

12.10.2013 09:50:08
Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive -– Guide Version 1.5

By: Andrei Zander (
Date: October 5th 2001

Please excuse me for any grammar mistakes, I'm not English or American.
If you have something to add e-mail me and I will put it on this guide giving you
credit for it.
Some things in this guide are credited to Dr.Laiko and to Nadia Varkovsky. I will
credit them where necessary.


This FAQ should only be found at:

If you want to post this FAQ on your site, e-mail me, telling me the address of
your site. I will reply to you as soon as I can and I will put your site in the
list. Thank you.

Info on this guide: 30 pages; 19,995 words; 88,271 characters (without spaces);
107,973 characters (with spaces); 345 paragraphs; 1,803 lines.


Version History

V.0.1 Completed the entire guide. I'm thinking if I'm gonna put a walkthrough in
the guide.

V.0.2 Started work on the Walkthrough. Completed missions from 1 to 10. Also
added a bit of mission 11. Corrected some grammar mistakes.

V.0.5 Continued the work on the walkthrough (Mission 11 – Mission 16). I've also
done some modifications and I corrected some grammar mistakes.

V.0.7 Walkthrough from mission 17 to mission 20 plus a part of mission 21. More
to come soon. Corrected a few words and inserted at the list of sites and
at the "Credits" section.

V.1.2 The rest of the walkthrough finished. Thinking of what else can I put in
this guide. I'll make a game review and, when the webisodes come up, maybe I'll
make walkthroughs for all of them. I was thinking of making a demo walkthrough,
but since it already exists, I probably won't write one too.

V.1.5 Created Game Review and done some modifications to the guide.



1. Introduction
2. Game Review
3. The Original Story (from the game manual)
4. The Menu Bar in the Game
5. The Characters
6. Game Tips
7. Cheats
8. Walkthrough
9. Credits


1. Introduction


This is my first FAQ/Guide of a game, sorry if I'm not too accurate in some
This Guide is Copyright (c) Andrei Zander 2001. If you want to post this on your
web site mail me at You are not allowed to change the
contents of this guide. Feel free to print it out for your own use. You are not
allowed to make any profit out of it.


2. Game Review


Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive is a game like Commandos, with the difference
that the action is situated in the Wild West, in the year 1881. The game is
structured in 25 levels, which include 6 tutorial levels. In the first missions,
Cooper must find some old friends. After the rescue levels of the new gang
members, there are tutorial levels that help you learn the moves and skills of a
character. In order to finish the game, sometimes you must use more characters at
the same time. While Kate entices an enemy with the garter trick, Cooper punches
the enemy and Sam ties the unconscious bandito. That's why the producers
integrated a function called quick-action which helps you a lot when you have to
do multiple actions.

After you eliminated an enemy, you must hide his body because and civilian or
bandit that sees the body may sound the alarm. When a patrolling guard notices
the missing of a colleague, he runs sound the alarm or to look for him. If he
finds him unconscious or tied up etc., he wakes him up and then he goes back at
his regular job. If he does not find him, he'll relax in time and will not be
alarmed anymore.

The graphics are awesome. The buildings are so detailed, that you cannot make the
difference between the real Wild West and the virtual Wild West from Desperados.
The sounds are great. They vary from nature sounds to voices of PCs or NPCs. The
game is really fun and I would give the gameplay a really high mark, even if the
chances of starting the game over again are small. This game made me a very good
impression, and it's one of the best games I ever played.

Here is my evaluation for this game:
Graphics: 20/20
Sound: 15/15
Gameplay: 28/30
Feeling: 05/05
Story: 18/20
Impression: 10/10
Total: 96/100


3. The Original Story (from the game manual)


El Paso, a typical Wild West town in the southwestern United States near the
Mexican border. It is the year 1881. For the last few months, the trains
belonging to the famous railroad company, Twinnings & Co. have been the targets
of a whole series of hold-ups and ambushes. The management of the company has
decided enough is enough and they have to put an end to the raids. It has offered
a reward of $15,000 for anyone who captures the leader of the gang responsible

But no one in and around El Paso has the courage to take on the might of the
banditos, so the outlaws just keep robbing train after train. Even the local
Marshall keeps well out of it...

It is only when a stranger rides into town that things start to change. Bounty
hunter John Cooper pays a visit to the local Twinnings & Co. manager offering to
end the company's problems once and for all. He gathers together a gang of his
old partners and declares war on the banditos. But during his pursuit, which will
take him through half of the southwestern United States, Cooper discovers that on
this mission nothing is quite what it seems...


4. The Menu Bar in the Game


The globe in the left of the bar lets you choose the position for your
character: stand or crawl.
By pressing the clock you can set up the quick-action and by pressing Space
you can perform the quick-action. For info on the quick-action, check the manual.
The pictures of your characters let you select which one of your players you
want to take control of.
If you press the flashlight and then click on an enemy you will see his
viewing range:
*Green: "Everything's OK here." --> the enemy isn't suspicious about anything.
*Yellow: "Did I see something?" --> the enemy saw you a bit or heard you and now
he's suspicious.
*Orange: "You're gonna die!" --> the enemy saw you and he prepares to open fire.
*Pink: "!Una bonita muchacha!" --> the enemy has seen Kate arranging her garter.
*Black: "I'm gonna kill everyone!" --> Mia got him with the blowpipe.
The map helps you a lot, as it shows every object in the level.
*Green Dot – character
*Red Dot - enemy
*Dark Red Dot – dead/unconscious enemy
*Yellow Cross - goodies (equipment, ammo, barrels)
*Blue Dot - civilian
*Red Area - a door you must blow up / a roadblock you must blow up.
*Blue Area (at night) - places you can't be seen if someone passes by you.
*Green Up and Down Arrows - rocky walls Cooper can climb.
The zoom buttons help you set the zoom level: close - normal - far


5. The Characters


You can control six characters in Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive. Here I will
describe all of them, along with their weapons and abilities.


The leader of the group and the fastest shooter in the west. He's a bounty hunter
assigned by The Twinnings & Co. railroad company to solve the cases of the train
robberies. Even if he does like to work on his own, Cooper seeks for his trusty
friends for dangerous missions such as this.



The Colt is Cooper's gun. Holds six bullets. It's deadly from close range. You
can set a quick-action able to shoot three times one or more enemies. Cooper will
shoot three times in less than a second.


You will always have this "weapon" (well... duh!). This way you can knock out
enemies silently. If you punch your enemy for about ten times, you can kill him.
You can knockout civilians and then tie them up with Sam to get them out of

Knife + Throw Knife

This is the most used weapon when playing with Cooper. You can stab an enemy to
death with this or you can throw this at your adversaries. Just make sure that
you are close to the guy cause if you are far, you won't kill him and you may
also never get your knife back. There are other useful ways of using your knife.
You can cut the saddles off horses so no one will ride the horse again. However,
you can take the saddle and put it on the horse to make him "operable" again. You
can kill an unconscious enemy too. You can also use the knife to cut ropes from
lifeboats and the rope around Doc's neck

Toy Watch

Use this musical toy watch to distract enemies inside the music range. You can
then stab them, punch them, kill them, tie them, kick them etc.

Cooper's abilities:

Cooper can climb brick walls or rocky walls. Also Cooper can cut saddles off
horses or can saddle the horses also. He can carry dead or unconscious persons
and he's the only one who can take up to three targets in the Gun Quick-Action


Sam is an old friend of Cooper. He is an expert in explosives such as dynamites
and TNT barrels. He's also good at gattling guns. His only weakness is members of
the opposite sex. Because of that, he often got in trouble.



Sam's firearm. This weapon has the longest range in normal firing mode and it's
pretty accurate too (not as accurate as Doc's Buntline though). It holds 12
bullets but it reloads a bit hard. Good to take three or four lined up enemies.
It's good to take out those three enemies near that house in Mission 21 (left
edge of the screen).

Dynamite Stick

Sam throws dynamite sticks to kill or knockout enemies. You can use this to take
out large groups of enemies. Careful though, because among the scared enemies
there might be brave ones who are gonna kick back the deadly stick. A good thing
is that you can take advantage of the roofs and objects that can keep the stick
going. Take care because the explosion can alert almost all of the guards in the


You can use the rope to tie up unconscious civilians or enemies. Careful where
you leave the tied ones cause another enemy can set free the tied up one and can
raise the alarm.


This poisonous snake is ideal to kill enemies coming from around the corner. But
if an enemy sees the sack it'll shoot it and the snake will die. And remember
that the only one that the snake won't bite is Sam. That means your characters
can die if they are bitten.
Careful with the civilians too. This snake is also good for scaring horses. If
he's placed near an unconscious person, this can turn into Sam's easy way of
killing an enemy.

TNT Barrel

This TNT Barrel is used to blow up locked doors and roadblocks on particular
levels. After placing the barrel Sam leaves a powder trail that can be the lit up
by Sam. Kate can also use her mirror on the gunpowder to light it up. The barrel
also blows up if Cooper, Sam, Doc, Kate or Sanchez shoots it.

Sam's abilities:

Sam can operate gattling guns like Sanchez.


Doc is the doctor of the team. He's also an old friend of Cooper. He fought in
the Civil War and lost his eye in the battle at Gettysburg. Anyway, Doc's a
trusty friend.



The Buntline has a shorter range than Sam's Winchester. It holds 6 bullets and
due to his long barrel has a greater range than Cooper's Colt.

Precision Bullets

When in sniper mode, Doc's Buntline has an unlimited range as long as there's no
object standing in its way. This sniper is extremely precise. As he says, Doc can
"shoot a fly off a wall from 100 feet". Only in some missions you will find
sniper ammo, although I don't understand why the same gun works with a different
type of bullets.

Gas Tubes + Balloons

Gas tubes are a good weapon to knockout a large group of enemies. These tubes
contain a knockout gas developed by Doc. Take care because these bottles can
knockout your characters too. You can also use the balloon to get a bottle over
some enemies. Just program the Sniper to shoot the balloon, by quick-action. When
the balloon is in the desired spot, shoot it. You can shoot it with any one of
your characters.


Doc can heal himself or any other member of his team. A bandage regenerates 50
life points. But remember that you have a limited number of bandages.


Doc can leave his coat in a desired place to draw attention. The enemies will
shoot at it a while. You then can kill the angry annoyed enemies. To get it back
simply click on it.

Doc's abilities:

Doc can pick door locks and safes with his skeleton key. There are some doors
that can't be opened even by Doc. The only solution is TNT Barrel and another
route. Also Doc can awake unconscious members of his team (Sanchez's swipe, poor
gas tube throwing, enemy's fist, Sam's dynamite). Of course, he cannot awake


She is the beautiful lady of the team and a professional poker player. Her
incredible luck often reveals that she is cheating and that gets her into
trouble. However, Cooper saved her a lot of times.



This is Kate's firearm. It holds only three bullets. She holds it in case of an
emergency. It is very silent and pretty accurate, even if the range is short. It
is a small gun that fits into her garter. You can shoot somebody without drawing
too much attention.

Queen of Hearts

This small pack of cards is one of Kate's ways to draw someone into an ambush.
Bet is to hide Cooper into a building, lay a trail of card that stops in front of
the entrance and when someone follows the trail and stops at the door stab him
with Cooper. Kate only has 10 cards.


