Operation Flashpoint

Operation Flashpoint

17.10.2013 18:05:21
Auch auf deutsch verfügbar
Copyright: Bharat "Faceman" Kulamarva 2001
Faceman's Flashpoint Fieldbook v1.2

by Faceman a.k.a Bharatma

a. Guns
b. Launchers
c. Grenades, Bombs, etc.
d. other equipment
e. Vehicle Weapons
a. cars
b. armored Vehicles
c. aircraft


This WT covers every mission present in v1.2 and complete weapons and vehicles stats.
This is the first WT I'm writing, so do not expect wonders from me.
Should you have any questions, suggestions or corrections
feel free to contact me.
However, please read the FAQ before you mail me at faceman-bjk@gmx.net
Mails with issues already clarified in the FAQ will only be answered with a standard message
(saying:"Read the FAQ").
I jumped to v1.2 with the version number (last version was 0.9), because I have now covered everything up to
Version 1.2 of the game and want to keep pace with its version numbers.

Special Thanks to
"The User" for the SCUD-grid complaint.
Pieter van Gemeren for mentioning mission 7b "Strange Meetings"
PanzerKnacker and Colin for the GUARDIAN reports.
many others (most of them mentioned at the concerned mission)
(Oh now you did it! I have to thank someone. I hate that. If you want to make
me unhappy again, mail me and contribute to this WT).


On mission ... I complete all the mission objectives, but in the end I get sacked by Col. Blake.
Being discharged is a consequence of bad overall score. Most people experience this problem on
Mission "Taking Command".
Solution: achieve a very high score on this mission or revert to earlier missions and do better there.

After mission ... I get thrown back to the main menu. Is this the end of the game? Is there no extro?
This is an annoying bug that seems to have been solved in the new versions. Sometimes the prog kicks you back
to main menu instead of showing a cutscene. It also happens if you start a mission by "Replay Mission" instead
of "Continue" or "Revert". This is especially irritating after Mission 7 where you are somewhere in the woods
with the guerilla at the end. Many people think they have been caught and lost the game.
Solution: Start the mission again (I know it's unfair!). Do NOT do this by "Replay mission".

I have killed all enemies but still the mission won't finish.
For objectives like "Kill all enemies" the game checks if there is any enemy alive within a certain area.
There is probably one soldier left hiding somewhere nearby. To spot him save and run around until he shoots you.
Another tactic is to switch to the tactical screen (if you're in command) and zoom out. This works even better
when in a vehicle because you can zoom out more then.

When I do ... the game crashes! The game runs slow on my computer! The graphic has errors!
If you have technical difficulties contact Codemasters or Bohemia Interactive, NOT ME!

Is there a godmode-, all weapons-, nude-cheat for OFP?
As far as I know: NO!

Don't you think OFP should be more like Tomb Raider/Quake/Unreal/Comanche/Armored Fist/Delta Force/Counterstrike/...
No I do not! OFP is a kickass game the way it is!

Can I save more than once? What is multi-saving?
The multi-saving cheat allows you to save multiple times within a mission. When already saved just press ALT+TAB
to return to the Windows screen. Then delete the "save.fps" in the according user and mission (or campaign) directory.
Now return to the game with ALT+TAB again. You can now save again. NOTE: Your old savegame will be lost (you deleted it

Are there any good pages about OFP on the net?
Yes there are. You can find them by typing the URL "http://www.google.com" into your browser and then
typing "Operation Flashpoint" into the text-field. Now press the Search button and pick out some site that sounds
okay to you. And more importantly NEVER EVER ask me again! I am not your personal search engine. I do not recommend
any pages here, because this WT is free for all. There are super sites on the web. Go and find out for yourself!

Can you send me some of your savegames?
It is not, that I want to celebrate my superiority in finishing OFP. This game has an exceptional story and you
are going to spoil yourself a lot of fun if you just copy someones savegame and watch the cutscenes or play the
missions in different orders.

Where are you from?
I am from Austria, the birthplace of such geniuses as Mozart, Sigmund Freud or Erwin Schrödinger, and the birthplace
of such jerks as Metternich or Hitler.

Can I publish this WT on my site?
You can! Only thing I want is proper credit (just don't delete the copyright reference on top) and notification, so
I can keep you up to date with new versions. If you publish my WT without notifying me you'll have to steal the
updates again from some other page. You'll be online quite some time with an outdated version and the visitors of
your site will soon be recognizing the quality of your content. So TELL ME! This is all I ask.



Just follow orders. I sure don't have to tell you how to walk properly.


In your first real mission you'll learn two important rules.
A.)"If you wanna grow old, stay out of the road"
B.)If you are carrying a lousy M16 and there are M1A1 tanks to support you, why would you
bother to attack in blind rage?
So take cover and let the others do most of the work. No heroics, understand?
Move slowly towards the village and eliminate everything the others have leftover.
When all enemies have died or retreated you are victorious.

tip: If you're lying inside a bush (the black spots on the map), you're almost invisible.
Even soldiers at distances of 50m and less won't spot you.


This is an opportunity to practice, what we've learned in the last mission. Stay down!
Don't get to comfortable in that village, because there will be T80 tanks closing in.
So get in and get out fast, preferably through the wood, as this is the safest way.


Follow orders and more importantely follow Srg. Bergmann until you're on patrol. Do the
patrol-thing on your own: Run through the wood and exit it at Ch50. You will notice
3 Russians, take them out. Then there's one SpetzNatz on the southern edge of the wood.
Dispose of him and return to the jeep. There may be other enemies, but don't worry,
the supporting M113 will deal with them. Wait for the others and return to Le Moule.


Get into the tent and trade in your M16 for the M60. This puts us to another rule.
C.) Take all the equipment you can get. Heavy? "Heavy means reliable. I always go for reliability."
After you disembarked the M113 take cover and then "kill them all and let god sort them out".
Wait for reinforcements, board truck. Done


This mission is the mother of all screw-ups. Seizing Montignac is as easy as taking candy
from a baby, but you get orders to withdraw.
So you'll have to engage Russians near Provins while retreating. No matter how hard you try,
they'll blow up your truck. Consequently the Blackhawk will be shot down by a Hind and
you'll be on your own for the next mission. So remember rule A and hide in the western woods,
the others will die anyway an you'll be in Mission 7 "AFTER MONTIGNAC". There is NO possibility
to "win" this mission. In fact I think it is a setup to take you out ;-) When you take out the Hind
before it takes off (it's sitting on the road south of Figari), the Blackhawk will be hovering
above the fuel station, but NOT pick up you and your squad. If you actually get to Morton
the town is completely deserted (I wonder where they are sending their radio messages from).
However there is another possibility (Thanks to Pieter van Gemeren for this one).
If you fail your attack (which I never did of course) on Montignac (not seize the town,
lose your squad) you have to retreat in the truck up the road. Mission 7 now will
be different (STRANGE MEETINGS)


