Max Payne

Max Payne

14.10.2013 17:02:07
Max Payne
Version: Final - December 28, 2001
Creator: Ed Osciak III
Alias: Psycho0022
Platform: Playstation 2

Copyright 2001, Ed Osciak III
This walkthrough may not be changed, reproduced, or printed in any form
without the author's expressed permission. This FAQ is owned and made
by me. Feel free to print out and distribute this FAQ as long as
nothing is changed.


Section 1: Game Introduction
Section 2: Cast Of Characters
Section 3: Weapons/ Items
Section 4: Bullet Time
Section 5: Walkthrough

Part 1: The American Dream
Chapter 1: Roscoe Street Station
So Much For Being Subtle
Chapter 2: One Way Or The Other
Live From The Crime Scene
Stepping On Toes
Chapter 3: Playing It Bogart
Without Warning
A Few Hundred Bullets Back
Chapter 4: Caught In The Crossfire
Rico Muerte Big Time Hustler
The Blood Veins Of New York
Chapter 5: The Man Riding Shotgun
Something More Sinister
Let The Gun Do The Talking
Chapter 6: The Alternate Route
One Man's War
A Citywide APB
Fear That Gives Men Wings
Chapter 7: Better Than The Last One
Ice Hard and Slick
All A Blur
Chapter 8: A Den Of Drugs
Ragna Rock
An Empire Of Evil
Chapter 9: Straight From A Bad Dream

Part 2: A Cold Day In Hell
Prologue: Nightmare
Chapter 1: The Baseball Bat
From Bad To Worse
Mafia Muscle
Chapter 2: An Offer You Can't Refuse
Cold And To The Point
Family Troubles
Chapter 3: With Rats And Oily Water
Pissing Punchinello Off
A Dangerous Game
Chapter 4: No Payne, No Gain
Put Out My Flames With Gasoline
Chapter 5: Murderous Hearts
Murderous Hearts
Trouble On Dagger Heels

Part 3: A Bit Closer To Hell
Prologue: A Vortex Of Green Blood
Funny as Hell
The Killer Was Smiling
Chapter 1: Take Me To Cold Steel
Operation Dead Eyes
Chapter 2: Hidden Truths
A Tight Operation
The Next Doorway
Chapter 3: Final Revelation
The Deep Six
Project Valhalla
Chapter 4: Backstabbing Bastard
Alive And At Large
The Name Of Your Enemy
Chapter 5: In The Land Of The Blind
Providing A Service
A Sci-Fi Fortress
Chapter 6: Byzantine Power Game
Nothing To Lose
Clean Up Duty
Chapter 7: An Eye For An Eye
Stone-Cold Dead
Take Your Pick
Chapter 8: A Warrior's Heaven
A One-Way Demon Ride
Pain And Suffering
Section 6: Acknowledgments


Max Payne is a man with nothing to lose in the violent cold urban
New York night. You play as a fugitive undercover cop whose family was
slain three years ago by unknown assassins. To make matters worse, you
have been framed for the murder of your partner and now you are being
hunted by the cops as well as the mob. Max is a man with his back
against the wall, fighting a battle he cannot hope to win. Prepare
yourself for a new breed of deep action game. Prepare yourself for


MAX PAYNE: He used to be a detective for the NYPD in Manhattan three
years ago. After his wife and daughter are brutally murdered, he
decides to go work for the Undercover DEA Unit which is headed by his
longtime friend Alex Balder. The killers were junkies that were high on
the drug Vakyir. You are Max Payne.

JACK LUPINO: A mob boss in the Punchinello crime family. He is a drug
trafficker who moves large quantities of the Valkir. However, calling
him a psycho is an understatement. He has made a deal with the devil

B.B.: One of the only two contacts that Max Payne has while he is
undercover. Alex Balder is obviously the other one. You will find out
later what B.B. really stands for.

ALEX BALDER: Longtime and trusted friend of Max Payne. He is also on
the Valkir Case and has requested a meeting with you at Roscoe Street
Station. Alex is the other detective who knows that you are undercover.

TRANSIT POLICEMAN: He offers to help you in Roscoe Street Station by
letting you into an unauthorized area.

MOBSTERS: These goons are relentless and would want nothing better than
to see you swimming with the fishes. They are the main enemies that
will be hunting you in Part 1.

JIM BRAVURO: Deputy Chief of the NYPD. He believes that you have
killed your fellow police detective Alex Balder so he is doing
everything in his power to bring you to justice.

JOEY and VINNIE FINITO: Brothers that work under Jack Lupino. They run
a sleazy hotel and are two murdering mobsters with shark smiles. Real

VINNIE GOGNITTI: Jack Lupino's right-hand man. He runs the rackets for
Lupino. He is a high strung whiner on the verge of breaking apart.
Vinnie has the brains to run the business but lacks the balls to finish
what he starts.

RICO MUERTE: He was a story to keep the mobsters in line. Rico was
also part of a V-Deal that was taking place with the Finitos. He is
needed for backup on a major drug deal by the Punchinello family because
of his special skills.

ANGELO PUNCHINELLO: Head of the Punchinello crime family and otherwise
known as the don. He is the one who put the hit out on Alex Balder as
stated by Mona Sax.

CANDY DAWN: A hooker who has a nice side business by making secret X-
rated flicks of her clients and then sells them to the highest bidder.
Some mystery hag keeps paying her to send her the tapes of the one-eyed

VLADIMIR: The head of the Local Russian mob, the fly in Punchinello's
soup. They are in a mob war against the Punchinello syndicate. He also
will have a mission for you to take out Boris Dime, who is a turncoat of
the Russian mafia.

JUNKIES: These low lives can snap and go crazy at any time. They are
so strung out on the V-drug that they are lost in their own misery. A
bullet to the back of the head will do. Better to be safe than dead.

ALFRED WOODEN: This man decides to help you out because he is in need
of your services. He is the head of the Inner Circle and will provide
you with much information if you can survive the onslaught.

BOOZE HOUNDS: The same as junkies but a lot more talkative. They
usually hang out in the alley and slums of New York City. Booze Hounds
are more likely to kill you than junkies are though.

MONA SAX: Lisa Punchinello's evil twin. She is a professional cleaner.
Mona Sax reveals to you that Punchinello is the one that has killed your
friend, therefore framing you. Can a pretty face like that be trusted?

FRANKIE NIAGARA: Otherwise known as Frankie "the Bat" Niagara because
he beats his victims senseless with a baseball bat. Frankie loves to
watch cartoons because of his fascination with cartoon violence. He is
one of Punchinello's henchmen.

BORIS DIME: Used to pull jobs for Vladimir but is now on Punchinello's
side. He has a lot of "cargo" in the form of guns and ammo that were
stolen from Vladimir. Now, Vladimir wants him dead.

THE TRIO: They are cold blooded killers and are loyal bodyguards of
Punchinello. Their rap sheets are as thick as phone books. The trio is
composed of Vince Mognaia, Pilot Providence a.k.a. "Big Brother", and
Joe "Deadpan" Salem. They will stop at nothing to complete their

MERCENARIES: These well trained soldiers, formally of the military work
for only one cause, to get rid of Max Payne by any means necessary.
Their motivation is money and Punchinello has plenty to spare. You will
engage with many of these former soldiers in Part 2.

KILLER SUITS: Trained killers of the government, they can move like Max
Payne does and are a good test for Max Payne. These killers are dressed
like CIA agents and fight like the Secret Service. There mission is to
stop you from killing Nicole Horne and they are all over the place in
Part 3.

CHEMIST: He offers to help you out for letting him out of the prison
cell. The chemist will help you get through an area in Deep Six.

NICOLE HORNE: Not much is known about her but all that you need to know
is that she is a mad woman who wants to take over the world. She is the
president of Aesir Corporation and would like nothing more than to see
the threat of Max Payne deceased.


BASEBALL BAT: A melee weapon used for beating down bad guy when you
have no guns nor ammo.

LEAD PIPE: This tool is designed for busting down weakened doors and
walls. It also can be used as a melee weapon if you happen to exhaust
all of your ammo from your guns.

DESERT EAGLE: The most powerful handgun in your arsenal. It is a very
accurate weapon but reloading time is a little slow. This weapon takes
Desert Eagle ammo and holds 12 rounds in each clip.

BERETTA: This 9mm handgun is fast but not as powerful as the desert
eagle. However, the beretta is not as accurate over long distances but
the rate of fire makes up for this shortcoming. This weapon takes
Beretta ammo holds 18 rounds in each clip.

DUAL BERETTAS: Twice the beretta, twice the firepower. Finding another
beretta will allow Max Payne to go John Woo style with a Beretta in each
hand. Each weapon takes Beretta ammo and holds 18 round per clip.

JACK HAMMER: The most powerful of the three shotguns. This weapon
acts like an automatic shotgun, if you will and carries 12 rounds per
clip. This weapon is most effective at medium range and utilizes the
Jack Hammer ammo.

PUMP ACTION SHOTGUN: This 12 gauge shotgun is most effective at close
range. This weapon take Shotgun Shells and can hold up to 7 shells in
the clip.

SAWED-OFF SHOTGUN: This is also a 12 gauge shotgun that is also
effective at close range. The difference here is that you can fire off
two shells with each trigger squeeze. The drawback is that you have to
reload because the ammo chamber only hold 2 shotgun shells. This weapon
also needs shotgun shells to operate.

COLT COMMANDO: Powerful military machine gun that can hold up to 30
rounds per ammo clip. It is very accurate at any range and has a
moderate rate of fire. This weapon only take Colt Commando ammo.

INGRAM: This semi-automatic machine gun resemble that of an Uzi. It
has the fastest rate of fire of any weapon in the game, but is most
effective at close to medium range. This weapon is best used by using
short burst from the trigger and also holds Ingram ammo. Each clip
holds 50 rounds of ammo.

DUAL INGRAMS: Twice the Ingram, twice the firepower. Finding another
Ingram will allow Max Payne to be like Chow Yun Fat with an Ingram in
each hand. Great for bringing down hoards of enemies when outnumbered.
Each clip holds 50 rounds, enabling Max to fire off 100 rounds before

M79: This weapon is a modified version of a grenade launcher. This
weapon is great for medium to long range targets. This weapon take M79
ammo and the ammo chamber holds 1 round. The only drawback is slow
reloading time so make each shot count.

GRENADE: Also an effective weapon at medium to long range is the
grenade. Pull the pin and let it fly. Obviously, you can only throw
one grenade at a time. This weapon is good for tripping sensor traps as
well as enemies who are taking cover behind something.

MOLOTOV COCKTAIL: This glass bottle is filled with flammable fluid with
a rag sticking out of it. When the bottle breaks, flame shoot out in
all directions. Light the rag and let it fly. Works as well as the
grenade in most cases.

SNIPER RIFLE: This long range weapon is powerful enough to take out any
enemy as well as extremely accurate. Each clip can hold up to five
rounds per clip and take Sniper ammo. To ensure, a more steady shot,
have Max crouch when utilizing this weapon.

PAINKILLERS: Reduce pain by using these drugs found in various places
in the game. Max can carry a maximum of 8 doses at any one time.
Remember, the pain killers will take a second to two to kick in. Hence,
let the dose take effect before engaging the enemy when possible.


Bullet Time is the heart of Max Payne's combat maneuvers. When
pressed into a tight spot, Max can activate Bullet Time, which will slow
the action around him, while allowing him to aim his weapon in real-
time. This is very effective for getting the drop on multiple enemies
and even allows Max to dodge oncoming bullets. Remember, it is limited
but can be refilled by gunning down enemy targets.



"Life was good. Max Payne had it all. He had a house across the
river, on the Jersey side, a beautiful wife, and a baby girl. The
American Dream come true. But dream have a nasty when you are not

NEW JERSEY: THREE YEARS AGO. Max Payne comes home from work one
day to find his house has been broken into. From the front door, look
straight, walk, and the look at the graffiti on the left that has been
tattooed on the wall. It is a picture of a poison syringe, a magic tag
full of diabolical meanings. Next, walk straight ahead into the next
room and pick up the ringing telephone. Max will ask the person on the
other line to dial 911. The mystery lady will not help you and is
actually happy about it. She will then hang up. Then, look to the
right and open the cabinet to pick up a Pump Action Shotgun.

Go into the next room and head up the two flights of stairs to the
left. When you get to the top of the stairs, you will hear Michelle
pleading for her life and the baby crying, then you will hear gunshots.
If you try to go through the bathroom, the door will only half open.
Exit the bathroom and go through the door straight ahead. As you
approach, the door will open with a junkie standing in the way. Blast
him with a vengeance from your shotgun. Then, enter the room and take
down another junkie that appears from the door. Here, you will find out
that your baby daughter has been shot and killed.

Now, go through the door on the left and pick up the baseball bat
in the corner. You will here one of the junkies yell, "the flesh of
fallen angels!" Open the door to the left and take out the last
remaining junkie. Max will knell down beside his slain wife and let out
a resounding, "Nooo!"

"That was 3 years ago. Everything ripped apart in a New York
Minute. The killer junkies had been high on a previously unknown
designer drug: Valkyr, V. After the funeral, I told Alex I would be
transferring to the DEA. It took us 3 long years to get a break in the
Valkyr Case. Then finally, two months ago, a dime dropper tipped us off
that Jack Lupino, a mob boss in the Punchinello crime family was
trafficking. I went undercover and infiltrated the worst crime family
in New York."


B.B. calls you on the telephone and states that something has come
up with Jack Lupino. He goes on to say that you need to meet with Alex
immediately at the Roscoe Street Station. You feel that something is
wrong as soon as you get there.

drop you off at Roscoe Street Station. Look to the left and walk
straight ahead and go through the door marked "Employees Only." Then,
follow the trail of blood and run through the next door. You will see a
Transit Policeman face down in a pool of his own blood. Max will pull
out his Beretta automatically. Search the cabinets in this room to find
Beretta Ammo and a Pain Killer. Now backtrack to where the train
dropped you off.

When you arrive, you will have to gun down two mobsters who are
patrolling the area. Now would be a good time to shoot dodge. Pick up
the Desert Eagle and Desert Eagle Ammo and head up the stairs which were
previously locked. As you approach, you will hear two mobsters bragging
about the transit cop they have just taken out. Shoot dodge and cap
both of them while aiming to the right. Then, pick up their Desert
Eagles and continue down the tunnel. When you get to the end, you will
have to whack another mobster who is behind the locked bars to the left.
He will be calling out for the two mobsters you've just iced but the
last thing he will see is you.

Next, cut to the right and run down the two flights of steps and go
to the right. Next, continue to the left and you will hear another
mobster cough. Take out this guy but dive and gunning to the left in
the archway. When he falls, pick up his Pump Action Shotgun and grab a
coke at the soda machine. Then, head through the turnstile straight


When you arrive, you will be in front of the Subway Control Room.
If you try to access the control panel, it will just mock you. Next
head down two flights of stairs to the right. Wait at the bottom of the
steps where you will hear to mobsters arguing. Then dive out and take
out those two henchmen before they know what hit them. Then, watch out
behind you and take out the mobster with the shotgun. When they are all
dead, pick up the Pump Action Shotgun, two Berettas, and the Desert
Eagle. Next, look to the left and run down the corridor to where the
yellow transit car is at. Have your Pump Action Shotgun ready and dive
through the Employees Only door and whack the mobster who is holding the
Transit Cop hostage. Since you save him, he will agree to open the
Subway Control Room for you. Before leaving this room, search all the
lockers and cabinets to find a Pump Action Shotgun, Shotgun Shells, two
Painkillers, and Desert Eagle ammo. Then backtrack all the way back up
to the Subway Control Room with the Transit Policeman in tow.

