Invictus - The Shadow of Olympus

Invictus - The Shadow of Olympus

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by Michael Walsh
Ver 1.2
July 10, 2001

Questions? Additions?
E-mail me at:
Put "Invictus" in the Subject Line

i. Intro: About Invictus
ii. Heroes of Invictus
iii. Army Units
iv. Inventory of Items
v. Store and Service Prices
vi. Things You Should Know
1. The Raider's Woods
2. The Seacliffe Plains
3. Temple of the Gorgon
4. ===First Hero Quest===
5. Rescue the Gorgon Queen
6. Minotaur's Maze
7. ===Second Hero Quest===
8. The Fountain of Truth
9. Trial I
10. Return to Raider's Woods
11. Treasure of Antaeus
12. Mountain Bandits
13. Ravine of the Undead
14. Lystis and the Marauders
15. Cyclops Lair
16. Feast of Titans
17. Hydra's Bog
18. Trial II
19. Poseidon's Greatest Creation
20. Lava World
21. Hades Realm
22. Hammer and Forge
23. River Styx
24. Styx II
25. Trial III
26. The Dragon's Revenge
vii. Unit Statistics
viii. Hero Statistics (partial)
ix. Thanks To...
x. Cheat Codes
x. Other Works
y. Previous Updates List
z. Legal Information

Introduction: About Invictus

Welcome to Invictus: In the Shadow of Olympus. You are about to enter the
world of Greek mythology. Prepare yourself for an adventure unlike any other!

The main character in the game is you. According to the introduction
provided in the manual, you are enticed by some curious sounds that are
emanating from a computer store. When you enter, you are whisked away to a
far away land. Soon you stumble upon a headed conversation. It turns out
that two of the Greek gods, Athena and Poseidon, are at odds...again.
Poseidon wants to rid the world of all mortals, while Athena wants to see them
live. Athena furthermore suggests that any mortal, with her proper guidance
and wisdom, can become a Hero. Poseidon does not see the need for mortals, as
he is the ruler of a vast kingdom. The two propose a wager. Athena will
choose a mortal who is foreign to the land of the Greeks. This mortal will
face three of Poseidon's trials. If the mortal succeeds, Poseidon will be
forced to admit defeat. But if the mortal fails, Poseidon is free to destroy
mankind. And Poseidon has never lost.

Athena accepts the wager. She then turns and chooses YOU as her champion.
For this daunting task, you have at your disposal the greatest heroes in all
of mythology. You may choose two to begin with, and more may join you - if
you are proven worthy. Let the contest begin!

Heroes of Invictus

Heroes are the captains of your War Party. They are also the strongest
units. Furthermore, they are the only units that will upgrade as a result of
experience. All other units must purchase their upgrades. There are a total
of 10 different heroes to choose from in Invictus. You are allowed to select
two of them at the start of the game. You will have two more opportunities to
add new heroes. You will receive two special scenarios when you receive 751
and 1501 experience points. If you manage to successfully complete these
scenarios, you will be able to add up to two more heroes, for a grand total of
4 possible heroes.

Each Hero has its own strengths and weaknesses. In addition, each Hero has
a unique Appeal - a sort of super attack. You will only be able to use these
attacks sparingly, however, as you must have sufficient God Points in order to
use them. Some of the Heroes are long range fighters, while others like to
get up close and personal with the enemy. Below are the 10 Heroes you will
have at your disposal. All of the statistics and background information for
each Hero come from the game manual. Choose wisely!

NOTE: Command Point indicates the number of Command Points a Hero will
receive upon increasing in level.

The Heroes of Invictus

Achilles: Achilles was the King of Thessaly. He received near
--------- invulnerability shortly after his birth, in part due to his
mother's actions. He will grant a bonus to the defense of all
units grouped with him. His beginning stats are as follows:

Attack %: 70 Evade %: 30 Damage: 90
Armor: 40 Health: 625 Command Points: 8

Attack Type: Melee Armor: Increases Achilles Armor
Appeal Name: Armor by 20%, and the Armor of
Point Cost: 3 four units with him by
10%. Lasts 15 seconds.

Arachne: Arachne is the Queen of the Spiders. She is mostly known for
-------- being an excellent weaver. She once challenged Athena to a
contest, and Arachne won! However, she was a poor winner, and
so Athena punished her by changing Arachne's body into that of
a spider - forever! Arachne has been give a chance to prove
herself to Athena, however. That is why she is helping you.
Her Appeal will transform her body into that of a Spider. This
will allow her to more effectively fight in melee battles. Her
beginning stats are as follows:

Attack %: 70 Evade %: 30 Damage: 60
Armor: 30 Health: 375 Command Points: 10

Attack Type: Melee Transform: Turns Arachne into a
Appeal Name: Transform Spider. See stats
Point Cost: 2 below. Lasts for the
whole scenario.

Here are the beginning stats for her Spider form:

Attack %: 70 Evade %: 45 Damage: 70
Armor: 30 Health: 625 Command Points: 8

Attack Type: Melee

Atalanta: The typical tomboy. Atalanta is the equal to any man. One of
--------- her claims to fame was being an Argonaut, joining Jason on the
quest for the Golden Fleece. She is a very well-balanced Hero,
perfect for beginners. She will grant a bonus to the offense
of all swordsmen grouped with her. Her beginning stats are as

Attack %: 70 Evade %: 40 Damage: 80
Armor: 30 Health: 375 Command Points: 10

Attack Type: Melee Speed: Doubles the speed of
Appeal Name: Speed Atalanta and 5 nearby
Point Cost: 2 units. Lasts 15 +1
seconds per level.

Cadmus: Cadmus was the first King of Thebes. Many of his sons are
------- Heroes, and even demi-gods! He is not bothered very much by
the loss of what he considers expendable. He will grant an
offensive bonus to units grouped with him. His beginning stats
are as follows:

Attack %: 70 Evade %: 30 Damage: 80
Armor: 30 Health: 500 Command Points: 10

Attack Type: Melee Skeleton: Summons Skeletons to
Appeal Name: Skeleton fight for Cadmus. They
Point Cost: 6 can be called even if
you already have the
maximum # of troops.
Lasts until the
scenario ends.

Electra: Electra is the do-gooder Hero. Her father was the famous
-------- Agamemnon, who was killed by his wife. Electra then roamed the
world, seeking to help those in need of justice. She will give
a bonus to the perception of any unit that is grouped with her.
Her stats are as follows:

Attack %: 80 Evade %: 30 Damage: 70
Armor: 30 Health: 375 Command Points: 10

Attack Type: Ranged Lightning: Does damage of 150 to
Appeal Name: Lightning 5 targets. The damage
Point Cost: 5 becomes 200 vs.
monsters, and 300 vs.

Hercules: Without a doubt, Hercules is the most easily recognized Hero in
--------- all of Greek mythology. He is the son of Zeus and a mortal. He
has traveled far and wide, seeking adventure, and fleeing from
the wrath of Zeus's wife, Hera. He is known for his superhuman
strength, as well as his ability to kill Hydras and other
beasts. He will grant a bonus to the toughness of all units
grouped with him. His beginning stats are as follows:

Attack %: 70 Evade %: 20 Damage: 100
Armor: 40 Health: 625 Command Points: 8

Attack Type: Melee Earthquake: Deals damage of 100
Appeal Name: Earthquake to all within its
Point Cost: 2 range, except for
Hercules. This does
include your units.

Hippolyta: She is the Queen of the Amazons. She is a follower of the
---------- goddess Artemis. She is also in love with Hercules. Since she
is the Queen of the Amazons, it is only fitting that she is
able to grant a bonus to any Amazons that are grouped with her.
Her stats are as follows:

Attack %: 70 Evade %: 40 Damage: 80
Armor: 40 Health: 500 Command Points: 11

Attack Type: Melee Fireball: Does damage of 150 to
Appeal Name: Fireball 5 targets. The damage
Point Cost: 4 becomes 200 vs.
monsters, and 300 vs.

Icarus: Icarus is another very well-known Greek Hero. He is most noted
------- for forming wings out of wax, and also for flying too close to
the sun. He is an especially mobile Hero, since he can fly.
As a result of his ability to spot things from LONG distance,
any Archers who are grouped with him will receive a range
bonus. His beginning stats are as follows:

Attack %: 70 Evade %: 50 Damage: 80
Armor: 30 Health: 375 Command Points: 9

Attack Type: Ranged Tornado: Does damage of 100 and
Appeal Name: Tornado will fling enemies in a
Point Cost: 4 random direction. This
Appeal can hurt friend
and foe alike.

Orion: Orion is a son of Poseidon. He is also a master hunter. The
------ world's greatest huntsman, to be exact. He fell in love with
Artemis, who normally does not show much interest in men.
However, she appears to love Orion as well. He will grant a
bonus to Archers who are grouped with him. His beginning stats
are as follows:

Attack %: 80 Evade %: 30 Damage: 90
Armor: 30 Health: 375 Command Points: 10

Attack Type: Ranged Arrows: Causes damage of 90 to
Appeal Name: Arrows units in its range. Lasts
Point Cost: 3 for 20 seconds.

Perseus: Perseus is another of Zeus' sons. His human father abandoned
-------- him as a result of having heard a dark prophesy. Perseus is
known for his many heroic deeds, most notably the slaying of
Medusa. He can use her head to turn enemies into stone. His
beginning stats are as follows:

Attack %: 80 Evade %: 30 Damage: 80
Armor: 30 Health: 375 Command Points: 11

Attack Type: Melee Stone: Turns 8 units to stone
Appeal Name: Stone for 21 - 30 seconds. This
Point Cost: 3 can affect friend and foe
alike. Units turned to
stone can not be hurt,
but can not attack.

Army Units

Heroes are the most powerful units you can command, and they are the
backbone of your war party. However, the other units are what will make up
the bulk of your party. There are basically two different types of units:
melee units and ranged units. there are several different types of units that
fall under each of these two categories. There are units both human and
monster who await your command. Some units will be available to you from the
start of the game. For other units, you must either defeat them in a given
scenario or find an item related to them in order to be able to recruit them.
At the end of this document is a chart that shows the statistics for each unit
at levels 1 through 4. Below are all the possible units at your disposal.

