Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back

Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back

17.10.2013 19:51:04
FAQ version 0.1
written by JRJ_Jedi

0. Introduction
1. "A Whole New Adventure!"
2. Controls
3. Types of Boxes
4. Characters
5. Warp Room #1
5.1. Turtle Woods
5.2. Snow Go
5.3. Hang Eight
5.4. The Pits
5.5. Crash Dash
6. Warp Room #2
6.1. Snow Biz
6.2. Air Crash
6.3. Bear It
6.4. Crash Crush
6.5. The Eel Deal
7. Warp Room #3
7.1. Plant Food
7.2. Sewer or Later
7.3. Bear Down
7.4. Road to Ruin
7.5. Un-Bearable
8. Warp Room #4
8.1. Hangin' Out
8.2. Diggin' It
8.3. Cold Hard Crash
8.4. Ruination
8.5. Bee Having
9. Warp Room #5
9.1. Piston It Away
9.2. Rock It
9.3. Night Fight
9.4. Pack Attack
9.5. Spaced Out
10. Secret Warp Room
10.1. Snow Go (Second Entrance)
10.2. Air Crash (Second Entrance)
10.3. Road to Ruin (Second Entrance)
10.4. Totally Bear
10.5. Totally Fly
11. Boss Tactics
11.1. Ripper Roo
11.2. Komodo Bros.
11.3. Tiny Tiger
11.4. N. Gin
11.5. N. Cortex
12. Endings
13. Credits
0. Introduction

Although most of Crash Bandicoot 2 is self-explanatory and almost
everything is easily obtained or found, sometimes people have a little
trouble getting 100% of everything (especially the colored gems and
both gems on Cold Hard Crash). That's what this FAQ is for. On with the

1. "A Whole New Adventure!"

Thanks to Crash, the evil Dr. Neo Cortex finds himself hurtling
earthward at terminal velocity, his maniacal bid for world domination –
thwarted...or so the story goes.

But, as it turns out, the world's problems are really only beginning.
Cortex awakens to find himself in a dark cavern filled with glowing
crystals. Convinced that they hold tremendous power, he retrieves one
and crawls back to his laboratory to examine it.

The crystal leads him to a terrible discovery: soon the planets will
align to create a catastrophic solar flux – and only the crystals
provide a means to contain this incredible force. Determined to redeem
himself for his past evil deeds, Cortex sets out to develop a new,
crystal-powered Cortex Vortex that will capture the stellar energy and
harmlessly dissipate it. He enlists the aid of his old colleague and
infamous physicist, Dr. N. Gin, to help him design such a device.

25 crystals are needed to provide the necessary power matrix. Cortex
knows there's only one hero with any chance of success – Crash

Crash saved the planet from Cortex before...but can he save it again,
this time for Cortex?

2. Controls

Directional Button UP move Crash forward
Directional Button DOWN move Crash backward
Directional Button LEFT/RIGHT move Crash left/right
X Button jump (hold X to jump higher)
O Button or R1 crouch while standing
Run+O Button or Run+R1 slide
[] Button spin
/\ Button review inventory
X+O Button or X+R1 body slam
R1+X or O Button+X high jump
combine with D-pad for long jump
R1 or O Button+D-pad crawl
START Button pause the action at any time

3. Types of Boxes

Aku Aku (Witch Doctor's Mask) – When possessing a Mask, Crash is
shielded from one enemy's attack or contact. Collect three Masks to
earn temporary invulnerability from all minor dangers.

Arrow Crates – Boxes with arrows (pointing up) let you know that there
is something good waiting for you when you jump on top of this box.
You can only open an arrow box by using the spin attack.

Bounce Boxes – Like Arrow Boxes, Bounce Boxes can be jumped upon
several times to earn multiple prizes. They look almost like regular
boxes except...

? Boxes – Who can say what's in these boxes? You'll just have to find
out for yourself.

! Boxes – These boxes may cause something in the background to change.

Green ! Boxes – Spin or jump on these boxes to detonate ALL of the
Nitro Boxes on that level. This is important for box completion.

TNT Boxes – Jump on these to start the 3 second fuse. Don't hang around
for the explosion or Crash will need more than glue to be assembled.

Nitro Boxes – NEVER EVER touch a Nitro Box. (Just a suggestion.)

