Lunar: Eternal Blue

Lunar: Eternal Blue

15.10.2013 19:40:54
Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete

Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete Walkthrough/FAQ ver. 0.1
Walkthrough for the Playstation game console
Written by : Shawn Doyle a.k.a. CanadianGhaleon
Started on: August 8, 2001
Finished on: ?
Web site:
E-mail address:

Alright, here we go! This is my first walkthrough/FAQ so please be kind. Right now, there are already some well-done walkthroughs, so why would I, a busy man, write one? Well, all the other walkthroughs are good, but there's not a perfect one: that's what I'm creating. I absolutely love this game. If you have any questions/corrections, just e-mail me. Just don't ask about things further on in the game that I haven't written about. You can often find me in the GameFaqs message boards, specifically the Lunar 2 board. For more good web sites on RPG's and videogames, check out my personal favorites:

The latest version of this walkthrough/FAQ can always be found on:
(to add your site here, contact me)


1. Table of Contents (duh)
2. Disclaimer
3. Update history
4. Introduction
5. Packaging
6. Spoiler Alert Explanation
7. Frequently Asked Questions
8. Gameplay and controls
9. Characters (description and spell list)
10. Tips and tactics
11. Disc 1 walkthrough
12. Disc 2 walkthrough
13. Disc 3 walkthrough
14. Epilogue walkthrough
15. Bromide locations
16. Other secrets
17. Remeberizer locations
18. Complete Spell list
19. Weapon list
20. Shield List
21. Headwear list
22. Armor list
23. Ring list
24. Crest list
25. Monster List
26. Eternal Blue lyrics (english and japanese)
27. Lucia's theme lyrics (english and japanese)
28. Lunar 3 wish list
29. Soundtrack track list
30. Credits


You can not use this FAQ/walkthrough in anything that gains profit. It is for personal use only. You may not use it in any magazines, commercial web sites, game guides or anything else that gains a profit. You can not use ANY part of this walkthrough/FAQ in your own walkthrough/FAQ. That is plagerism and I will follow up on it accordingly. You can not even use this walkthrough/FAQ as a guide to make your own walkthrough/FAQ. The only way you can use this on your own web site is if you ask permission and leave it as it is (don't change anything).


Ver 0.1- Started the FAQ/walkthrough; added Disclaimer, Introduction and Update History

Ver 0.2- Added Table of Contents, Packaging, Spoiler Alert Explanation and Frequently Asked Questions.

Ver. 0.3- Added gameplay and controls, plus Hiro's character profile

Ver. 0.4- Added more to the character section

Ver. 0.5- Finished Character section and added tips and tactics section.

Ver. 0.6- Added up to the Blue Spire section in the walkthrough

Ver. 0.7- Added up to Larpa in the walkthrough

Ver. 0.8- Added up to Dalton in the walkthrough

Ver. 0.9- Added up to the Illusion Woods in the walkthrough

Ver. 1.0- Added up to the Ghost Manor in the walkthrough

Ver. 1.1- Added up to the carnival in the walkthrough

Ver. 1.11- Added up to West Nota in the walkthrough (decided to go to two decimals, the number would be to high)

Ver. 1.12- Added up to Zulan in the walkthrough


Hi everybody! (crowd shouts in unison) Hi CanadianGhaleon! Yes, I am CanadianGhaleon (or Shawn Doyle for all the people who care). I am a self-confessed Lunar freak. I am here to make the most complete guide to Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete. The game is developed by GameArts and published by Working Designs. I will now talk a little about GameArts, Working Designs and Lunar itself.

GameArts (in my mind) is one of the best game developers on the planet. They manage to create marvelous games, one after the other. Their games might not sell more than Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest, but they are just as good in quality. Other games (besides the Lunar games) GameArts has developed include Grandia, Gungriffen Blaze, Silpheed: The Lost Planet and Grandia 2 (I'm just naming some recent games off the top of my head). GameArts has developed for the Sega CD, the Sega Saturn, the Sony Playstation and the Sega Dreamcast (again, off the top of my head; they may have developed for older systems). They mostly make shooters and RPG's. the instruction manuel for Lunar 2 has interviews with several members of GameArts, including Youichi Miyaji (executive producer), Keisuke Shigematsu (scenario writer), Isao Mizoguchi (sound producer; not the composer who is Noriyuki Iwadare), Toshiyuki Kubooka (art director), Shoji Murahama (animation) and S. Sato (map design editor).

Working Designs published this grand game. I think the presentation speaks for itself when I say they are great publishers. They always put a little extra into everything they do and it pays off in the end, because you get a product dripping in quality. They always put extra bits of humor in the translation as well. Some people complain about this, but I like it. There's no humor in the serious parts of the game. It's nice to hear a pop-culture reference or too when you're relaxing in a small town. The president of Working designs is Victor Ireland, who you can see in the making of Lunar 2 disc. I believe he really cares about his consumers. He even checks the message boards on Working Designs web page and occasionally responds to them. All in all, I love Working Designs because they translate games that we wouldn't normally see on our shores. Thanks for the wonderful translation Victor.

The Lunar series began on the Sega CD with Lunar: The Silver Star Story. The game was the highest selling RPG ever on the Sega CD and the first RPG I ever played. It was, of course, developed by GameArts and published by Working Designs. Then, a sequel was created, called Lunar 2: Eternal Blue. Again, it was developed by GameArts and published by Working Designs. Lunar 2 became the top selling RPG ever for the Sega CD. Then a psuedo-sequel was made for the Game Gear. It was called Lunar: Magic School. The game was developed by GameArts but was not published by Working Designs. No other publisher picked it up, so it was not released in North America or Europe. Why, do you ask, did Working Designs not publish it? They felt it was of lower quality than Eternal Blue and The Silver Star and they didn't want to tarnish the Lunar name. A few years pass and the Sega Saturn is born. GameArts decides to do remakes of all the Lunar games, including Lunar: Magic School. Does Working Designs publish ANY of them? NO. Now, picture this. Working Designs is already publishing Saturn games and the Lunar games are their biggest-selling games of all time. Perfect, right? Wrong. Vic (the prez of Working designs) got into a fight with Bernie stolar (leader of Sega of America). Now Working Designs doesn't publish any games for the saturn or any Sega system (they did publish magic Knight rayearth because they were already working on it). Then GameArts announces a remake of The Silver star for the Playstation. This one, Working Designs publishes, with awesome packaging. They also publish Eternal Blue for the Playstation (the one you're playing now). Lunar 3 is in the works at gameArts and Working Designs says they will publish it. It's currently being workied on for the Playstation2. Hopefully, it will retain the qualities that made Lunar: The Silver Star and Lunar 2: Eternal Blue so great(check the wish list for Lunar 3 for more thoughts on it).


Working designs always puts alot of thought and time into their packaging and presentation. Lunar 2 is no exception. They managed to even do better than the superb job they did with Lunar: The Silver Star. The game comes with 5 CD's:
3 game CD's; Disc 1 shows a close-up of Hiro with Ruby on his shoulder.
Disc 2 shows a close-up of Lucia in her caraven clothes.
Disc 3 shows a close-up of Ruby, who looks in trouble.
1 Making of Lunar 2 CD; The CD shows how Lunar 2 was made with
interviews with GameArts, working designs and
the voice actors. No secret game like in Lunar:
The Silver Star. The disc shows the blue cave
drawings seen at the title screen.
1 Music CD; The game's soundtrack composed by Noriyuki Iwadare. There
are a few tracks missing. The disc shows a silhouette of
Jean dancing in front of the Blue Star
Instruction Manuel; Hardbound, Black with blue letters. Mini-walkthrough
for the first part of the game in the back.
Interviews with GameArts staff. Lyrics to both songs
in English and Japanese, art from the game
Omake Box; contains a paper map (no harsh fumes), a full-size replica
of Lucia's pendent in a black bag and character standees of
18 characters (may contain spoilers).
Shell case: The beautiful shell case your game comes in is littered with
art and pictures. When you open it up, you will see a
description of the game. The picture in the top-right corner
is from the Sega CD ads (I still have them!). You will
notice the discs are different in the photo to the left.


