Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back

Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back

17.10.2013 17:46:53


Bonus level:
Wait until the second polar bear falls off the bridge in the "Unbearable" level.

Jump after the bear to enter a bonus level.

Evan Mattson and Al Amaloo (

Bonus lives:
Jump on the baby polar bear's head in the second warp room (level 6-10) to collect ten extra lives.

Kyle Trimpe and Al Amaloo (

Return to Boss stages:
Position Crash on the center platform. Hold L1 + R1 + L2 + R2 + Triangle and
press Up when Crash points up or down. Note: Only Bosses previously encountered
may be revisited.

Submission: Al Amaloo (

Bonus voodoo mask:
Hold Up + Circle after losing a life until Crash moves again. Alternatively,
press X(2), then hold X + Up while in a warp tunnel. Release the buttons when
Crash appears to receive a voodoo mask after the next life is lost.

Submission: Al Amaloo (

Bonus Masks:
Voodoo mask can also be achieved when jumping through warp tunnel on the way
to a level hit up X3 on the 3rd time hold up and release when crash appears.
When you die during game play the mask will automatically be given.


Voodoo mask:
After loosing a life Hold Up + Circle until Crash moves.

Boss stages:
Enter the Platform in the Midde of each level select stage. Walk onto the
platform. Once there hold L1 + R1 + L2 + R2 + Triangle. Press Up or Down to go
to the next or last Boss Stage.

First level skip:
In the the first level, pause the game and go to the warp room and you will
skip the first level.

Free Crystal:
To get a crystal in the third warp room without playing a level, go back to the
first warp room and beat one of the warp tunnels. Crash will take out a crystal
and toss it up but the crystal will go to the third warp room.

More Extra Lives:
When you are on the 4th floor with the vortexes, get into the level with the
bees. Now, instead of going underground to avoid the bees, hit all 5 of them
away.(it takes practice) If done correctly, you should receive 2 lives, if done
again, 1 more life will be given. Do this as much as you wish.

Secret Level:
In the "UNBEARABLE" level, when the second bear falls off the bridge, go
back and jump into the space where he fell. This should take you to a level
with guys that shot bullets at you and a few turtles.

Hidden Warps:
1. BEAR DOWN: The small ice floe at the end of the stage.

2. AIR CRASH: The 2nd river. Don't jetski, but jump on the boxes
to the platform.

3. UNBEARABLE: When the cub bucks you off, go back until you
see him again.

4. HANGIN' OUT: when you drop down a hole into some eel-less
water, go into the foreground and drop down the hole.
(Pssst....use R1 to make Crash pull up his legs.)

5. DIGGIN' IT: Near the end there is a spitter plant on a circular
platform. Bellyflop onto it.

Extra Lives:
In the second warp room, go to the barking bear and jump on him until 10 extra
lives come out of him. This can only be done once.

Colored Gems:
TURTLE WOODS (Blue): Get no boxes.
SNOW GO (Red): Look at secret warps.get the one for Snow Go.
THE EEL DEAL (Green): Go past the dead end in the Nitro box filled room.
PLANT FOOD (Yellow): Get no boxes and beat the timer.
BEE-HAULING (Purple): Go up the stairs of Nitro boxes.

Hints for getting gems:
To get the red gem in sno job, you have to go to crash course. When you get to
the place where you get on the jet ski and there is a random floating tile up on
your right. It might be at the second ski, anyway, don't get on the ski, jump
from box to box and land on the platform. you will be transported to a bonus
level which you should go into. After you have done that, you can get on the red
gem in its two locations.

To get the green gem, you have to be in eel deal. Or the level like it, I
forgot, anyway there are a couple of places where the tube splits into two
parts. Once you get the boxes on the right there is a door that looks like a
wall, but you can go through it. I did this when I was invinceable (3
bandicoots) but i think you can do it any time.

I cant remember where i got the other ones, but some require you getting all the
apples on the level possible before you reach the platform if it is to appear.

