Ansager mit hoher Stimme:
Im Optionsbildschirm 40 mal SELECT drücken.
Bevor Du diesen Code benutzen kannst, mußt Du die Specialstage gewonnen haben.
Nachdem Du die Specialstage in allen drei Kategorien gewonnen hast, kannst Du
den Snowboarder "Schneemann" auswählen. Starte ein neues Spiel und gib
Oben, Kreis und Dreieck ein, um das beste Alpinboard auszuwählen.
Um an diese Strecke zu kommen, mußt Du alle Strecken in allen Kategorien (beste
Zeit, beste Tricks und die meisten Punkte) gewinnen. English
Cool Boarders
High-Pitched Announcer:
At the options screen press Select 40 times.
Before you can do this code you have to beat the special stage. After you beat
the special stage in all three categories you will have access to the
snowboarder "Snowman". Start a new game, then choose the best Alpine board by
press Up, Circle, and Triangle.
Special Course:
To access the special course, beat every course in all categories (best time,
best tricks, and most points.)
More Boards:
When you win the three ranking,you can use special boards. There are three
special boards in each easy,middle,hard level.
Special Course:
When you get three special boards,you can play in the hardest course.
Hard View-Point:
When you win all ranking of all course,another view-point will be added. For the
loading time between selection screen and play screen,keep pushing select
If you can hear six wolf's voice in one play,you had better save that to the
memory card.In the loading time between selection screen and play screen,...
keep pushing L1+L2
With L1 or L2 you can know trick points when you play boards.
keep pushing player2's R1+R2
You can know the name of the trick.