Lunar: Eternal Blue

Lunar: Eternal Blue

17.10.2013 01:44:30
L U N A R 2 : E T E R N A L B L U E C O M P L E T E
Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Walkthrough/FAQ Version 1.14
For Playstation(tm) (US version)
By: “A” Tadeo
Created: January 2, 2001
Date last Updated: February 21, 2002
Mail me at:
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This Walkthrough/FAQ is created for personal use only. You must not use it for
anything that gains profit. Specifically Magazines, Game Guides, Commercial
Web Sites. You’re also not allowed to rip off part/s of this Walkthrough/FAQ
and put it on your own Walkthrough/FAQ. Anyone doing this is guilty of
“plagiarism”, the act of stealing and passing off of ideas and words of
another as one’s own without crediting the source.

You also cannot use this Walkthrough/FAQ as a guide for you to make your own
Walkthrough/FAQ, you must do everything there is to do in the game yourself or
have others give info about your game and give them proper credit. You can
copy the layout though.

You can put this Walkthrough/FAQ on your non-commercial or non-profit web site
provided that not a single character has been edited or removed and you MUST
have permission from me in order to do so. You can also, print a copy of the
entire walkthrough or a part of it, provided you only use it for personal
purposes. Remember “You don’t have to steal, just ask.” - B.O.F.III


Hello everyone! I’m back again. Now, I’ll be creating a comprehensive guide
for one of the most anticipated RPGs for the Sony Playstation Console. Lunar
2: Eternal Blue Complete, US Version. I remembered that this game was actually
scheduled at around February of the year 2000. So, finally, the wait is over.
I’ll do my best to finish this guide as fast as possible and as reliable as it
can possibly be. Your help is always welcome.

In the first Lunar, we’ve enjoyed the adventures of Alex, a young boy who
dreams to follow the footsteps of Dragonmaster Dyne and he succeeded the title
of the Dragonmaster. Now, many years after the first adventure, Althena’s
guidance is once again needed by the world of Lunar as it is in danger once
more. Lunar’s Fate lies in the hand of another young boy, by the name of Hiro
and his cute and trusty little friend, Ruby. Will they be able to do it? Let’s
now start the adventure of Lunar 2: Eternal Blue.


I. Updates/Revisions
II. Game Information
A. Game Controls
B. Game Menu
C. Game Basics
1. Moving Around
2. Saving your game
3. The Battle System
4. Equipments and Items
5. Status Conditions
D. Character Stats
III. Character Information
A. Main Characters
B. Supporting Characters
C. Arch-Enemies
IV. Walkthrough
V. Magic List
VI. The Bromides
VII. Items
VIII. Equipments
1. Weapons
2. Shields
3. Armors
4. Helmets
5. Accessories
IX. Shop List
X. Gameplay Tips
XI. Enemy List
XIII. The Omake Box
XIV. Song Lyrics
XV. Credits


Version 1.14 (Started: February 21, 2002)
It’s been a loooong time. Here are a few updates for the guide.
- Magic List Finished
- More Bromides
- Special Items Update
- Short FAQ section update

Version 1.13 (Started: July 23, 2001)
- Walkthrough
- Finished Strategies
- Complete Epilogue Walkthrough
- Song Lyrics Section (plus Soundtrack List)
- The Omake Box
- New FAQ

Version 1.12 (Started: July 3, 2001)
- Item List Update
- Equipment List Update
- Completed Enemy List

Version 1.11 (Started: June 30, 2001)
- Huge equipment and magic list update!
- more to come!

Version 1.10 (Started: June 3, 2001)
- Walkthrough finished up to epilogue
- I’ll still include more locations and boss strategies though
- Equipments Update

Version 1.09 (Started: February 16, 2001)
- Walkthrough Update:
- Finished up to Pentagulia (right after saving the Red Dragon)
- Equipment List Update
- Shop List Update
- Enemy List Update

Version 1.08 (Started: January 17, 2001)
- Walkthrough Update:
- Saving the Black Dragon
- Magic List Update
- Equipment List Update
- Enemy List Update

Version 1.07 (Started: January 13, 2001)
- Walkthrough Update:
- On the way to the White Dragon Cave
- Contact Info Update
- Magic List Update
- Equipment List Update
- Enemy List Update
- FAQ #1 Update (new site)
- Credits Section Update

Version 1.06 (Started: January 12, 2001)
- Walkthrough Update:
- on the way to the Holy City of Pentagulia
- Magic List Update
- Bromides Update
- Item List Update
- Equipment List Update
- Enemy List Update
- Shop List Update

Version 1.05 (Started: January 9, 2001)
Still, I won’t be reading e-mails regarding any contribution. Corrections and
suggestions are welcome.
- Walkthrough Update:
- on the way to the magic city of Vane
- Magic List Update (fixed Lemina’s dialogues)
- Bromides Update
- Item List Update
- Equipment List Update
- Enemy List Update
- Shop List Update
- FAQs Update

Version 1.04 (Started: January 8, 2001)
- Walkthrough Update:
- finished up to Start of Zulan Blizzard
- Magic List Update
- Item List Update
- Equipment List Update
- Enemy List Update
- Shop List Update
- New Gameplay Tip (#6 is important)

Version 1.03 (Started: January 6, 2001)
- Walkthrough Update:
- finished up to start of Madoria Carnival
- Status Conditions
- Magic List Update
- Item List Update
- Equipment List Update
- Enemy List Update
- Shop List Update
- Gameplay Tips

Version 1.02 (Started: January 5, 2001)
- Walkthrough Update:
- finished up to Takkar Village
- Magic List Update
- Bromide Section Update
- Item List Update
- Equipment List Update
- Enemy List Update
- Shop List Update

Version 1.01 (Started: January 3, 2001)
- Walkthrough Update:
- finished up to Journey to Illusion Forest
- Magic List Update
- New Section: Bromides
- Enemy List Update
- Equipment List Update
- Shop List Update


_____ _____
| L1,2| | R1,2|
-------- ---------
/ _ \____________/ \
| _| |_ ___ ___ Tr |
| |_ _| |sel| |str| Sq Ci |
| |_| __ __ X |
| / \ / \ |
\ | AL |----| AR | /
\ / \__/ \__/ \ /
\___/ \___/

Here’s a not so perfect but efficient image of the Analog Controller of the
Sony Playstation console. Here are the descriptions of the different uses of
each of the buttons.

D-Pad = Move your character, select options from menus
X = Examine, Ok, Talk
Circle = Cancel Button, Run Button
Triangle = Cancel Button
Square = Open Menu
Select = Skip FMVs
Start = Quick Save

These are all I know as of now.


Main Menu

___ ___ ___ ___ ____ _______________ ________ 0 S
| | | | | | | Hiro Lv. 5 |
| I | II|III| IV| | p | HP 52/ 52 |
--- --- --- --- | | MP 34/ 34 |
---- ---------------

Here’s the Main Menu of the game. Here are the descriptions.
I = Magic
II = Items
III = Equip
IV = Options
S = Current Silver Points
P = Picture of the Party member

Items Menu

| 1 2 3 |
| |
| |
| Name | Type |
---------- ---------
| Description |

The Name, Type and Description pertains to the currently selected item.

Equipment Menu #1

|Attack 23|
|Attacks 20|
|Defense 15|
|Agility 8|
|Speed 10|
|Wisdom 23|
|Mag. Def 21| Lvl. 5 125 EXP(A)
|Range 15| next 146 EXP(B)
|Luck 10|

A = the Current Experience Points
B = Experience Points needed for level up

Equipment Menu #2

|1|2|3|4|5|6| | |
| a b c |
| |
| |
| Name |

a,b,c = Equipments
1 = Weapons
2 = Shield
3 = Helmet
4 = Armor
5,6 = Accessories

Options Menu

| Vibration On Off |
| Window Style Solid Clear |
| Window Color 1 2 3 4 5 6 |
| Spell Names On Off |
| Battle Voices On Off |

The Name, Type and Description pertains to the currently selected item.

Tactics Menu

Tactics 1 2 3
--- --- Order --- --- --- ---
| a | b | _ _ _ _ _ _ | p | | | |
--- --- |_|_|_|_|_|_| --- --- --- ---
| c | d | |_|_|_|_|_|_|
--- --- |_|_|_|_|_|_|
Name |_|_|_|_|_|_|

a = Order
b,1 = Tactics 1
c,2 = Tactics 2
d,3 = Tactics 3
Order = Arrangement of Party in Battle


1. Moving Around
Moving around the world map is very easy. You just need to control your
character with the directional pad. In the world map, if you reach a special
area, you’ll automatically enter it when you go to it. So always be observe
the surroundings first before moving. Inside dungeons, there are lots of
enemies lurking around. You’ll only engage in battle if they were able to
touch you. You can outrun most of them but some are way too quick and some
appear out of nowhere.

To progress through the game, you must go to places and speak to certain
people. It’s not hard to follow as the places in the world map are easy to
locate. The problem is inside dungeons. They are literally, like a maze. You
have to go around and locate an exit or a certain room or door to advance.
Altogether, it’s just easy.

2. Saving your Game
The saving system of this game is excellent. You can actually save anytime and
anywhere you want. This will help you a lot. So save, go to the main menu and
select the system option and then the save option. This game only needs 1
Memory Card Block, for your information.

3. The Battle System
The battle system is turn-based. Whoever has the higher speed rating moves
first. Take note that the battle system in this game has no Time Bars of some
sort therefore, the enemy won’t attack you unless you have finished your move.
Now, you can do lots of things during battles, you can use items, you can
attack, you can use Magic, you can escape, and you can even use the AI
(Artificial Intelligence) option to make your characters move on its own. To
win a battle, you must eradicate your opponents. Do you best not to allow any
of the enemies to live. If your party, on the other hand, is annihilated, the
game will be over. You have to restart the game once more.

More on AI. During AI mode, your character will do what is set for him/her to
do in the Tactics menu. If you take a look at the tactics menu, you’ll see 3
tactics on the right hand side of the screen. These 3 tactics will be the ones
used by the character during AI mode. You can set your character to attack or
use Magic or use an Item.

Another thing. During battles, your characters move in a grid like area. The
distance your character can walk is determined by the Range Stat. It is the
total number of steps your character can make in a single turn.

While attacking, sometimes, you’re able to inflict an increased amount of
damage than normal. It is called the Critical attack. You can’t force to do
one critical attack, it’s determined by the Luck of your character. The higher
it is, the greater the chance of doing a critical attack.

4. Equipments and Items
As with other RPG games, your character can equip with a weapon, an armor, a
helmet, a shield or armlet, 2 accessories and 2 crests. These increase the
ability of your characters in battle. Take note that if you equip a much older
and weaker weapon, you’ll have a harder time fighting enemies as your weapons
will deal less damage. For the armors, helmets, and Shields, these are used to
increase the endurance or defense rating of your character. So, as you visit a
new town, try to buy every new equipment.

Also, you ca equip another weapon during battle. First, choose the item menu
during battle and select the weapon you want that character to equip. The
downside here is that, your character will lose a turn if you change his/her

Items, on the other hand, can be used to restore HP, heal status abilities,
and some items are essential in finishing the game. I just want to point out
that you can only carry 20 of each items.

5. Status Conditions
There are certain conditions wherein your character’s movements or abilities
are affected during battles. These will give your enemies a better chance to
defeat you. Here are the Status Conditions in the game. Take note that all of
them can be cured by Ronfar’s Clean Litany.

Name | description
Poison | affected party member decreases HP after each turn
Paralyze | affected party member cannot move
Sleep | affected party member cannot move
Confuse | affected party member attacks anyone, including party members


I’ll now try to explain to you the meaning and use of the stats of your
character. You can see when you open up the Equipment Menu.

Attack - This is the attack power of your character. It determines the
strength of the physical attacks he/she makes.

Attacks – The maximum number of physical attacks your character can do in one

Defense – Determined the power of your character to defend from physical

Agility – This determines how often your character can avoid attacks.

Speed – Determines how fast your character is during the battle. The higher
the speed is, the higher the chance that he/she can move first in the battle.

Wisdom – Determines how strong your character’s magic is.

Magic Defense – Determines how strong you character is in defending Magic
attacks by enemies.

Range – the number of steps in the grid that your character can do during

Luck – determines how often you can successfully pull off a critical attack.







When you start the game, you’ll see a nice introduction FMV about Lunar and
how Althena nourished it and protected it. You’ll see Althena herself and the
evil being that threatens Lunar. Then, you’ll see the developers of the game.
After that you’ll see the awakening of Althena. Something has gone terribly
wrong. Then you’ll see a young man and a small cat-like creature (I won’t
spoil anything about the cat yet). The Cat, by the name of Ruby, tells the
young man that goes by the name of Hiro to be fast in getting the Dragon’s Eye
because of a trap. Hiro successfully gets it. It’s called the Right Sapphire
Jewel. Then, the place will rumble and exit is closing. But, as the 2 climb
the rope, it snaps and they both fall down. Now, they’ll be inside a dungeon
of some sort. When Hiro finally snaps out of it, they are greeted by Inferno
Ghouls. You see Hiro and Ruby trying to escape out of the dungeon. You’ll also
hear Hiro talking about his adventures. Then, on a cliff on a mountain, Ruby
tells Hiro to head back for his Grandpa’s House. You’ll now be able to control

***Special Note***
As in the previous Lunar game, you can save anywhere you want. Just select the
System Menu and choose the save option. This game uses only 1 Memory Card
Block by the way.

Now, from where you first controlled Hiro, just move south and you reach the
exit to the World Map.


To reach Hiro’s Grandpa’s house, go south and on the way, you’ll arrive at the
East Desert Pass.

100 Silver

From the entrance, just go south and you’ll see a Goddess Statue.

Goddess Statues completely heal your HP and MPs. So, when you see one of these
statues, don’t hesitate to heal your party.

From the Goddess Statue, just move along as the path is very straightforward.
On the way, you’ll see a giant ship pass by and then stops near Hiro and Ruby.
Then, you’ll see a FMV of it. The man will introduce himself as White Knight
Leo and tells you the name of the Ship, the Dragonship Destiny. After the FMV,
Leo will continue to talk about Lunar and the Goddess Althena. After that,
he’ll now disembark with the Dragonship and head for Gwyn’s Research Outpost.
After that you’ll be able to control Hiro once more. Go south onto the next

In here, you’ll see an intersection. The right path is a dead end so go left.
Move on and you’ll see another intersection. Go left first and get the chest
here for a Herb. Go back to the intersection and go right now. Move on until
you see the exit to the world map. Go all the way to the left first and get a
chest there for 100 Silver. After that, exit to the world map.


From your current position, go right and then go up and you’ll be able to see
a house and you’ll also see the Dragonship Destiny parked beside it. Go in the

Left Opal Jewel
Ancient Dagger

Upon entering, go directly to the house. Inside, you’ll see Leo and Gwyn.
Hiro’s Grandpa. Leo is talking to Gwyn about a certain destroyer and also
about the Blue Spire. Then, you’ll be able to control Hiro. Go to Gwyn and
talk to him. Hiro and Gwyn will greet each other then Leo talks to Gwyn and
asks him how to break the seal at the Blue Spire Entrance. Gwyn won’t tell
yet. You regain control of Hiro once more. Now, talk to Leo. After a short
talk, Leo will leave and head for the Blue Spire. Gwyn will then go up. He
sees something and wants you to see it too. So, go up the 2 ladders to the
right. On top, you’ll see the Blue Spire. There are blue lights around the
Spire and something shimmering comes down. Gwyn thinks that it is the
destroyer Leo was talking about. Then, you’ll be asked to choose from 2
options. Choose to go to the Blue Spire. Then, Gwyn will go back down. Follow
him and then talk to him. He’ll ask you to get a weapon from the basement
while he searches for the object that will break the seal at the Blue Spire.
When you regain control of Hiro, use the ladder to the left to go down to the
basement. Examine the chest and you’ll receive the Ancient Dagger. After that,
go back up and talk to Gwyn. He’ll now give you the Left Opal Jewel, which is
the one that can break the seal. When you regain control, Gwyn will now be in
you party. Leave Gwyn’s Place.


To reach the Blue Spire, from Gwyn’s Place, go right and then all the way up
and you’ll see a Dragon’s Head. It is the Blue Spire entrance. Go in.


Once you reach the entrance, Gwyn will put in the Opal Jewel on the dragon
head. But, the door won’t open. You’ll be able to control Hiro. Remember that
Hiro was able to get a Sapphire Jewel at the Dragon Ruins. So, go to the
dragon head and examine it. Hiro will put in the jewel and the door will
finally open. After a short talk go inside.

Angel’s Tear x2 Healing Nut
Starlight x2 Herb x2
72 Silver

Upon entering, go all the way to the north until you reach a chest. Get it for
an Angel’s Tear. Now, let’s call this place Point A. Now, go right and head
south to the lower right corner and you’ll see a square shaped pillar. Examine
is and it will go down and thus be activated. After that, return to Point A.
From here, go left and south into the lower left corner and examine another
pillar. From here, go directly to the north and you’ll see yet another square
shaped pillar. Examine it and then return to point A. You’ll notice that you
can pass through now. So, go north. You’ll see a Green Barrier that prevents
you from moving on. Go to the right from the barrier and switch another
pillar. The green barrier is gone so pass through there until you reach the
next area.

In here, go south a bit and you’ll see an intersection. Let’s call this
intersection as Point B. Now, go right and enter a small room and hit the
sphere switch at the end. After that, return to Point B. And then, go left and
go inside another room and hit another sphere switch. Return to Point B once
more. Now, go south. You’ll see another intersection. Let’s call this one as
Point C. Get the Starlight from the chest in here first. Now, go right first
and switch another Sphere Switch. After that, return to Point C. From here, go
left and hit another sphere switch. Now, return to Point C. Go south now and
use the Teleporter at the end. You’ll be transported to another area.

Now, move north until you see a FMV. After that FMV, you’ll regain control of
Hiro. Use the Goddess Statue here. Then, go north and enter the Blue Spire.
Inside, just move forward and you’ll see 2 ladders on the upper left and the
upper right corner. To the north, there is a chest that contains an Angel’s
Tear. Now, use any of the 2 ladders until you reach the next screen. From
here, use any of the 2 ladders to the lower left and the lower right corner of
this room. You’ll arrive on a new area. Let’s call this one as Point D. Now,
go to the upper left and get a chest with a Herb. Return to Point D. From
here, go right and get a Healing Nut from a chest. Now, return to Point D.
From here, use the center path and get another Herb from a chest. Now, use any
of the lower left or the lower right ladders. After using the ladders, you’ll
arrive in a new area. Let’s call this one as Point E. Now, go to the upper
right and get a Starlight and return to Point E. Go to the upper left this
time and get 72 Silvers. Now, go up the stairs near this chest. You’ll arrive
at the 6th floor of the spire. Just go to the right until you reach the next

In here, Gwyn and Hiro will try to find a passageway in order to reach the top
of the spire. When you regain control of Hiro, go to the north and you’ll see
a Teleporter. Use it and you’ll arrive at the top floor. In here, just move
forward. You’ll see a FMV of a lady appearing before Hiro and Ruby. After that
FMV, Lucia (the lady) will ask Hiro and Ruby to guide here in finding Althena
so that she could join Althena in the fight against Zophar. After that scene,
you’ll return downstairs where you’ll meet with Gwyn again. After another
short talk, you’ll regain control of your characters. Now, try to leave this
room. On the way, you’ll engage in a battle. You’ll fight 5 Crystal Knights
which is impossible to beat with Gwyn, Hiro and Ruby. But then, Lucia will
cast a very powerful spell that will annihilate every Crystal Knight in one
shot. After that, Hiro, Gwyn and Ruby will be shocked to see that Lucia can
cast such a very powerful spell. After another short talk, you’ll regain
control of them again. Now, go back all the way to the entrance of the Blue
Spire. Don’t worry about the enemies as Lucia will instantly kill anything
that she attacks. When you reach the Goddess Statue, you’ll see a FMV. After
that, talk to Lucia. Then suddenly, a man’s voice will be heard. It’s Zophar!
Zophar then casts a spell on Lucia. She will try her best to fight Zophar’s
Magic but it is way too powerful for her. Then, Zophar will tell Lucia that no
one can stand in his way in conquering the entire universe. Lucia’s magic is
removed due to the spell that Zophar cast on her. Then, Zophar’s voice will
wither away. Gwyn tells you to bring Lucia to his place and try to break the
spell of Zophar. So, just move on and go to the entrance of the spire. When
you reach the entrance, Gwyn notices that the Guardians have already awaken!

When you regain control of Hiro, continue walking down. The Guardian will
engage you in a fight.

EXP: 121
Silver: 100

This boss is way too hard for a being the first boss battle. What I did was
Hiro just use Poe Sword all the time. Gwyn’s first 3 moves are all Fractured
Armor. This way, Hiro will do more damage. When Gwyn or Hiro dies, use an
Angel’s Tear right away.

Near the end of the battle, Ruby will come in and attack the Guardian, killing
it. I was shocked but she sure did it.

After that battle, keep on moving until you reach the Labyrinth Entrance. Your
party will be shocked as the 4 Guardians are all awake. One guardian alone is
too tough, how much more if there are 4 of them. They begin to engage you in
battle now. You can’t win this one. Just let Hiro die. When that happens,
you’ll be back at the entrance. Suddenly, a huge beam of light passes through
the guardians killing them instantly. It’s the Dragonship Destiny’s Dragon
Cannon! After a short talk with Leo, you’ll be able to control your party. Go
to the right and Leo will talk to you again. This time, he’ll tell you
something about the destroyer and that the name is Lucia. He will then go to
the Spire with his men. During this time, you’ll be able to control your party
once more. So, go right and exit to the world map. When you’re finally in the
world map, just go straight to Gwyn’s Place.


In here, examine the goddess statue first and then go inside the house. Lucia
will be brought to the couch. Gwyn will leave you now to find a cure for
spell. When you regain control of Hiro, talk to Lucia. You’ll see a short
scene then you’ll be able to control Hiro once more. Talk to Lucia again.
After that, Gwyn will be back but unfortunately, he was not able to find the
cure. But then, Gwyn suddenly remembers a priest by the name of Ronfar, who
might be able to help Lucia. He’ll tell you that Ronfar lives in the Village
of Larpa. He’ll then leave the house and prepare the boat as the Village of
Larpa is on the other side of the lake. Once you regain control of Hiro, leave
the house. Gwyn, tells you to use the boat as it is ready. Gwyn will leave
behind because he is too old for such adventure. After that, you’ll be
automatically taken out to the world map.


Now, you’ll be just outside Gwyn’s house. Go to the boat now and press the X
button. You’ll be able to control the boat. Go left and use the Circle button
when you’re beside the docks and you’ll get to control Hiro again. From your
current position, go Southwest and you’ll see the Village if Larpa at the side
of the mountain.

Angel’s Tear Lucia’s Bromide 1
Healing Nut 500 Silver
Saucepan Lid

Upon entering, you’ll see the General Store. You can buy items and equipments
for Hiro if you want. Now, keep on moving until you see a goddess statue.
Examine the partially hidden chest behind it for an Angel’s Tear. Now, from
the goddess statue, go left and you’ll see 2 sets of stairs. Go up the first
set of stairs first. Go to the left and up the high ladder and you’ll see
Ronfar’s House. You’ll now know that Ronfar doesn’t seem to be a priest
anymore. After that, go back and climb up the second set of stairs. The big
house in the center is the Mayor’s House. But before going in, go to the upper
right first and search for a hidden treasure chest that contains a Healing
Nut. After getting that item, go inside the Mayor’s house.

Here, you can talk to the maids and the other persons if you like. After
talking, go up and talk to the Mayor who is at the leftmost room. He’ll agree
to give you info for a price. But, you’ll notice that he is (sorry for the
word) stupid. He’ll tell you that Ronfar is in the Sanctuary where the other
priests are. So, leave the Mayor’s house, go down the second set of stairs and
go left and enter the Sanctuary.

Once inside, if you talk to the people here, they seem to hate Ronfar a lot.
The man in the center room will tell you that Ronfar maybe at the Tavern.
After that, go to the upper left corner of the sanctuary first and use the
ladders in the corner. You’ll see yourself at the back of the sanctuary. Go to
the right and get a partially hidden chest that contains a Herb. Go back
inside the Sanctuary. You may talk to anyone here then leave the sanctuary.
The Tavern is the establishment that is to the left of the goddess statue.
Inside, talk to the man on the right side of the bar. He’ll agree to tell you
more about the Ronfar guy (but, it’s too obvious already who Ronfar actually
is). He’ll challenge you to a game of dice. You have to choose where the sum
of the dice will be odd or even. Just choose any as you will definitely lose
to him. Then, choose to give up. When you regain control of Hiro, talk to the
man again. This time, Lucia will feel something and will faint. The man
carries Lucia in his arms and is worried about her. He’ll tell Hiro to follow
him at his place so that he could have a rest too. The man will now leave the
tavern and you’ll be able to control Hiro once more.