Crash Boxes – If you see a box with a heroic-type mug on it, it usually
contains a 1-Up for Crash. Collect this to earn a free life.

C Boxes – Check Point. Allows you to return to the stage where you
opened the first C Box. If you opened more than one C Box in a stage,
you'll return to the location of the last opened C Box.

4. Characters

Crash Bandicoot
He's a marsupial on a mission! He's cool, he's brave and he's ready
for action! He's a hero who believes, but he's no fool!

Coco Bandicoot
Coco is the spirited young sister of Crash and is highly intelligent.
When her face isn't glued to a computer screen, she's trying to get
Crash's relaxed life more organized. Count on Coco to hack into
Cortex's plans to warn Crash with some important information.

N. Brio
Doublecrossed by Cortex, this one-time partner in crime will now do
anything to stop Cortex and his fiendish plans, regardless of the

Dr. Neo Cortex
Cortex claims to have learned his lesson, He says he's out to save
the world. But, a word of advice no matter what you do: don't turn
your back on this guy unless you're running full tilt in the opposite

Dr. N. Gin
Once a world-renowned physicist within the defense industry, Dr. N.
Gin was taken in by Cortex shortly after one of his missile projects
went terribly wrong and hit him in the head. The missile was
reconstructed as a cyber life-support system, but is still live, so
don't get him upset or he'll literally blow his top!

Ripper Roo
Ripper Roo is back, madder than ever. He's had time to perfect his
attack, so make sure you don't try to stand toe to toe with this

Komodo Joe + Komodo Moe
Cold-hearted and cold-blooded, the brothers form a dangerous
combination of brains and brawn, speed and strength, loyalty and
leadership. Komodo Joe is the brains of the operation. While not
physically powerful, he relies on speed and cunning in a fight and
is a master of the deadly art of samurai swordplay. Komodo Moe is
not necessarily the most intelligent. But, what he lacks in brain
power, Komodo Moe makes up for with size, unbelievable strength,
and the force of a runaway freight train.

Tiny Tiger
A fearsome opponent if there ever was one, Tiny has a few tricks
up his enormous sleeves. Try to stay one step ahead or you might
get crushed.

5. Warp Room #1

5.1. Turtle Woods
Clear Gem: Break all of the boxes in the level. There is a secret area
about 1/4 of the way through the level. When you see a weird-looking
face painted on a trapdoor, belly flop it. You fall through to this
area. When you reach the ostriches, you have to slide-jump off their
backs to get to the next platforms.
Blue Gem: After getting the Clear Gem, go through the whole level
without breaking any boxes. (You can still jump on Bouncy Boxes.)

5.2. Snow Go
Clear Gem: Break every box. First of all, you do not have to (and
can't) break the Nitro Boxes. Wait and hit the Green ! Box and this
will blow all of them up. Right after the first checkpoint, you'll see
a Red Gem taunting you from above. Don't try to get it – you'll just
get yourself killed. You have to enter the level through its second
entrance from the secret warp room. When you drop down from the side-
scrolling segment, run backwards and smack the Green ! Box to blow up
all of the Nitros. You will find two box outlines after this. A few
feet ahead is an Arrow Crate with a Bouncy Box above it. Break the
Bouncy Box, then jump again to hit a hidden ! Box. Now go back and the
boxes will be solid.
Red Gem: Enter the level through the secret entrance (see section 10.1)
and follow the trail to get the Red Gem.

5.3. Hang Eight
Clear Gem #1: Break all the boxes. To do this, you have to have the
Blue Gem from level one. The only problem you *might* have is in the
Blue Gem path. While you are riding the rocket board, you'll find
boxes suspended in the air above some yellow ramps that aren't filled
in. Ahead is a ! Box, so hit that and come back to get the now-filled-
in boxes.
Clear Gem #2: When you get to the first checkpoint, a timer will start
(at about a minute and five seconds). You will have this much time to
get to the end of the level and grab the gem. Note: Do NOT hit any
other checkpoints. If you do, you will start at the checkpoint and
will not be able to try this again unless you exit to the warp room.
Hit every giant plant enemy and do not go to the bonus area and you
should get the gem on your first or second try.

