Unlock all gates and mirrored tracks:
Press Right, Circle, Square, Left, Square, Circle, R1, L1 at the main menu. The
word "Yeah" will be spoken to confirm correct code entry.
All boards:
Press Right(2), R1, R2, Left(2), L1, L2 at the main menu. The word "Yeah" will
be spoken to confirm correct code entry.
Play as Sarah:
Press Left(2), Square, Right(2), Circle, R1(2) at the main menu. The word "Yeah"
will be spoken to confirm correct code entry.
Play as Mick:
Press Left, Right, Circle, Square, R2, L1, L2, R1 at the main menu. The word
"Yeah" will be spoken to confirm correct code entry.
Play as Bonobo:
press Right, Circle, Left(2), Circle(2), Square(2) at the main menu. The word
"Yeah" will be spoken to confirm correct code entry.