Diablo II: Lord of Destruction

Diablo 2 - Lord of Destruction

16.10.2013 17:35:59
Special FAQ for the druid
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Lord Of Destruction

*Druid FAQ/Walkthrough

1. Introduction
2. Author's Note
3. Plans and Focus
4. Druid Skill Trees
b)Shape Shifting
5. Suggestions
a)Werewolf vs. Werebear
b)Oak Sage vs. Heart of Wolverine vs. Spirit of Barbs
c)Carrion Vine vs. Solar Creeper
6. Physical Immunition
7. Walkthrough
a)Act 1
b)Act 2
c)Act 3
d)Act 4
e)Act 5
8. Bosses Guide
9. Special Thanks

Hi, well, I certainly can't deny that the reason I use Druid is that he
is an expansion charracter. The reason I choose Druid than Assasin is I
heard that Druid is able to summon like Necro, the character I used and
love till I made a FAQ for him, and I heard Blizzard said that he is
able to transform into animals and casts elemental spells, and the first
thought I have is that he is surely more adapt in fighting than Necro.
Well, I don't feel to talk much about my history, so let the fun begins.

This document is copyright to Depthcharge, you MUSTN'T sell it, publish
it in any magazine or put it on a CD for sale. If you want to contribute
this FAQ please let me know(by emailing me). This FAQ is for private use
only and can be found at "www.gamefaqs.com", "www.neoseeker.com".

First version.
Correct some minor mistakes.
Add act 5 map.
Add more stuff.
Correct some minor errors.
Add a new topic on how to face those pesky physical immuned monsters.
Add some ways to find those good items.
Correct some mistakes.
Change a lot of stuff as 1.09 is released.
Also correct some serious mistakes.
Final 1.0:
Last update.

Start doing at 25-06-2001
*NOTE:If there aren't any major mistakes or changes, I will not update

Why a Druid? Everyone has it own reasons. For me, I have told my reason
just above. Druid is an interesting character, you see, he can summon
like necro, change into animals to become more powerful and casts spells
like sorceress. Although it seems cool when you hear about it, some
spells will rather be disappointed when you really use them, but, he
still has it specialty, and a Druid can be extremely powerful if you do
it correctly. In this FAQ, I will share my experience with you, if you
don't agree about it, it's your choice, remember, I am just here to help
, so don't get mad when I have a different opinion, but, you have any
problems, don't hesitate to mail me, I will certainly try to help as
much as I can. Ah, I nearly forgot, if you have any questions, please
do not mail me anymore, you should check the forum instead. Thankz.
If you are seeking for his history, Blizzard.com will be your best
destination, drop by and have a look!

First, let's talk about equipments.
Personally, I think that stuff that adds skills are surely the best, but
not for weapons. Since I am still playing Nightmare, I found this
weapons through trading(most of them) and some I found them myself. If
you only stick to single player, you gotta praise for some luck.

Now, these are the equipments I have found pretty nice for an
intermediate Druid, so have a look if you have reached about level 30
but lower than level 70. If you are higher than level 70, check out my
expert's set.

These stuff aren't perfect, but before you can wear the best armor, use
the best weapon, you gotta think about their requirements, and these
are the best you can find and wear at your level. Happy hunting.
1. Peasant Crown War hat
2. Silks of The Victor Ancient Armor
3. Ginther's Rift Dimensional Blade
4. Sigon's Tower Shield
5. Sigon's Warp Plated Belt
6. Frostburn Gauntlets
7. Tearhaunch Greaves
8. Hierophant's Amulet
9. The Stone of Jordan Ring

These are the attributes of these stuff:

Peasant Crown War Hat
Required Strength:20
Required Level:28
15% Faster walk/run
+1 To all skill levels
+100% Enhanced defense
Replenish life +12
+20 To energy
+20 To vitality
Comments: Look at this, not only it adds 1 level to all skills but the
other attributes kick ass too! But for a druid, you can also
have druid's exceptional helmet that adds skills, though I
couldnt find any, but if you have, use them, some are even

Silks of The Victor Ancient Armor
Required Strength:100
Required Level:28
+2 To light radius
+1 To all skill levels
5% Mana stolen per hit
+120% Enhanced Defense
Comments: Man, good news. This defense of this armor is raised a lot.
Now, you can choose to wear this than skullder's, cuz the
differences aren't a lot now. Nice. Finally the popular ol'
Silks of the Victor rockz now. Sweet.

Ginther's Rift Dimensional Blade
One Hand Damage:64-155
Required Dexterity:60
Required Strength:85
Required Level:37
Sword Class-Very fast attack speed
Add 50-120 Magic damage
Magic damage reduced by 11
+200% Enhanced damage
Repairs 1 durability in 5 seconds
Add 25-50 damage
30% Increase attack speed
Comments: Change a bit in 1.09, but still it rockz, for lower level

Sigon's Tower Shield
Chance To Block:64%
Required Strength:75
Required Level:18
Increase chance of blocking
+1 to all skill levels
Comments: Lack of resistance, low defense, other than the add skills,
just plain suck. So why I get it? Read below.
If you get only this shield, it won't probably prove its
worthy, so, to get this useful, you must have Sigon's Warp
Plated Belt to gain some partial bonus from these two items.
Besides, remember to get it socketed at Act 5 to add some
resistance. What's the partial bonus? It's further below.

Sigon's Warp Plated Belt
Required Strength:60
Required Level:6
Fire resist +20%
+20 To life
Comments: Again, if you get this alone, it is totally useless. But it
you get Sigon's Tower Shield, see the partial bonus I gain.
-Add X Defense(Base on your character level)
-10% Life stolen per hit
Now, the life leeching bonus is hell useful for Shape Shifters
, for an example, my Druid max(In bear) now is 1020, that
means, I when I attack Diablo, each hit will gain myself 102
HP! If your attack rating is high and able to hit Diablo often
, you won't really need a potion(though I had a lot since
Diablo's Red Lightning dealed too much damage, but for other
like Duriel, I drank NO potions to kill him)
Now, the add defense bonus, at level 46, it adds 92 defense,
so the actual belt's defense 100, wow, that's the point, your
shield's defense is low, but your belt's defense grows each
level you gain, and remember after socketing one perfect
diamond into the shield, you gain +19% resistance! Yay!

Frostburn Gauntlets
Required Strength:60
Required Level:29
+30 Defense
+20% Enhanced defense
5% Enhanced damage
Increase maximum mana 40%
Add 1-6 to cold damage
+30 Defense
Comments: Again, it is better in 1.09. The defense is higher. And still
it is the best gauntlets for lower level character who is
lacked of mana.

Tearhaunch Greaves
Required Strength:70
Required Level:29
+75% Enhanced Defense
20% Faster run/walk
All resistance +10
+35 Defense
+5 To dexterity
+5 To strength
+2 To Vigor (Paladin Only)
Comments: I couldn't find better greaves, so this will be the best till
I find others.

Hierophant's Amulet
Required Level:67
+2 To Druid skills
Comments: As I have said, get an amulet that adds skills, if you aren't
able to reach the level yet, find a Shaman's Amulet that add
1 to all skill levels.

The Stone Of Jordan Ring
Required Level:29
+1 To all skill levels
Increase maximum mana 25%
Add 1-12 lightning damage
+20 To mana
Comments: This ring is so hard to find! I get this through a friend of
a friend and this ring's attributes rockz. Since I have 2 of
them, so my mana increasing is 25%+25%+40%(from frostburn)=
90%, so my mana is crazy high! Sweet!

Ass you move on, you will realize your stuff are lacked of somthing-
Defense. It's true, the apprentice's set have quite low defense. Anyway,
we gotta do something, that is seek for better items. That's how I find
this all items. If you have the courage, you can get them. Trust
yourself. Well, these are the stuff I wear now, some of them are traded
on Battle.net, some of them are obtained trhough gambling, and I also
get some of them by the droppings drom Bosses. Well, these aren't easy
to find, be sure to waste a month or two to get them.
If you have problems about resistance, try finding a medium charm named
Shimmering Large Charm cuz it adds 8 to all resistance, duplicate it and
have 4 of them in your inventory and you should have no probs on
1. Harlequin Crest Shako
2. Skullder's Ire Russet Armor
3. Baranar's Star Devil Star
4. Sigon's Tower Shield
5. Sigon's Warp Plated Belt
6. Hellmouth War Gauntlets
7. Tearhaunch Greaves
8. Hierophant's Amulet
9. The Stone of Jordan Ring
10.Bul-Kathos' Wedding Ban Ring

Their properties are:

Harlequin Crest Shako
Required Strength:50
Required Level:62
+2 To all skill levels
+X to Life(Based on character level)
+X to Mana(Based on character level)
Damage reduced 10%
+2 to Strength
+2 to Dexterity
+2 to Vitality
+2 to Energy
50% better chance of getting magic items
Comments: Again totally changed in 1.09. The add 40% max HP is cleared
and instead it adds a certain amount to life and mana base
on your level. The HP bonus is greatly decreased, sad, and the
+2 to stats basically don't have much effect. I prefer
Harlequin Crest at 1.08. Though I haven't find better caps.

Skullder's Ire Russet Armor
Required Strength:97
Required Level:42
Repairs 1 durability In 4 Seconds
X% Extra gold from monsters(Based on character level)
+1 To all skill levels
+200% Enhanced defense
Magic damage reduced by 10
X% better chance of getting magic items(Based on character level)
Comments: It has the same function that adds 1 to all skills like Silks
of the Victor Ancient Armor. Defense is surely a lot more than
Silks of the Victor, and the other properties make it an
upgrade from Silks of the Victor. Some properties is changed
in 1.09 though. Still not bad.

Baranars' Star Devil Star
One Hand Damage:129-159
Required Dexterity:44
Required Strength:153
Required Level:65

Mace Class-Very Fast Attack Speed
10% Chance to cast level 5 Meteor on attack
+X to Vitality(Based on character level)
200% Bonus to attack rating
+200% Enhanced damage
+15 To Dexterity
30% Increased attack speed

Mace Class-Very Fast Attack Speed
+200% Enhanced Damage
150% Damage To Undead
Adds 1-200 Fire Damage
Adds 1-200 Lightning Damage
Adds 1-200 Cold Damage
50% Increased Attack Speed
200% Bonus To Attack Rating
+15 To Dexterity
+15 To Strength
Comments: The Baranars is better at 1.08, since it adds hell HP. Though
it is totally changed in 1.09. Its elemental damage is nice,
though the min damage suck. Anyway, I use Schaefer's Hammer
Legendary Mallet, cuz it does more max damage and if socket
one Ohm rune, it's perfect. This is its stats.
|Schaefer's Hammer Legendary Mallet |
|One-Hand Damage: 87 To X(Based on character level) |
|Required Level:79 |
|Required Strength:189 |
|Mace Class-Fast Attack Speed |
|Indestructible |
|+75% Enhanced Damage |
|+ X To Maximum Damage(Based On character Level) |
|150% Damage To Undead |
|5% Chance To Cast Level 5 Static Field On Attack |
|20% Increased Attack Speed |
|+ X To Attack Rating(Based On character Level) |
|Lightning Resist +50% |
|+50 To Life |

Sigon's Tower Shield
Chance To Block:64%
Required Strength:75
Required Level:18
Increase chance of blocking
+1 to all skill levels
Comments: I just can't find any shields better than it. No, I mean when
I equip this with Sigon's Warp Plated Belt. Well, you should
know what's the bonus you get, as it has been mentioned above.
I think I will equip this till I got bored about Diablo 2.