Now, go to Ronfar’s house and you’ll see a short talk. After that go in. Talk
to Ronfar twice. Suddenly, someone comes in. It’s Leo! Ronfar will then talk
to him. Leo tells Ronfar about a certain Destroyer by the name of Lucia and
also tries to convince him to return to the Chosen Ones. After that talk, Leo
will leave for the Sanctuary. You’ll now regain control of Hiro. Talk to
Ronfar. He’ll tell you about his friendship with Leo and also about
Pentagulia, the Holy City. While talking, you’ll be asked what made you
believe in Lucia. You can choose any you want. After a short while Ronfar will
challenge you once more into a Dice Game. If you win, he’ll help you if he
wins, he’ll let you go and forget that you ever met. Now, choose Odd or Even
and you’ll win. Now, Ronfar tells you that you need a Goddess Statue to heal
Lucia and that there’s one at the Sanctuary. He’ll now reveal a secret
passageway to the Sanctuary. You now regain control of Hiro. Go through the
new door to exit Ronfar’s house. Now, go inside the cave-like opening and into
the Larpa Pass.

This way in here is very easy. It’s a straightforward path so just walk on
until you reach the next area. On the way, don’t forget to examine a chest for
500 Silver. In the next area, it’s another straightforward path to the exit.
Outside, you have to jump so choose to jump from the small cliff. Now, enter
the Sanctuary.

Inside, go to the center room. Ronfar will now cast a spell to reserve the
spell that Zophar inflicted on Lucia. Unfortunately, Ronfar wasn’t able to do
it. He’ll then have a short flashback when he tried to save a woman named
Mauri. After that, Ronfar won’t allow it to happen again so he tries to cast
another spell on Lucia. This time, Ronfar succeeds! After that, a short talk
will commence. Then, go back to Ronfar’s House. At the house, you’ll see a
short talk and then everyone will go to sleep.

The next morning, when Hiro wakes up, he notices that Lucia is already up.
You’ll have control of Hiro now. Leave Ronfar’s house and you can talk to the
different people around the town especially at the Sanctuary, Mayor’s House,
and the Tavern. You have to go to a certain house to gain more info about
Lucia. From the Sanctuary, go right past the stairs and you’ll see a house.
Talk to the man who is just outside the house. He’ll give you Lucia’s Bromide
1. After getting the Bromide, go inside the house. Talk to the housewife.
You’ll see a short scene where Lucia took care of the baby. She was so curious
about the baby. After that, she’ll tell you to go to the Mayor as he is very
knowledgeable about the village and he might be able to help you find Lucia.
So, leave this house and enter the Mayor’s House.

Here, go to the upper left corner first and get a chest with a Saucepan Lid.
Now, go up to the second floor and talk to the Mayor. He’ll tell you that you
can reach Pentagulia through the city of Dalton. Then, he’ll offer to tell you
where Lucia is if you pay him 30 Silver. The Mayor will tell you that Lucia
went to the Harbor. When you regain control of Hiro, leave the Mayor’s house.
Go the Tavern and go south from there and you’ll see Lucia. You’ll see a FMV
where Lucia still wonders what Althena did to this world. After the FMV, Lucia
leaves Hiro and Ruby and goes alone to Pentagulia. When you regain control of
Hiro, go to and Ronfar will meet you. He warns Hiro that Leo’s Dragonship
Destiny is headed for Pentagulia! He’ll now join Hiro once more. Now, exit to
the world map.


From Larpa, head west and you’ll enter an odd place. It’s is the West Desert

300 Silver

This is another easy dungeon. Just move forward and you’ll reach the exit in
no time at all. Just beware of the enemies as they are much harder than the
ones you’ve fought before. Also, get a chest on the way that contains 300


From the West Desert Pass, just head north and you’ll see a large port city.
So, enter the city of Dalton.


Upon entering, you’ll see Lucia on the deck of the Destiny together with Leo
and his guards. Leo orders his men to capture Lucia but Lucia will use her
magic against the guards. Leo will be furious and engages Lucia into battle.
Leo unleashes a lethal slash that Knocked Out Lucia. She’ll then be held in
prison in the Destiny. Hiro, Ronfar, and Ruby decide to go to the Destiny and
save Lucia. You’ll nave have control over Hiro. Go south. On the left side,
there is a hidden chest that contains an Herb. Now, you can go to the Shops
and buy equipments and items if necessary. After that, go up the set of stairs
to the left of the shops. You’ll see 3 small house and another stairs that
leads up. Go inside the middle of the 3 houses. Just get a Starlight from a
chest in here. Now, leave the house and enter the house to the right. Here, if
you examine the bookshelf, it will tell you about the Legendary Dragonmaster
that once protected the Goddess and the last Dragonmaster, which is the
greatest one, is none other than the Hero in Lunar: Silver Star Story, Alex of
Burg. After that, exit the house to the right and keep on going until you
reach the next tower. Here, go up first and get a Dagger then go south to the
previous room. Continue moving right and you’ll reach the deck of the Dragon
Ship Destiny.

Once on the deck, go right and then up and enter the door. You’ll see a
Goddess Statue here so heal yourselves and prepare for the battles ahead.
After healing, go through the upper left door. From here, just move on and
fight all the guards until you reach the room where Lucia is held captive.
You’ll hear her argue with Leo. He will tell Lucia that she will be executed
the next day. He then closes the jail door and leaves. You’ll now regain
control of Hiro. Go to Lucia and talk to her. Now, examine the button beside
the door and the door will now open and Lucia will be with you once more.
Suddenly, you’ll hear someone coming. The party will hide below as Leo comes
in. He will be furious because Lucia was able to escape in just a very short
period of time. While inside the jail, Ronfar sneaks up to the button and
pushes it. Leo is now trapped. Now, try to leave. Ronfar will stop you for a
while because he wants to speak with Leo. After that short talk, go all the
way back to the city of Dalton. Now, prepare your equipments and items. After
preparing, leave the City of Dalton. Before leaving, Ronfar tells you that you
must go through the Illusion Woods to be able to reach Pentagulia by foot.


From Dalton, go north and move on until you see a forest with an odd blue
structure in the center of it. Enter that forest.

600 Silver

Upon entering, Ronfar tells you that this isn’t the Illusion Woods but you
have to go through here to reach it. Then, you’ll regain control of your
characters. Now, move forward until you reach an intersection. Here go north.
At the next intersection. Here, go to the upper left and get a chest with 600
silvers in it. After getting the chest, go all the way to the right and onto
the next screen and you’ll arrive at the Blue Structure. Move on until Ronfar
tells you what this place is. It is the Star Dragon Tower. Then, Ronfar will
leave for a while to check if everything is ok. After that, Ruby and Hiro will
rest for a while. Lucia, on the other hand, will go near the Tower and
continues to think about everything that’s happening. Then, you’ll be able to
control Hiro and Ruby. Talk to Lucia twice. After that, Ronfar comes in. He’ll
tell you that everything is ok and the Dragonship Destiny is still parked at
Dalton. Once you regain control of your characters, use the Goddess Statue
first and head left and exit the Starlight Forest.


From the Starlight Forest, go north and around to the right and you’ll see a
thick forest at the end. It is the Illusion woods so enter it.

Herb x4 Starlight
146 Silver Life Jewel
Passion Fruit Rope Ladder
Jean’s Bromide 2
Snake Crest
Chain Mail
Iron Clogs

Although the name sounds tricky, it is very easy to navigate inside. Now, upon
entering, move forward and use the Goddess Statue if you wish. Then, talk to
the man sitting on the log. He is mad at Ronfar because he has lost a lot to
him. He challenges Ronfar in a dice game. If Ronfar wins, he’ll show you how
to go through the Illusion Woods. If he wins, Ronfar will return every penny
he has won from him. Of course, Ronfar will surely win and the man will tell
you about the thickets that you’ll see inside the forest. Some are dead ends
and some are real paths. After that, you’ll regain control of your characters
once more. Go inside the Illusion woods. Suddenly, Leo and his guards will
come in and tries to search the premises for Lucia and the rest. But, the
soldiers won’t be able to find anyone except the man at the entrance. Leo will
then instruct everyone to return to the Destiny as they north past the
Illusion Woods.

Illusion Woods 1

After that scene, you’ll be in the first area of the Illusion Woods. Upon
regaining control, try to defeat all enemies here. This is such a small area
and you can easily go through here. And remember that you can always go back
to the Goddess Statue to heal yourself as the monsters you defeat won’t re-
spawn. Now, back to the first area. In here, there are 3 thickets. One on the
upper right, one to the upper left and the other one is to the right. If you
open the right thicket, you’ll get a chest that contains an Herb. No go to the
upper left thicket. If you examine it, it is a dead end. But, notice a
partially hidden chest a bit to right. Get it for another Herb. The only
thicket left is the upper right one. Examine it and enter. You’ll arrive in
the next area of the Illusion Woods.

Illusion Woods 2

In here, it’s easy once more. Let’s do what we did in the first area. Defeat
all enemies first and return to the Goddess Statue and heal. Again, don’t
worry about the enemies because they won’t re-spawn. Now, back to the second
area. In the first intersection, you can either go left or right. Go left
first and get a chest with an Herb. Examine the thicket here and it will
reveal a chest that contains a Starlight. Now, return to the intersection and
use the right path. Move on. When you reach the upper part, you’ll see 2
thickets. Go to the upper left first and get a chest with the Snake Crest
first. After that, use the upper right thicket and you’ll arrive in the next

Illusion Woods 3

Upon entering, go north and to the right and you’ll get a chest with another
Herb. Continue to the lower right and you’ll see a thicket that contains a
chest with 146 Silvers. From here, go south, then right and finally, move to
the north. When you reach an intersection, you’ll see that you can go 3 ways.
Use the center path first and get a chest that contains a Chain Mail behind
the thicket. After getting the equipment, go right and then go north. You’ll
see a thicket to the upper right but it is a dead end, so from here, go left
and use the thicket there to reach the next area.


Move forward. Your party will hear some music. Then, you’ll see a party of
some sort. A FMV sequence will follow showing a beautiful girl dancing to a
lively tune. The girl will introduce herself to you as Jean. She’ll ask you
where you are here and Hiro will tell her that you are off to the Holy City of
Pentagulia. Jean will tell you that the path that leads outside is blocked so
you can’t pass through yet. After that, Jean will ask you to talk to the
leader of the Caravan, Giban. You’ll regain control of your characters here.
Talk to the man beside Jean who is Giban himself. You’ll have a short talk.
After that, Jean will leave the Caravan for a while. Upon regaining control of
your characters, you can wander around for a while. There are 3 paths that you
can see. To the Right, to the north where the path the leads outside is, and
to the left. Go first to the right and you’ll see a Goddess Statue. To the
right, you’ll see a partially hidden chest. Get it for a Life Jewel. Now go
back to the Caravan and head left onto the next area. You’ll see Jean here.
Before talking to her, search to the lower right for a hidden chest that
contains a Passion Fruit. After getting the item, talk to Jean. You have to
ask her 3 questions. After that, she’ll ask you in return why you are here.
You’ll tell here that you need to see Althena at the Holy City of Pentagulia.
When you regain control of your party, talk to Jean once more. Suddenly, a
plant of some sort will come out and captures Lucia. Jean will single-handedly
kill the plant to the amazement of the entire party. After that, Jean tells
you that you should not tell anyone what she did. And then, she’ll return to
the Caravan. You’ll see a scene with Jean in her room. You’ll also see a short
flashback about Jean’s past. After that, you’ll see Hiro and co. at the
Caravan. Then, Ronfar comes in and tells everyone about the Althena’s Springs.
Hiro, Ruby and Lucia will decide to have a bath at the springs too.

When you regain control of the party, go right to the next screen and enter
Althena’s Springs. Inside, go left. Lucia will stay because the path to the
left leads to the men’s springs. Now, you’ll see Ruby and Hiro bathing and
playing in the springs. Surprisingly, Lucia comes in and she is naked! You’ll
then see a FMV where Lucia goes near Hiro and Ruby. You’ll see Ruby trying to
close Hiro’s eyes. After that, you’ll be automatically taken to the Spring
Entrance. Go left again towards the men’s springs and you’ll see a chest in
the lower left corner. Examine it and you’ll receive the Iron Clogs. Now, go
back to the Caravan. On the way, you’ll hear a rumble and you’ll automatically
go to the Caravan. You’ll see the plants capture the people from the Caravan!
When you regain control of Hiro and the party, talk to Jean. She’d like to
join but she can’t for some reasons. She’ll give you the Rope Ladder that you
can use to go underground and save the people. Now, examine the hole and Hiro
will lay the Rope down. Before going down, Jean will go to Hiro and tells
everyone that she is decided to help you. After that, you’ll be automatically
taken underground.

Caravan Underground

In here, it is very easy to navigate. Just go left and enter the door at the
end on the lower left side. In the next area, just prepare your party for a
tough battle ahead. When prepared, move on and you’ll see the people from the
Caravan and the huge plant that captured them. You’ll now engage in a battle
with the plant.

EXP: 420

Talking about hard. Plantella has strong attacks and not to mention, it has 3
forms for you to deal with. Here’s the strategy I did just to barely win the
battle. Hiro should use Poe Sword or Boomerang most of the time. You may also
need him to use items to help Ronfar. For Ronfar, if the party doesn’t need
healing, have him use his Anger Dice Magic, as it is very effective. I managed
to get a lucky 180 HP damage for the Plantella. When the party is in need of
healing, have him use Calm or Heal Litany. For Jean, have her use Sleep Step
most of the time. You can also use her to help Ronfar in healing the party.
For Ruby and Lucia, they’ll come in handy sometimes by attacking the plant.

The plant has different attacks in every form. In the first form, it’ll use a
physical attack where it can inflict the Poison status to any of your party
members. The second form has a new attack that hurls sharp spikes at the
entire party. In the third form, where you will see a figure of a lady in the
tree, it’ll use a powerful attack that comes from the ground that will deal a
huge amount of damage to one of your party members.

The key here is to keep your entire party member’s HP above one half and try
your best to be patient as this battle may take a very long time.

After the battle with the Plantella, the people from the Caravan will be
freed. Jean now realizes that she can also use her powers and abilities to
help and save other people, not just hurting them. Back at the Caravan, Jean
will talk to Gabin and tells him the she decides to leave the Caravan for a
while. Gabin will allow Jean to go. After saying goodbye, you’ll be able to
regain control of your party once more. Now, go right to the next area first
and use the Goddess statue to heal your party. Return to the Caravan. The path
to the north is cleared of the blockade. Before leaving, talk to the girl near
the exit and she will give you Jean’s Bromide 2, which is a poster of Jean
that will be used for the Caravan. After that, leave the Caravan.


From the Illusion Woods, go right and then move on until you see a town with a
huge gate. Enter the village.


In the village, if you talk to the people, most of them will tell you about
the Gate that has been closed because Althena’s Guards are searching for a
red-hooded girl and his party, which is your party. You can do lots of things
here. On the upper right corner of the village, you’ll see the Weapons and
Armor shops. And just below them is the item shop which is near the entrance
of the Village. After buying items and equipments, go to the house on the left
of the item shop. Don’t go inside. Search its left side for a chest that
contains a Starlight. After that, go inside the bar. In here, talk to the red-
hooded girl that looks like a witch at the left side of the bar. She’ll tell
you that she came from the Magic City of Vane and she encourages you to take
the test so that you can enter that city. But, you have lots of matters at
hand so you can’t go there yet. The woman will then leave and tells you that
she’ll just be around when you need her. After that, leave the bar (hmmm...
that woman reminds me so much of Royce from Lunar Silver Star Story). Now, go
north and talk to the guard at the gate. The guard won’t let you pass through.
He’ll also tell you that Leo is searching for the Destroyer and the name is
Lucia. Obviously, he has no idea that Lucia is in front of him. While talking
to the guard, you’ll notice the red-hooded girl walking towards Hiro and co.
from the right. Then, seeing that the guard won’t let you pass through, the
girl will tell you that there is another way of passing through. It is a
Mountain Path plus a Haunted Manor on the way. The red-hooded girl will leave.
Now, follow her and she’ll open the gates to the Mountain Pass. Go right
towards the next area. You’ll also see the girl do some fishy talking.

Purity Ring
Wind Ring

Upon entering the Mountain Pass, just move on as there is only one way. Also,
get a chest on the way that contains a Purity Ring. When you reach an
intersection that goes either to the left or to the right, go to the left
first and get a chest there that contains a Wind Ring. After getting the Ring,
return to the intersection and continue to the right. From here, you can
follow the path as it goes all the way towards the Haunted Manor.

Holy Water Angel’s Tear
302 Silver Starlight x2

Upon entering the Manor, you’ll be at an intersection right away. Let’s call
this intersection as Point A. Now, go right first and get a chest that
contains a Holy Water. Return to Point A. Now, go all the way to the left
until you reach the corner. Go up and get a chest here for 302 Silvers. After
that, return to Point A. From here, go north and get another chest. This time,
you’ll receive an Angel’s Tear. After that, return to Point A once more. From
here, go left and stop at the first intersection. Go up now. Keep on moving
and get a chest with a Starlight on the way. Keep on moving to the right until
you reach a dead end. Go north a bit and get yet another chest that contains
an Herb. Now, go north and defeat the enemy blocking the way. Move on. Just
keep on walking until you see a weird looking room. Go left first and get a
chest that contains another Starlight. Now, prepare your party for another
tough battle. If you’re ready, move forward. You’ll meet a clown-like

EXP: 1,080

The bosses keeps on getting harder and harder! And this one’s no exception. As
with the previous boss, this one has 3 forms also and each transformation
brings about a new and more powerful attack from it. Here’s what I did to,
once again, barely win the battle. Hiro kept on using the Boomerang as other
attacks are ineffective. Have him use items from time to time also. For
Ronfar, his Anger Dice is very very effective! Have him heal your characters
when their HPs are below one half. For Jean, all I did was use normal attacks
with the fan and use items also from time to time. I also noticed that the
Magic Tester attacks the character that is in the middle. So, I was lucky.
Hiro is in the middle as the other party members are at the edges and corners.

Now, here are the attacks that the Magic Tester does. In its first form, it’ll
attack with the Drums (big damage), bubbles (inflicts Sleep), and simple
attacks. For the second form, it flies high and stomps on one of your party
members. For the final form, it unleashes a huge ray that damages anyone in
its path.

After the very tough boss fight, you’ll hear a girl talk. She’ll be mad as you
totally dismantled her Magic Tester. Then, you’ll see that she is the red-
hooded girl. You’ll see an FMV of here introducing herself as Lemina Ausa (A
descendant of Lemia and Mia Ausa in the first game). She’ll tell you that this
is just a test for you and that everything, including the entire Ghost Manor,
is a test. She’ll also tell you that you passed with flying colors and she’ll
give you a discount on the entrance fee at Vane. Your party will want to go to
Vane but they really have to go to Pentagulia first. Surprisingly, Lemina
decides to join your party so that after you’re done, she’ll guide you to
Vane. After short talk, you’ll regain control of your characters. Leave the
Ghost Manor by going through the north door.


Outside, go left towards the next screen. Here, you’ll see Lemina on a high
cliff. Lemina tells everyone that she has a Magic Carpet from Vane that can
take them safely below. The party will doubt it will work at first. When you
regain control of your party, step on the Magic Carpet. Lemina will then cast
a spell and the Magic Carpet will be able to lift everyone. But then, Lemina
loses concentration because she sneezed. The Magic Carpet fails, thus,
everyone fell on the ground. After that, you’ll have a short talk, then you’ll
regain control of the party. Use the Goddess Statue first and go left to the
World Map.


From the Mountain Pass just head left and you’ll see a mountain with a cave-
like opening. Go inside.

Shiro Crest

In here, just move forward and you’ll eventually reach a cave. Inside the
cave, just move forward once more as it is another straightforward path. Don’t
forget to get a chest on the with a Shiro Crest. Move on until you reach the
exit at the end. Outside, just continue to the left until you reach another

Wind Staff

Upon entering, you’ll be at an intersection right away. Go right first and get
a chest that contains a Starlight. Then, go back to the intersection and go
south. Move on until you reach another exit. Outside, just move on once more
towards the left until you reach an intersection. Go right first and get a
chest that contains a Wind Staff. Go back to the intersection and head for the
lower left. From here, just move on, again, until you reach the World Map.


From the Bandit Butte, go left and then go north a bit. You’ll see a large
structure that has a bridge over the water. Go there and enter it.

Silver Light

In here, you can talk to the different people. Let’s roam around a bit. At the
northern part of Nota, there’s a chest there that contains an Herb. You can
also buy some new equipments and items at the shops at the right area. Take
note also of a chest to the right of the Armor Shop entrance that contains a
Silver Light. Now, go to the house to the left, which is beside the bridge.
Inside, just go left onto the bridge. While walking over the bridge, you’ll
party will hear something. It’s Leo aboard the Destiny! Your party will now
run for their lives. After that, you’ll see your party in the village. Jean
suggests that you go a Carnival to the north. Giban might be there and may be
able to help you go get past Nota using something called the Might Arrow. When
you regain control of your characters, exit to the world map.


From Nota, go right a bit and go north and you’ll see something that looks
like a town. It is the Madoria Carnival.

Holy Water
Angel’s Tear

In this Carvinal, you can talk to the different people around here. Now,
you’ll see that there are 4 tents in here. The southern one is a tent where
you can play a Dice mini-game. You can wager 10 Silver, 50 Silver or 10,000
Silvers. You have to select whether the sum of the dice is Odd or Even. If you
win, you’ll be given a price double that of your wager. If you lose, the money
you waged will be won by the man. Next, let’s go inside the tent to the right.
Here, you’ll see an Item Shop so but items if you want. To the right of the
Item Shop, there is a chest that contains a Holy Water. After that, enter the
northern tent. You’ll be inside a dark room called the Giggle Den. You can
wander around and press X and sometimes, you’ll be able to talk to the
different persons inside. Some are very naughty though. After that one, go
inside the left tent. You’ll see a fortune teller here. Talk to Katarina, the
fortune Teller, and she’ll tell Jean that Giban is at the North end of the
Carnival. So, leave the tent and go north to the next area where the Caravan

In here, go and talk to Giban. Jean asks him is they could use the Magic Arrow
to transport them past Nota. But then, someone will come in. It’s Leo and his
guards. Giban was able to talk out of it again and tells Leo that there are no
suspicious looking persons around. Leo and co. will leave. After that, the
party tells Lucia to change her clothes because it is kind of odd to wear such
a long red robe. Ruby, Lemina, and Jean will help Lucia change clothes. When
you regain control of Hiro and Ronfar, go to the middle caravan. You’ll see
Lucia and the rest inside. Then, you’ll see a FMV of Lucia wearing funny
costumes. After that, Hiro and Ronfar will argue and accidentally comes in.
Lemina, Ruby, and Jean beat them up and you’ll see Hiro and Ronfar beaten up
to kingdom come.

After that incident, you’ll see Hiro and Ronfar fall from the sky. Then,
you’ll see a FMV showing Lucia’s new costume. After that, you’ll regain
control of your characters. Go inside the Right Caravan and get a chest that
contains an Angel’s Tear. After that, go outside and talk to Giban. He’ll
compliment Lucia for his new outfit. After that, he’ll tell you that the Magic
Arrow is ready so, talk to the man beside the Magic Arrow. He’ll prepare the
Magic arrow and you’ll start to board it. But then, Leo comes in and hits the
magic arrow with magic. The Magic arrow changes direction and Hiro and co.
will be thrown opposite to the real course of the arrow. Then, you’ll see the
Magic Arrow fly and you’ll hear the moaning and shouting of the party. They’ll
land in a weird place.

Healing Nut
Starlight x2
Dream Crest
Flame Staff

After that rough landing, your party will have a short talk. After that, go
left and you’ll see an odd image on the ground. Lucia senses that there is an
old magic here while Lemina cannot sense it even with her expertise in magic.
Lucia will then remove the seal. Lemina will be very shocked as to why Lucia
was able to cast such a powerful and sacred spell that only Althena can do.
After that, move on and use it and it will serve as a teleporter. You’ll now
be inside a weird room. Lucia will then use her magic once more to gather the
information instilled in this room. Then, you’ll see a FMV.

In the FMV, you’ll see a flashback as to what happened during the first game,
Lunar Silver Star Story. You’ll see the battle between Vane and the Grindery.
You’ll also see Althena as the Dark Songstress. Ghaleon and Alex will be there
also. At the end of the FMV, you’ll see the rest of the party of Alex: Kyle,
Jessica, Mia, and Nash.

After that FMV, the Hiro’s party will be shocked at what they’ve seen. Lucia
then tells to everyone that the image that they saw was Althena. But then,
someone familiar will talk. You’ll see another FMV wherein the owner of the
voice, as well as the records, reveals himself. It’s Ghaleon!!! He’ll
introduce himself to everyone and tells that he and Lucia will meet someday,
then he’ll leave. After short talks, you’ll now be able to move on. Go north
towards the next screen. Here, use the Goddess Statue. Then, go north to the
next area.

