Final Fantasy Legend 3

Final Fantasy Legend 3

13.10.2013 14:21:37
The Mynock's Guide to
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Version 1.00 10/95

Supporting Characters
The Talon
Miscellaneous Tips
Super Game Boy
Game Genie
Other Stuff

*************************T H E C H A R A C T E R S***********************

Arthur Race: Human Element: Fire
The hero of the story, Arthur was mysteriously sent back in time
from the Future World. The Elder of Dharm has reared and nurtured
him for the last 10 years. Arthur is skilled in combat, and

Curtis Race: Mutant Element: Air
Sent back in time with his best friend Arthur, Curtis has excellent
attack Magic potential.

Gloria Race: Mutant Element: Water
Gloria was sent back from the furture with Arthur and Curtis. Her
powerful healing Magic allows the party to explore dangerous,
unexplored areas with confidence.

Sharon Race: Human Element: Earth
The Elder's sole grandchild, Sharon, was raised with Arthur, Curtis,
and Gloria. She is strong-willed and has well-honed fighting skills.

******************S U P P O R T I N G C H A R A C T E R S****************

Myron Race: Human Element: Fire
A powerful warrior, Myron grew up with Arthur, Curtis, Gloria, and
Sharon. He's like the big brother Arthur never had. Few monsters
are able to do any serious damage to him.

Lara Race: Mutant Element: Earth
Lara was raised in the town of Elan in the Past World by the
reclusive "Granny". Tragically, Lara has been brainwashed by a
powerful monster.

Faye Race: Human Element: Water
Faye is a young woman who was raised by the Elder of Dharm in the
Present World. In the Future World, she will grow to become a
respected warrior.

Borgin Race: Mutant Element: Fire
Borgin is the last person to join the party, but perhaps the most
important. It is he who sent Arthur, Curtis, and Gloria back in
time from Viper, the embattled city of the Future World.

Dion Race: Human Element: Wind
Raised as a youth by the Elder of Dharm, Dion grows to become
a famous rebel leader in the Future World.

***************************T H E T A L O N*******************************

The Talon (and later the Talon2) is your main transportation in Final
Fantasy Legend 3. With the proper units the Talon can do a number of
things that will help you in your quest. The units are...

Past Travel to Past World Present World,Elan
Flushex Return to original form Past World,Lae
Rover Travel over ground only Past World,Dogra's Cave
Hover Travel over ground & water Present,Chaos' Castle
Future Travel to Future World Present,Chaos' Castle
Berth ?????? Future,Viper City
X-Plane Travel to Pureland Floatland,Tower of Maitreya
Cannon Weapon Start with
Missile Weapon Pureland,Mt. Hasbid
Laser Weapon Pureland,Cirrus
E-Ray Most powerful weapon Pureland,Underworld Cave
Soar Travel over any terrain Pureland,Eastern Ruins
Shield No monster encounters Pureland,Talonsburg

Once you find the crew of the Talon you will be able to buy equipment from
them. Two of them can combine Light and Dark stones to make new Weapons
and Armors and one of them can combine Elemental stones to make new Magics.
The crew of the Talon are:

Masa the Weapon Artist
He can turn the cursed Muramas sword into the mighty Masamune.
Can buy:
Rune Axe 13000
Wall Staff 18000
Para Axe 18000
Laser 18000
Can combine:
Emblem + Crystal + Katana = Emperor
1 Light + 1 Dark = Petrify Hammer
1 Light + 2 Dark = White Spear
2 Light + 1 Dark = Samurai Bow
1 Light + 3 Dark = Ninja

Juba the Armor Artist
Can buy:
Mirror Armor 13000
Power Gloves 18000
Samurai Shield 18000
Bangle 18000
Can combine:
Metal + Oil = Aegis Shield
1 Light + 1 Dark = Mirror Gloves
1 Light + 2 Dark = Armlet
2 Light + 1 Dark = Speed Shoes
3 Light + 1 Dark = Speed Shield

Shar the Wizard
Can buy:
Cure A 10000
Life 18000
Virus 18000
Cure B 61800
Can combine:
Earth + Earth = Life A
Water + Water = Life B
Water + Earth = Cycle
Air + Air = Exit 2
Air + Earth = Wind
Air + Water = Flood
Air + Fire = Fire X
Fire + Earth = Shake
Fire + Water = Lit X
Fire + Fire = Flare

Buzi the Sage
Can buy:
Cure 1 50
Cure 2 150
Cure 3 300
Magic 1500
Tent 2000
Elixir 3500

Once you have the Flushex Unit you can use it to return to your original
form if you've changed forms by eating meat or installing parts. To
change back, walk thru the wall to the right of the Talon's exit and
step into the thing you find there.

***************************W A L K T H R U*********************************

The walkthru will take you step by step through the game of Final Fantasy
Legend 3. If a town or dungeon can be found on the map that came with the
game there will be a number in parenthesis like this: (#). That number
corresponds with the number on the map. If there is no number then that
place can't be found on the map.


(5) The Palace
Supporting Character: Myron
Items: Radar
You start the game in a battle. When the battle is finished you'll
find out that it was just a simulation. The next day you'll be at
the Elder who tells you of Borgin who sent you into the past in
hopes that you might save the future. The Elder then takes you west
of town to a temple where Myron and Sharon are waiting for you.
Then both join the party and the Elder takes you further into the
temple to see the Talon. Now exit the temple and return to the town
to the east.

(7) Dharm
Go to the shops and equip your party with whatever you can afford.
Make sure you equip and magic you buy by going to your items screen,
selecting the magic spell, and then selecting the person to teach it
to. When you're finished go to the house in the top right corner of
town where you'll find the Simulator. The Simulator is a good place
to gain a few easy levels along with some gold. You can enter the
Simulator as many times as you want so you may want to get your levels
up to maybe 5 or 6 before continuing. When you're happey, leave Dharm
and head north.

(6) The North Tower
Items: Shell Magic, Leather Gloves, Float Magic
1st Floor-As soon as you enter just continue going straight to get
to the next floor
2nd Floor-Follow the wall and go left. Once you reach another wall
go down, jump over the hole in your way, and then continue
following the path until you reach the chest. Now backtrack
your way back to the stairs you came up and then go past them
(jumping over the hole) until you reach a wall. Go up and you'll
find a stairway leading to the 3rd floor.
3rd Floor-The stairway up to final floor is in the center of this
room and is surrounded on three sides by wall, on the forth side
is a hole. To get to the stairs just jump over the hole. But
first get the Leather Gloves from the chest on the left side of
the stairway going up.
4th Floor-Once you get the Float spell in the center of the room
go back down a floor and then use the holes to get out of the
tower quickly. Return to Dharm if you need to use the Inn and
then cast Float and go west to Elan (it looks like a cave).

(4) Elan
Items: Past Unit
Boss: WaterHag
As you enter someone will say that Granny is in the Magic Shop. To
get to the Magic shop you need to enter the Inn, go down the stairs
which lead to a pond with a couple people in it (you'll need to walk
into a wall to get there). Enter the pond and push against the
left wall. Now you should be outside the Inn in a river. Enter the
waterfall and you're finally there. Cronos is in the large house at
the bottom of the town. He gives you the Past unit for the Talon.
Now exit Elan, cast Float and head back to the Palace. You'll notice
there is a monster guarding the entrance. Land and fight the WaterHag.

(5) Palace
Once you've entered the Talon, Myron will leave the party. Step
forward onto the little seat. The Past unit will be attached to
the Talon and you'll be taken to a menu. Choose WARP and then PAST.
Exit the Talon the way you entered. You're now in the Past.


Upon exiting the Palace go east where you'll find the Elder looking for
a good spot to build a new town (Dharm). Now cast FLOAT and go to Elan
(it's in the same spot it was in the Present).

(4) Elan
You can get to the Magic shop the same way you did in the Present
but the spells are the same in either time period. Actually, the
only new thing you can buy is Cure2 potions in the Item shop.
In the big house at the bottom you'll find a young Cronos who
says Granny went to save Lara. Before going to the cave to find
Granny and Lara, cast Float and go south to a little town
surrounded by mountains on 3 sides and water on the 4th side.

( ) Lae
Items: Flushex
There is a good weapons and armors here, plus if you go to the back
of town to the Items shop, the shopkeeper will give you the Flushex
unit for the Talon. Now go southeast where you'll find a cave.

