Sea Dogs

Sea Dogs

17.10.2013 04:33:30
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An Epic Adventure At Sea |___/


by Michael Walsh
Ver 1.2
July 10, 2001

Questions? Additions?
E-mail me at:
Put "Sea Dogs" in the Subject Line

i. Intro: About Sea Dogs
ii. Locations in Sea Dogs
iii. Types of Ships
iv. List of Goods
v. Skills & Skill Points
vi. Officers and Crew
vii. Naval Warfare
viii. Things You Should Know
I. Correspondence to Tendales
II. Saving Dead Island
III. The Dread Pirate Ropeflake
IV. Escorting Lemuelle Humm
V. Defense of Itkal
VI. Pablo Loco & The Herb
VII. Adriano Montefi's Spyglass
VIII. The Plot
IX. Confronting the Traitor
X. Capturing Costa Sinistra
--- Promoted to Admiral ---
XI. The French Cannons
XII. Capturing Isla Ballena
XIII. Victorious Homecoming
* * *
a. Escorting Albrecht Zalpher
b. Sails for Chocolate
c. Jacon Ashton's Journey
I. Preparations
II. Pablo Loco & The Herb
III. Working for Spain
IV. Nicholas Sharp - the Mailman
V. Adriano Montefi's Spyglass
VI. The Ill-Fated Voyage
VII. The Elusive Pirate
VIII. Secret Agent
IX. Defending Isla Ballena
X. Capturing Dead Island
XI. Blitzkrieg on the English
--- Promoted to Admiral ---
XII. France's Mystery Target
XIII. Capturing Isle d'Orange
XIV. Capturing Highrock
XV. Capturing Belflor
XVI. Pirate Ultimatum
XVII. Capturing Tendales
XVIII. Victorious Homecoming
* * *
a. Catalina & Carlos
b. The Mysterious Carla
c. Avido's Errand
d. Padre Ignacio's Mission
e. Help Hugo Lumbermill
f. Escorting Theodoro Alameda
g. Commandeer a Man O' War
I. Preparations
II. Pablo Loco & The Herb
III. Meeting with de Bijou
IV. August Bromont
V. Master of the Merchant Guild
VI. The Ransom
VII. Adriano Montefi's Spyglass
VIII. Rescue Plan
IX. The Kidnapping
X. Defending Belflor
XI. Preventing an Alliance
--- Promoted to Admiral ---
XII. Capturing Costa Sinistra
XIII. Capturing Highrock
XIV. Pirate Ultimatum
XV. Capturing Isla Ballena
XVI. Defending Belflor
XVII. Double Duty
XVIII. Victorious Homecoming
* * *
a. Escorting Maugis Saubruic
b. Unlucky Artois de Moulette
c. The Old Woman's Ring
d. The Wedding
e. Alternative Wedding
I. Preparations
II. Pablo Loco & The Herb
III. Delivering the Idol
IV. Adriano Montefi's Spyglass
V. A Treasure Map
VI. Messing with Beltrop
VII. The Gorgon
VIII. Past and Present Collide
IX. Stop the French Invasion
X. The Revolutionary
XI. Defend Gray Sails
XII. Surprise the English Fleet
XIII. McMellon's First Letter
XIV. McMellon's Second Letter
XV. Showdown at Isle d'Orange
XVI. A Dream Fulfilled
* * *
a. Sink the Merchant Nederedas
b. The Black Mark
c. Marrying Anna Forge
ix. Experience Point Chart
x. Store Prices
xi. Shipyard Prices
xii. Officer Statistics
xiii. Reputation Point Chart
xiv. Thanks To...
xv. Cheat Codes
x. Other Works
y. Previous Updates List
z. Legal Information

Intro: About Sea Dogs

Welcome to the world of Sea Dogs! In this game, you will play the role of
Nicholas Sharp, Captain of the Principio. Your story begins when your mother
hands you a medallion that used to belong to your father. Apparently, the
desire to sail the high seas runs in the family. Your father, whom you know
nothing about, set sail from home one day, but never returned. And so you
begin your life as a Captain.

During one voyage, you were sailing with a cargo of cannons when you were
beset upon by Spainards who captured you and your ship. You were later sold
as a slave to a landowner. However, you were able to make your escape. Along
with some other men, you managed to steal a Spanish Pink and sail away. Your
initial plan is to sail to highrock, an English island, and ask for a Letter
of Marque. However, plans are always subject to change, and it may be that
you end up seeking a Letter of Marque from another country, such as France.
Or perhaps you will seek the forgiveness of Spain and join their ranks. You
may even tire of the traditional nations and decide to become a full-fledged
Pirate! Perhaps you will seek after your father, trying to discover what
became of him. Or it is possible that you will decide to pursue your own
future, seeking to become nobility within one of the European nations. These
choices are yours to make. If you do not like your initial choice, change it!
The future is yours to shape. Sail to it!

Locations in Sea Dogs

There are several interesting and potentially dangerous locations in the
Archipelago. Some of them have already been settled by the four prominent
people groups: the English, the Spanish, the French, and the Pirates. There
are other islands that remain unsettled, or even unexplored! Anything could
be on those islands. Each of the four people groups above have settled some
of the islands in the Archipelago. Below is a listing of the islands that you
can visit. They are in alphabetical order, and are grouped according to
the nation that runs them. After the list of populated islands, I have placed
the remaining islands. Under the name of each island is a description. This
description comes straight from the game.

English Islands

Dead Island
"An inhospitable and unfertile island, Dead Island was colonized by
Englishmen only because it was within striking distance of the Spanish
"Golden Way" and main Spanish colonies."

"This island was called Highrock, because there was a mountain on it, when
island was explored. Then earthquake partially deformed island landscape fifty
years ago, but island is still very rocky."

"Small, mysterious isle believed to be cursed by the natives of
Archipelago. Once a sudden tornado destroyed all the landing boats with
English explorers who made for shore to take some water."

"Tendales a beautiful, fertile land and a strategically important location.
Its huge protective cliffs can shelter whole fleets from cruel storms, and its
single, narrow passage can be vigorously defended from assault."

French Islands

"This island is known as "the fun island" in Archipelago, due to the
relaxed atmosphere of its residents. For sailors weary after a long voyage,
the taverns and brothels of this jolly island are a welcome sight."

Isle d'Orange
"A French colony with the most fertile island in Archipelago. It is known
in Archipelago as a paradise on earth due to its mild, warm climate and
abundant fruit groves."

"Because the island's contour is very open, settlement on Omory is exposed
to all storms and winds. Therefore, Omory's berth is very dangerous in

Tchia Hoa
"On this island lived old maroon, who built a tower on the island to get
attention of any ship, which would enter those waters. People say he got mad
of loneliness. Unfortunately, maroon died right after a ship took him

"Tel-Kerrat is small island, settled with small party of colonists. It is
completely useless for political and military purpose, and only merchants
visit Tel-Kerrat."

Pirate Islands

Gray Sails
"These rocky, forbidding islands aside the major shipping routes for Spain
and France became a base for any disgruntled or indifferent captains from
England, France, and Spain. Two pirate settlements are said to have been
founded here during the colonization of Archipelago."

Shark Island
"These rocky, forbidding islands aside the major shipping routes for Spain
and France became a base for any disgruntled or indifferent captains from
England, France, and Spain. Two pirate settlements are said to have been
founded here during the colonization of Archipelago."

Spanish Islands

Costa Sinistra
"Beggar shore is the translation of this island's given name, it was so
named due to the misfortune that pursued the first settlers upon their
arrival. Half of them met their end due to drought and starvation."

El Caimano
"The unfortunate explorer who first located this island was eaten by caiman
when he left camp to answer nature's call. His companions killed the giant
reptile and called this island El Caimano."

Granda Avilia
"Granda Avilia is situated in the very center of The Archipelago. It is a
tasty morsel for every nation on these Islands, but perfect Spanish cannons on
solid fort defend Avilia well."

Isla Ballena
"Isla Ballena is situated near the Spanish "Golden Way". This is the common
route that Spanish galleons loaded with gold use to sail to Spain. It is
boasted that he who controls this island, controls the "Golden Way"."

Unclaimed Islands

"This small piece of earth remains uninhabited as it is too small to
interest European powers as a potential colony. Why natives do not live
there - no one knows. Only pirates favor Aliando, using its sheltering shoals
as discreet location to divide plunder."

"Chaktcha is well known for the story of an old marooned captain, who built
a tower on the island to get attention of any ship. Upon his rescue twenty
years after his misfortune, the captain died right after a ship took him

"On a small volcanic island called Emuno there remained ruins of an ancient
pagan temple. People say that it is not a best place for Christians for living
and sailors say that it's not too safe even to sail close. Superstition...

"The northern island in Archipelago. Near it lies the "Golden Way". Spanish
galleons deliver gold and jevels this way to English plantations this way.
Sometimes, the pirates ambush Spaniards there."

"Uninhabited island with strange, odd contour. From a bird's eye-view it
looks like cow's head. In other aspects it is usual piece of land."

Types of Ships

Ships are, undoubtedly, the single most important part of Sea Dogs. What's
a Pirate without a ship? Or an Admiral, for that matter? There are many
different types of ships available to a potential Captain in Sea Dogs. One
aspect that is important to ships is that of Class. Each ship has a Class
number between 1 and 7. Ships with a Class of 1 are the most powerful ships
in the game, while ships of Class 6 are the weakest. There are only two ships
that are Class 7; these ships do not even have cannons!

Another important concept that is related to Ship Class is that of Captain
Rank. As a Captain, you must have a certain Rank to be able to sail a given
ship. If you do not have this minimum Rank, you will still be able to sail
it, but you will receive penalties. So it is best to restrain yourself to
sailing ships that correspond to your Rank. Your Rank will change with
experience; every new level of experience increases your Rank by 1. You start
the game at Rank 12. Rank 1 is the highest (notices that the Rank numbers
DECREASE as you gain levels. This is not an error). For every 2 levels of
experience that you gain, you will be able to command a higher Class of ship.
Here is a list of Captain Ranks and their corresponding ship Classes:

Rank 12 - Command Class 6 Ships. Rank 6 - Command Class 3 Ships.
Rank 11 - Command Class 6 Ships. Rank 5 - Command Class 3 Ships.
Rank 10 - Command Class 5 Ships. Rank 4 - Command Class 2 Ships.
Rank 9 - Command Class 5 Ships. Rank 3 - Command Class 2 Ships.
Rank 8 - Command Class 4 Ships. Rank 2 - Command Class 1 Ships.
Rank 7 - Command Class 4 Ships. Rank 1 - Command Class 1 Ships.

For information regarding how many experience points are needed to reach a
specific Rank, please see the section entitled "Experience Point Chart" near
the end of this document.

There are two ways to obtain a ship in Sea Dogs. One way is to enter a
Shipyard and buy one. Be aware that you are only allowed to own one ship at a
time, so you will have to sell your current ship before purchasing the new
one. Also, BE SURE that you will have enough money after the sale to buy a
ship. If you do not, you are stuck with a cannonless fishing boat. Not a
good way to become the scourge of the seven seas... A second, and much more
popular way to obtain a new ship is to capture one! If you successfully board
a ship on the Open Seas and defeat its Captain in a duel, you will have the
option to Change Ships. On this screen, you will be presented with the vital
statistics for both your current ship as well as the ship you have just
taken over. Furthermore, once you find yourself a First Mate, you will be
able to Take Prize Ship, which allows you to keep your original ship AND the
new one! However, if it is sunk, you will lose your First Mate. This is a
BAD thing! Once you have taken a Prize Ship, you should sail it to a Shipyard
and sell it for a lot of gold.

NOTE: If you fully repair a damaged Prize Ship BEFORE you sell it, you
will receive a bit more gold than if you had sold it while damaged.

One more aspect of Ships that I have not mentioned up until now are the
cannons. With the exception of the Tartana, all ships have cannons. Cannons
come in three different types:

Demi-culverine (12 lbs)
Culverine (16 lbs)
Demi-cannon (24 lbs)

The weight of each cannon will affect a number of things, including their
firing range and reload time. More information regarding cannons can be found
in the section entitled "Naval Warfare", which is found before the main game

There is a total of 22 different types of ships in the game, according to
the manual. Within each type of ship are different varieties (Armored,
Plated, Modernized, etc.). Below, I have provided information on all the
ships available in the game. On the left side, I have included the ship's
vital statistics. (Hull Strength, Maximum and Minimum Crew, etc.) On the
right side, I have included a description of the ship. The statistics for each
ship come straight from the chart at the end of that game manual, while the
descriptions of each ship are found within the game itself. The ships are
listed in alphabetical order, according to their type (so if you are looking
for "Plated Fast Galleon", you should look under F for "Fast Galleon" instead
of P for "Plated"). The 22 different types of ships are:

Bark Indian Boat
Barque Lineship
Battleship Lugger
Bilander Man O' War
Brig Pink
Caravel Pinnace
Corvette Shnyava
Fast Galleon Sloop
Fleut War Galleon
Frigate Warship
Galleon Tartana

For a complete lists of prices for every Shipyard, see the section entitled
"Shipyard Prices" near the end of this document.

Ship Types


Name: Bark "The Bark is an advanced and reinforced
Class: 6 variant of the Barque, and is suitable for
Capacity: 1,200 long voyages. Designed to accomodate a
Maximum Crew: 90 larger hold capacity and increased
Minimum Crew: 20 firepower, the Bark is considered by many
Speed Rate: 8.00 knots to be the finest of all 6th class vessels.
Turn Rate: 30 However, its increased size is a concern
Hit Points: 1,100 for those seeking manueverability and
Total Cannons: 10 speed, as the Bark exhibits poor running
Usable Calibers: 12 characteristics compared to lighter ships
of the class."

Name: Fast Bark "To counter the Bark's sluggish performance
Class: 6 in open waters, the Fast Bark is a
Capacity: 1,000 lighter, more maneuverable variant of the
Maximum Crew: 75 Bark design, and offers many of the same
Minimum Crew: 20 admirable qualities for trade and defense
Speed Rate: 9.00 knots as its heavier counterpart."
Turn Rate: 30
Hit Points: 950
Total Cannons: 10
Usable Calibers: 12


Name: Barque "Together with the Sloop and the Pink, the
Class: 6 Barque is one of the lightest ships.
Capacity: 800 Designed in 16th century, the Barque has
Maximum Crew: 70 good speed and maneuverability, but its
Minimum Crew: 15 firepower is weak and its crew is small.
Speed Rate: 7.20 Barques are best used in local waters for
Turn Rate: 35 light transport duty, and occassional use
Hit Points: 900 in light escort groups."
Total Cannons: 8
Usable Calibers: 12

Name: Heavy Barque "Together with the Sloop and the Pink, the
Class: 6 Barque is one of the lightest ships used
Capacity: 900 for trade and combat. Designed for good
Maximum Crew: 70 speed and maneuverability, the Heavy
Minimum Crew: 15 Barques were adapted for long voyages and
Speed Rate: 6.50 trade, and feature increased hold capacity
Turn Rate: 30 and sturdier hull."
Hit Points: 1,000
Total Cannons: 8
Usable Calibers: 12


Name: Battleship "The Battleship is the evolution of the
Class: 1 feared War Galleon. Once navies began
Capacity: 4,000 dividing their ship construction for trade
Maximum Crew: 540 and war purposes battleships soon became
Minimum Crew: 140 the ultimate prize for naval forces in all
Speed Rate: 11.20 the European fleets. Battleships are
Turn Rate: 30 dangerous sailing fortresses designed to
Hit Points: 14,000 bombard land targets and destroy enemy
Total Cannons: 64 vessels in a hail of destructive cannon
Usable Calibers: 12, 16, 24 fire. With ample crew to man her many
sails and cannons, and boards so thick
that 12-pound cannonballs fail to penetrate
or cause harm, the Battleship's only
enemies are its great bulk and size. It is
less manueverable than lighter ships and is
too large to enter shallow ports or

Name: Armored Battleship "Using the same design as the battle-tested
Class: 1 Battleship, the hull of the Armored
Capacity: 3,800 Battleship is designed to withstand the
Maximum Crew: 540 rigors of ship-to-ship duels by using the
Minimum Crew: 140 best woods throughout its construction.
Speed Rate: 10.00 Although this gives the ship greater
Turn Rate: 25 protection, it is slower and more
Hit Points: 15,500 cumbersome than the standard Battleship."
Total Cannons: 64
Usable Calibers: 12, 16, 24


Name: Bilander "A close competitor to the Pink, the
Class: 6 Bilander is a relatively small ship
Capacity: 500 designed for light goods transport and
Maximum Crew: 45 escort. Its has weak guns and small crew
Minimum Crew: 15 complement, and is best suited for short
Speed Rate: 8.00 trade routes, and protective escort with
Turn Rate: 40 mixed classes of vessels. Its
Hit Points: 800 maneuverability and sailing
Total Cannons: 8 characteristics are admirable, but its
Usable Calibers: 12 small size and light armaments are a
liability for extended journeys."

Name: Modernized Bilander "Once the Bilander became popular with
Class: 6 merchant captains for use on short trade
Capacity: 500 routes between island colonies, French
Maximum Crew: 50 shipwrights continued to enhance the
Minimum Crew: 10 construction techniques of the Bilander,
Speed Rate: 9.00 improving its characteristics in nearly
Turn Rate: 45 every area. The Modernized Bilander is the
Hit Points: 850 result of those efforts."
Total Cannons: 8
Usable Calibers: 12


Name: Brig "Brigs are multifunctional vessels that are
Class: 4 highly prized for their utility as
Capacity: 1,500 exploration vessels, trading vessels or
Maximum Crew: 160 even light warships. With high speed and
Minimum Crew: 45 maneuverability, the brig is one of the
Speed Rate: 11.00 best harmonized ships of all the sailing
Turn Rate: 45 vessels."
Hit Points: 2,540
Total Cannons: 16
Usable Calibers: 12, 16

Name: Plated Brig "Based on the standard Brig's speed and
Class: 4 maneuverability, Plated Brigs are
Capacity: 1,200 reinforced for exploration or war purposes
Maximum Crew: 160 in harsh conditions along pirate routes.
Minimum Crew: 45 With a hull partially sheathed in brass,
Speed Rate: 10.00 the Plated Brig retains most of the Brig's
Turn Rate: 35 finer qualities, only at a lower speed."
Hit Points: 2,740
Total Cannons: 16
Usable Calibers: 12, 16


Name: Caravel "The distinct deck arrangement of the
Class: 4 Caravel makes it one of the most
Capacity: 2,600 recognizible ship profiles in the world.
Maximum Crew: 190 Used almost exclusively by Spanish and
Minimum Crew: 50 Portuguese explorers, almost all the great
Speed Rate: 7.00 discoveries of 15-16th centuries were made
Turn Rate: 35 using Caravels. Caravels are best utilized
Hit Points: 2,500 in carrying heavy loads, and as such, its
Total Cannons: 28 performance as a warship has never been
Usable Calibers: 12 significant. Though the Caravel can mount
a large number of cannons, the aging
design fares poorly against more modern

Name: Light Caravel "Light Caravels were designed to be faster
Class: 4 and more agile vessels for exploration and
Capacity: 2,200 trade, while retaining most of the
Maximum Crew: 240 benefits of the traditional Caravel
Minimum Crew: 50 design, with ample hold, crew, and light
Speed Rate: 8.00 cannon arrangement. Though it is poorly
Turn Rate: 35 suited to combat, the Light Caravel offers
Hit Points: 2,300 good maneuverability for this class of
Total Cannons: 28 vessels."
Usable Calibers: 12

Name: Trade Caravel "With the explosion of colonies around the
Class: 4 globe, the need for greater trade capacity
Capacity: 2,900 became a prime concern for merchant ship
Maximum Crew: 180 builders around the world. This variant of
Minimum Crew: 40 the Caravel offers a greater hold capacity
Speed Rate: 6.50 and crew complement at the cost of speed
Turn Rate: 30 and maneuverability."
Hit Points: 2,500
Total Cannons: 28
Usable Calibers: 12


Name: Corvette "The Corvette is a variant of the basic
Class: 3 Frigate, designed to be lighter, faster
Capacity: 1,800 and accomodate heavier firepower.
Maximum Crew: 280 Corvettes are suitable for exploration and
Minimum Crew: 70 reconnaissance missions, and are prized by
Speed Rate: 12.80 pirates for their usefulness in ransacking
Turn Rate: 40 raids on both sea and land."
Hit Points: 6,500
Total Cannons: 26
Usable Calibers: 16, 24

Name: Plated Corvette "A mild refit of the standard Corvette
Class: 3 design, Plated Corvettes offer improved
Capacity: 1,700 defense against cannon fire due to a
Maximum Crew: 250 protective sheath of brass plates applied
Minimum Crew: 70 to the hull below the waterline. Heavier
Speed Rate: 11.50 and slower than the standard variant, the
Turn Rate: 35 Plated Corvette is still useful in
Hit Points: 7,100 reconnaissance and ransacking raids."
Total Cannons: 26
Usable Calibers: 16, 24

Fast Galleon

Name: Fast Galleon "Because War Galleons are too heavy to
Class: 4 manuever in shallow waters against the
Capacity: 2,100 swift Corvettes used by coastal pirates,
Maximum Crew: 250 shipbuilders designed the Fast Galleon.
Minimum Crew: 50 Though it is lighter and faster then War
Speed Rate: 9.50 Galleon, its emphasis on firepower limits
Turn Rate: 25 its speed, but gains greater
Hit Points: 3,600 maneuverability in open and shallow
Total Cannons: 36 waters."
Usable Calibers: 12, 16

Name: Plated Fast Galleon "Shipbuilders designed the fast galleon
Class: 4 with more sails and improved rigging to
Capacity: 2,000 overcome over the trading Galleon's
Maximum Crew: 250 sluggishness, but these were too lightly
Minimum Crew: 50 defended against pirate attacks. The
Speed Rate: 8.50 Plated Fast Galleon offers a compromise in
Turn Rate: 20 defense and speed, using thin brass plates
Hit Points: 4,000 to protect its hull from damage."
Total Cannons: 36
Usable Calibers: 12, 16


Name: Fleut "The Fleut is originally a Dutch trading
Class: 4 ship so prized for its durability that
Capacity: 1,900 Dutch sailors often sailed to India and
Maximum Crew: 180 Japan without concern. Although this ship
Minimum Crew: 30 is heavy and sturdy enough to survive long
Speed Rate: 7.00 journeys, using her as a war vessel is
Turn Rate: 20 senseless. However for trade or transport,
Hit Points: 3,200 the Fleut's advantages of a large hold and
Total Cannons: 12 strong hull are hard to equal within its
Usable Calibers: 12, 16 class."

