New in this version:
Slightly improved layout.
Walkthrough now covers all of disc 1.
Contents so far:
Section 0: Information
Section 1: Translations/Lists.
|-- Basic item list
|-- Very basic spell list
Section 2: The walkthrough.
Section 3: Extra stuff
-=| Section 0: Information |=-
This main reason for this guide is to help you through any tough times you may be having.
It is not intended to walk you through the entire game... why? Because that would ruin it.
This FAQ is copyright 2000 and above King Edgar 0 AKA James Danzl III.
You may post it on any website providing you E-mail me at
to inform me of this, give me a link to your page, and do not change the faq in any way.
Expect updates to be very common for a little while.
The newest version of this FAQ, and others by me, can always be found at
You will need a a program that can display japanese correctly in order to use this faq to
its full potential. I recommend NJStar Japanese WP. Which can be found at
This faq should be viewed in arial at 9 point.. as that's what it was written in.
It will look like crap in anything bigger.
I know that the style of this faq is quite strange/stupid. I did it for a few reasons.
1: This FAQ is for people with no japanese. 2: This FAQ tries not to spoil anything.
3: This FAQ assumes that you are a complete idiot.
The Best way to read this FAQ: Save the file, Open it with NJstar Japanese WP, Change the size to
-=| Section 1: Translations/Lists. |=-
Basic Item list/translation
Name(jap) Name(eng) What it does
¥Ý¡¼¥·¥ç¥ó Potion Recover 150 HP
¥Õ¥§¥Ë¥Ã¥¯¥¹¤ÎÈø Pheonix Down Revives unconcious characters
¥Æ¥ó¥È Tent Recover HP/MP, only at
Save point/WM 800
¥¨¡¼¥Æ¥ë Ether Recover 150 MP
Basic Spell list/translation
Name(Jap) Name(eng) What it does MP cost
¥±¥¢¥ë Cure Heals some HP 6
¥Ý¥¤¥½¥Ê Poisona Cures Poison 4
¥×¥í¥Æ¥¹ Protect Raises Defense. 6
¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥¢ Fire Minor Fire Damage 6
¥Ö¥ê¥¶¥É Blizzard Minor Ice Damage. 6
¥µ¥ó¥À¡¼ Thunder Minor Lightning damage 6
¥¹¥í¥¦ Slow Slows the enemy 6
-=| Section 2: The Walkthrough |=-
Walkthrough contents:
Disc 1:
Chapter 1: Zidane and Vivi, Alexandria
Chapter 2: The Evil Forest
Chapter 3: The Mist Contenent and the Ice Cave
Chapter 4: The Village of Dali
Chapter 5: Lindbulm
Chapter 6: Chocobos and Gizamaluke's Grotto
Chapter 7: South Gate and Burmecian Kingdom
-=-\/| Chapter 1: Zidane and Vivi, Alexandria
You start the game in a dark room, with a little light, walk forward to the small table in the
middle of
the room and press [action] when the ? bubble apears above your head. Now you get to name
this character. If you want to enter his name in english, choose to the third option on the side
enter: ZIDANE, or if you want to name his something else, go ahead. He will be called Zidane
throughout this walkthrough though. Pick the 5th option on the side when you are done.
After a short chat you will fight an easy battle, with a strange (hehe, and funny) end.
Now you get to watch a grown man play with dolls.... (hehe), When you get the chance
choose the bottem option. although if you want to you can pick the first one. You will see what I
Now the Story changes to another character. Make your way towords the town center.
There are quite a few places to enter on the way, so be sure to explore a little and get
some treasure. It is also a good idea to buy some potions (¥Ý¡¼¥·¥ç¥ó). Once you
are at the town center (The screen with the jump ropeing girls. btw... feel free to try it
Once at town center enter the building at the upper-left side. After the short scene leave.
Now go to the ticket tent. Choose the first option Now take the left path.After you trip and
the little guy comes choose the first option. Now follow. After all the talking you can talk
to the moogle (Kupo is his name.) to save. Climb the ladder and then follow him to the end.
Along the way you can name this character. If you want to give him his real name, it is Vivi.
Now, Back to Zidane... after a lot of talking you fight a battle. Not to hard. After the battle
it's time for a 1 on 1 sword duel. All you have to do is press the button it tells you to press.
When it is over you get