( ) Dogra's Cave
Supporting character: Lara
Items: Plume, Iron Nunchucks, Cure2, Rover Unit
Boss: Lara, Dogra
1st Floor-Upon entering go left following the wall around until
you find a chest. Go back the way you came and then once you've
reached the exit continue to the right and keep going on that path
and you'll eventually find Granny. You tell her that you'll find
Lara and she leaves. From here continue to the left and then go
up to a chest. Return to the spot where you found Granny and then
take the stairs down.
Basement1-Go right and the up until you can see another stairway going
down. Take that stairway down to the next floor.
Basement2-Go down as far as you can, then left as far as you can, and
then up to a stair leading up. Take that stairway to get a Cure2.
Come back down the stairs and then go down as far as you can, and
then left until you reach a spot where you can go up. Take that
path up and then to your left following the outer wall (the one
on your characters left). Eventually, you should reach a stairway
going up. This is the stairway you want to take.
Basement1-Not much left to do from here. Follow the path you are in
and you'll find Lara. Unfortunately, she is under a spell and you
have to defeat her in battle to break it. After the battle she'll
join your party. Continue to the right and take the stairs you
Basement2-In the center of the little room you are now in you'll
find Dogra. Defeat it and you'll receive the Rover unti for
the Talon. Now exit the cave the way you came in and return
to Elan.

(4) Elan
Items: Dive spell
Return to the big house where Granny will be waiting for you. Talk
to her and she will give you the Dive spell. Exit Elan
and walk over to the edge of land. Cast DIVE and press 'A' to dive.
Go north and you should find a town.

( ) Muu
Items: Ifram Seed, Soft
Besides getting new weapons, armors, and magic, there is a building
that has two treasure chests. Once finished exit the town and then
go around the mountains. After a while you should be able to see
a shipwreck about 5 or 6 spaces south of the mountains.

Items: TNT, Water Stone
The most imporatant thing here is the Water Stone. Later you'll be
able to use these stones to make powerful magic. Once you're out
of the shipwreck go back to the surface (press 'A') and go north.
When you reach land press 'B' to get back on land. Continue north
and you'll see that you're back at the cave where you rescued Lara.
You should also see a piece of land that looks different. Step on
that square and you'll plant the Ifram seed. Now use Float and
return to the Palace.

(5) Palace
Board the Talon and sit on the seat as you did before. The Flushex
and Rover will be attached. Now choose WARP and PAST again to
return to the Present.


As you exit the Palace you'll automatically go to the Elder in Dharm.

(7) Dharm
Lara will leave the party and the Elder will tell you that Cronos
found something for you. So, go to Elan.

(4) Elan
Items: Tower Key
Go see Cronos in the big house. He'll tell you that Ashura in the
South Tower has the Future unit. Then there is an earthquake and
and Chaos' castle rises out of the ocean. Cronos will then give you
the key to the South Tower, your next destination.

(2) South Tower
Items: Chaos Key, B-Jack Whip, Air Stone, TNT
Boss: Ashura
Outside the tower you'll see the Ifram tree, which grew from the
seed you planted in the Past.
1st Floor-Just go straight forward to reach the stairs going to the
next floor.
2nd Floor-Go left and then up when you come to a wall for a chest.
Now go to the far right side of the room and into the upper
corner where you'll find the stairs up.
3rd Floor-The stairs going to the next floor is towards the left
side of the room. There are two chests, one on each side of the
stairs. To get the one on the left side of the stairs you need
to jump over a hole, unfortunately you won't have enough room
to jump back so you'll need to drop into the hole and then work
your way back up to the 3rd floor again (if you don't want the
TNT that's in it then just go up to the 4th floor).
4th Floor-Nothing here except the stairs up to the next floor.
5th Floor-Staight ahead from where you enter this floor you'll find
Ashura. When you defeat Ashura you will receive the Chaos key.
Exit the tower (using the holes is the quickest) and return to
Elan to resupply and get healed up. Once finished go south until
you can see the top of Chaos' Castle. Walk to the water and use
the DIVE spell and the press 'A' to go under where you'll be able
to enter the castle.

(14)Chaos' Castle
Items: Elixir, Relax, Earth Stone, Gold Gloves, Soft, Psi Armor,
Fire Shield, Hover Unit, Future Unit
Boss: Chaos
1st Floor-As you enter you should be able to see a conveyer belt in
front of you. This particular conveyer belt is going in the wrong
direction though. Go left and up a bit where you'll find a conveyer
belt that is going in the right direction. Step onto it and
immediately push right. About the middle of the conveyer belt you
should go through the wall into a small room where you'll find
a chest with an Elixir in it. Go back through the wall where you
came in and continue your conveyer belt ride. Once off the
conveyer belt go up to the wall and then right until you get to
the stairs going up.
2nd Floor-Go down the path to the right of the stairs you just came
up. Once you reach a wall go as far as you can to your left.
Jump over the hole below you and then take a couple steps to your
left and then up across the conveyer belt. You should see another
conveyer belt to your left. Go across that one and then to your left
again where you'll find another conveyer belt going up. Go across
that one and then follow the path around to a chest with a Relax
potion in it. Jump over the chest after you've gotten its
contents and then across yet another conveyer belt. Here you'll find
3 holes. Jump over the bottom-most hole and then go down. To your
left you'll find the stairs going up, but first go right. If you
go as far as you can you'll end up going through the wall on to
a path leading to a chest. Once you've got the Earth Stone from
the chest go back to the stairs leading up and go up to the 3rd
3rd Floor-Go right, then up, and right again.Use the conveyer belt
and press to the right as soon as you get on. Go below the hole
and jump over it. Get the chest, then jump over it, go right
and enter the door.
Once on the other side of the door go up to the top of the room
where you'll find another door. You should now be in a passage
leading up to a portal. Use the portal.
4th Floor-First go right and up the stairs you'll find. This will
take you to the 5th floor where you can grab the chest and then
return to the 4th floor. Back on the 4th floor go as far as
you can to the left following the wall. Go down through the wall
and then to your right where you'll find another chest. Now go
west and then up as far as you can (this should bring you right
next to stairs leading up to the 5th floor.
5th Floor-Just follow the path and you'll find another stairway and
a chest. Get the Fire Shield from the chest and then go down the
4th Floor-Another easy path. Just follow it and go up the stairs
you'll find at the end.
5th Floor-At the end of this path there is another stairway going up.
6th Floor-Go straight and down the stairs you reach.
5th Floor-You've finally reached Chaos. Once you defeat Chaos, get
the Talon units from the two chests and then find your way out of
the castle. Return to Elan if you need to replenish supplies
and/or heal. Then return to the outside of Chaos' Castle and
go north where you'll find a new shipwreck.

( ) Shipwreck
Items: Air Stone, TearGas
Get the two chests and then go directly west of the shipwreck to the
town of Muu, which you visited in the Past.

( ) Muu
Items: Water Stone
There is new stuff for sale in the Present and also a new building
with a treasure chest in it. Once finished, exit the town and go
west some more. You'll come to another shipwreck surrounded by
valcanoes. To get to it: surface, go a couple of spaces west, and
dive again.

Items: Earth Stone, Thunder Staff
This shipwreck is your last stop underwater. When finished, go to
the Palace and board the Talon.

(5) Palace
Once aboard the Talon take a seat at the controls and your new units
will be attached. Now it's time to go back to the Future. Select
WARP and then FUTURE. Exit the Palace and you'll notice the land
has changed dramatically.


Upon exiting the Palace cast FLOAT and head west to Elan.

(4) Elan
Item: Morph spell
The town hasn't changed its appearance but the shops have changed
theid wares. Talk to Cronos in the big house. He says to visit
Granny in the Inn and then go to Viper. Granny is lying in bed
waiting. When you talk to her she will give you the Morph spell,
tell you to go to Muu, then die. Exit the town and use the DIVE spell
to go to Muu (which is just a little north of the island with
Elan on it).

( ) Muu
Item: Air Stone
When you enter cast Morph, otherwise all the people will attack you
when you try to talk to them. You still might get attacked, just
not by the people of Muu. There is another new building to search,
plus new equipment to buy. Now exit and head west to Viper.

The large skyscraper is where the shops are and the small buildings
are Inns. On the right side of town you'll meet a guard asking for
a password. Since you don't know it right now, just leave him alone.
Exit Viper and go south using FLOAT. Here you'll find what
appears to be a town.

(1) New Dharm
Item: Password
Examine the tomb that is 3 from the left and 3 from the bottom to
reveil a stairway leading down to New Dharm. At the top of town
you'll find a huge building where Myron is waiting to talk to you.
He tells you the Password and says to go help Dion in Viper. Now
that you know the Password return to Viper.

Supporting character: Dion
Items: Berth Unit, Awake, Water Stone, Laser Sword, Rocket
Go talk to the guy who wanted the Password. He'll let you through
now. On the right side of the building is 4 chests and Dr. Belski,
who can treat any wound. On the left side, Dion is waiting. He'll
give you Rocket and tell you to see Dr. Pulcer with it and then he'll
join your party. Exit Viper and use DIVE to enter the water.
Submerge yourself and go north where you'll find a little undersea

( ) Undersea Shelter
Items: Cure3, Radio
Dr. Pulcer will give you Radio and tell you the plan. Return to land
and use FLOAT to take yourself to the pier on the island with the
Palace on it. Go to the end of the pier and use ROCKET to get
to Floatland.