You will encounter the spoiler alert sign many times while reading through the walkthrough. They are there for the purpose of not ruining the story for you, in case you are reading ahead. It will look like this:

When you see that, turn away if you don't want to know what happens in the story. It can be frustarating when the game is ruined because you know what is going to happen. I learned Aeris died before I got to that point in FF7, so the scene had no impact. At the end of the spoiler, I will put a spoiler over, so you can look. it will be like this:



This is a place for those questions that get asked repeatedly. I will answer them here, so don't ask them again.

1q. How did you get this game? I can't find it!

1a. I pre-ordered and got a ghaleon punching puppet (fun for the whole family!). I still see it in the stores around my house, so hunt around. if all else fails, try EBay. (

2q. The soundtrack case scratched my soundtrack and demo. Does this always happen?

2a. I too noticed this, but stopped putting it in there. It's now lightly scratched. It scratches when you slide it in and out (not enough room ), so keep it out of there.

3q. Why is the map on paper now?

3a. The cloth maps gave off terrible fumes after awhile. I know mine did! Working Designs decided to change the map because of that.

4q. Why doesn't the map show every town?

4a. Not big enough, I guess. It shows the main towns. It basically shows the regions. You should know what big places the small towns are near, so you can locate small places like that.

5q. Why do the animations suck?

5a. Well, I wouldn't say they sucked, but they were kinda grainy. I thought they were better and smoother in Lunar 1.

6q. Have you played Lunar: Magic School?

6a. No, I haven't had the chance to play it. My friend in Japan (he moved there) says it's good, but not as well polished as the first two.

7q. Are they working on Lunar 3?

7a. Yes, it's being developed for the Playststion2

8q. How old are you?

8a. Well, I am 15 years old

9q. Where do you live?

9a. Getting a little personal here :) Let's just say I live in Canada.

10q. Is Lunar 2 your favorite game of all time?

10a. Tough question. It's up there with FF7, Chrono Trigger, FF6, Lunar: SSSC and Xenogears

11q. What's your favorite quote from the game?

11a. Probably, "Peer into the eyes of your executioner, Hiro"!

12q. Where is the black dragon cave?

12a. In the last area of the Zaback mines, right before the town. It's the door near the top of the area

13q. What changes were made from the Sega CD version?

13a. There were not as many changes as in Lunar: The Silver Star. Not even a new character! (Vile tribe in Lunar 1). Basically the difficulty was toned down (bad move, I think), animations and voice acting was redone and the graphics and sound were improved. It no longer costs you magic EXP to save your game, as it did in the original. Also, Magic EXP has been elimenated. Now you get magic by gaining a level or using crests. The last change was the elimanation of random battles and battles on the world map. In the Sega CD version, you couldn't see the enemies, the battles were random. There were also fights on the world map, in the Sega CD version.

14q. What were the changes from the demo?

14a. Not much, spells are now spoken in English. Of course, now you have the full game (duh).

15q. Why can't I visit some dungeons that I did in the Sega CD version?

15a. Those dungeons (Lionhead,etc.) can be visited during the epilogue.

16q. Who is the hardest boss in the game?

16a. Ummm, I had trouble with Plantella the first time through (Nelson Muntz laughs at me). The final boss can be beaten easily, even at a low level. The epilogue bosses can be hard.

17q. Are there any cities from the first game?

17a. Yep, Meribia and Vane. Vane is greatly changed, but Meribia is basically the same.

18q. How is this version different form the Saturn version?

18a. Not much, it's basically a port. It just takes better advantage of the better hardware.

19q. Do you like the music from the game? I hated it.

19a. Yep, Noriyuki Iwadare is one of my favorite composers. The final boss theme is the best ever! Jenny also did some great vocals. The soundtrack is one of my favorites, with the Silver Star Story, Xenogears, Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger (you can tell I like Iwadare and Mitsuda). FF4-9 and Grandia have great soundtracks too (Iwadare did Grandia too).

20q. Is Taben's peak the remains of the grindery?

20a. I'm pretty sure it is (same structure and design), plus the leader of Taben's Peak would know where it is (won't tell you who).

21q. Do you have any future projects in the works?

21a. After I finish this, I will probably do another FAQ/Walkthrough for a different RPG. Right now, it's either Chrono Cross, Lunar: SSSC or Thousand Arms. Something else might come along though.

22q. Can you recommend any good web sites for Lunar 2?

22a. I would highly suggest checking out the GameFaqs message board for this game, you will probably meet me there. The people are friendly and helpful with great knowledge of the game. Working Designs site is alright as well.

8.Gameplay and Controls

This section will be devoted to the gameplay and controls of Lunar 2. The sections will be: Menu, Combat, Changes in character status and battle symbols. I'll start with the basic control functions (what buttons do what).

L3/R3 (analog) stick: basically moves your character or vehicle; moves cursor on item or equipment screens.
Directional Buttons: the same as L3/R3 (analog stick)
Select Button: Opens regular menu
Start Button: Shortcut to save screen
Square Button: Opens regular menu; press it to board vehicle
Triangle Button: Cancel
Circle Button: Hold it to make Hiro dash for three seconds
X Button: Confirm Menu selection; cancels commands in battle
Special Note: Pressing and Holding start, select, L1, L2, R1 and R2 will reset the game.

Gameplay in Lunar is as traditional as you get. Wander the land and fight enemies. It's a tried and true formula that works well in this game. It suits the beautiful yet moddest 2D graphics. I will outline the basic features of your quest:

Pressing Square brings up the menu. There will be four icons: Magic, Items, Equip and System. The menu will also show how much money you have. In Lunar, the currency is silver. You will also see your characters that you have in your party and their health/mp.

Magic: The magic menu screen shows all the magic the character you select has. It shows it's cost, range and description as well. Here you can cast healing spells outside of battle.

Items: You can carry up to 20 of one item at a time. There is no limit to how many different items can be carried. In the item menu, you can use items on characters. Just pick the item and the character you wish to use it on. When your cursor is on the item, it will show it's description and range.

Equip: You will use the equip menu to equip or unequip the various weapons, protective gear and items you get. You can also see the characters stats. The following stats are shown:

Attack(attack power)
Attacks(how many attacks a character can do in one turn)
Defense(your defense power)
Agility(how fast your character reacts)
Speed(how quickly your character attacks)
Wisdom(how effective your magic will be)
MgcDef(how strong your magic defense is)
Range(how far you can move in one turn)
Luck(how often critical hits are made)

When you go to equip a weapon, gear, etc, you will see the name and how it will increase or decrease the various stats. Keep in mind, certain equipment can only be used by certain people. When looking at the stats, remember, the stat will go green if it increases and red if it decreases.

System: In the system menu, you will save, load, change your tactics and order and get to the options. Order changes your formation. It's best to keep a spread out party, so zone attacks don't hit everyone. In the Tactics menu, you can select battle tactics, such as making everyone attack or cast a certain spell. I never personally used it, but if you are bored of fighting, you can use it and not have to worry about the A.I. screwing up. The options menu is simple. You can change the vibration, window style and window color. You can also choose either to hear battle cries or not, and to see the spell names or not.


Combat is turn-based in Lunar 2. All enemies are visible, so you can try to run from enemies using the dash button. You may not always be able to get away, though. Fighting gains you experiance and money; two key things in Lunar 2. When you do get in a fight, you will see the enemies names and how many of each enemy there are. You will see your characters health and magic points. It will be shown in a color. These colors represent the percentage of your health/mp compared to the maximum. Here is the breakdown;

Green: 100%
White: 99-50%
Orange: 49-25%
Red: 24-0%

When you start to fight, there will be four icons to select: Control, A.I., Tactics and Run.
Control: Another four icons will appear. This is the option you will use most. Attack, magic, items and defend. Attack will attack the selected enemy with your weapon. Magic opens up the magic menu and allows you to cast a spell. Items opens up the item menu and allows you to use an item. Defend lets you defend which makes attacks on you take away less health.
A.I.: This makes the computer make the choices for you. Press the triangle button any time to cancel it and the next set of turns will be yours to control. I find the computer makes stupid decisions, so I don't use it.
Tactics: This uses the tactics you earlier selected in the tactics menu outside of battle.
Run: Attempt to flee from battle. Use this when you're about to die. Doesn't always work.