Mystic Ruins 3F1

This area may be confusing as it looks but it is very easy. You’ll notice that
there are platforms that have arrows pointing to 4 directions. When you step
on these platforms, it will transport you to the next platforms. Take note
also that you cannot control the direction of these platforms as they are
already assigned to a particular one. Now, I’ll try to guide you through here
as efficient and as fast as possible.

Now, at the entrance use the south moving platform. At the next stable
platform, use the moving platform to the left. In the next stable platform,
use the left moving platform again. Now, go left until you reach the next
room. In here, just get the chest that contains a Healing Nut then go right
back to the previous room. Now, use the north moving platform. In the next
stable platform, use the north moving platform once more. In the next one, use
the southern moving platform. In here, go right to the next room. In here,
just get the chest for a Dream Crest and go left, back to the previous room.
Now, use the Left Moving Platform and on the next one, use the South Moving
Platform. Then go south to the next area.

Mystic Ruins 2F1

Upon entering, you’ll see 3 moving platforms at once. So, let’s call this
starting point as Point A. Now, use the north moving platform first. At the
next one, use the north moving platform again. Now, go right towards the next
room. In here, get a chest that contains a Starlight then go back left to the
previous room. Return to Point A. Now, use the left moving platform. At the
next one, use the north moving platform. Go left to the next room. In here,
get a chest that contains another Starlight and go back to the previous room.
Return to Point A. From here, use the right moving platform. Next, use the
left moving platform. Get a chest here that contains the Flame Staff. Now, use
the following moving platforms in order. It will start from the stable
platform where the Flame Staff was. Use the Right, then North, Right, South,
and North. From here, just go north to the next area.

My New Secret Garden
In here, you can talk to the fairies if you want. You’ll wonder why Ghaleon is
kind to these fairies even though he is known as the evil Magic Emperor. Now,
go south and Lucia will remove the seal from the door. After removing the
seal, go south and you’ll be back outside at the World Map.


You’ll find yourselves just outside the tower where the Magic Arrow Landed.
Now go left and your party will hear another crumble. It’s the Dragonship
Destiny again! Leo threatens the party by firing the Cannons. Lucia will
decide to use all of her magic to fight Leo, the guards and the Dragonship
itself. The rest of the party will join Lucia, except for Lemina who wants to
surrender. The Destiny will then charge up its cannons and aims at Hiro and
the party. Suddenly, the guards were struck by lightning Magic. Leo stands
firm and tells the guards that they cannot be defeated by such magic. But
then, consecutive lightning struck Leo and he fainted as is burned to a crisp.
However, it is not Lucia who did it. To the surprise of the party, its
Ghaleon. Lucia doesn’t understand why Ghaleon helped them (and so am I). Then,
Ghaleon leaves and the Dragonship Destiny will retreat. You’ll be able to
control your party once more. Head for East Nota.


Here, you can now go and cross the bridge as the Dragonship Destiny is no
longer blocking. Pass through there and you’ll reach West Nota.

Life Jewel
Peasant Clothes

In the house opposite of East Nota, talk to the man here and he’ll tell you
about a shop in Meribia that is own by a famous man named Ramus. After that
just go to the town and buy equipments if you want. I do suggest it however
because there are new and stronger equipments here than at east Nota. After
buying, go down the sets of stairs and use the Goddess Statue if you want.
Now, from here go to the left and enter the house and get a chest inside for
the Peasant Clothes. Leave the house. Outside, you’ll see another chest to the
left. Go down the stairs carefully so that you won’t leave the town by
accident. Get that chest now for an Herb. Now, go back to the Statue. From
here, go to the upper right and get a chest there that contains a Life Jewel.
Now, go south and leave Nota. Before leaving, Ronfar tells you to go north.


From West Nota, just head north until you reach the snowfields. You’ll see the
Zulan village here. Go inside.

2,000 Silver
Healing Nut
Plate Armor Barrier Ring
Power Crest Water Staff
Phoenix Ring

Now, go left and go down the ladders that you’ll see. You’ll now be able to
see the Weapons and Armor Shops. You can go in and buy equipments if you like.
After buying, if necessary, go left and you’ll see 2 bridges. Cross the West
bridge. Talk to the man by the exit, which is at the bottom left area of the
village. He’ll ask you if you’re strong enough. Ronfar will say so. The man
will then ask you to defeat the monster that is creating this terrible
blizzard. After talking to the man, go north and you’ll see the Item Shop to
the left. You can buy items if you want. After buying, continue north and
you’ll see the Goddess Statue. Now, go to the left of the Goddess Statue and
you’ll see a partially hidden chest that contains a Starlight. After that,
enter the house that is to the right of the Goddess Statue.

This is the mayor’s house. Inside, you can talk to the people. Then, go
upstairs. Go to the lower right area of the second floor first and get a chest
there that contains a Plate Armor. Now, go left and talk to the Mayor of
Zulan. He’ll tell you about the monster that’s causing the blizzard. He’ll
also tell you that his grandchild is having a fever and his daughter, Maria,
went out to get some medicine but hasn’t returned yet. He’s so worried about
the village and his family. Then, when asked, choose to beat the monster. The
mayor will be happy to hear that. But then, Lucia thinks that this is just a
waste of valuable time, she decides to go on alone to meet Althena. She’ll
tell you what about the village because Zophar can destroy the whole world.
Hiro will try to talk to Lucia but she is very insistent and no one can stop
her. Now, back to the mayor’s room. After a short talk, you’ll regain control
of the party. Now, leave the mayor’s house and go north of the goddess statue
and you’ll be able to reach Zulan Mountains where the monster resides.

Zulan Mountains
Now, unlike the previous places with monsters, the monsters in this place will
re-spawn, meaning, they’ll be back if you leave the mountains and go back. So
be careful. Also, take note that there is a blizzard so it might be hard to
see where you’re going. Now, upon entering, go right and climb up the first
set of stairs. Next, go left and climb up another set of stairs. Then, you’ll
see a door made of Ice. Examine it and Ruby will breathe on it, therefore
melting it. Go inside.

Inside, go right and get a chest on the way for 2,000 Silver. Keep going right
and climb up a ladder. Then, climb up the next set of ladders and get a chest
that contains a Healing Nut then go back down. Now, continue moving to the
right. When you reach a ladder, go down from it. Then go left and go down
another ladder. From here, go right and climb up yet another ladder and go
through the door. It’ll lead you back outside. Now, go left and go up the
stairs. Then, go right a bit and you’ll see 2 doors made from Ice. The left
one has a monster in it as well as a dead end, so have Ruby breathe on the
right Ice Door then go inside.

Now, go left and climb up the ladder at the end. Next, go right and climb
another ladder. Now, go left and get a chest on the way for a Power Crest.
Continue moving left and climb up another set of ladders then go through the
door that will lead you back outside. Now, go right and get another chest that
contains the Water Staff. Go left from here and climb the ladder. The Ice door
that you’ll see here is another trap. So, move on. On top, you’ll see 2 more
Ice doors. The one of the left is the correct door so go inside.

In this new area, go right and get a chest that contains a Barrier Ring. After
that go down the ladder. Now, search to the southern wall for a hidden chest
that contains the Phoenix Ring. After locating the ring, move on and go
through the door at the end. Outside, go left and climb up the ladders at the
end. Then, go inside the icy door that you’ll see.

Now, go left and the party will hear something. At first, the party thought
that it is the monster. But alas! It’s an avalanche. The party has no time to
escape and will be buried. After that incident, you’ll see Lucia save Hiro and
Ruby. She changed somehow. She already felt pain in her heart when she left
her friends. After a short talk, you’ll regain control of Hiro, Ruby, and
Lucia. Now, go right and get Jean. Next, go to the left and get Ronfar. After
that, move on and get Lemina. After the short talk, better prepare your party
and save your game. If you’re already prepped up, go north and face the beast.

HP: 2,000 (estimated)
EXP: 2,600

Your initial perception of this boss is that it will be much harder to beat
that the previous bosses. But actually, this one has strong attacks but it has
a low HP compared to the last bosses. First of all, you should know that this
boss has only one form so don’t worry. He only has physical attacks but they
are pretty strong. But sometimes, the monster will call in a small avalanche
that does medium damage to all your party members.

Here’s what I did. For Hiro, just use Poe Sword. For Jean, just attack or help
recover HPs by using Herbs or Healing Nuts (if necessary). For Ronfar, Anger
dice is, once more, very effective. Ronfar should also be the main healer.
Have him use Calm Litany after Missing Link uses its avalanche attack. For
Lemina, a good Flame or Flame Shot will wear Missing Link down. As a
conclusion, this boss is easy so don’t worry. But of course, don’t be over

After defeating the monster, the blizzard will be over! After a short talk,
you’ll regain control of your characters. Then, you’ll notice that there’s a
girl here. So, go and talk to the girl. But, the girl seems to have amnesia.
She won’t remember who she is as well as having a child. Hiro then decides to
bring the grass to the mayor so that it can cure his grandchild.

Zulan Village
The mayor can’t thank you enough for finding his daughter and saving the
entire village. But he is still worried about Maria. Her amnesia is psychotic!
When you regain control of the party, try to leave the mayor’s house. Maria
comes up to you and asks you if she could join you. Of course, Hiro and the
rest doesn’t want to. Then, the baby cries. Maria will be forced to stay now.
So, when you regain control once more, leave the Mayor’s house. Outside, leave
Zulan by going through the southwestern exit.


From Zulan, go to the southeast and you’ll see a very big city. It’s Meribia,
so go in now.

Life Jewel
Jessica’s Bromide

Inside, Jean will talk for a while. Notice that the place didn’t change much
since the first game. Before moving on to the story, let’s get the chests
around here first. In the southwest area, you can get a chest there that
contains a Life Jewel by the wall. Then, at the southeast corner of the city,
you can get another chest that contains an Herb.

Now, go to the statue and from there, go left and you’ll see the weapon shop.
Buy the weapons here if you want. After that, go south and you’ll see the shop
of Ramus. Go in and talk to the people inside. You’ll know that this shop was
the famous shop when the first Ramus took over during the times of Master Mel
(first game). You’ll also know that the current Ramus is the 16th or the 17th
Ramus (the person is not sure). After that, exit Ramus Shop and go to the
Armor shop to the left. Buy, armors if you want then leave the shop. Now, go
to the bar at the right area of the city. Inside, talk to the persons inside.
Especially the man at the bar as he is the one holding Jessica’s Bromide.
After that, leave the bar and go right inside the Item shop and buy what you
want. Then, go north and enter Master Lunn’s Place.

Inside, you’ll see Master Lunn with his students. He tries to teach them to be
brave during battle. Then, all of the students will attack Lunn but won’t be
able to stop Master Lunn. Then, the party comes forward. Jean talks to Lunn.
Master Lunn will then talk to you in a private place. In the next screen,
you’ll regain control of the party. Go left and go inside Lunn’s room and talk
to him. Jean will talk about the Masked Man and his type of martial arts, the
Shadow Fist. She will then remember everything that happened the day she
escaped from them. Master Lunn will be very interested about them. He will
then ask you to go to Taben’s Peak to investigate. After that, you’ll be able
to regain control of you party once more. Go back down to the arena. Then, go
to the lower left area and get a chest that contains a Dagger. After that,
leave Master Lunn’s place and then leave Meribia.


Let’s now head for Taben’s Peak. From Meribia, go right and you’ll see an odd
structure on the way. Go inside of it.

Legendary Lid Spirit Mace
Thunder Staff Luck Ring

Inside, you’ll see a short talk between your party members. After that, move
on to the north as the right path is blocked. On the way, you’ll see a white
flying cat just like Ruby. Ruby will go after it then you’ll see a FMV. You’ll
see a young man who has Ruby. He’ll introduce himself as Nall (hmm... If you
played Lunar Silver Star Story, you’ll have a hint now). After that, he’ll
warn you not to move on and then he leaves. After that, go north and you’ll
see a Statue. Use it if you want then go up the sets of ladders until you
reach the next area.

In here, just move to the left until you reach an intersection. The south path
is a dead end so go left until you reach another intersection. In this
intersection, the upper right path is a dead end so go to the upper left until
you reach yet another intersection. Here, go to the left and get a chest that
contains an Herb. After that, go right back to the intersection and go up.
You’ll see a Kid at the top. The kid will call on the other children and then
they will start to throw rocks at your party. They’ll be able to stop you from
advancing. After that, they’ll leave. When you regain control, follow them.
You’ll see a ladder leading up but go right first and get a chest there that
contains the Legendary Lid. After getting that, go up the ladder to the next

In here, just go right as the path is straightforward. Get a chest on the way
for the Thunder Staff. Now, just continue and enter the door at the end. In
here, you’ll see the kid again. This time, the kids will attack you with a
Pepper bomb. Move on and exit to the right. Outside, get a chest that contains
a Luck Ring. Then, move on and get another chest on the way for the Spirit
Mace. Now, go up the big set of stairs.

In the next area, you’ll see Nall again. He’ll tell you how persistent you are
and then, the kids will trap your party with a large net. Nall then asks the
children to lock the party up. In the jail cell, the party will have a short
conversation then, you’ll be able to control Hiro and Ruby. Now, talk to all
of your party members. After that, Ronfar suggests that you sleep first as you
may need a rest. The party will now call it a night. The next morning, Hiro
and Ruby will be alone in the cell. After the kid wakes you up, go outside.
You’ll see a lot of kids here. You’ll also see Ronfar cook and Jean dance.
After that, go inside the top right door. Inside, you’ll see Lemina sweeping
the floor. After talking to her, go to the leftmost door. You’ll hear Lucia
talk to Nall. Lucia knows who Nall is! After hearing that, go inside and talk
to Nall. Suddenly, while talking, you’ll hear the kids scream! Nall will go
out then you’ll be able to control Hiro and Ruby. So, leave the room and move
on. You’ll see the rest of the party on the way. After a short talk, go to the
playground, which is the center door in this area. You’ll then see the cult
members kidnap the children. The cult members will see Jean and will be
shocked that she is still alive. Then, the cult members will leave. When you
regain control, talk to Nall. He’ll be mad at first. Then, you’ll be brought
to Nall’s Chamber. The party will volunteer to save the children. But Nall
doesn’t trust you yet. So, he tells you that he will keep one of you as
hostage. He’ll pick Lucia. He then tells you that the hideout of the Cult is
found in the sewers of Meribia. When you regain control, leave Nall’s place.
Outside, you need not go through Taben’s peak because there’s a Gondola at the
left side of the entrance that will take you down. So, talk to the kid beside
the gondola and he’ll give you a ride to the bottom of Taben’s Peak. From
here, just go south and leave Taben’s Peak and head for Meribia.

Starlight x3
Silver Light
Healing Nut
Steel Shield Soul Bandanna
Dew Ring Quake Staff
Steel Helm Silk Dress

In here, there are 2 entrances to the Meribian Sewers, one is found at Master
Lunn’s place and the other one is at Ramus’ Shop. Let’s head for Ramus’ shop.
When you go inside, there will be an opening at the northeast side, just below
Ramus. Go inside and you’ll be in the Sewers.

Meribia Sewers
No, upon entering, go left and press a tiny blue switch. It will turn to red
after you press it. A bridge will appear to the north (you’ll see it if you’re
standing beside the switch). But first, go left and get the chest at the end
that contains a Starlight. After that, go back and cross the bridge that you
just opened.

Now, go right and enter the a door and you’ll find a chest inside that
contains a Steel Shield. Then, press the blue switch behind it. After that,
exit the door and go left. Don’t cross the bridge that you crossed earlier. Go
left a bit and go north and you’ll see another bridge, cross it. Now, go all
the way to the right until you reach a room with a chest that contains the Dew
Ring. Then, go left a bit and then go south when you see the opportunity. When
you reach an intersection, go right and then move on and get the chest at the
end for a Soul Bandanna. Then, hit the blue switch. Now, go left to the
intersection. Here, go left once more to reach another intersection. Go north
first and get the chest with the Quake Staff. Then, go all the way to the
south past the intersection and you’ll reach yet another intersection. In
here, go left and hit a blue switch.

Now, go right and cross the first bridge that you’ll see. Then, go all the way
to the right and cross another bridge then get a chest with a Silver Light.
After that, cross the bridge and go left to an intersection. Here, go south
and get another chest with the Steel Helm. Now, go left until you reach an
intersection. Go north first and flip another blue switch. Go to the
intersection and go south. Move on until you reach another intersection. In
here, go left and get a chest that contains a Healing Nut. Go back to the
intersection and go up. Move on until you see a blue switch. Flip it and get 2
chests that contain 2 starlights. Cross the bridge to the south first and get
a chest there for a Silk Dress. Now, go inside the door, which is in the
middle of the 2 chests with Starlights. Prepare your party then move on.
You’ll see the kids and the members of the cult. There’ll be a short talk
between Jean and the Masked Man. Then, 4 assassins will engage you in battle.
They are pretty hard but can’t be considered a boss yet. After beating them,
Jean attacks the leader of the cult and it removed the mask. The leader will
hide his face (but with careful observation, you’ll have a hint as to who he
really is. Check out his hair). Then, the leader will board the boat and dares
you to go to the town of Horam. And he’ll also tell Jean about the Death
Tournament and then, the cult will leave. Then, Jean will get the mask and
hopes that Master Lunn will trust them now. You’ll then see the kids and they
are already safe. They’ll go back to Taben’s Peak by themselves. When you
regain control, go right and enter the door. You’ll be at Master Lunn’s place.
Go upstairs and talk to Lunn, but you won’t see Lunn anymore. Talk to his
assistant. He’ll tell you that Lunn went to Pentagulia because the goddess
summoned him. After that, leave Meribia and go to Taben’s Peak.

White Dragon Wings

Here, use the gondola to reach Nall’s place. Move on and Nall will greet you.
Here, Nall will hint you about Dragons. Then, you’ll see a short conversation
inside. After that, you’ll now have to find Lucia. When you regain control, go
up to the next floor and you’ll hear someone sing, it’s Lucia. When you regain
control, go to the playground and you’ll see Lucia and some of the kids. After
a short scene, Lucia will see Hiro and then the rest of the party members will
come in and area amazed at Lucia’s singing abilities. When you regain control
of your characters, go to the lower right area of the playground and get a
chest there for an Herb. You now have to leave Nall’s place and move on the
way for Pentagulia. Before leaving, Nall will talk to you for a short moment
and gives you the White Dragon Wings that will enable you to return to the
dungeon entrance without using the Dragonfly Wings anymore. Nall will then say
goodbye to the party and then to Ruby. When you regain control of the party,
use the gondola to go down. Now, the path to the right is not blocked anymore
so go to the lower right and move on until you reach the other side of Taben’s
Peak in the world map.


From Taben’s Peak, go right and you’ll see an odd city in an odd rock
formation. It is the Magic City of Vane. Go inside.


Upon entering Vane, go north and a woman will come in and talk to Lemina.
She’ll tell Lemina that Borgan came and went directly to the Magic Guild. They
tried to stop him but they weren’t able to do so. After that, the servants of
Borgan will block the way. They were ordered not to allow anyone to enter or
leave Vane. Even though Lemina introduced herself as the Junior Premier of the
Magic Guild, the servants still won’t allow you to pass through. Then, Lemina
tells the party about the Transmission Springs that were used a very long time
ago. Vane was once floating in the sky and the only way to get there is
through the Transmission Springs. When you regain control, exit to the world


To the southeast of Vane, you’ll see 2 circular springs. One of them has a
star. Go there.

Mia’s Bromide

Upon entering, be careful as to where you are walking. Go north first and talk
to the man up there. He’ll tell you that he is a collector of Bromides then
gives you Mia’s Bromide. After that, you can talk to the man below. Now, go to
the right circle. Lemina will use her magic to activate the teleporter. You’ll
be transported inside the Cave of Trials.


At the entrance, Lemina will tell you about the Cave of Trials, it being a
testing ground for those who want to enter Vane during the Ancient times. Now,
move on until you reach an Intersection. Go left (the right one is a dead
end). Move on until you reach yet another intersection. Here, go north and
exit through the door at the end to reach the next area. In here, just go left
and then south and you’ll see another door. Go in that door. In this area,
move to the right and enter another door at the end. Now, go all the way to
the left and then go north and enter another door at the end. In this area,
there will be no more enemies lurking around. Go south and you’ll see a white
light at the end. You’ll also see a treasure chest at the left side, but if
you try to open it, Lemina will stop you as these treasure chests (including
the ones you’ll find in Vane) is hers alone. So, exit through the south to
enter Vane.

Silver Light
Lemina’s Purse Seal Crest
Gorgon Doll Thunder Crest
Thieves’ Staff Angel Ring

Upon entering Vane, go all the way to the right and enter the library. You can
read TONS of information regarding almost everything about Lunar, Blue Star,
Althena, the Dragonmaster, and more. You’ll also see Phacia’s correcting on
some of the writings about the Vile Tribe (Phacia is one of the Vile Tribe in
the first Lunar game). Now, leave the Library and then go left for the Weapon
Shop. Buy if you want. The Armor Shop and the Item Shop are located to the
left. You’ll also see a Goddess Statue at the upper left area of Vane. After
that, go to the center and go up then enter the Magic Guild. In here, move
forward and you’ll see Borgan talking to Lemina’s Mother, Miria. Borgan offers
Miria to stay with him in building Neo-Vane. When you regain control, talk to
Borgan. Borgan will talk for a short moment. After that, talk to Miria and
then to Borgan once more. Now, Borgan will make Miria disappear. After another
short talk, Borgan and his servants will leave. Lemina feels remorse as she
can’t do anything to save her mother. She’ll then run away. When you regain
control of the party, follow Lemina to the rooftop. Here, talk to Lemina.
Lemina will tell you that she is very powerless and can’t even do petty
things. She is also the lone member of the Magic Guild so she is very
desperate in searching for those who will join. When asked to choose, select
“It’s not like that”. Then, the entire party will comfort Lemina and offers
her to join the Magic Guild. Then, Lemina cries. After those scenes, Lemina
will join your party again. You’ll now decide to go to Pentagulia to save
Lemina’s Mother and deal with Borgan. Lemina also tells you that you might
need some equipments so, she’ll now allow you to get the chests around Vane.
Now, here are the locations of the chests around Vane.

There are 2 chests inside the Magic Guild. They contain Lemina’s Purse and the
Gorgon Doll. Outside of the Magic guild, here are lots more to get. Just
outside the building of the Magic Guild, there's a chest at the left side that
contains Seal Crest. Go to the Goddess Statue. From there, go to the lower
left and get the chest there for the Thunder Crest. Inside the Cave of Trials,
get the chest there for the Thieves’ Staff that enabled Lemina to steal from
the enemies. Now, go inside the Library and get 2 chests in there for a Silver
Light and the Angel Ring. After getting all the equipments, leave Vane.


From Vane, go south and pass through the tress. You’ll reach an area where
you’ll see a body of water inside a forest. Go in there.

Vigor Ring
Warrior Crest

The enemies here are tough to beware. Now, move north and continue until you
reach the next area. Here, go north and get the chest there for a Vigor Ring.
After that, go right and get a chest on the way for a Star Light. When you
reach an intersection, go left and get a chest at the end for the Warrior
Crest. Then, go back to the intersection and go north to the next area.


In here, you’ll see a Goddess Statue. Heal first then move north. The party
will see that the road is underwater and it the flood gate will probably
opened the next morning to release the water. Therefore, the party decides to
camp for the night. At night, you’ll see the party around the camp fire. They
will talk about their feelings about this journey. Everyone is happy in the
company of each other. After that, Ronfar follows Ruby to sleep and the rest
will follow. While everyone is sleeping, Hiro will wake up and notices that
Lucia is not around. Now, go north to the water. You’ll see a FMV of Lucia
swimming and singing at the same time and she is naked. Hiro watches in
amazement. But, when Lucia notices Hiro is watching her, she’ll scream! Hiro
will run back as fast as he could. In the morning, the rest will notice
something about Hiro and Lucia. After that, Ronfar tells everyone that the
water has cleared and you may pass through now. When you regain control of the
party, go north and exit to the world map.


Now, go to the southeast and you’ll see a port town. Enter Azado.

Silver Light
Healing Nut
Safety Helmet
Healing Crest
Healing Ring

Upon entering, Ronfar tells you that you should head first to the shrine to
meet an acquaintance before arranging for a ship to Pentagulia. When you
regain control of the party, go to the left and you’ll see a weird looking
Goddess Statue. Now, from the statue, go right and enter the house and get a
chest inside that contains a Safety Helmet. Next, go all the way to the north
and you’ll see the Item shop. Buy items if you want or if you need it. Then,
go right from the item shop and you’ll be able to see the Weapon and Armor
Shop. I recommend that you buy the equipments here. After buying, leave the
shop and go north until you reach the next screen. You’ll see a large statue
of the Goddess with a flame on her hands. When you regain control, go inside
the shrine and talk to the man beside the goddess statue. He’ll recognize
Ronfar. But Ronfar seems to be confused. The person Ronfar wants to talk to is
not him. The man will tell you that the man, Ronfar is looking for, lives in a
house with a red roof. After that, leave the shrine and go to the village. Go
to the house with the red roof. A child will be guarding outside. His name is
Porom. After a short talk, Balse will go out and sees Ronfar. He will then
invite everyone to talk inside. Balse and the party will talk about what’s
happening around the village. Then, Balse stops the conversation, as there may
be some spies lurking around and might hear something. After that, you’ll
regain control of the party. Talk to Balse once more. He’ll now tell you about
Mauri and the flame. You’ll regain control of the party once more. Talk to
Balse again. Then, Porom comes in and asks permission from Balse if he could
play. Balse will give him his permission. Basle will now talk about what
happens during the night. They say that if you’re out during the night, your
soul will be snatched. But then, this seems to be a good chance for the party
to sneak during the night and board the ship headed for Pentagulia. Then
you’ll be asked to choose. Pick the bottom option if you want to rest or pick
the top option if you want to go out to the town to prepare. If you’re ready,
choose to rest.

