Elite Force 2

Elite Force 2

04.10.2013 14:17:09
Star Trek: Elite Force II

Complete Walkthrough v.1.02

Last update: 11/9/03

Created by: JediMeister (alvinshek@hotmail.com)

Copyright 2003 Alvin Shek

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
- Legal Info
- Version History
- About the Author

2. Weapons
- Phaser
- Compression Rifle
- Enhanced Compression Rifle
- Assault Rifle
- Attrexian Arc Launcher
- Idryllian Staff
- I-Mod
- Sniper Rifle
- Grenade Launcher
- Quantum Burst
- Tetryon Disruptor
- Romulan Standard Disruptor
- Romulan Experimental Radiation Disruptor (X-Rad)
- Tricorder
- Enhanced Tricorder
- Bat'l'eth

3. Level Maps
- 3.1 Mission 1: End Game
- 3.2 Mission 2: Reassignment
- 3.3 Mission 3: Derelict
- 3.4 Mission 4: Demise
- 3.5 Mission 5: Discovery
- 3.6 Mission 6: Destruction
- 3.7 Mission 7: Search and Rescue
- 3.8 Mission 8: Payback
- 3.9 Mission 9: Mercenaries
- 3.10 Mission 10: Incognito
- 3.11 Mission 11: End Game 2

3.1.1 is the first map for this mission and so on and so forth. The sections
are numbered for ease of use and searching.

4. Credits

1. Introduction

Legal Info

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private
use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without
advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of
any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

The following websites are permitted to post this as well as any other game guides
I will write in the future:

cheatingplanet.com - part of gamespy.com network

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

Version History: v 0.25 - Wrote down list of missions and levels.
Began partial walkthrough of first five missions.

v 0.30 - Added weapons list and notes.

v 0.80 - Added walkthrough for missions six through eleven.

v.1.0 - Completed Walkthrough

v.1.01 - Included tip from Raizen Inogami regarding mission
3.10, the Romulan Facility.

v.1.02 - Included tip by Matevz Mihelic regarding
Drull Ruins 3 Boss Level 3a.

About the Author

This is my first game walkthrough, so suggestions and constructive criticism are
very welcome. I will also accept tips other players have noticed, alternative boss
strategies, etc. Please include in your subject line EF: II Tips.

2. Weapons: 1) Phaser - Standard issue sidearm. Has unlimited ammo
but takes time to recharge. Primary fire is low
damage whereas secondary fire can disintegrate
2) Compression Rifle - The basic phaser rifle. Has primary
and secondary firing mode. Primary is a
fast, damaging shot of middling damage.
Secondary is a pulse grenade which flies
straight until it hits its target,
disintegrating it and/or causing heavy
damage to surrounding hostiles.
3) Enhanced Compression Rifle - Enhanced by Chell the Bolian,
this phaser rifle fires faster
and is extremely accurate even
at long range. Used primarily
to snipe at enemies from a distance
before acquiring the sniper rifle.
The secondary attack is an
extremely damaging energy grenade
but it arcs unlike the pulse
grenade mounted on its cousin the
standard compression rifle, so the
user must aim higher or lower to
compensate. Becomes available after
returning to the Alpha Quadrant.
4) Assault Rifle - Developed in the Alpha Quadrant during Voyager's
exploration of the Delta Quadrant. The assault
rifle has become the weapon of choice of many
a security team due to its usefulness in tight
situations. Primary fire shoots a spread of
plasma pellets. Secondary fire is an energy
based attack which is extremely damaging
to enemies. The assault rifle is best used in
close quarters firefights. The secondary fire
continues in its path until it impacts with a
surface or object or enemy. Secondary fire has
splash damage so a shot near an opponent is as
likely to damage as a direct hit. Becomes
available after returning to the Alpha Quadrant.
5) Attrexian Arc Launcher - An Attrexian welding tool. Very useful
against Exomorphs. Primary attack is
similar damage to the compression rifle.
Can also be used to ignite the gas
grenade launched by secondary fire. Try
to avoid getting too close to the
target enveloped in the gas because the
user can also be hurt by the backfire.
The best strategy with this weapon is
to fire a gas grenade and then back up
drawing the enemy towards you. Detonate
with primary fire and see them explode.
One or two of these grenades when
ignited is sufficient to eliminate most
Exomorphs you will face. Acquired
during the level on the Attrexian
6) Staff - A mysterious staff found in the Drull Ruins. Primary
fire is a damaging globe of blue energy. One shot will
eliminate the smallest Exomorphs. Three are required for
the next biggest Exomorphs. The Basher Exomorphs require
six shots to destroy. Trying to use this on any of the
bigger Exomorphs is not recommended. Secondary fire
sends out a shockwave which freezes enemies within
its radius allowing the user to walk up to the paralyzed
enemy and strike them with the primary fire. Acquired by
the Hazard Team on a mission to the Drull Ruins.
7) I-Mod - Infinity Modulator developed by Seven of Nine to combat
Borg drones in the Delta Quadrant. Primary fire has
damage equivalent to that of the standard compression
rifle. Secondary fire is twice as damaging although
requires twice as much energy. Benefits of secondary
fire when compared with other Starfleet weapons are that
it does not cause splash damage, is not explosive based.
You must directly hit your target for your shots to be
8) Sniper Rifle - One shot, one kill, unless you miss of course.
Powered by plasma energy, a single shot is
sufficient to disintegrate an opponent. Primary
fire shoots, and secondary fire zooms. Very
useful for taking out enemies from great
distances when the enhanced compression rifle is
not accurate enough.
9) Grenade Launcher - Starfleet issue Grenade Launcher. Originally
developed in the Delta Quadrant by Weapons
Master Oviedo. Primary fire launches a
heavily damaging grenade. Secondary fire
detonates any undetonated grenades. Aim must
be compensated for due to the arcing nature
of the projectile. The user can be injured by
this weapon if not careful in its use or aim.
10) Quantum Torpedo Burst - Starfleet issue quantum burst. Issued
during times of war, it can only be
released for use by the Captain.
Originally considered to be unfeasible
due to the immense power necessary to
launch a mini photon torpedo, it was
modified by Weapons Master Oviedo for
use on the battlefield. The quantum
burst once utilized mini photon
torpedoes but due to advancements in
microengineering, the quantum burst has
been loaded with mini quantum torpedoes,
extremely damaging projectiles capable
of vaporizing enemies it hits dead on
and causing immense splash damage to
others nearby. Secondary fire activates
a laser guiding system which allows the
guiding of the projectiles to an
intended target. Very useful against
flying enemies or big stationary
targets. The user can be injured by
this weapon if not careful in its use
or aim.
11) Tetryon Disruptor - Used by the Klingon Lurok, the tetryon
disruptor is a rapid-firing machine of
destruction. Capable of firing several
shots per second, it can riddle an enemy
with tetryons before the enemy has even
realized he has been targeted. Primary fire
unleashes the full destructive capabilities
of this deadly weapon. Secondary fire
creates a highly damaging globe of energy
capable of rebounding off several objects
before striking its target. The secondary
fire can hurt the user if it bounces off a
surface and reflects back.
12) Romulan Disruptor - The Romulan standard issue sidearm. Primary
fire is a fast-moving projectile of
middling damage, comparable to that of the
I-Mod and Compression Rifle. Secondary fire
is a charged shot capable of disintegrating
an enemy. The secondary fire has splash
damage so a direct hit is not necessary.
13) Romulan X-Rad - A.k.a. Experimental Radiation Disruptor.
Possibly the most dangerous weapon ever
developed by Romulan researchers. Primary fire
is a cloud of radiation which envelops the
target and melts it away. Secondary fire is a
pure ball of plasma energy capable of defeating
the most powerful Exomorphs in existence. Only
accessible the last mission.
14) Tricorder - Starfleet issue tricorder. Capable of interacting
with the computer systems of a multitude of
cultures. Used to reroute power, modulate panels,
adjust the amplitude, frequency, and phase shift
of signals. Has alternate viewing modes which
include Structural Integrity, Bio-Scan, and
Trace Gas.
15) Enhanced Tricorder - Starfleet issue tricorder. Capable of
interacting with the computer systems of a
multitude of cultures. Used to reroute
power, modulate panels, adjust the
amplitude, frequency, and phase shift of
signals. Has alternate viewing modes which
include Structural Integrity, Bio-Scan,
and Trace Gas.
16) Bat'l'eth - Available only on two levels: Starfleet Academy 2,
and Klingon Base Level 1. Primary can be used to
block enemy knife attacks. Secondary is a powerful
downward strike. A Klingon blade weapon, it has an
extremely sharp edge.

Notes: Routing power is quite easy. All you have to do is avoid all the short
circuit areas. Before you link up the final segment connecting one power
generator to the other side, make sure you removed all the short circuits or
have bypassed them completely. Likewise, the modulating with the wave
patterns is quite easy. The puzzle consists of three phases. First you must
match the amplitude, then the frequency, and then finally the offset or its
phase differential. After all three match up with the target, you're done.
This walkthrough was completed on normal difficulty.

3.1 Mission 1: End Game

3.1.1 Borg Sphere Level 1a

From the start, peek out just a little bit and blast the power coupling.
Switch to the I-Mod and start blasting away. Turn left, and pass through
the doorway once blocked by the green force field. Or turn right for a view
of an upcoming battle. Head down the lift cautiously with your trigger
mouse button ready. Head off the lift pass into the next room towards the
left. Pull out your tricorder and modulate the force field control panel.
Proceed into the next room and blast the plasma conduit to open up a
crawlspace. Continue along until you reach a room with pipes along both
sides. Drop down and head towards the left. Eventually you will reach an
open room with a power coupling. Blast it, opening up another green force
field. Continue along the straightforward path onwards to exit the area.

3.1.2 Borg Sphere Level 1b

Admire the cutscene, but get ready to dodge once the cutscene begins. Don't
bother with the I-Mod. Ditch it for the remainder of the level in favor of
either your trusty phaser or compression rifle. Where to now? Blast the
visible plasma conduit to open another crawlspace. Take out the
distribution node as well as the power coupling and head back out. Turn
left after exiting the tunnel and enter the now accessible hallway.
Continue forward, trying desperately not to get in any fights with Borg
until you reach the energy and health stations. Fill 'er up!!! Now proceed
to the shield control node and modulate with the tricorder. Enter the next

Once the cutscene ends, rush to shoot the plasma conduit, duck into the
crawlspace and shoot the power coupling. Get your ass moving out of the
crawlspace and towards the right. Enter the room only bothering to shoot
the Borg using the control panel. Walk past the twitching Borg and use the
operating table as cover. Turn around and blast twice more with the rifle
and then either switch to the phaser or compression rifle secondary fire to
blast them. Don't forget the Borg to your left. Now turn left from the
entrance to the room in which Chang was held and jump from pipe to pipe to
get to the other side. Tricorder time again, modulate and then blast the
coupling within. The Borg will get all riled up. Your compression rifle (or
your phaser) if you used it primarily since last time, will now longer be
effective. Switch to the other remaining weapon and shoot, shoot, shoot.
Note: If you used the phaser, try and use primary/secondary fire because if
the Borg have adapted to one they will not have adapted to the other
frequency. Head back up the lift and go straight forward and onto the lift
on the right.

3.1.3 Borg Sphere Level 1c

Continue along the only path available to you and pass through a door. Once
you can see Telsia, pause and save. The moment you approach her, a force
field will activate. Turn left and head straight past the Borg that beams
in. Turn right and you'll see a plasma conduit you must blast in order to
help Telsia. Crouch and strafe inside the crawlspace until you reach a
power coupling and vaporize it. Alternatively you could also keep going
ahead to the room that Telsia is in and blast either the power coupling
there or the distribution node. Problem solved! Head out to see the
cutscene. After the cutscene, follow the blip on your radar. Once you reach
the main hallway, there should be a drone right in front of the
intersection, get ready to shoot some Borg to your right. Take the lift up
and shoot the Borg right in front of you. When the hallway starts to widen,
run forward and turn right just after you enter the room with the Borg
alcoves. Blast the power coupling and continue forward. Again, shoot the
singular Borg that activates. After you pass through a door and there's a
T-intersection. Rush through the right path only pausing to aim and fire at
the distribution node and/or the power coupling adjacent. Health is on your
side of the room while ammo is on the other side. Continue forward. If
you've restrained yourself from firing wildly at the marauding Borg, your
phaser should still be unadapted. Go on to the main lift.