If an enemy sees Kate playing with her garter he'll slowly approach her with his
viewing range pink. When he's near Kate, the best way to get rid of him is to
kick him. However, Cooper can also punch or stab the guy, as Kate also can shoot
him with the Derringer.


Kate's mirror only works at daylight. But if it's night, Kate's in a cave or
she's standing in shadow. She can blind an enemy for a few seconds, meanwhile
other member can pass the guy unnoticed. Careful though, if you use that too much
on the same enemy, he'll know something's wrong and come to check out. You can
also light up the trail of powder from Sam's TNT barrel.


Similar to Cooper's punch. However, Kate's kick does more damage than Cooper's
punch. If you want to have an effective distract + knockout use the garter
combined with the kick. You can also kill an enemy by hitting him for about seven
times. This is Kate's way of killing real silently.

Kate's abilities:

Kate is the only member of the team who can walk silently over any kind of
terrain. If it's a noisy terrain, Kate will automatically crawl. Also she can
change clothes to walk freely around a town.


Nicknamed "Grizzly" cause he's huge and very strong like a bear. Sanchez is loud
also, so careful on sneaking up behind an enemy. He was the leader of a Mexican
band of gangsters.



This is the weapon with the most devastating effect of all. Even if it holds only
2 rounds and its range is short, this weapons cleans everything, from people to
plants (well, not really). Devastating!


The bottle of tequila can be used in two ways. Either you let somebody see a
bottle and you draw him into an ambush, either you let the enemy drink this. This
will make the enemy lose his accuracy and occasionally make him to take a nap.


This works almost like Kate's garter. When the enemy is approaching you can
eliminate him by a swipe or by a knife throw (Cooper).


Sanchez can swipe to knockout everyone near him. Unlike Cooper's punch and Kate's
kick, Sanchez cannot hit an unconscious enemy this way. Useful if you use it in
combination with the siesta.


Sanchez can use the stone to create a diversion or to knockout an enemy. You can
find these stones lying on the ground. You can pick up a stone after using it.

Sanchez's abilities

Sanchez is the only one who can clear buildings. If there are up to three enemies
in a building, Sanchez can send them flying out the door. Sanchez can also use a
gattling gun but, unlike Sam, he can carry the gun wherever he wants (except
ladders and one type of stairs). Because of his strength, Sanchez can also move
heavy objects such as statues, boulders and other objects. Also he can carry dead
or unconscious persons but thanks to his strength he can carry two persons at a


An 18-year-old girl, Mia is now an orphan after the banditos burned her house and
killed her father. How her only friends are Cooper and his team and a little
trained monkey called Mr. Leone.



Mia is the only one without a firearm. This blowpipe could take out three or even
four enemies at a time. It holds one poisonous dart, which drives the victim
crazy. His viewing range will get black and he'll kill anyone in his way, friend
or foe. If he's not killed by the other banditos, he'll faint. Be sure to run
like hell and hide after the dart went to its target.


Mia's whistle works like Cooper's watch. Just whistle to attract enemies or to
call back Mr. Leone (I think).


This works almost like Kate's mirror, although it's capable of blinding more


Mia can use her limited number of peanuts to make Mr. Leone go to a certain
point. But Mia can also put Mr. Leone to dance around an enemy to lure him into
an ambush (no peanuts needed for this).

Mr. Leone

Mia's faithful friend. This little monkey can go to dance on a peanut trail or
around an opponent to distract him and to lure him into an ambush. No peanuts
needed this way.

Mia's abilities.

Mia is so small that she can quickly hide in a barrel. Useful if you just used
the blowpipe. Also she can hide in middle of ambushes.


6. Game Tips


1. Use Sanchez (which can carry 2 bodies) and Cooper (which can carry one body)
to move or hide the dead or the unconscious bodies.

2. Remember that whenever you want a silent kill use Cooper's knife. You can also
punch or kick to death an enemy.

3. With Kate you can attract more guards using the garter trick, and you can
eliminate them really easy by kicking them really fast. Remember that Kate's kick
is more effective and faster than Cooper's punch.

4. At viewing range, dark green means the enemy can see any objects but at the
end of the range, where you see light green, the enemies cannot see crawling

5. Use the card trick to lure enemies in front of a door. Then get out with
Cooper and knife them.

6. At night the enemies cannot see very far, but they can hear really good. Also,
your fire range of your guns will be shorter.

7. If you do not want bandits to take your horses, cut the saddle belt with
Cooper's knife.

8. You can roll and shoot if you are behind the corner. If you see both the red
cross and the green cross hold LShift and you will see a transparent copy of
yourself. Press LClick to roll and shoot and press RClick to roll back around the

9. You can lasso horses if one of your characters is on a horse and you click on
an unoccupied horse.

10. You can jump from balconies or roof on a horse, which is underneath you.

11. At night you can hide in dark areas (marked with red areas on the mini-map).
Then, you figure will be black.

12. Use Sanchez to move big heavy objects, such as boulders, statues or that car
in mission 19. If anyone's in the mine, you can kill him this way.

13. If you have control of Sanchez, get him into a building, get one of your
heroes on the roof, shoot in the air and let enemies see you go in the building.
Sanchez will beat them up in no time.

14. Take advantage of noisy elements of the nature such as waterfalls to shoot
without getting heard.

15. Some things that your characters can pick up and use (dynamite, rocks,
gattling guns, bandages etc.) will appear as a yellow cross on the mini-map.

16. You can light Sam's powder trail from the TNT Barrel with a big distance,
thanks to Kate's mirror.

17. In canyons, remember that thanks to the echoes your noise can be heard from
long distances.

18. Place Sam's snake around the corners or at a door to kill the enemies easier.

19. Some surfaces are noisy if you walk or run on them (like metal, wood or
puddles). Kate is the only member of the team who can walk silently on any

20. Be careful with the knife-throwers, the Demonios, because they use poison-
tipped knifes that can kill you immediately.

21. In mission 22, Showdown in Deadstone, you cannot use Sam's dynamite or Doc's
gas tubes, because it's raining.

22. If you want to go behind a building and you also can go on top of the
building (roof, balcony) hold LShift and the cursor will become transparent. Now
press the desired spot.

23. In case of rain you cannot use Sam's dynamite (won't light up) or Doc's gas
tubes (dissipates too fast).

24. By pressing Caps Lock you will reveal the outlines of friends (green),
civilians (blue) and enemies (red) behind buildings or objects.

25. You can use quick action to kill your opponents easier. Also, remember that
Cooper can take in target up to three enemies. The quick action is necessary in
the train station in Mission 18: The Magnificent Six.

26. Move tied persons into buildings. This way, nobody will free them.

27. Use Cooper's knife to cut ropes from lifeboats, hay bales etc.

27. At the final fight with El Diablo, after he comes to punch you, run quickly
and take your knife stuck in El Diablo's chair. When he comes up after you, stab
him and the game ends.

28. Here is a funny tip: Cut the saddle of a horse, but do not take it off. Now
jump from a balcony/wall on the horse. The saddle will fall and you now control
the unsaddled horse. Actually, the horse does not obey your commands, but he does
walk or run when you tell him to. But it does obey if you tell him to lasso
another horse. To steal a horse you must do this: cut the saddle belt; jump from
a balcony/wall on the horse; click to lasso another horse; click on the saddle to
pick it up; the unsaddled horse will return with the other horse in lasso. Your
enemies will not suspect anything because they will see an unsaddled horse with
no one on it. Congratulations! You now have one more horse. The funny part is
that your character is floating while he "is on the horse". Best to try this in
Dance with the Devil. ?

29. BTW, if you want to kill easier and more efficient do this: for example, you
want to kill the guy that will come around the corner. Hide around the corner,
click on the throw knife icon (or press the hotkey) and hold down the left button
of the mouse. Keep it on the corner or the enemy. When bandito comes in knife
throwing range, Cooper will throw the knife with a lethal precision.

30. Want to reload a character's weapon while you are inside a building? Press
the quick-action button and simply reload.


7. Cheats


In the game, press LShift + F11. Enter the following codes and press Enter:

hollow man - invisibility
clint - win level
powerman - Doc's sniper mode for Buntline
jackal - ammo
medic - hints
schneider - end level
timeless - allows you to program actions during Pause
epitaph - victory conditions
fidel castro - dialogs
show me all - show all objects
supersonic - shows white circles (noises) and black circles (deafness)
zeus - try to put the viewing range on an enemy and a thunder will kill him
behind the ennemy horse - ???
whats my destiny - objectives completed


8. Walkthrough


Here are the walkthroughs for the missions. I will not tell you what to do in the
tutorial levels because the computer tells you. Plus they are really easy and I
don't want to spend my time in telling things that are obvious. I hope these
solutions will help you. Have fun!


Mission 1: An Old Friend
Difficulty: Easy

This is Cooper's tutorial level. Just do what Big Bill says. When he robs you, go
in the northeast corner of the map. You will find your watch on the way. Distract
the guard then take your watch and go to Big Bill. Place the watch somewhere and
hide. When Big Bill comes to investigate, just punch him. Then saddle the horse
and mount it. Mission ends.


Mission 2: Southern Comfort
Difficulty: Easy

After the intro, kill the guy nearby you with the knife. Then, go to that little
house a bit south from your position and get behind it. When the guy in white
approaches, get out and throw the knife at him. Hide the dead enemies and Sam in
the house. Sneaking and using the knife kill every enemy on that side of the map.
Also be careful with that guy in blue. Make sure that you kill him when the guy
in white is away. Next, you're gonna kill the two guys near the barn. Put the
clock outside so that only the first guy hears it and get inside. When the guy
comes to investigate, get out and throw the knife. Now hide the body in the barn
and go up. Set the clock to 10 seconds, exit the barn quietly and go around the
corner. When the guard enters the barn, go to the door and pull out your knife.
When he comes out, stab him. You can also stand around the corner and when he
comes out you come out and throw the knife. Hide the body in the barn and
retrieve your clock. There is an alternative to killing the two guys. Just go up
and cut that rope with the knife. That thing will fall on the two guys knocking
them out. This alternative is credited to Dr.Laiko. Then, kill them by stabbing
with the knife. A bit south of the barn, there are two gringos standing there on
that field. Just crawl on the other field on the left of the map. No one can see
you there if you crawl. Shoot the two guys (preferably with the help of a quick-
action). A third guy will see the bodies and will come to investigate. Just shoot
him too. Now go crawling through the hay field in the east towards that guy
patrolling in the right of the screen. Throw the knife at him. Now you need a
distraction. Shoot anywhere so that the gringos come to see what's going on.
Shoot them all and retrieve your knife. Kill the guy near the yard-house with the
knife and hide Sam near it. If the park is cleared you can shoot the guys at the
stables near the park. If there are enemies in the park, kill them first. Now,
after you've killed the guys near the stables, shoot the guy patrolling near the
villa. Take Sam to the stable in the left corner of the map and Cooper will wake
Sam. Now get two horses, mount them and ride them out of the ranch and go
northeast. Don't worry about the guy guarding the entrance. He won't shoot you.