( ) Village
Use the village to replenish supplies and get healed while on
Floatland. When you're ready go north to the ruins.

(8) Northern Ruins
Items: Earth Stone, Fire Gun, Water Stone (x2), X-Fire Staff,
SMG, Remote, Light Stone, ATM
The cloud-like floor acts like the conveyer belts that you encountered
earlier, except there is no way to tell which direction they are
going to take you.
Section1-First thing to do here is work your way to the far right wall.
About 5 spaces from the top of that wall you'll be able to walk
through the wall and into another section. Step on the clouds
and you'll be taken down to a portal which leads to the next
section of the ruins. Before entering the portal step on the
clouds to your left. These will take you to a chest with an
Earth stone in it. Step on the clouds to your left and you'll be
back in the main room where you entered. Work your way back to
the far right wall and get back to the portal.
Section2-The cloud-like areas in this section make squares out of
the non-cloud areas. Go up 2 non-cloud squares and then over
one more. Step on to the upper-left corner of the square you
are on. The wall directly to your left can be walked though
to find a chest. Now work your way to the top left corner of the
room where you'll find the portal to the next section.
Section3-Along the bottom wall of this room there are two spots that
can be walked through. One is right up against the left wall and
the other is in the center of the bottom wall. The one against
the wall leads to a cloud that takes you down, the other has
a cloud that goes up. You should now be in a
small room with a chest and a portal. Get the chest then take the
portal. The portal will take you into another small room
with another chest. Get the chest and then come back to the
portal so you can get back to where you were. Now step onto the
cloud that takes you up (the opposite one that you stepped on
before. Now find the portal in the top left corner of the room.
Section4-First, get the chest that is the bottom corner of this room.
Now all you need to do is go up the stairs that is in the top
left corner of this room.
Section5-As you enter you should see a chest to your left. Get that
chest and then go left where you'll find another chest. The
contents of this chest is the main reason for entering the ruins.
Return to the portal, but DON'T enter it.
Instead walk straight down from it and through the wall to
another stairway.
Section6-Go up and you'll see a stairway and a path to the left of it.
Take the path to get the treasure and then take the stairs.
Section1-You are now in the center of the room where you entered the
ruins. Get the chest and then step onto the clouds. You'll
end up walking though a wall. Now all you need to do is go
straight up and you're out.
Return to the Village to replenish yourself if you need to, then from
the ruins go east following the mountain path until you can't go
east any longer. Now go north to a large dark mountain, on top of
the mountain is Maitreya's Tower.

(9) Maitreya's Mountain
Items: Air Stone, Ice Shield
Go up the first set of stairs. The stairs on your right will take you
to a chest containing an Ice Shield, and the stairs on your left
will lead to an Air Stone in a chest (take the stairs going down when
you come to them) and Maitreya's Tower (take the stairs going up
when you come to them). Odd shaded squares will replenish your HPS
and MPS when you step on them.

(9) Maitreya's Tower
Items: Cure3 (x2), Psi Gun, Earth Stone, Exit spell, Battle armor,
X-Plane unit
Boss: Maitreya
1st Floor-Go straight ahead from the entrance and up the stairs.
2nd Floor-From here on up to the 8th floor the only thing that is
different about the floors is the location of the treasure.
On this floor go right to get to the chest and then go up the
3rd Floor-This floor doesn't have a treasure chest so go either
way around to the stairs going up.
4th Floor-Go left to get to the Psi Gun.
5th Floor-Again, no treasure so it doesn't matter which way you go.
6th Floor-The treasure in this room is to the right.
7th Floor-Nothing to see here.
8th Floor-The Exit spell is in the chest here. The quickest way to
get it is to go right.
9th Floor-As you come out of the stairway a monster will appear
and knock you back down to the 8th Floor. Dion doesn't get
knocked down and, while trying to figure out where you went,
finds a door which leads to Maitreya. When the control switches
back to you climb your way back up a floor. Before going to
find Maitreya, go around like you did on all thr previous floors
to get to a stairway going up to the 10th floor.
10th Floor-Grab the two chests and then go back down to the 9th floor.
9th Floor-Search the wall where Dion found the door. The door will
open for you too and you'll be able to find a path leading to
a second stairway to the 10th floor.
10th Floor-Once you've defeated Maitreya on this level you'll get
the X-Plane unit. For a quick escape from the tower use the EXIT
spell. Once you're out use RADIO and then REMOTE. You'll
now take the Talon back to Viper.

You have Dr. Belski fix up Dion and he rejoins your party. Exit Viper
and board the Talon (press 'A' while standing underneath it).
Sit at the controls and your new units will be attached.

( ) The Talon
To fly around in the Talon, choose DEPART from the control menu. If
you get attacked the Talon will shoot all the enemies once before
the battle starts. When you're ready to continue, choose WARP and
then X-PLANE to go to Pureland.


When you arrive at Pureland, Dion will leave the party and the Talon will
only be able to move on land. To the east ther is a town which would be
a good place to start.

( ) Darius
Items: Heal spell, Star
In this town you'll learn that FLOAT and DIVE spells don't work.
You'll also find a ship to Knaya that isn't ready to sail yet, and
two houses with treasure in them. When finished, board the Talon and
in it, go west across a bridge. Here you'll find a small village
next to a tree.

( ) Village
Item: Catnip
The only person still able to move is Eitar in the house to the left
on the entrance to the village. He tells you what happened and that
you should get CATNIP from the tree. If you try talking to the
cat mummies you'll be attacked. When you reach a small garden
surrounded by fence, look at the left side of the fence for a spot
you can walk though. Go up and search the tree to get CATNIP. There
is one other treasure in the village, but you can't get it until you
unstone the people. With CATNIP in hand return to the Talon and go
north where you'll find some ruins.

( ) Maze - Pureland ruins
Items: Wizard Armor, Prison Key, Fur Armor
Boss: Fenrir
Use CATNIP as soon as you enter to put all the cat mummy guards to
sleep. If one of the cats is in your way just push it.
Go left and you'll end up going up some stairs, right, down, left,
and up some more stairs. Follow the outer wall and you'll
eventually reach a treasure chest with Wizard armor in it. Now
follow the path leading right and keep going until you reach a spot
where you go up a two space wide stairway. Go straight up from here
and you'll reach Fenrir. After you've defeated Fenrir grab the
Prison Key from the chest and go look for Faye.
Finding Faye is easy enough. Just go down as far as you can (back
down the two space wide stairs) and follow the path to the right.
This will lead to a chest with Fur Armor in it. From the chest keep
going right until there is no longer a roof over your head. Go up
and you'll find the Prison door. Open it with the key and take the
stairway down to get to Faye. When you find her, she will join
your party. Return to the village.

( ) Village
Item: Dark Stone
Back at the Vilage, the people are unstoned. You can get the treasure
chest that was blocked before. Return to Darius (the first town
you visited) and board the ship to Knaya.

( ) Knaya
Lots'o shops here. Shouldn't be much of a problem finding what you
need. When you're finished spending your hard-earned cash, exit
Knaya and use REMOTE to call the Talon. Board it and go south and
then west across the bridge. Continue in a western direction until
you come to a large dark mountain. Enter the mountain.

( ) Mt. Hasbid
Item: Light Stone, Missile Unit, Cool, Durend Sword
Boss: Guya
Climb to the top of the mountain making sure you get all 3 treasure
chests. Make sure you're ready for a fight before you climb up to the
same level as the flames, because as soon as you do you'll have to
wait until after the fight with Guha to save and stuff. After the
battle, Buzi will board the Talon so you'll now be able to buy items
on the Talon, a chest will also appear. Once back at the Talon,
attach the Missile Unit and then head north to a cave.

( ) Cape Frost Cave
Here you'll find Shar. He says he'll join if you bring him the TABLET,
which is in the ruins southwest from there.

