The first game was pretty sweet, glad the followup is looking good.
Slated for a 2018 release, this action RPG will be released for the PS4.
It's a long time to wait, but just think; by... More
Rogue Trooper Redux has a new trailer out today and some good news for Switch owners.
Originally, Rebellion planned on releasing the Switch version after the other consoles, but it finished ahead... More
These humble bundles just wont quit!
Check it out, today they got some great deals on The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited, Quake Champions and others, as well as some good... More
Check if you can play the newest iteration of "Jump around, desperately trying to make your assassin land where you want him to- oops, I fell and died".
I mean, Assassin's... More
A new version??? No way! That's gotta be worth forking over another $40 or so bucks!
So, it looks like you get the DLC characters, some maps and a mode or two. Yippee!
To recap, here... More
Serious Sam in the house!
This is shaping up to be quite the line-up. Duke Nukem, now Serious Sam?
Aw, hell yeah.
Check out the official announcement below and if you like what you see,... More
Boy, aren't we full of ourselves?
Then again, I'm not a big COD player, so maybe this map is "iconic and beloved".
Still, it seems like sentence would be better suited to... More
Iceberg's entire catalog is discounted and they've got some good stuff, including Inmates, which just released.
Take a look at what they've got. At these prices, take a... More
You want a free game?
Of course you do.
The good guys, over at Game Sessions are giving away Men Of War: Assault Squad.
A real time tactics title, this WWII game lets you get your co-op on... More
This game got all kinds of acclaim, and if you dig point and clicks and sweet ass art, this is the game for you.
I was worried about the Switch line-up, but it's really starting to come... More
This is one you are going to want to keep an eye on.
Tanzia is a brightly colored RPG with a pretty sweet looking hand-painted style. If that isn't getting you pumped, have a cup of coffee and... More
In a move aimed at reminding people that Marvel isn't infallible, Marvel has released Black Bolt as a playable character on Marvel Heroes Omega to coincide with the release of their television... More
Episode 4 will be out on October 10th, and we gotta hope this is a bit better than the previous episode, which was not exactly, as they say, well-recieved.
Not that it was trashed either, i think... More
Well, well, well....aren't you console owners stoked?
You've (we've) been begging for it and they finally listened.
Check the trailer. Get the game
<iframe... More
Mortal Kombat turns 25 today. That'll make you feel old.
I remember the first time I played it...I was just a kid, on vacation with the family at a large campground that had a small store on... More
Injustice 2 is bringing The Atom into the fight and he looks like a ton of fun to play.
Still not really sold on all these costumes though...I hope the alternates are better (looking at you here,... More
I've been keeping my eye on this one and honestly? I think you should too.
Looking like a cross between Darksiders, Assassin's Creed and Shadow of the Colossus, this game has fast... More
Conarium, the creepy, atmospheric thriller from Zoetrope Interactive received a 2018 release date for Xbox One and PS4 today.
It was also selected out of 1,000 games to be showcased at the... More
Neorj, the prettiest platformer I've seen in a while just dropped a demo and a trailer.
Check out the trailer below, the website here, and donate to the kickstarter if you like what you... More
The second installment of Telltale's Batman Season 2 is available on STEAM today.
Check out our review of the first episode here.
Review incoming, check out the trailer below in the... More
We may never get a sequel to the awesome DREDD, but you can punish the hell out of evil doers today on the PS4 with JYDGE
Best of all, local co-op!
Check the trailer below:
From... More
I'm working on a review for this bad boy right now and dear....GOD do I hope it's good.
The game, not the review. Although I obviously want the review to be good too.
This game is so up... More
I have high hopes for this one.
I'm a sucker for the horror genre already and this looks like the moody, atmospheric fare that's right up my alley.
Inmates launches on the Oct. 5th and... More
This might not be the best game to emulate right now either, since Mass Effect: Andromeda was a mess and a huge disappointment.
Even the lead developers description makes it sound like a new Mass... More
I barely know what this is and i'll play it. That's how much I like Rick and Morty.
In your STEAM library, you will find R&M characters.
Go look.
Right... More
Man....this sucks.
Tom Petty has died of cardiac arrest at the age of 66.
I don't have much to say about this. Tom Petty was the man and I'm bummed out that he's gone.
Check out... More
This looks like it's one of those "lets look at boobs and blow stuff away" gimmicky type titles, kinda like Lollipop Chainsaw, except I think the girls can get totally naked... More
FOUR new Avatar sequels? Four? Who is asking for this?
Ok, look, I liked Avatar, alright? It was fine. But, that was what? Like ten years ago? That's like saying I liked... More
Here is comes, PC gamers! And way faster than you got a Dark Souls port.
Here's to hoping it's not a buggy mess, my PC gaming friends.
A game like this, choppy animations can be just as... More
I used to think these were gimmicky, but they are getting pretty cool.
Out today, Total War: Warhammer is available on STEAM.
Check out the latest trailer below and really take advantage... More