

18.10.2013 04:00:11
Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive FAQ/walkthrough
Written by Nadia Varkovsky (
Last updated June 25, 2001 (Final Version)

First of all, I would like to proudly dedicate this FAQ to Grace Yeo. I
love you :)
Secondly, this FAQ is also dedicated to all game producers out there so
that they will work harder and bring more excellent games to us.


1. Updates
2. Introduction
3. Game Background & Overview
4. Characters and Equipment
5. Tips
6. Walkthrough
Mission 1 : An Old Friend
Mission 2 : Southern Comfort
Mission 3 : Smoke Signals
Mission 4 : Hang'm High!
Mission 5 : Doc McCoy's Cabin
Mission 6 : High Stakes
Mission 7 : A Woman's Weapons
Mission 8 : Into the Lion's Den
Mission 9 : Like a Thief in the Night
Mission 10: Lullaby for Four Aces
Mission 11: Ambush at Snake Pass
Mission 12: Escape from El Paso
Mission 13: The Walls of Fortezza
Mission 14: They Called Him Grizzly
Mission 15: Dance with the Devil
Mission 16: A Fistful of Dollars
Mission 17: To the Last Bullet
Mission 18: The Magnificent Six
Mission 19: Blood Money
Mission 20: Little China Girl
Mission 21: Piggies in the Middle
Mission 22: Showdown in Deadstone
Mission 23: At the Gates of Hell
Mission 24: Deaths Overture
Mission 25: Inferno
7. Credits


1. Updates

June 3, 2001: Contrary to my expectation, this is my next walkthrough
after In Cold Blood. I thought I would be writing on Yuri's Revenge or
Commandos 2 but well, it doesn't matter now, doesn't it? I finished the
walkthrough up to mission 4. More coming next week... (Version 1.0)

June 10, 2001: Progress is a bit slow this weekend, but things should
speed up next week because my school ends on the 15th. Woohoo!!! Just
one more week... By the way, I am just starting the walkthrough for
mission eight. (Version 1.1)

June 17, 2001: Woohoo!!! It's summer holiday and I'll be going on a 3
days cruise around the Strait of Malacca. Anyway, I've completed the
walkthrough up to mission 15. More will be coming as soon as I got back
on the twentieth... (Version 1.2)

June 22, 2001: Finally got halfway to level 21 and I've also filled the
Characters & Equipment section. I'll probably finish the walkthrough by
Sunday... (Version 1.3)

June 24, 2001: Whew!!! I finally finished the walkthrough up to the
last level. All that's left will be some minor corrections. (Version

June 25, 2001: That's it, my final version of this walkthrough. I'll
probably be writing for Operation Flashpoint next which should be
coming out in Asia sometimes in July. (Final Version)


2. Introduction

This FAQ is protected by the international Copyright Law so if there's
anyone who wants to post this FAQ in his or her site, YOU HAVE TO LET
ME KNOW FIRST!!! I've heard many stories about people plagiarizing
other people's FAQ to make money and believe me, writing FAQ is not
easy and to you know how it feels if your hard work is used by other
people. So for all plagiarizers out there, be warned that if you do


3. Game Background & Overview

"Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive" is the first strategy game ever to
combine a movie-based and story-driven atmosphere of an adventure game
with the intellectual challenge of a real time tactical game...

The game is set in El Paso, New Mexico, after the end of the War of
Sessions. The Twinnings & Co-Railroad Company gets robbed once too
often. Twinnings' representative Smith hires the bounty hunter, John
Cooper, and offers him $15,000 to bring the raids to an end. Cooper
starts by gathering his old allies, a handful of stereotypical western
characters. They follow Smith's information, which finally leads them
to Sanchez, the leader of another gang...


4. Characters and Equipment

All six characters in the game will be explained here as well as the
functions of their individual equipment and special abilities that they


Cooper is the leader of the group and he is the only one that you can
control from the beginning to the end excluding the other team members'
tutorial missions.


This is Cooper's sidearm, which is very useful in some situations that
require fast shooting. It holds six bullets in the chamber and has to
be reloaded every time the bullets expired.

This is Cooper's only weapon that can render enemy unconscious.
However, if an enemy is repeatedly punched, he will eventually die so
keep that in mind as well but otherwise this is very useful to knock
off those annoying civilians sometimes.

Cooper can simply use his knife to kill an enemy stealthily from behind
or he could also throw the knife to get the same effect. The knife-
throwing technique can't be done from far away or it will lose its full
effect, also the knife throwing has to be done closer during nightfall
than daylight.
Cooper can also use his knife to cut ropes and horse saddles as well.

This is some kind of decoy that Cooper can used to lure enemies into
well-prepared ambushes. Any enemies included in the range of the watch
will be lured as well, so you can control the amount of enemies by
adjusting the watch's position.

Cooper is the only one from the group who can climb walls and saddle
horses. Aside from that he can also carry bodies or unconscious people
to be placed somewhere else (Sanchez can do this as well).


Sam is one of Cooper's best friends and has a very good humor that
sometimes could get him into trouble.


This is Sam's gun and it outranges the other group members' guns. It
holds 12 bullets and has to be reloaded afterwards. The reloading
process is a bit slow so be careful when trying to engage in a heavy

A stick of dynamite could kill anyone in close vicinity as well as
knock out and wound others who doesn't receive its full blast (great
for large groups of enemies). Sam can also throw very far with his
dynamite by bouncing it across the terrain to get the maximum range

Sam can tie up unconscious enemies/civilians with his rope. It will
mostly be used for civilians though because you would usually kill off
enemies because if their friends spot them, then they will run over and
release them.

Anyone who comes close to the sack of snake will get bitten to death so
be careful (including all the other team members except Sam). This is
very useful when placed in dark areas or next to a corner or somewhere
that is not very obvious to the enemy. It can also be used to scare
horses to throw off their riders thus rendering them unconscious.

This will only be provided in some levels and it usually serve as a
"path-opener" such as large boulders blocking the road or large heavy
wooden doors.
Sam would lay a trail of powder in any direction and then he can lit it
with a match or Kate can do it with her mirror. A single bullet right
on the barrel can make it go off as well.

Sam can operate Gatling guns in some levels to mow down enemies quickly
(Sanchez can do this as well).


Doc is also one of Cooper's best friends and he is the doctor of the


This is Doc's gun and it holds six bullets, similar to Cooper's gun.
Its range is slightly shorter than Sam's Winchester.
The range in sniper mode is unlimited as long as there's no object
blocking the way. You know you will get a clear shot when the scope is
clear and there's a red outline around the target but sometimes you'll
have to wait awhile first. The ammo for sniper mode is limited and it's
more silent as well.

This is similar to Sam's dynamite albeit the gas tubes couldn't be
bounced on the terrain. It's an extremely good object to knock out
enemies silently as anyone (including civilians and any team members)
caught within the range of the gas will be knocked unconscious straight
Doc can also attach the gas tube to his bladder-made balloon and let it
float to the sky and travel according to the wind. Any team members in
range can then shoot it down to be dropped on the heads of unsuspecting

Doc can heal any wounded team members with his first-aid kit including
himself. It can heal about 50 health points at a time.

Doc can take off his coat and his hat to serve as a distraction to the
enemy. If an enemy sees this, he will think that it's the enemy and
start shooting at it, which will also draw more and more enemies to the
site. Only one dynamite or gas tube is needed...

If any of the team members is knocked unconscious either by poor gas
tube throwing or enemy fists, Doc is the only one who can wake them. If
Doc himself is knocked out cold, there's no way to wake him up except
to wait for a very long time so make sure it doesn't happen.
Doc can also pick his way in to any locked door with his burglar


Kate is the beauty of the team and a professional gambler as well.
However, her dishonest way of playing often gets her into trouble.


This is Kate's sidearm and it only holds three bullets. The range is
really short but it's pretty silent. Quite useful when trying to take
out guards who are far from anyone.

Kate can use her pack of cards to lure the enemies into ambushes.
Simply lay a trail of cards near the enemy's point of view and lure him
out of his post to be ambushed.

Kate can also lure enemies by playing with her garter. Their lines of
vision will be more focused thus making it easier for other team
members to take him out or he can also be lured into an ambush.

Kate can also use her mirror to blind the enemy for a while thus
allowing other team members to take him out or run somewhere
undetected. The mirror can also be used to set off TNT powder trails.
It doesn't work during nightfall or if Kate is standing in shaded

Similar to Cooper's fist, Kate can kick an enemy unconscious with her
boot. If she keeps kicking an enemy, then he will eventually die. It's
faster than Cooper's fist thus making it more effective in some

Kate also serves as the spy of the team. She can steal dresses from
clothesline and walk freely around the level.
Kate is the only one who can walk silently in any kind of terrain. This
feature is very useful to creep on someone from behind.


Sanchez used to be the leader of a feared bandit gang in New Mexico.
But his whole life changed after he meets Cooper and the team...


This is Sanchez's weapon and it only holds two shells. However, these
shells spread when they are shot thus making it possible to kill and/or
wound several enemies at the same time with only one shot.

This Mexican liquor can be very useful at times. An enemy that drinks
this will occasionally become drunk and dizzy. He will stagger around
his accuracy becomes really bad.

Sanchez could pretend to be sleeping to lure enemy guards to
investigate. When they get too close, a single shot from the shotgun
would finish them off or they can be knocked unconscious with a swipe.

Sanchez's swipe is similar to Cooper's fist and Kate's boot. The
advantage is that it can take out any enemies around Sanchez not just
one at a time.

Sanchez can throw stones to knock enemies unconscious one at a time.
These stone can be picked to be reuse again.

Similar to Cooper, Sanchez could carry dead bodies or unconscious
people two at a time.
If a building has only three guards or less inside, Sanchez can simply
go in and throw them outside one by one with stars above their heads.
This is a very good way to clear a building.
Sanchez can also move some heavy objects that are blocking the way such
as statues. He can also operate Gatling guns like Sam but he can carry
them around as well.

***MIA YUNG***

Mia is an 18 years old Chinese girl. She decided to join the team when
some deputies killed her father.


The blowpipe holds only one dart. If an enemy is hit with this, Mia
better find cover and fast because the enemy would go crazy and start
shooting at friends and foes alike.

Similar to Cooper's musical watch, the flute can be used to lure
enemies into well-placed ambushes.

Similar to Kate's mirror, it can blind many enemies at the same time
instead of just one.

Mr. Leone is Mia's little pet monkey. Mia can just lay a trail of
peanuts and send Mr. Leone to go dancing about. It is quite similar to
Doc's scarecrow with the exception that nobody will shoot him.
Mia can also distract enemies by sending Mr. Leone to go dancing around

Mia can hide inside barrels because of her small size and plan an
ambush from there.


5. Tips

-John Cooper can carry any dead enemies, unconscious civilians and
unconscious members of his own team.

-The quick actions are a great help when you're in a fight. Activate a
character, click on the clock in the lower toolbar and select an
action. You can also select another character and repeat the process.
Click on the green arrow in the toolbar to perform the stored

-Not only can Cooper's knife cut ropes, but also leather on saddle

-Walls that you can climb with Cooper are highlighted in color on the

-At night, the enemy's field of vision is substantially reduced, as
along as they don't look into a light source. Enemies are more aware of
noises at night.

-If you are standing on a roof or balcony of a house and you see a
horse directly underneath, you can jump into the saddle and ride away.

-If you knock an enemy out cold, stars will circle around his head for
as long as he is unconscious. Don't forget to tie him up with Sam,
because if you do, as soon as he comes round he will run and sound the

-If our hero is on horseback and you click on a rider-less horse
nearby, it will automatically follow him (note that the mouse pointer
changes into a lasso).

-When you have a hero aiming at an opponent around a corner, and you
can see both a red and a green cross in the crosshair, hold down the
Shift key. If you then press the left mouse button, your hero will do a
dive roll and shoot the target in the sights. Pressing the right mouse
button will make you're here roll back again.

-Any equipment your team members can pick up (e.g. dynamite barrels or
gas tubes) is marked with a yellow cross on the mini-map.

-When Sam has laid a powder trail to a barrel of dynamite, it can be
lit from a distance with Kate's mirror.

