Shadow of Destiny

Shadow of Destiny

13.10.2013 23:01:06
Complete Plot


This FAQ is created for personal use only. You must not use it for
anything that gains profit, such as use of the FAQ in magazines,
game guides, etc, etc. This FAQ was created and is owned by me,
Damien Dennehy

You can put this FAQ on your website provided that the guide
is NOT changed in ANY way. You may also, print a copy of the entire
guide or a part of it, provided you only use it for personal purposes.
If you wish to use this FAQ on your website, e-mail me first to ask!

Shadow of Memories/Shadow of Destiny and all characters/names/etc are
copyright Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo (KCET) 2001.

1. Table of Contents

1. Table of Contents
2. Updates
3. Introduction
4. Characters
5. Time Paradoxes
6. Prologue
7. Chapter 1
8. Chapter 2
9. Chapter 3
10. Chapter 4
11. Chapter 5
12. Chapter 6
13. Chapter 7
14. Chapter 8
15 Ending(s)
16. Epilogue(s)
17. EX Ending(s)
18. FAQs
19. Contact Info
20. Credits

This guide can be found at:
GameFAQs -
PSXCodez -
Neoseeker -

2. Updates

September 1st 2001 - Version 1.1, all Chapters done.
September 2nd 2001 - Version 1.2, all Endings and Epilogues done
September 7th 2001 - Version 1.3, added some answers to the FAQs, and
updated list of sites that have this FAQ.

3. Introduction
Shadow of Memories (Shadow of Destiny in the U.S) was one of this
year's greatest games, with one of the best(and confusing) storylines
to grace a videogame in recent years. I hope that this FAQ will answer
some of the storyline questions that are being asked around the web.
This FAQ will eventually contain summaries of all chapters of the game,
as well as summaries of each ending. Naturally this contains spoilers
for the story, so I suggest you play the game and see each ending
first, then read the FAQ.
In the game the storyline branches off in several directions, and
you can do things differently in each chapter(for example bypassing
Chapter 4 by getting and using the frying pan in an earlier Chapter).
While I will try to summarise the details of each Chapter as best as I
can, the way you play the game means that the events I describe may not
happen in your game. I will not summarise every detail in each Chapter,
as it isn't needed (for example giving the chocolate to Margarete, this
isn't a vital part of the story).

4. Characters

These are the people in the game that have a major effect on the storyline.

Eike Kusch - Eike is the main character of the story, he attempts to
change his fate by travelling into the past using a device called the
Digipad, given to him by Homunculus.

Homunculus - A mysterious being that helps Eike to change his fate, he
knows more about the past than he lets Eike know about. What is he
hiding from Eike? Is he even human?

Fortune Teller - A mysterious woman who tells Eike the "Fated Hour"
-the time at which he will die. Does she know more about Homunculus
than she let's on?

Dr. Wagner - A 16th century alchemist, struggling to find the
Philosophers Stone so he can create a cure for his wife Helena's disease.

Margarete Wagner- Dr. Wagner's daughter, a beautiful woman who may have
a strong connection to Eike.

Hugo Wagner- Dr. Wagner's son. Although he is young, he possesses an
intellect that may surpass even his father. His love for his mother
knows no bounds, and he will do anything for her survival.

Dana - A waitress at the coffee shop where Eike wakes up, she gets
caught up in Eike's time travelling adventures. What does fate have
in store for her?

Mr. Eckart - An acquaintance of Eike, he is the curator of the local
museum. Eike often pays him a visit whenever he is in the city.

Miriam Eckart- Eckarts wife, who was killed in a mugging over 20 years ago.

Oleg - A movie director approaching 50 whose movies have all failed to be
a success.

5. Time Paradoxes & the Many Worlds theory

Although frequently (over)used in various novels and T.V shows, the
concept of time travel and time paradoxes hasn't been used much in video
games, and it is surprising that Konami managed to make such a good effort
in Shadow of Memories, even though there are a few minor mistakes.

1. Why is this section in the guide?

There are many examples of time paradoxes in the game(which will be
explained later), and the many worlds theory is touched on in the game,
for those of you who don't know anything about physics, this is a simple
way of explaining parts of the story.

2. What is a time paradox?

A paradox is a contradiction in terms, so a time paradox is a contradiction
in time. The simplest way of explaining a time paradox is to imagine a
circle. It has no beginning, or no end, and goes on forever, much like time.
The most famous example is the Grandfather Paradox. If I went back in time
and killed my grandfather, then my parent would not have been born.
If my parent wasn't born, then neither was I, which meant I never existed
to go back and time to kill my grandfather. But if I didn't go back, it
means my grandfather lived, so did my parent and so did I. But if I lived,
then I did go back in time and kill my grandfather! As you can see this
gets confusing, but I am caught in an endless loop, never to end.

Confused yet?

Here's another example, which is even more confusing.
On one of my time travel expeditions to the past, I meet a beautiful woman,
we hit it off and eventually she gets pregnant. But, I cannot bring her to
the future, because the timeline would be changed and I cannot stay, so I
leave her and go to my own time. I look years later in my grandparent's attic
and see a picture of her. She's my great-great grandmother! And I have become
my own great great grandfather! If I didn't go back, then would I never have
been born!

One example of this in the game is the sidequest involving the egg clock.
In 1980, Oleg the film director gives you an egg clock. If you travel to 1908,
you can give this egg clock to the owner of the bar to pay off your tab.
By doing so you give the owner a hobby, which is collecting oval shaped
objects, a hobby shared by his descendant in the present. In the present,
if you give the current bar owner another egg, he is very grateful and
gives you the frying pan that saves your life. Now, if you hadn't given
the egg to the bar owner in the past, then the current bar own wouldn't
have been interested in the egg you gave him, so he wouldn't have given you
the frying pan. If you hadn't the frying pan in the present, then you
would have died, and therefore you never went back in time anyway!

If you believe the Eike is Wagner theory, then the entire game is
a paradox. Eike's sole purpose of going back in time is to
give Wagner the Red Stone, get younger(and become Eike), and the
cycle repeats.

At this stage before my mind explodes I'll move onto the slightly less
confusing Many Worlds theory.

3. What is the Many Worlds theory?

Homunculus briefly mentions this in the game. Think of time as a river,
and it has many many tributaries, each branching off in different
directions. Each tributary is a different timeline, where different
events happened(like say Hitler winning World War 2).
The example that Homunculus gives is of Eike sitting in a café deciding
between tea and coffee. In one world, he chooses tea, in another coffee.
Each of these worlds exists, but only Eike is aware of the world he is in.

The Many Worlds theory actually cancels out the time paradox theories,
because there are almost infinite worlds. Let's take the Grandfather
paradox as an example using the Many Worlds theory. Say I live in
Universe A, and I travel back in time and kill my grandfather. By doing
this I don't alter Universe A, but I create a new Universe B, where my
grandfather died and I was never born, but because I was from Universe A,
I still exist. However in Universe B I do not exist. In the game this
causes Eike to see the after-effects of an event he did not do (For example
by getting a note telling him to get a frying pan even though he hasn't
written the note).

6. Prologue

Summary: Eike Kusch, a visitor to the town of Lebensbaum, leaves the local
cafe and takes a walk down the street. Suddenly, a unknown assailant comes
up from behind him and stabs him in the back. Eike's world begins to darken,
and then he dies. But this is not the end for our hero. He awakens in a
strange room, full of shelves and stone statues. A disembodied voice asks
"How does it feel to be dead Eike?" Eike, at first is disbelieving, but
eventually the voice persuades him to take another shot at life and to
change his destiny. Eike is given a Digipad, a device enabling him to go
back in time. With this Eike leaves and ends up back in the cafe, a half
hour before he is fated to die. Dana, the waitress at the cafe wakes him up
and Eike leaves, realising this is not a dream. He needs someone to talk to
about the future, and the only possible person in town that would talk to him
about the future is the fortune teller.

After visiting her, Eike learns the time of his death is 2:30, he has only
30 minutes to save his life. If he changes his fate, she tells him to call
back. He needs to gather a crowd so that the assassin can't sneak up on
him, so he travels a few hours into the past. He manages to convince several
of the townspeople to gather in the Town Square at 2:30, having done this
he travels back to his own time and at 2:30 he goes to the square. A
performer is juggling there, and the gathered crowd scares away the would
be killer. Eike is saved...for now.

7. Chapter 1

Summary: Eike wonders has he changed his fate and goes back to the fortune
teller. She tells him although he has changed his fate, the root of the
problem still exists and he is fated to die at 3.00pm. after wandering
around the town he sees the local bar is on fire. A boy outside the bar
begs Eike to go in and save his grandfather. Eike tries, but dies.
Homunculus saves his life again, and Eike travels to the past before the
fire began. He goes around the back of the bar and sees someone trying to
start a fire, Eike chases him/her off and puts out the fire.
Eike goes back to his own time and watches as the fire disappears, as a
result of him stopping the fire in the past. Eike's destiny is again changed.

Special Notes: If you go up to the performer in the square, he will give
you an egg, with a note in it asking you to get an iron object. Go to
the bar when it's opened and the bar owner will give you a frying pan
for the egg.