Mission 3: Smoke Signals
Difficulty: Easy

It's time for the second tutorial of the game, Sam's tutorial level. This is very
easy. ** When in control of gattling gun, shoot the carriage and you will find a
TNT Barrel. Put the barrel near the boulders and, after you've set the powder
trail, light it and get back a little. Mount the horse and ride up north **.


Mission 4: Hang'm High!
Difficulty: Medium

At the beginning, punch the priest and tie him up. I would not advise to use the
snake because the horse will run away (without the priest, of course). After
that, move Cooper behind that big rock near the little bridge and when the guy in
blue comes in sight, kill him. Hide him and the priest in the house near you.
Then, when the guy on the saloon balcony isn't watching, hide yourself and Sam in
that little room near the saloon. Sometimes, that guy will come outside and will
stop a few meters from the door of the saloon. When he comes back, quickly get
around the corner and throw your knife at him (quick-action). He may have time to
fire. If he does, quickly get back to the little room. When things quiet down, go
and get your knife and take the body into that little room near saloon. Just be
careful so that the guy on the other side of the street in away, otherwise, he
could see you. When he's away, go into that house at the end of that little
street where he stops. When he comes back and stops at the corner, throw your
knife at him and hide the body in the house. Let the civilian see Cooper. He'll
go at the corner of the storehouse and shouts for somebody. Punch him, tie him up
and hide him in the cottage left of the river (where you hidden the priest and
the dead guy). Also, take the saddle of the priest's horse and put it on the
horse tied up in the yard across the street from the saloon. Now there is a yard
in the south of the map, with a sleepy gringo and a TNT Barrel. WALK on the
middle of the road, not too close to the fence. Enter the yard and crawl a bit to
get near him and then throw the knife at him and hide the body near the river.
Bring Sam to get the barrel. Get Sam back to the little room near the saloon.
Now, near the saloon you will see a gringo in blue, sitting near a saddle.
Activate his viewing range and when he is not looking, approach a bit with Cooper
and quickly throw your knife at him. Then, hide the body in the little room. Now,
when the patrolling guard nearby is away, kill the guy in white with the knife.
Hide the body. When the patrolling guard comes back, throw the knife at him.
Careful, cause when he sees the guy in white missing he'll start to search for
him. Also, hide the body. Now take the saddle and put it on the horse near the
fence. You now have three horses. Now nearby Doc's carriage full of chemicals is
a house with a guard on the roof and one sitting next to it. Put the watch near
the building at the west of the house and hide around the corner. Program a
quick-action to throw the knife at the guy. When he's near the watch, get out and
activate the quick-action. Hide the body in the building. Repeat to eliminate the
guard sitting near the house. Now the patrolling guard will raise an alarm. After
things quiet down, hide around the corner of the barn while the guard is away and
when he comes back and approaches throw your knife at him. Hide the body. Now you
can blow up Doc's carriage. After you lighted the powder trail, run quickly to
your hideout left of the saloon. Now the plaza will be almost empty. Only two
guards remaining. Now go on the street at the left of the map and hide behind the
corner of the yellow building. When the white guard stops nearby you. Throw the
knife at him and hide him in the house in the north of the map. When the guard
near Doc is looking to the east get close and throw the knife at him. Then slowly
approach the guy standing next to the stairs and punch him. Retrieve the knife,
cut the rope around Docs neck and after the dialog stab the guy you just punched.
Now get Doc and Cooper, go into the sheriff's office, punch the guy there and
make Doc take his coat. Now get everyone on the horses and leave the town either
way (southwest or northeast). Mission successful!


Mission 5: Doc McCoy's Cabin
Difficulty: Easy

This is the third tutorial in the game: Doc's tutorial. Just do what you have to
and you will easily complete this mission. By the way, put the scarecrow on the
pier. Doc will bring the sunken boat back to surface using telekinetic powers.
Some kind of easter-egg. Dr.Laiko has made this discovery and I'm giving full
credit to him.


Mission 6: High Stakes
Difficulty: Medium

First of all you may be able to throw the knife at one guy stopping with the
horse hear your heroes. After you kill him, hide him into the darkness. Then move
all your characters into the house. When guy in blue comes patrolling and stops
somewhere near the door and is looking at the other way, eliminate him by knife-
throwing and hide his body in the house. Now you can take back the horse near
house to the group of horses across the street. Now the next step would be
killing the patrolling guard near the building with the civilian at the balcony
(a bit north of your hiding place). When the guard is away, go at the far corner
of the building, on the alley that the guard is patrolling and when he comes
round the corner throw knife at him. You could also punch and tie up that
civilian at the balcony. Next try to eliminate the whole east of the map. It's
easy. Just use the knife. There is a house where you can lure enemies by shooting
in the air, outside the door. The way you can easily kill them with the knife.
First you've got to clear the street at the left of the screen. Use the same
trick with the knife. And you could use that dark area at the door of that house
to lure and kill enemies. Now get everyone in that small toilet in the left of
the ship. Using Cooper's watch you can lure enemies to the toilet door. The
following way of getting your heroes aboard the ship is credited to Dr.Laiko. Set
the watch to 15 seconds, in front of the toilet door. Run with Cooper so that
someone will hear you. Get Cooper running into the toilet. The one who heard you
will come to investigate and will hear the watch. When he is near the door, get
Cooper out and stab the gringo. Hide him inside the toilet. Repeat this as many
times as you can. Now, when no one's watching, get onto that pile of logs and on
the ship. Crawl to the stairs. Now the safest and best way is to run up the
stairs. Now there's a group of guys under the lifeboat. Cut the rope and that way
you will kill the guys. Go inside and when things quiet down get Sam and Doc, one
at a time inside, like you did with Cooper. Place Sam's snake at the entrance of
the corridor. After you unlock Kate's cabin door, five enemies come out of a
house. Make some noise and the snake will bite when anyone comes in. There will
be two or three enemies left outside. Clear them with gas tubes. Now get to the
horses and get out of town.

Mission 7: A Woman's Weapons
Difficulty: Easy

Kate O'Hara's tutorial. I have one thing to say. When you blind that guy, just
run and he'll do nothing to you. Just follow the objectives. Easy as pie.


Mission 8: Into the Lions Den
Difficulty: Medium

The only ways in this mission to succeed are Kate's garter + Kate's kick + Sam's
rope + Cooper hiding the bodies or to use Cooper's watch and punch instead of
garter + kick. And remember you must NOT kill anyone, and you also have to put
out of action all the guards, including the ones at the west of the map. First of
all put out of action the guy you just spoke to using Kate's garter. When no
one's watching, carry him into the shack and move all your heroes inside. Then
using the same trick, knockout the patrolling guy in white, tie him up and hide
him in the shack. Now, when the guy on the horse is not watching, take Cooper
into the left corner on the map, between the rocks, where the guy on horse can't
see you. When he's close, RUN at him and punch him. You know what to do with his
body. Know to take care of those two guards in the upper-left corner of the map.
Go with Kate and simply walk until you're close enough to the first guy from the
left. Now run and kick him. By kicking him you will also make the second gringo
fall down. He'll get up so kick him again fast (you can also store a running kick
quick-action on him). Just to be sure kick both again. Tie them and leave them.
Nobody will look for them there. Now entice the guy in white at the bridge with
Kate standing near the wall and kick him. Run in the shack and the other guy will
see you and will come near the door. Punch him with Cooper. Other two enemies
will see Cooper and will come at the door. Get Cooper out and one of the guys
will punch him. Now get Kate out. The enemies will be watching Cooper and she can
quickly kick them both. Now make Sam tie all the enemies, let Doc wake Cooper.
You might want to bandage Cooper. Now carry all the bodies in the shack. Now the
first yard will be clean. Only two more enemies left. There is a guy in white and
a guy in blue. Use Kate to entice the guy in white. You have to stay on the
bridge. Kick the guy and proceed as usual. Now do it again to the guy in blue.
Use the same trick on the guy patrolling in the next yard. Now look at the two
gringos near carriage. Take Doc on the other side of the wall and throw a gas
tube. When third guy comes to wake up his friend, throw the second gas tube. Now
quickly take Cooper and move the three unconscious guys near wall. Make sure that
the guy patrolling near stables doesn't see you. After you took care of the three
guys, entice the patrolling one and do as you know. Now entice the guy sitting in
right by standing in a place that the guy in right doesn't see. Right at the
gate. Now you know what to do. Do the same with the other guy and let Sam and Doc
take the goodies. After that blow up with the TNT Barrel the big gate (marked red
on the mini-map). There will probably be one guard in the first yard and one in
the second, after the blow. Just do the classic enticing method to take the out.
Hide them in a house. Now only a few enemies are standing between you and the end
of the mission. Get rid of the first one using Kate's garter. Now take Doc
crawling to the first gas tube and when the guy second guy is not watching, throw
a tube at him. Now you can take the gas tube near Doc. Go to the crates where the
second guy is/was and throw a gas tube to the guy in right, behind the pillar.
When second guy comes to the sleeping gringo, throw another gas tube. Bring Sam
to tie everyone and then get Cooper to enter the double doors. Get Cooper out at
the balcony and punch the guy there. Tie him up as well. You could also throw a
gas tube at him. Either way, you can get rid of him without trouble. Now there
are two deputies in the room. You can clear them with a gas tube. You could also
go outside and throw a dynamite stick at the door. Be sure that your characters
are far enough from the dynamite. The deputies will run out but the explosion
will knock them out. Or the fun way is to get Cooper in the door to quick shoot
the chandelier, which will fall on the two guys. You can also shoot the
chandelier with Doc's sniper from outside (between the second pillar on the right
and the crates where the second guy was). This alternative way is credited to


Mission 9: Like a Thief in the Night
Difficulty: Medium

This is the toughest beginning of a mission in the whole game. You need a lot of
luck. You mustn't fire your guns, you mustn't throw dynamites and the guys around
campfire mustn't see you. First, stab the first patrolling guard. Remember to
always walk (you can run too, but only when there's no one around). Then, the
second guy will get suspicious. Throw the knife at him and move the body
somewhere safe. If you're lucky, the third patrolling guard will not get
suspicious. Otherwise, he will report to the boss around campfire and you've
failed. Kill him by throwing the knife. Then hide the bodies and stab the
sleeping gringo. Hide his body too. Now attract the guy in white with Kate and
kick him, the walk to the fat guy and stab him too. Remember that those fat guys
are real chickens. They usually do not fight back. Instead, they run to the
campfire and tell the boss about you. After you cleared this part, the mission is
not that hard. You see that guy in white that patrols and stops at the river?
Hide Cooper behind the rock and lay a trail of cards from the river to the south,
past the rock. When the guy follows the cards, throw the knife at him. You can
also use the garter trick to distract that guard, but it's easier and safer with
cards. Now lay the same trail of cards, but with a card on the other side of the
river. This way you'll kill the guard standing there and another card. Now use
Kate's garter trick to lure that guy in pink. Start crossing the river, then kick
him. Make Cooper take away the body, kill him and hide him with the others. Now
run and stab the fat guy in blue and quickly take him away and hide him. Now go
into the darkness and kill the patrolling guy in blue by throwing knife. Now use
Doc to throw a gas tube at those two guys sitting there. First pick up the fat
guy in blue and move him, then the other one. Take them into the darkness and
kill them. Then entice the one to the right standing in the path (make sure that
the other one doesn't see you) and kick him. His friend will come to investigate.
Run and he will see you a little but he won't do anything. Also, he will not wake
up his friend. Now, when he is not looking, take the body into the darkness and
knife it. To kill the second guy, sneak with Cooper behind him and throw the
knife. You must do this when guy in tower looks to northwest. Now go near the
ladder of the tower and when the guy comes down, throw your knife at him. Hide
the bodies into darkness. Now it's time to kill the guy patrolling near valley.
Use the knife. Now cut the rope of the horses' pen and start stealing saddles and
putting them on horses. Every time you take a horse, take an extra one in lasso.
"Park" the horses in the valley. Now get everyone on his horse, except Cooper.
Now you have to free the soldier. Way for the fat, pink guy to leave. Run a bit
then walk, cut the soldier, punch him and quickly go in the valley. Put the
soldier down, get on the horse and wait for leader to leave with his horse.
Mission done.