-Your opponents cannot see you if you are in particularly dark areas at
night (your figure will be completely black).

-Sam's snake can be used very effectively when placed where it isn't
obvious to the enemy - e.g. round corners of buildings or behind doors.

-Sanchez is so strong that he is capable of carrying two unconscious
opponents at the same time.

-Sanchez is so strong that he can often even move boulders and other
heavy objects (see how the mouse pointer changes shape).

-When you are near a noisy natural feature (waterfalls, etc.), the
sound of gunfire is often muffled.

-Remember - when you shoot at an opponent using Quick Action, sighting
with the crosshair is disabled, so you can react much more quickly. In
addition, with Quick Action, Cooper can shoot at three opponents in
quick succession.

-Echoes from shots fired in narrow gorges and rocky areas can be heard
a long distance away.

-Remember that pressing the Caps Lock key reveals the outlines of team
members and enemies hidden behind buildings.

-Incidentally, Mia is the only gang member small enough to hide in
empty rain butts.

-In wet weather some of your team members' weapons won't work, e.g.
Sam's dynamite. So take particular care when it rains.

-Certain ground surfaces or conditions make a lot of noise when you
walk on them - puddles in particular!

-El Diablo's elite fighters - the Demonios - use poison-tipped throwing
knives as weapons. A wound from one of these is always fatal.

-When fighting with the Devil himself, only Cooper's lightning reflexes
will save him!


6. Walkthrough

Mission 1: An Old Friend
Location: Opelousas
Personnel: John Cooper
Difficulty level: Easy

-Follow Big Bill and don't let him shake you off!
-Shoot down the pot on the balcony opposite!
-Follow Big Bill to the fist-fighter!
-Knock out the fist-fighter and win!
-Follow Big Bill to the knife-throwing stand!
-Beat Big Bill at knife-throwing!
-Cut your prize down from one of the ropes on the knife-throwing stand!
-Try to find Big Bill!
-Check if your watch still works!
-Confront Big Bill, put him out of action and take his booty back off
him! Make sure he doesn't see you too soon or he'll try to get away!
-Saddle up Big Bill's horse and get out of town!



Follow Big Bill after the conversation. Run after him and crawl through
the wooden bar that is blocking the way. Climb the ladder next to the
building and follow Big Bill to the roof.
He will challenge you to shoot the pot on the opposite balcony. Whip
out Cooper's pistol and shoot it easily.
Go down from the roof and follow Big Bill again to the Bonebreaker's
stand. Punch the Bonebreaker to knock him unconscious and Cooper will
be given 25 dollars.
Follow Big Bill again to the knife-throwing stand. Throw the knife
right at the target and go cut off a prize from the knife-throwing
stand. Cooper will get a musical watch and Big Bill will punch Cooper
then run away with his belongings.


Lola will come out from her saloon and tell Cooper that Big Bill headed
to the east. Go east and Cooper will find his watch on the ground.
Distract the guard by placing the watch in front of the barn and set
the timer. When the guard comes to look, go across the small wooden
bridge on the river.
Crawl under Big Bill and approach him from behind. Punch him out of
commission and grab the saddle next to the horse. Put the saddle on the
horse and Cooper will ride the horse to the west. Mission


Mission 2: Southern Comfort
Location: Clayton's Ranch
Personnel: John Cooper, Samuel Williams
Difficulty level: Easy

-You have to reach the barn to the south behind the farm with Sam
(you'll have to carry him over your shoulder, 'cos he's out cold)!
-Now mount up and ride out of the farm as fast as you can on the track
leading east!



Knife the lone immobile guard just to the south and leave the body
there. Next hide inside the house to the south when the guard is
looking away. Kill him when he passes by the door and dump the corpse
next to the first body's location.
Run to the house just to the east to lure the guard standing next to
it. The guard will turn around to investigate and he will see his two
friends' dead bodies. Knife him from behind and dump his body at the
same location as before.

Hide inside the house to the northeast and come out from the northern
door to quickly knife the guard when he stops patrolling. Hide the body
to the left of the house, in the cover of shadows.
Kill the guard to the right when no one is looking and hide the body.
Wait for the patrolling guard to the south to come then quickly knife
him as well. Don't forget to hide the body.
Go to the barn to the west and head inside. Go out to the opening on
the second floor and cut the rope that is tying the hay hanging above
the two men. When they were knocked unconscious, go back down and stab
them both. Hide the bodies somewhere safe.


Go to the east and run across the plantation to hide in the middle of
the hay field when no one is looking. Shoot patrolling guard to the
east and several other guards should come to investigate. Just stay low
in the hay field and shoot them one by one.
Cooper should be able to kill all the guards off except for those
around the hacienda and the one of the men standing next to each other
to the west. Crawl to the only remaining guard in the plantation and
shoot him.


Crawl and hide behind the hacienda then fire a shot to lure the
patrolling guard at the front. Wait for him to come investigate then
shoot him.
Next crawl next to lone guard sitting on the stair to the east and
shoot him from point-blank range.
Crawl along the grass further to the east, using the tall trees as
cover and lure the guard out from his post by firing a shot. Quickly
shoot him.

Crawl to the edge of the tress near the barn south of the hacienda and
hide there. Quickly jump out from hiding when the lone immobile guard
next to the hacienda is not looking and kill him.
Go to the north and carry Sam all the way south to the barn.
Ride the two horses there after the brief conversation and go out the
farm to the east. Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 3: Smoke Signals
Location: Indian territory
Personnel: Samuel Williams
Difficulty level: Easy

-Throw a stick of dynamite over the river so it explodes on the other
-Tie the Indian up; otherwise he'll get the rest of his tribe out on a
-Ride east!
-Pick the snake up! Once it's in the sack, you can use it on the ground
as a trap to surprise your enemies and scare horses!
-Test the Gatling gun out with Sam!
-Pick up the barrel of dynamite and use it to blow up the pile of
boulders at the other end of the canyon. Then get out of the valley as
fast as you can!



Throw the stick of dynamite across the river by bouncing it off the
small island near the other side.
Tie up the Indian who fall down from the tree and Cooper will hide him
in the shadows.
Ride the horse and follow Cooper to the east. A snake will startle
Cooper's horse and he will fall down. Pick up the snake and continue
heading east to cross the wooden bridge.


There will be a gatling gun next to a skeleton and carriage. Use the
gatling gun to shoot the carriage to bits and revealing a drum of TNT.
Carry it over to the boulders blocking the road and lay the powder all
the way back to the horse and light it up. The TNT will destroy the
pile of boulders and the path will be cleared.
Ride the horse and follow Cooper to the north. Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 4: Hang'm High!
Location: Unknown town
Personnel: John Cooper, Samuel Williams, Doc McCoy
Difficulty level: Moderate

-You have to make sure the priest doesn't reach the gallows. Whatever
you do, put him out of action beforehand, but don't kill him!
-Get Cooper to help you cut Doc down from the hangman's noose. A little
explosion might be useful to distract the angry mob. Doc's carriage to
the southeast of town would make a mighty purdy firework display!
-Once Doc has got his equipment from the prison, ride the horses out of
town using one of three possible routes!



First of all, punch the priest on the horse or use Sam's snake to
render him unconscious. Tie him up and hide him behind the large rocks.
Cooper should go north and hide behind the large rock south of the
wooden bridge on the river. Wait for the patrolling guard to reach the
western edge of his route then quickly knife him (make sure no one is
looking). Carry his body and hide it to the left of the house just west
of the river.

Now cross the bridge and hide to the left of the saloon. Wait until the
guard on the saloon's balcony to travel downstairs, then quickly throw
the knife to kill him (might take some time so be patient). Carry his
body and hide it next to the house west of the river.
Punch the civilian standing in front of the storehouse right of the
saloon and carry him to the starting position. Tell Sam to tie him up.


Go back to the town and hide in the house southeast of the storehouse.
Wait for the patrolling guard to stop next to the house then Cooper
should throw his knife to take him out. Hide the body somewhere safe.
Go to the south of storehouse where there is a sleeping guard next to a
barrel of TNT. Kill the guard silently and hide the body to the west
(near the river). Ask Sam to pick up the TNT and then stay low for now.
Cooper should go to the left of the building to the northeast where
there is a guard on the roof looking to the gallows. Place his musical
watch there and hide next to the building to the west. The guard should
come down to investigate, kill him when he does and hide the body.
Do the same trick again to lure the guard sitting to the right of the
house. Don't forget to hide his body.

Wait near the house where you killed the two guards just now and look
for a lone patrolling guard to the east. Wait for him to walk near the
Doc's wagon before throwing a knife to kill him. Carry his body to the
river and put it there with the others.
Tell Sam to set the TNT next to the Doc's wagon and lay the powder
leading to the west (don't be seen by the lady walking along the
balcony to the north).


Cooper should hide behind the storehouse and wait for the patrolling
guard to the north to pass by. Throw the knife and quickly carry his
body further to the west.
Throw the knife two more times to kill the guard guarding the bridge
heading to the northwest and a sitting guard outside a house to the
south. Hide the three corpses somewhere safe.
Go to the east where there are two horses and a guard patrolling
nearby. Hide behind the house to the south and take out the guard when
he is not looking. Carry the body and dump it somewhere safe.
Grab the saddle to the far west where Cooper killed the three guards
earlier and place it on top of the horse located at the barn just cross
the road from the saloon.

Now get Cooper to crouch on the roof of the small shack northwest of
the Doc's wagon. Sam should light up the TNT and quickly crouch behind
Cooper. When the wagon blows up, fire a shot to lure all the guards to
the roof. Shoot all of them and only two guards should be left in the
town, one is the one standing next to the Doc and another one just
Wait for him to go investigate the wagon, Sam should stand up and shoot
him. Climb down from the roof and go to the north and approach the
gallows from behind. Throw Cooper's knife to kill the guard next to the
Doc. Retrieve the knife and set Doc free.

Additional note: If there's any guard that appears from the one of the
buildings, just shoot him and get out of there!!!

Get Doc to the Sheriff's office to the east and grab his equipment from
the wall. One member of the group should grab a horse to the north of
the gallows and head to the saloon. The remaining two should head to
the saloon as well and grab the two horses there. The three of them
should ride to the road where the priest first came at the beginning of
the level. Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 5: Doc McCoy's Cabin
Location: Unknown swamp
Personnel: Doc McCoy
Difficulty level: Easy

-Help Doc break down the door to his cabin!
-Use the precision bullets to sink the boat on the other side of the
-Throw a gas tube at the alligator to the south and put it out of
-Tie a gas tube to a balloon, send it over the alligator on the rock in
the middle of the swamp and shoot it down. That way you will put the
alligator out of action!
-Bandage Sam's wound!
-Put up a scarecrow and take it back down!



Tell Doc to pick the lock into his own cabin and head inside. Open the
chest at the far end of the room and go out again.
Use the Buntline and snipe the rope that tied the boat at the other end
of the river and sink it.
Throw the tube of gas at the alligator to the south to knock it out.
Tie up a gas tube to the balloon and wait until it floats above the
alligator, then shoot it down with the Buntline.
Bandage Sam's alligator bite wound to restore him into full health.
Put up a scarecrow with Doc's coat and then take it back down again.
Ride the horse and mission accomplished!!!


Mission 6: High Stakes
Location: Baton Rouge
Personnel: John Cooper, Samuel Williams, Doc McCoy, Kate O'Hara
Difficulty level: Moderate

-Get aboard the paddle steamer and rescue Kate, who is being held
captive somewhere on board!
-Get the horses and leave town fast!


Additional note: There are several dark corners next to the houses in
the map and the group can use this as a hiding place for bodies and
themselves as well (marked in the map as blue areas).


Cooper should hide inside the house next to the group and wait for the
lone patrolling guard to the west to look away. Cooper should come out
and throw the knife to kill the guard. Hide his body in the dark corner
where Sam and Doc are hiding.
Cooper should go across the map to the west and hide at the next dark
corner to the west (near the center-south edge of the map). Wait for
the patrolling guard around the vicinity to pass through the corner
then quickly throw the knife to take him out. Hide his body at the dark
corner and go back to Sam and Doc.