This one is the first really tough mission and it outlines, what is so special about OFP.
This mission is pure adrenaline and pure fright.
Do NOT pick up binoculars or LAW from the fallen, you'd get spotted. Exit the forest at Df56.
Run zig-zag to the bushes at Df57. Now prone through the bushes all the way to Dg58.
Enter the next forest, keep an eye out for enemies inside the woods, too.
By now Papa Bear should have told you about the alternate evac point.
Exit the wood at Dh63. Now cross the road and get to that second evac point.
There is a second somehow easier way to complete this mission (It's just not so thrilling).
DO pick up the LAW (and the binos if you want) and shoot the soldier at the edge of the wood
just ahead of you. Now turn around and run back to Provins. Approach the city from southwest.
Take out the BMP with the LAW and get rid of the patroling soldiers. Now get into the UAZ
standing right at the southern exit of the village. Now save. Make a daring drive right to the second
evac point at Ea64/65. South of Figari you'll encounter a squad of five soldiers. Duck their fire by leaving the road
and driving by on the right protected by the houses. There will also be some armored vehicle, a T80, a BMP and a Shilka.
Do not stop and drive to the evac point as fast as you can trying to duck their fire. They do a very bad job in
hitting you if you are on the move. at the evac point get out and watch the cutscene. THX for mentioning this way to
Dave M, Brakanjan and lots of others.
After getting to the evac point in both ways a retry point is set.
Stay in the back of the tent and wait 'til everything is over.


You can do this by the book, or in a very short, but rather nasty way.
By the book:
Get into the truck and wait for Alpha squad to board. At the 2nd dirt track turn right, when
ordered to. Again I think this is a setup ;-) Why would you send an infantry squad to examine
suspicous activity, when you are evacuating the WHOLE ISLAND anyway. After disembarking
turn to sector Cj64. There's an RPG soldier on the edge of the wood. Shoot him and pick up
his RPG, you may need it. Do not pick up too many grenades, because you'll need a lot of rifle
ammo in this mission. Now continue along the wood and aid your squad from the left flank.
There's a sniper somewhere in the wood, so be careful. Be sure not to lose to many teammates,
as the rest of the mission is going to be tough. When you're done they tell you that the truck
is destroyed and you have to continue on foot. This is strange too, because there is a
perfectly undamaged P3VB at just 20m distance.
Anyway, follow your leader through the wood, and keep on the right flank. You will encounter
a Russian squad in the woods. If you're low on ammo now, take up some AK74. Do NOT take the
PK as you'd have to drop your RPG. When you exit the woods, immediately go to the top of
th right hill (the one in Dc69 marked with 73 on the map for its height). This is the best
position to take out the Russian infantry squad coming through the valley. now continue in
formation until Morton. When you're in sight of Morton the game will switch to Binos and
you'll see a lot of bodies and destroyed Abrams. Now your commander will tell you to cover him,
while he is trying to get across the road. Getting across a road covered by about 15 Russian
soldiers two T72 tanks and a BMP, ... right. He actually only asks you for cover fire to make
you feel guilty for his inevitable death. Do not move out and watch your squad die. If the BMP
is near don't take any chances, take it out with the RPG (that's why you brought it all the way).
Now get down to the shore and head east until you've passed Morton by two or three sectors,
then north through the small wood to the bigger one and directly to the evac point.
Short and nasty: After exiting the jeep turn back and shoot your commander. Shoot the drivers
of the refuel and the repair truck standing behind the jeep. You are now in command (of yourself)
and can enter the jeep as a driver. Do so, and head directly to the evac point in Ea64/65.
Papa Bear will tell you to go there on your way.
You may have to retry that one, if you get shot up by a tank.
Note: If you go to Morton directly you will again note, that there is not a single NATO
soldier present ... a setup?


Take out the Binoculars and watch for a UAZ arriving from the right. Then assist in the
attack, covering the right flank. Try to steal a machinegun from one of the dead an
hide in a bush as there will be Russian reinforcements arriving in a Ural from down the road
Gun them down as they are disembarking. Before you board the truck SAVE and pray that the
nearby BMP does not spot you and blow you to pieces. After exiting the truck stay alert for
enemies and continue to the meeting point with the civilians.


Nothing special. You'll be detected at the second checkpoint. Try to stay alive and
move to the woods. Now continue south to the resistance camp. The leader is in the big tower
(ramp up and inside).
Leave the road before the second checkpoint and go to the castle directly.
Nobody dead and no 2km march.
THX to Brakanjan for this tip.


After the retry-point is set keep you're eyes open for SpetzNatz coming for the east.
Use the NV goggles and the binoculars. Kill 'em and get a good nights rest.
If you are going for a bonus run up to the beacon and get into the M2. You can now take out the
Russian patrol boats.


Get into that machinegun and start gunning them down. When they begin bombarding
back out to the north and hide in the bushes. Take down some Russkies from safe distance
and wait until there's order to retreat. Move quickly to the north and watch out for
those paratroopers. You cannot win this mission. You have to retreat!


Lay your first two mines as you like then place the third about 200m up the road.
If some tanks evaded the first mine they're going to return to the road later.
Get back to your commander and grab a LAW plus all the ammo you can get. After some big
explosions finish the rest of the tanks with the LAW. Be quick, your first shot will give
away your position and you're likely to need two LAWs per tank.


Get in M60 as driver and move to the training grounds. After the training order your
driver to go to next waypoint (1,9) and meet up with your commander. Keep formation (1,1)
until you spot the BMP, get rid of it. You will now learn another important rule, let's call it
D.) Never use cannons/explosives against infantry, if you're inside a tank use the MG,
that's what it's there for.
Now let your gunner take out all the enemy infantry and you're done.


Following orders and mission plan should be easy. When it comes to attacking the border zone
your primary objective is to stay alive. There's no chance you can take the border zone with a
lousy M60 and without support. Get to safety and wait for RTB order, then RTB.


The mentioned RPG-platoon is right in front of you. Wipe 'em out. Continue to the ledge and
hit the dirt. Prone down using the bushes in the south of sector Fh60 as cover. Dispose of
enemy patrols if necessary but try to remain undetected. Put a Satchel Charge to the first
tank and put the second in front of the last bush, where the second tank comes to the end
of his patrol. Retreat to the hill again. Then wait for the second tank to reach the bush
and touch off both bombs. Send the radio messages to TWO and THREE and then back out.
There may be an enemy squad at the location of the RPG-soldiers. Take them out and
retreat to the north.


Another M60 mission, oh well. Watch out for RPG soldiers target them first.
The tanks should be no problem, just remember Rule A and let the others do most of the job.
When you have seized Lolisse repair at the repair truck if necessary. Then hold the city. If
you experience problems with assaulting forces try following tactics.
Go down to the beach and target your enemy. Then move up until you're sure you
have a good shot. Fire and immediately reverse. Continue until all enemy forces
have been eliminated.


Pray that your mates are able to destroy the first Shilka and begin looking for a LAW or RPG
on a dead (hopefully Russian) soldier.
Then continue as planned and eliminate the second Shilka, if your lads don't manage to do so.
Get down and wait for the choppers to finish their job. Then roam around and kill any
remaining enemies.