Name: Heavy Fleut "The standard Fleut has all the
Class: 4 disadvantages of a trade vessel: it is too
Capacity: 2,100 awkward, too slow, and has little
Maximum Crew: 210 firepower. Heavy Fleuts are an attempt to
Minimum Crew: 45 remedy these effects with larger
Speed Rate: 6.50 dimensions, stronger hull,and a larger
Turn Rate: 20 crew complement."
Hit Points: 3,600
Total Cannons: 12
Usable Calibers: 12, 16


Name: Frigate "A fast and maneuverable vessel, the
Class: 3 Frigate is an essential vessel for any
Capacity: 2,100 naval power and is considered the backbone
Maximum Crew: 300 of many fleets. The Frigate is probably
Minimum Crew: 100 the best balanced vessel of its age, with
Speed Rate: 10.80 great firepower and fine-tuned
Turn Rate: 35 manueverability. A Frigate with a brave
Hit Points: 8,000 captain has a good chance against larger,
Total Cannons: 48 better armed ships."
Usable Calibers: 16, 24

Name: Armored Frigate "Based on the fast and maneuverable
Class: 3 Frigate, shipwrights hoped to improve its
Capacity: 2,000 defensive characteristics with additional
Maximum Crew: 300 ribs and thicker planks in an attempt to
Minimum Crew: 100 challenge heavier ships. Though the hull
Speed Rate: 10.00 offers greater protection, it comes [at
Turn Rate: 30 the] cost of the standard Frigate's speed
Hit Points: 8,800 and maneuverability."
Total Cannons: 34
Usable Calibers: 16, 24


Name: Galleon "The Galleon is, arguably, the most famous
Class: 5 type of ship in human history. A close
Capacity: 2,400 descendant of Caravels, the Galleon is a
Maximum Crew: 160 very sturdy vessel that has served sailors
Minimum Crew: 50 for two hundred years. Legendary Spanish
Speed Rate: 6.00 Galleons were created in various sizes to
Turn Rate: 20 transport gold back to Spain, but all
Hit Points: 4,200 variants proved very heavy and awkward to
Total Cannons: 16 maneuver, making them prime targets for
Usable Calibers: 12, 16 pirate attacks. The same holds true

Name: Armored Galleon "In late 16th Century, the keg-like
Class: 5 Galleons suffered at the expense of pirate
Capacity: 2,000 attacks too often. In an attempt to limit
Maximum Crew: 180 the loss of valuable cargo, the Armored
Minimum Crew: 50 Galleon is reinforced with sturdier woods,
Speed Rate: 5.00 more ribs, and a heavier design, but its
Turn Rate: 15 performance suffers greatly. Armored
Hit Points: 4,800 Galleons are difficult to steer, and do
Total Cannons: 16 not even muster an average speed.
Usable Calibers: 12, 16, 24 Nevertheless, it is the only 5th class
ship that can carry 24-pound cannons."

Indian Boat

Name: Indian Boat "When Europeans first came to the
Class: 7 Archipelago, they were introduced to the
Capacity: 30 construction of Indian boats. These small,
Maximum Crew: 6 fragle vessels are very easy to sink.
Minimum Crew: 1 Because the Spanish wiped almost all of the
Speed Rate: 5.00 Indians out, Indian boats are rarely seen
Turn Rate: 50 these days"
Hit Points: 50
Total Cannons: 0
Usable Calibers: 0


Name: Lineship "The Lineship is a variation on the
Class: 2 Warship, with very few differences between
Capacity: 2,400 them. The Lineship is a bit faster than
Maximum Crew: 340 the Warship, but she has fewer gunports
Minimum Crew: 115 and a lighter hull, but is still
Speed Rate: 9.50 considerably better armed and shielded
Turn Rate: 30 from attack than most ships in the water.
Hit Points: 10,000 Used against lighter class vessels, the
Total Cannons: 46 Lineship is a devestating force."
Usable Calibers: 12, 16

Name: Fast Lineship "Once naval strategists understood the
Class: 2 destructive power of line formations and
Capacity: 2,200 broadside salvos, naval shipyards were
Maximum Crew: 300 tasked with building faster and lighter
Minimum Crew: 90 Lineships that would allow them to remain
Speed Rate: 10.50 in formation during combat maneuvers. The
Turn Rate: 35 Fast Lineships are the result of those
Hit Points: 9,200 efforts."
Total Cannons: 46
Usable Calibers: 12, 16


Name: Lugger "The Lugger was designed for coastal
Class: 5 navigation, but is a capable craft when
Capacity: 1,400 used as a sea-faring vessel between
Maximum Crew: 120 islands. It has no strong advantages nor
Minimum Crew: 30 disadvantages, but captains should always
Speed Rate: 5.70 be mindful that it is a small vessel of
Turn Rate: 20 old design, and as such, should not
Hit Points: 1,200 attempt to utilize this ship in long
Total Cannons: 10 journeys or battle engagements with newer
Usable Calibers: 12 ships. The only reasonable destination for
such ship is trade sailing and sea
shipping between close islands. Even
during these short voyages, the Lugger
requires an escort because she small guns
and her low speed does not allow her to

Name: Fast Lugger "A variant of the small trading vessel,
Class: 5 the Fast Lugger was lightened to allow for
Capacity: 1,000 greater maneuverability and speed. Though
Maximum Crew: 100 it cannot carry as many goods as the
Minimum Crew: 25 standard Lugger, it has a chance to outrun
Speed Rate: 7.00 an opponent rather than lose an entire
Turn Rate: 25 cargo."
Hit Points: 1,200
Total Cannons: 10
Usable Calibers: 12

Man O' War

Name: Man O' War "The peak of naval battleship design, the
Class: 1 Man O' War is a staggering achievement.
Capacity: 6,000 With triple decks bristling with up to 100
Maximum Crew: 800 cannons and shrouded in a nearly
Minimum Crew: 175 impenetrable hull, the Man O' War is the
Speed Rate: 10.50 true ruler of the seas and oceans.
Turn Rate: 25 Unfortunately, its huge size and weight
Hit Points: 18,000 limits this lumbering behemoth to large
Total Cannons: 98 naval battles and fort bombardment. In
Usable Calibers: 12, 16, 24 addition, the costs of her crew, ordnance
and repairs are a major strain on the purse
of all but the wealthiest captain."

Name: Modernized Man O' War "A variant of the Man O' War, this ship
Class: 1 retains the same firepower and nearly
Capacity: 6,000 impenetrable hull of its predecessor, but
Maximum Crew: 850 boasts enhancements from bow to stern to
Minimum Crew: 140 improve her running characteristics.
Speed Rate: 11.50 Though more manageable, its gargantuan
Turn Rate: 30 dimensions limit her to large naval
Hit Points: 20,000 battles and fort bombardment."
Total Cannons: 98
Usable Calibers: 12, 16, 24


Name: Pink "The Pink is a small ship designed for
Class: 6 light goods transport and light escort.
Capacity: 400 Though it has weak guns and runs with a
Maximum Crew: 40 small crew, this ship has optimal balance
Minimum Crew: 15 between trade and battle suitability, and
Speed Rate: 9.00 many captains prize the Pink for its
Turn Rate: 55 maneuverability and sailing
Hit Points: 800 characteristics. The small size of the
Total Cannons: 9 Pink makes it a poor choice for traversing
Usable Calibers: 12 long distances across open water."

Name: Trade Pink "Built along the same simple lines as the
Class: 6 standard Pink, the Trade Pink offers a
Capacity: 600 larger hold capacity and larger crew
Maximum Crew: 50 complement, but its light armaments still
Minimum Crew: 15 limit its defensive capabilities during
Speed Rate: 7.50 extended journeys across the open sea."
Turn Rate: 45
Hit Points: 900
Total Cannons: 9
Usable Calibers: 12


Name: Pinnace "The Pinnace is a one of the most common
Class: 5 merchant ship types. Large and sturdy
Capacity: 2,300 enough to be utilized for long journeys,
Maximum Crew: 200 the Pinnace also has a large hold to carry
Minimum Crew: 35 ample trade goods and bristles with enough
Speed Rate: 8.50 firepower onboard to repel pirates and
Turn Rate: 30 privateers effectively. Though the
Hit Points: 2,900 Pinnace's versatility is good for the
Total Cannons: 16 merchant trade, in combat it lacks the
Usable Calibers: 12 manueverability, speed and confidence of
true military vessels."

Name: Armored Pinnace "As a merchant vessel, the Pinnace is a
Class: 5 well-balanced ship suitable for most
Capacity: 2,100 captains. It is heavy enough to repel any
Maximum Crew: 200 pirate attack, large enough to hold many
Minimum Crew: 35 goods, and strong enough to sail in the
Speed Rate: 8.00 open sea. However, to improve its combat
Turn Rate: 25 durability, the Armored Pinnace adds a
Hit Points: 3,100 hardened hull with additional ribs and
Total Cannons: 16 thicker boards."
Usable Calibers: 12


Name: Shnyava "Shnyava is light reconnaissance vessel,
Class: 5 originally designed in Sweden, but these
Capacity: 1,100 small, fast ships spread out all over the
Maximum Crew: 150 world thanks to its admirable
Minimum Crew: 50 characteristics, for trade, escort and
Speed Rate: 11.50 plunder. A respectible top speed allows
Turn Rate: 45 Shnyava to steer free of heavy war vessels
Hit Points: 1,400 and easily catch up slow merchant ships.
Total Cannons: 12 Shnyava's firepower is heavy enough to
Usable Calibers: 12, 16 sink down even large galleons. With its
shallow waterline even when fully loaded
with cargo, the shnyava can carry out any
tasks near islands."

Name: Trade Shnyava "A less popular variant of the standard
Class: 5 Shnyava, the Trade Shnyava is designed to
Capacity: 1,400 accommodate the transport of goods between
Maximum Crew: 170 island colonies. Though it has a larger
Minimum Crew: 50 hold capacity than its forebear, it is
Speed Rate: 10.00 still fast enough to outrun most pirates."
Turn Rate: 40
Hit Points: 1,400
Total Cannons: 12
Usable Calibers: 12


Name: Sloop "The sloop is lightest ship deisgned for
Class: 6 combat. Sloops are used as light support
Capacity: 600 or commissionaire ships to complement a
Maximum Crew: 40 battle squadron or escort group. The
Minimum Crew: 15 Sloop's firepower is a bit more
Speed Rate: 9.50 substantial than ships of the same class,
Turn Rate: 40 such as the Barque or Pink and has fine
Hit Points: 850 maneuverability and good running
Total Cannons: 10 characteristics."
Usable Calibers: 12

Name: Light Sloop "Using the Sloop's small draft and fast
Class: 6 handling characteristics as a benchmark
Capacity: 500 for small, combat-effective vessels,
Maximum Crew: 35 shipwrights developed the Light Sloop for
Minimum Crew: 10 reconnaissance, coastal patrol, and light
Speed Rate: 11.00 trade."
Turn Rate: 45
Hit Points: 800
Total Cannons: 10
Usable Calibers: 12

War Galleon

Name: War Galleon "With the Galleon one of the most popular
Class: 3 type of heavy ships in 16th century in
Capacity: 3,000 main European fleets, many variations were
Maximum Crew: 400 built to accomodate the growing needs of
Minimum Crew: 75 European navies. War Galleons were both
Speed Rate: 6.50 trade and of war vessels bristling with
Turn Rate: 20 heavy cannons and many crewmembers. and
Hit Points: 7,000 great hold capacity. Though its limited
Total Cannons: 38 maneuverability makes the War Galleon
Usable Calibers: 16, 24 unsuitable for combat in shallows or near
short, in the open sea, it is a force to
be reckoned with."

Name: Heavy War Galleon "Based on the widely used Galleon design,
Class: 3 the War Galleon was built to withstand the
Capacity: 3,100 rigors of combat, with heavier cannons,
Maximum Crew: 450 reinforced hull and rigging. Though it is
Minimum Crew: 100 more suitable for combat than its
Speed Rate: 6.00 predecessor, it suffers from the bulky,
Turn Rate: 15 outdated design of the Galleon."
Hit Points: 7,600
Total Cannons: 38
Usable Calibers: 16, 24


Name: Warship "The Warship was designed to fill the gap
Class: 2 in manueverability and firepower that
Capacity: 2,750 exists between the frigate and the
Maximum Crew: 425 battleship. Combining the firepower of a
Minimum Crew: 120 battleship and the good running
Speed Rate: 9.50 characteristics of frigate, the Warship is
Turn Rate: 30 highly prized by her captains and is often
Hit Points: 12,000 regarded as one of the finest, and most
Total Cannons: 46 versitile, ships in existence."
Usable Calibers: 12, 16, 24

Name: Heavy Warship "Though the Warship is an effective
Class: 2 compromise between the Battleship and
Capacity: 3,000 Frigate, shipwrights found they could
Maximum Crew: 500 improve Warship's combat durability by
Minimum Crew: 150 using heavier, stronger materials. Though
Speed Rate: 8.50 the Heavy Warship is slower than the
Turn Rate: 25 standard Warship, she is far more durable
Hit Points: 13,200 under battle conditions."
Total Cannons: 46
Usable Calibers: 12, 16, 24


Name: Tartana" The Tartana is a small fishing boat that
Class: 7 originated in the Mediterranean. It is a
Capacity: 30 poor choice for open seas, but the
Maximum Crew: 10 Tartana's good sailing characteristics are
Minimum Crew: 2 useful for fishing, cabotage sailing and
Speed Rate: 7.00 short-range trade."
Turn Rate: 50
Hit Points: 300
Total Cannons: 0
Usable Calibers: 0

List of Goods

Trading can be a potentially lucrative affair in Sea Dogs. There are a
variety of goods available in the game. You can buy almost every good in
any town. The catch is that each town, as well as nationality, Imports and
Exports various goods. What you can buy dirt cheap in an English port might
cost an arm and a leg in a French port. This can lead to some good profits -
if you are patient, and are willing to sail all over the Archipelago.
Furthermore, having an Officer aboard your ship who excels in Commerce can
help to increase profits!

Included here are the goods that you will encounter throughout the course
of your journeys. The goods can be divided into two categories: Cannon Shot
and Trade Goods. There are a total of 4 types of Cannon Shot, and 12 types of
Trade Goods. Under the name and weight of each item is a description of the
item. These descriptions come directly from the game, and are not my own
invention. So without further ado, the goods!

For a complete lists of prices for every Store, see the section entitled
"Store Prices" near the end of this document.

Cannon Shot

Bombs - Weight: 3 cwt (for 20)
"As one of the most advanced forms of ballistics available, bombs are the
most destructive and expensive type of shell. Essentially an iron ball
carefully packed with gunpowder and sheathed in a flaming shroud, bombs
detonate on impact in an explosion of shrapnel, inflicting heavy damage on
hull, rigging and crew."

Cannonballs - Weight: 3 cwt (for 20)
"The cannonball is the most reliable, affordable and abundant type of
cannon round available, and as such, no captain should set sail without an
ample surplus aboard. A simple, round piece of cast-iron, cannonballs are
useful for all manner of offensive and defensive salvos, but are best used to
breach hulls and assault fortifications."

Grape - Weight: 2 cwt (for 20)
"Essentially small round balls, packed tightly into the ship`s cannons,
grapes are designed to inflict massive casualties on enemy crew. With a very
short range and dubious accuracy, it is preferable to use grapes in broadsides
when crippling a ship for boarding."

Knippel - Weight: 5 cwt (for 20)
"Invented for the sole purpose of damaging an opponent's sails and rig,
chain-shot consists two cast-iron balls fastened together with chain or iron
bar. When fired, the shot rotates whilst airborne, ripping holes in sails and
cutting masts, reels and rope with ease. Though devestating against rigging,
chain-shot is almost useless against an opponent's hull."

Trade Goods

Chocolate - Weight: 2 cwt
"One of the most important discoveries within the Archipelago has been the
modest cocoa plant. Refined into chocolate, it is highly prized by the rich
for its seductive flavor, and is a profitable cargo throughout many of the
islands. It is not uncommon to find merchants who fill their ship`s hold with
only chocolate."

Coffee - Weight: 2 cwt
"Because of its unusual taste, cheering effect, and pleasing aroma another
natural resource that has proven its worth as a trade good is coffee. In spite
of difficulty of manufacturing, coffee production has grown rapidly to meet
demand in continental Europe."

Ebony - Weight: 6 cwt
"A rich, dark, hardwood, ebony is prized for its strength, resistance to
burning and exquisite color. Often shaped into delicate polished furniture
that finds residence in the homes and boudouirs of the rich and royal, ebony's
worth as a trade good is almost as good as gold."

Linen - Weight: 3 cwt
"Produced from flax which grows in the Archipelago's rich agricultural
lands, this firm, thick linen is used for sewing anything, from shirts and
camisoles to (especially important) sails."

Mahogany - Weight: 4 cwt
"An very expensive and strong wood used in high-quality furniture, mahogany
is prized for its exotic properties. It does not rot, buckle and it is
difficult to burn. Though rare, it is not unheard of to use mahogany on ship

Planks - Weight: 4 cwt
"Pre-sawn boards of hardwood, useful for repairing damage to a ship's hull
or deck. For repairs to occur automatically, there needs to be at least one
point assigned to the repair skill."

Rum - Weight: 1 cwt
"Strong, fragrant rum is a favorite drink of sailors and pirates. The rum
trade is very profitable, because it is cheap to produce and is always in

Sailcloth - Weight: 3 cwt
"If you have a reserve of thick and firm sailcloth in your ship's hold,
your crew will be able to repair sails damaged by a storm or enemy shots.
Notice that your Repair Skill must be more than one to start repair of your
ship's sails."

Sugar - Weight: 2 cwt
"With an abundance of sugar cane plantations within the Archipelago,
processed sugar is a common trade item. Produced by boiling sugar cane, it
isn`t as flavorful as white-beet sugar, but it is much cheaper, and is rising
in popularity. Unfortunately, sugar is difficult to convey by ship, because it
soaks up water badly."

Tobacco - Weight: 4 cwt
"Aromatic tobacco leafs... What can be better friend for a sailor than a
pipe? Tobacco came from new colonies and soon became very popular as a
favorite relaxation remedy in Continental Europe."