Hide inside the house next to the four horses (near the southeastern
edge of the map) and wait for the guard patrolling the restaurant to
the north to come round. Come out from the house and throw the knife.
Hide the corpse at Sam and Doc's hiding place.
Now Cooper should go to the restaurant and wait for the lady at the
balcony to pass through the door before coming out to knock her
unconscious. Carry her to the other side of the building where nobody
can see her and get Sam to the restaurant. He should tie her up and
just leave her there for now (this has to be done without being


Get Doc to join Cooper and Sam on the balcony and then deploy the
scarecrow at the far end (facing the River View Hotel). Go hide at the
other end and get Sam to deploy his snake next to the door leading to
the balcony. Now fire a shot towards the hotel and wait for the guards
to come and check. They will get bitten to death by the snake as they
stepped outside to the balcony. Sam may help with his Winchester here
to take out guards that were missed by the snake.
Repeat the steps above until there aren't any guards left to patrol the
streets around the junction.

Additional note: If the guards spotted the snake and shot it to death,
reload and try again. The snake has to survive.


Cooper should cross the road and hide inside the saloon west of the
restaurant. Sneak inside the building to the left and kill the guard on
the balcony there. Fire a shot to lure two guards from the west. Shoot
them both when they stepped onto the balcony.

Additional note: If Cooper is wounded during this brief skirmish, get
Doc to heal him back to full health.

Now get Cooper to the next building to the left and kill the guard at
the west balcony. Doc should come over and grab the sniper bullet
resting in a box there.
Get Sam to deploy his snake next to the fence of the house to the west
and go hide inside. Cooper should wait outside and drop his musical
watch on the ground. Wait for the patrolling guard to the north to walk
over then quickly set the timer for five seconds. He will be lured to
investigate and Sam's snake will bite him to death. Clean up all the
mess and hide the corpse at the dark corner just next to the house.
Cooper should head north and knife the lone immobile guard who is
facing the river. Carry the corpse and hide it at the dark corner to
the south.
Cooper should head up north again and hide inside the small lavatory
next to the dock (near the guard that was just killed). Come out from
hiding and fire a shot to lure a guard that is sitting on some crates
outside the steamer. Wait until he is about to walk away then quickly
shoot him. Hide his body at the dark corner to the south.

Additional note: Try to aim as fast as possible and let go of a barrage
of bullets to take him out before he can shoot back.

Wait for the other guard to settle down near the cart in front of the
steamer then quickly knife him and hide the corpse to the south.
Get Doc to stand near where there are two civilians talking (roughly
southeast of the lavatory) and wait for the patrolling guard near the
steamer to join the discussion of the four men standing next to the
plank. He should snipe the rope that tied the boat on the steamer to
send it crashing down and crush the five men below it to death.
Wait for the surrounding guards to go back to their posts first then
get Doc to approach the steamer from the west, climb up the pile of
logs and hide behind the stack of crates to the east.
Throw a gas tube at the two guards standing near the steamer (just next
to the five men next to plank earlier) to send them off to dreamland.
Hide behind the crates again and fire a shot to lure the guard sitting
outside of the workshop to the east. Kill him with the Buntline as he
turn around the crates.


Now go onboard the steamer from the pile of logs to the west and
approach the single remaining guard near the plank from the inside.
Take him out with the Buntline.
Now get Sam to place his snake at the ladder leading to the steamer
(located to the east) and hide at the dark corner of the steamer (near
the front).
Cooper should hide inside the small lavatory next to the building just
across from the steamer. Get Doc onboard the steamer and head inside to
find Kate. As he walks across the carpet, someone will peek out from
the room and raise the alarm.
Doc should go hide inside Kate's room and try to make noise to lure the
guards from below to climb up the ladder to the right. They will get
bitten to death by the snake. Repeat the process to kill as many guards
as possible.

Sam can also lure the guards on near the left side of the steamer and
run to Kate's room. When the guards pass by, simply shoot him before he
can retaliate.
Cooper should mop up any remaining guards outside by crawling around
and throwing his knife at anybody who is unlucky enough to be alive.
When all the guards have been taken care of get Cooper onboard the
steamer and cut the rope that binds Kate to the chair.
Get everyone off the steamer and head back to the original starting
position through the western side of the map where it is clear of
enemies. Grab the four horses and ride out from the town. Mission


Mission 7: A Woman's Weapons
Location: Opelousas
Personnel: Kate O'Hara
Difficulty level: Easy

-Use Kate's playing cards to set a trap to lure the rancher right into
Cooper's arms. Kate can then take the dress from the washing line and
get changed!
-Use Kate's garter trick to entice at least one of the two armed men
from the front of the barn and round the corner, so that Cooper can put
him out of action!
-Use Kate's mirror to dazzle the second armed men at the front of the
barn so that the gang can scoot down the road without being seen!
-Accompany Kate to the station and sneak up on the sheriff from behind;
deal him a well-aimed kick in the pants to knock him out of action!



Kate should throw her cards to the two marked spots on the ground
(marked as "x"). Go back to the horses and when the guard comes to
investigate, Cooper will automatically knock him out and Sam will tie
him up.
Entice the guard with Kate's garter and wait for him to come over then
Cooper will jump out from hiding to knock him out.
Use the mirror to dazzle the guard and as soon as the group starts
running, quickly get Kate to run along with them.
Approach the sheriff from behind kick him to put him out of action.
Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 8: Into the Lion's Den
Location: Marshal Jackson's hacienda
Personnel: John Cooper, Samuel Williams, Doc McCoy, Kate O'Hara
Difficulty level: Moderate

-Put all the guards at the hacienda out of action by knocking them out
and tying them up!
-Make absolutely sure you don't kill anyone on this mission, even if
you get shot at!
-As soon as you've knocked out all the guards, get into the Marshal's
office via the steps in the inner courtyard of the ranch!



Get Cooper to hide behind the guardhouse next to the fence. Wait for
the lone patrolling guard to stop by then quickly knock him out from
behind. Carry him to the others and get Sam to tie him up.
Get Cooper and Sam to the guardhouse and wait for the patrolling guard
to the east to walk away. Send Cooper to punch him when he is not
looking and get Sam to tie him up. Carry him and dump him near the wall
of the compound to the east where it is isolated.
Look to the west side and there will a horse rider who will be
patrolling back and forth. Run across the road and knock him out when
he is heading west again. Get Sam to come over and tie him up. Hide him
at the southern border of the map, as long as he is not seen.

Now Cooper should follow the road to the northwest and punch the guard
standing next to the house (near the western edge of the map). Make
sure that the patrolling guard to the north is away when this is done.
Carry the unconscious guards to Sam and tie him up.
The lone patrolling guard will notice that his colleague is missing and
he will run to the hacienda gate to inform the others. Get Cooper to
punch him while he is running, carry him to Sam and then tie him up.
Get Sam and Doc to travel to the northwestern edge of the map where
there are two guards. Throw gas tube to knock them both out and get Sam
to tie them up.


Now head back to the hacienda walls where there are two guards guarding
the bridge. Doc should creep along the eastern wall and wait for the
patrolling guard from the north to stop by besides the two men. Doc
should round the corner and throw a gas tube to take out the three of
The lone immobile guard to the north and east will be alerted. Throw
another gas tube to take them out before they see Doc. Get Sam over
there and tie everyone up.
Cooper should go to the western wall and climb where it enables him to
do so (refer to the mini-map for the two opposing arrows symbol).
Descend the ladder from the roof and wait for the lone immobile guard
to look to the east before Cooper should walk causally to the west
where he is out of the guard's point of view. Simply approach him from
the left and punch him out of action. Get Sam inside to tie him up and
Doc should get the gas tubes at the southwestern section of the
hacienda compound (near where Cooper descended the ladder earlier).
Cooper should stand next to the gate leading deeper into the compound
and put his musical watch there. Set the timer so the patrolling guard
to the north will be lured to investigate. As soon as he passed by the
gate, punch him immediately and get Sam to tie him up.

Doc should go to the western wall just next to where there are two
guards standing next to it in the inner compound. Throw a gas tube at
them and the lone immobile guard who is sitting to the north will come
to investigate. Throw another gas tube across the wall to knock him
out. Now get Sam to go in there and tie all three people up (don't get
seen). Cooper should carry the three guards to the south (behind the
gate) and avoid being seen by the patrolling guard to the east.
When it is done, Cooper should hide at the shaded corner just left of
the logs where the previous guard is sitting. Set the musical watch
timer next to the pile of logs so when the patrolling guard walks near
the fence, he will be lured to investigate. Punch him out when he is
about to round the corner and get Sam to tie him up.
Get Doc to stand where Cooper's musical watch is and attach another gas
tube to a balloon. When the balloon passes by the two sitting guards to
the east, shoot it down with the Buntline. The two guards should be
taken care of when the gas tube breaks at their feet. Get Sam to tie
them up and grab the TNT that the guard was sitting on before. Doc
should also grab the sniper bullets just next of the TNT.


First of all, move all the unconscious guards inside the compound (near
the barn area). Now Cooper should hide at the shaded corner to the left
of the gate (near the well). Doc should setup his scarecrow and Sam
should place the TNT to the left of the scarecrow. Doc should go back
to hide in the north. Get Sam to join Doc as soon as he lights the TNT
powder trail.
When it explodes, the gate will be blown open and two guards will
appear, one from the house east of the gate and one from the west. Get
Cooper to take them out when they were distracted by shooting Doc's
The guards in the inner courtyard will also take up positions behind
stacks of crates. Retrieve the scarecrow and replace it to the
southwest of the well. Tie up the two unconscious guards and hide them
in the north as well.
Now get Cooper to stand in front of the gate leading to the inner
courtyard and fire a shot inside to lure the guard closest to him. Get
Cooper to hide inside the house to the east of the gate (where one of
the guards came out from earlier).

Additional note: Make sure only one guard came to investigate,
otherwise load and try again.

When the guard is shooting at Doc's scarecrow, Cooper should quickly
come out from hiding and put him out of action. Get Sam to tie him up
and Cooper should hide the guard to the north again. Repeat the same
process to lure the second guard inside the courtyard and hide him to
the north afterwards. Only three guards left to take care of now.

Get Cooper to the inner courtyard and enter the huge double door under
the stairs. Come out from the door on the balcony to the east and
approach the lone immobile guard standing next to the Marshal's office.
Take him out and get Sam inside to tie him up.
Sam should go back inside the building to hide and Cooper should carry
the guard to the shaded eastern balcony. Fire a shot there and one of
the two remaining guards below it should come to investigate. Quickly
hide with Sam and wait for the guard to come. When the guard tries to
wake his friend, quickly come out and punch him and get Sam to tie him
Doc should head inside the courtyard next and grab the gas tubes along
the way (near the stack of crates). Doc should head to the shaded
balcony as well and aim the gas tube carefully to hit the only
remaining guard below to take him out. Get Sam to tie him up.
Now get all the members of the group to stand outside the next to the
Marshal's office. Cooper should open the door and as soon as he do
that, quickly whip out his gun and shoot the chandelier hanging on the
ceilings so it fall down on the two guards below it before they can
shoot at all. Get Sam to tie them up and everyone should head into the
Marshal's office, which is the room to the right. Mission


Mission 9: Like a Thief in the Night
Location: Sanchez's secret outpost
Personnel: John Cooper, Samuel Williams, Doc McCoy, Kate O'Hara
Difficulty level: Moderate

-Sneak through the woods till you reach the paddock; take the horses
and head northwest to the small well-hidden valley!
-Remember it is imperative that none of the guys around the camp fire
see you - if one of them has even the least suspicion before you have
freed the hostage and dragged him off, the mission is lost!



Additional note: The first part of this level is quite tricky; it
requires precise timing and a bit of luck as well.

Cooper should wait in the middle of the river for the patrolling guard
to start heading to the east. Walk slowly and knife him from behind.
Leave the body there and stand behind the rock to the north. The
patrolling guard to the northwest will get suspicious and come to
investigate. Throw the knife to kill him before he can shoot or do that
will fail the mission.
The patrolling guard further to the northwest (near the waterfall) will
do 2 things here: either he might get suspicious and start running to
inform the men at the campfire or he will simply patrol back and forth
with increased awareness.
If he chooses to do the first option, reload and try again until he
opted for the second option.
Now get Kate to entice him and keep heading south until he get pass
Cooper who is hiding behind the rock. Simply throw the knife to finish
him off. Don't forget to drag his body behind the rock as well.
Now Cooper can simply kill the man sleeping under a tree near the river
and leave the body there.