( ) Southwest Ruins
Items: Tablet, Light Stone, Fire Stone, Smother, Wizard Armor,
Drain Sword, Warm
Boss: Dahak
Blocking the entrance to the ruins is Dahak. Make sure to have
Durend equipped to either Arthur or Shanon because it does quite a bit
of damage. After the battle, Dahak will still be there and it says
only a Sage can remove him. Then Buzi the Sage cmoes in and removes
Dahak. Now you can get past the spot where Dahak was. Here you'll
find a chest with the TABLET in it. Take the TABLET and return to
the cave to give it to Shar. He'll need time to examine the TABLET so
return to the ruins and go down the stairway.
Basement 1-Just follow the pathway to another stairway going up.
1st Floor-Go left and then up until you reach a spot where you can go
right or left. First go right and get the Light Stone from the
chest. Then return and go left. Get the chest that is on a
raised up section of floor. Now from the bottom of the stairs
that take you to the top of the raised up section go directly
to the right and you'll find a stairway leading back down.
Basement 1-Go down until you see a path going to the left. Take this
path to find the first puzzle room.
Puzzle Room 1-In this room you'll see 4 rocks. You need to move them
down to block the 4 waterfalls. You can jump over a rock if you
need to. From left to right I'm gonna number the rocks 1 2 3 4.
Ok, move rock 1 down, left twice, and down again. Now move
rock 3 down twice. Rock 4 then needs to be moved left, up twice,
right four times, and finally down four times. The last rock,
rock 2, needs to be moved left, down, right, and down.
Now return to the 1st floor by returning the way you came.
1st Floor-Go left until you reach a wall. Follow along that wall and
you'll be able to get two treasure chests. After getting the
chests, continue following the wall until you reach a stairway
going down.
Basement 1-Go right and follow the outer wall until you reach another
stairway. This leads to the next puzzle room.
Puzzle Room 2-You must put the rocks into the waterfalls just like you
did in the previous puzzle room. In this one I'm gonna number
the rocks like this: 1 2
Move the rocks in this order:
Rock 4- down twice, left twice, down
Rock 1- down four, left, down
Rock 2- right twice, down five
Rock 3- left, down 3, right 3, down
Now exit the puzzle room and you'll be back in Basement 1.
Basement 1-Go north and you'll eventually reach a spot where you can go
right to get a chest. From the chest, go left and you'll find
the stairs to the final puzzle room. Before entering it take
the path going down. Get the chest that it leads to and then
go back up to the stairway leading to the puzzle room.
Puzzle Room 3-This room is a bit trickier than the previous two.
I'll number these rocks like this: 1 4
2 3
Move the rocks in this order:
Rock 1- down twice, left, down 3 times
Rock 2- down twice, left, down twice
Rock 3- left twice
Rock 4- left, down, right, down four
Rock 3- up, right twice, down, right, down three, left twice,
and finally down one more.
Once all the puzzle rooms have been cleared you'll be taken out of
the ruins to watch the water disappear. Get in the Talon and head

( ) Jorgandr desert
Boss: Jorgandr
The whirlwind in the center of the desert will suck you in and the
Talon will be destroyed. Jorgandr will attack you at this point.
After the battle Buzi will go back and stay with Shar, and he tells
you to go ahead to Talonsburg, which is north.

( ) Talonsburg
Items: Shield Unit, Hover Unit
Dr. Quacer will take all the units from the Talon and attach them to
the Talon2. Exit Talonsburg and board Talon2. Return to the
cave where Shar and Buzi are waiting, and both of the will board the
Talon2. You can now buy and make magic aboard the Talon2 plus you
can buy items. If you got the Hover unit in Talonsburg then the
Talon2 can now fly over both land and water now. Go back to
Talonsburg and then head northwest to the city in the clouds.

( ) Cirrus
Items: Calm, Laser Unit
Talk to King Clamin in the castle. Inside the castle Juba will board
the Talon2. You can now buy and make armor on the Talon2.
King Clamin says he will give you the PASS if you can get Xcalibr.
Return to the Talon2 and go back to the cave where you got Shar and
Buzi. From there go a little north and then east a bit to a town
on a very small island.

( ) Porle
This is where you'll need to go when you get the PASS. For now just
gather some information. When you're set, enter the cave just north
of Talonsburg.

( ) Cave north of Talonsburg
Items: Sun Sword, Cure3, Light Stone
All that's in here are 3 treasure chests. The first is to the right
of the entrance, and the other two are to the left of it. Once you've
gotten what you want return to Cirrus (the city in the clouds) and
go north to another cave.

( ) Cave north of Cirrus
Items: Dark Stone, Light Armor, Light Stone
Hmm, this cave looks just like the last one. The only difference is
the location of the chests. Two are north of the entrance, and the
third is to the west of it. From here return to Darius (the first
town you visited in Pureland) and go southwest to another cave.

( ) Cave southwest of Darius
Items: Elixir, Fire Stone, Poison Claw
Another, identical cave. The treasure chests are in almost the exact
same spots as they were in the previous cave. Once you're done here
return to Darius again and go northwest to a new town.

( ) Zhakal
Items: Elixir, Light Stone, Xcalibr
As you enter go to the far back side of the town, where you'll find
a sword in a stone. Search it and Faye will pull the Xcalibr out
of the stone. Now go into the house to the far right side of town.
Here Masa will join you and board the Talon2. Now you have all 4
Talon crew members. Once you've gotten everything you need go back
to Cirrus.

( ) Cirrus
Visit King Clamin again. Now that you have Xcalibr he'll give you
PASS. Take the PASS to Porle.

( ) Porle
Talk to the guard in front of the long staircase. He'll let you go
through and Dion will come out. Faye will go wait aboard
the Talon2 and Dion will join your party. Go down the staircase and
enter the whirlpool at the bottom. This will take you to the

First thing to do is go left to the Mushroom forest. I'll number them
like so: 2
6 1

( ) Mushroom 1 and 6
The only thing in here is one of those odd-colored squares that
refill your HPS and MPS.

( ) Mushroom 2
Item: Cure3
Just a single treasure chest in this mushroom.

( ) Mushroom 3
Item: Magic potion
This mushroom looks the same as #2 but the chest is in a different

( ) Mushroom 4
Item: Dark Stone
Another identical mushroom. The chest in this one is to the left.

( ) Mushroom 5
Item: Emblem, Dark Stone
This is the important mushroom. This one has the EMBLEM which you need
in order to make to make the Emperor sword. Once you've at least
gotten the EMBLEM exit the mushroom and return to either mushroom
#1 or 2. Don't enter it, just go north from it. This will take you to
a cave.

( ) Underworld Cave
Items: Light Stone, Samurai Helm, Dark Stone, E-Ray unit,
Muramas, Cure3 (x2), Oil, Elixir
The dark colored floor causes damage when you walk on it so try to
avoid it as much as possible. First thing to do here is to go up
until you reach a wall, then right until you can go up again where
you'll find another cave entrance. This will take you into a
futuristic looking cave that contains quite a few treasures.
To get to the first one (contains a Light stone) go up until you
have a chance to go right. Going right will bring you to the chest.
From that chest continue right, through the wall, to a second chest.
Now go left until you find a path leading down. This path will lead
to a portal that will take you to another section of this cave.
In this section there are two chests, one is easy to get, the other
you'll need to walk through the upper right wall to get to. Once
those treasures are collected (make sure you at least get the E-Ray
unit) return back through the portal that brought you here and go
right. When you reach a path going up, take it to get a Cure3 potion,
then come back down and continue right. This will lead you to another
portal. This portal will bring you to a small room with a treasure
chest containing the Muramas sword. Now back track all the way
back out of the futuristic looking cave.
From here go about a dozen steps down and then right. You should find
a cave entrance. Take it to get a Cure3 potion. Then use it again to
come back. Go another half a dozen or so steps more right and then
down a little to find another cave entrance. This one leads to OIL,
which you definitely want to get. Come back out and follow the wall
below you until you get to another cave entrance. This one leads to
an Elixir. Now go back left along the wall until you reach a spot
where the wall starts to go down. From this point go north, and you'll
find the exit from the Underworld cave. Once outside the cave, go
right and then up when you get a chance. You should now be at a town.

( ) Underworld Town
Cast MORPH so you can talk to the Dwelgs and buy from their shops.
Make sure you talk to the Boss Dwelg in the top building and then exit
the town and head west to a pair of towers.

( ) West Towers
Items: Vulkan, Dark Stone, Cure3, Fire Stone, Crystal
There are two towers. I'm gonna consider the first one you're in
as 'a' and the other as 'b'. On the third floor of tower b there
is a switch that will reverse gravity.
--Regular gravity
Floor 1a-Go straight and climb the stairs to the next floor.
Floor 2a-Nothing here, just climb up to the next floor.
Floor 3a-Ignore the doorway for now and climb the stairs to the 4th
Floor 4a-Get the Vulkan from the chest and then return to the 3rd
Floor 3a-Go through the door. This will lead to a corridor and
another door. Go throught that door and you'll be in the other
Floor 3b-Ignore the switch in the center of the room for now. Take
the stairway going up (the one in the upper right corner of the
Floor 4b-Grab the treasure and then return to the third floor.
Floor 3b-Now take the stairway going down.
Floor 2b-Go down another floor.
Floor 1b-Grab the treasure and then work your way back up to the
third floor.
Floor 3b-Now you get to step on the switch to reverse the gravity.
--Reversed gravity
Floor 3b-Take the stairs in the upper left corner of the room.
Floor 2b-Don't step on the switch or gravity will return to normal.
Enter the door at the bottom of the room. This will take
you into a cooridor and another door leading into the other
Floor 2a-Take the stairs in the bottom right corner of the room.
Floor 1a-Grab the Fire Stone from the chest and then do back up the
Floor 2a-Now take the stairs in the upper left corner of the room.
Floor 3a-Keep going right on to the next floor.
Floor 4a-Grab the CRYSTAL from the chest. Once you've gotten the
CRYSTAL, exit (use the EXIT spell is the fastest) and go
northwest until you find a lone Dwelg.

