talk twice

Look at your Surroundings twice

Look at the Branch twice

Look at The Mansion once

Move to the Lobby

Talk five times

Ask four times

Check the Stairway once

Check the Armor twice

Move to the Front Gate

Look at your Surroundings once

Check once

Move to the Terrace

Check three times

Move to the Well

Check the Well twice

Move to the Backyard

Check your Surroundings once

Check the Flower three times

Move to the Storehouse

Check once

Move to the Lobby

Check the Stairway twice

Check the Armor twice

Check the Chandelier once

Move to Maya's Room

Check once

Move to Sari's Room

Check once

Move to the Master Bathroom

Check the Bathtub once

Check the Wall once

Check the Lion once

Move to the Dining Room

Check once

Move to the Basement

Look once

Check twice

Move to the Mistress' Room

Check once

Move to Miwako's Room

Check once

Move to the empty Room next door to Miwako's Room

Check once

Move to Shinichi's Room

Check your Surroundings once

Check the Desk twice

Check the Bookshelf once

Check the Closet once

Move to Yukina's Room

Talk once

Look once

Move to the Guest Room next door to Yukina's Room

Check twice

Move to the Room with the rusty knob

Move to the Study

Check the Bookshelves twice

Check the Desk twice

Check the Books once

Move to the Stairway

Move to Kusayama's Room

Check twice

Move to the Guest Room next door to Kusayama's Room

Check twice

Move to Arisa's Room

Look once

Check your Surroundings once

Check the French Doll twice

Move to Misao's Room

Check once

*At this point, the Mistress should approach Shinichi.
If for some reason she doesn't, go back and make sure
that you visited every single location and exhausted
the "Check" menu option, as well as the "Look" option.*

Talk three times

Ask her about The Mansion three times

Ask her about the Guests once

Ask her about 'It's personal' seven times

Shinichi will then sit down to dinner with Miwako

Eat twice

Talk four times

Shinichi has a drinking party with Kusayama

Talk three times

Talk four times

Look at your Surroundings once

Look at Kusayama once

Look at Front once

Talk seven times

Ask about the Mansion twice

Ask about the Other guests three times

Ask about Kusayama seven times

Talk three times

Shinichi Regains Consciousness

Think twice

Listen five times

Think three times

Move once

Shinichi automatically goes to the well

Look at your Surroundings once

Look at the Well once

Talk twice

Look at the Well once

Drink water once

Move to Yukina's Room

Talk once

Look twice

Talk once

Move to Miwako's Room

Talk five times

Move to Maya's Room

Talk twice

Ask four times

Move to the Backyard

Talk twice

Look at Woman twice

Ask about Woman three times

Ask about Her sweetheart three times

Ask about The Mansion three times

Ask about the Other guests five times

Move to the Storehouse

Check twice

Move to Shinichi's Room

This ends Day Two

Day three

Shinichi isn't suffering from the after-effects
of the alcohol today, but Kusayama has a hangover.

Move to anywhere in the Mansion

Talk three times

Look once

Talk to Miwako

Move to the Dining Room

Look at Miwako once

Look at your Surroundings once

Talk four times

Ask about The Mansion four times

Ask about the Other guests four times

Ask about Miwako five times

You run into Maya

Move to the Lobby

Talk four times

Ask once

No, I don't think so.

Ask about The Mansion five times

Ask about the Other guests three times

Ask about Maya five times

Move to the Study

Look three times

Check the Books three times

Check the Books once

Check the Bookshelves once

Move to Arisa's Room

Check the French Doll twice

Move to the Lobby

Talk twice

Ask about The Mansion three times

Ask about the Other guests three times

Ask about Maya three times

Look once

Move to the Front Gate

Check once

You finally get to meet Misao

Talk five times

Ask about The Mansion nine times

Ask about the Other guests four times

Ask about Misao four times

Look at surroundings twice

Look at Misao three times

Move to the Lobby

Move to the Front Gate

Talk five times

Move to the Lobby

Talk twice

Look once

Ask about the Mansion three times

Ask about the Other guests three times

Ask about Maya three times

Move to the Terrace

Talk twice

Look twice

Move once

Talk four times

Move to the Storehouse

Check twice

Listen once

Move to the Well

Look at the Well once

Check twice

Move to the Backyard

Look twice

Check your Surroundings three times

Check the Flower twice

Move to anywhere in the Mansion

It should now be dark outside

Move to the Front Gate

Talk nine times

Move to the Storehouse

Move to the Backyard

Talk six times

Ask four times

Move to the Lobby

Talk four times

Eat twice

Talk five times

Move to the Basement

Talk four times

Move to Misao's Room

Talk four times

Ask four times

Move to Arisa's Room

Think once

Check three times

Think three times

Talk six times

Move to Kusayama's Room

Talk six times

Move to anywhere

This ends day three

Day four

Talk five times

Shinichi will automatically Move to the Terrace

Check twice

Look twice

Talk four times

Listen four times

Kusayama Appears

Talk six times

Move to the Backyard

Talk seven times

Ask four times

Look twice

Check twice

Talk four times

Use the key once

Talk twice

That's a machine to Move to the hands of a clock once

Talk twice

Talk once

Check twice

Talk eight times

Talk nine times

Try to make her feel better

Hold her hand twice

Hold her shoulder twice

Kiss her twice

Talk three times

Touch four times

Maya runs away and the day ends.

Day five

Move to any of the empty rooms

Talk five times

Kusayama shows up

Talk five times

Move to Yukina's Room

Move to Shinichi's Room

Look twice

Listen five times

Help her once

Look at Maya twice

Look at your Surroundings twice

Talk twice

Move to the Lobby

Check the Armor twice

Think three times

Listen twice

Move once

Look twice

Fight once

Run away once

Look once

Check once

Talk once

Undress once

Talk once

Check twice

Look twice

Make her comfortable four times


Hold her three times

Call out her name twice

Go get help three times

Move to the Dining Room

Talk four times

Talk nine times

The day ends here

Day six

Move to the Well

Move to the Dining Room

Talk five times

Ask five times

Move to the Terrace

Talk three times

Ask seven times

Look once

Move to the Storehouse

Search four times

Enter once

Look once

Search twice

Move to forward three times

You meet the Little Mermaid

Look at your Surroundings twice

Look at the Mermaid twice

Talk three times

Ask six times

Talk eight times

Ask eight times

You have sex with the mermaid

By breasts three times

By mouth three times

Touch with hands twice

Do it once

Shinichi Automatically Moves to Maya's Room

Look at your Surroundings once

Look at Maya twice

Let her drink the potion twice

Talk eight times

You have sex with Maya

By mouth...four times

By hand...four times

By XXXXX...once

Give service five times

Get service three times

Moving on once

That's the end of Day Six

Day Seven

Move to the Lobby

Look once

Talk four times

Move to the Front Gate

Talk five times

Move to the Terrace

Look once

Talk twice

Look once

Talk six times

Move to the Well

Look once

Talk seven times

Enter any Room in the Mansion and then exit

Shinichi will automatically Move to the Basement

Talk five times

Look once

Move anywhere in the Mansion

Listen four times

Move once

Peep once

Shinichi blacks out from the sight.