Sigon's Warp Plated Belt
Required Strength:60
Required Level:6
Fire resist +20%
+20 To life
Comments: I won't mention about the partial bonus again. If you need to
know, read above. The reason I keep it is also because the
upgradable defense. I am now at level 65, and its defense 138,
can't be say very very high cuz may be there are better belts.
But I think when I reach level 99, its defense is probably the
highest of all belts. Though the shield's defense suck, but
you gotta know that the belt has replaced the flawed.

Hellmouth War Gauntlets
Required Strength:110
Required Level:47
5% Chance to cast level 1 Meteor on attack
Cannot be frozen
+150% Enhanced defense
Fire resist +20%
Adds 15-40 fire damage
Attacker takes damage of 10
Comments: A fire version of Frostburn Gauntlets, sorta. The defense is
surely better, but it has lost the +40% to maximum mana.
Casters can still keep Frostburn, but for shapeshifters, since
your mana is always upgrading per level(though you didn't pump
any points to mana after reaching 45, and that's called as
natural growth) take this. The "Cannot be frozen" ability is
very very useful for melee fighters. One thing still confuses
me, why we need such high strength to wear gauntlets? Are
they that heavy? That doesn't really make sense.

Tearhaunch Greaves
Required Strength:70
Required Level:29
+75% Enhanced Defense
20% Faster run/walk
All resistance +10
+35 Defense
+5 To dexterity
+5 To strength
+2 To Vigor (Paladin Only)
Comments: The only change in 1.09 that makes me happy. I know the add
skills doesn't benefit me, but the defense is raised a lot.

Hierophant's Amulet
Required Level:67
+2 To Druid skills
Comments: I couldn't find any amulets that add skills and other
properties except for the Plague Eye Amulet. This amulet
(Plague Eye Amulet) adds 2 to all shape shifting skills so I
couldn't write its name up since it is useless for casters.
But the Plague Eye Amulet is really better, since it adds a
lot of resisntance. Anyway, if you are not a shape shifters,
get Hierophant's Amulet, though my Hierophant's Amulet has
no other properties except for adding 2 to all Druid skills.

The Stone Of Jordan Ring
Required Level:29
+1 To all skill levels
Increase maximum mana 25%
Add 1-12 lightning damage
+20 To mana
Comments: When I am at lower level, I keep 2 SOJs. But as I moved on, I
found another unique ring that adds skills. I can actually
duplicate the item, but I didn't cuz I think SOJ isn't totally
useless. The properties that adds 25% to maximum mana saves
him from being sold. LOL. Keep one SOJ and the next slot
for the following ring.

Bul-Kathos' Wedding Ban Ring
Required Level:58
+1 To all skill levels
4% Life stolen per hit
+50 Maximum stamina
+X To life(Based on character level)
+50 Maximum stamina
Comments: Yay, another upgrade that is nice. The life bonus is still
higher than previous and it adds some to stamina. Though it
isn't upgraded a lot, I just hope it don't get toned down
like others.
*It is good to socket your items with Um rune or perfect diamond to add
resistance, so add sockets, complete act 5 first quest.

Well, a lot of people email me asking actually how to get these items. I
found there are some ways, try it and see which you love the most.
1. Go to battle.net and trade for them. It takes some time and it isn't
effective cuz the people there dislike trading or they will need a
of SOJs or other stuff for that.
2. Get the Cowking. I love this, and probably the best. You actually
more than 3 chances, cuz when I found something good dropped by it, I
give it to a trusted friend and copy the default d2s that hasn't
beaten Cowking yet and join your friend's game and tell him to give
you back.
3. OK, one major mistake that I said to gamble for sets and uniques at
1.08, sorry, cuz I gambled uniques in Diablo II. But as 1.09 is
released, you can now gamble for uniques and sets again, though the
chance is low. Note that the MF doesn't help you in gambling.
4. Recently, I found out the importance of magic find bonus. Try a
character that is trained to find items and let him wear the most
MF he can. Highest is 1000+% I think, and it's effective. You can
find a lot of rares. That mean you are near uniques too.

Of course, the alternatives ain't meant for this. If you still can't
find them, never mind, try get a good and high defense normal item and
have it imbued. You gotta reload a lot of times until you get something
you like but it's worth when you imbued sometime hell good. Again, if
you don't wanna waste the reward, trade it to a friend and repeat the
process I mentioned at ways number 2.
I tried to imbue a good boots but I have tried for 3 days but nothing is
good. That normal boot has 90+ defense.

If you are going to be a caster, pump points to mana forever, be sure
to put points to strength since you need brute strength to equip better
items, dexterity is useless for casters, and a little points for
For a bear or wolf, pump your mana till about 45 then stop, it's very
enough for a shape shifters and if you have 2 SOJs(Stone of
Jordan) and Frostburn Gauntlets, it would be more perfect. More strength
and vitality for wolf and A LOT dexterity for bear.

Get a skill tree and stick to it, don't spread them, or it will be your
worst nightmare.
I STRONGLY encourage you to be a shape shifters. At long term, they will
prove more useful than the elemental(in fact, most of them suckz) and
those summoned creatures. Just like Necro, Fire Golem is vulnerable in
Hell, but Necro always has the best summoning spells, revive. But for
Druid, you can only 3 dire wolves or one grizzly, just like the Fire
Golem, but it's still your choice.
My choice is a Dbear, but it is harder to get a good Dbear than a Dwolf.
For more info, read the Wolf vs. Bear section.

Weakest of all trees.
Basically, it is just the weaker version of sorceress fire and cold
spells. The elemental can be divide into fire spells and wind spells
(most of them do cold damage though). If you really wanna choose this
tree, you are getting yourself a hard time. A few points to summoning
is not bad idea to support.
*NOTE: While your Druid in animal form, he won't be able to cast any
elemental spells.

Molten Artic
Boulder(6) Blast(6)
| |
Fissure Cyclone
(12) Armor(12)
| |
| Twister
| (18)
| |
Volcano Tornado
(24) (24)
| |
(30) (30)

Requirements :Level 1
Description :Just like firewall, but a lot weaker.
Advantages :Required very little mana, mana cost remain constant(4).
Disadvantages:Low damage, inaccurate.
Comments :Totally useless, put a point to get other spells and
forget about it.
Grade :C-

Level Average Fire Mana
DMG Per Second Cost
1 3-7 4
2 7-10 4
3 10-14 4
4 14-17 4
5 17-21 4
6 21-24 4
7 24-28 4
8 28-31 4
9 32-36 4
10 37-41 4
11 42-45 4
12 46-50 4
13 51-55 4
14 56-59 4
15 60-64 4
16 65-69 4
17 71-75 4
18 77-80 4
19 83-86 4
20 89-92 4

-Molten Boulder-
Requirements :Level 6, Firestorm
Description :Cast a boulder that knockbacks opponents.
Advantages :Mana cost isn't very high, when stuck, cast it to open a
way to escape, knockbacks opponents. Explodes when it hits
obstruction, causing some more damage.
Disadvantages:Inaccurate, casting delay is long, damage is low.
Comments :Great to escape from the heat of battle, but it's too
inaccurate to be useful. Some points won't harm though.
Grade :B

Level Average Fire Mana
DMG Per Second Cost
1 11-16 10
2 19-24 10.5
3 28-32 11
4 36-41 11.5
5 44-49 12
6 52-57 12
7 60-65 13
8 69-73 13
9 79-84 14
10 90-94 14
11 100-105 15
12 111-116 15
13 121-126 16
14 132-137 16
15 142-147 17
16 153-158 17
17 166-171 18
18 179-183 18
19 192-196 19
20 205-209 19

-Artic Blast-
Requirements :Level 6
Description :Ice version of inferno.
Advantages :Frozen targets, range can be increased, does decent
damages if continuously casted.
Disadvantages:Once target on one enemy, the direction couldn't be
changed. Need a heck lot of mana to make it effective.
Comments :Does OK cold damage, range is quite nice when maxed, but
there are better spells.
Grade :C+

Level Cold DMG Cold Length Range Mana
Per Second (Seconds) (yards) Cost
1 8-15 4 5.3 4
2 14-21 4.6 6 5
3 20-28 5.2 6 6
4 26-34 5.8 6.6 7
5 33-40 6.4 6.6 7
6 39-46 7 7.3 8
7 45-53 7.6 7.3 9
8 51-59 6.8 8 10
9 58-66 7.2 8 10
10 65-72 7.6 8.6 11
11 71-79 8 8.6 12
12 78-85 8.4 9.3 13
13 85-92 8.8 9.3 14
14 91-99 9.2 10 14
15 98-105 9.6 10 15
16 105-112 10 10.6 16
17 112-119 10.4 10.6 17
18 119-126 10.8 11.3 17
19 126-133 11.2 11.3 18
20 133-140 11.6 12 19

Requirements :Level 12, Firestorm, Molten Boulder
Description :Cast a fissure on the ground.
Advantages :Mana cost remains constant, has range.
Disadvantages:Duration is short, casting delay is long, damage is not
high enough, attacks randomly.
Comments :Of course it does better damage than Molten Boulder, but
the casting delay is kinda long, sometimes you may miss
the target. Besides, it attacks randomly at the area you
cast, so there is no 100% to hit the enemy.
Grade :B+

Level Average Fire Mana
DMG Per Second Cost
1 15-25 15
2 21-31 15
3 27-37 15
4 33-43 15
5 39-49 15
6 45-55 15
7 51-61 15
8 57-67 15
9 69-79 15
10 81-91 15
11 93-103 15
12 105-115 15
13 117-127 15
14 129-139 15
15 141-151 15
16 153-163 15
17 169-179 15
18 185-195 15
19 201-211 15
20 217-227 15

-Cyclone Armor-
Requirements :Level 12, Artic Blast
Description :Creates a defensive armor that absorbs elemental damage.
Advantages :Since it absorbs elemental damage, when cyclone is armor
is casted around you, you won't be damaged by fire, cold
and lightning attacks, absorbs more damage than necro's
Bone Armor.
Disadvantages:It doesn't absorb physical damage, where most of the
enemies is physical attackers.
Comments :Nice, for shape shifters, this is the only spell worth
learning in the elemental tree. Cast it before you change
and you can last a bit longer from mages. For elementary
Druid, this is also useful, but Bone Armor is still a bit
better cuz most of the enemies are physical attackers.
Grade :A-

