Digimon World

Digimon World

14.10.2013 03:35:35

A game from Bandai
For the Playstation
By JonL
ICQ: 74360442
Version 1.1
16 July 2000
6:42 p.m.

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1 Introduction
2 Story
3 Controls
4 Basics
5 Time
6 How To Raise your Digimon Properly
7 Thought Bubbles
8 Digimon Status
9 Items
10 Walkthrough
10.1 File City
10.2 Green Gym
10.3 Dragon Eye Lake
10.4 The Adventure Begins...
11 Game Shark Codes
12 Frequently Asked Questions
13 FAQ Source
14 What This FAQ Needs
15 Version History
16 Credits


Welcome to my fourth FAQ! For those who have been wondering what is Digimon World:
Digimon World is a game for the Playstation by Bandai. You have probably heard of
Digimons (Or maybe not. Digimon is a short form for Digital Monsters. It is
actually fighting Tamagotchis. You can carry them around and battle with your
friend's Digimons). Now, it has digivolved into a Playstation game! An addictive
RPG, almost as same as the Pokemon game for Gameboy. If you don't have the game, I
recommend you to get one. If you already have the game, enjoy the FAQ!


The story is really simple. There's a city in Digimon World called File City. All
the Digimons there lived happily and peacefully. One day, something happened. All
of the Digimons started to separate and leave the city. Only a few Digimons are
left alone in the city. One of them is Jijimon. He brings an earth boy into Digimon
World to find the cause of this separation and bring all the Digimon back together
again. So you control this boy and his Digimon to save the Digimon World...


Directional Buttons:
To move the boy.


Opens menu/Cancel

No function in this game

No function in this game

No function in this game

No function in this game

No function in this game

No function in this game

Pause the game

No function in this game


Before you play this game, you need to know some stuff:

- Digimon is the short form for Digital Monster. Unlike Pokemon, a Digimon can
evolve (or digivolve) into many different kinds of Digimons.

- Your Digimon has 3 lives. If he loses a battle one time, then he has 2 lives
left. If all of his lives are taken away, then your Digimon dies.

- Talk to everyone you see (If you can talk to them) especially Digimons in the
File City because they give you really useful information.


The time in Digimon World goes by REALLY fast. 1 second here is 1 minute there. 1
minute here is 1 hour there. 24 minutes here is 1 day there. So you gotta move fast
before your Digimon dies...There's a clock at the top left hand corner of the
screen. On the clock, there are different colour sections that represents different
time of the day:

Dark blue/black section with moon and stars at the top: Night/Midnight
Purple section: Early morning
Blue/Light blue section with sun and clouds: Afternoon/Noon
Red section: Late Afternoon

Please take note that if the needle points DIRECTLY at the moon, means it is
midnight. If it points DIRECTLY at the sun, means it is noon. You need to remember
this because its going to be real important for the game. Also remember that:

- The needle represents minutes
- The yellow dot at the edge of the clock is hours
- Different Digimons appear at different time


This section is for you newbies out there. Thanks for Daniel Teng Tu Yoong for
providing the information.

1. Take it to the toilet whenever it wants to.
2. Feed it until it is full (You will know when the Digimon is full. It will make a
happy taunt).
3. Train it well.
4. Its HP and MP should be at least 1500+.
5. Its Offence, Defense, Speed and Brains should be at least 100+.
7. Win a few battles to digivolve into a better Digimon.
8. It should never dislike you.
9. It should be happy, not angry.
10. Make sure it is well disciplined.
11. You should let it rest (or sleep) whenever it is tired (or sleepy).


Digimons don't just tell you what they need. Thought bubbles with pictures will
appear at the top of their heads. Those pictures will explain what they need. This
is the list of pictures:

Meat- You Digimon is hungry. Feed it with Meat, Giant Meat, Sirloin, Digimushrooms
or fishes. Your Digimon will make a happy taunt when it is full.

Zzz- Your Digimon is sleepy, and it needs to sleep. Enter the main menu and select
'Sleep'. Your Digimon will sleep after that.

Poop- Your Digimon needs to poop. Bring it to the closest toilet before the Virus
Gauge goes up to full.

Water Drops- This means that your Digimon is tired and you have overworked him.
Prevent this from happening because it shortens your Digimon's
lifespan. To prevent this from happening, visit the clinic and Punimon
often to rest.

Bandage- Your Digimon is injured. To cure it, go to the clinic or you can use the
Bandage or Medicine.