I will describe each condition that could occur in battle;
Good: Your fine
Poison: Health is taken off each turn; you look green
Confused: You have no control, may attack your own team; have a heart on the top of your head
Sleep: You can't do anything, you wake up when you're hit; Cloud above your head
Mute: Can't cast magic; cartoonish dialogue box above head
Paralyze: Character can't move; Little circles around you
Faint: Your dead; stars above your body

Numbers also mean something, when they appear next to your character in battle:

White; Loss of health
Red; critical hit by the enemy
Yellow; weak hit, you have item that protects against the attack
Green; Gain health
Orange; Increase attack power
Blue; Increase defense power


When you put your cursor on an enemy, one of three colors and signs will appear on him.

Yellow and arrow; Normal attack damage
Red and X; weak attack damage
Green and Circle; Critical attack damage

Also, battlefields have attributes as well. They are displayed on the bottom-right corner of the screen. Not all battles have them, but some do. If you cast the opposite attribute (if it's fire and you cast water) you will cause more damage. If you cast the same attribut (it's fire and you cast fire) damage will not be as strong. I will tell you what spells to cast for the various attributes. There are five attributes;

Earth: Brown rocks. Cast Thunder or Wind
Wind: Green tornado. Cast Earth or Fire
Fire: Red flame. Cast Water or Wind
Water: Blue rain. Cast Fire or Thunder
Thunder: Yellow bolt. Cast Water or Earth


In this section I will give the booklets description, my own thoughts, my own battle tactics and their spell list (I won't include spells gained by crests). I will also talk about non-fighting friends and enemies.


Hiro is an adventurous youth who is greatly influenced by his grandfather's love of archaeology. Legends of the four Dragons, Dragonmasters, ancient battles, and the Goddess Althena fascinate him. He hopes that by unlocking the secrets of the past, he will be able to understand the future. Although he's not supposed to explore the ancient ruins near his home without his Grandfather Gwyn, Hiro and Ruby frequently break this rule. Fortunately, he's pretty handy with a boomerang.

My Thoughts: Hiro is an energitic young boy always ready for his next
adventure. He is a bit rash and cocky, always sticking up
for his friends. He is never without his best friend Ruby.

Battle Tactics: Hiro uses sword and Wind magic. He will be your best
fighter and is always doing damage in boss fights. His
Poe Sword and Triple Sword attacks will be used in every
boss fight, much like Alex's sword dance. In personality
and fighting, he is like Alex.


Boomerang: Single, throws boomerang, 3MP
Squall: Zone, Hits enemies with cyclone, 7MP
Vortex: All, Big tornado, 10MP
Speed Storm: Self, Increases Agility, 8MP
Cross-Boomerang: Single, Stronger Boomerang attack, 6MP
Tempest: Zone, Stronger Squall attack, 14MP
Super Cyclone: All, Stronger Vortex attack, 20MP
Poe Sword: Single, Strong sword attack, 6MP
Batallion Sword: Line, Cuts through with sword, 14MP
Triple Sword: Single, Three Strikes with sword, 30MP
Sybillium Sword: Zone, Shoots wind from sword, 10MP
Concussion Sword: All, Shoots with sword, 20MP


Ruby has been Hiro's constant companion for as long as anyone can remember. She claims to be the offspring of a dragon, but Hiro doesn't quite believe her. Like another little dragon, she has a bad habit of speaking her mind at the wrong time. Sooner or later, this little wisecracker's bound to get Hiro into a lot of trouble...

My Thoughts: Ruby is the equivalent of Nall from the Silver Star Story.
She seems very juvenile and childish. No one believes that
dragon thing either. However, she is very faithful to Hiro.

Battle Tactics: You don't control Ruby. She randomly attacks the enemy.
(I prefered Nall's revive better). She is basically
useless after the first few hours. Even when her attack
goes stronger, she still sucks.


Lucia is quite a mysterious young lady. She is haunted by nightmares about the future of Lunar. She also seems troubled by a terrible secret she cannot share. Despite her strong magic skills, she seems to be a little naive when it comes to dealing with other people. She has trouble containing her emotions and looks to Hiro for guidance and protection. She is only concerned with Althena, and begs Hiro to help her find the Goddess. Will her mission cause the ruination of this world?

My thoughts: Lucia definately is mysterious. She also has the most
entangled and confusing plot of any character in the game.
She was sent to Lunar by the power of Althena with the
power to re-create Lunar. But she may need to destroy it
first. Later on in the game she begins to show emotions
that she never knew she had. In looks and personality, she
is like Luna, but she is closer to Mia in skill.

Battle Tactics: Lucia has magical powers beyond anyone's comprehension.
You have no control over here, but she usually makes
wise decisions. She helps you out many times with both
healing and attack spells, though she uses the latter

is an aging scholar who dreams about making his mark in the world of archaeology before he dies. He's devoted his entire life to the study of the Blue Tower and similar ruins, and has become a notable-expert. He's taught Hiro and Ruby how to explore the ancient ruins near his home, though he's warned them never to go there without him. But, will Gwyn's quest for fun and adventure turn out to be his last?

My Thoughts: Gwyn is Hiro's grandfather. They live together with Ruby.
When he's not bugging Hiro to do the dishes, Gwyn is busy
reading about the Blue Star and other wonders in his
basement. I compare Ramus to Gwyn because of the length
that they are in your party and how they are both friends
from home to the main character.

Battle Tactics: You only control Gwyn for a short time. He is fairly
weak on attack, but his magic is invaluable in the fight
against the Guardian. For the short time he's with you,
Gwyn's not that bad. You should use his magic often to
soften the blows of tough enemies.


Heal Litany: Single ally, restores health, 4MP
Fractured Armor: Single, decreases enemies defense, 6MP
Calm Litany: All allies, restores health, 12MP
Shattered Sword: Single, decreases enemies attack, 6MP


Ronfar is rumored to have been a priest for the Goddess Althena. He possesses impressive healing powers. When he was unable to save his true love from an evil spell, he swore he would never use magic again. He now spends most of his time in bars winning people's money. He also tends to make decisions on a throw of the dice. His dice, like his charm, seem to be magic, because they never let him down. He's a womanizer who's always concerned about the fairer sex, and they're usually all too happy to return his affections.

My Thoughts: Ronfar is a sly, cheating and womanizing man. Picture Kyle
as a priest and you've got it. He definately carries a few
traits from Kyle. His skills are more like Jessica, though.
He seems to have a past with Leo and Mauri, but is keeping
it a secret.

Battle Tactics: Ronfar (besides Hiro) is the best character in a fight.
Why? He has healing powers and in this game you use them
alot. He's also pretty good with a mace, but with
limited range. His dice attacks are good and don't cost
much MP.


Escape Litany: All allies, teleports to entrance of dungeon, 2MP
Purity Litany: Single Ally, restores all HP, 12MP
Tranquil Litany: All allies, restores most HP, 24MP
Anger Dice: Single, higher the dice number;more damage it causes, 2MP
Heal Litany: Single ally, restores health, 4MP
Calm Litany: All allies, restores health, 12MP
Destiny Dice: All, half chance of causing damage, 5MP
Recovery Coin: All allies, has a chance of reviving, 20MP
Revive Litany: Single ally, revives ally, 12MP
Saint Litany: Single ally, gets some HP each turn, 5MP
Clean Litany: Single Ally, cured of all conditions, 3MP
Light Litany: Single Ally, steals HP from enemy, 8MP
Miracle Litany: Single Ally, revives and fully heals, 30MP
Divine Litany: All allies, get some HP after each turn, 20MP
Cleansing Litany: All allies, cured of all conditions, 18MP
Shining Litany: All allies, steals HP from enemy, 30MP


Jean is a fan dancer in the Carnival and is highly valued for her talents. She is a tomboy with a big-sister complex, who can be a bit overbearing at times. She tends not to develop strong realationships with people. However, Jean is an extremely talented fighter. Those in the Carnival say she was trained to fight as a child. Unfortunately, her past is going to catch up with her, and it may not be a pretty sight!