He will punch in his code and say all clear. When the door opens,
a mobster will be standing there to shoot him with a shotgun. Then,
enter through the door and it will be empty. Next find the door, go
through it and get ready to take on four men who are guarding the
control room. First, tag the man in the doorway. Then shoot dodge like
crazy and take out the two men to the left and the lamebrain in the
corner. When the smoke has cleared, you will be able to pick up two
Pump Action Shotguns, and two Berettas. Your next move is to go through
the door on the right into the control room. In it, hit the button in
the middle to restore power to the yellow transit car. Then, grab the
four Painkillers that are in the cabinet to the right. Finally, look
through the camera to the right of the painkillers and you will notice
that the transit car is lit up like a Christmas tree.

Now, make your way back to the transit car and enter through the
side door. Then, look to the right and take control of the wheel. You
will then be treated to a scene of the transit car smashing through a
barricade. "So much for being subtle." Exit through the front door,
and make your way down the dark tunnel. Keep your guard up because at
the end, you are going to have to take on three mobsters who are not
happy to see you. When you have dropped all three, pick up their
weapons and make your way up the stairs to the right.


The rusty door leads to an abandoned part of the subway that was
closed off since the 1940's. Something big was going down at Roscoe
Street. This may or may not be why Alex wanted to meet you here. Look
to the left and run down the corridor and continue running forward when
it breaks left. When you approach, the mobsters think that they have
heard something. Dive straight and aim to the right to take down the
two mobsters near the crates. The shotgun will do. Shoot the small
boxes to gain some ammo for the weapons you've acquire thus far. Then
open the door to the right and you will hear someone yell, "What the
hell!?!" Look left and shoot left to disarm him. Then make your way to
the bottom of the stairs. When it break left, you will have to take out
another henchman. Then continue to make your way down the stairs and
you will find another tunnel. You can only walk one way, right.

Run down the long tunnel until you see the lights for the station
platform. Stop and listen to the two mobsters talk amounts themselves.
One of them will get a cell phone call and discover that the station is
not secured. Now make your move. Take out the likes of them two and
hop up onto the train platform. Also, a guy will approach from the
stair way. Dispose of the Beretta toting mobster immediately. Then,
crack open all of the boxes to reveal some Shotgun Shells. Then, head
up the stairs straight ahead. As you head up, you will hear a bomb go
off. "What the hell was that!?!" Then, continue to make your way up
the next flight of stairs straight ahead in the right hand corner.


Make you way up the flight of stairs and listen to the two mobsters
argue over the Detonators. Then shoot dodge from behind the crates and
peg them with your Dual Berettas. Then, take out the two mobsters that
approach from the bottom of the stairs. Pick up the Sawed-Off Shotgun
from the dead mobster and look at the door. There is a bomb strapped to
the door that was missing a Detonator which you are going to need to
find. Shoot at the small boxes to find some more Desert Eagle ammo and
make your way down the stairs. You will see some rats along the way.
Go through the tunnel but stop about half way to listen to what the
mobsters are saying. Then equip your Dual Berettas and dive through the
vault door which is to the right. You are going to have to take out a
room full of mobsters. Two on the right and two on the left. Shoot
Dodge like crazy and nail everyone of them suckers like Chow Yun Fat!
Remember to pick up any ammo that the dead have left and take a
Painkiller or two if needed.

Then, brace yourself and look to the left. Push the button to open
the door and get ready to take on another room of four mobsters. Just
use the same technique as before. There will be one at the door when
you first enter, two on the left, and one on the right who make take
cover in the center. Pick up the two Painkillers to the left of the
main computer and then answer the ringing phone. You will hear a nasty
message from the Deputy Police Chief Jim Bravuro. This is a funny
exchange of words. After you hang up, push the keyboard on the main
computer and look to the right. Go through Vault C and look at the
robbers score that is on the table. After finding out what it was, go
back to the main computer and push the keyboard button again. Look to
the left and go through Vault A. Pick up the Detonator and run back to
the main computer. Push the main computer's keyboard one more time and
Vault B will open. Now backtrack and make your way back to the door
that was molded shut. When you reach it, you will have to gun down
three more robbers. Pick up their weapons, one being a Grenade, and
then place the Detonator on the door. Enjoy the nice explosion of the
door being reopened.


Max Payne sure knows how to make an entrance. You will see a scene
between Alex and you. Max lets Alex know that this is Jack Lupino's
doing. But here is where you get framed. A man will come down the
steps on the other side and shoot Alex dead. There was no way that you
could help him because the doors were locked. It looks like you are
going to have to shoot your way out. Turn to the right and take out the
three mobsters that appear at the top of the stairs. Pick up their
weapons as you head up the stairs. The next thing you'll hear is
sirens. Make your way up the next flight of stairs and you will have to
disband three mobsters congregated at the top. Then dive straight
forward and aim left to take out the mobster with the shotgun. Pick up
their weapons and then head into the clerks office and take the four
Painkillers out of the medicine cabinet. Next, throw down the Exit Gate
Control and exit the subway station up the stairs to the left.

Alex had kept Max Payne relatively sane for the last three years.
Somehow he had stumbled upon something big and ended on stepping on Jack
Lupino's toes.


Lupino ran his racket of sex, drugs, and contract killings from a
sleazy hotel and a slum block of tenements. You can hear the NYPD
closing in. Lupino though he could get to Max by taking out Alex and
letting him take the fall for it. All's that he got was Payne's
attention. Max decides to walk into the hotel and play it Bogart like
he had done a hundred times before only this time, his cover was blown.

Your next move against the Finito Brothers is to dive straight
ahead and aim to the right with your Sawed-Off Shotgun. Take out both
of the Finito Brother and then grab the Painkiller from the safe in the
back of the office. Next, read the letter that catches Max's attention.
The letter is written by Gognitti and is addressed to the Finitos. this
is the first mention of Rico Muerte. Finally, Rico Muerte's room is
scribbled on the notebook, Room 313. This is where you will be heading

Now get ready for another fire fight because Finitos men have heard
the commotion and are concerned. Wait by the door and when they come
busting in pump them full of lead from your Dual Berettas. After the
three of them have been disposed of, pick up their weapons and head out
the door. Getting out isn't going to be easy because the stairwell is
locked and the elevator has been busted for a decade or more. Make your
way down the stairs to the right and go into the bathroom to the left.
Here, you will find yourself two Painkillers in the medicine cabinet.
Next, continue down the hallway and go through the room and play with
the bed if ya like. Then, shoot out the windows where the pink neon
"HOTEL" sign is and walk across the ledge to the left. Wait by the
second door that you pass on the left and blast the three mobsters when
they open the door. Then, pick up their Berettas and run through the
door from where they just came out. Shoot out the boxes to the left to
reveal some Beretta ammo and then make your way through the door on the


Head down the stairs and bust down the door when you get to it.
Then walk straight ahead and look to your left. You will hear a mobster
said "Hold It!" When he reaches for his shotgun, blast him with a shot
from you own. Then search the room and you will find A Pump Action
Shotgun. Now exit the room and continue down the hallway to the left.
then as it bend left, enter room 302 to the left. Search the cabinet to
the left in the room and you will find a Painkiller in the drawer. Then
exit the room and head to the left where the guy is sitting in his
chair. Blast him and then take out the two men that approach from the
left. Don't forget to dive while shooting! Grab the weapons that they
drop and enter the restore on the right. Search the bathroom and take
the two Painkillers out of the medicine cabinet and then shoot the
junkie in the stall and take his Beretta. Exit the restore and continue
to the right through the exit doors.

When you open the exit doors, shoot the man on the left and then
immediately dive and blast the mobster on the right. Then grab yourself
a snack out of the snack machine if ya like. There is nothing of
interest in the two rooms on the right opposite of the candy machine.
Next, goto the exit door and blast the lock off with your Beretta. Then
go through the now open door. When you go through the room listen and
watch the two mobsters on the right who are arguing with the soda
machine. Then, blast them with your shotgun. After killing this two
men, quickly turn around and clock the guys who storms out of their room
behind you. Search the room on the right and walk up to the TV to get a
bead on the news outside. When your done with the broadcast, go through
the next room to the left and grab the Painkiller that is in the cabinet
and the Beretta ammo to the left of it if you need it. Now get out of
that room and continue towards the Exit. You can not go through the
exit doors, but instead walk into the room to the left.


Your next move should be to kill the junkie on the left and then
pick up the Beretta ammo that is sitting on the shelf. Then make your
way through the door on the far right. When you walk through shoot
dodge and make sure to aim left and take out the mobster that is waiting
for you. Three more will join the fight from the right so make sure not
to let your guard down. Pick up the enemies ammo and one of the weapons
that you will pick up is a Molotov Cocktail. Then, make your way down
the hallway to the left and run through room 313 but do not stand by the
door. It is rigged with a shotgun! Then read the letter that Muerte
received from Punchinello. "Collecting evidence got old a few hundred
bullets back." If you search the rest of the room you will find a
Sawed-Off Shot Gun and a Pump Action Shotgun in the briefcase on the
bed. Then, exit the room and make your way to the right.

Grab a snack at the vending machine and then bust down the door
with your Lead Pipe to the right. You will find a hidden room. Next go
through the windows and walk across the thin ledge to the right but
don't look down. Then , bust open the door with the hole in it and go
inside where the dead body is. Here you will find four Molotov
Cocktails, two Painkillers, and all kinds of ammo. After taking up a
collection exit the room and walk along the ledge to the left from where
you came. Now, walk to the left and follow the hallway when it breaks
right. When you get to the beam that holds up the section, whack the
two wiseguys that approach from the left. Then continue walking through
where they came. Then at a distance, blast the furnace and scare the
crap out of the mobsters that are waiting down below. This is where you
will drop in next.

Drop down and then immediately shoot dodge forward and let those
two wiseguys have it with your Dual Berettas. Then, tag the one who
approaches from straight ahead when he hears the commotion. Then, walk
straight ahead and waltz into Room 216 on the right. Then, read the
hooker's diary that was left on the table. Here, you will find out the
hookers name is Candy Dawn and that she had been running a side business
by filming her clients secretly. Then, she would sell the X-rated tapes
to the highest bidder. However, an old hag kept calling about the one-
eyed Alfred tapes. Exit the room through the right and you will see a
secret closet. Then, pick up the Shotgun and Beretta ammo off the rack
from the right and go through the door straight ahead.

Then, run to the left and when the hallway bends to the right,
exchange fire with the gumba on the left. Then, run down the hallway
and when it breaks right dive into slow motion and whack all three
gumbas with your Dual Berettas to the right. Now all you gotta do it to
push the elevator button, hop on the elevator, and ride it downstairs.


When the elevator reaches the bottom floor get out and wait so that
you can hear what the mobsters are yapping about. Then, run to the left
and blast them three men into oblivion. Then, you will have to take on
two mobsters in the room to the right who are taking cover behind
crates. After the shooting has ceased, go back into the first room and
get a news update from the TV. You will find out that the blizzard is
not going to let up and neither will this mess. Now, head back through
the second room a shoot out the little boxes on the shelf which are left
of the crates that are sitting by the doors. Here, you will find
yourself a Painkiller. Your next move will be to shoot out the crates
by the door and head on through it. When you enter this room you will
have to take out a mobster that is waiting in the hallway. Here you
will get to read a Captain Batboy comic which is lying right next to a
dead guy tied to a chair with a baseball bat on the floor.

After you are finished reading the comic book, check the cabinet in
the back of the room and grab some more Shotgun Shells. Then, make your
way up the stairs where the railing is and you will find yourself in the
kitchen. The dive forward and gun down the two mobsters who were
talking about vampire movies. A third guy will also attack you with a
shotgun. Just bury him with a shot on your own. From where you
entered, there are some Painkillers in the back right corner. Grab
them, turn around and make your way through the kitchen and bear right.
Finally, head up the stair and enter through the door.


Here, run straight ahead and listen for the mobsters as they do
business. Then get ready to crash the party with your Dual Berettas by
walking through the doors and wreaking some serious havoc. You will
have to deal with two henchmen on each side of the table so start using
that diving bullet time like crazy until none of the goon are standing.
When the room is silent, grab the Bar Key from the table on the right.
Then search all the cabinets in the room to find some more firepower.
Lastly, check the table in the middle of the room to see the contents of
the drug deal. Then exit the room from where you came in and head down
the hallway to the left. Next, enter the restore and snag the four
Painkillers that are in the medicine cabinet. Then, exit the restore
and head up the stairs through the Bar with the key you have just found.

In this scene, you will see Rico Muerte talking like a big shot as
Candy Dawn is about to go down on him. Guess it is time to crash the
party. Get ready to shoot dodge like crazy because you are going to
have to take out two mugs from the left, Candy Dawn behind the bar, and
a mobster on the right. Rico will head out the door to the right in the
midst of the battle. When you have cleared the room of mobsters, pick
up their weapons and ammo and head through the door on the left. When
you open the door, shoot the hell out of Rico Muerte who still has his
pants around his ankles. When Muerte drops to the ground, pop a
Painkiller and head on through the door behind him.


Take the hallway straight ahead and pick off the two mobsters that
are in your way. There is one that approaches from the right and one
behind the reception desk. When they have fallen over, take their
weapons and head on through the door behind the Reception Desk. Check
the cabinet and you will find a Beretta. Then, operate the switchboard
to the right. This switchboard is great for tapping phone lines. Here,
you will get to hear one of the henchmen who is dying contact Vinnie
Gognitti to alert him that Max Payne is at large. This panics the hell
out of him.

Now, do not forget to grab the Painkillers that are in the medicine
cabinet before leaving this room. Then, head up the stairs that are
beside the exit gates and make your way through the Club door. Then
play the one armed bandit if ya like. Next, follow the pathway as it
winds to the left and then right and blast the mobster playing the slot
machine before he spots you. Then dive ahead and drive another bullet
into the other guy that approaches from the right. Search the room and
you will find a Painkiller by the soda machine. Then, head on through
the doors at the top of the room and you will be on a rooftop outside
again. Shoot out the glass and drop on in on the mobsters below. Just
be prepared to take on four mobsters at the same time. You know what to
do. Use Bullet time like a madman and blast away till no one is
standing. Two will approach from the right while the other two will try
to kill you head on. Then collect all the weapons that litter the
ground and go through the gates that are now open. Push the exit button
behind the exit desk, backtrack where you just battle the quartet of
mobsters and head out the double doors.


As you make your way out into the streets, you now know that every
available man in the Punchinello crime family will be gunning for you.
But as you are walking, you get to see Lupino's office lit up when a
bomb goes off. Max Payne sees the man who is riding shotgun in the car
as it drives by and identifies him as Vladamir of the Russian mafia.
Now you will have to go check out Lupino's Suite where Lupino would have
been. The advantage is that the mafia men are a little shaken up.

