Shadow of Destiny

Shadow of Destiny

13.10.2013 12:06:04
Percentage FAQ
Shadow of Destiny
Percentage FAQ
Final Version

I .- Disclaimer
II .- FAQ's History
III .- Instructions
IV .- The Scene List
V .- Credits

*Note: Be sure to read the FAQ's History and the Instructions
first, oh and just because I want you to know I warned you:
This FAQ contains A LOT of MAJOR SPOILERS. Read it under
your own risk.

**Double Thanks to Roberto Corsaro for fixing typos and some
scenes I missed to write down. ^_^
This document was made to share and gather the info I found
while playing the game and surfing the web mainly to get some
recognition within the gaming comunity. If you want a very
detailed FAQ I recommend the one by Miss Allie or Cemix,
especially if this is your first time around.

This FAQ is list of scenes I and some friends have found out in
the game to share it with the people who want a full 100%
percentage, thus they need ALL the cut-scenes from each chapter.

Feel free to post this document in your homepage as long
as it is not edited in any way without my permission,
and if you mail me about its usefulness it will make me feel
a lot whole better about this work ^_^.

I want to Thank for updating my FAQ over night after
I send it in..YER the best! I'll post an update soon and I'm sure
CheatCodes will post it right after I finish.
My e-mail:

I wish to give Extra Special thanks to Yunakitty for helping me
check the validity of this FAQ and supporting me with it, you
are great yunakitty! Please read her Character List FAQ as well!

Another special thanks to Curty who helped me find some hard
to get scenes.

Special credits to ichmari for finding the elusive scene in
chapter 7 that everyone was looking for!

------------------->Fixer Uppers<-------------------
My gratitude go to:
Roberto Corsaro & TheKiller123

Please mail me with scenes not listed here, I will be extra
sure to credit your findings!
Version History
[12/08/01]-> 11:00pm
Started writing the FAQ.

[13/08/01]-> 1:00am
Deleted my saved game because I wanted to make a game
with the least scenes, thus having as few % in each chapter
as possible. The "Base Game" was started.

From [14/08/01] to [19/08/01]
I finished the game at least 10 times..,
recorded about 263 scenes or more..a lot of questions popped into play,
about scenes and the fact that you can do them in different chapters..where
do these scene belong? For example: You can give Sybila the kitten in 3
different chapters, start a tab in different chapters too..but they only count
towards 1..hmm..Also, I'm 92% sure that all scenes in the list counts towards a
100% Total Achievement percentage but I won't be sure until I check them out with
the new procedure..

I discovered a way to see my achievement after each chapter instead of
having to wait until I finished the game..I believe this is the key to
getting a full list with the scenes in their proper chapters, so...
I'm gonna work on that version...Wait for it...

Well, the process kinda worked in most chapters..but only in
certain the notes in each chapters to see which scenes I did, yet
I didn't get any % on that chapter..(or in any for that matter), some have
[X] in it or [0] meaning it didn't gave me any %...
*I discovered the existance of Extra Scenes*

My worst fear has come true!
I just finished Chapter 8 with 100%...and I have uncovered that the scenes are
not tied with a fixed % number! Oh man, how can I explain this to you..I will try..
You see, before today, I thought that a particular scene was worth a fixed % number.
Like seeing Eike dying for the 2nd time in Chapter 4 was worth 4%...but it is not so!
You see, there are a certain number of scenes in each chapter, and everytime you do
one, the percentage goes up, for example:

012 .- Talk with boy: "Will you save my grandpa?" Worth 4%
013 .- Eike: "Sorry kid." Worth 3%
014 .- Talk with boy: "Are you gonna help my grandpa?" Worth 3%
015 .- The bar on fire(Inside). Worth 4%
If you delete the game and change a little of those scenes order like this:

012 .- Talk with boy: "Will you save my grandpa?" Worth 4%
013 .- Eike: "Sorry kid." Worth 3%
014 .- Performer cut-scene: Getting the egg Worth 3%
015 .- Meeting the dogs..again Worth 4%
016 .- Talk with boy: "Are you gonna help my grandpa?" Worth 4%
017 .- The bar on fire(Inside). Worth 3%

As you can see, Scene 014 is worth 3%, no matter which scene it is.
I hope someone has enough explaining skill so they can figure this out and
send me a mail telling me how to explain this concept..oi... well anyway.
I won't reformat my FAQ, but I will put up a note that the numbers show there
are for my game and may vary from game to game.

*Roberto Corsaro has a different and very interesting theory about this, read
onward to read his theory about scene percentages.

Ive been playing all day and I'm exhausted..
I have exams all next week, so i won't be able to continue looking for
those missing scenes, so if you know which ones I'm missing or have suggestions
please..PLEASE! mail me with them at: or contact me via
the gamefaq's board. Ill try to give it at least an hour next week.
I'm going to post this update in and

Only 6 scenes missing, thanks to Curty. Waiting for more info.
Version 0.98 is submitted to

Submitted version 0.99, only 2 more scenes missing, one from chapter 4.
and the elusive chapter 7 scene. I have exams all next week and I will
keep my internet time to an hour a day. I won't have time to play all next week
either, if you want to discuss about the missing scenes or this FAQ, go to:
and find Curty there, he reads the boards frequently and will help you with
any questions or ideas about the scenes.

Logged into Gamefaq's board and saw PS2 4 life post about the idea ichmari had
about the elusive scene, and it worked! Chapter 7 is at 100%! I'll submit the
update soon and afterwards.

I recieved a mail from TheKiller123 about fixes and info about the FAQ.
Added them and decided to put the game in my library and lock it away for
some good time.