Level DMG Absorbed Mana Cost
1 40 5
2 52 6
3 64 7
4 76 8
5 88 9
6 100 10
7 112 11
8 124 12
9 136 13
10 148 14
11 160 15
12 172 16
13 184 17
14 196 18
15 208 19
16 220 20
17 232 21
18 244 22
19 256 23
20 268 24

Requirements :Level 18, Artic Blast, Cyclone Armor
Description :Creates several small tornado.
Advantages :Can stun, mana cost low and remains constant, wide attack
Disadvantages:Randomly attacks, stun length is way too short, damage
suckz, inaccurate, have to cast a lot to make it useful.
Comments :I love Tornado better, since it does more damage, but
using twister to support Tornado is a good idea. Learn to
aim is very important too.
Grade :C+

Level Damage Mana Cost Stun Length
1 6-8 7 0.4
2 8-10 7 0.4
3 10-12 7 0.4
4 12-14 7 0.4
5 14-16 7 0.4
6 16-18 7 0.4
7 18-20 7 0.4
8 20-22 7 0.4
9 23-25 7 0.4
10 27-29 7 0.4
11 30-32 7 0.4
12 34-36 7 0.4
13 37-39 7 0.4
14 41-43 7 0.4
15 44-46 7 0.4
16 48-50 7 0.4
17 52-54 7 0.4
18 57-59 7 0.4
19 61-63 7 0.4
20 66-68 7 0.4

Requirements :Level 24, Firestorm, Molten Boulder, Fissure
Description :Creates a volcano that bursts out molten rock randomly
at that area, while causing damages to enemies.
Advantages :Has range, mana cost remains constant, does medium damage
, wide attack range.
Disadvantages:Attacks randomly, casting delay is way too long.
Comments :Isn't a very good spell, as it attacks too randomly and
misses enemies most of the time, and the casting delay
makes this spell useless.
Grade :C

Level Fire DMG Mana Cost
1 15-20 25
2 19-24 25
3 23-28 25
4 27-32 25
5 31-36 25
6 35-40 25
7 39-44 25
8 43-48 25
9 51-56 25
10 59-64 25
11 67-72 25
12 75-80 25
13 83-88 25
14 91-96 25
15 99-104 25
16 107-112 25
17 119-124 25
18 131-139 25
19 143-148 25
20 155-160 25

Requirements :Level 24, Artic Blast, Cyclone Armor, Twister
Description :Release a powerful twister.
Advantages :Mana cost remains constant and low, does a decent damage,
has a wide attack range.
Disadvantages:Again, it goes randomly around, so it may misses target
very often, gotta cast a lot to make it more accurate,
Attack range is lower than Twister, takes time to learn
aiming accurately.
Comments :Better than twister since it does a lot more damage,
though lower attack range, use this while having Hurricane
casted around you.
Grade :B-

Level Damage Mana Cost
1 25-35 10
2 33-43 10
3 41-51 10
4 49-59 10
5 57-67 10
6 65-75 10
7 73-83 10
8 81-91 10
9 95-105 10
10 109-119 10
11 123-133 10
12 137-147 10
13 151-161 10
14 165-175 10
15 179-189 10
16 193-203 10
17 213-223 10
18 233-243 10
19 253-263 10
20 273-283 10

Requirements :Level 30, Artic Blast, Cyclone Armor, Twister, Tornado
Description :Creates a large hurricane surrounding your druid for 10
seconds, damaging any enemies who come close to you.
Advantages :It does very nice cold damage, radius is kinda large, mana
cost remains constant.
Disadvantages:Mana cost is quite high, duration and radius can't be
upgraded, have to run into the battlefield to cause
damages, thus making yourself invulnerable to enemies,
takes time to learn hitting target accurately, casting
delay is sooooooo long.
Comments :Though its disadvantages seems a lot, it's still a very
good spell in this tree, cold damage is nice, worth
learning though.
Grade :A-

Level Cold Damage Mana Cost Duration Radius
(seconds) (yards)
1 25-50 30 10 5.3
2 32-57 30 10 5.3
3 39-64 30 10 5.3
4 46-71 30 10 5.3
5 53-78 30 10 5.3
6 60-85 30 10 5.3
7 67-92 30 10 5.3
8 74-99 30 10 5.3
9 84-109 30 10 5.3
10 94-119 30 10 5.3
11 104-129 30 10 5.3
12 114-139 30 10 5.3
13 124-149 30 10 5.3
14 134-159 30 10 5.3
15 144-169 30 10 5.3
16 154-179 30 10 5.3
17 166-191 30 10 5.3
18 178-203 30 10 5.3
19 190-215 30 10 5.3
20 202-227 30 10 5.3

Requirements :Level 30, Firestorm, Molten Boulder, Artic Blast, Fissure,
Cyclone Armor, Twister, Tornado, Volcano, Hurricane
Description :After casting it, meteor will be raining around you
randomly, damaging enemies when the meteors hit them.
Advantages :The highest damage in this tree, mana costs remains
constant, wide attack range.
Disadvantages:This... is crazy inaccurate! In fact, I think this skill
suckz... Though the damage is high, it will ALWAYS misses
your opponents, raining too randomly, duration and radius
can't be upgraded, a mana consuming spell, have to risk
your own to hit enemies, won't be able to learn how to hit
accurately forever.
Comments :I hate this spell, Hurricane is a lot more better, if you
wanna try, go ahead, but I am sure this skill suckz hard,
It took me forever to hit a few foes, and it rains just
too randomly.
Grade :C

Level Average Fire Mana Duration Radius
DMG Per Second Cost (seconds) (yards)
1 25-75 35 10 5.3
2 40-90 35 10 5.3
3 55-105 35 10 5.3
4 70-120 35 10 5.3
5 85-135 35 10 5.3
6 100-150 35 10 5.3
7 115-165 35 10 5.3
8 130-180 35 10 5.3
9 150-200 35 10 5.3
10 170-220 35 10 5.3
11 190-240 35 10 5.3
12 210-260 35 10 5.3
13 230-280 35 10 5.3
14 150-300 35 10 5.3
15 270-320 35 10 5.3
16 290-340 35 10 5.3
17 315-365 35 10 5.3
18 340-390 35 10 5.3
19 365-415 35 10 5.3
20 390-440 35 10 5.3

b)Shape Shifting
Best of all skill trees. In Hell, this tree will still prove to be very
useful. Oh, forgot to tell wat this is this tree, well, this tree gives
you the ability to transform into Bear or Wolf and while in their form,
they can use other useful skills, besides, after transforming, you gain
some bonus, for an example, shape shifting to a Bear let you gain more
defense, damage, and more life. In short, this is the tree you should
focus in. I love it Bear.

(1) (1)
| |
| | Werebear
| | (6)
| | |
Feral | Maul
Rage(12)\ | /(12)
| \ | / |
Rabies ---------->Fire<----------- |
(18) Claws(18) |
| | |
| Hunger Shockwave
| (24) (24)

Requirements :Level 1
Description :Transform your Druid into a wolf, and gain some bonus.
Advantages :Mana cost is low at later levels, remains constant,
makes you attack more accurately, faster attack speed,
a little more HP and stamina.
Disadvantages:Costs a lot for a Druid at first, doesn't increase damage,
defense, the life bonus is too low.
Comments :A very good skill, for most players, they love wolf than a
bear, it's because to be a good bear is hard, cuz you
gotta equip some items(some recommendation is below) to be
a good bear. Besides, you gotta put more points into some
bear's skill to see its effectiveness. It's your choice to
get wolf or bear, and don't split the points. Wolf and
Bear each has their own advantages and disadvantages, if
you need more info, refer to the next section.
Max this after you have maxed your special attacks.
Grade :A

Level Attack Speed Attack Rating Mana Duration Life Stamina
+% +% Cost (seconds)
1 20 50 15 40 +35% +25%
2 28 65 15 40 +35% +25%
3 35 80 15 40 +35% +25%
4 40 95 15 40 +35% +25%
5 45 110 15 40 +35% +25%
6 48 125 15 40 +35% +25%
7 51 140 15 40 +35% +25%
8 53 155 15 40 +35% +25%
9 56 170 15 40 +35% +25%
10 57 185 15 40 +35% +25%
11 59 200 15 40 +35% +25%
12 61 215 15 40 +35% +25%
13 62 230 15 40 +35% +25%
14 63 245 15 40 +35% +25%
15 64 260 15 40 +35% +25%
16 66 275 15 40 +35% +25%
17 66 290 15 40 +35% +25%
18 67 305 15 40 +35% +25%
19 68 320 15 40 +35% +25%
20 68 335 15 40 +35% +25%

Requirements :Level 1, Werewolf
Description :(Passive)Increasing life percentage and duration, doesn't
need any mana since it's a passive skill.
Advantages :It gives you more life and duration.
Disadvantages:Doesn't increase stamina, the life percentage added is low
Comments :It's essential to put points into to get be a powerful
wolf or bear, though adding points into the bear or wolf
skill itself is still better, max this when you hav maxed
everything you need.
Grade :A-

Level Max Life Duration
+% +X(s)
1 20 40
2 25 60
3 30 80
4 35 100
5 40 120
6 45 140
7 50 160
8 55 180
9 60 200
10 65 220
11 70 240
12 75 260
13 80 280
14 85 300
15 90 320
16 95 340
17 100 360
18 105 380
19 110 400
20 115 420

Requirements :Level 6
Description :Transform into a bear, while gaining some bonus.
Advantages :Boosts damage, defense and HP a lot, low mana cost at
later levels, mana cost remains constant.
Disadvantages:Doesn't increase stamina, attack rating, attack speed,
high mana cost for apprentice.
Comments :Another shape shifting move, so there are 2 choices you
can have. To most people, they love wolf better, but for
me, I love bear cuz I have high attack rating, speed, so
I need something to enhance my defense and damage. A good
bear is a powerful tank, max this when you max Shockwave
and Maul.
Grade :A

Level DMG +% Defense +% Life +% Mana cost
1 50 25 100 15
2 57 30 100 15
3 64 35 100 15
4 71 40 100 15
5 78 45 100 15
6 85 50 100 15
7 92 55 100 15
8 99 60 100 15
9 106 65 100 15
10 113 70 100 15
11 120 75 100 15
12 127 80 100 15
13 134 85 100 15
14 141 90 100 15
15 148 95 100 15
16 155 100 100 15
17 162 105 100 15
18 169 110 100 15
19 176 115 100 15
20 183 120 100 15