There should be two men further north (near the waterfall). The blue
guy will always run first to alert others at the slightest sign of
danger so he should always be taken care of first.
Creep along the rock formation to the right (behind the two men) and
stop when Cooper is behind them. Throw the knife to kill the blue guy
and quickly punch the other guard before he can do anything. Retrieve
the knife from the dead blue guy and knife the other guard as well then
drag both bodies to the dark corner just next to them (refer to map).

Now Cooper should wait in the dark corner while Kate stand next to the
base of the waterfall. Try to lure the patrolling guard near the
waterfall with her "garter" trick then retreat to the south slowly. As
soon as the guard passes by Cooper, throw the knife to take him out.


Use Kate's "garter" trick again to lure the guard standing to the right
of the waterfall. As soon as he passes by Cooper, throw the knife to
take him out and drag his body to the dark corner.
Now Cooper should head north and take out the blue guy there with the
knife-throw technique. Hide his body at the dark corner next to him.
Now Cooper should wait at the dark corner for the patrolling from the
east to come over and stops near the corner. Simply throw the knife to
take him out and hide the body as well.

Kate and Cooper should go to the dark area next to the trees. Cooper
can simply throw the knife to take out the two patrolling guards there
and hide the bodies next to the trees or Kate may help with her
"garter" trick.
Once the two guards have been disposed of, stand next to the trees
(still in the dark area) but try to get as close as possible to the
guard sleeping under the tree and the blue guy to his right. Throw the
knife to take out the blue guy then quickly punch the sleeping guard
who should be awake now. Quickly carry their bodies and hide them next
to the trees.
Get Doc over and throw his only gas tube at the two guards to the east
(beneath the guard tower). Cooper should head over to the bottom of the
tower and when the guard climbs down the ladder to investigate, simply
knife him at the bottom.


Wait for the lone patrolling guard to the west of the horses to head to
the west. Cooper should follow from behind and throw the knife to kill
him. Drag his body and hide it at the small valley to the northwest of
the map.
Get the rest of the group to wait at the small valley for the horses.
Cooper should cut off the rope that blocks the access to the horses.
Grab the saddles hanging on the fence and put them on the horses and
take the horses to the valley. Repeat the process until all the horses
have been taken.
Now the rest of the group should be on their horses, waiting for Cooper
to release the prisoner. Cooper should wait when everyone around the
campfire is looking the other way, then cut off the prisoner free and
quickly punch him out of action. Carry him to the small valley and just
leave him there. Ride on one of the horses and wait for the bandits to
notice that the prisoner is missing. Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 10: Lullaby for Four Aces
Location: Sanchez's fortress
Personnel: John Cooper, Samuel Williams, Doc McCoy, Kate O'Hara
Difficulty level: Difficult

-Make your way into the fortress and get to the top of the tower where
you will find Sanchez.
-Overpower Sanchez, tie him up and bring him safely (and most
importantly, alive) out of the fortress.



Cooper and Doc should stick to the western edge of the map and run all
the way to the south. Dc should snipe the guard on top of the building
to the left and the guard on the roof of the building at the right
(left of the rock formation). Leave the guard in the guard tower for
now (left of the gate).
Cooper should head east from there and climb the gigantic rock
formation to the east to gain access into Sanchez's fortress. Climb all
the way up until where Cooper can see the rooftop of a building with 5
guards: 2 are sleeping and the remaining three are awake.
Stand at the edge of the rock formation and throw the knife to kill the
guard at the southeastern edge of the rooftop. Climb down to the roof
and retrieve the knife. Knife the sleeping guard next to the crates
slightly to the southwest then take out the guard just behind him who
is looking to the west.
Throw the knife to kill the remaining guard who is not sleeping
(northwestern edge of the roof). Retrieve the knife and simply stab the
sleeping guard at the southwestern edge.

Now climb down the ladder to the rooftop below and knife the drunken
guard who is walking around the place. Simply throw the knife to take
care of the sleeping guard to the west. Climb down the ladder from
there to go into the building itself and a guard should come running
out from the north. Wait until he stops to the right of the building
that Cooper is hiding in, then quickly come out from the door and throw
the knife to kill him.
Now crawl to the guard sitting on the barrel slightly to the southwest
and knife him. Drag the body and place it next to the guard to the
right. Go into the house and exit from the door to the left and quickly
knife the guard there. Drag his body inside the house and dump it on
the roof.


Now get Cooper to open the main gate, let Doc and Sam inside the
fortress. Sam should set his snake at the highest rooftop (where Cooper
initially killed five guards) just outside the door at the northwestern
edge. Doc should set his scarecrow just a little bit to the east of
Sam's snake, next to the crates (near where Cooper killed a standing
guard earlier). Cooper should head to the tower where there is a guard
sleeping next to some sniper bullets. Kill him without being seen and
Doc should procure those bullets for future use. When the preparation
is complete, they should go and wait outside the fortress with Kate.

Cooper should stand on the roof and fire a shot to lure the guards then
quickly climb up the rock formation to the east. When the guards come
through the door, they will be bitten to death by Sam's snake. Repeat
the process several times to kill as many guards as possible. By the
time Cooper is finished, there should be only two guards left near the
crates to the east of the horse stable and some of the guards from the
upper level of the fortress have been taken care of.


Get Cooper to the ground level again and take care of the two remaining
guards near the horse stable by throwing his knife at them from behind.
Head north and stop to the left of the staircase leading further north.
There should be a guard who is looking at the staircase but there is a
section of the staircase that he cannot see.
Cooper should make noise by running there and the guard should call one
of his colleagues to investigate. Hide to the left of the staircase and
kill his colleague when he passes by Cooper. The body should fall right
at the unseen section so just leave it there.
Next Cooper should set the watch near the corpse and go wait besides
the staircase again. The guard should come to investigate and he passes
by Cooper again, throw the knife to kill him.

Now ascend the staircase and head to the west, climb up the ladder to
the roof and when Cooper tries to walk on the plank to the north. The
dog there will run to fetch the guard sitting at the balcony to the
Quickly climb down the ladder and wait for the guard to stand on the
roof before setting the timer for the musical watch. Hide around the
corner and wait for the guard to come. Throw the knife to take him out
when he is not looking.
Go to the roof and walk past the plank, then throw the knife to kill
the sleeping guard at the bottom of the staircase to the right.

There should be several rows of staircases to the east with one guard
at the top of each of them. Start at the lowest staircase by setting
the watch just left of the staircase. When the guard comes to
investigate, throw the knife to kill him.
Now set the musical watch halfway at the first staircase to lure the
second guard further up north. Cooper should go hide at the corner
again. When the guard comes, make sure he sees his dead comrade at the
bottom of the staircase. When he comes to check, use the knife and take
him out.

Additional note: A guard will appear from one of the houses to the east
at this point.

Climb the staircase to the west and use the musical watch near the top
to lure one of the guards from the roof to come. Hide in the house to
the right when he comes then quickly kill him with the knife-throwing
technique. Repeat the process to lure the second guard from the roof
and throw the knife to take him out as he climbed down the ladder. With
a bit of luck, the guard that just appears from the east will see the
body and comes down to investigate. Throw the knife as he is climbing
down the ladder to take him out.
Climb to the roof now and throw the knife to kill the last remaining
guard there. Approach the guard sitting on the staircase to the right
from behind and throw the knife to take him out as well.


Doc, Sam and Kate should go into the fortress and join Cooper now
(don't forget to pick up the snake and the scarecrow as well as the
extra first-aid kit for Doc near the center of the map just next to the
rock formation). Cooper should run to Sanchez's tower and quickly whip
out his gun to shoot the guard that will appear from the door. Get Doc
to unlock the door.

Now Sam should head back to the gate and setup his snake there then go
back up again to join the group. Get Cooper to wait next to the door
and when Sanchez is walking to the left of the pillar in his room,
quickly go inside and stand to the right of the pillar so Sanchez
couldn't see him. As soon as Sanchez is about to round the pillar,
quickly get Cooper to punch him out of action. Get everyone inside and
quickly tie Sanchez up.
The guards that leave the fortress at the beginning of the level will
return at this point. All of them will be knocked unconscious when they
are thrown from their horses because of Sam's snake.
Now get Doc and Sam to get their extra equipment in Sanchez's room. Doc
should now have 11 gas tubes and 8 sniper bullets while Sam should now
have 16 dynamites (this is optional). Sam could also kill off the
unconscious guards by throwing a dynamite to the middle of them.
Get everyone out of the fortress with Cooper carrying the unconscious
Sanchez on his shoulder. Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 11: Ambush at Snake Pass
Location: Snake Pass
Personnel: John Cooper, Samuel Williams, Doc McCoy, Kate O'Hara
Difficulty level: Moderate

-Take out all the opponents lying in wait for you in this gorge to be
able to cross the canyon safely!
-You can also blow up the piles of boulders at the other end of the
gorge to ride through and go further north!
-Protect Sanchez from being hit by stray ricocheting bullets (or from
bullets aimed at him)!



Cooper should climb the rock formation to the west where there are two
guards on top. Use the knife to take out the sleeping guard then the
one looking to the east. Leave the bodies there and climb back down
Kate should head to the north and stand at the base of the cliff. Use
the "garter" trick to lure the patrolling guard to the east. Cooper
should creep along from the south and throw the knife to take him out.
Kate should go back to join the rest of the group while Cooper should
carry the body and dump it at the spot where Kate lured the guard
before, then he should at the base of the cliff just slightly to the
The dead guard's colleague will notice his friend's disappearance and
come to look for him. He will come running to investigate when he sees
his dead comrade. Throw the knife to take him out when he is about to
round the corner of the base of the cliff and leave the bodies there
for now.

Cooper should set his musical watch at the shaded area leading to the
top of the cliff to lure the last patrolling guard there. Go back to
hide to the north of the two bodies earlier. When the patrolling guard
comes to investigate the watch, he will see the two dead bodies. Simply
throw the knife again to take him out when he runs around the corner.
Now set the watch at the same area to lure the sitting guard to the
north. He will ask his friend guarding the bridge further north to
investigate. Repeat the same process as before and take him out. Leave
all the bodies there.
Stand next to the stone where the sitting guard is located and wait
until when he start looking to the west, then quickly come out and
throw the knife to kill him. Carry his body and hide it with the
others. This process has to be done without getting seen by the
patrolling guard north of the bridge (might need a few tries).
Wait for the patrolling guard to head north again then throw the knife
to take out the northern guard who is looking to the west and hide his
body at the same place as before. Repeat the same process to kill the
other guard slightly to the south.
Cooper should now hide next to the huge boulder south of the bridge and
get Kate to entice the patrolling guard near the bridge. As soon as he
comes into range, throw the knife to take him out then hide the body as
Get Doc over to snipe the sitting guard to northeast of the bridge.


Get Cooper to stand next to the dead guard that Doc just sniped. Hide
behind the rock and lure as many guards as possible by firing a shot
then kill them as they round the corner.
Now get Sam over to Cooper and head north a little bit. Throw a
dynamite stick to the group of four guards who are huddled together.
Quickly got to hide to the south and Cooper should take out any guards
that come to investigate the explosion.
Sam should aim into the broken wagon at the base of the cliff to the
west and take out the guard manning the gatling gun there.