I read a mail from Roberto Corsaro pointing out some interesting facts
about the game and some fixes here and there, so I fixed them. ^_^
Thanks Roberto.

Here's Roberto's Theory on scene's percentages:
"I think they are not integer values, but that there's a hidden decimal
that might lead to apparent incongruence in scoring when the scenes are
played in a different order ("if for instance, and this is just an
example" ^_^ we have two scenes worth 3.5 point and the game approximates
0.5 to 0 *when displaying scores*, the first played would be 3 points worth and
the second one would be 4 points worth).

Now, let's come to the Prologue.
When you have unlocked the Extra game, you have to play the normal
game once more (by answering "am I dead" and "who's there?") to unlock
a scene worth 3 point (and this should lead you to reach 100% in
Total Achievement too). Then this:
-Curty -[2] .- Time runs out with the stone: "You'll have to work harder"
This only occurs when time runs out twice."

First of all, this list isn't completed, I have a life and it often gets in my
way..I will try my best to dedicate at least 2 hours daily to this and finish it
in a week or two, so without further ado, here are the instructions:

Well, the original idea was to make a list of scenes of a "base game" with the
fewest scenes possible then when finished, start adding scenes little by little,
thus recording the scenes that count as percentage and exclude the ones that Don't.

BASE GAME %'s: Current Listed %'s
P:22% P:100%
1:33% 1:100%
2:44% 2:100%
3:54% 3:100%
4:25% 4:100%
5:60% 5:100%
6:22% 6:100%
7:44% 7:100%
8:18% 8:100%
E:13% E:100%

The format for each chapter goes like this:
|The Scenes in a box are the |
|scenes that are from the base|
|game. |

MDS stands for "Multiple Death Scenes"
You can get these scenes only if you
die over and over..

>>>>>>>>>>Alternate Scenes<<<<<<<<<<<<
These scenes are spawned from actions
other from the base game, either you
took an alternate decision from the
base game scene list or you didn't
complete a base game scene and it
changed the outcome..

?????????Extra Scenes?????????????????
These are the scenes I did, yet they
didn't gave me % value at all when I

About the extra scenes:
If you are 100% sure one of these extra scenes count
towards the whole chapter percent let me know so I can
check it out. If you want, do the scenes anyway to make
extra, extra sure you get 100% in the chapter.

In some cases you are going to see this:
045 .- BEHOLD! The power of the digital communication! [0:40]
[3] .- BEHOLD! I can make FIRE! [-:--]

The [3] means that you can do that scene but its not inside the base game, the 3
is the percentage value it gave me: This will differ from game to game. (Read the
FAQ's history to try to understand my theory on these)

The [R] means the scene is repeated(probably above in one of the alternative paths)