Wheat - Weight: 2 cwt
"With fertile and abundant land throughout the Archipelago, wheat has
become a major staple of merchants. Processed into wheat flour it is used to
bake the delicious loafs and buns."

Wine - Weight: 2 cwt
"Colonists learned how to grow grapes on the fertile soil of these newly
opened lands. Now the wine from the archipelago has become a very valuable
product. Though it hasn`t the same precise, delicate taste as European
vintages, it has a strong and sweet flavor that is well in demand."

Skills & Skill Points

Skill Points are one of the most important aspects in the game. Skill
Points, which are received every time you gain a new experience level, allow
you to improve one or more of your skills. There are two ways to improve your
skills throughout the course of the game:

1. Spend your Skill Points on one or more Skills.
2. Hire Officers. They will also improve one or more of your Skills.

There is nothing preventing you from using both of the above methods. In
fact, you can only reach the absolute maximum Skill levels by using a
combination of Officers and Skill Points. The maximum amount of Skill points
you can put in a single Skill is 9. However, if you hire an Officer that adds
to that Skill, he will take it above 9. The highest bonus that any Officer
adds to a single Skill is +3, so the absolute maximum possible score for any
single Skill is 12.

You receive Skill Points regularly each time you Level Up. Note that you
start the game with available Skill Points. The game will not tell you this;
Press F1 to go to your information screen. The number of Skill Points you
receive depends on the difficulty level you are playing. If you are playing:

Easy - 5 Skill Points per level.
Medium - 3 Skill Points per level.
Hard - 3 Skill Points per level.

NOTE: Different difficulty levels were added with a new Patch. They are
not part of the original game. See the section entitled "Things
You Should Know" for help on finding the latest Patch.

By pressing F1, you can bring up the Status screens. On the right hand
side, you will see a list of the different Skills. Notice that there are
arrows next to the top and the bottom of the list. Not all of the Skills are
displayed on the screen at once!! You will miss out on two of the more
important Skills if you do not scroll down the list! Below I have listed the
various Skills that you can improve. Included with each is a description;
this description comes straight from the game. Also included with each Skill
are the names of the Officers that you may encounter throughout the game that
can add to (or subtract from) that particular Skill. The Skills are listed in
alphabetical order.


"Boarding is the best way to get a good plunder - that's the rule all
corsairs know. You cannot prepare an omelette without breaking eggs and
without fight you will not capture a ship. Officer can train your crew in

Officers Who Affect This Skill Points Added/Subtracted
------------------------------ -----------------------
Andrew Shoo +1 Boarding
Victor Martos +1 Boarding
Gavrila Dubinin +2 Boarding

"You can sell and buy any goods, just like the merchants do. A Master
Purser carries all the tasks of docking and loading the goods, and accounting
your money, so he can help you to save profit."

Officers Who Affect This Skill Points Added/Subtracted
------------------------------ -----------------------
Adam Mullen +3 Commerce
Andreas Fickler +2 Commerce

"Coordinating your cannons to fire in the same time altogether could help
you to fire more accurate and group all the shots close to each other. Your
officer can take the coordination work, while you would be busy by other

Officers Who Affect This Skill Points Added/Subtracted
------------------------------ -----------------------
Julius Ironcast +3 Coordination
David Murray +1 Coordination
Dreyfus the Fuse +3 Coordination
Gavrila Dubinin -1 Coordination

"Your crew should know exactly what to do when the ship is hit with a
salvo. They should hide behind a bulwark, they must be fast with extinguishing
fires et cetera. Defence skill lowers your crew loss. Good Surgeon will help
the wounded to stay in ranks, too."

Officers Who Affect This Skill Points Added/Subtracted
------------------------------ -----------------------
Julius Ironcast +2 Defence
Dick Oakenwood +2 Defence
Diego Salvatore +2 Defence
Beuve Hainault +1 Defence

"Throwing a hook onboard another ship or jumping on enemy's deck right from
the mast are not easy tasks. Good Boatswain can help you to teach your men how
to do this. If the Grappling skill is high, you will board ships on longer

Officers Who Affect This Skill Points Added/Subtracted
------------------------------ -----------------------
Victor Martos +1 Grappling
Gavrila Dubinin +1 Grappling

"Any captain knows an accurate cannon salvo is the surest way to inflict
damage on an opponent's ship. The Gunlaying skill increases the accuracy and
is a skill of ultimate importance. Good Master Gunner can aid you with a good

Officers Who Affect This Skill Points Added/Subtracted
------------------------------ -----------------------
Julius Ironcast -1 Gunlaying
David Murray +1 Gunlaying
Dreyfus the Fuse +3 Gunlaying

"To reload cannons, Guncrew should carry out a complicated set of
operations before they can report that cannon is ready to fire. With this
skill your crew can load cannons faster, but Master Gunners know many secrets
of fast reloading."

Officers Who Affect This Skill Points Added/Subtracted
------------------------------ -----------------------
David Murray +1 Reloading
Dreyfus the Fuse +3 Reloading

"Your crew is able to repair minor hull damages right in the sea, if you
can give them exact orders - what and how to repair. Master Carpenter can help
you to set your crew to work."

Officers Who Affect This Skill Points Added/Subtracted
------------------------------ -----------------------
Albrecht Zalpfer +3 Repair
Jaque Dullarse +2 Repair

"It is an important skill, affecting your crew's ability to handle with
sails and anchor. Boatswain can help you to train your men in this skill."

Officers Who Affect This Skill Points Added/Subtracted
------------------------------ -----------------------
Andrew Shoo +3 Sailing
Raymond Ibelin +2 Sailing
Artois de Moulette +3 Sailing

See the section entitled "Officer Statistics" near the end of this document
for more information regarding Officers.

Officers and Crew

Officers are an important part of the game. As mentioned in the previous
section, Officers add bonuses to your Skill Levels. You can hire Officers at
many of the towns throughout the Archipelago. Taverns are particularly
popular hangouts for Officers. There are 6 different positions that can be
filled by Officers on your ship. I have listed them below, in alphabetical
order. Under each position is a description, which comes directly from the

Officer Types

"Some say boatswains are born aboard a ship. Their skill in handling them,
and the crew, are certainly indisputable. A Boatswain will help a Captain get
every bit of speed, turning rate, and maneuverability possible from his ship."

"Skilled in the art of woodwork, carpenter can repair hull damage from
storms and battle, often beginning his work moments after the damage has
occured. A quality Carpenter knows exactly what to repair in order to keep the
most heavily damaged ship afloat."

First Mate
"The First Mate serves as the Captain's right-hand man in all affairs of
the ship. He is the captain's most trusted officer and assists him with the
sailing and command of the ship, including crew members, other officers, and
their duties."

Master Gunner
"The skill and experience of a Master Gunner can quickly turn the tide of
battle. His mastery of the art of war allows for more accurate firing of the
ship's guns. The Master Gunner also ensures that the guns are protected safely
from the elements, lest they be damaged."

Master Purser
"A Master Purser's duty is to manage the ship's hold and all the goods it
contains. In addition, the Master Purser is also a shrewd trader and helps the
Captain obtain the best buying and selling price when trading with others."

"Surgeon must take care of crewmen injured in the course of battle. His
duty is to amputate extremities, sew wounds, and provide other medical
assistance. A good Surgeon can be the difference between life and death for
your crew."

Note that it is NOT necessary to hire each type. It is not even necessary
to hire any of them in order to complete the game. However, the most valuable
type of Officer is, without a doubt, the First Mate. The First Mate allows
you to Take Prize Ship. You can then sail your new ship (along with the old
one) to a town that has a Shipyard. There, you can sell one of the ships for
a massive profit (typically between 3,000 and 30,000gp depending on the Class
of ship, as well as its condition).

Crew Members

In addition to Officers, you can hire Crew Members to serve aboard your
ship. Unlike Officers, however, you NEED Crew Members in order to sucessfully
run a ship. Each ship has a maximum and minimum crew number. To ensure that
the ship runs at its full potential, you should make sure that your Crew is as
close to the maximum crew limit as possible. If the number of crew members
you have aboard your ship is close to, or under the minimum number for that
ship, everything will suffer. Cannons will reload MUCH slower. Your ship
will sail and turn slower, as well. Finally, you will leave yourself open to
other ships who would like nothing better than to board you and steal your

You can hire more Crew Members in any town that has a Tavern. Whenever you
are in a Tavern, press F1. In the bottom center of the screen is the number
of crew members that currently serve aboard your ship. Underneath this number
is a hire button. Press it, and it will come up with the total number of
possible recruits in the Tavern (note that this number fluctuates greatly - I
have seen as low as 11 and as much as 708). Like Officers, you must pay the
first month's salary up front for crew members. Each crew member costs 5
gold. One thing to keep in mind is that you need to have adequete funds
available to continue paying your crew in the coming months. Failure to pay
your crew will result in a loss of Reputation (-5 points). If your Reputation
is poor and you continue to withhold payment, the crew and Officers may
mutiny. This results in your untimely death, as well as the end of the game.

Naval Warfare

Once you get acquainted with the basic controls and ideas that are vital to
the game, you will eventually feel the desire to test your might at sea. It
is important to realize that, at the beginning of the game, you are in control
of one of the weakest ships. You can not pick a fight with any ship you wish
and expect to win. For starters, DO NOT ATTACK ALLIES! Your Reputation will
plummet (-25 points). You are allied with whatever nation gave you your
Letter of Marque (more about this item later). Second, you should understand
the difference between ship Classes before engaging an enemy. For example,
you should probably not attempt to fight a Corvette (Class 3) while you are
sailing a Pink (Class 6). If it is your first time playing Sea Dogs, it will
take some time to get used to controlling your ship. This is another reason
to restrict yourself to attacking only weak ships in the beginning. A final
reason not to attack anything that floats is that, even if you win a battle
early on, your ship will almost certainly be damaged. You will not start the
game with a lot of money; damaging your ship early on only causes your gold to
disappear more quickly. You are better off completing some of the initial
quests and tasks that people send you way.

Skills and Combat

Your Skill Points can play a major role in Captains who rule and Captains
who sink. Your Skills can improve the aim of your cannons, allow you to board
ships from safer distances away, and survive brutal fencing duels with enemy
Captains. Different Skills will prove to be more useful than others,
depending on what you want to achieve in a battle. Here are some tips on
effectively choosing the most beneficial Skills, with regards to effective
Naval Combat:

In the beginning of the game, you are unable to capture and sell
enemy ships. Also, you have only a small cargo hold with which to work.
This will prevent you from taking a lot of loot from ships. Therefore, in
the early stages of the game, Boarding is not vital. Put a point or two in
during your first 3 Level Ups.

This Skill is the least useful, with regards to combat. In fact, I have
never put a single point in this Skill. If you really want points in this
Skill, it might be more beneficial to just hire a Purser. This will free up
more Skill Points for other Skills.

There are three key Skills for surviving any Naval Battle. This is the
least important of the three, but it is still quite useful. In the early
stages of the game, having all of your cannons fire at EXACTLY the same time
is not as important as how accurate they are, or how fast they reload. Wait
until you have high Gunlaying and Reloading stats before investing Skill
Points here.

Defence is an important Skill. In my opinion, it is the 4th most important
Skill. Essentially, this Skill prevents your crew from being slaughtered
every time the enemy decides to use Grape on you. Having as many crew members
as possible is very important for winning duels with enemy Captains. It is
also very important for the Reloading speed of your cannons. You may want to
consider putting at least 1 point in this skill during your first 4 Level Ups.
In addition, you will want to hire a Surgeon (there is one Surgeon who will
sail with you for free, after you complete the relevant quest).

This Skill is tied to Boarding. It becomes more useful later in the game,
when you will want to board and capture as many ships as possible. Wait until
after your first 4 Level Ups before putting any Skill Points here.

This is the most important Skill in the game! It will increase the
accuracy of your cannons. This will allow you to sink powerful ships quickly.
Think of a maxed out Gunlaying score as bringing a sniper rifle to a blind
man's duel. This is one Skill that you will want to put the full 9 Skill
Points into. Do so as quickly as possible!

This Skill is closely related to Gunlaying. So it will come as no surprise
that this is the other Skill that you will want to place the full 9 Skill
Points in. Reloading affects how fast it takes your crew to reload cannons.
This should be the second Skill to reach level 9. Think of a maxed out
Gunlaying score as bringing an Uzi to a musket fight.

Repair allows your crew to repair hull and rigging damage while out on the
open sea. However, you must have adequate supplies of Sailcloth and Planks in
your cargo hold. I found this Skill to be useful during the early stages of
the game. As the game progresses, you will be sailing large ships that take
much time and many materials to successfully repair. I recommend placing 1
Skill Point in this Skill. You can complement this by hiring a Carpenter.

Last, but not least, is Sailing. Sailing improves your crew's ability to
steer and more your ship. I consider this a mediocre Skill, neither worthless
nor vital. There are two First Mates in the game; they will increase your
Sailing Skill by either +2 or +3, depending on which one you hire. If you
have a spare point after Gunlaying and Reloading are maxed out, you may want
to invest 1 or 2 points here.

So, in conclusion, here is how I would rank the various Skills in the game,
as far as overall impact and importance (1 is the most vital, while 10 is the
most useless):

1. Gunlaying 6. Coordination
2. Reloading 7. Sailing
3. Boarding 8. Repair
4. Defence 9. Commerce
5. Sailing

Cannon Shot

As I have already stated, cannons are a key element in ensuring victory on
the high seas. But cannons are useless without shot. Shot refers to the ammo
that the cannons use. In Sea Dogs, there are 4 different types of Shot that
you can use to cause your enemy grief. Each one serves a specific purpose.
In general:

Bombs - Good against anything; great for attacking fortresses.
Cannonball - Good for sinking ships.
Grape - An excellent way to quickly reduce the enemy's crew number.
Knippel - This Shot will shred a ship's sails, thus slowing them down.

You will begin the game with limited amounts of each type of Shot. Do not be
too concerned; you will not use up your ammo too quickly, since you only have
a few cannons. It is important to know what each type of Shot is used for,
otherwise you might sink a ship that you are trying to board. Below are the
four types of Shot that you will have access to in the game. In addition, I
have included information regarding the amounts of damage that each shot does
to a ship's Hull, Rigging, and Crew. Each type of cannon (12, 16, and 24
pounds) have a different maximum range. The percentage that appears next to
each shot indicates the maximum range each Shot is effective at. This
information comes directly from a chart at the end of the game manual.

Example: Grape has a 50% modifier. If the maximum range on a 12-pound
cannon is 400 paces, then Grape can only be fired at a maximum
range of 200 paces.

Shot Statistics

Shot Type Hull Damage Rig Damage Crew Damage Max. Range
Bombs 7 10 6 90%
Cannonball 10 8 1 100%
Grape 3 20 10 50%
Knippel 5 5 3 80%

Spyglasses: A Captain's Best Friend

When you encounter an enemy ship, (or 2, or 3...or 9) it is very important
to know everything you can about your enemy. You can judge this, to some
extent, using your own vision. If the ship is REALLY big, it is probably
going to rip your own ship to shreds, unless you also sail a large ship.
This is where the spyglass comes in. You can use the Spyglass from a distance
to determine how strong your enemy is. But not all Spyglasses are equal!
Some of them will tell you more information than others. In order to use your
Spyglass, you must be in first-person mode. Assuming that you did not switch
the controls around before starting the game, you can change between first-
and third-person views by pressing the "Q" key. From the first-person view,
press and hold the Spyglass button (I believe it is the Ctrl button). Center
the mark that appears on a ship, and you will gather some information about

In the course of gaming, I have discovered 3 different types of Spyglasses.
They are:

Ordinary Glass
Good Glass
Superior Glass

You begin the game with an Ordinary Glass. There is a quest within the
game that will let you obtain the Superior Glass. This quest is available to
you no matter which nationality you decide to play (although it will be more
costly for some nationalities than for others). If you are very lucky, you
can also find a Good or Superior Glass after successfully boarding an enemy
ship. Once you have a Glass, you need not fear losing it. Also, if you find
a better Glass than the one you currently have, you will automatically use the
better Glass. Each Glass will tell you a certain amount of information about
the enemy ship. Below I have recreated the information bar that appears for
each of the 3 Glasses.

The Spyglasses

| Ordinary Glass: |
| Name: "ship name", Class: #, Cannons: #, Crew Number: #, Speed: # |

| Good Glass: |
| Name: "ship name", Class: #, Cannons: #, Crew Number: #, Speed: # |
| type of shot, Hull damage: #%, Rig damage: #% |

| Superior Glass: |
| Name: "ship name", Class: #, Cannons: #, Crew Number: #, Speed: # |
| type of shot, Hull damage: #%, Rig damage: #%, Captain's Skills |

Basic Naval Tactics

So you have stocked up on different types of Shot, you have studied which
one is best used in a given situation, you have obtained a Spyglass and now
know your enemy's strengths and weaknesses. First you should learn the basics
of your ship. More specifically, you should know where your cannons can
strike the enemy, and where they can not. Notice the figures below:

/ \
/ \
/ \
| |
<------ o o ------>
| |
<------ o o ------>
| |
<------ o o ------>
| |
<------ o o ------>
| |
| |
| |
| |

Notice the following:

1. You can not fire forward. Therefore, do NOT let the enemy get in
front of you. If he does, he will be able to fire on you without
fear of your cannons.
2. The majority of your cannons are on either side of your ship, with
only a couple in the rear. Make sure that you use your side cannons
as much as possible.
3. The best possible situation is when your broadside cannons are in
the front of his ship. The enemy will not be able to fire back.
This is called Raking.

Now all you need to learn are a few basic tactics which will prove useful
during battle. To start off, there are a few terms which you should learn.
They are not included in the game manual, but I will use them in this section.
They are:

Broadsides - The broadside of your ship is the long side. Here is where
your cannons are located. Fighting at Broadsides is when
you and your enemy are parallel to each other. Each ship's
cannon's are aimed directly at the broadside of the other
ship. The advantage here will go to whichever ship can
reload the fastest, possesses the greatest amount of
cannons, and hit with the greatest accuracy.

Example of Broadsides

/\ / \
/ \ | |
/ \ <------ o o
/ \ | |
| | <------ o o
o o ------> | |
| | <------ o o
o o ------> | |
| | <------ o o
o o ------> | |
| | \ /
o o ------> \ /
| | \ /
\_o__o_/ \/

Raking - Raking is when a ship has maneuvered itself into a position
where it can fire its broadside cannons from either in
front of or from behind a ship. In the first situation,
the other ship will be unable to fire back (cannons do not
fire forward). In the second situation, the defender will
only have the use of a couple of cannons. Unlike
Broadsides, Raking is a tactical advantage. The advantage
does not come from the number of cannons or the reload
rate, since the other ship can not fire back, or can only
fire a minimal number of cannons.

Example of Raking

___/ |
/ O
\___ O
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |

/ \
/ \
/ \
| |
o o ------>
| |
o o ------>
| |
o o ------>
| |
o o ------>
| |

Now that you know the basics of ship positioning, there is only one more
thing left to mention. Wind will play a very important role in any naval
battle. Depending on which direction your ship is pointing, you may find
yourself sailing into the wind, with the wind, or at an angle. Try hard to
avoid sailing INTO the wind during a battle; this slows you down considerably.
A slow ship is easier to hit. So whenever possible, look for ways to sail
WITH the wind or, better yet, ways to make your ENEMY sail into the wind!

Things You Should Know

Before you enter the walkthrough portion of this document, there are a few
concepts and items relating to the game that you should understand. Please
take the time to read this section; it is short, but important.

PATCH INFO: There have been a number of patches since the original game was
----------- released. For those who do not know what a patch does, a patch
is a program that you install that will correct some of the bugs
and errors that may exist in a program. You can certainly play
Sea Dogs without a patch, but some of the bugs are extremely
aggravating. In order to obtain the latest patch, you need only
a connection to the Internet. The latest patch is Version 1.06.
This walkthrough was written with Patch 1.06 installed. If you
do not have the latest patch installed, you may not be able to
follow this walkthrough completely. To download the latest
patch, go to:

This is the official Sea Dogs website. You will automatically
receive a download message. You can also go to:

From this page, click on "News" and then find the "Patch Page"
link. The size of the patch is 1.29MB.

LETTER OF MARQUE: The Letter of Marque is an item that allows you to take on
----------------- quests from a number of people. You will need a Letter of
Marque in order to perform tasks from a governor.
Obtaining a Letter of Marque makes that nation Loyal to
you. It is possible to switch Letters of Marque (LOM's)
several times throughout the course of the game. However,
if in the event you are made a part of the nobility, (you
will receive a new wardrobe) you will be unable to change
your allegiance.