8. Chapter 2

Summary: Dana, the waitress at the cafe runs up to Eike and tries to give
him a red jewel. She claims it is his and would look great if it were made
into a necklace. Eike says it isn't his, and Dana doesn't know who else it
might belong to. She also asks if this lighter she found is his, it is and
he gratefully takes it back. Dana sighs and says she is tired from running
these errands. Dana and Eike get along well, Eike even offers to make Dana
a necklace out of the stone. While they are talking, the assassin sneaks up
from behind the tree and stabs Eike. After Homunculus saves him, Eike ends up
having the same conversation with Dana. Unfortunately, Eike cannot move away
from the tree fast enough, and he dies again. His only option is to go back
in time right in front of Dana. He does so, and travels back to 1580, but Dana
is pulled with him!

In 1580, a beautiful young woman is being bullied into wearing something
more "quiet-like", however, being strong willed, she takes no heed of
the townspeople's warnings. The townspeople then threaten to call the law in,
and she is blackmailed into making free dresses for the women threatening her.
She is saved by the timely intervention of Eike, falling from the sky.
The young women is to be arrested, so Eike takes out his lighter and stuns
the crowd with "fire from his hand". The crowd runs away, and Eike looks for
Dana, but can't find her. The young woman introduces herself as Margarete,
and asks Eike to walk her home.

There she introduces Eike to her sick mother Helena, and her younger brother
Hugo. Her father, Dr. Wagner is busy in the basement lab trying to make a
cure for Helena. Margarete goes to see her father, but he is too engrossed in
making the Elixir. Helena notices that Eike sounds very like Dr. Wagner.

Eike accidentally drops the Digipad, and Hugo catches it and makes a few
guesses on what does it do. By accident he learns that it is a time machine.
Eike gets the Digipad back and leaves. He asks around for Dana, and meets a
man in the square planting a tree. Eike realises that this tree is the one
Eike's killer hides behind in the future, so he tries to get the man to
stop planting the tree. However Eike needs proof so he goes to the Squires
(the Lord/Mayor of the town) manor and gets the Squire's crest as proof that
the Squire wants to man to stop planting the tree, and Eike gets him to plant
flowers instead.

Eike then goes to his own time. Eike is frustrated because Dana is lost, and he
even gives up smoking! He looks around and the tree vanishes. Eike avoids his
destiny again.

9. Chapter 3

Summary: Unfortunately for Eike, the killer throws a vase on Eike, killing
him. Homunculus is a little annoyed at Eike for dying so much, so he asks
Eike to gather clues. When Eike returns to the present, he gets a phone
call from Eckart, the curator of the museum. Eike was supposed to call
there, but he forgot. Eike goes to the museum and meets Eckart, who is
surrounded by kittens! Eike asks about alchemy, and Eckart says that a
Dr. Wagner was the local alchemist about 400 years ago. Eike asks do
any documents exist from time, and Eckart gives him a book called the
"Magician of Our City", with a pentagram on the front. It includes
documents, and theories of elixirs of youth. Eckart tries to give away a
kitten, but Eike isn't interested. Eckart asks Eike is he going home, but
Eike has some personal issues to sort out first.

On the way out the voice of Homunculus asks how are things going, and
Homunculus finally makes his appearance, he has looked a long time for
Eike, have they met before?
Eike at first thinks Homunculus is trying to kill him, but then as proof
that Eike is not crazy, Homunculus transports him to the 1979. A man
watches him appear out of no-where, but Eike doesn't see him.

There he meets a man that is overjoyed at the birth of his daughter.
Eike asks is he Mr. Eckart, and he is. Eike is convinced. However Eike
cannot return, as the Digipad does not work. Homunculus tells him this
is a test, and he should solve the puzzle to get back to his time.
Eike manages to find an Energy Unit to power the Digipad, and returns
to his time.

Eike returns to the present, and runs to see Mr. Eckart. Eike asks him
about his daughter. In shock Eckart breaks a vase by accident. Eike
apologises, and Eckart explains that a madman killed his wife and took
his daughter just after she was born. Eike leaves, and meets Homunculus
again. Eike thanks him for saving his life, and Homunculus says that
he will be in trouble too if Eike dies.

Eike is a little confused, why does Homunculus need his help?
Homunculus's body is very fragile and weak, and he cannot do much for
himself. He lifted a baby the other day and he was totally drained by
the exertion. That's why he needs Eike's help. He mentions that Eike
will see that red stone again, and that if he can acquire it he should
give it to a Dr. Wagner. He leaves and Eike is wondering what the hell
is going on? Eike leaves the museum.

Special notes: Listen carefully to Eike's conversation with Homunculus.
He hints that he and Eike have met a long time ago. This may have an
impact on the story. If you talk to the bar owner he will show you
a picture of his grandkids, and the boy who asks you to save his grandfather
isn't one of them! Who is he?

10. Chapter 4

Summary: Seconds after he leaves the museum, Eike is stabbed from behind
again! Homunculus suggests he get an iron plate and strap it on him as a
shield. Eike opens the book he got from Eckart, and inside there is a black
and white photo of a man with a child, who is holding a baby.
Eike travels to the past(1902). Eike meets a man that owns the house which
becomes the museum. The owner is thinking of selling the house, as there
are too many memories of his deceased wife there. Eike asks if this is
a museum, and it gives the owner the idea to turn the house into a museum.
He finally introduces himself as Alfred Brum(an ancestor of Mr. Eckart
apparently). Eike and Mr. Brum enter the house, where Eike meets Brums
daughter, Sibylla, who is taking care of her younger baby brother.
Sibylla is happy that her father isn't selling the house. Mr. Brum suggests
they take a photo of themselves before the house is renovated.

While Mr. Brum goes for the photographer, Sibylla and Eike talk, Sibylla is
quite the little lady and sews a hole in Eike's jacket. She shows Eike a
costume that her father will be wearing in a parade soon. Eike is cold, so
he puts on the costume. It's the performers costume that the juggler in the
square was wearing! Eike notices an egg on the table, Eike pulls it open,
and Sibylla tells him you can write on it. Eike wants the iron plate, and
realises a frying pan would do. He can't get one in the past, but the bar
in his time has one. Eike writes a note on the egg and goes to his own time,
shortly before the crowd first gathered in the square. Performer Eike
starts to juggle and past Eike walks up to watch him. Performer Eike
throws the egg at past Eike, who reads the note telling him to get an iron

Performer Eike goes back to 1902 to get the photograph taken. The photo
taken looks familiar...

When Eike goes back inside, Sibylla is confused, she thought Eike had
changed back into his normal clothes. When Eike changes back, the frying
pan is inside his jacket. Past Eike must have found one after all!
As Eike leaves Sibylla mentions that he can use the key anytime he wants
to. What key? Eike is confused, but he is in a rush and has to go back
to the present. In the present Eike stuffs the frying pan up his jacket,
so when the killer stabs him he survives. As Eike gets up the picture of
the man and his children falls out of the old book. It's Mr. Brum and his
children! And now Eike(as the performer) is in it too.

Special notes: If you had got the egg from the performer earlier, then
you could have got the frying pan and used it to bypass the Chapter
at the beginning. If you had got this, you don't travel to your own
time, and you don't give past Eike an egg. Homunculus will say that you
are seeing the after-effects of an event, which never happened. Because
you got the pan early, you never had to give the egg to yourself in the
future. This is explained further in the Time Paradoxes section under the
Many Worlds theory.

11. Chapter 5

Summary: It's now 8:30, and Eike is hungry. He decides to go to the bar
and have something to eat. The bar owner gets him the special. As he is
waiting Eike reads the book Mr. Eckart gave him. The book describes the
two great projects of Alchemy, the creation of the elixir of life(a cure
all potion) and the creation of an Artificial Life - a "Homunculus".
Both of these require as the central ingredient a red stone - the
Philosophers Stone. Eike (finally) realises that the stone Dana had is
the Philosophers Stone. The book goes on to describe the life of a
Wolfgang Wagner, an alchemist during the 16th century. He was never seen
again after an explosion destroyed his house. Eike wonders about this man.
As the bar owner brings Eike his dinner, someone sprinkles something on
his food(this is NOT the woman walking down the stairs, she had a pink top
and the sleeve of the hand sprinkling something onto the food was white).

Eike eats the food and leaves. Homunculus appears and asks about the book.
Eike offers him the book to look at, but Homunculus can't stand the symbol
of the cover. Homunculus knows what's in the book, and mentions that
Dr. Wagner had a daughter, who is a very significant figure to Eike.
Eike wonders if she is an ancestor of his, Homunculus chuckles and leaves.
Before he does however he says Eike is fated to find the red stone, and it
may even save Eike's life. Eike feels sick and suddenly collapses. He ends
up with Homunculus. The food was poisoned! Homunculus says it was the sea
hare poison, and suggests looking at the library.

