Fear Effect

Fear Effect

11.10.2013 16:32:20

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This logo was created by Dallas (Dallas@DodgerStats.com)

F E A R E F F E C T F A Q / W A L K T H R O U G H
f e a r e f f e c t f a q / w a l k t h r o u g h


Fear Effect
Platform: PlayStation
Version: Final
Brett "Nemesis" Franklin
E-Mail: nemesis@flipmode.com
My website: http://faqdomain.cjb.net

Created: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 8:50:21 pm
Last Updated: 11/02/00 10:51:04
Size: 84.7 KB (86,782 bytes)


4. Controls
5. Story
6. Walkthrough
[1.] Disc 1: Building Rooftop
[2.] Disc 2: The Village
[3.] Disc 3: Madam Chan's Hideout
[4.] Disc 4: Hell
[5.] Disc 2: Furnace Room/End Battle
7. Tips & Strategies
8. Characters
9. Codes
10. Weapons
11. Credits
12. Contact Info




Fear Effect is a great game from Eidos. It plays much like the Resident Evil
games, but there are differences. There are no zombies, and the story is
more "adult" orientated. The graphics are also awesome, because they feature
streaming FMV backgrounds, which is cool as hell. You can also fire two
weapons at the same time, John Woo style. Overall it's a great game, and
I definetly reccommend this to any fan of the RE series.


2. Legal Stuff




This FAQ can only appear on the following sites:

-Cheat Code Central

If anyone finds it on any other site, please inform me ASAP.

E-Mail Address: nemesis@flipmode.com

© Copyright 1999-2000 Brett "Nemesis" Franklin. It may not be stolen, altered,
or used for any type of profit. It may be reproduced electronically, and printed
for PRIVATE, PERSONAL use. It may not be placed on a CD, printed in a magazine
or any type of publication. If you would like to contribute to this FAQ (you
will be credited,) please e-mail me, as well as any questions, comments, or
corrections, to the address above.




Version 0.1 (05/09/00)

* First version

Version 0.4 (05/10/00)

* Got most of the Disc 1 walkthrough

* Everything you see here

Version 0.5 (05/11/00)

* Finished up Disc 1 walkthrough

* Added about half of the Disc 2 walkthrough

* Completed the Characters and Weapons sections

* Added some Gameshark codes in the Codes Section

Version 0.7 (05/12/00)

* Completed Disc 2 and Disc 3 walkthroughs

* Updated Weapons section

Version 1.0 (05/14/00)

* Completed the rest of the Walkthrough for the entire game

* This guide is done. I will only revise it to fix stuff


4. Controls


_______________________ _________
L2: Escape | | R2: Crouch
___________ / | _______
L1: Quick Turn \ _____ / None Pause Game | R1: Dash
_=====_ | | _=====_
/ _____ \ | | / _____ \
.' | | `. | S O N Y | .' | ___________Triangle: Action
/ ___| /|\ |___ \ | | / ___| /_\ |___ \
D Pad--| | | ; |_ |_ ; | _ _ | ;
| |<--- --->| | |__| |__> | ||_|-------(_)---Square: Inventory
; |___ | ___| ;SELECT START; |___ ___| Circle: Inventory
|\ | \|/ | / _ ___ _ \ | X---------X: Fire Weapon
| `. |_____| .','" "', |___| ,'" "',`. |_____| .' |
| `-._____.-' / \ANALOG/ \ `-._____.-' |
| | |_====_| | |
| /\ / \ /\ |
| / `.___.' `.___.' \ |
| / | \ |
\ / | \ /
\________/ Move Character \________/

D-Pad- Controls movements of character


5. Story


When the daughter of a powerful Chinese businessman disappears into the
hedonistic and dangerous Shan Xi Protectorate under mysterious
circumstances, our team of specialists infiltrate the city and attempt to
reach her first, hoping to leverage her safety for a sizable pile of cash.
We will have to search, destroy and fire-fight our way through the archaic
chaos of an alternate reality China and its inhabitants. Along the way, we
will be constantly challenged by the henchmen of the girl's father who have
no intention of letting us get to her first.

But what begins as a mercenary snatch and grab to retrieve a young runaway
instead becomes a mission more perilous and important than any other that we
could've imagined: a battle for the survival of the planet against the King
of Hell and his minions. For the deeper we delve into the interior of the
worlds, the more we discover that Shan Xi is more than a claustrophobic
enclave of villainy... it is also the literal Gate to Hell.

And using Shan Xi as a staging ground, the King of Hell plans to release the
ultimate evil upon the earth... the purification of the planet by cleansing
fire. We must stop him and discover the truth behind the seemingly innocent
girl who is herself hiding a secret so terrible that many will die before it
is revealed. We're gonna need plenty of skill, plenty of luck and plenty of


6. Walkthrough

This is what you should use if you are stuck in the game, or if you need
something to guide you through the game. As of now (05/10/00) I only have
the first Disc walkthrough, but I will add the rest of the Disc walkthroughs


[1.] Disc 1: Building Rooftop


Once the game begins, run around the helicopter to the right, and press the
red light in front of the helicopter. Once you have been lowered down, equip
the pistol, and follow the catwalk around until you reach the two guards.
Kill them, then run over to the nearby ladder. Examine the window next to
the ladder. Shoot the window, then climb inside the room through the window,
then head to the back of the room and grab the fuse from the shelf. On your
way out of this room, pull the red lever near the window to release the steam
that'll get rid of a guard ahead. Now leave the room through the window, and
go up the ladder. At the top, run over to the wheel, and turn it then head
down the next ladder. At the bottom, grab the Gate Key that the guard dropped
earlier. Now head over to the gate, and use the Gate Key on it to go through it.

Once you are through the gate, use the pistol to kill the guards, grab the Red
Keycard that one of them dropped, and use it on the nearby door with the red box
next to it. In this room, save your game, then examine the video screens on the
control panel to view a cut-scene. Now leave the room through the other door,
and kill the two guards. Grab the Uzi that one of them dropped, then run around
the iron catwalk to the right, past the elevator and giant fans, and you'll
enter an area with many guards on a blue floor. Kill off the guards, then go
across the
blue floor.

In the next room, save your game, then grab the Locker key from the back of the
room. Go down the stairwell, kill the 2 guards, veer to the left, and use the
fuse on the green fusebox. Now go all the way back to the second save room (the
one with the two lockers, and the video screens). On the way there you'll
encounter the same blue floor, only this time it's electrified. To get past it,
you'll have to wait for the first tile to stop charging, run on it, wait for
the upper-most tile to stop charging, run onto it, then go down-left and wait
for that tile to stop charging, run onto it, then run across the rest of the
tiles until you get to the other side.

Once you are back at the Locker Room, use the Locker Key on locker number 67.
In here, you'll find a Blue Keycard and another pistol. Now you can hold two
pistols at the same time, John Woo style. Now go back to the next area with
the giant fans and the elevator. Take the elevator down.

Once at the bottom, exit the elevator and go to your left and grab the Wire
Cutters from the yellow box on the wall. Now continue on and follow the
walkway, past the colorful display on the wall, past the door with the red box
near it, until you get to a guard. Kill him, and go forward until you reach a
door with with a blue box next to it. Use the Blue Keycard to open it and go
through it.