You will find yourself out on the streets in from of the Xlent
General Adult Video Store and it is still snowing. Pull out your Ingram
which you have just pick up from your last encounter with the mobsters
and run straight ahead past the red car and stop in front of the Pawn
Shop on the left. Two mobsters will be trying to make some arms deal.
Dive on it and pick off the two men that are standing to the right.
Then, pick up the Beretta ammo and Shotgun Shells and head into the
little backroom. Nothing in here but on your way back out to the
streets, pick up the various ammo that lay on the shelf. When you get
outside again, run to the left and follow the road as it bends to the
left. Then, read the headlines that are in today's paper which is to
the left of the van. You will find out that you made the front page.
Then, open the backdoor of the van to pick up the Pump Action Shotgun.
Next, continue along the street.

Your next move is to make a left and head down the stairs and then
go through the door. Before going through, make sure that you have your
Dual Berettas equipped. Then, crap your pants and dive right in. You
will have to gun down three armed mobsters so use that bullet time to
your advantage. Then, when they are all dead, pick up some more ammo as
well as a Painkiller. Next, go through the door that is straight ahead
from where you have walked in. When you can go left, do so and bust
down the door on the left. Take out your shotgun kill the two junkies
who are stoned. Pick up their Berettas and exit the room to the left
and walk on down the hall.


This part is a little more tricky. The door to the right is locked
tight and there is propane canisters to the left. Here is what you need
to do. From where you are standing when you started this level, throw a
Molotov Cocktail at the pipes and watch the fun. The canister will
explode and take out the door that was previously locked. Then, re
equip your Dual Berettas and head through the door which is now open.
You will have to cap a mobster along the way. Look to the left and gun
down the two junkies. Then take the two Painkillers that are in the
medicine cabinet on the left before entering the next room. Then, keep
going straight ahead and dive into the next room and aim left to take
out the awaiting mobster. Then aim right and take out the approaching
gumba holding the shotgun. Then pick up their weapons and head on up
the stairs that are in the back left.

When you head up the steps, take out the mobster to the left by
diving and aiming left. Take his Ingrams and continue going up the
steps. Then, go through the room with the lockers and answer the phone
in the next room. When you pick up the phone, a male voice will state
that you need to hurry up because the police are on their way. He will
contact you again. Now, continue walking ahead and dive through the
next room on the left. Here, you will have to take down two mobsters
who are not happy to see you. They will drop the Pump Action Shotgun
and the Ingram. Then, go through the small room to the left of where
you've just dove in. Shoot the lock off the door and enter through into
an even smaller room. Then, read the letter on the counter to the left.
The letter will state that Gognitti was all talk and no walk and that
the Russian Mafia weren't to happy with being fired upon. Search this
room and pick up some more ammo and two Painkillers. Also, do not
forget to pick up the Staircase Key that lay on the shelf. Now exit
both rooms and run on over to the door that is straight ahead and a
little to the left.


Run like hell up the two flights of steps because as the stairs
makes the seconds bend to the left, you are going to see a grenade hop
right in front of you. Better dive up them steps when you see it! The
take out them two men straight ahead with those Berettas of yours. Do
not worry about going into the Mens Room, there is nothing there.
Instead, check out the Ladies Room and pick up the three Painkillers and
the Shotgun Shells that are in here. Then exit this room and continue
up the steps to the right. Tag the mobster with the Dual Ingrams when
you reach the top. Pick them up and enter the room to the right. Then
make your way across the balcony to the left and hop across the gap by
jumping through the center. The go through the room to the right. When
you enter, the balcony you were running on will not be there anymore!

Turn right and dive through the next door with your gun a blazing.
You will have to take out three henchmen. Two straight ahead and one at
nine o'clock. When those three have fallen, one will come charging out
of the bathroom with a Shotgun. When the smoke has cleared, pick up all
of the ammo and make your way into the small room and open the cabinet
to the right to net yourself another Painkiller. Then, exit and go into
the next room to the left and open the cabinet to find some more Desert
Eagle ammo. Next, open the window straight ahead and step outside.


The bombs had destroyed all the stairs up to Lupino's office. Now
you will have to make it there through adjoining rooftops. You will
find yourself at the top of the balcony. Aim down and take out the
boozehound that are warming themselves by the fire. Then proceed down
the stairwell. Confiscate their Berettas and make your way straight
ahead to through the door on the left. They left the light on for you.
The corridor will break to the left. If you try to enter the door the
left, the doorman will politely tell you to buzz off. Enter the door to
the right.

Next, run straight ahead through the snow and enter the door that
is lit on the left. When you enter, check out the room to the right and
stock up on some more ammo for your various weapons. Then go through
the small corridor on the left from where you've just entered and throw
a Molotov Cocktail to burn the three boozehounds who are hanging about.
Cheers! Equip your Dual Berettas and head up the stairs while blasting
away at the henchman. After pegging him, two more will pursue you.
Open up a can of whoop ass and continue up the steps. When you make it
to the top, head left where you will have to take out two more
boozehounds and henchman. Collect all of their weapons and head up
another flight of steps. When you get to the top, go to the right and
through the door on the left. Here, you will kindly persuade the guy to
get you into Luigi's Laundry Room where the door man told you to buzz
off. Head back to that place and the man will get you in.


After speaking the password "John Woo," the door will open and the
man will scream that it is a trap. Dive on through and take no
prisoners by gunning down the three henchmen that occupy the room.
Then, pick up the weapons that litter the ground and head into the next
room on the left. You will have to kill a mobster that shows his face
to the right. Next, go through the tiny corridor where the man appear
and make a quick left into the office. Search the room and you will
find two Painkillers behind the desk. Then, hop on the elevator and
push the button to go up. If you don't like the elevator musak, shoot
the speaker at the top of the elevator and Max will thank you. When the
elevator stops, get off and make your way down the corridor to the left.

Go through the door that is straight ahead and you will hear
someone whistling and a toilet flush. When he comes out of the
bathroom, whack him! Then, make your way over to the TV to hear the
latest news. Congratulations, you have made the top news story. Open
up the cabinet to the right and pick up the Beretta ammo. Then, jump
through the window to the left and you will be on another snow covered
rooftop. Look to the left and carefully make your way across the beam.
Don't look down! When you have made it across jump through the room and
take out the two henchmen who are waiting for you. Then watch the weird
TV show called "Address Unknown." When you are finished, check the
cabinet in the next room to find some Ingram ammo. Then go through the
window opposite of the cabinet. You will be on another rooftop. Walk
across the steel beam carefully straight ahead. When you reach the
other side, head on through the door.


Walk straight ahead and head to the right after the explosion hits.
Then head on through the next balcony wall and run to the left. You
will enter a small room and see two henchman on the left but do not
shoot them. Instead, watch them argue over what wire to cut and watch
them blow themselves up. Very funny indeed! Wait a couple of seconds
and the whole wall where they were standing will crumble when you push
against it. Jump on through and grab a soda along the way. When the
room veers to the left, cap the mobster who approaches. Enter through
the next room straight ahead.

Then make your way straight up the ramp and shoot dodge straight
ahead and let the two henchmen have it with your dual Ingrams! Then go
peep out to the balcony and catch the mobster off guard by nailing him
with a bullet. Next, continue along the balcony to the left as it wraps
around and kill the mobster holding the shotgun. Enter through the
doorway with the graffiti and listen to Gognitti getting pissed off
because bombs are going off and there's nothing he can do. Open up the
cabinet straight ahead and pick up the Ingram ammo. Then look to your
left grab the Painkiller on top of the sink and then waltz right on
through the door.


Finally, you will meet the man you have been killing to see. He
will fire at you but you will get off a good shot at him right in the
gut. He will bail off like a wounded deer leaving his henchmen to try
to finish you off. Make like Chow Yun Fat and dive across the room
while gunning down his three apes with your Dual Ingrams. After the
killing is done, pick up the dropped ammo and weapons and read the
crumpled letter on Gognitti's desk. It is a letter addressed to Don
Punchinello. Basically, it is a bunch of complaining about how Jack
Lupino is a psycho.

Make your way into the room on the left and hop on out the window
where you'll land on a rooftop. Next, you will have to walk across
another steel beam. When you get to the other side, dive on through the
door to the left and open the cabinet to pick up some more Ingram ammo.
Then cut left and then right to the next room and follow the corridor to
the right as it snakes back to the left. Then, run up the flight of
stairs and go through the door on the left. When you open the door, you
will see Gognitti running for his life and that crazy SOB will jump from
the roof top onto a moving train to try to escape. Now, when you hear
the next train coming get a running start and make a leap of faith to
where Gognitti just jumped. If your timing is right, you will land
safely onto the trains. If you do not time it right... After a brief
cutscene, you will have following Gognitti onto another rooftop.

Take some Painkillers if you have been severely damaged. Then walk
to the left and jump onto the steel beams that connect the two rooftops.
After you have made your way across, you will have to gun down two more
henchmen straight ahead of you. After gunning them down, collect their
ammo and run to the right to land onto the next building. Run straight
ahead and jump when you reach the end of the gap. You will make it
safely to the next rooftop. When you reach it, look to your right and
you will see to henchman firing at you. Pick them off by sending a
bunch of Beretta rounds their way. Just remember, they are a little
higher up than you. Then, continue your journey past the Billboard sign
and continue to the left when it bends left. A police helicopter will
circle around you and yell at you but ignore it and keep running until
you reach the doorway all the way to the left.

Once inside, you will see Gognitti at the bottom of the spiraling
stairs giving orders to his three henchmen to shoot you. Equip your
Dual Ingrams and head on down the stairs to meet them halfway. Then
dive all over the place and fire at will. When no one is left standing,
head all the way down the stairs and pick up the two Painkillers in the
medicine cabinet to the left. Then turn around and head on down the
corridor and go on through the door.


You will be on another rooftop. Sneak out to the fences and then
run back to where you started. Then dive out in bullet time and take
out the mobster from the right and the one who is straight ahead. Then,
run along the fence straight ahead and the go right when it breaks
right. Then shoot dodge and aim left at the guy who guarding the
doorway. pick up the Ingram ammo to the right of the door and then head
on through. After going through, head up the stairs to the right and
you will see Gognitti take an elevator up. When you get to the top of
the steps, a henchman will approach from behind the truck to the left.
You know what to do. After picking him off, enter inside the truck and
sang the Shotgun Shells and Beretta Ammo. Then shoot the boxes on the
ground and net yourself two grenades and shoot the boxes at the end of
the truck to pick up some Ingram Ammo. Exit the truck and goto the
right and push the elevator button to bring it down. If you want, hop
in the gap where you'll find a policeman in a box and a Painkiller.

Now, ride the elevator up and shoot out the henchman while riding
up. Pick up his ammo and walk across the planks to the right and when
it bends right dive and take out the two mobsters who are hiding behind
the crates to the right. After you drop them, hide behind the billboard
and take out the enemies to the left. Now run up the ramp in front of
the billboard and then run straight and aim left to take out the two
guys to the left. Finally, pickup the Painkillers that are sitting on
the ledge and then run across the second and third billboard ramp which
happens to be a Batboy Comic Billboard. When you see the door, you will
hear a mobster yell out, "We're gonna be rich!" That is your cue to
shoot out the glass ceiling and jump right in to surprise attack the
goons. Finally, shoot out the little boxes in this area to reveal
Beretta Ammo, Ingram Ammo, and a Painkiller. then exit through the door
on the right.


Equip your Dual Ingrams and head up the stairs and make your way
back out onto the rooftops by going through the door to the left. Look
to the left and take the stairs down a floor and enter through the door
to the right and then watch a little TV to the left. On this news
flash, you will hear Deputy Chief Jim Bravuro make another statement
about you and the situation. Next, search the bathroom to the right and
open the medicine cabinet to nab yourself three more Painkillers. Then,
listen to the mobsters who are ready and waiting for you. Next, exit
the bathroom and bust on through the next door to the right. Gun down
the first mobster as you dive through the door and then wrap around to
the left and let the bodies hit the floor by gunning down the other two
henchmen. Then make your move straight ahead, dive and aim to the right
to take out two more henchmen. After the blood bath has been finished,
keep on truckin' straight ahead and through the next door.

You will be on yet another rooftop but keep running straight ahead
and barrel through the next door. Do not stop running because when the
corridor bends to the left a grenade is going to fly out of nowhere.
Dive to the left when you see it and nail the SOB who through it at you.
That'll teach him. Pick up his shotgun and head on through the door
where you will finally get to take on Gognitti himself who is close by.
Your next move is to head on down the stairs and shoot dodge and peg
three of Gognitti's goons. Do not forget to have them Painkillers
ready. After you have pegged them, head left and take out the goon with
the shotgun. Then cut right and shoot dodge like crazy and nail
Gognitti and his last goon with any Ingram ammo that you have left.
When you have emptied enough rounds into Gognitti he will keel over
almost half dead.

Now it is shakedown time for Gognitti. Basically, Max Payne beats
the truth out of Gognitti for the whereabouts of Jack Lupino. He tries
to scream police brutality but Max doesn't care at this point. He
didn't ask for this crap. Finally, Gognitti squeals and tells Max that
Jack Lupino is hiding at Ragna Rock.


Ragna Rock was Lupino's private nightclub, a den of drugs built
into a theater. the belly of the nightclub was a gothic theme park that
began with bondage games, and led to the nasty stuff from there. Jack father, like son.

Here, you will start in front of Ragna Rock and you will have
already passed through the security line. Congrats, you've gotten in to
this exclusive club. Turn around and go towards the Ticket Window and
make a left. Continue going straight and head to and go through the back
door of the Security Station. Search the cabinet and you will find some
Shotgun Shells. When you exit, you will have to gun down the mobster
that appears to the right. Then goto the backdoor of the ticket window
and find the secret passage into the nightclub because the front doors
are locked. When you entered into the room, you will have to take out
two henchmen, one in the doorway and one who is crouching behind the
rack. After taking them out, search the rack to the right and you will
find Shotgun Shells, Desert Eagle Ammo, Ingram Ammo, and Beretta Ammo.
Then, turn around and read the book entitled, "The Age and Murder of
Storm," that is sitting on the table. This will tell you what the
nightclub and the owner are all about. Then do a thorough search of the
room and you will also find a couple of Painkillers as well.

Your next move will be to go through the door, dive, and shoot the
henchman with his back to the door. Then turn right immediately and gun
down the mobster sitting pretty to the left. Finally, bullet dive once
more and aim upward at the balcony where another henchman is trying to
rub you out. If you search the left-most corner of the room, you will
find yourself some Beretta Ammo. Make your way to the center of the
room and head on through the double doors straight ahead. Hang a right
at the Disco sign and prepare to take on three more henchman that would
want nothing more then to see you dead. After these three have been
dwelt with, head through the Bar which is located to the left. Open up
the door and have them Dual Berettas ready because you are going to have
to dive straight ahead, aim left, and bury any mobster that moves within
your sights. After all three mobsters have been killed, go behind the
bar and pick up the Painkiller and the Shotgun Shells. Next, read the
book about the Occult that is sitting on the table. Looks likes Lupino
has been getting intimate with the devil himself. Head on through the
next door to the left of the table.