You won't be able to do very much over
the next few days; Shinichi is so entranced
by what he sees in the Basement that he
changes his sleeping pattern.

Day Eight

Shinichi will automatically Move to the lobby

Talk six times

Move once

Day Nine

Maya will be in your Room when you wake up

Talk seven times

Day Ten

Shinichi will wake up on the floor in the Basement

Look three times

Move to the Dining Room

Talk five times

Ask fourteen times

Hold her once

"You look pretty."

"It's all right."

"I like you."

Do it on her tits four times

Do it with the vibrator twice

Do it with words seven times

Do it with the vibrator three times

Day eleven

Move to three random places anywhere in the Mansion

Move to the Study

Talk twice

Ask four times

Move to three random places anywhere in the Mansion

Move to Shinichi's Room

Talk five times

Ask four times

Move to the Terrace

Talk Fifteen times

The Mistress will approach you

Look once

Talk four times

Ask three times

Look three times

Move to four random places anywhere in the Mansion

Talk three times

Move to four random places anywhere in the Mansion

Talk three times

Move to the Front Gate

Talk Ten times

Misao makes you her Kobun (Servant)

Talk once

Move to the Terrace

Talk three times

Move to the Well

Talk four times

Move to Backyard

Talk nine times

Move to the Storehouse

Talk four times

Move to the Lobby

Talk four times

Move to Maya's Room

Talk five times

Move to Room next to Maya's

Talk once

Move to the Master Bathroom

Talk five times

Move to the Dining Room

Talk seven times

Move to Room next to Miwako's

Talk once

Move to Miwako's Room

Talk once

Move to the Mistress' Room

Talk twice

Move to the Basement

Talk twice

Move to Shinichi's Room

Talk four times

Move to Yukina's Room

Talk twice

Move to the Guest Room next door to Yukina's Room

Talk twice

Move to the Room with the Rusty Knob

Move to the Study

Talk four times

Move to the Attic

Talk three times

Move to Kusayama's Room

Talk twice

Move to the Guest Room next door to Kusayama's Room

Talk twice

Move to Arisa's Room

Talk six times

Move to Misao's Room

Talk five times

Move once

Move to the Front Gate

Talk five times

Move anywhere in the Mansion

Look twice

Talk four times

Climb three times

Talk nine times

Look at Misao once

Look at the Ground once

Look outside once

Talk once

Look at the Tip of her finger once

Talk five times

Talk six times

Listen Twenty-two times (Yes, 22)

Talk once

Look twice

Talk twice

This ends Day Eleven.