After the cut-scene, kill the guards in the room, but be careful NOT to shoot
Jin (the tied up guy), or else you'll detonate the bomb. Now run over to Jin,
use the Wire Cutters, and you'll have to detonate the bomb. Here's how:

___________ ___________ ___________
| |--R--| |--R--| |
| (P) |--Y--| (O) |--Y--| (G) |
| |--B--| |--B--| |
|___________| |___________| |___________|
| | | | | |
| | |_________________________| <--|----|----Yellow Wire
| |___________________________________| <--|----Red Wire
|_____________________________________________| <---Blue Wire

First, select the orange button, and cut the red, then the yellow wires. Next,
highlight the purple button and cut the red, then the blue wires. Last,
highlight the green button, and cut the blue, then yellow wires.

After saving Jin, you'll get the explosives. Go to the door that's near the
elevator, and has the red box next to it. Use the explosives on the door, and
enter the doorway. Now follow the path until you see the fusebox, then go up
the stairway and kill the guard at the top and save your game here.

Now backtrack all the way to the second save room again (locker room), but
only go to the door. Once you are at the door, turn around and go down the
ladder beneath the Japanese writing on the wall. Once at the bottom, exit
the room and you'll be on the balcony of the building, and there are four
HUGE Japanese symbols. Kill the 2 guards, and follow the catwalk into the
next room.

In here, you'll encounter a boss fight. Always hold the crouch button and use
the control panels in the center of the room for cover, and use your uzis to
take him out. After he's dead, grab the sign key. Now go over to the left side
of the room and use the Sign Key to activate the control panel. Remember those
HUGE Japanese symbols outside this room? Well you have to imput those exact
symbols into this control panel in that same order:

__________ __________ __________ __________
| | | | | | | |
| | | _____/ | | /\ | | _\|_|/_ |
| =|--|= | | |__|__ | | / \ | | _\ /_ |
| /|\/|\ | | | | | | / |=\ | | -|- |
| | | | | |_ \__ | | _|_|__ | | /|\ |
| | | | | | | |
|__________| |__________| |__________| |__________|

After doing this correctly, Hana will collect a disc, and you'll take control of

Once you are in control of Glas, save your game, then go over to the red light,
and press the button. After the cut-scene, go up the ladder as fast as you can.
Once at the top, equip your pistol(s), and kill the two guards here. Now run
around the catwalk and to the ladder. Climb up the ladder, but stay on it until
the helicopter is done shooting the roof. Once it's finished, climb to the roof,
and go down the other ladder.

After the cut-scene, examine the fire to get the pipe. Walk forward to the giant
orange barrel and use the pipe on it. After the steam is released, take a few
steps back and shoot the barrel. Once it has blown up, walk over to where it
used to be, and [Look].

Now you'll regain control of Hana. Immediately grab the knife off the floor and
slash the guard to death, grab the assault rifle, then exit the room through the
door that you used to enter it a while ago, and onto the balcony. Out here, kill
the guards, and follow the balcony to the other end and enter the other room,
and go up the ladder. After the cut-scene, you'll take control of Glas again.

Once you have Glas, wait for the pipes to stop burning (not red), and run all
the way to the very upper-right part of the screen, and follow the pipe to lead
to a cut-scene. After Glas jumps through the window, you'll be in a boss fight
with a helicopter. Wait for the helicopter to fly to the right of the screen,
near the flag, then shoot the flag. After you've done this, run to the left and
onto the next screen. Now wait for the helicopter to fly to the left of the
screen, near the other flags, then shoot the flags to cause the helicopter to
crash. After the cut-scene, go through the door, kill the guards, then save your

Now run past the giant yellow fans and the burning door, and kill the guards
here. Take the assault rifle that one of them dropped, then go through the
burning doorway. In this room there will be tons of guards, so be prepared.
After killing them all, run up the ramp and kill the two guards then save your
game. Now exit through the open doorway that's to the right of the ramp, and go
to the ladder that's near the door to the locker room.

After the cut-scene, use Hana to shoot the guard in the helicopter, then you'll
regain control of Glas. Now just run forward to the end of the catwalk, and when
it says [Use], press the action button to jump into the helicopter and end Disc


[2.] Disc 2: The Village

Once you get off the boat, kill the two demons and save your game. Run across
the dock and kill the other demons around you, and this will activate another
cut-scene. You will now be in control of Deke. Equip the double Shot pistols and
run across the dock to trigger yet another cut-scene. Kill the demons, and
afterwards you will take control of Glas again.

Save your game, then run across the burning dock. Only cross when the fire stops
momentarily. Once safely across the firey dock, a cut-scene will be activated,
and you will be in control of Hana again. Now kill the demons and run along the
dock, killing every demon on your way. At the very end of the dock, you'll enter
a hut with 2 demons. Kill them and you'll recieve the PO MON Key. Backtrack
along the dock to the fork in the path, and go through the burning walkway and
use the PO MON Key to unlock the gate at the end. Once at the other side, save
your game, and run through the room to trigger a cut-scene. After the cut-scene,
a demon will stand up, so kill it and leave the room through the back exit. Out
here, kill the 2 guards and run across the small wooden bridge, then go right
down the long, wide walkway. About halfway across, you'll encounter 3 guards, so
kill them, then run all the way to the end. If you go far enough, this will
trigger another cut-scene.

After the cut-scene, use the Wet Towel to "distract" the guard. This will
trigger another cut-scene. After this cut-scene, you will take control of Deke
again. Kill the guards here, then run forward and go right to a corner, and save
your game here. Now run up the ramp.

At the top of the ramp, kill the 2 guards that come along, then run along the
left side of the train. Kill any guards on your way, then enter the last car on
the train to your right. After the cut-scene, you'll face off with a Rambo-
wanna-be. Use the crates for cover, and don't shoot at the nearby box or else
you're dead. After disposing of this guy, he'll drop a HK V Assault Rifle. Take
it, then leave the car. Shoot any guards out here, and take the Ladder Access
Card that one of them drops.

Run over to the yellow box across from the last car, and use the Ladder Access
Card on it. Here's how to lower the Ladder:

Power Power Power
________________ ________________ ________________
| | | | | |
| ALARM | | LOCK 1 | | FILTER |
|________________| |________________| |________________|

________________ ________________ ________________
| | | | | |
| SENSOR | | LOCK 2 | | WATER |
|________________| |________________| |________________|

________________ ________________ ________________
| | | | | |
| LADDER | | LOCK 3 | | HEAT |
|________________| |________________| |________________|

________________ ________________ ________________
| | | | | |
| FAN | | LOCK 4 | | PUMP |
|________________| |________________| |________________|

________________ ________________ ________________
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
|_______|________| |_______|________| |_______|________|


1.) Flip the bottom switch on all three columns to shut off the power.
2.) Move the two fuses into the center column.
3.) Set one of the fuses to Lock 3, and the other to Power.
4.) Flip the bottom switch to turn the power on.


1.) Move the two fuses into the left column.
2.) Set one fuse on Power, and the other on Ladder.
3.) Flip the bottom switch to turn the power on.

After the ladder has been lowered, climb up it. At the top, kill the weird
looking ninjas. Now follow the rafters to the back and kill any ninjas that get
in your way. Once you get to the right spot, a cut-scene will be triggered.