Mission 10: Lullaby for Four Aces
Difficulty: Medium

First climb the cliff and when you get at the end of it, above the bandito in
white, throw the knife at him. Now, using your knife, kill the guy sleeping by
the crates. Now crawl to the bandito in blue and stay behind him. Record a quick-
action to walk and punch him. Throw the knife at the guard sitting on the crates,
near the door, and the quickly press space. Now go and punch the sleeping guy in
white, retrieve the knife and stab the two guys that you punched. Go down the
ladder and stab the drunken guy and then stab the sleeping guy. Now go down the
ladder into the house. Some guard will get suspicious. I guess he came to look
for his runaway pig. When the bandito comes to investigate and is near the door,
get out and throw your knife at him or stab him. Hide the body in the house. Now
kill the guy sitting on that barrel with the knife. Enter the tower using the
door on the roof and get out through the door at the ground. Stab the guy quickly
and drag him inside. Now get on the roof, quickly throw the knife at guy there
and crawl before any guard sees you. Now get the knife when the guy in white
standing above that big door with "railroad" tracks. Now get Doc to shoot the two
guards to the left and the right of the guy in tower. The guy near the crates
watches the stables and the big gate. Watch where the field of vision stops and
go there. When the guard starts to look at the other side, run a bit then WALK,
open the gate, walk back and then run in the house. Now this part is credited to
Nadia Varkovsky: Put Sam's snake at the door on the rooftop where you killed five
guys at the beginning, put Doc's scarecrow a bit to the east from the Snake. Now
leave Cooper on the roof and shoot. Quickly climb the rocky cliff and wait for
the snake to bite every enemy. Well, as I did it, many have died... But I got two
men on the first guard post, near my heroes. I took Doc to the first horse to the
left, near the edge of the screen and I started to shoot at the guys. Another
guard or two came to investigate the gunshots. I shot them with Sam. Now get your
Snake and your coat. The snake might have been shot. But the scarecrow is used to
distract the guards from seeing the snake. Now bring Sam to get his snake. Make
sure that he comes out on the roof with the bottle, where you killed the drunken
man. Go at the ladder and make sure the guy in blue in the yard se you. Now when
he comes, shoot him and there will be at least five enemies coming. Shoot them
too. Now bring Doc to get the coat and the sniper ammo in the tower. If you want
to kill the bandito in the tower by the main gate get Kate to go up in the tower
and kick the guy to death. Gather all your heroes on the "slaughter" roof (the
roof with the snake, the scarecrow and many dead bodies). Now using Sam shoot the
guy on the second guard post, the one in the right of the tower at main gate. Now
go on the "slaughter" rooftop and make some noise. When the guard comes up, shoot
him with Cooper. Another guard may come after you. Careful though, he may come
from the door with many dead bodies. Shoot him too. If you want to clean up the
mess on the "slaughter" rooftop, unlock the door with Doc and carry all the
bodies inside. Clean up the next roof and the big tower where the sniper ammo
were. After we killed the poor man's gang, we could at least clean up ?. After
the big slaughter + three men you kill with Doc's sniper there should be three or
four guards left outside. I do think there are some inside, but let us not count
them for now. Take Sam in the yard and shoot the guy standing at the top of the
first stairs, near the houses with ladders. After you got him, go inside that
house and hide his body there. Now kill the guy sleeping near that tree, at the
bottom of Sanchez's tower. Kick him to death. Know what? I guess kicking and
punching to death are more painfull than stabbing. There will be a guy coming out
of a house when you are in a certain position. He will go near Sanchez's tower.
He's easy to kill. All the guys will be eliminated using Kate's garter trick or
Cooper's clock. Depends on which enemies you killed with the sniper. Anyway,
after you kill all of them, go into Sanchez's tower, punch him and tie him.
Whoops... Looks like the banditos on the horses are back. I'm crediting Nadia
Varkovsky for the way of killing all the guys: put Sam's snake at the front gate
then return to the group. When all the guys come back, the horses will scare and
will knock everyone out. Get all the goodies in the tower and bring Sam to throw
a dynamite stick in the middle of all the guys. You can also kill by shooting,
but the fastest way is with the dynamite. You might have to throw two sticks of
dynamite. I must say that if the snake was shot, you'll have to make your way out
by throwing gas tubes and dynamites. After you threw them all, you can use the
sniper to kill some more. Save one gas tube/dynamite/sniper bullet for the one at
the gattling gun. Now there should be three or four guards left. They'll make an
easy kill. I advise using Kate's garter or Cooper's watch. After you eliminated
all of the guards, bring Sanchez outside the fortress and mission ends.


Mission 11: Ambush at Snake Pass
Difficulty: Medium

First, get Doc and Sam between the first horse and the edge of the screen. Make
Cooper go at the rocky wall and take Kate to entice the patrolling guard. When he
approaches, throw Cooper's knife at him. Retrieve the knife and make Cooper and
Kate run to Doc and Sam. A colleague will notice that the gringo is missing and
will come to investigate. Even if he sees the dead body, he won't do anything.
Some guys will be alarmed, but they will quiet down in a while. Now get Cooper to
climb the rocky wall. Throw knife at sleeping bandito then throw it at the other
guy too. Get back to the horses. Now have Sam stand behind Sanchez's horse and
shoot into air. This will attract the patrolling guard. Shoot him. Another one
will come. Shoot him too. At the end you will have killed five or six guards. Now
entice the patrolling guard in pink pants and kick him. Then creep with Kate on
the two guys at the edge of the cliff. Kick the one at the south and then the one
at the north. There is possibility that the guy at the north will see you but
will not shoot you. Kick them both, shoot them and run back at the horses. Now
get Sam in position. There is a guy who sees the bodies. Repeat the trick with
Sam that you done earlier and kill the bandito. Now there is a fat guy in pink
sitting and watching the little bridge. Don't try to lure him with Kate's garter.
It won't work. Instead, try the trick with Sam. Kill him. Repeat the trick by
shooting from the bridge and you may lure another guard. You know what to do with
him. Now you can kill the first guy in blue. Play the garter trick and then move
out of his view range. He'll come after you, but he'll get suspicious a bit.
Anyway, you can kick him in time. Shoot him with the Derringer. No one will hear
you. Now let's focus a bit to the left side of the canyon. Place a card on the
visual range of the blue gringo sitting on the rock. He'll run to the pink fat
guy and they will both take cover behind rocks and will prepare to shoot if an
enemy comes in their range. Now take Kate and show yourself to the pink bandito.
He'll come to check out. Now it's time for the garter trick. Kick him, stab him
and hide him. Now lay a trail of cards. The gringo in blue will not come, but the
patrolling guard in white shirt with pink pants will. Play the garter trick on
him. Now play the garter trick on the gringo in blue. His vision will turn pink.
Now you can walk to him. When you're near him, kick him. Kick the guy at the edge
of the cliff too. Now kick both of them to death. Move their bodies a bit south.
Now look a bit north. You see that fat pink guy sitting there with a guy in
white, on the edge of the cliff. Turn on his view field of vision. He sees that
little corner nearby. Go there and entice him with Kate. When he starts to leave,
he'll get a little suspicious. Move a bit east and do the garter trick again.
When he sees you his vision will turn pink again. Kick him to death. Do the same
to the guy a bit north, near the patrolling guy in pink. He's dressed in whit
shirt and pink pants (like the one on the edge of the cliff). Kill the fat guy in
pink too, using the same method. Now kill the gringo in blue, behind the rock.
You will have to move out of his viewing range and do the garter trick again for
him to walk into your trap and to not suspect anything. How, using the same
garter + move + garter + kick entice and get rid of the gringo standing on the
edge of the cliff. He's in the corner of the cliff where there is a guy with pink
pants and a guy in white with a sombrero. Now there is a patrolling gringo nearby
the one crouching. He's wearing a blue shirt and a white sombrero. After you
killed the patrolling guard, kick to death the one the edge of the cliff, wearing
the pink pants. Leave the other one. The guy on the other side of the canyon can
see him. Throw a card in the viewing range of the crouching one. He won't do
anything, but this will attract the one in pink pants a bit north. Now back off a
few steps to get that guy out of the crouching one's viewing range. Kill him. Now
go and seduce the crouching one. Show him your garter. While his view is pink,
walk towards him and kick him to death. Now go at the one in white and repeat the
garter + move + garter + kick trick. Take care the same way of the one on the
bridge. Get Sam and Doc to pick up the goodies and return everybody at the
horses. Now if you really want to kill that guy in white, you can shoot him and
then run back to the horses. I shot him with the Derringer and the guys on the
other side heard it. Wait for things to cool down and find a position to snipe
the gattling gunner. Now snipe down the guy near ladder. After I did that, I
waited for things to cool down again and I got one more guy at the gattling gun.
He's easy to kill. If you can, it would be advisable to kill the fat guy in pink,
sitting on the edge of the cliff, watching the bridge. After you done that, go to
the middle of the bridge with Sam and throw a dynamite stick near the dead fat
pink gringo. After it fell down, run at the horses. Careful, order Sam to go
using the western side, by clicking somewhere on it. The dynamite should take
that guy out, and the potential next gattling gunner will go somewhere else. Go
by the middle of the bridge with Sam and shoot the guy in blue near the gattling
gun tower. Run back so the guys won't come after you. Wait for the gringos to
relax. Go back at the middle of the bridge then run fast at the end of it, "in"
the tower. If anybody comes, shoot him. Now go at the gattling gun and kill
everyone you can. Use the dynamite to save gattling gun bullets. After you
consumed all your bullets, there should be two-three guys left. Shoot them, stab
them, do anything you want. Now get Sam at the wagon in the canyon. Careful,
there's a gattling gunner inside. Shoot him. Get everybody at the end of the
canyon and blow up the boulders using the TNT Barrel. There is an alternate and
also hard to explain way. Go on the middle of the bridge, shoot, go back at the
beginning of the bridge, shoot again and attract more guards. After there are the
four gringos a bit south and one at the upper edge of the map, go at the middle
of the bridge and start shooting the guy north. He'll come a bit closer. After
you killed him it's very easy to go at the gattling gun and to kill the remaining
guards. Also you can kill the guy in wagon by approaching from the north and by
throwing a stick of dynamite near the wagon. Now destroy the roadblock and ride
north to El Paso. Mission complete.