[0:40] *-> It means it adds 0:40 minutes to the timer..
[-:--] *-> It means it either doesn't add time, or its the first scene of a
fixed sequence.
[------------------------------>Achievement : 100%<----------------------------]
|001 .- First Death(Introduction) |
|002 .- First talk with Humunculus |
|003 .- Digipad Explanation |
|[2] .- Say "Tell me again" |
|004 .- Say: "I get it" |
|005 .- Humunculus bids you Good luck |
|006 .- Waking up: "...huh?, Oh sorry, I fell asleep" |
|007 .- Going outside..again.."I guess it really did happen" |
|[2] .- Trying to go inside the cafe.. [0:30] |
|[2] .- Meeting the angry dogs(Just 1 will do) [0:30] |
|[2] .- Wandering around the present..(The creepy feeling) |
|008 .- Meeting the Fortune Teller |
|[2] .- FT: "Is there anything further?" [----] |
|[2] .- FT: "The Fated Hour is 2:30" [0:30] |
|[2] .- FT: "Better Hurry The Hour approaches.." [0:30] |
|-------Travel to Past------------- |
|[2] .- FT: "You are not in your own time..Return Quickly" [2:00] |
|-------Travel to Present---------- |
|009 .- Performer cut-scene: "A guy with no worries." |
|010 .- Performer cut-scene: Killer turns cowardly. |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Alternate Scenes<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
If you have all five endings you can unlock the other scenes from Prologue:
[2] .- First talk with Humunculus
[1] .- Answer: Am I dead? or Am I dead again?
If you want to play the other EX scenes:
[2] .- Answer: Oh,Homunculus...
[2] .- Waking up at the cafe and looking for the stone.
[2] .- Going outside: "hmm-2 o'clock.."
[2] .- "Hmm..Fortunes told?"
[2] .- Eike to FT: "Ive been here a bunch of times, right?" [5:00]
[2] .- Perfomer cut-scene:"Hey, thats me!" [0:30]
[2] .- Bar's on fire..again..:"Hey Hu--I mean.."
[2] .- Answer: Too dangerous
[2] .- Performer cut-scene:getting the egg. [1:00]
[2] .- Entering the cafe, getting the stone and lighter [3:00]
[2] .- Hugo says: "Are you gonna help my grandpa?"
[1] .- The bar's on fire.
[2] .- The door's locked..go figure.. [1:00]
[2] .- You can't go downstairs least you tried. [1:00]
---Travel to 1580--
[2] .- Sassy dresser: Conjuring up Eike.
[2] .- Trying to leave: Hold it! [0:30]
[1] .- Using the digipad: "What's that for?" [0:30]
[2] .- Using the cellphone, scaring the $*IT out of them. [-:--]
[2] .- Using the lighter. [-:--]
[2] .- Margarete thanks you. [5:00]
[2] .- Meeting Helena and Hugo.
[2] .- Meeting Wagner
[2] .- Helena recovers and you learn the meaning of sacrifice.
[2] .- Hah!, talk about a good ending =)
[?] .- 1st Death Hint after death: "It is difficult to change your destiny"
[3] .- Waking up for the second time: "I-Its all right. I-I'm awake."
[2] .- 2nd Death Hint: "Take fate by the horns"
[2] .- Waking up for the third time: Not drinking the coffee.
If playing the EX game:
[2] .- Smoked:"No good without the stone!"
-Curty -[2] .- Time runs out with the stone: "You'll have to work harder"
[2] .- Dying in the fire with the stone..
[2] .- Destroying Homunculus with the stone.
|???????????????????????????????Extra Scenes?????????????????????????????????????
|If you Don't want to play: |
| [X] .- Answer: "Wh-Who's there?" |
|[X] .- Meeting Fat guy [0:30] |
|[X] .- Fat guy: "Sorry, I'm not Interested" [1:00] |
|[X] .- (EX) FT: "Is there anything further?" [0:30] |
Getting the map is not a scene.
Talking to the people who will save you in the past are not scenes.
(Even if you talk to them twice)
[------------------------------->End of Prologue<-------------------------------]
[------------------------------>Achievement : 100%<----------------------------]
|***********************************Chapter 1***********************************|
|011 .- "Did my fate change?" |
|[5] .- FT: "You have been defying fate..Fated Hour: 3:00" [3:00] |
|[4] .- FT: "Anything further?" [----] |
|[4] .- FT: "The Fated Hour is 3 o'clock" [0:30] |
|[4] .- FT: "Better Hurry The Hour approaches.." [0:30] |
|[4] .- Performer cut-scene: "Even I can do THAT" [1:00] |
|012 .- Talk with boy: "Will you save my grandpa?" |
|[4] .- Eike: "Sorry kid." [3:00] |
|[4] .- Performer cut-scene: Getting the egg [0:30] |
|[4] .- Meeting the dogs..again [0:30] |
|[4] .- Talk with boy: "Are you gonna help my grandpa?" [3:00] |
|013 .- Agree to go inside: The bar on fire. |
|014 .- Smoke and death. |
|015 .- 1st Hint after death: "It is difficult to change your destiny" |
|016 .- NOW it Blinks |
|[5] .- Trying to open the door..locked! [1:00] |
|[4] .- Too hot to go downstairs! [1:00] |
|-------Travel to Past---------- |
|[4] .- FT: "You are not in your own time..Return Quickly" [2:00] |
|017 .- Stopping Hugo from making the fire |
|-------Travel to Present---------- |
|018 .- Ah, the wonders of time travel |
[5] .-2nd Hint after Death: "You need to put that fire out."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Alternate Scenes<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
--Scene 016--
-------Travel to Past at 2:50----------
[4] .- Trying to open the must be in here... [0:30]
[8] .- Wake up Grandpa! [5:00]
IF you got the EGG...
[4] .- Getting the frying pan! [2:00]
--Back to Scene 018--
[------------------------------->End of Chapter 1<------------------------------]
[------------------------------>Achievement : 100%<----------------------------]
|***********************************Chapter 2***********************************|
|019 .- Dana mysteriously acquires "The Stone", "Is it yours?" |
|020 .- Stabbed...again... |
|021 .- 1st Death Hint: "I think someone is behind the tree..." |
|[3] .- Talking with Dana's Boss [0:30] |
|[3] .- Talking with Dana's Boss again.. [0:30] |
|[2] .- Meeting the Dogs [0:30] |
|022 .- Digipad to the Rescue! |
|[3] .- Trying to move: "What's the matter? Are you going somewhere?" [----] |
|-------Travel to Past------------- |
|023 .- Sassy Dresser |
|[3] .- Trying to leave: "Hold it!" [0:30] |
|[2] .- Showing the Digipad: "What's that for?" [0:30] |
|024 .- BEHOLD! I can make FIRE! |
|[3] .- BEHOLD! The power of the digital communication! [3:00] |
|025 .- Margarete invites you inside |
|026 .- Outside the house |
|027 .- Meet Helena and Hugo |
|[2] .- Going back into the house: "What is it?" [0:30] |
|[3] .- Going back inside..again: Go away already..sheesh.. [0:30] |
|028 .- Talk with gardener: "A woman? Havent seen her" |
|029 .- Talk with gardener: "...Only the squire has the right..." |
|[3] .- Scaring the gardener: "Wh--S-Stop it!" [0:30] |
|030 .- The crest's up there...and I'm down here.. |
|031 .- Using the ladder |
|032 .- Talk with gardener: Order him to stop. |
|033 .- Talk with gardener: "If the squire says so, that's that." |
|-------Travel to Present---------- |
|034 .- "I-I Don't want to die..." |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Alternate Scenes<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
If you have the egg:
[3] .- Showing the egg to the gardener. [0:30]
[6] .- Trying to leave Dana..Dana starts to babble.. [11:50]
[2] .- Talking to Dana: "You are interesting..." [Death]
[3] .- 2nd Death Hint: Use the Digipad..stooopid. [-----]
[3] .- Meeting Dana for the 3rd time.(Creeping her out) [09:50]
[3] .- Trying to leave Dana..making her feel comfortable [Death]
[3] .- 3rd Death Hint: U S E D A D I G I P A D [-----]
[3] .- Meeting Dana for the 4th time(Checking out the stone) [08:50]
[3] .- Trying to leave for the third time..Seeing through her clothes. [Death]