After the cut-scene, you will take control of Glas. Kill the 3 demons, and you
will then take control of Hana again. Go right and past the train and run to the
hut with the old lady. Leave the hut through the door, and run all the way to
the hut where you got the PO MON Key. Once there, kill the ninjas and demons to
receive the XI MON Key. Now head back to the train.

Now run to the left, and go past the area where you first took control of Hana
last. Go past the train and into the burning village and into the hut in the
back with the two doors. Use the XI MON Key to go through the door on the left,
kill the demons in here, and take the Train Key. Now leave the hut, and go
through the door on the right using the XI MON Key.

Run into the nearby train by using the Train Key, and once inside, you'll have
to enter some numbers to get the train moving again:

(4) (N) (2) (B)

(4) (2) (2) (C)

(8) (0) (0) (0)

The numbers that you have to imput are 4N2B, 422C, 8000. After doing this, the
train will start, and you'll take control of Deke for a brief second. Kill the
two guards to trigger a cut-scene. After the cut-scene, you'll take control of
Deke again. Just run forward so that you don't fall off the train, and this will
activate yet another cut-scene.

After the cut-scene, you'll take control of Glas. Run to the left and past the
train wreck, and kill the guards here, then keep going to the next screen and
kill the guards on top of the train. One of them will drop the Truck Key. Now
run over to the nearby truck and use the Truck Key to get in the truck and end
Disc 2.


[3.] Disc 3: Madam Chan's Hideout


Once the disc starts off, you'll be controlling Glas in a small room. Turn
around and grab the Cooking Oil off the shelf, then go right and smash the vase
on the ground. Quickly use the cooking oil on the area on the floor without a
circle, in the center of the room:

You Place Cooking oil here
| |
| _ | _
| (_) /// (_)
X _ _ _
(_) (_) (_)

Once the guard enters the room, lure him to walk over the Cooking Oil, and he'll
fall. Take his gun, then crouch and sneak out of the room and into the kitchen.

A cut-scene will interrupt the game, and you'll take control of Deke. Don't even
think about moving at all yet. You'll see the helicopter lights show where the
cracked glass is on the ground. Here's the route to go:
X <----You
| | | | | | | | |
| | | X | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | X | X | X | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | X | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | X | X | X | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | X | |

The "X"'s show the glass windows that you should walk on. These are the ones
that aren't cracked, and this route will lead you to safety. Once you are at the
other side of the roof, enter the door to your right (but save your game first),
and you will take control of Glas once again.

Playing as Glas, use the Crouch button to sneak by the chefs in the kitchen.
Only pass them when their backs are turned. Work your way to the back of the
room, and past the chef who's killing the cockroaches, and pull the fire alarm
to distract the guards and chefs. Kill the guards that come a running, then go
left and shoot the frying pan to spill hot grease onto a guard's face. Pick up
the shotgun he drops, now go forward into the dining room with the 3 guards.
Kill them, then go up the small staircase towards the back of the room.

Kill the guard in here, then go through the nearby door and you'll meet with
Hana. After taking control of Hana, kill the guards that are in the kitchen and
in the area around it, and go into the small grey door that's near the entrance
to the kitchen. It's a changing room. Go to the back of the room and change into
the hooker's clothes. These clothes will allow you to enter an area previously

When walking around, keep your guns put away, and don't shoot any guards,
because they like hookers. Go to the dining room, but on the way go to the small
door next to the changing room, and a guard will let you in. Once inside, go up
the stairs, and go right. Follow the hallway, and go through the second red door
you reach. In here you'll meet Deke. After the cut-scene, you'll take control of
Deke again.

Now exit the room through the door behind you, and kill any guards that are out
here. Follow the hallway back to the staircase, and go through the door that's
right across from the stairs. In here, take the Coin, then exit the room. Now go
back down the hall with the red doors, but this time go in the first red door
you reach.

Go to the red case towards the back of the room. This is a puppet show. Use the
Coin on it to activate it. Here's how to solve it:

(-) | | | | (3rd)
| | | |
(2nd) | | | | (4th)
| | Puppet | |
(5th) | | | | (1st)

Above is a "replica" of the puppet puzzle. It shows the buttons, and the order
they need to be pressed in. After solving this correctly, a secret door will be
revealed. Save your game, then go through the door.
The door will lock behind you. Now go through the door to the left, and kill the
enemies in here, then go through the brown/orange double doors at the top of the

This is just a save room, so use it, then leave. Once out here, go through the
door to the right. Shoot the guard in here, and grab the Elevator Key, then exit
the room. Now go down the small hallway to the left of the room, kill the guard
there, then go to the end of the hallway and use the Elevator Key to activate
the elevator.

Once the elevator stops, exit it, then grab the Wrench towards the back of this
room. Now go right of the elevator to find some stairs. Go down the stairs, go
down the hall and go through the door at the end of the hall. Kill the guards,
then stay away from the steam, and use the Wrench on the giant pipe to shut off
the steam. Grab the Madam Room Key then leave to the hallway, and go back

Once at the top, kill all the guards that are there, then run to the red double
doors and use the Madam Room Key to enter the room. After the cut-scene, you'll
take control of Glas.

Leave the room and into the kitchen, and go through the small door near the
changing room door. On the other side, go up the stairs and go left and down the
hall with the purple door. Kill the guards here, and one of them should drop the
Lounge Key. Take it, save your game, then use the Lounge Key to open the purple
door. You are now in the Lounge. Kill the enemies here, then use the door thats
to the right of where you entered.

You'll encounter a hooker here. There is a guard under the bed. Wait for him to
roll out from under the bed, and then shoot him. He starts out on the left side,
and then switches everytime you shoot him. DO NOT shoot the hooker, or else it's
game over. After killing the guard, a cut-scene will occur, and you will take
over as Hana again.

Run to the door that's across from the stairs, and kill the guard in here to get
the Lounge Key. Now leave the room, and run to the Purple Door, and use the
Lounge Key to get in. Now go into the room where Glas fought the soldier under
the bed moments ago, then go through the door on the other side of the room.
Kill the guards here, then follow the hall until you reach a fountain. Walk up
to the fountain and [Use] the fountain to take the Flowers. Now go back to the
hallway and kill the guards to get the Office Key.

Leave the Lounge all together, and once you are outside the Purple Door, run
past the stairs, and past the two red doors, and to the other end of the
hallway. Enter the door at the end. Once in the room, go right to find a White
Vase. Now go back to the Lounge (Purple Door), and go to the back of the room,
and use the Office Key to get through the door on the right.

Use the nearby elevator, then go through the brown double-doors. In here, kill
the guards, and grab the Black Vase. Now return to the main hall with the large
red double-doors. Place the White Vase on the left side, and the Black Vase on
the right side of the door. Pull a Fresh Sunflower out of the White Vase, and a
Wilted Calla Lily from the Black Vase. This will allow you to enter the red
double-doors. Go through them.

After the cut-scene, go to the elevator, and kill any demons that get in your
way. Make your way all the way back to the changing room near the kitchen. Once
in the changing room, change back to Hana's normal clothes. In here you'll also
get the Meat Locker Key. Leave the changing room, then go right to the bottom of
the screen, and use the Meat Locker Key on the large steel double-doors. After
another cut-scene, go to the other side of the room and go through the blue door
on the right.