Now there is a guard to the southwest who is positioned near the dege
of the cliff, looking to the west. Sam should use his Winchester to
take him out from the cover of the big rock to the east.
Doc should use his last bullet to snipe the guard manning the gatling
gun on top of the tower to the east of the bridge connecting the
western and eastern cliffs.
Cooper should jump out from the rock and quickly shoot the guard
sitting to the north.
Now Cooper should crawl to the west and hide behind the brick wall.
Quickly stand up and shoot the guard who is also behind another brick
wall to the north.
From there, Cooper should crawl northeast to the next brick wall and
quickly shoot the guard behind northernmost brick wall. Crawl to the
last brick wall and shoot the guard to the north who is looking to the


Sam should man the gatling gun on the tower and take out all the
enemies at the northeastern cliff. He should also be able to take out a
guard near the center, just at the edge of the western cliff that is
looking to the east.
Get Cooper, Sam and Doc over to the western cliff and get the barrel of
TNT and some sniper bullets for Doc.
Cooper should head south and knife the guard sitting next to the gate.
Walk slightly further south to take out the guard looking to the
southwest on the top of the mini cliff.
Sam should follow Cooper and throw a stick of dynamite at the guard
positioned behind some small rocks to the east. When he is dead, Cooper
should silently approach the guard to the east that is overlooking the
gorge and take him out.
Head south from there and take out the guard to the right that is
overlooking the gorge with the knife and then shoot the guard to the
left who is looking to the south.
Simply get Doc to take out the remaining guard to the south with the
sniper bullet.
Now get the group to mount their horses and Cooper should lasso
Sanchez's horse with his. Head north with Sanchez behind and Sam should
place the TNT to clear the piles of boulders that is blocking the way.
When the road is clear, head to the northern edge of the map. Mission


Mission 12: Escape from El Paso
Location: El Paso
Personnel: John Cooper, Samuel Williams, Doc McCoy, Kate O'Hara
Difficulty level: Moderate

-First try and warn all the members of your gang of the imminent



Climb down the ladder to ground level without being seen and go hide
inside the house next to the first-aid kit. Wait for the patrolling
guard to pass by then come out and stab him. Hide the body inside the
Go out to the other side of the building to the main road and go to
saloon just opposite. Throw the knife to kill the sleeping guard next
to the saloon and carry his body through the back alley to Sam there
(beware of guards on the roof).
When Sam has been informed, tell him to hide in the house next to him
and hide the body there as well.


Cooper should cross the road and hide in the building across from the
saloon again. Wait for the regularly passing carriage to pass by then
walk alongside it to the north. Cooper can bypass the two guards
standing in front of the huge wooden door to the north with this
Go hide in the only accessible house to the right and wait for the
patrolling guard there to pass by. Come out from hiding and throw the
knife to kill him. Hide the body inside the house.
Cooper should then kill the guard standing to the left of the church
and hide the body inside.
Wait for the patrolling guard nearby to stop by the fountain then
Cooper should quickly dash to the cemetery behind the church to find
When Doc has been informed, he should pick the lock and go into the
church. Doc should grab the sniper bullet at the tower and wait there.
Cooper should then wait for the patrolling guard to stop near the rail
track first before throwing the knife to kill him. Hide the body inside
the church.
Approach the guard sleeping at the fountain from behind and knife him,
then hide the body inside the church as well. Cooper should then crouch
behind the fountain.
Get Doc to stand near the two guards to the west that are standing
below a tree then lob a gas tube to knock them out. Cooper should
approach the crouching guard under the water tower near the train
station and knife him. Hide the body inside the church (recommended to
be done when the train is at the station thus reducing the risk of
Cooper should then knife the two unconscious guards near the tree and
hide the bodies in the church as well.


Now wait fro the train to come again and Cooper should climb the water
tower. Fire a shot to lure the guards and shoot them as soon as they
climbed the ladder. Repeat this process to kill as many guards as
possible; the northeastern side of the map should be clear afterwards
including the two guards guarding the huge wooden door to the west.

Additional note: If Cooper punch the train machinist out of action then
ask Sam to tie him up, the train would not leave the station anymore.

Get Doc to the eastern side of the map where there is a guard and a
civilian standing in front of a house. Wait for the patrolling guard to
the south to stop by then lob a gas tube to take them all out. Get
Cooper over and knife the two guards. Sam should come over and tie the
civilian up, then hide the three of them in the house.
Doc should go get the gas tubes on the second floor of the house.
Cooper should head to the south along the valley and crawl pass the two
guards next to the Railroad hotel. Go further south to find Kate.
When Kate has been informed, the two of them would have to crawl back
to the alley to join Sam and Doc.


The group should go back to the building left of the Twinnings Railroad
Company. Cooper should head to the south where there is a guard
standing next to a pillar. Throw the knife to kill him and quickly hide
the body with the group.
Cooper should enter the building next and come out at the balcony. Set
the musical watch at the base of the staircase leading to the roof to
lure one of the two guards there. Throw the knife to kill the
investigating guard as he reached the balcony and hide the body inside
the building. Go to the roof and kill the other guard. Wait for the
patrolling guard at the street below to stop by near the barn across
the building then throw the knife to finish him off.

Cooper should go down to retrieve the knife then hide the body inside
the barn. Doc should come out from hiding and lob a gas tube to take
out the three guards guarding the main gate of the Twinnings Railroad
Company. Get Cooper to knife all of them and hide the bodies inside the
company's building. Cooper should then grab the saddle and put it on
his horse. Ride the horse to the main road and park it next to the barn
Now Cooper should head to the hacienda to the southwest of the map and
wait by the wall outside. When the patrolling guard stops by the
entrance, take him out with the knife quickly and carry his body to the
Sheriff's office across the road.
Now get Doc inside the hacienda compound and lob a gas tube at the two
guards next to the hacienda. The sitting guard to the east should come
to investigate, simply lob another gas tube to take him out. Get Cooper
to knife all of them and everyone should ride their horses and get out
of the town. Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 13: The Walls of Fortezza
Location: Fortezza
Personnel: John Cooper, Samuel Williams, Doc McCoy, Kate O'Hara
Difficulty level: Difficult

-Get Sanchez out of his prison cell in the northwestern part of
-To do this, you must first blow up the gates of Fortezza. Once you
have Cooper inside the fortress, make life easier by eliminating the
three officers; the soldiers' attack will be fairly ineffectual with no
commanders to give them their orders!



First of all, get Kate to entice the patrolling guard at the western
edge of the map. When he gets close, kick him unconscious and keep
kicking him until he dies.
Next Cooper should deal with the two patrolling guards near his
starting position. Just wait for them to get close and throw the knife
to kill them. Once both of them have been taken out, drag the bodies to
the starting position to be dumped there.
Cooper should head to the south and approach the two guards in the
enclosure there. Take out the guards sitting on the barrel of TNT by
throwing the knife. Walk into the other guard's point of view and when
he sees Cooper, he will walk towards him. As soon as he gets close
enough, knock him unconscious with Cooper's fist (risky but possible,
might need a few tries as well). Carry him into the enclosure and keep
punching until he dies. Retrieve the knife and hide the bodies in the
small hut next to the fence.

Cooper should wait by the southeastern tower of Fortezza for the
patrolling guard near the main gate to pass by. Throw the knife to kill
him as soon as he does and hide the body in the small hut. Now approach
the main gate from the south then go west then north again. Cooper
should be coming for the guard guarding the main gate from the west.
Simply throw the knife to kill him then hide the body in the small hut
like before.


Now Cooper should stand by at the bottom of the prison wall, which he
can climb. Doc should throw a gas tube to take out the three guards on
the wall. Cooper should quickly climb up and knife them all then hide
the body inside the cellar.
Cooper should then fire a shot and go hide in the cellar. Doc should
throw the gas tubes at the guards who will definitely come running.
Cooper should then come out from hiding and knife all the unconscious
guards. Repeat this process to kill as many guards as possible.

Cooper should then go to the northern wall area and hide in the dark
corner of the staircase. Fire a shot and lure as many guards as
possible and kill them off one by one until there is no more. By the
time Cooper is finished, there should be only two officers left
including the stationary guards who are guarding the towers at the
western side of Fortezza including the two guards talking outside the
prison cell. Simply come out from hiding and shoot the officer standing
between the staircases.

Additional note:
-One of the officers should have been killed during the massacre at the
-The remaining total should be nine people including the two officers
and the two guards by the prison cell as well as the guards stationed
at the towers.


Cooper should head to one of the dark areas near the prison cell area
and fire a shot to lure as many guards as possible. Sam should blow up
the main gate with the TNT. Use the opportunity to lure more guards
into Cooper's deadly ambush.
Next simply wipe out any remaining guards with either one of the group
members. This should be very easy as most of the guards are all dead
Get Doc inside Fortezza and unlock the steel gate leading into the
prison cells area and free Sanchez by unlocking his cell. When he is
free, the four of them should head to the western wall. Kate should
have positioned the horses under the wall for them to jump onto. When
the group is on their horses, a short conversation will ensue. Mission


Mission 14: They Called Him Grizzly
Location: Sanchez's fortress
Personnel: Sanchez
Difficulty level: Easy

-Place a Tequila bottle near the entrance of the fortress, so it can be
seen by one of the guards!
-Pretend you're having a siesta, wait until the guards get close
enough, then take them out with a round of gunfire!
-Throw the stone towards the guard near the Gatling gun to eliminate
the bandits.
-Grab the Gatling gun from its stand and finish off the men at the
-Enter the building and capture the remaining bandits.



Place the Tequila bottle at the entrance to the fortress and hide to
the west. When the two guards were distracted, pretend to be a siesta
and wait for them to come.
Swipe them with the shotgun when they're close to knock them out.
Now grab the stone near the entrance and throw it at the guard manning
the Gatling gun to knock him unconscious.
Grab the Gatling gun and move it a bit closer to the campfire and mow
down everyone around it.
Go into the house to take care of the three remaining bandits. Mission


Mission 15: Dance with the Devil
Location: Socorro
Personnel: John Cooper, Samuel Williams, Doc McCoy, Kate O'Hara,
Difficulty level: Moderate

-First, help Kate steal the dress from the inner courtyard of the
hacienda northwest of town!
-Go with Kate to Carlos's saloon, the 'Caverna Roja' where she will try
for a job as a dancer!
-While Kate distracts Carlos, the other gang members must gain access
to his office on the first floor and crack the safe!



First of all, get Kate to kill the sleeping guard just round the corner
by kicking him endlessly until he dies. Get Sanchez to hide the body
near the hacienda wall.
Next Sanchez should go to the house outside and shoot the guard
standing next to the door there. Hide his body inside the house. He
should then stand on the roof and wait for two patrolling guards from
the east to see him. As soon as they do, quickly get back inside before
he get shot and wait for them. The two guards will be knocked
unconscious onto the roof, simply come out and shoot them with the
shotgun then hide the bodies inside the house.

Get Doc over from the church and pick up the sniper bullets on the roof
then get him to pick the lock of the gate leading to the hacienda
courtyard. Sanchez should take out the patrolling guard there with a
throw of stone then carry him back outside. Shoot him with the shotgun
and hide the body inside the house. Kate should now be able to get
inside and steal the dress hanging from the clothesline.
Sanchez should retrieve his stone and knock out the lone immobile guard
to the east of the hacienda. Simply shoot him and wait for his friend
to come over from the park to the right by waiting in the house. His
friend will get knocked out from the house unconscious, whip out the
shotgun and kill him. Carry both bodies into the house and hide them
there. Doc should come over and grab the gas tubes near the house.


Cooper should head south from his starting position and stop near the
house. First he should kill the sleeping guard in front when no one is
looking with the knife-throwing technique, then quickly carry the body
and hide it inside the house.
Next he should throw the knife again to kill the guard sitting under a
tree to east and hide the body in the house as well.

Now get Doc to go to the roof of the building he's in now. Use the
Buntline to snipe the three guards on the opposite building which is
the bank.
Get Sanchez to knock one out of the two patrolling guards around the
bank unconscious then carry him up north before being shot so as not to
make any noise. His friend will get suspicious and Sanchez should have
been waiting in one of the buildings west of the bank. When the friend
passes by around the vicinity, whip out the shotgun and kill him. The
guard in front of the bank should head to the roof and spotted the dead
guards. Sanchez should quickly hide the body of the guard that he just
killed in one of the houses nearby and then quickly go inside the bank.
Kill the guard on the rooftop and hide all the bodies inside.

Doc should head to the south where Sam is crouched on top of a
building. Throw a gas tube to take out the guards there and wait for
the others to come. Lob another gas tube to take out everyone. Now
Sanchez should go into the house and a guard will be thrown outside,
unconscious. Sam should come down and tie them all up.