Amazons Elementals
Archers Gorgons
Axemen Harpies
Black Bears Huns
Brown Bears Large Spiders
Cavalry Minotaurs
Centaurs Sabertooths
Cyclops Skeletons
Doppelgangers Spearmen
Eagles Swordsmen

You will be limited in the number of units that you can bring with you into
battle by a couple of different means. First, you must be able to afford the
cost in gold needed to recruit them. Second, you must have the Command Points
necessary to command them. Each unit has a Command Cost; each Hero receives
Command Points. The number of Command Points determines the number and type
of unit the Hero can command. Obviously, units that are more powerful have a
higher Command Cost. Below are the Command Costs and Gold Costs for the
units. This information comes from the game manual.

Unit Type Command Cost Gold Cost
--------- ------------ ---------
Amazons 20 100
Archers 17 85
Axemen 15 75
Black Bears 12 60
Brown Bears 17 85
Cavalry 17 85
Centaurs 20 100
Cyclops 39 195
Doppelgangers 42 210
Eagles 12 60
Elementals 42 210
Gorgons 35 175
Harpies 21 105
Huns 16 80
Large Spiders 20 100
Minotaurs 33 165
Sabertooths 16 80
Skeletons 15 75
Spearmen 15 75
Swordsmen 13 65

Inventory of Items

There are a variety of items to collect and use in Invictus: In the Shadow
of Olympus. Some you can buy at your neighborhood Vendor, while for others,
you must search high and low. Below are the items found in the game. I have
divided them into two categories: Normal Items and Objects of Power. The
difference between them is that Objects of Power can not be bought in any
store; you must find them through adventuring.

Normal Items

Item Name Cost Use
-------------------- ------ -----------------------------------
Golden Apples *200 Heals one unit or Hero for 150 HP.
Ambrosia 500 Completely cures one unit or Hero.
Dragon's Teeth 5,000 Will summon Skeletons for you.
Horn of Plenty 5,000 Heals a unit or Hero for 150 HP;
Can be used 3 times per scenario.
Gold Bars -- The currency of Invictus.
Icon of Power 10,000 Increases maximum God Points by 1.
Icon of Restoration 3,500 Restores up to 10 lost God Points.
Panacea 50 Cures units or Heroes of poison.

* Eurymakhos, the traveling salesman, will sell you Golden Apples
for 50 gold, but you can only buy two from him per scenario.

There are also Objects of Power in the game. These items can not be
bought; you must find them. They are quite powerful, indeed. This is a list
of many of the Objects of Power in the game. There may be others in the game
not listed here. Some of the descriptions I have provided have been taken from
the game manual; others, from the game itself.

Objects of Power

Item Name Use
-------------------- ---------------------------------------------
Axe of the Minotaur Reveals unexplored areas of the map.
Banner of Andromache Increases the efficiency of an Amazon unit.
Bow of Artemis Very accurate and powerful. Orion is blessed
if he uses this bow.
Crystal Skull Can raise a Hero from the dead. Reduces the
cost of an Appeal by 1 point.
Pandora's Box An ornate wooden box. There is no clue to
what is inside...
Scroll of Valor Dropped when a Hero dies. Other Heroes
carrying this item will receive 50% more
experience points.
Shield of Athena Gives protection to the weakest unit in your
Talisman of Steropes When carried, gives that unit moderate
protection from lightning. When used, it
will eliminate damage from lightning for 30
The Hand of Endymion Able to heal madness with a touch.
Vial of Naptha Gives all Archers Fire Arrows, but reduces
their range.

Be on the lookout for Objects of Power not listed here. You may only be
able to obtain some of them if you are using a particular Hero.

Store and Service Prices

Compared with other games, there are not a large variety of stores and
items for sale in Invictus. However, there are certainly more than a couple
of places at which you can spend your hard won gold. Below are the lists of
different merchants in Invictus, and the prices they charge for their items
and services.

Item Prices

Vendor: Panacea 50 Eurymakhos: Golden Apple 50
Golden Apple 200
Ambrosia 500
Horn of Plenty 5,000
Dragon's Teeth 5,000
Icon of Restoration 3,500
Icon of Power 10,000

Service Prices

Weaponsmith Armorer Trainer
----------- ------- -------
Level 2: 1,125 1,049 974
Level 3: 1,687 1,574 1,462
Level 4: 2,250 2,099 1,949

The price listed is how much you must pay to upgrade a unit to that level.
All characters begin at level 1.

You can also upgrade your units before each scenario. The prices for this

Level 2: 1,500
Level 3: 2,250
Level 4: 3,000

The prices are the same for upgrading armor, weapons or health. The
Weaponsmith, Armorer, and Trainer can perform these same services for less
gold, but they are not available in every scenario.

Things You Should Know

There are certain terms and concepts that will appear throughout the game,
as well as this walkthrough. It would be a good idea to know these commonly
used terms and important concepts before continuing.

Countdown Timer: The countdown timer appears when you have completed either
---------------- all of the objectives for a given scenario, or the main
one. The countdown timer is usually 20 seconds. During
this time you may pick up any items dropped by enemies, or
continue to explore. However, once the timer expires, the
scenario ends.

Compass: There is no compass in the game. Instead, you will have a
-------- mini-map of the current scenario on the panel near the
bottom of the screen. You will notice that there is a
golden dot on the outside of the map. It will move if you
rotate the screen. The golden dot indicates north. This
is a vital concept to understand in order to benefit from
this walkthrough, as all of the directions are given in
north, south, east, and west.


Throughout the course of this walkthrough, I will refer to various compass
directions. In order to determine which way is north, look at the area map on
the bottom of the screen. There should be a gold dot on the outside of the
map. That is north. So MAKE SURE that when you are following the directions
in the walkthrough that north is at the TOP of the map.

Also, the game does not always make it clear what the objectives are for
some of the scenarios. It will give you a more detailed list once you
complete the area, however. For your convenience, I have placed the
objectives at the BEGINNING of each section.

And now, on with the adventure!

1. The Raider's Woods

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 300
1.) Defeat the Raiders that are threatening the town.
2.) Free the Neried.
3.) Defeat the Raiders at the encampment.

You will start at the town fountain. Explore the town and talk to people.
To the south of where you start is the Trainer, who can level-up the health of
your party members (non-heroes). Be sure to also note that the Vendor is just
south of the fountain as well.

Two buildings west of the fountain is the Armorer, who will upgrade the
defensive abilities on non-hero units. Southwest of the fountain is the
Weaponsmith, who will improve your attack abilities.

Be sure to smash open everything you can, whether it is in town or not.
You can tell is something is breakable by putting the cursor over it; if it
turns into a sword, you can break it.

Homah is the woman who greets you. She is Athena's representative in this
world. She tells you that you need to destroy the Raiders that are in the
area. The Raiders will continue to be a bother throughout the game, but take
it one step at a time, for now.

Eurymakhos is located to the east of the fountain. This jolly little
salesman will sell you Golden Apples. The price is always 50 gold, and you
can buy two from him during any one scenario. He will appear in many of the
scenarios, but not all of them.

When you are ready, send your party to the east of Eurymakhos. This will
cause some Axemen to attack. Be warned - they will attack your party as well
as civilians. If they kill an innocent, you will lose 150 of the possible 300
experience points at the end of the level! When you have defeated them,
continue to the east and you will find a Golden Apple.

Head north out of town along the road. You will encounter a larger group
of Raiders. Take them out! You might want to consider using an Appeal if you
have the points for it. Killing the Raider group will complete one of your
objectives for this scenario.

Continue north for a while longer. You will meet Clio, the Muse of
History, and she will gift you a Golden Apple. You probably need that really
bad about now!

Backtrack a bit south, then follow the stream to the west. You will soon
be assaulted by an Eagle. A little farther past the Eagle is an Icon of
Power! Continue to follow the stream and you will be attacked by more
Raiders! When you defeat them, you will be rewarded with Ambrosia! Save
these for WAY later in the game. You will also rescue a Neried, who will gift
you with a Crystal Skull! (This is the only one I have found in the game so

Now follow the road east from the Neried and you will come to a bridge.
Cross over it. Southeast of the bridge is your final objective: The Raider's
Camp. First, head northeast of the bridge to find the first of several Books
of Poseidon. Each of the books that are scattered throughout the game have 5
pages each. You must re-click on the book to access each page. I have
included the full text of these books at the end of each section that contains
a Book (see the end of this scenario walkthrough for the info in this Book).
So you can read it if you want, or you can just pass it by to save time.
However, the actor voice for Poseidon is sometimes amusing. The choice is

Head east from the Book of Poseidon and you will find an Icon of
Restoration, which will restore some of your spent God Points.

You are now at the edge of the beach (and the screen). Head south. You
will find a Golden Apple along the way. Continue south to find the Raider's
Camp and another Golden Apple!

This final battle is the toughest in Scenario 1. You may want to consider
using one or more Appeal in order to even the odds a bit. When you defeat the
Raiders, a countdown timer will appear. You will have approximately 20
seconds or so to collect loot or whatever else you want to do. Then the level

You will receive an experience award based on the amount of objectives you
completed. Note that you will not always be required to finish every

Also, keep your eyes open for various other items that are dropped during
battles. Some items, once collected, will allow you to recruit new units!
For example, picking up an Eagle Egg will allow you to recruit Eagles, while
picking up a nest in this level will allow you to recruit some Harpies.

Book of Poseidon

Page 1 Page 2
------ ------
"Why am I always the villain? My "Then my brother, Zeus, said we must
spoiled niece Athena vexes me yet 'share' the city of Troezan. Share?
again. First she took the land With a girl? What's next, worshipping
of Attica from me. A land that I mortals? I don't think so!"
had proclaimed as my own!"

Page 3 Page 4
------ ------
"But the greatest insult was when "And now! Now she says that she can
she helped that weasel Odysseus turn any mortal into a Hero! That she
return to Ithaca, after he can force me to bow and proclaim the
blinded my beloved little boy worthiness of any fool she guides! That
Polyphemus. And yet I'm cast as owl-faced hag! Doesn't she realize
the villain. By all rights, that, with a sweep of my hand, Greece
Athena's little trickster should would be a drowned ruin to rival
be a feast for fishes, and my Atlantis? Why should I care about
son should be sitting on his mortals?"