Day Twelve

The Mistress will enter your room

Talk eleven times

Misao will enter your room

Talk once

Talk about What happened to your hairstyle? three times

Talk about How have you been? four times

Talk about Why are you here in the middle of the night? three times

Shinichi will automatically move to the Master Bathroom

Talk five times

Talk four times

Talk eleven times

Explain six times

Nothing is wrong

Look twice

Touch three times

Kiss four times

Touch once

Finger her

Let her finger herself

This ends day Twelve

Day Thirteen

Move to Kusayama's Room

Talk seven times

Move to the Terrace

Talk four times

Move anywhere in the Mansion

Shinichi will automatically Move to the Storehouse

Listen once

Check four times

Listen three times

Move once

Miwako approaches Shinichi

Talk six times

Think three times

Move five times

Look at your Surroundings once

Look at the Air vent twice

Shinichi will automatically Move to the Terrace

Talk seven times

Shinichi will automatically Move to the Storehouse

Listen twice

Look at the Air Vent once

Look Surroundings three times

Look at the Window three times

Look at the Wall twice

Look at the Floor three times

Yura appears

Talk four times

Ask about The Mansion ten times

Ask about The mistress of the Mansion seven times

Ask about The Storehouse five times

Ask about The Demon six times

Ask about Yura five times

Ask about her Brother five times

Shinichi will automatically move to the Terrace

Talk three times

Ask about The wind three times

Ask about The storehouse three times

Ask about Yura three times

Ask about The key four times

Look twice

You will see a Sepia flashback about Yura

Talk four times

Talk four times

Reason with the demon three times

Fight three times

Run away once

Move to the Front Gate

Talk four times

Move to the Storehouse

Talk seven times

Move to the Lobby

Talk four times

Move to Shinichi's Room

Check Side table once

Move to the Dining Room

Talk five times

Move to the Master Bathroom

Talk four times

Move to the Study

Check Books six times

Move to the Terrace

Talk to Kusayama twice

Talk to Miwako three times

Look at Kusayama three times

Look at Miwako twice

Shinichi will automatically Move to the Well

Check twice

Shinichi will automatically Move to the Storehouse

Talk once

Look at Yura once

Look at The Demon once

Use once

Shinichi will automatically Move to the Lobby

Talk three times

Ask about The Demon once

Ask about Kusayama once

Talk three times

Shinichi will automatically Move to the Backyard

Talk four times

Ask Sari four times

The demon six times

Shinichi will automatically move to the Master Bathroom

Pull the fangs! once

Shinichi will automatically move to the Storehouse

Attack twice

Stay where I am now four times

Step into the corner of the Room once

Talk seven times

Wipe her tears

Kiss her more

Talk to her three times

Undress her twice

Caress her six times

Talk to her twice

Caress her twice

Undress her once

With mouth... four times

With finger... five times

Insert... once

Move three times

Tease three times

Shoot! once

This ends Day Thirteen

Day Fourteen

Shinichi will automatically Move to the Dining Room

Talk six times

Move to the Lobby

Talk five times

Move to Maya's Room

Talk six times

Move to the Master Bathroom

Talk seven times

Move to the Dining Room

Talk twice

Move to the Terrace

Talk three times

Move to the Backyard

Talk four times

Ask about the Full Moon four times

Ask about Sari four times

Ask about Her lover four times

Move to the Storehouse


Talk four times

Move to anywhere outside the Mansion

It will become dark, and Shinichi will go to his Room to sleep

Day Fifteen

Shinichi will automatically Move to the backyard

Check the Flower three times

Check the Key once

Shinichi will automatically Move to Sari's Room

Look twice

Check the Picture three times

Check the Shelf twice

Check the Mirror five times

Shinichi will automatically Move to the Backyard

Talk twice

Ask five times

Talk four times

Shinichi will automatically Move to the Terrace

Talk three times

Talk six times

Shinichi will automatically Move to Sari's Room

Use once

Check Chest once

Shinichi will automatically Move to the Terrace

Look once

Listen three times

Move once

Talk four times

Look once

Talk Fifteen times

Enjoy her mouth four times

Do the same for her once

Thrust into her twice

Let her bite it three times

Shoot it into her once

Shinichi wakes up outside the next morning and
then takes Yukina back to her Room.

Day Sixteen

Shinichi has lost a lot of blood and must recuperate

Shinichi will automatically Move to the Dining Room

Talk five times

Move anywhere inside the Mansion

Talk five times

Move to the Attic

Talk five times

Move to Kusayama's Room

Talk eight times

Move to the Front Gate

Look twice

Talk six times

Move to the Backyard

Talk five times

Ask about The Mansion twice

Ask about the Mistress three times

Ask about the Other Guests twice

Ask about Yukina four times

Move to the Well

Talk nine times

Move to the Storehouse

Enter once

Talk four times

Move to anywhere outside of the Mansion

It suddenly gets dark outside

Shinichi will automatically Move to the Backyard

Look three times

Talk five times

Shinichi will automatically move to his Room

Talk four times

Listen twice

Look twice

Yukina becomes frightened of the storm and comes to your Room

Talk four times

Talk seven times

Kiss her four times

Caress her three times

Undress her twice

Kiss her twice

Caress her seven times

Undress her once

Kiss her twice

Caress her three times

Yukina becomes too frightened, so she and Shinichi decide to go to sleep.

Day Seventeen

Move to any three places in the Mansion

Talk five times

Move to any four places in the Mansion

Talk seven times

Move to any four places in the Mansion

Talk three times

Move to any four places in the Mansion

Talk once

Look three times

Talk twice

Move to any three places in the Mansion

Talk twice

Ask five times

Talk to Red Hood three times

Move anywhere in the Mansion

Talk three times

Move anywhere in the Mansion

Talk three times

Move anywhere in the Mansion

Talk three times

Move anywhere in the Mansion

Talk four times

Talk to the Mistress six times

Move anywhere in the Mansion

Talk three times

Miwako hides Shinichi and Red Hood in the cellar

Look at your Surroundings once

Look at Red Hood twice

Talk thirteen times

Look three times

Red Hood goes back home, and the day ends.

Day Eighteen

Shinichi will automatically move to the terrace

Talk seven times

Talk Kusayama four times

Look at Yukina once

Look at Kusayama three times

Look at Yukina once

Talk The Mistress three times

Talk three times

Ask Kusayama four times

Yukina three times

Shinichi will automatically move to his Room

Listen twice

Look once

Listen once

Shinichi will automatically move to Yukina's Room

Look four times

Look three times

Talk three times

You must now search for Yukina

Move to any five places in the Mansion

Talk four times

Move to any four places in the Mansion

Talk five times

Move to any five places in the Mansion

Talk three times

Move to the Attic

Talk three times

Look Yukina twice

Look at your Surroundings twice

Talk twice

Listen eight times

Pull her up three times

Talk five times

Ask three times

Think twice

Ask nine times

Hold her twice

Kiss her twice

Touch her once

Kiss her four times

Suddenly... once

Caress her four times

Undress her once

Touch six times

Insert once

After the sex, the day ends

Day Nineteen

Move to Kusayama's Room

Talk three times

Move to the Lobby

Talk six times

Move to the Terrace

Talk six times

Move to the Storehouse


Talk four times

Move to the Study

Check the Desk twice

Check the Books twice

Read twice

Talk three times

Look at Arisa three times

Look at your Surroundings once

Listen twice

You bump into Maya

Talk to Maya four times

Talk to Arisa once

Look at Arisa twice

Look at Maya once

Talk to Maya once

Shinichi Automatically moves to Arisa's Room

Talk twice

Look at your Surroundings twice

Look at Arisa once

Talk three times

Ask about The Mansion three times

Ask about the Other guests twice

Ask about Arisa nine times

Day Twenty

Talk five times

Look once

Shinichi Automatically moves to Arisa's Room

Talk seven times

Look at the Book twice

Talk six times

Day Twenty-one

Talk five times

Day Twenty-two

Talk three times

Lick twice

Lick six times

Shinichi automatically moves to Arisa's Room

Move to Kusayama's Room

Talk twice

Move to Two random Rooms

Move to Arisa's Room

Check your Surroundings once

Check the Bookshelf twice

Check the Music box five times

Look once

You must now search for Arisa

Move to Two random places

Talk five times

Move to the Front Gate

Talk five times

Move to the Terrace

Talk five times

Move to the Storehouse


Talk four times

Move to any two places in the Mansion

Shinichi hears a scream, and is automatically
Moved to the locked Room next door to Miwako's.

Look at your Surroundings once
Look at Miwako twice
Look at Arisa once
Talk to Miwako once
Talk to Arisa three times

*NOTE* This choice -does- effect the end of the game in a
minor way. If you pick one of the girls over the other, then
you can't choose that other girl at the end.

So, to clarify:

If you choose "I like Arisa better", you can't choose Miwako at the end.

If you choose "I like Miwako better", you can't choose Arisa at the end.

This also changes one of Arisa's scenes a little (No new CG so don't bother).

You should choose "I can't compare" to Move to on.