-Feral Rage-
Requirements :Level 12, Werewolf(can only be used in werewolf form)
Description :While in wolf form, this spell can be used to attack with
some more bonus. A small red ball will surround you at
your first hit, when you hit more, the ball grows larger
and you gain more bonus, and has a duration of 20 seconds.
Each level of feral rage has different charges.
Use this formula for the total of levels of charges=>
[(max steal-min steal)/4]+1
For an example, for level 1 feral rage, the max level of
charges =[(12-4)/4]+1=3, so you have 3 levels to charge
up to max. For the first charge, the life stealing bonus
is 4, second charge is 4+4=8, third charge is 8+4=12.
So for level 2 feral rage, the max charges is 4. About
walk/run speed, I still haven't sure whether it gorws
per level charge or it doesn't increase as your ball
*NOTE: As you charge up the ball, it doesn't increse any
attack rating or damage.
Advantages :It increases a lot of attack rating, and some damage, plus
it has life stealing ability and increases walk/run speed,
a very good spell for wolf, low mana cost.
Disadvantages:The min life leeching bonus doesn't increase, remains at
4% all the times, duration can't be increased and is kinda
Comments :A superb spell for wolf, at later levels, when you gain
some mana leeching spell, keep this as your default damage
i.e. replace the normal attack on your left click.
Remember to max it if you are a wolf.
Grade :A+

Level DMG Attack Life Steal Walk/Run Speed Mana Duration
+% +% +% +% Cost (seconds)
1 50 20 4-12 19-31 3 20
2 55 30 4-16 19-36 3 20
3 60 40 4-16 19-36 3 20
4 65 50 4-20 19-40 3 20
5 70 60 4-20 19-40 3 20
6 75 70 4-24 19-43 3 20
7 80 80 4-24 19-43 3 20
8 85 90 4-28 19-45 3 20
9 90 100 4-28 19-45 3 20
10 95 110 4-32 19-47 3 20
11 100 120 4-32 19-47 3 20
12 105 130 4-36 19-49 3 20
13 110 140 4-36 19-49 3 20
14 115 150 4-40 19-50 3 20
15 120 160 4-40 19-50 3 20
16 125 170 4-44 19-52 3 20
17 130 180 4-44 19-52 3 20
18 135 190 4-48 19-53 3 20
19 140 200 4-48 19-53 3 20
20 145 210 4-52 19-55 3 20

Requirements :Level 12, Werebear(can only be used in werebear form)
Description :While in bear form, you can use this skill to gain some
bonus, though it differs from feral rage a little.
The duration remains the same at 20 seconds, but there is
not only 3 levels.
For an example, for level 1 maul, the damage added is 25-
75, use this formula=>[(max DMG-min DMG)/20]+1
OK, so for level 1 maul, it should be [(75-25)/25]+1=
The 3 indicates that you have 3 levels to charge to max.
So, for the first charge, the percentage added for damage
is 25, second charge is 25+25=50, third charge is 50+25=75
, nah there it is, so for the next level, it should have
4 level to charge, and each charge add 25% more damage.
*Note: The charge doesn't increase your attack rating or
stun length.
Advantages :A very very good spell for a bear, same as feral rage,
replace it as your default attack when you have some mana
leeching items. Besides, mana cost is low and reamins
Disadvantages:Doesn't increase speed, duration and doesn't have any life
leeching bonus, Hunger will be your choice if you really
need some stealing move, but if you are able to get the
items I mentioned above, you will have 10% life leech
already. And stun length is a bit short.
Comments :Since wolf has 3 attacks while bear has only 2, this is
the best you can find. Max it.
Grade :A++

Level DMG Attack Stun Length Mana Duration
+% +% (seconds) Cost (seconds)
1 25-75 20 1.7-2.8 3 20
2 25-100 30 1.7-3.2 3 20
3 25-100 40 1.7-3.2 3 20
4 25-125 50 1.7-3.4 3 20
5 25-125 60 1.7-3.4 3 20
6 25-150 70 1.7-3.7 3 20
7 25-150 80 1.7-3.7 3 20
8 25-175 90 1.7-3.9 3 20
9 25-175 100 1.7-3.9 3 20
10 25-200 110 1.7-4.0 3 20
11 25-200 120 1.7-4.0 3 20
12 25-225 130 1.7-4.2 3 20
13 25-225 140 1.7-4.2 3 20
14 25-250 150 1.7-4.4 3 20
15 25-250 160 1.7-4.4 3 20
16 25-275 170 1.7-4.5 3 20
17 25-275 180 1.7-4.5 3 20
18 25-300 190 1.7-4.6 3 20
19 25-300 200 1.7-4.6 3 20
20 25-325 210 1.7-4.7 3 20

Requirements :Level 18, Werewolf, Feral Rage(can only be used in
werewolf form)
Description :When in wolf form, this attack is able to spread poison
damage when the foes stick together.
Advantages :Finally a skill that has multiple shoots, mana cost
remains constant and pretty low at higher levels, damage
is normal, and it adds some attack rating.
Disadvantages:You still gotta walk in front of an enemy before
spreading any poison damages, and requires a lot of mana
at lower levels.
Comments :Since it does a fix amount of damage, so it doesn't gain
any extra damage bonus from you weapon unlike feral rage.
Besides, poison takes time to kill.
Grade :B

Level Poison DMG Attack Mana
over 4 seconds +% Cost
1 18-43 50 10
2 31-56 57 10
3 43-68 64 10
4 56-81 71 10
5 68-93 78 10
6 81-106 85 10
7 93-118 92 10
8 106-131 99 10
9 121-146 106 10
10 137-162 113 10
11 153-178 120 10
12 168-193 127 10
13 184-209 134 10
14 200-225 141 10
15 215-240 148 10
16 231-256 155 10
17 250-275 162 10
18 268-293 169 10
19 287-312 176 10
20 306-331 183 10

-Fire Claws-
Requirements :Level 18, Werewolf, Werebear, Feral Rage, Maul(can only be
used in werewolf or werebear form)
Description :A fiery attack.
Advantages :Does fire damage, and for killing those pesky monsters
that are immune to physical attack, don't be confused by
the fire damage listed below, it actually doesn't do fix
damage, for an example, if your default damage is 1-2,
then your fire claws damage is 16-22, and so only level
one fire claws is needed to get those physically immuned
foes as the actual fire damage depends on your weapon.
Disadvantages:Too bad it requires Maul and Feral Rage, and so you have
to waste another point to it.
Comments :One point is enough, put points into your special attack
(Feral Rage or Maul) instead, so you can kill those
physically immuned monsters.
Grade :B-

Level Fire DMG Attack +% Mana Cost
1 15-20 50 4
2 21-26 65 4
3 27-32 80 4
4 33-38 95 4
5 39-44 110 4
6 45-50 125 4
7 51-56 140 4
8 57-62 155 4
9 69-74 170 4
10 81-86 185 4
11 93-98 200 4
12 105-110 215 4
13 117-122 230 4
14 129-134 245 4
15 141-146 260 4
16 153-158 275 4
17 173-178 290 4
18 193-198 305 4
19 213-218 320 4
20 233-238 335 4

Requirements :Level 24, Werebear, Maul(can only be used in werebear
Description :Cast a shockwave that stuns enemies in the attack range.
Advantages :Multiple attacks, has some range, stun length is very
effective lately, low mana cost and remains constant.
Disadvantages:Damage suckz, stun length is useless for the first few
levels, doesn't affect uniques and super uniques.
Comments :I love this spell! Though lack of damage at higher
difficulties, it has some range and does damage to all
the enemies in the range, use it often! Cast one high
level shockwave and see wat happens! A whole group of
enemies staring at you! Take your time and hunt them down
one by one. It's a must to max.
Grade :A++

Level DMG Stun Length Mana Cost
1 10-20 1.6 7
2 13-23 2.2 7
3 16-26 2.8 7
4 19-29 3.4 7
5 22-32 4.0 7
6 25-35 4.6 7
7 28-38 5.2 7
8 31-41 5.8 7
9 36-46 6.4 7
10 41-51 7.0 7
11 46-56 7.6 7
12 51-61 8.2 7
13 56-66 8.8 7
14 61-71 9.4 7
15 66-76 10.0 7
16 71-81 10.6 7
17 78-88 11.2 7
18 85-95 11.8 7
19 92-102 12.4 7
20 99-109 13.0 7

Requirements :Level 24, Werewolf, Werebear, Feral Rage, Maul, Fire Claws
(can only be used in werebear or werewolf form)
Description :A life and mana leeching move.
Advantages :Huge stealing bonus, add some attack rating, low mana cost
and remains constant.
Disadvantages:Greatly decrease your actual damage(-90%), a lot of
Comments :Though it decrease your damage A LOT, but the reward is
really worth, for more info, check the chart below. Best
for bears which don't have any life leeching items, but
Feral Rage is enough for wolves.
Grade :A

Level Attack Life Steal Mana Steal Mana Damage
+% +% +% Cost
1 50 187 187 3 -90%
2 60 217 217 3 -90%
3 70 240 240 3 -90%
4 80 260 260 3 -90%
5 90 275 275 3 -90%
6 100 287 287 3 -90%
7 110 297 297 3 -90%
8 120 305 305 3 -90%
9 130 315 315 3 -90%
10 140 320 320 3 -90%
11 150 327 327 3 -90%
12 160 332 332 3 -90%
13 170 337 337 3 -90%
14 180 342 342 3 -90%
15 190 345 345 3 -90%
16 200 350 350 3 -90%
17 210 352 352 3 -90%
18 220 355 355 3 -90%
19 230 357 357 3 -90%
20 240 360 360 3 -90%

Requirements :Level 30, Werewolf, Feral Rage, Rabies(can only be used in
werewolf form)
Description :Just like Zeal, does multiple attacks.
Advantages :Increase a lot of damage, increase some attack rating, low
mana cost and remains costant, 5 hits per use.
Disadvantages:No range.
Comments :Another great move for wolf, max this out.
Grade :A++

Level Attack DMG Hits Mana Cost
+% +%
1 50 100 2 4
2 57 117 3 4
3 64 134 4 4
4 71 151 5 4
5 78 168 5 4
6 85 185 5 4
7 92 202 5 4
8 99 219 5 4
9 106 236 5 4
10 113 253 5 4
11 120 270 5 4
12 127 287 5 4
13 134 304 5 4
14 141 321 5 4
15 148 338 5 4
16 155 355 5 4
17 162 372 5 4
18 169 389 5 4
19 176 406 5 4
20 183 423 5 4

The summoned creature is nice for supporting, but if you are going to
use to them kill, you won't be able to rely on them at later
difficulties. As you are not destined to be a Necro, remember, don't
only spend points on this tree, it is only here to support. Not a bad
tree overall. Even shape shifters need some help here. Spirits and vines
are very useful.