"Oops, I guess it's the art museum now"

Eike wonders what he meant, and goes to talk with Mr. Eckart.
Apparently Mr. Brum was going to make a library of his home, but went with
the idea of an art museum instead. Eike goes back to Mr. Brum and convinces
him to make his house a library instead. Eike goes back to his own time
and visits the museum(now a library). He finds a book on poisons, and
learns that the sea hare poison can only be cured by an antidote.
The problem is, the sea hare poison and antidote haven't been used in

Eike goes back to the 16th century, where 4 years have passed. He goes to
Margarete's home to talk to her father about the poison, but when he gets
there the house is in ruins. Apparently there was just an explosion that blew
up the house. Eike enters the house and finds Homunculus, but he doesn't
recognise Eike! He vanishes. Eike travels back 10 days before the accident.

In the square he sees Hugo, Margarete's brother being picked on. Hugo
gets mad when the bullies start mocking his dead mother, and chases
after them. (Helena must have died in the four years since Eike was there).
Eike goes to Margarete's home and sees Dr. Wagner. When Eike mentions
Homunculus Dr. Wagner becomes angry and asks Eike to leave. Eike mentions
the Philosophers Stone, and Dr. Wagner begs for Eike to find it for him.

When Eike leaves he meets Margarete, who at first doesn't recognise him.
Margarete is impressed that Eike is still looking for Dana, even after
several years(to Eike it was only a few hours). Margarete fills Eike
in on what has happened, her mother died and Hugo has started school, he
is very serious about learning.

Eike asks for the sea hare antidote, fortunately, Margarete has some and
gives it to Eike. Eike stares at her and wonders if she is his ancestress.
She wonders why he is staring, and he gets nervous and tries to leave.
She begs him to stay and asks him questions about the future.
As they walk outside, and Eike mentions how the squire, Eckart and Brum
families look so alike. Eike mentions that Mr. Eckarts daughter was taken,
around twenty years ago. As Margarete delivers something he sees someone
like Dana and chases after he, he loses sight of her though.
Margarete finds him and Eike tells him about Dana.

Eike walks her home, on the way he tries to explain the flow of time and
the things that will happen if the past is changed. She doesn't completely
understand, but wishes she could see his world. She feels very strongly
towards it. Eike can't, as he might change the future. Why is Margarete
so important? You have a choice here.


If you say she is your ancestor, you can get endings A, B1, B2, and C.
If you say nothing, you can get endings D and E.


Margarete is shocked, and hurt that Eike only sees her as some ancestor,
and not anything more. She walks away from you, upset that her life is
already chosen, that she will marry and have children, and eventually
Eike will appear as her descendant. But she understands, she will be all right.
But she wants Eike to come over often and tell her about the future.
Eike promises he will and is just about to leave when Hugo walks in.
He was listening in to everything! He thought it would be rude to walk
in. Margarete asks Hugo does he still carry the lock of his mother's hair.
Hugo gets very angry with Margarete, he thinks that she doesn't care
about her mother. Hugo storms out, and before Eike leaves Margarete gives
him a comb, that is very special to her. She tells him whenever she holds
it, she remembers a man, about her fathers age who used to pat her on the
head when she was very young. She's a little embarrassed for admitting it,
but she insists Eike that Eike should take the comb. Hugo is eavesdropping
again, and Margarete scolds him. Eike says goodbye and leaves. He goes
back to his own time.


Margarete was joking about coming along with you, as she knows it would
change the future. Eike is sorry, but Margarete understands.
But she wants Eike to come over often and tell her about the future.
Eike promises he will and is just about to leave when Hugo walks in.
He was listening in to everything! He thought it would be rude to walk
in. Margarete asks Hugo does he still carry the lock of his mother's hair.
Hugo gets very angry with Margarete, he thinks that she doesn't care
about her mother. Hugo storms out and Margarete apologises for his
behaviour. Hugo is eavesdropping again, and Margarete scolds him.
Eike says goodbye and Margarete gives him a comb as a thank you
for Eike telling all the stories about the future. Hugo is STILL
eavesdropping, and Margarete gets angry at him, Eike leaves and he
goes back to his own time.

Back in his own time, Eike feels sick again. This time however he takes
the antidote and survives. He takes out the comb and wonders about it.

12. Chapter 6

Summary: As Eike walks down the street, several young people gather around
a movie poster for the Meditating Man. No-one is impressed by the poster,
and even Eike thinks it's dull. Suddenly, a blue car comes around the
corner and hits Eike and kills him. Homunculus warns him that being alone
is dangerous, so he should gather a crowd. Unfortunately, he has no time to
do it in the present, as he only has a few seconds to live, but he must
create a crowd around that movie poster. He goes to 1980 - a cold day.

There a crazy man thinks he was able to summon Eike, Eike starts to leave,
but the man introduces himself. He is Oleg, a novice filmmaker, the same
man that saw Eike appear out of thin year a year ago when he met the young
Mr. Eckart. Oleg has been meditating to make Eike appear, and he thinks
it worked. Oleg wonders if a film about a Meditating Man would be a
success, but Eike manages to convince him to make a movie about time
travel, which should be a success.

Eike is about to go back to his own time, but suddenly he hears gunshots.
He goes to the source of the gunshots, and sees Homunculus with a baby in
his hands! He disappears and Eike goes to follow him. He comes across
a young woman, lying wounded on the snowy ground. She frantically looks
around for her baby, but then.
Eike tells a passer-by to get an ambulance, and someone mentions that the
woman is Mr. Eckarts wife Miriam? Mr. Eckart then comes running up,
heartbroken and looking for his daughter, Dana. Unfortunately no-one
saw any baby, but then Eike realises the baby Homunculus was holding
may be Mr. Eckarts daughter, Dana.

Eike goes back to before the shooting, and tries to warn Miriam, but she
doesn't listen, and dies again. The same scene replays, however this time
Eike is blamed for the shooting, and he goes back to his own time.
Oleg the director sees Miriam lying on the ground, and realises that
murder mystery and time travel is a perfect concept for a movie.
This is a film that may take years to complete, probably around 21
to be precise...

On the way back Homunculus drops by and warns Eike against changing
other peoples destinies, it's hard enough just changing Eike's, nevermind
anyone else's. Eike refuses to give up however and goes back again. This
time, knowing Miriam won't listen to him, Eike chases her and pushes her
out of the way of the gunshots. Miriam is grateful, but her baby is
missing. Eike can't do anything more so he returns to his own time.

Several people gather around the movie poster. This time, a movie about
a time travelling man is much more interesting. More people look at the
poster. Around the corner, an older Oleg is delighted to know his movie
is a success. The blue car near him starts up, but instead of going down
the hill towards Eike it reverses and leaves the area.

Eike gets another phonecall from Mr. Eckart, asking Eike to bring the
book back to him. Mr. Eckart is in the library tower.

Special notes: Remember what Homunculus said earlier about lifting a baby?
Is this the baby he took? What reason would he take her?

13. Chapter 7

Summary: Eike goes to the tower, but is locked in. He goes to the top,
but no-one is there. Eike walks over to the ledge to look, but is pushed
off. Homunculus suggests that he fool the killer so he can get a look
and see who it is. Eike travels to the night before and tries to go into
the tower, but it is locked. He goes to 1902 to get the key to the tower.
Unknown to him, Sibylla sees him take the key (that's why earlier in Chapter
4 she thought Eike had already changed and why she's says you can use the
spare key).

Eike goes to the tower and gets the new rope there(the rope in the present
breaks because it's old and rotten). He goes to the night before and ties
the rope onto the ledge. At the bottom of the tower he overhears a
conversation with Mr. Eckart and someone else about Eike coming over
to see the paintings. Is Mr. Eckart the killer?

Eike travels to the his own time and goes up to the ledge. He is pushed
over again, but grabs the rope and pulls himself up. Eike then goes to
Mr. Eckarts office and confronts him.



Mr. Eckart has the comb Margarete gave you (it must have fallen out of
your pocket when you went off the ledge, he must have found it).
Mr. Eckart says he is truly sorry, he was blackmailed. Someone promised
him that if Eike was dead, Dana would be returned. However he was not
the person who stabbed Eike, so someone else is out to kill him.
Mr. Eckart doesn't know who is trying to kill Eike, he only ever talked
to him over the phone. He promises not to hurt Eike again, and to give
himself up to the police. Eike doesn't blame him however, it was the
fault of whoever is behind all of this.

Mr. Eckart says the comb made him feel sane. It was his daughters and he
feels she is safe somewhere. He remembers stroking her head gently, he
can't express it exactly, but Eike understands. Eike gives him the comb.

Miriam, his wife walks in, she over heard what they were talking about,
Mr. Eckart is ashamed, but Miriam doesn't blame him. Miriam then notices
Eike, and Miriam seems to know him, but she realises that no-one can look
the same for 20 years so it can't be the same person that saved her life
20 years ago. Mr. Eckart is confused, he thinks that Eike and Miriam are
old flames! Miriam assures him she loves him, and then she spots the comb,
she also thinks the comb looks like the one her daughter had.