Talk three times

Talk five times

Shinichi automatically Moves to the Study

Look at the Photo twice

Check the Bookshelves once

Move to the Bookshelf once

Look once

Check your Surroundings twice

Check the Bookshelf twice

Check the Desk five times

Talk four times

Ask nine times

Caress her once

Have her masturbate three times

Caress her twice

Teach her how to make love once

Deeper... twice

Shallower... three times

Pump her... four times

Talk twice

Look once

Talk once


-You are Automatically Moved to your Room-

Talk eleven times


Talk one last time

VIII. Endings


Now that the 'Wind of change' is blowing, the Mistress makes an interesting
proposition to Shinichi. As she has said several times before, whenever a
person comes along who is able to conjure up the wind, that person is usually
strong enough to leave with another person. Bear in mind that this is what
happened to the previous caretaker. She presents you with a list of residents,
and it is now up to you to choose whom you would like to ask to accompany you
through the Front Gates. Depending upon who you choose, you will be presented
with one of eleven different endings.

The list she presents you is:

The Mistress

eight girls, but eleven endings? Maya, Miwako, Misao, Yura, and Yukina, all
of the 'human' girls only have one ending each. Sari, Arisa, and the Mistress
each have two endings, a 'true' ending, and a 'sad' ending. Not a bad ending,
just a 'sad' one. Why do these three have multiple endings? Well, I don't
know about you, but I think a demon, a ghost, and the Mistress of an
illusionary Mansion that traps souls qualifies them plenty. Anyway, here
are the complete endings, starting from the top:

Maya's Ending

A year later...

Maya:"Shinichi, you must be tired. Let's take a break. A cup of coffee?"

Shinichi:"Oh, thanks!"

I sip a nice, hot cup of coffee that Maya has just made for me.

Shinichi:"Ahhhh... I feel revived!"

Maya : "Hahaha! You have a long way to go, baby!"

Shinichi:"Yeah, yeah, I know, I am just a university student."

Maya : "Don't sulk, boy!"

6 months after I escaped from the Mansion. Maya has quit the editing
production company and set up her own company with her journalist
friends. The business is going well... too well perhaps, since we can
hardly find time to ourselves. That's why even I am working part-time
to help her. But when I look her enjoying her work, it makes me feel
like I can do anything for her.

Maya : "Phew... it's kinda hot in this Room."

Shinichi:"What are you doing! I can see your bra!"

Maya : "(Giggle) ..Why not? Nobody is here except us."

Maya smiles mischievously.

Maya : "I enjoy getting your attention sometimes."


Shinichi:(Watching her work happily is enough to get my attention...
But there is no doubt that this is better... What the hell!)

After all, she never wrote an article about that Mansion. What
happened there will be kept between us only.

We are engaged, but I get the feeling that it will be a long time
before we are married.

Maya declares that she will never lose her joy for life, even after
she's married. And I don’t want her either. We will never be bored
in the future.

Miwako's Ending

Two years later...

I open the door and I am greeted by the smell of gourmet cooking.

Miwako: "Oh, welcome home, darling!"

Miwako turns to me gaily.

Miwako: "I am preparing dinner now."

Shinichi: "It smells wonderful! Your cooking is as good as a cordon bleu

Miwako: "No, no... you are flattering me!"

Miwako blushes. Her smile makes me happy. Miwako and I got married
about 3 months ago. Having been a maid, she makes a wonderful wife. I
have no complaints. She is so efficient that she finishes the house
work by mid-morning. In order to kill her time, she has been working
part time as a waitress at a coffee shop for the remainder of the day.
One thing.. if you wanna know... is that we have made love only in
regular positions since we left the Mansion. It took me some time to
teach Miwako the pleasure of normal sex. Since there are no scars left
on her body, she doesn’t need to hide them any longer.

Shinichi: "Hey Miwako, are you happy now?"

I ask her seriously and she replies with a smile.

Miwako: "(Giggle) Can't you tell?"

Shinichi: "Aren't you pretending that you are happy and in fact you are

Miwako: "Give me a break, will you Shinichi?"

Miwako laughs and darts away. It seems such a long time ago that she
experienced what happened in the Mansion.

Miwako: "Shinichi, I am very happy. But I believe we can be even happier
from now on.

Shinichi: "Yeah.. we will."

Misao's Ending

A year later...

Misao: "It's hot, isn’t it? It would feel much better climbing a tree
and taking a nap instead of studying. Don't you think so?"

Shinichi: "No, no. I took time from my busy schedule to come here to help
you study. It's not fair to take time out now."

Misao: "Shucks! You're no fun!"

Shinichi: "Don't complain. You decided to do this."

Misao: "Yeah, but..."

Escaping from the Mansion, Misao is now staying with her parents. The
joy of her parents finding their long-lost daughter was indescribable.
Misao is now working hard to pass her university exam. Although her
academic knowledge was that of an 8 year old when I first met her, she
has improved dramatically since coming back home. She must have been
born clever. Now she is as good as any student that has just finished
high school. Her mental age is still very low, though...

Misao: "Hey Shinichi!"

Shinichi: "Yeah?"

Misao: "Time flies! I can't believe it's been a year already!"

Shinichi: "Yeah."

I know time has stopped forever in that Mansion...

Misao: "Although I'm very happy to see Mom and Dad. They are very kind
and everything, but I can't stand their continual worrying."

Shinichi: "They can't help it. They've just found their long-lost
daughter... they were worried to death about you."

Misao: "Yeah I guess... But I just want them to stop yelling and
screaming whenever I feel like climbing a tree."

Shinichi: "Hahaha! Okay, shall we go onto the next question?"

Misao: "Ok... Hey Shinichi?"

Shinichi: "Yeah?"

Misao gives me a mischievous smile and whispers.

Misao: "When I pass the exam, can we continue the class in the

Shinichi: "Hahaha!"

Yura's Ending

When I opened the door to the storehouse, shafts of moonlight
illuminate the inside. Yura narrows her eyes.

Yura: "What's up, brother Shinichi?"

Shinichi: "Yura... I've come to take you away from here."

Yura: "..."

Shinichi: "I will protect you, Yura. So don't be afraid. Come out."

Yura: "Are you... going to be my real brother?"

Shinichi: "I'd rather be your lover."

Yura: "...My ...Lover?"

Yura inclines her head shyly as she speaks.

A year later...

A city railway station. This is a famous meeting spot and there are
lots of people here today. I have been waiting for her. She's late, its
already ten minutes past the hour.