My Thoughts: Jean definately has a strange past. She seems to be
fighting to keep her past a secret. However, she is
friendly and always ready to give it her all, whether she
is dancing or fighting for her friends. She is a strong
woman, much like Jessica from the previous game. However,
she has skills reminescent of Kyle; good fighting skills.
She will need them.

Battle Tactics: Jean is second to Hiro in fighting. She has several
useful offensive skills, espicially when she matures.
Her fans allow her to attack from a distance, so put her
at the back. She will be a great asset in boss fights.


Moth Dance: Single, poison attack, 6MP
Sleep Step: Single, puts enemy to sleep, 5MP
Bee Dance: Single, paralyzes, 7MP
Enchanted Kiss: Single, confuses, 7MP
Butterfly Dance: Zone, poison attack, 9MP
Dream Dance: Zone, puts enemies to sleep, 9MP
Swarm Dance: Zone, paralyzes, 12MP
Soul Kiss: Zone, confuses, 14MP
Slam Dance: Self, creates dopplegang, 32MP
Blue Dragon Kick: Line, attacks with a kick, 14MP
Blue Dragon Fist: All, attacks with fists, 32MP
Dopple Dance: Self, weaker version of Slam Dance, 16MP
Blue Dragon Palm: Single, attacks with fist, 10MP
Blue Dragon Wave: Area around her, shoots energy, 14MP


Lemina is the Junior Premier of the Magic Guild of Vane. Unlike her mother, Miria, she doesn't seem to understand the legacy of the great magicians that inhabited this ancient city, and doesn't seem to possess any of their noble qualities. Instead, she seems to be a very selfish and arrogant girl who's only concerned with money. Yet, at times, she does let people see a softer side. Despite her greedy demeanor, her magic skills are extremely powerful. Can Hiro afford to have her in his party?

My Thoughts: Lemina tends to be annoying at times, but is a great party
member. She seems to be fixated on the idea that money buys
everything, including happiness. She is also in place to
take over as the Premier of the Magic Guild in Vane. But is
she ready? Her personality seems to be like Nash, but her
skills are more towards Mia.

Battle Tactics: Lemina can use a wide variety of magic canes, so you
should figure out the weaknesses of the enemies in the
area and use the right weapon. She has a massive MP
count, so use her for MP-consuming spells, like White
Dragon Protect. Her magic comes in handy many times.


Flame: Single, throws fire, 4MP
Flame Bomb: Zone, fire shoots from ground, 7MP
Burning Rain: All, a hail of flame bombs, 10MP
Power Flame: Single Ally, Increases Attack, 9MP
Flame Shot: Single, stronger version of flame, 8MP
Pyro Pillar: Zone, stronger version of Flame Bomb, 14MP
Crematorium: All, stronger version of Burning Rain, 30MP
Power Drive: Single Ally, stronger version of Power Flame, 18MP
Cryo-Shield: Single Ally, raises defense, 16MP
Erase magic: Everyone, all stat changing spells are gone, 18MP
Catastrophe: All, most powerful magic attack, 55MP
Ice Shell: Single Ally, weaker version of Cryo-Shield, 8MP
Dispel Magic: Single, removes stst-changing spells, 3MP
Magic Swiper: Self, steals MP from enemy, 1MP
Magic Shield: Every ally near Lemina, boosts defense, 18MP
Magic Seal: Single, stops enemy from using magic, 3MP
Ice Pick: Single, shoots ice at enemy, 4MP
Ice Lance: Zone, ice rises from ground, 7MP
Freeze Claw: All, a storm hits the enemies, 10MP
Mega Seal: Zone, stops enemies from using magic, 9MP
Ice Arrows: stronger version of Ice Pick, 16MP
Ice Wall: Zone, stronger version of Ice Lance, 21MP
Freezer Smash: All, stronger version of Freeze Claw, 20MP


This part-human, part-beast is a staunch supporter of the Goddess Althena. In fact, White Knight Leo is the leader of Althena's Guard, a group of elite soliders sworn to protect and uphold the orders of the Goddess. Althena has granted Lord Leo the use of the Dragonship Destiny. The Destiny allows him to roam freely around the world of Lunar to keep its inhabitants safe. His skill as a swordsman is unmatched by any human. He is searching for a Destroyer that has come to Lunar. Can Hiro help him find it!

My Thoughts: Leo is nearly identicle to Kyle in skill. Both support the
main hero with sword attacks of their own. He is most like
Mia in personality, both concerned about their leaders and
very cautious. You will encounter Leo several times as both
your enemy and friend. He will always do what he feels is
right and that's usually what Althena says.

Battle Tactics: Leo is a formidable swordsman, but also can whip up some
strong earth magic. His range is good, so you might want
to put him somewhere in the middle. You should
constantly upgrade his weapon, he will use it alot.


Rock Viper: Single, enemy is hit with rock, 4MP
Rock Crush: Zone, Rock comes from ground, hits enemies, 7MP
Crack Point: All, ground cracks and damages enemies, 10MP
Earth Prayer: Self, raises attack and defense, 15MP
Rock Cobra: Single, stronger version of Rock Viper, 8MP
Rock Riot: Zone, stronger version of Rock Crush, 14MP
Crack Zone: All, stronger version of Crack Point, 20MP
Flash Blade: Single, exactly like Sword Dance, 8MP
Grizzle Blade: All, Shoots projectiles from his sword, 20MP
Buzz Blade: Zone, shoots holy light from sword, 18MP
Soul Blade: Single, steals health, 26MP


Blue Master Lunn is the current governor of Meribia. He looks after many of the towns in the area, keeping them out of harm's way. He has also established the town of Horam to further instruct people in the martial arts. The people that know Lunn think he is the greatest of the Four Heroes, but he views himself as a humble servant to the Goddess, at least in public. Some have come to question Lunn's true motives. If only they knew his secret...


Despite his rather ghastly appearance, Black Wizard Borgan claims to have a heart of gold. His magic is without equal among any person in the known world. Since he draws upon the power of the Black Dragon for his strength and magical abilities, he has an endless supply of power. His primary goal is to bring the Magical Guild of Vane back to it's original glory, but in a glorious all-new city he has designed. He spends most of his time in service to the Goddess Althena, but he still finds time to help people develop their magic skills. Will Borgan have a task for Hiro at the Guild?


Red Priestess mauri, like her brother Leo, is whole-souled in her devotion to the Goddess Althena. By drawing upon the power of the Red Dragon, Mauri is able to carry out her priestly duties for the Goddess. The people find Mauri to be very quiet, yet friendly to be around. Before becoming one of the Four Heroes, Mauri was in love with Ronfar. They were to be married, until fate stepped in and decided otherwise. Mauri chose to give up her former way of life in order to serve the Goddess. Will fate step in again and decide a new future for her?


Ever since the death of the last dragonmaster, Alex, the Goddess Althena has not been seen in the land. She is rumored to have locked herself inside the walls of the holy city of Pentagulia. Despite the world being at peace, Althena is not the same person that many have come to love and respect. In fact, the people are in a state of unrest, and the winds of change are blowing. Many are saying that the bonds of Althena are too oppressive, while others are wondering how Althena became an oppressor in the first place. What's happened to her?


This mysterious stranger is the leader of the Dragon Kids (also known as the Lostest Boys) of Taben's Peak. Because of his impressive fighting skills and strong leadership, he's earned the respect of his loyal followers. Granted, they're just orphaned children who don't know any better, but they need someone to look up to, even if it is this guy. Due to his recent raids on travelers, he's become a wanted outlaw. Fortunately, he's got a master plan. Seek him out; he has many secrets that will no doubt aid Hiro in his quest.


This ghost from the past will emerge from the shadows to forge a new alliance. In times past, he fought for the protection of the Goddess alongside the legendary heroes of that time. Since he last appeared on Lunar, he has mastered a host of new magic, making him extremely powerful. He seems to be misunderstood by the people of Lunar. Some believe that he is serving the Goddess, while others are convinced that he's turned to the service of evil. You'll have to decide where his allegiance lies yourself.