At last, the M1A1. This tank can sustain multiple hits and compared to the enemy force in
this mission it is indestructible. Take Chapoi and La Riviere and toast all enemies while
you're at it. This mission is simple!


Do as told and you should not encounter any enemies in this mission. So go there and back
and do not get shot!


Another learning mission. Familiarize yourself with being in command. To repel the
attack make sure you're LAW soldiers target the BMPs and all others are engaging someone
(engage at will). Meanwhile keep your head low and take out some Russkies yourself.
If you get fired after this mission, although you cleared all objectives look up the FAQ.


Get your squad into the jeep. Remember Rule B and let the APCs do the first job.
Continue then along the road. The enemy base is at De25. Stop at the top of the hill
and prone forward until you spot the base. Get back into the jeep and to base
ignoring all enemy attacks. This leads us to rule
E.) Never stop for enemy infantry, if you can just drive by.
It's safer to drive by at 50 mph and getting shot at two or three times without possibility
to return fire than stopping and being a perfect target while disembarking.


This is the first mission where you changing your gear is possible AND makes some sense.
Take the M21 sniper rifle and a LAW (remember rule C?). This will be your standard setup for
most of the future missions. Take cover in the bushes, move towards the valley, but keep an
eye on the left flank. Make your way through the vally by sniping most of your enemies.
When your almost at the enemy base, radio Bravo for support and snipe the surprised guards.
Tell your LAW soldiers to target the BMPs, but be prepared to deal with them yourself.


Rule F.) "A proning black op is invisible at night."
Take one satchel charge extra in your gear, you won't need so much ammo in this mission.
Cross the road and hide in some bush on the right side of the road. Take down the patrol,
then continue to Levie. Place a charge at the northern ammo crates. Take out the patroling
soldier and the two guys standing south of the Ural trucks. place a charge near the trucks
and take two charges from the dead SpetzNatz. Get into the wood and touch off the bombs.
Continue south through the forest and exit it at the southern border of sector Fh67.
Prone down using the bushes in the south of the base as cover. Watch out for the patrol,
but do NOT attack it. Lay your remaining satchel charges as you like it (Be sure to do
maximum damage). Retreat to the south, when you're at the top of the hill, touch off the
bombs and watch the fireworks, then evacuate.
Directly approach the Tank base. Hideout somewhere and kill all of the tank squads before
they can board their vehicles. Now get into a T80 switch to manual fire and blow everything
away. Return to the village and destroy the ammo dump. Use a Satchel to detonate your
tank too. Evacuate.
THX to Rich Carillo, Mike Lopez and many others for mentioning this way.


Put your squad into the APC and board the jeep yourself. Take the southern route (turn
right at the first crossroads). I did not meet any resistance there (except for some
lone machinegunners). Just remember Rule E and drive it home to the airport.
< southern route. The therefore were rather ignored on the norther. PanzerKnacker is talking
about a not very clever BMP just passing him by without attacking. So it seems to be just a
matter of luck. Better to tell the convoi to stop, scout ahead and let it move again>>
A lot of people have now reported resistance on both routes. Mostly RPGs, BMPs and some T72.
Therefore the most safe way is to tell the convoi to stop, decide for a route and then
clear it of any enemy you encounter. Then return and order the convoi to move. Covering
it now should be no problem.


Take the M21 and a LAW for your gear. Coordinate the attack of your squad with Bravo and
Charlie. Take the Shilka out yourself, order your team to move to another position and/or
let them engage at will. Radio the choppers and attack. Another rule:
G.) "It's hard to watch his whole squad die, but it's harder to die yourself."
So don't whine if your squad does'nt make it. Blast away that Shilka and seize the airport.


Meet with your team. The enemy base is at Eg58, go there straight away. Before exiting
the woods order you're squad to be stealthy. SAVE. Now stay in the forest yourself and let
your team do the work. Send them to the important points of the base (the ammo depot in
the northwest, the helicopters, the BMP, the fortress) and let them lay their bombs. If they
encounter guards, they'll take them out theirselfes. Let them retreat into the forest and
touch off the fireworks. Then evacuate to Ei61.
Keep your squad out of all this and enter the enemy camp either by hiding in a truck or by
outflanking it from the north. Get into the lone Hind and take off as fast as possible.
You can now easily blast away the whole camp. Do not climb too high so you don't get spotted
by Shilkas. Land again and use a Satchel to blow your Hind too. Evacuate.
THX to Frankie Paterson., Mark and many others for mentioning this way.


The first town is no problem. The road to Montignac is a minefield, so evade it and go to
Montignac keeping east of the forest. Seizing it should be no problem with an Abrams platoon,
as there are only a handfull of armored vehicles and a bunch of infantry there.


Learn how to fly a chopper! All you do here is ferrying infantry. you will not be attacked
by anyone and you do not need to destroy the BMPs necessarily.


This one is fun. Get to your chopper and blast them all away. There's only one Shilka. Use
a TOW to dispose of it quickly.


The positions of the Shilkas are dynamically set at Ea75,Eb73,Dg73 and Dd71.
Send one of your guys to each position and go to one yourself.
Spot the Shilkas, retreat and radio for the boat.
||If anyone has additional Shilka positions, please mail me||


Another not so hard tank mission. Call in Zulu, when you've secured your first objective A.
You'll need repairs by then. Call in Repair and Ammo trucks and resupply your platoon.
Continue to your second objective.


Divert to Buffalo Base, but spare your rockets and only use the cannon instead. At Saint
Pierre attack the Shilka first, then try to dispose of the Hind. Then go for the T72s as they
only need one rocket each. Stay until Zulu team has seized the town.


Do exactly the same thing as in mission 30, but place satchel charges there, too. Back out,
blow them up and evacuate as planned. If one of your mates get shot, be sure to cover his
Shilka, too. Therefore only use our satchel charges for the Shilkas, do not ambush tanks or
other armored units.


Take off!


Target the Shilkas first, then the T80s. When you begin to lose fuel rapidly, ensure that
you are over land and try to climb as much as you can, then eject. If you're not high
enough ejecting will result in some very ugly fractures.


Simple infantry mission. I recommend taking the M21 again (and a LAW). Hide in a bush and
snipe the enemies. Your squad should do the rest of the work.


Obey all orders or you will be shot. Wait until nighttime. Run for the BMP and enter it.
Run over some Russians and escape in the direction where it is pointing anyway. us the
built in compass to determine south (by the way south is where the mountains are, north is
the sea. Of course you could also sit there looking for the big dipper).
Exit the BMP before it gets blown up by the Soviet forces and run up the mountains.
Continue south until you meet a friendly GI.
At the beginning turn around and grab the PK. Shoot everyone and get into the Hind.
Take off kill some Russkies and fly south.
At night wait until two SpetzNatz arrive to execute you. When they exit the UAZ and try to
shoot you. Enter the car again and flee.
Grab the UAZ at day before you are brought to the tent.
Grab an AK74 from an ammo crate and mow down some Sowjets before escaping with the BMP
or the UAZ

THX to a lot of people like Algrab ro Tom Mason (not enough space to mention them all)
for all these additional solutions.