Raven Poison Creeper
(1) (1)
| |
Oak Sage Summon Spirit |
(6) \ Wolf(6) |
| \ | |
| \ | Carrion
| \ | Vine(12)
| \ | |
Heart Of ----->Summon Dire |
Wolverine(18) Wolf(18) |
| | |
| | Solar
| | Creeper(24)
| |
Spirit Of Summon
Barbs(30) Grizzly(30)

Requirements :Level 1
Description :Summon some ravens to peck your enemies.
Advantages :Ravens have no HP, so they don't die. Mana cost low and
remains constant.
Disadvantages:Does crazy damage at later levels. 5 max ravens are really
not enough. Since they have no HP, they couldn't distract
Comments :It's fine since they have no HP, but they do just way too
low damage. Put points into better summonings. Though it
MIGHT be effective if they are maxed.
Grade :C+

Level Hits DMG Ravens Mana Cost
1 12 2-4 1 6
2 13 3-5 2 6
3 14 4-6 3 6
4 15 5-7 4 6
5 16 6-8 5 6
6 17 7-9 5 6
7 18 8-10 5 6
8 19 9-11 5 6
9 20 10-12 5 6
10 21 11-13 5 6
11 22 12-14 5 6
12 23 13-15 5 6
13 24 14-16 5 6
14 25 15-17 5 6
15 26 16-18 5 6
16 27 17-19 5 6
17 28 18-20 5 6
18 29 19-21 5 6
19 30 20-22 5 6
20 31 21-23 5 6

-Poison Creeper-
Requirements :Level 1
Description :Summon a vine that travels underground and poison enemies
when contact.
Advantages :It has HP, so it can distract enemies. Low mana cost and
remains constant.
Disadvantages:Crazy low HP, and can very easily before they can poison.
Besides, poison takes time to kill and the damage suck at
Comments :Put a point and don't bother it. Cuz the next vine is very
special and very important.
Grade :C-

Level Life Poison DMG Mana
Over 4 Seconds Cost
1 15 4-7 8
2 18 7-8 8
3 21 10-11 8
4 24 12-14 8
5 27 15-17 8
6 30 18-19 8
7 33 21-22 8
8 36 23-25 8
9 39 28-30 8
10 42 33-34 8
11 45 37-39 8
12 48 42-44 8
13 51 47-48 8
14 54 51-53 8
15 57 56-58 8
16 60 61-62 8
17 63 67-68 8
18 66 73-74 8
19 69 78-80 8
20 72 84-86 8

-Oak Sage-
Requirements :Level 6
Description :Summon a spirit that gives bonus to HP.
Advantages :More HP means more durable, pretty tough.
Disadvantages:Doesn't add any attack rating or defense or damage, mana
cost is quite high for a high level Oak Sage, cannot
Comments :Wolves gotta get this. What wolves lack of is their HP,
damage, and defense. Max it when you have maxed skills on
your tree, really useful for wolves.
Grade :A

Level Life Life +% Mana Cost
1 30 30 15
2 39 35 16
3 48 40 17
4 57 45 18
5 66 50 19
6 75 55 20
7 84 60 21
8 93 65 22
9 102 70 23
10 111 75 24
11 120 80 25
12 129 85 26
13 138 90 27
14 147 95 28
15 156 100 29
16 165 105 30
17 174 110 31
18 183 115 32
19 192 120 33
20 201 125 34

-Summon Spirit Wolf-
Requirements :Level 6, Raven
Description :Summon 5(max) wolves to kill foes.
Advantages :5 Spirit Wolves can distract mosnters very effectively.
It's fine to spend points here since it adds attack rating
and defense to bears and wolves. Mana cost remains
Disadvantages:High mana cost for weak summonings. Damage and HP both
Comments :The most Spirit Wolves you can have are only 5.(unlike
Necro's Mage and Skeleton that have a total of 20 max)
But if you are going to be a zookeeper, you should put
points into this skill since it has passive bonus, so
don't fear the points are wasted.
Grade :C+

Level Wolves DMG Attack Rating Defense Life Mana
+% Cost
1 1 2-6 50 50 35 15
2 2 3-7 60 60 35 15
3 3 4-8 70 70 35 15
4 4 6-9 80 80 35 15
5 5 7-10 90 90 35 15
6 5 8-12 100 100 35 15
7 5 9-13 110 110 35 15
8 5 10-14 120 120 35 15
9 5 13-16 130 130 35 15
10 5 15-19 140 140 35 15
11 5 18-21 150 150 35 15
12 5 20-24 160 160 35 15
13 5 22-26 170 170 35 15
14 5 25-28 180 180 35 15
15 5 27-31 190 190 35 15
16 5 30-33 200 200 35 15
17 5 34-38 210 210 35 15
18 5 39-43 220 220 35 15
19 5 44-48 230 230 35 15
20 5 49-52 240 240 35 15

-Carrion Vine-
Requirements :Level 12, Poison Creeper
Description :Summon a vine that eats corpse and replenish you life.
Advantages :It is always healing you when there are corpses, low mana
cost and remains constant, once a corpse is eaten, the
foe can't be revived.
Disadvantages:HP is a little low, can't attack, doesn't heal summonings
or hirelings.
Comments :I love this! When you are having it, you are drinking a
healing potion constantly, though its HP is little low,
just summon one more when it dies. Shape shifters must get
this. One point is enough, sine it heals 4% of your MAX
HP, it's really enough. Don't ever underestimate the
little 4%. For sorcy druid, it's your choice to heal your
mana or HP, since both two are important to you.
Grade :A

Level Life Heals % Mana Cost
1 47 4 10
2 56 5 10
3 65 6 10
4 75 6 10
5 84 7 10
6 94 7 10
7 103 8 10
8 112 8 10
9 122 8 10
10 131 9 10
11 141 9 10
12 150 9 10
13 159 9 10
14 169 9 10
15 178 10 10
16 188 10 10
17 197 10 10
18 206 10 10
19 216 10 10
20 225 10 10

-Heart Of Wolverine-
Requirements :Level 18, Oak Sage
Description :Summon a spirit that adds your attack rating and damage.
Advantages :You can attack more accurately, and does more damage.
Disadvantages:High mana cost, doesn't add any HP, and can't attack.
Comments :Now this is the spirit for bears. Since bears are short of
attack rating so get this to raise it. Very very nice for
bears. Always put points when you have some and should max
this later.
Grade :A

Level Life DMG Attack Rating Radius Mana
+% +% (yards) Cost
1 68 20 25 20 20
2 81 27 32 20 21
3 95 34 39 20 22
4 108 41 46 20 23
5 122 48 53 20 24
6 136 55 60 20 25
7 149 62 67 20 26
8 163 69 74 20 27
9 176 76 81 20 28
10 190 83 88 20 29
11 204 90 95 20 30
12 217 97 102 20 31
13 231 104 109 20 32
14 244 111 116 20 33
15 258 118 123 20 34
16 272 125 130 20 35
17 285 132 137 20 36
18 299 139 144 20 37
19 312 146 151 20 38
20 326 153 158 20 39

-Summon Dire Wolf-
Requirements :Level 18, Raven, Oak Sage, Summon Spirit Wolf
Description :Summon 3(max) wolves to aid you.
Advantages :3 Wolves still do great distraction. Do nice damage if you
put points into Summon Grizzly, HP is not low. And it adds
life to Bears and Wolves. Eat corpse to heal themselves,
and at the same time, they are stopping enemies being
Disadvantages:3 wolves aren't enough. Damage suckz if few points in
Summon Grizzly. Mana cost is fairly high, eat corpse so
your Carrion Vine or Solar Creeper might be short of food.
Comments :3 fully upgraded wolves are better than one fully upgraded
Grizzly, but if they are not upgraded, Grizzly will be
better. It's your choice to upgrade all since you gonna
waste a lot of points to them(max upgrade=20 levels Spirit
Wolves + 20 levels Dire Wolves + 20 levels Grizzly = 60
Grade :B+

Level Life Life DMG Wolves Mana
+% Cost
1 85 50 8-14 1 20
2 91 60 10-16 2 20
3 96 70 13-19 3 20
4 102 80 15-21 3 20
5 108 90 18-24 3 20
6 114 100 20-26 3 20
7 119 110 22-28 3 20
8 125 120 25-31 3 20
9 131 130 28-34 3 20
10 136 140 32-38 3 20
11 142 150 36-42 3 20
12 148 160 39-45 3 20
13 153 170 43-49 3 20
14 159 180 46-52 3 20
15 165 190 50-56 3 20
16 171 200 54-60 3 20
17 176 210 61-67 3 20
18 182 220 68-74 3 20
19 188 230 75-81 3 20
20 193 240 82-88 3 20

-Solar Creeper-
Requirements :Level 24, Poison Creeper, Carrion Vine
Description :Summon a vine that eats corpse and regenerates your mana.
Advantages :Mana is always regenerating, best for elementary druid
since they need a lot of mana to cast spells. Kinda tough.
And when they eat corpse, they are preventing any
Disadvantages:Doesn't replenish life, and can't attack, mana cost isn't
Comments :I think Carrion is more important since it heals HP, but
for casters, may be they need mana more than their HP.
Essential for sorcy druid. Again, one points is enough.
Grade :A-

Level Life Heals Mana % Mana Cost
1 82 2 14
2 98 2 15
3 114 3 16
4 131 4 17
5 147 4 18
6 164 4 19
7 180 5 20
8 196 5 21
9 213 5 22
10 229 5 23
11 246 5 24
12 262 6 25
13 278 6 26
14 295 6 27
15 311 6 28
16 328 6 29
17 344 6 30
18 360 6 31
19 377 6 32
20 393 6 33

-Spirit Of Barbs-
Requirements :Level 30, Oak Sage, Heart Of Wolverine
Description :Summon a spirit that reflects damage back to the enemy
who attacks you or your summonings.
Advantages :Just like thorns, so enemies are killing themselves when
they are killing you. Summonings include itself take the
effect too, have a lot of HP.
Disadvantages:You can still get killed, and you are risking yout life.
Thorns damage suckz, and a mana consuming spell.
Comments :This is the worst of all spirits. First of all, we hope to
kill enemies before they can hurt us, and the damage
returned just suckz. A low level of Paladin's thorn beats
it. Just forget about it.
Grade :C

Level Life % DMG Returned Mana Cost
1 106 50 25
2 127 60 26
3 148 70 27
4 169 80 28
5 190 90 29
6 212 100 30
7 233 110 31
8 254 120 32
9 275 130 33
10 296 140 34
11 318 150 35
12 339 160 36
13 360 170 37
14 381 180 38
15 402 190 39
16 424 200 40
17 445 210 41
18 466 220 42
19 487 230 43
20 508 240 44

-Summon Grizzly-
Requirements :Level 30, Raven, oak Sage, Summon Spirit Wolf, Summon Dire
Description :Summon a Grizzly bear that fights for you.
Advantages :Does impressive damage, high HP for normal, mana cost is
fine and remains constant, and it adds damage to bears and
Disadvantages:One bear doesn't distract as well as 3 wolves. HP is low
at Hell and gotta waste points into Dire Wolves again.
Comments :It's pretty well in normal but seems weak at hell. You
gotta waste points into Dire Wolves to make it more
Grade :B+

Level DMG DMG Life Mana
+% Cost
1 37-75 25 213 40
2 52-91 30 213 40
3 67-108 35 213 40
4 84-126 40 213 40
5 101-145 45 213 40
6 120-165 50 213 40
7 139-186 55 213 40
8 160-208 60 213 40
9 189-239 65 213 40
10 221-272 70 213 40
11 253-306 75 213 40
12 288-342 80 213 40
13 323-379 85 213 40
14 361-418 90 213 40
15 399-458 95 213 40
16 440-500 100 213 40
17 492-553 105 213 40
18 546-609 110 213 40
19 602-666 115 213 40
20 660-726 120 213 40

This part is my suggestions about skills. Some people find some skills
hard to choose, so I'll put some of my suggestions here. Have a look.

a)Werewolf vs. Werebear
First of all, this is always the question asked by a lot of people. Most
think that Wolf is better, nevertheless, both has their advantages. It's
right to say Wolf is better, in the case wolf is easier to master. Bear,
if used right, can be also very powerful. Wolf does lower damage but
faster and more accurate, while bear does more damage but slower and not
as accurate as wolf, and bear is more durable since they has more
defense and HP. Below I shall list some of their pros and cons, then I
will make more decisions.