Mr. Eckart has the comb Margarete gave you (it must have fallen out of
your pocket when you went off the ledge, he must have found it).
Mr. Eckart says he is truly sorry, he was blackmailed. Someone promised
him that if Eike was dead, Dana would be returned. However he was not
the person who stabbed Eike, so someone else is out to kill him.
Mr. Eckart doesn't know who is trying to kill Eike, he only ever talked
to him over the phone. He sounded like he was a young man.
He promises not to hurt Eike again, and to give himself up to the police.
Eike doesn't blame him however, it was the fault of whoever is behind
all of this.

The comb made Eckart realise something, that there are people in Eike's
life that care for him, it's rather obvious really, as no-one is truly
alone. Sometimes memories aren't the only thing left behind: pain and
sorrow too. Mr. Eckart thinks he should have known better, that even after
all the pain and all those years, he still jumped at the chance to get
his daughter back. He almost begs Eike for forgiveness.

Miriam, his wife walks in, she over heard what they were talking about,
Mr. Eckart is ashamed, but Miriam doesn't blame him. Miriam then notices
Eike, and Miriam seems to know him, but she realises that no-one can look
the same for 20 years so it can't be the same person that saved her life
20 years ago. Mr. Eckart is confused, he thinks that Eike and Miriam are
old flames! Miriam assures him she loves him, and assures Eike that
they can take care of each other. Eike forgives Mr. Eckart, and
Mr. Eckart mentions that 20 years ago when their daughter went missing
there was a man that looked like Eike, of course Mr. Eckart logically
thinks that it isn't him, but since the man fled the scene the police
thought it was him that took their daughter, and when Eike and Mr. Eckart
"first" met in the present, Mr. Eckart even thought Eike was that mans son.
But Mr. Eckart knows Eike doesn't remember his parents. Mr. Eckart doesn't
blame Eike even if it was his father, as his fathers sins are not his owns.
Eike assures him that everything will be all right.

Eike leaves to find the one behind all of this. As he leaves the
library/museum, he spots a painting on the wall.

14. Chapter 8
Summary: Eike hasn't seen the painting before. It is a picture of a
young woman holding a red stone in her hands. Is it Dana? He goes back to
1584 and he walks to the local painters to ask about the painting, and
Dana walks out the door!



They are both shocked, but Eike is glad she's ok. Dana soon realised it
was a different time, and got used to it, after all she had four years
to get used to it. Eike points out she does look more mature, although
Dana is slightly insulted(never tell a lady she looks older!). A night
watchman helped her on her first day, and now she has got a job as a
chamber maid in the Squires manor. For the first time in her life she
feels content, and almost thanks Eike. He asks why was she modelling
a picture, apparently the Squire is a patron of the painter and when
the painted met Dana, he knew he had to paint her, and she couldn't say
no. Besides, the Squires daughter didn't want to do it!
Dana asks him will he take her back, and he agrees, but after spending
four years here she wanted to say. In the present no-one cared for her,
and no-one will miss her, besides she feels at home here.
She gives Eike the red stone and he asks what will she do now? She has
met someone special at the manor, and they hope to live out their lives
together. Eike and Dana say goodbye and leave.


The conversation starts out the same, they are both shocked, but Eike is
glad she's ok. Dana soon realised it was a different time, and got used
to it, after all she had four years to get used to it. Eike points out
she does look more mature, although Dana is slightly insulted. A night
watchman helped her on her first day, and now she has got a job as a
chamber maid in the Squires manor. For the first time in her life she
feels content, and almost thanks Eike. He asks why was she modelling for
a picture, apparently the Squire is a patron of the painter and when
the painted met Dana, he knew he had to paint her, and she couldn't say
no. Besides, the Squires daughter didn't want to do it!
Dana asks him will he take her back, and he agrees, but after spending
four years here, she wants to say. In the present no-one cared for her,
and no-one will miss her, besides she feels at home here.
She gives Eike the red stone.

You will now have a choice:

Eike and Dana say goodbye and leave.

Eike tells her to come home with him, but she gets angry at him for
springing something like that on her. Eike argues that if she stays here
it will effect the timeline. Dana is furious, 4 years of her life wasted
just because Eike wants to save his precious timeline?? She calms down,
but she still says her life here is too important, and there's nothing
left for her. Eike apologises - several times.

She needs some time to think about it, so Eike leaves. Before he goes
Dana asks him to talk to her boss at the cafe and apologise for not turning
up the next day. She doesn't realise yet only a few hours have passed.
He goes to the cafe in his own time but it is closed. However, the owner
has left a note for Dana, showing how much everyone at the cafe like her,
as they have bought her a birthday present. Eike goes to the past and shows
Dana the note and she is pleasantly surprised by the note. She didn't think
anyone cared and she realises she can go back to the time she left.

She and Eike go back to her time, but as they do Hugo spies on them, and
thinks Eike has hurt his sister, because "Sis didn't have much of a
chance". Back in 2001, Dana is a little confused, but she is glad to be
back, even if she has aged four years in a day. Eike flatters her however,
and she feels better, apart from the fact she's wearing 400 year old clothes.
Eike hasn't the time to walk her home, so she goes on her own.

Eike returns to the past.


Eike then goes to Dr. Wagner's house, where he meets Hugo and Margarete,
Hugo is a little annoyed at Eike and Eike goes to the basement to meet
Dr. Wagner.

Hugo tells Margarete he knows you aren't here for her.

Eike gives Dr. Wagner the Red Stone, and Dr. Wagner is overjoyed.
Dr. Wagner begins to start the experiment. Dr. Wagner says to come
back in ten days, but then Eike remembers the experiment caused the house
to blow up. Dr. Wagner says in 10 days the Homunculus will be alive, and
science will be able to create life! He asks Eike to keep it a secret from
Hugo, as Hugo would try to bring Helena back from the dead. Dr. Wagner
says he will burn his notes afterwards.

Eike will mention to Dr. Wagner that drawing a pentagram to ward off
evil spirits would be a good idea during the experiment (Eike remembers
that Homunculus can't stand pentagrams when he showed him the book).
Dr. Wagner agrees with Eike, and envies Eike's youth and vitality.

Eike then leaves and goes up to Hugo and Margarete. Hugo asks what's
wrong with his father, and mentions that he understands how Eike's Digipad
works. Dr. Wagner comes up and asks that Hugo and Margarete to leave
for a while, because the experiment he is doing is dangerous.
Margarete convinces Hugo to leave with him, and then Eike goes forward
10 days into the future, and goes to Dr. Wagner's house.
It was blown up again, but this time Eike hears voices from the basement.

When Eike goes down, he sees a time machine, much larger than the Digipad,
but it still works. Eike knows he heard Margarete's voice, but where is

Margarete is in the basement, worried over Hugo. Eike sees the time
machine and Margarete wonders where Hugo has gone, Eike tells her
to stay there. Eike goes to find Hugo and he travels to his own time

Eike travels to his own time and gets a phone call from Hugo, who
is in Eike's time! Eike wonders how Hugo got his number, and Hugo tells
him he got it from Mr. Eckart. Hugo was the one threatening Mr. Eckart.
Hugo copied the Digipad, and spent years building one, and then went
back in time and gave it to his younger self. Eike hears Margarete's
voice in the background and Hugo tells him to get Homunculus and come
to the towns square.

The voice that Eike hears when he is talking to Hugo on the phone
is Dana, not Margarete. Hugo tells Eike he ran into Dana and has her

Eike doesn't know where Homunculus is, so he goes to the square to find

Hugo has taken Margarete hostage, and the killer is finally revealed!
It's Hugo, he started the fire in the bar, and he was the one trying to
kill Eike all along. Eike tries to confront Hugo, but Hugo threatens
Margarete. Hugo blames Eike for his father's death, the Homunculus was
created because Eike gave Dr. Wagner the Red Stone, Hugo read Dr. Wagner's
research notes, that told him about the Red Stone. Eike is shocked,
Homunculus used him so he could be created! Hugo was originally going to
stop Eike earlier, but his time machine can only follow Eike's, and not
get ahead of it. He tried to target yesterdays Eike, but it didn't work.
Hugo can't stop Homunculus from being completed, so he'll destroy it to
get the Philosophers Stone. He wants the stone to save his mothers life,
but not to cure her of her illness, he wants to raise her from the dead!

Margarete knows now that he tried it before with the lock of his
Mother's hair he used to carry around. Eike tries to convince Hugo he
can't find Homunculus, but it doesn't work. Hugo threatens to leave
Margarete in the future, and because Margarete is Eike's ancestress,
this would cause Eike to cease to exist.

Hugo says he is "going to make mother". Eike tells Hugo his father
knew he would try this, so he would burn all his research notes.
Hugo tells him he found his father research notes all intact. Margarete
tells Hugo that she can provide for both of them and Hugo should stop
because making mother is crazy. He seriously threatens Margarete.