Head up the two flights of stairs that lie ahead and wait at the
top of the stairs. You will hear them talking about how freaky Jack
Lupino has become and that nobody has seen him for the past three days.
Now, go through the open door on the left, dive, and aim right to take
out the three mobsters who are guarding some dirty money and some of the
Valkyr drugs. Next, check the rightmost corner where the two little
boxes are sitting, shoot them, and pick up the two Painkillers. Then,
head on through the wine barrel maze and take out the approaching
mobster who hears the commotion to the left of the table. After you've
taken his Shotgun Shells, take out the other two mobsters who have a
deathwish. To make it through the mini maze go straight, head right and
it wraps around to the left (pick up the shotgun ammo to the right),
straight ahead and right when it bends to the right. Then gun down the
mobster who pokes his head out straight ahead with his shotgun.

Now here comes the hard part. Equip your dual Ingrams and head up
the stairs while gunning down the henchman who pops out in front of you.
Take his Berettas when he hit the floor and gun down the henchman who is
above and to the left of you while running. Continue going up the step
and kill the last two henchman who are guarding the door at the top.
Then pick up their Ingrams and head on through the door straight ahead.
It will be snowing like mad outside. Peep on through the little window
straight ahead. See the little mobster who is trying to whack you from
below? Good, drop him a little Christmas present in the form of a
Grenade at him, he'll get a bang out of it. Now, you will have to enter
through the window and carefully tip toe across the beam to the center.
When you have made it to the center do not look down but do look to the
left and tip toe on the beam to the left and hop out the window at the
end of it.

You will be on the rooftops again with the wind howling. Go around
the building to the left and you will find a path to some more steel
beams that you will have to cross. (Hope you are not afraid of heights
because it's a long way down!) To get on the first beam you are going
to have to hop on it straight ahead, look left and walk out to the
center. When you get to the center, look to the right and fall to that
beam. Now all that you have to do is carefully walk all the way
straight ahead until you get to the last beam. Then, look right to
where the window is lit, walk to the window, look left, and then head on
through the door where it is warm and cozy.


Equip your Dual Berettas and head on down the four flights of
stairs. When you get to the third flight, pop the two mobsters who are
targeting you with the shotgun and the beretta. When you have disposed
of the two, head on through the door to the left. Then dive straight
ahead and cap the mobsters who is right in front of you. Pick up his
Pump Action Shotgun and look in the medicine cabinet to snag yourself
four Painkillers. then, turn around and run straight ahead where two
mobsters will be waiting to try to gun you down. You know what to do.
Pick up their ammo and run and gun down the stairs to take out another
two henchmen along the way. When you finally make it to the bottom
floor, shoot out the two little boxes underneath the stair to reveal
Shotgun Shells and a Painkiller. Then, walk up to the mike and try to
sing a little karaoke. I guess Max has stage fright. Next, head on up
to the control booth straight ahead. Grab the Painkiller off of the
desk and open the stage up by using the right computer. When the two
mobsters recklessly come charging through, hit the left computer to
activate the pyrotechnics. This is a great way to take them out!

Now, make your way through the stage to the right and head on
through the stage that you have just opened. Run to the left and stop
at the top of the stairs. Look to the right and take out the mobster
who is standing with his back turned to you through the gap in the
curtain. Now head on down the stairs and run all the way to the right
and run up the two flights of stairs to where the control panel is.
Throw down all four switches once to move the stage set around. Then
head on back down the two flights of steps and go through to the right.
After you have made it through the little mini maze of curtains, head up
the five flights of stairs to the left. Then tread carefully and
swiftly across the wooden planks. When you make it to the other side,
head on through the door to the left.


The backstage area had lead to Lupino's inner sanctum. This was
the rotten core of the Big Apple and this is where Lupino resides. Your
first move will be to check out the torn pages on the sofa to the left.
Punchinello had threatened Lupino in writing stating that if he did not
shape up, he would have the trio to contend with. Obviously, Lupino was
intimidated by the threat. Next, check out Lupino notes on the pedestal
in the middle of the room. Basically, he was trying to sell his soul to
the devil for power and fortune and the chants proved he is crazy. Head
out of this room straight ahead from the entrance to the left and head
up the large flight of stairs to the right. When you get to the top,
run straight ahead and push the button to open the door to the right at
the end of the path.

Now prepare yourself for battle. Run around the perimeter of the
room and pick up every piece of weaponry, ammo, and Painkiller that you
can find. You will hear jack Lupino chanting some crazy nonsense that
sounds like the ranting of a mad man. When you are ready to engage the
enemy step to the center of the room where the fountain of red blood is.
A mobster will yell "Hold it!" and that is your cue that the battle has
begun. Pull out you Dual Ingrams and aim wherever you see a mobster.
They will usually rain down from two places, from the stack off boxes
to the left and from the stairs with the red carpet to the right. To
survive this onslaught, keep moving and using your bullet time to dive
which will ensure an accurate shot. Use the Painkillers that you have
acquired as needed. Also, in between killings, do not be afraid to
restock on ammo and Painkillers, that are located on both sides of the
room on the parameter. After taking out ten mobsters, be sure to look
up at the balcony that is three stories high to gun down the final two.
After taking out twelve mobsters the curtains will open and the real
show will begin.

Lupino was pumped up and dying to go 15 rounds with a mutant
alligator. Lupino will then talk in a deep strange voice which is more
apocalyptic nonsense. After Lupino is done talking about get ready to
battle him and two of his goons. Equip your Dual Ingrams and lure them
to the center of the room where the fountain of blood is. Then shoot
dodge like crazy and empty all the Ingram Ammo that you can muster into
the three. With enough shots, this tough, drug induced SOB will go down
for the count. Here is where you will meet Mona Sax for the first
time. She states that dead or not, you've got the wrong guy. Then,
each of you will be holding a gun at each other's face. Thus, this
concludes Part 1.


At first, Max Payne mistakes Mona for Lisa Punchinello, the Don's
wife. After an exchange of words between professional, Mona goes on to
state that Jack Lupino couldn't have killed his wife because of the
condition he was in. She also states that Angelo Punchinello is the one
who has had your wife murdered. Mono Sax then pulls Max a shot of
whiskey which unknown to Max is laced with Valkyr. Max downs the shot
and then the drug takes effect by knocking out Max and a drug induced
nightmare ensues.

From here, you will be in the doorway of your house. Run through
the door to enter the living room and then look right and head on
through the corridor which lengthens. When you make it to the end turn
right and run on down the corridor. When you get to the two way run on
down the corridor to the left and then it will bend to the right. When
you get to the four way intersection, run to the right and head on down
the long corridor and continue left when it bends left. Then continue
to the right when it breaks right. Then make a right when it breaks
right again. Then run down the long corridor and run right when it goes
right. When you get to the intersection, continue going straight. Go
left when you can go left and continue along the corridor until you can
only go left. Next run down the corridor to the left until you hit
another wall. Then run left down the corridor and at the two way, run
down the right path. Finally, when the path breaks to the right you
will see your family room.

Here you will see a small cutscene of you being half asleep. Now,
interact with the pictures to the left and you will find out a little
bit about the friendship of Max Payne and Alex Balder. Next, interact
with the pictures to the right and you will find out a little bit about
the wedding of Max Payne. Now, head on up the two flights of steps and
walk into the bathroom. If you try to go through the door by the
shower, the door will instantly become barricaded. Exit the bathroom
and head to the left. Go through the door straight ahead where you will
hear the baby crying. Follow the small corridor to the blackness where
all that you can see is red blood snowing and trails of blood in the

Here is how to get through the tough part of this nightmare. Run
down the path of blood straight ahead. Stand where the trail breaks to
the right and look in the north west direction. Make a leap of faith in
this direction and you will land on a blood trail corner! From here,
run straight ahead to where the blood trail breaks to the right and
stand there. Do you see the blood trail path where the door is at.
This is where you will be making your next leap of faith. After you
land, head on through the path straight ahead and eventually it will
break to the right and lead to where the baby's room is. Next, head on
through the next door and run on down the long corridor. When you get
near the end, you will here Frankie "The Bat" Niagara talking while you
are half in and out of sleep. Now, all you have to do is to read
Michelle's diary, which is on the table and you will see one final
cutscene before coming out of full sleep.


Max will awake from the bad dream and his head will be pounding
from the hangover. Frankie will introduce himself and Max will make a
smart remark about his name. Max is tied to the chair and Frankie is
holding a Baseball Bat. Pissed off, Frankie will rough up Max Payne
with the bat a little. Frankie of reveals that he loves to watch
cartoons and will tell you that he will take a break, take a leak, and
grab a cold one at the bar. He might regret this mistake later.
Finally, Max will knock over and break the chair apart. They had drug
Max back to the basement of Lupino's hotel. You are a little bruised
and beaten as reflected by your life meter. The only weapon you will
have here is Niagara's bat, sticky with your own blood.

You will first have to pick up the baseball bat. Then, search the
room and head on over to the cabinet to the left that is behind the
furnace. Take your baseball bat and bust off the lock. Then open it
where you will find two Painkillers. Take the two Painkillers
immediately and then head out the door opposite of the cabinet. Then
look and head left and when you here the mobster whistling, pop out and
then run back to the room where they will follow. Now hide behind the
door and wait. When they come through, crack their skulls with the
Baseball Bat and pick up the Desert Eagle and the Pump Action Shotgun.
Also two mobsters in black coat will follow with shotguns as well ands
one will come at you with Dual Ingrams so be quick or be dead.
Remember, for each mobster that you kill, you will gain a little bit of
bullet time so use it to your advantage. When you've dropped all five,
you should now be carrying a Pump Action and Sawed-Off Shotgun, Dual
Ingrams, Ingram, and the Desert Eagle. Be sure to conserve ammo as you
continue on.

Now head on out of the room with shotgun in hand and go left and
then peep out to the right. When you see the mobsters fire at you,
shoot dodge backwards and take them out when they round the corner.
Now, take cover again and pick up the Ingrams that lie on the floor.
Next, dive straight ahead and look and aim right and shoot the mobster
with the Pump Action Shotgun who is standing at the other end of the
corridor. Now run on down the corridor, pick up the Saw-Off Shotgun and
go left when it breaks left. Then run on down the corridor and make a
note of the storage room to the left but do not go in yet. Keep running
down this corridor and dive straight ahead, look left, and shoot the
oncoming mobster who is armed with a Shotgun. Now that you have killed
every guard in this area, head back into the storage room. Now to
conserve ammo, use your Baseball Bat to destroy every little box in this
room. In here you will find Ingram Ammo, Beretta Ammo x 4, and 3
Painkillers. After you have found all of the above, exit through the
garage door from where you have come in and enter through the door
across the hall. Search the room and you will find a Pump Action
Shotgun and Shotgun Shells, Desert Eagle, 2 Grenades, 2 Berettas, Ingram
Ammo, Beretta Ammo, Desert Eagle Ammo, and another Painkiller. After
you have collected all of the lute, exit this room and run left and when
it breaks left, go left. Finally, head into the elevator to the right,
push the button and it will take you upstairs.


From here, equip your Dual Berettas and open the door. Then, dive
out and aim to your northwest where you will have to gun down two
mobsters. Then, pick up their ammo and make your way through the
warehouse to the left and head on through the next open. Immediately
look right and dive on through it the next room where you will have to
take out the mobster in the distance straight ahead behind the desk and
two mobster immediately to the right behind the crates. After disposing
of them, pick up the ammo that litters the ground and open the medicine
cabinet by the cutting machines to find four Painkillers. Now head on
through the next small door that lead into the meat freezer, dive and
aim left to take out the mobster that is lurking in the corner. After
you have whacked him, pick up his Ingrams and head out into the street
via the garage entrance straight ahead. When you get outside, head to
the right and run down the snow covered street. When you come to the
next open area, head to the left and continue running down the street.
When you finally see the hotel on the right, head on through the police
lined doors.


Here, Frankie, his boys, and Max Payne has the place all to
themselves. This place should look familiar to you. Head left and go
to the lounge doors and listen to what of the mobsters have to say.
Basically, he'll be speaking to someone on the other line about Max
Payne and Mona Sax. Just dive straight ahead when the cut scene is
over, aim to the right and cap all three henchmen when you have them in
your crosshairs. After picking up their weapons and ammo, head on over
to the table and pick up the two Painkillers and listen to the
broadcasted news from the radio. You will find that the public thinks
your dead but that was old news that Punchinello had delivered. You
will also find a letter written from Punchinello about having Frankie
Viagra beat you up and then finish you off. Then keep running on
through straight ahead and then enter the restroom. Check the last
stall and nail the mobster who is sitting on the john. Take his Sawed-
Off Shotgun and exit this room and head left.

Then head on through the Bar door and get ready to finish what
Frankie Viagra started. Equip your Dual Ingrams and get ready to have a
party. Wait by the neon Bar sign and clock the henchman who heads to
the left side of the room. Chomp on a Painkiller and dive in through
the door and clock the henchmen that are firing from the left. Now
there is only Frankie left. Chomp on another Painkiller and shoot dodge
around the room and empty a clip in the direction of Frankie. With
enough direct hits, this big mobster will fall. When he does, pick up
his Dual Ingrams and the other weapons and ammo that the fallen henchmen
have dropped. Then, you will be treated to another Bat Boy Comic Strip
and the scene will end. Valdamir will then grace you with his presence
and will then make you an offer you can't refuse.


Vladamir will go on to state that having Punchinello traffic Valkyr
is bad business for him and to make matters worse, Boris Dime, a guy who
used to do jobs for him has switch sides. He is the Captain of the
cargo ship "Charon" and the cargo is Vladamir's guns, weapons, basically
his business. If that cargo ship gets to Punchinello, he has won and
Vladamir has lost. He needs you to take out Boris Dime and to bring
back the ship under his control. Finally, he will give you whatever
weapons and ammo that you need to take on Punchinello if you succeed.

Equip your Dual Ingrams and open the door to the guard post and
blast the mercenary who is waiting inside. Then, pick up the Shotguns
and the Shotgun Ammo off of the rack as well as the Beretta Ammo if
needed. Then push the button to open the gate, exit to the right and
continue down the trail on the dock through the gate. Dive past the
first crate, aim to the right, and take out the two mercenaries who are
residing here. After taking them out you will hear two mercenaries who
are talking amongst themselves. Head on up the steps and push the
button to open the garage door. Then dive right in and take out the two
mercenaries on the ground level and keep moving because the mercenary on
the upper level will chuck a grenade at you. After dodging the
explosion, nail the mercenary by aiming up at him. Then head on through
the door near the forklift and take out the two mobsters who occupy this
room. One will be straight ahead off you and one will emerge from the
empty dumpster truck. After capping these two morons, hop on into the
empty dumpster and pick up the Shotgun Shells and the Beretta Ammo.
Then, exit the truck to the left and head up the stairs straight ahead.