NATIONALITY: Unlike other games, you do not initially choose which nation
------------ you wish to serve. You may choose this during the course of
the game. You may also change your mind and serve someone

QUESTS: I have divided up the quests and tasks into two categories:
------- Essential Quests and Optional Quests. The Essential Quests are the
Quests given to you by the governor of the nation you serve. These
Quests progress the storyline. In the Table of Contents, they are
denoted with Roman Numerals (I, II, III...). Optional Quests are
given to you by various other people. They usually give you a
reward of gold, experience, or reputation. In the Table of
Contents, they are denoted with lower-case letters (a, b, c...).
Under each nationality are its Essential and Optional Quests. Be
aware of the fact that you can switch loyalties during the course of
the game. Thus, it is possible to perform the Optional and even
some of the Essential Quests for more than one nation. Once you are
promoted to an Admiral, however, you can no longer change your
allegiance at will. I have marked when you become an Admiral in the
Table of Contents for each of the 3 European Nations. For purposes
of writing this walkthrough, the Quests are divided up according to
the nationality that they most logically belong to. See the Table
of Contents above for the Quest names. Note that these names are my
own; the game does not name these Quests. You will not necessarily
finish one quest before beginning another one.

There are two Quests which I consider extremely beneficial to all
four of the Campaigns. As a result, I have placed them as Essential
Quests under all 4 Campaigns. The Quests are: Adriano Montefi's
Spyglass, and Pablo Loco & the Herb. The Optional Quests do not
have their own section, but they are each addressed within the

TURBO BUTTON: This is one of the most important controls in the game. As
------------- you sail, you will notice that you move VERY slowly. If you
hold down the Turbo Button, (it is "R" by default) you will
move much faster. You will be using the Turbo Button quite
frequently while sailing. Consider it your accelerator.

SPELLING: There are a surprising amount of spelling errors in Sea Dogs.
--------- I have left the spelling of names and other words the same as they
are in the game.

ABBREVIATIONS: There are a few abbreviations that I will use frequently
-------------- throughout this walkthrough. To many people, they will be
self-explanatory. Nevertheless, here they are:

gp - Gold Pieces
xp - Experience Points
rep - Reputation Points
LOM - Letter of Marque
Jolly Roger - Pirate Flag

LANGUAGES: The creators of Sea Dogs have made the game more entertaining by
---------- using some words from other languages. Depending on which nation
owns a town, the names of the buildings may be different. So
note the following:

English: Tavern English: Store English: Shipyard
Pirate: Tavern Pirate: Store Pirate: Shipyard
Spanish: Taberna Spanish: Almacén Spanish: Astellero
French: Taverne French: Magasin French: Chantier Naval



You will begin in the town of Highrock regardless of which nation you wish
to serve. You will also be able to gain some easy experience points just from
talking to people in the town. You only need 3,000xp to move on to Rank 11,
and you can get 1,500xp just from doing quests in this town. Don't forget
that you start the game with Skill Points.

I. Correspondence to Tendales


Talk to the guards at the town gate. One of them would like some wine.
You will run into many people on the streets of Highrock Be sure to talk with
Theodore and the Old Gunner. They will teach you about game play basics, and
more importantly, you will receive 250xp for listening to each one. Now head
off to the Tavern to find some wine.


There are several more interesting characters to talk with in the Tavern.
You can hire Julius Ironcast as a Master Gunner, if you can afford his desired
wages. You should also talk to the Fencer and Sailor. They will teach you
more gameplay basics, and you will receive ANOTHER 250xp for each of them. Be
sure to talk with Roberto Gorrando. Tell him that you are a pirate, not a
merchant. He will tell you about a man named Adriano Montefi, who makes
wonderful Spyglasses.

NOTE: If you do not talk to Gorrando in the Tavern, you will not be able
to find Montefi later.

Head over to the Tavern owner and talk business with him. You will have to
pay 1gp for some wine, but it is worth every penny. Now return to the guard.


Give the wine to the guard. You will receive 250xp and +1 rep. Talk with
the other guard, and he will reveal that he has a craving for...Rum. Time to
go back to the Tavern. On your way back, look for a man named Albrecht
Zalpher. Talk to him, and he will hint at a new invention that he has. DO
NOT ask about it. Instead, suggest that he could work aboard your ship as a
Carpenter in order to escape Highrock. He will agree and will join your ship.


Once again, talk with the Tavern owner. Follow the same conversation
string at before with the wine, and this time you will be able to obtain some
Rum. Now return to the guard outside.


Talk to the guard who wanted the Rum. You will receive 250xp and +2 rep.
At this point, you should have 1,500xp. Now, head to the Townhall (it is the
largest building in the town).


Inside, talk with Samuel Mortons. Ask him for a Letter of Marque. After
receiving it, ask him if he has any tasks for you. He will send you to
Tendales to deliver a letter to the governor there.

II. Saving Dead Island


Once you arrive in Tendales, Albrecht Zalpfer will leave your ship. You no
longer have a Carpenter, but you do receive 100xp. Find Zalpfer on the
Streets and talk to him. He will give you some Sketches for a new ship.


You can sell the Sketches you just received from Zalpfer here. You will
receive 1,500gp. When you are done here, head to the Townhall.


Give the Letter to John Clifford Brin. You will receive 500xp, 500gp,
and +2 rep. He will then give you another quest. The people of Dead Island
are starving, and he wants you to deliver a shipment of Wheat there. Now head
to the Tavern.


In this Tavern, there are two men who are looking for work. One of them is
Andrew Shoo, who will become your Boatswain if you hire him. The other one is
Adam Mullen, a Master Purser. There is nothing else to do here at the present
time. Head now to Dead Island.

Dead Island


Talk to the Tavern owner. He is the person that you give the shipment of
wheat to. Congratulations, you have saved Dead Island from starvation! Also,
you can talk with David Murray here. He will tell you a story of a battle at
sea gone horribly wrong. It seems that the Frigate he was serving on was in
poor condition. Hmmm. You can hire him as a Master Gunner if you want.
There is a Jacon Ashton in the Tavern as well, but don't talk to him just yet.
Now leave the Tavern.


You will run into Eugene Huckster on the streets. He will be able to tell
you about your father. When he asks to see your medallion, and have your
medallion, trust him. Besides a lot of information, you will also receive
1,000xp. There is also a Priest in the streets. You can buy indulgences from
him for 100gp each. Each indulgence gives you +1 rep. Now head to the Store.


Talk with Nigel Fester, the Store owner. He would like you to deliver 400
cwt of Linen to Christopher Offut at Tendales. Note that your starting ship
only holds 400cwt. If you want to do this quest, sell off all your cannon
shot, and then accept his quest. Save your game, in case you are attacked by
enemies while at sea. Now return to Tendales.

III. The Dread Pirate Ropeflake



Talk with John Clifford Brin. Tell him that you delivered the wheat and
you will receive 1,000xp, 2000gp, and +3 rep. Next, ask him if there are any
tasks that you can perform. He will tell you that a pirate has been
terrorizing the route between Tendales and Highrock. Head next to the Tavern
to see if anyone knows of this pirate.


Talk to the Tavern owner. He says that Marcus the merchant had a run-in
with the pirate Ropeflake. The Merchant is deathly ill. Perhaps there is
some way to help him.


Inside, talk with Christopher Offut. You will receive +1 rep for
delivering the Linen. He would like you to carry 300cwt of Chocolate with you
to Dead Island. Accept his request.

Dead Island


Talk with Nigel Fester again. For successfully delivering the Chocolate,
you will receive 500xp, 2,000gp, and +2 rep. Now head to the Tavern to accept
another Quest.


Talk to Jacon Ashton. He is looking for someone to escort him first to
Highrock, and then to Itkal. Accept his request. Now head to Highrock.

IV. Escorting Lemuelle Humm


When you arrive in Highrock, Jacon Ashton will leave you. Head to the
Tavern and talk to him. You will receive 800gp and 500xp. You can then
accept his request to journey with him to Itkal. Now head to the Townhall.


Talk with Samuel Mortons. He will give you a new task: Safely escort
Lemuelle Humm to Tendales. Now leave and head to the Store.


Talk with George Havensile, the Store owner. Ask him if there is any news
in town. He will tell you that a doctor has recently arrived in town.
Remember the sick merchant in Tendales?


Look for Doctor Alumnus on the street. You will manage to get some
medicine from him. You will also get 250xp.


When you reach the harbor, you will be attacked by a pirate. The ship's
name is the "Cuttlefish". Upon defeating him, you will receive 500xp, +3 rep,
and Beltrop's Note. Now sail to town. When you arrive in town, Lemuelle Humm
will leave you. You will receive 500xp and +2 rep. Head to the Tavern and
talk to him again. You will learn new information, and also receive your
payment - 2000gp.


Talk to governor Brin and tell him about Lemuelle's odd cargo. You will
receive 250xp.


Talk to the Tavern owner. You will be able to give him the medicine that
you received from Doctor Alumnus. Now leave town and return after a couple of
days. Talk to the Tavern owner again, and you will find that the merchant is
feeling better. You will receive 250xp and learn that Ropeflake can be found
in the harbor at El Caimano. Before attempting to fight the pirate, you
should sail with Jacon Ashton to Itkal.


When you arrive in Itkal, Jacon Ashton will leave you. Be sure to talk to
him again. You will receive 1,000xp, 800gp, and +3 rep. Nw, if you are
ready, sail to El Caimano and take on Ropeflake!

NOTE: Ropeflake is the Captain of a Corvette, which is a Class 3 ship.
Be prepared!

El Caimano

When you arrive in the harbor, you will be set upon by Ropeflake. You can
either sink him or attempt to board him. Either way is fine, so long as you
win. When you defeat him, return to Tendales.



Talk to John Clifford Brin. Tell him that you have defeated Ropeflake and
you will receive 5,000gp! Now sail back to Highrock.

V. Defense of Itkal



Talk to Samuel Mortons and ask for a new task. He will send you to Itkal
to defend it, and he expects you to leave immediately!


When you reach the harbor of Itkal, you will see a lone Spanish Shnyava.
Where is the rest of the invasion force? Enter the town and head to the
Store. Talk with John Burtons, and you will learn that the Spanish beat you
there and they looted the place. Head back to Highrock.

VI. Pablo Loco & The Herb



Talk with Samuel Mortons. When you give him your report, do not lie to
him, or you will lose your Letter of Marque. You will not receive the money
that he promised you, but you will receive 1,000xp.


Talk to Doctor Alumnus. You might have to talk to him two or three times.
He will ask you to find an herb for him. He won't be able to pay you in gold,
but he will assign one of his students to work as a Surgeon on your ship - for
FREE!!! There is also a Stranger roaming the streets. Talk to him and he
will send you to Shark Island.

Shark Island


Find Pablo Loco on the streets. He will give you the herb that you seek,
but you must help him first. Pablo needs some Tezhkataly wood. This wood can
only be found in one place - Dead Island.

NOTE: Your Reputation must be at least "Good Matey" or Pablo will not
trust you, and you won't be able to get the quest.

You will also encounter Raymond Ibelin on the streets. You can hire him if
you want (and you will want to). He is a First Mate.

NOTE: Raymond Ibelin may not appear on Shark Island if you are not using
the most recent patch. If he is not here, you can find him on Isle

Dead Island


Talk to Nigel Fester. Tell him you would like to buy some Tezhkataly wood.
He has some and is willing to sell it to you, but it will cost you 1,500gp.
Buy it, and return to Shark Island.

Shark Island


Give the wood to Pablo Loco. Not only will you receive the herb, you will
also get 500xp. Now head back to Doctor Alumnus on Highrock.



Talk to Doctor Alumnus. You will give him the herb, and he will tell you
that your new Surgeon is in the Tavern.


Talk to Dick Oakenwood (hee, hee). He will join your crew as a Surgeon who
will work for free!!! Now return to Shark Island.

Shark Island


Talk to Olaf Ulsson. Tell him about having been attacked by the
"Cuttlefish" He will tell you to seek out a former First Mate of Beltrop's.
The man's name is Peter Ordo. Now you should head to the other Pirate island
- Gray Sails.

VII. Adriano Montefi's Spyglass

Note that the quest for Montefi's Spyglass is Optional. If you do not wish
to do it, skip ahead to section VIII. If you decide to get the Spyglass, you
are going to take two major Reputation hits, since you have to change your LOM
twice. To prepare for this, you might want to sail to Dead Island and buy at
least 20 indulgences.

Gray Sails


There are two men in the Tavern that you may hire, if you wish. Dreyfus
the Fuse is a Master Gunner, and quite possibly the single best Officer in the
game. He is also the most expensive. You can also hire Jaque Dullarse as a
Carpenter, if you need one.

At one of the tables is a Spanish Agent. Talk to him and he will offer you
the opportunity to make restitution with Spain. But it is not cheap! It will
cost you 5,000gp and -10 rep. You must do it in order to gain entry into
Spanish towns. Once you are done, sail to El Caimano.

El Caimano


Talk to Adriano Montefi on the streets. In order to make you a Spyglass,
he needs you to perform a task for him. He needs some Crystals, which can be
found at the store on Granda Avilia.

Granda Avilia


Talk to Lorenzo Avido. He has the crystals and will give them to you for
500gp. Now return to Montefi on El Caimano.

El Caimano


Talk to Adriano Montefi again. You will give him the Crystals and he will
give you the Superior Glass (see the section of this document entitled Naval
Warfare for more information about Spyglasses). You will also receive
1,000xp. You are now finished with Spanish cities, so head back to Gray

Gray Sails


Talk to the English Agent. You will be given the option of buying back
your English LOM. You must pay another 5,000gp and lose -10 rep more. You
now need to search for Peter Ordo. He is located on Tel-Kerrat, a French
island in the east.

VIII. The Plot



Talk to Eustache Heumont, the store owner. Ask him about a stranger who
used to live in Tel-Kerrat. Now leave the store.


You will see a new person on the streets. He is wearing a yellow bandanna.
It is Peter Ordo! If you talk to him, he will reveal that Beltrop is planning
on attacking Tendales, and that he has some help, courtesy of an Englishman.
Ordo also has a favor to request of you. He wants you to rescue his girl,
Alicia, from Gray Sails. In return for this, he will accompany you to
Tendales to help defend it.

Gray Sails


You will find Alicia out on the streets. Talk to her and she will ask you
to take her to Peter Ordo.



Talk to Peter Ordo. According to a letter that Alicia managed to smuggle
out of Gray Sails, the insider that is helping the pirates is... Samuel
Mortons!! You will receive 1,000xp and +3 rep. You should make your way to
Tendales, but stop by Dead Island first if you have not recovered from the
pair of -10 rep penalties which resulted from switching your LOM's twice.

IX. Confronting the Traitor



Talk to John Clifford Brin. Show him the letter that Alicia found. You
will receive 1,000xp and +3 rep. Brin will give you a letter to take to
Alexander Gritstone at Highrock.




You will find that Samuel Mortons is out, but Alexander Gritstone is in his
place. Hand Gritstone the letter from Brin, as well as the letter that Alicia
found. Gritstone will set out to arrest Mortons. Yay!! Meanwhile, he sends
you out to Chaktcha to intercept the incoming pirate fleet.


When you arrive here, you will be greeted by several high end ships (Class
3 and 4). Defeat them in order to stop the invasion. You will receive +10rep
and 8,000xp. Now return to Alexander Gritstone at Highrock.

X. Capturing Costa Sinistra



Gritstone will give you another big mission. You are to attack and capture
Costa Sinistra! He will also give you 4,000gp at this time.

Costa Sinistra

When attacking a city, you will be faced with strong walls that have many
cannons. First of all, you must take out the cannons. Each cannon that you
destroy will earn you 1,000xp. If you can take out all of the cannons, you
will receive 20,000xp. You now have the option of assaulting the town. When
you do this, you will be met by the town guard. Typically, it is a force of
between 500 and 999 men. Use you fencing skills to defeat them.

After you succeed in defeating the guard, you will enter the town. You
will encounter an Honorable Citizen. This person represents the general
populace. Talk to him and you will have two options:

1. Loot the city. You request 10,000gp before you will leave.
2. Claim the island for England.

Obviously, you came to capture the island for England, so choose that
option. You will receive 5,000xp and +5 rep.

Now return to Alexander Gritstone at Highrock.

XI. The French Cannons



You return to inform Gritstone of your success. He will give you a title.
You are now a Baron! You will receive a shiny new wardrobe. However, you are
now committed to the English cause. Gritstone has another assignment for you.
You are to search for some French cannons that are capable of dealing
horrendous amounts of punishment.

Dead Island


Talk to Laurence Norton. He will tell you a tale of a French ship that was
firing 48 pound cannons!! Learning this earns you 100xp. These are the super
cannons you are to look for. Norton tells you that he was near Omory when his
story unfolded. Perhaps you should visit there as well.


First of all, take out the cannons. Each cannon that you destroy will earn
you 1,000xp. If you can take out all of the cannons, you will receive
20,000xp. You now have the option of assaulting the town. When you do this,
you will be met by the town guard. Typically, it is a force of between 500
and 999 men. Use you fencing skills to defeat them.

After you succeed in defeating the guard, you will enter the town. You
will encounter an Honorable Citizen. This person represents the general
populace. Talk to him and you will have two options:

1. Loot the city. You request 10,000gp before you will leave.
2. Hand over the cannons.

Obviously, you came to capture cannons, so choose that option. You end up
claiming the island for England as well. You will receive 5,000xp and +5 rep.

Now return to Alexander Gritstone at Highrock.

XII. Capturing Isla Ballena



Talk to Gritstone. You will receive 5,000gp for the capture of Omory. You
now have one quest remaining - capture Isla Ballena!

Isla Ballena

First of all, take out the cannons. Each cannon that you destroy will earn
you 1,000xp. If you can take out all of the cannons, you will receive
20,000xp. You now have the option of assaulting the town. When you do this,
you will be met by the town guard. Typically, it is a force of between 500
and 999 men. Use you fencing skills to defeat them.

After you succeed in defeating the guard, you will enter the town. You
will encounter an Honorable Citizen. This person represents the general
populace. Talk to him and you will have two options:

1. Loot the city. You request 10,000gp before you will leave.
2. Claim the island in the name of England.

Obviously, you came to capture the island, so choose that option. You will
receive 10,000xp and +5 rep.

Now return to Alexander Gritstone at Highrock.

XIII. Victorious Homecoming



Talk to Alexander Gritstone. When you tell him that you succedded, he
tells you that he is returning to England, and that you are the new Governor
of Highrock!


The game is not over yet. Try playing through one of the other Campaigns.
The French, Spanish, and Pirates are waiting...


As is true with the English, (and every Campaign) you begin your adventure
in Highrock. You are free to do as few or as many of the English quests as
you want. However, do NOT talk to Samuel Mortons and get a LOM. One quest
that you probably should do is the Pablo Loco & The Herb quest, as this gives
you Dick Oakenwood (chortle, chortle) who serves as your Surgeon for free!!

In the Preparation section below, I will include all the quests that you
can perform in Highrock at the beginning of the game. I will then set the
stage for obtaining your Spanish LOM. I will not include many of the Optional
English Quests. See the English Campaign walkthrough for more information
regarding these Quests.

I. Preparations


Talk to the guards at the town gate. One of them would like some wine.
You will run into many people on the streets of Highrock Be sure to talk with
Theodore and the Old Gunner. They will teach you about game play basics, and
more importantly, you will receive 250xp for listening to each one. Now head
off to the Tavern to find some wine.


There are several more interesting characters to talk with in the Tavern.
You can hire Julius Ironcast as a Master Gunner, if you can afford his desired
wages. You should also talk to the Fencer and Sailor. They will teach you
more gameplay basics, and you will receive ANOTHER 250xp for each of them. Be
sure to talk with Roberto Gorrando. Tell him that you are a pirate, not a
merchant. He will tell you about a man named Adriano Montefi, who makes
wonderful Spyglasses.

NOTE: If you do not talk to Gorrando in the Tavern, you will not be able
to find Montefi later.

Head over to the Tavern owner and talk business with him. You will have to
pay 1gp for some wine, but it is worth every penny. Now return to the guard.