Hugo has taken Dana hostage, and the killer is finally revealed!
It's Hugo, he started the fire in the bar, and he was the one trying to
kill Eike all along. Eike tries to confront Hugo, but Hugo threatens
Dana. Hugo blames Eike for his father's death, the Homunculus was
created because Eike gave Dr. Wagner the Red Stone, Hugo read Dr. Wagner's
research notes, that told him about the Red Stone. Eike is shocked,
Homunculus used him so he could be created! Hugo was originally going to
stop Eike earlier, but his time machine can only follow Eike's, and not
get ahead of it. He tried to target yesterdays Eike, but it didn't work.
Hugo can't stop Homunculus from being completed, so he'll destroy it to
get the Philosophers Stone. He wants the stone to save his mothers life,
but not to cure her of her illness, he wants to raise her from the dead!
Hugo threatens Dana again and says he is "going to make mother".
Eike tells Hugo his father knew he would try this, so he would burn all
his research notes. Hugo tells him he found his father research notes
all intact. Hugo threatens Eikes "girlfriend" and Eike blames himself
for not walking her home.


Hugo tells Eike to find Homunculus in 20 minutes.

At this point the game splits towards each ending, so refer to the
endings section for each ending.

15. Ending(s)

Note that the actual epilogues to each ending are in the epilogues


How to get it: 1. Tell Margarete she is your ancestor.
2. After the phone call from Hugo go to the square
3. Go back to 1980 and find Homunculus
4. Go back to the present and talk to the Fortune Teller.

Eike goes to find Homunculus in one of the few places he found him in:
1980 when he stole the baby.

Eike finds him sitting under a tree. He is exhausted (from lifting the
baby), Eike tries to convince him to come along, but Homunculus knows
Hugo is the killer, and he knows Hugo's plan of leaving Margarete in the
future. He knew Hugo would try it, so Homunculus switched kids!
That explains why Margarete isn't blonde or why she hasn't blue eyes (if
she was Eike's ancestor, then the chances are pretty high she would be
either blond or blue eyed). He switched Margarete with Mr. Eckarts
daughter. Miriam and her daughter were destined to die, so Homunculus saved
the child, and had tried to switch her with Dana, but because of his weak
body he hadn't the time to put Dana with Miriams dead body. Eike asks
did he kill Miriam, but he denies it, as his body is too weak for something
like that. He did however managed to bring the real Margarete to this time,
under the name Dana. Eike is outraged at how ruthless he is, but
Homunculus says that he isn't human so why does he care? He does
understand fate however, and fate has a kind of homing instinct to make
things like they always were.

Homunculus offers to switch them back, but it's too late now, 20 years
have passed. Homunculus states humans are too much trouble, and then
leaves. Eike now understands what he meant by a "homing instinct"
(Dana is both blonde and blue-eyed), it explains why Margarete feels
such a strong pull to the present and why Dana wants to live in the
past. Dana is Eike's ancestor!

Eike then returns to his time, but before he meets Hugo again he goes to
see the Fortune Teller. He finally realises he met her a long time ago.
The Fortune Teller didn't believe Hugo's stories about time travel, until
she became what she was and saw Eike again. The Fortune Teller is Helena!
After she died, all that was left was a lock of hair that Hugo had with
him. Hugo had found the device that Dr. Wagner was going to use to
create Homunculus, and Hugo used the lock of hair in the machine.
The spirit of Helena was brought back, but not her body. Her spirit
wandered the world, unable to rest, and will wander for all eternity.

Hugo doesn't know about her, because she can't speak to the living.
Eike wonders does that mean he is already dead, does he have one
foot in the grave? But because Eike is trying to change his fate he may
live, to do this he must stop Hugo, Helena hoped fate could be changed,
as Homunculus did, but for a different reason. Helena reveals her
husband did not create the Homunculus, it is a djinn, a kind of genie
trapped in the stone, that was released when Dr. Wagner used it in his

Helena learned this from different souls in her wanderings, however she
doesn't know what of this is true and what is a lie. Before he leaves
Helena tells him only he can change fate, and asks him to tell Hugo
that what he had done was unforgivable, but she, as his mother forgives him.
When he turns around, she is gone, and the building turns into a ruin.

Outside, Homunculus meets with Eike. He asks Eike what did he want with
this ruin, apparently although Homunculus can see the living and the dead,
he could not see Helena, perhaps because she was neither living nor dead.
He knows something is there, but not what it is. Eike asks him can he
call up spirits, Eike intends to call up the spirit of Dr. Wagner to talk
to Hugo. Homunculus summons the spirit of Dr. Wagner. Eike asks that
Dr. Wagner talk to Hugo, during this conversation Homunculus disappears.
Eike takes Dr. Wagner to Hugo.

Dr. Wagner talks to Hugo and reasons with him, Dr. Wagner promises
to tell Hugo all about the research if he will join with him. Hugo goes
near Dr. Wagner, and an evil smile appears on Dr. Wagner's face.
Margarete suddenly knows that it isn't his father, but it is too late,
both he and Hugo disappear.

Homunculus appears, he says he doesn't know where they went, and that
wasn't Dr. Wagner, because Wagner isn't dead so he couldn't summon
Wagner's spirit. That was a puppet that obeys Homunculus.
There will be no more threats on Eike's life now, according to him.


How to get it: 1. Tell Margarete she is your ancestor
2. After the phone call from Hugo go to the square
3. Talk to the fortune teller
4. Go back and talk to Hugo

Eike can't find Homunculus, so he goes to the Fortune Teller for help.

He finally realises he met her a long time ago.

The Fortune Teller didn't believe Hugo's stories about time travel, until
she became what she was and saw Eike again. The Fortune Teller is Helena!
After she died, all that was left was a lock of hair that Hugo had with
him. Hugo had found the device that Dr. Wagner was going to use to
create Homunculus, and Hugo used the lock of hair in the machine.
The spirit of Helena was brought back, but not her body. Her spirit
wandered the world, unable to rest, and will wander for all eternity.

Hugo doesn't know about her, because she can't speak to the living.
Eike wonders does that mean he is already dead, does he have one
foot in the grave? But because Eike is trying to change his fate he may
live, to do this he must stop Hugo, Helena hoped fate could be changed,
as Homunculus did, but for a different reason. Helena reveals her
husband did not create the Homunculus, it is a djinn, a kind of genie
trapped in the stone, that was released when Dr. Wagner used it in his

Helena learned this from different souls in her wanderings, however she
doesn't know what of this is true and what is a lie. Before he leaves
Helena tells him only he can change fate, and asks him to tell Hugo
that what he had done was unforgivable, but she, as his mother forgives him.
When he turns around, she is gone, and the building turns into a ruin.

Eike goes back to Hugo and tells him about his mother. At first, Hugo
doesn't believe him as his house is only a ruin to his eyes, Hugo gets
angrier because Eike has stirred up Hugo's memories of the way he used to
live. Eike tells him his mother is still there, but Hugo doesn't believe
him. Eike explains her spirit is still there, and that she forgives Hugo.
Hugo takes Margarete and goes to his old house. At first, Hugo thinks
he was tricked, but then he hears the voice of his mother, although
Margarete cannot.

Hugo enters his old home, which is now a complete ruin. The house starts
to shake and the walls crack. Helena tells Hugo what he has done cannot
be forgiven, and he should have understood the sanctity of life, that life
is only given once to a single human being. Hugo is knocked off his feet
by the sheer force of the building coming apart. Helena asks does he want
to come with her, and Hugo accepts her invitation. Hugo is knocked down
again by part of the roof falling.

Outside, the house begins to crumble. Margarete is worried and runs up to
the door when she hears Hugo crying out "Mother". She bangs on the door, but
cannot get in. Eike pulls her back from the dangerous building.
Inside Hugo is hit on the head by a piece of the roof. He slowly looses
consciousness. Then, at last the roof collapses, crushing him.

The house is now totally collapsed, and Margarete sinks to her knees in
grief. Eike comforts her, although her grief is almost overwhelming.


How to get it: 1. Tell Margarete she is your ancestor
2. After the phone call from Hugo go to the square
3. Go back to 1980 and find Homunculus
4. Go back and talk to Hugo

Eike goes to find Homunculus in one of the few places he found him in:
1980 when he stole the baby.

Eike finds him sitting under a tree. He is exhausted(from lifting the
baby), Eike tries to convince him to come along, but Homunculus knows
Hugo is the killer, and he knows Hugo's plan of leaving Margarete in the
future. He knew Hugo would try it, so Homunculus switched kids!
That explains why Margarete isn't blonde or why she hasn't blue eyes(if
she was Eike's ancestor, then the chances are pretty high she would be
either blond or blue eyed). He switched Margarete with Mr. Eckarts
daughter. Miriam and her daughter were destined to die, so Homunculus saved
the child, and had tried to switch her with Dana, but because of his weak
body he hadn't the time to put Dana with Miriams dead body. Eike asks
did he kill Miriam, but he denies it as his body is too weak for something
like that. He did however managed to bring the real Margarete to this time,
under the name Dana. Eike is outraged at how ruthless he is, but
Homunculus says that he isn't human so why does he care? He does
understand fate however, and fate has a kind of homing instinct to
make things like they always were.

Homunculus offers to switch them back, but it's too late now, 20 years
have passed. Homunculus states humans are too much trouble, and then
leaves. Eike now understands what he meant by a "homing instinct"
(Dana is both blonde and blue-eyed), it explains why Margarete feels
such a strong pull to the present and why Dana wants to live in the
past. Dana is Eike's ancestor!