Mission 12: Escape from El Paso
Difficulty: Medium

At the beginning, when the cowboy is away, get down on the next roof and crawl
near the edge of the building. Program a quick-action to throw your knife at the
deputy. When he is looking at the east, stand up, throw your knife at him,
retrieve your knife and carry the body into the saloon. Now get out in the
street. There is a soldier a bit south patrolling and stopping near the barn.
When he's away, approach the guard sitting near the "Cantina" saloon, throw the
knife at him and carry the body to Sam. After the dialog, get both heroes into
the house and dump the dead body there. Now eliminate the guy patrolling near the
fort wall. Place the clock at the bottom of the stairs and throw the knife at the
gringo when he is in your range. Carry the body into the house. Now hide in the
barn and shoot the soldier. Shoot the coming guards too. Now you can attract
three or four more guards. Take all the bodies in the barn. You should have
killed about seven/eight enemies. Now you must kill the guards in the yard with
three horses. Get behind the yard wall and when the soldier comes at the gate to
watch the street, kill him. One of the soldiers will see the body. He will take a
horse and come into the street. Throw knife at him. Kill the others too. Place
the watch near the wooden trailer. The soldier will hear it and will send the
blue gringo to check out. He'll walk back at his seat but will hear the watch.
When he's near the watch, get out of the house and kill him. Also throw the knife
at the remaining soldier. Now you cleared almost the whole western part. Now
place the snake near the crate at the entrance in the yard. Go at the big locked
gate and fire into the air. This will attract two or three guards. There will be
two soldiers coming. The rattlesnake will bite the first one. The second one will
occasionally not see the snake when he goes back and the snake will bite him too.
The third guard will not go near the snake. Take Sam to shoot him. Hide the
bodies. Now it's time to inform Doc. Walk by the carriage so the soldiers at the
fort gate don't see you. Go right on the little street to the church and hide in
the house with the big gate. Now you see that soldier patrolling from the
fountain to the soldier near church and to the little street left of the church?
When he's away and the guy near church is looking towards the railroad track take
Cooper into the building on the little street. The building has a balcony with a
white bed sheet. When guard stops a bit northeast from the building get out and
throw the knife at him. Carry him into the building. When the other patrolling
guy is away, kill the soldier near church and drag him into that small room. Now
go and stab the patrolling guard and hide his body into the church. If you want
to make a joke, hide him into the cemetery (dead guy, cemetery, get it?). Wait!
This is funnier! Beat up the guy until he has five stars circling around his
head. Leave him on the track a bit north, so no one sees him. You know, either
way get the hell out of there because the cowboy across the track can see you and
will come to investigate. He won't do anything when he sees the body. When the
train leaves the station it will kill him. Now kill the two guys standing by the
house with big gates. Also kill the guy at the fountain. After that, kill the guy
near the water tower without getting seen and hide the body. Now alert Doc and
get him to open the church doors. Also there's sniper ammo in the tower. Now
remember that building on the little street left of the church? Get out in the
street and program a quick-action on the door in the street. Go along the fort
walls and throw knife at soldier in right standing at the fort gate. Then quickly
press space and when the other soldier gets back at the gate, come back for your
knife. Crawl to the dead soldier, retrieve your knife and throw it at the other
soldier. Carry both bodies in the house with the big gates. Now bring Sam, Doc
and Cooper in the church. Using one sniper round snipe down the soldier on the
house across the road from the saloon. Now go with Cooper into the first door of
the train station and when the soldier stops there, throw knife, retrieve knife
and run into the building with the white bed sheet, taking Sam with you.
Occasionally, there will be five or six guards coming one at a time in the church
tower. Make Doc crawl so that guy outside doesn't see him. And make sure you
pressed Caps Lock, otherwise you won't see enemies in tower. Shoot all of them
and go at Cooper and Sam when area is cleared. You can also attract in the tower
the guy running in the train station. You should have killed five soldiers in the
tower. Now go on the small street across the railroad track. Also punch and tie
up the train mechanic at the toilet. There may be a bandito coming at the
toilets. Throw your knife at him. You may hide him in the saloon. You may also
want to punch the guy with the broom and tie him up. Now get the three heroes on
the roof and start shooting. There will be a few guys coming up on the roof. All
you got to do is to crawl and shoot them when they are on the roof. There will
also be a few guards blocked on the left side of the train locomotive. Throw a
dynamite stick nearby to take them all out. Now they will be knocked out and the
guards near Cooper's horse will go there. You can also attract a guard on the
roof to kill him. Now, with the path clear, go to the right side of the
locomotive and throw a dynamite stick. They will all die. Now there are two,
maybe three guards in the whole town. Get Kate and go to Cooper's horse. There
might be one guard there. Attract him with Kate. The get all horses and get out
of town. Mission completed.


Mission 13: The Walls of Fortezza
Difficulty: Hard

First let the patrolling soldier see you. Do not pull out any weapons. Instead,
program a quick-action to stab the soldier. When he is near you, activate the
quick action and drag the body to the starting position. Now eliminate the
patrolling soldier near Kate. Kick him to death. Careful, the soldier in tower
may see you. Now eliminate the fat guy with dogs. Be careful how you approach
him. The dogs will bark you if they see you. After you eliminated that guard,
throw the knife at the soldier sitting on the TNT Barrel in the pen. Throw knife
at him. Now sneak and crawl behind the pen gate. The other soldier will not see
you. Set the watch. When the guy is near you stand up and quickly punch him.
Carry him inside the pen, retrieve your knife, stab the unconscious guy and hide
the bodies. Now get Cooper and Doc hear the wall you can climb. Throw a gas tube
to knockout the three guards. Stab them. Fire into the air and hide. Throw
another gas tube at the guards coming. More will come. Just repeat the process
until there will be no more guards coming. Stab them all. This way following now
is credited to Nadia Varkovski. Go to the dark area at the corner of the
staircase in the northern wall area. First kill the patrolling officer who walks
near your hiding place. Now fire into area and kill all the guards coming. Kill
them one by one with the knife. If you fire, the guards who will see the flame in
the dark will see you too and they will kill you. Get out of the dark area and
shoot the officer standing between the staircases. You can also walk until the
officer is in your knife-throwing range. At least this way is silent. Now there
should be about ten people left + the remaining officer and all the guards near
the prison cells and the towers. There is a small dark corner nearby the prison
cells. Hide there and fire into the air. Many guards will come. Just stab the
guards that come right in front of you, without getting out of darkness. They
won't see you. When no one else is around, fire again. Now you will be able to
kill five or six guards. Kill as many as you can and remember don not fire
because they will see you if you do. After you killed all of them, clear the
remaining guards. There should be one officer and two or three guards left. Blow
up the front gate and run into one of the towers near the gate, just in case
someone comes to investigate. Now get Doc to the prison cell and free Sanchez.
Now there are a few guards patrolling outside the prison. Don't mind them or the
guards inside the fortress. Get Doc to snipe that guy at the bottom of the tower
watching towards the cells. The other two guys will come to investigate. Shoot
them both quickly, before they react. Snip the guy in tower, get the sniper ammo
and eliminate the tow guys in towers on the western wall. Now get at the
southwestern side of the wall, get Kate to bring all the horses underneath you
and jump onto the horses. After the dialog is mission complete.


Mission 14: They Called Him Grizzly
Difficulty: Easy

This is the fifth tutorial of the game. Here you will learn how to use Sanchez.
Just don't worry about the gattling gun. If you run out of bullets you will get
some more so practically you have unlimited bullets.


Mission 15: Dance with the Devil
Difficulty: Medium

First kick the gringo taking a siesta, carry him behind the house and kick him to
death. Now do the same to the gringo in blue, when the soldiers are away. Get
Kate on the roof of the house and Sanchez into the house. When soldiers are near
the house, shoot into air with the Derringer. They will hear it and will enter
the house. Sanchez will knock them out. Carry them on the roof and get Doc there.
Just sneak by the Bank wall. Shoot them both and try to shoot the soldier on the
roof of the Bank. If you hit him he'll come to investigate. If he doesn't enter
the house, shoot into air to lure him in. BTW, if you make Sanchez enter the
house through the roof door, he'll stay there and will throw the enemies on the
roof, not in the street. Now throw a stone at the bandito patrolling by the
clothesline in the courtyard. Unlock the hacienda courtyard gate and get Kate to
pick up the clothes. But first entice the gringo in blue standing near the gas
tubes. Pick them up with Doc and get back in the house. Take Doc on the roof and
when the guards stop south from the house, lure them in. Also lure the two
soldiers the Bank's roof. Now change and go to Carlos' bar. Time to get Cooper
into the game. First go behind the corner to kill the patrolling gringo in black,
a bit north from Cooper. Now kill the gringo in blue sitting under a tree south
from Cooper by throwing the knife, the same as you did to the black bandito. When
no one is watching, kill the guy sleeping at the entrance of the house near
Cooper. Take him quickly inside and the fat guy in blue will get suspicious. When
he runs past the house door, get out and throw your knife at him. Now get Doc to
throw a gas tube at the guys around Sam's starting position. More will come to
investigate. Knock them out too. There's one more in the house. No problem for
Sanchez. It would be better to tie them all up. If you shoot them, Carlos or the
other banditos might hear you. You could also bring Cooper to knife them all.
Just be careful because there is one blue gringo sitting at the south edge of the
map. And you might want to knock out all the civilians in that zone because if
they see you they will go at the saloon and the gringos may alert Carlos. Take
all the bodies inside the house. When no one is watching, also kill the soldier
at the bank door. Now eliminate the two or three guards near saloon be getting
Doc on the roof half made of hay. Use the sniper. Get Doc to throw a gas tube at
the banditos on the saloon roof. Also kill the two banditos watching Kate through
the saloon windows. Now let Doc unlock the door to the corridor that leads to
Carlos' safe. There are FOUR guards inside. Place Sam's snake at the door. It
will kill the first guard. Now get in front of the door where the second bandito
is and when he isn't looking run and stab him. Do the same with the third and the
fourth bandito. Also punch and tie up the two women. Now get everyone inside
Carlos' office and unlock Carlos' safe. Mission completed.