Give the wine to the guard. You will receive 250xp and +1 rep. Talk with
the other guard, and he will reveal that he has a craving for...Rum. Time to
go back to the Tavern. On your way back, look for a man named Albrecht
Zalpher. Talk to him, and he will hint at a new invention that he has. DO
NOT ask about it. Instead, suggest that he could work aboard your ship as a
Carpenter in order to escape Highrock. He will agree and will join your ship.


Once again, talk with the Tavern owner. Follow the same conversation
string aS before with the wine, and this time you will be able to obtain some
Rum. Now return to the guard outside.


Talk to the guard who wanted the Rum. You will receive 250xp and +2 rep.
At this point, you should have 1,500xp. Now, head to the Tendales.


Once you arrive in Tendales, Albrecht Zalpfer will leave your ship. You no
longer have a Carpenter, but you do receive 100xp. Find Zalpfer on the
Streets and talk to him. He will give you some Sketches for a new ship.

At this point, there is nothing preventing you from sailing out to Gray
Sails and beginning your career as a Spanish Privateer. However, in order to
afford your Spanish LOM, you will need at least 5,000gp. You will not suffer
a Reputation loss since you do not have a LOM yet. However, it might also be
a good idea to stop by Dead Island and buy lots of indulgences from the
Priest. Once you ally with the Spanish, the English are going to hate you,
and you will not be able to enter English ports.

If you want to get Dick Oakenwood, the free Surgeon, continue on. If you
would rather just get your Spanish LOM and move on, skip to section III.

If you want to get the free Surgeon, sail to Highrock.
If you want to skip it and get your LOM, sail to Gray Sails.

II. Pablo Loco & The Herb



Talk to Doctor Alumnus. You might have to talk to him two or three times.
He will ask you to find an herb for him. He won't be able to pay you in gold,
but he will assign one of his students to work as a Surgeon on your ship - for
FREE!!! There is also a Stranger roaming the streets. Talk to him and he
will send you to Shark Island.

Shark Island


Find Pablo Loco on the streets. He will give you the herb that you seek,
but you must help him first. Pablo needs some Tezhkataly wood. This wood can
only be found in one place - Dead Island.

NOTE: Your Reputation must be at least "Good Matey" or Pablo will not
trust you, and you won't be able to get the quest.

You will also encounter Raymond Ibelin on the streets. You can hire him if
you want (and you will want to). He is a First Mate.

NOTE: Raymond Ibelin may not appear on Shark Island if you are not using
the most recent patch. If he is not here, you can find him on Isle

Dead Island


Talk to Nigel Fester. Tell him you would like to buy some Tezhkataly wood.
He has some and is willing to sell it to you, but it will cost you 1,500gp.
Buy it, and return to Shark Island.

Shark Island


Give the wood to Pablo Loco. Not only will you receive the herb, you will
also get 500xp. Now head back to Doctor Alumnus on Highrock.



Talk to Doctor Alumnus. You will give him the herb, and he will tell you
that your new Surgeon is in the Tavern.


Talk to Dick Oakenwood (hee, hee). He will join your crew as a Surgeon who
will work for free!!! Now sail to Gray Sails.

III. Working for Spain

Gray Sails


There are two men in the Tavern that you may hire, if you wish. Dreyfus
the Fuse is a Master Gunner, and quite possibly the single best Officer in the
game. He is also the most expensive. You can also hire Jaque Dullarse as a
Carpenter, if you need one.

At one of the tables is a Spanish Agent. Talk to him and he will offer you
the opportunity to make restitution with Spain. But it is not cheap! It will
cost you 5,000gp. You must do it in order to gain entry into Spanish towns,
and also to get your Spanish LOM. Once you are done, sail to Granda Avilia.

NOTE: If you are short on cash, and you have a First Mate, (most likely
Raymond Ibelin on Shark Island) do the following: Sail around in
the harbor of Shark Island. You can fight the Pirate ships in the
harbor without any loss of Reputation. Board one of them, take it
as a Prize Ship, and sail back to town. Sell the Prize Ship for a
lot of gold. Repeat the process. If you enter the harbor and
there are no ships there to fight, simply enter the town and then
return to the Open Sea. This will save you money because you only
pay your crew when you sail on the world map.

IV. Nicholas Sharp - the Mailman

Granda Avilia


Talk to Ricardo Ferrer de Mercadal. He will give you a Spanish Letter of
Marque. Yippee!! He will also give you your first quest. He wants you to
deliver a letter to the alcalde (governor) of Isla Ballena. Guilabertus de
Muntral will pay you when you deliver the letter to him.

If you want to get the Spyglass now, sail to El Caimano.
If you want to deliver the letter now, sail to Isla Ballena.

V. Adriano Montefi's Spyglass

Note that the quest for Montefi's Spyglass is Optional. If you do not wish
to do it, skip ahead to section IV.

El Caimano


Talk to Adriano Montefi on the streets. In order to make you a Spyglass,
he needs you to perform a task for him. He needs some Crystals, which can be
found at the store on Granda Avilia.

Granda Avilia


Talk to Lorenzo Avido. He has the crystals and will give them to you for
500gp. Now return to Montefi on El Caimano.

El Caimano


Talk to Adriano Montefi again. You will give him the Crystals and he will
give you the Superior Glass (see the section of this document entitled Naval
Warfare for more information about Spyglasses). You will also receive
1,000xp. You should now head to Isla Ballena and deliver the letter.

VI. The Ill-Fated Voyage

Isla Ballena


Deliver the letter to de Muntral. You will receive 1,00gp, 500xp, and +1
rep. Now you should head to the Taberna.


The owner of the Taberna, Arnau Manlleu, tell you that his brother went
missing at sea. Pirates are suspected to be the cause. He says that the
alcalde (governor) at Granda Avilia can tell you more.


Talk to Catalina in the Streets. She is waiting for her Carlos, who is
missing. He was on the "El Lobo". Offer to help her.

Talk to Bartholomew Olster. He says that he is looking for Carla.


Inside is Carla. Talk to her, and she will tell you that she is busy. Hm.
When you leave the Taberna and look for Olster, he is nowhere to be found.


Talk to de Muntral, and he will tell you that his assistant, Bartholomew
Olster, was killed. He sends you off to bring Carla in.


Talk to Jaime Zingermann. He says that Carla is a witch. Ask him where
you can find her. He will direct you back to the Taberna.


Talk to the Tavern owner. He will tell you that Carla sailed away with a
Miguel Qenda. They sailed off to one of the small Spanish islands. Try El

El Caimano


Talk with Victor Martos. He will tell you about his old ship. It turns
out that he sailed with the Captain who was last seen with Carla. He tells
you that Carla could be back at Granda Avilia. You can also hire Martos if
you want. He is a Boatswain. Time to return to Granda Avilia.

Granda Avilia


Carla is in here! There are a couple of different ways you can resolve the
situation. You can:

1. You can "bear witness" against her. Then leave the Taberna, and talk
to the Inquisitor on the streets. Tell him that Carla is in the
Taberna. You will get to see a short movie where she is burned at
the stake.
2. Choose the other option, and Carla will tell you her side of the
story. You can then choose to let her go. This yields 5,000xp.

Isla Ballena


Talk to de Muntral. Ask him about the voyage that the two ships attempted
to make. When he asks why you want to know, tell him you are looking for a
challenge. You will be sent to solve the mystery of the disappearances.


When you arrive here, you will be attacked by "El Lobo." Defeat the ship.
There might be some survivors. Remember what the Taberna owner mentioned
about Pirates sometimes dealing in slaves? First, return to Granda Avilia.

Granda Avilia


Talk to Padre Ignacio. He would like to go to Skullshores. Conveniently,
that is where you should be heading as well! You will receive +1 rep for
agreeing to bring him with.

Gray Sails


Look for Padre Ignacio on the streets. Apparently, he wants to go to Shark
Island instead.


Talk with the Tavern owner. Ask him about slaves, and he will tell you the
slave dealer's name: Raymundo.


Look for Raymundo the Meatman, who is out on the streets. Talk to him and
you will learn that Carlos escaped from the Pirates. The island of Omory
opens up on your map now. First, though, head to Shark Island.

Shark Island

You will receive 500xp and +5 rep for bringing Padre Ignacio to Shark
Island. Now head to the Tavern.


Talk with Hugo Lumbermill. He will tell you his story. He offers you
1,000gp to sail to a Spanish city for him and bring him back a Spanish LOM.
There are only two possible cities to choose from, since only two of them have
alcaldes. Head to Granda Avilia, since it is closer.

Granda Avilia


Tell de Mercadal about Hugo Lumbermill's request. de Mercadal is not too
pleased to hear this. Hmm. Perhaps it is time to try at Isla Ballena.

Isla Ballena


Guilabertus de Muntral is more open to you your idea of giving Lumbermill a
Spanish LOM. You have a couple of options here:

1. Betrayal - You can set Lumbermill up. Sail back to Shark Island and
give Lumbermill the Spanish LOM. He will pay you your 1,000gp. When
he sails for Spain, they will arrest him. You will lose -15 rep, but
de Muntral will pay you 2,500gp for the deed.
2. Argue Lumbermill's Case - Convince the alcalde to give Lumbermill a
LOM. Return to Shark Island with it and give it to Lumbermill for
1,000gp and +5 rep.

Now it is time to continue searching for Carlos. On to Omory!



When you enter, you will find Carlos here! Talk to him and you will
receive 1,000xp. He would like you to return to Catalina at Isla Ballena and
tell her what has happened with him.

Isla Ballena


Find Catalina on the Streets and tell her about Carlos. You will receive
+5 rep.


Talk to alcalde de Muntral. He will tell you that he is delighted with Hugo
Lumbermill's service. Now you should head to Granda Avilia to see if there
are any new quests.

VII. The Elusive Pirate

Granda Avilia


Talk with de Mercadal. He will give you another task to complete. He
would like you to find the pirate who has been preying on Spanish trading
ships in the area. You are pointed in the direction of Skullshores to begin
your search.

Shark Island


Talk with Olaf Ulsson. Ask him about Francois Jeauvinione. You will be
sent to the island of Aliando. In addition, you will also receive 1,000xp.
Now you should head to Aliando.


When you arrive, you will encounter the Shnyava "Mercury". when you defeat
the enemy ship, you will receive 1,000xp and +1 rep. Return now to Granda

Granda Avilia


Talk with de Mercadal and tell him that you sank the pirate. He will tell
you that you must have sunk the wrong pirate ship, because the real Francois
is attacking El Caimano!

El Caimano

You set sail for El Caimano, expecting to be attacked in the harbor.
However, no attack materializes. Hmmm. Odd. At any rate, enter the town.


Talk to the Stranger With A French Accent. He will sell you information
regarding Francois for 1,000gp. As it turns out, Olaf has been hiding the
pirate all along! Better sail back to Shark Island quickly!

Shark Island


Confront Olaf Ulsson. As the heated conversation progresses, you begin to
feel very, very, VERY...stupid. It seems that you have been tricked. Who
would have thought that the Stranger With A French Accent was really Francois?
It is time to return to Aliando and settle this once and for all!


When you arrive, you will finally be fighting the REAL Francois. If you
defeat him, you will receive 3,000gp and +3 rep. Now it is time to collect
the long overdue reward. Sail back to Granda Avilia.

VIII. Secret Agent

Granda Avilia


Find and talk to Theodoro Alameda. He is looking for someone to escort him
safely to Costa Sinistra. Accept his offer.


Talk to de Mercadal. When you tell him that you have finally dealt with
the pirate, you will receive 5,000gp. He also has a new task for you. He
would like you to meet a Spanish agent located at Gray Sails. First, stop by
Costa Sinistra.

Costa Sinistra

When you arrive in Costa Sinistra, Alameda will leave you. Find him and
talk to him in order to receive your reward: 2,000gp, 1,000xp, and +1 rep.
Now continue on to Gray Sails.

Gray Sails


Talk to Jose Maria Lopezm who is on the streets. He wants you to tell
Guilabertus de Muntral at Isla Ballena that the English are planning to attack
his island. Quick! Back to Isla Ballena.

IX. Defending Isla Ballena

Isla Ballena


Guilabertus de Muntral will tell you that there are no ships available to
defend the island. Which really means no ships except yours! He offers to
hire you for 3,000gp. Accepting this offer will also net you 500xp and
+3 rep.


Defeat all of the English ships that have come to attack Isla Ballena. If
you can win the battle, you will receive 3,000xp, and +3 rep.


Talk with de Muntral. He will give you 3,000gp and send you on your way to
Granda Avilia. Apparently, the other alcalde needs your help as well. Before
you leave, though, head to the Taberna.


Who says that doing good does not pay? You will find your old friend Hugo
Lumbermill in here. Talk to him, and he will reveal some interesting news.
It seems that a French Man O' War is trying to repair itself at Chaktcha.
Apparently, the crew is only half of its usual 800 men. Since the Man O' War
is THE most powerful type of ship, it might help you to go and capture it.


The Man O' War here is "weak" - meaning that it is a fair fight! Try your
hardest to board it so you can claim your very own Man O' War. If and when
you win, continue on to Granda Avilia.

X. Capturing Dead Island

Granda Avilia


Talk with de Mercadal. He has a new task for you. He would like for you
to capture Dead Island. Off to battle!

Dead Island

First of all, take out the cannons. Each cannon that you destroy will earn
you 1,000xp. If you can take out all of the cannons, you will receive
20,000xp. You now have the option of assaulting the town. When you do this,
you will be met by the town guard. Typically, it is a force of between 500
and 999 men. Use you fencing skills to defeat them.

After you succeed in defeating the guard, you will enter the town. You
will encounter an Honorable Citizen. This person represents the general
populace. Talk to him and you will have two options:

1. Loot the city. You request 10,000gp before you will leave.
2. Claim the island in the name of Spain.

Obviously, you came to capture the island, so choose that option. You will
receive 10,000xp and +5 rep.

Now return to Granda Avilia.

XI. Blitzkrieg on the English

Granda Avilia


Talk to de Mercadal. He will reward you with 5,000gp. You are now part of
the Spanish Navy. Accordingly, you have a new mission: Capture or sink two
powerful ships stationed at Itkal.


You will have to fight two Lineships (Class 2). You will receive 5,000xp
and +2 rep if you can defeat them. Now return to Granda Avilia.

XII. France's Mystery Target

Granda Avilia


Ricardo Ferrer de Mercadal will give you two rewards: 3,000gp and +2 rep,
and the title of Admiral. You are now the highest ranking Spanish officer!
However, it appears that France is allied with England, and they are going to
attack a Spanish colony! First, you must discover which one.


Talk with the owner. He will tell you that his brother is marooned at El
Caimano along with some urgent documents. Hmmm... this might help. Go and

El Caimano


Talk with Roberto Engano. He will give you the information that you need.
You will also receive 1,000xp. Back to Granda Avilia!

Granda Avilia


Give the papers to de Mercadal. You should then suggest a pre-emptive
attack on the French fleet at Tel-Kerrat. Head there as soon as you are
ready - but be ready for a fight!


Well, if you have been hoping for a battle, this is sure to please! You
will be facing the following 3 powerful ships:

The Man O' War "Foch" (Class 1)
The French Warship "Provence" (Class 2)
The Shnyava "Le Triomphant" (Class 4)

If you did not take the opportunity to capture a Man O' War earlier on, now
is a good time to do so. When you are victorious, return to Granda Avilia.

XIII. Capturing Isle d'Orange

Granda Avilia


Talk to de Mercadal. He is QUITE pleased with your accomplishments thus
far. You will receive 4,000gp as a reward. He also has a new task for you.
He wants you the capture Isle d'Orange, a French island. If you accept this
mission, de Mercadal will give you 10,000gp up front. Off to Isle d'Orange!

Isle d'Orange

First of all, take out the cannons. Each cannon that you destroy will earn
you 1,000xp. If you can take out all of the cannons, you will receive
20,000xp. You now have the option of assaulting the town. When you do this,
you will be met by the town guard. Typically, it is a force of between 500
and 999 men. Use you fencing skills to defeat them.

After you succeed in defeating the guard, you will enter the town. Head to
the Townhall and talk with Nicolas de Monferrat. Here you will have two

1. Loot the city. You request 10,000gp before you will leave.
2. Claim the island in the name of Spain.

Obviously, you came to capture the island, so choose that option. You will
receive 10,000xp and +2 rep.

Now return to Granda Avilia.

XIV. Capturing Highrock

Granda Avilia


Talk with de Mercadal. You will receive 10,000gp for the capture of Isle
d'Orange. You are given a new mission as well. It is time to strike at the
heart of England's power in the Archipelago. It is time to capture Highrock!


First of all, take out the cannons. Each cannon that you destroy will earn
you 1,000xp. If you can take out all of the cannons, you will receive
20,000xp. You now have the option of assaulting the town. When you do this,
you will be met by the town guard. Typically, it is a force of between 500
and 999 men. Use you fencing skills to defeat them.

After you succeed in defeating the guard, you will enter the town. Head to
the Townhall and talk with Samuel Mortons. He will attempt to bribe you with
15,000gp. You will have two options:

1. Accept the bribe of 15,000gp.
2. Claim the island in the name of Spain.

Obviously, you came to capture the island, so choose that option. You will
receive 10,000xp and +2 rep.

Now return to Granda Avilia.

XV. Capturing Belflor

Granda Avilia


Report to de Mercadal. He is excited over the capture of Highrock, and
will reward you with 10,000gp. Now that the English are reeling, it is time
to strike at the heart of the French! You are now sent to capture Belflor.


First of all, take out the cannons. Each cannon that you destroy will earn
you 1,000xp. If you can take out all of the cannons, you will receive
20,000xp. You now have the option of assaulting the town. When you do this,
you will be met by the town guard. Typically, it is a force of between 500
and 999 men. Use you fencing skills to defeat them.

After you succeed in defeating the guard, you will enter the town. Head to
the Townhall and talk with Francois de Bijou. You will have two options:

1. Loot the city. You request 10,000gp before you will leave.
2. Claim the island in the name of Spain.

Obviously, you came to capture the island, so choose that option. You will
receive 10,000xp and +2 rep.

Now return to Granda Avilia.

XVI. Pirate Ultimatum

Granda Avilia


Talk to de Mercadal. He will give you another 10,000gp for the successful
capture of yet another island. The alcalde will give you a letter, an
Ultimatum. You are to deliver it to the Pirate Chief. If you press F1, and
then look in your Chest, you will see the Ultimatum Note. Click on it and you
can read it. It identifies Olaf Ulsson as the Pirate Chief. On to Shark

Shark Island


Talk with Olaf Ulsson. Tell him about the Spanish Ultimatum. You will
receive 5,000xp and +3 rep for doing this. You eventually manage to convince
him that he should retire. Now return to Granda Avilia for one last mission.

XVII. Capturing Tendales

Granda Avilia


Almost all of the obstacles to Spanish expansion have been removed. Only
Tendales remains. You are to sail to Tendales and capture it, thus ending the
war with England. You will be joined on this final mission by Pedro da
Humata. Time to finish it!


First of all, take out the cannons. Each cannon that you destroy will earn
you 1,000xp. If you can take out all of the cannons, you will receive
20,000xp. You now have the option of assaulting the town. When you do this,
you will be met by the town guard. Typically, it is a force of between 500
and 999 men. Use you fencing skills to defeat them.

After you succeed in defeating the guard, you will enter the town. Head to
the Townhall and talk with John Clifford Brin. You will have two options:

1. Loot the city. You request 10,000gp before you will leave.
2. Claim the island in the name of Spain.

Obviously, you came to capture the island, so choose that option. You will
receive 10,000xp and +2 rep.

Now return to Granda Avilia.

XVIII. Victorious Homecoming

Granda Avilia


Inform Ricardo Ferrer de Mercadal that Tendales now belongs to Spain. You
will be named Viceroy over Granda Avilia and all other adjoining islands by
the King of Spain. Congratulations!


The game is not over yet. Try playing through one of the other Campaigns.
The English, French, and Pirates are waiting...


As is true with the English, (and every Campaign) you begin your adventure
in Highrock. You are free to do as few or as many of the English quests as
you want. However, do NOT talk to Samuel Mortons and get a LOM. One quest
that you probably should do is the Pablo Loco & The Herb quest, as this gives
you Dick Oakenwood (chortle, chortle) who serves as your Surgeon for free!!

In the Preparation section below, I will include all the quests that you
can perform in Highrock at the beginning of the game. I will then set the
stage for obtaining your French LOM. I will not include many of the Optional
English Quests. See the English Campaign walkthrough for more information
regarding these Quests.