Shinichi: (She's late... I hope nothing bad happened.)


Yura: "Brother Shinichi!!"

She yells out loudly and jumps into my arms. Her voice is so loud that
people look at us with surprise.

Shinichi: "Yura! You promised calling me by my name! Call me Shinichi."
Yura: "Oh! Sorry!"

I reply with a sense of humor.

Shinichi: "Don't you ever do that again, okay?"

Yura: "All right, I am sorry I am late. It took me a while to get
permission to go out. I am still not used to the procedures and

Shinichi: "I understand... Are you getting used to the college?"

Yura: "Yeah, everybody is kind... it's fun."

Yura smiles. Yura is now registered as my relative on paper. My uncle
has agreed to adopt her. Yura lives in a dormitory at an exclusive
girl's college. I thought it would be better to give her a chance to
get used to the outside world gradually instead of suddenly throwing
her into the fray. I guess my Judgement was right. I'm relieved.

Shinichi: "Now, where shall we go today?"

Yura: "(Giggle, giggle) Anywhere will be fine as long as it's with you.
I am just so happy to be with you."

Shinichi: "Okay then, let's go to the movies! I know a good one on now."

Yura: "Yipppeeee!"

We disappear into the crowd of the city.

Yukina's Ending

Two years later...

The bell rings to celebrate the two people just married at the church.
We received good news when we escaped from the Mansion. Yukina's father,
whom she thought she killed was actually alive, he was injured and he
lost consciousness but he didn’t die. In the hospital Room, her father
cries for joy on being reunited with his lost daughter.

Later, Yukina reports happily that her father regretted and was ashamed
of what he had done before the incident, and has decided to give his life
another try. In fact, her father hasn’t drunk a drop since then. I somehow
graduated from the university without a problem, and started working at
a company. 6 months later, once I had made sure that everything is all
right and that we can manage, I proposed to Yukina.

Honestly speaking, I'd rather wait a little longer until I can be more
confident. I know how hard it is to be a married man and support a family.
But I don't want Yukina to wait any longer after having waited so patiently
and supporting me while I finished school. And, today, we had a small but
happy wedding ceremony at a church. Her father is not among the guests.

In spite of our strong request that he come, he could not accept our
invitation from fear of destroying the happy occasion by making the
other attendee's feel bad. That must be the only regret for Yukina,
who is standing next to me with tear's of joy in her eye's. But I know
her father is somewhere outside the church, wishing his daughter good
luck for the future. I will take her outside and tell her where he is.

No one would mind her father's attendance then.

The rest of the girls are different from the others in the fact that
have a choice between 2 endings. One is a 'good' ending, the other is
a 'sad' ending.

Sari's Ending

The Mistress presents you with two
possible ways to spend the rest of
your life with Sari:

As a Man


As a devil

As a Man

Mistress: "Mr. Shinichi, Sari has become an evil spirit... and an evil
spirit cannot live in the sunlight."

Shinichi: "... Can't I do something about it?"

Mistress: "It isn’t easy bringing a spirit back to the human form again.
Besides, you might lose your life in the process. Do you still want to
do it?"

Shinichi: "I don't mind."

Mistress: "..."

Sari: "Shinichi, what's the matter with you? You look serious."

Shinichi: "Sari... I.. I want to live with you."

Sari: "No... that's impossible! I have turned into an evil spirit."

Shinichi: "Nothing is impossible. I know how to do it."

Sari: "No!! It's too dangerous!"

But Sari also knows the way for her to return to human form. If I gave
her my body and blood, I can get rid of the evil spirit from her
tainted body.

Mistress: "You know how risky it is... not only giving her blood, but
to give her your life..."

The Mistress's words return to my mind.

Sari: "I... I don’t want to lose somebody I love anymore!"

Shinichi: "Don't worry sweetheart. I will never die... I can't die in a
place like this!!"

Sari: "..."

Shinichi: "Believe me..."

Sari: "Shinichi... I'm so glad..."

Rustle, Rustle... Without the wind, Sari's hair starts to Move to. Sari,
now showing her real self as an evil spirit, approaches me. I watch her
like I am day dreaming. She hugs me gently just like a mother giving
her baby milk, then sinks her fangs into my throat. I feel no pain. I
feel my blood entering her body, mixing with her essence. I am caught
in a whirlpool that is our lives. I am swallowed by the haze and lose

???: "... Shinichi..."

Somebody calls my name. I slowly open my eyes. It is dazzlingly
bright in here.

Shinichi: (Morning...)

The dew on the garden bushes gleam in the morning sunlight. And the
women looking at me is...

Shinichi: "... Sari?"

"She smiles softly."

Sari: "Thank you, Shinichi..."

Shinichi: "You look pretty."

Sari: "Pardon?"

Shinichi: "You always looked pretty even as an evil spirit, but you look
more beautiful as a human being."

Sari: "..."

Three years later...

Sari gives birth to a son, and I am a father.

Shinichi: "He is starting to look like a man now... He looked just like a
monkey when he was born."

Sari: "Oh, no... he has always looked like an angel ever since the day
he was born. He is our son, honey!"

Shinichi: "..."

... I guess every child must look like an angel to his or her

Shinichi: "He's got your eyes."

Sari: "He's got your mouth... look."

Shinichi: "Now that we have a child, I have to work even harder!"

Sari: "I'm sure you can do it, Shinichi."

Sari smiles.

Sari: "Shinichi, I am so happy. I've never dreamed of holding my own
child like this. It is just like a dream!"

Looking at Sari being so happy gives me strength. It has always been
like this, and I guess it will never change.

As a Devil

Sari: "Shinichi, what's the matter with you? You look serious."

Shinichi: "I... I want to live with you."

Sari: "No.... That's impossible! I'm an evil spirit now."

Shinichi: "Nothing is impossible. There is a way... I want you to make me
the same thing you have become."

Sari: "Oh, no... I can't..."

Shinichi: "Please, Sari."

Sari: "Are you really sure? Do you really...?"

I Look directly into Sari's eye's and nod.

Sari: "Shinichi!"