Mission 16: A Fistful of Dollars
Difficulty: Hard

First get all of your heroes inside the church, except Cooper. You might want to
knock out, tie and carry into the church the three civilians outside. Now,
standing by the crates, throw knife at the patrolling gringo in blue when the
gringo isn't watching. Hide the dead body into the church. Then get into the
building at south, near the cowboy who is standing near it. When the fat guy in
pink is away, throw knife at cowboy and carry him inside the building. Now
eliminate the pink fat guy when he gets suspicious. Now get back in the church.
There is another fat pink gringo running around the place. Combine Sanchez's
siesta with Cooper's knife throwing technique to eliminate this guy. Now it's
time to eliminate the soldiers. When the two pairs of soldiers meet nearby the
church, throw a gas tube at them then knife them. Do the same when the other two
pairs come to investigate the dead bodies. Bring all of the bodies inside the
church. Now eliminate the guards in the northern part of the town using Cooper's
knife on the fat guy sleeping near tequila bottles (there is a bandito in the
house too) and Sanchez's stone on the guy sitting near house and one standing
near hacienda courtyard gate. Now it's time to clean the hacienda courtyard to
the north. First throw a stone at the bandito in black when he is at the back of
the courtyard. Now get there with Cooper by climbing the brick wall and stab the
unconscious enemy. When the patrolling fat guy in blue is inside the little
house, throw knife at the gringo standing near the door. Retrieve the knife and
throw it at the fat guy when he comes out of the house. Now get everyone into the
building where the fat guy was. Get Sam to place the snake at the entrance of the
building with a ladder to the roof. Get Cooper near that tree in the middle of
the path and fire into air. Quickly run into the house where you put your heroes.
The snake will bite two guards: one as it comes out of the house and one that
will come to his dead buddy. There are some times they shoot the snake, other
times they don't. Repeat the process until the four soldiers die. Alternate way:
get everybody through the first door to the left of the house with a ladder to
its roof. Place the snake like you did before and shoot into air. The snake will
bite one guard, the others you will knock out using Sanchez's swipe. Kill them
all and hide their bodies into houses. Now you can eliminate the first gringo in
the park, watching towards the ladder on the roof. From the other side of the
wall, throw a stone. Don't worry, no one will see him. Stab the cowboy and bring
him inside. Also have Doc and Sanchez to pick up the bandages and the stone. To
kill the other guys in the park, shoot them. With Sanchez's devastating shotgun
and Sam's long range, Cooper's abilities and also a long range of Doc, plus the
blindness of the enemy, it won't be hard. I killed three people (two guys from
inside and a soldier from outside who came to investigate) without a scratch.
Kill the guys at the park gate and try to shoot anyone who comes to check. There
should be two/three guards. After I killed them all (nine gringos), Sam lost 5%
of his full life. Keep attracting as many guards as you can by firing from the
gate. Then attract the "victims" through the house Sanchez is in. Kill the
remaining patrolling soldier nearby the park. Now cross the road and stab the guy
in black near the building nearby Carlos' saloon. At some point, the other gringo
may call the fat bandito in blue and make him check up the park. If he does that,
just attract him into the house and let Sanchez take care of him. This way the
gringo will start patrolling. No big deal for Cooper's knife. If the fat guy in
blue remains near the small wagon, first kill the gringo then attract the fat guy
with the siesta trick. Then have Cooper throw a knife at the soldier standing
near house and Sanchez should quickly throw the stone at the other guy in black.
Now get Sanchez on the roof of the house near Kate. Quickly make the swipe to
knock out the unconscious guy that comes out. Now get Doc on the roof to throw a
gas tube at the guys near Kate. Wait for the patrolling bandito to come too. Now
wake up Kate. BTW, if you got rid of the patrolling bandito, take one character
crawling behind the gringo in the middle. Kate will become active. Now get your
character back and simply walk away with Kate. Or if you really want to kill the
three guys take Cooper and Sanchez crawling. Stand up with Sanchez and swipe the
guy in the middle and the one in the right. Keep Cooper crawling and also record
a run and stab to the guy in left. After you do the swipe, quickly press space.
Wake up Kate if you have to. Now get everybody in the park. First push the statue
and get in. Some guard will be suspicious and will come into the park. Get
Sanchez out and fire into air. The guard will enter the labyrinth and you will be
able to shoot him. Now get out in the bank and shoot the guard in that room. Two
or three guards will get the chance of being your victim. When they will stay
near the secret tunnel, program a swipe, get out and do it. Shoot the unconscious
enemy and take him into the tunnel. Now take Kate and make everyone to look
towards the west, while Doc picks up the gas tubes and knocks everyone out. Wake
up Kate, kill the two guards near the money (use Sanchez's shotgun after there's
no other guards in the bank) and get out of the bank crawling. Quickly throw the
knife at the remaining soldier guarding the entrance. Now get everyone and the
money at the start point.


Mission 17: To the Last Bullet
Difficulty: Medium

First entice the guy patrolling between the roof and the two guys standing near
the hotel gate. Kill him. Now do the same with the guy in white of the two guys
near gate. Be sure to do this when the patrolling cowboy is away (the one
patrolling in front of the hotel). Now he'll get suspicious, along with the guy
on the roof (dressed the same). Wait for them to relax and entice the second
guard at the gate too. Now, when the patrolling cowboy is away, kill the third
guy at the gate. When the cowboy comes and is watching the other way, get out and
throw knife at him. The guy on the roof will get suspicious, when he comes, also
throw knife at him. Now entice the guy in white near horses and kill him, run
back to your gang because one guard will get suspicious. Let's deal a bit with
the guys near hotel. Put the clock near the corner of the building for the gringo
near stone to hear it. When he comes, throw knife. The other gringo in blue will
hear it to. As you don't have time to pick up your knife, punch him. Retrieve
your knife and knife him. Now run a bit on the wooden plank to attract the cowboy
inside courtyard. Kill him when he comes round the corner. Do not enter the
courtyard yet because the guy in black, Marshall Jackson, will run away and six
guards will come near the bandito in blue shirt. Five more will come on the
cliff. Just take care of the western side for now. Get Cooper to put the watch
near the horses, for the guy standing and the guy patrolling to hear. Now hide
Cooper at the stony stairs that lead to the hotel main gate. Make Sanchez's
siesta trick on Cooper's watch. If everything goes well, the guy standing will
come to investigate, but he will go back at his position. The patrolling guard
will send him to check out. Now do the swipe. There are two solutions: either you
knocked him out with Sanchez's swipe, or he knocks out Sanchez with a punch. In
this case, get Cooper to crawl at the small path on the south and throw a knife
at the gringo. Hide the dead body and have Doc wake up Sanchez. Now do the garter
trick on the patrolling guy. While he enjoys the view, run and kick him. Run and
do the garter trick on the guy in blue shirt, a bit north. Do the same run and
kick thing to him too. Now lay a trail of cards up to the cliff and do the garter
trick. Two guys will come to check out, one at a time. Kick the first one then
get Cooper to quickly take him out of there. Knife him. Do the same with the
second guy too. Now set the trail of cards from up to the bottom of the stony
path, just round the corner where Cooper is. The patrolling guard may send the
gringo in blue to check out. Get Kate out of there. Now let Cooper throw knife
and hide the body in the shadows by the horses. It's time to eliminate the
patrolling guard. When he's not looking, make Kate's run and kick action. Quickly
carry the unconscious guy at the bottom of the cliff, where you shall stab him.
Hide him in the dark area by the horses too. The gringo in blue will get a bit
suspicious, but he'll do nothing. Now easily dispose of the sleeping bandito near
tree. Stab him and hide his body at the horses. After you did all this, the
enemies should be like this: three banditos on the cliff, one bandito on the
water tower above the burning hotel, one bandito and Marshall Jackson in front of
the hotel. Now go at the three guys on the cliff. When the gringo in blue and the
one on the tower isn't watching, throw knife at the guard standing and watching
the hotel. Grab the knife and quickly take the body. Carry the body at your
heroes and dump it there. Don't worry, the blue patrolling gringo on the cliff
will not get suspicious. Now entice the blue patrolling guard with the cards. Lay
the trail from the cliff to the bottom of the cliff. Make sure he sees every next
card. Now do the garter trick and he will watch you with his vision colored to
pink. Run and kick him. Pick up your cards, knife the guy and hide the body. Now
crawl the other remaining guard on the cliff. You'll need timing and luck. You
might have to try several times. Now throw knife and carry the body at the edge
of the map. Retrieve you knife. You'll have to CRAWL to get past the guy in
tower. The following way is credited to Nadia Varkovski. Hide in the dark area of
the stairs at west. Now make Doc take the gas tubes in courtyard of the hotel.
Eleven guards will come. Let the three guards walk past you (the ones who walked
past you). Kill the other two on the cliff (knife throwing), then the three
guards near horses and bridge. BTW, you can also throw knife at one of the three
guards. The other two will run at the bottom of the cliff. This will make things
easier a bit. To kill the two guys near bridge do this: crawl to the blue gringo,
stand up, program a quick-action to punch him, throw knife at other bandito,
perform the quick action. Easy, huh? This way also credited to Nadia Varkovski (I
didn't find any easier way than this). Get Doc near the ladder of the first
building. Throw a gas tube to knock out the three guards. One more will come, one
more gas tube coming up. Get Cooper to knife the unconscious guy. Also throw
knife at the guy near wagon. Five down, three to go. Get Sam at the stables,
place the snake near that barrel, hide in the dark area of the stables and fire
into air. This will attract two guards. Kill the unfortunate guy who is still
alive. Mission complete!


Mission 18: The Magnificent Six
Difficulty: Medium

This is the easiest and funniest way to kill six guys in all the game. Use the
quick-action to shoot the guards like this: Sam kills the guy in black on the
western roof of the train station, Cooper kills the three banditos standing in
front of him, Doc kills the bandito on the balcony and Sanchez kills the guy
sitting on the crates. Just be sure to do this when the blue gringo on the roof
is watching the street and when the fat guy in blue is near the station. Now
select the four characters, perform the quick-action and run into the building.
Attract the fat guy who shall come and get him into the building. Sanchez will
take care of him. Let the guy on the roof see the dead bandito on the left roof
of the station. He'll enter the building and Sanchez will send him on a free
flight out the door. Now isn't this amazing? Eight enemies killed in one minute!
Now grab the stone near station and throw it at the guy stopping in front of the
Rail Road store. Knife him and hide him. Take Sanchez at the corner near the
barn. You should see another stone there. Make Sanchez throw the stone at the fat
bandito patrolling the area. Kill him and hide the body. Also clean up the train
station area (I mean hide the bodies). Make one of your character stand on the
roof, and get Cooper to fire into air to attract guards. Fire from the roof too,
to attract guards into the house. Many cadavers coming ?! Now get Sanchez into
the little house near bridge. If in the courtyard are enemies, use the ston + gas
tube trick to eliminate them. Get Sanchez into the house. Sanchez will throw out
two guys. The third one will come too. Now get Cooper into the house. Get every
enemy outside and stab them, one at a time. If there is one more guy on the roof,
place the watch near the door. Get out, stab the bandito and carry him inside. If
the guys near the stables in the right side of the map will see you, you'll have
two more banditos coming for dinner ?. Too bad they will be flying out the door
instead of eating. Now get everybody back at the station and make Doc snipe the
guy from the gattling. Save and, if anyone runs to tell the guys shooting at the
civilian, reload and snipe the guy too. If no one else is operating the gattling,
snipe him too, if not move the characters inside the building with a Clothes-
Boots sign. If anyone is inside, Sanchez will knock them out. Knife them and hide
the bodies. Next way is credited to Nadia Varkovski. Get Doc to set his scarecrow
left of the balcony door and Sam should place the snake at the door to the
balcony. Get the other three characters into the Rail Road store. Now get Sam at
the eastern side of the balcony and start attracting guards. Shoot the gringos
who were not bitten by the snake. Now here is an alternate way: Get Sanchez out
on the balcony and in the house. This way, Sanchez will stay at the balcony door,
inside the building. Get Sam to place the snake at the door. Fire to attract some
guys and crawl. Sanchez will throw the guys out and the snake will automatically
bite them. Careful, there might be more than three guards coming. Now attract as
many guards as you can, until there will be no more guards coming. Also dispose
of the guy in black on the hacienda wall by shooting him with Sam. After the
killing of the enemies, there should be two or three guards around the hacienda.
Go back to the barn in northeastern part of the map, throw stone at the remaining
guard in black, kill him and retrieve the stone, also taking the third stone,
near barn. The stones will be perfect to eliminate the guys near hacienda. With
the stone also eliminate the two guards a bit northwest from the hacienda. Also
enter the small outpost where the fat guy is sleeping. Two guards shall be
knocked out. Kill them and hide the bodies. Now it's time to clear the north part
of the town and save the civilian. First get Sanchez into the balcony of the
small house, between the small market and the Drygood-Clothing shop. Program a
throwing stone one of the guys and do this. Throw quickly two stones at the two
guards speaking and program the throwing of the stone on the guy patrolling. Or
if you want things really easy, use the gattling gun on the two guys northwest of
hacienda and on the three guys on the street. Also try to kill the guard
patrolling nearby graveyard, without him seeing you (just hurt him, and he'll run
to the place. Hide in the little house and shoot him when he isn't watching).
Remember that he mustn't see you, because then he will fire and the five banditos
will kill the sheriff. Now go at the five banditos equipped with the gattling
gun. Shoot the banditos before the can kill the sheriff. Then run into one of the
buildings. You have to be fast. A couple of tries and you will kill them. All you
got to do now is to kill the three guards that will run to the place of the
murder, take three horses, kill the gattling gunner with the gattling gun and get
out of town with Cooper, Sam and Sanchez using the road up north. Mission