I. Preparations


Talk to the guards at the town gate. One of them would like some wine.
You will run into many people on the streets of Highrock Be sure to talk with
Theodore and the Old Gunner. They will teach you about game play basics, and
more importantly, you will receive 250xp for listening to each one. Now head
off to the Tavern to find some wine.


There are several more interesting characters to talk with in the Tavern.
You can hire Julius Ironcast as a Master Gunner, if you can afford his desired
wages. You should also talk to the Fencer and Sailor. They will teach you
more gameplay basics, and you will receive ANOTHER 250xp for each of them. Be
sure to talk with Roberto Gorrando. Tell him that you are a pirate, not a
merchant. He will tell you about a man named Adriano Montefi, who makes
wonderful Spyglasses.

NOTE: If you do not talk to Gorrando in the Tavern, you will not be able
to find Montefi later.

Head over to the Tavern owner and talk business with him. You will have to
pay 1gp for some wine, but it is worth every penny. Now return to the guard.


Give the wine to the guard. You will receive 250xp and +1 rep. Talk with
the other guard, and he will reveal that he has a craving for...Rum. Time to
go back to the Tavern. On your way back, look for a man named Albrecht
Zalpher. Talk to him, and he will hint at a new invention that he has. DO
NOT ask about it. Instead, suggest that he could work aboard your ship as a
Carpenter in order to escape Highrock. He will agree and will join your ship.


Once again, talk with the Tavern owner. Follow the same conversation
string aS before with the wine, and this time you will be able to obtain some
Rum. Now return to the guard outside.


Talk to the guard who wanted the Rum. You will receive 250xp and +2 rep.
At this point, you should have 1,500xp. Now, head to the Tendales.


Once you arrive in Tendales, Albrecht Zalpfer will leave your ship. You no
longer have a Carpenter, but you do receive 100xp. Find Zalpfer on the
Streets and talk to him. He will give you some Sketches for a new ship.

At this point, there is nothing preventing you from sailing out to Belflor
and beginning your career as a French Privateer. However, you might want to
spend some time completing the easy English Quests in order to gain strength.
You might also want to stop by Dead Island and buy lots of indulgences from
the Priest (at least 20).

If you want to get Dick Oakenwood, the free Surgeon, continue on. If you
would rather just get your French LOM and move on, skip to section III.

If you want to get the free Surgeon, sail to Highrock.
If you want to skip it and get your LOM, sail to Belflor.

II. Pablo Loco & The Herb



Talk to Doctor Alumnus. You might have to talk to him two or three times.
He will ask you to find an herb for him. He won't be able to pay you in gold,
but he will assign one of his students to work as a Surgeon on your ship - for
FREE!!! There is also a Stranger roaming the streets. Talk to him and he
will send you to Shark Island.

Shark Island


Find Pablo Loco on the streets. He will give you the herb that you seek,
but you must help him first. Pablo needs some Tezhkataly wood. This wood can
only be found in one place - Dead Island.

NOTE: Your Reputation must be at least "Good Matey" or Pablo will not
trust you, and you won't be able to get the quest.

You will also encounter Raymond Ibelin on the streets. You can hire him if
you want (and you will want to). He is a First Mate.

NOTE: Raymond Ibelin may not appear on Shark Island if you are not using
the most recent patch. If he is not here, you can find him on Isle

Dead Island


Talk to Nigel Fester. Tell him you would like to buy some Tezhkataly wood.
He has some and is willing to sell it to you, but it will cost you 1,500gp.
Buy it, and return to Shark Island.

Shark Island


Give the wood to Pablo Loco. Not only will you receive the herb, you will
also get 500xp. Now head back to Doctor Alumnus on Highrock.



Talk to Doctor Alumnus. You will give him the herb, and he will tell you
that your new Surgeon is in the Tavern.


Talk to Dick Oakenwood (hee, hee). He will join your crew as a Surgeon who
will work for free!!! Now sail to Belflor.

III. Meeting With de Bijou



Talk with Francois de Bijou. You can ask him for your Letter of Marque,
and he will give one to you. He will also give you your first task. You are
to travel to Gray Sails and meet with a French agent there. He will send you
back to Belflor with a letter.


Just outside of the Townhall, a guard will remark on how he would love to
marry the governor's daughter. Hmmm.

If you are looking for a Boatswain, you can talk with Gavrila Dubinin.
Also on the Streets is Maugis Saubruic, who wants an escort to Omory. He pays
well, so you should accept his request. You will also encounter a Tavern Girl
who is waiting for her fiance, George Marlot, who was aboard the "Mercurio."

Finally, you may also run across Andreas Fickler. He is a Purser who fears
that his Captain will try to kill him at any moment. Agree to try and help


You can hire Beuve Hainault as a Surgeon, if you are in need of one.
However, if you got Dick Oakenwood to serve on your ship, you do not need a

You will also find Victor Bretier here. He is the Captain whom Fickler
fears so much. He mourns the loss of his cargo. The cargo was worth 500gp.
You can pay this if you wish. If you do, return to the Streets and talk with
Fickler again. He will offer to join you as a Master Purser. It is now time
to head to Gray Sails, but you should head to Omory first if you accepted
Saubruic's Quest.



You will receive 500xp and +3 rep for escorting Maugis Saubruic to Omory.
Be sure to find him on the Streets and talk to him in order to receive your
payment of 1,000gp. Now on to Gray Sails!

IV. August Bromont

Gray Sails


You will find August Bromont on the Streets. Talking to him will earn you
500xp and Bromont's Note. You should now head back to Belflor with the Note.

V. Master of the Merchant Guild



Talk to de Bijou. Give him the Note and you will receive 1,500gp and +1
rep. He will now send you to meet the Master of the Merchant Guild, who is on
Isle d'Orange. You will also be introduced to de Bijou's daughter.

Isle d'Orange


You will find Aurelien Dupre, the Merchant Master, in the Streets. Talk
with him in order to receive the promissory note, which ends up being a
20,000gp loan to de Bijou.

On the Streets, you will encounter an Old Woman who is searching for a very
special ring. Keep an eye open for it.


Talk with Artois de Moulette. It seems that he has had a run of bad luck
recently, and has been unable to find employment. Agree to take up his case
with the governor of this island. Also, talk to the Taverne owner, and her
will tell you the story of the Old Woman and the Ring.


Nicolas de Monferrat is the governor of Isle d'Orange. Try and persuade
Monferrat to help de Moulette. You will fail at your attempt, but you will
receive 250xp for the effort. Return to the Taverne.


Talk to de Moulette again. You will tell him that you were unable to plead
his case successfully to the governor, but you will take him on as a First
Mate. This is the better of the 2 First Mates in the game! Now, on to

VI. The Ransom



Talk with de Bijou. Give him the loan note, and you will receive 2,500gp
and +2 rep. It turns out that the loan was meant to pay the Ransom for a good
friend of the governor's. He would like you to deliver the Ransom to Gray
Sails and bring back his friend.

Gray Sails

Townhall (gutted out ship)

Talk to Desmond Beltrop. Tell him that Bijou is willing to pay the ransom.
Beltrop does not like the terms of the offer, and refuses to comply. You need
to bring this development back to de Bijou.

While you are in Gray Sails, you can set out to obtain yourself a better
Spyglass, if you want.

If you want to get the Spyglass now, head to the Tavern.
If you want to deliver the letter now, sail to Belflor.

VII. Adriano Montefi's Spyglass

Note that the quest for Montefi's Spyglass is Optional. If you do not wish
to do it, skip ahead to section VIII. If you decide to get the Spyglass,
check to see your relations with Spain (Press F1 and look at your Logbook).
If they are hostile toward you, then you will have to take two major
Reputation hits, since you will have to change your LOM twice. To prepare for
this, you might want to sail to Dead Island and buy at least 20 indulgences.
Or perhaps you took my advice and did this earlier.

Gray Sails


There are two men in the Tavern that you may hire, if you wish. Dreyfus
the Fuse is a Master Gunner, and quite possibly the single best Officer in the
game. He is also the most expensive. You can also hire Jaque Dullarse as a
Carpenter, if you need one.

At one of the tables is a Spanish Agent. If your Reputation with Spain is
Hostile, you should talk to him. He will offer you the opportunity to make
restitution with Spain. But it is not cheap! It will cost you 5,000gp and
-10 rep. You must do it in order to gain entry into Spanish towns. Once you
are done, sail to El Caimano.

El Caimano


Talk to Adriano Montefi on the streets. In order to make you a Spyglass,
he needs you to perform a task for him. He needs some Crystals, which can be
found at the store on Granda Avilia.

Granda Avilia


Talk to Lorenzo Avido. He has the crystals and will give them to you for
500gp. Now return to Montefi on El Caimano.

El Caimano


Talk to Adriano Montefi again. You will give him the Crystals and he will
give you the Superior Glass (see the section of this document entitled Naval
Warfare for more information about Spyglasses). You will also receive
1,000xp. You are now finished with Spanish cities, so head back to Gray

Gray Sails


Talk to the French Agent. You will be given the option of buying back
your French LOM. You must pay another 5,000gp and lose -10 rep more. Now
return to Belflor and tell de Bijou of the failed ransom attempt.

VIII. Rescue Plan



Talk with de Bijou. He is NOT pleased with this latest development. He
tells you that you are free to try a different approach in order to release
his friend. Head back to Gray Sails and see what you can do.

Gray Sails


Look for Damien Rotnie on the Streets. His ship has been commandeered by
Beltrop, and he wants you to help him get it back. His ship is the "Odysseus"
and it is in the harbor. Note that you MUST board the ship. DO NOT sink it.
Also, for whatever reason, you must not only board it, you must take it as
your own ship (not a Prize Ship). When you finish this, head to the Tavern.


Talk to Damien Rotnie. In exchange for having helped him, he has helped
you - by freeing the de Bijou's friend for you! Now, talk to Thierry la
Moulle (de Bijou's friend). He is VERY grateful that you rescued him. Time
to sail back to Belflor!



Talk with Thierry la Moulle in the Taverne. He will give you your reward
for having rescued him - 5,000gp!! Now sail to Isle d'Orange.

IX. The Kidnapping

Isle d'Orange


Inside, you will run into an interesting pair of people. The first one you
should talk to is Fouqueret Araines. He wants you to help him kidnap governor
de Bijou's daughter. Hmmmm. Say no. Next, talk to Milon Ancerville. He
expresses interest in Araines' idea. This is getting a bit disturbing.
Perhaps you should go and warn de Bijou.



Report to de Bijou all that you have learned about these kidnapping rumors.
He will dismiss them as mere threats. You will receive 1,000xp and +3 rep.


Talk with the Taverne owner. He will tell you that someone has kidnapped
the governor's daughter. Uh, oh! Quickly, back to the Townhall!!


Offer your help in rescuing de Bijou's daughter. You should now sail back
to Isle d'Orange.

Isle d'Orange


Talk with Milton Ancerville. Interrogate him about the kidnapping. He
says that Araines hired a Pirate to help him with the plot. You will receive
500xp for learning this. On to Gray Sails.

Gray Sails


Talk to Michael Guttenshruge. You will find out from him that Araines is
at Inachetla. This earns you 2,000xp. In order to sneak close enough to
Araines so that he doesn't run away, you will need to switch ships with
Guttenshruge. Now sail to Inachetla.


DO NOT sink the ship! There is a valuable item on board. Araines is
sailing the Bark "Nemesis". The only problem is that it is sailing a French
flag. If you fire upon it, you will lose -25 rep, and you will raise the
Pirate Flag. Do this anyway. Board the ship and you will receive 1,000gp,
Ataines's Ring, and the Logbook of the "Nemesis". Now you can either capture
this ship as your own, or you can just let her sink. DO NOT take her as a
Prize Ship. After deciding upon one of the two options above, you will
receive +25 rep and your LEtter of Marque. Yay! Now, return to Isle d'Orange.
capture the ship.

Isle d'Orange


Talk with Brantome Tabarie. Show him the Ring and he tells you that he
will release de Bijou's daughter. You will receive 3,000xp. Now return to

X. Defending Belflor



Talk with de Bijou. He is very, very grateful. You will receive 10,000gp
and +5 rep. However, there are more problems on the horizon. Spain is
launching an attack on Belflor, and he wants you to help defend the town.
Agree to his request.


In the harbor are three Spanish ships: The War Galleon "Valencia"
(Class 3), the Frigate "Anaga" (Class 3), and the Corvette "Torrero" (Class
3). Defeat them, then return to talk with Bijou.


Talk with de Bijou. He is very, very grateful. You will receive 5,000gp.
He will have no new tasks for you.


Talk to the Stranger on the Streets. He will hand you a letter that tells
you to go to the Taverne. Do so.


In the Taverne, right next to the owner, is... Francois de Bijou's
daughter! You will have a chance to talk to her now. Depending on your
choices, you can:

1. Suggest they go "upstairs." This will lose you -10 rep.
2. Marry without her father's permission.
3. Seek a title of nobility so you can marry with her father's blessing.

If you would like to marry her WITH her father's permission, skip down to
section XI. If you want to marry her right away, without anyone's permission,
sail to Omory and continue reading.



Talk to Prior Modestus. He will charge you 3,000gp to perform a secret
marriage ceremony. After you pay, head to the Townhall in Belflor.



You will find that the governor is not present, but Prior Modestus and the
governor's daughter are. Modestus will conduct the secret ceremony. You will
then be outside of the Townhall. You should then re-enter and talk to the
governor, who is now there. You will still need to complete the following
quest, no matter which way you choose to get married.

XI. Preventing an Alliance



Ask de Bijou for his daughter's hand in marriage (if you have not married
her already). He will give you a task in order to prove your worth. If you
succeed, you will be given both a title and his daughter's hand in marriage.
It seems that the English and Spanish are attempting to form an alliance
against France. They are currently meeting at Aliando. Your mission is to
sail there and destroy the two ships thus preventing the alliance.


You will face the Spanish Brig "Catalena" (Class 4) and the English Shnyava
"Styx" (Class 4) here. You will receive 1,000xp and +2 rep for destroying
them. Now sail back to Belflor.

XII. Capturing Costa Sinistra



Talk to de Bijou. He says that the King of France has made you an Admiral.
You also have a new task - Capture Costa Sinistra! Leave the Townhall and
then immediately re-enter. Talk to de Bijou again, and ask for his daughter's
hand in marriage. He will finally consent.


Now back to business. Sail to Costa Sinistra.

Costa Sinistra

First of all, take out the cannons. Each cannon that you destroy will earn
you 1,000xp. If you can take out all of the cannons, you will receive
20,000xp. You now have the option of assaulting the town. When you do this,
you will be met by the town guard. Typically, it is a force of between 500
and 999 men. Use you fencing skills to defeat them.

After you succeed in defeating the guard, you will enter the town. Talk to
the Honorable Citizen. You will have two options:

1. Loot the city. You request 10,000gp before you will leave.
2. Claim the island in the name of France.

Obviously, you came to capture the island, so choose that option. You will
receive 5,000xp and +1 rep.

Now return to Belflor.

XIII. Capturing Highrock


Talk to de Bijou, and you will receive 5,000gp as payment. He would now
like for you to capture Highrock. In addition, he will offer you a new ship,
according to your current Rank. You may choose to either make the new ship
your own, or you can have it sail with you as an ally.


First of all, take out the cannons. Each cannon that you destroy will earn
you 1,000xp. If you can take out all of the cannons, you will receive
20,000xp. You now have the option of assaulting the town. When you do this,
you will be met by the town guard. Typically, it is a force of between 500
and 999 men. Use you fencing skills to defeat them.

After you succeed in defeating the guard, you will enter the town. Head to
the Townhall and talk to Samuel Mortons. You will have two options:

1. Accept his 15,000gp bribe.
2. Claim the island in the name of France.

Obviously, you came to capture the island, so choose that option. You will
receive 10,000xp and +2 rep.

Now return to Belflor.

XIV. Pirate Ultimatum



Talk to de Bijou. You will receive 10,000gp for the successful capture of
Highrock. The governor will give you a letter, an Ultimatum. You are to
deliver it to the Pirate Chief. If you press F1, and then look in your Chest,
you will see the Ultimatum Note. Click on it and you can read it. It
identifies Olaf Ulsson as the Pirate Chief. On to Shark Island.

Shark Island


Talk with Olaf Ulsson. Tell him about the Spanish Ultimatum. You will
receive 5,000xp and +3 rep for doing this. You eventually manage to convince
him that he should retire. Now return to Belflor.

XV. Capturing Isla Ballena



Tell de Bijou that Olaf Ulsson accepted the Ultimatum, and you will receive
8,000gp. You now receive the unfortunate news that England and Spain have
allied. Your next mission is to capture Isla Ballena.

Isla Ballena

First of all, take out the cannons. Each cannon that you destroy will earn
you 1,000xp. If you can take out all of the cannons, you will receive
20,000xp. You now have the option of assaulting the town. When you do this,
you will be met by the town guard. Typically, it is a force of between 500
and 999 men. Use you fencing skills to defeat them.

After you succeed in defeating the guard, you will enter the town. Head to
the Townhall and talk to Guilabertus de Muntral. You will have two options:

1. Loot the city. You request 10,000gp before you will leave.
2. Claim the island in the name of France.

Obviously, you came to capture the island, so choose that option. You will
receive 10,000xp and +2 rep. But wait, there is more to do here! Remember
the Old Woman whom you met a long time ago on Isle d'Orange? The one who was
looking for her ring? Well, after you capture Isla Ballena, sail back to
Belflor, but instead of Sailing to Island, turn around and return to Isla
Ballena. Enter the town.


Talk to the owner. He says that there is a girl in town named Francesca
who might have a ring matching the description you gave. Leave the Taberna.


Find Francesca in the Streets. Convince her to give up the ring that she
has (try telling her the story of the Old Woman).

Isle d'Orange


Find the Old Woman (Josephine Lodet) and give her the Ring. You will
receive 1,000xp and +5 rep. Now return to Belflor.

XVI. Defending Belflor



Francois de Bijou tells you that the English and Spanish are on their way
to attack Belflor. Head on out to the Harbor!


You will have to face the following ships: The Spanish Fast Galleon
"Vigia" (Class 4), the Spanish Lineship "Serviola" (Class 2), the English
Warship "Prince" (Class 2), and the English Corvette "Avenger" (Class 3). You
will receive 3,000xp and +3 rep for defeating the English and Spanish assault.
Now return to de Bijou.


For repelling the attack, de Bijou gives you 5,000gp. He will also give
you 10,000gp for having captured Isla Ballena. He now sends you on your last
mission. You are to capture both Tendales and Granda Avilia! Sail to
whichever one you would like to conquer first. I went to Tendales.

XVII. Double Duty


First of all, take out the cannons. Each cannon that you destroy will earn
you 1,000xp. If you can take out all of the cannons, you will receive
20,000xp. You now have the option of assaulting the town. When you do this,
you will be met by the town guard. Typically, it is a force of between 500
and 999 men. Use you fencing skills to defeat them.

After you succeed in defeating the guard, you will enter the town. Head to
the Townhall and talk to John Clifford Brin. You will have two options:

1. Loot the city. You request 10,000gp before you will leave.
2. Claim the island in the name of France.

Obviously, you came to capture the island, so choose that option. You will
receive 10,000xp and +2 rep.

Now sail on to Granda Avilia and attack that fort as well.

Granda Avilia

First of all, take out the cannons. Each cannon that you destroy will earn
you 1,000xp. If you can take out all of the cannons, you will receive
20,000xp. You now have the option of assaulting the town. When you do this,
you will be met by the town guard. Typically, it is a force of between 500
and 999 men. Use you fencing skills to defeat them.

After you succeed in defeating the guard, you will enter the town. Head to
the Townhall and talk to Ricardo Ferrer de Mercadal. You will have two

1. Loot the city. You request 10,000gp before you will leave.
2. Claim the island in the name of France.

Obviously, you came to capture the island, so choose that option. You will
receive 10,000xp and +2 rep.

Now return to Belflor.

XVIII. Victorious Homecoming



Inform Francois de Bijou that Tendales and Granda Avilia now belong to
France. You will be named Viceroy of Belflor and the surrounding islands.


The game is not over yet. Try playing through one of the other Campaigns.
The English, Spanish, and Pirates are waiting...


As is true with the English, (and every Campaign) you begin your adventure
in Highrock. You are free to do as few or as many of the English quests as
you want. You also might want to talk to Samuel Mortons and get a LOM. You
can gain extra experience by completing some of his Quests. Especially the
"Escorting Lemuelle Humm" quest. What I did is I completed all of the English
Quests through the Defense of Itkal. I then took on the Pablo Loco quest and
became a Pirate afterwards. One quest that you probably should do is the
Pablo Loco & The Herb quest, as this gives you Dick Oakenwood, who will serve
as your Surgeon for free!!