In the night, you’ll be able to control the party. Now, leave Balse’s house.
Go left towards the statue and board the big ship. The ship is very familiar.
It’s the Destiny! Leo and his guards will appear and catches the party this
time. When you regain control (while tied), talk to Leo. You’ll see a short
talk. But suddenly, everyone will see that the village is burning! Leo will
pull out his sword and demands Lucia to stop using her magic. But it isn’t
Lucia’s magic. Then, Hiro tells Leo about what Balse said about the flames and
everything. Somehow, Leo thought twice. Then, Leo frees Hiro and Ronfar. When
you regain control, go back to the village. You’ll definitely see it burning.
All you have to do now is to go to Balse’s house. But, you must move around
and fight the tough enemies on the way. When you reach Balse, he will be
unconscious. Ronfar tries his best to cure Balse. It succeeds. You’ll see a
short talk. Leo will be enlightened as to what Balse said. He will then decide
to go to the shrine and see the answer for himself. Ronfar and Hiro will join
Leo. When you regain control of the party, go to the shrine.

When you reach the shrine, talk to the main outside. He won’t allow you to
pass. But then, Leo forces him to stand aside. Now, go inside. In here, go to
the upper right and enter the door. In the next area, you’ll see some people
around a flame. The party now decides to move and save the city at all cost.
When you regain control, go left and enter the stairs.

Goddess Image
In here, just keep moving through the ladders. You eventually reach a chest.
Get it for a Starlight. In here, you’ll see 3 doors. The ones on the left is
the one where you came from. This is the 9th floor so remember it well. Now,
use the rightmost ladder and keep going down and you’ll get 2 chests at the
bottom for the Healing Crest and the Healing Ring. After that, go back up to
the 9th floor and enter the door at the center. In here, get another chest
with a Healing Nut. Then, go up to the next floor. Here, get another chest
with a Silver Light. Go right to the next room. Prepare your characters just
as you reach the hands of the goddess image. If you’re ready, go left and
you’ll see the flame move and turn into a beast.

HP: ?
EXP: 6,000

With one 3 characters, you’ll really have a hard time against Flame Fang. It’s
flame attacks are very damaging, especially the flame attack that will damage
all 3 of your party members and deal medium damage. It also has an attack
where it charges at one party member and deals a very amount of damage.
Equipping the wind ring will really help you in this battle.

Now, here’s what you should do to win. Have Hiro use Poe Sword all the time
and help Ronfar in healing. For Ronfar, just have him use Calm or Heal Litany.
When one of your party members reach the critical HP (red color), have Ronfar
use Purity Litany. For Leo, just use Flash Blade and you’re done.


After that battle, the city will be saved! When you regain control of the
party, go down the goddess image once more and head for the village then go to
the Dragonship Destiny.


At the Dragonship, Leo will release the girls. But then, flames surround the
Dragonship. It’s Mauri! She is the one responsible for everything. Mauri scold
Leo for not killing Lucia, but Leo is enlightened now and protects the party.
After a short talk, Mauri will leave. Leo will now allow you to use the
Dragonship to reach Pentagulia. After that, you’ll see the ship travel through
the ocean.

Inside the Dragonship, you’ll see the party. Hiro and Ronfar will have a short
talk then you’ll be able to control Hiro and Ruby. Now, you can talk to the
rest of the party or you can talk to Leo. After that, use the upper right
stairs and move on. You’ll see Lucia. After that, Lucia will leave. Follow her
to the deck of the Destiny. On the deck, you’ll see Lucia. Hiro and Ruby will
talk for a while. Hiro will ask Ruby to watch out for Leo, as he will do
something. Ruby will stay at the stairs inside. However, Hiro did this so that
he could have a private time with Lucia. Go to Lucia. You’ll see a FMV. Hiro
and Lucia will talk about Pentagulia and Zophar. Lucia is really worried but
then, she feels something. There’s a pain in her heart that she can’t explain.
After that, Lucia will run away. Then, ruby will come in and tell Hiro that
she saw Lucia running and she is sad. Now, you’ll see Pentagulia in FMV
fashion as the Destiny arrives. After that FMV sequence, insert Disc 2.


You’ll see the Dragonship arrive. When you regain control, talk to Leo. He
tells you that he’ll go on ahead and inform Althena of your arrival. Suddenly,
Ghaleon appears! You’ll be shocked because Leo will call him the Dragonmaster!
After that shocking revelation, Ghaleon will order Leo to send Lucia to
Althena. After that Ghaleon and Leo will leave. When you regain control, talk
to the rest of the party members. Each of them will leave the party. Ronfar
will go to see Mauri. Jean will meet Lunn and tell him about the Masked Man of
the Shadow Dragon Cult. And Lemina will face Borgan and save her mother. After
that, Lucia will feel sad. Hiro explains that she is sad because her friends
are leaving. But it will be less sad because you know that they’ll be back.
When you regain control, go up to the next screen.

Move on until you see a large pentagon in center. In this area, there are 4
towers at the corners. The upper right corner is the tower of Leo, the White
Tower. At the upper left corner is Mauri’s tower, the Red Tower. At the lower
right is Borgan’s tower, the Black Tower. And finally, Lunn’s tower at the
lower left, which is the Blue Tower. You don’t have to go in those towers yet.
So, go north and enter the shrine. Inside, you’ll see a goddess statue in the
center. It looks like the goddess statue in Azado. After that, go up to either
set of stairs. In the next area, you’ll see Leo. Talk to him. Then, when
asked, choose to go inside. Leo will accompany you. Inside, you’ll see Ghaleon
and you’ll see Althena come in. You’ll now see a FMV. As Althena approaches,
Lucia feels something. It’s not Althena. (I can tell also that she isn’t.
Althena almost looks like Lucia herself). After that, Lucia will attack the
Fake Althena but Ghaleon will protect her. Ghaleon will attack Lucia but this
agitated Hiro and engaged Ghaleon in battle. This is pretty obvious. You’ll
definitely lose to Ghaleon so don’t use Items and don’t choose the AI mode
because Hiro might waste an Item. After Ghaleon beats Hiro, Ghaleon will take
Lucia into custody while Hiro and Ruby will be put to jail.

Healing Ring

Hiro and Ruby will have a short talk. When you regain control, talk to Ruby.
You really can’t think of a way to escape. But then, Leo comes in to the
rescue! But he keeps on insisting that his name is ‘Mystere’! He’s so funny!
Hiro and Ruby have no choice but to tag alone in Leo, uh.. I mean Mystere’s
game. Then, Mystere will tell you that there are 3 other towers and you must
save them all. There’s also a secret passageway in the underground that
interconnects all 4 towers. Leo will aid you in doing so. Then, Leo will try
to jump. But he is scared. Ruby will then fly to the other side and activate
the switch and a bridge will appear. Take note that, this tower has 5 floors.
This goes the same for the other 3. Now, inside the white tower, go down to
the next floor. You’ll see a Goddess Statue and a chest that contains a
Healing Ring. Then, go down to the next floor and get a chest that contains a
Life Jewel. Now, go all the way down until you see 2 goddess statues that will
ask for 100 Silver in exchange for healing. Don’t do this because you’ll see
another Goddess Statue. Now, move on until you reach the underground of
Pentagulia. Here, you’ll see a goddess statue in the center that won’t ask for
100 Silver so use it. Now, there are 3 other towers. Mauri’s red Tower to the
upper left, Lunn’s Blue Tower to the lower left, and Borgan’s Black Tower to
the lower right. Let’s get Ronfar in the Red Tower first so that we’ll have a

Silver Light
Hellfire Staff

Here, all you have to do is to go up to the top floor. On the way, you can get
a Silver Light and a Hellfire Staff at the 4th floor. At the top, activate the
switch that enables the bridge. Then, activate the switch that will release
Ronfar. Ronfar will tell you that he can’t believe what’s happening around
here. Then, you’ll see a short flashback of Ronfar talking to Mauri. Mauri has
changed a lot and Ronfar is really worried about her. But as Mauri finishes
her speech, the real Mauri’s voice will talk for a short while then the evil
Mauri will take Ronfar to jail. After that, you’ll see a short talk between
Ronfar and the party. When you regain control, go back down to the
underground. Now, let’s save Lemina first so that we’ll have a Magic Caster.
So, go to the lower right and enter Borgan’s Black Tower.

Life Jewel
Ritual Hairpin

As usual, you have to reach the top again. On the way, get a chest in the 2nd
floor that contains a Life Jewel. At the 4th floor, you’ll be able to get
another chest that contains the Ritual Hairpin. At the top, save Lemina.
Lemina will talk about Borgan, and then you’ll see her flashback of her demise
from the hands of Borgan. It seems that Miria is enjoying at Neo-Vane that
Borgan created. Borgan will offer Lemina to be his daughter but of course,
Lemina won’t allow it therefore she is held captive. Borgan will also hint
about Borgan. After that, go back down to the underground. Now, let’s head for
the final tower. Go to the lower left and enter Lunn’s Blue Tower.

Jewel Gauntlet
Ritual Hairpin

Just as the previous towers, go all the way up. On the third floor, get a
chest that contains a Jewel Gauntlet. At the fourth floor, get the chest here
for another Ritual Hairpin. On the top floor, set Jean free. Then, you’ll see
a flashback of what happened between Jean and Lunn. But then, Lunn turns out
to be the Shadow Dragon Cult master himself and entraps Jean. After that,
there will be a short talk between the characters. Then, Mystere will leave
the party because he already did his part in aiding you in saving your party
members. When you regain control, try to go down the ladder. You’ll see Leo on
the way. Leo denies that he knows someone named Mystere. Then, he is now very
curious as to what is happening around here in Pentagulia. He will then decide
to join your party, now as Leo. He will also tell you to save Lucia first as
Ghaleon might kill her anytime and she is held in a secret room somewhere in
the underground.


Now, examine the statue. It will reveal a path leading to the depths of the
shrine. Now, move on and you’ll see Lucia and the Fake Althena talk. It seems
that the Fake Althena will take Lucia’s life to gain immortality and beauty.
Now, when you regain control, move north towards the next screen.


Now, go north until you see 5 persons around a circle. From there, go left and
move on until you reach the room where Lucia is held. You’ll see Ghaleon and
Lucia this time. After a long conversation, Ghaleon will leave. After that,
you’ll see Leo and the party. Leo will leave for a while to look for Althena.
When you regain control, go and save Lucia. Once freed, Lucia is very
determined to save Althena. Now, follow Lucia. In the next screen, go up the
stairs. Just follow Lucia until you reach the Balcony in the center of
Pentagulia. Lucia knows that Althena is held at the bottom and then, she jumps
down. Follow her below.

At the bottom, you’ll see the 5th Tower of Pentagulia. Move on. A force field
will prevent you from entering. Lucia is shocked to see that there is a power
that can seal Althena. Then, you’ll see the Fake Althena together with her
servants. Lunn, Borgan, and Mauri. The Fake Althena will now call on Ghaleon.
If Ghaleon gets here, the party won’t even stand a chance against them.
Suddenly, Lucia feels the power of Althena and then the White Dragon wings
will shimmer and teleports the party out of harms way. Ghaleon will come in
and then, Zophar will talk to Ghaleon and company. After that chat between
Zophar and Ghaleon, you’ll see the party arrive at Nall’s place.


When you regain control, talk to Nall. He will finally tell everyone that he
is actually the White Dragon of Althena. Although Lucia knows it all along.
After that, you’ll see what happened between Ghaleon and Nall. Ghaleon visited
Nall and took sealed his power. Nall will then tell you that you have to get
all 4 Dragon’s Auras to remove the seal on the Dragons. When you’re asked to
choose, select “Adventure is my middle name”. After that, talk to Nall again
and he’ll tell you to get the White Dragon Aura first from Leo. This is good
because Leo is on your side now. After that, talk to the party members and
they will join you once more. A kid will come in and reports to Nall. The kid
tells everyone that the Destiny is headed for Vane. When you regain control,
leave Taben’s Peak and head for Vane.


On the way, you’ll see the Dragonship Destiny parked beside the Magic City of
Vane. Go to it and press the X button to board it.


In the Dragonship, talk to Leo. He’ll tell you that you have to prove yourself
worthy of the White Dragon Aura. Therefore, you have to fight him using Hiro

Boss: LEO
HP: 600
EXP: 6,000

With Hiro alone, you may have a hard time against Leo. But if you know what to
do, you’ll definitely win. Now, all you have to do is to use Poe Sword every
time you attack. If your HP goes below 120 (Flash Blade damages Hiro for 110+
HP), don’t hesitate to use a Healing Nut. During the battle, if you are unable
to beat Leo fast enough, he will use a Passion Fruit that will heal 999 HP!
So, try to finish him as fast as you can.


After that battle, Leo will gladly give you the White Dragon Aura. He’ll also
tell you that the White Dragon Cave is located somewhere off the coast of
Meribia. Then, he’ll take you to the Helm gives the controls of the Destiny to
you! Alright! You got to control the ship now! After that Leo will say goodbye
to the party. Now, let’s go to the White Dragon Cave. Just as you start to
move, Ruby will tell you that you must go west from Meribia and look for a
chunk of ice with a hole in it.

Dragonship Destiny Controls:
To move around, just press the Directional Pad or use the Left Analog Stick.
You can move over tress and to the water. To go to the water, you need to go
to a beach first to be able to enter the waterways. If you want to disembark
the Destiny, just press the X button. On the other hand, if you want to ride
the Destiny, press the X button once more.


In Meribia, while controlling the Dragonship, go to the beach beside the city
and go in the water. Go to the left until you reach a field with large
Icebergs. Keep on going left until you can’t move anymore. The Icebergs are
quite big so you just have to walk. So, disembark the Destiny and keep on
moving north and enter the White Dragon Cave at the end.

Vitality Vial
Endurance Ring Ice Staff
Snake Ring Angel Ring
White Dragon Crest

Upon entering, you’ll hear Nall. He’ll tell you about 4 treasures that are
scattered that you’ll need in order to enter his chamber. After that, you’ll
regain control of your characters. Move on until you see a ladder. Don’t go
down yet. Instead, go south and get chest with Starlight. Go down the ladder
and go left. When you reach another ladder, go up. Move on and get a chest on
the way for the Snake Ring. Move on until you see a set of ladders. But, down
go down the ladder. Go south until you reach the lower left corner, then go
right and enter the doorway at the end.

Here, go left and you’ll see an intersection. The upper and lower paths are
Dead Ends so go left until you reach the next intersection. Here, go left
again and get a chest that contains the Endurance Ring. Go back to the
intersection and go south. Move on until you reach another doorway then enter
it. Here, Ice Pillars will block your path. Wait for the Yeti to break it for
you. Once it’s out of the way, go right and then up and enter the doorway at
the end. Now, go right and get a chest with an Angel Ring. Now, go to the
upper right and enter a doorway there. Here, wait for the Yeti to break the
pillars. Get the chest here for the Ice Staff. Go up towards the next area. In
this area, there will be no more enemies. Just go down the ladder. Go south
first and get a chest with a Vitality Vial. Then, Prepare your party and go
right and meet the next boss.

HP: 2,000
EXP: 11,000

His attacks are pretty strong. Not to mention, it damages all your characters
or just a zone. Try to equip the crest/s that protect against water to prevent
very large damage from it.

Here’s what your characters should do. For Hiro, have him use the tried and
tested Poe Sword. Ronfar should heal always and use Anger Dice if you have the
opportunity. Jean should attack and serve as support for Ronfar. Lemina should
use Fire Magic all the way. You’ll beat it eventually.


After the battle, move forward to the next screen. Then, continue and you’ll
see Nall. When you have control, move north and you’ll see Hiro throw the
White Dragon Aura to the entrapped Nall. Then, Nall will be released and
you’ll see the real form of Nall. This dragon form is the same as it was in
the first Lunar game. Nall will now tell you to get the next Dragon Aura,
which is the Blue ones. Lunn has the Aura to release the Blue Dragon. He can
be found in Horam to the south. Nall will now melt the Ice cubes outside to
reveal a way towards Horam. After that, he’ll give you the White Dragon Crest.
When you regain control, go south to the previous room. Here, you can walk all
the way back outside or just use a Dragonfly Wing or the White Dragon Wings to
transport you back at the entrance. Leave the cave.


Now, from the White Dragon Cave, go to the Destiny. Board it and go into the
water. You’ll notice that the icebergs are gone. Now, in the water, head south
and you’ll see Horam. Enter it.

Life Jewel
Protection Ring
Rubber Boots

Upon entering, see the Goddess Statue. Go inside. Here, buy equipments at the
Weapon and Armor Shops at the right area. After buying equipments, go left
from the shops and you’ll reach the Item Shop. Buy items if you want. Let’s
get the chests scattered around here. At the left and right side of Lunn’s
Dojo, which is at the center and the biggest one, You’ll get a Life Jewel and
an Herb, respectively. There is also a hidden chest above the Item Shop. It
contains the Protection Ring. Now, go inside Lunn’s Dojo. Inside, you’ll see
an old man. He is Wong-Lee, the master of the Blue Dragon Fist and the master
of Lunn himself. Talk to him. They’ll talk about Jean’s past and about the
Shadow Dragon Cult. When you regain control, talk to Wong-Lee again. He’ll
tell you that the Blue and the Shadow Dragon Fist are the same. Their only
difference is that the Blue Dragon Fist draws its power from the heart, thus
making it pure. As for the Shadow Dragon Fist, it draws its powers from
darkness and hatred. A true master knows both powers and when one knows how to
control them, he/she is considered a true Blue Dragon Fist master. Now, Wong-
Lee will choose Jean to represent the Blue Dragon Fist Dojo! He will then ask
Jean to wear their Dojo’s uniform. Jean will now change. Then, you’ll see a
FMV of Jean wearing the Dojo’s uniform. After that, Wong-Lee will give the
invitation to Jean so that they will be considered the real representative of
the Dojo. When you regain control, go to the upper right corner of the Dojo
and get the Rubber Boots. Leave the Dojo. Go to the entrance of Horam and talk
to the person there. He’ll tell you that the tournament proper will be held at
Zen Zone, which is across the river to the south. Leave Horam.


Now, board the Destiny and go south and cross the river. You’ll see a small
town-like place. Enter it.


Talk to the person at the entrance. He is so sadistic and cruel. He always
wants to see blood and gore. Now, Jean will show to him the invitation that
Wong-Lee gave her. He will allow you to go inside and participate. Now, you
can talk to everyone here but don’t forget to talk to Lunn. Now, talk to the 2
men to the right of the arena. They will tell you that there will 8 teams
competing. The ones beside the steps to the arena will tell you that you must
choose 3 party members that will fight. The party will automatically choose
Jean (duh!), Hiro and Ronfar. Lucia, Lemina, and Ruby will cheer on. Now, let
the games begin.

Battle 1:
Here, you’ll do battle with the wolf guards. Remember that Jean now has a new
attack and won’t use the Fan anymore. Instead, she’ll do karate to the enemy.
It’s pretty easy to beat the enemy here. Don’t hesitate to use powerful
attacks such as Jean’s Blue Dragon Palm as you can use the Goddess Statue
every after a battle.

After the battle, the party will have a rest. You’ll see the Shadow Dragon
Cult assassins do battle. They’re very cruel even when their enemies are
already down. They don’t want just to win, they want to kill. After that, go
to the goddess Statue and heal yourself. Talk to the man beside the Arena
again to start the next battle.

Battle 2:
In this battle, you’ll be battling 3 Flash Ninjas. Try to be quick in
finishing them as they can do lethal blows to your party members. Again, don’t
hesitate to use powerful moves as you can heal later on.

After the battle, use the Goddess Statue. Then, prepare your party for the
final battle with the Shadow Dragon Cult. If you’re ready, talk to the man
beside the arena and you’ll now be at the Final Round of the Tournament.

Final Battle:
This time, you’ll be battling the powerful Shadow Assassins. Use powerful
attacks. Shadow Dragon Palm and Poe Sword. Using Dopple Dance for Jean is also

After the battle, the crowd will cheer for Jean and the party. Now, go to the
Goddess Statue and heal your party. Then, talk to Lunn. You’ll see a long
conversation. After that, you’ll regain control of the party. Talk to Lunn
again. When asked, choose to have battle with him.

Boss: LUNN
HP: 2000 HP (estimate)
EXP: 8,800

At first this looks very hard as you only have Jean against Lunn. All you have
to do is to keep Jean’s HP above 120. Lunn can chop off 110+ damage so be
prepared to use a Healing Nut. He’ll also use a Shadow Dragon Attack, and the
teleportation attack. Not to mention that he can also heal his HP. So, all you
have to do with Jean is to use Dopple Dance and then keep on using Blue Dragon
Palm. When the doppelganger of Jean disappears, make a new one. Just try to
patient, as this may be a long battle.


After the battle, Jean will talk to Lunn. He finally comes to his senses as he
realized that Jean fight for her friends and for the future and not the
killing urge that once entrapped him. He will give the Blue Dragon Aura to
Jean now. He will now tell you that the Blue Dragon Cave is to the north.
After that, you can buy items from a merchant here in the Zen Zone. After
that, leave.


The Blue Dragon Cave is to the northeast of Zen Zone and a bit to the
southeast of Horam. Go in.

Holy Water
Angel’s Tear
Hurricane Staff Revenge Crest
Anti-Magic Ring Angel Ring
Plasma Ring Gold Hairpin

Inside, go north until you reach the next area. Go to the upper left and pass
through the small Icebergs. After passing through, go to the lower right area
and get a chest there for the Hurricane Staff. Go right and enter the doorway
at the end. In here, there’s a Holy Water in a chest at the upper right area.
Next, go left and pass through another set of small Icebergs. Move on and
enter the door at the end. In the next area, go south and get a chest on the
way that contains the Anti-Magic Ring. Move on towards the right and enter the
door at the end.

In here, go south and search for a hidden chest at the lower right corner for
a Revenge Crest. Go left and go up at an intersection. Get another chest on
the way for an Angel’s Tear. Go on to the left and enter the door at the end.
In this next area, go up a bit and then left for a chest with an Angel Ring.
Go to the right and cross the Icebergs there. At the other side, go left and
get a chest for the Plasma Ring. Go right and then go up and finally, enter
the door. Now, move on and get yet another chest on the way that contains a
Gold Hairpin. Then, just move on and enter another door at the end. Upon
entering this area, go to the upper right first and get the chest there for a
Starlight. Prepare your party for a boss battle then go left and meet...

HP: 5,000
EXP: 16,500

This boss is a pain in the a$$. It has very strong Ice Attacks that damage all
your party members. He oftentimes use an attack that affects a zone. You just
have to do what you did with the previous bosses. Have Hiro use Poe Sword.
Ronfar’s Anger Dice is once more very effective. Have him heal of course. You
should have Tranquil Litany by now. For Jean, you can use Dopple Dance then
continue with the Blue Dragon Palm. For Lemina, just use Flame Shot. It’ll die


After the battle, go left and enter the chamber of the Blue Dragon. Hiro will
now use the Blue Dragon Aura on the entrapped Blue Dragon. The Blue Dragon
will recognize Lucia and realizes that they need the power of the 4 Dragons
again. The Blue Dragon is very talkative here (he is more talkative in the
first Lunar though). After that, the Blue Dragon will tell you that the Black
Dragon is in a Sanctuary to the south. Then, the Blue Dragon will leave and
gives you the Blue Dragon Crest. When you regain control, leave the Blue
Dragon Cave by either walking/running towards the exit or use a Dragonfly
Wing/White Dragon Wings.


From the Blue Dragon Cave, go to the river and go around to the right and then
south along the channel. You shall see Neo-Vane float around. A FMV sequence
will follow. Then, Neo-Vane will halt the Destiny. Disembark the destiny and
go left towards a cave.

Silver Light
Passion Fruit
Angel’s Tear
Fresh Ring
Earth Ring
Rusty Knife

Upon entering, go all the way to the right and get the chest that you’ll see
for a Silver Light. Then, go south and at the intersection, go right. Head to
the upper right and you’ll see a chest with a Passion Fruit. From here, go
south a bit and the go right and enter the doorway. Here, it can get really
confusing because there are numerous ways to reach the exit. There’s a Fresh
ring inside a chest at the right area. There’s also an Angel’s Tear in the
lower right corner. After that, go to the upper right corner and go to the
next area.

