Gebt folgende Paßwörter ein, um die Rutschpartie noch abenteuerlicher zu gestalten:
GOANYWHERE Alle Levels anwählbar
TOPSYTURVY Umgedrehte Spielwelt
DONDACHAOS Unbesiegbarkeit
JELLYJELLY Wackelpudding-Effekt
INLILLIPUT Riesiger Xako
CLAPPEDOUT Langsameres Dek
DEKPOWERUP Schnelleres Dek
GREASEDDEK Rutschiges Dek
WALKONMOON Weniger Schwerkraft English
To enter the following cheat codes select 'Continue' from the main menu then
select the password option.
To begin the adventure with nine lives enter: D, O, N, T, D, I, O, N, M, E
To gain access to all levels enter: G, O, A, N, Y, W, H, E, R, E
To turn your world upside down enter: T, O, P, S, Y, T, U, R, V, Y
To become invincible enter: D, O, N, D, A, C, H, A, O, S
To gain infinite Jelly wobble enter: J, E, L, L, Y, J, E, L, L, Y
To make Xako smaller enter: S, I, Z, O, F, A, N, A, N, T
To make Xako bigger enter: I, N, L, I, L, L, I, P, U, T
To reduce the speed of your Dek, enter: C, L,A, P, P, E, D, O, U, T
To increase the speed of your Dek, enter: D, E, K, P, O, W, E, R, U, P
To give your Dek extra slide, enter: G, R, E, A, S, E, D, E, K
To lower your Dek's gravity, enter: W, A, L, K, O, N, M, O, O, N