3.1.4 Borg Sphere Level 2a

Once you reach your destination, go forward and to the left, eliminating
the Borg as they activate and beam in. Eventually you will reach a door
protected by a force field which you can deactivate. Enter and turn
immediately towards the right. Three Borg will beam in, one behind you, two
in front. Aim right between the two Borg in front and shoot the plasma
conduit directly behind them. It will have a orange tint to it. As it
explodes it will take out a distribution node as well as a power coupling,
knocking out the Borg near you. Now your I-Mod will work again. You can
keep using your phaser for a while to conserve ammo if you like or just
switch over immediately. Head out the exit, I-Modding the three Borg who
will beam in and go past the door, killing three more in this room, and
four more as you approach the exit to the right. Grab the health if you
need in the next room. You may now either choose to exit from the left side
of the main room you were just in or from the right side. I personally
prefer the right side because the path is more straightforward whereas the
left route requires backtracking.

3.1.5 Borg Sphere Level 2c

Blast the plasma conduit from the start and duck into the crawlspace. After
a while, you will see a pipe which goes down and a grate covering the drop.
Shoot the grate and drop down. Eliminate the single Borg drone as well as
the power coupling. Proceed outside until the lift comes down with your
teammates on it. Get on and ride down. Head out the door. Be sure to shoot
the power coupling as you pass by. This will lower a force field to one of
the dampening field generators. As you proceed, watch on the left for a
distrubution node and take it out as the Borg activate. Continue ahead
until you can just see the room whose force field you just toasted. Pull
out your I-Mod and blast the two Borg that materialize. You can take cover
behind the pipes to the left but you don't really need to. Just strafe and
fire. Or if you're an ammo conservator, let your teammates do the shooting.
Go into the room with the generator and modulate the amplitude, frequency,
and offset as necessary. It seems that its random every time. Head out
towards the right, defending yourself with extreme prejudice and cross the
bridge. Watch for two Borg who appear when you've crossed half-way. There's
health in the room right before the bridge. Pass through a set of doors to
end the level.

3.1.6 Borg Sphere Level 2b

Proceed cautiously and blast the power coupling. Exit the room towards the
dark hallway to your right. Kill the two Borg when they approach and
continue onwards to the second generator. After modulating this strafe to
the right as you pull out your I-Mod. Two Borg have appeared behind you in
the hallway. Eliminate them and proceed back to the main room you entered
at the beginning of the level. Four more Borg will appear. Destroy them and
proceed to the door that was covered by a force field straight ahead.
You'll enter a huge area with a column in the middle. Go around it to the
door on the other side. Open it to face three to four Borg. Your teammates
can take care of them. To the left in that room is an energy terminal which
you can use to refill your ammo. Proceed to the right. Continue to the end
of the hallway ignoring the green force field for now. Just before you hit
the blue force field at the end of the hallway shoot the power coupling and
backtrack to the other end of the hallway where the third and final
generator resides. You know the drill by now, modulate it with the
tricorder. And prepare yourself for a relatively easy boss battle.

3.1.7 Borg Boss Level

This battle will come in three stages. The first stage, the huge advanced
Borg drone will try and shoot you. He has three attacks. One where he
shoots three projectiles, another where he charges up and fires a globe of
energy at you, and the last one is a beam which you can jump over. I've
never been hit by the globe but I'm guessing it does medium damage whereas
the smaller projectiles do lesser amounts of damage. Eventually you'll
damage him to the point where he'll start teleporting about on the level
above you. He's relatively easy to track. The third stage is after he loses
his arm. He will them teleport to directly behind you and try to body slam
you. Just keep jumping forward every time he teleports, turn around and
give him a blast of your secondary fire I-Mod. In relatively little time,
he'll go down without much difficulty. For an easier time, just run to each
of the yellow force fielded towers and modulate with the Tricorder. Shoot
the distribution nodes and he'll be inactive for a while. Take every
chance to blast him with the I-Mod. This battle's almost over before it
even began.

3.2 Mission 2: Reassignment

3.2.1 Starfleet Academy 1

Pretty easy actually. Heh, no more firing for a while. Just listen to the
conversation and take the Turbolift up the main lobby. Go in and have a
talk with Tuvok. Head over to the Headmaster's office. You can tell where
it is by the arrow on your radar. Head out the doors in front of the main
desk and head towards the left. Take the turbolift down and receive your
orders. Head back up and follow the arrow to talk with Telsia.

Conversation Choices:

1) "I won't let you throw away your career for me." - Telsia
leaves thinking your career means more to you than your

2) "It won't work. We both need Starfleet or we'll go stir-crazy."
- A nice hug between "friends." Choose this if you want to
further your relationship with Telsia later.

3) "Look Telsia, we've had some fun, but now it's over." - Pretty
self explanatory, eh?

3.2.2 Starfleet Academy 2

Turns out to be a holodeck training program. Pretty straightforward. I'd
recommend using the standard compression rifle the whole way through. When
Korban tells you to cover him as he opens the door, just duck behind the
barrels on the right or left hand side and snipe away at the Romulans who
have no cover. Crawl into the ducts while avoiding the flames. Eventually
you'll find the one exit. There's three Romulans waiting around the corner
to be prepared. After you open the door for Korban by routing power with
your Tricorder, more Romulans will beam in. They have don't have any heavy
weapons so don't worry. Just blast away. Eventually they'll stop beaming in.
Proceed up the stairs in front with your Enhanced Compression Rifle out.
The moment the elevator starts coming up, get ready to fire one grenade
into the middle of the bunch. Simplest firefight in the history of
Starfleet. Take the elevator down. Two Romulans are awaiting their doom.
After you proceed into the next room you'll pick up a Klingon Bat'l'eth.
Just take cover behind the columns as the Romulans
beam in and secondary fire them to pieces.

3.2.3 Enterprise-E

Follow your objectives. The armory is on the same deck you're on but the
other objectives are on other decks. In the armory you get to test out the
assault rifle, Star Trek's answer to the shotgun. In Sickbay, right across
from the Armory you can fill up on health but its not really necessary. Go
to the Hazard Team deck and visit the briefing room first. In the back,
near the huge viewing screen is your office. Inside is the code to Juliet
Jurot's locker (746) which contains an I-Mod. This gun, although there are
no more Borg in the game, is quite useful in a later level. To pick it up,
just use it.

3.3 Mission 3: Derelict

3.3.1 Dallas Level 1a

Get ready to shoot again!!! No, no so soon. In about ten minutes though.
Gee, all those floating bodies creep me out. Anyway, the panel you gotta
activate is behind some fallen debris. Again, it'll show up on your radar.
If its still too hard, its directly opposite where you start out the
mission by the hole. You can just see the red glow from the panel's lights
around the fallen debris. Exit through the door and pass by the exit on the
right from the Shuttle Bay, you can't use it yet. Go straight ahead and
dive into the Jeffries Tube by activating the manual release. You'll have
to do this several times as the access panels are blown to bits. Follow the
straightforward path until you reach a yawning gap between you and the
other side. Luckily power and gravity are out!!! Just jump up and across
to the other side. Into the Jeffries Tube, to the right path, and down the
ladder. Tricorder time!!! Hit the panel and route power. After you're done,
head back up and out the Jeffries Tube. However, don't try and jump across
again. Remember? Gravity is on now, so just drop down lightly on top of the
Turbolift and take the ladder back up to a green-lit Jeffries Tube. Get in,
take a left at the first intersection, and then a right at the second. Take
the ladder down and drop. At the bottom turn around and face the large door
that you couldn't open earlier from the other side. There's a panel to the
left of it that says "Shuttle Bay Door Manual Override." Again, take out
the tricorder. After your team enters, turn around and face the other door.

3.3.2 Dallas Level 1b

Exit the Turbolift, turn left and continue straight ahead. Enter the first
door that you can on the left which is the Lounge. After the threat has
passed, blow away the door which has structural weaknesses and proceed.
After a little bit you'll reach two doors. One in front and one to the
right. Take the right door marked "Service" and enter. Go all the way down
the ladder and enter the Jeffries Tube. Your exit will be the green door
after you see a glimpse of one of your enemies. The directions are right,
left, and right again. Take the ladder all the way up to the hatch up above.
Enter the lounge and exit through the other door. When you reach the point
where power in the corridor starts to fail, turn on night vision and
proceed towards your team with your gun out. An enemy will drop from above
and in front and three more will attack from behind in the hallway you pass
on your right. Afterwards, enter Engineering and head towards the big
console in the middle with your tricorder. There is no pressure, so take
your time routing the connectors. There will need to be a separate path to
each generator from its counterpart. Exit the way you came in and take the
hallway on the left from which the monsters attacked. Approach the
Turbolift and find you have to restore power. Enter the service door nearby
and go down the ladder. The panel you have to reroute power with is behind
you at the bottom of the ladder. Go back up the ladder, out the door, and
turn into the Turbolift to end the level.

3.3.3 Dallas Level 2

Exit the Turbolift and see Franklin join the Red-Shirted Ensigns from TOS
in Heaven as the First Ones to DIE. Three more monsters attack. One drops
from where Franklin was abducted and another two from the currently
locked door. Pass through the door that the monsters broke open and enter
the room on your right for ammo. Continue ahead. Eventually you'll come to
a door on your right and a hole in the wall a little bit further on in
front of a blue force field. Crawl into the room and exit between the force
fields through another hole. Deactivate the force field to let your
teammates follow. Two monsters will soon attack. Further beyond the attack
heading in the same direction is a lounge and a door which leads you to the
transporter room which is mysteriously blocked with a force field.
Backtrack to the door by the blue force fields. Enter but be ready for two
more aliens who attack you from the left and the right. If you continue
along either corridor, two more aliens will attack and an additional odd
one will drop from above. Tread cautiously. Orienting oneself with the
panel with a diagram of the Dallas, there are two service doors to the left
and the right. If you enter and descend the ladder. Take the open Jeffries
Tube and crawl straight with no turns. No matter which service door you use
you will end up in one of the two ready rooms. From there, blast the door
leading to the bridge and enter. After the cutscene, exit the bridge and
retrace your steps to the transporter. Soon after you activate the
transporter, you'll have to book it to get back to rescue Chell in the
bridge. Directions to bridge from transporter room: Exit, turn right at
next intersection and pass through the door. Continue straight until the
crew quarter's door busts down. Enter and exit through the door on the
other side of the room. Another left takes you all the way to the bridge.
You don't have to kill all the aliens. Just clear a path and run into the

3.3.4 Enterprise-E

Get to the Shuttle Bay by taking the transporter. Before you talk to Chell,
memorize the location of this panel inside the Shuttle: Enter the rear
hatch, enter the left doorway, into the passageway, exit onto the piloting
station. The panel along the left side of the ship. Once you start to talk
to Chell a plasma leak will begin. Rush into the ship and modulate the
plasma flow so as not to blow up the shuttle. It will be a wave puzzle.