Page 5
"I have accepted her challenge.
And I have given her sufficient
rope to hang her pretty neck.
Let her mortal gather heroes to
face my tests! When her champion
fails, all the gods will know
what a fool she is and all my
injuries shall be avenged. Oh,
that makes me laugh. That really
makes me laugh!"

2. The Seacliffe Plains

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 300
1.) Rescue the Temple of Athena.
2.) Save Villages.

Homah will once again greet you and explain your mission in this scenario.
Talk with the various townspeople. (One of them has apparently been
influenced by Monty Python...) The Vendor is in the western part of the town,
if you need him.

Make any preparations quickly! Several Axemen will attack from the north.
Just north of the town is a large group of Axemen, as well as a Golden Apple.
Now head east. In the corner of the map is an Icon of Restoration.

Head north along the edge of the screen. You will encounter Pollux, one of
the twins. He tells you of a nest of Harpies by the cliffs. Just to the
north of Pollux is another Book of Poseidon.

Now head west along the river. Eurymakhos is about, selling his Golden
Apples. Buy them if you need them. He will also mention Athena's Temple to
you. Continue to follow the river to the west. You will soon come across a
bridge. West of the bridge is the other twin who will ask you if you are
going to Plainstown, which is northeast of the bridge. Now you are ready to
cross over the bridge.

A Villager will tell you that Raiders are preparing to attack the towns in
th northeast and the northwest. Once you have crossed the bridge, head east
along the river for an Icon of Restoration, but be warned - Skeletons will
rise up to attack you if you take it! (Note: Skeletons are Immune to

From the bridge, head northeast. You will eventually reach Athena's
Temple - and a group of Axemen. Take out the Raiders and you will be greeted
by Athena herself. She will give you the Shield of Athena. Be sure to also
check out the area behind (to the east) of the Temple. You will find some
Gold and an Icon of Power.

Now head west in order to save the other town. Be prepared, for this group
of Raiders is significantly stronger than the previous groups. You will also
face a new enemy - the Hun. Once you have rescued this village, the scenario
will end.

Book of Poseidon

Page 1 Page 2
------ ------
"Poor Athena, she has sunk to an "I have seen times when her champion's
all time low. Her fear of aura is tinged shall we say, sometimes
failure shines brighter than a red, sometimes blue, and its strength
full moon on a clear night. She increases. And the gods, who should be
is cheating! I don't know how, ignoring this mortal, respect this
but she is definitely cheating. newfound strength and are actually
My spies have brought me reports answering its Appeals."
this upstart mortal's progress
and the fact that her champion
still breathes is proof of her

Page 3 Page 4
------ ------
"I know mortals well and only "Oh, poor Athena must be quite
magic could achieve this. embarrassed to cheat so early in our
Perhaps Athena is brewing magic little contest. But I will say nothing.
potions and feeding it to the For now, it amuses me to watch her
mortal, who would surely be dead scramble around this 'hero' and nurse it
right now without them." like a helpless babe. The truth will be
revealed in time."

Page 5
"I will show all that I am the
stronger immortal, that I can
rise above her petty intrigues
and emerge victorious. My
triumph will be even sweeter
because I choose to do nothing
to stop her escapades."

3. Temple of the Gorgon

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 300
1.) Defeat the Treasure Hunters attacking the Temple.
2.) Protect the Gorgons from the Treasure Hunters.
3.) Defeat the Raiders guarding the base camp.

This time you will be addressed by Athena herself, instead of her
representative. She will send you east to prevent the Raiders from killing
the Gorgons.

IMMEDIATELY head northeast from the town. You will soon hear the hideous
cries of Gorgons. They are being attacked, and if too many of them die, your
game will end. Pay close attention to the battle. If there are no Raiders on
the screen, your party will start attacking the Gorgons by mistake!

To the south of the Gorgons, you will encounter Pollux, who is hunting
Menelaos. Menelaos apparently killed Pollux's brother, Castor. East of
Pollux is an Icon of Restoration.

Head north from the Gorgons. You will come upon a mountainous peninsula
with some gold. If you take it, a group of Swordsmen and Archers will attack
from the south.

From the starting town, head north along the edge of the screen. You will
come upon an Icon of Power. Continue north and you will find yet another of
the Books of Poseidon and a Golden Apple.. From here, continue north even
farther and you will find the Treasure Hunter's Camp. Located within the Camp
is a Horn of Plenty. This is a very valuable healing item, so be SURE to get

Once you have cleared the Treasure Hunter's Camp, the scenario is over.
Congrats! You most likely have at least 751 experience points at this point,
which means that the next scenario will most likely be the first Hero Quest.
In this quest, you will have the potential of recruiting a third hero for your
party. You may choose which one you would like to recruit.

Book of Poseidon

Page 1 Page 2
------ ------
"The pressure must be really "It's no secret that I enjoy the company
to the self-proclaimed goddess of beautiful women. Now what is the
of Virtue. She has taken the harm in bringing my latest love to a
most innocent of situations and special place for a little rendezvous?
enlarged it completely out of How was I to know that my self-
proportion. My admiration of righteous niece would take such offense?
female beauty s well known. She obviously cannot abide seeing
Athena boasts that her temples anyone else enjoying themselves and I
are a sight to behold, well... do enjoy myself."
then why would it be a problem
for me to visit one of them?"

Page 3 Page 4
------ ------
"Why is the brow of my war-like "My niece is the one who interrupted a
niece so creased in anger? Well, very private moment. And before I knew
perhaps Medusa was a trifle it that helmeted fury turned my
foolhardy to compare her raven beautiful lover into a scale-covered
tresses to those of Athena's, but monster with hissing serpents for hair.
I must confess the comparison was Oh, all that gorgeous long hair! And to
well founded. Is it my fault change Medusa's sisters into serpent-
that the girl was a little vain? haired Gorgons was simply unnecessary."
Although I suppose Athena's
temple was perhaps not the wisest
place for a tryst with that
particular beauty."

Page 5
"Did I ever poison her bed with
eels? How Dare She Do This To
Me! Medusa was a most enticing
mistress! If my brother's child
spent less time pretending she
was a warrior and more time being
a woman, she would understand.
But I do believe she is beginning
to show signs of defeat..."

4. ===First Hero Quest===

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 300
1.) Objectives are random according to chosen Hero.
NEW RECRUITABLE UNITS: New Hero (of your choice)

Once you have acquired more than 750 experience points, you will qualify
for your First Hero Quest. After the mission in which you gain the experience
necessary to pass 750xp, the Hero Selection screen will appear. Choose the
Hero that you want to add to your party. I chose Achilles.

After you have selected a Hero, you will be given a Scenario to complete,
which may or may not include defeating the chosen Hero in combat. If you
succeed, the new Hero is added to your War Party. If you fail, they will
refuse to join. Do not fail!

Once you have finished the Hero Quest, the game will return to the main
storyline. I have placed the information on the two Hero Quests in the
earliest possible locations in which you will obtain them. (that is, assuming
you gain the FULL experience reward for each scenario)

And now, back to the main game!

5. Rescue the Gorgon Queen

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 300
1.) Free the Medusa from the Raiders.

This is a relatively simple task. Note, however, that I just said simple,
and not easy. What you must do is make sure that the Gorgon Queen safely
escapes from the Raiders.

The best strategy I found was to head east from the start IMMEDIATELY, and
continue heading east, ignoring ALL obstacles, including enemies. This will
certainly cost you some health and maybe even a couple of units, but you are
under a strict time limit. You do not have much time to explore the map.

When you reach the Gorgon, she will start to flee toward the northwest.
Follow behind her, making sure that she is on the screen with you. This will
hopefully draw some of the enemies from her to you. Your first priority is to
make sure she does not die; if she does, you will lose. Once she reaches the
northwest edge of the map, she will disappear. The countdown timer begins.
Now all you must do is avoid dying for about 20 seconds. I found that it
helps to run.

6. Minotaur's Maze

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 300
1.) Solve the statue puzzle.
2.) Kill the Minotaur.

You have entered the Minotaur's Maze! Athena's representative, Homah, has
returned to advise you. Your goal is simple: find and destroy the Minotaur.

The maze is rather large and complex. My suggestion is to arrange the
camera angles so that you are looking straight down on the map. There will be
more levels that are also better to complete from this top-down viewpoint. It
may also be helpful to zoom out in order to get as much of the maze as
possible on one screen. I have created a map of the maze and its major
features below. Hopefully this helps!

################################################# --------------------
# # # | LEGEND |
# # # --------------------
# # # # | |
# # # ############################ # | M Minotaur |
# # #C # # T # | C Cornucopia |
# # ##### # # | S Statue |
# # M ## # # ######## # | R Red Barrel |
# # ## ##### # # # # | G Green Barrel |
# ##### ##### #### # # # | B Blue Barrel |
# # # #### ##### # # # | |
# # # # # # # | T Traps |
###### # ######## # # # # | W Warp to W1 |
# # # # # # ########## # # | |
# # # # # # # # --------------------
# # # # # # # #
# # W ####### # # # _ _
# # ####### # # # | \ | |
# ######## # ####### # # # | \| |
# # # ####### # # | . ` |
# # # T #S # # # | |\ |
# ##### # # # S S# # # |_| \_|
# ##### # ##### # ##### # #
# # # ##### # S# # # _
# # # # # #S S # # # / \
# # ####### # # ###### # # # / \
# # ####### # ## #### # /_____\
# # ####### # ## S#### # |
# # ############# ## #### # |
# # ####### ## #### # |
# ##BRG#### # |
# T #### ######### # |
# ############ # # |
# # # |
# # ### # |
# ##### # ### G # |
######### ##### # G #
#W1# # ##### # # GG #
# # # ### # GG #
# # # ### # #
# # ########## ### ## #
# # # #
# # # #
# ###################### #

This is a rather large maze. Begin by immediately going north. You will
soon find a small cluster of 6 Golden Apples. While this is a welcome find,
it is also indicative of the trouble ahead.

Continue going north until you reach the northeast corner of the map. Take
the upper most path to the west, where you will find a Cornucopia (Horn of
Plenty). Return to the northeast corner of the map, and take the next passage
to the west. Follow the map above to the area with the statues and the three
colored barrels (labeled R, G, and B on the map. As you make your way past
the statues, they will give you various hints about the puzzle. Break the
barrels in the proper, according to their order, which is: Red, Green, and hen

Now you will want to hunt down the Minotaur! From the area with the three
colored barrels, head north, then west. When you reach a split to the north
and south, head north. At the end of the path, go west. The path will curve
north, west, south, and finally west again. Ignore the next path to the
south. To the north, on the other side of the wall, you should see the
Cornucopia (if you didn't grab it already). The Minotaur is also in this
area. When he dies, the scenario will end.