5.4. The Pits
Clear Gem: Break every box. About halfway through, you'll come to a
fork in the road. Take the right road first up to the checkpoint, then
go back and take the left road. Go all the way to the end of this path
then backtrack on the right path. Break the four boxes inside the
stone structure, then finish the bonus round and the level.

5.5. Crash Dash
Clear Gem: Break every box. This is easy until you get to the third
checkpoint. You have to hit a box sitting on a ledge surrounded by two
pits. If you get it right, you'll set yourself up for plenty of time
to hit the boxes that are behind the electric fences.

6. Warp Room #2

6.1. Snow Biz
Clear Gem: Break all the boxes. You MUST have the Red Gem before you
can get all the boxes. The Red Gem path is the only difficult part.

6.2. Air Crash
Clear Gem #1: Do NOT die. At all. If you die, exit the level and start
over. You have to get to the death route (platform marked with skull-
and-crossbones symbol) so you can get the first gem on the level.
Clear Gem #2: Break all the boxes. You can't break them all until you
enter the level through its second entrance (see section 10.2). After
the secret area, at the next rocket board area, don't hop on it yet.
Go to left and slide-jump to the platforms ahead to get the four boxes
on the last platform. Hint: If you have an Aku Aku to waste, wait
until the mines float back to the side of the platform with the boxes
on it. Let the mines hit you and you'll jump up onto the platform.

6.3. Bear It
Clear Gem: Break every box. This is a fun level. The only strategy you
need is when you approach the whales. After a whale jumps, DO NOT go
around it. The next whale will come up and smack you if you do.
Instead, go over the hole *right after* the whale goes in the water.

6.4. Crash Crush
Clear Gem: Break all the boxes. After the first checkpoint, the path
splits in two. Take the path that goes up and hit all the boxes,
making sure you slide-jump when you get to the second electric fence.
Hop on the platform and it will take you back to the fork. Now finish
the rest of the level.

6.5. The Eel Deal
Clear Gem: Break every box. No strategy is needed for this level...
Green Gem:...however, the Green Gem isn't as easy to get. At the fork
in the road, go right and you'll be in a room JAM-PACKED with Nitro
Boxes. Carefully maneuver around them and hop through the false wall
in the back, then follow the path to get the Green Gem.

7. Warp Room #3

7.1. Plant Food
Clear Gem: Break every box. Be careful when moving around with the
rocket board. When you get to the last rocket board segment, make sure
you run down the right path and kill the plants unless you have a
couple of Aku Akus.
Yellow Gem: After the first checkpoint, a timer will start and you'll
have to make it to the end of the level and grab the Yellow Gem.
You need at LEAST two Aku Akus if you want to get past the plant area
at the end without going down the path and killing them yourself.

7.2. Sewer or Later
Clear Gem #1: Break all the boxes. At the fork in the road with the
! Box on the right path, hit it, then head back the other way to get
two newly-filled-in boxes. All the other boxes are easily visible.
Clear Gem #2: Finish the Yellow Gem path. (This means you kinda hafta
have the Yellow Gem to do it.)

7.3. Bear Down
Clear Gem: Umm...break the boxes. Use the same tactic you learned for
level eight and you'll be alright.

7.4. Road to Ruin
Clear Gem #1: You have to enter the level through its second entrance
to break all the boxes (see section 10.3). So...ummm...go do that.
Clear Gem #2: You have to not die until you can get to the death path.
Finish the path to get the gem. After the gorilla throws the log,
start slide-jumping until the next one goes under your feet.

7.5. Un-Bearable
Clear Gem: Break all the boxes. This level is kind of like Crash Dash
and Crash Crush, except you're chased by a giant mama polar bear
instead of a boulder, Indiana Jones-style. there are two or three
boxes that you have to belly-flop VERY quickly, so make sure you hit
every single speed pad. When the polar bear falls in the hole, jump in
the hole (don't worry, you won't die). You end up in a pit with plenty
of Aku Akus and stuff. When you get to the Arrow Crate, bounce to the
platform above you, then you'll have to crouch-jump to hit the two
Crash Crates above you.

8. Warp Room #4

8.1. Hangin' Out
Clear Gem: Break every box. The only strategy you need is to move
QUICKLY when you're on the monkey bars. The flying robot things move
faster and faster and in more complex patterns as you progress.