If you go back to the present without changing the tree from 1580...
[3] .- Death Hint: "Amuse me..."
|???????????????????????????????Extra Scenes?????????????????????????????????????
|[X] .- FT: "The Fated Hour is: 3:30" [2:00] |
|[-] .- FT: "Anything else?" [----] |
|[X] .- FT: "The Fated Hour is 3:30" [0:30] |
|[X] .- FT: "Better Hurry The Hour approaches.." [0:30] |
It doesn't matter if you decide statue or least not in this chapter
because the result is always scene 033 in both cases.
[------------------------------->End of Chapter 2<------------------------------]
[------------------------------>Achievement : 100%<----------------------------]
|***********************************Chapter 3***********************************|
|035 .- WHAM! That sure hurts... |
|036 .- 1st Death Hint: Excuse are screwing up..try harder |
|037 .- Phone call for Eike: Eckart reminding you to go to the museum.. |
|[5] .- At 5:14, you get a call from Eckart [1:00] |
|[5] .- After entering the museum..trying to leave.. [0:30] |
|038 .- Entering Eckarts Office. |
|039 .- Cat's Mansion(Meeting Eckart) |
|[5] .- Trying to go back into the office.. [0:30] |
|[4] .- Trying to go downstairs without seeing a painting [0:30] |
|040 .- Meeting the flesh..sorta.. |
|041 .- Talk with Homunculus: "Give me proof" |
|042 .- Arriving in 1979 |
|043 .- Digipad's Busted... |
|044 .- Digipad's working again. |
|045 .- Eike: The return |
|046 .- Smashing Statement |
|047 .- Thanks for letting me live Homunculus...I guess... |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Alternate Scenes<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
If you have the egg:
[5] .- Getting the frying pan from the bar owner. [3:00]
[4] .- Talking with the bar owner again. [1:00]
[4] .- Talk with Homunculus: "If you'll excuse me.."
[5] .- 2nd Death Hint: "Dear,Dear Looks like you got killed again."
If you waste your time outside the museum until you get killed:
-Curty--[5] .- "If you have something to do, go do it."
[4] .- Phone call: You know what Eckart is going to say. [2:00]
|????????????????????????????????Fake Scenes?????????????????????????????????????
|[X] .- FT: "You have been defying fate..Fated Hour: 5:50" [2:00] |
|[X] .- FT: "Anything else?" [----] |
|[X] .- FT: "The Fated Hour is 5:50" [0:30] |
|[X] .- FT: "Better Hurry The Hour approaches.." [0:30] |
|[X] .- Getting the chocolate at the bakery. [0:30] |
|[X] .- Seeing a painting(any of em) [0:30] |
|[X] .- Meeting Oleg [2:00] |
|[X] .- Meeting Oleg again [0:30] |
|[X] .- Going into the church [0:30] |
Look at paintings to pass up the time quickly.
[------------------------------->End of Chapter 3<------------------------------]
[------------------------------>Achievement : 100%<----------------------------]
|***********************************Chapter 4***********************************|
|048 .- Getting shot |
|049 .- 1st Death Hint:"How about finding an iron plate?" |
|050 .- Opening the Book and finding the B&W photo. |
|-------Travel to 1902---------- |
|051 .- Meeting Alfred |
|052 .- Make the tea Sybila |
|053 .- Meeting Sybila |
|054 .- Going outside.. |
|055 .- Knocking off the iron sign. |
|056 .- Coming back and taking the picture |
|057 .- Taking the picture...... |
|058 .- Changing back: [No Egg,Iron sign] |
|[2] .- Trying to go outside .. [0:10] |
|-------Travel to Present---------- |
|059 .- Saved by the plate. |
If you die with the iron plate or the frying pan:
[3] .- 2nd Death Hint: "Try to use the TOOL"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Alternate Scenes<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Immediately at the beggining use the frying pan(if you have it)
[2] .- Saved by the pan [WARP]

If you have the egg:
After Scene 053:
[2] .- Asking Sybila for a frying pan and going outside.
[3] .- Going back inside right after leaving.
--Scene 055--
If decide to keep it by getting the iron sign:
--Go get the sign--
[6] .- Getting the picture with the iron sign.
[6] .- Changing back: [Egg and Iron sign]
-------Travel to Present----------
[3] .- Homunculus explaining fate to Eike.
[3] .- Homunculus telling you about time lines and the iron sign.
---End of Chapter--
If you decide to trade it:
---Travel to the present----
[3] .- Getting the frying pan from the bar owner. [3:00]
If you saved the bar by stopping Hugo:
[3] .- Going back downstairs [0:30]
If you did it by telling him:
[3] .- Going back downstairs [0:30]
--Travel back to 1902 *WITHOUT GOING OUTSIDE*--
--Putting the costume on--
--Taking the picture------
[2] .- Changing back: [Frying pan]
---Travel to Present------
[3] .- Homunculus explaining fate to Eike.
[4] .- Homunculus telling you about time lines and the frying pan.
---End of Chapter--
If you didn't get the egg from the juggler:
After Scene 053:
If you want the frying pan:
[3] .- Getting the ornamental egg.
---Traveling to the present--
[3] .- In the present as the juggler.
[2] .- Meeting the dogs. [0:30]
[3] .- Trying to go into the cafe. [0:30]
[3] .- FT: "Welcome, are not in your own time, are you?" [2:00]
[4] .- Giving the egg to yourself.
[3] .- Returning to Sybila
---Taking the picture---
[4] .- Sybila says: "You've got a frying pan already?"
----Travel to the present---
[3] .- Using the frying pan.
--End of Chapter--
If you want the iron sign: --Curty pointed out this path to me and Roberto fixed it--
After getting it, without taking the photo and going back to the future:
[3] .- Using the iron sign.