You may want to consider upgrading your units to at least Level 2 if you
can afford it and have not done so already. The battles only get more
difficult from here!

7. ===Second Hero Quest===

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 300
1.) Objectives are random according to chosen Hero.
NEW RECRUITABLE UNITS: New Hero (of your choice)

Once you have acquired more than 1500 experience points, you will qualify
for your First Hero Quest. After the mission in which you gain the experience
necessary to pass 1500xp, the Hero Selection screen will appear. Choose the
Hero that you want to add to your party. I chose Orion.

After you have selected a Hero, you will be given a Scenario to complete,
which may or may not include defeating the chosen Hero in combat. If you
succeed, the new Hero is added to your War Party. If you fail, they will
refuse to join. Do not fail!

Once you have finished the Hero Quest, the game will return to the main
storyline. I have placed the information on the two Hero Quests in the
earliest possible locations in which you can obtain them. (this assumes that
you gain the FULL experience reward for each scenario)

And now, back to the main game!

8. The Fountain of Truth

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 300
1.) Find the Fountain of Truth.
2.) Defeat Prince Cassius.
3.) Defeat the Huns.

The Vendor is here with his wares, in case you are in need of anything.
According to Homah, the Minotaur hid the Fountain of Truth deep in the
labyrinth. Your mission is to find it.

You will almost immediately be attacked by Raiders from the west. Defeat
them and head west yourself. When you reach the end, you have a choice of
going north or south. Head north. The path will swerve east, then north
again. Ignore the first path to the east. Continuing north will lead to a
large open area. In the southeast corner is a fountain. If you click on it,
the area around it turns green. If you happen to be in that area, you will be

To the north of the fountain, in front of a house, you will find Clio, the
Muse of History. She will give you a rather detailed history of the Fountain
of Truth.

You will notice three paths heading north from near Clio. One of the paths
is to the east of Clio, while the other two are to the west of her. Take the
westernmost path. When you reach the wall, head east. The Armorer is here,
and will upgrade your characters if you want.

From the Armorer, head west until you reach the wall, the head south. Take
the first available path to the east. The Trainer can be found here.

When you are done upgrading, return to the poison fountain and head west.
You will soon come across another fountain. Unlike the previous fountain, you
will want to click on this one, for it yields Ambrosia! From this fountain,
head south. You will encounter another fountain; this one contains an Icon of

Now return to the fountain that gave you the Ambrosia, and head west.
After the path takes a brief detour south, it will head west again. You can
either go north from here or continue to the west. First head north. When
the path branches west and north, continue to the north. It will quickly turn
west and then north again, this time into an open area. At the entrance are
two fountains; the one on the left holds a Panacea, while the one on the right
has a Golden Apple for you. Now head back to the south.

When the path splits to the south and west, head west. Now take the first
path to the north, and follow it when it curves to the west. Here is the

From the Weaponsmith, head south. When the path splits east and west, head
east. Immediately take the first path south, then turn east. You will be in
an enclosed area with the Fountain of Truth - and a Minotaur. This particular
creature is significantly stronger than the previous one. His statistics are
as follows:

| Minotaur |
| Lvl 3: 91%| 63 Dmg |
| Lvl 3: Ev 39%| DR 46 |
| Lvl 3: 63 Mv | HP 624 |

After you defeat the Minotaur, click on the fountain to end the scenario!

9. Trial I

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 450
1.) Defeat Poseidon's Army.
2.) Reach the area of Poseidon's stronghold.

This is the first of three trials in which you will attempt to prove your
worth. They will all take place in the city of Calaphon.

You will be attacked by a force of soldiers from the north. After you
defeat them, head north. The path will soon widen. When you reach the
northernmost edge of the building on the left side of the path, you will be
ambushed by a large force of soldiers from both the north and the west. The
Archers are particularly dangerous, so be sure to take them out quickly!
After you defeat the enemy forces, head north, where you will find another
Book of Poseidon. Now backtrack and take the path to the west. Follow the
path to the south for some Ambrosia!

Now head north and take the next path to the west. There is another group
of Poseidon's troops waiting for you. After disposing of them, you can either
head to the northwest or to the southwest. Take the southwest path. It will
lead you to an open area with... you guessed it - more Poseidon lackeys!

In this area, there are two buildings with a path between them heading west
and south. Strike the tree at the entrance to this pathway for an Icon of

The path will lead your party to another open area with a blue-roofed
temple. Head east from here. A group of enemies will drop an Icon of Power
when defeated. From this point, head south to face another force, which will
ALSO drop an Icon of Power! Now backtrack until you are back at the
blue-roofed temple.

From this point, there are two paths heading south, one on either side of
the temple. Take the left path all the way south. You will face a HUGE
contingent of soldiers. If you manage to defeat them, the countdown timer
will begin.

Congratulations on completing the first Trial!!! But you still have a long
journey ahead. You will be treated to a short movie. Enjoy!

Book of Poseidon

Page 1 Page 2
------ ------
"I cannot believe this pitiful "This mortal's days are numbered. No,
excuse for a mortal still lives! no, no... not his days his minutes are
It actually overcame my first numbered. Yes, yes! I obviously have
challenge! How could this have not given this problem my full
happened? This is intolerable!" attention. But all that changes now! would I like to kill this
pathetic flea?"

Page 3 Page 4
------ ------
"Decisions, decisions...I could "Perhaps I shall slowly crush its limbs
clog its little throat with until it begs for death. Imagine a
poisonous mists. That's always limbless torso stumbling through the
fun. I could open the earth and forest. Splinters everywhere! OUCH!
swallow it. I could dry every That would be amusing!"
ounce of water in its little body
with salt. No, no, no...perhaps
I'll weaken its arms and legs as
if it was walking underwater."

Page 5
"I think I'm beginning to enjoy
myself. Oh yes, I am."

10. Return to Raider's Woods

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 300
1.) Defeat the Raiders in the camp.
2.) Defeat the Raiders at the village.
3.) Defeat the Raiders at the bridge.

You will find that you have returned to the Raider's Woods. Apparently, in
your absence, the Raiders have attacked the village and captured the
villagers. First things first, head west from the starting point and you will
find a Book of Poseidon.

Now head south. Cross over the stone road. There is a dirt path winding
its way south. Follow it. Cross over the stream to reach the old Raider's
camp. There is still a fair number of Raiders still in the area, so be ready
for a fight! There is also a Golden Apple within the camp itself.

Now head to the far south end of the camp. When you reach the southern
edge of the screen, turn and head west. You will run across a hill after a
short time. Turn and head north over the hill to find an Icon of Restoration.
From the Icon, head west until you reach the river.

Once at the river, follow it north until you reach the stone road. There
is a bridge which leads east. Cross over it and take out the group of Raiders
that is guarding it.

Once you have defeated them, follow the stone road until you reach a
stream. Follow the stream as it flows to the southeast. Remember this area
from your first visit? Well, there is another Icon of Power just sitting
there waiting for you to take it.

Follow the stream until it intersects the stone road. Now take the road to
the south. You will eventually reach the village. Simply defeat the Raiders
that have occupied the town to finish this scenario!

Book of Poseidon

Page 1 Page 2
------ ------
"I've lost all patience. I tried "This creature is beginning to believe
to make a contest out of it, but that it is a hero. Instead of doing the
I can stand it no longer! If intelligent thing - proclaiming my
Athena is not going to play by superiority and begging for a quick
the rules, then why should I?" death - it Dares To Challenge Me!"

Page 3 Page 4
------ ------
"Its luck runs out now. Its "It is my niece, all dressed up in her
friends shall abandon its cause. play armor, who shall suffer the most.
I shall see to it. Athena has If it were not for Zeus, I'd have done
really pushed her luck too far. away with her aeons ago. I suppose I
I shall show no more mercy." shall have to content myself with making
her look like a fool. I'll humiliate
them both so badly that even Athena's
beloved owls will not be able to stand
the sight of her!"

Page 5
"Now I shall make her champion
look so inept, so stupid that my
brother's petulant child will be
forced to hide her face in shame
and embarrassment. The game is
over. Failure is not an option."

11. Treasure of Antaeus

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 300
1.) Obtain the Scroll of Antaeus for Athena.

This act begins near the Raider's main camp. Your party starts in the
bottom southwest corner of the map. Along the outside perimeter of the base
are some fountains. A couple of them will warp your party back to the
starting point (good for escaping from pursuing enemies).

First things first. Continue north until you reach the shore. Click on
the fountain, and a group of skeletons will appear. They will proceed to
march straight into the camp and do battle with the enemy. Cool!

What you will want to do now is to follow the coast to the east. Try and
walk as close to the shore as possible, to avoid revealing any of the enemies
to the south. If this happens, you may have to stop and fight.

Make your way to the northeastern corner of the base, and enter there.
Once you have entered into the camp, you will be set upon by a group of
Harpies. They are Level 3, so beware! Also with them is a Spearman who is
Level 5!! This is the enemy who is carrying the Scroll of Antaeus that you
are looking for. Once you defeat him, take the scroll and run back the way
you came. Avoid revealing any more of the uncovered area of the map. The
enemies will keep regenerating in this level, so stopping to fight them all is
practically useless. Once you pick up the scroll, the countdown timer will
begin. Just stay ahead of the Raiders, and you will survive.

12. Mountain Bandits

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 300
1.) Save the world from the terrors of Pandora's Box.

When you begin this scenario, Homah will warn you to beware of deceptions.
Just to the west of Homah, you can find Eurymakhos peddling his Golden Apples,
if you are in need of any.

To the east, you will encounter an Amazon named Evadne, who's jewelry box
has been stolen. Hmmm...I did not know that Amazons were fond of jewelry. No
matter. Talk to her and she will join your party. A little farther to the
east is another one of the infamous Books of Poseidon.

Head north from the Book of Poseidon. There you will find Dryope and
Pollux. Dryope tells you to go east, while Pollux tells you to go northwest.
You should head northwest, as per the advice of the sane one of the two.