Once you have the blue gem, go back to Hang Eight (Level 3) and repeat it until
you find a huge blue gem. Stand on it and it will transport you to a secret
level (that's why the first time around you probably were short a huge amount of


Warp Room 1

Level Gem You Get Gem Needed for Perfect
Crash Landing None None
Turtle Woods White, Blue None
Hang Eight 2 Whites Blue
The Pits white None
Snow Go White, Red None
Crash Dash White None

Warp Room 2

Level Gem You Get Gem Needed for Perfect
Snow Biz White Red
Air Crash 2 White None
Bear It White none
Crash Crush White none
The Eel Deal White, Green none

Warp Room 3

Level Gem You Get Gem Needed for Perfect
Plant Food White, Gold None
Sewer or Later 2 White Gold
Bear Down White None
Road to Ruin 2 White None
Un-Bearable White None

Warp Room 4

Level Gem You Get Gem Needed for Perfect
Hangin' Out White None
Diggin' It 2 White None
Cold Hard Crash 2 White None
Ruination 2 White Green
Bee-Having White, Purple None

Warp Room 5

Level Gem You Get Gem Needed for Perfect
Rock It White None
Night Fight 2 White None
Pack Attack White None
Spaced Out 2 White All Colored Gems
Totally Bear White None

Bonus Warp Room

Level Gem You Get Gem Needed for Perfect
Totally Fly White None

c 1998 Grant Appleyard, London, UK.

1... General Movement skills
2... Skull/Clear Platforms
3... Warp Worlds
4... Bear Control
5... Pack Control
6... Guides to Levels


Just a wee note to say the this guide isn't a full walkthru of Crash Bandicoot2. All I've
done is put
together a few hints and tips for the more difficult areas of this excellent Game. If
there is no entry for the
whereabouts of a particular Diamond or Gem, its because I feel it is not to difficult to
find. Also, as a
rule, most levels provide a Silver Gem if all of the boxes inside it are broken.

1: General Movement Skills

The Slide-Jump: Tapping slide just before jumping gives Crash a longer/higher jump.
Personally I prefer
to use the R1 button as the slide. If you get the timing right you can achieve a high jump
without sliding
at all. To achieve the maximum distance, first get to the edge of a given platform, slide
off and quickly
jump at the end of the slide.

NB: If you are lucky enough to own an analogue controller I recommend its use on the
'flowing' parts of
the game ie SurfBoarding and JetPacking.

2: Skull/Clear Platforms

Inside a number of levels you will find clear platforms. These platforms will only be
filled in if they are
reached without having lost a life previously. (nb: this does not including dying inside a
bonus level). If
you manage this, the platform will be filled in with a 'Skull and Crossbones' enabling you
to jump on and
ride it. Normally these platforms lead to a separate (and more difficult) stage,
containing a Gem of some

Don't worry, you can die inside these sub-levels without losing the platform. ***
Important- invariably
these extra levels do not contain boxes but on a few they do. Also, if the extra level has
its own ending
warp point, the boxes in the main part of the level will have to be broken before entering
the extra stage.

3: Warp Worlds

Rather confusing at first but easy once you have a few!! Throughout Crash2 are 5
WarpPoints leading
to a High Up Warp Platform. For every WarpPoint you find you are given the entrance to
another stage
/ a second entrance to an existing stage.

4: Bear Control

The main thing to remember regarding control of the little polar bear is the ability to
adjust his speed.
Pressing slide (ie R1) will give him a burst of speed (and any following jump will travel
further), whilst
pressing down on the D-Pad will slow him down a little, giving you more time to smash
tricky boxes.

5: Pack Control

As with the bear, learning how to use the JetPack is a requirement with Crash2. Basically
get used to the
slight Drag/Inertia. Also, proficient use of the top keys (L1= fly forward, R1= fly
backward) is a must.

6: Guides to Levels

*> Level 1: Turtle Woods

Silver Gem: Collect all boxes
Blue Gem: After gaining the Silver Gem, repeat the level without getting ANY
boxes at all.
Sub-lev: Belly Flop thru the Face on the ground (just before the 2nd
checkpoint) to access a sub-level. Inside it jump on the Ostriches
backs and slide-jump off to reach boxes.
Pits: Spin spin spin to kill the rats immediately as they rise.

*> Level 2: Snow Go

Red Gem: Accesible only from Warp World Entrance
Green Switch: Come towards the screen just after dropping down to the penultimate
checkpoint to find this.
Normal Switch: Near end of level bounce high on the second spring box to hit the
switch- this fills in the two boxes encountered just before.

*> Level 3: Hang Eight

Silver Gem#1 Collect all boxes inc. the one inside the Blue Gem stage
Silver Gem#2 Reach the end of the level before the timer runs out (roughly
60secs).. take long diagonal jumps to save time!

*> Level 4: The Pits

Crystal: Take the left hand fork half way thru level.
Hint: Take the left hand fork first, until you find the switch. Hit this
then backtrack the way you came to the fork, this time going right.