In the Preparation section below, I will include all the quests that you
can perform in Highrock at the beginning of the game. I will then set the
stage for becoming a Pirate. I will not include many of the Optional
English Quests, including the Lemuelle Humm quest. See the English Campaign
walkthrough for information regarding these Quests.

I. Preparations


Talk to the guards at the town gate. One of them would like some wine.
You will run into many people on the streets of Highrock Be sure to talk with
Theodore and the Old Gunner. They will teach you about game play basics, and
more importantly, you will receive 250xp for listening to each one. Now head
off to the Tavern to find some wine.


There are several more interesting characters to talk with in the Tavern.
You can hire Julius Ironcast as a Master Gunner, if you can afford his desired
wages. You should also talk to the Fencer and Sailor. They will teach you
more gameplay basics, and you will receive ANOTHER 250xp for each of them. Be
sure to talk with Roberto Gorrando. Tell him that you are a pirate, not a
merchant. He will tell you about a man named Adriano Montefi, who makes
wonderful Spyglasses.

NOTE: If you do not talk to Gorrando in the Tavern, you will not be able
to find Montefi later.

Head over to the Tavern owner and talk business with him. You will have to
pay 1gp for some wine, but it is worth every penny. Now return to the guard.


Give the wine to the guard. You will receive 250xp and +1 rep. Talk with
the other guard, and he will reveal that he has a craving for...Rum. Time to
go back to the Tavern. On your way back, look for a man named Albrecht
Zalpher. Talk to him, and he will hint at a new invention that he has. DO
NOT ask about it. Instead, suggest that he could work aboard your ship as a
Carpenter in order to escape Highrock. He will agree and will join your ship.


Once again, talk with the Tavern owner. Follow the same conversation
string aS before with the wine, and this time you will be able to obtain some
Rum. Now return to the guard outside.


Talk to the guard who wanted the Rum. You will receive 250xp and +2 rep.
At this point, you should have 1,500xp. Now, head to the Tendales.


Once you arrive in Tendales, Albrecht Zalpfer will leave your ship. You no
longer have a Carpenter, but you do receive 100xp. Find Zalpfer on the
Streets and talk to him. He will give you some Sketches for a new ship.

At this point, there is nothing preventing you from sailing out to Shark
Island and beginning your career as a Pirate. However, it might be a good
idea to stop by Dead Island and buy lots of indulgences from the
Priest (at least 35). Once you become a Pirate, all ports will fire on you,
but you will still be able to enter their cities (unless they are Hostile to

If you want to get Dick Oakenwood, the free Surgeon, continue on. If you
would rather just start your reign as a Pirate, skip to section III.

If you want to get the free Surgeon, sail to Highrock.
If you want to skip it and start your run as a Pirate, sail to Shark

II. Pablo Loco & The Herb



Talk to Doctor Alumnus. You might have to talk to him two or three times.
He will ask you to find an herb for him. He won't be able to pay you in gold,
but he will assign one of his students to work as a Surgeon on your ship - for
FREE!!! There is also a Stranger roaming the streets. Talk to him and he
will send you to Shark Island.

Shark Island


Find Pablo Loco on the streets. He will give you the herb that you seek,
but you must help him first. Pablo needs some Tezhkataly wood. This wood can
only be found in one place - Dead Island.

NOTE: Your Reputation must be at least "Good Matey" or Pablo will not
trust you, and you won't be able to get the quest.

You will also encounter Raymond Ibelin on the streets. You can hire him if
you want (and you will want to). He is a First Mate.

NOTE: Raymond Ibelin may not appear on Shark Island if you are not using
the most recent patch. If he is not here, you can find him on Isle

Dead Island


Talk to Nigel Fester. Tell him you would like to buy some Tezhkataly wood.
He has some and is willing to sell it to you, but it will cost you 1,500gp.
Buy it, and return to Shark Island.

Shark Island


Give the wood to Pablo Loco. Not only will you receive the herb, you will
also get 500xp. Now head back to Doctor Alumnus on Highrock.



Talk to Doctor Alumnus. You will give him the herb, and he will tell you
that your new Surgeon is in the Tavern.


Talk to Dick Oakenwood (hee, hee). He will join your crew as a Surgeon who
will work for free!!! Now sail to Shark Island.

III. Delivering the Idol

Shark Island


Talk with James Callow. He will tell you that he has come into the
possession of a cursed Idol - the Idol of Khurukazelitipochtlie. Whoever has
the item is cursed. He would like for you to give the Idol to the most
deserving man he knows - Beltrop. Since Beltrop has also tried to kill you
(if you took an English LOM and did the Lemuelle Humm Quest), you readily

You should now talk with Olaf Ulsson. Ask to join the Brotherhood, and you
will receive 1,000xp. Next, ask him about a man from his past. e will tell
you about Malcolm Sharp, your father. Apparently, he was quite a reputable
Pirate himself. He will mention three people who know him: Dumb Nicky (who
is unfortunately deceased), Pegleg Berquist, and Maurikio Camentata, who lives
on Costa Sinistra. Time to head on over to Gray Sails.

Gray Sails


There are two men in the Tavern that you may hire, if you wish. Dreyfus
the Fuse is a Master Gunner, and quite possibly the single best Officer in the
game. He is also the most expensive. You can also hire Jaque Dullarse as a
Carpenter, if you need one.

At one of the tables is a Spanish Agent. Talk to him and he will offer you
the opportunity to make restitution with Spain. But it is not cheap! It will
cost you 5,000gp, and -10 rep (if you took an English LOM earlier). You must
do it in order to gain entry into Spanish towns and complete the next couple
of quests. Once you are done, sail to Granda Avilia. You will be able to
complete the Adriano Montefi Spyglass quest as well as find Maurikio Camentata
in the same quest, so I will put them both under Adriano Montefi's Spyglass.


Talk to Pegleg Berquist. He will be able to tell you more about your
father. He can also give you information about a treasure that your father
hid somewhere. Now it is time to meet Beltrop!

Townhall (gutted out ship)

Finally, you come face to face with Desmond Beltrop. He seems reasonably
calm for having tried to kill you in the not-too-distant past. Offer him the
Idol. He will ask if it is from you or from someone else. Say it is from
you. Next, he will ask you what you want as a gift. You can ask him for a
ship. When he offers you a Galleon, your best option is to say that those are
ships for fat Merchants. Now return to Shark Island.

Shark Island


Talk to James Callow. He will reveal that he never had any intention of
sailing with you. However, he will reward you with 2,500gp. Now you should
sail to Costa Sinistra, in search of one of the men who knew your father.

IV. Adriano Montefi's Spyglass

Note that the quest for Montefi's Spyglass is Optional. However, also
contained within this section is the Quest that deals with one of the men who
knew your father. You will need to follow that part of the story in order to

Costa Sinistra


Talk to the Taberna owner, Maurikio Camentata. He will help you, but you
must help him first. He would like for you to deliver a letter to Lorenzo
Avido at Granda Avilia. On the way, you should stop by El Caimano.

El Caimano


Talk to Adriano Montefi on the streets. In order to make you a Spyglass,
he needs you to perform a task for him. He needs some Crystals, which can be
found at the store on Granda Avilia.

Granda Avilia


Talk to the owner of the Almacén. Give Lorenzo Avido the letter from
Camentata. You will receive 400gp for this. He will ask you to deliver some
wine to Camentata.

Next, ask him about Crystals. He has them, and will give them to you for
500gp. Now return to Montefi on El Caimano.

El Caimano


Talk to Adriano Montefi again. You will give him the Crystals and he will
give you the Superior Glass (see the section of this document entitled Naval
Warfare for more information about Spyglasses). You will also receive
1,000xp. You should now head to Costa Sinistra.

V. A Treasure Map

Costa Sinistra


Talk to Camentata. He will tell you much about your father. He will also
tell you that he has half of the Treasure Map that leads to your father's
treasure. He will sell it to you for 1,000gp. Buy it, and you will also
receive 3,000xp. Now return to Shark Island.

Shark Island


Talk to Olaf about Malcolm Sharp and the Treasure Map. He will point you
in the direction of Beltrop.

Gray Sails

Townhall (gutted out ship)

Confront Beltrop. Be bold, but do not threaten him. You will not learn
very much, except that Beltrop did indeed know your father.

Shark Island


Talk with Olaf. He is uncertain as to how you can make Beltrop reveal
more. In the meanwhile, he has a Quest for you. He would like for you to
hunt down and kill a merchant. The merchant's name is Julio Nederedas, and he
is aboard the "San Miguel". You should be able to find him near Granda
Avilia. Finally, before you leave, question Olaf again about the Treasure
Map. Now, off the Granda Avilia.

Granda Avilia

When you arrive in the harbor, you will find the "San Miguel". However,
since you are both Spanish ships, you will lose -25 rep if you fire on it.
Nevertheless, what Olaf wants... Fire on the "San Miguel" (if you are
currently holding a Spanish LOM, you will have to fire on the ship from the
first-person mode).

NOTE: Sometimes, the "San Miguel" is not here. It is possible that you
have encountered and sunk it already. It is also possible that it
is a bug. If the ship is here, sink it. If it is not, head to
Tel-Kerrat for your payment.

VI. Messing with Beltrop



You are supposed to meet up with Marcus "Tricky" here. He is the one who
will pay you for sinking Nederedas. When you talk to him, tell him that you
sunk the "San Miguel" (even if you had the problem noted above) and you will
receive 1,000gp and 500xp. Talk to him again, and you will discover that his
profession is that of a Forger. Hmmm. You can pay him 2,000gp and he will
make a forgery of your half of the Treasure Map.

Return to you ship, then immediately re-enter the town and talk to Marcus
"Tricky" again. He will have the false map ready for you. You will also
receive 1,000xp. Now go and pull a fast one on ol' Beltrop.

Gray Sails

Townhall (gutted ship)

Talk to Beltrop. Suggest a trade of your half of the Treasure Map in
return for information regarding your father. Make him talk before you give
him the map. You will learn more about your father, including his dream of
one day forming an independent nation of Pirates. You will end up giving
Beltrop the Forgery in return.


Enter the Tavern, and you will see a rare sight - a woman! Talk with Anna
Forge. She is furious with Beltrop, and seems ready to try and kill him.
She will ask you to hunt down and kill Juan Sangre. You can find him at Isle

Isle d'Orange

You will encounter the War Galleon "Aspirare" (Class 3) in the harbor.
This is Juan Sangre's ship. Defeat him and you will receive 3,000xp and +3
rep. Return to Gray Sails.

Gray Sails


You will want to tell Anna Forge that you killed Juan Sangre. When she
talks about killing Beltrop herself, you should dissuade her from this. Tell
her how much you want her to live. She will have a surprise for you - the
other half of the Treasure Map!! You can now head to Telltak for some
treasure hunting. But beware - Beltrop is aware that you tricked him, and he
is out for your blood.

VII. The Gorgon


You will encounter Beltrop here. It seems that there is more than one
treasure, for Beltrop is sailing a Modernized MAn O' War! Board it, and you
will be able to duel with Beltrop himself. He is not an easy opponent to
defeat, and he likes to feint often. Try and reduce his crew size as much as
possible before boarding the "Gorgon". Next, press Enter once. This should
bring up the Sea Map option in the lower left corner of the map. DON'T press
Enter again. Instead, sail around the island, as close to the beach as
possible. At one point, you will see that another icon has been added next to
the Sea Map option. It is the Land option. Select it, and you will go

VIII. Past and Present Collide

You will find yourself in a cave. Since there are no enemies, and the cave
is not too complex, you should just keep walking around until you finally find
your father's treasure. Congratuations!! Once you find the treasure, you
will be back in your ship. Press F1 and select the Logbook option. You will
have copied your father's Logbook into your own. You can now read about the
final days of your father! You should head to Gray Sails when you are

Gray Sails


Talk with Anna Forge. Tell her that Beltrop is dead, and she will be VERY
relieved. You can also hint at a future that involves you and her. When you
are done, return to Shark Island.

IX. Stop the French Invasion

Shark Island


Talk to Olaf. Tell him about the death of Beltrop. Talk to him again. He
will tell you that the Pirates are weaker now that Beltrop is dead and others
have fled. The other nations have decided to use this chance to wipe out the
Pirates. You are sent to prevent a French invasion. In addition, Olaf gives
you your father's old flag! On to Isle d'Orange

Isle d'Orange


Talk to the Drunk Officer. He is one of the men who is supposed to invade
the Pirate Islands, but he is not too confident about his chances for
survival. He mentions a man named d'Oriliaque who has something to do with
the invasion. Perhaps he can help you.



Talk to Aymeri d'Oriliaque on the Streets. You can buy him off for
2,000gp. In return, he will prevent the French invasion from taking place.
Yippee! Now, head back to Shark Island.

X. The Revolutionary

Shark Island


Tell Olaf that you managed to stop the French invasion. He will inform you
that the English are now planning an invasion. Oh, great. You will need to
set sail for Highrock. Before you leave, check to make sure that the English
are not Hostile toward you. If they are, you need to buy the forgiveness of
the English. You can also do that in this Tavern. Just talk to the English
Agent. Remember that it will cost you 5,000gp and -10 rep.



Talk with Jeremy McMellon. He is a revolutionary who shares your father's
dream of an independent nation. He will arrange it so that an English
invasion does not materialize. Now head back to Shark Island.

Shark Island


Tell Olaf about McMellon and how you prevented the English invasion. He
advises you to meet the new leader of Gray Sails, a man known as "Butcher

XI. Defend Gray Sails

Gray Sails

Townhall (gutted out ship)

Talk to Butcher Phil. He will tell you that there are two Spanish
Lineships on their way to Gray Sails right now. You must go out to the harbor
and defeat them!


Here you will encounter the Spanish Lineships "Trinidad" and "Milagrosa"
(Class 2). You will receive +2 rep for taking out the two Lineships. Once
you defeat them, head back to Shark Island.

Shark Island


Talk with Olaf. He tells you that he is tired of being a Pirate. He has
decided to retire and sail back to England. He leaves Shark Island in your


It is time to see how McMellon can help you. Back to Highrock.

XII. Surprise the English Fleet



Talk with McMellon. He requires 3,000gp in order to incite a revolution in
Highrock. He also tells you that there is a fleet gathering at Dead Island.
You should head there and destroy as many ships as possible.

Dead Island

You will find the English Frigate "Angel", the Brig "Falcon", and the
Pinnace "Medway" here. Defeat them. You will gain +3 rep for this. Head
back to Highrock.



McMellon's revolution was a success! When you reach the town, you will
notice that the Jolly Roger now flies above the fort. The father's dream is
beginning to become a reality - an independent Pirate nation. McMellon tells
you that it will all be completed quickly. Perhaps it is time to return to
Gray Sails.

XIII. McMellon's First Letter

Gray Sails


Talk with Francis Dullarse, the Tavern owner. He will give you a letter
from McMellon. To read it, press F1, then look in your Chest. McMellon would
like for you to sail to Isla Ballena and take out as many ships as possible.
You should also try and capture the island!

Isla Ballena

First of all, take out the cannons. Each cannon that you destroy will earn
you 1,000xp. If you can take out all of the cannons, you will receive
20,000xp. You now have the option of assaulting the town. When you do this,
you will be met by the town guard. Typically, it is a force of between 500
and 999 men. Use you fencing skills to defeat them.

After you succeed in defeating the guard, you will enter the town. Head to
the Townhall and talk with Guilabertus de Muntral. You will have two options:

1. Loot the city. You request 10,000gp before you will leave.
2. Claim the island in the name of the new nation of Libertalia.

Obviously, you came to capture the island, so choose that option. You will
receive 10,000xp and +2 rep.

Now return to Gray Sails.

XIV. McMellon's Second Letter

Gray Sails


Find and talk to Pegleg Berquist. He will tell you that he had been
captured by the Spanish for a time. However, McMellon rescued him. Berquist
was given a letter for you from McMellon. Read it in the same way as the
first letter. In this letter, McMellon says that you should come to Highrock



Talk with Jeremy McMellon. He wants you to capture Granda Avilia and leave
a force of 200 man behind.

Granda Avilia

First of all, take out the cannons. Each cannon that you destroy will earn
you 1,000xp. If you can take out all of the cannons, you will receive
20,000xp. You now have the option of assaulting the town. When you do this,
you will be met by the town guard. Typically, it is a force of between 500
and 999 men. Use you fencing skills to defeat them.

After you succeed in defeating the guard, you will enter the town. Head to
the Townhall and talk with Ricardo Ferrer de Mercadal. You will have two

1. Loot the city. You request 10,000gp before you will leave.
2. Claim the island in the name of the new nation of Libertalia.

Obviously, you came to capture the island, so choose that option. You will
receive 10,000xp and +2 rep.

Now return to Highrock.

XV. Showdown at Isle d'Orange



Inform McMellon that Granda Avilia has fallen. He will tell you that the
governors of Tendales and Belflor have fled! Only Isle d'Orange remains. At
this point, check to see whether or not France is Hostile toward you. It
doesn't matter too much at this point, though. Sail to Isle d'Orange.

Isle d'Orange

You should attempt to enter the town and speak with the governor, trying to
convince him to surrender peacefully. If this fails, or you are unable to
enter the town, then you should attack it.

First of all, take out the cannons. Each cannon that you destroy will earn
you 1,000xp. If you can take out all of the cannons, you will receive
20,000xp. You now have the option of assaulting the town. When you do this,
you will be met by the town guard. Typically, it is a force of between 500
and 999 men. Use you fencing skills to defeat them.

XVI. A Dream Fulfilled

After you succeed in defeating the guard, you will enter the town. Head to
the Townhall and talk with Guilabertus de Muntral. He will concede defeat,
and even ask to join you in your cause - the cause of liberty. Long live


There is a different way to finish this Campaign. Instead of sailing to
Isle d'Orange and capturing it, sail instead to Gray Sails. There, enter the
Tavern and ask Anna Forge to marry you. She accepts, and the Campaign will
end. Unfortunately, you receive the same ending sequence both times.

The game is not over yet. Try playing through one of the other Campaigns.
The English, Spanish, and French are waiting...

Experience Point Chart

Experience is very important in Sea Dogs. With more experience comes
higher Ranks, which allow you to command better ships. More Ranks also
provide you with more Skill Points, which help improve your chances at
success. The following chart lists the number of experience points that
comprise each Rank, as well as what Class of ship you are allowed to sail
(without penalties) for each Rank. Remember that the lower the Rank number,
the more powerful you are!

Experience Point Chart

Rank Experience Points Maximum Ship Class
12 0 - 2,999 Class 6
11 3,000 - 8,758 Class 6
10 8,759 - 19,815 Class 5
9 19,816 - 41,044 Class 5
8 41,045 - 81,803 Class 4
7 81,804 - 160,060 Class 4
6 160,061 - 310,313 Class 3
5 310,314 - 598,798 Class 3
4 598,799 - 1,152,689 Class 2
3 1,152,690 - 2,216,159 Class 2
2 2,216,160 - 4,258,021 Class 1
1 4,258,022 - 8,178,396 Class 1

Store Prices

It is always a good idea to know the buying and selling prices of the goods
in Sea Dogs. You will receive numerous trade items on many of the ships that
you board and plunder. What could be better than heading to land and selling
your newly ill-gotten loot? Knowing WHERE the best prices are! The following
tables list the Store prices in every city in the game. The Stores are
arranged below according to the nation to which they belong, starting with
English, then Spanish, French, and Pirates.

The Stores are labeled differently, according to the language of that town.
To avoid any confusion, note the following words for Store:

Store - English, Pirate Towns
Almacén - Spanish Towns
Magasin - French Towns

Be aware that there prices tend to differ slightly from game to game, as
the values are at least partly random. However, if they are not exactly as
shown below, they will be close enough to not make a difference. You will
still know where the greatest profits can be made. In addition, the Goods
that are marked Importing and Exporting are always the same for each town.

"Buy" is how much it costs YOU to buy that item. "Sell" is how much the
store will buy it for. "In Store" denotes how many of the item is available
for purchase. "Import/Export" denotes whether the town is Importing or
Exporting the item. These items are particularly good items to buy or sell.