- Save. A LOT!! You never want to have to replay a hard dungeon
- Space out your characters. Zone attacks will not be as bad
- Fight every enemy. They give you valuable EXP and silver.
- Don't waste your silver. Spend carefully. Don't buy tons of antidotes
or other stat curing items.
- Don't use the A.I. They make some bad decisions
- Always cure at an Althena statue. Even if you think you have full
health and MP.
- Be smart in fights. Put characters like Hiro and Ronfar in the front
(short range attacks) and put Jean (with fan) and Lemina in the back
(long range attacks).
- Never be afraid to use items if you need them. It's not worth starting
over to save a star light
- Conserve MP. If there's a boss fight, don't use magic except for
Ronfar and the occasional spell.
- Talk to everyone. Not only will it help you, but they have sometimes
have funny responses
- In your vehicles and on the world map, don't be afraid to look around.
There are no fights and you can find a town you missed
- If you find yourself at a level below mine, level up. I'm not joking.
I'm going at the minimum level
- Don't read spoilers!! Find out for yourself, it's much better
- And finally, have fun. If the games getting on your nerves, stop
playing. Come back later. Now on to the walkthrough!

11.Disc 1 Walkthrough

Alright, the meat of this FAQ/walkthrough. I will always post my level, so try to be at my level. I fight every enemy until I run out of magic and healing items. You should too. I will also put all the treasure gained and the enemies you fight, so you can look them up in the monster list when I have it up. So remember, have fun! Really, if you're getting mad, stop playing. I've broken to many controllers to ever do that again (FF8's undersea place with Bahumet...AHHHHH! Fights every step). Back on track. Feel free to e-mail me with different strategies for the various bosses. Also mail me corrections, but not ahead of where I am in the walkthrough. This is my second time through the game, so I know the spoilers. I'll mark them. But I'm not going to keep marking spoilers every time a secret character from disc 1 appears in the game. There are a few suprise characters and I will mark a spoiler when they first arrive, but after that, read at your own risk. Enjoy!

Level: ?
Items: None
Enemies: None

When the game starts, you will hear a familiar voice (for those that have played the Silver star Story). The voice describes the story and relation of the Blue Star to Lunar. Then an animation will begin.
The animation will show a blizzard surronding the Blue Spire. A strange girl is inside a crystal. Then, you will see a rock-type creature with glowing red eyes. The credits roll over on paintings of the struggle between the Blue Star and Lunar, hinting at certain events to come. The girl is now walking through the Blue Spire to the outside and is right in the middle of the blizzard. She senses something is wrong.
You know get your first look at hiro and Ruby. They are in the middle of stealing a jewel when something goes wrong. Soon they are being chased by hordes of monsters. While they are running away, Hiro provides a commentary on his life with Ruby and his grandfather Gwyn. finally, they escape the ruins. Once you get control of Hiro, leave the area and head south. Turn east and then south to the East Desert pass, the way to Gwyn's house.

--------------------------EAST DESERT PASS-----------------------
Level: 5
Items: Herb, 100 Silver
Enemies: Dung Beetle, Sand Cyclops, Sand Shark

Once you enter the area, go south. You will pass an Althena Statue. They restore your health and magic points. Use them if you need healing in this area. Head south until you are forced to go west. Choose the lower path and follow it until you hear a rumbling. An animation will show a large ship approach. It's called the Dragonship Destiny. You will meet Leo for the first time. He wants you to go home. He also tells you about Althena's Guard. After that, he leaves for Gwyn's house. After Leo leaves, go south to a new area.

Here, head west and skip the first path that runs south. Continue on your path to pick up a herb. Go back to the path you skipped and follow it. Don't go down the next path that leads south, that's the exit. First, continue north to recieve 100 silver. Now go to the exit.

On the world map, head east, then north to Gwyn's house. You should see the Destiny parked beside it.

---------------------------- GWYN'S HOUSE-------------------------
Level: 7
Items: Ancient Dagger
Enemies: None

The first thing to do is to heal at the Althena Statue you see. Then, enter the house. Leo will be talking to Gwyn about the Blue Spire. Leo also mentions a "destroyer", which he has been ordered by Althena to kill. Talk to Gwyn. Leo is wondering how to enter the Spire. Gwyn claims he doesn't know. Then, talk to Leo and he will leave. After he leaves, Gwyn calls for you. Climb up the ladder to the observation deck. Look at the Spire. A shining light goes through it. Gwyn believes the Destroyer has come. You then decide to visit the Spire. Before you leave, go to the basement and grab the Ancient Dagger. Equip it on Hiro. Gwyn takes a jewel from his shelf and you leave.

On the world map, go southwest, then north to reach the spire. You will see the Destiny in the ocean near it.

--------------------------- BLUE SPIRE-----------------------------
Level: 7
Items: Angel's Tear (2), Star Light (2), Herb (2), Healing Nut,
72 Silver
Enemies: Slime, Brainpicker, Bandage Boy, Mummy, Magic Masque,
Bomb Angel, Crystal Knight

When you reach the entrance, the door is sealed with the face of a dragon. Gwyn puts his jewel in one of it's eyes, but the door doesn't open. Put your jewel in the other eye. The door will open. Enter.

This is the lower section of the spire. Go north and get the Angel's Tear. Then go west. Go north to the room and hit the button. Head southwest and hit that button. Go back to where you got the Angel's tear and go east to hit another button. Cross the bridge formed in the north of the room. You will see a force field blocking a door. Go east, hit a button and enter the door. Go up the stairs.

Go south to get a Star Light. Head back northeast and go through the door. Press the button. Do this for the other three doors in each corner of the section. After that, step on the star in the south.

You'll pass a stone guardian as you head north to the next area. This area is peaceful. An animation shows the real upper part of the Spire. Use the Althena Statue and head north.

Go north until you see a statue. Move a little west, then north to get an Angel's Tear. Now go up any of the two stairs and through the door to a new area.

Defeat the enemies and go through either of the lower doors to the next section

Go through the northwest door for a Herb. Then go through the northeast door for a Healing Nut. Finally, head through the centre door.

Go east to recieve a Herb. Then, go through either of the lower doors to the next area.

Pick up the 72 silver in the northwest part and a Star Light in the northeast part. Go through the northwest door.

Go east through the room with the view of the Blue Star. You will find yourself in another room, with no exit. Gwyn knows that there is a secret passage. Touch the globe in the north and you will be transported to the top level.

Go north towards the green crystal.
The girls name is Lucia. She has come from the Blue Star in search of Althena. She says she needs to stop Zophar, who you have never heard of.
Lucia transports you back to the previous floor. She meets Gwyn. Gwyn is scared that Leo might find Lucia and think she is the destroyer, so he suggests they leave quickly. When you reach the middle of the room with the view, several monsters attack. Hiro tries to protect Lucia, but it proves to be unneccesary because Lucia has amazing magical abilities and easily defeats them. Hiro, Ruby and Gwyn are shocked at her power, but now is no the time to be asking questions.

Now Lucia is in your party. She will destroy all monsters quickly, so fight lots of enemies to get loads of experiance. Go down to the room with the staircases. DO NOT LEAVE THIS ROOM UNLESS YOU ARE AT LEVEL 12!
Fight monsters until you are. When you are at Level 12, leave the upper level of the Spire. An animation will show Lucia outside. She doesn't feel the power of Althena in the air. She suspects something is wrong.
You then hear an evil voice: It's Zophar, who Lucia was talking about. Lucia feels Zophar will destroy the world and tries to stop him by calling upon the powers of the four dragons. It doesn't work, because Zophar has sealed away the four dragons. Zophar then takes away Lucia's power.
After the event, use the Althena Statue. Lucia will not help you anymore and only has one health point. Exit the area. The guardian of the Blue Spire has come to life! Get ready for your first boss fight.


This is an easy fight. Use Hiro's Poe Sword every round. If he runs out of magic, just attack. When the guardian raises it's attack and defense, take them down with Gwyn's spells. First, take down his attack with Shattered Sword, then his defense with Fractured Armor. Gwyn should also cure when needed. Have Gwyn attack if there's nothing else to do.