Give Gastovski a M21 and some LAWs (you won't need satchel charges). Snipe the
guards at the entrance and the guards on the watchtowers along the fence. Tanks
and BMPs will come looking for you and therefore breach trough the fence. Get in through
one of these holes and then go southwest. Keep down at the shore, where nobody can see you.
Move west until sector Be44/43. Now go north and use the bushes as concealment. Don't worry
about the heavy infantry presence. Remember rule F, they can't see you. Wait for the
right moment and then get into the house. After you have the codes get out again and evacuate
the same way you have come.


The SCUD is at Eb53. Leave your squad behind and go for it on your own. Take a LAW with
you at gear selection! Sneak your way through enemy lines until you've made contact with
the SCUD. Take it out with the LAW. Now immediately switch back to your main weapon and
GET OUT OF THERE. Guba's goons will be mad as hell. The preferable saving point is right
before you fire the LAW because escaping is very hard afterwards and you'll have to try
it several times. You can also call in the support before you fire the LAW to distract the
enemies from your position. In this case you should fire the LAW upon their arrival.


Again take the M21 and a anti-tank launcher (I'd prefer the RPG this time, because you're
more likely to run into ammo for this one in Russian territory; well you probably won't need
it anyway). You also won't need your squad on this one. Take one guy with you into the jeep
and let the others have a nice vacation. Proceed along the souther road and turn right at
Eh51. Stop shortly before the base at Ed/Ee46 and snipe the guards. Drive into the base and
mount the fuel truck. Take it outside to the Hind. Mount the Hind and take your friend with
you as gunner(that's why you brought him all the way up here). Now take off and head northeast.
Use the guided rockets to dispose of the Shilkas. Evade their AA-fire by shaking left an right
and use it to locate their position and target them. Once you've spotted the SCUD (its locations
is Ih20), take it out.
Now descend a little and fly back west along the northern road until you spot a moving UAZ.
This is Guba. Head east again, land and setup an ambush. Hide somewhere with a good view on
the road. When Guba arrives snipe the driver (be careful not to hit Guba!). Two SpetzNatz
will exit the car, kill them too. Now run up to Guba and watch his despair.
||Reports state that the SCUD positions are dynamically set
Mail me for additional SCUD positions||


Land at the airport (I KNOW it's difficult).
Do for God's sake not take the sportscar. Take the fuel truck instead and drive it
to the Mi17. Board the chopper, refuel it and takeoff. Now this is the right style to
pick up old war friends. Pick up everyone (Sam will be at the shore arriving in a boat)
and fly them to the pub. If you like you can change helicopters at David's place. The
Blackhawk is a nice thing, too, but I personally prefer the BIG Red Army carrier.
TIP: If you can't handle landing yourself use the autopilot. However it's only half the fun.


1. Steal the Car

Your insertion point is randomly set as is the position of the car. Take cover in bushes and
clean the town of soldiers. Then take the car and drive it home.
The key importance of this mission is patience. If you are patient enough to explore the
village in a commando-type style (slow, silent and always alert) it should be no problem
to finish this one without even a scratch.

2. Ambush

To these who remember: It's the first demo mission without arriving tanks and retreat.
To these who don't: It's a rather simple infantry mission.
I'll skip the soldier pickup and driving part. When you have disembarked the truck
run into the woods on the left. Thereby outflank the enemies who will appear right in front
of your mates. For the next attack on the tiny village select the right flank. Be sure to pick up a LAW
if your AT soldiers have been killed before. After securing this village there is only one
step left. Take Houdan by supporting your group from the right flank again.
You'll need a lot of ammo in this mission, so be sure to loot an AK from some dead enemy.

3. Bomberman

Go to the place, that marks the end of the convoy on the map. Lay the charges between the poles.
The first two have to be closer than the last two. Now climb up the hill take out your binos
and wait for the convoy. Wait until the T80 is above the last charge, then detonate. If you've
laid them right everything should be on fire. Finish off remaining crew with your M21, then call in
Bravo. Snipe the appearing infantry squad and wait for Bravo to deal with the BMP. Go down and loot
any additional weapons (e.g. qn RPG). Now return to your insertion point. Hide behind the trees uphill
and snipe every soldier in town you can get. Do so until you wasted all your bullets and Bravo arrives.
now call in Charlie and watch both teams deal with rest. Run down and loot some gun. Aid both teams in
the search for enemies remaining hidden.

4. Ground Attack

There is no AA-resistance. Save some TOWs for the T72 and the BMP. You can take
out the rest of the convoy any way you want (e.g. with the cannon while auto-hovering)

5. Heavy Metal

Follow orders until Figari. You'll encounter a Russian support convoy there. Take it out.
Take the right flank of your platoon afterwards. Next encounter will be some T72s and 2 BMPs.
Let the others take the blow and stay in the back, but do not cease to give support fire. In
case you get hit you can repair at the infantry squad in the woods. Outflank Lamentin on the left
using the hill as cover. Make sure to destroy the Shilka first, the rest should be child's play.

6. Clean Sweep

Your two teammates will get killed during the first five seconds (there is just no time or possibility
to save them). Do a silent approach through the bushes preferably from the south. If the town seems
clean and deserted but the mission does not finish, save and run out until you get shot. Now load again
and approach the hideout of the remaining Russkie.

7. Shadow Killer

Cross the road south of the town without being spotted. Approach the fuel station from the east.
Place the first bomb directly at the fuel station. Crawl across the road and place the second and the third
bomb on the road within town. Now find a hideout in safe distance and viewing range from the
2nd and 3rd satchel. Wait for the convoy to arrive and touch off the bombs. It is important, that you
blow up the Fuel Truck. Let the UAZ and the other Urals escape.if you can't get them. Now get to the car
without being spotted by the tank and the BMP. You may want to speedcrawl the first meters.
Once inside the car drive to Arudy. Voilá.

8. Lone Wolf

Approach the base from the north and enter it through a hole in the fence at the northeast corner.
Lay satchels at the first T80 and the BMP. Enter the 2nd T80 as driver and switch to manual fire.
Roam around the base and shoot or run over every soldier that shows. Be careful about the
RPG soldiers, always keep moving. When you have got rid of all enemies exit your tank and blow
it up with the remaining satchel. Board the UAZ or one of the Urals and drive to the extraction point.

9. Sniper Team

Get your team into the jeep and drive out of the wood carefully. Cross the street and drive to the
enemy main base. Hide the jeep and get into sniping position. The SpetzNatz will arrive an an UAZ
and switch to a BMP. Once their car enters the base you have to snipe all the three of them before
they can get into the BMP. Now return to the jeep and to the Extraction point. Radio to finish the mission.
Drive your team straight to the enemy heliport marked on the map. attack it from the west and kill the pilots
before they can board the chopper. Get into the Mi24 and take off. There are two Shilkas: One is right
at the heliport and one is at the main base. Take them out. Now fly around and look for the UAZ and for BMPs
Take them out until you find the right one (You'll radio: "Strike one bad guy" three times). Land the chopper
near the wood or eject right above the forest. Anyway get back and radio for evacuation.