Syringe- Your Digimon is sick. Heal him by giving him Medicine.

Black figure- Your Digimon is going to digivolve.


Digimons have different status.

HP- This is your Digimon's Hit Points or life. The more damage your Digimon does,
the more HP will go down.

MP- This is your Digimon's Move Points. Your Digimon use these points to do damage.

Offense- The more your Offense, the more damage your Digimon does.

Defense- The more the Defense, the more damage blocked by your Digimon.

Speed- The more your Digimon's Speed, the faster your Digimon attacks.

Brains- The more your Digimon's Brains or IQ, the smarter he is (He will learn new

Virus Gauge- If your Virus Gauge is full, your Digimon will turn into the lousiest
Digimons, Sukamon or Numemon.

Happy Gauge- Your Digimon's happiness.

Discipline Gauge- Your Digimon's discipline. The more the discipline, he will eat
more strange stuff (Portable Potty, etc., etc., etc.)


There are lots of items in this game. Items are extremely important in this game.
Some are used for digivolving while some are used to bring Digimons back to File
City. Items like Meat, Small Recovery and Medicine are for your Digimon to stay
alive. A list of items will be coming soon.


After Jijimon asks you some silly questions, you find yourself in Digimon World.
There, you learn that the Digimons are separated and you must bring them back...
with an Agumon. You can digivolve your Agumon into many other Digimons, so don't
worry. If your Digimon dies, you'll get to choose another one.


Go back into Jijimon's house and talk to Tokomon to get a lot of items. Get out of
there and go to the Meat Farm. Talk to Tanemon and you will get 5 pieces of meat.
Remember to visit the Meat Farm everyday to get 3 pieces of meat. If your Digimon
is injured and needs to recover, just go to Jijimon's house and talk to Punimon.
If you need to train your Digimon, head to the Green Gym, west of File City
(Jijimon's house).


Here's where you train your Digimon. To train, just stand in front of any sign and
press X. You can either choose 'Begin' to begin your training or 'Explain' to
explain what this training does. Your Digimon will train for 1 hour. If you don't
want to waste time, just press Triangle to fast forward the time. These are the
training stations:

Tree Striking:
The sign looks like a circle with white triangles inside. Greatly raises Offense.

Boulder Moving:
The sign looks like a heart. Greatly raises HP.

Punching Glove:
The sign looks like a blue circle. Greatly raises Defense.

The sign looks like arrows. Greatly raises Speed.

The sign looks like a circle with a dot in the middle. Greatly raises MP.

###'s Classroom:
The sign looks like a light bulb. Greatly raises Brains. ### represents your boy's

At each training station, you have two choices:

Bonus Try- When you choose Bonus Try, three rotating pictures will appear at the
screen. If you line up the same pictures, your ability is boosted
greatly but little if you fail.
Normal- Your Digimon just trains normally for 1 hour.


You can fish here. First, you must get a rod to fish (You'll get one later in the
game). Then, open the menu and a new option will appear, called 'Fish'. Select the
'Fish' option and a new menu will appear. Here are the list of food you have that
you can use as bait. Select a bait, and press X to charge up your power. Press X
again to cast the rod. When a heart appears, means the fish likes the bait. When a
red cross appears, the fishes don't like the bait and you have to change the bait.

When the fish is eating the bait, you should hear a strange water sound.
Immediately press X or the fish will escape with your bait and you have to start
all over again. When you press X, a bar will appear at the top left corner of the
screen. That is the power of the string. The more the bar fills, the more pressure
the string takes and the more power the fish uses. If the bar fills up completely,
then the string will break. Be patient and slowly press X many times and make sure
the bar doesn't turn red. If it does, stop pressing X and let the bar go down. If
you succeed, then you have caught a fish!

A fish has many uses. You can feed your Digimon with fishes. Sometimes you even
need it to bring back Digimon to the File City.


This walkthrough is divided into different sections. Each section represents a
quest of bringing back that Digimon back to File City. When I mention the direction
of where to go (West, East, North, etc., etc., etc.), I mean the direction of where
to go following the direction of the screen, not the direction where the boy have
to move to.


From Jijimon's house, go South. Then, go East to Native Forest. When you appear at
Native Forest, an Agumon will run towards you and fight with you. Defeat him and he
will go back to File City. Agumon will work in the Item Bank, as the Item Keeper.