1. Walk/run faster and has more stamina
2. Attack faster and more accurate
3. Can have life leeching bonus
4. Has 3 unique skills
5. Easier to master
6. Has one elemental attack, rabies

1. Lower damage
2. Lower defense
3. Lower HP
4. Don't have any range attacks

1. Higher damage
2. Higher defense
3. Higher HP
4. Has one range attacks, Shockwave
5. Master in stunning

1. Walk/run slower
2. Attack slower and less accurate than wolf(still, it is more accurate
than your actual druid)
3. Don't have any stealing move(doesn't count for Hunger since both can
4. has only 2 unique skills
5. Harder to master
6. No elemental attacks(doesn't count Fire Claws since both can learn)

Conclusion: As you can see, both of them have their own advantages,
something can't be denied, wolf is more popular, but if you
are planning for a bear, you gotta equip some items to be a
powerful bear, for any items recommendation, read the upper
section about plans of my Druid. For most of the people, I
suggest using wolf since you won't be frustrated about
finding the right weapons, it isn't an easy task to find the
suitable items.

b)Oak Sage vs. Heart Of Wolverine vs. Spirit Of Barbs
The three spirits are all here. First thing I wanna say, Spirit Of Barbs
is out of the match. Cuz its thorn damage suckz and I have told before
that what we want is to kill the enemy before they can touch us, and
risking your life is not a good idea. So, Spirit Of Barbs is out. What
are left are between Oak Sage and Heart Of Wolverine.

Oak Sage:
1. Adds HP
2. Lower mana cost
3. The Bonus for HP is high
4. Can be learnt at lower level

1. Doesn't add any attack rating or damage
2. Lower HP

Heart Of Wolverine:
1. Adds attack rating and damage
2. Higher HP

1. Bonus isn't very high
2. Higher mana cost
3. Can only be leant at higher level
4. Doesn't add any HP
5. There is a range for effect to be taken

Conclusion: Something very important to be made is that Oak Sage is for
wolf while Heart Of Wolverine is made for bear. Nothing much
to say here, it depends which you choose, wolf or bear.

c)Carrion Vine vs. Solar Creeper
Carrion heals your HP, while Solar Creeper heals your mana, which to
choose? Let's look at their pros and cons.

Carrion Vine:
1. Heals HP
2. Can be learnt at lower level
3. Healing bonus is higher
4. Mana cost remains constant and is a lot less

1. Lower HP
2. Doesn't heal mana
3. Doesn't heal summonings or hirelings.

Solar Creeper:
1. Heals mana
2. Higher HP

1. Doesn't heal HP
2. Can only be learnt at higher level
3. Healing bonus is lower
4. Higher mana cost

Conclusion: First of all, HP is more important than mana, since you will
die when you loose all your HP, while you are fine if your
mana is empty. But for caster, since mana is also very
important to them, cuz no mana means they are gonna be
killed either, so I suggest shape shifters go for Carrion
and casters go for Solar Creeper.

This topic is made for shapeshifters, cuz elemental druid has no
problems with those damn physically immuned monsters. Don't know what is
that? Well, this only happens at Hell but sometimes you can find one or
two at Normal and Nightmare. Well, what's that? OK, don't worry. Every
monsters(almost) has an immunition. There are fire immunition, ice,
lightning, physical and many more. When you see a monster with a
"Physical Immuned" phrase that means you can't use physical damage in
him. Cuz it will take no effect. That means you gotta use some pure
magic spells(in my knowledge, there is no magic skill for druid, for an
exmaple Bone Spirit of Necro does a plain and pure magic damage) or
elemental skills. That's way elemental druids have no problems cuz they
possesed elemental magic and and take them with ease. But for shape-
shifters, where most of them will not learn a single elemental spells,
have some problems. The first you encounter at Hell is probably those
wraiths(all wraiths or their relatives are immuned to physical at Hell)
at Act 1. How to beat them? I have tried several methods and these are

1. Get an elemental skill and max it.
Comments: I tried this personally and it's not effective at all. My
friend first get this idea and he told me to try Artic Blast.
But it took me 45 minutes to kill 3 packs of wraiths at act 1
(there are 3 uniques together, they are situated at Inner
Cloister waypoint's first exit). It's because we gotta learn
till Hurricane to make it effective. That's why it's not
worth wasting all the points till Hurricane. Try it if you
don't believe.

2. Get a hireling
Comments: Well, this is a bit better than the first way, but still you
can't rely on them too much cuz they could die easily(I wish
Blizzard could make a shortcut key to give hirelings a potion
cuz I always wasn't able to save them immediately, for example
pressing "8" will use you 4th slot potion to them, I hope)
Get a Barbarian and give him a socketed sword that has 6
perfect sapphires in it. Why not perfect emerald? Cuz poison
takes time to kill, for example, socketing 6 perfect emeralds
into it will do 1055 poison damage per 6 seconds, but your
hirelings won't hit and let the poison take effect for 6
seconds but instead he will just hack and hack and resets the
damage again and again so making it useless(remember you can't
stack poison). why not lightning ot fire? Personally though
ice does lower damage, but they can freeze target and making
your enemies slower, so they attack your hireling slower and
killing him more slowly.
If you don't like barbarians, act 3's Iron Wolves are OK but
they do just too low damage, so it's your choice.

3. Do it yourself
Comments: Don't understand? It's the same. Get a 6 sockets Maul and add
6 perfect emeralds for it. Why emeralds now? Aha, that's the
point. Do you have brains? Well, I mean you should hit and run
and let the poison takes effect while luring it to you, but be
sure don't loose him. Then, when you see him normal again, hit
and run again to let it takes the effect. Eventually, it will
die. This is not that effective when facing a group of them,
but try to split them by summoning a spirit at their back so
some of them may loose you and follow the spirit. Then, take
then down slowly. It takes me 25 minutes to kill all the
wraiths at the place I told you above. Better.
Another way i tried and it works. Try to find a bow that fires
explosive or magic or elemental arrows and change to human
form to use it. This is even more effective than the poison

4. Get a weapon or ring that can cast magic skills
Comments: I have my baranar's star that casts a level 5 meteor(10%
chance) on attack. So you hit and sometimes a meteor will fall
from the sky and boom! Causing a little damage. You can also
get rings that give you cast bone spirit or other magic, but
I love my poisonous maul better.

Conclusion: I use the 2,3,4 methods and it is not bad. If you think you
have lots of skill points, try the first method then. Always
remember they are still harder than those non-physically
immuned monsters ,to a shapeshifter of course.

Just a guide for all the acts and all the quests. I decide to draw a map
of each acts, but don't expect me to draw out the real map since it is

a)Act 1
Act 1 is your first act, and it has a nice terrain(I love greeneries).
The size of the map is normal, and the rewards here can't be said a lot.
It's a nice act though, enjoy the freshness cuz you are going to feel
exhausted at the next act.

NOTE:(x)=>x is the levels

Den of Blood
Evil --Moor
| |
Burial Stony
Grounds Field
| |
--------------- ------------------
| | | |
The The Tristram The Underground
Crypt Mausolem Passage(2)
The Black Forgotten
Tamoe The

Waypoints:Rogue Encampment, Cold Plains, Stony Field, Dark Wood, Black
Marsh, Outer Cloister, Jail(1), Inner Cloister, Catacombs(2)

NPCs: Akara -Heals you when you talk to her(include your minions)
Unlocks Quest I and Quest III
Sells potions, weapons, some wands and scrolls
Charsi -Repairs your things
Sells some weapons, armor and some more junks
Unlocks Quest V
Gheed -Let you Gamble
Sells some expensive junks
Kasha -Let you hire Rogues after Quest II
Unlocks Quest II
Warriv -Takes you to Act 2 after Quest VI
Cain -Indentifies times for free after Quest III
Unlocks Quest VI

QUEST I :Den Of Evil
Available:Talk to Akara
Mission :Kill all the monsters in Den Of Evil at Blood Moor
Reward :1 Skill Point
Note :If you played Diablo 2 before, you should have knew what's
going to do. Anyway, since there are still some new players
here, I am going to tell it. This is your first quest, and can
be opened either by Akara or go to Den Of Evil directly, Den
Of Evil is situated right outside the town, and it isn't hard
inside, but I still suggest you get at least level 3(level 6
if can) before getting in.

QUEST II :Sisters' Burial Ground
Available:Talk to Kasha after you have completed Quest I
Mission :Kill Blood Raven, the corrupted Rogue
Reward :1 Free Rogue, and you can hire Rogues after this quest
Note :Blood Raven is situated in the Burial Ground after Cold Plains
. She is your first boss actually, but there's nothing to fear
. She isn't hard at all, for more guide, refer to the Bosses
Guide section.

QUEST III:The Search For Cain
Available:Talk to Akara after completing Quest I and Quest II
Mission :Save Deckard Cain who is prisoned at Tristram
Reward :Cain will identifies items for you for free
A random ring given by Akara
Note :Cain is at Tristram. Before going to Tristram, you gotta go to
Dark Wood through the underground passage and then seek for
the Tree of Inifuss. It is shown on the map and click the tree
and a piece of note will be dropped. Take it and show it to
Akara to translate the paper. Then, go to Stony Field and find
five stones and activate them base on your scroll. Enter the
portal and save Cain. Cain is imprisoned in a cage, and he is
guarded by a lot of enemies. This is probably your first
challenge, cuz there are a lot of monsters and 2 or 3 uniques
here, kill them all to gain experience and release Cain and
you are done with it.

QUEST IV :The Forgotten Tower
Available:Read Moldy Tome in the Stony Field
Mission :Kill The Countess in the Forgotten Tower
Reward :Lots of gold. It used to have more gold before d2x is
released, when you open the chest guarded by the Countess, it
drops money so long until you feel bored, may be Blizzard
think this is too much and the gold are toned down.
Note :Another Boss. Just go to the Forgotten Tower and kill the
Countess. Remember to deposit your gold in you stash so that
you won't loose any money if you are killed. The countess
isn't very tough though, read the Bosses Guide if you need
some help.