Rustle, rustle... Without the wind, Sari's hair starts to Move to. Sari,
now showing her real self as an evil spirit, approaches me. I watch her
like I am day dreaming. She hugs me gently like a mother giving her
baby milk, then sinks her fangs into my throat. I feel no pain. I feel
my blood entering her body, at the same time her spirit enters me. I
feel an overwhelming urge to suck her blood. I sank my fangs into her
white neck.

Sari: "Ahhhhh!"

Sari cries sweetly. The taste of her spirit fills my mouth. Sari and I
suck each other, and give ourselves completely to each other. I felt
enormous energy like I have never experienced before, filling up my

Sari: "Can you feel it, Shinichi...?"

Shinichi: "Yes..."

Sari: "Now we are the same... Our lives are united... we are two but

Shinichi: "I know... I feel it, Sari."

Neither Sari and I will ever feel hunger again. We don't need to search
for our next victims while feeling guilty again. We can live together by
giving to each other. Our exchange our life essences with each other to
keep living forever. Yes, forever...

When people came to the Mansion of illusion, they will see two flowers
in the garden side by side. And at night, they will see two lovers
whispering words of love in the garden under the moonlight.

Arisa's Ending

I open the door to Arisa's Room. It looks dark and quiet.

Shinichi: "Arisa...?"

I lit the light, but no one was there. I look down to the floor to
find a children's book left open. Arisa's favorite doll lies on top
of it. It made me sad to see it.

Shinichi: (Arisa... I came to get you and escape from here... where are

I was standing there at a loss when I heard the voice of the Mistress
of the Mansion behind me.

Mistress: "Mr. Shinichi, I think Arisa is afraid..."

Shinichi: "Afraid of what?"

Mistress: "To go back to the world of being human."

Shinichi: "Nonsense! She wanted to realize herself into a real being so
much. Why be afraid?"

Mistress: "She wants it as long as she is inside this Mansion because
this place exists beyond time and space, far away from the people's
world. She was not afraid then. But the place where you are taking
her is totally different."

Mistress: "In people's world, she thinks that there is nothing that
doesn't change. She is feeling insecure... and scared. So she run away
into the children's picture book."

When I look into the book, I found Arisa there smiling at me.

Now you have two possible
ways to spend the rest of
your life with Arisa:

Take her back


Leave her where she is

If you choose to take her back

Shinichi: "I want to take her back. What can I do?"

Mistress: "I am like the moon... if you give me power, I can send you
into Arisa's Mind."

Shinichi: "Yes, please do so."

Mistress: "Alright, then, leave your hand on me and close your eyes..."


Shinichi: (Is she inside Arisa's mind?)

I keep running looking for Arisa in darkness without a light.

Shinichi: "Arisa!! Answer me!!"

A blurred image of Arisa appears in front of me.

Arisa: "Brother!"

Shinichi: "Arisa..."

Shinichi: "Arisa, I came to take you back. Come with me!"

Arisa: "Brother... I am afraid, so afraid."

Shinichi: "Arisa... are you afraid of the things that change? But think
about it, baby. Not all changes are bad. Time can't be stopped, but
we can change it for the better, can't we?"

Arisa: "........"

Shinichi: "Arisa... be brave... and trust me."

Arisa: "Yeah... but..."

Shinichi: "You don't mind if you can't see me any more?"

Arisa: "No!"

Shinichi: "Come with me, then!"

Arisa: "Brother..."

Arisa takes my hand!! I find myself in the Room I was before. The
Mistress of the Mansion held Arisa up. She looks like she is asleep.

Shinichi: "Arisa?"

Mistress: "Don't worry, Mr. Shinichi. She was born again."

Shinichi: "What?"

Mistress: She use to be an image of thoughts, now she was embodied as
a human being."

Shinichi: "Really? Did you do it?"

Mistress: "I have just borrowed your power..."

Shinichi: "Thank you very much."

Mistress: "I wish you good luck, Mr. Shinichi..."

Arisa wakes up and looks at me.

Arisa: "Brother."

Shinichi: "Let's go, Arisa... together."

Arisa: "Yes..."

One year later...

A hotel Room in the city. When I open the door, Arisa is there with
a big smile.

Arisa: "Hello, bro, no... manager! How was the work?

Shinichi: "Well, hello, it's OK. Here is the material you asked. How
are you?"

Arisa: "(Giggle, giggle)... Can't be better! I almost finish it."

Shinichi: "Great! All of your fans are looking forward to your next

Arisa: "Oh? Do they really? As much as you do?"

Shinichi: "Not as much as I do, of course."

Arisa: "I'm just teasing you!"

Shinichi: "You always like teasing me."

Arisa giggles and starts typing her computer. She is now a popular
writer of children's books. Her books are not only popular among
children but also among women. There are even critics guide books
published for her stories. Arisa is still not interested in fame and
wealth. Since she doesn't even like meeting people, I handle all the
management side of her work. Arisa stops her hands and looks at me.

Arisa: "I am happy that there are people that are enjoying my books."

Shinichi: "I am happy too, to look at you being so happy, Arisa."

Arisa: "Yeah... I would like to write a story of that illusionary
Mansion. The one which stands between time and space."

Arisa whispers with her dreamy eyes.

Shinichi: "Oh, yeah...."

Arisa: "There are lots of people with sorrow waiting for the dawn.
And at last the dawn breaks and everybody becomes happy again."

If you choose to leave her where she is

Several years have passed since then...

I may be a drop-out from ordinary society. After escaping from the
Mansion, I submitted to retire from the university, and started a
journey of no destination. The book with Arisa inside my hand...
I am known as a traveling essayist now. I am thankful I can afford
my living with no problems....Perhaps Arisa is helping me... I am
always together with Arisa wherever I go. Whenever I open the book,
she is there smiling at me. Even when I get old, she stays the same.
She will always be that innocent woman I know. I can hear her sweet
voice in the wind. Whispering that she loves me...

in the wind.

Again, and again... forever..."

The Mistress' Ending


Shinichi: "All right."

Mistress: "............"

Shinichi: "I will choose you!"

Mistress: "What are you talking about!? I am the weakest of all, I
gave up on myself."

Shinichi: "If you are weak, I will protect you. I choose you."

Mistress: "Are you really sure? I haven't been able to bear the pain
of my past... I didn't have the courage to fight it... Then I became
lost in here. The person who use to manage this Mansion then gave me
a choice... Which was to manage this place in return for erasing all
of my memories. You know what I did now... I accepted that offer..."