After the fight, step on the star to warp to the lower section of the Spire. Then run through and exit the Spire. When you do exit, you will see that the other guardians have come to life. You start to fight. It's actually impossible to win this fight. You are about to die when the Destiny shoots the guardians with the Dragon Cannon. After saving your life, Leo asks you about the Destroyer. Hiro tells Leo that they were attacked by the Destroyer in the Spire. Leo calls out the destroyer's name and it's......Lucia!! Leo than runs to the Spire to kill Lucia, who he thinks is inside. Hiro still believes that Lucia is good and decides to take her back home. Go right to get to the world map, and head back to Gwyn's place.

---------------------------------GWYN'S HOUSE----------------------
Level: 12
Items: None
Enemies: None

When you enter the house, Lucia faints. Gwyn searches for book that could tell him how to break the curse. When you get to control Hiro, talk to Lucia. She will plead with you to help her stop Zophar, saying Zophar will destroy the world. Talk to her again and Gwyn will come back from the basement. Apparently, a priest is needed to break the spell. If it isn't broken, Lucia might die. Suddenly Gwyn remembers a priest named Ronfar, who lives in Larpa. Gwyn agrees to lend you his boat to get to Larpa. Go outside the house and Gwyn will inform you he's staying home. He wishes you luck and gives you his boat.

Get on the boat at the dock beside Gwyn's place. Go east until you see another dock. Get off your boat there and follow the southern path on foot to Larpa.

Level: 12
Items: Angel's Tear, Herb, Saucepan Lid, 500 silver, Lucia's bromide 1
Enemies: Ochre Ooze, Killer Fly

When you enter Larpa, look behind the Althena Statue on the first level to the northeast to find an Angel's Tear. Also, take some time to upgrade Hiro's equipment at the local shop. When you talk to the townspeople, you will realize that everyone seems to hate Ronfar! He has cheated many gamblers out of their money, and The Chosen, a strange group who praise Althena, hate him because he quit being a priest for them. Go to the tavern. A strange man wants to be with you, but leave him alone for now. Someone near the Sanctuary says you can find Ronfar at the bar and that no one knows why he left The Chosen. You can find his house and a note attached to the door. It was left by someone with the initials L.M. When you go to the Sanctuary, go down the stairs in the northwest part and around the back to find a herb. You can also find a Saucepan Lid in the Mayor's house, at the top of the town. After all this, go back to the bar and talk to that stranger. You'll realize the stranger is Ronfar and a short animation will play. Ronfar really doesn't want to help you, but he will if you beat him in a game of dice. It's impossible to win, so just quit when you get the chance. Talk to him again and Lucia will faint. Ronfar takes her to his house. Now go to Ronfar's house, it's on the western side of the second level. Talk to him and he will read the letter. Follow him inside and talk to him twice. After that, an old friend will arrive...LEO!! Luckily, Ronfar hides Hiro and Lucia from Leo and he soon leaves. But not before mentioning how Ronfar was unable to save Mauri (you do not know her yet). After Leo mentions Mauri, Ronfar goes silent. It seems Mauri almost died because Ronfar couldn't break the spell on her, and she never was the same. After Ronfar stops thinking about Mauri, he again wants to play dice to see if he will help you. Luckily for you, you can't lose and Ronfar will agree to save Lucia. He quickly figures out he needs an Althena Statue to break the spell. He decides to go to the one in the Sanctuary. Go through the back door into a cave.

The cave is easy to navigate. You can't get lost. The enemies are also fairly weak. Just follow the path and soon you will pick up 500 silver. Go up the stairs. In this area, it's the same thing and soon you'll be at the exit. Jump off the cliff and enter the Sanctuary through the door on the western side.

When you enter, you will see Leo to the south. Avoid him and go to the Althena Statue. At the statue, Ronfar tries to break the spell. The spell is very strong, in fact he can only remember one spell that is stronger: the one that was on Mauri. A flashback sequence shows how Ronfar failed to help Mauri, with Leo at her side. He doesn't want to go through that pain again and saves Lucia. Lucia is not fully cured, her health is only in the 70's, a big difference from the 700's she had before. Go back to Ronfar's house and sleep.

Hiro will wake up to find Lucia missing. He fears Leo might have taken her and starts searching for her. Everyone in town seems to have seen Lucia at some point. Talk to the guy in front of the house on the east part of the second level to obtain Lucia's Bromide 1. Then, talk to the mom inside to see how Lucia learned what singing is. The parent then suggests you go talk to the mayor about Lucia's whereabouts. The mayor will tell you where she is and what she wantts to do (he'll take 30 silver, but you have to talk to him). Go to the south part of town and talk to Lucia. An animation will show her feelings and thoughts of Lunar so far. She informs Hiro that she must go to Pentaguila to speak to Althena. The only way there, is to hitch a ride on a ship in Dalton. After her goodbyes, Lucia leaves. Hiro is deeply saddened by the turn of events and wishes she would stay. Walk north and Ronfar will talk to you. When he finds out Lucia is going to Dalton, he freaks out. Dalton is the next stop for Leo, Lucia is going to be caught! Obviously, Hiro can't let this happen and decides to go to Dalton to save her from Leo. Ronfar then joins you. Go to the store and buy equipment for Ronfar before leaving. Leave the town.

On the world map, go northwest to the next area, the West Desert Pass.

-----------------------------WEST DESERT PASS--------------------
Level: 13
Items: 300 Silver
Enemies: Poison Beetle, Desert Dolphin, Scorpion

There is no way you can get lost here. Just walk north, fighting the monsters along the way. A little more than half way through, you should pick up 300 silver. There is only one section to the West Desert Pass.

On the world map, follow the path and enter the big city on your left, Dalton.

Level: 13
Items: Herb, Star Light, Dagger
Enemies: Private, Captain

When you enter Dalton, you will see Lucia being held by Leo. After knocking down guards trying to throw her in jail, Lucia is knocked out by Leo. She is taken into a jail cell located in the Destiny.

Before you rescue her, you should do a few things. First off, get the herb beside the boxes on the left, just inside the entrance. Make sure to upgrade your equipment in the shop. You can get a Star Light in the right house on the second level. When you go to the Sanctuary, DON'T HEAL! It will cost you money, you can heal for free when you board the Destiny. Now, cross the bridge above the city. Go to the second floor of the house on the right side of the bridge to find a Dagger. Now board the Destiny.

When you are on the Destiny, head north and through the door. Heal at the Althena Statue and enter the door to the left. Go down through the south corridor and follow it until you are in an open space with two big tables. Now go up the right corrider. Follow this and go up the stairs. Go south. Follow this hallway until you can either go down or left. Go left and up the left hallway. Go up the stairs in the next area. Go south and you will see Leo talking to Lucia. Leo tells her that her execution is tommorrow. Once you get control of Hiro, press the button beside Lucia's cell to set her free. After talking to Lucia, Leo will return. Lock Leo in the cell by pressing the same button you used to free Lucia. Now, walk north, go up the stairs and exit the Destiny. Leave Dalton.

On the world map, go northeast to your next destination, the first forest that you pass. There is a big blue tower at the north of the forest.

------------------------------STARLIGHT FOREST-------------------
Level: 15
Items: Herb, 600 Silver
Enemies: Green Goblin, Hummingbyrd, Killer Fly

Before you go to the Forest of Illusion, you have to pass through the Starlight Forest. After you enter, go right at the first fork and follow the path for a Herb. Then, go back and up the left path. Go up the left path at the next intersection and make another left. here you can pick up 600 silver. Go back to that last fork and take the right path, which is the exit. Now you should be in a clearing. Talk to Lucia and she will question your motives for helping her, wondering why you put your life at risk for her. Talk to her again and Ronfar will suggest you make tracks for the Illusion Woods. He knows an old gambling buddy that can help you through. Heal at the Althena Statue and leave by going north.

Follow the path east and you will see a big forest with an entrance. Enter the forest.

----------------------------ILLUSION WOODS------------------------
Level: 15
Items: Herb (4), Star Light, Snake Crest, 146 Silver, Chain Mail
Enemies: Green Goblin, Hummingbyrd, Hob Goblin, Goblin King

When you enter the woods, talk to the man beside the Althena Statue and he will show you how to enter the woods (after losing to Ronfar in a game of dice). Press X in front of the discolored bushes to make them open. Right after you enter the first area, Leo arrives. He sends his soliders around the area to look for Lucia, but quickly leaves after finding no trace of you.