From Jijimon's house, go South, then West to Native Forest. Go South West, South
then East to Kunemon's Bed. Make sure that you reach there day time (do not go
there at night or Kunemon will be sleeping). Talk to Kunemon at his bed at the top
of a tree. He will ask you for food. Give him whatever food you want and he will
fight with you. Defeat him and he will go back to File City.

Kunemon will eat the bushes at File City Area 2 (below Jijimon's house) and reveal
a path to the Digimon Bridge, which will lead you to Tropical Jungle.


From Jijimon's house, go South, West to Native Forest, South West, South, East to
Kunemon's Bed, South West to Native Forest and South West. Palmon can be found at
that area, near the corner. Talk to it several times and it will fight with you.
Defeat him and he will join the city.

Palmon will expand the Meat Farm and give you 3 Giant Meat a day.


If you want to complete the Digimon Bridge, you have to get to Tropical Jungle
first. To get there without using the bridge, you have to ask for Coelamon's help.
He will only appear at late afternoons at Coela Point. To get to Coela Point, you
Have to bring Kunemon back to the File City first. Then, from Jijimon's house, go
South, East to Digimon Bridge, South to Kunemon's Bed, South East to Native Forest
and East to Coela Point.

If it's late afternoon, then you should see a figure at the sea. Go near it and
Coelamon will appear. He will help you to cross the river. From Tropical Jungle, go
West and you will see the Digimon Bridge. Cross the bridge and it is fixed.


After the Digimon Bridge is fixed, go to Coela Point and talk to Coelamon. He will
join the city.

He will build an Item Shop.


After you brought back a required number of Digimons, talk to Jijimon and go out of
Jijimon's house. A Greymon will suddenly run towards you and challenge you. Defeat
him and he will join the city.

Greymon will build a Fighting Arena. You can have tournaments here.


After you brought back a required number of Digimons, go to Digimon Bridge from
File City. Then, go down a bit and you will encounter Ninjamon. Defeat him and he
will join File City.

Ninjamon will be in the Secret Item Shop, giving you information about items and
other stuff.


These codes can be found at http://www.cheatcc.com. Please do not contact me about
these codes.

Infinite Offense 801557E0 03E7

Infinite Defense 801557E2 03E7

Infinite Speed 801557E4 03E7

Infinite Brains 801557E6 0387

Infinite Bits 80134EB8 FFFF

Infinite HP 80155750 270F
801557F6 270F

Infinite MP 801557F2 270F
801557F6 270F

Perfect Balance of Happy and Discipline 8013848A 0065
80138488 0030

Press Circle to Complete the Game D0135450 FFDF
80134EBA 0003

Press Square to Lay Cable D0135450 FF7F
80138460 FFFF

These codes can be found at http://www.cmgsccc.com:

Weight Modifier (00-27) 801384A3 00??

Age Modifier (00-27) 801384AB 00??

Max Offense 801557E0 03E7

Max Defense 801557E2 03E7

Max Speed 801557E4 03E7

Max Brains 801557E6 03E7

Max HP 801557F0 270F

Max MP 801557F2 270F

Infinite HP 801557F4 270F

Infinite MP 801557F6 270F

Max Bits 80134EB8 E0FF
80134EBA 05F5

Best Happiness 8013848A 0064

Best Discipline 80138488 0000

Item Modifier Codes

Slot 1 3013D474 00??

Slot 2 3013D475 00??

Slot 3 3013D476 00??

Slot 4 3013D477 00??

Slot 5 3013D478 00??

Slot 6 3013D479 00??

Slot 7 3013D47A 00??

Slot 8 3013D47B 00??

Slot 9 3013D47C 00??

Slot 10 3013D47D 00??