Mistress: "Do you still..."

Shinichi: "But I still want you. Don't let me repeat it any more."

Mistress: "Shinichi..."

...We find ourselves holding each other tightly.

Shinichi: "Oh... you are so... beautiful!!"

I raise my voice in admiration looking at her lying on the bed in her
lingerie. Her lingerie has a very interesting design, neither old nor
new, but suits her perfectly.

Mistress: "I've never dreamed I would have a day when I could touch my
skin next to yours again."

Shinichi: "Why? I have been waiting for the day like this since the day
you saved me."

Mistress: "I am so happy to hear that..."

Tears in her eyes. I pull her close to me and kiss her. The smell of
mature fruit melts my reasoning power. I slide my fingers along her
breasts. I feel her fine skin almost sticking to my fingers.

Mistress: "Oh! Such strong... hands..."

I caress her breasts and kiss her pink nipples. I mount on her and
lie on top of her. I can hear her heart beat. We kiss again.

Shinichi: "Leave it to me..."

I whisper to her. From now on, she will be held by me not healing me,
but to love me. I reach down and uncover her pussy. Her pussy is
deliciously wet.

Shinichi: "It's so soft..."

Her mature soft flesh surrounds my fingers. She puts her arms around
my back, stroking me with her sensual fingers. I insert one of my
finger into her vagina.

Mistress: "Ahhh..."

I finger her honey pot vigorously. And feel her hot juice flowing
from her melting hole. The flow of juice beckons me to take her soon.

Shinichi: (I can't wait any longer.)

I make her my target, and push my body forward to insert my penis in

Mistress: "Ahhhhhh..."

A high, sexy moan escapes from her mouth. I pump her like crazy.
The more her thick love juice makes dull sound lapping sounds from our
friction, the more I feel my desire surge within me.

Mistress: "Ummmm... Ah.. Ah..."

She must be experiencing the passion in her body, too. We are two
beasts hungry for each other.

Mistress: "Ahhhhhhh... Shinichi...!"

Her breasts are swinging as I thrust my penis deep into her. I grab
her tits and stimulate the nipples with my fingers. We naturally
accelerate our rhythm.

Mistress: "Ahhhhhhh, I... I can't hold it anymore..."

Our passion is about to reach to a climax. And just as I feel the
world has turned upside down. I have the sensation that our two souls
are tied together very tightly. Now I can lead my life with confidence
no matter what. If it is with this woman.

Mistress: "Ahhhhh... Shinichi, that was lovely..."

Shinichi: "I feel happy, too, sweetheart..."

Mistress: "I feel as if the happiness is slowly penetrating me..."

Now you have to make a choice:

Go outside the Mansion


Stay in the Mansion

If you choose to go outside the Mansion

6 months later...

Mistress: "I am sure that it's around here... somewhere..."

She murmurs looking around.

Shinichi: "Yeah... I'm sure it's around here..."

I look around. It was around here when I was lost in the illusionary
Mansion. But all we can see is the forest shining in the evening light.
And not a single glimpse of the Mansion which use to be standing there.

Mistress: "It's like a dream..."

She, who used to be the caretaker of the Mansion, and now my lover,

Shinichi: "No... it was no dream. The Mansion did exist."

Mistress: ".........."

Even after we left the Mansion, she didn't get her memory back. Was
that a gift after wishing so strongly to forget everything -- even
though it was meant going against her karma? We will never know the
answer... There is no doubt, however, that she has been a totally new
person since I got her out. What she is doing now is... My uncle was
just looking for a manager of an apartment building he owns. So she
fits in perfectly as the new manager. Today is a holiday, and we
thought it would be a good idea to visit the Mansion. Only we can't
find it, anywhere... We lost ourselves in dreamy thought for a while
without exchanging words. We both know the reason why we can't see the
Mansion now. Perhaps we wanted to come back here to make sure of it.

Shinichi: "It's getting dark. We'd better go back now."

Mistress: "OK... Shall we go...?"

She looks at me as if she has just woke up, and whispers. Then we
leave. The illusionary Mansion in which most lost people wander.
Now we have nothing to do with it any longer.

If you choose to stay in the Mansion

Mistress: "Are you really sure, Shinichi...?"

Shinichi: "A-ha."

Mistress: "Now you are able to leave... If you chose to stay, you
can't even die. No matter how bored and disgusted you are, you will
have to live forever."

Shinichi: "But I still want to be with you. Here in this house with

Mistress: "Shinichi..."

I hold her in my arms gently but firmly.

Mistress: "But what if you regret... and you cannot stand being here
any more..."

Shinichi: "I don't think it will ever happen, but if it does... just
erase my memory."

And, I will live here as the manager, forever. If that's what I have
chosen, I won't regret it....

IX. Memorable Quotes

Rather than being separated into chapters or days, Nocturnal Illusion is broken
into sections, with each new section preceded by a famous quote that appears
on the screen. One of these just happens to be one of my favorite quotes of all
time (Albert Camus). Here is a complete list of all the quotes, in order, just
in case you missed one:

"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream."
Edgar Allan Poe, "A Dream within a Dream"

"The reward of pain is experience."

"Love and hatred are the same thing.
The former is just aggressive and the latter is passive."
Hans Gustav Adolf Gross, "Criminal Psychology"

"Pain is a great teacher for human beings.
The soul grows under the breath of pain."
Wolfram von Eschenbach

"To be human is to have the freedom to control one's fate."
Karl Marx, "Economic and Philosophic"

"Without the desire to live, there is no love of life."
Albert Camus, "L'Envers l'envers et l'endroit"

"Even after being deceived by 100 men,
a woman will still fall in love with the 101st."

"Just as the fire is the origin of light, love is the origin of knowledge."

"Those pretty, well disciplined, chaste girls who don't listen to others...
It's no wonder that they are eaten by wolves."
Charles Perrault, "Little Red Riding Hood"

"Fear of death is the realization of life's unresolved contradiction."
Leonard Tolstoy, "Life"

"Love is a sacred yearning to the unknown of the purest part of our soul."
George Sand

"Freedom does not exist as an external truth.
It exists inside men, and those who wish to be free are free."
Paul Ernst

"Hope springs eternal in the human breast:
Man never Is, but always To be blest."
Alexander Pope, "An Essay on Man"

X. BasfTech Censorship Restoration Patch v1.1

I am sure that some, if not all, of you realize that most H-games depict girls
who are obviously under the age of eighteen engaging in sexual acts. This,
of course, is illegal in North America. Most of the companies who license
the games for sale in the US get around this by using, disclaimers. Others
feel the need to go a step further and alter or completely remove some
scenes within the games, in a (sad) attempt to try and cover it up.