Additional note: There should be six unconscious guards altogether:
five from the immediate vicinity and the last one from inside the

Get Sanchez to carry the six of them to somewhere secluded (near the
church) then shoot all of them. Carry all the bodies and hide them
inside the church.
Now Sanchez should head back and throw a stone to take out the lone
sitting guard to the east (near Cooper's starting position). Carry the
body to the church and shoot the unfortunate guard then hide the body


Now Cooper should head to the back of the saloon while the patrolling
guard to the north is away. Throw the knife to kill him as he round the
corner. Head to the north where there is a guard standing next to the
house, kill him too. Hide the two bodies inside the house.
Cooper should go to the front of the saloon and kill the patrolling
guard there with the knife-throwing technique. Hide his body in the
house to the east of the saloon.

Next dispose of the two remaining guards near the saloon with the same
method and hide the bodies in the house like before. Get Doc to join
Cooper next and throw gas tubes to knock out the four guards on the
Cooper should now move into the saloon's courtyard and kill the two
guards who are peering into the window to see Kate dancing. Hide the
bodies inside the door opposite the saloon and go to the roof to knife
the four unconscious guards.
Get Doc to unlock the door leading to Sanchez's office and Cooper
should go inside. One of the guards will come to investigate, simply
stand next to the door and knife him as he walks out.
Now lure out the other two guards by running inside Carlos's office.
Stand next to the door and stab the two of them.
Go inside and knife the remaining guard who is staying inside one of
the rooms.
Get all the group members to go to Carlos's office and Doc should crack
the safe. Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 16: A Fistful of Dollars
Location: Socorro
Personnel: John Cooper, Samuel Williams, Doc McCoy, Kate O'Hara,
Difficulty level: Difficult

-First, help Kate out of her predicament, so she can move freely around
town and help you break into the bank.
-Sanchez is strong enough to push the statue in the park aside the
reveal the secret passage.
-As soon as you have broken into the bank and put the guards out of
action, you must get the money to the rendezvous point.



Cooper should wait for the patrolling guard to the south to stop near
the church then when he turns around to head south again, come out from
hiding and throw the knife to take the guard out then hide the body
behind the stack of crates.
The next step will be to take out the lone immobile guard to the south.
Simply stand to his right and throw the knife to kill him and then hide
the body at the southwestern edge of the map.
Wait for the patrolling guard to the east (the fat man wearing red
shirt) to head west near the guard that Cooper had just killed. Throw
the knife to kill him and hide the body at the southwestern edge of the
map as well.

Additional note: The next step will be very tricky to pull off, so be
patient because it might need a few tries to succeed.

Sanchez should throw a stone to take out the guard on the rooftop of
the building to the east. When this process is carried out, none of the
guards outside must enter the house under any circumstances. If any of
the guards are alerted, the situation is still ok. But is one of them
decided to check his friend out then reload and try again.
Now wait for the patrolling guard to the east of the house to stops
near the house then Doc should throw a gas tube to take out all three
guards there.
Sanchez should head into the house and three unfortunate guards will be
thrown out with stars on their heads. Get Cooper to knife all six
guards in front of the house then hide the bodies inside. Take care of
the one at the rooftop as well.
Now Sanchez should retrieve his stone and knock out the guard standing
under the cover of darkness to the east. Cooper should knife him
silently then hide the body in the house to the west. It should be
noted that none of the group members should enter the eastern and
southern house because they contained more than three guards inside
which Sanchez can't even handle as well. Now get Doc to obtain the
sniper bullets on the rooftop of the southern building.

Cooper should now deal with the patrolling guard near Kate by hiding in
the house to the south, then quickly come out and throw the knife to
kill the guard when he walks by the house. Simply hide the body in the
house and bring Doc over for now.

Doc should wait in front of the house for a patrolling guard that will
come from the north and he will always appear from Carlos's saloon.
When the guard stops near Kate quickly throw a gas tube to knock him,
the three guards around Kate and Kate herself out of action. Wait
awhile until the patrolling guard to the northeast sees all the
unconscious people lying there then lob the last gas tube to take him
out as well.
Cooper should head out from the house and knife the five guards around
Kate while Sanchez should head to the house to the east to knock out
the lone guard inside. Get Cooper to knife him as well.
Get Doc to wake Kate and Sanchez should hide all six dead guards inside
the house that he just cleared.


Now everyone should go back to the starting position where Sam is
waiting. Get Cooper to knock out the three civilians outside the church
with his fist then Sam should tie them up. Hide all three of them
inside the church afterwards.
Now Cooper should hide in the small house north of the church and then
throw the knife to kill the sleeping guard outside the house further
north. Quickly carry the body and hide it inside the house north of the
church. Sanchez should come over and grab the tequila bottles near the
guard that Cooper just killed then go inside the same house with Cooper
to hide.
Cooper should wait for the patrolling guard (the fat man wearing red
shirt) around the bank to stop by the house, then quickly come out and
throw the knife to kill him. Quickly hide the body inside the house.

Next Sanchez should throw the stone to take out the lone standing guard
to the east, which is looking to the west. Quickly retrieve the stone
and hide the body inside the house to avoid the patrolling guards
around the bank. Get Cooper to knife the guard when the coast is clear.
Now get Doc to setup his scarecrow on the rooftop of the building south
of the hacienda. Setup the scarecrow next to the plant and Sam should
place his snake in front of the door leading to the rooftop and go hide
next to the clothesline.
All he has to do is to fire a shot and let all the guards walk through
the door to the rooftop, only to be bitten to death by Sam's snake.
Repeat the process to kill as many guards as possible until there
aren't any guards to patrol the bank anymore.

Additional note: Also try to lure one of the two guards at the front
door of the bank to the roof as well; this can be done by using one of
the other group members to fire a shot near the bank then quickly go
hide somewhere. Sam should fire a second shot to lure the guard to the
rooftop. Also Sam has to be crouched at all times or the enemies might
see him.

When this is done, Cooper should climb the hacienda wall to the west to
gain access into the courtyard to kill the two remaining guards here
(the third one had been killed by Sam's snake). Simply shoot them when
they are not looking and hide the bodies in the hacienda.
Now lure one of the guards from the park by standing next to the door
of the eastern house at the hacienda compound and fire a shot. One of
the guards should come running, as soon as he exited the house, Cooper
should fire his gun to kill him. One down, four guards left in the

There should be a fat man with red shirt walking around by now. Try to
lure him into the hacienda courtyard with several shots then kill him
with whatever methods necessary then hide the body.
Now get Doc on the rooftop of the building leading into the park then
use the two sniper bullets to take out the guard closest to the
building and one of the patrolling guards near the main gate. Two down,
two to go. Now get Doc to retrieve the first-aid kit at the bottom of
the stack of crates.
Get Sanchez into the park and throw a stone to knock out the guard near
the statue and then simply shoot the lone remaining guards to secure
the park. Don't forget to kill the unconscious guards as well. Get
Sanchez to move the statue to reveal the underground entrance to the


Additional note: There is no definite strategy for this section of the
level. It will require a lot of effort and a bit of luck as well.

First Sanchez should wait for the two guards at the east side of the
bank to be near each other then quickly come out from the underground
entrance and shoot them to death.
Get Cooper inside the bank as well and try to kill all the guards in
there. Take care of the guards behind the front door first then the
ones guarding the money. After that, simply kill the remaining ones in
the small room at the left side of the bank. If Cooper or Sanchez are
wounded, get Doc to heal them back to full health.
Doc should unlock the steel door leading to the safe, so Sanchez and
Cooper can get to the moneybags.
Quickly open the front door of the bank and shoot the lone remaining
guard there. Wait for the commotion to die down first and Sanchez
should grab two bags while Cooper can only grab one and get the group
to assemble at the rendezvous point. Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 17: To the Last Bullet
Location: Abandoned staging post
Personnel: John Cooper, Samuel Williams, Doc McCoy, Kate O'Hara,
Difficulty level: Easy

-Use every means available to you to eliminate the yellow-bellied
deputies once and for all!



First Kate should head to the west and use her "garter" trick lure to
the patrolling guard at the cliff above. The guard will then come down
to see Kate closer. Kick him when he gets really close and Cooper
should knife the unconscious guard then hide the body with the other
group members.
Cooper should now head further west and use her "garter" trick to lure
the two conversing guards near the main entrance to the hotel one by
one. When the first one is down, get Cooper to knife him and carry the
body to the starting point again.

Additional note: The guards might notice their colleague disappearance,
so if that happens, wait until the commotion dies down first before
luring the second guard.

When both guards have been taken care of, get Cooper to ascend the
stone staircase and throw the knife to kill the lone immobile guard at
the hotel entrance then carry the body and hide it next to the wall
facing the river.
Get Sanchez over to grab the stone that is lying at the same place then
Cooper should wait by the entrance for the patrolling guard. As soon as
he passes by, throw the knife to kill him and dump his body next to the
The guard at the rooftop of the building across from the burning hotel
will realize that his friend is missing. Quickly hide next to the
corner and when he is looking at the other way, come out and throw the
knife to take him out. Now carry all the bodies and dump them with the
other group members.

Get Kate to hide at the stone staircase leading to the hotel and lay a
trail of cards to lure the enemies to the west. Kick him unconscious
and Cooper knife him then dump the body at the staircase.
Simply repeat the process above to get his other friends. Now there
should be only one guard left to the west. Use Sanchez to throw a stone
to knock him out, get Cooper to knife him then dump all the bodies at
the stone staircase leading to the hotel.
Cooper should now use his musical watch to lure the two guards inside
the hotel one by one and when they see the bodies at the staircase,
simply throw the knife to kill them.


Now Cooper should use the same technique as before to lure the two
guards who stand at the edge of the cliff to the west. Throw the knife
to kill them when they see the bodies at the staircase and leave them
Cooper should then ascend the cliff to the west and kill the last
patrolling guard there with the knife-throwing technique. Quickly carry
the body and hide at the dark area to the south before the patrolling
guard to the north returned.
Take out the patrolling guard from the north by throwing the knife then
hide the body in the same dark area. Now simply go up the cliff and
kill the lone sleeping guard there then hide the body in the same

Cooper should head further north and throw the knife to kill the lone
immobile guard who is looking at the burning hotel (might need a few
tries). Quickly carry hid body and dump it at one of the dark areas to
the south. Go back to hide at the dark areas at the western side of the
Now Doc should head into the staging post area and grab the gas tubes
there. Precisely at this point, Marshal Jackson will run away to the
east and summon reinforcement. Five guards will appear from the cliff
above and another six will come from the east of the staging post.

Cooper should wait until the three guards from the cliff have pass by
him before making his move again. He should take out the two new guards
at the cliff above with the knife-throwing technique and leave the
bodies there.
Cooper should then head south where there is a guard looking at the
wooden bridge leading to the staging post. Stand behind him and throw
the knife to kill the guard to the south (the one looking at the
horses). Quickly punch the guard looking at the bridge before he can do
anything. Retrieve and Cooper's knife and finish off the unconscious
guard. Now simply head east and kill the lone immobile guard standing
at the base of the stone staircase and leave the body there.

Doc should now head into the staging post and lob a gas tube to take
out the guards to the right of the burning hotel. Lob a second tube to
take out any guards that come running from the east. Get Cooper to
knife all of them and leave the bodies there.
Now Sam should come over and drop his snake inside the barn at the
eastern side of the staging post and fire a shot. One of the guards
from the bridge to the east will come and get bitten to death. Wait
awhile and two more guards will come from the cliff to the north. If
the snake does not bite them, simply shoot finish the job with the
Now Sam can just head east to kill the lone remaining guard by the
bridge there then up the cliff to the north to finish off the last
guard there. Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 18: The Magnificent Six
Location: Grants
Personnel: John Cooper, Samuel Williams, Doc McCoy, Kate O'Hara,
Difficulty level: Moderate

-Find three horses and head north with Cooper, Sam and Sanchez, leaving
the city by the road that leads to the silver mine.
-Take special care of Kate, as Mia is sticking close to her and the
pair is an easy target.



This is where the Quick Action button comes really handy. Cooper should
target the three guards right in front of him. Sam should target the
guard standing at the station roof to the left. Doc should target the
one standing on the roof to the right. Sanchez should target the guard
sitting at the crates to the right of the station.
When the preparation is done, execute all the Quick Actions together to
take out all the guards there.