|???????????????????????????????Extra Scenes?????????????????????????????????????
|[X] .- FT: "The fated hour is 8:00" [2:00] |
|[X] .- FT: "Anything else?" [----] |
|[X] .- FT: "Do not forget.The Fated Hour is 8:00" [0:30] |
|[X] .- FT: "Better Hurry The Hour approaches.." [0:30] |
|[X] .- Talking to the fat guy at the bar. [0:30] |
|[X] .- He ain't interested in my digipad. [1:00] |
|[X] .- Talking with Fransenn of 1902 at his shop.[twice] [1:00] |
|[X] .- Looking at the iron sign, but not taking it. [0:30] |
|[X] .- Starting a tab. [2:00] |
|[X] .- You can't pay the tab yet. [0:30] |
***********Special Thanks to Curty and Roberto Corsaro for helping***********
*****************me finish and fix this Chapter at 100%.*********************
[------------------------------->End of Chapter 4<------------------------------]
[------------------------------>Achievement : 100%<----------------------------]
|***********************************Chapter 5***********************************|
|060 .- I'm hungry..maybe I can go to that place with the fire in the day. |
|061 .- Meeting the bar owner: "What's good to eat around here?" |
|062 .- Food for the brain (Reading the book) |
|063 .- Its a pretty shiny book, isn't Homunculus?..hmm..oh... |
|064 .- Man..that food was spoiled... |
|065 .- 1st Death Hint: "I guess it's the art museum now" |
|[2] .- Back to the bar: Grandkids photos [2:00] |
|[2] .- Back to the bar: Seeing the photo again.. [2:00] |
|-------Travel to 1584---------- |
|066 .- The house..EXPLODED! God sent his judgement down! |
|[2] .- Meeting the dog [0:15] |
|067 .- Here doggy, doggy..FETCH the steak! |
|068 .- The birth of Homunculus |
|[2] .- Trying to open the lab door without the key. [1:00] |
|069 .- Getting the key |
|-------Travel to 1582---------- |
|070 .- Hugo fighting at the square |
|071 .- Meet Wagner |
|[7] .- Talk with Wagner three times. [3:00] |
|072 .- Talk with Margarete(without her giving you an antidote) |
|073 .- Hugo learns about Eckart and missing Dana(and then you see her) |
|074 .- Going back to Margarete and telling her about time travel consequences |
|075 .- Margarete asks you: "Won't you take me to your time?", "Huh your what?"|
|076 .- You answer: "I think you may be an ancestor of mine" |
|077 .- Margarete says: "What? I couldn't hear you!" |
|078 .- You answer: "You are probably my ancestor" |
|079 .- Hugo gets back and then snaps(Getting the comb) |
|-------Travel to 1902---------- |
|080 .- Talk with Alfred:(Decision of what to make of the house) |
|081 .- Talk with Alfred: "I guess a library is better" |
|-------Travel to Present---------- |
|082 .- Reading the "Antidote" book. |
|-------Travel to 1582---------- |
|083 .- Getting the antidote from Margarete |
|-------Travel to Present---------- |
|084 .- Getting sick...again.. |
|085 .- Drinking the antidote |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Alternate Scenes<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
If you saved the bar in Chapter 1 by waking the bar owner:
[3] .- I'm know..didn't I had a free meal?
[2] .- Free meal at the bar..ahh..the advantages of time travel.
--Go to Scene 062--

If you SKIPPED Chapter 4's talks with Alfred and Sybila:
After scene 079...(These 5 scenes take 15:00)
-------Travel to 1902----------
[2] .- Meeting Alfred
[2] .- Sybila makes the tea.
[2] .- Meeting Sybila
--Scene 057--
[2] .- Changing back: "You carry frying pans around with you?"
--Go to Scene 080--

If you SKIPPED taking the picture after getting the iron sign in Chapter 4
After scene 079...
-------Travel to 1902----------
--Scene 057--
[2] .- Changing back: "You carry that sign around with you?"
--Go to Scene 080--

If you went to see to Dr. Wagner AFTER reading the book:
Instead of Scene 072...
[3] .- Asking Margarete for the antidote and getting it.
--Go to Scene 073--

If you don't want to tell Margarete that she maybe your ancestor:
After Scene 075:
[2] .- You answer: "Oh, nothing"
077 .- Margarete says: "What? I couldn't hear you!"
[2] .- You answer: "Nothing Important"
[2] .- When you try to leave, Hugo arrives and then kicks the stool!
---Travel to present and scene 084 appears--
Dying with the antidote:
[3] 2nd Death Hint: "USE THE ANTIDOTE!!"
|???????????????????????????????Extra Scenes?????????????????????????????????????
|[X] .- Going into the bar again: "The Egg Story" [3:00] |
|[X] .- FT: "The fated hour is 10:30" [2:00] |
|[X] .- FT: "Anything else?" [----] |
|[X] .- FT: "Do not forget.The Fated Hour is 10:30" [0:30] |
|[X] .- FT: "Better Hurry The Hour approaches.." [0:30] |
|[X] .- Going into the church in 1982. [0:30] |
|[X] .- Talk with Sybila: "Do you want a kitten?" [2:00] |
|[X] .- Talk with Fransenn of 1902(The photographer) [1:00] |
|[X] .- Giving Margarete the Chocolate. [-:--] |
|[?] .- Talk with old Oleg in 2001 [0:30] |

