The Voice Actor Strike Against Video Game Companies May Finally Be Ending And Its Good For Everyone
26.September 2017
If you haven't been keeping up on this, don't feel too bad, a frustratingly small amount of people think about this profession at all.  Voice acting is an extremely specialized skill... More
DOOM VR Is Going To Give You Nightmares (Hopefully Not Vertigo)
26.September 2017
Man these screenshots are messed up.  I haven't fully embraced VR yet, as I usually like to wait and see if the technology needs to iron out any kinks (hint: it almost always does), but... More
Fire Emblem Warriors Gets New Content On The Switch
26.September 2017
Fire Emblem Warriors is already getting new characters and weapons and it isn't even out yet! This game kind of looks like a copy of Dynasty Warriors. Let's hope not, because there... More
Its Not A New Half-Life, But Its The Closest Were Gonna Get: Half-Life: C.A.G.E.D. Available Now
26.September 2017
Yeah, I think we all know that we are never going to get a true sequel to Half-Life. But at least we got this. An ex-Valve employee named Cayle George has released a Half-Life prison escape mod... More
Kholat Goes Hyper Real With Its Scares
26.September 2017
This game looks like it could be pretty creepy. Plus, it's narrated by Sean Bean, so you know it's gonna be good. The game is inspired by the true events of the Dyatlov Pass incident,... More
Notorious loser, Yamcha, Enters The Fight In New Dragon Ball Fighter Z Trailer
25.September 2017
Dragon Ball Fighter Z, the latest fighting game in a long line of titles based on the popular anime, has released a new trailer showcasing the show's penultimate loser, Yamcha. Yamcha is... More
Ni-Ohs Final DLC Looks Raw
25.September 2017
This game was a blast and it's DLC has been pretty roundly well received. This latest one is titled Nioh: Bloodshed's End. This is the last one before the inevitable sequel. Good news is,... More
Code Vein, The Sequel To Dark Souls Looks....Kinda eh.
25.September 2017
Yikes. I dunno, guys... Now, for the record, this is from Bandai, but it's not a "sequel" to Dark Souls, more of a spiritual successor. Now, before I unload, I hate how judgy we... More
Lighting Fight! New Injustice 2 Trailer Shows Off Raiden, Black Lightning
25.September 2017
Raiden is rad, but what are they doing to him in recent years? This costume is super lame and it looks like he's going to some kind of gold/pleather S&M party.  Black Lightning's... More
Attack On Titan Gets A Sequel
25.September 2017
Attack On Titan, the decently reviewed giant slice em up based on the manga of the same name, is getting a sequel. Check out some information and the weird trailer below.  ATTACK ON TITAN... More
Bonefaces Beautiful, Brutal Art
22.September 2017
Boneface is an amazing artist, taking a nostalgic, colorful, brutal spin on mainly 90's heros and flicks. "Growing up in the 90s was awesome," he says. "Everything was colourful... More
New God Of War Trailer Has Kratos Ditching His Chain-Blades For An Axe
22.September 2017
Kratos looks like he is ditching his constant Blades of Chaos in the upcoming God Of War title. Normally this would be gaming suicide, like Batman ditching the Batmobile or Superman ditching his... More
Southpark: The Fractured But Hole Gets A New Trailer & A Release Date
22.September 2017
I'm getting more and more excited about this one. I loved what they did with the previous game, poking fun at fantasy tropes and all, but I'm a superhero kid at heart and always have... More
Raiders of the Broken Planet Is Out Today, And It Looks Rad
22.September 2017
Mercury Steam, the development studio behind Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, are taking a pretty hard left turn with Raiders of the Broken Planet. Described as a "Four VS One shooter/brawler... More
New MASTODON EP, Cold Dark Place Out Today
22.September 2017
Former metal masters, Mastodon has released a new EP today and boy, is it streaming. Four songs and about twenty minutes of music later and I'm a bit confused. I know you have to expand and... More
Tactical RPG, Sword Legacy: Omen Gets A New Trailer
22.September 2017
The look of this reminds me a lot of Banner Saga, which is juuuuuuust fine. This new trailer shows off the hero's of Brittania, which is misread as "Britannica" like the... More
If Shank Met Double Dragon, Itd Look A Lot Like Bloody Zombies
22.September 2017
The title seems unoriginal, until you say it with with an accent. Then it begins to make more sense. Paw Print Games' newest endeavour, Bloody Zombies looks pretty great, like Streets of Rage... More
Humble Bundle End Of Summer Sale On Now!