3.4 Mission 4: Demise

3.4.1 Attrexian Station Level 1a

From the start after being dropped off, run either towards the locked door
on the right and blast it or jump on top of the crates near the wall.
Take cover and eliminate the monsters with your assault rifle or enhanced
compression rifle. Eventually they will stop attacking and you can heal
yourself and recharge your ammo in the room I mentioned above. You can also
use your tricorder to modulate the control panel within to stop the flames
on the area above. Climb up to that level using the crates and jump over
the intervening gaps. When you reach the other side, pull out your enhanced
compression rifle and prepare for some long-distance sniping. Cross the
gantry and use the door panel to open the door. Proceed until you see a
mine cart like thing in the middle of the path. Run around the corner and
eliminate the three monsters harassing the Attrexian. Enter the other door
in the room after filling up on ammo/health at the station to the left of
the room as you enter. As you enter the hallway in the above mentioned
door and pass through another door, more monsters appear outside the room
and begin attacking the Attrexian. Help him kill them and return to the
room. Reroute power to the mine cart and when you are ready hit the panel
in front of the cart by the ammo/health stations. A wall will break down
and then a bigger alien will appear. Kill him with three secondary fire
assault rifle shots, and walk through the door the mine cart busted down,
and left into the hallway there. Another alien awaits you at the end of the
hallway through the door. I know of no way to take zero damage from this
guy so if you get injured just return to the health station by the mine
cart. Continue forward. Take the ladder up and recharge on ammo. Procee
through the door and blast the sucker who drops down from the ceiling. In
the next room are five aliens. Eliminate them before turning to the
Attrexians hiding behind the boxes to your left. Note: If you have depleted
health or ammo I suggest filling up before walking towards the Attrexians
and talking to them. After this there is no chance to backtrack to fill up.

After the save, Avak'Stas will hurry towards the door panel. As he begins
to fiddle with it, four of the smaller aliens will bust through the wall
to the left. Kill them with a few blasts of the old assault rifle. If
you're lucky all four of them will rush you and almost completely ignore
him. As you proceed into the next room, walk cautiously. The station will
open to space and Avak'Stas will tell you to run to the panel inside the
room to your right and close off the station. Wait a moment for the nearer
aliens to get sucked out. But watch the Air Supply meter and make sure you
don't wait too long. After you shut it off, there are a few more annoying
aliens to wipe the floor with. Proceed with an itchy trigger finger. When
you reach the armory and Avak'Stas begins to fiddle with this panel, jump
up on the crates to the right of the door. If you stay up here, the aliens
won't attack Avak'Stas and you have plenty of time to gun them all down.
Enter the armory and pick up the arc launcher. You'll be using the
secondary fire a lot. Get ready, shoot a gas grenade with it and ignite it
with your primary fire. This is a very very useful weapon with which to
dispatch the bigger aliens. You'll have to watch Avak'Stas. He will rush
the bigger aliens while you're taking out the smaller ones and he'll be
killed. So...take out the bigger aliens, and then worry about the little
guys. If you're lucky you can get both the bigger ones with one gas charge.
They will be another group of aliens along the path you took to get to the
armory as well as one of the big aliens right in front of the door that'll
take you back to Avak'Stas' buddy Veng'Pah. After the cutscene, go ahead
past the Attrexians through the door, turn left, and board the lift that's
through the big set of doors you must open with the panel nearby.

3.4.2 Attrexian Station Level 1b

From the lift head forward and kill the big alien hounding the Attrexian as
well as the aliens that burst through the door at the end of the hallway.
This will essentially eliminate all your ammo for the arc launcher but this
is an Attrexian space station so you will get more ammo eventually. Switch
to your assault rifle. Head past where the Attrexian was killed and turn
right at the intersection to see another couple of Attrexians get mauled.
Avenge them and continue. A door will blow up to your left and three small
guys will run out. Kill 'em each with a blast. Past them is a door on the
left. Enter. You can either go right to help the Attrexians or go forward
a bit and kill the five aliens just inside the door. Two big, and two small.
Before leaving the room, help the Attrexians. There's a launch pod you must
eject, but they certainly take their time prepping it to be ejected.
Anyway, when the lift comes down in the same room, hop up and hit the
switch to eliminate the big guy. Don't forget to ride back down before
proceeding to get the goodies the Attrexians offer you. Ammo for your
federation weapons as well as the arc launcher you got last level.
For more ammo, go out the door on the lower level and collect the canisters
by the dead Attrexian. Go back up the elevator and head out the door on the
upper section. Follow the path and go up the ladder and out the door, but
not before filling up on health and ammo. Out the door are three aliens,
one big, two small. As the two small ones rush you, you can take both out
with a single secondary fire shot. After that, the big guy is toast with a
few more shots. Head towards the left where three more aliens attack.
Beyond them is a room with, surprise! more ammo for the Arc Launcher. Head
out the only door and come out to the command center. When you descend and
the cutscene begins, several monsters will attack. Immediately run in front
of the Attrexian command crew and defend them. Aliens will approach from
left, right, and front where the door is. They are mostly composed of the
small guys, mixed with one or two of the bigger aliens. After a while, it
just gets too easy, when your teammates finally show up and the aliens
slowly clamber down the stairwell to meet your assault rifle blasts or arc
launcher gas. Transition to cutscene.

3.4.3 Attrexian Station Level 2b

After another cutscene where you meet someone who can help you, head
through the only door that is open to the left. Kill the intruding aliens
who obediently wait for you to blast them into oblivion. To free Vor'Chov,
head up the stairs, and up the ladder. At the gap, turn left and walk along
the pipe. Turn and face the door and jump onto the railing and over the
railing to the door. Inside is a panel, along with ammo for the arc
launcher. Reroute power using the panel, bypassing the short circuits and
come back out. The door is now open. Head in and after the cutscene refill
ammo for your federation weapons using the ammo station. Head down the
elevator and be ready for the aliens who appear. After the first elevator
is a second elevator which you will take down to the control room. If
you're a little low on health or ammo, don't hesitate to get back onto the
elevator and hit the switch to ride up one level. Inside the room above is
ammo for the arc launcher, a health station, and an ammo station. Head back
down and protect Vor'Chov. Don't worry much about losing health or armor,
the battle is relatively short and there is no need to fill up on

3.4.4 Enterprise-E

After beaming aboard, head out towards the right and enter Sickbay. If you
prefer, after the cutscene, you may refill your armor at the medical
station. The library is on a whole other deck, so make a beeline for a
turbolift. Telsia's on the library deck.

Conversation Choices:

1) "I wouldn't mind having you help me do some research on the
Attrexians." - Spend time with Telsia.

2) "Yeah, that's about it." - Rejection of the 24th Century.

Enter the library and use the library terminal. After reading or skimming
the material, leave the library and find a turbolift. You're going to the
Hazard Team Briefing Room, which is to the left when you exit the hallway
with the turbolift.

3.5 Mission 5: Discovery

3.5.1 Drull Ruins Level 1a

Follow the arrow to meet the Idryll that you've heard about. Go into the
yawning cave after the cutscene and head onwards until the level ends.

3.5.2 Drull Ruins Level 1b

Walk ahead and try the control panel to the main door. When that doesn't
work, notice the spidery cracks emanating from the left wall. Structural
weakness anyone? Blast it and go through. Jump onto the ledge and from
there up along the steps cut into the wall. Proceed ahead and catch a
glimpse of your enemies for this level. Drop a small height to the ledge
that's flush with the left side. Eventually you can't go anywhere but down,
the easiest way to do this with little or no loss of health is to creep
onto the mantle-like structure and drop onto successively lower cuts in the
wall. Eventually you'll reach the lowest portion of the courtyard. A pillar
will fall. Jump onto the flat platform on the right and from there onto a
fallen pillar. Proceed through the large hallway on the left side of the
pillar. Remember where the large staircase is, you'll have to return there
later. From the archway, head forward and refill your ammunition and health.
Keep going on until you see another large area with strange structures in
the ground. As you approach them, they will spawn spiders. You can use your
secondary fire to detonate multiple ones with a single shot. Head straight
ahead and dive in. Inside is ammo for your arc launcher as well as a panel
which will restore power to the ruins. Head back out the way you came. When
you reach the room with the structures in the ground, tread cautiously. At
the top of the stairs, four spiders are awaiting you, three blue and one
green. Target the blue ones first because they are explosive and can kill
others nearby if you time it right. Another pillar will fall breaking down
the wall. Go through and approach the main door. As you approach, you will
be beset by four insects, a blue spider and three larger creatures. After
you defeat them, help your teammates with two of the larger creatures past
the door. Now proceed up the huge staircase. Hit the panel midway up to
clear the obstruction. At the very top of the staircase are several more
creatures. If you're fast enough you can take out the explosive containers
right by them and eliminate at least two if not three of the four spiders.
Note the health and energy stations. The energy station is ammo for your
arc launcher by the way. Head up the new set of stairs and confront another
large creature. Do what Chell suggests, use the structural integrity scan,
and jump from column to column to reach the other side. If you miss and hit
one of the structurally weak tiles, you'll be dropped into a swarm of
spiders, so be warned. Turn right and enter the hallway, killing the alien,
and hit the switch allowing your teammates to bypass the tiles. Pass under
a few more archways to come across an open area with more of the insect
structures on the wall. Two of the aliens will appear out of the ground.
Blast them. Escort Chell to the panel so he can unlock the door. As he
attempts to do this, several spiders will drop from above and to the right,
down the edifice with the window-like structures. You can shoot them as
they fall or stand back and take them out surgically. Once their attack has
ceased, continue through the door ready with your secondary fire to blast
the swarm of spiders. Turn left and head out the door into open air. Hit
the bridge control panel and run acros when the force fields materialize.
This is a relatively easy puzzle as long as your aren't too slow or too
fast. You'll want to stay on the panel in the front. Head through the door
with your arc launcher ready and a grenade surprise for the uglies down the
stairs. Even after you kill the larger creature, it will spawn at least
three more spiders so be ready. In the same room are health and a
federation ammunition station. Head down the stairs with your arc launcher.
Aim to the left as you head down and eliminate the only bug. You can see
the next two bugs on your radar to the right. A precisely aimed gas grenade
can kill both of them. If you take splash damage there is a health station
in the room you just left. Activate the panel to let your team across and
shoot the alien that comes out the door. Exit through the door it left open
and take the stairs down. When you reach the bottom of the stairs, fire a
gas grenade at the corner of the wall that you can see when you turn left
off the stairs and detonate as the spideys attack. Approach the door to
spawn two more spiders which your teammates can handle and ready yourself.
When you hit the panel for the door, a huge, I mean huuuuge bug emerges.
This is the mother bug. It has several quite damaging attacks. The first is
the orange acid comparable to the ones spit by the big aliens that attacked
the Dallas and the Attrexian station. Its next is a spread gas attack which
you can realize you've been hit with if your screen is filled green and
your health steadily decreases. Both attacks can be evaded. If you see a
huge green ball heading for you just dodge it and/or more forward. Likewise
for the acid spray. If you jump right before it hits you, it will bounce
below you harmlessly. Use your secondary fire and primary fire arc launcher
to fry it as your teammates chip away at it with their weapons. Two more of
the spawning creatures will appear and when you kill them their spider
progeny will rush out and try to kamikaze you. Kill them and fire at the
queen mama's mouth. Eventually she will fall and you can heal your wounds
and refill your ammo in the area. If the arc launcher ammo station doesn't
fill you up there is more ammo to the right of the big door, 150 units
worth. Proceed through the door, board the lift, and hit the panel to end
the level.

3.5.3 Drull Ruins Level 2a

After you've gone down the lift, and exited, a computer voice will activate
telling you that defense systems have activated. Rotating turrets will
appear on the four main pillars of the room. After they are destroyed, a
door will open in the room. Head through it. In this room, there are five
symbols vertically arranged. Shoot them to open up another door in the
main hall. Enter this room and walk onto each of the five symbols. You will
receive a very very nice weapon which is almost more effective than the arc
launcher, the Idryllian staff. Go back to the first door you opened and
walk through the hall. Get your tricorder ready, trace gas mode. Seal the
vents by dragging your phaser fire down the entire length of the vent.
You can tell a vent has been sealed if after you're done there's a blue
explosion from the vent. There are four vents you must seal. Once you have
sealed all of them you can return to the main hall and heal yourself at the
health station. When you are ready to proceed, return to this room and exit
through the arch on the other side of the entrance. Continue straight
forward and the level will soon end.