Now you'll fight a boss. She's not too tough, but it's just that you have to
know how to beat her. She's surrounded be a flaming shield, so to deactivate it,
you'll have to kill on of the demons, pick up a Paper Doll that it dropped, then
use the Paper Doll on the flaming blue shield. Once the shield is down
momentarliy, shoot her with all you got. Do this over about 3 or 4 more times,
and you'll defeat her. You have reached the end of Disc 3.


[4.] Disc 4: Hell


Right off the bat, save your game. After saving, you'll encounter a floating
block puzzle. To get across this, simply step onto the first block on the left,
then wait for the other blocks to rise, then walk on them until you get to the
other side. You might have to run though, in order to make it to the other
blocks before they sink.

Once you are at the other side, run and follow the stone walkway until you reach
two demons. Kill them, then take the Paper Pistol Ammo. Now run over to the hut
in the middle of the other huts, and kill the demon in here as well. Take the
Paper Pistol Ammo, then go to the hut on the right to save your game. Now run to
past the left hut, and pass the right-most hut. You should see lighting strike.
Approach the flaming branches. You can use the Paper Pistol Ammo on the fire to
create regular ammo. Do this, then run past the other huts to your right, and
kill the floating demon. Now go down the nearby stairs.

At the foot of the stairs, go right, and follow the path. Kill the demons, then
grab the Paper Gate. Now go back up the stairs and to the flaming branches. Once
at the flaming branches, use the Paper Gate on it, and you'll open the gate near
where you just got the Paper Gate. After doing this, red ninjas will attack you.
Kill them, then go back down the stairs and to where you got the Paper Gate.
When you get to the area where you got the Paper Gate, keep following the path
to find the open gate. Now go through it.

Once through the gate, go forward a bit to find the Paper Assault Rifle. Keep
going ahead, and speak to Chen who's chained up. After the cut-scene, you'll
have the Doll. Run back to the stairs, but keep on running past them, onto the
next screen. Kill any enemies that get in your way, the continue following the
path until you reach an opening in the cliff on your right. You should see a
girl running into it. Go inside.

Once inside, give the Doll to the girl crying. After the cut-scene, go over to
the nearby dresser to the right to encounter a puzzle:

(00) | (18)

(88) (35)

This puzzle represents Hana's age. To solve it, this is how to solve it:

1st Time: |||||, |

2nd Time: |, ||||

3rd Time: ||||, |||

4th Time: |, |, |||||, ||||

If you did it right, then you should all the different stages of Hana's life
after each time. When you solve this puzzle, you'll see a short cut-scene, and
you'll get the Stone Scroll. Now go back past the stairs, and speak with the
chained-Chen again.

After the short cut-scene, kill the 3 demons. Now you have the Tree Branch.
Return back to the flaming branches near the huts. Use the Tree Branch on the
flaming branches. Now use the Tree Branch to light all three torches scattered
around the area. There's one near the left-most hut, one at the foot of the
stairs, and the last one is just beyond the flaming branches, to the left. After
lighting all three, the white stone door near the top of the stairs will open.
Go through it.

After the cut-scene, you'll get the Stone Tree Half and Paper Gate Key. Kill the
3 red ninjas that attack you, then go back to the flaming branches and burn the
Paper Gate Key. Once you burn it, the Gate Key will appear in a hut. It's in the
hut nearest to the flaming branches. Get it, kill the demon inside, then go back
down the stairs, go to the left of the stairs, and run past the area where you
met the little girl.

Keep going forward, and you'll encounter a giant white gate. Use the Gate Key to
enter it. After the cut-scene, you'll take control of Glas.

Once you start out with Glas, save your game. Now go forward and follow the
ghost of Deke. Follow it to the giant double-doors with the Japanese writing on
it. Kill the 2 demons on the other side. Run through the next door. Kill the
giant red dog in here, then go through the next door. In here you'll get the
Moon Key. Take it, then go back to where you followed the ghost of Deke, but
continue forward until you pass the dragon statue. Use the Moon Key on the door
near here. Follow Deke's ghost again, and you'll have to fight 3 demons. Keep
going forward, and talk to the red dragon.

Keep going forward, save your game, then climb down the vines. At the bottom,
follow Deke's ghost and kill the two dogs. Go forward to find the Sun Key. Run
forward and go up the vines. Follow Deke's ghost and kill the demons on the way.
At the end of the path, you will find a blue dragon. Talk to him, then go over
to the vines, save your game, then climb down them. Examine the mirror next to
the vines at the bottom. The pattern goes like this:

Mountains, heaven, water, water, earth, water, fire, heaven, earth.

Here are the symbols for each:

== ==
Water ---------------> =====

Mountain -------------> == ==
== ==

Fire ----------------> == ==

== ==
Heaven ---------------> == ==
== ==

Earth ----------------> =====

That is the order that you'll have to cross the nearby falling stones.
Run forward, but stop when you reach the area with a bunch of blocks on the
ground with symbols on them (or when the camera moves above you). Here is how to
cross them:

| | | | | |
You | | | | X | X | Other side
| |______|______|______|______|______|
| | | | | | |
| | | | X | X | |
| |______|______|______|______|______|
| | | | | | |
| | | | X | | |
| |______|______|______|______|______|
| | | | | | |
| | | X | X | | |
| |______|______|______|______|______|
| | | | | | |
Start Here | X | X | | | |

After successfully crossing the area, you'll be awarded with the Stone Sword.
Take it, then go back to the area you just crossed. Kill the demons here, then
cross it again (don't worry: the path has been revealed). Go back to the Blue
Dragon near where you first saw Deke's ghost. Now use the Stone Sword on the
Blue Dragon. Doing this will reveal a hidden path. Go through it, save your
game, then continue forward. Once the cut-scene is over, you'll be forced to
fight with the demon-Deke.

To beat him, you're gonna have to be patient. He'll swim around the platforms,
and whichever ones he swims under, are gonna be sunken. So stay away from the
platforms that he swims under. After a while he'll come up and laugh. That's
when you shoot him. After about half of his life bar is gone, he'll change
forms. Just move and shoot, and you should be able to beat him. After you beat
him, you'll take control of Hana again where we last left her. Run along the
path and eventually you'll enter a cut-scene. After it ends, take the Crank then
go back to the hut area.

Run past the Huts and past the flaming branches. Use the crank on the nearby
well to get the Stone Eye. Run over to the torch near you (the one you had to
light). This should activate a cut-scene. When it ends, you'll take control of
Glas momentarily. Kill all the demons that come at you, then you'll take control
of Hana again.

Now keep running forward and over the small bridge, and use the puzzle on the

| |
| A |
______ ______|______|______
| | | | |______ ______
| C | | | | | |______ ______
|______|______|______|______| | | | |
______ ______ _____|______|______| | |
| | | | |______|______|
| B | | | | |
_|______|______|______| ______ | |
| | | | | ||______|
| | | | | |______
|______| |______|_____|______| |______
| | | | |
| | |______| D |
|______| |______|

A: Scroll
B: Eye
C: Left Side of Tree
D: Right Side of Tree

After solving this puzzle, you'll be promted to insert Disc 2.