Additional note: Make sure the patrolling guard (the fat man wearing
blue shirt) to the north of the station is next to the windmill when it

Now get everyone into the station and the guard from the rooftop will
see his friend's body to the left. He will get knocked out of the
station with stars above his head including the patrolling guard to the
north who should have come running into the station to investigate. Get
Cooper to knife them both and hide all the bodies inside the station.
Next get Sanchez to retrieve the stones at the base of the water tower
to the west of the train station and near the grass to the east.
Cooper should exit the train station onto the main road and kill the
guard in front of the Rail Road Store just across the station by
throwing knife from the back. Hide the body inside the store when it is

Now get Sanchez and Doc to the hacienda just north of the train
station. Sanchez should stand behind the right pillar at the entrance
with Doc at the opposite one.
Get Sanchez to throw a stone to knock out the guard sitting at the
fountain and quickly stick to the pillar to avoid being seen. A guard
will come running out from the hacienda to investigate. Doc should
throw a gas tube to take him out. Now Sanchez should crawl along the
hacienda courtyard and retrieve his stone. Then he should go inside the
hacienda to knock out the remaining guard inside. Get Sanchez to carry
all three unconscious guards outside to the main road and Cooper should
knife them all to death. Finally, get Doc to crawl inside the hacienda
courtyard and retrieve the sniper bullets while Cooper should get the
saddle. Sanchez should then slowly make his way inside and grab the
tequila bottle without being seen by the patrolling guard on the roof.
Hide all three dead guards in the house west of the hacienda and then
drop the saddle near the train station for now.
Cooper should head southwest from the station and kill the guard
patrolling near he barn. Simply hide inside and throw the knife to kill
him when he walks nearby then hide the body at the station.

Now get Doc to stand at the left rooftop of the station and take aim at
the guards near the Gatling gun to the west. First of all, Doc should
wait until the guard at the rooftop of the building across the road to
be walking south first then he should quickly drop the guard next one
guarding the Gatling gun. The next one to die is the guard on the
building across the road. Doc should then quickly shoot the guard
manning the gun and the previously sitting guard to the left who should
be looking around now. Get Doc to hide inside the station for now.

Additional note: Make sure that all four guards are killed before they
can run down from the building. This process requires extreme timing so
be patient and you'll pull it off.

Wait until the commotion dies down first then Cooper should walk along
the main road to the Gatling gun. There should be a new lone guard on
the roof. Throw the knife from the road to kill him then go hide inside
the building. Another guard will later come and stay there so get Doc
to get to the station roof again and snipe the guard using his final


Now get Sanchez to go into the building left of the Rail Road Store
(the one with clock on the balcony). A guard will be knocked from
inside with stars above his head. Get Cooper to punch him until he dies
then hide the body somewhere safe.
Cooper should then head to the balcony and punch the two civilian
ladies there. Get Sam to tie them up and hide them inside. Doc should
set his scarecrow to the east of the door leading to the balcony (near
the Clothing - Boots banner) and Sam should set up his snake right in
front of the door. Everyone else should now hide inside the Rail Road
Sam should lure as many enemies as possible by firing a shot. Stay at
the far eastern side of the balcony and shoot any guards that the snake
missed. If there's any guard who tries to operate the Gatling gun
again, Sam can simply shoot him from a distance.

The next step is to clean up around the gatling gun area. This should
be an easy task to accomplish since most of the enemy must have been
slaughtered on the balcony earlier. Use Sanchez to clean up in the
buildings and Cooper should knife any guards who are left patrolling
Cooper should grab the saddle he left near the train station earlier
and place it on the horse beneath the balcony then he should find a
saddle and another horse inside the gatling gun area. Get Sam to grab
the dynamites crate and Doc should also procure the first-aid kit box
to the west.


Doc should head north and throw a gas tube to take out the men outside
the Bates Grocery Store (around two or three people). Get Cooper to
knife all of them and hide the bodies. There is a saddled horse outside
the grocery store so get the other two horses two stand by around there
with Cooper and Sam.
Now Doc should head to the balcony of the building across from the
civilian being shot at and hide inside for now. Sanchez with his
gatling gun should stand next to the church to the east.
Wait for the patrolling guard near the church to walk away then Doc
should lob a gas tube to take out three guards to the left of the poor
civilian and Sanchez should quickly mow down the two remaining guards
with the gatling gun. Quickly head further north and kill all the
guards near the gatling gun there.
Sanchez should quickly drop the gun on the floor and ride his horse.
John, Sam and Sanchez should then quickly ride their horses to the
northwest, following the road to the silver mine before more guards
come to investigate.


Mission 19: Blood Money
Location: Silver Creek Mine
Personnel: John Cooper, Samuel Williams, Sanchez
Difficulty level: Moderate

-Make you way right through the middle of enemy camp to the



First get Sanchez to pick up the stone at the starting position. Sam
should then hide at the behind the large rocks south of the wooden
shack to the west.
Throw a dynamite stick at the sleeping guard then fire a shot to lure
the remaining guards in the camp. Kill them off one by one with the
Winchester and the total should be six bodies including the previously
sleeping guard and another one that comes running out from one the
tents as well as the two patrolling guards to the west of the camp.
Get Sanchez to hide all the bodies then grab the tequila bottles next
to the tent as well as the stone to the northeast of the camp.

Now Cooper should fire a shot to lure two guards, one is from the left
side of the wooden bridge to the west and another from the north. Lure
them inside the tent and Sanchez should send them out flying. Get
Cooper to knife them both and hide the bodies inside.
Cooper should then quickly cross the wooden bridge to the west when the
guard further north is not looking then whip out his Colt and shoot the
guard to death. Hide the body in the small hut to the west and Cooper
should climb the cliff at the western edge and kill the guard on top
silently with the knife.


Now everyone should hide inside the shack at the bottom of the cliff
and Sam should lure as many guards as possible by firing a shot to lure
the guards into the shack who will be thrown out later by Sanchez.
Sam has to take out all the guards around the gatling gun either by
luring them to the shack or shooting them from far away with the

Additional note: Sam may also grab the dynamites crate that is located
next to the enemy hut.

Once the base of the mine is clear, get Sanchez to operate the gatling
gun and kill off everyone that comes to investigate. He should start by
shooting the guard at top of the guard tower at the base of the mine
and simply wait for other enemies to come.


Sanchez's next task is to throw a stone to take out the guard operating
the gatling gun further up the mine. Get Cooper to knife him and hide
the body in the shack there.
Sanchez should get a fresh gatling gun to kill the remaining enemies on
the upper level of the mine but be careful so as not to alert Carlos in
the shack at top.
Most of the guards should have died from the gatling gun onslaught. If
there's anyone remaining, they could have been easily disposed silently
with Cooper's knife or Sanchez's stones.
In the end, Cooper should climb up the cliff and dispose of the final
guard at mountaintop silently. Simply climb back down to the top of
shack to eavesdrop on the conversation inside. Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 20: Little China Girl
Location: Road leading back to Grants
Personnel: Mia Yung
Difficulty level: Easy

-Entice the enemy to you with a tune on your pipe. Then put him out of
action with your blowpipe.
-Place a few peanuts in front of the entrance to the mine.
-Set Mr. Leone onto one of the enemies to lure them to the front of the
-Throw a firecracker into the middle of the enemy group.



Play the flute to lure one of the enemies. Wait for him to get into
range then quickly shoot him with the blowpipe before jumping into the
barrel to hide.
Put some peanuts in front of the mine and then send Mr. Leone to one of
the enemies to lure them to the mine entrance.
Prepare a firecracker and throw it into the middle of the enemies.
Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 21: Piggies in the Middle
Location: Grants
Personnel: John Cooper, Samuel Williams, Sanchez, Mia Yung
Difficulty level: Difficult

-With your team members, sneak into the last wagon of the train
standing at the platform.
-To get to the station, play the Cavalry and El Diablo's men off
against each other by eliminating certain individuals on both sides, so
that each in turn has the advantage.
-The train can only leave when the station is in the hands of El
Diablo's men (needless to say, they mustn't find out you are on board).



Sam should head to the southeast and shoot the two Cavalry men there
with his Winchester then quickly run back to the others. Wait for the
bandits to overrun the building then quickly throw a dynamite stick
when no one is looking. The explosion will kill some of the bandits and
knock the rest unconscious so simply send Cooper to knife them.
Send Sanchez to stand outside the building and wait for the patrolling
bandit from the southwest to see him first. He will bring a friend
along too, so just quickly duck into the building and wait for Sanchez
to flung them both outside. Send Cooper to knife them and get all the
team members into the building for now.

Cooper should hide next to the church and wait for the lone patrolling
Cavalryman to head back to the east before quickly throwing the knife
to kill him then hide the body inside the church.
Cooper should then head further down the road to the southwest and kill
the three bandits lurking underneath the staircase of Bates Grocery
Store. Simply let Cooper walk around the corner and quickly hide again
to shoot the coming bandits. Quickly come out and shoot the last bandit
to take care of the three of them then just leave the bodies there.

Sanchez should run inside the building to the west of the grocery store
and wait for enemies to come. Get Cooper to knife all those unconscious
bandits after Sanchez flung them out from the house. Cooper should then
kill the guard sitting on the well to the west and Sanchez should grab
the tequila bottles next to the house.
Now get Sam to shoot the guard on the rooftop of the building to the
south. He will come down followed by one of the bandits from the house
to the east. Sanchez will throw them out of the house then get Cooper
to knife them both.
The remaining guard outside the house to the southeast will keep
calling his friends from the rooftop of the building further south to
investigate. There are five bandits on the rooftop and he will yell to
them one by one: three of them are engaged in the shooting with the
Cavalrymen across the road and the remaining two are just patrolling.
Simply lure the five bandits into the house one by one when they are
nearby then get Cooper to knife them. Repeat the process until all five
bandits have been disposed of. Sam should then head outside and shoot
the cowardly bandit who keeps yelling for his friends.

Sam should stand outside the building where the team is hiding and
wound the patrolling bandit to the southwest. He will yell for his
friends so just repeat the process twice to kill his two friends: one
is patrolling further south from his position (near the western edge of
the map) and the other one is sitting on a barrel next to the building
at the south. When both of his friends are dead, simply shoot this
cowardly bandit to death.
Sam should now head to the south sticking close to the western edge of
the map. There should be a house with three bandits next to it. Fire a
shot and two of the bandits should come running, simply blast them with
the Winchester as they round the corner. Sam should now go around the
house and approach the lone remaining guard from behind. Shoot him and
get Mia to pick up some firecrackers lying nearby.


Now Sam should head back to the building Sanchez is hiding in and stand
at the junction to the east. Kill the two Cavalrymen on the balcony at
the building to the east without the bandits knowing. If any of the
bandits does, reload and try again.

Now get Sanchez into one of the houses near the hacienda and use Sam to
lure as many bandits as possible to be thrown out from the house. Sam
should then come out and finish those unconscious bandits off with his
Winchester. In the end, there should be only one bandit left on the
roof shooting. Sam should then take out the Cavalrymen on the balcony
as well as lure the bandits inside the hacienda compound. He also has
to lure the three guards near the train's last wagon: 2 standing guards
and one patrolling one.
Get Sanchez into the house inside the hacienda then get Sam to kill the
last guard on the roof and quickly go hide as well. The Cavalrymen will
start to take over the hacienda. Since there should be about three
Cavalrymen left, get any of the team members to finish them off with a


Now everyone should hide in the church and Sam should hide next to the
church and try to shoot the marshal inspecting his men to the east.
Essentially, Sam has to try to hit as many soldiers as possible with
Mia's help.

Here's my strategy:
Sam killed the deputy first. Then the next one is one of the guards
standing north of the Cavalry formation. And then Sam shoots the guard
on the rooftop of the hacienda to the east.
Sam has to stand next to the church again and pick off the four
Cavalrymen in the hacienda courtyard, 2 near the well and the other two
further east.
Sam should now stand between the church and the building to the north
to finish off the guard standing north of the formation.
Mia should now lure one of the Cavalrymen with Mr. Leone and some nuts.
As soon as the soldier rounds the corner, Sam should blast him with the
Now get Sanchez to approach the three remaining Cavalrymen and finish
them off from close range with his shotgun. He should then pick up the
stones next to the cemetery and Sam should get the dynamites crate.