3.5.4 Drull Ruins Level 2b

After the level finishes loading continue on. After the cutscene, pull out
the tricorder, bioscan mode, and use this to evade the beams and deactivate
the security system on the other side. This separates you from your team.
As you enter the open area, two aliens will attack from the right. Destroy
them and head forward. As you approach the cylinders that are being loaded
onto a circular carriage, a turret will open fire above you. Destroy it
with a blast of your phaser. Next, jump on top of one of the horizontal
cylinders and ride the line until you can jump to the other side. Walk
through the door and shoot the turret as it activates. Jump on top of one
of the cylinders and jump towards the pipe. Drop down onto the cylinder
otherwise you'll take damage. Walk towards the control panel and activate it.
This will activate elevators that continually go up and down to your right
in the gap. A turret will activate. Destroy it and continue onwards by
jumping from one elevator to the other to get onto the upper walkway level
with the door on the other side of the conveyor belt. Jump on one of the
pipes and hop the railing. Continue into the next room. Hit the panel and
jump onto the carriage as it approaches. You now have two options. The first
option involves dropping down to the tube following it all the way to the end.
From here, drop down to the right and get onto the catwalk underneath the
tube and climb up the ladder. The second option requires you to ride the
carriage to its destination where you can easily jump onto a catwalk below
the tube and take the ladder up. Exiting the ladder, you will soon come
across a laser trap which you can see with the bio-scan mode of your
tricorder. Jump over these traps and continue until you hit a forcefield.
Shoot the hatch in front of the force field at your feet and climb down.
This is where the two paths meet and you can start from here if you took
the shortcut straight to the second catwalk, the first option. Head up the
ladder and through the door. After another door, a turret will appear from
directly in front of you on the ceiling. Take it out and head forward.
There will be another gas room in this tube. If you head straight forward,
the force field will activate in front and behind you. Head straight to the
panel on the left and modulate it with your tricorder. This raises the gas
vents so you can fuse them with your phaser. When you're done, a bridge
will open up to your right, opposite the panel you had to modulate.
Cross the bridge by jumping and hit the panel. As soon as you cross, two
turrets will activate and start firing at you. Take them out as soon as
possible. After you hit the panel, turn around and cross the bridge again.
This would be a good time to try out the staff on the two aliens charging
you. After crossing, turn right where two more aliens are approaching.
Remove them from existence and exit through the door to end the level.
You end up back in that main hall from Drull Ruins 2a, where your teammates
are handling themselves. After they're done, you may heal yourself and
replenish your ammo by the terminals adjacent to the door from which the
aliens were attacking. Pass through the door, up the stairs, and through
the door. Continue to finish the level.

3.5.5 Drull Ruins Level 2c

Enter the room with your phaser out. More turrets will appear. Destroy them
until Chell says he needs cover fire to get to a console to turn off the
turrets. Continue to cover him until he deactivates the defense system and
unlocks the door on the upper level. Enter. Take the lift down to where
Krindo is. Take out the three aliens who attack as well as the two turrets.
Walk carefully around. As you approach the other door, an alien will attack
from behind as will two from in front. One big, two small. Continue through
the door that they came from and pass through another door until you reach
an open area. Save!!! When you proceed into the room, a really big alien
will bust through the door to your right. He will take about six shots from
your staff to die. Hit the panel which will lower the bridge. Begin to walk
across, and another big alien will bust through the wall directly in front.
Just back up and fire six times. Pass through the door to enter a cutscene.

3.5.6 Enterprise-E

Head out and talk with Telsia if you like. Next head to the turbolift and
to Kleeya's Quarters. Here you get to decide whether to start pursuing a
relationship with her or just ditch her.

Conversation Choices:

1) "Perhaps another time." - Gee, no Starfleet sensitivity

2) "Perhaps I can. Come with me to Stellar Cartography." - 'Nuff

If you pick the first choice you get to go to Telsia's quarters which are
to the right after exiting Kleeya's quarters.

Conversation Choices:

1) "Aren't the stars beautiful?" "I haven't had time to notice."
- Yowch, brutal.

2) "Aren't the stars beautiful?" "Yeah, but not as beautiful as you."
- Uh, yeah.

If you pick the first option the level is over.

1) "This is the first time we've had a chance to be alone." "It'll
probably be the last time until we have completed our mission."

2) "This is the first time we've had a chance to be alone." "Things
have been hectic."

Either choice is fine but I prefer the second.

Walk out and towards the right to a turbolift up to the bridge. Several
cutscenes later, you start out on the Bridge. Take the turbolift down to
the armory and visit Korban. From the turbolift, the armory is to the left
along the hallway on your left hand side. You get to test out the grenade
launcher. Eliminate all the enemies. After training, the mission will end.

3.6 Mission 6: Destruction

3.6.1 Enterprise Deck 8

Head out and take a right. Shoot the two Idryll with your weapon of choice.
Another Idryll will come out of the Brig, take him out too. Continue
walking hugging the left wall so as not to get blown out into space.
Eventually you'll reach the cargo bay. Enter carefully and snipe away with
your standard compression rifle. When no more people beam in, climb up the
ladder to where Korban is. Two more will beam in on the upper level. Kill
them and recharge at the health/ammo stations. Go to the Jeffries Tube on
the upper level. Three more enemies beam in, two by Korban and one directly
in front of you. Enter the Jeffries Tube and hit use to open the door panel.
Continue until there is a ladder you must go down. Wait for the flames to
die down and then descend. Follow the path until a panel falls down in
front of you creating a mini-bridge. Climb onto it and then turn right,
crawling to access the ladder. Ascend the ladder. Crawl into the tube until
a fire breaks out in front of you and a wall panel explodes. Drop down into
the room below. Help Tuvok and the woman defend the corridor, only three
Idryll beam in. Go into the Jeffries Tube he opens. Continue forward and
take a left at the intersection, following the arrow on your radar. As you
exit the Jeffries Tube, two Idryll are waiting for you to show your head so
blast 'em. When you leave the room through the door there's another Idryll
waiting to the left. As you exit, two more beam into the room you just left,
but ignore them for now. Go straight into the room across the corridor and
blast the Idryll as they appear. When you're done, Chell will tell you to
get to Engineering.

3.6.2 Enterprise Deck 16

Take the ladder down and follow the arrow. When you reach the first room,
carefully go forward but get ready to shoot a grenade at the two Idryll to
your left. Exit the room, ready for the two Idryll who impede your progress.
Go forward and then turn left when you see the blast doors close.
Engineering is to your left at the intersection. Switch to a non-splash
damage weapon like the I-Mod. Do you remember that I had you grab it from
Jurot's locker? I told you that it would be useful later, you'll see why
in a moment. When you enter, approach Barclay and start the cutscene.
Notice that the two Idryll who beam in are trying to take out the warp
core! Well, their buddies will show up soon with explosives. And what
detonates explosives? Splash-based weapons of course, which is something we
don't want. The lower the temperature of the warp core, the more time we
have to fix the core after the firefight is over. Don't worry about health,
this is almost over. After the Idryll stop beaming in, rush to the
Engineering console which Barclay was standing by at the beginning of the
level with your tricorder out. Reroute power. If you waited too long while
defending the core and the temperature is too high, you'll also have to
eject the core, using a panel to the left of the ladder going up to the
upper deck. Enter the code exactly as it appears on the keypad. Then rush
to the bridge.

Note: If you didn't pick up the I-Mod from the beginning of the game, you
can also use other weapons. Just don't use any explosive secondary fires.
If you must, e.g. there is a group you want to take out fast, use the
regular compression rifle secondary fire. Just try not to vape every single
cooling tower otherwise you're pretty much out of luck and will have to
reload because the Enterprise will explode while you're still trying to
reroute the plasma.

3.6.3 Enterprise Deck 1

After the cutscene, take cover behind a console. Hop out now and then to
blast the Idryll. Soon it will be over.

Mission 6: Remove and Disable

3.6.4 Enterprise Hull

There are three sabotage sites on the hull. Snipe the guards before they
see you. Then jump over the sabotage devices and with the mouse guide your
drop down. Use your tricorder on each of the three devices to end this part
of the level. Make sure you kill the guards first. Otherwise you'll end up
like me with 7 health at the end of the level. Oh, by the way, don't get too
close to the edge of the hull. Remember that Tuvok told you that the hull
plating is polarized? If you try and walk over it with magnetized boots
you'll go flying off into the emptiness of space.

After the cutscene, you begin in control of the Enterprise's phaser cannons.
Use them to destroy the torpedoes before they hit the ship. Additionally,
target the capital ship with your phaser cannons only when you are sure you
will hit the target and not the other areas of the ship. If you destroy the
ship instead of disabling it you will fail the mission. If you have
multiple torpedoes targeting you, target the orange ones fired by the
capital ship because they do the greatest damage. Otherwise, fire away.
If you are careful in your aim you can take out the capital ship with
little or no damage to its hull integrity.

3.7 Mission 7: Search and Rescue

3.7.1 Attrexian Colony Level 1a

From the start, head into the small tower nearby and fill up on everything
you need, ammo/health. Proceed towards the main gates until prompted to
unlatch the clamp. Just shoot it. Then you find out the security system
is up. Go back to the tower at the beginning and hit the panel. On your way
back towards your team two of the smaller Exomorphs will slam into the
bridge, destroying it. You can take them out with your weapons or wait for
you team to do it. I'm more of a hands-on guy myself. Anyway, jump across
back to your team and head through the now open door. If however, you're a
little low on Attrexian ammo, go down the ladder to the right before the
door, crouch under the pipe and grab the ammo on the other side of the
column. Take out your assault rifle and prepare to blast two more Exomorphs
who come out from the right. Turn around and find a stack of boxes leading
up to a grate. Shoot out the grate and crouch into it. Drop down ready to
drop a Exomorph who drops down. Also take out the grate lining the bottom
of the shaft for more Attrexian ammo. Continue further on in the shaft and
shoot out the other end of the grate. Slowly peek out - without dropping
out of the duct and snipe at the moth-like Exomorph at the far side
underneath the lights with your enhanced compression rifle until it dies.
Then pull out the arc launcher, drop a couple of grenades halfway along the
bridge and blow the two Exomorphs that drop from above. Again, drop two
more grenades at the intersection before you actually reach the intsection
and then approach. When you hear the Exomorphs, detonate the gas. Continue
up towards the left, there there are three more Exomorphs waiting, two
small, one big. Take them out with any weapon and head up. Turn around
after exiting the stairs and go up the ramp. Try the security station, and
find that you have to get an Attrexian engineer. Stay on the level path and
head down the ramp. Two Exomorphs will appear from out of the sky, a Basher
and a medium sized one. Take them out and proceed slowly. There will be
another moth-like Exomorph inside a doorway. Vape it. Head towards the
dumpster where another Exomorph will jump out. Kill it and jump into its
hideout for more ammunition. Turn left from here and enter the doorway.
You'll hear someone cry out for help. Turn left and blast the door. Go in
and pick up some ammo while the dialogue is running. Exit and turn left
where you'll find the Attrexian engineer and another Exomorph. Talk to the
engineer. Creep slowly out. A medium sized Exomorph will attack from the
right next to the lamppost. A Basher will enter from where you just came.
Kill both and walk straight ahead to open the door that will lead back to
the security panel. As you go up the ramp, pause and pull out your assault
rifle. Two small Exomorphs will attack. Take them out and hit the panel
when the engineer tells you to. Exomorphs attack your team but you can hold
your fire with no consequences. Head back to where you blasted the door and
found the Attrexian man and his mate. Cutscene. Follow the woman to the
sewers. Before you hit the panel to join the others, walk around the area
and pick up the powerups. You should sense something is about to happen by
now so pull out your grenade launcher and save. Then hit the panel. A
Quadruped, the third largest Exomorph will drop down immolating the
Attrexian female. Grenade launch him until he dies. He has several attacks.
One releases a shockwave which paralyzes you while he repeated rams you. In
another attack, he charges up and shoots six balls of energy. Another one
is where he shoots one big one. The quadruped also has another attack in
in which he tracks you with balls of blue flame. In any event, hide behind
the boxes and pop out every now and then with a grenade for him, until he
tries to ram you and then dodge and shoot. After he is dead, heal up by
the door if necessary and shoot the hanging strut which is structurally
weak. This will fall, opening an entrance to the sewers. I recommend
switching to the staff because you're gonna need it.