Alright, the woods can be confusing, so try to follow my directions. I will get you every item and lead you out. Go right at the first fork and continue right until you reach a bush. Open the bush to get a Herb. Now go back to the start of the area and go left. Now go up the path. Keep going up and you should see a treasure box. Open it to get another Herb. The bush beside it is a dead end. Go down, then right and up to find the bush that will lead you to the next area.

It's darker in this area of the forest. Keep left on the first fork and open the bush to find a Star Light. Go down a little and open the chest to the right for a Herb. Now follow the path on the right until you can go to either the left, the centre or to the right. Go to the left and open the bush for the Snake Crest. Now go right. Open the bush to leave the area.

It's even darker in this area (I'm getting scared). Go north to a bush. It's a dead end, but pick up the chest to the right of it for yet another Herb. To the left of the chest is a bush with 146 silver in it. Now go down and right. Follow the path upwards. A bush on the left is a dead end, but the bush to the right of it contains a Chain Mail. Now go down and right again and follow the path up. The bush directly north is a dead end, so follow the path left to the exit of the forest (finally).

------------------------------ CARAVAN-------------------------------
Level: 17
Items: Jean's Bromide 2
Enemies: Green Goblin, Hummingbyrd

At the clearing, there will be a caravan. Walk north and the green-haired dancer Jean will introduce herself. Talk to the man beside her to meet Giban, the leader of the Caravan. You'll soon find out that the exit of the woods is being blocked by vines, so you decide to stay the night. After talking, go find Jean, who is west of the Caravan. Talk to her and ask her questions about herself and the caravan. Once you mention your trouble with Althena's Guard, she talks of the Caravan's trouble with the Guard. The Chosen feel the caravan is evil and try to stop it from visiting towns. Suddenly, a vine shoots from the ground and grabs Lucia. Luckily, Jean uses her karate to kill the vine. Jean seems scared and shaken after saving Lucia, like she didn't know she could do it. She quickly heads back to the Caravan. A flashback then shows ninjas closing in on Jean, with a leader in a strange mask. They called themselves the Shadow Dragon Cult.

In the morning, go to Althena's Spring, which is located to the right of the Caravan. Go through the left door and Hiro will get in the spring. Suddenly, Lucia appears in the spring. An animation will show her entering the water. She doesn't seem to care if Hiro sees her and doesn't understand what is wrong with what she is doing. After the event, leave the spring. As you are leaving, you will hear a scream. You rush back to the Caravan only to see vines grabbing all the people, including Giban. Talk to Jean and she will give you a ladder to go down one of the holes in the ground. Go up to the hole and start to go down. Jean will join your party.

This area is very simple. Follow the path left until you see an opening south. Go through the opening and prepare to fight the boss.


This can be a hard fight. Have Hiro use Poe Sword every round. Ronfar should cast Saint Litany on everyone, and cure their status, if they become poisoned. he should also restore health when needed. Jean should cast Moth Dance every round. Plantella has three forms and each one is a little stronger than the last form. Keep up your attacks and you will eventually win. Hopefully, Plantella will attack Lucia, because then Lucia will cast Napalm Shot. That will make the fight much easier.

After the battle, talk to Jean and she will join your party for good. Then go north of the Caravan. Talk to the girl on the north path to recieve Jean's Bromide 2. Leave the woods on that same path.

On the world map, follow the path east to the next town, Takkar.

Level: 18
Items: Holy Water, Star Light, Passion Fruit
Enemies: None

Congradulations, you made it to the peaceful town of Takkar! Too bad the gate to Nota is blocked off. Leo ordered it to by closed while he searches for you. Go to the southwest part of town to find some Holy Water in a chest against the fence. Now go to the west side of takkar to find a Star Light behind some boxes. Now go to the bar and talk to the hooded girl. She will inform you of an alternate route out of town. You decide to try your luck with the guard of the exit. Grab the Passion Fruit in the room behind the table you're at and talk to the guard. You will soon find out that you're not getting through. The hooded girl will tell lead you to the secret exit. The only problem, is that you have to walk through a haunted house to get to Nota. Oh well, nothing Hiro and the gang can't handle, right? After the discussion, talk to her on the east side of town to go through the exit.

-------------------------TAKKAR MOUNTAIN PASS-------------------
Level: 18
Items: Purity Ring, Wind Ring
Enemies: Banshee Fowl, Rufus, Death Worm, Mud Cyclops

Before you get to the ghost House, you must go through a simple mountain pass. The path is very simple. Watch out as you approach the second level, monsters will shoot balls at you that knock you down. At the end of the second level, lies the Purity Ring. Now, walk north onto the third level. Go left at the intersection to get the Wind Ring. Go back to the intersection and go right to exit the area. In this area, you should see an old house. Enter it.

-----------------------------------GHOST MANOR---------------------
Level: 18
Items: Angel's tear, Holy Water, 302 Silver, Star Light (2), Herb
Enemies: Rolling Imp, Knuckle Buster, Susie Death

The first thing to do is to go up the centre path right in front of you to get an Angel's Tear. Now go back to the start and head right to pick up some Holy Water. Now go back and take the left path. Go up the far left path to get 302 Silver. Now go up the path the monster blocks. Follow it and you will soon see a small path that has a treasure box at the end of it. Defeat the monster and pick up the Star Light. Now continue on the original path. Here, go either up or down, it doesn't matter, you'll end up in the same place. Grab the chest to the right for a Herb. Now follow the north path until you see an opening north. Grab the chest to the left for a Star Light and go into the room to fight the boss.


This boss can be hard, if you don't know what you're doing. Have Hiro use Boomerang every turn, not Poe Sword. Have Ronfar cast Saint Litany on everyone and, obviously, heal people when their injured. He can also cure people's conditions because the magic Tester can put people to sleep. Use Anger Dice if he has nothing to do. Jean should cast Moth Dance. Hopefully the Magic Tester will attack Lucia. If it does, Lucia will counter with Napalm Shot for around 85 damage. The magic Tester has three forms. The first form is easy. The second form can take off as much as 80 to one person. The third form is even harder, it now as an attack that takes away around 60 to every character. Give Ronfar a Star Light if he runs out of MP and keep up your attacks to win the battle.

After the battle, you find out that the whole fight was just a test to see if you're good enough for the Magic guild of Vane. The hooded girl will reveal herself to be Lemina, the Junior Premier of the Guild. After some talking about your quest, she will join your party. Once you exit the room, go left on the roof to a cliff. You'll get down the cliff (barely) with the help of a magic carpet. Heal at the Althena Statue and go left to reach the world map.

On the map, go southwest to your next destination.

-------------------------------EAST BANDIT BUTTE-----------------
Level: 20
Items: Shiro Crest, Star Light, Wind Staff
Enemies: Maneater, Killer Buzz, Parasite, Killer Shroom

Weird name, isn't it. The first area is simple, just follow the path. At the end there will be an opening. Go through it.

Now you're in a cave. It's also simple. Follow it north and pick up the Shiro crest along the way. Leave through an opening at the bottom.

You will now be outside again. Just follow the path and go in the opening that you see.

In this cave, go to the right instead of down to get a Star Light. Now go down the south path and exit in the opening.

Again, you're outside (when does this end?). When you get to the intersection, take a right to get a Wind Staff. Now go down the other path and follow it to leave the mountain.

On the map, head west, then north and enter the town with the big bridge in the middle.

-----------------------------EAST NOTA------------------------------
Level: 21
Items: Gauss's Necklace, Silver Light, Herb
Enemies: None

Welcome to East Nota. The two sides of Nota are divided by a big bridge and don't mix with each other much. But by talking to Julia (left house on second floor), you will find out that she's marrying the mayor of West Nota, even though she's in love with another man. She's going through with it to unite the two sides. Open the chest on the right side of her house to get a Gauss's Necklace. Upgrade your equipment and take the Silver Light that sits beside the shops. Also, grab the Herb that is beside a man in the north of town. Now, try and cross the bridge to West Nota.