In here, you can get a Starlight and a Rusty Knife. The exit of this place is
found to the north of the location of the Rusty Knife. At the next area,
you’ll be able to find the Earth Ring near the center. If you go to the upper
right corner, you’ll see a door. Lucia will tell you that the Black Dragon is
behind it. After that, go all the way to the south and exit the mines.

Passion Fruit
Peasant Clothes

You can talk to the people at the dorm if you want. Then, go out to the town
proper. Buy some equipments at the Weapon and Armor Shop. Then, you can find
the Item shop just to the right of the Weapon and Armor Shops. There’s a
peasant clothes in the house to the right of bar if you want to get it. Then,
there’s a Passion Fruit in the house to the left of the bar. When you’re
ready, go inside the leftmost house. Use the transport device inside.

Life Jewel
Luck Ring

Once there, talk to the woman that you’ll see. She’ll separate those magically
gifted than those who aren’t. Ronfar and Jean will be separated and literally
dumped. When you regain control, go on and enter the city. Go to the house on
the right first and get the chest inside for a Luck Ring. Then, you can check
out the Weapon, Armor and Item Shops here for some more equipments. Don’t
forget to get the Life Jewel inside the Armor and Weapon Shop, and the Herb
inside the Item Shop. Now, go to the Magic guild. The door will be locked. Go
to the upper left corner and enter the Neo-Trial Cave.

Healing Ring
Clear Crest
Earth Staff

Upon entering, go north and get the Healing Ring. Now go back south then head
left. Keep on moving until you reach the next area. Here, talk to Ronfar.
He’ll re-join your party. After that, go to the upper right corner and talk to
Jean. She’ll join you again afterwards. You’ll now have to find the secret
entrance to the Magic Guild. There are 2 entrances to the south. You can
choose any of the 2.

At the next area, the exit will be to the upper right. If you go a little bit
to the left of the exit, you’ll be able to get the Clear Crest. Move on to the
next area. Here, go all the way to the left and get the Starlight from a
chest. Then, go a little bit to the southeast and get the Earth Staff. From
here, go left and move on to the next area. In here, go to the southeast
corner then head left. You’ll reach a man beside a doorway with a barrier.
Lemina will break the seal for you.

Silver Light

Move on and you’ll be in the detention area. Use the Goddess Statue here, it’s
free. Now move on and meet up with Borgan. After a long talk with Borgan,
you’ll be able to control your party. Save if you want then talk to Borgan
again. You’ll now have to fight him.

HP: 4,400
EXP: 18,700

Borgan is a little difficult. The thing that you need to watch out is that he
can remove 90+ MP from one of your characters (I noticed that he targets
Ronfar with this move most of the time). Then, just use Blue Dragon Palm for
Jean, and Poe Sword for Hiro. Lemina should increase the attack of the 2 and
increase the defense of the party. Sometime during the battle, Borgan will put
a barrier in front of him. Just attack it and it will eventually break giving
you the chance to attack once more.


After the battle, you’ll receive the Black Dragon Aura from Borgan. Now, go
south and get the partially hidden chest on the right side for a Silver Light.
Then, go to the entrance to the right of Borgan. Get the Pajamas inside. Then,
enter the room a bit to the right of Borgan’s room (where you got the
pajamas). Talk to Myria. After a short talk, Neo-Vane starts to crumble.
Without the power of the Black Dragon, the entire place will crash to the
ground. But Lucia will be able to control the power of the Black Dragon and
save Neo-Vane. You’ll then see Borgan begging Lemina to finish him off. But
then, Lemina will be able to convince Borgan to stay and help rebuild Vane.
Everyone will be happy (there will be some funny dialogues when you talk to
Borgan). Now, leave Neo-Vane and enter the Zaback Mines again. Open the locked
door using the Cave Key and you’ll be at the Black Dragon Cave.

Healing Nut
Lightning Staff Angel Ring
Force Rings Stardust Ring

Inside, head south and you’ll find a chest with a Healing Nut. Then, go right
and you’ll find the Lightning Staff. Then, go all the way to the right and
exit to the next area. Here, you can get an Angel Ring and a Force Ring on the
way. Just head left and go around, up to the right and get the Star Dagger.
The exit is just a bit to the southwest from the 2 chests (which are near each
other). In this area, you’ll see purplish lava like pools that will damage
your characters when you step on it. Try to avoid it to prevent damage. Go
right and get a partially hidden chest with a Stardust Ring. Then, go north
and head to the next area. Here, just move on from screen to screen until you
reach a wide area. In here, it will be very confusing. Go to the southeast and
then head left to be able to find the exit. Then, just keep on moving until
you meet up with the Black Fiend. Don’t forget to get the Starlight.

HP: 4,000
EXP: 24,200

This battle is the toughest one that you’ll be doing as of this point.
Physical attacks are useless against the Black Fiend and your only hope is
Lemina. Try your best to keep her alive as her magic attacks will be the
strongest against the fiend. Ronfar should be doing what he does best,
healing. The others can support by attacking or healing (using items).


After the battle, enter the cave at the left side and release the Black
Dragon. After reviving the dragon and receiving the Black Dragon Crest, exit
his chamber and use Ronfar’s Escape Litany. Back at the Zaback Mines, return
all the way back and board the Destiny. Go south towards a statue of the Red-
Dragon (look-alike). Then, go east towards the land. Keep on moving right
until you see a small village. Enter it.

Silver Lights
Passion Fruit

Upon entering, go left and get a chest there for a Silver Light. Now, go up
the ladder and talk to Leo. He and Ronfar will talk about the disease that
struck the village years ago. After Leo leaves, explore the town a bit. Buy
some new equipments and some items at the General Store. There’s a Passion
Fruit to the right of the General Store. Then, go inside the house north of
the store. Talk to Leo here. He’ll tell you what the Red Potion actually is.
It is the Blood of Zophar himself. He’ll then leave you. Ronfar will now
decide to go to the Palace to get the Aura of Althena to save everyone from
the Potion. After buying and talking to the people, leave Raculi and go north

Life Jewel x2 Silver Light
Holy Hairpin Master Helm
Psycho Gauntlet Miracle Clothes
Tiger Wrap

Upon reaching the place, go inside. Now, go left and enter the palace proper.
You’ll be facing opponents once again. In the first area, get the Holy
Hairpin. Then, go south a bit and the go right and get the chest for a Psycho
Gauntlet. Now, from here, you can go either to the right or the lower left
door. Remember this place ok. Now, go right and keep on moving until you see
the Aura of Althena (in the second area, go south and get a Life Jewel and a
Silver Light). Examine it and Lucia will release the Aura and remove the stain
of Zophar’s blood. Now, return back to the first area. Use the lower left door

In here, go to the right area and get a Master Helm and Miracle Clothes. Now,
go to the upper left area and use the teleporter. In here, grab the Tiger Wrap
at once and exit through the door on the right. In the next area, get the Life
Jewel and enter the next door on the right. Move on and get the Starlight.
After that, return to the main lobby of the Palace. You can now enter the door
to the north of the Goddess Statue that was blocked by a woman a while ago.
You’ll see Mauri and Leo inside. Leo will try to kill her but talk to him and
he’ll stop. Talk to Mauri and something bad will happen. Mauri isn’t healed
after all. Then, Lucia will try to help Ronfar by letting him go inside
Mauri’s head and do battle with the evil consciousness within her. As the rest
of the party try to hold on their ground, you’ll be able to control Ronfar.
Just keep on moving and view the short memory shown to you. After that, go
north and talk to Mauri. Doubt that she is Mauri. The scene will shift back to
the party once more. You’ll now have to fight Mauri’s Id.

Boss: MAURI’S ID x5
HP: 2,000 each head
EXP: 29,430

This battle is quite on the average. You’ll need to attack the hand that looks
different than the rest. You’ll see Ronfar again and again here. Just use your
most powerful attacks and you’ll be able to pull through.


After that battle, you’ll be back to Ronfar and you’ll be able to control him.
Go to the statue of Althena (it’s Raculi). Ronfar will be able to succeed and
bring back good old Mauri. Everyone will be happy now, except for Leo who
still has some things in his mind to reflect. Mauri will then tell you that
the entrance to the Red Dragon’s Cave is in the room you’re currently in. When
you regain control, go north and go through the door. Use the Goddess statue
if you need it then move forward. Nall will come in and tells Ruby more about
being a Dragon. After that go inside the cave.

Healing Nut Starlight
Life Jewel Passion Fruit
Angel’s Tear
Holy Hairpin Tiger Armlet
Dyne’s Armor Water Ring

In the first area, go right for another Holy Hairpin. Now, go south to the
intersection and go right. Get the Healing nut at the end. Go back to the
intersection and go left. Get the Life Jewel at the lower left corner then go
north to another intersection. Go left and move on to the next area. Here, get
the chest a little bit to the south for Dyne’s Armor. Go south and go inside
the door. At the next area, go to the upper right corner and get a Starlight.
Go back to the door where you entered from and go to the lower left area and
you’ll find a Tiger Armlet, Passion Fruit and the Ogre Crest. Go back all the
way to the right and go north. Now, go all the way to left and you’ll find the
door that leads to the next area. Here, just go left and get the Water Ring
and the Angel’s Tear on the way. Go to the next area. Here, go left and get an
Angel’s Tear, Angel Ring, and a Starlight on the way. Prepare your characters
before facing the Red Fiend.

HP: 11,000
EXP: 36,300

This one is tough. Prepare to heal your party again and again as it will deal
tons of damage to your party. Use Lemina’s Ice Magic to make the battle a
little less harder.


After the battle, go left and move on to release the Dragon Aura. You’ll see
ruby grow up now. After that, it’s time to go to Pentagulia and settle the
score with Zophar. Leave the Red Dragon Cave by using ronfar’s Escape Litany
to make it fast. Just outside, the party will experience an earthquake. It’s
Zophar. You’ll see some scenes with the Fake Althena and Ghaleon. After that,
leave Serak palace and head to Pentagulia! On your way, you’ll see a scene at
the deck of the Destiny. Ghaleon will come in. He will try to stop you but
Lucia will be able to defend you now as the 4 dragons are already released.
After that, Ghaleon will leave and Lucia will use the power of the 4 dragons
to rescue Althena. After that, Ghaleon will speak with Lucia for a while then
you’ll be able to control your party. Go to Pentagulia.

Holy Mace Master Shield
Crushing Fist Aura Robe

Here, head straight for the Goddess Tower. Inside, the path is very
straightforward. Get the Holy Mace and the Crushing fist on the way. When you
reach the place with the image of the world, Lucia will tell you the tale of
the Blue Star and what Zophar did to it that made Lunar what it is as of this
moment. After those scenes, continue on moving up. You’ll meet enemies again
but the path is still easy to follow. Get the Master Shield, Holy Bracelet,
Aura Robe on the way. At the end, you’ll be able to enter the Goddess Tower
itself. Inside, you’ll meet up with the fake Althena. She will seek help from
Zophar and then you’ll have to fight her in a very freaky form.

HP: 12,000
EXP: 40,000

The Fake Althena is quite tough actually. Its attacks are quite powerful and
deal a decent amount of damage on your party. First prepare your party with
Saint Litany (or better yet, Divine Litany) then power up Hiro, Jean, and Leo
using Lemina’s Power Drive. Keep on pummeling the Fake Althena with your most
powerful attacks. Just let Ronfar heal. But if you have turn to spare, give
Ronfar a chance to attack.

After that battle, go inside the Goddess Tower.

Passion Fruit Angel’s Tear
Life Jewel Silver Light
Spirit Talisman Goddess Crest

At the first floor, get the Passion Fruit and the Life Jewel. Go up to the
next floor. Here, get the Silver Light and go up to the next floor. Here, get
the Spirit Talisman and the Angel’s Tear. Go up to the next floor. In here,
get the Starlight, Goddess Crest, and the Tri-Ring. Move on to the next area.
You’ll see Nall here and he’ll show you something about Althena.

=Proceed at your own risk=

Althena doesn’t exist after all. Althena dies a thousand years ago already
since she took up the body of Luna during her final rebirth.

After all that, leave the Goddess Tower and head for the Destiny. You’ll then
see Zophar himself. After that, Zophar will create a big crater. Talk to your
party members and then you’ll see Lucia square off with Zophar. I won’t spoil
the scene for you. And let me remind you that this FMV will be one of the
longest that you’ve ever seen before.


After all those that happened, you’ll be back at Vane. Ruby will come in and
tells you that Miria needs you. After some talk, Miria will tell you that you
should talk to Lemina and the others first then come back to her. Lemina will
be at the Cave of Trials. Jean will be at the goddess statue with Lunn. Ronfar
will be at the Library. After that, go back to Miria and she’ll tell you that
someone will be waiting for you at the roof. Go up to the roof and you’ll see
Leo. He will now decide to join you to beat Zophar. But then, Ghaleon will
appear in front of Hiro and Ruby. After a while the party will come in and
will begin battle with Ghaleon.

HP: 2,000
EXP: 0

In this battle, your entire party won’t be able to use any magic at all since
Lucia already used it against Zophar. You don’t have much of a choice here but
to use normal physical attacks. Don’t hesitate to use items if necessary.

After that battle, the party will be able to raise their fighting power. And
guess what, you can now use magic.

HP: 10,000
EXP: 50,000

Everyone’s pumped up! Give it all that you can. Hiro’s Triple Sword, Leo’s
Flash Blade, Jean’s Blue Dragon Palm, Lemina’s Catastrophe, and Ronfar... keep
using him as a healer.

After that battle, Ghaleon will tell you that he is trying to help you to
atone for his sins years ago. He will then give Hiro his sword that will
enable him to beat Zophar. When you regain control of the party, but items at
the item shop first. Don’t hesitate to shell out your money as you’ll be in
the final battle moments from now. When you’re ready, talk to Ghaleon and tell
him that you are, and you’ll save Lucia. You’ll then see the party head for
Zophar. You’ll see a short scene with Lucia.

Silver Light x3
Life Jewel x3
Fiend Ring

This will be the final dungeon in the game. In the first floor, get the silver
light on the way. The path will be straightforward so you don’t have to worry.
But I admit it looks like a puzzle, but you’ll find your way. There’s another
Silver Light at the upper left corner of the room. To the right of it is the

In this room (2nd floor), there are 3 exits. Go to the upper right exit first
and flip the switch. Go back to the 2nd floor and the barrier will be gone.
Get the Fiend Ring and the Silver Light to the south. From the Silver Light,
go all the way to the left until you see a chest with a Life Jewel and a
barrier. Go north a bit and enter the doorway. Flip the switch then go back.
The barrier to the left is gone. Go left and get another chest with another
Life Jewel. Continue on the left and keep on moving until you reach the exit.
Flip the switch there then go back. A barrier a bit to the upper right will
still be there. Go to the upper right and you’ll find another exit. Go in and
flip another switch then go back. The barrier will then be removed. Go through
that path then leave this floor.

At the next floor, it will be quite easier. The exit is to the southernmost
area and most paths will lead to it. At the next area (the place will have a
new look), go to the right first and get a Life Jewel. Now this place is ultra
huge. You can either go to the right to left if you want. Although the path
will be very confusing, they will lead to the northernmost area where a ladder
is. Use that to reach the next area. In here, it’s basically the same as the
previous one. The exit is on the lower left side. You have to go around to the
right to reach it.

The next area will be the top of the Keep. You’ll see Lucia here. But then,
you’ll see Zophar appear before you. The battle begins.

Boss: ZOPHAR (first form)
HP: 16,000
EXP: 0

In Zophar’s first form, all you have to do is to attack him. Use your most
powerful attacks like Triple Sword, blue Dragon Palm and the Flash Blade. Cast
Divine Litany and have Lemina Power Drive the 3 attackers.

After beating that, Zophar will still be alive and will engage you once more.

HP: 7,500 (each arm)
EXP: 0

In this Zophar’s form, you have to do is to attack the hands that does the
attacks of Lucia (the bluish arms). Use your most powerful attacks on
Them. The right arm is weak against physical attacks and the left one is weak
against magical attacks. You’ll also hear some dialogue from Lucia.

After that, you’ll have to fight Zophar once more.

HP: 15,000 (body), 7,000 (each arm)
EXP: 0

This time, you’ll have to fight the arms of Zophar himself. His attacks are
tremendous. You’ll really need a lot of healing so remember to keep Ronfar
busy. The first thing to do is to remove the right arm. After removing it,
Pummel Zophar’s body with everything you’ve got! If you have MP to spare for
Ronfar, White Dragon Protect will help ease out the battle. Also, remember
that Zophar has a 1 hit kill for a party member.

And finally...

Boss: ZOPHAR (final form)
HP: 2,800+
EXP: 0

In this form, you’ll be using Lucia and Hiro alone. The only thing you can do
here is to use Triple Sword on Zophar and he’ll die eventually. Lucia will
give you support so don’t worry.


After the battle, you’ll then see the first ending of the game. I won’t spoil
any of it because the scenes are quite touching. But when you return to Vane
just talk to your party and voila! That’s it. And then, head for Gwyn using
the Dragonship Destiny. You’ll see a very touching scene afterwards. After
viewing the credits and the ending movie, you’ll be asked to save your game.
Do so and you’ll now be able to access the Epilogue. (Just when you thought it
was all over).



Here, Gwyn will tell you of another way to get to the Blue Star. But you’ll
probably need another pair of Jewels. Also, Gwyn examined the pendant and it
is capable of teleportation. You can go to places you’ve been to in an
instant. But you must visit those places first. After that, go to the world
map. Let’s gather up the party first. Now, head for Raculi.

Mauri’s Bromide 1

Go straight to Ronfar and Mauri’s house at the upper right. Talk to Ronfar and
Hiro will tell him about what happened to Lucia. Now, ask Ronfar’s help. He’ll
rejoin the party once more. After that, talk to Mauri and she’ll give you her
Bromide. Leave Raculi and head for Vane.

Borgan’s Bromide

Go straight for the Magic Guild. Talk to Lemina here. She’ll ask the
whereabouts of Lucia. Hiro will then tell her that Lucia went back to the Blue
Star. Lemina will ask for 10,000 Silvers, but that only for show. After that,
talk to Borgan. You’ll receive a weird item, his bromide. When you’re finished
head to the library and check the innermost bookshelf that tells something
about the “Star Pupils”. Everyone won’t be able to understand the writing to
head back to the Magic Guild and talk to Miria. She’ll tell you more about
that writing. After that, leave Vane and head for the Caravan of Jean.


Talk to Jean and ask her to join your party once more. She’ll change into her
fighting outfit and rejoins you. Leave the Caravan and head for the Mystic
Ruins to the east.

Ghaleon’s Bromide
Lucia’s Bromide 3
Mystere’s Bromide

In here, just keep on moving until you reach the room where you saw the movie
from the first Lunar. Get Ghaleon’s Bromide here. Then, continue on until you
reach the top floor. You’ll see Leo there. He’ll also ask you where Lucia is.
Ask for his help and he’ll rejoin the party. Leave the Mystic Ruins. In the
garden, talk to the pixie on the upper right and she’ll give you Lucia’s
Bromide 3. Go to the world map. It’s time to get to the blue star. But first,
head to Takkar and talk to the man near the gate for Mystere’s Bromide. Return
to the world map. Head for Nota.

Gauss’ Necklace

At East Note, check the house on the second level for Gauss’ Necklace. Now, go
to the third level and talk to a guy here that knows about the Dragon Eye
Jewel. He’ll tell you that after the wedding, he’ll tell you the story about
it. Now, head to the house at the bridge. You’ll see Julia here. Talk to her
and she’ll ask a favor from you. To send a message to Kyle at West Nota that
she will remember him forever. Now, go to West Nota and go into the pub.
You’ll see Kyle drinking at the left area. Talk to him and Hiro will talk some
life into him. And then, the wedding of Julia and the mayor of West Nota
begins. Just as Julia starts to say the words that will make her regret for
the rest of her life, Kyle comes in together with Hiro and the rest aboard the
Dragonship Destiny and saves Julia from the wretched mayor. And then, Kyle
will give you the Rememberize Crystal that will store your memories
(literally, it will store FMV of the most important events in the game). After
that, you’ll be able to control the party. Examine the Rememberize if you
want. There’s one file there where Lucia is singing on the Dragonship. After
that, leave the Dragonship and head for east Nota. Talk to the man who knows
about the Dragon Jewel. He’ll tell you that there’s an ancient ruin near a
thick forest near Azado. Leave Nota and board the Dragonship. Head to Azado
and go to the Water Ruins. Inside, the water will be drained and you’ll be
able to enter the Ruins.

Life Jewel Silver Light
Left Sapphire Jewel
Saint Clothes Sage Robe
Goddess Armor Dragon Helm
Berserker Claw

At the first room, you’ll be able to get the Saint Clothes and the Goddess
Armor for Ronfar and Leo, respectively. Now, switch all 4 red orbs to be able
to gain access to the doorway to the south. Go on until you reach the 2nd area
of the ruins. Here, you’ll be able to get the Sage Robe, Dragon Helm, and the
Berserker Claw. Now, switch all the red orbs again. After switching all 4, go
in the center and head for the next area. In the 3rd level, you’ll be able to
get a Life Jewel and a Silver Light. The exit to the this area is at the upper
right corner. You have to go around down to the south and to the right. At the
next area, 4th level, just move on to the next floor as the path is leading
straight. At the fifth level, there’s a door to the right that leads directly
to the Star Pupil. If you use that, you’ll be able to get the Left Sapphire
Jewel without having to fight the Water Guardian. If you decide to fight the
boss, then go ahead. You’ll gain loads of EXPs.

HP: 25,000
EXP: 60,000

This battle will be tough if you don’t know what you’re facing against. The
Water Guardian has a few attacks and it is very slow. It sometimes uses a
bubble that will temporarily stop one of your characters from moving. The best
thing to do is to use the most powerful attacks while healing. Hiro should use
Triple Sword. Ronfar should be the healer and sometimes, let him cast White
Dragon Protect. Lemina should use Catastrophe. Jean should use Blue Dragon
Palm and let Leo use Flash Blade.

After the battle, leave the Water Ruins.

Althena’s Sword

First, head for Taben’s Peak and speak to Nall in his chambers. He’ll give you
Althena’s Sword that was once wielded by the great Dragonmaster Alex. Also,
Nall will hint you about the Star Dragon that you’ll have to face in order to
acquire the power needed to reach the Blue Star. After that, leave Taben’s
Peak and head for the Dragon Ruins, the ruins where Hiro started the

Silver Light
Justice Rod Lion Helm
Dragon Armor Archer Crest
Scarlet Wrap Goddess Armlet

If you remembered how Hiro got past this place, you’re in luck. This place
will be a breeze for you. If not, let’s move on! In the first level, you can
fight the enemies if you want. Head for the upper right corner to reach the
exit. At the next level, the exit is directly to the left. On the 3rd level,
the exit is to the lower left. But you’ll have to walk around to the right in
order to reach it. On the 4th level, you’ll be able to acquire the Justice Rod
for Ronfar and Dragon Armor for Hiro. Now exit through the doorway at the
center (on top). At the 5th level, go left and get the Scarlet Wrap for Jean.
Then, exit at the right doorway. At the 6th level, you’ll get the Lion Helm,
Archer Crest, and the Goddess Armlet. Continue to the next level. At the 7th
level, there’s nothing to do here that much so head to the upper right corner
and go in the doorway. At the 8th level, you’ll be able to get a Silver Light.
The exit is on the upper left but do prepare your party for a boss battle
ahead. If you’re ready, proceed. You then have to face...

HP: 20,000
EXP: 55,000

This monster is very hard. It’s attacks are tremendous. I suggest that you
prepare your party at the beginning of the battle. Lemina’s Power Drive and
the likes. What I did to prevent being killed is to use the White Dragon
Protect. It will negate any attack for one turn. I know it costs 50 MP but
it’s worth it. Also, Divine Litany will help regain HPs. Beware when his sword
lightens up. It’s means that it’s preparing for a massive attack on the party.
Prepare to heal at once.


After that battle, move on until you reach the dragon head. Get the Right Opal
Jewel. You’re now set for the Star Dragon Tower in the Starlight forest (where
you passed through on the way to the Illusion Woods). But before heading for
the Starlight Forest, you can search through new dungeons for more treasures
that will prepare you for the tough battle against the Star Dragon. After
finishing them, head for the Starlight Forest. So, first go to the Brave

Hero’s Talisman

The Brave Labyrinth can be found to the north of Horam. The best thing to do is
to defeat all enemies in a level so that you will not have any trouble
whatsoever in opening the door. Now, see the 4 sword panels? Step on any of the
2 black circles and a sword will follow you. Let it follow you and let them fly
over the 4 switches. When the door opens, continue to the next area.

In this area, you’ll see 4 statues and a door. Examining one of them will open
the door. But, you’ll have to guess which one of them is the correct one. If you
got it right, the door will open. If not, you’ll have to fight. Just keep on
going through these doors until you reach the door at the very end then continue
to the next level.