3.7.2 Attrexian Colony Level 1b

Head forward until you can see the health and energy terminals. A small
Exomorph will burst through the wall to the right just before the terminals.
In this sewer level, it is absolutely critical that you walk, not run.
Walking gives you a chance to sort of scope out an area while ready to blast
at a moment's notice. When you reach an uncovered area again, a small
Exomorph will drop from the pipe in front of you, and a medium sized one
will rush you. Retreat and kill them. Proceed cautiously until you near the
pipe the Exomorph dropped from and then you will see an enemy on your radar.
This is another moth-like Exomorph. There is another across the way to the
right. It is in the ceiling of a vertically oriented exhaust fan. Turn
around from the fan and try the door. It will fail, activating another
objective. Staying on the same side of the bridge, walk forward. You will
be ambushed from behind and in front. After the ambush, cross the bridge to
the left. Aim straight ahead. A moth Exomorph is waiting. If you proceed
further a small Exomorph will pop out of the wall to the left. Opposite
this is a room with a medium sized Exomorph and a moth. To the left, a
small Exomorph will once again bust through the wall. The only difference
is that this time the back will be a structurally weak wall, not a pipe.
Once you break down the wall, the another medium sized Exomorph will appear,
dropping from the pipe above. The structural weakness will lead you to a
100 Shielding vest. Opposite the wall where the Exomorph burst through will
be a gate through which you can see two more moth Exomorphs. Take out the
one directly in front first. You can see it better with night vision on.
Then eliminate the other. Turn around and jump through the hole in the
fencing which surrounds the fan. Reroute the power using your tricorder
and exit the room. A small Exomorph will confront you as you exit the door.
Around the corner to the door you had to reroute power to is a medium sized
Exomorph. Two grenades from the arc launcher should waste him. Enter the
door and hit the panel. There are also health and ammunition stations in
this room if you need them. AFter hitting the panel and returning to the
sewers proper, two small Exomorphs will attack from the front. Dispatch
them and continue to the gate you raised with the control panel. As you
approach, an Exomorph will blow through the wall to the left of the raised
gate, and two will approach from behind. Run straight past them towards the
gate. Two medium Exomorphs will also spawn. One next to where the control
room is and one behind you as your run towards the gate. Kill the five
Exomorphs and proceed into the room. Opposite the control room is a doorway
which leads to the next part of the map. Along the same wall as the control
center are health and ammo terminals. Continue through the doorway and
engage the three small Exomorphs and the medium sized one. The medium sized
one is near the hytritium storage container. One gas grenade will remove it
from existence. After you kill the medium sized Exomorph, creep forward
with night vision. You should be able to see one moth Exomorph. The other
is around the corner at the top of the stairs. If you get too close, both
with activate as will three small Exomorphs. In any event, eliminate all of
them. Two of the Exomorphs will come from the front and the last one will
drop from the pipe which the medium sized one was under. Proceed until you
see your team on the other side of a catwalk. Save. Get your staff out,
you're going to get dropped into a pit with a Basher. After you kill it,
walk to the panel and modulate it with your tricorder. A ladder will lower
and now you can rejoin your team. Head out the door and take the first door
on your right. You can hit the door panel to the right after you've entered
the room to provide access to health and ammunition. You can also pick up
ammunition in the form of cylinders. When you're ready, hit the switch which
leads to your objective. Two Exomorphs attack. One from behind and to the
right, and the other from the other side of the door. After you pass
through the door, keep following the path until you see a door with cracks
in it. What do you do whenever you see cracks? You shoot them. Head through.
After the cutscene, modulate the panel nearby and head up the ladder in
the tunnel you passed through to get into this room. After you reach the
top, turn right and enter the door.

3.7.3 Attrexian Colony Level 2a

Start out with your assault rifle. Three Exomorphs will attack. One medium,
two small. After you've gotten rid of them, enter the door ahead. Go inside
Exit through the other door but with a ready gun. Four Exomorphs await you.
The three small ones will probably make it in throgh the door but you can
take potshots at the larger one or kill him off with the gas grenade. Exit
the door and turn towards the right. A moth is hanging off of an overhang
of the building. Just beyond the overhang are three Exomorphs. One medium,
and two small. One of the small ones is directly underneath the moth. The
other small one is on the platform. Once you get on the platform, you
should be able to see another moth hanging on another overhang. A medium
Exomorph will drop down. Kill it and then switch to the grenade launcher.
A quadruped is quite near and you can see it drop down. It takes about 9
grenades for it to die. You usually want to keep a solid box between you
and it because there isn't much cover except the explosives cases. After
you've beaten it, head up the mini-ramp and to the door. Hit the switch
to the next door to end the level.

3.7.4 Attrexian Colony Level 2b

Start out with the standard phaser. Before you rush through the door
mindless of the enemies, duck down a bit to catch the tail end of a moth.
Shoot it before proceeding. Four Exomorphs are on the ground level. One
approaches from ahead and to the right in the little hallway. Three
approach from the left. I recommend use of the staff at this point. Try to
use the elevator in the hallway the small Exomorph tried attacking you from.
Make your way past the conveyor belt of fire one by one by taking breathers
in the little alcoves to the right and left of the flames. After you are
past, you may enter the room to the right for health and ammo or proceed
up the steps to continue the level. There is a medium Exomorph on the
catwalk the steps lead to. Kill it and use the tricorder on the panel to
route power to the elevator. This one's a toughie, it requires two self
loops to avoid the short circuits. Take out the staff and kill the five
Exomorphs that drop one-by-one from the pipe by the room with the powerups
as you descend the stairs. Now the flames are all on so you can't backtrack.
Enter the room with the powerups and drop down with night vision. Take out
your assault rifle. When you approach the boxes around the corner, five
Exomorphs will attack. If you run back the way you came you can take out
two almost before they see you. Immediately turn around and kill the other
three. Head up the ladder and into the room above. Pick up ammunition for
the arc launcher and staff and exit. The elevator is directly in front of
you. You can refill on health and/or ammo to the right where the three
Exomorphs attacked you at the beginning of the level. Once you hit the
button to call the elevator, turn around and kill the two Exomorphs. Take
the elevator up until it stalls. Shoot the hatch on the floor and get onto
the ladder on the right. Hit the switch to your left to manually open the
elevator doors and hop in. Three Exomorphs appear. Kill them and proceed.
Once you reach the open area, two more Exomorphs will appear from behind
the boxes in front of you. Go on ahead until you see a briefcase of plasma
energy. Pick it up and prepare for two more Exomorphs who attack from ahead
and behind. Continue forward until you reach the inoperable door. Turn
right and jump across the smashers. You can't take it all in one step so
you can take breaks on the little ledges to the left of the smashers. Make
your way to the door on the other side. Hit the panel and enter the room,
turned towards the right. A medium Exomorph awaits. A few shots later, head
up the stairs until you reach the top level. A Basher will drop. Drop him
and proceed towards the door in front. I would suggest using the assault
rifle secondary on him. You can refill up on health or ammo through the
door you entered from. Take out your phaser and creep forward to catch the
moth by surprise hovering inside the small shaft the door opens up into.
You can head up or head down. Up takes you to ammo for the staff and the
grenade launcher as well as three Exomorphs. Two attack from behind, one in
front. Through the door on the upper path leads to the elevator which has
a Basher in it. Three gas grenades will kill him. Down takes you to the
room in the factory past the flames. Really no point, but oh well.
Go up after filling up on the health and ammo in the room. To the right
from entering the room with the elevator, a medium Exomorph creeps in the
shadows. To the right from here, see a Attrexian female choke from the gases
within. Enter with your tricorder, trace gas function ready. Seal the gas
vents and exit through the door in front. If you can't see it, the vent is
along the machine as you enter the room. Exit and approach the Attrexian.
After the cutscene, you may refill your health meter and Attrexian weapons.
Head out the door and hit the switch to end the level.

3.7.5 Attrexian Colony Level 2c

Take out the grenade launcher before boarding the lift directly in front.
A Quadruped will drop from the sky taking out the shuttle. Kill it in
return. If you're not full on the grenade launcher ammo, there is a case
before you board the lift. If that still doesn't fill you, switch to a
different weapon like the staff or Attrexian arc launcher. Should you
decide to use a Starfleet weapon, there is a ammo terminal you can refill
on below. There is also a health station next to the ammo to heal up after
you defeat the Quadruped. Exit to the left towards the lift and take it
down. Enter the door. Take a hint from the Attrexian ammo nearby. Kill the
medium sized Exomorph as well as the Basher by the explosive container. If
you fire as the Basher charges you you can kill it almost before it reaches
you. Pick up the ammo and go around the platform and hit the door panel.
Out the door to the left are four Exomorphs. Two medium sized, one small,
and a Basher. Eliminate them and collect the ammo by the door. Enter with
phaser drawn to kill the moth hanging in the middle of the hallway. There
are four Exomorphs in the next room. Two Bashers and a medium to the left,
and a medium to the right. All are killable with the arc launcher/staff.
After all four are dead, head along to the left. You can fill up on health
and Starfleet ammo. Continue without hindrance to the crashed Idryll
shuttle. End of level.

3.8 Mission 8: Payback

3.8.1 Drull Ruins 2 Level 1a

You'll be relying mostly on your assault rifle and sniper rifle for the
majority of the first part. Head out towards the right with the assault
rifle ready. Two Idryll will see you and start towards you. Take them out
with secondary fire before they get close enough to hurt you. Enter the
hut nearby to pick up Attrexian ammo. Follow the river until you see a
bunch of rocks blocking your progress. Head up the right hill underneath
the tree. A female Idryll will notice you. Dispatch her before she fires.
Don't head forward just yet. Go to the hut you can clearly see and take
cover here. Look around for a bridge. There should be a guard tower to the
left of it. Head towards it until some shells fire in and blow up the tower.
Detour to the right of the bridge. Three Idryll will beam in behind you.
Two directly behind and one from the left when you turn around to face the
two. Now take the left path near where the tower came down and jump on the
rocks to reach the other side of the bridge. Once there, take a breather.
When ready, run across towards the other bridge. You will see two Idryll
above. Evade their mortar fire and shoot back with your assault rifle
secondary fire. One shot is sufficient to kill each one. Before heading out
under the bridge, look with the sniper rifle zoom at the tower by the next
bridge. Kill the guard and proceed. Two more Idryll will beam in. Don't
waste ammo by staying with the sniper rifle, switch to the assault rifle.
Take the right fork of the river this time. Two more Idryll guards will
rush. Take them out and advance towards the hut they abandoned under the
tree. There is another guy shelling you from the bridge that's far away and
lined up with the entrance of the hut. Beyond that bridge there's a tower
to the right. Walk forward until you can just barely see in and scope in
with the rifle. Take out the guard. After he dies or after he is alarmed,
two more Idryll will attack from the right and behind. In any event,
eliminate all three. As you approach the bridge, you will notice a green
swamp gas. Don't walk through, its hazardous to your health. Walk up the
right hill near the tree to make your way past it and the bridge. In the
next area, two more Idryll approach. Terminate them. Before proceeding
into the clearing, follow the right fork with the sniper rifle and kill the
guard in the tower past the hut there. There is another tower past the
broken wall. Snipe the guard upstairs too. Now proceed into the huts and
collect the ammo. Proceed up the bridge marked by the explosive containers.
Kill the three Idryll who appear. About halfway across the bridge, you'll
see the outlines of two Idryll atop the walls. Snipe them and kill the
Idryll at the top of the stairs. If you get too close, the Idryll at the
head of the stairs will rush you and you can gun him down easily. Another
Idryll will come down the stairs, this time a female. Shoot her too. Walk
all the way up the stairs to the door and enter. Continue ahead to end the