The Dwelg guarding the staircase up will leave if you've talked to the Boss
Dwelg and you're morphed into a Dwelg. Once the Dwelg is out of the way,
go up the stairs it was guarding. This will take you to Donmac.


( ) Donmac
Item: Katana
Talk to the guy in the house at the bottom of the town to get
KATANA. You now should have all the pieces need to make the
Emperor sword. Exit the town and go to the ruins in the east.

( ) Eastern Ruins
Items: Scarf, Light Stone, Magic Potion, Dark Stone (x2), Soar Unit
Boss: Agron
1st Floor-As you enter go down until you have a choice to go either
left or right. First go right and then up to get the Scarf in
the chest. Then come back and go left. This will take you to
a stairway leading to the bottom level of the 1st floor. Go
down and you'll find another chest. Then go right. This will
take you to a narrow path which leads to where you'll find
Borgin. He won't join you yet but he will get out of your way
so you can use the stairs.
Basement 1-Go right and then down to get to the Magic Potion. From
there go up and you'll find stairs leading to the top level
of this floor. Follow the top wall to the left and you'll
find stairs leading back down to the bottom level. Here
you'll find stairs going down to the next floor.
Basement 2-Go right and up the stairs to the top level of this floor.
Up here you'll find a chest containing a Dark Stone. Once
you've gotten it return to the bottom level and follow the
wall below you until you reach the stairs leading to the next
Basement 3-If you go up as far as you can you'll find a narrow
corridor leading right. You should now see stairs going up to
top level of this floor. Don't go up them yet, instead go down.
Here you'll find stairs leading back up a floor.
Basement 2-Grab the treasure then go back down the stairs.
Basement 3-Now you can go up the stairs to the top level. Once up
there go left, then down, and then left again when you have the
chance. This will take you to stairs leading back down to the
bottom level of the floor. Here you'll find the Barrier device
and Agron, who is guarding the device. You will try to get past
him but the device is protecting him. Dion reveals that he has
a bomb in him and then throws himself into the device, destroying
it. Agron the attacks you. When you defeat Agron, Borgin will
join your party and tell you to go to Mt. Goht. A chest will
also appear where Agron was containing the Soar Unit. Use EXIT
to escape the ruins, then use REMOTE to call the Talon2.

Once aboard the Talon2 there are a number of thing to do. First attach
your two new units. Then go to the weapon shop where your Muramas sword
will be uncursed (and will become the Masamune), and the Emperor sword
will be made out of the 3 components. Once finished, take off in the
Talon2 and go west where you'll find a huge mountain (Mt. Goht) and
two caves.

( ) Cave southwest of Mt. Goht
Items: Fire Stone, Dark Stone, Metal
This cave looks fimiliar. One chest is to the right of the entrance,
one is north of the entrance, and the third (and most important) is
left of the entrance. Now return to the Talon2 and have Juba make
the Aegis Shield for you.

( ) Cave northwest of Mt. Goht
Items: Ribbon, Light Stone, Fire Stone
The 5th and final identical cave. Two of the chests are to the left
of the entrance and the third is north of it. Now you are ready
to enter Mt. Goht.

( ) Mt. Goht
The odd-colored areas will damage you if you step on them. You will
also find the odd-colored squares that refill your HPS and MPS. When
you reach the top of the mountain step onto the refill square. This
will cause a sequence where the Talon2 comes in and blows up the
area making it possible for you to continue. After a bit you should
find a huge castle. This is the final area so when you're ready
enter it.

( ) Final Castle
Items: Nuke, Light Stone, Ribbon (x3), Elixir
Bosses: Ballor, Sol, Xagor
1st Floor-First, go right and then down when you have the chance.
This will bring you to a stairway going to the 2nd floor.
2nd Floor-Go up, through the wall, left a couple spaces, and then
down again through the wall. This will bring you to a chest
containing a Light Stone. Once you've gotten it just enter the
1st Floor-You should be in pond. To get out go north and you'll
find a stairway. Once out go left about a half a dozen spaces
and you should see a stairway going up. Take it.
2nd Floor-If you go right you'll find a button. Push it, then
continue right. Go down when you have a chance. This will lead
to the room you were in before when you got the Light Stone.
The switch you stepped on earlier rearranged the holes making it
possible to continue. First get the two chests in this room.
One is in the top left corner and the other is in the bottom left
corner. You'll need to jump over holes to get to both of them.
Once you've gotten the treasure use the stairs at the top of the
3rd Floor-Go north along the right wall until you find a corridor
going right. Go as far as you can right and then go down to
where you'll find a chest. Get it and then go back the way you
came, down to the 2nd floor again.
2nd Floor-Drop into the top right corner of the big hole in the center
of the room. You'll land on the small island in the middle of
the pond on the first floor.
1st Floor-Take a step up and you'll enter a portal that will take
you to the basement.
Basement 1-The electricity will hurt you if you step into it. In most
cases you can jump over it to avoid it. From where you first
start in the basement go up as far as you can (you'll have to
pass 3 electric beams). Now go left (over a beam) and then down
(over another beam). Continue going down until you see a
stairway. If you need to leave the castle and don't have enough
MPS to use EXIT, then take these stairs. They'll take you to the
castle's backdoor. If you don't want to leave the castle then
continue going down. When you come to a wall go left a couple
spaces. You should now see another stairway (don't bother taking
it, it just leads to an empty room). Continue going down.
You'll eventually find a corridor going right. Use this corridor
across 3 electric beams. Now go up and the right again about
three spaces. Jump down, across the beam, and then go down
some more (jumping over another beam). Jump over the last
beam and you can get the Ribbon from the chest. Back track a bit
(back over three electric beams) until you can go right or left.
Going left takes you back the way you came so it makes sense that
you'd want to go right. After jumping over a beam, go up (over
a couple more beams). Here you'll find Ballor. Defeat him and
take the stairs that he was guarding.
1st Floor-First go to the left and then down a couple spaces. Step
through the wall and collect the Nuke from the chest. Then
go back through the wall and then up the stairs.
2nd Floor-Just follow the corridor to the stairs.
3rd Floor-Once again just follow the corridor.
4th Floor-This is it, the last floor. Before going any further make
sure you have the Durend, Emperor, Xcalibr, and Masmune swords
equipped to the four main characters. These will do the most
damage on Xagor. Once ready go ahead and finish the game.

*********************T R A N S F O R M A T I O N S*************************

There are 6 types of characters in FFL3: Humans, Mutants, Beasts, Monsters,
Cyborgs, and Robots.
Humans and Mutants: stats increase when levels are raised.
Can use weapons and armors.
Beasts: can eat Meat of stronger Beasts to become stronger. Also
becomes stronger Beast when levels are raised. Most skilled
with martial arts attacks.
Monsters: can eat Meat of stronger Monsters to become stronger. Can't
use weapons or armors, but can use magic. If a character turns
into a Monster they have the Talents of the Monster, plus 100%
of the HPS and MPS data of the Monster.
Cyborgs: advance by installing parts from other Cyborgs and by adding
equipment. Weapons & Shields increas Attack and HPS. Helmets and
Body armor increase Defense and HPS. Gloves and Boots increase
MPS and HPS. When a character turns into a Cyborg they only retain
about 30% of their original HPS and MPS, 70% of their original
Attack, Agility, and Magic strength, and 20% of their Defense
Robots: advance by installing part from stronger Robots and by using
capsule parts: HP, Attack, Defense, and Speed. Characters turned
into Robots will have all their original stats lowered.
They can't use Magic (except Float and Dive).

A character can change to a different type by either eating Meat left by
an enemy or installing Parts left by an enemy. The controlling element of
the new type is dependant on three things: the controlling element of the
character, and the controlling element of the enemy that left the Parts
or Meat. The following chart can be used to determine the new controlling
element of the character:

Element of Meat or Parts:
EARTH Earth Fire Air Water
WATER Air Water Earth Fire
FIRE Water Air Fire Earth
AIR Fire Earth Water Air

Once you have the new controlling element of what your character will
change into, use the follow charts to see what type of creature
your character will turn into be.


Meat will make your character transform torward the left and parts will
make them transform toward the right. For example, a Robot needs to eat
four pieces of meat to become a Monster, and a Monster need to install
parts twice to become a Human (or Mutant).

Now that you know what type of creature you'll change into and what
their controlling element will be, you can use one of the following charts
to see what kind of creature you'll become.