10. Commander

Not so hard tank mission. Man the tanks (take the Abrams for youraself) and the support trucks.
Do the first two objectives alone and call in the two M60s and the support trucks afterwards to repair
and rearm. Take the M60s with you for the final attack on Lolisse. Take out the Shilkas and BMPs first.
Then finish the T80 and the infantry.

11. Clean Sweep II

Tell your guys to hide out and do the job alone. There are about 35 soldiers and one BMP. You'll
have to loot a RPG from a corpse to take the APC out. Take advantage of the Full Auto option
on both the HK and the AK74 (Your ammo won't last long) to take out small groups of enemies.
If you stay patient and alert this mission is child's play.

A1. Revenge

The first terrorist camp is rather easy. Let the other squads do it if you want. The second
has a lot of resistance, one Vulcan, one M60 and one M113. Call in the RPG team (Bravo)
and they should be no problem. Don't rush in, go for it calmly. If team Bravo gets wiped out
rely on your own RPG soldier or try to get hold of a RPG (or LAW) yourself. After eliminating
all enemy field presence enter the town carefully. The terrorists will hide inside houses and barns
to shoot you from the windows.
After finishing off these guys ==> Victory.

A2. Vulcan

Get to your squad and let them board the APCs. Get into a Vulcan as gunner yourself.
Do a bit of helicoptershooting, even if you miss everything your squad will do it.
When Papa Bear tells you about incoming BMPs, save! You have to be a quickfinger now.
The BMPs are outgunned by the Vulcans, but they only need one solid hit to blow you away.
When you have destroyed 3 or 4 BMPs they'll tell you to retreat. Order your squad to retreat
and switch to drivers seat yourself to get the hell out of there (Don't tell the AI to go to next
waypoint. He'll be driving so slow you get blown up). While you are on your way radio
for the Planes to finish the job.

B01. HeliTrain2

The most interesting thing about this standard convoy attack mission are the airfights in the end.
Fly right away to the convoy and destroy it (the Shilka first!). Then trash the incoming Hind
with some FFARs (manual fire) and the Su25 with the 30mm.


Follow the waypoint markers and don't destroy your car, if you are not in for a long walk.

B03. Chinook

Passenger ferrying. You may encounter one Shilka in this mission. Just keep your altitude
low to avoid it. With the MG of the Chinook you are practically unarmed.



I'll now cover the games weapons (and the vehicles later on) in short.
If you want a more detailed outlook containing history exact specifications etc. use your favourite search engine
to get more info. "www.world.guns.ru" is also a great place for detailed info on guns.

a. Guns

This is the USAM standard rifle. Nothing special.
used by: any West soldier except machinegunners, black ops, snipers, tank and aircraft crews
cal.: 5.56*45mm NATO
Mag: 30 rounds
Fire modes:single and burst (3rounds) fire

Fires faster than the M16 and has a lot more ammo. Carrying a M60 will not allow you to carry any other
weapon (e.g. a LAW). Still go for this one if you can: "More bullets means more hits"
Note: Accuracy for MGs has been significantly reduced in the updates. This makes it rather challenging
to fire precisely aimed shots with them.
used by: machinegunner
cal.: 7.62*51mm NATO (.308 Winchester)
Mag: 100 rounds (takes up two gear spaces)
Fire modes: full auto

This one is the precedessor of the well known M4A1 (counter-strike anyone?) I think. The full-auto fire
mode comes in handy for close range encounters. Should be a little less precise than the M16, but that
does'nt really matter: "If you're a good shot, call it a challenge - If you're a bad shot, you'll miss anyway"
used by: crew, pilot
cal.: 5.56*45mm NATO
Mag: 30 rounds
Fire modes: single fire and full auto

This one should probably resemble the HKMP5 Navy equipped with a silencer. IMHO it's far to accurate for
a SMG in the game, but maybe this is a tribute to Major Gastovski's excellent marksmanship.
A kickass weapon.
used by: BlackOp (night and day and all the way)
cal.: 9*19mm Parabellum
Mag: 30 rounds
Fire modes: single fire and full auto

I love sniper rifles, take them down before they even see you! Yet in OFP sniping is not as easy as in
Quake, UT or counter-strike. Study the section in the manual and practice a bit, the rest should be
pure fun.
used by: Sniper
cal.: 7.62*51mm NATO (.308 Winchester)
Mag: 20 rounds
Fire modes: single fire

Although I have never encountered WP-troops armed with this one, I have put this under EAST for obvious
reasons. This is a czech copy of the infamous AK47 developed by Michail Timofeijevich Kalashnikov.
used by: resistance
cal.: 7.62*39mm WP
Mag: 30 rounds
Fire modes: single fire, burst and full auto

A rather useless weapon. Both modes - ball and shell - only allow a single shot. At least shell ammo gives you
a certain kill at short range (as does a burst from any other rifle). However you have to reload after every shot.
I don't know much about this gun. I 've been to "www.czub.cz" and assume that this is the manufacturers homepage.
However I am not sure because my Czech is almost as bad as my Suaheli.
used by: civilians?, resistance?
cal.: apparently 12 Gauge
Mag.: 1(ball) or 7 (shell)
Fire modes: single (ball), septuple (shell)

This is a redesign of the AK47 which should be more accurate and less penetrating than its precedessor IRL.
I prefer this one to the M16, because of the full auto option and because it's one of my favorite JA2 guns.
used by: most Russian soldiers
cal.: 5.45*39mm WP
Mag: 30 rounds
Fire modes: single fire, burst and full auto

Seems to fire faster than the M60. Still it's an ordinary LMG. Carrying a PK will also not allow you to
carry any other weapon (e.g. a RPG).
Note: Accuracy for MGs has been significantly reduced in the updates. This makes it rather challenging
to fire precisely aimed shots with them.
used by: machinegunner
cal.: 7.62*54mm
Mag: 100 rounds
Fire modes: full auto

I cannot see the big difference to it's big brother in the game. It is not silenced like the HK and like
the HK I could not recognize any accuracy difference, although it's actually a SMG (well actually
the AK47 was an SMG too).
used by: SpetzNatz, pilot, crew
cal.: 5.45*39mm
Mag: 30 rounds
Fire modes: single fire, burst and full auto

SVD Dragunov
It's harder to handle than the M21 and has a smaller magazine, but still: This one is soooo cool - Well,
maybe another JA2-sentimentality.
used by: Sniper
cal.: 7.62*54mm
Mag: 10 rounds
Fire modes: single fire

If you can choose, prefer the AK74 as an assault rifle due to its full auto option and the
M21 for sniping, as it makes your life a lot easier with its zooming feature. LMG are fun and
very practical in infantry combat, but they do limit you, since you cannot carry launchers and are
therefore rather helpless against APCs.