In here, you’ll see Spear Traps and statues beside them. You can easily detect
which among the spear traps are fake. Example, two spear traps beside each
other. There are also 2 statues to the left of the left trap and the other one
is to the right of the right trap. If the Left statue is holding a spear, the
left spear trap is active. So, if the right statue doesn’t hold a spear, walk
over the right trap with confidence. Now, prepare your party then move on to the
next area. You’ll now have to fight a boss.

HP: 17,500 (Hero’s Talisman), 5,000 each for arms
EXP: 50,000

Now, this battle is tougher than ever. First, you’ll have to fight 3
opponents. Concentrate attacks on the Hero’s Talisman as it can create another
Sword or First Arm. Make sure you have increased Hiro’s attacks for the triple
sword to be very effective. Cast Divine Litany to prevent being Ko’d easily.
Now, let Hiro, Jean, and Leo tackle the Talisman and have Lemina use
Catastrophe. This should do it.


After the battle, you’ll receive the Hero’s Talisman. Leave the Brave Labyrinth
and move on to the Lionhead.

Hiro’s Bromide
Silver Light
Fantasy Ribbon Holy Shield
Miracle Bandanna Fierce Fist
Lunn’s Armlet Healing Ring

The Lionhead is located to the southeast of Neo-Vane. Enter it. In the first
floor, head for the exit on the upper right corner. Take advantage of the Dark
Eye here. It will give you loads of EXP (22,222 EXP to be exact). At the next
area, just head for the lower right exit. On the 3rd area, move forward through
the path towards the next floor. At the 4th level, enter the southwest door and
continue through the spikes towards another room. Get the Fantasy Ribbon then
switch the green circle. From here on, just flip the switches and you’ll be in
consecutive rooms with different treasures. You’ll get the Miracle Bandanna,
Lunn’s Armlet, and Holy Shield. Then, you’ll eventually reach the outside area
of the Lionhead. Get Hiro’s Bromide at the nose of the Lionhead then prepare
your party. Go north to the next are and face...

HP: 12,000
EXP: 55,000

This is one long battle. The devil Eye has tremendous defense abilities and
all attacked do minimal damage. The best thing to do is to power up Hiro and
keep on using Triple Sword. Lemina should help by using magic (don’t use
Catastrophe). The others should provide support by either healing or attacking
if there’s a turn to spare. All in all, be patient with this battle.


After that, get the Fierce Fist, Healing Ring and the Silver Light. Flip the
switches again until you reach the core of the Lionhead again. You’re done! Use
Escape Litany or Dragon Wings to leave. Let’s finish the game. Head for the
Starlight Forest.


Here, just go straight forward to the new Star Dragon Tower. The enemies will
be pathetic so don’t worry about them. When you reach the tower, Ruby will
make you remember the first time you opened the Blue Spire. Now, pop in the 2
jewels in the eyes of the dragon. The path will open up. Go inside.


Here, the Ascent Dragon will talk to you. Be sure you’re at least at Level 70
so that the enemies here won’t pose too much trouble for you. You’ll have to
pass this final test in order to meet the Dragon and go to the Blue Star. In
the first level, just plow through the enemies then exit to the north. At the
next area, just continue on towards the lower right corner for the exit. In
the 4th level (3rd floor), just follow the path. It will lead you to the
doorway. Go to the next area. Here (4th floor), just go forward until you
reach the 5th floor. At this floor, just go to the lower right exit and you’ll
reach the 6th floor. Here, just keep moving forward (to the north) and enter
the door. Just as you reach the next floor, prepare your party for the battle
with the Star Dragon. When you go near the Dragon, it will introduce itself
first. Ruby wasn’t able to detect him. Now, he’ll ask you the reason why you
want to go to the Blue Star. Either way, you’ll have to beat him in order to
do so.

HP: 10,000
EXP: no more =)

This time, you’ll have to face the Star Guardian using Hiro only. All you can
do is to equip a Healing Ring to suffice your HPs. And then, keep on using
Triple Sword (that’s the only thing that is useful against the Dragon). If
your HP goes below 120, heal at once.


After the battle, the Star Dragon will give you passage. Go through it and
you’ll reach the Star Dragon Crystal. This time, the party will say their
final goodbyes. It’s a bit touching. After that, go to the Crystal. You’ll
then see the real ending to Lunar 2: Eternal Blue. Congratulations on beating
the game completely. It was a long journey isn’t it? Don’t forget to hear out
the rather amusing (not that much) outtakes (I honestly liked the outtakes on
Lunar: SSSC though). That’s it. C’ya! =)


Notes: The area of effect pertains to how many characters can be affected by
that spell or how wide is the area affected by the magic. It may even be the
type of Magic as described in the game.


HEAL LITANY Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 4
Description/Use: Restores some HP of a party member. The amount of HP
restored depends on the Wisdom rating.
Use outside battles: Yes
Dialogue: “We must keep our strength up!”

CALM LITANY Area of effect/type: All

MP Usage: 12
Description/Use: Restores some HP of all party members. The amount of HP
restored depends on the Wisdom rating.
Use outside battles: Yes
Dialogue: “We must keep our strength up!”

FRATURED ARMOR Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 6
Description/Use: Reduces the target’s defense rating. Wears out in time.
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: -

SHATTERED SWORD Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 4
Description/Use: Reduced the target’s attack rating. Wears out in time.
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: -



BATALLION SWORD Area of effect/type: Enemies in line

MP Usage: 14
Description/Use: Dash and Slash in a line
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Burn! Burn! Burn!!”

BOOMERANG Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 3
Description/Use: Throws a boomerang at the enemy and comes back.
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Dodge this!”

CONCUSSION SWORD Area of effect/type: All

MP Usage: 20
Description/Use: Hiro Unleashes the Bang
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Bang! You’re Dead!”

CROSS-BOOMERANG Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 6
Description/Use: A double-dose of flying wood (morphed from Boomerang)
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Dodge this!”

DANCING THUNDER Area of effect/type: All

MP Usage: 10
Description/Use: From the Land Down Under (Needs Thunder Crest)
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Thunder Blast!”

POE SWORD Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 6
Description/Use: Hiro hops high and hits hard.
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Dodge this!”

RED DRAGON ANGER Area of effect/type: All

MP Usage: 40
Description/Use: Fireballs shower upon enemies
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Summon Red Dragon!”

SPEED STORM Area of effect/type: Self

MP Usage: 8
Description/Use: Hiro increases his own agility
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Watch This!”

SQUALL Area of effect/type: All enemies

MP Usage: 7
Description/Use: Create a windy diversion
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Ferocious Wind!”

SUPER CYCLONE Area of effect/type: All

MP Usage: 20
Description/Use: A flurry of furious funnels (morphed from Vortex)
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Ferocious Wind!”

SYBILLIUM SWORD Area of effect/type: Zone

MP Usage: 10
Description/Use: Hiro lets it rip with a Wind Bomb
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Dodge this!”

TEMPEST Area of effect/type: Zone

MP Usage: 14
Description/Use: Ain’t no calm before this storm. Morphed from Squall.
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Ferocious Wind!”

TRIPLE SWORD Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 30
Description/Use: Three strikes and the enemy’s out.
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “uuuaagghh!!”

VORTEX Area of effect/type: All enemies

MP Usage: 10
Description/Use: Death-dealing Wind attack
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Ferocious wind!”

WHITE DRAGON PROTECT Area of effect/type: All

MP Usage: 50
Description/Use: All allies protected from one spell
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Summon White Dragon!”



BEE DANCE Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 7
Description/Use: A paralyzing super-sting
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Gypsy Magic!”

BLUE DRAGON FIST Area of effect/type: All

MP Usage: 32
Description/Use: Every enemy gets an uppercut
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Taste my Anger!”

BLUE DRAGON KICK Area of effect/type: Line

MP Usage: 14
Description/Use: Jean streaks across the battlefield
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Blue Dragon Kick!”

BLUE DRAGON PALM Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 10
Description/Use: Jean’s foe feels the bite
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Blue Dragon Palm!”

BLUE DRAGON WAVE Area of effect/type: Special

MP Usage: 14
Description/Use: Jean releases her fighting spirit
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Blue Dragon Wave!”

BUTTERFLY DANCE Area of effect/type: Zone

MP Usage: 9
Description/Use: Poisonous group attack. Morphed from Moth Dance
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Gypsy Magic!”

DOPPLE DANCE Area of effect/type: Self (Special)

MP Usage: 16
Description/Use: Calls Jean’s deadly doppelganger (3 turns only)
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Gypsy Dance!”

DREAM DANCE Area of effect/type: Zone

MP Usage: 9
Description/Use: Causes enemies to take power naps. Morphed from
Sleep Step
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Gypsy Magic!”

ENCHANTED KISS Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 7
Description/Use: May cause Confusion
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Gypsy Magic!”

MOTH DANCE Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 6
Description/Use: Potent Poison Attack
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Gypsy Magic!”

SLAM DANCE Area of effect/type: Special

MP Usage: 32
Description/Use: Call a more powerful Doppelganger
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Gift of Pain!”

SLEEP STEP Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 5
Description/Use: Sends the target to dreamland.
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Gypsy Magic!”

SLEEP SHEEP Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 3
Description/Use: The enemy crashes (needs Dream Crest)
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Gypsy Magic!”

SOUL KISS Area of effect/type: Zone

MP Usage: 14
Description/Use: Can confuse a group of enemies
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Gypsy Magic!”

SWARM DANCE Area of effect/type: Zone

MP Usage: 12
Description/Use: Paralyzes group of enemies
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Gypsy Magic!”

WHITE DRAGON PROTECT Area of effect/type: All

MP Usage: 50
Description/Use: All allies protected from one spell
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: -



BURNING RAIN Area of effect/type: All enemies

MP Usage: 10
Description/Use: Multi-part flaming destruction
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Mega Magic Flame!”

CATASTROPHE Area of effect/type: All enemies

MP Usage: 55
Description/Use: An omni-elemental attack spell
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Mega Damage!”

CREMATORIUM Area of effect/type: All enemies

MP Usage: 30
Description/Use: Ashes to ashes, Butts to dust
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Mega Magic Flame!”

CRYO SHIELD Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 16
Description/Use: A massive boost of defensive power
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Mega Power!”

DISPEL MAGIC Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 3
Description/Use: Cancels out Status-altering spells
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Magic Cure!”

ERASE MAGIC Area of effect/type: All

MP Usage: 18
Description/Use: Clears the field of Elemental Magic
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Magic Cure!”

FLAME Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 4
Description/Use: Hot Flaming Death
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Mega Magic Flame!”

FLAME BOMB Area of effect/type: Zone

MP Usage: 7
Description/Use: Explosive Fire attack
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Mega Magic Flame!”

FLAME SHOT Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 8
Description/Use: Spontaneous enemy combustion (morphed from Flame)
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Mega Magic Flame!”

FREEZE CLAW Area of effect/type: All enemies

MP Usage: 10
Description/Use: Searing Icy Claw attack
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Ice Storm!”

FREEZE SMASH Area of effect/type: All enemies

MP Usage: 20
Description/Use: Cause falling icy destruction
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Ice Storm!”

ICE ARROWS Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 16
Description/Use: Three piercing projectile. Morphed from Ice Pick
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Ice Storm!”

ICE LANCE Area of effect/type: Zone

MP Usage: 7
Description/Use: Frigid projectiles cause heavy damage
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Ice Storm!”

ICE PICK Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 4
Description/Use: An arrow of frozen water
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Ice Storm!”

ICE SHELL Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 8
Description/Use: A frozen barrier of protection
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Mega Power!”

ICE WALL Area of effect/type: Zone

MP Usage: 21
Description/Use: Huge hunks of hail
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Ice Storm!”

MAGIC SEAL Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 3
Description/Use: Prevents an enemy from using magic
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “I’ll take care of this!”

MAGIC SHIELD Area of effect/type: Special

MP Usage: 18
Description/Use: Boosts magic defense of all allies
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Mega Power!”

MAGIC SWIPER Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 1
Description/Use: Lemina pilfers an enemy’s MP
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Magic Stealer!”

MEGA SEAL Area of effect/type: Zone

MP Usage: 9
Description/Use: Prevents Enemies from using magic
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Mega Seal!”

POWER DRIVE Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 18
Description/Use: A massive boost of attack power
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Mega Magic Power!”

POWER FLAME Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 9
Description/Use: A toasty increase of attack power
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Mega Magic Power!”

PYRO PILLAR Area of effect/type: Zone

MP Usage: 14
Description/Use: Hot, Hot, Hot!
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Mega Magic Flame!”



BUZZ BLADE Area of effect/type: Zone

MP Usage: 18
Description/Use: Holy Light bombards the enemy
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Taste my Refreshment!”

CRACK POINT Area of effect/type: All Enemies

MP Usage: 10
Description/Use: Shakes, Rattles, and rolls the ground
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Kneel and Perish!”

CRACK ZONE Area of effect/type: All Enemies

MP Usage: 20
Description/Use: Stone pillars erupt from earth
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Kneel and Perish!”

EARTH PRAYER Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 15
Description/Use: Increases Leo’s Attack and Defense
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “This should help.”

FLASH BLADE Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 8
Description/Use: A stunning series of sword strikes
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “I saved this for you, Infidel!”

GRIZZLE BLADE Area of effect/type: All

MP Usage: 20
Description/Use: Shining forth on the bad guys
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Discipline feels good. Ha!”

ROCK COBRA Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 8
Description/Use: Deadly Rock Strike
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Kneel and Perish!”

ROCK CRUSH Area of effect/type: Zone

MP Usage: 7
Description/Use: Rolling attack
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “You need a spanking.”

ROCK RIOT Area of effect/type: Zone

MP Usage: 14
Description/Use: Multi-rock MADNESS! Morphed from Rock Crush
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “You need a spanking.”

ROCK VIPER Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 4
Description/Use: Magically-levitated rocks
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “You need a spanking.”

SOUL BLADE Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 26
Description/Use: Leo plunders enemy’s HP
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Taste my refreshment!”



ATOMIC BURN Area of effect/type: One

Description/Use: Attack with radial energy
Dialogue: “Destruction!”

HEAL LITANY Area of effect/type: One

Description/Use: Restores some HP to one ally
Dialogue: “We must work together.”

LIGHTNING BOMB Area of effect/type: One

Description/Use: Lightning damage to an enemy
Dialogue: “Destruction!”

NAPALM SHOT Area of effect/type: One

Description/Use: Napalm Bullets hit the enemy
Dialogue: “Destruction!”

POWER CHARGE Area of effect/type: One

Description/Use: Increases the attack power of an ally temporarily
Dialogue: “We must work together!”

THUNDER BLOW Area of effect/type: Zone

Description/Use: Thunder comes from the ground
Dialogue: “Destruction.”



ANGER DICE Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 2
Description/Use: Higher rolls equal more damage.
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Lady luck be kind!”

CALM LITANY Area of effect/type: All

MP Usage: 12
Description/Use: Restores some HP of all party members. The amount of HP
restored depends on the Wisdom rating.
Use outside battles: Yes
Dialogue: “Happy Hour!”

CLEAN LITANY Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 3
Description/Use: One ally is cured of all conditions.
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Yeah Baby Yeah!”

CLEANSING LITANY Area of effect/type: All

MP Usage: 18
Description/Use: All allies are cured of all conditions
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Yeah Baby Yeah!”

DESTINY DICE Area of effect/type: All enemies

MP Usage: 5
Description/Use: Choose whether the sum of the two dices will be Odd or
Even. If you win, all enemies will receive damage based
on the dice. If you lose, no damage will be inflicted.
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Lady luck be kind!”

DIVINE LITANY Area of effect/type: All

MP Usage: 20
Description/Use: All allies regain HP after every turn. Morphed from Saint
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Happy Hour!”

ESCAPE LITANY Area of effect/type: Special

MP Usage: 2
Description/Use: Return to the Dungeon/Area Entrance
Use outside battles: Yes
Dialogue: n/a

HEAL LITANY Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 4
Description/Use: Restores some HP of a party member. The amount of HP
restored depends on the Wisdom rating.
Use outside battles: Yes
Dialogue: “Happy Hour!”

LIGHT LITANY Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 8
Description/Use: Steals HP from enemies
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Let’s get this party started!”

MIRACLE LITANY Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 30
Description/Use: Awakens and heals one fainted ally
Use outside battles: Yes
Dialogue: “I love this!”

PURITY LITANY Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 12
Description/Use: Recovers all HP of one ally.
Use outside battles: Yes
Dialogue: “Haha!”

RECOVERY COIN Area of effect/type: All

MP Usage: 20
Description/Use: May revive fainted allies
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Yeah Baby Yeah!”

REVIVE LITANY Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 12
Description/Use: Awakens one fainted ally
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “I love this!”

SAINT LITANY Area of effect/type: One

MP Usage: 5
Description/Use: One ally regains HP after each turn
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Happy Hour!”

SHINING LITANY Area of effect/type: All

MP Usage: 30
Description/Use: All allies steal HP from all enemies. Morphed from Light
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Let’s kick it up a notch!”

TRANQUIL LITANY Area of effect/type: All

MP Usage: 24
Description/Use: Recovers most HP of all allies. Morphed from Calm Litany
Use outside battles: No
Dialogue: “Yeah Baby Yeah!”



If you don’t know yet, Bromides are pictures of the women in the game. While
they are shown, a nice soothing melody will be played in the background. Now,
in the previous game, Lunar Silver Star Story, the bromides of the Girls
namely, Luna, Jessica, Mia, and the 3 girls from the Frontier are quite
naughty. But, they are very nice to look at. Here are the ones that I got from
the game so far.


Get it from him during the Epilogue at Vane. You’ll see him bathing in a bath
tub. Ewwww!

“Secret Garden Moment”

Get it at the Mystic Ruins during the Epilogue. You’ll see Ghaleon in the
Secret garden with the pixies. This is his lighter side.

“Dancing Queen”

You can get it from the girl near the exit of the Illusion woods after you
defeat Plantella and after Jean has decided to leave the Caravan. You’ll see a
poster of Jean that was created for the Caravan.

“Land Ho!!!”

You can get it from the man at the bar in Meribia. In the Bromide, you’ll see
Jessica on a boat with a Sea Gull. The background music will be the opening
song of Lunar Silver Star Story.

“Adventurer’s Club”

Get it from the top floor of the Lionhead inside a chest. You’ll see Hiro and
Ruby in one of their adventures inside a dungeon.

“Staring at the sky.”

You can get it from a man in front of his house in Larpa. The house is where
Lucia was curious about the baby and then she took care of the baby while the
housewife was out. In the bromide, Lucia is wearing her black outfit and the
red robe while staring at the bright and clear sky.

“Blue Starlight.”

You can get it in the Mystic Ruins during the Epilogue. You’ll see Lucia
silently sleeping under the Starlight.

“Afternoon picnic.”

You can get it from her during the Epilogue. You’ll see Mauri in casual wear
on a fine day.

“Warm Tea, Good Read”

You can get this bromide from the collector inside the Spring of Transmission
near Vane. The Bromide shows Mia drinking her tea and reading a book on her

“Shining Justice.”

Get it from the man beside the gate in Takkar. You’ll see Mystere in various


* alphabetically arranged
Item Name | Buy/Sell | Description
Angel’s Tear 1000/ 500 Revives a fainted party member
Dragonfly Wing 100/ 50 Escape from Dungeons
Healing Nut 200/ 100 Restores 200 HP to one party member
Herb 40/ 20 Restores 40 HP to one party member
Holy Water 100/ 50 Cures all Conditions
Life Jewel -/ 3500 Restores plenty of HP to all party members
Passion Fruit -/ 500 Restores all HP of one party member
Purity Herb 20/ 10 Cures Poisoning
Starlight -/ 1000 Restores a little amount of MP to one
party member
Silver Light -/ 5000 Restores a huge amount of MP to one
party member
Vitality Vial 50/ 25 Dispels all afflictions

Special Items:

Where to get: Get it from Gwyn’s Place.
Use: Open’s the Blue Spire entrance together with Right
Sapphire Jewel
Description: -

Where to get: Epilogue
Use: Allows instant travel to different places
Description: Universal Transporter

Where to get: From Kyle at Nota
Use: Lets you view past scenes (specifically, FMVs)
Description: View past adventures

Where to get: Get it from Dragon Ruins.
Use: Open’s the Blue Spire entrance together with Left Opal Jewel
Description: Hiro’s Haul

Where to get: From Jean at Caravan in Illusion Woods
Use: Allows entrance to lair of Plantella
Description: -

Where to get: From Nall
Use: Magically transports you at the entrance of dungeons
Description: Magical Traveling Tool


* The following lists are arranged in alphabetical order.



Character: Hiro
Where to Get: Received from Nall at Taben’s Peak in Epilogue
Buy/Sell: n/a

Attack: +111 Agility: +7 Mag. Def: +7
Attacks: 0 Speed: +7 Range: +7
Defense: +7 Wisdom: +7 Luck: +7


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at Zaback Weapon Shop
Buy/Sell: 7,200 / 3,600

Attack: +80 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at Neo-Vane
Buy/Sell: 8,500 / 4,250

Attack: +85 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: +5 Luck: 0


Character: All
Where to Get: Gwyn’s place
Buy/Sell: - / 100

Attack: +5 Agility: +2 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: +1 Speed: +2 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at Meribia Weapon Shop
Buy/Sell: 2,450 / 1,225

Attack: +49 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean
Where to Get: Found at Water Ruins
Buy/Sell: - / 5,940

Attack: +99 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean
Where to Get: Buy at Zaback Weapon Shop
Buy/Sell: 5,940 / 2,970

Attack: +66 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at East Nota Weapon Shop
Buy/Sell: 1,240 / 620

Attack: +31 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean
Where to Get: Found at Pentagulia
Buy/Sell: - / 4,785

Attack: +87 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: All
Where to Get: With Hiro in the beginning
Buy/Sell: - / 40

Attack: +2 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: +1 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean
Where to Get: With Jean when you get her
Buy/Sell: - / 360

Attack: +24 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean
Where to Get: Found at Lionhead
Buy/Sell: - / 2,943

Attack: +60 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at Dalton Equipment Shop
Buy/Sell: 630 / 315

Attack: +21 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Lemina
Where to Get: Found at Mystic Ruins
Buy/Sell: - / 1,000

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at Horam Equipment Shop
Buy/Sell: 5,760 / 2,880

Attack: +72 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro
Where to Get: Received from Ghaleon
Buy/Sell: n/a

Attack: +100 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +9
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: +9 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at Zulan Weapon Shop
Buy/Sell: 2,100 / 1,050

Attack: +42 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Lemina
Where to Get: Found at Red Tower in Pentagulia
Buy/Sell: - / 3,000

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Found at Pentagulia
Buy/Sell: - / 5,115

Attack: +93 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +8
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: +8 Luck: 0


Character: Lemina
Where to Get: Found at Blue Dragon Cave
Buy/Sell: - / 3,000

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Lemina
Where to Get: Found at White Dragon Cave
Buy/Sell: - / 3,000

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean
Where to Get: With Jean when she receives new outfit
Buy/Sell: - / 2,200

Attack: +55 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean
Where to Get: Buy at Takkar Weapon Shop
Buy/Sell: 1,160 / 580

Attack: +29 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean
Where to Get: Buy at Azado Weapon Shop
Buy/Sell: 3,500 / 1,750

Attack: +50 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Found at Dragon Ruins
Buy/Sell: - / 6,000

Attack: +100 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +10
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +10 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Lemina
Where to Get: Found at Black Dragon Cave
Buy/Sell: - / 3,000

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at Dalton Equipment Shop
Buy/Sell: 690 / 345

Attack: +20 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at Larpa General Store
Buy/Sell: 300 / 150

Attack: +15 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Lemina
Where to Get: With Lemina when you get her
Buy/Sell: - / 600

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Leo
Where to Get: Buy at Raculi General Store
Buy/Sell: 10,340 / 5,170

Attack: +94 Agility: +2 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: +2 Range: +2
Defense: +2 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Found at White Tower in Pentagulia
Buy/Sell: - / 2,680

Attack: +67 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: +5 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean
Where to Get: Buy at Meribia Weapon Shop
Buy/Sell: 2,580 / 1,290

Attack: +43 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at Raculi General Store
Buy/Sell: 8,800 / 4,400

Attack: +88 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Lemina
Where to Get: Found at Meribia Sewers
Buy/Sell: - / 1,000

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean
Where to Get: Buy at Zulan Weapon Shop
Buy/Sell: 1,800 / 900

Attack: +26 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at Vane Weapon Shop
Buy/Sell: 4,060 / 2,030

Attack: +58 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at Vane Weapon Shop
Buy/Sell: 3,990 / 1,995

Attack: +57 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +2
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: +2 Luck: 0


Character: All
Where to Get: Found at Zaback mines
Buy/Sell: - / 1

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: +1 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at Horam Weapon Shop
Buy/Sell: 6,840 / 3,420

Attack: +76 Agility: +5 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro
Where to Get: Buy at Larpa General Shop
Buy/Sell: 340 / 170

Attack: +17 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at Takkar Weapon Shop
Buy/Sell: 1,320 / 660

Attack: +33 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at West Nota Equipment Shop
Buy/Sell: 1,600 / 800

Attack: +40 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +5
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at Vane Weapon Shop
Buy/Sell: 2,100 / 1,050