[5.] Disc 2: Furnace Room / End Battle


Run forward, save your game next to the furnace, then use the Paper Doll on the
furnace to activate it. You must place the three Stones in different places in
the room. On the furnace, there are symbols above each stone:

These symbols are spread across the room, lit up by fire. You must find the
symbols that match the stone, and place that stone on that symbol. Once all
three stones are in place, you'll watch a long cut-scene, and you'll have some
choices, as well as diferent Final Bosses:


If you chose Hana, she'll shoot Glas, then face the King of Hell himself. This
boss battle is harder than Glas's. Kill the four bats surrounding him, and make
sure to keep away from the electricity. After you've killed the 4 bats, pick up
the Paper Money and burn it using one of the nearby torches. This is the only
way to hurt him. Do this about 3 times, and you will have defeated the King of

If you choose to go with Glas, he'll kill Hana, and turn his attention to Wee
Ling. She'll turn into a demon form, with two smaller ones surrounding her. Kill
these ones first, then duck and cover, and shoot at her as much as you can.
She's not that hard to beat, so you shouldn't worry.

If you played on Hard Mode, you'll also get this option. Hana and Glas will work
together on this boss, which is the same as Hana's Boss: The King of Hell. Kill
the four bats surrounding him, and make sure to keep away from the electricity.
After you've killed the 4 bats, pick up the Paper Money and burn it using one of
the nearby torches. This is the only way to hurt him. Do this about 3 times, and
you will have defeated the King of Hell.


7. Tips & Strategies


* Use the Evade button to avoid fire at any time. Rolling will often
cause you to save health.

* Use the Crouch technique to sneak up on guards and bad guys. If you get
close enough, your cross hairs will turn red, and you will have a one-
shot kill

* Try to take cover whenever possible to save ammo and health.

* Save your game whenever you can. Saving doesn't affect your ending, so
you should save whenever you can. You never know when you could die...

* When lost, try to run against things to see if you can perform an action.
Whenever you can do something to an object, an Action will pop up on the
screen ( [Use], [Take] ). This will help you 90% of the time.

* You will need to use the cell phone to save your game. Whenever it rings,
just go to the inventory screen and use the cell phone.


8. Characters


Hana Tsu-Vachel
Age : 24
Height : 5'7"
Weight : 118 lbs.
Born : Shan Xi Province, ROC
Specialty : Covert Ops Profile

Raised and trained in the Province Military Theater, Hana is an
expert Covert Operative who specializes in infiltration. She is
fluent in the many varied dialects of the Chinese Republic.
A world-class marksman and driver, Hana is part French and part
Chinese. Her orphan upbringing conditioned Hana to be distant
to those that she does not know, and to be careful of whom she
will trust. Hana and Glas have worked together before, when
Hana was doing freelance work for the French Government.
A beautiful woman, Hana lives life with passion and takes life
without reservation.

Royce Glas
Age : 34
Height : 6'
Weight : 198 lbs.
Born : Pacifica, California, USA
Specialty : Mercenary Profile

Glas is ex-military. He is a highly decorated vet of a number
of conflicts that are officially denied by the US government.
Currently a gun for hire, Glas operates on the edge of the law
and will kill in defense of himself or of his mission without
hesitation. Although he is driven by his own sense of honor, he
also takes on dangerous assignments because he needs the money.
Respected by his team, Glas is fearless, stoic and cunning. He
is not your classic burnout, but he's close. He can easily
adapt to situational changes. Those who have underestimated him
usually find themselves resting peacefully under the topsoil.

Jakob "Deke" Decourt
Age : 37
Height : 6'5"
Weight : 219 lbs.
Born : Christchurch, New Australia
Specialty : Assassin, Explosives Profile

Deke walks the fine line between aggressive and psychotic.
A large, brooding man, Deke is attractive to women, but not a
pretty boy. Deke enjoys his work immensely, through he remains
haunted by the demons of the numerous men and women he has
killed. A long-time friend of Glas, Deke is an expert in
explosives and weapons. Working with Deke is like making a deal
with the devil: he's extremely effective, but he leaves a wide
wake of carnage and bloodshed. Unlike Glas, Deke is not
professionally trained. Instead, he honed his talents during
the many range wars that until recently plagued New Australia.

Wee Ming Lam
Age : Unknown (17 Estimated)
Height : 5'5"
Weight : Unknown
Born : Unknown
Specialty : Unknown Profile

Wee Ming is the enigmatic daughter of Mr. Lam. Having led a
sheltered, privileged existence, little is known of Wee Ming.
It is rumored by Mr. Lam's bodyguards that she has such an
ethereal beauty they are required to turn away from Wee Ming
when she enters a room, lest they be tempted by her charms.
Wee Ming's incursion into the Shan Xi Protectorate is the
catalyst for our team's adventure. She holds the key to the
excitement, mystery and terror that follows.


9. Codes

Imput these codes at the Credits screen, in the options menu.

- Infinite Ammunition - Gives you 999 units of each ammo type.
L1, Triangle, Up, Down, Circle, Circle,
Triangle, Square, Left, Triangle

- Infinite Health/No Fear - Player never takes a death and/or damage
throughout the game, except by damage polys.
L1, Triangle Up, Down, Circle, Circle,
Triangle, Square, Right, Square

- Infinite Weapons - Opens all weapons for that particular level possible
for the character.
L1, Triangle, Up, Down, Circle, Circle,
Triangle, Square, Up, Circle

- 1-Hit Death with Firearms - Player kills all foes with a one-hit death
from any firearm.
L1, Triangle, Up, Down, Circle, Circle,
Triangle, Square, Down, R1

- 1-Hit Death with Melee Weapons - Player can only give a one-hit death
with the smack-jack, knife, or brass
L1, Triangle, Up, Down, Circle, Circle,
Triangle, Square, Down, L1

- Target Practice Mode - All enemy detection is turned off.
L1, Triangle, Up, Down, Circle, Circle,
Left, Left, L1, L2

- Pump Up the Ammo Mode - All ammo gives a factor of x10 more ammo.
L1, Triangle, Up, Down, Circle, Circle,
Left, Left, L1, L2

- Rate of Fire Increase - All of the PC's weapons shoot super fast.
L1, Triangle, Up, Down, Circle, Circle,
Up, Up, Up, Down

- Instant Puzzle Solve Mode - Stuck at a certain puzzle? Type in this code to
bypass the need for a solution.
L1, Triangle, Up, Down, Circle, Circle,
Down, Down, Down, Up

- Suicide Mode - All NPCs have higher health and/or rate of fire, but PC
has infinite ammo to extend combat gameplay.
Down, Down, Down, Triangle, Down, Down,
Down, Square, Left, Right


| | |
| INF. AMMO | 80077810 0001 |
| | |
| INF. HEALTH | 80077810 0002 |
| | |
| 1 - HIT DEATH | 80077810 0004 |
| | |
| X2 AMMO | 80077810 0008 |
| | |
| STOP TIME | D0025808 0008 |
| | 8002850A 2400 |
| | |
| | 800AFA2E 2400 |