Your next move will be to look to the left and push the button to
make the next garage door fly on up. Then dive on through and aim
upwards to the left where the one mercenary is trying to snipe you.
After pumping some lead into this enemy, Take the elevator up that is
sitting straight ahead of where you enter the room. When you reach the
top run across the balcony to the other end of the room. Here you will
find the control panel to operate the crane and the box will be lifted
out of the door's way. Then look to the right and open the medicine
cabinet to grab the three Painkillers. Be careful though, you will have
to defeat two mercenaries when they approach from the garage door to the
right. Now make your way back down and head on through the now cleared


When play resumes, gun down the mercenary who walks from left to
right in front of you. then continue to the right and defeat another
mercenary who walks from right to left in between the boxes. Then from
where he drops, head there and look to the right where you will discover
a Painkiller by shooting the little box and some various ammo sitting on
the table. Now back out and make your way towards the crane. Wait for
the enemy to approach and dive out and nail all three which are straight
ahead. When the coast is clear, pick up their weapons and ammo and move
on past the crane when you see the opening, head on to the right. Here
you will find another alcove of weapons and ammo and another Painkiller.
Next, head back to the crane and hop on in the driver's seat. Push the
operation button and the crane will pick up the huge crate to open up
the next passage way. In the mean time, turn around and take out the
alerted mercenary who is firing upon you. Also, you will have to deal
with another one who will come from the front of the crane. When they
are both defeated head on through the now open passage way.

The passage way will bend to the left and then to the right. Now
here, you will want to run down in the middle of the operating lift
because otherwise the wheels will crush you. When you make it past it,
head on through the door to the left to pick up some more Shotgun Shells
and Beretta Ammo. After you hear the explosion take out a couple of
mercenaries, dive out of the room, aim right and let them two
mercenaries have it. Finally, head on through the now opened passageway
that is straight ahead.


Now walk a little bit ahead and look to the left and shoot the
little box to reveal a Painkiller. Then dive and look to the right
where you will have to dispose of three more mercenaries who grace you
with their presence. There will be two to take out on top of the crane.
When they have been defeated two more will replace them and will run at
you by going underneath of it. Take them out with extreme prejudice and
then make your way underneath of the machine straight ahead. When you
get near the red crates to the left, go into a shoot dodge, aim left,
and take out the two mercenaries that are standing to the left. Then
wait a second or two and another one will roll in from the left. just
gun him down before he can get a shot off against you. Then make your
way in between the two building and dive to the left to take down
another mercenary. Then you will hear, "Somebody raise the bridge!."
This is your cue to run straight ahead dive and aim to the right. The
mercenary will be raising the bridge so pop him one before he can get a
shot off. (Remember this point where the automated bridge is because
you will be returning to it later.) After disposing of him, keep on
running straight ahead. Your next move is to open the first blue door
on the left and to blow away the mercenary inside. Then, enter this
small room and pick up the Sniper Rifle, various ammo for the guns you
already have and a Painkiller. Finally, you will discover a letter that
was written for Rico Muerte.

After you have finished reading the letter that was cold and to the
point, head out of the small room and continue on to the left. When you
see the next opening to the right, you will have to take out another two
mercenaries in the distance. Here is a good place to test out the
Sniper Rifle. After you have clear the way, put away the Sniper Rifle
and pull out the favorite weapon of your choice and run straight ahead
across the small boarding dock. When you see the red crates on the
right, follow them to where you see a chain linked door. You can bash
it down with your Lead Pipe. Then enter inside to pickup a Desert Eagle
Ammo, a Painkiller, and an Ingram. Now exit this little walkway and
head on over to the chain link fence. You will see a sign that states
that parked cars must have something to keep the back wheels from
spinning. Now, shoot the wedge that is holding the truck's back wheel
in place and you will send it crashing into the bridge that was up. Now
you will be able to cross it because it is now down. Now make your way
back to the bridge that you could not cross before. You will have to
take out five mercenaries along the way so stay alert.

When you are ready to go across the bridge, a mercenary will come
out of the door to the right. You can use the truck for cover to the
left. Whenever you are ready, it is open season on the mercenary.
After you have disposed of him, there will be another mercenary to take
out ahead who is guarding the door that you have to go through. After
you take him out, head up the stairs, pick up his Shotgun Shells, and
then head on through the door.


You will start off in this warehouse but do not move yet. Instead,
equip your Sniper Rifle and take out the mercenary who is standing on
top of the red crates in front of you. After you make the clean head
shot, the other guards will be alerted. Switch you weapon to Dual
Berettas and get ready to nail a mercenary who approaches from the
right. Pick up the Ingrams from the fallen mercenary. Then, shoot out
the small box that is to the right of the soda machine. Here, you will
be able to pick up a Painkiller. Next, walk straight and follow the
path as it goes to the left. Run straight ahead to the rack and gun
down the guard that approaches from the right. Then quickly pick up the
two Grenades, Ingram Ammo, and Shotgun Ammo that is sitting in the
middle of the rack. Next, turn around and head on through the small
passage way to the left and immediately dive straight ahead while aiming
right because the guard in front of you will throw a grenade at you.
After you gun him down, get ready to dive again because another guard
will approach from the left. Now that the coast is clear move forward
and cut across to the left. Then make a right when you are on the other
side of the rack. Then at the next gap, follow the path to the left and
around where you will find another rack with a bunch of goodies. Then
quickly turn around, hang a left, and follow it till you reach the
stairs. When another guard pops out from the door to the left cap him
as fast as you can before he can duck behind the crate. Finally, follow
the rafter path all the way around and head on through the door.

Now, open the door and take out the guard who is on the moving
elevator that is moving towards you straight ahead of you. After, the
elevator comes to a stop, hop aboard and press the button and it will
move straight ahead. Do not forget to pick up the Sniper Ammo, and the
Beretta Ammo once you have boarded. Now is a good time to equip your
Sniper Rifle. Your first shot with this weapon is to look off into the
distance straight ahead and take out the guard who occupies the guard
tower. He will have his back turned towards you. Don't forget to
crouch while using this weapon. When the elevator stops push the button
to the left to get it moving again. As the elevator is moving, look to
the left and take out the guard in the guard tower with the Sniper
Rifle. Then push the Button that is facing the guard tower and hop off
when the elevator stops. In here, you will find Sniper Ammo, Shotgun
Ammo, and a Painkiller. Now push the button to head back where you have
just come from and you will then have to take out two guards that are
firing from the ground. After taking them out Push the button to go
straight ahead, and take out the guard in the tower to the right. Then
face straight ahead and take out the guard in the tower straight ahead
and to the left. When the elevator stops again, push the button to go
straight ahead to find out what is in this guard tower. here you will
find a Sniper Rifle, Ingram Ammo, and another Painkiller.

Now board the elevator and push the button to head back the way you
came. However, you will have to take out two more guards along the way.
When the elevator stops again, push the button that will make the
elevator go to the left. When the elevator stop at the guard post, turn
around and take out the two guys on the ground just to get a little
target practice in. Finally, when these two mercenaries are disposed
of, hop onto the guard and pick up the Painkillers and the Desert Eagle
Ammo. Then hop on the elevator one more time, look to the right, and
jump on through to the door.


You will find yourself in another part of the warehouse and on top
of the rafters. look to the left and shoot the mercenary who is across
from you. Then run to the right a little bit and hop on to the three
boxes that are straight ahead of you. Next, switch your weapon to Dual
Ingrams, aim to the left and gun down the mercenary in the distance.
After disposing of him, head into the right corner of the room and pick
up some Ingrams ammo that is on the little bench. Also, shoot out the
little box below the Ingram Ammo to reveal a Painkiller. Next run left
and take out the two approaching guards who is carrying shotguns. Your
next move should be two shoot dodge and take out the two mercenaries who
decide to join the battle by coming down the ramp. Then make your way
to underneath the ramp, dive, and aim right to gun down the guard behind
the chain link fence. You will not be able to gain access through the
door yet. Now, head up the ramp that you will just under. When it
break left continue along the rafter. When you reach the door at the
end, squeeze the trigger and pop the mercenary who steps out of the

Head on through the door into a small room. When you look out the
windows to the right, you will see the ship that you have to board. In
fact, you will be able to shoot one of the mercenaries who is on the
boat from this window! Now before you exit this room, push the button
that open the door downstairs. This button is to the left of the door.
When you open the door, a mercenary will come charging out at you from
that location. When he make his way up the ramp, kill him. Now, make
your way through that door. Here you will find a Painkiller and various
types of ammo for all of your weapons. Max will then kick the door and
head on through it.


You will appear at the top of the steps and will be on the dock.
As you move forward, shoot dodge to the right and pick off the two
mercenaries that emerge from the crates in the middle on each side.
When they are disposed of, proceed forward and pick up their weapon and
ammo. then, head up the ramp to the right and board the ship. Then
hide behind the mini crane at then squeeze a round of Ingram bullets
into the mercenary that appears from the right of the ship. After
killing him, make your way forward on the right side of the ship. When
you pass the red crates on the left, another mercenary will appear from
the left at the top of the ramp. Dive and nail him with some enemy
fire. Before heading up the ramp, immediately look to the left and gun
down the mercenary before he can get a good shot off. then, make your
way up either ramp and gun down the mercenary who is behind the glass.
Next, enter through the door to the left and you will be on the
captain's deck. Search this small area and you will find four
Painkillers in the medicine cabinet. Then, when you hear the phone
ring, pick it up, it will be Punchinello on the other end. Basically,
Punchinello was expecting Boris to pick up but it was Max Payne instead.
There is a great exchange of words and Punchinello gets so mad that he
hangs up.

Now head on through the door behind you and dive on down the stairs
while gunning down the mercenary at the bottom. Then look to the left,
aim, and fire to take out the next one. Then, dive straight ahead, aim
left, and fire to take out another mercenary. You've gotta love close
quarters combat! Continue on down the stage and repeat the process to
take out the fourth and fifth mercenary guards. When you make it to the
bottom, head on through the door to the right and get ready to take on
Boris Dime. Continue to dodge back and forth in the doorway while
firing Dual Ingram rounds at and behind Boris. It will trigger an
explosion. Also, three mercenaries will come at you. Just continue to
fire to take them out as well. If you run out of Ingram Ammo, use your
Dual Berettas to finish the job. Just hide behind the red crate near
the center of the room and shoot dodge back and forth while pegging
Boris Dime with bullets. With enough patience and firepower this
Russian juggernaut will fall down. Do not forget to pick up the
Painkiller that is on top of the crate near Boris.

Now that Boris is dead, all that you have to do is open the door
behind him. When you open the door you will hear Boris Dime give you
instructions. Take what you want because this weapons room is like a
smorgeous board. Also, you will pick up a new weapon in here as well to
add to your arsenal, the Colt Commando. After, you have picked up
everything that you can carry, head on out the door from which you came
in to meet Boris and go through the door straight ahead. When you meet
up with Vladamir he will be grateful and state that he owes you one.
Anytime you need him, let him know.


Max Payne will then give Punchinello a call and ask to cut a deal
with him. Here, Max states that he has Punchinello's ship and cargo in
his possession. Punchinello asks Payne to meet him at his restaurant.
It would be a long shot if Punchinello actually shows up and there's no
crime in hoping.

You start off in the entranceway of Punchinello's restaurant. When
you move forward, you will see an explosion in front of you. Jump over
the last table to the right and then cut left and make your way through
the white double doors. When you are in the kitchen, do not look back
and make a bee line straight ahead and through the next set of white
double doors. Then, make your move to the middle of the room and then
right near the wall and then go right through the brown door in the
corner. You will then find yourself in a corridor of flames on each
side of you. Stay in the middle and run like hell and go left when the
corridor warrants it but stay in the middle or you will get burned.
then, cut to the right when you see the doorway and moves towards the
middle of the room while avoiding the flames from either side. You will
see the next entrance way straight ahead and it will break to the left
from there. Stay in the middle when it breaks back to the right. Then
stay close but don't hug the wall and run towards the tables that are
ahead of you. When you reach the wall, run to the left straight ahead
towards the next entrance way. You will have to run up two flights of
stairs. When you reach the doorway to the left, head on through it.


From here move straight ahead and you will hear the explosion go
off. Run to the left to avoid the flames and head on through the door
that is straight ahead. Then, turn to the left and wait until the
shelves on the left side of the corridor are knocked over. Next, hop
over the first fiery shelf and then hop over the second fiery shelf in a
northwest direction. Here you will pass by the wall to the left and the
flames to the right when you turn the corner. Now wait a second or to
before making your next move because a propane tank will come from the
left direction and smash into the wall in front of you. After it hits
the wall continue down the left path and stay away from the flames along
the way. When you see the second set of shelve on the left, jump on
through the opening and run straight ahead and to the right but do not
go through the white double doors yet.

Equip your Colt Commando and dive on through the door straight
ahead and let the mobster who is in the kitchen feel your presence with
some lead. After taking him out, look left and pick up the two
Painkillers that are sitting on the table next to the iron refrigerator.
Then head on through the corridor that leads downs the step but do not
forget to pick up the two Grenades that are sitting on the laundry chute
to the right. You will also find some Ingram Ammo and Shotgun Shell to
the right of the Grenades. Now, make your way down the stairs by shoot
dodging down them. You will have to gun down two mobsters who are
waiting to do you in. After disposing of them, shoot the boxes in the
corner to put up and extra Painkiller and some Ingram Ammo, then head on
down the manhole and into the sewers. The mobster were guarding the way
out of this inferno but it ain't over yet!

When you make your way down the stairs, look down and two the left
and take out the three mobsters who are waiting to pounce on you. After
you have taken out the trio of mobster pick up their weapons, shoot
dodge, and head on down the tunnel to the left. then cap the mobster
who is trying to nail you with the shotgun. Now follow the corridor as
it bends to the right. Follow this corridor straight ahead and go into
a bullet time dive, aim right and take out the mobster on top of the
pathway and you should land in the muck. Keep firing because you will
have to all nail the mobster who is in the muck with you. After taking
these gumbas out, continue ahead and the sewers will break to the left.
However, aim to the right first, to take down the remaining mobster to
the right. Then, head on down the corridor that was to the left.
Follow the trail and when you see the opening to the left, get ready to
dive one more time because you will have to take on two more mobsters
before making your way up the stairs and out of the sewer. They will
drop Shotgun ammo and Desert Eagle ammo. Finally, head on up the stairs
and go through the door to escape from the restaurant.

Vladamir will be waiting outside for you. He offers you a ride to
the Punchinello Manor and he compliments you on your skills. He also
says that when this is over, look him up...he could use a guy like you.


While going into the manor, Payne will recant that he has heard the
stories about the Trio and how they hunted their enemies. Punchinello
wants Payne, he will see the pain. All that you can do is hang on
madly, as long as hard as you can. You will find that someone has left
the back door open and killed the guards, Max's money was on Mona Sax.
Move on and let yourself in.

Now, head on down the stairs and pass by the guards who lie dead in
their own blood. Move to the left and take out the guards who approach
from the right. After the coast is clear, search the rack to find two
Painkillers, Beretta Ammo, and Shotgun Ammo. Then, dive into the next
room through the opened doorway and take out the approaching guard with
your Colt Commando. Then head down the corridor to the left and when
you can go left or right, enter through the door to the left first.
Dive and aim to the left to tag the guard he is crouching in the corner.
The search in the other corner of the room to pick up two more
Painkillers. The exit the room and run straight ahead and shoot dodge
in and aim to the left two take out the two mobsters that are standing
there. Pick up their ammo and head on to the next area to the right.
Then, make your way past the barrels and seek out the passage to go
upstairs to the right. You will head up to flights of steps and the
doorway at the top leads you out of the wine cellar.