b. Launchers

I am going to introduce HDA and BOST now. HDA is short for "Hits to Destroy Abrams" and is my personal
measurement for the effectiveness of anti-tank launchers and rockets. I have chosen the M1A1 Abrams
to compare anti-tank weapons, because it is the toughest armored vehicle in the game. BOST is the
"Biggest One Shot Target" and mentions the toughest target you can destroy with one shot of the mentioned

Equipped with grenades you can use it like a handgrenade; difference: bigger explosions, longer range.
With flares it is handy at night to light up the way and attack enemies at more than sight range.
I am not going to give HDA with this one, as it takes 4-6 grenades (more than you can carry)
to destroy a BMP.
used by: Grenadier
BOST: UAZ, Jeep (with MG)

IMHO acts like a M203 with grenades, just a little stronger. Can be mounted onto any Rifle, but
you have to shoot the mortar first before you can return to normal rifle mode. That makes it rather
unhandy. No HDA here, too. Takes about 3 mortars (you carry this much normally) to destroy a BMP.
used by: Mortar
BOST: UAZ, Jeep (with MG)

basic anti-tank weapon. Only effective against APCs.
used by: LAW soldier
BOST: BMP, M113, Shilka
HDA: 7

Advanced anti tank weapon. This one is about double as effective as the LAW and can take out any tank except
the Abrams and the T80 with a single shot (unfortunately you cannot carry more than that)
used by: AT soldier
BOST: T72, M60
HDA: 3

This is useless. It takes about 5! hits to take down a Mi17 or a Mi24 Hind. I have
tested it with a squad of 12 AA soldiers. They coulnd't take down a Mi24-Gunship (Half of them missed).
You stand a better chance to take down aircraft with an MG or with a M21 sniping the pilot.
It can take out a AH64 with a single shot, but why would an allied soldier want to do that?
used by: AA soldier

underslung grenade launcher (They just won't tell what it is exactly)
Same as the M203
BOST: UAZ, Jeep (with MG)

RPG Nh-75
Also very much like its western brother the LAW. It has a cooler sight I think. Also it is advisable
to use that one in the campaign, as you are more likely to stumble upon ammo in enemy areas.
used by: RPG soldier
BOST: M113, BMP, Shilka
HDA: 7

Like the above, just a Russian version of the Carl Gustav.
used by: AT soldier
BOST: T72, M60
HDA: 3

9K32 Strela
It's the same crap as the western AA launcher. Yet as the western choppers are less armed
it is more useful. It will take 3 hits for an AH1 and 4 for an UH60. If zou are lucky you can take down an AH64
with a SINGLE hit. As you can only carry one charge at a time this is still rather terrible.
You cannnot target an A10 with this one.
used by: AA soldier

Eastern and Western equipment are very much the same, and they teach you one lesson.
If you are infantry and you are up against anything better than one T72 --> RUN!
You are not going to take out a T80 let alone a M1A1 without armored or air support. Also a T72 is
dangerous if you are only equipped with a LAW (or RPG) and have no other supporting LAW soldier.
APCs therefore can be taken out easily.
AA launchers are useless if you are alone and without ammo support. If you are a good shot
you can however use a LAW or RPG to take out choppers. All air units have a LHS of zero.

c. Grenades, Bombs, etc.

Hand Grenades
Frankly I never use them, they may be practical against enemy soldiers who hide behind tree or bush. They
are absolutely ineffective against armored vehicles.
used by: everybody
BOST: UAZ, Jeep (if you are lucky)

Satchel Charges
The most powerful explosive in the game. Alas they have to be planted at the target directly.
You will mostly need them in sabotage missions, but you can also use them to set up an ambush
used by: BlackOp, SpetzNatz
HDA: 2 (but I wouldn't want to be inside that Abrams after the first charge)

These are buggers if you are inside a tank. They are only activated by armored vehicles.
used by: engineer
HDA: 2

Mines or satchel charges are ideal to deal with unaware tanks, if you manage to get them in position.

d. other equipment

Scan that horizon and spot the enemy before he spots you. Pretty much replaced by the scope of the M21
or the Dragunov

NV goggles
At deep midnight they help. At dusk or dawn they'll do more harm than good. Anyway they limit
your field of view, so be careful with using them.

e. Vehicle Weapons

tank cannon, also equipped at BMPs
used by: tanks, BMP
BOST: M60, T55
HDA: 5

alternate tank ammo, the game states that sabot is for armored targets and HEAT for others
but it has a HDA of 5 and an Abrams seems pretty much an armored target to me.
used by: tanks, BMP
BOST: M60, T55
HDA: 5

The vehicle mounted machine guns (and the fix M2) are very effective against infantry.
Do NOT follow the AI's example and bombard infantry with HEAT. Instead let your gunner take them out with the MG.
Also these MGs can be used against choppers (but only if you are a good shot). It will take 75-150 hits
to take out any chopper out of the sky. But remember, I said "HITS", it is rather unlikely you get more than
10% hit percentage targeting a chopper with an MG. This makes 50 hits with a 500 round magazine. So long
used by: tanks, UH60+MG, Jeep+MG, M2 Machinegun

Although not as powerful as the Russian AZP-23, the Vulcan is still a hell of a gun.
You can mow down everything in seconds lest you get blown up your self (Vulcan are only
lightly armored)
used by: Vulcan
HDA: about 40 (remember that this thing is firing fast and can unload 40 shots in the
time you would need to reload a LAW)

30mm cannon
use it against infantry, cars, APCs for airborne combat and sometimes against tanks
if you have a lot of time and ammo.
used by: AH1, AH64

wire-guided anti-tank missiles
used by: AH1
HDA: 3 (sometimes you get it in 2 sometimes you'll need 4)

laser-guided anti-tank missiles
used by: AH64
HDA: 3 (sometimes you get it in 2 sometimes you'll need 4)

intended as air-ground missiles in the game you can still use them against air targets
in manual fire mode. One GOOD placed shot can suffice to take out an enemy helicopter
These are the most effective air-air weapons in the game.
used by: AH1(38), UH60(38)
BOST: Mi24, AH1
HDA: about 10 (they are fast firing,but they are very hard to aim, so you'll have to unload
20 rockets or more to make 10 hits)

30mm Gun (A10)
This one is useless (IMHO). It is very hard to fire a fix nose-mounted cannon at ground targets
or slow helicopters when going at a speed of 300-500 without crashing.
used by: A10

Really big guided air-to-ground missiles with a range of 25km. They'll take out anything.
So why can't the AH1 equip these? Because of their size and weight an AH1 could carry a
maximum of TWO mavericks (I'm not quite sure if he can carry them at all). T
he small number mounted on the A10 gives you 8 targets of your choice to destroy.
The AH64 can actually carry 4 Mavericks IRL but that would also be a complete waste of heli fuel.
used by: A10 (8)
BOST: M1A1 !!!
HDA: 1 !!!