The road will come to an end, and some Raiders will attack you. A short
ways north from here is a Golden Apple.

From the apple and the ambush, head east. The road will reappear. You
will also encounter Urania.

Continue along the road as it heads east. When the road curves, head south
a bit until you reach the stream. Then follow it east and south. Along the
way you will find an Icon of Power.

Continue along the stream until you find a road running east and west.
Follow it east to its end where you will find a Golden Apple - and some

Now head north from the Raider attack. The road will reappear. It will
join with another road and fork to the southwest and the north. Take the road
to the southwest until you find Thetis.

From Thetis, head northeast until the road ends. There is a large group of
Raiders here waiting for you. I hope that you are ready!

After disposing of the enemies, head east. You will run across another
party of Raiders. Send them to meet their brothers in Hades. From here, head
south and you will find...Hercules? He has Pandora's Box with him. The
Amazon claims that it is her jewelry box. Hmmm... Hercules won;t give it to
her, so she attacks him. You can do one of two things here. You can either
pick up the Box where it lays, in which case the countdown timer will begin,
all while Evadne and Hercules fight. Another option is to join Hercules in
fighting the peculiarly strong Amazon. This yields nothing worthwhile. The
choice is yours. If you choose to fight her, though, be aware of her
statistics, which are as follows:

| Evadne (Amazon) |
| Lvl 5: 128%| Dmg 112 |
| Lvl 5: Ev 72%| DR 40 |
| Lvl 5: 63 Mv | HP 2000 |

Congrats on saving the world from unparalleled evil! Now, I'll bet
you're wondering...what is inside Pandora's Box? Well, you can open it if you
want. If you decide to do this, you will be faced with several Doppelgangers
- all of them extremely unfriendly. not open it. You will not need
it for any future scenarios, so put it in your reserve inventory between
scenarios, in order to free up some space in your characters' inventories.

Book of Poseidon

Page 1 Page 2
------ ------
"Why are my troops so "It is time to summon the Doppelgangers.
incompetent? These buffoons say Oh, I love that word - Doppelgangers,
they are soldiers, but I've seen Doppelgangers, Doppelgangers. Duplicates
trout fight with more ferocity! of evil. Oh, I like that word too. That
How dare they fail me when my will confuse the stupid little mortal!
reputation is at stake?" And confusion leads to fatal errors."

Page 3 Page 4
------ ------
"Doppel-ganger! Doppelganger! "It is almost a pity that it must end
Doppelganger! Say it fast or now. I've actually had a few moments of
slow, softly or loudly. It means entertainment. But enough time has been
the same thing - certain death wasted on this play toy already."
for that mortal pest."

Page 5
"Death is too good for Athena's
annoying little pet. This mortal
will suffer as no other before
him. And I will make certain of

13. Ravine of the Undead

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 400
1.) Destroy the Swordsmen attacking the town.
2.) Defeat the Raiders invasion force.

You will start within the walls of a town. The exit is in the northwest
corner. Shortly after the scenario begins, Raiders will begin flooding into
the town.

After you have eliminated the threat, take the time to search around the
city. This town has everything: A Weaponsmith, Armorer, Trainer, and a
Vendor. Even Eurymakhos can be found strolling around. In the south end of
town, you will find Clio roaming around.

At this point, you will be ready to leave the town. What you should do is
keep a portion of your forces within the town in order to protect it from any
marauders, Raiders, or Skeletons. With your main force, head out through the
northwestern exit. Soon after leaving, you will encounter Dryope, who will
provide you with more information about the undead in the region.

One thing that you should NOT
do is to head north from the
town. Doing this will cause
the Skeletons there to attack
the town and your party in huge
numbers. You should also strive
to finish this scenario as
quickly as possible, as the
Skeletons will eventually come
and attack the town anyway.

Follow the road to the west. Walk over the river and continue along the
road, until you meet Menelaos. He will tell you that the Raiders are at the
gold mine, which is located in the northwest.

Follow the stone road. It will eventually turn into a dirt road. At the
point where the stone road and dirt road meet, head west to the edge of the
screen. From there, follow the stream south and you will find an Icon of

Now return to the dirt road and follow it to the northwest and then to the
north. After crossing over a stream, you will meet the appropriately named
Wussley. Continue north along the trail in order to reach the mine. When you
arrive, you will be attacked by the Raiders, as well as by a new enemy - the
Cyclops! Furthermore, this is a particularly strong Cyclops, as can be seen
in the following:

| Cyclops |
| Lvl 4: 101%| Dmg 60 |
| Lvl 4: Ev 43%| DR 50 |
| Lvl 4: 54 Mv | HP 696 |

When you successfully defeat the force of Raiders here, the countdown timer
begins. If the Cyclops drops an Eye after it is defeated, be sure to pick it
up, as it will allow you to recruit Cyclopses!

14. Lystis and the Marauders

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 300
1.) Defeat Lystis.

Your mission in this scenario is to kill Lystis and his men. You will begin
in the southeast corner of the map. From here, head west. You will
eventually be attacked by Skeletons from the west and Archers from the north.
They are all Level 3, and the Archers have a LONG reach, so be careful!

Continue west. After a short time, you will find an Icon of Restoration
next to the water. Continue west along the river to find ANOTHER Icon of
Restoration. Be aware that if you take this Icon, you will be attacked by a
flock of Eagles. They are not a great danger, though. Finally, continue even
farther west to score an Icon of Power!

Now head north until you come across a white pillar. There are more of
them nearby. There is also a group of Skeletons here, which you should kill.
You will find two very valuable treasures here: Ambrosia, and The Talisman of
Steropes. This will let you pass by Poseidon's thunder later in this

When you reach the far northwest corner of the map, head east. When the
ground starts to turn green, you will see a stone. DO NOT CONTINUE EAST! If
you do... well, let us just say that lightning will not need to strike

If you want, you can follow the line of stones south and east. It will
lead to a fountain. Clicking on the statue will cause it to talk. It offers
to give you hints for the low cost of 100 gold per hint.

When you are ready, use the and The Talisman of Steropes and proceed past
the stone barrier. The amulet will protect you from lightning damage for 30
seconds (protect does not mean immunity). Lightning will strike from the sky
five times.

Head to the east once you are within the stone barrier. You will find
Lystis the Cyclops, as well as some pirates. Kill them to end the scenario.

15. Cyclops Lair

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 300
1.) Survive.
2.) Recover your ships.
3.) Retrieve an object of power.

Treasure hunting on Cyclops Island? What a marvelous idea! (not!!). You
have been stranded on an island inhabited by Cyclops, and you must escape
before they kill your party.

The treasure is on the far side of the island, but guess what? Every time
you kill a group of Cyclopses, another group will appear. There is an
infinite number of Cyclopses on the island, so my advice is this - don't
fight. Run!

From the starting point, run north. When you see the remains of a ship,
turn and head northwest. On the beach in the northwest you will find the Vial
of Naptha. This will also activate the countdown timer. This level is very
straightforward and simple, but it may take a few times until you are able to
successfully grab the Vial and survive the countdown. Good luck!

16. Feast of Titans

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 300
1.) Free the prisoners.
2.) Destroy the Cyclops sentinels.
3.) Defeat the Cyclops Retribution Party.

Now you must save a village from the voraciously hungry Cyclopses. You
begin in the northeast corner of the map. Head south along the road. When
you reach the southeast corner of the map, head wet. After a short jaunt you
will discover a Book of Poseidon. Yippee - more Poseidon musings!

Head northeast from the Book of Poseidon and walk north along the other
side of the river you just crossed. You will find a fountain on your way
north which will yield a Golden Apple if it is clicked on. There is another
Golden Apple a bit farther to the north as well. Now return to the Book of
Poseidon and travel northwest.

Along the way, you will see the remains of a stone wall. Soon you will
reach the village. The villagers are nowhere to be seen. However, you will
be warmly welcomed by some Cyclopses and Bears.

When you reach the northern exit out of town, turn and head northwest.
Follow the mountains until you reach the western edge of the map. Now head
south. You will fight with some Cyclopses along the way. You will also find
an Icon of Restoration.

Now return to the northern town entrance and travel north. You will soon
reach the enclosure that houses the villagers. The Cyclopses are readying
them for dinner, and the villagers are NOT guests. Before opening the gate
and freeing them, you should head northwest until you reach the corner of the
map. Here you will find some Ambrosia. Have you been hoarding this stuff
yet. You should be!

Now return and free the villagers. The gate is somewhat tricky to open,
but if you keep hitting it from every angle, it should open. Be prepared -
when you open the gate, a group of Cyclopses and Bears will come from the
southwest (originating from near the location of the Icon of Restoration).
It is best to leave the villagers in the enclosure, and send your party
southwest to deal with the menace. But be sure that none of the enemies
sneaks by you and begins attacking the villagers - they will die quickly.

To finish this scenario, you must gather the villagers together, (notice
that you can control them) and return with them to Homah. This will activate
the countdown timer. Good job!

Book of Poseidon

Page 1 Page 2
------ ------
"The mortal's end draws near. It "I laugh when I think about what it will
has done better than I had face. Its legions will die of fright
expected, but it is, after all, at the very sight of it. Before their
only a mortal. So... farewell. little mouths can open, they shall
It will vanish without a trace." become ashes, and a typhoon shall blow
them from the face of the earth. Ah,
sweet sea breeze..."

Page 3 Page 4
------ ------
"Soon, the mortal's name will be "Athena will not make a fool of me. I
forgotten. Its own family will know what my fellow Olympians are
deny that it was ever born. And saying. But I still have the power to
all the gods shall pay tribute to destroy mankind and I will not lose the
me, the mighty Poseidon, while I respect I desire and deserve. I must
drown the earth." prove my power or take my revenge."

Page 5
"Let this mortal prove worthy of
the admiration that grows. But
if I lose... I will not."

17. Hydra's Bog

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 300
1.) Break the curse on the tree.
2.) Kill the Hydra.

Homah will be here to once again give you your mission. This time, you are
to lift the curse that has befallen the area. You will immediately be
attacked by a new and powerful enemy - the Elemental.

From Homah, head south. There will be several splits in the path, but you
should ignore them. When you can not go south any longer, head southeast.
The path will soon curve to the east. Then the path will become an open area,
and the ground will change to a brown color. You will also notice a formation
of red trees and a rock. Furthermore, you can hear the sounds of a far off
battle. Head north.