When you bust on through the next door, the music will change and
all out war will start to break out. You will be spotted but the
mobster will run away and lock the white door behind him. Then, search
the room, especially around the kitchen counter to snag yourself Shotgun
Shells, Ingram Ammo, and three Painkillers. then read the tarot cards
that have been laid out on the table. Most likely, they were laid out
by Lisa Punchinello. After receiving your tarot card reading, Go
through the white door straight and shoot dive immediately forget and
take out Big Brother, the first of The Trio, and his two henchmen. They
are taking cover behind the desk. After taking them out, pickup their
weapons and ammo and check the China closet for some Desert Eagle Ammo.
Then, turn towards the door that you just came from and whack the two
mobsters who tries to tag you. then head back into the kitchen and make
your way through the other door. When you head on through this door,
immediately aim to the left and take out the mobster before he does the
same to you. Also, take out the mobster who is trying to nail you on
the balcony above you before searching the room out. Then, head on
through the next white door that is adjacent from the one you just came
from. One down, two to go.


When you emerge on the screen again, look to the left and take out
the mobster who is hiding behind the plant to the left. After taking
him out play the piano for a little bit. Then open the double white
doors and then close them again because that mobster behind those closed
doors will be firing and M79 Rocket right at you. When you hear the
explosion rock the door, head on through by diving and tagging the two
mobsters that are straight ahead of you. Then, go on and get behind the
bar to pick up three Painkillers, Shotgun Shells, and Ingram Ammo. Then
head on through the white double doors to the left and shoot dodge your
way in. You will hear Punchinello say that he wants you dead. You will
have to make it to the center of the stair and nail the mobster at the
top of them who is churning out Ingram Bullets at you. Also, another
mobster will come out from the left so nail him as well. After
defeating these two goons, head up the stairs and head to the right to
where the door is but do not head in yet. Check the night stand drawer
and you will net yourself another Painkiller. Now head on through the
door and get ready to shoot dodge like crazy because you will have to
gun down Joe Salem and his two henchmen that are waiting inside. When
you barge in, they will be positioned in the right corner , Joe will be
in the middle, and the other will be on the left of Joe. After taking
them out, check the small night stand in this room to net yourself
another Painkiller. Two down, on to go.

Exit this room and head to the right. When you open the door, you
will see someone across the way duck into a door and close it behind
you. Make your way to that door and stand in front of it. When you
hear the mobster say, "Nothing will stop Payne" and the other one sez
,"This will", get away from the door because they are going to shoot an
M79 Rocket at it. When they have blown open the door shoot dodge right
away and blast the mobster holding the M79. Then chomp on two
Painkiller if you get hit and nail the other mobster who is to the left
of the door. Finally, you will have to nail the last mobster who is
crouching on the right side of the bed. After you have defeated this
mobster, open up the night stand on the left side of the bad to gain a
Painkiller. Then pick up the M79 and the M79 ammo off of the fallen
mobster and head on through the door to the right of him.


When you reappear, you will find yourself in a fancy bathroom. If
the mobster open the door to the left, blast him silly. Then, do not
forget to raid the medicine cabinet and steal the three Painkillers that
are inside. Now head on through the door to the right and check on Lisa
Punchinello who in found on the bed. This will bring back a painful
memory for Max. Make your way into the other room and you will hear a
helicopter that is nearby. Also, the phone will be ringing so pick it
up, it is urgent. Alfred will be on the other line and will inform you
that a helicopter has landed on the manor grounds and you must hurry.
Next, head on through the door and bury the mobster across the way with
some Ingram rounds. Then head on through the door that was on the other
side and dive right in. and aim to the right to take out the mobster in
the corner. Then take a Painkiller and bullet dive to the right and
nail Vince Mognaia who is standing behind the desk. This will take care
of the Trio. Search the two cabinet drawers to the right of the room to
pick up Desert Eagle Ammo and Ingram Ammo. then head on through the
door to the left.

You will then hear Punchinello begging for his life on the other
side of the door. You will then have a gun pointed to his head and he
will spill his guts about the woman who is real high up in the
government and was forcing him to kill. All of a sudden three Killer
Suits will bust through the doors and kill Punchinello. Take them all
out by shoot diving, aiming to the left, and by letting the bullets fly.
Pick up the Colt Commando Ammo that they drop and head on out the door.
When you head on out the door to the left, you will be surrounded by
about ten Killer Suits and Nicole Horne will be with them. You will be
forced to surrender. Nicole Horne will then show you the benefits of
her brew and then give you an overdose of Valkyr via a needle.



The last thing that you here is Nicole Horne saying that she is
ready to be taken to Cold Steel. The floor had turned into a Vortex of
Green Blood. Get ready for a drug induced nightmare that is worse than
the last one.

You will find yourself in Punchinello's office and you will be
moving very slowly. Head on through the door to the left and you will
be back in your living room. Then, head through the hallway into your
family room. Turn to the left and walk on up the two flights of steps.
When you get to the top of the steps, head on through the door to the
right. You will run through a large hallway and will then have
flashbacks of the baby's room. Next, head on through the door to the
left and go through the next door on the left with the blood on it. You
will then see a small cutscene with a version of yourself there and
Michelle asking if you are there.


When you reappear you will have to walk forward to the office desk
in the middle and read the letter which looks familiar. Then you will
realize that you are in a graphic novel. Next, you will hear the phone
ring. Go ahead and pick it up, it is for you. All you will hear is
constant rambling about something and you will think it is a prank call
but the voice still sounds familiar. Now the room will be on fire.
Next, run straight ahead and go through the door on the left. When you
enter into the next room read the letter that lies on the table. Then
you realize that you are in a computer game. Next, you will hear the
phone ring. It will be a voice that will make sense but Max will not
realize it.

Next, run straight ahead and go through the door on the left. When
you go through this room, go in through the next door and it will be
your living room again. Go straight ahead and open the next door and
you will be in the baby's room again. Then head on through the door to
the right (family room) and head on up the two flights of stairs to the
left. When you reach the top of the stairs, head through the two door
on the right and note the four candles that you see to the right. This
is the starting point for the next maze that you will have to venture


First, run down the long corridor and into the blackness. Follow
the red path of blood to the splash point. Then leap down and to the
right and land on the next splash point. After you land, walk straight
ahead and follow the path when it makes a left turn. Get a running
start and jump when you run over the splash point and land straight
ahead on the next splash point. From here, walk down the path and go
right when the path cuts right. At this point, you want to jump down
and to the right and land on the path below. Then, follow the blood
path and continue left when it bends to the left. When you get to the
next splash point, turn to the right and leap straight ahead and land on
the next splash point. once you land, follow the path straight ahead
and when it veers to the left follow it. When you get to the next
splash point make a leap straight ahead and land on the next splash
point. Your almost there! When you land follow the path and head right
when the path demands it. Then get a running start and jump when you
run over the final splash point and you will land on the platform where
the four candles are. Then, all that you have to do is touch the

Finally, you will appear in the room and will be in the body of the
killer's point of view. Max will yell at you. When he starts shooting
at you, shoot dodge to the left and let yourself have it with your Dual
Berettas. Finally, you will remember that your wife had said something
about a memo which referred to something about Vikings. In your rush to
get out the door in the morning, you didn't have time to listen.


Finally, Max Payne will come to and will feel like he is going to
die. He will awake in a cold sweat and will puke, but he will shrug it
off. The only that Max has now is the mention of Cold Steel. He will
then drive to Cold Steel Factory across the city. He now has a chance
because the mystery witch thinks he's dead. Now you will be going in.
The factory was out in the middle of nowhere, a perfect front for any
number of illegal activities. You will then find yourself on top of the
factory building.

Shoot the glass ceiling to create a hole in and jump on in. The
only weapon you will have is a Beretta at this point. When you are in
the room do not go through the next door yet. Instead, aim your Beretta
and shoot the C4 that is attached to the laser line. It will blow up
and clear the way through. Next, head on through the blue door to the
right. Now, listen to the news broadcast that is playing from the
transistor radio. Then, open up the second cabinet on the right to find
a Grenade. Still then, pick up everything on the weapons rack and you
will retrieve a Pain Killer, Colt Commando Ammo, a Sniper Rifle, and
Sniper Rifle Ammo. Then head on through the door to the right and take
out your Sniper Rifle. Use it to drill the mercenary that is walking on
the floor below you to the left. After you cap him tag the mercenary
that follows when he move up the ramp. These men will drop the Desert
Eagle and the Colt Commando. Next, follow along the parameter all the
way around and pick up the Colt Commando and the Colt Commando Ammo.
This is the weapon of choice in this area.

Your next move is to make your way down the ramp. When you reach
the bottom, check the little storage area underneath the stairs and you
will find a Molotov Cocktail. Next, enter through the door with the
glass on the left side of the room immediately turn around and shoot
dodge because you are going to have to defeat three pissed off
mercenaries. When the coast is clear raid the medicine cabinet and snag
yourself three Painkillers. Also, grab the Desert Eagle Ammo and the
Colt Commando Ammo off of the racks. Then exit the room and run straight
ahead and enter the small storage area so you can pick up the Shotgun
Shells. Finally, exit to the right and push the button to lift the
garage door that is to the left. Then shoot dodge forward and take out
the mercenary that is straight ahead. Next, another one will emerge
from the door. When he rolls out, shoot the daylight out of him as
well. pick up the Colt Commando and the Pump Action Shotgun from the
dead and then exit through the door straight ahead.


When you re-emerge you will be staring down a laser trip right in
front of you. The solution here is to head out the door to the right,
turn around, and while the door is still open, blast the C4 to clear the
path without taking damage. Then head back through the door and go
forward. Then, take cover when you see a Grenade thrown in from
unknown. Next, when the door opens to the right, shoot the mercenary
that comes through it. Then go through the door on the right. Now look
left and push the button on the left to lift up the garage door. When
it opens up, immediately shoot dodge from left to right and take out the
two mercenaries that are straight ahead on the platform. Then, head up
the ramp to the right and take out the next mercenary who tries to stop
you. Now, head back down the ramp and run forward as you pass by the
two guards that you have just shot. It will bend to the right and you
will have to run up another small ramp with computers. Goto the rack
and you will find various types of ammo for the weapons that you have
acquired. Now go back up the big ramp which is to the left from where
you have entered this room and when you get to the top, head to the
right and take out the two Painkillers that are stored in the medicine
cabinet. Finally to get out of this room head back down the ramp and
follow it to the left and go through the green light door to the right
that is after the second set of computers.

Just open the door and shoot out the C4 located on the right side
to trip the laser wire. You will take out to mercenaries in the
process! Head on through and tag the third when he approaches. Check
out the cabinet to the right and you will find A Pump Action Shotgun.
Then exit the small room and head to the right and a quick left and go
on through the door with the green light on top. Here you will have to
take out a mercenary who is across the way. But do not take too long
because a mercenary on top which throw a Grenade at you. Head on to the
left and take out the mercenary when he comes down the ramp. Then, head
on up the ramp and go back down the next ramp and head right. Take out
the mercenary across the way that comes through the door. Then head up
the ramp to the left and take out the man who is firing at you up here.
Head up the small ramp to the right and then make your way to the door
on the left.

Open the door and run on down the beige corridor. As you make it
halfway, gun down the mercenary who appears from the right. Then, when
the corridor bends to the right, bullet dive and take out the mercenary
to the right. Now continue on down the corridor and when it bend to the
left, shoot dive and aim left to take out the unsuspecting mercenary.
Then continue on down the green corridor and open and walk on through
the door at the end of it. Shoot dodge, aim to the left and fire upon
the mercenary running towards you. Then continue straight ahead and
take down the mercenary on the right. they will drop Colt Commandos and
a Painkiller. Make your way up the steps to the right and open up the

Then run straight ahead and listen to the mercenaries conversation
about rifle names. Then shoot dive straight, aim left, and take out the
mercenaries who are standing behind the window. After you pick these
two off enter the room and read the letter on the table. Here, you will
learn that the Deep Six has been breached and that they are going to
blow up the whole place to cover up the evidence. Search the cabinets
in this room and you will find some Shotgun Shells. Then exit the room
and continue moving to the left and head on through the door.


You will now find yourself in a storage room and when you move
forward you will have two more mercenaries to deal with one will come in
through the door on the left and one will be in front of you behind the
glass and you will have to take out one mercenary who is lurking in the
hallway. After you have taken out all three, use the door on the left
and search the room. Then read the folder that tells the grim tale of a
chemist who was smuggling out Valkyr for private parties. Open up the
cabinet and you will find a Molotov Cocktail and you will also find a
Beretta on the table. Exit this room and go through the door to the
right but before you exit do not forget to grab the three Painkillers
from the medicine cabinet. When you go through the door, shoot the box
in the corner and grab the Painkiller. Then look through the opened
door to the right. Damn, more laser trip wires. Just take out your
Dual Berettas an shoot straight ahead. Then, enter the room and move to
the right and turn the wheel to turn off the gas. Then, turn around and
head on through the door.

Peep down and to the right and take out the mercenary who is
shooting at you. Then run like hell straight ahead and go through the
door but do not run to the right (more laser trip wires). Pull out a
grenade and let it fly straight ahead of you and exit the room. After
the fire dies down search the room and you will find another Grenade.
Then, head on through the door on the other side to the left. Now run
across the rafters and go through the next door but be careful because
there are more laser trip wires. To take out the wires, toss a Grenade
straight ahead and exit out the door. After it explodes, you can head
back in. Wait for the gas fire to stop and the run ahead but stay
against the right wall. Stand in front of the fire that comes out from
the left and wait for it to stop that turn the corner to the right.
When you do, immediately take out the mercenary who is crouching in the
corner. Next, shoot out the sparking electric lock through the cage to
the right to open the door. Head on through it. On the rack to the
left, you will pick up a ton of goodies. Then, turn to the right and
turn the wheel to shot of the gas so you can go through the door
straight ahead now.

When you open the door, wait a second for the explosion to take its
course. Now, enter the room and walk across the small beam to the left
carefully and walk to the right when it goes to the right. Then, jump
over the railing which is left of the red cargo box, to land on the
stairs below. Push the button to raise the small bridge and then cross
over and down the stairs. Now, look to the left and take out the
mercenary behind the red box. Then, go into the small storage shed
behind him and pick up the M79. Exit the storage shed and head left.
Use the M79, at a safe distance, and blow up the forklift that blocks
the door. Finally, head on through the door.


Just wait here a second and a mercenary will come out of the door
to the right. Just blast the C4 to the left to trigger the explosion
from the laser trip wire. That will teach him to rush into things.
Afterward, when you can go through the left door or the right door, look
near the left door and you shall find a medicine cabinet with three
Painkiller inside. Grab them ad head on through the right door. Be
careful though because this mercenary love to chuck grenades at you.
You will see him come down the ramp to the right. Shoot him after the
first grenade misses you. After you defeat him, look up and to the left
and take out the mercenary who is firing upon you. your next move will
be to jump on the three boxes underneath the broken steps and then make
your way across the center rail by looking to the left. Then hop down
and make your way up the stairs to the left. Open up the cabinet and
you will find a Molotov Cocktail. then, jump up onto the brown crate in
the middle and then up onto the gray concrete. Then get a running start
and run across the chain link floor and leap at the right moment to land
on the broken steps. Then when you are on the steps, go into a shoot
dive straight ahead and take out the mercenary who open the door and
chucks a grenade way over you.