This AA gun can take out any aircraft in seconds. Alas the Shilka it's mounted on is little more
armored than a standard APC and therefore easy to destroy. Also this gun is ideal for larger
bunches of infantry and fast moving cars, as it combines high damage with fast firing rate.
used by: Shilka
HDA: 30-40 (remember that this thing is firing fast and can unload 40 shots in the time you would need
to reload a LAW)

30mm Gun
use it against infantry, cars, and sometimes against APCs, it can take down an A10 rather quickly
(it does an equally good job with Blackhawks and Supercobras)
used by: Mi24

the russian anti-tank missiles (also guided)
used by: Mi24
HDA: 4

57mm rocket
intended as air-ground missiles in the game you can still use them against air targets in
manual fire mode. Two or three direct (I said DIRECT) hits take out any enemy chopper you want.
These are the most effective air-air weapons in the game.
used by: Mi24(64), Mi17(192), Su25(64)
HDA: about 30 (they are fast firing,but they are very hard to aim, so you'll have to unload
60 rockets or more to make 30 hits)

The Russian answer to the Maverick. Devastating stuff which gives the Sowjets their first
weapon with a HDA of 1.
used by: Su25 (6)
BOST: M1A1 !!!
HDA: 1 !!!

Sabot and HEAT do not make a big difference, use Sabot just to be sure. Do not use cannons against
infantry but use the MG instead. Use MGs also to shoot down helicopters.
Prefer the AH1-Supercobra over the MI24-Hind and the Mi17 over the UH60-Blackhawk,
UH60-MG. Shilkas and Vulcans are extremely dangerous for chopper pilots, but can be disposed with a simple tactic.
Duck their fire by either shaking right or left and use their muzzleflash to locate their position (in case
you are too far away to see them). Then dispose of them with a TOW or AT6.
The A10-Thunderbolt is an incredible weapon, but can take out a maximum of 8 targets, as the fix
mounted cannon cannot be properly fired at the speed this plane is going. The Su25 has got a better
maneuverability and therefore stands a chance to deploy its 57mm at the right time. However it only
holds 6 guided missiles so do not waste them.


The same here as for weapons. I'll only cover basic game relevant topics. If you want
details go to the web.

a. cars

...baby you can drive my car...

A truck. The civilian version is completely closed.
crew: 12 (1 driver, 1 in front, 10 in back)

P3VB repair, ammo, fuel
Use these to repair,rearm and refuel armored vehicles and choppers
drive to/land at the truck and select "refuel at refuel truck", "rearm at ammo truck" or "repair at
repair truck" from the action menu.
crew: 2 (1 driver, 1 in front)

Fast, can be driven in any terrain. Unarmed.
crew: 4 (1 driver, 3 passengers)

Jeep with MG
Fast, can be driven in any terrain. Armed with a MG (500 rounds).
crew: 3 (1 driver, 1 in front, 1 gunner)

Pretty much the same as the jeep but faster and better armor (still LHS=0)
crew: 4 (1 driver, 3 passengers)

5t Truck
To be driven on the road, or at least on flat terrain.
crew: 13 (1 driver, 2 in front, 10 in back)

5t Truck open
Passengers of an open truck can be easily ambushed by snipers, machinegunners, etc.
crew: 13 (1 driver, 2 in front, 10 in back)

5t Truck repair, ammo, fuel
Use these to repair,rearm and refuel armored vehicles and choppers
drive to/land at the truck and select "refuel at refuel truck", "rearm at ammo truck" or "repair at
repair truck" from the action menu.
crew: 3 (1 driver, 2 in front)

Russian 4*4, outperformed by the US Jeep
crew: 4 (1 driver, 3 passengers)

UAZ in other design
crew: 4 (1 driver, 3 passengers)

To be driven on the road, or at least on flat terrain.
crew: 13 (1 driver, 2 in front, 10 in back)

Ural open
Passengers of an open truck can be easily ambushed by snipers, machinegunners, etc.
crew: 13 (1 driver, 2 in front, 10 in back)

Ural repair, ammo, fuel
Use these to repair,rearm and refuel armored vehicles and choppers
drive to/land at the truck and select "refuel at refuel truck", "rearm at ammo truck" or "repair at
repair truck" from the action menu.
crew: 3 (1 driver, 2 in front)

You can launch a SCUD short-range ballistic missile from this one. It does not do anything in the game
actually, but serves as mission objective in the campaign twice. Still it looks cool.
crew: 4 (1 driver, 3 passengers)

If you want to drive around take the jeep. Trucks are fine, because they can take in a whole squad
(12 men). Yet all of these are easy to destroy (1 shot from any explosive weapon, some hits with
an MG or AR). Make use of the support trucks, especially to repair tanks and to refuel choppers.

b. armored Vehicles

Now for the introduction of another measurement: LHS (LAW/RPG Hits Surviving).
The more the better the armor; if you want to destroy one of these you need one LAW more than
LHS, logical ... eh?

USAM APC, good against infantry, but watch out for those RPG soldiers.
crew: 10 (1 driver, 1 gunner, 8 in back)
armament: 1 MG (500 rounds)
LHS: 0

M113 Ambulance
you can heal at them, just like you would do at a medic or a field hospital
crew: 4 (1 driver, 3 in back)
armament: none
LHS: 0

small US tank, this is the weakest tank in the game except for the T55 which is almost never present.
crew: 3 (1 commander, 1 driver, 1 gunner)
armament: Sabot (35 rounds), HEAT (35 rounds), MG (500 rounds)
LHS: 1

This is an incredible tank. Only mines and satchel charges do heavy damage, this is a tough one.
This is the only tank, which is not instantly killed with a mine!
The only weapon that can trash this one instantly is a Maverick/Cn-29T!
crew: 3 (1 commander, 1 driver, 1 gunner)
armament: Sabot (35 rounds), HEAT (35 rounds), MG (500 rounds)
LHS: 6

Actually a modified M113 the Vulcan is not as accurate and powerful as the Shilka. Yet it does
a good AA job and can be used as an extremely powerful APC in ground combat.
crew: 2 (1 driver, 1 gunner)
armament: Vulcan (500 rounds)
LHS: 0

small ship, more a troop carrier than an attack vessel
crew: 8 (1 driver, 1 gunner, 6 in back)
armament: 1 MG (500 rounds)
LHS: 0

This big ship obvously is only there for ambience. It can take up some troops and drive around, but is not armed.
It is obviously intended to be indestructible in the game. It took me 50 (fifty!) satchel charges touched off simultaneously
to put it to status red and 4 more to blow it up completely.
crew: 1 driver and a lot of passengers (certainly more than 25 men)
armament: none
LHS: a lot; I have not tried it but the HDA of a LAW is 7 and the HDA of SatchelCharges is 2 (less than 2 actually but there are no
half satchel charges in the game), so the LHS of this one must be around 200 [(54/2)*7=189]

The Russian APC not only has a MG but also a cannon which makes it a lot more dangerous than the M113
crew: 11 (1 commander, 1 driver, 1 gunner, 8 in back)
armament: Sabot (15 rounds), HEAT (15 rounds), MG (500 rounds)
LHS: 0

BMP Ambulance
you can heal at them, just like you would do at a medic or a field hospital
crew: 4 (1 commander, 1 driver, 3 in back)
LHS: 0