8.2. Diggin' It
Clear Gem #1: Make it to the death path and about halfway through
you'll find a nice shiny clear gem just for you.
Clear Gem #2: Break all the boxes. You have to take the death path
first, then backtrack through the normal path, then take the normal
path again to the end of the level. On this level are bee hives. You
can probably easily spin a single bee away, but you cannot spin a
swarm of them at one time. When you are on the red clay-looking
ground, spin once to go underground and the bees can't sting you.
Beware of hammer-toting enemies, because they'll smack you while
you're hiding underground (beat them by jump-spinning).

8.3. Cold Hard Crash
Clear Gem #1: Get to the death path and grab the gem at the end.
Clear Gem #2: Tricky, tricky. Break all the boxes. When you get to the
bonus area, look out for two Bouncy Boxes, one on the ground and one
above it. Slide jump on the one in the air to get a hidden box. After
this is the death path. Look out for logs, stone crushers and porcu-
pines and hit the ! Box at the end (DO NOT FALL DOWN IN THE PIT). Head
back carefully to the beginning and hit the box that wasn't filled in
before (but now it is). Hop back on the death platform and finish the
rest of the level and miraculously you will get another gem!

8.4. Ruination
Clear Gem #1: Make sure you have the Green Gem. Finish the Green Gem
path. Right next to it is a checkpoint, so make sure you hit that so
you don't have to start at the beginning.
Clear Gem #2: Break all the boxes. Yes, just like every other level.

8.5. Bee Having
Clear Gem: Ack! Bee hell! None of the boxes are hidden, though you'll
have a tough time getting them on the run. You'd better work on your
hitting-the-bees-and-diving-into-the-ground-at-the-same-time skills.
Purple Gem: About three-quarters of the way through, you'll find a
staircase of Nitro Boxes. Or so it seems. Notice how they don't
bounce? That's because they're fake! Go ahead! Touch 'em! You won't
die! Ascend the staircase and you'll be whisked away to a secret area,
in which the Purple Gem lies, waiting for you to snag.

9. Warp Room #5

9.1. Piston It Away
Clear Gem #1: Take the death route and grab the gem.
Clear Gem #2: This is a tad tougher. Go all the way through the level,
breaking all the boxes and ignore the death route for now. NOW, go
back and take the death route, break the rest of the boxes and exit.
It IS possible to get both gems at the same time, it's just tough.

9.2. Rock It
Clear Gem: Well, you either love or hate the jetpack levels.
Personally, I despise them. Despite all the supposed *fun* you can
have on them, I still hate 'em with a vengeance. Oh well. Maybe you'll
like them. Just hit all the boxes.

9.3. Night Fight
Clear Gem #1: Take death path. Grab gem. Grab firefly(s). Finish level.
Clear Gem #2: Okay. Here we go. You have to break all the boxes. So,
carefully, hit every box quickly by spinning them. NEVER lose your
firefly unless you are 10,000 percent sure that you'll make it to the
next one. On the bonus area, run around the second firefly and get the
two Bouncy Boxes before grabbing it. You'll just waste time (and
probably lose the firefly) if you don't. When you come to the end of
the fork, head back on the left road and hit the two boxes, then grab
the firefly and finish the level.

9.4. Pack Attack
Clear Gem: Break every box. Make sure you check the top and bottom of
each doorway. See section 9.2. for more details.

9.5. Spaced Out
Clear Gem #1: Break every box. Hmmm...where have I heard that before?
Clear Gem #2: Keep on the lookout for the Blue Gem. Hop on it and
follow the paths of the colored gems for the second clear gem.

10. Secret Warp Room

10.1. Snow Go (Second Entrance)
Accessed from: Air Crash
How to get here: At the first checkpoint, jump on the boxes in the
water (be sure to use your shadow to aim) and hop on the platform on
the right and be whisked away!

10.2. Air Crash (Second Entrance)
Accessed from: Bear Down
How to get here: And the very end, right before you exit the level
(after the bear bucks you off), go backwards, hop on the dissolving
platforms and hop on the center platform.

10.3. Road to Ruin (Second Entrance)
Accessed from: Diggin' It
How to get here: Almost at the end of the level, there's a plant enemy
by itself on a platform to the left. Belly flop it to warp to the
second part of Road to Ruin.