Then, head on through the door and go in a shoot dodge, aim left,
and gun down the approaching menace as he rolls out. There will also be
one behind him. Then, take out the guard that comes out of the door to
the right. Enter this room and open up the cabinet to reveal a Grenade.
Then grab all the weapons and ammo you can carry of the rack. Next,
grab the two Painkillers out of the medicine cabinet. Finally, look at
the monitors to show you the way. Immediately turn around because you
have got company! When the door open, fire away at the sole mercenary.
Then, shoot the box to the left and grab the Painkiller before going
through the now opened gate. Then go through the door that is to the
right. Take out your Colt Commando, look down and fire at the two
mercenaries before they can make it up the ramp. Then make your way
down the ramp to the left. When you are at the bottom, enter the
storage by opening it and pick up the Painkiller and the Beretta Ammo.
Then exit and walk up the small flight of steps straight ahead. Open
the cabinet to the left to find M79 Ammo, and the use the computers on
the left to operate the machinery that will use a steel beam to smash
through a wall for you. Now head on down to the smashed wall at a safe
distance and use the M79 on the wall to finish the job. Switch back to
your Colt Commando and dive on through to gun down the two mercenaries
behind it. Finally, head through the door on the left an then the door
on the right.


Here is a touch scene to describe but I'll give it a go. Basically
there is fire and laser trip wires all over the place and a mine car in
the center. Here is what you have to do to pass it. First, take out
the first line of laser trip wires by gunning out the C4 charges on the
right side. Second, hop into the mine car, crouch, and then push the
button to make it go forward. Third, when you pass by the first round
of fire from both sides, look to the left and take out the C4 to
detonate the second line of laser trip wires. Fourth, when the garage
door lifts up fire away at the two mercenaries behind it. Then, get the
hell off of it when the next garage door opens from the left or you will
be smashed and killed! Then, run through the garage door and take out
the mercenary straight ahead and to the right of you. Then, head up the
stairs and retrieve the two Painkillers from the medicine cabinet.
Also, pick up all the goodies that are on the weapons right to the right
of the cabinet. Finally, activate the computers that are to the right
to shut off the fires that are in the other room.

Now head back through the garage door and head through the small
door that is straight ahead and blast through the mercenary standing in
the way. Go to the left and then look to the right to see the laser
trip wires. Use a grenade to clear the way and then head down this path
where they were and go through the door to the right. Look up and a
little to the left and plug the mercenary with your slugs. Then look up
over him and a little to the left and do the same to the other one.
Next, hop on the crate to the right and then walk across the small
platform to get across to the other side. Then push the green button to
raise the garage door and splatter the mercenary with bullets. Finally,
open the D6 door and shoot dodge like crazy front of the doorway from
left to right and defeated the three mercenaries who are huddled in the
elevator. The sirens will sound and all that you have to do now is
board the elevator and push the button, the elevator will do the rest.


This is where you will unravel all of the mysteries. You will
listen in on a conversation where the bad guys will shoot the director
of the military. Basically, the Killer Suits will activate the self
distract sequence. Then the killer Suits will spot you and it is time
to kill once again.

Open up the door by pushing the green but and then shoot dodge from
the left and to the right to take the two Killer Suits out. After
taking them down, look at the logo that is on the center of the floor.
You will find out that the government is partially behind this by
looking at it. Now, push the green button to the right in front of the
"Processing" door and head on through. Shoot to the right and take out
the mercenary who decides to stay behind and fight you. Watch out
though, he is packing a Colt Commando. After you gun him down, run
straight ahead and push the green button to go through the door marked
"Test Facilities". You will also pick up a Painkiller from the dead
guard along the way. Shoot dodge through the next door to the left and
you will have to gun down two more mercenaries, one in the background
and one to the immediate right. Pick up the Painkiller from the fallen
guard to the right and head on through the door marked "Testing
Facilities" by pushing the button to the right of the door.


Run down the shaky corridor and follow it to the right and run
straight ahead to the door marked "Block B" and access the computer to
the right. You will need to find the door code key. Turn around and
head to the left through the door marked "Laboratories." Then, go
through the opening straight ahead and look at the computer. The code
will still be on the computer screen. Now head back to the computer by
"Block B" and access that computer again. The door will open to Block B
so get on the elevator and take it down further.

When the door opens, run straight ahead and go through the door
marked "Block B" to the right. Run straight ahead past the Beam holding
up the place in the middle and open up the door for B7. You are going
to need the Chemist that is inside so that you can get through the
Decontamination Airlock. Now follow the Chemist into the elevator and
he will push the elevator to make it go back upstairs. When the door
opens, follow the Chemist and he will open another door for you. When
he goes into the room to the right he will take cover behind the red
crates. Shoot out the two mercenaries who are pursuing from the left.
Then continue to follow the Chemist through the "Laboratories" door.
Next, he will punch you through so head on into the chamber to the left.
Then head on through the door.


When the scene resumes, you can only watch the Chemist die through
the window glass. I guess he got what he deserved but not before
helping you out. Now head on through the door to the left. Go through
the door and make you way to left to go around the fire in the middle.
Then, head on through the next door which is to the far right. Hop onto
the elevator and take it downstairs. Now take out your Sniper Rifle and
blow up all the C4 in the room to make all the laser trip wires explode
and disappear. Also, do not forget to take out the sentry gun that is
in the center of the left most wall. When all the sensors have
disappeared, check out the lab terminal that has the Valkyr logo on the
screen. Basically here, you'll will find out all about the Valkyr
Project which was enacted to make infantry soldiers faster and stronger.
However, the project was supposed to be canceled but it was picked up
and unauthorized by the mystery witch. The drop off point was your
house. Now, it all starts to make sense.

Now you have to get out of this place before the whole complex goes
boom! Make your way out by heading to the left and taking the other
elevator back up. When the doors open, step out and access the computer
to the right. It will reopen the decontamination chamber so enter into
it. At this point the countdown will start and you will thirty second
to get out before the fireworks start. The door is locked, so to get
out, shoot out the C4 charges by shooting through the window to the
left. This will blow a hole open in the front door and you will be able
to move ahead. Then, open the door to the "Security Center" which is to
the left. Then, keep running straight ahead and open the door marked
"Surface Storage" to the right, hop aboard, and ride the elevator up but
do not stand on the grate. Now enjoy looking down through that grate as
the whole place starts to go to pieces!


We meet up with Max in a downtown diner drinking cup after cup of
coffee. He gets a message from B.B. and asks Max to meet him at the
Choir Communications Center at 2:30a.m. Max figures out that this was
an inside job, and he know that B.B. wants to finished what he had
started at Roscoe Street Station.

One of B.B.'s henchmen will try to run you over, too bad you jump
and roll out of the way. B.B. may have gotten away, but you still have
his henchmen to deal with. The first thing to do is to shoot dodge to
the left and take out the two henchmen that are in the distance.
Remember to go for the head when you can. Then continue down this path
and take out the henchman to the right. Pick up any ammo that they
happen to drop. Duck behind the building and wait for the henchmen to
pursue you. Then, dive out and shoot the poor schmuck. Continue
running straight ahead until you can go to the right path beyond the
second building. This path to the right will have a big sign that says
"Park" so head on down the huge ramp. When heading on down the ramp,
gun down the guy at the bottom. Then, another henchman will roll out
from the right. Shoot dodge and take him down in the same manor. Then,
take cover behind the crates to the left. When you are ready, shoot
dodge to the right and gun down the henchman in the distance straight
ahead of you.

Then you will have to run straight ahead while dodging bullets like
crazy and take out another henchman that appears. Now turn your
attention to the center where you will hear a car screech to the right
which is the center. You will have to run, gun, and dodge two more
thugs. Do not go through the center of the lot yet. Instead head to
the left and hop into the dumpster where you will find some Colt
Commando Ammo. Then from the dumpster, run to the left and get all the
way to the medicine cabinet in the corner where you will find some much
needed Painkillers, four to be exact. Now, turn around and run straight
ahead to head in the next lot.


From here, run straight ahead, shoot dive, aim left and take down
the henchman waiting in the corner. Then pick up some various ammo for
all of your weapons and nail the henchman who start coming up the large
ramp opposite of this alcove. Time to head on down the ramp that says
"Exit Only." You will have to bullet dive down the ramps and gun down
two more thugs at the bottom. Take cover in the left alcove again and
catch your breath. Then, shoot dive to the right and then zigzag to the
left to gun down the two henchmen that continue to empty their clips
towards you. After that head for the center of the lot and shoot dive
and gun the two thugs down like crazy. Then, make your way to the right
and defeat the two henchmen that come up from the ramp.

Next, head down the ramp and when it goes down to the next level to
the right, head down it too. When you are down far enough, gun down the
thugs that rolls in from the right. Be careful here. Start running
towards the gate and nail the guard behind it by shoot dodging again.
Then run up to the gate and take out your Lead Pipe to smash the lock
off. Then re-equip your favorite weapon and push the gate forward.
When you hear "Go! Go!" take cover behind the poles to the left. Then
aim to the right and nail the thug that is shooting at you from the
right. Do not forget to pick up the Ingram Ammo behind the poles on the
left. Next, turn around and go straight ahead towards the building with
the 3 on it. When it breaks to the right shoot dodge and take out the
henchman behind it. Also, you will have to gun down three more, one
behind the teal van, and two in the distance. Then run ahead, shoot
dodge straight ahead, and aim to the right to defeat the thugs who rolls
to the left from behind the crate. Then immediately shoot dodge to the
right and aim left to take out the thug in front of the black van to the
left. Then, pick up the Colt Commando Ammo that is sitting on the
crates. Also, run to the corner to the left to raid the medicine
cabinet. Here you will find four more Painkillers. Now, make a bee
line for the next parking ramp which is straight ahead and denoted by
the "Park" sign.


From here, shoot dodge to the left and take out the two henchman
that are down on the ramp to the right. Then head on down the ramp and
hide behind the blue dumpsters. You will hear a van screech and that
van will drive into something and explode and take out two henchmen for
you. After you hear the screams, run straight ahead, shoot dodge and
take out the thug behind the white car to the right. Then dive to the
left and take out another thugs that shows his mug. You will also have
to take out the thugs who tries to pummel you from straight ahead. This
is not an easy task at all. When you have defeated all three men, head
to the center of the lot and take out the henchman that approaches from
the northwest. Use the white car as cover. After taking down another
thug, shoot dodge in front of the "Park" sign which is to the right and
nail the thugs that is hiding behind the red crate on the left. Before
going any further, make sure you pick up the Painkiller from the thug
that you dropped near the elevator.

Next head on down to the next lot ramp to the right and get ready
for more pain as you will have to do the same thing that you did the
last time. Bullet dive straight ahead and aim and fire to the right to
take out the two henchmen. When you get a little closer, one will pop
out from the right, you know what to do by now. Next, creep out from
the dumpsters on the right to the center. When you hear the car screech
back the you know what up if you do not want to be sandwiched! B.B.
will show his ugly face. Make your way into the center and tag the two
henchman that approach from the right. Make sure to dodge the grenade
that they throw at you. Then from the center, head left and shoot dodge
like crazy when you start to see the break to the right because you will
have four henchmen gunning for you. Get to the four Painkillers that
are in the medicine cabinet in the corner and B.B. will start to taunt
you. Also, one of the henchmen that you have just dropped will supply
you with the Jackhammer. Now prepare yourself by turning around and
running for the "Park" gate and enter the small office on the left to
pick up the Colt Commando and the Ingram Ammo that is in the corner.
Finally, engage in battle with B.B. in the center of the lot with your
Colt Commando in hand. Shoot dodge like crazy from left to right and
really keep the heat on him with the Colt Commando. With enough
bullets, a couple of Painkillers, and a little bit of luck this
Backstabbing bastard will done for good. Also, don't forget to pick up
the Jackhammer Shotgun that he drops.

After, his demise, pick up the pay phone when it starts to ring in
the center of the lot. On the other end will be Alfred Wooden and he
wants you to pay him a visit at the Asguard Building. Here he will give
up the name of your enemy.


Wooden will be waiting for you outside the building as promised and
the others will be waiting and are anxious to see you. He will also
give you a tour of the building. He will then introduce you to your
colleagues which are part of the Inner Circle. He will then fill in the
gaps by providing you with the details about Project Valhalla. They
need you to take her out and afterwards all the charges will be dropped
and you will be taken care of. However, the Killer Suits come barging
in and kills everyone in the room...or so it seems.

You jump out the window and make it out safely. now head down the
small corridor to the left and then head to the left again. Pick up the
Painkiller at the end that is on top of the crate and then turn around
and run down the corridor. Be careful though, those laser trip wires
are back. To get by them take out the C4 on the right from a safe
distance with shots from your Colt Commando. Then, when the way is
cleared, nail the mercenary that approaches from the right. Next,
follow the corridor as it breaks to the right. pick up the Grenade on
the crate to the right and take out the two mercenaries at the top of
the stairs by dive left and aiming right. take the Colt Commando Ammo
from the rack and head on up the stairs and go through the door.

Next, head on down the corridor to the right and take out the
soldier on top of the balcony above you to the right. Now head on
through the door by pushing the green button to the right. Search this
room and pick up the four Painkillers and the Shotgun Shells to the
left. Then look at the monitors and you will find out that Wooden has
survive. Now head on out the door to the left, shoot dive, aim right,
and peg the two approaching mercenaries. Continue on down the corridor
and take out the mercenary who sticks his body out from the left. Then
hang a left and go through the exit door with bullets flying so that
they hit the mercenary when you come through. Pick up the Molotov
Cocktails that he drops and continue to the left. When you see the
mercenary emerge from the left dispose of him and make your way up the
stairs to the right which are guarded by two mercenaries. When you make
it to the top head up the next flight of steps to the right but be
careful and watch out for the grenade that get thrown here. Also, watch
out for the mercenary who tries to nail you from behind from the
elevator. Then, tag the guy on the stairwell as you are head up them
steps. When you get to the top of the steps, head to the left and go
through the door that has the green button.


When you enter this area, walk to the right and go into the last
cubicle. Here you will find three Painkillers in the medicine cabinet.
Then turn around and head on down the corridor but throw a grenade near
where it breaks right to disarm the laser trip wires. Then head on
through to the right and get ready to squeeze that trigger when the
mercenary in front of you drops that fake wall. Continue on down the
path and when it break to the right, you will have to deal with another
mercenary to the left. Then fire at the corridor which is a little bit
to the left cubicle and the mercenary from the right will trip the laser
trip wire. You will not see him do it, but you will see and hear the
explosion. Now check out and listen to the news broadcast by pushing
the radio beside you. People are talking and saying that you are
providing a great service to the city. Now run ahead and go left to
grab the M79 ammo that is sitting in this cubicle. Then turnaround and
run forward down the corridor and go right when it breaks right.

Then, head on through the door on the left and take out the
mercenary who is patrolling the area when he come out from the right
down a little ways. Also, nail the other mercenary who hears the
commotion when he appears from the left. Now, continue on down the
corridor and head through the door on the left. You will be in some
kind of office. pick up the video tape that is lying on the desk.
Nicole had blackmailed the Inner Circle with this tape. Remember Candy
Dawn? Anyway, Max will take this as collateral...just in case. Head on
into the next room where Wooden has left you a present on the desk. It
is the blueprints for the Aesir Corporation Building. This will come in
handy later. Next, head on into the next room to the right and check
the cabinet in the left hand corner. Here you will find a Painkiller,
Colt Commando and Desert Eagle Ammo. finally, head on through the next
door to the right.