A perfect place to pass time quickly is in the Art Museum looking at the paintings.
[------------------------------->End of Chapter 5<------------------------------]
|------------------------------>Achievement : 100%<----------------------------|
|***********************************Chapter 6***********************************|
|086 .- Poster: "The Meditating Man" |
|087 .- Getting killed by a car..go figure.. |
|088 .- 1st Death Hint: "Don't give up, Do something" |
|-------Travel to 1980---------- |
|089 .- Talking to Young Oleg |
|090 .- Answer: "Something about time travel" |
|091 .- Answer: "To find out the cause of his own death" |
|092 .- Answer: "Thriller Spin" |
|[3] .- Going back to Oleg [1:00] |
|[3] .- -Curty- Time Travel for Oleg to watch [-:--] |
|[3] .- Walking towards South Gate:Gunshots [0:20] |
|[3] .- Arriving at Miriam's Murder scene [4:00] |
|[3] .- Eike doesn't know about Dana. [1:00] |
|-------Travel to 1980:Before the Murder---------- |
|[3] .- Miriam and Dana: [0:30] |
|[3] .- Eike says: Your baby's really cute.[See notes] [1:00] |
|[?]a .- Eike says: Its dangerous that way..[See notes] [1:00] |
|[2] .- Hearing gunshots again.. [0:20] |
|[3] .- Arriving at murder scene: "She's gone again.." [2:00] |
|[3] .- Eike says: "A getaway? I havent done anything!" [1:00] |
|[3] .- Trying to leave running, doing the responsable thing. [----] |
|[3]a .- Trying to leave running, doing the responsable thing. [----] |
|-------Travel to Present---------- |
|094 .- Poster: "The Time of Reckoning" |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Alternate Scenes<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
After Scene 089:
[3] .- Answer: "Something about the Meditating man?"
[3] .- Poster: "The meditating man"

After Scene 090:
[3] .- Answer: "To take Over the World?"
[3] .- Poster: "Time Ego Trip World Conquest!"

After Scene 091:
[-] .- Answer: "Love Story"
[2] .- Poster: "Time for Two"

If you go to the murder scene:
If you told Margarete she was your ancestor:
[3] .- Homunculus has Dana! [1:00]
When you arrive there:
[3] .- Remembering Homunculus.
--Get blamed--
If you didn't tell Margarete:
--After hearing the gunshots you won't see Homunculus--
--Getting blamed--
--Travel to the future--
If you chose a "good" movie:
After traveling to the future:
[3] .- Oleg sees Eckart and Miriam and gets his movie idea.
[3] .- Talking with Homunculus inside the time warp.
-------Travel to 1980:Before the Murder----------
[3] .- Talking with Miriam and Dana. [1:30]
-------Running After them.-----
[2] .- Saving Miriam, but still losing Dana.. [4:00]
[3] .- Talking with Miriam and Eckart. [1:00]
[3] .- Talking with Eckart: Dana still missing.. [0:30]*

If you mess up the poster's idea:
[3] 2nd Death Hint: "Sometimes a single word from you can change the future"
[3] Oleg meets you again.
|???????????????????????????????Extra Scenes?????????????????????????????????????
|[X] .- Showing the egg watch to the bar owner in 1980 [0:30] |
|[X] .- Showing the cell phone to the bar owner in 1980 [0:30] |
|-----In 1902---- |
|[X] .- Paying the coffe with the watch(without a tab) [2:00] |
|[X] .- Trying to go back:"I Don't think I have anything to do here.." [0:30] |
|-----In 1582----- |
|[X] .- Giving Margarete a Margarete [1:00] |
|[X] .- Trying to Enter Wagners lab. [0:30] |
If you answer Love Story or Thriller spin the same scene comes up.
--Scene [?]a--
Here the answers count towards the:
[3] .- Trying to leave running, doing the responsable thing.
You can chose to praise the baby to get one scene after you go to see the murder
or tell her its dangerous to see the other one..This theory hasnt been proved yet
I would be glad if someone could confirm me this.

[------------------------------->End of Chapter 6<------------------------------]
|------------------------------>Achievement : 100%<----------------------------|
|***********************************Chapter 7***********************************|
|095 .- "I'm locked In" |
|096 .- "Mr Eckart, Are you there?" |
|097 .- What a beautiful view of the street,How odd..its getting closer..SPLAT!|
|098 .- 1st Death Hint: "The killer must be inside...", duh! |
|099 .- "Its locked", again.. |
|[3] .- Getting the old rope. [----] |
|---Travel to "The Night before"--- |
|100 .- How Can I open a locked door?.."Maybe I can get hold of the key..." |
|-------Travel to 1902---------- |
|101 .- Photo shoot outside |
|102 .- Getting the tower key, saw by Sybila |
|[2] .- Trying to get back inside: "I think I'll come back later" [----] |
|---Travel to "The Night before"--- |
|[3] .- Attaching the old rope to the railing [2:00] |
|[R] .- Getting the old rope there.. [----] |
|-------Travel to 1980---------- |
|[3] .- Attaching the old rope to the railing [2:00] |
|[R] .- Getting the old rope there.. [----] |
|-------Travel to 1902---------- |
|[3] .- Attaching the old rope to the railing [2:00] |
|103 .- Getting the new rope |
|---Travel to "The Night before"--- |
|104 .- Using the New rope on the railing |
|105 .- Blackmail.. |
|-------Travel to Present---------- |
|106 .- Grabbing the "New" rope..close call.. |
|107 .- Meeting Eckart in the office, the comb reminds him of her daugther |
|108 .- Eike leaving the office. |
|109 .- Seeing Dana's pic. |
|--------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------|
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>Alternate Scenes<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
If you didn't tell Margarete she was your ancestor:
After Scene 106:
If you didn't save Miriam:
[3] .- Eckart apologizes.
If you did save Miriam:
[3] .- Eckart apologizes.
[3] .- Miriam arrives.
[3] .- Talking about Dana's (Margarete) kidnap.
If you told Margarete she was your ancestor and saved Miriam:
After Scene 107:
[3] .- Miriam arrives.
[3] .- Giving The Eckart's the comb.
--Go to Scene 109--