Eike goes back to the present and talks with Hugo. Margarete begs Hugo to
stop, and when Hugo threatens to leave Margarete in the present. Eike tells
him to go ahead. Now that he knows Margarete isn't his ancestor, it won't
matter to him. Eike bets that he won't leave her behind as she is the
only family Hugo has anymore.

From behind Hugo, Margarete sees Mr. Eckart sneaking up on Hugo, she moves
away from Hugo and Eckart holds him. Eckart was worried so he followed
Eike. Margarete runs to Eike, but Hugo manages to push off Eckart.
Before Hugo steadies himself Eckart jumps up and wrestles Hugo to the
ground. Eckart forces Hugo to realise that Hugo has a family, but he isn't
treating his family the right way. Eike cares about people too, so does
Mr. Eckart. Eckart forces him to end this, and gets off him.

Hugo apologises and asks Margarete to go home. They leave to go to the
time machine, and Hugo promises to destroy it. Mr. Eckart wishes them good
luck. Eckart asks how was his performance as a parent. Eike chides him
and say it wasn't a performance. Looking at Margarete leave, Eckart
realises his girl Dana would have looked like her if she grew up. He gets
a weird feeling by looking at her. Eike has a flashback of Homunculus taking
the baby, but doesn't say anything about it to Mr. Eckart. A bright flash
lights up the sky, as Hugo and his sister go back in time.

Mr. Eckart bids farewell to Eike, and he hopes to meet Eike again soon.


How to get it: 1. Tell Margarete she is your ancestor
2. After the phone call from Hugo go to the square
3. Go back to 1584 and go into Dr. Wagners lab

Eike can't find Homunculus, so he goes to 1584, where something happened
to Hugo.

He enters Dr. Wagners lab, but the time machine isn't there. Eike
hears someone coming, and hides. Hugo and Margarete walk down the stairs,
looking for their father. Hugo thinks he abandoned them, but Margarete
thinks he is being foolish. Margarete goes to look outside. Hugo sits on
the stairs think his father didn't care about them. Eike is tempted to
comfort him, but knows better. Suddenly a machine appears in the air and
lands on the floor. It opens up and a very old man walks out. The old man
refuses to say who he is and says he is giving this time machine to Hugo.

The old man says it can only follow Eike's machine, and not get ahead of
him. The old man wants Hugo to stop Eike, because the old man believes
that Eike lied to Wagner and took him away from Hugo. The young Hugo
starts to believe in this, and also the old man tells Hugo that Eike
gave Dr. Wagner the Philosophers Stone to create a life, and Hugo tried
to use it to resurrect Helena. The old man tells Hugo that he IS Hugo,
a Hugo from the future. Eike comes out and tries to tell the young
Hugo his side of the story, but the old Hugo goes berserk and tries
to escape from Eike. He tries to go up the stairs, but Margarete is
coming down and is in his way. The old Hugo moves to hit Margarete,
but the young Hugo runs and grabs him. When the two Hugos meet,
they both cease to exist. Margarete collapses from the shock and Eike
cannot wake her.

Eike cannot do anything more and goes to the future. He goes to the square,
and neither Hugo or Margarete is there. Homunculus is there and he
realises Hugo has ceased to exist. Eike doesn't want to take the blame,
but Homunculus doesn't care, now that Hugo is gone there won't be any
more threats on Eikes life.


How to get it: 1. Tell Margarete nothing
2. After the phone call from Hugo go to the square
3. Go back to 1584 and go into Dr. Wagners lab
4. Pick up the notes

Eike can't find Homunculus, so he travels to the past and enters
Dr. Wagners lab. Hugo hasn't arrived yet and Eike decides to destroy
the notes as Dr. Wagner wanted. If Hugo never read it, Hugo would
never try to recreate his mother. He hears Hugo and Margarete coming,
so he sets the notes on fire. Eike tells them that he couldn't find
Dr. Wagner. Hugo asks what is he burning, but Eike says it's nothing
important. Hugo and Margarete leave to search for their father.

Eike goes back to his own time, but Hugo and Margarete are still there.
Eike wonders what went wrong, and we see a flashback of Hugo going back to
the basement. Hugo takes the notes out of the fire.
Back in the present, Hugo is threatening Margarete, but suddenly Hugo
cries out. Back in the past, Hugo tries to read the notes, and seems to
be making progress. In the present, Hugo starts to fade from view.
In the past, Hugo gives up reading the notes, and Margaret throws them on
the fire.

In the present, Hugo fades from view, and Margarete is panicking.
Eike tells her he is all right (he is just in the past), but because
Hugo never made a time machine, Margarete also slowly fades from view.
She fades away in Eikes arms. " over? All this?" Eike asks?


How to get it: 1. Tell Margarete nothing
2. After the phone call from Hugo go to the square
3. Go back to 1584 and go into Dr. Wagners lab
4. Talk to Margarete and bring her to Eikes time

Summary: Eike can't find Homunculus so he goes to the past and goes to Dr.
Wagner's lab. Eike tells Margarete Hugo is in his time, and asks Margarete
to go with him to the present. They go to the present and Margarete is
very impressed by the sights and sounds. She then asks where Hugo is and
Eike tells her why Hugo is trying to kill him. Eike tells her he has
no idea what happened to Dr. Wagner, and Eike wants her to help Eike
by talking to Hugo. Eike takes Margarete to Hugo.

Margarete runs up to Hugo, who warns her to stay away, but Margarete
doesn't care and shouts at Hugo. Margarete claims Eike cares about them,
but Hugo denies this and says Eike cares more about Dana then he does
Margarete. She doesn't care and tells Hugo they are going home.
Hugo won't go, and Margarete slaps him. Hugo is shocked, and she convinces
Hugo that he has a family and that they should take care of each other.
Her money from working will take care of them. Margarete is in tears, and
then Hugo tells her she doesn't care about Mother, but Margarete tells him
they are both old enough to look after themselves. Hugo agrees and
apologises to Eike. Hugo takes Margarete home and he promises to destroy
the time machine, Margarete feels it's a shame, she hasn't seen much of
Eikes time, but Hugo is more important. They both leave to go to the time
machine. Before they go Margarete tells Eike she is glad he found Dana,
after all he was looking for Dana for a long time.

Dana walks up to Eike confused, she wonders why Hugo did that.
Eike apologises, but Dana forgives him. They don't blame Hugo, as
they think Hugo's a good kid. Dana mentions that if she had a little
brother, then she would think Hugo would be like him. They both see
a flash in the night sky as Hugo and Margarete go back in time.

16. Epilogue(s)


Summary: Homunculus appears and tells Eike he did a good job, and it's
over now. Eike wonders was changing his destiny all for Homunculus, to
make sure he would exist. Homunculus dodges Eikes claims, but tells Eike
that if Eike was killed, Homunculus would never have been born. Homunculus
may be immortal, but he had to be given life first. Eike gets angry, and
asks did Homunculus make up the story about Eike having an ancestor in
Margarete's time, and was he just used to go back to that time? Homunculus
claims he doesn't know, and he wants the Digipad back. Eike takes it out
of his jacket, and is going to give it back when Homunculus mentions that
he has to take Margarete back.

Margarete wants to stay however, as she would be all alone in the past.
She wants to make a life in the present, and she feels good here, like
she belongs. Eike agrees and they will stay in the present.

(If you take her home you will get a B ending)

Eike tells Homunculus he can have the Digipad back, and hands it to
Homunculus. However, Eike drops it and Homunculus tries to catch it.
He misses it however and it breaks into pieces, and one of the pieces
manage to hit Homunculus in his head. Suddenly, liquid starts to pour out
of his head. It's a horrifying sight, and Margarete hides behind Eike.
Homunculus dissolves into nothing, rather like a balloon that gets the
air blown out of it. Margarete wonders what happened, and Eike believes
that fate decided to end his life that day. All that is left is a pool
of liquid.

Several days later, it is a sunny day in the town, we see Eike and
Margarete(dressed in modern clothing and carrying several shopping bags)
walking down the street. Eike mentions that the Eckarts adopted Margarete,
you could say she finally came home. As Eike and Margarete walk through the
square, they see a tree. Margarete wonders where did it come from, as
it wasn't there a few days ago. Eike believes this it the spot where
Homunculus dissolved, and wonders did the energy of the Philosophers Stone
make the tree grow. Eike gets nearer the tree, and sees the Philosophers
Stone trapped in the tree. He pulls it out and shows it to Margarete.

The game then ends, and we get a final image of Margarete dressed in modern
clothes, looking like a regular girl after a shopping spree.
Eike tell us his strange experience is finally over.


Summary: Margarete and Eike walk away from the ruined building, Eike
tries to comfort Margarete, and Homunculus appears from behind them.
He tells Eike he did a good job, and it's over now.
Eike wonders was changing his destiny all for Homunculus, just to make sure
he would exist. Homunculus dodges Eikes claims, but tells Eike that if
Eike was killed, Homunculus would never have been born. Homunculus may
be immortal, but he had to be given life first. Eike gets angry, and asks
did Homunculus make up the story about Eike having an ancestor in Margarete's
time, and was he just used to go back to that time? Homunculus claims he
doesn't know, and he wants the Digipad back. Eike takes it out of his
jacket, and is going to give it back when Homunculus mentions that he
has to take Margarete back.