Attack: +70 Agility: -5 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: -1 Speed: -5 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Found at Taben’s Peak
Buy/Sell: - / 1,500

Attack: +50 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: All
Where to Get: Found at Black Dragon Cave
Buy/Sell: - / 1,000

Attack: +20 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: +1 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: +7


Character: Lemina
Where to Get: Found at Cave of Trials
Buy/Sell: n/a
Note: Allows Lemina to steal from enemies

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Lemina
Where to Get: Found at Taben’s Peak
Buy/Sell: - / 1,000

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Lemina
Where to Get: Found at Zulan Blizzard
Buy/Sell: - / 1,000

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Leo
Where to Get: Epilogue
Buy/Sell: - / 5,170

Attack: +94 Agility: +5 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Lemina
Where to Get: Found at West Bandit Butte
Buy/Sell: - / 1,000

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean
Where to Get: Buy at Raculi General Store
Buy/Sell: 7,700 / 3,850

Attack: +77 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0




Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at Zaback Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 2,560 / 1,280

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +30 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at Neo-Vane
Buy/Sell: 2,800 / 1,400

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +36 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at Horam Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 1,890 / 945

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +27 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at Dalton Equipment Shop
Buy/Sell: 80 / 40

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +4 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Lemina
Where to Get: Found at Dragon Ruins
Buy/Sell: - / 2,000

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +40 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean
Where to Get: With Jean after change of costume
Buy/Sell: - / 910

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +26 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Found at Pentagulia
Buy/Sell: - / 1,710

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +38 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Found at Lionhead
Buy/Sell: - / 2,400

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +4
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +46 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at Takkar Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 240 / 120

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +8 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean, Lemina
Where to Get: Buy at Takkar Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 60 / 30

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +13 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at Nota Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 300 / 150

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +10 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean, Lemina
Where to Get: Found at Black Tower in Pentagulia
Buy/Sell: - / 770

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +22 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro
Where to Get: Found at Taben’s Peak
Buy/Sell: - / 1,000

Attack: +2 Agility: +2 Mag. Def: +2
Attacks: 0 Speed: +2 Range: +2
Defense: +20 Wisdom: +2 Luck: +2


Character: Jean
Where to Get: Buy at Zaback Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 2,480 / 1,240

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +31 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean
Where to Get: Found at Lionhead
Buy/Sell: - / 2,150

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +43 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Lemina, Jean
Where to Get: Buy at Vane Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 1,080 / 540

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +18 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Found at Pentagulia
Buy/Sell: - / 1,890

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +42 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean, Lemina
Where to Get: Buy at Neo-Vane
Buy/Sell: 2,160 / 1,080

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +27 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at Azado Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 1,320 / 660

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +22 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at Azado Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 1,500 / 750

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +25 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean, Lemina
Where to Get: Found at Serak Palace
Buy/Sell: - / 1,485

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +33 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: All
Where to Get: Get at Mayor’s House in Larpa
Buy/Sell: - / 3

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +2 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at West Nota Equipment Shop
Buy/Sell: 480 / 240

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +12 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean, Lemina
Where to Get: Buy at West Nota Equipment Shop
Buy/Sell: 320 /160

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +8 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at Zulan Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 600 / 300

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +15 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at Meribia Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 850 / 425

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +13 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at Vane Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 1,000 / 500

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +20 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean
Where to Get: Found at Red Dragon Cave
Buy/Sell: - / 1,620

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +36 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at Horam Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 2,170 / 1,085

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +31 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at Dalton Equipment Shop
Buy/Sell: 100 / 50

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +5 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0




Character: Hiro
Where to Get: With Hiro in the beginning
Buy/Sell: - / 60

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +6 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at Neo-Vane
Buy/Sell: 5,040 / 2,520

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +56 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Lemina
Where to Get: Found at Pentagulia
Buy/Sell: - / 3,000

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +7
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +60 Wisdom: +7 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at Zaback Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 4,680 / 2,340

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +5
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +52 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at Azado Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 2,590 / 1,295

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +3
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +37 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Ronfar
Where to Get: Found at Illusion Woods
Buy/Sell: - / 360

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +18 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro
Where to Get: Found at Dragon Ruins
Buy/Sell: - / 4,125

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +75 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Found at Red Dragon Cave
Buy/Sell: - / 3,200

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +64 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean
Where to Get: Buy at East Nota Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 720 / 360

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +18 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Lemina
Where to Get: Buy at Zulan Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 1,050 / 525

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +3
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +21 Wisdom: +3 Luck: 0


Character: Leo
Where to Get: Found at Water ruins
Buy/Sell: - / 4,100

Attack: 0 Agility: +5 Mag. Def: +5
Attacks: 0 Speed: +5 Range: 0
Defense: +70 Wisdom: +5 Luck: 0


Character: Jean
Where to Get: With Jean on her second costume
Buy/Sell: - / 2,120

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +43 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at Horam Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 3,520 / 1,760

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +4
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +44 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Lemina
Where to Get: Buy at Horam Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 3,200 / 1,600

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +5
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +40 Wisdom: +5 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at West Nota Equipment Shop
Buy/Sell: 1,300 / 650

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +26 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean
Where to Get: Buy at Azado Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 2,940 / 1,470

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +42 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro
Where to Get: Buy at Larpa General Shop
Buy/Sell: 360 / 180

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +12 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Lemina
Where to Get: Buy at Vane Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 2,100 / 1,050

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +4
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +30 Wisdom: +4 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Found at Serak Palace
Buy/Sell: - / 3,000

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +6
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +60 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean
Where to Get: Buy at Zaback Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 5,490 / 2,745

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +61 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: All
Where to Get: With Ronfar when you get him
Buy/Sell: - / 15

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +3 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: All
Where to Get: Found at Zulan (Mayor’s house)
Buy/Sell: - / 500

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +30 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at Vane Armor shop
Buy/Sell: 2,800 / 1,400

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +40 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean
Where to Get: With Jean when you get her
Buy/Sell: - / 210

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +14 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at West Nota Equipment Shop
Buy/Sell: 1,150 / 575

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +1
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +23 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at Meribia Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 1,800 / 900

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +2
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +30 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: All
Where to Get: Found at Magic guild
Buy/Sell: - / 15

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +3 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Lemina
Where to Get: With Lemina when you get her
Buy/Sell: - / 260

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +1
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +13 Wisdom: +1 Luck: 0


Character: Lemina
Where to Get: Found at Water Ruins
Buy/Sell: - / 3,850

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +8
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +70 Wisdom: +8 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Found at Water Ruins
Buy/Sell: - / 3,850

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +7
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +70 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean
Where to Get: Found at Dragon Ruins
Buy/Sell: - / 4,235

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +77 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean
Where to Get: Found at Meribia Sewers
Buy/Sell: - / 1,020

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +34 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at Meribia Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 1,920 / 960

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +32 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Lemina
Where to Get: Buy at East Nota Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 680 / 340

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +2
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +17 Wisdom: +2 Luck: 0


Character: Jean
Where to Get: Found at Serak Palace
Buy/Sell: - / 3,450

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +69 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at Horam Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 3,840 / 1,920

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +49 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Lemina
Where to Get: Buy at Neo-Vane
Buy/Sell: 4,500 / 2,250

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +6
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +50 Wisdom: +6 Luck: 0


Character: All
Where to Get: Magic Guild
Buy/Sell: - / 330

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +66 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0




Character: Jean, Lemina
Where to Get: Buy at Zaback Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 1,680 / 840

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +21 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at Neo-Vane
Buy/Sell: 2,000 / 1,000

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +25 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: With Ronfar when you get him
Buy/Sell: - / 5

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +2 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean, Lemina
Where to Get: Buy at Vane Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 610 / 305

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +12 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at Azado Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 900 / 450

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +2
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +15 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at Dalton Equipment Shop
Buy/Sell: 60 / 30

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +3 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro
Where to Get: Found at Water Ruins
Buy/Sell: - / 1,750

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +35 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Lemina
Where to Get: Found at Lionhead
Buy/Sell: - / 1,500

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +30 Wisdom: 0 Luck: +2


Character: Jean, Lemina
Where to Get: Found at Blue Dragon Cave
Buy/Sell: - / 630

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +18 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean, Lemina
Where to Get: Buy at Takkar Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 60 / 30

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +3 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean, Lemina
Where to Get: Found at Serak Palace and Red Dragon Cave
Buy/Sell: - / 1,080

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +24 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at East Nota Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 150 / 75

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +5 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at Larpa General Shop
Buy/Sell: 40 / 20

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +2 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Leo
Where to Get: Found at Dragon Ruins
Buy/Sell: - / 1,700

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +34 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at Zulan Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 450 / 225

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +9 Wisdom: 0 Luck: +2


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Found at Serak Palace
Buy/Sell: - / 1,305

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +29 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Found at Lionhead
Buy/Sell: - / 1,500

Attack: +4 Agility: +4 Mag. Def: +4
Attacks: 0 Speed: +4 Range: +4
Defense: +27 Wisdom: +4 Luck: +4


Character: Jean, Lemina
Where to Get: Buy at Meribia Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 360 / 180

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +9 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at Azado Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 1,020 / 510

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +17 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at Horam Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 1,260 / 630

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +1
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +18 Wisdom: +1 Luck: 0


Character: Jean, Lemina
Where to Get: Found at Black Tower in Pentagulia
Buy/Sell: - / 450

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +15 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Found in Azado
Buy/Sell: - / 400

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +15 Wisdom: 0 Luck: +2


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at East Nota Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 240 / 120

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +6 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Jean, Lemina
Where to Get: Buy at West Nota Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 180 / 90

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +6 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at Zulan Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 360 / 180

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +9 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Found at Meribia Sewers
Buy/Sell: - / 300

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +12 Wisdom: +2 Luck: 0


Character: Ronfar
Where to Get: Buy at Zaback Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 1,680 / 840

Attack: 0 Agility: +1 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +21 Wisdom: +1 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Found at Meribia Sewers
Buy/Sell: - / 325

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +13 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Leo
Where to Get: Buy at Horam Armor Shop
Buy/Sell: 1,470 / 735

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +21 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0




Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Library in Vane
Use: Revives wearer from a faint (one time use only)
Buy/Sell: - / 2,500

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Blue Dragon Cave
Use: Increases Magic Defense
Buy/Sell: - / 4,500

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +7
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Zulan Mountains
Use: Increases both types of defenses
Buy/Sell: - / 2,000

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +15
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +15 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: -
Use: Wearer is Mute and Charm proof
Buy/Sell: - / 5,000

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Meribia Sewers
Use: Wearer is immune to sleep spells.
Buy/Sell: - / 1,600

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Zaback Mines
Use: Decreases Thunder and Wind damage
Buy/Sell: - / 2,500

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at White Dragon Cave
Use: Increases Defense
Buy/Sell: - / 4,500

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Zophar’s Keep
Use: Increases both types of defense but inflicts status changes
Buy/Sell: - / 1

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +33
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +81 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Black Dragon Cave
Use: Decreases damage caused by Magic
Buy/Sell: - / 5,500

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Zaback Mines
Use: Prevents Poison, Paralysis, and Sleep
Buy/Sell: - / 5,000

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Nota
Use: Restores 7HP per turn when worn
Buy/Sell: - / 650

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Lemina
Where to Get: Found inside Magic Guild at Vane
Use: Precious Ausa Clan heirloom
Buy/Sell: - / 230

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: +5
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: +5 Luck: -1


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Goddess Image in Azado
Use: Restores some HP after every turn
Buy/Sell: - / 3,000

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Brave Labyrinth
Use: Magically boosts everyone’s power
Buy/Sell: n/a

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro
Where to Get: Found at Althena Springs in Illusion Woods.
Use: Weight training for karate students
Buy/Sell: n/a

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: -3
Defense: +10 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Lemina
Where to Get: Found inside Magic Guild at Vane
Use: Usually Empty
Buy/Sell: n/a

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Taben’s Peak
Use: Increase Luck stats of the wearer
Buy/Sell: - / 1,550

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: +10


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Zulan Mountains
Use: Decreases Water and Wind Damage
Buy/Sell: - / 2,500

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Blue Dragon Cave
Use: Decreases Earth and Water Damage
Buy/Sell: - / 2,500

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Horam
Use: Increases wearer’s defense
Buy/Sell: - / 1,600

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: +10 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Takkar Mountain Pass
Use: Wearer will be immune to Poison
Buy/Sell: - / 1,600

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Wong-Lee’s Dojo in Horam
Use: Insulates and Protects
Buy/Sell: - / 50

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at White Dragon Cave
Use: Increases ability to avoid attacks
Buy/Sell: - / 2,000

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Goddess Tower
Use: Lower damage of elemental magic
Buy/Sell: - / 7,500

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Black Dragon Cave
Use: Restores some MP after every turn
Buy/Sell: - / 4,500

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Goddess Tower
Use: Prevents any status changes
Buy/Sell: - / 7,500

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Sluice Forest
Use: Wearer cannot be paralyzed
Buy/Sell: - / 1,750

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Red Dragon Cave
Use: Decreases Thunder and Fire damage
Buy/Sell: - / 2,500

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Takkar Mountain Pass
Use: Decreases Fire and Earth Damage
Buy/Sell: - / 2,500

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0




Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Dragon Ruins
Use: Increases the user’s Range
Buy/Sell: - / 7,500

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: +5
Defense: 0 Wisdom: -5 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Black Dragon Cave
Use: Enables Black Dragon Grief
Buy/Sell: n/a

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Blue Dragon Cave
Use: Enables Blue Dragon Vigor
Buy/Sell: n/a

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: -
Use: Increases the user’s Speed
Buy/Sell: - / 2,000

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: +10 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: -5 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Mystic Ruins
Use: Enables Sleep Magic
Buy/Sell: - / 1,500

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: -
Use: Enables Earth Magic
Buy/Sell: - / 1,500

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Goddess Tower
Use: Heightens the power of other crests
Buy/Sell: n/a

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Goddess Image in Azado
Use: Attacks absorb HP. Does not work w/ staves
Buy/Sell: - / 2,500

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: -5 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Buy at Raculi
Use: Increases user’s Agility
Buy/Sell: 3,500 / 1,750

Attack: 0 Agility: +10 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: -5 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Buy at Neo-Vane
Use: Increases the user’s Wisdom
Buy/Sell: 4,000 / 2,000

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: +10 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Buy at Zaback
Use: Enables Paralysis Magic
Buy/Sell: 3,000 / 1,500

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Red Dragon Cave
Use: Allows penetration attack. Not effective with Staves
Buy/Sell: - / 7,500

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: -1 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: -5 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Zulan Mountains
Use: Powers Up other crests worn
Buy/Sell: - / 1,750

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Red Dragon Cave
Use: Enables Red Dragon Anger
Buy/Sell: n/a

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: found at Blue Dragon Cave
Use: Fewer enemy counter attacks
Buy/Sell: - / -

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found outside Magic Guild at Vane
Use: Enables muting magic
Buy/Sell: - / 1,500

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at East Bandit Butte
Use: Increases the user’s Range
Buy/Sell: - / 1,000

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: +5
Defense: 0 Wisdom: -5 Luck: 0


Character: Hiro, Ronfar
Where to Get: Found at Illusion Woods 2
Use: Enables Poison Magic
Buy/Sell: - / 1,500

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at Magic City of Vane
Use: Enabled thunder Magic
Buy/Sell: - / 1,500

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: +5 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: found at Sluice Forest
Use: Increases the user’s attack
Buy/Sell: - / 2,000

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: +5 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: -
Use: Enables Water Magic
Buy/Sell: - / 1,500

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: Found at White Dragon Cave
Use: Enables White Dragon Protect
Buy/Sell: n/a

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0


Character: Everyone
Where to Get: -
Use: Enables Wind Magic
Buy/Sell: - / 1,500

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 Mag. Def: 0
Attacks: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Defense: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0




General Store:
Herb 40 Silver
Purity Herb 20 Silver
Short Sword 340 Silver
Mace 300 Silver
Leather Armor 360 Silver
Leather Cap 40 Silver


Equipment Shop:
Long Sword 690 Silver
Flail 630 Silver
Wood Shield 100 Silver
Bracelet 80 Silver
Colorful Bandanna 360 Silver

General Store:
Herb 40 Silver
Purity Herb 20 Silver
Vitality Vial 50 Silver
Angel’s Tear 1,000 Silver
Dragonfly Wings 360 Silver


Weapon Shop:
Silver Mace 1,320 Silver
Iron Fan 1,160 Silver

Armor Shop:
Iron Bracelet 240 Silver
Iron Gauntlet 60 Silver
Chain Mail 720 Silver
Hairband 60 Silver

Item Shop:
Herb 40 Silver
Purity Herb 20 Silver
Vitality Vial 50 Silver
Angel’s Tear 1,000 Silver
Dragonfly Wings 360 Silver


Weapon Shop:
Broad Sword 1,240 Silver

Armor Shop:
Iron Shield 300 Silver
Flared Dress 720 Silver
Silver Robe 680 Silver
Iron Helm 150 Silver
Silver Bandanna 240 Silver

Item Shop:
Herb 40 Silver
Purity Herb 20 Silver
Vitality Vial 50 Silver
Angel’s Tear 1,000 Silver
Dragonfly Wings 360 Silver


Item Shop:
Herb 40 Silver
Purity Herb 20 Silver
Vitality Vial 50 Silver
Angel’s Tear 1,000 Silver
Dragonfly Wings 360 Silver

Man at Carnival:
Broad Sword 1,240 Silver
Iron Shield 300 Silver
Flared Dress 720 Silver
Silver Robe 680 Silver
Silver Helmet 150 Silver
Silver Bandanna 240 Silver
Herb 40 Silver
Purity Herb 20 Silver
Angel’s Tear 1,000 Silver
Dragonfly Wings 360 Silver


Equipment Shop:
Silver Sword 1,600 Silver
Silver Bracelet 480 Silver
Silver Gauntlet 320 Silver
Iron Armor 1,300 Silver
Priest Clothes 1,150 Silver
Silver Hairpin 180 Silver


Weapon Shop:
Golden Mace 2,100 Silver
Razor Fan 1,800 Silver

Armor Shop:
Silver Shield 600 Silver
Fur Dress 1,300 Silver
Fur Robe 1,050 Silver
Silver Helm 360 Silver
Lucky Bandanna 450 Silver

Item Shop:
Herb 40 Silver
Purity Herb 20 Silver
Vitality Vial 50 Silver
Angel’s Tear 1,000 Silver
Cleansing Water 60 Silver
Dragonfly Wings 360 Silver


Weapon Shop:
Bastard Sword 2,450 Silver
Platinum Fan 2,580 Silver

Armor Shop:
Steel Bracelet 850 Silver
Platinum Gauntlet 650 Silver
Silver Armor 1,920 Silver
Purity Clothes 1,800 Silver
Platinum Hairpin 360 Silver

Item Shop:
Herb 40 Silver
Healing Nut 200 Silver
Purity Herb 20 Silver
Vitality Vial 50 Silver
Angel’s Tear 1,000 Silver
Cleansing Water 60 Silver
Dragonfly Wings 360 Silver


Weapon Shop:
Smash Saber 2,100 Silver
Rune Sword 3,990 Silver
Ritual Mace 4,060 Silver
Magic Staff 1,200 Silver
Flame Staff 2,000 Silver
Wind Staff 2,000 Silver
Water Staff 2,000 Silver
Thunder Staff 2,000 Silver
Quake Staff 2,000 Silver

Armor Shop:
Steel Shield 1,000 Silver
Magic Gauntlet 1,080 Silver
Platinum Armor 2,800 Silver
Silk Dress 2,140 Silver
Magician Robe 2,100 Silver
Steel Helm 650 Silver
Soul Bandanna 600 Silver
Bejeweled Hairpin 610 Silver

Item Shop:
Herb 40 Silver
Healing Nut 200 Silver
Purity Herb 20 Silver
Vitality Vial 50 Silver
Angel’s Tear 1,000 Silver
Cleansing Water 60 Silver
Dragonfly Wings 360 Silver
Starlight 2,000 Silver


Item Shop:
Herb 40 Silver
Healing Nut 200 Silver
Purity Herb 20 Silver
Vitality Vial 50 Silver
Angel’s Tear 1,000 Silver
Cleansing Water 60 Silver
Dragonfly Wings 360 Silver

Armor Shop:
Platinum Shield 1,500 Silver
Platinum Bracelet 1,320 Silver
Ceremonial Clothes 2,590 Silver
Jean’s Dress 2,940 Silver
Platinum Helm 1,020 Silver
Charm Bandanna 900 Silver

Weapon Shop:
Smash Saber 2,100 Silver
Rune Sword 3,990 Silver
Jean’s Fan 3,500 Silver


Weapon Shop:
Platinum Blade 5,360 Silver
Samurai Sword 6,840 Silver
Flaying Flail 5,760 Silver

Armor Shop:
Warrior Shield 2,170 Silver
Bejeweled Bracelet 1,890 Silver
Jewel Gauntlet 1,540 Silver
Warrior Armor 3,840 Silver
Holy Clothes 3,520 Silver
Immortal Robe 3,200 Silver
Warrior Helm 1,470 Silver
Prayer Bandanna 1,260 Silver
Ritual Hairpin 900 Silver


Item Shop:
Herb 40 Silver
Healing Nut 200 Silver
Holy Water 50 Silver
Vitality Vial 50 Silver
Angel’s Tear 1,000 Silver
Charm Crest 3,000 Silver
Dream Crest 3,000 Silver


Item Shop:
Herb 40 Silver
Healing Nut 200 Silver
Holy Water 50 Silver
Vitality Vial 50 Silver
Angel’s Tear 1,000 Silver
Mind Crest 3,000 Silver
Snake Crest 3,000 Silver

Armor Shop:
Amethyst Bracelet 2,560 Silver
Leopard Armlet 2,480 Silver
Battle Clothes 4,680 Silver
Warrior Armor 3,840 Silver
Ninja Wrap 5,490 Silver
Spirit Bandana 1,680 Silver
Amethyst Hairpin 1,680 Silver

Weapon Shop:
Amethyst Mace 7,200 Silver
Black Panther Claw 5,940 Silver


Weapon Shop:
Amethyst Sword 8,500 Silver

Armor Shop:
Amethyst Shield 2,800 Silver
Mystic Gauntlet 2,160 Silver
Amethyst Armor 5,040 Silver
Wisdom Robe 4,500 Silver
Amethyst Helm 2,000 Silver

Item Shop:
Herb 40 Silver
Healing Nut 200 Silver
Holy Water 50 Silver
Vitality Vial 50 Silver
Angel’s Tear 1,000 Silver
Anti-Magic Ring 9,000 Silver
Magic Eye Crest 4,000 Silver


General Store:
Master Sword 10,340 Silver
Prayer Mace 8,800 Silver
White Tiger Claw 7,700 Silver
Healing Nut 200 Silver
Holy Water 50 Silver
Vitality Vial 50 Silver
Angel’s Tear 1,000 Silver
Hunter Crest 3,500 Silver
Seal Crest 3,000 Silver


1. Always remember that you can save anytime and anywhere in the game. It’s
better to save often rather than repeat an entire dungeon if you lose a

2. Whenever there’s a Goddess Statue, always take the time to heal your
party’s HP and MP. You’ll need it.

3. If you hate battles, you can avoid most of the enemies. Beware though, some
enemies appear out of nowhere and some enemies move very quickly and you’ll
have a very tough time outrunning them.

4. During your battles, you can always plan your next move. Remember that your
enemy won’t attack you until you finish your turn.

5. Plan also the position of your characters in battle. A widespread party is
more like to survive a battle than a compressed party. Change the positions of
the characters by going to the Tactics menu. A good position is like this one.
The attackers are in front, the healer is at the middle and the magic users at
the back. This way, you can use the abilities of the characters efficiently.

6. When you target an enemy, you’ll see different colors from time to time.
This specifies if how your attack will damage the enemy/ies. If the target
turns yellow, it means that your attack will do minimal damage. If the target
turns green and a circle appears above it, you’ll do maximum damage. If the
target turns red and an X appear above it, you’ll do very minimal or no damage
at all. If the enemy doesn’t turn into any color, you’ll do normal damage.


Here’s the list of the enemies that I’ve seen in the game. Note that the HP
info of the enemies is based on my actual calculation. Please take note that
some of the enemies’ HP are not as accurate as it seems. But their HP values
are enough to kill them. Any corrections will be welcome.

* alphabetically arranged

HP: 170 Location: Zulan Mountains
Exp: 26 Item/s: none
Silver: 28

Special Attacks: Snowball
Notes: Use Fire Magic


HP: 204 Location: Meribia Sewers
Exp: 118 Item/s: Spin Attack (damages entire party)
Silver: 221

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use Magic Only


HP: 450 Location: Blue Dragon Cave
Exp: 332 Item/s: none
Silver: 248

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 287 Location: Serak Palace
Exp: 301 Item/s: none
Silver: 193

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 198 Location: Serak Palace
Exp: 291 Item/s: none
Silver: 137

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 540 Location: Meribia Sewers
Exp: 340 Item/s: none
Silver: 150

Special Attacks: Karate Moves that do major damage
Notes: Use Ice Magic or Bee Dance of Jean


HP: 19 Location: Blue Labyrinth (Blue Spire)
EXP: 1 Item/s: none
Silver: 1

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Defeat the Mummy and all Bandage Boys will die too.