*> Level 6: Snow Biz- *** Requires Red Gem ***

*> Level 7: Air Crash

Silver Gem#1 Collect all boxes- This is only possible by beginning from the Warp
Silver Gem#2 Inside a sub-level. See Skull n Crossbones notes.
Warp World: Just before you get on the first surfboard, jump across the floating
3 boxes to reach a warp platform.

*> Level 9: Crash Crush

Hint: Backtrack to the right at the fork, a platform at the end will
return you.

*> Level 10: Eel Deal

Crystal: At the second fork take the left hand tunnel.
Green Gem: At the first fork take a right. Navigate thru the Nitro boxes until
you reach the wall at the far end. Jump THRU the wall and follow
this tunnel to find the green gem.

*> Level 11: Plant Food

Yellow Gem: Reach the end of the level before the timer runs out (roughly
60secs) to get the yellow.

*> Level 12: Sewer/Later- *** Requires Yellow Gem ***

Hint: There are no boxes inside the Yellow gem level.
Hint2: Take the right hand path at the fork to hit switches before
backtracking down the left hand path.

*> Level 13: Bear Down

Warp World: At the end of the level jump on the platforms floating in the lake
to reach a warp platform. This gives you the second entrance to
Air Crash (lev 7).

*> Level 14: Road to Ruin

Silver Gem#1: Inside a (boxless) sub-level See Skull n Crossbones notes.
Silver Gem#2: To collect all boxes you must start this level from the warp world.
(note: you will need to collect the crystal first)

*> Level 15: Unbearable

Hint: Watch for the First pit that the Big Polar Bear falls into. Drop
into this to access a sub-level. Also, be sure to smash the two high
boxes nastily placed 1/2 way thru (just after the checkpoint) this
WarpWorld: At the end of the level (after you are catapulted off the little
bear) return up the screen and jump over the crevice. Walk up to
the little bear to find the warp point. This gives you level 26
Totally Bear.

*> Level 16: Hangin out

WarpWorld: Track backwards just before the ? platform to enter a sub-level
leading to a warp point. This gives you level 27 Totally Fly.

*> Level 17: Diggin' It

Silver Gem#2: Skull n Crossbones platform on left fork path.
Hint#1: Inside the (?) bonus level, jump up the stacks of boxes (topped
with TNT's) to reach high platform & extra lives.
Hint#2: Make sure you collect boxes on both the left and right forks
(this means some tough backtracking).
WarpWorld: Belly flop on top of the bomb-spitting plant sitting on an island
nr the end of the level. This warppoint gives you the second
entrance to Road to Ruin (lev14).

*> Level 18: Cold Hard Crash- Toughy!!

Silver Gem#1: Inside a sub-level reached by using a skull n crossbones platform
1/2 way thru the stage. Inside this difficult sub-level, you will
need to flick the green switch at the end, then return all the way
back to the start to smash the boxes that are filled in.
Hint: Inside the (?) bonus level, when you come to across two 10-fruit
boxes, jump *on top* of the higher one to smash a hidden box.
Hint2: Also inside the (?) bonus level, near the end, be sure to trigger
the first of the TNT boxes, move away, then return to set off all
the others.

*> Level 19: Ruination *** Requires Green Gem ***

Note: The Green Gem sub-level does not contain any boxes.

*> Level 20: Beehaving

Magenta Gem: Jump up the 'inactive' nitro boxes found half-way thru the level
to access the sub-level containing the Magenta Gem.

*> Level 21: Piston It Away

Hint: To collect every box first go thru the whole level without dying,
smashing every box. Then, return to the skull n crossbones platform
located half-way thru the level. This way every box is broken.

*> Level 23: Night Fight

Hint: First make it to the skull platform, jump on it and follow the path
to collect the Gem. Now, kill yourself to return to the earlier
checkpoint( you get to keep the Gem). This time take the right hand
route, following this until you reach the point where the two paths
reconverge. Double-back (quickly) to find/smash 2 elusive boxes.

*> Level 25: Spaced Out *** Requires ALL Gems ***

Warp Platform Worlds

*> Level 26: Totally Bear - See bear control.

*> Level 27: Totally Fly

Hint: To collect all boxes: When you come across 6 re-inforced boxes,
try to memorise their positions so that you can find a belly-flop
them in the dark. You can avoid the Light-Moth, range ahead to break
the boxes, then return to activate the moth and make it safely
to the next checkpoint.

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17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
US Version: Alle Level und Gems freigespielt.

10.Октябрь 2008

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
24.Февраль 2018
22.Октябрь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
24.Июль 2014