While you are crossing the bridge, Leo will come in the Destiny. He'll send his soliders after you and they approach from the West Nota side. Luckily, your team manages to lose them by running back to East Nota (I don't know how they did it). You need to get away from Nota fast, so you decide to go to the Carnival where you can use a missle to fly over Nota.

Level: 21
Items: Holy Water, Angel's Tear
Enemies: None

The Carnival is a busy place. In the first tent north, you can bet silver on dice. Go to the east side of this area to get some Holy Water. There's an item shop in the tent to the left of the Holy Water. Now go north to the second section.

The man to the right of the entrance sells weapons, armor and items. Go in the Caravan on the right to get an Angel's Tear. Now talk to Giban. While you're talking, Leo interrupts (this guy won't give up). You hide behind a Caravan and Giban takes care of him. After Leo leaves, Giban suggests Lucia should get some new clothes. Lemina, Ruby and Jean leave to a caravan with Lucia to find some clothes. Go up to the middle Caravan and an animation will show Lucia trying on some "different" clothes. Outside, Hiro is trying to keep Ronfar from sneaking a peek. They start pushing and they both fall in the Caravan. Lucia doesn't seem to mind, but Ruby, Lemina and Jean kick them out, literally.

After Lucia chooses her clothes, talk to the man beside the missle and you will start to board. Before you can launch, Leo returns. He sees you, but the gang manages to get in the missle. But the jokes on you, Leo hits the missle and changes your direction. Who knows where you will land?

------------------------------MYSTIC RUINS-------------------------
Level: 21
Items: Dream Crest, Healing Nut, Star Light (2), Flame Staff
Enemies: Persona, Reflector, Masquerade, Dark Knight

When you're stressful flight comes to an end, you will be in some ancient ruins. Go to the centre of the area and Lucia will transport you into the Ruins by removing an ancient seal on the teleporter.

Walk north in the new room to find an ancient item that stores old information in video form.
MEGA SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On the video, you'll see the events of the Silver Star Story, including the destruction of Vane, Alex becoming a Dragonmaster, Evil Luna singing and Ghaleon in Magic Emperor form. After the video, the group wonders who stored the information. Just then, a familiar man walks into the room. The one and only, Ghaleon. Ghaleon is apparently alive again and knows about Lucia. After taunting you, he leaves.
MEGA SPOILERS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go north through the door, heal at the Althena Statue and go through that door.

This section can be confusing, and it's not easy to write. Okay, here's the deal. When you step on a platform, it will take you to a new place. I will tell you exactly which platforms to step on to get all the items and get to the exit. First, go on the south platform (the only one there). Next, step on the left platform. Here, take the left one and then go in the opening in the wall to get a Healing Nut. Now go back up to the last set of platforms and take the north one. Now take the south one and go through the opening to the right for the Dream Crest. Now exit the room and take the left one. Then step on the south one and enter the opening at the bottom to leave.

Alright, last area. First, take the centre one. Follow it's path (there's only one choice each time) until you see an opening in the wall on the right side. Enter the opening to get a Star Light. Now go back to the start of the area and choose the right platform. Follow it's path to get the Flame Staff. Continue following it until you have a choice of either going up or left. Take the left and enter the door on the left to get another Star Light. Now go back to the last choice and take the north platform to exit the area.

Now you should be in Ghaleon's garden, which is full of faeires. The door to the exit has a seal on it, but Lucia manages to open the door anyways.

On the map, go southwest. As you are walking, Leo comes and tries to stop you. Your valiant group decides to fight, but it proves to be uneccesary. Just as Leo is about to hit you with the Dragon Cannon, Ghaleon hits the Destiny with magic, stopping it from shooting. He also manages to fry Leo in the process (way to go Ghaleon!). The Destiny quickly retreats. So Ghaleon saved your life: Is he friend or foe?

On the map again, walk back to Nota (southwest). As soon as you enter, cross the bridge to West Nota.

-----------------------------WEST NOTA------------------------------
Level: 22
Items: Life Jewel, Peasent Clothes, Herb
Enemies: None

Ah, West Nota. You can read the sign beside the bridge to see your wanted ad placed by Leo. Go to the left house on the second level to get some Peasent Clothes. Now, still on the second level, go to the far right and go up the path to find Julia's true love, Kyle, and a Life Jewel. Now go get the herb on the left side of the first level. Not much to do in West Nota. You can talk to the Mayor to see how happy he is about marrying Julia. By talking to the townspeople, you learn the road to meribia by a blizzard in Zulan. What luck you're having. When you're ready, exit the town.

New world map music. I think this song's better. Follow the path north and you'll reach some snow. Keep following it to reach the town of Zulan.

Level: 22
Items: Town; Plate Armor. Mountain; 2000 Silver, Healing Nut, Power
Crest, Water Staff, Barrier Ring
Enemies: Barbarian, Wyburn, Albino Baboon, Razor Wolf

As you can see (or can't see), visibility in Zulan is low due to the blizzard. Upgrade your armor and weapons, you'll need them. Talking to the townspeople will reveal that the cause of the blizzard is a monster living in the mountains. Many people have tried to kill the monster, but have failed. A woman in a house to the south of the town is going to die soon if the blizzard doesn't stop; she needs the special grass that grows only in the mountains. Go to the large house to the north, the mayor's house. Get the Plate Armor on the right side of the second level and talk to the mayor. After hearing his daughter is missing after going up the mountain, you decide to try and kill the monster. Lucia's not too fond of the idea, thinking it's a waste of time. She leaves the party and leaves the town. Now go north, beside the Mayor's house. Heal at the Althena Statue and walk up to the mountain.

This mountain can be difficult, so conserve Ronfar's MP. Only use it for healing. Use everyone else's magic, you will be healed before the boss. Go right and up to the second level. Now go all the way to the left and up the stairs to the next level. Now press X in front of the ice blocking the door, and Ruby will melt the ice. You will have to do this a few times during your quest to stop the blizzard. Go in the cave.

Walk right to get 2000 Silver. Then go up the stairs in the northeast part to the next level. Go up the stairs right in front of you to get a Healing Nut. Go back to the last level, go right and down the stairs. Go left and down those stairs. Now go right and up these stairs. Exit the cave at the opening north.

Once outside, go up the stairs to the left to get to the next level. Now you have a choice of melting the ice to the left or right. The left one has a monster in it and leads to a dead end, so melt the right one.

In the cave, go left and up the stairs to the next level. Go to the right and go up the stairs. Now go left to get the Power Crest. Now continue left and go down the stairs. Exit the cave in the opening to the right.

Outside again, go right to get the Water Staff. Now go left. You will see an ice wall. Ignore it, continue left and go up the stairs. Again, you'll have a choice of either going left or right. Take the left one and enter the cave.

Go right, past the stairs, to get the Barrier Ring. Now go down the stairs. Now go in the opening to the right.

Go to the left and up the stairs. Go in the opening to the right.

Walk west and an avalanche will take you to a new area. When you wake up, Lucia will be there. She saved your life and will heal you back to full health. She came back because she cared about you. It's the first time she has ever cared about someone. Walk north to get everyone in your party back again. You are fully healed. Now walk north to fight the boss.
NOTE: You will notice a change in Lucia's fighting. Before, she used to cast magic that only helped her and she often escaped. From here on in, she will help out by healing, casting stat-boosting magic on everyone and by attacking, even when she's not being attacked.


As usual, have Hiro use Poe Sword every round. Have Ronfar cast Saint Litany on everyone and heal. If he has a free turn (not likely in this fight), have him use Anger Dice. Jean really isn't that useful in this fight. She should just use Bee Dance. Have her use items if they are needed. Lemina should first cast Power Flame on Hiro, then have her use Flame Shot. Missing Link will ocasionally put a tornado around himself. When he does this, don't attack, you can't hurt him. Take this time to heal and revive if neccassary. You should beat him soon.

After the battle, the blizzard stops. Go to the left to find the mayor's daughter. Lucia will heal her, but she's lost her memory. The scene will switch back to the mayor's house. As you are leaving the house, Maria (the mayor's daughter), decides to join your party (I was totally shocked). But, her baby starts to cry and she realizes she needs to stay. Now leave the town by going south.

On the map, follow the path south to the big city of Meribia, which is on the left.
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