Margarete wants to home, even if it means she will be alone. Homunculus
sets the Digipad to go to her time, and Eike takes her home. They wish
each other well, and say goodbye. Eike goes back to his own time and
gives the Digipad to Homunculus. Homunculus chuckles and jokes that
he is such a nice guy to help Eike. He says goodbye to Eike
and tells him they will never see each other again. Eike goes
to the local bar to celebrate staying alive today.

The game ends and we get a final image of Eike in the bar with the owner
and Oleg sharing a drink. Eike thinks it's all over, but somehow he is
missing a sense of finality.


Summary: Homunculus appears and tells Eike he did a good job, and it's
over now. Eike wonders was changing his destiny all for Homunculus, to
make sure he would exist. Homunculus dodges Eikes claims, but tells Eike
that if Eike was killed, Homunculus would never have been born. Homunculus
may be immortal, but he had to be given life first. Eike gets angry, and
asks did Homunculus make up the story about Eike having an ancestor in
Margarete's time, and was he just used to go back to that time?
Homunculus claims he doesn't know, and he wants the Digipad back.
Eike takes it out of his jacket and gives it to him.

Homunculus tells Eike that Eike managed to preserve Homunculus's
destiny, but- "But what?" Eike asks. Homunculus says farewell and tells
Eike they won't be seeing each other again, and Eikes fate is in his own
hands now. Eike wonders what he meant. Homunculus disappears.

Eike goes to the local bar to celebrate staying alive today.

The game ends and we get a final image of Eike in the bar with the owner
and Oleg sharing a drink. Eike thinks it's all over, but somehow he is
missing a sense of finality.


Homunculus appears and tells Eike he did a good job, and it's over now.
Eike wonders was changing his destiny all for Homunculus, to make sure
he would exist. Homunculus dodges Eikes claims, but tells Eike that if
Eike was killed, Homunculus would never have been born. Homunculus may
be immortal, but he had to be given life first. Eike gets angry, and
asks did Homunculus make up the story about Eike having an ancestor in
Margarete's time, and was he just used to go back to that time?
Homunculus claims he doesn't know, and he wants the Digipad back.
Eike takes it out of his jacket and gives it to him.

Homunculus tells Eike that Eike managed to preserve Homunculus's
destiny, but- "But what?" Eike asks. Homunculus says farewell and tells
Eike they won't be seeing each other again, and Eikes fate is in his own
hands now. Eike wonders what he meant. Homunculus says he has a bad feeling,
and asks Eike did he really change his destiny? Homunculus leaves.

Eike has found a new joy in life - just living, he looks around and realises
he used to take it all for granted. Eike lies down on the square and looks
up at the stars in the sky, and now he know how beautiful it is to be alive.

Suddenly a red car comes speeding at Eike, does it hit him?
The car stops, and a couple of drunken teenagers look back and tell Eike
he shouldn't be lying on the road like that, he could get run over.
Apparently they missed him and they drive off.

We see a shot from Eikes eyes, looking towards the sky again,
only this time we see a bloody arm reach for the sky, but then falls back
down. Eike is dead, and this time there is no changing his destiny.

The final image is a just a dark screen, with Eike wishing he could do
it all over again, one more time.

Note that the Credits are'nt played during this ending. Perhaps as it
is the worst ending?


Summary: Homunculus appears and tells Eike he did a good job, and it's over now.
Eike wonders was changing his destiny all for Homunculus, to make sure
he would exist. Eike wonders if changing other peoples destinies just
for his life is really worth it? Homunculus stops Eike, telling him a
guilt trip won't work on him.
Homunculus dodges Eikes claims, but tells Eike that if Eike was killed,
Homunculus would never have been born. He wants the Digipad back.
Eike takes it out of his jacket and gives it to him. He leaves, saying
they will never meet again.

We get a flashback of what happened in Dr. Wagner's lab. Dr. Wagner's
experiment appeared to work, and Homunculus was "born". Homunculus
asks how many centuries has it been since he last saw the light of
day? He asks Dr. Wagner is he his master? Dr. Wagner is confused,
and Homunculus tells him he broke the seal, and he wants to know
what Dr. Wagner wants, money, youth, immortality?
Dr. Wagner still doesn't understand, and Homunculus jumps down from
where he was sitting next to Dr. Wagner. He mentions once Dr. Wagner
makes his wish, his soul belongs to Homunculus once he dies.
Dr. Wagner is in despair, his research was in vain! He begs Helena's
forgiveness. Dr. Wagner wants his youth, to start over again and wants
to stay that age. Homunculus grants his wish. Dr. Wagner remembers
Eike, and how he envied Eikes youth. Now he has Eikes youth!
Homunculus has changed Dr. Wagner into a younger version of himself,
and he looks exactly like Eike!
Wagner tells Homunculus that his work is done here, and suddenly
something happens. Homunculus is standing in a pentagram that Dr. Wagner
has drawn(from Eikes advice).However, no pentagram is perfect, and
before he vanishes he has enough power to make Wagner immortal, and wipe h
his memories. Wagner sees the red stone, and wanders outside, not knowing
who he is and doomed to live forever.

The final image is of Eike/Dr. Wagner, wondering what has he accomplished,
and what is supposed to do. He wonders how long is eternity, and who is


Summary: Eike puts his arm around Dana to comfort her, and then
Homunculus appears and tells Eike he did a good job, and it's over now.
Eike wonders was changing his destiny all for Homunculus, to make sure
he would exist. Homunculus dodges Eikes claims, but tells Eike that if
Eike was killed, Homunculus would never have been born. Homunculus may
be immortal, but he had to be given life first. Eike gets angry, and
asks what happened to Dr. Wagner?
Homunculus claims he doesn't know.

We get a flashback of what happened in Dr. Wagner's lab. Dr. Wagner's
experiment appeared to work, and Homunculus was "born". Homunculus
asks how many centuries has it been since he last saw the light of
day? He asks Dr. Wagner is he his master? Dr. Wagner is confused,
and Homunculus tells him he broke the seal, and he wants to know
what Dr. Wagner wants, money, youth, immortality?

Dr. Wagner still doesn't understand, and Homunculus jumps down from
where he was sitting next to Dr. Wagner. He mentions once Dr. Wagner
makes his wish, his soul belongs to Homunculus once he dies.
Dr. Wagner is in despair, his research was in vain! He begs Helena's
forgiveness. Homunculus thinks Dr. Wagner is going crazy and tells
him to snap out of it. Dr. Wagner tells Homunculus to go and disappear
from his sight. Homunculus grants his wish by making Dr. Wagner disappear!
That way he will never be able to see Homunculus again. Homunculus
sees the pentagram on the floor, but avoids it.

Back in the present, Homunculus is finished telling his story of what
happened. Eike is angry, but he can't do anything. Homunculus wants the
Digipad back, so Eike takes it out of his jacket and gives it to him.
He says goodbye and leaves. Dana is confused, she wonders who he was
but Eike assures her she will never see him again, and Eike never
figured out who he was. Eike tells her everything will be ok, but Dana
does not agree. The 4 best years of her life are over, and she blames
Eike. Eike takes responsibility, and Dana is confused. Eike tells her
he is losing he mind in his old age. Dana tells him he acts like a father,
with all his talk to responsibility, and he seems so "with it".
They laugh and Eike walks her home.

The final image is of Dana, dressed in her past clothes, and Eike
wonders what will happen now, although he now knows that the future is
what you make of it.

17. EX Ending(s)

How to get an EX game: 1. Beat the game and unlock all endings.
2. Start a new game and answer "Am I dead again"
and "oh, Homunculus" when you meet Homunculus
What is the EX game?
The EX game is an extended Prologue, it starts the same as the normal
Prologue, only this time Eike knows what will happen in the future, what
Homunculus is, who the Fortune Teller is, etc., etc.

Summary: Eike Kusch, a visitor to the town of Lebensbaum, leaves the local
cafe and takes a walk down the street. Suddenly, an unknown assailant comes
up from behind him and stabs him in the back. Eike's world begins to darken,
and then he dies. But this is not the end for our hero. He awakens in a
strange room, full of shelves and stone statues. A disembodied voice asks
"How does it feel to be dead Eike?" Eike, this time knows exactly what's
going on and takes the Digipad. With this Eike leaves and ends up back in
the cafe, a half hour before he is fated to die. Dana, the waitress at the
cafe wakes him up and Eike is about to leave but he turns around to find
the Red Stone, only it isn't there right now. He'll try to find it later.

He needs someone to talk to about the future, and the only possible
person in town that would talk to him about the future is the fortune teller.
This time, when he visits the Fortune Teller, he tells her he has been
here many times before, but she doesn't remember! Eike might have
been there in another place and time. She offers to tell him his fortune,
but this time Eike wants to ask her a question, he wants to know what
to do with the Red Stone - The Philosophers Stone. He is about to mention
Homunculus, but she tells him not to say his name, as he might be
listening. She tells him he has to make up his own mind about what to do
with the stone. The Fortune Teller hopes he will make the right decision.