Max Item Codes

Slot 1 3013D492 0063

Slot 2 3013D493 0063

Slot 3 3013D494 0063

Slot 4 3013D495 0063

Slot 5 3013D496 0063

Slot 6 3013D497 0063

Slot 7 3013D498 0063

Slot 8 3013D499 0063

Slot 9 3013D49A 0063

Slot 10 3013D49B 0063

Quantity Digits to Accompany Item Modifier Codes

00 - Small Recovery
01 - Medium Recovery
02 - Large Recovery
03 - Super Recovery
04 - MP Floppy
05 - Medium MP
06 - Large MP
07 - Double Flop
08 - Various
09 - Omnipotent
0A - Protection
0B - Restore
0C - Super Restore
0D - Bandage
0E - Medicine
0F - Offense Disk
10 - Defense Disk
11 - Hi Speed Disk
12 - Omni Disk
13 - S. Offense Disk
14 - S. Defense Disk
15 - S. Speed Disk
16 - Auto Pilot
17 - Offense Chip
18 - Defense Chip
19 - Brain Chip
1A - Quick Chip
1B - HP Chip
1C - MP Chip
1D - DV Chip A
1E - DV Chip D
1F - DV Chip E
20 - Port. Potty
21 - Trn.Manual
22 - Rest Pillow
23 - Enemy Repel
24 - Enemy Bell
25 - Health Shoe
26 - Meat
27 - Giant Meat
28 - Sirloin
29 - Super Carrot
2A - Hawk Radish
2B - Spiny Green
2C - Digimushroom
2D - Ice Mushroom
2E - Deluxe Mushroom
2F - Digipine
30 - Blue Apple
31 - Red Berry
32 - Gold Acorn
33 - Big Berry
34 - Sweet Nut
35 - Super Veggy
36 - Pricklypear
37 - Orange Banana
38 - Power Fruit
39 - Power Ice
3A - Speed Leaf
3B - Sage Fruit
3C - Muscle Yam
3D - Calm Berry
3E - Digianchovy
3F - Digisnapper
40 - DigiTrout
41 - Black Trout
42 - Digicatfish
43 - Digiseabass
44 - Moldy Meat
45 - Happymushroom
46 - Chain Melon
47 - Grey Claws
48 - Fireball
49 - Flamingwing
4A - Iron Hoof
4B - Mono Stone
4C - Steel Drill
4D - White Fang
4E - Black Wing
4F - Spike Club
50 - Flamingmane
51 - White Wing
52 - Torn Tatter
53 - Electo Ring
54 - Rainbowhorn
55 - Rooster
56 - Unihorn
57 - Horn Helmet
58 - Scissor Jaw
59 - Fertilizer
5A - Kogalaws
5B - Water Bottle
5C - North Star
5D - Red Shell
5E - Hard Scale
5F - Bluecrystal
60 - Ice Crystal
61 - Hair Grower
62 - Sunglasses
63 - Metal Part
64 - Fatal Bone
65 - Cyber Part
66 - Mega Hand
67 - Silver Ball
68 - Metal Armor
69 - Chainsaw
6A - Small Spear
6B - X Bandage
6C - Ray Gun
6D - Gold Banana
6E - Mysty Egg
6F - Red Ruby
70 - Beetlepearl
71 - Coral Charm
72 - Moon Mirror
73 - Blue Flute
74 - Old Fishrod
75 - Amazing Rod
76 - Leomonstone
77 - Mansion Key
78 - Gear
79 - Rain Plant
7A - Steak
7B - Frig Key
7C - AS Decoder
7D - Giga Hand
7E - Noble Mane
7F - Metal Banana


Q: Can my Digimon die?
A: Yes, of course

Q: How do I save the game?
A: You can either go to Jijimon's house and use the big red Digivice to save or
save when your Digimon is sleeping.

Q: Are there any cheats (not hacking devices) for this game?
A: Yes, but only for the Japanese version. I don't think there are any cheat codes
(for now).


These are the sites I got most of the information from and I want to thank a lot:

- http://www.gamefaqs.com
- http://www.digital-monsters.com
- http://www.cheatcc.com
- http://www.cmgsccc.com


This FAQ is still under development and I really need your help. I will accept any
useful information sent by you. Here's a list of stuff needed:

- More information on how to bring back other Digimons
- Cheats, hints and tips
- Any other useful information


Version 1.0 (23/07/2000)-
Walkthrough not really complete yet. More coming soon.

Version 1.1 (24/07/2000)-
A lot of changes (Okay, not so much). New sections and updated Green Gym section.
Corrected some mistakes.

Version 1.2 (29/07/2000)-
Plenty of changes, plenty of corrections, plenty of new sections and more coming


I would like to thank these people:

- CJayC for publishing this FAQ in his great web site at http://www.gamefaqs.com.
- Bandai for producing this game.
- Daniel Teng Tu Yoong for all his information.
- Digimon World for some information.

This FAQ finished at 29 July 2000, 9:19 a.m.

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MetalGreymon mit vollen Statistiken und allen Items auf 99. Es ist alles beendet.

18.Oktober 2013
Ein Digimon mit 9999 und 999 Statistiken und 99 auf allen Fähigkeiten.

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