1-2 Worm Turtle F.Drake Raven
3-4 Wolf Ray Wisper Big Eye
5-6 Fungus Starfish Baby Gargoyle
7-8 Land Worm Adamant F.Liz Amprex
9-10 Scorpion Angler Fireball Evil Eye
11-12 Mushroom Pentagon DualMask Ghost
13-14 GigaWorm Igasaur Salamand Griffon
15-16 Grey Wolf DrainRay Tire BabyWyrm
17-18 Snake Octopus Young Remora
19-20 BlackCat Squid D.Bone Typhoon
21-22 Hunter BulbFish Wheel Wyrm Kid
23-24 Serpent Ammonite EvilMask Specter
25-26 MummyCat Amoeba D.Fossil Tempest
27-28 Romulus BoltRay FireFan Wyrm
29-30 Hydra Kraken Kraken Hydra
31-99 Sei Ryu Sei Ryu Garuda Garuda

1-2 Silver Orc Orc Diviner Sprite
3-4 Fighter SeaMonk Broomer Nymph
5-6 Kelpie Mad Boar Thoth Familiar
7-8 Mustang Pirate Witch Fairy
9-10 Warrior SaltMonk Magician Pixie
11-12 Centaur Werepig Horns Fiend
13-14 Nitemare Viking Wizard Sylph
15-16 Liz Man Brooder Watcher Thanos
17-18 Medusa Fish Man Osiris Loki
19-20 Lamia Merman Hermit Soarx
21-22 Liz Duke Big Head Mage Siren
23-24 Naga Nix Set Mephisto
25-26 Scylla Selkie Sorcerer Succubus
27-28 Liz King Dagon Warlock Sphinx
29-30 Echidna Gillman Gillman Echidna
31-99 Anubis Anubis Anubis Aeshma

1-2 Hooligan Quacky
3-4 Thief Talker
5-6 Headless Stranger
7-8 Burgler Imposter
9-10 Brigand Busybody
11-12 Duke LoonyGuy
13-14 Outlaw Cracker
15-16 Soldier Rumorer
17-18 Dullahan Ronin
19-20 Terrorist Samurai
21-22 Command Tattler
23-24 Brain Hatamoto
25-26 HiredGun Daimyo
27-28 SS Virago
29-30 Shogun Shogun
31-99 Removed Removed

1-2 Orb Rat Flower
3-4 Tomtom Trixter
5-6 AirMaid Cosmos
7-8 Jerrit Iron Rose
9-10 Maitie Con Man
11-12 Iron Lady Reaper
13-14 Spectrat Cactus
15-16 Guard Beguiler
17-18 Valkyrie Bazooka
19-20 Keeper 75mm
21-22 Monitor Swindler
23-24 Iken 105mm
25-26 Searcher 150mm
27-28 Alert Hustler
29-30 210mm 210mm
31-99 Venus Venus

EXAMPLE: Let's say Curtis is a Lvl. 7 Mutant, you've found Meat from
the Beast Mad Boar and you want to know what Curtis would change into
if he ate the Meat. First you'd look at the Controlling Elemental
table and see what his controlling element would be. Since his
old element is Air and the Mad Boar is Water, Curtis' new controlling
elemental would be Earth. Now you'd look at the next chart to see
what character type he'd change into. Since Meat causes a
transformation to the left side of the chart and Curtis is currently
a Mutant, you can see that he'll become a Beast. All you need to
do now is check the Beast chart using Curtis' current level (which
is 7) and his new elemental (which is Earth) to discover that if
Curtis eats the Mad Boar Meat he'll become the Beast Mustang.

********************************I T E M S**********************************

There are four types of items: Curative, Robotic Parts, Magical Stones,
and Event items. Following is a list of those items, how much they cost
(if they can be bought in a store), and their effect when used or
properties they have, plus the location of the Event items.
Abbreveations: Pr = Present World Pa = Past World
Fu = Future World Fl = Floatland
Pu = Pureland

Cure 1 50 Recovers HPS by 40
Cure 2 150 Recovers HPS by 100
Cure 3 300 Recovers HPS by 250
Magic 1500 Recovers 100% of MPS
Elixir 3500 Recovers 100% of HPS & MPS
Tent 2000 Recovers HPS & MPS of entire
party (not in battle)
Relax 200 Cures "Para"
Throat 200 Cures "Mute"
EyeDrop 200 Cures "Dark"
Antedot 200 Cures "Pois"
Soft 200 Cures "Ston"
Awake 200 Cures "Slep"
Calm 200 Cures "Conf"
HP 1500 Increase Robots' max HPS
Attack 1500 Increase Robots' Attack power
Defense 1500 Increase Robots' Defense power
Speed 1500 Increase Robots' Agility
Earth Mix with other elementals to make
Lost Magic
Water Mix with other elementals to make
Lost Magic
Fire Mix with other elementals to make
Lost Magic
Air Mix with other elementals to make
Lost Magic
Light Mix with other Light or Dark
stones to make Weapons & Armors
Dark Mix with other Dark or Light
stones to make Weapons & Armors
Radar Palace (Pr) Detects Talon Units
Ifram Seed Muu (Pa) Grows into Ifram tree
Tower Key Elan (Pr) Opens South Tower
Chaos Key South Tower (Pr) Opens Chaos' Castle
Password New Dharm (Fu) Allows entrance to Rebels' HQ
Rocket Viper City (Fu) Takes party to Floatland from
the pier near the Palace
Radio Undersea Communicate with the Rebels
Shelter (Fu)
Remote Northern Calls the Talon
Ruins (Fl)
Catnip Village (Pu) Puts Black Cats to sleep
Prison Key Maze (Pu) Unlocks Faye's prison cell
Tablet Southwest Need to get Shar to join the group
Ruins (Pu)
Pass Cirrus (Pu) Need to enter underworld in Porle
Emblem Mushroom Join with Katana & Crystal to
Forest (Pu) make Emperor sword
Oil Underworld Join with Metal to make Aegis Shld
Cave (Pu)
Crystal West Tower (Pu) Join with Emblem & Katana to make
Emperor sword
Katana Donmac (Pu) Join with Emblam & Crystal to
make Emperor sword
Metal Cave South Join with Oil to make Aegis Shield
West of
Goht (Pu)

******************************W E A P O N S*********************************

The Weapons in Final Fantasy Legend 3 can be equipped by anyone, however,
Humans are better with heavier weapons while Mutants are better with
the lighter weapons. If equipped to a Cyborg the Cyborg's HPS will go up
a certain amount. Following is a list of all the Weapons in the game,
the Battle Power (BP) of that Weapon, how many HPS a Cyborg (C HPS)
will get by equipping it, the cost (if it can be bought), and where it
can be bought or found.
Abbreveations: Pr = Present World Pa = Past World
Fu = Future World Fl = Floatland
Pu = Pureland #L = Certain # of Light Stones
#D = Certain # of Dark Stones
Ar = Arthur starts with
Cu = Curtis starts with
Gl = Gloria starts with
Sh = Sharon starts with