Mission 19: Blood Money
Difficulty: Medium

First let's kill seven or eight enemies, shall we? Align everyone and shoot into
air. Kill the guards that are coming. Eliminate any gringo left in the camp
(check the tents too). Also pick up the rock at starting point and tequila
bottles near one of the tents. Now make Sam wound the guy in black near little
bridge to the house and he will come to check out. Get Sam into the tent, where
Cooper is hiding too and when the bandito isn't watching, get out and throw your
knife at him. Now open the mini map and you shall see a yellow cross in the south
of it. It's a stone, at northeast of the tents. Pick it up too. Now get Cooper on
the cliff and kill the guard there. Get back to camp and attract the guys near
gattling gun so you can dispose of them. But two of them may remain there. Now
get to the shack near cliff and let the guy sitting at the table a bit north see
you. Get inside the shack and do this: if he comes at the door, get out and knife
him. If he doesn't stop at the door let him walk away a bit, get out, shoot into
air and get in again. When he stops near door, get out and stab him. Or you could
let him see you go in the shack and Sanchez will throw him out. This way one man
near gattling gun may see him and you may get shot. Now to kill the gringo left,
near the table. Go a bit south from the shack, program a quick-action to run
around the south corner of the shack and wound the guy. Quickly activate the
quick-action and wait for him to come by and shoot him quickly. Remember he
mustn't see you while he's near the table. If he shoots, 11 guards will come out
of the mine. Now fire so that the guard near house will hear and 11 guards will
come out of the mine. Also, a guy in white will be sent to check out. You must
kill him because later in the mission, if you kill guys at gattling, he will go
at the shack and will sound the alarm. Now attract the two guys inside shack with
a fire into air. Kill them. Now get the guys at the tent and start shooting
gattling gunners. BTW, after the gattling kill, eliminate the guards that come
near tent, if there are any. Some other gringos will replace the dead guys. After
you killed the possible gattling gunners, the guys with hats then get inside the
house. When there's no one around the gattling guns, come out with Cooper, kill
the gringo near barrels and run back into the house. If there is a guy at
gattling in right, hide Sanchez behind corner of the shack at the bottom of the
cliff, get Sam to wound the guy at barrels near house, run into the house and
when guy comes, fire into air with Sanchez. The bandito will stop to look around,
enough for you to "stone" him into the face. Now run at the gattling and start
the massacre. There should be at least 17 corpses. Now shoot the gringo in tower
near fence (better do it with the shotgun, this saves gattling ammo) and also
kill the guy at the gattling gun. If the bandito in black at the shack where
Carlos is sees his dead buddy at gattling, he'll come to check out. Kill him too.
Now get all your heroes into the shack at the western side of the map. Take
Sanchez with his gattling gun to come in the middle of the yard and shoot the two
guys patrolling. Another one shall spot the dead bodies and will get some friends
out of the mine. Just shoot them all and in the end you should have four enemies
left: one on the cliff, one outside the house, one outside the mine and one
inside the mine. Get Sanchez on the catwalk as much as you can go without getting
seen by the gringo outside mine and throw stone at him. Now get Cooper and have
the two heroes run at the mine when the guy near house isn't looking. Kill the
unconscious guard and enter the mine. Kill that guy too and hide bodies inside
the mine. Now throw stone at guy near house. Leave the stone there, because if
you go on that platform, Carlos will come out. Now climb the cliff and when the
guy up there isn't watching, throw your knife at him. Now climb down on the roof
of the house and the level is over. Mission completed.


Mission 20: Little China Girl
Difficulty: Easy

This is Mia's tutorial level. Just follow the orders and remember to quickly jump
into the barrel after using the blowpipe.


Mission 21: Piggies in the Middle
Difficulty: Hard

First get Cooper to shoot the two soldiers at the house and quickly run back to
the others. When the guy at the balcony isn't watching, throw a dynamite stick at
El Diablo's men. Get everybody inside the building and stab the unconscious
enemies. Now, when the guy that stops at the building on the other side of the
street is away, get all of your heroes into that building. Get someone at the
balcony and distract the patrolling guard. He'll come inside and Sanchez will
take care of him. Kill the soldier near church with Sam. Now get Cooper to throw
knife at the guy left standing in front of the Bates Grocery. Time to take out
the guys under the staircase at Bates Grocery. Show up around the corner and get
back. The guys will see you and they will come after you. Shoot them and carry
the bodies inside. Also, lure some guards from the walls of the hacienda. BTW, if
the guy with a sombrero doesn't come after you (he may send the patrolling guard
in black in the little yard west from the building you're in), throw a stone from
above him. Now here is a funny and weird thing that happened to me: I was seen by
a soldier, who got suspicious and called a man from El Diablo's gang. The guy
came to the soldier and the soldier shot him. Now get Sanchez running into the
house in little yard and wait for victims. Way credited to Nadia Varkovski. Now
you should have killed about 7-8-9 enemies. Now shoot at the patrolling gringo at
southwest and another guy sitting near stairs will come. Kill him. One of the
gringos, the one near shack a bit south, will call one, two or even three
banditos (the ones on the hacienda wall) and tell them to check out the
situation. Kill them too. Now shoot the patrolling guard I told you about
earlier. Also, kill the guy near shack and the bandito in black patrolling near
house at the western edge of the map. Now kill the guys near house at western
edge of the map. You have two ways: stand around the corner, shoot the two guys
coming, kill the remaining guard or get Sam around the corner and shoot the three
guys before they can soot you. This way needs a couple of tries. Now get Mia to
pick of the crate with firecrackers and move all your heroes into the house with
a ladder to the roof, a bit northwest from hacienda. Now get Sam on the roof,
shoot at the fat guy in blue patrolling in the hacienda until you wound him. When
he comes, kill him. Now get back in the house at the western edge of the map and
do this to kill five of El Diablo's men and one soldier: take Cooper and run near
the ladder of the hacienda wall. The guard in white sitting there will hear you.
Kill him when he comes in range. The three guys across the road will hear the
gunshots and will come to investigate. By taking the main road, they will be shot
by the soldier at the balcony. One more gringo may end up in the street. He
shoots a soldier and then he gets shot. Now lure as many guards from the hacienda
as you can. After you eliminated the bandits, the cavalrymen from the balcony
will take over the hacienda. Kill them. Time to clean up a bit around the church.
Get Cooper to shoot the marshal (the soldier with a hat patrolling in front of
the other soldiers). Don't worry about the soldiers, they won't move. You can
lure the soldiers one by one with Mr.Leone. Then, dispose of them with Sanchez or
Sam. Also, kill the guards in the courtyard of the house. Get Sam to pick the
dynamites crate and Sanchez to take the four stones on the grave. Get Cooper to
climb the rocky side of the small hill in north of the map and kill the guy
sleeping. Also, eliminate the two patrolling guards. Get someone to kill the
patrolling guard on a horse. Now get Sam to throw a dynamite stick at the cannon
in right, killing the solider that operates the cannon. The guys on horses near
station will ride towards the cavalry on the bridge and they will get shot. Get
Cooper to kill the other soldier that operates the cannon. Now wait for the
marshals to relax and come from behind and stab both of them. Now get on the
wooden bridge and silently kill the marshal. Get back to the others. Now get Sam
to throw a stick of dynamite at the soldiers on the bridge (you must throw the
stick somewhere from the graveyard, reminding that you have to throw the dynamite
stick at the back of the soldiers standing). Stab the ones that are unconscious,
if there are any. Now, using the western side of the map, get Sam, Cooper and
Sanchez into the last train wagon. Using Cooper, kill the fat guy in blue near
wagon. Then, when the patrolling guard gets suspicious, come out and throw knife.
Now get Sanchez to throw stone at the patrolling gringo on the other side of the
train. Get Sanchez back with Mia. Now let Sanchez shoot the marshal on horse
northeast of the station. Get Sanchez into the house. Now the end of the mission
is credited to Dr.Laiho. Get Mia to shoot a soldier with the blowpipe and quickly
crawl or to run inside the house at Sanchez. The soldier starts killing his
friends. There should be 2-4 soldiers left. If there are many, repeat the
blowpipe trick. Now get Mia into the train like you did with Sam and Cooper. Get
Sanchez to throw stones at the soldiers and run inside the last wagon (you should
run at the water tower near station and then inside the wagon; the gringos will
not see you because they will all get aboard the train; when they do this, the
train leaves). Congratulations, you just finished the most difficult mission in
the game!