This AA-Tank is armed with an exceptional weapon that can take out everything (except the LST)
in seconds. Unfortunately it gets blown away by one single LAW.
crew: 3 (1 commander, 1 driver, 1 gunner)
armament: AZP-23 (500 rounds)
LHS: 0

This is the weakest tank in the game, still it is a tank. If you are up against infantry this one is fine, but once again
watch out for the LAW soldiers.
crew: 3 (1 commander, 1 driver, 1 gunner)
armament: Sabot (35 rounds), HEAT (35 rounds), MG (500 rounds)
LHS: 1

A fine tank, infantry stands no chance against one of these. As AT soldiers are rare and this tank can sustain
2 LAW hits the LAW soldiers of a unit will be dead mostly before they can finish it off. Remember that this is
the BOST of the CarlGustav Launcher!
crew: 3 (1 commander, 1 driver, 1 gunner)
armament: Sabot (35 rounds), HEAT (35 rounds), MG (500 rounds)
LHS: 2

The best Russian tank. Besides the Abrams it is the only tank, that survives a hit from a CarlGustav/AT4
Still it is clearly outperformed by the M1A1.
crew: 3 (1 commander, 1 driver, 1 gunner)
armament: Sabot (35 rounds), HEAT (35 rounds), MG (500 rounds)
LHS: 3

small ship, more a troop carrier than an attack vessel
crew: 12 (1 driver, 1 gunner, 10 in back)
armament: dobule MG (500 rounds)
LHS: 0

The naval units are transporters basically. The APCs cannot take in a whole squad but are more secure than truck,
because they are immune to bullets. Beware of LAW soldiers and tanks, when you use APCs, you could lose
your 10 men to just one grenade. The M1A1 is by far the best tank with no match from the Russian side. Most tanks
can face infantry without danger if no AT soldier (CarlGustav/AT4) is present.

c. aircraft

I have decided to come up with the AAHS measurement again. The appearing of the AH64 and the Chinook in the update
combined with new test results made me do so. However I cannot give exact numbers but will vary between +1 and -1.
It seems to depend very much on, where you hit the chopper.
AAHS stands for AA hits surviving and gives the number of AA missiles an aircraft can take in before
complete destruction.

The Supercobra is a fine attack chopper. Heavily armed it can take out a lot of enemy tanks. Yet it
can be shot down itself easily. So be careful with that Shilkas and Mi24s.
crew: 2 (1 pilot, 1 gunner)
armament: 30mm cannon (500 rounds), TOW (8), FFAR (38)

The Apache still is among the best combat copters worldwide today.
Despite its exceptional weaponry it is not so heavily armored and can be taken out by a single
AA missile. So be careful.
crew: 2 (1 pilot, 1 gunner)
armament: 30mm cannon (500 rounds), Hellfire (8), FFAR (38)

A nice transport heli, but not the fighting type
crew: (1 pilot, 1 gunner, 12 in back)
armament: FFAR (38)

This one is fun. Instead of the armament with FFARs it has a MG mounted in the cargo bay
shooting to the left side.
crew: 14 (1 pilot, 1 gunner, 12 in back)
armament: MG (500 rounds)

BIG troop carrier. Can take in two complete squads PLUS gunner and pilot. Alas it is only
lightly armed and can take only 3 AA hits.
crew: 26 (1 pilot, 1 gunner, 24 in back)
armament: MG (500 rounds)

The Thunderbolt is fast, and deadly, but too fast sometimes. Can take out anything
and cannot be taken out by anything EXCEPT Shilkas (and Hinds sometimes).
They do a very good job at shooting down Thunderbolts.
crew: 1 pilot
armament: 30mm cannon (500 rounds),Maverick (8)
cannot be targeted with AA launchers! (which makes up for the low AAHS)

This red army carrier is BIG and can take in quite a bit of damage before it falls off the sky.
The 57mm rockets are nice too, but difficult to aim and not the main purpose of this heli.
crew: 14 (1 pilot, 1 gunner, 12 in back)
armament: 57mm rockets (192)

The Hind is not as good as the AH1 in anti-tank roles, but it is better armored. In air-air combats
it show its real skills and can sometimes even take out an A10. AA soldiers are not a real danger
for this one. It's armored heavily and can sustain most damage of all aircraft. However the incredible
AAHS of >10 mentioned in earlier versions of this WT has proven to be a matter of chance.
actual AAHS is 5-7
crew: 8 (1 pilot, 1 gunner, 6 in back)
armament: 30mm cannon (500 rounds), AT6 (8), 57mm rockets (64)

The Frogfoot is easier to fly but harder to aim. It only has 6 guided missiles and will sometimes require
you to dive in for a hit with the 57mm rockets or even the 30mm cannon.
As the A10 tt can take out anything and cannot be taken out by anything.
This again excludes Shilkas, Hinds and EXTREMELY lucky groundfighters.
crew: 1 pilot
armament: 30mm cannon (500 rounds), 57mm rockets(64), Cn-29T(6)
cannot be targeted with AA launchers! (which makes up for the low AAHS)

The AH1 and the A10 are the best choices against ground targets. The Su25 is able to
outperform the A10 if it is provided with a good pilot. The AH64 is too risky, as it gets taken out by a single AA soldier.
The Russian choppers can take more damage and excel in airfight.
UH60 and Mi17 are ideal troop carriers.


By the way, if you want to confirm or disprove any of the above, here are my test criterias:
I set up a mission on Desert Island containing every armored vehicle and aircraft (empty), every infantry unit and
a lot of ammo boxes. I placed my self about 100m away in a M1A1. Then I previewed, gunned everyone down
(including my tank crew I told to disembark ... actually I ran them over ... ah what the hell).
Now I was there sitting happily with every single weapon in the game and every possible target
(the empty vehicles), oh ... and with a lot of corpses.

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17.Oktober 2013
Munitionstrainer (für v1.96)

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Munitionstrainer (für v1.85)

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Munitions-Trainer (für v1.46 Singleplayer)

18.Oktober 2013
Munitions-Trainer (für v1.40), jetzt auch WinXP-Kompatibel

15.Oktober 2013
Munitions-Trainer (für v1.42)

18.Oktober 2013
Munitions-Trainer (für v1.30)

18.Oktober 2013
Munitions-Trainer (für v1.40 US)

17.Oktober 2013
Auch auf deutsch verfügbar
Engl. Lösung

17.Oktober 2013
Unbegrenzt viel Munition und Dauerfeuer (für v1.20)

15.Oktober 2013
Dieser dt. Trainer ermöglicht es unendlich oft abzupeichern

16.Oktober 2013
Die Datei 1985.sqc einfach ins Temp-Verzeichnis des Games kopieren und dann kann man alle Missionen spielen.

06.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Ermöglicht unbegrenztes Abspeichern

14.Oktober 2013
Schnellfeuern und unbegrenzte Munition (anderer Trainer)

18.Oktober 2013
Schnellfeuern und unbegrenzte Munition

15.Oktober 2013
Munitiontrainer für die Demoversion (für v0.36)

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
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13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
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24.März 2020