Long 10 10 200 Bought in Dharm(Pr),Ar
Battle 15 20 400 Bought in Elan(Pr & Pa)
Silver 25 40 700 Bought in Muu(Pa)
Gold 35 50 1100 Bought in Muu(Pr)
Laser 50 70 2400 Bought and found in Viper(Fu)
Psi 55 90 3400 Bought in Muu(Fu)
Drain 60 110 --- Found in Southwest Ruins(Pu)
X-Plane 65 90 4000 Bought in Village(Fl)
Dragon 70 100 5500 Bought in Darius(Pu) & Knaya(Pu)
Durend 75 110 --- Found in Mt. Hasbid(Pu)
Emperor 75 130 --- Combining Emblem,Katana,& Crystal
Sun 90 120 --- Found in Cave north of Talonsburg(Pu)
Masmune 100 140 --- Masa can uncurse the Muramas on Talon
Muramas 100 140 --- Found in the Underworld Cave(Pu)
Xcalibr 170 150 --- Found in Zhakal(Pu)
Defense 190 140 25000 Bought in the Underworld town(Pu)
Psi 17 30 600 Bought in Elan(Pr & Pa)
Adamant 50 80 3400 Bought in Muu(Fu)
Iron 21 30 --- Found in Dogra's Cave(Pa)
Gold 40 70 ??? ???
Battle 20 10 500 Bought in Lae(Pa)
Tomhawk 45 60 1700 Bought in Elan(Fu)
Rune 100 120 13000 Bought in Knaya(Pu) and on the Talon
Para 150 130 18000 Bought on the Talon
CatClaw 45 70 2400 Bought in Viper(Fu)
Poison 140 130 18000 Bought in Cirrus(Pu) and Found in the
cave South West of Darius (Pu)
White 130 120 1L+2D Bought on the Talon
Gungnir 160 130 18000 Bought in Cirrus(Pu)
Bronze 6 20 50 Bought in Dharm(Pr),Gl
Gold 10 30 400 Bought in Elan(Pr & Pa)
Fire 15 50 500 Bought in Lae(Pa) and Muu(Pa)
X-Plane 20 70 1100 Bought in Muu(Pr)
Thunder 22 60 --- Found on a Shipwreck(Pr)
X-Fire 45 110 --- Found in the Northern Ruins(Fl)
Fast 60 120 4000 Bought in the Village(Fl)
Wall 140 150 18000 Bought on the Talon
Poison 30 110 8500 Bought in Knaya(Pu)
Fire 30 70 --- Found in the Northen Ruins(Fl)
Magnum 40 110 ??? ????
SMG 40 80 3400 Bought in Muu(Fu) and in Viper(Fu)
Found in the Northern Ruins(Fl)
Psi 60 100 5500 Bought in Darius(Fu)
Found in Maitreya's Tower(Fl)
Laser 90 120 13000 Bought in Knaya(Pu) and Cirrus(Pu)
Punch 5 30 700 Bought in Lae(Pa)
Kick 6 50 1700 Bought in Muu(Pr)
Headbut 7 60 2400 Bought in Elan(Fu)
X-Kick 8 90 5500 Bought in Muu(Fu)
Smother 9 100 8500 Bought in Darius(Pu) and Knaya(Pu)
Found in SW Ruins(Pu)
Kneebut 10 110 13000 Bought in Knaya(Pu)
Jyudo 11 120 25000 Bought in Knaya(Pu)
Karate 12 140 28000 Bought in Underworld Town(Pu)
Long 7 10 100 Bought in Dharm(Pr)
Gold 25 50 700 Bought in Muu(Pa)
Elven 100 120 13000 Bought in Knaya(Pu)
Samurai 170 140 2L+1D Bought on the Talon
Napalm 10 30 500 Bought in Elan(Pr & Pa)
Grenade 30 50 1100 Bought in Muu(Pa)
TNT 40 60 1700 Bought in Muu(Pr) also Found in the
South Tower(Pr) and a Shipwreck(Pr)
TearGas 60 110 1700 Bought in Elan(Fu) and Village(Fl)
Found in a Shipwreck(Pr)
Star 60 110 5500 Bought in Village(Fl)
Found in Darius(Pu)
Nuke 250 150 50000 Bought in Underworld Town(Pu)
ATM 70 110 5500 Bought in Darius(Pu) and Knaya(Pu)
Found in Northern Ruins(Fl)
Vulkan 80 120 8500 Bought in Knaya(Pu)
Found in West Tower(Pu)
Laser 90 140 18000 Bought on the Talon
Missile 100 150 25000 Bought in Underworld Town(Pu)
Battle Hammer
7 10 100 Bought in Dharm(Pr),Sh,Cu
Petrify Hammer
100 110 1L+1D Bought on the Talon
Saw Whip ?? 130 18000 Bought in Cirrus(Pu)
Blitz Whip ?? 60 1700 Bought in Elan(Fu)
Razorwhip 27 30 700 Bought in Lae(Pa)
B-JackWhip 35 60 --- Found in South Tower(Pr)
Boomrng 40 70 2400 Bought in Viper(Fu)
Ninja 220 150 1L+3D Bought on the Talon

*********************************A R M O R S*******************************

The armors of the game each have a Defense rating and a Magic Defense
rating. Also, like the weapons, if a Cyborg equips the armor their HPS
or MPS will raise. The list below will be separated as follows:

Abbreveations: DEF = Defense rating MD = Magic Defense rating
C HPS = Cyborg's HPS raise C MPS = Cyborg's MPS raise
A = Agility up B = Battle strength (HPS up)
D = Defense strength up M = MPS up
Thndr = Thunder #L = # of Light stones
#D = # of Dark Stones Pr = Present World
Pa = Past World Fu = Future World
Fl = Floatland Pu = Pureland
Ar = Arthur starts with Cu = Curtis starts with
Gl = Gloria starts with Sh = Sharon starts with

Bronze 2/2 30 --- 500 Bought in Lae(Pa)
Silver 3/3 40 --- 1300 Bought in Muu(Pr)
Gold 4/4 50 --- 1700 Bought in Elan(Fu)
Fire 4/7 60 Anti Ice --- Found in Chaos' Castle(Pr)
Dragon 5/7 70 --- 3400 Bought in Viper(Fu)
Ice 5/8 80 Anti Fire --- Found on Maitreya's Mtn(Fl)
X-Plane 7/8 90 --- 5500 Bought in Village(Fl)
Diamond 7/10 100 Anti Thndr 8500 Bought in Darius(Pu) and
Mirror 8/12 120 Anti Mute 13000 Bought in Knaya(Pu)
Samurai 10/12 130 Anti Petri 18000 Bought in Cirrus(Pu) and
on the Talon
Aegis 10/13 150 Anti Petri Metal+ Bought on the Talon
A Oil
Speed 11/15 150 A 3L+1D Bought on the Talon
Leather 1/1 10 --- 50 Bought in Dharm(Pr),Sh
Bronze 2/1 30 --- 400 Bought in Elan(Pr & Pa)
Silver 2/3 40 --- 1100 Bought in Lae(Pa)
Gold 4/3 50 --- 1700 Bought in Muu(Pr)
Dragon 6/6 70 --- 2400 Bought in Viper(Fu)
Speed 6/8 100 A 4000 Bought in Muu(Fu)
X-Plane 8/8 90 --- 5500 Bought in Village(Fl)
Diamond 9/10 110 Anti Thndr 8500 Bought in Darius(Pu) and
SandMan 10/10 60 --- ??? ???
Mirror 10/12 130 Anti Mute 13000 Bought in Knaya(Pu)
Samurai 11/12 150 Anti Petri 18000 Bought in Cirrus(Pu) and the
Talon, also found in the
Underworld Cave(Pu)
Hecate 10/15 150 M 25000 Bought in Underworld Town(Pu)
Leather 2/2 10 --- 200 Bought in Dharm(Pr),Ar,Cu
Bronze 3/2 30 --- 700 Bought in Lae(Pa)
Silver 4/4 40 --- 1300 Bought in Lae(Pa)
Gold 5/5 50 --- 2400 Bought in Elan(Fu)
Mage 5/6 40 --- 2600 Bought in Elan(Fu)
Dragon 6/6 70 --- 2400 Bought in Viper(Fu)
Psi 7/7 100 A --- Found in Chaos' Castle(Pr)
Fur 8/9 50 --- --- Found in the Maze(Pu)
Speed 9/8 130 A 5500 Bought in Village(Fl)
Battle 10/9 100 B --- Found in Maitreya's Tower(Fl)
Diamond 11/10 110 Anti Thndr 8500 Bought in Knaya(Pu)
Wizard 11/13 100 --- 18000 Bought in Knaya(Pu)
Found in Maze(Pu) and the
South West Ruins(Pu)
Mirror 12/12 120 Anti Mute 13000 Bought in Knaya(Pu) and the
Samurai 13/13 130 Anti Petri 18000 Bought in Cirrus(Pu)
Power 15/12 140 B,A 25000 Bought in Underworld Town(Pu)
Light 15/15 150 D 25000 Bought in Underworld Town(Pu)
Found in cave north
of Cirrus(Pu)
Leather 1/1 10 --- --- Found in North Tower(Pr)
Bronze 2/1 30 --- 400 Bought in Elan(Pr & Pa)
Silver 3/2 40 --- 1100 Bought in Muu(Pa)
Gold 4/3 50 --- 1700 Bought in Muu(Pa)
Found in Chaos' Castle(Pr)
Dragon 5/4 70 --- 2400 Bought in Muu(Pr)
Iron 6/5 100 --- 4000 Bought in Muu(Fu)
Diamond 7/7 120 Anti Thndr 8500 Bought in Knaya(Pu)
Mirror 8/9 140 Anti Mute 1L+1D Bought on the Talon
Power 9/15 150 B 18000 Bought on the Talon
Samurai 9/11 150 Anti Petri 18000 Bought in Cirrus(Pu)
Leather 1/1 10 --- 50 Bought in Dharm(Pr),Gl,Sh
Bronze 2/2 30 --- 500 Bought Elan(Pr & Pa)
Iron 3/3 50 --- 1100 Bought Muu(Pa)
Gold 4/4 70 --- 1700 Bought in Muu(Pr)
Geta 5/6 100 A 2400 Bought in Viper(Fu)
Dragon 6/7 90 M 3400 Bought in Muu(Fu)
Diamond 7/8 110 Anti Thndr 5500 Bought in Darius(Pu) and
Hecate 8/9 130 Anti Mute 13000 Bought in Knaya(Pu)
Speed 9/10 150 A 2L+1D Bought on the Talon
Hermes 9/15 150 A 18000 Bought in Underworld Town(Pu)
Belt 1/3 20 --- 100 Bought in Dharm(Pr),Gl
Plume 1/3 30 Anti Slep 200 Bought in Elan(Pr & Pa)
Found in Dogra's Cave(Pa)
Pendant 1/7 50 Anti Curse 700 Bought in Muu(Pa)
Brooch 1/8 70 Anti Poisn 1600 Bought in Elan(Fu)
Shades 1/9 110 Anti Dark 3400 Bought in Muu(Fu)
Earring 1/10 80 Anti Para 5500 Bought in Village(Fl) &
Darius(Pu) & Knaya(Pu)
Cool 1/10 100 Anti Fire --- Found in Mt. Hasbid(Pu)
Scarf 1/12 130 Anti Petri 8500 Bought in Knaya(Pu)
Found in Eastern Ruins(Pu)
Warm 1/12 120 Anti Water --- Found in South West Ruins(Pu)
Bangle 1/14 140 Anit Mute 18000 Bought on the Talon
Armlet 2/14 150 Anti Fatal 1L+2D Bought on the Talon
Ribbon 2/15 150 M --- Found in cave North West
of Mt. Goht(Pu) and in the
Final Castle(Pu)

*****************************S P E L L S************************************

There are 3 classifications of Magic spells: White magic, Black magic, and
Lost magic. All characters can use all 3 types of magic but Mutants can
use them more effectively.