Cooper should climb the mini-cliff to the north and knife the soldier
who is sleeping next to the shack there. Wait for the two patrolling
guard from the east inside the shack. When they turned their backs to
head west again, quickly come out and shoot them both.
Get Sam to shoot the horse rider to the southeast from a distance.
Cooper should then move in and finish off the unconscious soldier.
Get Cooper to take care of the two deputies and two soldiers operating
the artilleries near the northeastern edge of the map then head to the
wooden bridge to the south and take out the deputy there with the knife
silently and go back to join the group.


Everyone should head to the station and hide in the building with the
Clothing -Boots banner. Get Sam to lure some of the bandits around
there including the horse riders to be throw out by Sanchez. Cooper
should finish them off with his knife and Ma should grab the peanuts
further northeast along the road.
Now Cooper should head to the last wagon and silently take out the lone
immobile guard there with his knife then hide the body inside. He
should then go inside the wagon followed by Sanchez and Mia.
Sam should now head further down the road and kill the lone immobile
guard at the main gate of the hacienda just north of the station. He
should position himself next to the barrel to the left of the hacienda
and throw dynamite stick at the Cavalry soldiers shooting at the
The first dynamite should be bounced off the right rooftop of the
station to take out the soldiers near the locomotive while the second
one should be aimed to take out the lone soldier at the station.
El Diablo's mean will then quickly secure the train and the station so
get Sam to join the team in the last wagon. Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 22: Showdown in Deadstone
Location: El Diablo's secret outpost
Personnel: John Cooper, Samuel Williams, Sanchez, Mia Yung
Difficulty level: Moderate

-Free Doc from El Diablo's men!
-Organize five saddled horses and pursue the bandits who have now
ridden away with Kate!



All team members should run to the house at the south (at the western
edge of the map). Sam should come out and fire a shot to lure the
bandits in the vicinity to go into the house. The total body count
should be five: 2 from inside the house to the east, one standing next
to the house, one immobile and one patrolling guards to the south.
Dispose of all of them and hide the bodies in the house. Mia should
then grab the firecrackers next to the house.

Everyone should now move into the house to the east. Sam should then
lure the guards near the locomotive by firing a shot. There should be
six bodies in total: 4 from inside the small shack south of the
locomotive and 2 patrolling guards around the locomotive. There should
be 2 guards left around the locomotive: one guard pacing back and forth
in front of the small shack to the south and one immobile guard
slightly to the south.
Send Cooper to the north and take out the lone patrolling guard near
the train station with his gun (stand between the two cars that only
have boxes on them to get a clear shot).
Cooper should head south and climb down the cliff to travel east. Hide
beside the niche to the right of the guard tower and wait for the
patrolling guard to the east to come, then quickly throw the knife to
kill him. Leave the body there and Cooper should go back to hide with
the others.

Additional note: The bandit near the small shack south of the
locomotive is a coward, he will keep yelling for his friends at any
sign of trouble. Use this advantage to get as many bandits as possible.

Sanchez should now head inside the barn to the west of the train and
hide at the left side. He should be able to lure about 15 bandits into
the barn to be wasted with his shotgun. Make a move to the small shack
south of the train as soon as the area is clear and lure more enemies
there. Sanchez should be able to get about 3-4 bandits there. Get
Sanchez to pick up some stone and Mia to grab some peanuts next to the
small shack.
Make sure that the gatling guns vicinity is clear then Sam should pick
off the bandits there with his Winchester.
Sanchez should now grab one of the gatling guns and go on a rampage
around the map. Basically, what he should do is to eliminate every
bandit around the map except those nearest to Doc.


Additional note: The following process is very tricky and risky. Just
be patient and keep trying then it will eventually succeed.

Now get Doc to approach the building behind Doc from the back and stand
in the alley. Quickly fire some shots to lure all the enemies then mow
them down with the gun. When all the bandits are dead, get Cooper to
talk with Doc.
After the brief conversation, go find five horses across the map and
ride along the road to the north. Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 23: At the Gates of Hell
Location: El Diablo's hideout entrance
Personnel: John Cooper, Samuel Williams, Doc McCoy, Kate O'Hara,
Sanchez, Mia Yung
Difficulty level: Moderate

-Re-assemble the team and enter El Diablo's hideout via the cave
entrance at the foot of the mountain.



Get Kate into the house behind her and she should stay there for now.
Sanchez should pick up the stone to the east and head inside the house
followed by Mia and Sam.
Sam should then head to the roof and start luring the bandits to come.
Simply shoot all the bandits as they climb the ladder leading to the
rooftop. Sam can also travel further east to fire a shot then quickly
run back to the roof. The bandits who come to investigate will see the
pile of bodies either on the roof or at the front door. Either way, Sam
should fire a shot to lure them up onto the roof and waste all of them.
There should be approximately 40 casualties in total. I personally
managed to kill 37 people on the rooftop and 3 more at the front door.

When the coast is clear, Kate should come out from her hiding and kick
the guard just outside to death. Now get Sanchez to get the gatling gun
near Kate and start blasting around the map. Start from the entrance to
El Diablo's hideout then progress southward.
Kill the bandit guarding the second gatling gun to the south and use it
if the first gun is running low on ammo. Wipe out all enemy resistance
on the map and get the team to assemble outside El Diablo's hideout
entrance. They should all walk inside to Hell... Mission


Mission 24: Deaths Overture
Location: El Diablo's hideout
Personnel: John Cooper, Samuel Williams, Doc McCoy, Kate O'Hara,
Sanchez, Mia Yung
Difficulty level: Difficult

-Free yourself and your team members from the prison cell and rescue
Sanchez from El Diablo's clutches!
-Hunt El Diablo down and turn him in.



Cooper should hide to the left of the steel door and everyone else
should hide at the back of the cell. Get Mia to drop some peanuts then
send Mr. Leone to grab the bandit's attention outside the cell. Cooper
should punch him unconscious as soon as the bandit walk inside the cell
and carry him to the back. Beat him to death there and leave the body

Sam should now go out of the cell when no one is looking and grab his
equipment from the chest located outside. Go back to the place where
Cooper was hiding before and fire a shot with the Winchester. Three
Demonios will come running from a cave to the northeast. Kill them all
as they passes through the steel door. The two patrolling guards from
north and south will also come to investigate, kill them both and leave
all five bodies there.
Sam should now shoot the lone immobile guard standing outside the cave
where the Demonios previously come from. A patrolling guard further
north will heard the shot, simply shoot him as he round the corner and
leave both bodies there.
Everyone should come out from the cell and grab their equipment from
the chest.

Sam should head further north and take out the bandits there with his
Winchester. There should be only three bandits left inside the room
there so just use Mr. Leone and some peanuts to lure the sitting guard.
Sam should be waiting behind the corner to blast him.
Sam should just storm the room by hiding behind the wall to kill the
two remaining guards. Step on the tile below the torch holder to open
the gate leading to the east.
Sam should hide next to the wall again and fire a shot. Three bandits
should come running into the room, finish the off as they round the

Now stand next to the gate and fire another shot to lure three Demonios
out of the red curtains. Quickly run back and hide beside the wall
again and kill the three of them.
Repeat the process to lure more Demonios and dispose of them with the
same method.
When the coast is clear, storm the room and dispose of the two
remaining immobile guards swiftly. Grab the first-aid kit, firecrackers
and peanuts in the previous room.
Repeat the process above by going into the room with the red curtains
and lure as much bandits as possible. Go back to hide behind the wall
and kill all of them one by one as they round corner. The total
casualties should be around 15-20 bandits including nine Demonios.


The next step is to secure the gatling gun on the platform to the east.
There should be around five bandits along the way and they can all be
easily disposed from close range by jumping out from behind corners and
take them out before they can get off a shot.
Get Sam to approach the two remaining guards near the gatling gun and
dispose of them from close range with his Winchester.
Operate the gatling gun and then fire at the two bandits near the
middle of the lake. Cooper should hide behind one of the cave walls to
ambush the two bandits as they came.

Now get Sam to wound the bandits at the platform where the second
gatling gun can be found just to the south. They will run to get to Sam
but get Cooper to finish them off one by one as they round the corner.
Sam should then take pot shots at the three remaining bandits near the
Get Doc to grab the sniper bullets on the island in the middle of the
lake and there should be four bandits along the way before El Diablo
and Sanchez's position. Kill all four bandits from a distance with the

Now is the time to free Sanchez from El Diablo. Cooper should stand at
the staircase and Doc should use his last bullet to snipe the Demonio
behind Sanchez from the barred window above the room. As soon as the
Demonio is shot, Doc should quickly head back to avoid being shot by
the two bandits. Cooper should be ready with his gun to take out the
two remaining bandits as they ascend the staircase.
Now approach Sanchez and you will regain control of him.


El Diablo had ran through the red curtain to the east. Get Sam to stand
next to the curtain and fire a shot. A Demonio will come running;
simply blast him as he passes through the curtain.
Go to the tunnel and El Diablo will run to the north, the path will be
blocked by falling boulders so the team have to go through the chamber
with the Pentagram on the ground. Get Sam to kill the two bandits in
the tunnel and proceed to the Pentagram chamber.

It's hard to describe the ways that Pentagram sections that has to be
stepped upon to get through safely. Just try and experiment, if you
step on the wrong section, reload and try again. However, the sections
beneath the torch holder and the human skeleton have to be stepped upon
to open the two gates to the north.

Get Sam to run through the tunnel between the two gates and step on the
ground beneath the torch holder at the end to deactivate the lava trap.
Simply jump out from the cave wall and blast the two bandits near the
Get Cooper over to climb the wall next to the elevator. El Diablo will
run to his chamber and destroy the staircase leading to it. Cooper
should then climb the wall to get into the Devil's chamber. Mission


Mission 25: Inferno
Location: El Diablo's chamber
Personnel: John Cooper
Difficulty level: Moderate

-Kill El Diablo!



There is no concrete strategy to fight Jackson. Basically, Cooper has
to try to shoot him while avoiding the traps that has been set by the

There are four torch holders and each of them will activate one booby
trap. Here are their descriptions starting from left to right.
Far left: Several bursts of lava will appear from the walls so go hide
at the niche to the south and no damage will be done.
Center left: two gatling guns will appear from the west and east so
quickly go hide slightly behind the center chair (give some space
between the chair and Cooper to successfully escape this attack).
Center right: Lots of circular saws will appear from the vertical black
lines on the floor. Simply don't stand at those lines and Cooper should
be all right.
Far right: Bursts of gas will appear from the small holes that are
scattered on the floor. Run back to the niche to the south to avoid any

Now after Cooper had damaged El Diablo to a certain extent, both of
them will run out of ammunition. El Diablo will lower the staircase and
come down to have a fistfight with Cooper. Jackson will knock Cooper
down but he should quickly run and grab his knife, which is stuck at
Jackson's chair.
Jackson will run to chase Cooper. As soon as he gets close, whip out
the knife and cut the Devil down once and for all. Mission

Congratulations!!! You have just finished Desperados: Wanted Dead or
Alive. Enjoy the ending!!! :)


7. Credits

God - for giving me the ability to write.

Infogrames Entertainment - for creating a game that's frustrating
sometimes yet fun and addictive!!!

C Jay C - for posting this FAQ. ^_^

Me - for writing this FAQ. ^_^

Grace Yeo - for being my girlfriend. ^_^

You - for reading this FAQ of mine. ^_^

This FAQ is Copyright of Varkovsky.

This work is supposed to appear only on these following websites:
3. http://DLH.Net
This FAQ is not supposed to appear in any other places or websites
other than those listed above. This FAQ is not to be edited, altered or
changed in any way without the author's permission.
Lastly, any further questions, comments, critics, suggestions and
additional info should be forwarded to

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16.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Unsichtbarkeit, Munition und die Waffe wird nicht heiss (für dt. v1.0)

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

12.Oktober 2013
Alle Savegames gut geordnet mit Profil, somit sind auch alle Videos ansehbar (Achtung: 4.6 MB)

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Leider keine weitere Beschreibung vorhanden

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Trainer mit Cheats

17.Oktober 2013

06.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
13.Dezember 2013
30.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020