The fact remains that the age of consent in Japan is 14, and the age at
which a girl is legally able to get married is 16.

Nocturnal Illusion has two characters who are underage: Arisa and Red Hood.
Red Hood's real age is 13, and Arisa's in 9 (Although she makes herself
'grow up' to 14 before she has intercourse with Shinichi). Despite using a
disclaimer, the company that did the translation of the game (Rcy) still
felt the need to remove all of the images which depicted the two girls
engaging in sexual acts. They were replaced by black screens. Apparently
by doing this, the game .exe was damaged. Whenever you reached one of
these scenes, the in-game text began an endless loop. To get past these
scenes in the original game, you basically had to frantically click
around the screen until the game dialog Moved along.

In the years following the game's release, a guy known as BaSF created
a patch to correct the 'endless text loop' problem. Later, he released
Version 1.1 of the patch, which fully restored the deleted scenes by
re-adding the original (Censored) pictures from the Japanese version
of the game, and translating and adding the original dialogue for each
of the missing sex scenes.

The patch, while not impossible to find, is becoming scarce. In order
to aid you in your search, I will include all of the text from the
original Readme from V1.1. I'm sure BaSFTech won't sue me....right?

Original v1.1 .nfo

Nocturnal Illusion is (as most of you probably already know) an h-game,
and as most h-games it contains porn. When RCY translated the game into
English, they removed some of the pics. This rip was so poorly executed
that most people, me included, thought it was a bug in the game that
caused the screen to black out where the pics should have been.

This patch puts the pics from the original Japanese version into the
English version. The pics will appear scrambled at the 'private' parts,
but at least they are there, you can see them, and most importantly
The game play experience isn’t compromised by those black screens.

Updated v1.1 .nfo

Well, after a LOONG delay, I came to my senses and fixed the Nocturnal
Illusions patch. The main bug, as many people has pointed out, was in
the reminisce option. The reinstated pics wouldn’t appear when the user
chose Arisa. I also fixed a couple of in-game bugs. These weren’t my
mistakes, but while making a bug fix, why not go the extra mile? Most
important is the rerouting of some text in The Red-Hood and the last
of the Arisa scenes. Some of the text were called up over and over
again. Pretty damn annoying, but I got rid of it. To wrap it all up
I corrected a few stupid typos :)

Thanx to all the people who made me aware of these bugs!

Contact Information for BaSF

For suggestions, requests, comments and questions:

You can also check my public site for updates or other patches.

The last time I tried going to his website, it was down. My suggestion would
be to Google 'Nocturnal Illusion Patch BaSFTech'

In case you aren't able to find the patch, I will describe the missing
pictures, in hopes of clearing up the mystery of what is going on behind
that black screen.

Red Hood

Picture #1 - Shinichi is licking Red Hood's erect nipples

Picture #2 - Red Hood is lying on the floor with her knees
together, and her arms crossed over her bare chest.

Picture #3 - Same position, except Red Hood has spread her
legs wide open.

Picture #4 - Same position, only now she has spread her arms
apart, revealing her bare chest.

Picture #5 - Same position, only now her panties are half off
and her (Pixilated) vagina is exposed.

Picture #6 - Red Hood is lying on her stomach, with her rear
end raised in the air. There is a look of pain on her face.


Picture #1 - Arisa is sitting backwards in a chair that is
sitting in front of a window. She is looking back at Shinichi
as the sunlight shines on her bare naked ass.

Picture #2 - Arisa is sitting naked outside in a lawn chair. She
has a bottle of honey, and she is pouring it over her breasts and
her (pixilated) vagina.

Picture #3 - Arisa is lying on her bed, beneath the French doll.
She is smiling at Shinichi as she pinches her nipples with
one hand and masturbates with the other.

Picture #4 - The 'Grown up' Arisa is on all fours on the bed
with her back to Shinichi. She is smiling as her (pixilated)
butt is exposed, and she has a hand in her (pixilated) vagina.

Picture #5 - The 'Grown up' Arisa is half off the bed with
her head resting on the floor, as she is overtaken by a
massive orgasm.

If that doesn't do it for you, then have fun searching for the patch.

XI. Locations Authorized to Display This FAQ
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The original home of my FAQs -

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If you want to display this FAQ on your website E-mail me at:


XII. Contact Information

WWW: Display Name Milkywhitefaerie

AIM: Yusakuchan3, ToxicPuffyLips, MuunDreamerJem
Yahoo: Queenetteashley, Milkfaerie, MuunDreamerJem
MSN: Yusakuchan


/msg YuSaKu or /msg K0S-M0S

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XIII. Other Works
Look for my other H-Game FAQs:

3 Sister's Story
Come See Me Tonight
Come See Me Tonight 2
Do You Like Horny Bunnies?
Do You Like Horny Bunnies? 2
Fatal Relations
Heart De Roommate
Hitomi - My Stepsister
I'm Gonna Serve You! 4
Kana ~Little Sister~
Kana ~Little Sister~ Endings
Let's Meow Meow!
Runaway City
Seasons of the Sakura
Snow Drop
Sweet Apricot*
The Sagara Family
Tokimeki Check-in!
Virgin Roster
X-Change 2
X-Change 3
Yin-Yang! X-Change Alternative

and of course my other FAQs:

The Adventures of Willy Beamish - Sega CD
Chrono Cross - PSX*
Earthbound - SNES*
Final Fantasy VII Dissertation
Gundam Battle Online - DC
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town - GBA*
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment - PSX*
Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire - GBA*
Pokemon XD - GCN
Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom - NES*
Tecmo Secret of the Stars - SNES*
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind GOTY Edition - Xbox
WWE Smackdown!: Here Comes the Pain - PS2
WWE Smackdown!: Shut Your Mouth - PS2*
Xenosaga Perfect Works*

* = Only available on my personal FAQ website
©2006-Present YuSaKu
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Engl. FAQ

18.Октябрь 2013
Endings FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
07.Июнь 2019
30.Июнь 2014