Outside, Eike sees a performer in the square, and realises it's him!

Wandering around, he notices the Bar is on fire again, and sees a boy
outside crying saying that his grandfather is inside. Eike almost
blurts out Hugo's name, but says to the boy it's too dangerous.

Eike goes back to the cafe, to find Dana, the owner is a little shocked
that he knows Dana's name. Dana was bout to go look for someone who left
something behind, but Eike tells her they belong to them. Dana gives him
his lighter and the Red Stone, and then he leaves. He is on his way back
to the Bar when he notices Performer Eike still juggling in the square.
Eike walks up to him and thinks to himself that even he could do that.
Eike then chides himself, after all he IS doing the juggling!
Performer Eike throws an egg, which has a different message inside it.
This time the message tells him the Red Stone is the source of Homunculus's
life and the main ingredient to the elixir of life.

Eike decides to go back to the Bar and go in and then go back in time.
however when he does so, he finds he cannot go back before the fire, he
has to go back to Margarete's time.

In 1580, a beautiful young woman is being bullied into wearing something
more "quiet-like", however, being strong willed, she takes no heed of
the townspeople's warnings. The townspeople then threaten to call the law in,
and she is blackmailed into making free dresses for the women threatening her.
She is saved by the timely intervention of Eike, falling from the sky.
The young women is to be arrested, so Eike takes out his lighter and stuns
the crowd with "fire from his hand". The crowd runs away, and Eike looks for
Dana, but can't find her. The young woman introduces herself as Margarete,
and asks Eike to walk her home.



There she introduces Eike to her sick mother Helena, and her younger brother
Hugo. Her father, Dr. Wagner is busy in the basement lab trying to make a
cure for Helena. This time, Eike goes to the lab and gives Dr. Wagner
the Red Stone, which will be used for the Elixir of Life to save his wife
Helena. Eike then leaves. As he walks away he starts to fade way, and
we are shown scenes of Helena drinking the Elixir and getting better.
Eventually Eike fades from view, overjoyed as he does, as he has finally
cheated fate.


Eike dies in the fire and Homunculus brings him back. This time Eike
tells Homunculus he has something to show him, and Homunculus appears.
Eike throws the Red Stone at him, causing Homunculus to disappear.
Eventually Eike fades from view, overjoyed as he does, as he has finally
cheated fate.

After Eike fades away, the screen darkens and it is in the end.

Or is it?

Suddenly we heard a baby crying and people talking.
We see someone that looks like Eike talk to some teenagers and walk away.
A close-up of "Eike" shows us that he is younger then what he was throughout
the game. Suddenly he turns around, is there someone watching?
He ignores this feeling, and continues to walk on. Someone runs up
behind him and he is knocked forward. Is history doomed to repeat itself?

Not this time, only a football hits him in the back, and he lives!
He picks up the ball and gives it to the boy who threw it, who looks
very like Hugo. "Eike" seems to be good friends with Hugo, and Hugo goes
back to playing with the ball. "Eike" walks away, and fate has been changed.

The final image is a collage of images of people from the game, Sibylla,
Margarete holding a baby, Mr. Eckart and Oleg, and Hugo pursuing his studies.
Eike wishes he knew what happened to all those people in his memory, but
theres no way for him to know, and he believes they all had a good life.
Eike decides to start a new life, free of regrets.

The End.

18. FAQs

1. What is Homunculus?
Homunculus is a djinn(a genie) that was trapped in the stone. Dr. Wagner
released it when he tried to create a life through Alchemy. Unlike the
nice genies on T.V, djinns were evil, and according to myth took your
soul when you wished for something.

2. Did Homunculus kill Miriam?
No. Even though Homunculus said he didn't in the game, you might not
believe him. However, he was telling the truth. Miriam was shot, and
if Homunculus used a gun the recoil probably would have shattered his

3. What happened to Dana after Homunculus took her?
Homunculus had originally planned to switch Dana and Margarete, however
his body was took weak to complete the switch, Dana was probably left
around somewhere in 1980. If you read the manual it says Dana has no close
family, so perhaps Homunculus left her in an orphanage or something.
He did have enough strength to bring Miriams real daughter(the real Dana),
back to 1560, where he exchanged her for the real Margarete.

4. Who is Eike?
This is a debatable question, but I believe Eike IS Dr. Wagner, as revealed
in ending D.

5. How is it possible Eike is Dr. Wagner and what proof do I have?
Time paradoxes my friend, they answer everything. :) Remember time is a
loop, so in the past a stranger gives Dr. Wagner the Red Stone, Wagner
envies his youth, so when Homunculus grants his wish of youth he gets his
youth back, where he looks like Eike, and the cycle repeats.

* When Eike first sees Homunculus, Homunculus tells Eike that he has been
looking for him for a long time.

* Helena says Eike sounds like Dr. Wagner.

* Homunculus says in Ending A he couldn't summon the spirit of Dr. Wagner
because Dr. Wagner isn't dead.

* Dana calls Eike Dad(which is true, if you believe that Homunculus
switched babies)

* Why doesn't Eike remember anything since the accident occurred?
After all he had over 400 years to live through, surely he remembered

* Why didn't Dr. Wagner recognise Eike as the younger version of himself?
Surely he didn't forget what he looked like when he was young.


* What was the point of Homunculus switching babies if he knew it didn't
matter to Eike? By watching Ending A and E we know that neither Dana nor
Margarete is Eikes ancestress since Eike doesn't disappear. Homunculus
did say the effort was almost too much for him, so why go to the trouble?


*. When Eike goes to the lab basement after the explosion, he sees
Homunculus, but he doesn't recognise Eike! If Homunculus had just changed
Wagner into Eike, then Homunculus should have recognised Eike.

6. Which is the real ending?
This is a very difficult question to ask, and you have to understand
the history of other Konami games. Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill,
and Zone of the Enders have upcoming sequels, yet according to
what we know of these sequels they don't match up exactly to the previous
MGS2: Konami have confirmed that both endings in MGS1 are true, which is
impossible because a person lives in one and dies in the other.
Silent Hill 2: SH2 isn't even directly related storyline wise to SH1
Z.O.E on GBA: The new Zone of the Enders game on the Game Boy Advance
isn't even related storyline wise to the PS2 game.

So it is possible none of the endings in Shadow of Memories are real,
or that the ending is a combination of all the endings. However, knowing
that the team behind Shadow of Memories created Silent Hill and it's
sequel, and knowing that Silent Hill also had five different endings,
it's possible we will never know which is the real ending.
(Although, personally, I doubt it's Ending C. Eike is intelligent,
and he understands all about time, and then he suddenly acts like a
moron and lies in the middle of a road? Yeah, right)

Each ending is possible, so it's hard to say which one is the
most fitting. It all comes down to a personal preference, for example
if you like happy endings Ending A is suitable.

7. Explain the EX ending.
This ending supports my theory of Wagner being Eike. In this game, Eike
knows what has happened during the previous games, so he cheats fate by
stopping Homunculus from being released. This causes "Eike" to cease to
exist, because Homunculus never made Wagner younger.

8. But if Eike never existed, why is he there in the end of the EX ending
and why does he look younger, and why is Hugo there?

He isn't Eike and Hugo isn't Hugo. Look at how the events of the game
change when Eike gives Wagner the stone to make the Elixir of Life -
Helena doesn't die and Wagner isn't changed by Homunculus, this means
that both Margarete and Hugo are all right and they have a good life.
It's possible that because Hugo didn't spend his life working on the time
machine, that he had a family of his own. If you look at the people in
the present and compare them to their ancestors, they look very alike.

It's entirely possible that Wagner and Helena had a child themselves, and
that childs descendant is the boy we see in the EX ending. The "Hugo"
we see in the EX ending could be a descendant of Hugo!

9. If Eike does'nt exist any more in the EX ending how come at the very
end after the credits Eike says he wants to start a new life?
Good question, but in ending C where Eike is killed, he wishes he could
start again, even though he's dead. It's just a plot-hole I guess.

10. My head hurts from reading this guide.
Hey, I wrote this FAQ, you think my head feels any better? :)

19. Contact Info

If you have any info/questions/comments, etc, etc, send them to

I would be very interested in what you think of the endings, and I would
like some confirmation of the image of Margarete in the EX ending holding
a baby, am I wrong and could this be a picture of Miriam holding her baby?

This is my first FAQ, so expect a few mistakes, but please point them out!

20. Credits

Special thanks to the following:

Immortaldemon <> for giving me info on the Eike
is Wagner theory.

To KCET, for making one of the greatest games ever.

GameFAQs for allowing my first guide online(you can always find the latest
version there).

Thank YOU, for reading this.

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Percentage FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Alle möglichen Enden beendet und alle Filme.

17.Oktober 2013
Complete Plot

13.Oktober 2013
Frequently Asked Questions and Walkthrough

13.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Ending FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020