0 !!THE ELUSIVE SCENE!! by ichmari 0
| |
0[3] .- Checking out the railing in "The night before" without a rope. [0:30] 0
| |

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
********************** **************MDS***************** ***********************
[3] .- Tying the NEW rope in 1902. [2:00]
[3] .- Tying the NEW rope in 1980. [2:00]
-------Travel to Present----------
[6] .- The rope die.
[3] .- 2nd Death Hint: "Oh Dear!, Did your rope break?"
Dying in the 10 seconds you have to grab the NEW rope:
[3] .- Not grabbing the rope on time and dying.
[3] .- Death Hint: Grab the freakin rope!
Dying in the 10 seconds you have to grab the OLD rope: ---Curty!---
[3] .- Not grabbing the rope on time and dying.
********************** **************END***************** ***********************
|????????????????????????????????Extra Scenes????????????????????????????????????
|[X] .- FT: "The Fated Hour is: 1:30" [2:00] |
|[-] .- FT: "Anything else?" [----] |
|[X] .- FT: "The Fated Hour is 1:30" [0:30] |
|[X] .- FT: "Better Hurry The Hour approaches.." [0:30] |
|[X] .- Talking about the pocket watch with the bar owner [1:00] |
|[X] .- Showing the egg watch to 1980's bar owner. [0:30] |
|[X] .- Showing anything else to 1980's bar owner. [0:30] |
|----In 1902---- |
|[X] .- Paying the tab you own with your egg watch. [2:00] |
|[X] .- Going back: "I Don't think I have anything left to do here.." [0:30] |
|[X] .- Talking about the egg watch with Fransenn [1:00] |
|-----In the present---- |
|[X] .- Talking to old oleg without the pocket watch [2:00] |
|Notes: Do NOT to go outside when you travel to 1902 before getting the key. |
[------------------------------->End of Chapter 7<------------------------------]
|------------------------------>Achievement : 100%<----------------------------|
|*****************************Chapter 8: Ending C*******************************|
|110 .- "I Don't remember seeing this picture before.." |
|-------Travel to 1584---------- |
|111 .- "Oh yeah, I should ask about that picture" |
|112 .- Entering the Alchemist House(Showing up unnanouced) |
|[2] .- Talk with Wagner before aquiring the red stone [6:00] |
|[2] .- Telling them you will be back. [1:00] |
|[1] .- Outside the house:"Oh yeah, I should ask about that picture" [0:30] |
|[1] .- "I'll come back if I manage to get hold of the stone" [0:30] |
|113 .- Finding Dana |
|114 .- Getting the "Philosopher's stone" |
|115 .- Delivering the stone |
|116 .- Wagner: "Kids, I'm gonna blow the house, get out please.." |
|[2] .- Trying to go back inside: Packing to leave. [0:30] |
|-------Travel to "10 days from then"---------- |
|117 .- "Anybody here?!" |
|118 .- The time machine. |
|-------Travel to Present---------- |
|119 .- Hugo calls you out. |
|120 .- Confronting Hugo |
|121 .- Hugo wants to...raise the dead!? |
|[2] .- Hugo again:"Didn't I tell you to get a move on?" [0:30] |
|-------Travel to 1584------------- |
|122 .- Old Hugo and his time machine. |
|[1] .- Trying to wake Margarete up [0:40] |
|-------Travel to Present--------- |
|123 .- "All gone.." Homunculus congratulates you. |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Alternate Ending: Ending A<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
If you told Margarete she was your ancestress:
--After Scene 121--
If you talk to the Fortune Teller first:
[2] .- Talking with Homunculus.
--Travel to Present--
[1] Homunculus arrives..
[1] Creating Wagner, Homunculus shows his/her/its powers.
[1] Wagner and Eike arrive at the marketsquare.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Alternate Ending: Ending B1<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
If you told Margarete she was your ancestress:
-After Scene 121--
--Going to Fortune Teller's House--
[2] .- Meeting The Fortune teller: "Who are you?"
[2] .- Helena explains her existence in the future.
[1] .- In 1582,Hugo tries to bring back Helena from the dead.
[1] .- Helena explains only you can see her and more...
--Going to the Marketsquare.--
[2] .- Eike tells Hugo about Helena.
[1] .- Hugo hears Helena..
[1] .- Helena tells Hugo about the sanctity of life.
[2] .- Outside, Margarete watches as the house starts to crumble.
[1] .- Inside, Hugo falls down..
[1] .- and dies..
[2] .- The house has been destroyed and Margarete weeps.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Alternate Ending: Ending B2<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
If you told Margarete she was your ancestress:
-After Scene 121--
--Travel to 1980 and find Homunculus--
[2] .- Finding Homunculus and arguing with him/her/it.
--Travel to the present and return to Hugo--
[1] .- Eckart to the rescue!
[1] .- Remembering Homunculus snatching Dana(or Margarete)
[1] .- Eckart and Eike exchange good-byes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Alternate Ending: Ending D<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
If you didn't tell Margarete she was your ancestress:
After Scene 113:
[1] .- Getting the "Philosopher's stone", Dana thanking you.
[1] .- Eike after deciding says: "Hmm...this must be important"
[2] .- Answer: Lets go back together, Dana.
---Travel to Present---
[1] .- Getting the Note. [0:30]
[2] .- Reading the Note. [1:00]
---Travel to 1582------
[1] .- Giving Dana the Note. [1:00]
[1] .- When you try to travel to 1902:"Where are we going?" [1:00]
[2] .- Talking with Dana again: "I thought we were going home?"[----]
----Travel to Present--
[1] .- In 1582,Hugo sees you leave with Dana. [0:30]
[2] .- Dana returns to the present. [3:00]
----Travel to 1582-----
[1] .- Hugo knows for a fact you came to see Wagner. [3:00]
--Go to Scene 115--
--Instead of Scene 117--
[1] .- "Anyone here? What about...Homunculus?
[2] .- Meeting Margarete in the basement. [3:00]
----Travel to Present--
[2] .- Phone Call: Hugo calls you out to the square. [6:00]
[1] .- Hugo and Dana: Hugo asks you for Homunculus. [5:00]
[1] .- Hugo plans to use the stone to make mother. [5:00]
---Travel to 1584------
[1] .- Asking Margarete to time warp with you. [1:30]
[2] .- Margarete says: "What's wrong? arent we going?" [1:00]
----Travel to Present--
[1] .- Margarete arrives to the future.
[1] .- Margarete slaps Hugo.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Alternate Ending: Ending E<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
If you didn't tell Margarete she was your ancestress:
After Scene 113:
--Talking with Dana--
[2] .- Answer: Okay, Take care of yourself, then.
--Being welcomed by Margarete and Hugo--
[1] .- Giving Wagner the stone, telling him to draw a pentagram. [7:00]
--Go to Scene 116--
--After Scene 119--
[1] .- Confronting Hugo, blaming you for his father's dissaperance.
[1] .- Be quiet Margarete!, Wagner was supposed to burn the records!
--Travel to 1584--
[1] .- Eike says: I guess Hugo isn't here yet.. [0:30]
[2] .- Burning the papers. [4:00]
-->Travel to the present--
[1] .- Spying on Hugo.."Hugo is still here?"
[1] .- Back in 1584, Hugo and Margarete arrive to the basement.
[2] .- In the present, Hugo feels strange...
[1] .- in 1584, Hugo tries to figure out the papers..
[2] .- in the present Hugo starts to dissapear..
[1] .- in 1584, Margarete finishes burning the papers.
[2] .- in the present, Hugo dissapears..and Margarete too..
********************** **************MDS***************** ***********************
If time expires:
********************** **************END***************** ***********************
|????????????????????????????????Extra Scenes????????????????????????????????????
|[X] .- Talking with Eckart, Eckart talks about the pocket watch [2:00] |
|[X] .- Showing the Digipad to 1582's Hugo [0:30] |
|[X] .- Talking to Margarete after Hugo goes to the future with Dana. [0:30] |
[------------------------------->End of Chapter 8<------------------------------]
|------------------------------>Achievement : 100%<----------------------------|
| ENDING 'E' |
|*.- Homunculus arrives.. |
|*.- Back in the past.. Wagner wishes to dissapear.. |
|[4] .- In the present, Dana whines about time and gets to meet her Daddy. |
| ENDING 'D' |
|[4] .- Eike figures out Homunculus used him. |
|[4] .- Eike stares blankly.. |
|[5] .- Back in the past..Wagner wishes for Eternal Youth. |
|[4] .- Wagner staggers in the past...lost.. |
| ENDING 'C' |
|124 .- Homunculus decieved you about your ancestor |
|125 .- Giving the Digipad back |
|126 .- Well, You can't cheat Destiny..You die. |
| ENDING 'B1' |
|[5] .- Homunculus arrives.. |
|[5] .- Eike figures out Homunculus used him. |
|[4] .- Eike asks Margarete is she wants to stay in the present. |
|[4] .- Margarete wants to go home. |
|[4] .- Eike and Margarete arrive in 1584 |
|[4] .- Eike returns to the present. |
|[4] .- Eike goes to the bar to celebrate! |
| ENDING 'B2' |
|[2] .- Homunculus arrives and Eike figures out he was used. |
|[2] .- Eike hands over the Digipad. |
|[1] .- Eike goes to the bar to celebrate! |
| ENDING 'A' |
|[3] .- Homunculus says: "I guess its over" "Good Job, Eike." |
|[R] --Eike figures out Homunculus used him.-- |
|[R] --Eike asks Margarete is she wants to stay in the present.-- |
|[3] .- Margarete decides to stay. |
|[3] .- You say: "Okay" and drop the Digipad..Fate catches Homunculus |
|[3] .- Margarete and you find the stone.. |