Mission 22: Showdown in Deadstone
Difficulty: Medium

Beginning credited to Nadia Varkovski. Hide your heroes inside the building near
heroes and shoot with Sam to lure guards. After you finish the guards, you should
have five dead bodies. Now get Mia to pick up the crate of. Now you see that
shack at the side of the barn? Let Cooper shoot into air a bit south from the
shack, to attract 4 guards. Let him go behind the shack on the side of the barn
and fire a shot into air again to attract those guys to come behind the shack.
Shoot them all. Do the same to attract the two guards that are situated south
from the locomotive. If you have trouble luring them, try to wound them with Sam.
When they come, lure them to you by firing into air and shoot them as they come
in your shooting range. Next way credited to Nadia Varkovski. First get Cooper to
shoot the guy patrolling north. Do this by crawling between the wagons and then
stand up and shoot. None of the guards will hear you. Now get Cooper down the
cliff a bit south and hide behind the small cliff at the right of the tower.
Throw knife at the patrolling guy in black before he figures out you are an
enemy. Get back at the others. Now get Sam or Sanchez in front of the barn. Shoot
into air when the patrolling bandito is near the locomotive. Now run inside the
barn. Shoot again and shoot the bastard as he gets inside the barn. Now do the
same to attract the guy in pink. He'll see you. In the following minute, there
will be about 10-15 guys lying in front of the barn. How did I do it? Using Sam's
Winchester and Sam's snake. Now the area around the train is almost cleared. Got
to take care of the gattling gunners though. You can kill the one at north with
Sam, from behind the train. But be careful and don't let him see you. Shoot at
him until he dies. The patrolling guy will see him and will send the gattling
gunner towards the barn. Attract him and kill him. Some other guy will get at the
gattling. The patrolling guy will see that the gringo is not there anymore (the
one that came to the gattling). He may send two more men for you to kill. Now
shoot to attract a guard form north. He'll get suspicious and later he may tell
the gattling gunner to move to the gattling up north. If he does that, try to
kill the gattling gunner the same ways as you did to the first one. Of course,
the patrolling guard may tell the gattling gunner to go and check out if he gets
suspicious about some enemy at the barn. If so, kill the gattling gunner. Kill
the patrolling guy in black too, when you get a chance. Now get your heroes in
the shack near locomotive. Pick up the peanuts and the stone. Attract the guards
at north and let Sanchez take care of them. One of the guards may run at the
gattling gun. If he does so, throw the stone to knock him out. Then use the knife
to send the guy to dream world... forever! Ha, Ha, Ha!!! Oh... let's get back at
the regular program... err... walkthrough ?. BTW, he may look the other way so
you can finish him with the knife from the beginning. Also, get Sanchez into the
barn/house where those three bandits were. Kill the guard there far away from the
gringos's ears. Now get the gattling gun and mow down the enemies around the map.
To free Doc you mustn't use the gattling... for now. The five or six enemies at
the north of the map are easy kills. Kill the sleeping guy in the station with
the shotgun. At this point, I already got four horses. The fifth horse is the one
nearby Doc. Now clear the eastern part. It's incredibly easy with the gattling,
especially because the gattling can fire from long distances. Now a way credited
to Dr.Laiko. Get Sanchez with the gattling gun by the side of the barn behind
Doc. Try to find the spot to quickly kill the fat guy in blue. After you kill
him, kill the gringos coming round the corner and the other four-five enemies
around (including the gringo in tower). After you do this, take five horses and
ride with all of your heroes north. Mission completed.


Mission 23: At the Gates of Hell
Difficulty: Medium

Even if this level is ranked as a medium one, all you have to do is shoot enemies
coming up ladders and devastate the whole place with the gattling gun. First you
must get Kate inside the house. Now get Sam, Sanchez and Mia inside the house,
when no one is looking. Also, get Sam up on the roof and crawl. Fire into air and
wait for enemies to come. Either they'll climb the ladder (shoot them), either
they walk inside the house (Go, Sanchez!!!). One guard said "A fight? Without
me?". "A kill, without you?". Attract as many guards as you can and in a couple
of minutes it will be Planet Dead around the house. Make sure that no one runs at
the front entrance of the valley. They will find Cooper and Doc and you won't be
able to manage 10 enemies around you. If this happens, reload and try again. Now,
after you cleared a big part of the level, try to lure the guy with the back at
the stairs, nearby Kate. Lure him with Sam, of course. Kill him. Now get Kate to
walk and kick the gringo near house. Kick him to death. Now, with the coast
clear, get Sanchez at the gattling gun near Kate. Kill a few of the men there.
Now run inside the house. Many gringos will come out of the cave and they will
occasionally go in the yard. They will see the bodies on the roof and from now is
Sam's job to kill 6-7 enemies. One at a time, of course. Kill whoever comes in
sights. Now take the gattling gun and eliminate any sign of enemy on the whole
map. After you do so, get all of your heroes inside the cave at the top of the
mountain/hill. BTW, the walkthrough for this mission is so short because you will
kill 3/4 of the enemies with the gattling gun and the rest with Sam when they
climb up the ladder. No indicated strategy. Mission completed.


Mission 24: Deaths Overture
Difficulty: Hard

First begin by placing some peanuts at the door of the cell and send Mr.Leone
there. The other heroes should be at the back of the cell. Cooper must hide left
from the cell door, in a niche, and punch the enemy. Carry him to the back of the
cell and kill him silently. Now, when no one is around and the guy standing north
is not watching, get everyone, one at a time, at the chest to pick up their
weapons. Now start firing to attract guards. First the two patrolling guards
north of the cell. Now get Kate, do the garter trick on the guy standing there
and watching the trunk and run to him to kick him to death. Using Sam, get at the
cell door, fire into air and run in the niche left from the cell door. Kill the
three coming Demonios. You have to be pretty fast. Might need a few tries. Now
entice the guy in orange a bit north and kick him to death too. Get Sam at the
small slope, wound the guy standing next to the one sitting on the rock and run
behind the rock a bit west. When the guard isn't looking, come out and shoot him.
Repeat this with the sitting guy and with the patrolling guard in black. Try to
attract the guard in black in small room with sleeping gringo and kill him too.
Now get Mia, store a quick-action to crawl and shoot the sleeping guy with the
blowpipe, then do the quick-action. When he is busy with killing his friends,
quickly get out of there. Now get Sam to shoot the guy at barrier to curtain
room, if he is looking towards the barrier. Get Cooper to kill the guy that Mia
got with the blowpipe and start shooting the guys in curtain room. Now try to
shoot one of the guys in curtain room with Mia. One or two enemies must die. Kill
the guy standing in front of the middle curtain with Sam. Also, shoot with Sam to
make the gringo in orange go to the middle of the room, where you can shoot him.
Repeat until he's dead. Now following way credited to Dr.Laiko. Step on the small
section underneath the torch on the wall to open the gate and step away. Store a
quick-action for someone to step on it again. Now enter the room and quickly run
back and make the character step on the section. The Demonios will come out from
behind the curtains. Get Mia to shoot one with the blowpipe. Not only that he
will kill his friend and faint, but he will also do it silently. If this doesn't
work, try to shoot at them with Sam. This way I killed four Demonios and I killed
on more (behind the middle curtain) using Kate's garter + walk + kick to death.
So there are five Demonios killed so far + the three that you killed at cell
door. Using the same method, kill the Demonio behind curtain to the right. Behind
each curtain there is a door. Check them, although you can't do anything about it
without Sanchez. But if there is no one there, hide the three men of your team
and start shooting to attract enemies. Kill anyone that comes into your sights.
Sometimes you may get killed. Just try again. Try moving a bit south or east with
Cooper to attract as many enemies you can. To eliminate the guy in black that
stands a bit east of you (go up the stairs near you), use Kate's garter trick.
Try that on the guy a bit south, then get Kate to shoot the next guy standing
nearby, watching towards the water (he's dressed in blue pants, white shirt,
brown jacket and hat). Now to get to the gattling gun in northeast. First kill
the patrolling guard in black. Then, get Cooper behind the guy standing near the
one at gattling gun. Punch the guy in front of you and throw knife at gattling
gunner. Now simply kill the sleeping guy and get Sam to have fun. Do not waste
the bullets. Just wound someone and kill him with Cooper and Doc when he comes
into the curtain room. Now there should be three enemies left around second
gattling gun. If there are three more at the other side (two under a platform and
one at the beginning of the bridge) kill them like this: using Mia, shoot at the
guy in black underneath the platform and quickly run. He'll kill his friend and
will faint. Now get Cooper and let the guy at the starting point of the bridge
see you. After he shoots three or four times, he'll come after you. Kill him
then. Now go and stab the unconscious bandito. Now here's how you get rid of the
three banditos: kill the gattling gunner and when the two guards come to
investigate, wound them and then finish them with Doc and Cooper. If you get
wounded, don't worry about consuming the bandages, you have seven of them. After
the whole action of killing and killing enemies, there should be 4-5 enemies on
your way to Sanchez. Way of killing: sniper (you'll find bullets on the small
"island"). Now there should be 8 enemies left (three around Sanchez, three in the
next room and two at the bottom of the cliff where El Diablo's office is) + El
Diablo himself (the dork himself). Rescuing Sanchez is fairly simple. Just
program Cooper (quick-action) to throw knife at the Demonio behind Sanchez. Once
you got nearly the bottom of the stairs, El Diablo will run. Quickly activate the
quick-action before the Demonio throws knife at Sanchez. After the Demonio is
down and you are in control of Sanchez, quickly make him do the swipe, before the
other two guys shoot Cooper. Or attract the Demonio first and kill him and then
do as I said before. In either way, it's time to track down that rattlesnake El
Diablo. In the next room, he hides behind up to three enemies. Just lure the
Demonio and kill him and kill the other two guys. When you enter the room, El
Diablo will run up a path and he will block it with boulders. The only way is to
step on the plates of the pentagram and to get to the plates underneath the torch
to the west and the skeleton on the wall. Just try the plates and quick-save
after any successful plate. When you get hit, reload and do not step on that
plate anymore. After you open the two gates, have someone fast (Sam or Mia) to
run through the tunnel and to step on the plate under the torch to deactivate the
firetrap. After that, kill the two guards with Sam's Winchester and get Cooper to
follow El Diablo by climbing the rocky walls, to the door at the top of the
cliff. Mission completed!


Mission 25: Inferno
Difficulty: Medium

There is no basic strategy for this mission. Just shoot, take cover, shoot some
more etc. Be careful because El Diablo is prepared for this and he will use four
traps. Pulling one of the four torches activates the traps. The torches are as
follows, from left to right:
Left: Flame bursts come out from the holes in the wall. To avoid, take cover in
the niche a bit south from your starting position.
Center left: two gattling guns come out from the floor. To avoid, get in the
niche as far as you can go left or stand a bit southwest from the left chair.
Center right: Circular saws come out from the black lines in the floor. Don't
stand on them and the saws will not hurt you.
Right: Gas comes out from small holes in floor. To avoid them, take cover in the
niche again.
Remember to save very often, when you are behind a chair. Use the F5 button.
Every time you get hurt, reload and try to not get hurt again. Remember to use
the quick-save as an advantage that the Devil will never have.
When El Diablo lost a certain number of hit points, both adversaries will run out
on ammo. El Diablo will come down for a fistfight with Cooper. After he punches
you, rush to the chair and grab your knife. Wait for El Diablo to come and stab
him. You'll see how many hit points come out of him: 666. But I still don't
understand how could 10-15 bullets not kill him and a small knife cut killed the
Devil. Anyway, well done! You finished Desperados!!!

BTW, if you want supplementary missions, be sure to check the Desperados official
site ( for webisodes (available from the middle of
October 2001). The producers are currently working at an add-on too.


9. Credits


Infogrames and Spellbound Software -- for bringing us this great Real Time
Tactics game., and -– for posting this FAQ on their sites.

You -- for reading this Guide.

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16.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Unsichtbarkeit, Munition und die Waffe wird nicht heiss (für dt. v1.0)

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

12.Oktober 2013
Alle Savegames gut geordnet mit Profil, somit sind auch alle Videos ansehbar (Achtung: 4.6 MB)

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Leider keine weitere Beschreibung vorhanden

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Trainer mit Cheats

17.Oktober 2013

06.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020