3.8.2 Drull Ruins 2 Level 1b

Take out the staff. There is an Idryll patrolling the path in front of you.
Kill him. To the right is another Idryll. Kill him as well. Run to the right
side of the wall you are on and kill the Idryll hiding underneath the arch.
Modulate the panel within. There are two wave puzzles. Now walk forward to
the edge of the tower and snipe the guy shelling you by the explosive crates.
He is to the left somewhat. Exit the way you came and return to near where
you started the level. Hit the button across from the bridge on your side
to activate the bridge. There is an Idryll patrolling on the other side.
Kill her and then head down the stairs to the left. Before walking down the
corridor, pull out the sniper rifle and kill the guard in the tower. Head
forward with the assault rifle and mop up the three guards on your level.
Continue heading right to the other side of the bridge that was blown out.
Within are an ammo terminal and a health terminal. Head back to the main
area where you killed the three guards. Near the bridge across to the other
side are crates with ammunition for your sniper rifle/grenade launcher.
Just past the tree in front is a tower with a guard atop. Kill him and
proceed across. You should have 250 units of energy after killing him. Pick
up one of the crates. On the bridge in front are two Idryll. Kill them from
afar with the sniper rifle. Three shellers are atop the next wall on the
other side of the bridge. Kill the one directly in front without stopping
to scope. Two Idryll on the ground will rush you. Jump backwards to the end
of the bridge and kill them. Head across again. The two shellers are on
the sides. Eliminate them as well with the sniper rifle. You have enough
time to scope in and shoot them as well as evade their shells. Head up
either set of stairs and try to cross the bridge. Halfway there, the bridge
will collapse. Be sure to have your grenade launcher out at this point.
Three monsters will attack in succession, called Leviathans. Four grenades
should remove the threats of each. Use the columns for cover. The first
one attacks from the right. The second also from the right, and the third
from the left. The last two attack simultaneously if both see you so hide
and aim before opening fire. You should have 3 grenades and 40 units of
grenade ammo left, and be relatively full on everything else. After they
are dead, head up the stairs that rise from the ground and towards the door
to end the level.

3.8.3 Drull Ruins 2 Level 2a

Krindo will mouth off. Listen for a while and you're given two choices:

1) "If your Captain won't trade you for Kleeya, you'll die." "I'm sure
Picard can arrange that. She's not a vital member of the crew." - Don't
choose this one. You'll fail the mission straight off.

2) "If your Captain won't trade you for Kleeya, you'll die." "We don't
trade hostages." - Choose this to continue the game.

Krindo will continue to talk and see his father's death. He will release
you. Take the lift down with your assault rifle. At the bottom, follow the
the corridor. A Basher will leap through the floor. Kill him with your
Starfleet weapons. You'll have use for the staff soon. Jump across the gap
along the left side, still with your weapon out. Another Basher will attack.
You don't have much room to move so run straight past him and then turn
around and shoot. Follow the arrow on the radar, that is, head left. Ammo
and health in the intervening corridor past the first door. Head through.
Follow the path and come across two medium Exomorphs feeding or doing
whatever. Kill them and go forward. As you near the end of the force field
tube, two Bashers will drop. Backpedal and open fire. After they are dead,
keep walking forward until a tree limb drops taking out a section of the
tube. Drop down onto the limb and jump onto the catwalk below the tube.
Health and ammo beyond the ladder. Take the ladder up. A Basher is directly
in front of you. Kill him and proceed. The moment he starts to rush you
head back down the ladder. You can shoot him from the cover of below. Then
head back up and pass through the door behind you as you exit the ladder.
This hallway leads you to the end of the level.

3.8.4 Drull Ruins 2 Level 2b

Head forward with your staff out. Switch to night vision and turn right.
Two Bashers are in front of you. Kill both. Head straight across, ignoring
temporarily the lift to your right, and pay attention to the two rows of
writing to your left. On the top row, shoot the first and fourth symbols,
and the third symbol on the bottom row. A door will open to the right.
Inside in order of importance are grenade ammo, Attrexian ammo, a golden
ship, and another staff. Return to the lift and modulate the panel. Take
the lift up and kill the Basher who'll come through the door to your left.
Take the door on the right. Through the next door is a medium Exomorph
with its back to you and health and ammo stations. Before you go down
though, kill the two Exomorphs below. Refill as necessary and take the lift
down. Exit through the door in front. Krindo is in the next room. Run
towards him with a powerful weapon out. A boss fight is near. Approach
Krindo and begin the cutscene. The Stalker's only attacks consist of a
long-range attack of blue orbs and a battering ram attack where it runs
up to you and claws you repeatedly. Just keep away from him and hit him
when he's visible. Even if he, isn't you can see his footsteps in the water
when he rushes towards you. After the fight, Krindo restores power to the
lift. Take it up to end the level.

3.8.5 Enterprise-E

Exit the shuttle bay towards the right to get to a turbolift. Exit the
turbolift after it stops and go to Kleeya first (you can't go to see Telsia

Conversation Choices:

1) "I cannot forgive him for his deadly lies." "You should see him. He's
paid a high price for his lies." - You ditch Kleeya and go next to

2) "I cannot forgive him for his deadly lies." "Good. What he did is beyond
forgiveness." - You don't even get a chance to talk to Telsia before you
rush off to test a new weapon.

If you pick the first choice, Telsia will ask you to meet her in the crew
lounge on the same deck. You'll have to pass through the hallway with the
turbolift and then turn left to get to the lounge. Enter.

You'll talk in a cutscene which you can skip because you have no choices.
Head over to the armory to meet Korban and test the quantum burst. Note:
The armory is on a different deck to you'll have to take a turbolift.
Exit turbolift and head left to the armory. Talk to Korban to begin using
the new weapon in the holodeck. Note: The secondary fire is extremely
useful for precise aim. You can use it as a laser sight, not necessarily to
guide the torpedo but to aim it by centering it directly on the enemy.
After you have eliminated the enemy, head out of the armory and towards the
right to enter a turbolift. Take the lift down and go to the shuttlebay.

3.9 Mission 9: Mercenaries

3.9.1 Klingon Base Level 1a

Head out the green door to your left and ahead. Continue ahead and turn
left to see the entrance to a cantina. Enter. Try to enter the VIP lounge
which is straight ahead, guarded by a huge alien. Find out you have to ask
the bartender. Go and talk to her, she will give you a Bat'l'eth and you'll
have to duel the Naussican bouncer. A few secondary swipes later, he'll
collapse down and you can enter the room. The strategy with him is to keep
jumping at him and hit him in midair in the head. You ought not to lose
more than 40 health. Alternatively you can use the primary fire to block
his attacks and conservatively chip away at him rather than going full out.
Now pass through the door into the VIP lounge and view the cutscene.

Conversation Choices:

1) "Rule 7. 'Keep your ears open.' Where is the Master Control Facility?" -
This phrase won't get you anywhere. It'll just keep on running in a

2) "Rule 60. 'Keep your lies consistent.'" - This will continue the

1) "How do we know you're telling the truth? Rule 181 says that
'not even dishonesty can tarnish the shine of profit.' - This one
ends the the conversation and starts the next part of the mission.

2) "You're telling the truth? 'There's nothing more dangerous than
an honest businessman.' Rule 27." - This loops so there's really
no point in pursuing it.

Oh boy, now the whole base is after you. Proceed through the door in front
of you with your assault rifle. You'll spend the majority of the level
switching between this and your enhanced compression rifle so be ready for
the regular intervals of switching. You can heal yourself at the stations
just before the next door. After opening the next door, you can clearly see
six enemies on your radar. Lure the three who will rush you when they see
you back into your room. Outside are the three remaining enemies. Two to
the right and one to the right. If you rush out unprepared they'll cut you
to pieces in a crossfire. So kill the two on the right first with secondary
fire and then worry about the guy at the end. Go past where the guy was and
turn left. Four enemies will approach to engage in hand-to-hand combat. Just
blast each with your assault rifle. Three enemies remain with ranged
weapons. Two Klingons, and an Andorian who has a torpedo burst. Both
Klingons are hiding behind boxes. One is to the left at medium distance and
the other is right in front of you if you enter the room. The Andorian is a
while away so you can blast him from afar with your assault rifle secondary
fire. Take cover behind pipes and support pillars, but don't stand near
anything, i.e. boxes that he can shoot to cause splash damage to you. Exit
through the door on the right. Before you enter completely, a pair of
Klingons will attack you. Kill both, and pause in the doorway. Across from
you is another Klingon who will open fire on you. Switch to compression
rifle for accuracy. Another Klingon to the right of him by the ladder. Kill
her as well. When you head into the room proper, duck for cover behind the
boxes on the catwalk. An Andorian with his torpedo burst just came out of
the room to the left. Kill him with ranged secondary assault rifle. Another
Klingon is by the ladder. Kill her and refill on health and ammo as
necessary. Head up the ladder. Head towards the door with assault rifle.
Two more foolish Klingons rush you armed only with their daggers. Kill both
and head through the door, along the corridor, to end the level.

3.9.2 Klingon Base Level 1b

You can see the next grouping of enemies on your radar. You've entered the
human sector of the base. They have rifles like yours so take 'em out with
secondary fire before they get close enough. The three you see on radar
will rush you, and two remain out of radar range but perfectly within sight.
Switch to compression rifle to eliminate them. Exit through the door on the
right. Enemies in the room: a human to the left in the shadows on the upper
section, a human on the bottom floor, two Andorians towards the right,
sorta northeast if you think like a compass. Walk out slowly until you can
see one Andorian but the other can't see you. If he can't hit you, that's
perfect. You're in the sweet spot where you can hit him but he can't do the
same. Kill him with the compression rifle. There's another sweet spot to
kill the other Andorian. Repeat. The catwalk in front of you will fall down.
Slide down to the ground floor. There's a human to the left of the health
terminal. Kill him and jump across the Klingon containers to get to the
other side. If you land on the containers lopsided, the container will tip
over into the green stuff which, like most liquids in FPS's is harmful.
The key to this is to get a running start to jump from crate to crate,
ensuring that you'll land directly in the middle of the top of the
container. Once you reach the other side, turn left and walk along the mini
ledge to get ammunition from the terminal. Head through the door. A
contingent of three humans awaits you. If you time it right you can kill
all three with a single assault rifle secondary fire. A Klingon is to the
right in the hallway, and another Klingon to the left. An Andorian is long
range. Kill with either assault rifle secondary or the compression rifle.
Go ahead until you see enemies on your radar to your right. This is the
most congested area of enemies you face on this level. Inside are two
humans (who are the two closest to you), and three Klingons (one with a
dagger, two with disruptors). If you position yourself by the pillar, by
strafing a little to the left or the right, you have a little rectangle
through which you can fire. If you progress any further in the corridor,
enemies come through the door in front. I believe they are two Klingons
and two Andorians. The Andorians for the most part stay inside the cover
of the door so flush them out with a few grenades. The two Klingons on the
other hand, rush you so greet them with your assault rifle. Sometimes only
the female rushes, which gives you a chance to kill the male Klingon from
range with the secondary fire. Take cover behind the two boxes stacked
atop one another and snipe at the Andorians with the compression rifle.
The boxes will protect you from their torpedo fire and you can just pop up
and shoot them when they break cover to aim at you. Head through the door
to the left and take the lift down to end the level.