Best Total Time : 07:19(An Ex ending I guess)
Total Achievement: 100%
Inside the church: 8 rows of seats..
233 5-6
1689 1-5
473 8-
569 3-5
233 5-6
1689 1-5

Can you do something after you leave Margarete in Ending B1?
Can you give the "...." guy something to make him talk?
Why is the baker outside her bakery in 1902?, Waiting for you to give her somethin?

The credits mainly go to Miss Allie, her FAQ helped me a bunch..god bless her soul.
Credits go out to my girlfriend, without her support I wouldnt have time to write
this FAQ, also some credits to Coca-Cola Inc (tm) and their Coke (tm) for helping
me sleep only 6 hours a day in order for me to spend 2 hours to the FAQ instead of

Very Special credits go to ichmari who found the elusive railing without a rope
scene in Chapter 7.

Extra Credits go to Curty for helping me with the last 7 scenes I needed to finish
with 100%. You can find him in the gamefaq's board if you need anyhelp with the
scenes, as well as me(most of the time) there.

To TheKiller123 for fixing Ch3 and Ch7 recently for me.
To Roberto Corsaro for fixing Ch4 and Ch5 and numerous typos throught the FAQ. ^_^

Again, any questions, comments, messages of congratulations and of recognition are
welcomed in the inbox at: Thank you for reading my FAQ! =D
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Percentage FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Alle möglichen Enden beendet und alle Filme.

17.Oktober 2013
Complete Plot

13.Oktober 2013
Frequently Asked Questions and Walkthrough

13.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Ending FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020