Continue north along the eastern edge of the map. You will run into
Dryope, who will entertain (or annoy) you with her unhealthy obsession with
sticks. A bit north of Dryope is a Golden Apple.

Now head west along the swamp, following its edge at it curves to the
north. You will meet up with Clio. She tells you that there is a Wood Nymph
named Gaean somewhere in the swamp. Continue west along the swamp edge.

You will eventually return to the starting point, and to Homah. It is here
that my party was beset upon by the dreaded Hydra! When you defeat it, it
will drop both an Icon of Restoration and an Icon of Power. The stats of the
Hydra are as follows:

| Hydra |
| Lvl 1: 70% + 75 | Dmg 65 + 3s |
| Lvl 1: Ev 65% | DR 55 |
| Lvl 1: 63 Mv | HP 2000 |

From Homah, head northwest until you reach the mountains. Follow the line
of mountains until you see a path that cuts between them. Take this path and
you will find yourself in the northwest corner of the map. There are two
objects of power here: The Charm of Artemis, and Artemis' Bow.

Now head south along the western edge of the map. When the path ends, turn
to the east. Here you will find a very *cheerful* Swamp Person. Continue
east from the Swamp person to find Urania. She is somewhat more encouraging
than the Swamp Person.

Now return to Dryope. Remember the wonderful stick she was talking about?
It is actually the Cursed Tree. Use the Charm of Artemis on the Cursed Tree.
This will initiate the countdown timer.

18. Trial II

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 300
1.) Defeat the enemy.

You have returned to Calaphon to face the second trial. Once again, you
must defeat Poseidon's forces. They have gotten stronger since his first
defeat. The layout of this level is almost exactly as it was the first time
you visited here. For starters, head north. When the path branches off to
the north and west, you will be ambushed (similar to the first ambush, but the
enemies are stronger and more numerous).

When you have defeated the enemies, you can head north to read the Book of
Poseidon. After you peruse the book, you should head west. There is another
force of enemies waiting for your party, and they have set up barricades in
front of them. The barricades prevent many melee units from attacking them
all at once, and that makes this group of enemies particularly difficult to
defeat. Bring the full strength of your long range fighters and your Appeals
to bear. Pass through the barriers once the enemy is defeated. You will
enter an open area with a path to the northwest and southwest. The northwest
path leads to a Panacea. Follow the southwest path.

This path turns into another open area. You will notice the narrow path
that runs between two buildings. This time it has a single guard blocking it.
Be careful - this is no ordinary guard. It is Talos, the super-guard! It is
NOT necessary to kill him in order to proceed. If you try to pass him, he
will attack your party, but once you have passed a certain point along the
narrow path heading south, he will give up the chase. If you do decide to
fight him, here are his stats:

| Talos |
| Lvl 1: 90% | Dmg 70 |
| Lvl 1: Ev 10% | DR 70 |
| Lvl 1: 63 Mv | HP 3000 |

Talos has the most hit points of any single enemy in the game, including
the final enemy! However, he is not nearly as difficult to kill. Whatever
you decide to do with Talos, you should head south using the narrow path
between the two buildings. This will deposit you in front of the blue-roofed

Head east from the temple, and take out the enemy force waiting for you,
and you will receive an Icon of Power. Continue all the way to the east, then
head south. Take out the soldiers located here and you will receive an Icon
of Restoration. Now return to the blue-roofed temple.

Head south from the temple. Much like last time, there is a large group of
Poseidon's troops here. As you are about to finish off the last of the
enemies, you will suddenly hear Poseidon's voice.

"You will pay for this, mortal! See
how you like Tartarus! Mwa, ha, ha..."

When the soldiers are all defeated, the countdown timer will begin.
Congratulations on defeating Poseidon's forces for a second time. However, do
not get too comfortable - he still has ONE more enemy for you to fight...

Book of Poseidon

Page 1 Page 2
------ ------
"This mortal is blessed with the "But what if it defeats me? Athena's
luck of the gods, but even that boasting invades my sleep. The gods
is not infinite. I can't believe whisper behind my back, praising this
it has reached my second mortal. What if I cannot end this now?"

Page 3 Page 4
------ ------
"No, no, no, no. I shall do what "I know, I shall call upon my brother
must be done. Victory alone Hades. Oh, Hades, my favorite brother.
shall be remembered. Victory He must come to my aid. For he is,
alone can silence them. My after all, my brother. That has to
victory." count for something. Doesn't it?"

Page 5
"I mean, he's a god, I'm a god.
Gods help one another, right?
Correct? Yes. It's a rhetorical
question, don't answer. He will
not abandon me."

19. Poseidon's Greatest Creation

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 150
1.) Defeat the Dragon.

This time, there is no Homah. No Athena. Just your party and a powerful
Red Dragon!! The Dragon's stats are as follows:

| Dragon |
| Lvl 1: 75% + 25 | Dmg 70 + 5s |
| Lvl 1: Ev 60% | DR 60 |
| Lvl 1: 63 Mv | HP 2500 |

This battle will take you awhile. Wear him down with everything you've
got. Use your strongest units, and also use your Appeals liberally! If you
manage to defeat the Red Dragon, you will be treated to another short movie.
On to the third and final leg of your epic journey!

20. Lava World

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 300
1.) Obtain the ring.

Okay, here is the deal. Poseidon is becoming quite desperate to defeat
you, and he has cast your party into Hades!! Your primary goal will be to
escape the land of the dead. But it will be neither easy nor quick. Your
first task is to seek out the Ring of Ourbouros, that it might help your

This scenario is primarily an open field filled with a slow and steady
stream of Skeletons. There are usually only a few to deal with at any one
time, but more will always follow. From Homah, head west.

As you travel west, either along the northern or southern edge of the map,
you will notice some pillars. If you find one along the northern edge, there
will also be on south of it; think symmetry. What you want to do is to
destroy these pillars (or arches, as the game calls them). There are 4 in

Continue heading west. When you reach the far western end of the map, you
will see the image of a skull on the floor. If you have destroyed all the
pillars, you will see a ring at the mouth of the skull. This is the Ring of

When you pick up the ring, lava will begin to spill out of the mouth of the
skull. This lava is DEADLY - do not touch it! As soon as you grab the ring,
IMMEDIATELY race back to Homah as quickly as possible. The lava will continue
to follow. Once you reach Homah, you will need to use the ring on her. This
will activate the countdown timer. Continue to avoid the lava until time is
up. Phew!

21. Hades Realm

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 300
1.) Escape from the Underworld.

You will start this scenario in the southeast corner of the map. Clio is
also nearby. It appears that Hades wants you to retrieve the Amber Amulet.
The trouble is that it is around the neck of Cerberus, the three-headed dog!

Northwest of Clio is Eurymakhos. Got Golden Apples? Better buy some -
just in case.

Head west from Homah. You'll see a Cyclops on the other side of a bridge.
DO NOT kill him! You will see why soon enough. Cross over the bridge. Hades
is there, and will basically restate what Clio has already told you. Now
backtrack and head north from Homah, crossing over the bridge. Do not kill
the Cyclops stationed here, either.

Head north for awhile, and you will meet Agammemon. He tells you that the
Cyclopses and the bridges are linked - killing the Cyclopses also destroys the

From Agammemon, head west until you reach the coast. Then turn and follow
the coast north until you reach a bridge. Cross over it. Now follow the
coast north again. It will curve to the northwest. Cross over the bridge
heading north. Take the next bridge going west.

Now head straight to the west. In the northwest corner of the map you will
find Cerberus. Its stats are as follows:

| Cerberus |
| Lvl 3: 110% | Dmg 78 |
| Lvl 3: Ev 78% | DR 55 |
| Lvl 3: 72 Mv | HP 780 |

When you kill it, you will find the Amber Amulet on its corpse. Head east
from here and cross over the bridge. Now head south, crossing over that
bridge as well. Follow the coast to the west. It will curve to the south.

When you reach a bridge heading west, cross over it. Continue following
the coast to the south. You will reach another bridge; cross over this one as
well. Continue east, crossing over another bridge. Now walk on over to Hades
and use the Amulet on him. This will end the scenario.

22. Hammer and Forge

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 300
1.) Defeat Atephemus (Hesterus).
2.) Keep the enemies away from the Forge.
3.) Use the Hammer on the Forge.

You will start this scenario in the lower southwest corner of the map.
Some Cyclopses will immediately attack you. There is also a Forge nearby. DO
NOT let the enemy reach the Forge, otherwise your game will end. You should
consider leaving a portion of your forces behind in order to guard it.

Head northeast from Homah. You will cross over a land bridge. At the same
time, you will also be attacked by Doppelgangers. Oh, joy!

After crossing the land bridge, follow the coast to the southeast. When
you reach the bottom of the map, head east. Just to the north of the
southeastern corner of the map is Hesterus, the insecure Cyclops. There is
also some gold and Ambrosia nearby. If you take either of these two treasures,
Hesterus will attack you. It is for the best, since you will get experience
for killing him, anyway.

From Hesterus, head north. Upon reaching the riverside, you should turn
and head west. Continue to follow the river as it curves to the north. When
you cross a land bridge, follow the coast to the north to find a group of
Cyclopses. When you kill all of them, you will find some treasure, including
Hephaestus' Hammer.

If you want, you can walk east along the coast. At the far eastern side of
the map, you will find an Icon of Power. Now retrace your steps and cross
over the land bridge near where you got the Hammer.

After crossing the land bridge, head west until you reach the western edge
of the map. Now follow the coast to the north and you will find an Icon of

Now all that is left to do is to make your way back to Homah. Then use the
Hammer on the Forge. The countdown timer will begin. Excellent work!

23. River Styx

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 300
1.) Defeat the Harpy who is impersonating Homah.

You will start this scenario in the northeast corner of the map. Head west
and defeat the group of Spearmen. Now follow the river south to the bridge.
Next to the bridge is Urania. She will warn you about the area, and
particularly about the Fury Tisiphone. Now cross over the bridge.

Continue south. You will encounter the Neried, who will tell you more
about the underworld. Continue south and cross over either one of the two
bridges that are there (they both lead to the same place). Now head south
until you are in the lower southwest corner of the map. Do not break open the
crate that is there - unless you LIKE fighting Skeletons.