HP: 70 Location: Takkar Mt. Pass
Exp: 7 Item/s: none
Silver: 7

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Deals Poison Status


HP: 115 Location: Zulan Mountains
Exp: 36 Item/s: none
Silver: 65

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use Fire Magic


HP: 356 Location: Cave of Trials
Exp: 86 Item/s: none
Silver: 98

Special Attacks: none
Notes: use Magic attacks


HP: 475 Location: Zaback Mines
Exp: 250 Item/s: none
Silver: 153

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 550 Location: Water Ruins
Exp: 1,270 Item/s: none
Silver: 854

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 160 Location: Sluice Forest
Exp: 76 Item/s: none
Silver: 253

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 160 Location: Red Dragon Cave
Exp: 243 Item/s: none
Silver: 102

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use Ice Magic


HP: 398 Location: Serak Palace
Exp: 443 Item/s: none
Silver: 261

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 45 Location: Blue Spire
EXP: 3 Item/s: none
Silver: 8

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 656 Location: Star Dragon Tower
Exp: 3,000 Item/s: none
Silver: 0

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 170 Location: Zaback Mines
Exp: 168 Item/s: none
Silver: 106

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 180 Location: Zaback Mines
Exp: 149 Item/s: none
Silver: 84

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 55 Location: Blue Labyrinth (Blue Spire)
Exp: 4 Item/s: none
Silver: 9

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 645 Location: Star Dragon Tower
Exp: 1,300 Item/s: none
Silver: 0

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 400 Location: Dragon Ruins
Exp: 1,464 Item/s: none
Silver: 405

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 215 Location: Dragonship Destiny
Exp: 40 Item/s: none
Silver: 60

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 400 Location: Black Dragon Cave
Exp: 666 Item/s: none
Silver: 333

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use Physical Attacks


HP: n/a Location: White Dragon Cave
Exp: n/a Item/s: none
Silver: n/a

Special Attacks: none
Notes: It is very strong against all kinds of attacks. If you didn’t kill
during the first turn, it will escape.


HP: 250 Location: White Tower
Exp: 93 Item/s: none
Silver: 27

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use Thunder Magic. If it’s in the defensive stance, physical attacks
will be useless


HP: 380 Location: Zophar’s Keep
Exp: 426 Item/s: none
Silver: 90

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use Magic Attacks


HP: 50 Location: Blue Spire
Exp: 6 Item/s: none
Silver: 15

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 513 Location: Water Ruins
Exp: 930 Item/s: none
Silver: 262

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 1,000 Location: Lionhead
Exp: 22,222 Item/s: none
Silver: 893

Special Attacks: Inflicts Paralysis
Notes: It has a powerful attack with a tremendous Defense power. You’ll need
to power up in order to beat it.


HP: 172 Location: Mystic Ruins
Exp: 48 Item/s: none
Silver: 135

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 400 Location: Neo-Trial Cave
Exp: 188 Item/s: none
Silver: 167

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use Physical Attacks


HP: 288 Location: Black Tower in Pentagulia
Exp: 96 Item/s: none
Silver: 1

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 156 Location: Cave of Trials
Exp: 68 Item/s: none
Silver: 49

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 120 Location: Takkar Mt. Pass
Exp: 28 Item/s: Healing Nut
Silver: 27

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 37 Location: West Desert Pass
Exp: 4 Item/s: none
Silver: 4

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 250 Location: Goddess Image
Exp: 367 Item/s: none
Silver: 1,000

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 390 Location: Water Ruins
Exp: 930 Item/s: none
Silver: 341

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 900 Location: Blue Dragon Cave
Exp: 3,511 Item/s: none
Silver: 1,000

Special Attacks: Calls on Scurvy Slugs
Notes: You must kill it in the first turn or else it’ll run away


HP: 132 Location: Taben’s Peak
Exp: 56 Item/s: none
Silver: 100

Special Attacks: Large MP Absorb attack
Notes: Use Fire Magic


HP: 5 Location: East Desert Pass
Exp: 1 Item/s: none
Silver: 1

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 400 Location: Zaback Mines
Exp: 966 Item/s: none
Silver: 505

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 286 Location: Goddess Image
Exp: 99 Item/s: none
Silver: 126

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 130 Location: Meribia Sewers
Exp: 35 Item/s: none
Silver: 29

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 600 Location: Zophar’s Keep
Exp: 514 Item/s: none
Silver: 214

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use Magic attacks


HP: 570 Location: Red Dragon Cave
Exp: 814 Item/s: none
Silver: 356

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use Ice Magic


HP: 250 Location: Zophar’s Keep
Exp: 777 Item/s: none
Silver: 0

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use Ice Magic


HP: 450 Location: Red Dragon Cave
Exp: 796 Item/s: none
Silver: 348

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use Ice Magic


HP: 300 Location: Pentagulia Underground
Exp: 93 Item/s: none
Silver: 18

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 180 Location: Pentagulia Underground
Exp: 90 Item/s: Holy Water
Silver: 41

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 800 Location: Zen Zone Tournament
Exp: 339 Item/s: none
Silver: 0

Special Attacks: Karate
Notes: none


HP: 250 Location: Goddess Image
Exp: 61 Item/s: none
Silver: 29

Special Attacks: Dive
Notes: none


HP: 185 Location: Goddess Image
Exp: 72 Item/s: none
Silver: 49

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 145 Location: Sluice Forest
Exp: 52 Item/s: none
Silver: 102

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use fire attacks


HP: 187 Location: Red Tower in Pentagulia
Exp: 90 Item/s: none
Silver: 38

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 185 Location: Sluice Forest
Exp: 64 Item/s: none
Silver: 49

Special Attacks: none
Notes: it has a very high physical defense


HP: 132 Location: Cave of Trials
Exp: 40 Item/s: none
Silver: 34

Special Attacks: none
Notes: can induce Sleep


HP: 130 Location: Illusion Woods
Exp: 44 Item/s: Angel’s Tear
Silver: 60

Special Attacks: Raises every enemy’s Attack rating.
Notes: none


HP: 658 Location: Dragon Ruins
Exp: 64 Item/s: none
Silver: 0

Special Attacks: none
Notes: It has a very strong defense


HP: 300 Location: Neo-Trial Cave
Exp: 538 Item/s: none
Silver: 266

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use Magic attacks


HP: 700 Location: Water Ruins
Exp: 2,400 Item/s: none
Silver: 0

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 33 Location: Starlight Forest
Exp: 4 Item/s: none
Silver: 6

Special Attacks: none
Notes: They can become annoying sometimes as they have the ability to call
another green goblin. So finish all of them as fast as possible.


HP: 160 Location: Meribia Sewers
Exp: 48 Item/s: none
Silver: 34

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 224 Location: Meribia Sewers
Exp: 62 Item/s: Cleansing Water
Silver: 152

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 812 Location: Zophar’s Keep
Exp: 1,116 Item/s: none
Silver: 472

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use Magic Attacks


HP: 850 Location: Brave Labyrinth
Exp: 1,280 Item/s: none
Silver: 872

Special Attacks: Rolling Attack
Notes: none


HP: 118 Location: Illusion Woods
Exp: 15 Item/s: none
Silver: 14

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 124 Location: Starlight Forest
Exp: 16 Item/s: Herb
Silver: 32

Special Attacks: Absorb Life
Notes: Once you see this monster, kill it at once as it can absorb a huge
amount of HP from one of your party members.


HP: 300 Location: Zophar’s Keep
Exp: 777 Item/s: none
Silver: 0

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 285 Location: Azado Barbecue, Red Dragon Cave
Exp: 180 Item/s: none
Silver: 33

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 102 Location: East Bandit Butte
Exp: 23 Item/s: none
Silver: 19

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 45 Location: Larpa Pass
Exp: 6 Item/s: none
Silver: 13

Special Attacks: none
Notes: It can inflict the Poison status


HP: 115 Location: East Bandit Butte
Exp: 25 Item/s: none
Silver: 17

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 250 Location: Sluice Forest
Exp: 88 Item/s: none
Silver: 284

Special Attacks: none
Notes: can cause paralysis


HP: 76 Location: Ghost Manor
Exp: 30 Item/s: none
Silver: 60

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 1,500 Location: Brave Labyrinth
Exp: 1,728 Item/s: none
Silver: 2,183

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 900 Location: Brave Labyrinth
Exp: 1,280 Item/s: none
Silver: 872

Special Attacks: Dash Attack
Notes: none


HP: 250 Location: Zophar’s Keep
Exp: 777 Item/s: none
Silver: 0

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 400 Location: Zophar’s Keep
Exp: 1,324 Item/s: none
Silver: 524

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 252 Location: Taben’s Peak
Exp: 90 Item/s: none
Silver: 231

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 30 Location: Blue Spire
Exp: 1 Item/s: none
Silver: 3

Special Attacks: none
Notes: It has an Attacks rating of 2.


HP: 130 Location: East Bandit Butte
Exp: 13 Item/s: none
Silver: 13

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 88 Location: Mystic Ruins
Exp: 27 Item/s: none
Silver: 111

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use magic against it.


HP: 450 Location: Star Dragon Tower
Exp: 1,200 Item/s: none
Silver: 0

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Do not use Magic


HP: 182 Location: White Dragon Cave
Exp: 119 Item/s: none
Silver: 22

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Don’t use physical attacks but use Fire Magic


HP: 359 Location: Blue Tower in Pentagulia
Exp: 103 Item/s: none
Silver: 24

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 101 Location: Takkar Mt. Pass
Exp: 17 Item/s: none
Silver: 21

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 35 Location: Blue Labyrinth (Blue Spire)
Exp: 2 Item/s: none
Silver: 5

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Defeat him and all Bandage Boys in the battle will die too.


HP: 1,500 Location: Lionhead
Exp: 1,493 Item/s: none
Silver: 647

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Don’t use Magic. Kill it and all Working Stiff will die to.


HP: 255 Location: White Dragon Cave
Exp: 113 Item/s: none
Silver: 134

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 900 Location: Lionhead
Exp: 974 Item/s: none
Silver: 437

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use Magic Attacks


HP: 425 Location: Serak Palace
Exp: 793 Item/s: none
Silver: 373

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Don’t use Magic against it.


HP: 230 Location: Goddess Image
Exp: 61 Item/s: none
Silver: 47

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 24 Location: Larpa Pass
Exp: 2 Item/s: none
Silver: 5

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 155 Location: Taben’s Peak
Exp: 33 Item/s: none
Silver: 49

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 124 Location: East Bandit Butte
Exp: 33 Item/s: none
Silver: 78

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 97 Location: Mystic Ruins
Exp: 35 Item/s: none
Silver: 132

Special Attacks: Takeover (Takes over one of your character making him/her
unable to move.
Notes: Use magic against it.


HP: 316 Location: Althena’s Road
Exp: 534 Item/s: none
Silver: 121

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Avoid using magic


HP: 32 Location: West Desert Pass
Exp: 3 Item/s: none
Silver: 11

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 155 Location: Dragonship Destiny
Exp: 35 Item/s: none
Silver: 50

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use Magic only!


HP: 380 Location: Red Dragon Cave
Exp: 415 Item/s: none
Silver: 203

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use Ice Magic


HP: 176 Location: Zulan Mountains
Exp: 68 Item/s: none
Silver: 137

Special Attacks: Rolling attack (affects all party members)
Notes: Use Fire Magic


HP: 65 Location: Mystic Ruins
Exp: 28 Item/s: none
Silver: 19

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 200 Location: Neo-Trial Cave
Exp: 177 Item/s: none
Silver: 149

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use Magic attacks


HP: 77 Location: Ghost Manor
Exp: 14 Item/s: none
Silver: 10

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 100 Location: Takkar Mt. Pass
Exp: 22 Item/s: none
Silver: 32

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 30 Location: East Desert Pass
Exp: 3 Item/s: Herb
Silver: 4

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 30 Location: East Desert Pass
Exp: 2 Item/s: none
Silver: 2

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 60 Location: West Desert Pass
Exp: 12 Item/s: none
Silver: 42

Special Attacks: none
Notes: It inflicts Poison Condition.


HP: 354 Location: Neo-Trial Cave
Exp: 338 Item/s: none
Silver: 201

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 100 Location: Blue Dragon Cave
Exp: 73 Item/s: none
Silver: 0

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Induces Poison. Use Wind Magic


HP: 280 Location: White Tower
Exp: 90 Item/s: none
Silver: 20

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use Thunder Magic


HP: 1,000 Location: Zen Zone Tournament
Exp: 563 Item/s: none
Silver: 0

Special Attacks: Karate
Notes: none


HP: 413 Location: Dragon Ruins
Exp: 714 Item/s: none
Silver: 218

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use Magic only


HP: 200 Location: White Dragon Cave
Exp: 139 Item/s: none
Silver: 181

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Induces Sleep


HP: 370 Location: Dragon Ruins
Exp: 930 Item/s: none
Silver: 221

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 21 Location: Blue Labyrinth (Blue Spire)
Exp: 1 Item/s: none
Silver: 1

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 400 Location: Zophar’s Keep
Exp: 2,261 Item/s: none
Silver: 777

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 371 Location: Black Dragon Cave
Exp: 251 Item/s: none
Silver: 262

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 300 Location: Zophar’s Keep
Exp: 777 Item/s: none
Silver: 0

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 410 Location: Althena’s Road
Exp: 708 Item/s: none
Silver: 262

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use Magical attacks


HP: 665 Location: Star Dragon Tower
Exp: 1,600 Item/s: none
Silver: 0

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use Magic attacks


HP: 185 Location: Althena’s Road
Exp: 588 Item/s: none
Silver: 183

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 55 Location: Ghost Manor
Exp: 15 Item/s: none
Silver: 14

Special Attacks: Absorb MP.
Notes: Use Magic against it.


HP: 200 Location: Blue Dragon Cave
Exp: 192 Item/s: none
Silver: 174

Special Attacks: Ice Rays
Notes: none


HP: 79 Location: Taben’s Peak
Exp: 36 Item/s: none
Silver: 54

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use Ice Magic


HP: 147 Location: Blue Dragon Cave
Exp: 163 Item/s: none
Silver: 143

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 253 Location: Black Dragon Cave
Exp: 529 Item/s: none
Silver: 247

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use Magic Attacks


HP: 330 Location: Brave Labyrinth
Exp: 864 Item/s: none
Silver: 364

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 300 Location: Zophar’s Keep
Exp: 777 Item/s: none
Silver: 0

Special Attacks: none
Notes: none


HP: 600 Location: Zen Zone Tournament
Exp: 273 Item/s: none
Silver: 0

Special Attacks: Iron Ball
Notes: none


HP: 300 Location: Lionhead
Exp: 752 Item/s: none
Silver: 0

Special Attacks: Inflicts Silence
Notes: Use Physical attacks. They have very high agility.


HP: 135 Location: Zulan Mountains
Exp: 21 Item/s: none
Silver: 24

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use Fire Magic


HP: 282 Location: White Dragon Cave
Exp: 187 Item/s: none
Silver: 224

Special Attacks: none
Notes: While charging, the Yetis can break small ice pillars that block the


HP: 159 Location: Black Dragon Cave
Exp: 209 Item/s: none
Silver: 0

Special Attacks: none
Notes: Use Physical Attacks



1. Where can I find this Walkthrough/FAQ?

This walkthrough/FAQ will be updated and posted mainly at and

2. Do you have any other projects in GameFAQs?

Yes. Final Fantasy X, Onimusha:Boss, Ridge Racer V, Final Fantasy IX, Chrono
Cross, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy Adventure and six character guides, Ayane,
Tina, and Lei-Fang, for Dead or Alive and Tina, Ayane, Helena for Dead or Alive
2. Chu Chu Rocket for GBA!

3. How often do you update?

As long as there is a need to update. I always do it right away. I make sure
all are up to date. But it really concerns my free time since I’m very busy
almost all the time.

4. Is this a sequel to Lunar Silver Star Story?

In my opinion, it is a sequel. It is in the same world, which is Lunar, and
Althena is the same goddess on both games. Needless to say, Eternal Blue
happened years after the Silver Star Story.

5. Can I change the formation of the party?

Yes you can. Just go to the system menu and select Tactics. From there, you
can specify the formation you want and you can also choose the commands that
your character can follow while in AI mode.

6. Will the enemy re-spawn if I leave a particular dungeon and then come back

There are some dungeons where enemies won’t re-spawn and there are also some
dungeons where the monsters re-spawn if you leave and then come back.

7. How do I get the epilogue and access it?

First of all, finish the game. Then, save the Epilogue file on a Memory Card
slot. Then, at the Title Screen, choose to load the Epilogue. You’re done!



Well, this deserves much attention since the packaging of the game is extremely
good. First, “omake” is a Japanese word that mean a bonus, or a gift. Lunar 2’s
packaging is definitely impressive and full of goodies. Here are the goodies in
the package.

1. The Lunar 2 Game = Of course, this is the CD where you play the game (duh).
And as a special bonus, you’ll receive an Extra CD that contains “The Making” of
Lunar 2. =)

2. The Manual = This is a hardbound manual that contains almost everything you
need to know about the game. It’s very impressive, comprehensive, and complete.

3. Lunar 2 Soundtrack = If you want a soundtrack of the best music in the game,
look no further. The package includes a 24-Track Soundtrack CD of the various
music in the game. Some are a bit different than the ones in the actual game.

4. The Omake Box = This is where the extra goodies are. First, you’ll get a map
of the world of Lunar (it’s quite useless though as it isn’t thorough). Then,
you’ll get the pop-up stand for the characters in the game. They’re nice to look
at. They’re standing in at the top of my monitor. =) And the most astounding
bonus is Lucia’s Pendant. It’s Gold Plated and it’s heavy. But most importantly,
it’s an exact replica of Lucia’s Pendant in the game (can someone tell me if
this is real gold? Just kidding. =)


The 2 songs for Lunar 2 are very heart-warming and it soothes your feelings.
There are a couple of great songs like this one such as Luna’s Song at the Boat
in Lunar Silver Star Story, Final Fantasy VIII’s Eye on Me, and Final Fantasy
IX’s Melodies of Life. Well, here are the lyrics of those songs. Note: The song
in the manual is where I got this from, but then, there are slight mistakes in
some of them.

Eternal Blue Theme (Original Japanese Lyrics Translation)

Legend, vanishing memories, endless pageant.
Deep sleep of solitude,
someday time will come to be awaken.
Now, the forgotten old book.
Only the past is recorded.

Circle of lights and shadows, the moon
is melting into the clouds.
Sound of wind, tune of journey,
in the unknown foreign town.
Someone is waiting for me for sure,
as if whispering in my ears, tells me secretly.

Blue moon, dance the sky with a fairy.
future in my mind in such a way.
Even if the dark shadow brings the storm,
we’ll turn the light on.

When the comet pulls the golden bow,
I will start sailing in the sea of the Milky Way.

Blue moon, a fairy plays songs.
A premonition wanders around the maze
in such a way.
In the midst of the endless rondo of lights
and shadows.
Inviting me.

Blue moon, dance the sky with a fairy.
Future in my mind in such a way.
Even if the dark shadow brings the storm,
we’ll turn the light on.

Eternal Blue Theme (English Lyrics)

A legend of old.
A story forgotten.
The memories of true love
Stolen from time.

A darkened romance.
Try hard to remember.
A doorway to the heart
Beckons your mind!

And now, a corner of night,
Can lift the weight from you.
It’s in your hands.
If just you understand.

A destiny lost,
A bond that’s been broken.
The memories, of a time
That slipped away.

Just open your mind
The way lies before you.
A doorway to the heart
You seek to find.

Love can change the key you hold
Into a gilded chance.
So tear a memory from your mind
And make it so real.

Blue Star above me,
Your mystic shimmer tells of love,
I should know.
Whisper your secret.
To soothe my doubt and calm my fear.

Blue Star above me,
When shadows lengthen and the dark
Looms ever closer,
Turn on you shine and hold me near.

When the comet pulls the bow,
The stars begin their dance.

The time when destiny and hope,
Will give birth again.

Then if it’s to be,
I’ll find a glimmer of the life,
I should know.
Only that moment
Can show me what I hold so dear.

Until that moment,
I’ll find some comfort in the love
Within my slumber.
Turn on your charm and hold me near.

Lucia’s Theme (Original Japanese Lyrics Translation)

When I was alone I did not notice
The piercing blue sky.

When I was alone I did hear,
Heart trembling, sound of wind.

The person who taught me this is not just anybody.
Always being close by me.
Encourage me.

Your heartbeat, feeling, imagine.
Exchange smiles, extended hand, being embarrassed.
Holding us together too.

Full of sunshine,
Time to be wrapped in.
As much as possible with both hands,
Stretch and hold tight.

You ad I, far away, even being apart.
Me and you, someday for sure, we can meet.
Pulling strongly to each other, the two of us.

When I was alone I did not notice
The piercing blue sky.
When I was alone.

Lucia’s Theme (English Lyrics)

When I was alone as one,
My eyes were as blind, I know.
Sky brilliant with blue elegance,
I couldn’t behold.

When I was alone as one,
My heart was as ice, so cold.
Wind whispering sweet melodies,
I could not behold.

Sight to my eyes,
And warmth to my heart,
Your love has been such to me.

Pull closer now,
And strengthen my leaning,
Toward the love to heal all my wounds.

When our hearts both beat in time,
There’s magic in your smile,
It seems there’s nothing we can’t do.
And within your warm embrace,
My heart will find a place,
Even from afar,
Our love forever shall be destiny.

When I was alone as one,
My eyes were as blind, I know.
Sky brilliant with blue elegance,
I couldn’t behold.

When I was alone as one,
My heart was as ice, so cold.
Wind whispering sweet melodies.
I could not behold.

Sight to my eyes,
And warmth to my heart,
Your love has been such to me.

Pull closer now,
And strengthen my leaning,
Toward love to heal all my wounds.

When our hearts both beat in time,
There’s magic in your smile,
It seems there’s nothing we can’t do.

And within your warm embrace,
My heart will find a place,
Even from afar,
Our love forever shall be destiny.

When our hearts both beat in time,
There’s magic in your smile,
I know there’s nothing we can’t do.

And within your warm embrace,
My heart will find a place,
Even from afar,
Our love eternal shall be destiny.


Here’s the track list for the amazing soundtrack included in the package.

Total Run Time: 1 Hour, 13 minutes, 31 seconds

1. Star Dragon Theme [’95 Mix] (2:43)
2. Ghaleon’s theme (3:40)
3. Promenade (2:46)
4. Field to Tomorrow (2:39)
5. Crowded Street Corner (3:06)
6. Gypsy Heart [Jean’s Theme] (4:24)
7. Brave Warriors (3:48)
8. Holding On [Lemina’s Theme] (2:46)
9. White Mask Funk [Mystere’s Theme] (2:18)
10. Wine, Women, and Song [Ronfar’s Theme] (2:37)
11. Eternal Blue [Instrumental] (2:32)
12. Desire (3:45)
13. Justice [Leo’s Theme[ (1:35)
14. Boss Battle (1:50)
15. Hiro’s Fight (1:29)
16. Eternal Blue [Rondo-Light and Shadows] (5:02)
17. Golden Voice (2:49)
18. Lucia vs. Zophar (2:23)
19. Growing Fear (3:25)
20. Heart-Shaped Tears (2:52)
21. Zophar’s Arrival (2:23)
22. Somber Memories (4:01)
23. Dragonship Destiny (2:39)
24. Lucia’s Theme (5:59)


- Thanks to Working Designs for bringing us once more, a very nice RPG for the
Sony Playstation Console.

- Thanks to my Mom and Sis for waiting patiently for me to finish my session
of gaming. (They’re waiting for me so that they can watch TV)

- Special thanks to Sasquatch ( for correcting me about
the dialogues of Lemina and Ronfar.

- And last but absolutely not the least, thanks to GameFAQs where you can view
and download this walkthrough/FAQ. CjayC deserves all the credits given to
him. Congratulations!

These are all that I would like to thank as of now. If I happen to forget
anyone, please inform me. I’ll check it out on my inbox if you really have
something to be credited (I never delete important ones). Note, that if there
are same info sent to me, it is on a first come first serve basis. Any
suggestions, comments, additions, etc. will be duly credited to you once
you’ve submitted one to me through my e-mail address written at the very top
of this Walkthrough/FAQ. Thank you very much!

Lunar 2: Eternal Blue(tm)
is a registered trademark of Working Designs, co. Ltd.

Playstation(tm) and its accessories
are registered trade marks of Sony Computer Entertainment America

The Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Walkthrough/FAQ
Copyright January 2001
“A” Tadeo
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17.Октябрь 2013
Zophar's Keep Walkthrough

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Complete FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
Complete Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
Complete FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

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30.Декабрь 2013
04.Март 2019
25.Апрель 2018
30.Июнь 2014
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01.Декабрь 2014
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