From Cheat Codes Central:
| | |
| Infinite Health | 80077810 0002 |
| | |
| Infinite Ammo | 80077810 0001 |
| | |
| Infinite Health & Ammo | 80077810 0003 |
| | |
| Infinite Health, Ammo, | 80077810 0007 |
| & Instant Death | |
| | |
| Infinite Health, x2 | 80077810 000E |
| Ammo, & Instant Death | |
| | |
| Instant Death with | 80077810 0004 |
| All Firearms | |
| | |
| x2 Ammo | 80077810 0008 |
| | |
| No Fear | D0047D88 0068 |
| | 80047D8A 2400 |
| | |
| Stop Time | D0028508 0008 |
| | 8002850A 2400 |
| | |
| Stop Countdown Timer | D00AFA2C 18F0 |
| | 800AFA2E 2400 |

Hana weapon codes:
| | |
| Have Duel .90 Pistols | 8008DF10 0002 |
| | 8008DF12 6363 |
| | |
| Have SMG | 8008DF14 0002 |
| | 8008DF16 6363 |
| | |
| Have Shot Pistol | 8008DF18 0002 |
| | 8008DF1A 6363 |
| | |
| Have Assault Rifle | 8008DF1C 0001 |
| | 8008DF1E 0063 |
| | |
| Have Shotgun | 8008DF24 0001 |
| | 8008DF26 0063 |
| | |
| Have HK V | 8008DF28 0001 |
| Assault Rifle | 8008DF2A 0063 |

Glas weapon codes:
| | |
| Have .90 Pistol | 8008DF94 0002 |
| | 8008DF96 6363 |
| | |
| Have SMG | 8008DF98 0002 |
| | 8008DF9A 6363 |
| | |
| Have Shot Pistol | 8008DF9C 0002 |
| | 8008DF9E 6363 |
| | |
| Have Assault Rifle | 8008DFA0 0001 |
| | 8008DFA2 0063 |
| | |
| Have Shotgun | 8008DFA8 0001 |
| | 8008DFAA 0063 |
| | |
| Have MK V | 8008DFAC 0001 |
| Assault Rifle | 8008DFAE 0063 |

Deke weapon codes:
| | |
| Have .90 Pistol | 8008E018 0002 |
| | 8008E01A 6363 |
| | |
| Have SMG | 8008E01C 0002 |
| | 8008E01E 6363 |
| | |
| Have Shot Pistol | 8008E020 0002 |
| | 8008E022 6363 |
| | |
| Have Assault Rifle | 8008E024 0001 |
| | 8008E026 0063 |
| | |
| Have Shotgun | 8008E02C 0001 |
| | 8008E02E 0063 |
| | |
| Have MK V | 8008E030 0001 |
| Assault Rifle | 8008E032 0063 |
| | |

Hana Item Codes Disc 1 (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed)

| | |
| Have Stone Scroll | E008DF5A 0000 |
| | 3008DF5A 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Willow | E008DF5B 0000 |
| | 3008DF5B 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Eye | E008DF5C 0000 |
| | 3008DF5C 0001 |
| | |
| Have Flash Disc | E008DF64 0000 |
| | 3008DF64 0001 |
| | |
| Have Gate Key | E008DF65 0000 |
| | 3008DF65 0001 |
| | |
| Have Sign Key | E008DF66 0000 |
| | 3008DF66 0001 |
| | |
| Have Red Keycard | E008DF67 0000 |
| | 3008DF67 0001 |
| | |
| Have Blue Keycard | E008DF68 0000 |
| | 3008DF68 0001 |
| | |
| Have Locker Key | E008DF69 0000 |
| | 3008DF69 0001 |
| | |
| Have Fuse | E008DF6A 0000 |
| | 3008DF6A 0001 |
| | |
| Have Pipe | E008DF6B 0000 |
| | 3008DF6B 0001 |
| | |
| Have Wire Cutters | E008DF6C 0000 |
| | 3008DF6C 0001 |
| | |
| Have Explosives | E008DF6D 0000 |
| | 3008DF6D 0001 |

Glas Item Codes Disc 1 (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed)

| | |
| Have Stone Scroll | E008DFDE 0000 |
| | 3008DFDE 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Willow | E008DFDF 0000 |
| | 3008DFDF 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Eye | E008DFE0 0000 |
| | 3008DFE0 0001 |
| | |
| Have Flash Disc | E008DFE8 0000 |
| | 3008DFE8 0001 |
| | |
| Have Gate Key | E008DFE9 0000 |
| | 3008DFE9 0001 |
| | |
| Have Sign Key | E008DFEA 0000 |
| | 3008DFEA 0001 |
| | |
| Have Red Keycard | E008DFEB 0000 |
| | 3008DFEB 0001 |
| | |
| Have Blue Keycard | E008DFEC 0000 |
| | 3008DFEC 0001 |
| | |
| Have Locker Key | E008DFED 0000 |
| | 3008DFED 0001 |
| | |
| Have Fuse | E008DFEE 0000 |
| | 3008DFEE 0001 |
| | |
| Have Pipe | E008DFEF 0000 |
| | 3008DFEF 0001 |
| | |
| Have Wire Cutters | E008DFF0 0000 |
| | 3008DFF0 0001 |
| | |
| Have Explosives | E008DFE1 0000 |
| | 3008DFF1 0001 |

Hana Item Codes Disc 2 (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed)

| | |
| Have Stone Scroll | E008DF5A 0000 |
| | 3008DF5A 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Willow | E008DF5B 0000 |
| | 3008DF5B 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Eye | E008DF5C 0000 |
| | 3008DF5C 0001 |
| | |
| Have Wet Towel | E008DF64 0000 |
| | 3008DF64 0001 |
| | |
| Have Flask of Water | E008DF65 0000 |
| | 3008DF65 0001 |
| | |
| Have Train Key | E008DF66 0000 |
| | 3008DF66 0001 |
| | |
| Have PO Mon Key | E008DF69 0000 |
| | 3008DF69 0001 |
| | |
| Have Truck Key | E008DF6A 0000 |
| | 3008DF6A 0001 |
| | |
| Have Ladder | E008DF6B 0000 |
| Access Card | 3008DF6B 0001 |
| | |
| Have X1 Mon Key | E008DF6C 0000 |
| | 3008DF6C 0001 |

Glas Item Codes Disc 2 (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed)

| | |
| Have Stone Scroll | E008DFDE 0000 |
| | 3008DFDE 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Willow | E008DFDF 0000 |
| | 3008DFDF 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Eye | E008DFE0 0000 |
| | 3008DFE0 0001 |
| | |
| Have Wet Towel | E008DFE8 0000 |
| | 3008DFE8 0001 |
| | |
| Have Flask of Water | E008DFE9 0000 |
| | 3008DFE9 0001 |
| | |
| Have Train Key | E008DFEA 0000 |
| | 3008DFEA 0001 |
| | |
| Have PO Mon Key | E008DFED 0000 |
| | 3008DFED 0001 |
| | |
| Have Truck Key | E008DFEE 0000 |
| | 3008DFEE 0001 |
| | |
| Have Ladder | E008DFEF 0000 |
| Access Card | 3008DFEF 0001 |
| | |
| Have X1 Mon Key | E008DFF0 0000 |
| | 3008DFF0 0001 |