3.9.3 Klingon Base Level 2

Lurok is in that mech like thing which has several attacks. The first one
is its long-range torpedo attack, which shoots two globes of energy at you.
They are just slow enough to dodge or shoot. The second is his close-range
tetryon disruptor of middling damage. Its more like a machine gun than
anything else, minus the huge damage. When he says face the flames, run off
the circular platform and to the middle of one of the beams lining the bay
doors. If you run all the way to the end, flame will shoot from nozzles
behind you ending this battle pretty quickly. After that, he resorts to
opening the bay to vacuum and activating a spherical force field which
protects him. A green killing force field will activate. Move to one of
the side bay doors to evade it. The key to killing Lurok is shooting him
with the quantum torpedo launcher. Every now and then you damage him to the
point where his mech sizzles with yellow lightning. Shoot him with every
heavily damaging weapon at your disposal. Eventually the mech will fail.
If you need health or ammo, there are terminals around the central column.
After a cutscene, Lurok will appear in front of you. I recommend using the
assault rifle secondary fire. It kills him with relatively little
difficulty as you run around the central column and surrounding area. After
he's dead, its the end of level.

3.9.4 Enterprise-E

Head onto the bridge and from there take a turbolift to the brig. The brig
itself is to the left down the corridor. See Omag pace around inside.

Conversation Choices:

1) "What about the rule that says 'Once you have their money, never give it
back?'" - Doesn't get you anywhere, its a looping statement.

2) "What about the rule that says 'Only a fool passes up a business
opportunity.'" - Continues the dialogue.

1) "Rule 17. 'A contract is a contract is a contract, but only
between Ferengi.'" - Continues the dialogue.

1) "Rule 121. 'Everything is for sale. Even friendship.'"
- Continues the dialogue.

1) "'Knowledge equals profit.' Rule 74." - Continues.

1) "'Rule 52. 'Never ask when you can take.'"
- Takes you to the next set of phrases,
where he reminds you you're risking
a court-martial.

2) "'Rule 22. 'A wise man can hear profit
in the wind.' - Looping statement.

2) "'Expand or die.' Rule 95." - Continues but
takes you ahead to the risking the court-martial.

1) "Rule 34. 'War is good for business.'" -
Looping statement.

2) "Rule 62. 'The riskier the road, the
greater the profit.'" - Continues the

1) "Wow. Ok, I'll sneak you out of
here." - Um, didn't Picard warn
you about not making deals with
Omag? See what happens next.
It's quite entertaining, but it
ends the game right here, right

2) "Omag, I am charging you with
attempted bribery." - Ends the
dialogue in a good way.

2) "Rule 1. 'Once you have their money, never give it back.
'" - Another looping statement.

2) "Rule 9. 'Opportunity plus instinct equals profit.'" - Looping

Go to the armory which is on the same deck as you, towards the right from
the exit of the brig. You get to try out the weapon Lurok left behind last
level. It's semi-decent but not the most accurate thing in the world. Kill
the enemies in the holodeck. Oh, by the way, the first enemy is in front of
you and up when you start. Its almost inevitable that you'll take some
damage becuase you can't really hit long range with this gun. The secondary
fire is a whole lot more accurate but if you miss you'll end up going all
around the person it was aimed at. Exit the armory to the right and enter
the turbolift to go to the Hazard Team briefing room. It is to the left and
another left to exit the hallway to the briefing room. Exit the briefing
room and return to the turbolift and head to Sickbay, which is to the left,
across the hallway from the armory. Enter and talk to the doctor inside the

3.10 Mission 10: Incognito

3.10.1 Romulan Installation Level 1

Turn on night vision. Walk around the cave until you find the way out.
Use your tricorder on the panel near the door to transfer your credentials.
Listen to the soldier's comments. Looks like you have to turn on the
bioscan function of your tricorder to get past the next area. And boy is it
tough. If even one targets you, the mission is over. Ten bioscanners later,
reach the other door and transmit your credentials again. Enter and go
around the landing platform to the floor on the lower level with the two
Romulan soldiers in front. Use your tricorder on the panel in front of the
desk. Head back out and go to the building with the stairs leading up to it.
Enter and use the tricorder on the panel in front of you. Exit left, down
the stairs, turn left, and then left again to see the door you must input
the data you pulled from the access terminal. The symbols are in the upper
left corner of your screen. Enter the area to begin a cutscene. Holster
the disruptor she gives you. Otherwise the guards will get suspicious. Go
to the comm array which is a building in the far corner of the area and
enter. Directly ahead of you near the ceiling is one of the panels you must
shoot. The other two are in the same alcove. After you've shot them to hell,
enter the hallway that was to your left when you entered the comm building.
A Romulan will beam into the tube directly in front of you. Shoot him, and
turn 180 degrees around. Three more Romulan soldiers await you there.
Eliminate the soldiers on your way to the door that was guarded by three
guards which you passed on the way here. I think there are three guards who
remain, one right after you exit the comm building to the left, and the
other on the ground level, across from the structures you can use for cover,
and the remaining one standing in front of the door. If you need health,
there are terminals in the comm room as well as in the room after the level

3.10.2 Romulan Installation Level 2a

Go down the ramp and up the stairs to talk with the informant. After the
cutscene, head through the door. Before you run down the corridor, take out
your tricorder, bioscan mode. If you hit those laser traps, Romulans will
beam in. After you avoid the two pairs of traps in the hallway, enter the
door on your left and use the tricorder on the panel. The panel opens up
a maintenance tube which you should enter with disruptor drawn. When you
pop your head up, there'll be two Romulans up the stairs. Kill both before
either can slap the alarm panel. If one runs, pursue him after killing the
other. If you can't do it, just hit the alarm panel after killing everyone
to stop the alarms. In any event, after killing everyone, head through the
door that was directly in front of you after exiting the control room
that the tunnel led to. Turn on the tricorder, bioscan the room. Evade the
sensors and use the tricorder on the panel to get an access code. Exit and
take a left at the intersection with the alarm panel. Take another left and
then a right. The door on the right is the equipment room. Use the codes
which you took from the panel to enter. Jump onto one of the pipes and from
there to the other side of the room with a tunnel access. Follow the arrow
on the radar into another access tunnel. Kill the two Romulans in the room
with their backs turned towards you. Use the information console. Before
exiting the room, head towards the grate along the left side of the room
when using the door as a reference point. Deactivate the security grid for
an easy escape through the door directly in front of you. If you hadn't
deactivated it, you'd have to be pretty dang good at jumping to avoid the
scanners. Enter and head down the stairs to the left. For health head down
the stairs to the right, where a health station is. Go to the elevator
protected by the green force field to open a cutscene. After she's done
activating the elevator, take it down to end the level.

3.10.3 Romulan Installation Level 2b

Follow her to meet Gonzalez. There is a health station just in front of the
door. Use if necessary. Transition to cutscene. Pull out your disruptor and
blast away at the traitorous informant. You can track her on your radar even
if you can't see her. And I think you can see her with night vision on too.
After a while, three Romulan soldiers beam in. Kill them and eliminate the
spy. If you need health during the battle, there is a sole health station
inside the area, opposite the door into the area, on the upper level. You
have to climb a ladder to reach it. I would recommend staying up here for
the duration of the battle. Even if you can't see her with night vision on,
you can see her footsteps in the snow. Eventually you'll kill her. An
alternate strategy has been submitted by Raizen Inogami: "I just want to
add something on the Romulan counterspy 'boss' battle. You can actually
track her even if she cloaks. I'm not quite sure if you need to be using
your nightvision, but it helps a lot since it's quite dark. Anyway, you can
still "see" her - just look at the ground and track her shadow. She may be
invisible but she's not invincible. I think it's quite hard to follow her
on the snowy ground but once she goes up to the second level, I think her
shadow is more prominent. If you see it, just blast away even if she's
invisible and she's toast. Also, I believe there's a faint outline of her
in invisible mode so she's really not that hard to track down.
Transition to cutscene in which Gonzalez is killed but you retrieve the
tricorder with the coordinates to the control facility and are beamed up.
End of mission.

3.10.4 Enterprise-E

Report to Sickbay. It is down the corridor directly opposite the sickbay on
inner part, opposite the armory. After the surgery, head out to the left
to a turbolift and meet the Captain in the observation lounge on the bridge.
After the cutscene, both Kleeya and Telsia will comm you. This is another
romance choice which will decide whether you spend time with either woman.
You meet with one or the other who express their condolences regarding
Gonzalez and share a brief hug. After your conversation, the game will
immediately transition into a briefing sequence, ending the level. During
the briefing, you hear about the Archaeopendra, the master Exomorph. Gee,
this sounds a little ominous, eh? Who could the final boss be?