Name Buy Sell In Store Import/Export
Knipples 24 16 607
Grapes 8 5 1,847
Bombs 67 45 1,162
Cannonballs 1 1 1,089
Chocolate 10 5 193 Exporting
Sugar 14 8 45 Importing
Wine 14 7 50
Linen 14 8 31 Importing
Rum 3 1 250 Exporting
Tobacco 5 3 93 Exporting
Coffee 8 5 180 Exporting
Mahogany 42 26 23 Importing
Wheat 8 5 41 Importing
Ebony 23 13 21
Planks 4 2 113
Sailcloth 1 1 193


Name Buy Sell In Store Import/Export
Knipples 12 9 463
Grapes 11 7 1,876
Bombs 66 43 1,084
Cannonballs 1 1 680
Chocolate 7 4 155 Exporting
Sugar 3 2 48
Wine 11 7 44
Linen 3 2 147 Exporting
Rum 2 1 113
Tobacco 5 3 89 Exporting
Coffee 8 6 143 Exporting
Mahogany 40 26 23 Importing
Wheat 8 5 40 Importing
Ebony 14 9 18
Planks 1 1 143
Sailcloth 2 1 152

Dead Island

Name Buy Sell In Store Import/Export
Knipples 21 15 544
Grapes 6 4 1,660
Bombs 28 20 1,030
Cannonballs 1 1 753
Chocolate 6 3 157 Exporting
Sugar 2 1 39
Wine 13 7 49
Linen 9 5 41
Rum 1 1 244 Exporting
Tobacco 4 3 98
Coffee 31 21 42
Mahogany 46 29 25
Wheat 3 1 0
Ebony 28 18 15
Planks 3 1 146
Sailcloth 1 1 188


Name Buy Sell In Store Import/Export
Knipples 20 14 426
Grapes 10 6 1,221
Bombs 34 25 1,176
Cannonballs 1 1 944
Chocolate 9 6 46
Sugar 3 2 48
Wine 14 8 50
Linen 4 3 48
Rum 6 4 98
Tobacco 4 2 18
Coffee 16 10 38
Mahogany 18 10 26
Wheat 1 1 40
Ebony 15 9 13
Planks 4 2 93
Sailcloth 1 1 155

Granda Avilia

Name Buy Sell In Store Import/Export
Knipples 15 11 608
Grapes 5 4 1,275
Bombs 60 45 799
Cannonballs 1 1 1,264
Chocolate 5 4 144 Exporting
Sugar 2 1 150 Exporting
Wine 31 21 28 Importing
Linen 4 2 41
Rum 16 11 85 Importing
Tobacco 5 3 25
Coffee 35 23 46 Importing
Mahogany 5 4 101 Exporting
Wheat 1 1 44
Ebony 13 10 55 Exporting
Planks 3 2 132
Sailcloth 1 1 127

Isla Ballena

Name Buy Sell In Store Import/Export
Knipples 12 9 585
Grapes 12 9 1,701
Bombs 32 24 1,127
Cannonballs 1 1 1,080
Chocolate 5 4 145 Exporting
Sugar 2 1 170 Exporting
Wine 30 19 43 Importing
Linen 9 6 26
Rum 12 8 97 Importing
Tobacco 25 16 22 Importing
Coffee 10 7 0
Mahogany 8 6 24
Wheat 3 2 48
Ebony 12 9 50 Exporting
Planks 3 1 114
Sailcloth 1 1 133

El Caimano

Name Buy Sell In Store Import/Export
Knipples 23 15 639
Grapes 6 4 1,438
Bombs 146 93 833 Importing
Cannonballs 1 1 1,026
Chocolate 7 5 52
Sugar 1 1 182 Exporting
Wine 12 8 61
Linen 22 13 31 Importing
Rum 15 9 62 Importing
Tobacco 6 5 27
Coffee 15 9 42
Mahogany 6 5 96 Exporting
Wheat 3 1 43
Ebony 17 18 18
Planks 1 1 137
Sailcloth 1 1 138

Costa Sinistra

Name Buy Sell In Store Import/Export
Knipples 20 14 682
Grapes 10 6 1,685
Bombs 33 23 836
Cannonballs 1 1 879
Chocolate 9 6 36
Sugar 3 2 43
Wine 28 17 35 Importing
Linen 15 8 33 Importing
Rum 3 2 111
Tobacco 9 5 18
Coffee 9 7 52
Mahogany 15 10 19
Wheat 1 1 49
Ebony 12 9 78
Planks 1 1 470
Sailcloth 1 1 169


Name Buy Sell In Store Import/Export
Knipples 25 17 483
Grapes 11 7 1,529
Bombs 56 37 1,279
Cannonballs 1 1 997
Chocolate 14 9 0
Sugar 5 3 46
Wine 5 3 153 Exporting
Linen 3 2 117 Exporting
Rum 6 3 107
Tobacco 19 10 17 Importing
Coffee 10 6 53
Mahogany 43 24 24 Importing
Wheat 6 4 36 Importing
Ebony 50 35 12 Importing
Planks 3 1 112
Sailcloth 1 1 130

Isle d'Orange

Name Buy Sell In Store Import/Export
Knipples 15 10 604
Grapes 7 4 1,848
Bombs 46 27 1,156
Cannonballs 1 1 1,040
Chocolate 15 9 56
Sugar 12 7 47 Importing
Wine 5 4 170 Exporting
Linen 3 2 82 Exporting
Rum 5 3 96
Tobacco 24 14 22 Importing
Coffee 10 7 0
Mahogany 34 23 17 Importing
Wheat 1 1 144 Exporting
Ebony 75 43 15 Importing
Planks 3 1 154
Sailcloth 2 1 162


Name Buy Sell In Store Import/Export
Knipples 24 14 502
Grapes 9 6 2,014
Bombs 57 39 1,000
Cannonballs 1 1 1,034
Chocolate 17 9 45
Sugar 5 3 49
Wine 11 6 37
Linen 7 4 36
Rum 5 3 96
Tobacco 6 4 22
Coffee 7 5 54
Mahogany 12 9 35
Wheat 1 1 71
Ebony 16 10 17
Planks 1 1 117
Sailcloth 2 1 219


Name Buy Sell In Store Import/Export
Knipples 21 16 677
Grapes 9 6 1,222
Bombs 29 22 826
Cannonballs 1 1 1,198
Chocolate 8 5 40
Sugar 5 3 67
Wine 5 3 47
Linen 8 5 30
Rum 5 3 104
Tobacco 11 7 24
Coffee 14 10 43
Mahogany 19 14 27
Wheat 3 1 59
Ebony 28 19 20
Planks 3 1 137
Sailcloth 1 1 191

Shark Island

Name Buy Sell In Store Import/Export
Knipples 30 22 628
Grapes 6 4 1,679
Bombs 46 37 1,030
Cannonballs 1 1 856
Chocolate 22 14 69
Sugar 5 3 57
Wine 16 11 41
Linen 8 6 33
Rum 3 2 79
Tobacco 6 4 33
Coffee 21 14 48
Mahogany 27 16 32
Wheat 3 2 42
Ebony 35 25 18
Planks 5 2 106
Sailcloth 1 1 155

Gray Sails

Name Buy Sell In Store Import/Export
Knipples 14 11 654
Grapes 10 7 1,648
Bombs 79 59 1,197
Cannonballs 2 1 949
Chocolate 20 15 47
Sugar 3 2 61
Wine 16 12 53
Linen 8 5 32
Rum 9 6 82
Tobacco 5 4 29
Coffee 21 14 49
Mahogany 27 18 23
Wheat 2 1 40
Ebony 37 28 14
Planks 5 3 161
Sailcloth 1 1 168

Shipyard Prices

An alternative to capturing ships and then taking command of them is to buy
new ships at the Shipyards in select towns. While this is not nearly as
exciting (or inexpensive) as capturing your own ship, it is still a viable
option. Note that the most powerful type of ship, the infamous Man O War, is
NOT sold at any Shipyard. You must capture one on the high seas (or cheat

Below are the towns that have Shipyards. All Shipyards sell and buy ships,
but each store carries different ships. Not every Shipyard sells every type
of ship. The towns that have Shipyards are:

Highrock Belflor
Tendales Isle d'Orange
Granda Avilia Shark Island
Isla Ballena

Below are the lists. You will find the type of ship, its Class, and its
cost. The Shipyards are divided according to nations: English, Spanish,
French, and Pirate. In the game itself, these ships will appear for sale
according to your Rank. For example, if you are Rank 4, you will see all the
ships through Rank 3 on the list. The stores will always show ships one Rank
higher than you can sail (without penalties).

English Shipyards

---------- ----------
Highrock Tendales
---------- ----------

Class Ship Type Price Class Ship Type Price
------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
1 Armored Battleship 85,000 2 Fast Lineship 60,000
1 Battleship 85,000 2 Warship 70,000
2 Fast Lineship 60,000 2 Lineship 60,000
2 Warship 70,000 2 Heavy Warship 70,000
2 Lineship 60,000 3 Plated Corvette 38,000
2 Heavy Warship 70,000 3 Corvette 38,000
3 Plated Corvette 38,000 3 Frigate 45,000
3 Corvette 38,000 4 Armored Pinnace 16,000
3 Frigate 45,000 4 Pinnace 16,000
3 Armored Frigate 45,000 4 Brig 25,000
4 Armored Pinnace 16,000 5 Trade Shnyava 20,000
4 Pinnace 16,000 5 Shnyava 20,000
4 Brig 25,000 5 Lugger 10,500
4 Plated Brig 25,000 6 Bark 12,000
5 Trade Shnyava 20,000 6 Modernized Bilander 6,500
5 Shnyava 20,000 6 Bilander 6,500
5 Fast Lugger 10,500 6 Light Sloop 8,000
5 Lugger 10,500 6 Sloop 8,000
6 Bark 12,000 6 Pink 6,000
6 Bilander 6,500 -------------------------------------
6 Light Sloop 8,000
6 Sloop 8,000
6 Pink 6,000
6 Trade Pink 6,000

Spanish Astilleros

--------------- --------------
Granda Avilia Isla Ballena
--------------- --------------

Class Ship Type Price Class Ship Type Price
------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
1 Armored Battleship 84,200 2 Warship 69,200
1 Battleship 84,200 2 Lineship 59,200
2 Warship 69,200 2 Heavy Warship 69,200
2 Lineship 59,200 3 War Galleon 39,500
3 War Galleon 39,500 4 Pinnace 15,700
4 Pinnace 15,700 4 Brig 24,700
4 Brig 24,700 4 Fast Galleon 29,500
4 Fast Galleon 29,500 4 Light Caravel 19,700
4 Plated Fast Galleon 29,500 4 Trade Caravel 19,700
4 Light Caravel 19,700 4 Caravel 19,700
4 Caravel 19,700 5 Shnyava 19,700
5 Shnyava 19,700 5 Fast Lugger 10,300
5 Fast Lugger 10,300 5 Lugger 10,300
5 Lugger 10,300 6 Fast Bark 11,700
6 Fast Bark 11,700 6 Bark 11,700
6 Bark 11,700 6 Bilander 6,200
6 Bilander 6,200 6 Pink 5,700
6 Pink 5,700 -------------------------------------

French Chantier Naval

--------- ---------------
Belflor Isle d'Orange
--------- ---------------

Class Ship Type Price Class Ship Type Price
------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
1 Armored Battleship 84,700 2 Fast Lineship 59,700
1 Battleship 84,700 2 Warship 69,700
2 Fast Lineship 59,700 2 Lineship 59,700
2 Warship 69,700 3 Plated Corvette 37,800
2 Lineship 59,700 3 Corvette 37,800
3 Plated Corvette 37,800 4 Armored Pinnace 15,900
3 Corvette 37,800 4 Pinnace 15,900
4 Armored Pinnace 15,900 4 Brig 24,900
4 Pinnace 15,900 4 Fast Galleon 29,800
4 Brig 24,900 4 Plated Fast Galleon 29,800
4 Fast Galleon 29,800 5 Trade Shnyava 19,900
4 Plated Fast Galleon 29,800 5 Shnyava 19,900
5 Trade Shnyava 19,900 5 Lugger 10,400
5 Shnyava 19,900 6 Fast Bark 11,900
5 Lugger 10,400 6 Bark 11,900
6 Fast Bark 11,900 6 Modernized Bilander 6,400
6 Bark 11,900 6 Light Sloop 7,900
6 Modern Bilander 6,400 6 Sloop 7,900
6 Light Sloop 7,900 6 Pink 5,900
6 Sloop 7,900 6 Trade Pink 5,900
6 Pink 5,900 -------------------------------------
6 Trade Pink 5,900

Pirate Shipyard

Shark Island

Class Ship Type Price
3 Corvette 37,500
4 Armored Pinnace 15,700
4 Pinnace 15,700
4 Brig 24,700
4 Plated Brig 24,700
4 Fast Galleon 29,500
4 Light Caravel 19,700
4 Trade Caravel 19,700
4 Caravel 19,700
5 Shnyava 19,700
5 Lugger 10,300
5 Fast Lugger 10,300
6 Fast Bark 11,700
6 Bark 11,700
6 Modern Bilander 6,200
6 Light Sloop 7,700
6 Sloop 7,700
6 Pink 5,700
6 Trade Pink 5,700

Officer Statistics

There are many Officers in Sea Dogs who are looking for the right Captain
to serve under. If you are willing to pay them, they will serve on your ship.
Each Officer will add to (or subtract from!) some of your Skills. In addition,
the ever-valuable First Mate will allow you to take a Prize Ship after
successfully boarding a ship at sea. This is about the easiest way to get
money in Sea Dogs. First Mates do not come cheap, but they more than pay for
themselves. Unless otherwise noted below, you automatically pay the Officer
their first month's salary upon hiring them.

You can only have one Officer for each position, no matter how many ships
are under your command. The nationality of an Officer will not restrict you
from hiring him; if you are playing the English campaign, you can still hire
Officers that are in Spanish, French, or Pirate cities - assuming you can
enter the city! (you can not enter a city if that nation is Hostile toward
you. This is the only restriction on the hiring of Officers)

Below are the names of each Officer, where they may be found, the position
they will fill aboard your ship, the amount of money they are asking, and the
bonuses and/or penalties they will add to your ship. The Officers are
organized below according to where they can be found, beginning with English
towns, then Spanish, French, and Pirate towns.

Note that just because an Officer is located in a certain town does not
guarantee that you will be able to just sail there and hire them. You may
only have access to them at certain points of the game, or after completing
one or more tasks and quests. See the Walkthrough for more information.

Officer Chart

Chart Abbreviations
Sai - Sailing Coo - Coordination
Rep - Repair Boa - Boarding
Com - Commerce Def - Defence
Gun - Gunlaying Gra - Grappling
Rel - Reloading

Location Officer Name Salary Position Bonuses
Highrock Julius Ironcast 600/month Gunner +3 Coo
+2 Def
-1 Gun
Highrock *Albrecht Zalpfer 0/month Carpenter +3 Rep
Highrock Dick Oakenwood 0/month Surgeon +2 Def
Tendales Andrew Shoo 500/month Boatswain +3 Sai
+1 Boa
Tendales Adam Mullen 1000 start Purser +3 Com
Dead Island David Murray 400/month Gunner +1 Gun
+1 Rel
+1 Coo
El Caimano Victor Martos 150/month Boatswain +1 Boa
+1 Gra
Costa Sinistra Diego Salvatore 600/month Surgeon +2 Def
Belflor Beuve Hainault 200/month Surgeon +1 Def
Belflor Gavrila Dubinin 400/month Boatswain +2 Boa
+1 Gra
-1 Coo
Belflor Andreas Fickler 300/month Purser +2 Com
Isle d'Orange Artios de Moulette 1000/month First Mate +3 Sai
Shark Island Raymond Ibelin 900/month First Mate +2 Sai
Gray Sails Dreyfus the Fuse 2000/month Gunner +3 Gun
+3 Rel
+3 Coo
Gray Sails Jaque Dullarse 300/month Carpenter +2 Rep

* Albrecht Zalpfer is only on your ship for a short time. He is part of a
quest, and just happens to serve as an Officer on your ship.

Reputation Point Chart

Reputation is an important part of the game. Besides giving you a neat
title on your Staff Screen, (by pressing F1) it also affects how long you are
able to withhold paying your crew before they mutiny. In at least one known
instance, your Reputation can affect whether or not you can receive a quest.
The game does not display how many Reputation Points you currently have, but
this chart will provide you with some idea of how many you have.

There are many ways to gain Reputation Points. There are also a few ways
to lose them. As is true in real life, it takes some time to build up your
Reputation, but it doesn't take much time at all to destroy it! So be careful
in the decisions that you make. Below is the chart of the amount of
Reputation Points and the corresponding title given to you on the Staff
screen. Also provided are common ways in which you can gain (or lose)
Reputation Points.

Reputaion Points Chart

Reputation Title Amount of Reputation Points
-21 & below Horror of High Seas
-11 thru -20 Bloody Bastard
-1 thru -10 Cynic Swindler
0 thru 4 Neutral
5 thru 14 Plain Fellow
15 thru 24 Good Matey
25 & above Hero of High Seas
How to Lose Reputation:
Firing on a Ship of your Nationality -25 rep.
Changing your Letter of Marque -10 rep.
*Not Paying Crew Each Month (per refusal) -5 rep.

How to Gain Reputation:
Completing Various Tasks, and Missions varies
Paying 100gp to the Priest on Dead Island +1 rep.
* Careful! Your crew will mutiny at random if your
reputation is Cynic Swindler (-1 rep) or worse.
Mutiny equals death.

Thanks To...

Congrats to Bethesda Softworks Inc for making a wonderful RPG. This is a
unique game which I have enjoyed very much. Sea Dogs is simply amazing. Good
luck with Sea Dogs 2! May it be several times better. Arrr...

Second, thanks to CJayC at for posting my FAQ's. Yours is a
truly excellent website, CJayC, and I am grateful that you continue to accept
my work.

Also thanks to the Figlet Server at for
providing their free online Text to ASCII converter.

Finally, I want to thank the various producers of caffeine products, which
have kept me going LONG into the night...

Happy gaming!

Cheat Codes

I currently have no cheat ccodes for Sea Dogs. If you have cheat codes
that you would like to share, e-mail them to me. I will put them in this
section, and you will be fully credited for having provided them.

Other Works

This is a list of FAQ's written by me. The latest versions of all of
these FAQ's can be found at:

Unless otherwise noted, other sites might also carry this FAQ, but I will
always send new updates to first.

| Works to Date |
| |
| Icewind Dale - Store Items |
| |
| Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter - Store Items |
| Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter - Walkthrough |
| |
| Icewind Dale: Trials of the Luremaster - Walkthrough |
| (included in Heart of Winter Walkthrough) |
| |
| Invictus: In the Shadow of Olympus - Walkthrough |
| |
| Revenant - Walkthrough |
| |
| *Sea Dogs - Walkthrough |
| |

* Available ONLY at -

Version Updates

Version 1.2 Updated the Other Works section. Corrected some
July 10, 2001 minor grammatical and spelling errors. Added a
251k section for Cheat Codes. (bot no codes yet...)

Version 1.1 Updated the Other Works section. Corrected some
July 2, 2001 minor grammatical and spelling errors.

Version 1.0 This FAQ is first published. Created complete
June 4, 2001 walkthrough for the English, Spanish, French, and
249k Pirate campaigns. Added several lists and charts
detailing various aspects of the game.

Legal Information

I am in no way, shape, or form affiliated with Bethesda Softworks Inc and/or
ZeniMax Media Inc. I had nothing to do with the creation of this game, nor
did I have anything to do with the people who made it.

This document is only available at Any other site which posts,
publishes, displays, or makes available by any other means this document does
so without the consent of the author, and thus, is in violation of United
document may not be translated into any other language or dialect. Nothing
may be added, removed, or rearranged in any way, shape or form and then
republished. This FAQ MUST remain in its original form. (sea_dogs.txt) The
author of this FAQ reserves the right to recall this FAQ from any site, at any
time, and for any reason as he sees fit. This document may NOT be sold for
profit, nor may it be included in any package or promotion receiving a profit.
By possessing this document, you accept all the terms and conditions which
accompany it, both expressed and implied. Violation of the United States
Copyright Laws is a crime. Plagiarism is also a crime.

This document is Copyright 2001 by Michael Walsh.
Sea Dogs Copyright Bethesda Softworks Inc, A Division of ZeniMax Media Inc


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Neutraler Anfangsspielstand für alle User

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Trainer für Geld und Erfahrungspunkte

17.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018