Deke Item Codes Disc 2 (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed)

| | |
| Have Stone Scroll | E008E062 0000 |
| | 3008E062 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Willow | E008E063 0000 |
| | 3008E063 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Eye | E008E064 0000 |
| | 3008E064 0001 |
| | |
| Have Wet Towel | E008E06C 0000 |
| | 3008E06C 0001 |
| | |
| Have Flask of Water | E008E06D 0000 |
| | 3008E06D 0001 |
| | |
| Have Train Key | E008E06E 0000 |
| | 3008E06E 0001 |
| | |
| Have PO Mon Key | E008E071 0000 |
| | 3008E071 0001 |
| | |
| Have Truck Key | E008E072 0000 |
| | 3008E072 0001 |
| | |
| Have Ladder | E008E073 0000 |
| Access Card | 3008E073 0001 |
| | |
| Have X1 Mon Key | E008E074 0000 |
| | 3008E074 0001 |

Glas Item Codes Disc 3 (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed)

| | |
| Have Stone Scroll | E008DFDE 0000 |
| | 3008DFDE 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Willow | E008DFDF 0000 |
| | 3008DFDF 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Eye | E008DFE0 0000 |
| | 3008DFE0 0001 |
| | |
| Have Coin | E008DFE8 0000 |
| | 3008DFE8 0001 |
| | |
| Have Sunflower | E008DFE9 0000 |
| | 3008DFE9 0001 |
| | |
| Have Mach Gun 'O Love | E008DFEA 0000 |
| | 3008DFEA 0001 |
| | |
| Have Pistol Whipper | E008DFEB 0000 |
| | 3008DFEB 0001 |
| | |
| Have Flowers | E008DFEC 0000 |
| | 3008DFEC 0001 |
| | |
| Have Cooking Oil | E008DFED 0000 |
| | 3008DFED 0001 |
| | |
| Have Office Key | E008DFEE 0000 |
| | 3008DFEE 0001 |
| | |
| Have Lounge Key | E008DFEF 0000 |
| | 3008DFEF 0001 |
| | |
| Have Wire Cutters | E008DFF0 0000 |
| | 3008DFF0 0001 |
| | |
| Have Elevator Key | E008DFE1 0000 |
| | 3008DFF1 0001 |
| | |
| Have Storeroom Key | E008DFF2 0000 |
| | 3008DFF2 0001 |
| | |
| Have A New Desire | E008DFF3 0000 |
| | 3008DFF3 0001 |
| | |
| Have Wrench | E008DFF4 0000 |
| | 3008DFF4 0001 |
| | |
| Have Meat Locker Key | E008DFF5 0000 |
| | 3008DFF5 0001 |
| | |
| Have White Vase | E008DFF6 0000 |
| | 3008DFF6 0001 |
| | |
| Have Black Vase | E008DFF7 0000 |
| | 3008DFF7 0001 |
| | |
| Have Red Vase | E008DFF8 0000 |
| | 3008DFF8 0001 |
| | |
| Have Paper Madam Chen | E008DFF9 0000 |
| | 3008DFF9 0001 |
| | |
| Have Madam Room Key | E008DFFA 0000 |
| | 3008DFFA 0001 |

Hana Item Codes Disc 3 (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed)

| | |
| Have Stone Scroll | E008DF5A 0000 |
| | 3008DF5A 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Willow | E008DF5B 0000 |
| | 3008DF5B 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Eye | E008DF5C 0000 |
| | 3008DF5C 0001 |
| | |
| Have Coin | E008DF64 0000 |
| | 3008DF64 0001 |
| | |
| Have Sunflower | E008DF65 0000 |
| | 3008DF65 0001 |
| | |
| Have Mach Gun 'O Love | E008DF66 0000 |
| | 3008DF67 0001 |
| | |
| Have Pistol Whipper | E008DF68 0000 |
| | 3008DF68 0001 |
| | |
| Have Flowers | E008DF69 0000 |
| | 3008DF69 0001 |
| | |
| Have Cooking Oil | E008DF6A 0000 |
| | 3008DF6A 0001 |
| | |
| Have Office Key | E008DF6B 0000 |
| | 3008DF6B 0001 |
| | |
| Have Lounge Key | E008DF6C 0000 |
| | 3008DF6C 0001 |
| | |
| Have Wire Cutters | E008DF6D 0000 |
| | 3008DF6D 0001 |
| | |
| Have Elevator Key | E008DF6E 0000 |
| | 3008DF6E 0001 |
| | |
| Have Storeroom Key | E008DF6F 0000 |
| | 3008DF6F 0001 |
| | |
| Have A New Desire | E008DF70 0000 |
| | 3008DF70 0001 |
| | |
| Have Wrench | E008DF71 0000 |
| | 3008DF71 0001 |
| | |
| Have Meat Locker Key | E008DF72 0000 |
| | 3008DF72 0001 |
| | |
| Have White Vase | E008DF73 0000 |
| | 3008DF73 0001 |
| | |
| Have Black Vase | E008DF74 0000 |
| | 3008DF74 0001 |
| | |
| Have Red Vase | E008DF75 0000 |
| | 3008DF75 0001 |
| | |
| Have Paper Madam Chen | E008DF76 0000 |
| | 3008DF76 0001 |
| | |
| Have Madam Room Key | E008DF77 0000 |
| | 3008DF77 0001 |

Deke Item Codes Disc 3 (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed)

| | |
| Have Stone Scroll | E008E062 0000 |
| | 3008E062 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Willow | E008E063 0000 |
| | 3008E063 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Eye | E008E064 0000 |
| | 3008E064 0001 |
| | |
| Have Coin | E008DF6C 0000 |
| | 3008DF6C 0001 |
| | |
| Have Sunflower | E008DF6D 0000 |
| | 3008DF6D 0001 |
| | |
| Have Mach Gun 'O Love | E008DF6E 0000 |
| | 3008DF6E 0001 |
| | |
| Have Pistol Whipper | E008DF6F 0000 |
| | 3008DF6F 0001 |
| | |
| Have Flowers | E008DF70 0000 |
| | 3008DF70 0001 |
| | |
| Have Cooking Oil | E008DF71 0000 |
| | 3008DF71 0001 |
| | |
| Have Office Key | E008DF72 0000 |
| | 3008DF72 0001 |
| | |
| Have Lounge Key | E008DF73 0000 |
| | 3008DF73 0001 |
| | |
| Have Wire Cutters | E008DF74 0000 |
| | 3008DF74 0001 |
| | |
| Have Elevator Key | E008DF75 0000 |
| | 3008DF75 0001 |
| | |
| Have Storeroom Key | E008DF76 0000 |
| | 3008DF76 0001 |
| | |
| Have A New Desire | E008DF77 0000 |
| | 3008DF77 0001 |
| | |
| Have Wrench | E008DF78 0000 |
| | 3008DF78 0001 |
| | |
| Have Meat Locker Key | E008DF79 0000 |
| | 3008DF79 0001 |
| | |
| Have White Vase | E008DF7A 0000 |
| | 3008DF7A 0001 |
| | |
| Have Black Vase | E008DF7B 0000 |
| | 3008DF7B 0001 |
| | |
| Have Red Vase | E008DF7C 0000 |
| | 3008DF7C 0001 |
| | |
| Have Paper Madam Chen | E008DF7D 0000 |
| | 3008DF7D 0001 |
| | |
| Have Madam Room Key | E008DF7E 0000 |
| | 3008DF7E 0001 |
| | |
| Activate Cheat Modifier| 80077810 ???? |

