NCAA GameBreaker '98
Cheat mode:
Enter one of the following passwords to enable the corresponding cheat effect.
Note "_" indicates a space.
Effect Password
Win all simulated games SC
All player attributes set to 99 BEAT_DOWN
Stronger offense BOOST
Bonus teams:
Enter the one of the following passwords to activate the corresponding team.
Note "_" indicates a space.
Team Password
Alabama '89 ALA_89
Arizona State '96 ASU_96
Colorado '89 COL_89
Florida '95 FLA_95
Florida State '92 FSU_92
Miami '83 MIA_83
Miami '85 MIA_85
Michigan '91 MICH_91
Nebraska '83 NEB_83
Nebraska '91 NEB_91
North Dakota '89 ND_89
Ohio State '96 OSU_96
Oklahoma '79 OKLA_79
Penn State '78 PENN_78
West Virginia '88 W_VIR_88