22.September 2017
This is always a great sale, and there's some good stuff here, including price drops on Darkest Dungeon, XCOM 2, GTA V and more. Check it out and stock up; Winter Is Coming. Check... More
Coming To Netflix In October
21.September 2017
Netflix, the cable-company-killer, just dropped their October line-up. Let's peruse all the titles together, so we can decide how best to throw away giant chunks of our time while delighting... More
2017 Golden Joystick Awards Are Here! Vote Now, Get Schwag
21.September 2017
The Golden Joysticks are always a good time to vote for games you think got slighted, or just games you think need more attention. Categories include 'Best Storytelling', 'Ultimate Game... More
Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope Is Here, 25% Off And It Looks Badass!
21.September 2017
If you've got VR, get Serious Sam. This game is always fun for mindless rampages and blowing off steam. I often wonder how calamities this game has saved us from, letting frustrated people run... More
Heyyy Bayyybeee! Refine Your Mack With Super Seducer
21.September 2017
Ok, this looked dumb, but check out the trailer, it's actually pretty funny. When I lived in Hawaii, there was a guy who used to sit on Wikiki beach every day and just holler "Heyyyyyyy.... More
There Is A God. Wu Tang Is Back!
21.September 2017
If you don't know, allow me to be the first to inform you that now you KNOW. Wu-Tang is back and from the sound of the new single (featuring Redman!) they are making a big move.  Check... More
Nintendo JRPG, Etrian Odyssey V, Gets A New Character, Trailer
21.September 2017
I am a sucker for JRPGs. Always have been. If I get any JRPG news, you better believe I'm passing it along. Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth for the 3DS gets a new trailer today, showing off... More
Forged Of Blood Releases A New Trailer And A BOLD Statement
21.September 2017
These guys had me at "Fantasy turn-based tactical RPG", but then they called their game the "Fantasy XCOM" and I was like "Hey, hey, hey...whoa, ok? WHOA. Let's all just... More
Dontnods Vampyr Makes Us Wait A Little Bit Longer To Sate Our Bloodlust
21.September 2017
Dammit! Vampyr, the ghastly upcoming  title from Dontnod has been delayed until spring 2018. Sometimes it feels like I've been waiting for a good vampire game since The Legacy Of... More
Take Your Enemies On The Go With The Middle-earth: Shadow of War Mobile Nemesis System
21.September 2017
Usually I am leery of these kinds of tie-ins, but this is pretty cool. You can use the mobile game to build your army or wreck shop on orc captains and warchiefs. Either way, this looks like it could... More
Has Hollywood Finally Learned? New Tomb Raider Flick Looks Exactly Like The Game
20.September 2017
Wow. This looks JUST like the game. Not just the outfits and plot (although they do), but the feel of this thing.  Is it possible that Hollywood has finally figured out that you can use the... More
Punisher Finally Gets A Trailer!
20.September 2017
I really hope they don't screw this up. I thought that Berenthal did a great job in season 2 of DareDevil, but the writing was uneven and Punisher came off way too much like a maniac, shooting up... More
Final Fantasy XV Expansion Gets Halloween Release & New Trailer
20.September 2017
A release date and a trailer? Aren't you FF fans spoiled? Check out the trailer, it looks badass. From Square Enix: As members of Kingsglaive, players equip royal sigils that grant special... More
24.March 2020
24.March 2020
24.March 2020
18.March 2020
18.March 2020