Abbreveations: Pr = Present World Pa = Past World
Fu = Future World Fl = Floatland
Pu = Pureland MP = Magic Points needed to cast
Def= Defense A = Air stone
E = Earth stone F = Fire stone
W = Water stone

Cure1 Recover 30% of HPS; 8 400 Bought in Dharm(Pr) and
Attack Undead Elan(Pr & Pa)
Shell Def up 10 in battle 8 400 Bought in Dharm(Pr)
Found in North Tower(Pr)
Aero Wind attack 12 700 Bought Lae(Pa) & Muu(Pa)
Spark Blind enemy;Cure Blind 12 700 Bought Elan(Pr & Pa) & Lae(Pa)
Cure2 Recover 60% of HPS; 16 1700 Bought in Muu(Pr),Elan(Fu), and
Attack Undead New Dharm(Fu)
Conf Confuse enemy;Cure Conf 16 1700 Bought in Muu(Pr & Pa)
Quake Earthquake attack 20 3400 Bought in Muu(Fu) & Viper(Fu)
Stone Petri enemy;Cure Petri 20 3400 Bought in Elan(Fu)&New Dharm(Fu)
Cure3 Recover 100% of HPS; 24 5500 Bought in Village(Fl),Knaya(Pu),
Attack Undead and Darius(Pu)
Fast Agility up in battle 24 5500 Bought in Muu(Fu) & Village(Fl)
Weak Tornado attack 28 8500 Bought in Knaya(Pu)
Heal Clears irregularities 28 8500 Bought in Viper(Fu),Darius(Pu),
in status and Knaya(Pu). Found in Darius
Life Brings back to life; 32 18000 Bought in Cirrus(Pu) and on the
Attack Undead Talon
Wall Ward of enemy magic 32 18000 Bought in Knaya(Pu)
White Purifying attack 36 25000 Bought in Underworld Town(Pu)
Magma Powerful earthquake 36 25000 Bought in Underworld Town(Pu)
Ice1 Ice attack 8 400 Bought in Dharm(Pr)
and Elan(Pr & Pa)
Sleep Puts enemy to sleep 8 400 Bought in Dharm(Pr)
Fire1 Fire attack 12 700 Bought in Lae(Pa) & Muu(Pa)
Venom Poison enemy;Cure Pois 12 700 Bought in Elan(Pr&Pa) & Lae(Pa)
Lit1 Thunder attack 16 1700 Bought in Muu(Pr),Elan(Fu),
and New Dharm(Fu)
Para Paralyze enemy; 16 1700 Bought in Muu(Pr & Pa)
Cure Para
Ice2 Stronger Ice attack 20 3400 Bought in Muu(Fu) & Viper(Fu)
Mute Enemy can't use magic 20 3400 Bought in Elan(Fu)&New Dharm(Fu)
Fire2 Stronger Fire attack 24 5500 Bought in Village(Fl),
Darius(Pu), & Knaaya(Pu)
Erase Nullifies Def spells 24 5500 Bought in Muu(Fu) & Village(Fl)
Lit2 Stronger Thunder attack 28 8500 Bought in Knaya(Pu)
Exit Escape from dungeon; 28 8500 Bought in Viper(Fu),Darius(Pu),
Kills enemey Knaya(Pu).Found in Maitreya's
Virus Lethal virus attack 32 18000 Bought in Cirrus(Pu) & on Talon
Drain Absorb enemy HPS 32 18000 Bought in Currus(Pu)
Nuke Massive explosion 36 25000 Bought in Underworld Town(Pu)
Fatal Kill enemy 36 25000 Bought in Underworld Town(Pu)
Dive Dive in water 0 --- Found in Elan(Pa)
Float Float above land&water 0 --- Found in North Tower(Pa)
Pure Cure Curs 8 10000 Bought in Knaya(Pu)
CureA Recover 30% of HPS for 8 10000 Bought in Knaya(Pu) and on the
entire party; attack Talon
party of Undead
Flood Tempest attack 16 A+W Bought on the Talon
Morph Change to WaterHag or 16 --- Found in Elan(Fu)
CureB Recover 60% of HPS for 24 61800 Bought in Cirrus(Pu) and on the
entire party; attack Talon
party of Undead
Wind Wind attack 24 A+E Bought on the Talon
FireX Fireball attack 32 A+F Bought on the Talon
Cycle Cure irregularities 32 W+E Bought on the Talon
Shake Meteorite attack 40 F+E Bought on the Talon
LifeA Brings back to life 40 E+E Bought on the Talon
Exit2 Escape dungeons; 48 A+A Bought on the Talon
Kills enemy group
LitX Most powerful Lit magic 48 F+W Bought on the Talon
LifeB Brings back to life w/ 56 W+W Bought on the Talon
full HPS;Kills undead
Flare Most powerful attack 56 F+F Bought on the Talon

*****************M I S C E L L A N E O U S T I P S************************

-The STONE spell works almost every time on randomly encountered
monsters. If STONE doesn't work, EXIT probably will.
(You won't get any experience for killing enemies with EXIT though).

-When selecting what each character is going to do in battle (Weapon,
Talent,Magic,Item) you can press START to bring up two more choices:
Parry and Guard.

*********************S U P E R G A M E B O Y****************************

With the advent of the Super Game Boy, you can now enjoy games like Final
Fantasy Legend 3 in color on your TV. In this section will be passwords
for the Super Game Boy that will give FFL3 colors that enhance the
enjoyment of the game (or just look cool :)
If you have a set of colors that you like to use when playing FFL3 then
send me the password and I'll include them here so that others can enjoy
them too.

0701-9220-1435 Yellowish color,Red,Blue,Black

***************************G A M E G E N I E******************************

Since I don't have a Game Boy Game Genie, I have know idea if these work
or what they do exactly.

1. FFA-928-E6A + Set initial power to mega-power
FF8-918-2A2 +
To use codes 2-6 first kill character in fight sequence simulator. Then
keep pressing "A" for about 3 minutes and you will see "RECEIVE
RADAR". Then the real game starts. Press START, move finger to
"STATUS" and press "A" twice quickly, and you will get the screen
that codes affect.
2. 50A-988-F72 Set initial attack to 50
3. 508-9A8-F76 Set initial defense to 50
4. 50A-9E8-F7A Set initial agility to 50
5. 50A-9C8-F7E Set initial magic to 50
6. 50A-848-E6E Set initial level for character to 80

****************************O T H E R S T U F F***************************

Thank yous and Contributors:
This is where you're name and email address will go if you send me info
that I can use in this guide.

Anything I'm missing?:
I'm pretty sure i've missed stuff. If you see anything that I've missed,
please send me email telling me what and where the missing thing is.
I'd like this guide to be as complete as possible. My email address will
be at the end.

Coming soon:
A most likely incomplete list of enemy creatures, along with their
approximate hps and their type.

Things I'd like to see:
More Game Genie codes
More Super Game Boy codes
More tips and tricks

Final notes:
This guide has been brought to you by The Mynock.
If you have any suggestions, comments, questions, or can add something
to the guide, please email me at the following address:

Other sources of possible help:
Nintendo Game Counselors 1-900-288-0707 (U.S) 95 cents per minute
1-900-451-4400 (Canada) $1.25 per minute
MON - SAT 4am to Midnight PST
SUN 6am to 7pm PST

Nintendo Voice Response Unit 1-206-885-7529 24 hours a day

Westpark G-1 8351 - 154th Ave., N.E.
Redmond, WA 98052
Game Counselors 1-206-861-0303 8am to 5pm PST

| The Mynock | "The Mystery of Life" |
| | Vol. 841, Ch. 26 |
| | |
|------------------------| All life begins with Nu and |
|"I am not your friend, | ends with Nu... |
|I'm not your only friend| This is the truth! This is |
|but I'm a little glowing| my belief! |
|friend, but really I'm | least for now. |
|not actually your friend| |
|but I am." -TMBG | -Chrono Trigger |

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