QUEST V :Tools Of The Trade
Available:Talk to Charsi after completing the first 4 quests
Mission :Find the Horadric Malus at Barracks for Charsi
Reward :Charsi will imbue an item for you
Note :Make your way to Barracks and kill The Smith who guards there.
Then get the Horadric Malus and talk to Charsi. Then Chrasi
will imbue one item. If can, save it till your level is higher
, since the properties of your item is proportional to your

QUEST VI :Sisters To The Slaughter
Available:Talk to Deckard Cain after the first 5 quests
Mission :Kill Andariel at Catacombs
Reward :Way to Act 2
Some goodies left by Andariel
Note :One word, kill Andariel. For some strategies, read the Bosses
Guide section.
After that, tell Warriv to bring you to act 2.

b)Act 2
Act 2 is a desert. It looks hot here but the music is kinda cool here.
It isn't very big, like the size of act 1, rewards aren't a lot.

The Lut The
| |
The Rocky The
Palace Cellar(3) Waste--Stony Tomb(2)
| |
Arcane Dry Halls Of
Sanctuary Hills--The Dead(3)
| |
Canyon Of Far Maggot
The Magi Oasis--Lair(3)
| |
-------------- Lost Ancient
| | City--Tunnels
6 Fake Tal Rasha's |
Tal Rasha's Tomb Valley Of
Tomb | The Snakes
Tal Rasha's |
Chamber Claw Viper

Waypoints:Lut Gholein, Sewers(2), Dry Hills, Halls Of The Dead(2), Far
Oasis, Lost City, The Palace Cellar(1), Arcane Sanctuary,
Canyon Of The Magi

NPCs : Atma -Unlocks Quest I
Cain -Identifies items for free
Unlocks Quest II
Drognan -Much like Akara in Act 1, sells some potions, scrolls
and some weapons and magic
Unlocks Quest IV
Elxiz -Similar to Gheed in Act 1, let you gamble
Fara -Heals you when talk to her
Repairs your stuff
Geglash -Useless NPC
Griez -Like Kasha in Act 1, let you hire some men
Jerhyn -Unlocks Quest VI
Kaelan -A word or two
Lysander-Potions Master
Meshif -Take you to Act 3 after completing those 6 quests
Warriv -Bring you back to Act 1

QUEST I :Radament's Lair
Available:Talk to Atma
Mission :Kill Radament in the Sewers
Reward :1 Skill Point
Lower prices on stuff sold in Lut Gholein
Note :Radament is at Sewers level 3. To get to the sewers, you can
either go through the trap door or a tunnel door near Meshif.
About Radament? Read the Bosses Guide.

QUEST II :The Horadric Staff
Available:Show Horadric Scroll to Cain
Mission :Horadric Cube -Halls Of The Dead
Staff Of Kings-Sand Maggot Lair
Viper Amulet -Claw Viper Temple
Transmute Staff of Kings and Viper Amulet with the Horadric
Cube transmute power into the Horadric Staff.
Reward :Horadric Cube
Note :You can't keep the Staff of Kings and Viper Amulet, but you
can have the Horadric Cube. It doesn't only provide more space
for you, but a Horadric has a lot of functions. First, you can
trasmute items, crafted items(only in d2x), upgrade stuff e.g.
flawed skull=>flawless skull.
Before you can get the Staff of Kings, you gotta kill the
Coldworm the Burrower, and open the chest. Find all the
ingredients you need and transmute them into the Horadric

QUEST III:The Tainted Sun
Available:Enter the Lost City.
Mission :Get Viper Amulet
Reward :N/A
Note :Go back to Far Oasis and find a path to the Lost Of City.
Clear the Ancient Tunnels there and head for Claw Viper Temple
. The amulet is at the second floor, get it.

QUEST IV :Arcane Sanctuary
Available:Talk to Drognan after the first 3 quests
Mission :Get the portal which leads to Arcane Sanctuary
Reward :N/A
Note :The portal to Arcane Sanctuary is located at third floor of
Pallace Cellar. Get you minimap ready and seek for the
Summoner. On the way, you can find many Ghould Lords that
cast Fireball. Nothing much to fear, just clear all the ways
and don't get confused.

QUEST V :The Summoner
Available:When you are near The Summoner
Mission :Kill The Summoner
Reward :Know the real symbol of Tal Rasha's Tomb
Note :The strategy is at the Bosses Guide section.

QUEST VI :The Seven tombs
Available:Talk to Jerhyn after completing the Quest I
Mission :Find the real Tal Rasha's Tomb
Kill Duriel
Reward :Path to Act 3
Some stuff left by Duriel
Note :If you need experience, go all the tombs. When you are ready
to go, find the right symbol of tomb and explore it before
facing the act boss. Then, you will find the way to Tal
Rasha's Chamber. Go in and Duriel should be waiting for you,
let the fun begins!
After killing Duriel, say farewell to all the townspeople and
go to act 3 by the ship of Meshif.

c)Act 3
The worst of all acts. First, it is hell big. The monsters here are all
so irritating. It looks wet here, and rewards are better here.

Spider Spider Arachnid
Flayer Flayer Swampy
Dissused Kurast Ruined
Fane --Bazaar--Temple
| |
| Sewers(2)
| |
Forgotten Upper Forgotten
Temple --Kurast--Reliquary
Dissused Kurast Ruined
Of Hate(3)

Waypoints:Kurast Docks, Spider Forest, Great Marsh, Flayer Jungle, Lower
Kurast, Kurast Bazaar, Upper Kurast, Travincal, Durance Of

NPCs : Alkor -Potions Master
Let you gamble
Unlocks Quest IV
Asheara-Similar to Griez and Kasha, let you hire mercenaries
Sells some weapons
Cain -Identifies items for free
Unlocks Quest III
Hralti -Repairs your stuff
Sells goodies
Unlocks Quest II
Ormus -Your healer
Sells some stuff including scepters, wands and staffs
Tells you about Quest V and Quest VI
Meshif -Brings you back to Lut Gholein
Natalya-Gives some information about quests, other than that, she
is useless

QUEST I :The Golden Bird
Available:You get Jade Figurine
Mission :Trade it for a potion
Reward :A potion that can permanently adds 20 points into your life
Note :Jade figurine can be obtained by killing a unique. Once you
get that, talk to Cain and he will tell you to look for Meshif
. Do it. Meshif should trade you a Golden Bird and give it to
Alkor, wait for a few seconds and go to Alkor again and he
will give you a potion that permanently adds 20 to life. Not
a bad reward.

QUEST II :Blade Of The Old Region
Available:Talk to Hralti after completing Quest I
Mission :Find Gidbinn in the Flayer Jungle
Reward :A ring from Ormus
A mercenary from Asheara
Note :Clean all those fluties(those damn flayers who shoot you by a
flute and run away when you are trying to go near them) on the
way. You will find the Gidbinn by lighting a fire. Kill the
Unique and he will drop you that blade you need. Talk to Ormus
to restore the power and he will give a ring(random). By the
way, get a free merc. from Asheara.

QUEST III:Khalim's Will
Available:Talk to Cain after QuestI
Mission :Find-
Khalim's Eye at Spider Cavern
Khalim's Brain at Flayer Dungeon
Khalim's Heart in Sewers
Khalim's Flail in Travincal
Reward :N/A
Note :Get Eye, Brain and Heart and talk to Alkor. He will open the
next quest.

QUEST IV :Lam Esen's Tome
Available:Talk to Alkor after you have obtained Khalim's Eye, Brain and
Mission :Find the Lam Esen's Tome
Lame Esen's Tome possible locations-
Kurast Bazaar >>Ruined Temple
Dissused Fane
Upper Kurast >>Forgotten Reliquary
Forgotten Temple
Kurast Causeway >>Ruined Fane
Dissused Reliquary
Reward :Five stat points
Note :One of them contains the Tome. Get back to Alkor for the
reward after you have the Tome in your hand.

QUEST V :The Blackened Temple
Available:Talk to Ormus after entering Travincal
Mission :Kill the High Councils in Travincal
Destroy the Compelling Orb
Reward :N/A
Note :Kill those high councils there and you will notice that one
of them will drop the flail. Transmute it with the Eye, Brain
and heart to get the Khalim's will and smash the Compelling
Orb to open the tunnel door to Durance of Hate to face the
Lord of Hatred, Mephisto.

QUEST VI :The Guardian
Available:Talk to Ormus after Quest IV
Mission :Kill Mephisto, the Lord Of Hatred
Reward :Way to Act 4
Some goodies Mephisto left include his Soulstone
Note :There are lots of damn Blood Lords that cast crazy Firewalls.
Kill them. And seek for Mephisto. After seeing him fall on the
ground, prepare yourself to Hell.

d)Act 4
It's a small act. Though small, the enemies here are tough. Remember to
spend some time before getting to Diablo, Lord of Terror. Rewards is
fine here, quite a nice act.

Plains Of
City Of The
River Of

Waypoints:Pandemonium Fortress, City Of The Damned, River Of Flames

NPCs : Archangel Tyrael-Unlocks Quest I and Quest III
Cain -Identifies items for free
Unlocks Quest II
Halbu -Repairs your stuff
Sells armors and weapons
Jamella -Your healer
Let you gamble
Sells stuff

QUEST I :The Fallen Angel
Available:Talk to Archangel Tyrael
Mission :Kill Izual
Reward :2 Skill Points
Note :Izual is at Plains of Despair. My strategy is told on the
Bosses Guide section so if you need help, go there. After
killing it, you can see its spirit and talk to him to have a
surprising answer. Talk to Tyrael for the reward.

QUEST II :Hell's Forge
Available:Talk to Cain after killing Izual
Mission :Kill Hephasto the Armorer
Use the Hellforge Hammer to smash Mephisto's Soulstone.
Reward :Some gems, including a perfect skull
Note :Pass the City of Damned and enter River of Flames. Hephasto is
there. Get him and take the Hellforge Hammer. Smash Mephisto's
soulstone on Hellforge and talk to Tyrael in order to fight
the Big D.

QUEST III:Terror's End
Available:Talk to Archangel Tyrael after the first 2 quests.
Mission :Kill Diablo
Reward :Some nice stuff left by Diablo
Way to act 5
Note :Enter the Chaos Sanctuary and before you face the Lord of
Terror, you need to open 5 seals. 3 of them contains a herd
of monsters and a unique. All of them ain't really hard,
except for the Fighter mage group. Lord De Seis is their
leader, and to get them isn't an easy task for shape shifters.
Before you can touch them, they could have killed you with
Bone Spirit or their elemental attacks. So the strategy here
is to use your hireling wisely. My hireling at that time is
the free rogue from act 1. She has huge range and I use her to
lure some of them. Anyway, just be careful. If you have
shockwave. Use it and stun them nicely. Once they are cleared,
an earthquake would occur and that indicates Diablo has
arrived. How to get him? Read the Bosses Guide section.
After that, talk to Tyrael and he will open the portal to act
5, the new act!

e)Act 5
Act 5 is the new act in expansion. Its terrain is snow and that's what
I like the most. Map size is just as big as act 1 and 2, rewards are
crazy a lot here, probably Blizzard is afraid we get sick of the game
and so they make a lot a lot a lot of rewards here. My favourite act and
it is now the best training ground.

