Square Enix Opens Up A Studio Headed By Final Fantasy Director
27.March 2018
Well. This is some interesting news from everyone's favorite RPG factory. Originally broke by 4gamer, the new studio, called Luminous Productions is going to be run by Hajime Tabata, the director... More
Finally! (Almost) Everything You Wanted To Know About Ataris New Console
26.March 2018
After a bunch of starts and stops, including pausing preorders the night before they were set to begin, we finally have some definitive answers from the horses mouth on Atari, their new console, and... More
Headup Games Making Big Moves At Pax East
26.March 2018
Pax east 2018 is just around the corner, which means great and terrible things for gamers. Great, because we get to see a slew of awesome new titles coming our way and terrible because we cannot have... More
X-Morph: Defense Begins Their European Assault On Steam & Xbox One
26.March 2018
EXOR Studios just announced that their new DLC for X-Morph, called European Assault is out today for Steam and Xbox One, coupled with a free update. The DLC will also be available... More
Hellblade Enhanced Edition Heads To Xbox One
26.March 2018
Hellblade made a huge splash last year when it debuted as a PS4 exclusive, and now it's getting revamped so Xbox One X owners can give it a shot. Ninja Theory's acclaimed action game takes... More
Check Out This Super Detailed, For Honor Enhanced Trailer
26.March 2018
For Honor, the action-adventure fighting game set in medieval times just released an Xbox One enhanced trailer, and it's pretty impressive.  In For Honor, players can choose... More
Space Hulk: Deathwing Unveils Its Enhanced Edition With A New Trailer
23.March 2018
Aw, hell yeah. This looks badass all the way to the floor. Sure, the original didn't exactly crush it, but the idea is rad, fanboys will love it, and they are remastering the MF out of it, so we... More
Tactical Storyteller, Ash Of Gods Out Now On Steam
23.March 2018
Developer AurumDust just dropped their highly anticipated (i dunno about you, but I've been pumped to play it) narrative-focused tactical RPG, called Ash of Gods, and they've got a new... More
Masters Of Anima Has A Colorful New Trailer
22.March 2018
Masters of Anima, the new project from Passtech Games (Space Run) will be available for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC on April 10th, and they've just released a new trailer which... More
Somehow, Every Unlockable Character Has Been Pried From EAs Cold, Dead Hands
22.March 2018
Star Wars Battlefront II just got a spankin new update, and it does something about that loot box situation everyone is so happy about. You know, how basically you have to quit your life and... More
Ready Player Ones New Dreamer Trailer Shows Off More Classic Characters
22.March 2018
We are almost ready to sit in theaters for this one, and early reviews are trickling in. So far, everything I am hearing about this movie is pretty good, with gaming fans freaking out over the 6... More
Telltales Double Joker Trailer Is Ballsy And Badass
22.March 2018
For the finale of this season's Batman run from Telltale, we've been building towards the conclusion of the John Doe storyline (who we all know is one day going to be the Joker) and I am... More
The Switch Is Getting Splatoon 2 & Super Smash Bros Tournaments!
22.March 2018
Live tournaments are coming back to E3 this June, and the big ones this year are going to be on the Switch, with Splatoon 2 and Super Smash Bros. taking center stage.  Held in Los... More
Deadpool 2 Has A New Trailer, And It. Is. Funny.
22.March 2018
Ooooh, I am looking forward to this. Cable Vs Deadpool, and they are putting together X-Force, although the team looks like a bunch of CW rejects, which is too bad.  It's... More
After Near Infinite Delays, Hollowpoint Is Getting A Hands On Demo
21.March 2018
This game was announced all the way back in 2014, with a different tone and developer. It's finally seeing some movement, with EGX Rezzed in London’s Tobacco Dock serving as the first... More
Far Cry 5s Protagonist, Joseph Seed, Has A New Figure
21.March 2018
Normally, I am not a fan of "trailers for physical things", but this statue is actually really well done, so I'll allow it. Far Cry 5's protagonist, Joseph Seed, is a... More
R.I.P.; Toys R Us Sounds Its Death Knell Tomorrow
21.March 2018
For some, Toys "R" Us is just another giant store you've never been to. But for others, it was a paradise. It was a place for hopes and dreams. A place where anything was possible, even... More
New Trailer For Throwback Beat-Em-Up, 9 Monkeys Of Shaolin
21.March 2018
Indie developer Sobaka Studios and publisher Buka Entertainment just joined forces to release the oddly named 9 Monkeys of Shaolin, an old school beat 'em coming to consoles and PC. Best known... More
Are The New Matrix Flicks Going To Happen?
21.March 2018
It's been a long time since we saw a Matrix movie, and even longer since we saw a good one. Unlike a lot of people, I didn't mind the Matrix: Reloaded, and actually, I thought it was... More
Top Down Shooter, Garage, Unveiled For The Switch
21.March 2018
Garage is an upcoming, top down shooter from tinybuild, coming exclusively to the Nintendo Switch. Although at first glance, Garage looks kind of like a grittier Hot Line Miami, or maybe... More
New Mega Man Series Has A Crappy Art Style
21.March 2018
They have been talking a lot about this show, but there hasn't been a lot of information coming in. However, a recent tweet (see it here) gives us a look at the art style and it's making me... More
New South Park: The Fractured But Whole DLC, From Dusk Till Casa Bonita, Available Now
20.March 2018
I love that Trey Parker and Matt Stone make their show what they want it to be, and screw everyone else. For example, I remember the film From Dusk Till Dawn, and I loved it, despite it not... More
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Drops Cloak & Dagger DLC
20.March 2018
This DLC really crept up on everyone, and I am looking at a certain upcoming television show (here's a hint: it's the name of the DLC and we wrote about it a couple weeks ago) for the reason... More
Assassins Creed Rogue Remastered Out Now
20.March 2018
You ready for more Assassin's Creed? Seems like the answer is always yes, because Ubisoft just announced that Assassin's Creed Rogue Remastered is available now for PS4 and Xbox One for... More
A Plague Tale: Innocence, Has Some Gnarly New Screenshots
20.March 2018
A Plague Tale: Innocence is an upcoming adventure game developed by Asobo Studio for PS4, Xbox One and PC. Set in 1349, rats are swarming through France, and unfortunately for the French, the... More
Dragon Ball FighterZ Welcomes Bardock To The Fight!
20.March 2018
Dragon Ball FighterZ just keeps rolling out the characters, and this week it's Bardock!  Bardock is the father of Raditz and Goku, a low-class Saiyan warrior who lead a team under... More
Ataris New Video Computer System Has A Name, Little Else
19.March 2018
Atari has been dropping hints about a new console for a long time, but beyond tantalizing hints, there hasn't been a lot of concrete info (or any,really). Unfortunately, today isn't really... More
GWENT Tournament Has A Winner!
19.March 2018
Cd Projekt Red, the men and women behind The Witcher series, just held their big-league Gwent tournament, and they now have a champion: Zehua "Huyahanachann" Zhao is the big winner. And... More
Far Cry 5 Trailer Is All About Your Dog
19.March 2018
This trailer actually melted my black heart just a little. In-game, you can send your dog to do various tasks, like retrieving weapons, ammo, and even attacking enemies. If you are going the stealth... More
Sony Is Coughing Up $65 Bucks Per Fatty!
19.March 2018
Remember that hulking monstrosity that was the original PS3? Lovingly called the "fat" playstation, the console was supposed to be able to run Linux, and then the folks at Playstation... More
24.March 2020
24.March 2020
24.March 2020
18.March 2020
18.March 2020