Hana Item Codes Disc 4 (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed)

| | |
| Have Stone Scroll | E008DF5A 0000 |
| | 3008DF5A 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Willow | E008DF5B 0000 |
| | 3008DF5B 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Eye | E008DF5C 0000 |
| | 3008DF5C 0001 |
| | |
| Have Paper Gate | E008DF64 0000 |
| | 3008DF64 0001 |
| | |
| Have Paper Gate Key | E008DF65 0000 |
| | 3008DF65 0001 |
| | |
| Have Tree Branch | E008DF66 0000 |
| | 3008DF66 0001 |
| | |
| Have Paper Pistol | E008DF67 0000 |
| | 3008DF67 0001 |
| | |
| Have Paper Shotgun | E008DF68 0000 |
| | 3008DF68 0001 |
| | |
| Have Paper SMG | E008DF69 0000 |
| | 3008DF69 0001 |
| | |
| Have Paper Assault | E008DF6A 0000 |
| Rifle | 3008DF6A 0001 |
| | |
| Have Pistol Ammo | E008DF6B 0000 |
| | 3008DF6B 0001 |
| | |
| Have Shotgun Ammo | E008DF6C 0000 |
| | 3008DF6C 0001 |
| | |
| Have SMG Ammo | E008DF6D 0000 |
| | 3008DF6D 0001 |
| | |
| Have Assault Rifle | E008DF6E 0000 |
| Ammo | 3008DF6E 0001 |
| | |
| Have Doll | E008DF6F 0000 |
| | 3008DF6F 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Scroll | E008DF70 0000 |
| | 3008DF70 0001 |
| | |
| Have Tree Branch | E008DF71 0000 |
| | 3008DF71 0001 |
| | |
| Have Gate Key | E008DF72 0000 |
| | 3008DF72 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Eye | E008DF73 0000 |
| | 3008DF73 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Tree Half | E008DF74 0000 |
| | 3008DF74 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Tree Whole | E008DF75 0000 |
| | 3008DF75 0001 |
| | |
| Have Crank | E008DF76 0000 |
| | 3008DF76 0001 |

Glas Item Codes Disc 4 (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed)

| | |
| Have Stone Scroll | E008DFDE 0000 |
| | 3008DFDE 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Willow | E008DFDF 0000 |
| | 3008DFDF 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Eye | E008DFE0 0000 |
| | 3008DFE0 0001 |
| | |
| Have Paper Gate | E008DFE8 0000 |
| | 3008DFE8 0001 |
| | |
| Have Paper Gate Key | E008DFE9 0000 |
| | 3008DFE9 0001 |
| | |
| Have Tree Branch | E008DFEA 0000 |
| | 3008DFEA 0001 |
| | |
| Have Paper Pistol | E008DFEB 0000 |
| | 3008DFEB 0001 |
| | |
| Have Paper Shotgun | E008DFEC 0000 |
| | 3008DFEC 0001 |
| | |
| Have Paper SMG | E008DFED 0000 |
| | 3008DFED 0001 |
| | |
| Have Paper Assault | E008DFEE 0000 |
| Rifle | 3008DFEE 0001 |
| | |
| Have Pistol Ammo | E008DFEF 0000 |
| | 3008DFEF 0001 |
| | |
| Have Shotgun Ammo | E008DFF0 0000 |
| | 3008DFF0 0001 |
| | |
| Have SMG Ammo | E008DFF1 0000 |
| | 3008DFF1 0001 |
| | |
| Have Assault Rifle | E008DFF2 0000 |
| Ammo | 3008DFF2 0001 |
| | |
| Have Doll | E008DFF3 0000 |
| | 3008DFF3 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Scroll | E008DFF4 0000 |
| | 3008DFF4 0001 |
| | |
| Have Tree Branch | E008DFF5 0000 |
| | 3008DFF5 0001 |
| | |
| Have Gate Key | E008DFF6 0000 |
| | 3008DFF6 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Eye | E008DFF7 0000 |
| | 3008DFF7 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Tree Half | E008DFF8 0000 |
| | 3008DFF8 0001 |
| | |
| Have Stone Tree Whole | E008DFF9 0000 |
| | 3008DFF9 0001 |
| | |
| Have Crank | E008DFFA 0000 |
| | 3008DFFA 0001 |

Quantity Digits to Accompany Activate Cheat Modifier Codes
0001 - Infinite Ammo
0002 - No Fear
0004 - One-Hit Death
0008 - x2 Ammo
000F - All Of The Above


10. Weapons


Five stars is the highest rating a weapon can get, while one star is the
lowest rating.

Handheld Weapons:

Rate of Fire: Slow
Damage: Low
Overall: ***

Rate of Fire: Slow
Damage: Low
Overall: ***

Rate of Fire: Slow
Damage: Low
Overall: ***


Rate of Fire: Medium
Damage: Medium
Overall: ****

Rate of Fire: Fast
Damage: High
Overall: *****

Rate of Fire: Fast
Damage: High
Overall: *****

Rate of Fire: Medium/Fast
Damage: High
Overall: *****

Rate of Fire: Very Fast
Damage: Medium/High
Overall: *****

Rate of Fire: Slow
Damage: High
Overall: ****




CJayC- For accepting all of my FAQS, and for creating the best web site on
the net!

Expert Gamer- For the codes

Fear Effect Game Manual- For the character info

Me- For making this FAQ! :p




Shameless Self-Promotion: Other FAQs by me:
-Ape Escape
-Brave Fencer Musashi
-Crash Team Racing
-Gran Turismo 2
-Hot Shots Golf 2
-Medal Of Honor
-NBA Live 2000
-Need for Speed: High Stakes
-Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
-R4: Ridge Racer Type 4
-Syphon Filter 2

-NBA Live 2000
-Mario Party 2

-Crazy Taxi
-Hydro Thunder
-MDK 2
-Sega GT: Homologation Special
-Sega Rally 2
-Sega Swirl
-Resident Evil Code: Veronica


My website: http://www.geocities.com/i_am_nemesis_99
E-Mail Address: nemesis@flipmode.com


Types I WILL accept:
- Small questions that are NOT answered in the FAQ
- Comments
- Any types of contributions that can be HELPFUL to others
- Corrections for this FAQ
- Any mail asking if you can use this FAQ on your website. Read the
Legal Stuff section for all the details.

Types I will NOT accept:
- Hate mail
- Small contributions that will NOT help anyone
- Chain letters
- Any mail that is in ALL CAPS
- Any mail that demands an answer
- Mail asking me to send you this FAQ
- Unconstructive critism
- Any questions that are already answered in this FAQ

This document intellectual and legal property of...

"_____ __ _____ "
___ | / /___________ __________________(_)_______
__ |/ /_ _ \_ __ `__ \ _ \_ ___/_ /__ ___/
_ /| / / __/ / / / / / __/(__ )_ / _(__ )
/_/ |_/ \___//_/ /_/ /_/\___//____/ /_/ /____/

One final word:

"Don't Do Drugs!"

nd of Document~

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15.Октябрь 2013
Gespeichert am Anfang von Disc 4.

16.Октябрь 2013

11.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

11.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL mehrsprachige Version of die US NTSC Version CD 4.

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL mehrsprachige Version of die US NTSC Version CD 1,2 und 3.

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
22.Октябрь 2014
24.Февраль 2018
25.Июнь 2019
24.Июль 2014
24.Июль 2014