Now head east, crossing over the bridge. After crossing the bridge, you
will have to make the choice of continuing east or heading north. First, head
to the east. You will encounter Homah, but it is actually a Harpy impostor.
Be ready to fight! Now backtrack to the bridge and head north this time.

As you travel north, you will meet Hippias. When you are done with him,
continue going north. Once again, you will find two bridges, and once again
it does not matter which one you cross over. After crossing over to the
north, you can cross a bridge heading west onto a small island. Here you can
talk with Wussley. Now backtrack to the dual bridges, this time following the
coast to the east.

As the coast curves to the southeast, you will be attacked by Harpies,
Skeletons, and Archers. Be very careful, as they are all very strong! After
the battle, continue to the southeast until you reach the eastern edge of the
screen. You will encounter some Minotaurs now. Destroy them and head north
along the eastern edge of the screen.

You will come to a bridge heading east. Take out the Minotaurs first, and
do so quickly. Lurking on the other side of the bridge are some Level 5
Archers. They will have no problem hitting you from VERY long distance. Once
they are defeated, cross over the bridge and head north.

You will come to a small structure that is being guarded by Archers.
Simply defeat the guards and enter the structure. This will bring the
scenario to a close!

24. Styx II

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 300
1.) Return Castor's sword.
2.) Get out alive.

You have almost escaped the clutches of Tartarus! Only one more stage to
go. From Homah, head east over the bridge. Click on the fountain and you
will receive 2 Waters of Lethe. Now return to Homah and head north.

As you travel north, you will encounter Hades and a troop of Skeletons. DO
NOT attack the Skeletons. Talk to Hades, and he will give you some advice.
Head northeast from Hades and you will meet up with Castor, who has lost his
sword. Cross over the bridge that is next to Castor and head north.

You will reach a stronghold after crossing the bridge. Enter the
stronghold. You will be set upon by a variety of soldiers, as well as a
Harpy. When you defeat the Harpy, it will drop some Mistletoe. You will need
to collect 4 Boughs of Mistletoe in order to escape from Tartarus, so be on
the lookout.

Continue north, exiting the stronghold. When you reach the northern edge
of the screen, turn and head east. Defeat the Skeletons that attack you.
Next, break open the crates. You will receive some gold, Ambrosia, another
Bough of Mistletoe, and the Heroes Brand (Castor's Sword). Return to Castor
and use the sword on him in order to return it to him. Next, retrace your
steps so that you are standing in front of the Stronghold. From here, head
east - SLOWLY!

When you see the stream flowing north and south, STOP! If you send any
unit over the stream - The River Lethe - they will lose their memory. More
importantly, you will lose control of them. You will also notice that there
is a statue along the right wall of the Stronghold. Take one of your two
Waters of Lethe and use it on the statue. You can now safely cross the river!

Once on the other side of the river, you will find a fountain that yields
an Icon of Restoration. Head east and you will encounter a Harpy, a Gorgon,
and some Archers. Kill them to receive a third Bough of Mistletoe.

Finally, head to the north, where you will encounter a group of Gorgons.
Defeat them, then break open the nearby crate to obtain the last Bough of

Now head south and cross over the bridge. Next to the bridge is a
fountain. Clicking on it yields an Icon of Restoration. Continue south and
cross over the next bridge. To the south is Charon, the ferryman. Use the
Boughs of Mistletoe in Charon (you must use each individual Bough on him).
Once the fourth one is used, the countdown timer will begin.

Congratulations! You have escaped Tartarus. Your journey is almost over!!

25. Trial III

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 300
1.) Defeat Nestor.

You did it! You have escaped the Underworld, but you must now endure the
third of Poseidon's trials. Just like the other two times you have visited
Calaphon, start by heading north. When the path splits to the north and the
west, you can certainly expect an ambush. This was one of the most difficult
battles when I played. You can continue north after the ambush to read the
last of the Books of Poseidon.

After reading the Book, head west. The path will open into an area full of
Harpies! Dispatch the, then head northwest if you need a Panacea. Otherwise
head southeast.

The path will head northwest. Once again, Talos is guarding the path. His
stats are the same as before. This time, though, you should seriously
consider defeating him.

Defeat Talos and take the narrow path between the buildings. This will
once again lead you to the blue-roofed temple. You can take the traditional
detour east and then south in order to pick up a couple of last-minute items.
Otherwise, head south from the temple to face a HUGE group of Swordsmen,
Spearmen, and deadly Archers. Good luck defeating them.

Well, now that you have bested all three of Poseidon's trials, you have
successfully defeated the god of storms, right? Almost. Poseidon has *one*
more trick up his sleeve...

Book of Poseidon

Page 1 Page 2
------ ------
"The final battle draws near. "These mortals would traverse my seas
Well, I confess that I have without paying homage to me. I shall
actually come to admire the become the laughingstock of Olympus.
mortal's courage and fortitude. And my wretched niece! She will goad me
But well no mortal can beat a for the rest of time. O, her arrogance
god. This cannot be allowed. would become unbearable!"
For if I am defeated, what is to
prevent Mankind from defeating us
all? Well, what?"

Page 3 Page 4
------ ------
"But this shall not happen. No "Why do I doubt myself? There is no
mortal can beat the mighty need for fear. I shall triumph. I must.
Poseidon. I hope." For if I were to lose... NO! No, no, no,
I cannot! The humiliation, the would be too much to bear."

Page 5
"Come, rains! Come floods,
storms, hurricanes! My children,
my wrathful, tempestous children!
Rise now and do my biding! Wrack
and ruin shall cover the earth
and together we shall do what
must be done!"

26. The Dragon's Revenge

OBJECTIVES: Total Exp: 150
1.) Defeat the Dragon.

You must once again face the Dragon. He has returned, and he is more
powerful than ever! He will also fully utilize his fire breath attack which
is very, VERY powerful! His new stats are as follows:

| Dragon |
| Lvl 4: 108% + 25 | Dmg 101 + 5s |
| Lvl 1: Ev 60% | DR 60 |
| Lvl 2: 63 Mv | HP 2750 |

Hopefully you have amassed a large supply of Ambrosia throughout the course
of the game. I would recommend three for each hero. If you manage to defeat
the Dragon this time, the countdown timer will begin, while Poseidon rages in
the background.

Congratulations!! You have finished Invictus: In the Shadow of Olympus.

Unit Statistics

Below I have created a long chart which contains the statistics for all the
units in the game. This chart will cover their statistics from level 1
through level 4. You will be able to see the final result of investing
precious time and gold into a unit type without going through all the trouble.
The chart is in alphabetical order by the unit's name. I hope this chart

Unit Statistics

| Amazon |
| Level | Atk | Dmg | Ev | DR | HP |
| Lvl 1 | 55 | 45 | 30 | 30 | 180 |
| Lvl 2 | 60 | 49 | 33 | 31 | 198 |
| Lvl 3 | 71 | 58 | 39 | 34 | 234 |
| Lvl 4 | 79 | 65 | 43 | 37 | 261 |

| Archer |
| Level | Atk | Dmg | Ev | DR | HP |
| Lvl 1 | 65 | 45 | 20 | 20 | 150 |
| Lvl 2 | 71 | 49 | 22 | 21 | 165 |
| Lvl 3 | 84 | 58 | 26 | 23 | 195 |
| Lvl 4 | 94 | 65 | 29 | 25 | 217 |

| Axeman |
| Level | Atk | Dmg | Ev | DR | HP |
| Lvl 1 | 55 | 49 | 20 | 35 | 225 |
| Lvl 2 | 60 | 53 | 22 | 36 | 247 |
| Lvl 3 | 71 | 63 | 26 | 40 | 292 |
| Lvl 4 | 79 | 71 | 29 | 43 | 326 |

| Black Bear |
| Level | Atk | Dmg | Ev | DR | HP |
| Lvl 1 | 60 | 42 | 20 | 30 | 180 |
| Lvl 2 | 66 | 46 | 22 | 31 | 198 |
| Lvl 3 | 78 | 54 | 26 | 34 | 234 |
| Lvl 4 | 87 | 60 | 29 | 37 | 261 |

| Brown Bear |
| Level | Atk | Dmg | Ev | DR | HP |
| Lvl 1 | 60 | 56 | 20 | 40 | 240 |
| Lvl 2 | 66 | 61 | 22 | 42 | 264 |
| Lvl 3 | 78 | 72 | 26 | 46 | 312 |
| Lvl 4 | 87 | 81 | 29 | 50 | 348 |

| Cavalry |
| Level | Atk | Dmg | Ev | DR | HP |
| Lvl 1 | 60 | 49 | 40 | 40 | 240 |
| Lvl 2 | 66 | 53 | 44 | 42 | 264 |
| Lvl 3 | 78 | 63 | 52 | 46 | 312 |
| Lvl 4 | 87 | 71 | 58 | 50 | 348 |

| Centaur |
| Level | Atk | Dmg | Ev | DR | HP |
| Lvl 1 | 55 | 45 | 30 | 20 | 240 |
| Lvl 2 | 60 | 49 | 33 | 21 | 264 |
| Lvl 3 | 71 | 58 | 39 | 23 | 312 |
| Lvl 4 | 79 | 65 | 43 | 25 | 348 |

| Cyclops |
| Level | Atk | Dmg | Ev | DR | HP |
| Lvl 1 | 70 | 42 | 30 | 40 | 480 |
| Lvl 2 | 77 | 46 | 33 | 42 | 528 |
| Lvl 3 | 91 | 54 | 39 | 46 | 624 |
| Lvl 4 | 101 | 60 | 43 | 50 | 696 |

| Doppelganger |
| Level | Atk | Dmg | Ev | DR | HP |
| Lvl 1 | 70 | 42 | 30 | 40 | 480 |
| Lvl 2 | 77 | 46 | 33 | 42 | 528 |
| Lvl 3 | 91 | 54 | 39 | 46 | 624 |
| Lvl 4 | 101 | 60 | 43 | 50 | 696 |

| Eagle |
| Level | Atk | Dmg | Ev | DR | HP |
| Lvl 1 | 60 | 35 | 45 | 20 | 120 |
| Lvl 2 | 66 | 38 | 49 | 21 | 132 |
| Lvl 3 | 78 | 45 | 58 | 23 | 156 |
| Lvl 4 | 87 | 50 | 65 | 25 | 174 |