10.4. Totally Bear
Accessed from: Un-Bearable
How to get here: At the very end of the level, do not exit. Instead,
slide-jump across the hole. The game might freeze or glitch for a
second, then walk up and touch the baby polar bear. You can now get to
the first secret level, Totally Bear.
Clear Gem: Hit all the boxes. Make sure you have, oh, 70 or so lives
before attempting this level. You are riding the bear again, but this
time it's at night, plus there are more boxes to hit and more
obstacles to avoid. You'll have to have lightning-fast reflexes (or
very good luck) because you can't see road hazards until they're right
in front of you. Also, there are two large lake areas. Hold L1, (you
will speed up) then hold X to jump high. You'll super-jump over the
lake. You have to do this because a normal jump will just kill you.

10.5. Totally Fly
Accessed from: Hangin' Out
How to get here: When you drop down a certain hole and the camera has
an overhead view, go backwards and drop down this hole. You'll be on a
new path. Avoid the spiny robot things by pulling your legs up (Hold
R1) and quickly moving across the net. A trail of Wumpa conceals a
hidden warp to the second secret level, Totally Fly.
Clear Gem: Get every box. The only problem is when you see the metal
boxes (that have to be belly-flopped). Do not grab the firefly yet.
Hit all the metal boxes by belly-flopping them (there are five or six
of them). If you miss one and then grab the firefly, you'll still have
enough time to get to the next firefly, but only if you miss ONE. Now
finish the level.

11. Boss Tactics

11.1. Ripper Roo
Difficulty: average
How to beat him: Stay in the lower-right corner and let him activate
the TNT's, then the Nitros. When he's flashing and unconscious, spin
him. Do this again for the second attack. On the last attack, move
over to the lower-left corner for the TNT blasts and then scoot over
five or so steps for the Nitro blasts. Spin him for victory.

11.2. Komodo Bros.
Difficulty: medium
How to beat them: Avoid Komodo Joe's spinning attack, but use your
spinning attack instead when he's flashing. When Moe starts tossing
swords, ALWAYS stay behind his back. Repeat this process again. On the
third attack, Moe will throw swords at you WHILE Joe spins at you.
Avoid both attacks and smack Joe one more time to win.

11.3. Tiny Tiger
Difficulty: easy
How to beat him: Hop around on the platforms and Tiny will follow your
path. When a platform flashes red, hop on it, then QUICKLY get off.
When the platform drops, Tiny will fall in the hole. Repeat this
process two more times. Beware, Tiny takes shortcuts on his third

11.4. N. Gin
Difficulty: medium-hard
How to beat him: Press Square to throw Wumpa fruit. Shoot his laser
blasters when they open up and avoid the beam that comes out of them.
When you blow them up, start aiming for the missile launchers on his
shoulders. Avoid the missiles (you can see where they're going to land
by their shadows) and destroy the missile launchers. When he comes
back up, shoot the green spot in the center of him and QUICKLY move.
He will melt the platforms that you stand on. Keep doing this until
he's dead.

11.5. N. Cortex
Difficulty: medium-hard (easy if you're good with the Jetpack)
How to beat him: Simply fly at him, and when you get close enough, spin
him. Be careful of mines and asteroids (you can spin mines). Hit him
two more times and you've beaten the game!

12. Endings
If you don't have 100%: Crash and Coco are on a beach. Coco wonders
about the Cortex Vortex, then the camera looks on as the Cortex Vortex
floats aimlessly in space (followed by the credits)

If you have 100%: A tower of Gems are loaded into Dr. N. Brio's
Gem-a-fied laser gun. N. Brio aims, then Crash spins the trigger. The
laser blast blows apart the Cortex Vortex (then the credits roll).

13. Credits
Me................................ for being bored enough to write this
Sybex....................... for making a halfway decent strategy guide
Sony/Naughty Dog................................... for making the game
nickwhiz1............................... for inspiring me to write this ........... for being there when I'm clueless about a game
TheAMan2............................... for ummm....pretty much nothing

---=== END of FAQ ===---
C ya next time, kids.

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17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
US Version: Alle Level und Gems freigespielt.

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