3.11 Mission 11: End Game 2

3.11.1 Drull Ruins 3 Level 1a

Alright!!! We have most of the weapons in your arsenal. Sweetness. After the
cutscene, hug the right wall until you can see part of a guard tower.
Pull out the sniper rifle and slowly edge past the wall. Eliminate the
sniper. Note: You can shoot through the rocks with the sniper rifle.
Head forward until you hear transporters. Back up and kill the three
Romulans on at a time. If you don't peek out too far, you can pick off each
one with the phaser rifle. After all three are dead, two more Romulans will
beam in, one with the grenades like the Idryllian mortar rounds, and one
with a standard disruptor. I recommend using the grenade launcher against
both of them. Head right of the rocky outcroppings towards the health
terminal and see two ammo cases beam in. Pick them up. Turn towards the
rocks again. Head right this time. A Romulan will beam in, as will two
snipers at the far tower. Retrace your steps and take cover. Kill the
closer Romulan with your energy grenade that comes with the compression
rifle, it takes too long to kill him regularly. Then take out the sniper
rifle, hugging the rock for cover and kill the snipers. I suggest crouching,
this will reduce your target profile. After they're dead, continue on the
path. Two Romulans are to your left, and a new weapon is towards the right.
Eliminate the first Romulan with a grenade by rushing and then strafing.
Kill the second with a blast from your sniper rifle. Now for the new weapon.
When you approach, a Basher will burst out of the lava. Kill it and pick up
the mother of all weapons, the Romulan Experimental Radiation Disruptor,
affectionately known as the X-Rad. Now, before you get any closer to that
imposing wall, take out the sniper rifle and strafe right. Zoom towards
the two left columns along the wall. If you look closely, you can see a
pair of hands behind each column. Shoot the hands and kill the Romulan
grenadiers. Proceed ahead and find the lava pit with a rock in it. Jump in
and walk across. Modulate the door panel and save. Take out the sniper
rifle and head on in. After the cutscene, immediately strafe left. If you
recall from the cutscene, the sniper is on a ledge along the right side of
the mini-canyon. There is ammo and health if you need it along the wall
behind you in the form of terminals. After you kill the sniper who hit
Korban, pick up the federation ammo that beams down. A Romulan will rush
down the kill. Pick him off with a sniper shot. There are three more snipers
in the area. One is inside the tower you can see from behind the rock
where the federation ammo was. Another is up on the same ledge to the right
where the first sniper was. When you get higher up the hill, three Romulans
will rush down the kill. Gun them down with any weapon that does not share
the same ammo as the compression rifle or X-Rad. Sometimes the last one
hides behind a rock. He's visible on the radar. The last remaining sniper,
is in a tower along the right part of the canyon. Kill him as well. Below
the tower on the right is a lone Romulan. Kill him from a distance with the
staff and go for the ammo and health terminals. After healing, head towards
the right. Another Romulan sniper is in the tower behind you. The easiest
way to kill him is to run for where the transporter signature is and pick
up the ammo and crouch. When you're ready, slowly back up and stand up. You
can kill him before he kills you. Turn around and jump from the first rock
to the second rock. If you wait too long, the rocks will sink into the lava.
Once you've made it to the other lip, save, don't just quicksave. In this
area, two Romulans will beam in to your right. Kill the one with the staff
first, and then the one with the disruptor. Two grenadiers also appear up
on the wall. There's no easy way to kill them and take no harm yourself.
Switch to the X-Rad. A Quadruped will burst out the door in front of you.
IMO, this Exomorph seems a bit upgraded if you ask me. It has some sorta
personal shield represented by the blue lightning running around its body
that will completely reflect your attack back at you. Fire only when its
shooting at you or just after its shield deactivates. If you want to avoid
the majority of this battle, e.g. the grenadiers and the Exomorph, just run
straight for the main gate from which the grenadiers are attacking you. This
limits your attackers to the staff guy and the disruptor guy. The Exomorph
only pops out after you've killed the grenadiers. And this is a ugly way
to commit suicide especially since there's no way you can avoid damage from
the grenadiers while sniping at them except for cheating, meaning that
you'll be about 75% dead by the time the Exomorph appears. Happy hunting.
If you took my advice, chill out under the gate after you killed the two
Romulans on the lower level. Pull out the tricorder and have the Enterprise
blast the other door. Before you leave, you're probably almost all out of
ammo for the staff and arc launcher so pick up the three canisters spread
out in the area and head through the door. Take the left path down to near
the lava for some federation ammo, and backtrack and take the right path
that leads up somewhat. Turn on night vision and watch your radar carefully.
Two Romulans are directly ahead of you. Launch a couple of grenades from
the compression rifle to eliminate them. Proceed slowly. When you come upon
an open area, you can see a staff guy opposite you on the other side of the
lava. Sorta ignore him for now and kill the guy to the right on your side.
Once you kill him, his buddy on the other side will run to engage you. Just
wait and kill him with two grenades (dude, what kinda body armor is he
wearing under those robes?). Go around the pool of lava to the right. If you
need more Attrexian ammo there's a canister in the first alcove to your right.
Walk forward slowly and see more blips on the radar. Snipe the first one,
kill the one with the disruptor who rushes you. The remaining one is a
grenadier and quite tough to flush out. Don't worry about the ammo
consumption, more fed ammo soon. I suggest using the grenade launcher on the
grenadier. If you're lucky and time it right, he'll be right behind a rock
and you just have to lob it over. For even more Attrexian ammo, go around
the rock he took cover behind and to the left, which opens up over the room
you entered the subterranean caverns in. Go back down, and jump across the
first rock to the upward slanting path on the other side. Fed ammo on the
rock with the transporter signatures. Like the other ones, these sink with
time, so hurry as fast as you can and you won't take damage. Head up the
ramp in front. Watch your radar. At the intersection, there is a Romulan to
the left and two to the right. I recommend use of the grenade launcher again.
To the right are another three Romulans, of the same mix, a staff guy, and
two armed with disruptors. After they are dead, explore the caves to find
more Attrexian ammo and head out the exit along the right path. To the right
are health and ammunition. Save before heading out into plain sight with the
staff out. Two Romulans await you, as do two snipers in the towers. After
you kill all of them, four Romulans beam in. A staff guy, a disruptor guy,
and two grenadiers to either side of the main door. The two on the bottom
will rush you. Kill the disruptor guy with a grenade, and take his partner
with the staff with your staff. The two grenadiers you can snipe. I hope
you're ready for a battle. After the grenadiers are dead, a Commander will
rise out from behind the wall. And my god, is he a nasty beast Exomorph.
Switch immediately to the X-Rad and blast away with secondary fire until
you run out of ammo. Next, switch to the torpedo launcher. He has a variety
of attacks. His first one is hovering over you and toasting you with a
fireball. His next one is the characteristic Exomorph attack of glowing
balls, this time they're orange. And then he starts tossing lightning like
bolts of fire at you. If you get hit by one while jumping be prepared to be
shot a looooong way. 3 shots from the X-Rad with the combination of 13
torpedoes oughta do it. Feel free to finish him off using any of the weapons,
but IMO this is the fastest way to kill him while he's doing his best to
kill you. After he drops, transition to cutscene and end of level.

3.11.2 Drull Ruins 3 Level 2a

From the start you have relative peace. Pick up the Attrexian ammo if you
need from directly behind you. You could see the canisters in the cutscene.
There is also an ammo station as well as a health station you can fill up on.
As you exit through the door in front, kill the Romulan on the right first
with your phaser, and also the one to the left hiding behind a pillar. Then
jump onto the floating rock and to the left. Snipe the three Romulans waiting
for you. Approach the debris in the middle. Four Romulans beam in. Shoot the
closest ones with your phaser, and snipe the rest. Then jump on top of the
debris and across the lava flow. On the other side is plasma ammo and health.
Continue further into the complex until you reach a bridge like area. Take
out the sniper rifle. There are two enemies. One behind the pillar-like
container on the bridge, and a grenadier to the left. You can take out the
first by strafing to the left and sniping him. To take out the grenadier,
crouch and creep back towards the door. Stay scoped in the entire time. In
the next room with the flickering lighting, take out the tetryon blaster.
Kill the three Romulans that appear. Three more Romulans will rush from the
door in front. Eliminate them and proceed cautiously into the room. Take
out the sniper rifle and scope in on the ledge on the far side of the room.
Kill the sniper there. Phaser the guy on the level below you from cover.
Head forward until two staff guys beam in and then rapidly backpedal to the
starting point in the room. Snipe both but be ready for the Romulan who will
come running up the stairs. Take him out with an Attrexian weapon, you'll
want to save the federation and plasma ammunition. To get Attrexian
ammunition, jump over the railing to your right when you enter the room.
Face the platform and shoot the switch there. A terminal awaits you at the
bottom. To get back up, shoot the switch along the left wall. Continue on.
From the end of the platform, jump to the ledge below and enter the door.
Kill the Romulan at the head of the stairs, but don't go running in yet.
Turn around and back into the room. This way, you can see the Romulan sniper
who is above you. Kill her with a weapon of choice. Alternatively you can
book it to underneath the stairs and kill her from there. There is another
Romulan in the room, hiding behind the boxes on the lower level. After you
kill him, head through the door, and towards the next door. There are four
Romulans in there. One is a grenadier, and the remaining three are armed
with disruptors. When you run towards the door, one will rush you. Snipe him.
Repeat the same tactic, to open the doors and allow you visibility of the
two other Romulans. The last one you'll have to stand in the doorway to
snipe. Otherwise he won't break cover to toss his grenades. Continue ahead.
Again, approach the door and draw out the guards. Eliminate them one by one
with the sniper rifle. After all of them are dead and you can no longer see
any on the radar, take cover behind the boxes right in front of the door. A
grenadier remains. Wait for a clean shot and disintegrate him. Health and
plasma ammunition are under the stairs to your back. Enter the next room and
take the lift down, ending the level.

3.11.3 Drull Ruins 3 Boss Level 3a

Head forward slowly. A moth is hanging on the ceiling near the entrance to
some caves. Kill it with the phaser to conserve ammunition. You're gonna
need it on this level. Before approaching the doorway any closer, switch to
a more powerful weapon. The door in front of you contains a Basher which will
erupt through the door if you get too close. You can use the X-Rad, there's
health and recharging stations in the same room as you. I wouldn't
recommend using the secondary fire. The primary fire should be sufficient.
If you do use the secondary fire, prepare to be toasted. I was halfway
across the room from it when I fired and I was left with 17 health. The only
downside to using the X-Rad is that is uses so much darn plasma energy. You
could also use the secondary fire of the staff and freeze the Basher when it
charges you. Take the time to slap it silly with primary fire. When ready,
head into the cave. Be warned, there is a moth directly ahead. You can kill
it with your compression rifle. Before heading too deep into the cave,
crawl into the door that the Basher came through. Inside are 50 units of
Attrexian ammo. Well, into the cave. What is there but a Stalker. You can
see it on your radar just as you enter. If you start to go around the
stalagmite in front of you, it will start to come after you. Immediately
freeze it with your staff. Smack it until it starts to awaken again. Use
secondary again, and hit it two more times. It will then collapse and die.
Head past it and jump onto the rock floating in a pit of lava. Jump onto
the lip nearby, and from there to ammo on a rock which you can jump to.
Turn around and head forward. Health and energy are ahead in case you are
depleted. Two cases of federation ammo beam in. From there, head forward,
jump over the two rocks. Now pause, two Quadrupeds are in the next room.
The first is to the left. You can start to kill it with the quantum burst,
secondary mode on. When it starts to die, the one on the right will appear.
Both have that personal shield that was on the Quadruped two levels ago, so
fire only when its firing at you or just after its shield has gone down.
You cannot avoid fighting these Quadrupeds, and can only proceed after both
have perished. After about 9 torpedoes for each one (sometimes it takes less
because one of the beasts' attacks will hurt the other one) head through the
next cave entrance. A moth is on the right. Enter the room. After the rock
falls through the bridge, jump across with a ready staff. A Stalker is near
the door. Kill him and turn around 180 degrees and use the tricorder on the
panel behind you. Another Stalker will appear. Kill him as well and use the
panel on the right with the tricorder. A door will open. One secondary fire
and seven primary oughta kill each one. Use the secondary fire only when
the beast is visible otherwise you'll freeze him when he's invisible. Head
through the door with a powerful weapon of your choice. Past the pillar are
a moth and a Commander Exomorph. Kill him. The strategy in this area is just
to circle around the central pillar facing him and blast away with first
the X-Rad, and then the torpedo launcher. There is fed ammo and Attrexian
ammo strewn about the room. Jump onto the rock and from there to the other
side. Approach the door after filling up on health and ammo through the
stations. End of level.

Matevz Mihelic has a tip for taking out the two Quadrupeds:

The Drull Ruins 3 Boss Level 3a considering those two Quadrupeds. They take
a lot of ammo to kill, right when you need it most. I have found an easy and
ammo conserving way to kill them. First jump into the room and piss the first
one off with a couple of shots and then retreat back to where you came from,
almost to the second stone(you are still in the room, on solid ground)- make
sure,that the lava doesnt get you! Quadruped will move but will not directy
assault you. It will stay a fair distance away from you throwing everything
it has against you. All that you have to do is crouch and it will not hit you.
Then start shooting at it(them) with your phaser! It takes a while, but its
cheap and your health isn't affected. I tried it 3 times and it worked.

3.11.4 Drull Ruins 3 Boss Level 3b

Through the door in front of you is your boss battle arena. Directly in
front of you, inside that purple control room is Commander Suldok, the
stupid Romulan who unleashed all these creatures you had to kill to get
here. Approach to begin the cutscene. From the start, rush Suldok to get
in the first blow. A secondary fire from the X-Rad will almost completely
kill him. Do so while evading the Exomorphs that he spawns from the lava.
After the next cutscene, start running your ass off. You probably only
have fed ammo and Attrexian ammo left. So start chipping away. After three
more transitional cutscenes, about many many shots later, he'll finally die.
His attacks consists of throwing lava at you, which you can dodge, as well
as blue bolts from his wings. The Archaeopendra has the uncanny ability to
dodge your shots if you take too hasty a shot, so the best weapon to take
him on with is the quantum burst. You can take huge chunks out of his health
with the X-Rad, which can suck ammo from the nearby terminals. There is also
a spare X-Rad behind the ammo terminal on the left, closest to the room
which Suldok was commanding from. Five shots from the X-Rad should kill him.
I didn't bother trying with other weapons, but the Archaeopendra is beatable.
After his death, enjoy the nice end sequence, in which you kiss either
Telsia or Kleeya depending on your romance choices.

4. Credits

I'd like to thank Asdfga3 for his demo walkthrough which helped in some ways
to develop strategies for Missions 4 and 7. I would also like to thank
Sapheriel for his excellent secrets FAQ, which enabled me to survive many
times over when I was able to pick up additional ammo when I really needed
it. I would suggest use of his FAQ while progressing through the game.

Kudos to Raizen Inogami for recommending a tip on level 3.10, the Romulan
facility, regarding an alternate strategy for eliminating the traitorous

Thanks to Matevz Mihelic for a great strategy against the two Quadrupeds
on Drull Ruins 3 Boss Level 3a.

I would also like to thank Activision and Ritual for such a great game,
which inspired me to write this, my first, but hopefully not last

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