| Elemental |
| Level | Atk | Dmg | Ev | DR | HP |
| Lvl 1 | 50 | 49 | 20 | 45 | 600 |
| Lvl 2 | 55 | 53 | 22 | 47 | 660 |
| Lvl 3 | 65 | 63 | 26 | 51 | 780 |
| Lvl 4 | 72 | 71 | 29 | 56 | 870 |

| Gorgon |
| Level | Atk | Dmg | Ev | DR | HP |
| Lvl 1 | 70 + 100 | 0 + 0s | 30 | 30 | 360 |
| Lvl 2 | 77 + 100 | 0 + 0s | 33 | 31 | 396 |
| Lvl 3 | 91 + 100 | 0 + 0s | 39 | 34 | 468 |
| Lvl 4 | 101 + 100 | 0 + 0s | 43 | 37 | 522 |

| Harpy |
| Level | Atk | Dmg | Ev | DR | HP |
| Lvl 1 | 70 + 50 | 38 + 1s | 40 | 20 | 240 |
| Lvl 2 | 77 + 50 | 41 + 1s | 44 | 21 | 264 |
| Lvl 3 | 91 + 50 | 49 + 1s | 52 | 23 | 312 |
| Lvl 4 | 101 + 50 | 55 + 1s | 58 | 25 | 348 |

| Hun |
| Level | Atk | Dmg | Ev | DR | HP |
| Lvl 1 | 60 | 45 | 40 | 30 | 240 |
| Lvl 2 | 66 | 49 | 44 | 31 | 264 |
| Lvl 3 | 78 | 58 | 52 | 34 | 312 |
| Lvl 4 | 87 | 65 | 58 | 37 | 348 |

| Large Spider |
| Level | Atk | Dmg | Ev | DR | HP |
| Lvl 1 | 60 + 65 | 42 + 2s | 40 | 20 | 300 |
| Lvl 2 | 66 + 65 | 46 + 2s | 44 | 21 | 330 |
| Lvl 3 | 78 + 65 | 54 + 2s | 52 | 23 | 390 |
| Lvl 4 | 87 + 65 | 60 + 2s | 58 | 25 | 435 |

| Minotaur |
| Level | Atk | Dmg | Ev | DR | HP |
| Lvl 1 | 70 | 49 | 30 | 40 | 480 |
| Lvl 2 | 77 | 53 | 33 | 42 | 528 |
| Lvl 3 | 91 | 63 | 39 | 46 | 624 |
| Lvl 4 | 101 | 71 | 43 | 50 | 696 |

| Sabertooth |
| Level | Atk | Dmg | Ev | DR | HP |
| Lvl 1 | 60 | 49 | 30 | 30 | 180 |
| Lvl 2 | 66 | 53 | 33 | 31 | 198 |
| Lvl 3 | 78 | 63 | 39 | 34 | 234 |
| Lvl 4 | 87 | 71 | 43 | 37 | 261 |

| Skeleton |
| Level | Atk | Dmg | Ev | DR | HP |
| Lvl 1 | 70 | 38 | 40 | 30 | 240 |
| Lvl 2 | 77 | 41 | 44 | 31 | 264 |
| Lvl 3 | 91 | 49 | 52 | 34 | 312 |
| Lvl 4 | 101 | 55 | 58 | 37 | 348 |

| Spearman |
| Level | Atk | Dmg | Ev | DR | HP |
| Lvl 1 | 60 | 45 | 30 | 30 | 198 |
| Lvl 2 | 66 | 49 | 33 | 31 | 217 |
| Lvl 3 | 78 | 58 | 39 | 34 | 257 |
| Lvl 4 | 87 | 65 | 43 | 37 | 287 |

| Swordsman |
| Level | Atk | Dmg | Ev | DR | HP |
| Lvl 1 | 70 | 38 | 40 | 20 | 180 |
| Lvl 2 | 77 | 45 | 44 | 21 | 198 |
| Lvl 3 | 91 | 49 | 52 | 23 | 234 |
| Lvl 4 | 101 | 55 | 58 | 25 | 261 |

Hero Statistics

I have listed here the statistics for the Heroes in the game, according to
experience level. I currently only have statistics for Electra and Cadmus,
and they only go up through Level 11. If anyone has the statistics for other
Heroes, and would like to send them in to me, you will be given full credit
within this document. I currently need the following:

Hero: Still Needed:
----------- ---------------------------
Achilles Any Stats
Arachne Any Stats
Atalanta Any Stats
Cadmus Stats for Levels 12 - 20
Electra Stats for Levels 12 - 20
Hercules Any Stats
Hippolyta Any Stats
Icarus Any Stats
Orion Any Stats
Perseus Any Stats

I have included below the Experience Point chart for the Heroes. This
chart comes directly from the game manual.

Experience Points

Level 1: 0 Level 11: 2,750
Level 2: 50 Level 12: 3,300
Level 3: 150 Level 13: 3,900
Level 4: 300 Level 14: 4,550
Level 5: 500 Level 15: 5,250
Level 6: 750 Level 16: 6,500
Level 7: 1,050 Level 17: 7,300
Level 8: 1,400 Level 18: 8,150
Level 9: 1,800 Level 19: 9,050
Level 10: 2,250 Level 20: 10,000

Hero Statistics

| Cadmus |
| Level | Atk | Dmg | Ev | DR | HP |
| Lvl 01 | 70 | 56 | 30 | 30 | 600 |
| Lvl 02 | 73 | 58 | 31 | 30 | 630 |
| Lvl 03 | 77 | 61 | 33 | 31 | 660 |
| Lvl 04 | 80 | 64 | 34 | 31 | 690 |
| Lvl 05 | 84 | 67 | 36 | 33 | 720 |
| Lvl 06 | 87 | 70 | 38 | 33 | 750 |
| Lvl 07 | 91 | 72 | 39 | 34 | 780 |
| Lvl 08 | 94 | 75 | 40 | 34 | 810 |
| Lvl 09 | 98 | 78 | 41 | 36 | 924 |
| Lvl 10 | 101 | 81 | 41 | 36 | 957 |
| Lvl 11 | 105 | 84 | 45 | 37 | 1000 |

| Electra |
| Level | Atk | Dmg | Ev | DR | HP |
| Lvl 01 | 70 + 0 | 45 +0s | 30 | 30 | 450 |
| Lvl 02 | 73 + 0 | 47 +0s | 31 | 30 | 472 |
| Lvl 03 | 77 + 0 | 49 +0s | 33 | 31 | 495 |
| Lvl 04 | 80 + 0 | 51 +0s | 34 | 31 | 512 |
| Lvl 05 | 84 + 0 | 54 +0s | 36 | 33 | 540 |
| Lvl 06 | 87 + 0 | 56 +0s | 38 | 33 | 562 |
| Lvl 07 | 91 + 0 | 58 +0s | 39 | 34 | 585 |
| Lvl 08 | 94 + 0 | 60 +0s | 40 | 34 | 607 |
| Lvl 09 | 98 + 0 | 63 +0s | 41 | 36 | 630 |
| Lvl 10 | 101 + 0 | 65 +0s | 41 | 36 | 652 |
| Lvl 11 | 105 + 0 | 67 +0s | 45 | 37 | 675 |

Thanks To...

First, I would like to thank Interplay for making a solid and enjoyable
game. While it has been overlooked by many, it is nevertheless a good game
with a unique storyline and characters.

Second, thanks to CJayC at for posting my FAQ's. Yours is a
truly excellent website, CJayC, and I am grateful that you continue to accept
my work.

Thanks to the Figlet Server at for
providing their free online Text to ASCII converter.

Finally, I want to thank anyone who downloads and uses this FAQ. If even
one person uses it, then it was worth the effort of writing. There is next to
nothing on the Internet when it comes to hints and walkthroughs for this
particular game. Also, a thank you in advance for anyone who e-mails me with
suggestions, questions, or information that I missed.

Happy gaming!

Cheat Codes

I currently have no cheat codes for the game Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter,
or Trials of the Luremaster. If you have cheat codes that you would like to
share, e-mail them to me. I will put them in this section, and you will be
fully credited for having provided them.

Other Works

This is a list of FAQ's written by me. The latest versions of all of
these FAQ's can be found at:

Unless otherwise noted, other sites might also carry this FAQ, but I will
always send new updates to first.

| Works to Date |
| |
| Icewind Dale - Store Items |
| |
| Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter - Store Items |
| Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter - Walkthrough |
| |
| Icewind Dale: Trials of the Luremaster - Walkthrough |
| (included in Heart of Winter Walkthrough) |
| |
| Invictus: In the Shadow of Olympus - Walkthrough |
| |
| Revenant - Walkthrough |
| |
| *Sea Dogs - Walkthrough |
| |

* Available ONLY at -

Version Updates

Version 1.2 Corrected several grammar and spelling errors.
July 10, 2001 Added a section for Cheat Codes. (but no codes as
135k of yet...) Updated Other Works section.

Version 1.1 Updated the Other Works section. Corrected some
July 2, 2001 minor grammatical and spelling errors.

Version 1.0 This FAQ is first published. Created complete
June 4, 2001 walkthrough for Invictus: In the Shadow of
133k Olympus. Changed the Other Works section to
take up less space and be easier to read.

Legal Information

I am in no way, shape, or form affiliated with Interplay Productions. I had
nothing to do with the creation of this game, nor did I have anything to do
with the people who made it.

This FAQ may be posted on any site provided an email is sent to me FIRST
stating where the FAQ is to be posted, and an existing URL is provided within
may not be translated into any other language or dialect. Nothing may be
added, removed, or rearranged in any way, shape or form and then republished.
This FAQ MUST remain in its original form. (invictus.txt) The author of this
FAQ reserves the right to recall this FAQ from any site, at any time, and for
any reason as he sees fit. This document may NOT be sold for profit, nor may
it be included in any package or promotion receiving a profit. By possessing
this document, you accept all the terms and conditions which accompany it,
both expressed and implied. Violation of the United States Copyright Laws is
a crime. Plagiarism is also a crime.

This document is Copyright 2001 by Michael Walsh.
Invictus Copyright 2000 Interplay Productions.


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17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

07.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Tastatur-Belegung

05.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
24.Февраль 2018
11.Февраль 2016
24.Июль 2014
22.Октябрь 2014
25.Июнь 2019