Arreat Pit of
Crystalline Frozen **Nihlathank's
| |
Glacial Halls of
Trail Anguish
| |
Frozen Infernal Halls of
Tundra----Pit Pain
| |
Ancients' Icy Halls of
Way------Cellar Vaught
Throne of

**Note:Frozen River itself doesn't lead to Nihlathak's Temple. But you
can save Anya from Frozen River and Anya will open a portal to
Nihlathak's Temple when you talk to her at town.

Waypoints:Harrogath, Frigid Highlands, Arreat Plateau, Crystalline
Passage, Glacial Trail, Halls of Pain, Frozen Tundra, The
Ancients' Way, Worldstone Keep(2)

NPCs : Cain - Identifies your items for free
Larzuk - Repairs your stuff
Sells some armors and weapons
Unlocks Quest I
Malah - Your healer
Sells some goodies
Unlocks Quest III
Qual-kehk- Allows you to hire barbarians after Quest II
- Unlocks Quest II and VI
Nihlathak- Let you gamble
*Note:At Quest IV, you will find out that Nihlathak betrays
Harrogath and you gotta kill him and Anya will be his
Anya - Let you gamble
Sells some stuff
Unlocks Quest IV

QUEST I :Siege On Harrogath
Available:Talk to Larzuk
Mission :Kill Shenk that is located at the Bloody Foothills
Reward :Larzuk will add sockets to one of your items
Note :OK, just don't go too far. Bloody Foothills is before Frigid
Highlands. Besides, you will notice some barbarians fighting
there, just for fun, nothing to do with them until later. The
barbarians can die!
And I suggest use the reward wisely. Socket into your shield
and find some perfect diamonds and put it in, so you can gain
some more resistance.

QUEST II :Rescue on Mount Arreat
Available:Talk to Qual-Kehk
Mission :Save 15 barbarians in the Frigid Highlands
Reward :You can hire barbarians from Qual-Kehk
Get 3 runes form Qual Kehk
Note :Go to the Frigid Highlands and find 3 groups of barbarians,
each group contains 5 barbarians, unlock them from their
prisons. Their prisons are shown clearly on the map.

QUEST III:Prison of Ice
Available:Talk to Malah
Mission :Save Anya who is located in the Frozen River by Crystalline
Reward :Permanently +10 to all resistance(from Malah)
A class-specific item(from Anya)
Note :Continue your journey on the Frigid Highlands and eventually
you will find yourself in the Arreat Plateau. Keep going until
you reach Crystalline Passage and enter it. In there, there
are 2 ways, Frozen River and Glacial Trail. Enter Frozen River
and save Anya. Then go back and talk to Malah to get a potion
that can release Anya. After giving the potion to Anya, head
back to the town and talk to Malah and Anya for your reward.

QUEST IV :Betrayal of Harrogath
Available:Talk to Anya
Mission :Kill Nihlathak at Halls of Vaught
Reward :Personalize one of your stuff by Anya
Note :After talking to Anya, she will open a portal to Nihlathak's
temple. Wander around the temple and eventually you will find
a waypoint at Halls of Pain. Keep going and you will reach
Halls of Vaught, where Nilathak is situated. Kill him. For
strategy, read the Bosses Guide section.
The reward here is really nice, the feeling when you have
personalize your favourite stuff is fun. In this case, I have
personalized my Silks of The Victor Ancient Armor. So, my
armor now called "Depthcharge's Silk of The Victor Ancient
Armor". Sweet.

QUEST V :Rite of Passage
Available:Talk to Qual-Kehk
Mission :Defeat 3 Ancients to prove yourself worthy
Reward :One level up
Note :OK, back to Crystalline Passage and now take the Gracial Trail
exit. Kepp on going until you reach Frozen Tundra. From there,
you can find a path that leads to the Ancients' way. Ancients'
way will lead to the Arreat Summit, find and click on the
Altar of the Heavens and 3 of the statue will become alive.
Beat them without a death or going back to town cuz this will
reset them. I have written my strategy in the Bosses Guide
section, read it if you need them. After you have beaten them,
in normal, if your level is same or higher than level 20, you
will upgrade 1 level, if lower, you gain no rewards. For
Nightmare, you gotta have at least level 40 to gain the bonus.
For Hell, you must be at least level 60 to get the rewards.

QUEST VI:Eve of Destruction
Available:After beating the Ancients
Mission :Kill Baal
Reward :Some stuff dropped by Baal
Note :Enter Worldstone Keep. Explore all of them and you will find
Baal sitting there in the Throne of Destruction, teasing you.
Click on him and you will find nothing, so that means you
can't fight him now. Baal's kinda cool here, cuz he don't
fight wiht you first, instead, he will throw something that
looks a ball and a group of his minions appear, and one of
them is a unique. I can't remember exactly how many rounds
there are, probably 5, then after he has run out of minions,
he will go through the portal to the Worldstone Chamber.
Follow him, and kill him there. Strategy of mine is written
in the same section.
Then Tyrael will appear and talk to him, he will open a portal
that sends you to a safer place. Enjoy the cinematic, though
it's kinda disappointed.
Well, boys and girls, it's time for Nightmare again..........

This section talks about my strategy I use to fight bosses. Bosses are
actually Super Uniques, but there are more Super Uniques out there, but
I feel these look more like a boss so I list them here.

Bosses Difficulty:
1-Piece of cake
2-Fairly easy
4-Quite Challenging

Act 1-

1.Blood Raven
Since she is your first boss, she won't be a problem to you. Being a
bear, I rush directly to her without caring her minions and I hit her
not more than 15 shots I think, she falls. If you don't like this, kill
her minions first is a great idea since you will be facing her alone.

2.The Countess
Hm.. Her Firewall is so irritating. Dodge it and give her minios a
shockwave to stun them. If you don't have use feral rage. It's better
to kill her minions first, since you mostly get yourself killed when
you are surounded by them.

3.The Smith
Piece of Cake for me. Being a bear, and since he is a melee attacker, we
rush together and we heck each other. His damage is quite high but I
manage to kill him before he does. Easy...

Whoa.. She is kinda tough. She doesn't have brute strength but her
poison rockz! My hireling has died for 3 times because of her poison, I
lure her to the stair and hit her as much as I can, then I retreat to
the second floor for an antidote and back to town to heal. It took me 4
retreats if I am not wrong. But, kinda challenging. Again, kill every
monsters before luring her.

Act 2-

This damn boss is able to resurrect, don't worry, if you have a Carrion,
let it eats corpses to prevent him from reviving them. After he is
isolated, hit him toe-to-toe and but bewares his poison. I just hate
poison by bosses cuz they kill. Anyway, prepare some antidotes in case
you are weak against poison.

2.Cold Worm The Burrower
Duh! It can't attack! But its minions are hell a lot and all of them
spread poison, No, not poison again, argh.... my strategy is run into it
and use shockwave and stun all of them and use your shockwave to kill
thei babies. For wolves, go with rabies cuz this is effective. remember
bring one antidote potion before killing the boss cuz its poison is very
very strong, stronger than Andariel, yeah, at first I though I can
survive, but it's soooo close, I manage to travel back to town and Fara
saves me. Phew.

3.The Summoner
If you evade his attacks, you have won, cuz he has very low HP and it
took me 2 hits to take him down, but beware, his magic kills, just dodge
it and youw'll be fine.

Oh boy, he has freeze aura! But he's piece of cake to me. I have frozen
attacks from my weapons and he freezes me and I freezes him. But it
seems he is rather weak to ice and I become normal so fast but he is
always freezing. Not a lot of space to run, so open a portal before
kicking his butts. Rather easy for my bear, wolf, get feral rage.

Act 3-

The easiest of the 3 Prime Evils. Don't fight him with range attacks,
cuz he will grow angry and uses lightning, LOL. Go in front of him and
his melee attacks suckz and it took me no potion to kill him. Easy.

Act 4-

He is kinda strong. Even though I have brute strength and tons of HP, he
can still get you killed. Since his attack has no range, again, I go
toe-to-toe with him and he does it too. I was hurt a lot cuz his blade
damage is high and I took 3 potions. For Wolves, it's better to hit and
run, since wolves will have lower HP. And remember don't push too hard,
he's not easy.

2.Hephasto The Armorer
The name looks strong, but he suckz. Izual is stronger and this is a
piece of shit. Just go in front of him and wear him down. No sweat.

Though D2x is released, Diablo is still the hardest of all prime Evils.
His melee attacks, ice claws ain't damage a lot, but sure freezes you
for long. Anyway, this is not the main point. Where most of the bosses
use their melee attacks when you go near them, but not for Diablo. i try
to hit him as much as i can and he uses his ice claws again and again.
Then, he gets our red lightning! NO!!! Run, jusr run, when you are hit
buy the lightning, you'll see your HP is dropping so fast, within 5
seconds, you will have bitten the dust. Hiteling , most of the time,
will sacrifice, since they have no brains and keep on shooting Diablo,
while you run away and Diablo is hit by your hireling and so he will
kill your hireling by his red lightning. Make town portals in hidden
place, or he'll bone cage them. Just one word, Dodge Diablo's lightning!
After some hard work, he will falls eventually.

Act 5-

1.Shenk the Overseer
Kinda easy. Just remember to evade his suicidal minions cuz they do a
lot of damage, 4 of them is enough to kill you, let your hireling to
kill the suicidal minion cuz they always head for you. After that, heck
him till death.

Wow, this man is cool. He walks without his feet and is definitely a
spell casters. Just don't get into his corpse explosion, cuz that can
kills you easily. Besides, use your shockwave to kill him, cuz his
defense is too high and I am always hitting air when trying to kill him.
Wolf should have no probs on attack rating, so run to him and scratch
him till death.

3.The 3 Ancients
OK, this depends on your level. Get a barbarian if you wanna beat them
easily. Make sure your hireling is at high level. Then face them, there
are total of 3 Ancients, go get one of them, your barbarian will get the
other, while my Heart of Wolverine is distracting the third one. Nice
teamwork, my barbarian is able to kill one of them. Before my barbarian
kill his Ancient, I have killed mine earlier and and get the third one.
By the time you going to finish, you barbarian should have killed his
Ancient. They are pretty tough, though with nice teamwork, shouldn't be
a problem.

After getting all his minions, go get him. He is easier than Diablo cuz
his melee attacks suckz and doesn't possess any great damaging spell
like Diablo's red lightning. His damage is high though, so be careful
of your HP, while hitting him.

1.Thank god I am able to finish this FAQ.
2.Thank my parents for buying D2x.
3.Thank Blizzard for making this great game.
4.Thank GameFAQs.com, Neoseeker.com, for posting my FAQ.
5.Thank my softoy Pikachu for accompanying me all these days.
6.Thank everyone who reads my FAQ.
7.Thank myself, Depthcharge for writing this FAQ.

This Document Copyright 2001 Depthcharge
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