In here, you will be on top of the balcony. Immediately shoot
dodge to the left and take out the mercenary who tries to stop you.
Then pick up his Colt Commando Ammo and head on through the door
straight ahead. Next, gun down the mercenary when he appears at the
bottom of the first flight of steps. Pull out a Molotov Cocktail from
your arsenal and take out the C4 on the right that is connected to the
laser trip wires at a safe distance. Than continue on down the steps
and enter the second door to the right. Shoot dive through the door and
then take out the mercenary right when you see him. Then, head back
down the stairs all the way to the bottom and head on through the door
on the right. Then nail the mercenary who appears from the left.

Then go back to the stairway and go through the door that was on
the left and head on down the stairs by shoot dodging and aiming down
and two the left to dispose of the two mercenaries who are talking about
Butch and the Sundance Kid. Then pick up the Grenade that is sitting on
the crate to the left before going through the door that was at the
bottom of the steps. When you open the door and go through, pepper the
mercenary who is in between the crates with some firepower of your own.
Then, when you get to the crates, throw a grenade to the end of the
corridor to take out the laser trip wires. then go to the right when
the corridor dictates it but take out the C4 laser trip wires on the
right before doing so. Finally, enter through the door on the right.


Here, you will be in a library type atmosphere. Head on down the
stairs to the right and take out the mercenary who is trying to do you
in. Then, tag the two mercenaries to the left in between the shelves.
Next up, nail the mercenary who approaches from the back of the room.
Then when the room is cleared, check out the files that are on the desk
where you first walked in. Then you will want to chuck a grenade at
each row of files to see them crashing down like dominoes. Your next
move will be to take out the two mercenaries who are firing upon you
from above on the right hand side of the room. After dismantling them,
jump up onto the dominoes on the left and jump onto the ramp in the
background. You will have to shoot out one more mercenary that appears
above you. then head on up the ramp and go all the way around the
parameter of the room via the balcony. Run like the wind through the
door and head up the steps and dive and grill the mercenary who just
chucked a grenade at you.

Then before heading up the next flight of steps, go behind them and
scope out the medicine cabinet to obtain four more Painkillers. Then,
make your way up the next flight of steps and head through the door
which is past the soda machine to the right. When you enter this
library, you will have to take down the four mercenaries out that repel
downwards from the ceiling. After disposing of all four, steal their
weapons and ammo and head up the steps that are straight ahead. Then
make your way around the parameter to the door on the other side.


You will then appear in another hallway. Take down the two killer
suits that come out of the door on the left side. Then head on through
the door that is straight ahead of you. When you enter through here,
you will have to dismantle two more killer suits in this conference
room. Then, pick up the Sniper Ammo that is on the table in the left
corner. Next, head on through the door that is opposite of the soda
machine. then shoot dodge to the right and take out the approaching
killer suit. Keep going around the parameter and bullet dive straight
ahead and aim left when you see the killer suit in your sights. Next,
head on through the exit door.

When in the stairwell make a quick right and wait at the top of the
stairs. Pick off the three mercenaries as they propel from the ceiling
right in front of you. Continue on down the stairs and go through the
door at the bottom of the stairs. Head on through the corridor and when
you see the opening in the center aim right and pick off the mercenary
who is across the way. Then continue on down the corridor and when it
breaks left go left and head on through the door. Travel around the
parameter of this circle and pick up the Jack Hammer Ammo sitting on a
bench to the left along the way. Then, make your way through the exit
door and head on down the steps again.


Head on down to the bottom of the stairs and before going in,
listen to the killer suits talk about the CIA and the FBI. Then shoot
dodge forward and drill the two men who are sitting pretty on the right.
Pick up their weapons and their Painkillers and then head on through the
exit door in the left corner. You will then engage in a battle against
four Killer Suits. To win this battle keep moving and when you get
close enough to a Killer Suit, shoot dodge like crazy and make every
shot count. You will have to deal with one or two mercenaries as well.
When nobody is left standing, collect their weapons and ammo and head on
through the exit door.


Max Payne believes in the old adage, "An eye for an eye." He
cruises around the city to let the rage inside of him build up. He know
what he has to do. He finally reaches the Aesir building and parks the
stolen wheels in front of the building. He has a bullet with Nicole
Horne's name on it.

Equip your Jackhammer and head on through the metal detectors to
alert the mercenaries to your presence. Then, shoot dodge straight
ahead and aim to the left. Let the bullets fly and take out them to the
left. Then cruise the corridor to the left and shoot out the steel to
the top of the right corridor so that the killer suits can nail you with
the M79's that there packing. Now set up shop all the way in the back
to the left with your Sniper Rifle. From here, it is child's play.
Crouch, zoom in on the target and pull the trigger. Be sure to take out
all three that are high and mighty. Then re-equip your Jackhammer and
continue down the long corridor hugging the wall on the right side.
When you see the path way to the left near the elevators, shoot dodge to
the left and take out the two approaching killer suits. Next, pick up
their Colt Commandos and Painkillers and head on through the doorway to
the left.

You will see that you are underneath the steps. Go around and look
up at the stairs that you will have to go up. There is a laser trip
wire in the way. Take out your Colt Commando and peg the C4 to get rid
of the laser trip wires and then make your way up the stairs. When you
get to the top, face like you are going to head up the next flight of
stairs and shoot dodge to the left to take out the mercenary at the top
of the second flight of stairs. Then, when you get halfway up the
stairs, shoot the C4 to the left to dismantle the laser trip wires.
When you get to the top of the stairs, shoot dive straight ahead and
nail the mercenary straight ahead who take cover behind the bench. Then
shoot dodge to the left and take out the mercenary who is near the
elevator doors. Then collect their ammo and Grenades and make your way
to the left which is to the right of the elevators and follow the
corridors as it bends to the right and at the end of it, you will find a
medicine cabinet with two Painkillers inside. Now backtrack and to the
stairs and head up the next flights of steps but do not progress until
you take out the laser trips wires. The C4 is to the left this time.
Finally go around the parameter of the top floor and peg the killer
suits that comes out of the door on the right. Finally, take his Colt
Commando and head through the door on the right.


In this area, you will have to go through a series of moving laser
trip wires and here is how to get through it. When the first wire is
all the way down, jump over it. When the second trip wires merge into
one and are all the way down, jump over it. When the third wire is all
the way up walk over it, stand still and nail the mercenary with the
Jackhammer. The fourth set of wires follow the same pattern as the
second, when the two merge at the bottom jump over them. To cross the
fifth wire, wait until it goes all the way up and then walk under it.
Finally, when the sixth and final wire is all the way down, jump over
it. Really annoying if you screw up. When you emerge from this small
corridor, look ahead and to the left and you will see some mercenaries
that you have to deal with near the elevators. After you clip both of
them, take their Colt Commandos and run straight ahead parallel with the
elevators on the right. Follow the corridor as it bends to the right
and pick up the four Painkillers at the end of it. Then backtrack back
to the elevators where you will have to gun down two more mercenaries
that join the fray. Then pick up the Painkillers and the Colt Commando
and go on the elevator to the right.

Here you will have a meeting with Mona Sax who is suppose to kill
you but does not kill nice guys. However, Mona Sax will be shot and
killed by the three killer suits that are behind you. Get ready to
shoot dodge to the left and aim to the right. This private army of
Horne's just keeps on coming. After disposing of all three, pick up
their Colt Commandos and then head on up in the elevator. However, this
time there is a catch. There are five laser trip wires that have to be
dismantled in the elevator shaft as the elevator is going up. Have your
Dual Ingrams equipped and push the button to go up. Aim your sights at
the C4 and when you are in medium range grill it. Here is the order of
where to shoot them but if you miss, bang your dead. The order is left,
right, left, left, right.

After you make it to the top shoot dodge behind the killer suits to
the left and grill them. Then set your sights high and pick off the two
that are perched on top of the balcony. Pick up the fallen killer
suits' Colt Commandos and head on through the door to the right of where
you got off the elevator. Then, take out the killer suit in the control
room and be sure to grab the Painkillers from the medicine cabinet on
the right. Then push the button on the far computer straight ahead and
you will gain access to the main frame. Then you will have to gun down
three killer suits that come out from the outside. After dismantling
these three goons hop on the elevator in the middle to the right.


When you make it to the bottom and the elevator stops, hop on the
elevator to the left before the helicopter can nail you with its chain
gun and take that elevator down to the next level. When the elevator
stops, open the door and shoot dodge forward, aim to the right, and let
the bullets fly so that you can take out the two killer suits. Then,
look behind you, shoot dodge, squeeze the trigger to take out the other
killer suit. Then, make your way out from behind the wall and in
towards the center where you will have to bullet dive and take out
another killer suits. Then turn your attention to the balcony on the
right and nail the killer suit who is residing up there. Next, take out
the four blue pillars that are near the elevators and all of Horne's
locks will be off line. Now you will have to clip three mercenaries
that come out of the elevator to the left. Then, pick up the various
ammo and any Painkillers that were left by the guards and take the
elevator to the left all the way up!

When the elevator stops, get off and make your way to the stairs in
the center. From the bottom of the stairs, shoot dodge to the left and
to the right and dismantle all three mercenaries before heading up the
stairs. When you get to the top of the stairs, you are going to have to
deal with a mercenary to the left and three mercenaries to the right.
Kill them like you have killed all the others that have tried before
them. Then pick up any weapons, Painkillers, or ammo that has fallen
and make your way to where the first mercenary to the right came from.
Head on through the board room and check out Horne's personal computer
in the center of the room. When you are finished, head on through the
door to the left.


After recounting the whole debacle it comes down to this. Nicole
Horne thinks it is ridiculous that he has made it this far. She states
that Max will be dead by the time the police get here. You are here to
prove her wrong. Have your Colt Commando ready and take out the first
guy in the corner straight ahead of you when the gate is lifted. Then
drill the second killer suit when he tries to pursue you. Finally, to
take out the last two, shoot dodge towards the door that Nicole just
escaped to, aim left, and pelt these two until they fall over. Now the
hard part, the shields will be lifted from the windows and that
helicopter will be back. Take cover behind the statue and crouch. Do
not move until the helicopter uses up a lot of its ammunition and gets
bored with you and takes off. Next, stand in the corner where those two
killer suits just were and wait for the back up in the from of two
killer suits comes flying through the door. When you see them, gun them
down with a M79. Threat eliminated.

Re-equip the Colt Commando and head on through the door to the left
and then push the button on the right door. The elevator door will open
from the left and a killer suit will emerge. Shoot dodge backwards and
let him have it. Then, pick up the Painkiller from him and head on
through the right door. Goto the right of this room and head out the
glass door. Then look to the left and you will have to jump over the
railing on to the scaffold. Be very careful when doing it because it is
a long way down. Then, run like there's no tomorrow across it and hop
over the railing on the other side to the left. If you take a few shots
from the helicopter, use a Painkiller. Head in through the glass door
and then go through the door on the right.


From here, shoot dodge to the right and aim straight ahead to
dispose of the killer suit. Pick up the Colt Commando and the Pain
killer that he drops and continue up the stairs. When you get to the
top of the stairs, shoot dodge to the left and nail those two killer
suits who are hiding behind the crates. Pick up the Ingram, Ingram
Ammo, and the Colt Commando and drill the two killer suits that appear
straight ahead from the elevator on the right. Then, run up to where
you shot them, turn around, and then grill the man who approaches from
the door to the left. Next, go through the door and bullet dive to the
left and take on the two killer suits he are behind the counter. Then
open up the door to the right to take out the next killer suit. Pick up
the Painkiller and the Colt Commando Ammo and make your way around to
the next green lit door, open it, and shoot dodge and nail the two
killer suits who are cowering behind the crates. Pick up the Ingram and
Colt Commando Ammo and head through the door to the right.

When it breaks right, go into another shoot dodge and blast the
killer suit that comes out of the elevator on the right hand side.
Next, dive towards the stairs and gun down the killer suits that rolls
out from the right. Grab the Painkiller and the Ingram Ammo from him
and then head up the stairs. When you get to the top of the stairs,
drill the one suit that attacks from the right. Keep shoot dodging like
crazy because the other three will come to you from the left. When they
get in your sights, take them down. Also, remember to use them
Painkillers. When all the killer suits have been defeated, pick up the
Painkillers and any ammo from them and head towards the green world map.
Push the button on the computer in the center, and the door to the left
will open up. Head on through it.


Before heading up the steps, equip your Dual Berettas and then make
your way up the longs steps. When you get about half way up, Nicole
will have a gift for you. She will try to throw a grenade at you but it
will most likely sail over your head. When you get to the rooftop, you
will see a small cutscene of Payne giving chase and firing his Dual
Berettas at Nicole but his shots will miss. Also, the tower in the
middle is shaky and there are wires that are holding it in place.
Because of the high wind, two of the wires have snapped off. Now, when
you regain control of Payne, take out your Sniper Rifle and aim at the
first wire right in front of you. Hit the weakpoint and make the wire
snap off. This will trigger a cutscene of Nicole Horne boarding the
helicopter. However, it cannot take off for a minute until the wind
dies down.

Next, when you regain control of Payne, immediately switch to the
M79 and nail the killer suits if they try to get near you by positioning
yourself just in front of the wall. When you see one shoot because it
will usually take out two killer suits, the other two will try to get
close to use but when you see them, let off another two shots to take
them out as well. Now at these point, equip your Sniper Rifle and hop
up onto the little platform in front of the first wire that you have
just shot. It is to the left of the first wire. When you see it,
crouch down and sniper the weak point on the last wire. Finally, re-
equip your Colt Commando or Dual Berettas, look up at the red tower and
shoot off about 20 or 30 rounds into it. This will trigger the ending
cutscene. Congratulations are in order, you have just beaten Max Payne.
Sit back, watch, and enjoy the ending!!!


I would like to thank Rockstar for putting out back to back grade A
games in the form of Grand Theft Auto and Max Payne. Also, special
thanks goes out to my girlfriend, Angela, for being there for me and for
helping me out with some of the rough spots that were encountered in the
game. See you next guide...
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Trainer für Gesundheit, Bullettime und Munition

17.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.05)

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

18.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Max Payne Series Plot
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Game Script
Engl. Hinweise

16.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Cheats & Tipps

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Alle Level sind freigeschaltet

17.Oktober 2013
Savegame für den letzten Level

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Alle Schwierigkeitsgrade

15.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Ihr seid unverwundbar, habt alle Waffen und vieles mehr (funktioniert nur mit beigelegtem mod)

18.Oktober 2013
MaxPayne mit Cheatmodus starten

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Bullet-Time FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Unendlich Bullet Time, Munition, Unsichtbarkeit, God-Modus sowie Timer Aus im Timed-Mode(für v1.01)

14.Oktober 2013

04.Oktober 2013
God-Modus, Unendlich Bullet-Time, Special Single Shot Munition und unbegrenzt Munition

17.Oktober 2013
Dieses Reg-File schaltet alle vorhandenen Spielmodi frei. Damit wird es möglich, auch ohne das Spiel komplett durchgespielt zu haben, Hard-Boiled, Dead on Arrival und New York Minute von Anfang an zu spielen

15.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020