Fear Effect

Fear Effect

15.10.2013 19:04:07
This FAQ is Copyright 2001 by Phan Nguyen Khanh Dan


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Logo by : Phan Nguyen Khanh Dan "Mysticcat"


! RELEASED : February 2000 !


! FAQ Name : Fear Effect FAQ/Walkthrough !
! Author : Phan Nguyen Khanh Dan "Mysticcat" !
! Version : 3.0 !
! Contact author : kthoa@hcm.vnn.vn !
! Date : December 31st 2001 !


T.A.B.L.E. O.F. C.O.N.T.E.N.T.S.


1. Introduction.......................................Complete
2. Disclaimer / Legal Stuff...........................Complete
3. Update / Revision History..........................Complete
4. Controls...........................................Complete
5. Characters.........................................Complete
6. Weapons............................................Complete
7. Enemies............................................Complete
8. General Tips.......................................Complete
9. Storyline..........................................Complete
10. Walkthrough .......................................Complete
Part One : Lam Building
Part Two : The village
Part Three : Madam Chen's Hideout
Part Four : The Hell
Part Five : Battle of Destiny
11. Endings (Spoiler)..................................Complete
12. Cheats and Codes...................................Complete
13. Conclusion.........................................Complete
14. Credits / Special Thanks...........................Complete


1/ I N T R O D U C T I O N


Hi everybody ! I can't believe that this FAQ has been creating in the
end of this year 2001. Just tomorrow, we have entered the new year. I
promise that I will try to do my best with this guide, as a good
beginning of the new year to continue my "job" of writing FAQs.

This is Fear Effect FAQ/Walkthrough... Well, if you have enjoyed my
previous FAQs, you would know that I have already written a FAQ for part
two of this game Fear Effect 2 : Retro Helix. Maybe some people will ask
me why I reverse like this, why didn't make guide for the first Fear
Effect first. I'm willing to answer you that it was random. I have
picked up Fear Effect 2 while there was no PSX games attracted me. At
first, I just tended to play it for fun. But after playing, I have felt
that this game was better than I had expected. And then I not only
played for little fun...

After finishing and making guide for Fear Effect 2, I have tried to
find out about the first Fear Effect just to enjoy another interest. And
I know it's not a reverse when I played Fear Effect 2 first. The first
game is just a sequel of the newer Fear Effect. So then I can continue
the story of this great series without being confused by the true
reverse. I have got Fear Effect and have been playing it. Although it's
not as good as Fear Effect 2, it's still worth playing and I decide to
make a guide for it, because this is my "life".

Well, thank you for reading my introduction. Before entering the
guide, please take a look at Disclaimer and Update.


2/ D I S C L A I M E R


Well then, just like all other FAQs, this one also needs a security to
prevent plagiarism.
- At first, this FAQ can't be used, copied or altered without its
author's permission. If you want to do anything on it or use it in your
Websites, email Mysticcat at kthoa@hcm.vnn.vn. I'd like to answer "Yes"
if you are polite to me. So please don't do drugs.
- Furthermore, this FAQ must be used for NON-PROFIT only. I don't allow
anyone to use it to sell as their "own" strategy guide, gifts,
magazines, etc. Generally, this FAQ isn't allowd to use for earning
money. I have made it to serve players without benefit, so you can't get
money on my work.

Current sites available with this FAQ :


I have been a contributor of GameFAQs site for a long time, and all my
newest guide, including this one, are sent to this site. Any sites using
this guide with permission, should check GameFAQs frequently to get its
update or latest versions, because I have no time to send it to each of
you. Thank you.

And sorry for being rude.


3/ U P D A T E / R E V I S I O N H I S T O R Y


- Version 1.0 (December 31st 2001)
FAQ started
Beginning of every FAQ makers...


- Version 1.5 (January 1st 2002)
Planned more sections.
I have found many game shark codes of this game, and change the name
of Section 12 into "Cheats and Codes", not just "Cheats".


- Version 2.0
Walkthrough repaired and finished.
FAQ/Walkthrough mostly completed.


- Version 2.5
"Endings" and "Cheats and Codes" finished.
FAQ/Walkthrough basically completed.


- Version 3.0
Repair mistakes, added more info and missing enemies.


4/ C O N T R O L S


Fear Effect gives you three control types that you can pick the best
one for yourself. Later, Kronos has given the choices of Classic and 3D
control to Fear Effect 2 for you to have your style of playing. But now
you must accept the current configurations of this Fear Effect.

Start button : Pause/skip cinematics


Up : Walk forward
Down : Walk backwards
Left : Turn left
Right : Turn right

Triangle : Action/Select weapon and item
Cross : Fire/Quick draw
Circle : Inventory back
Square : Inventory forward

L1 : Quick turn 180 degrees
L2 : Evade/Dodge
R1 : Run
R2 : Crouch


Up : Walk forward
Down : Walk backwards
Left : Turn left
Right : Turn right

Triangle : Inventory forward
Cross : Fire/Quick draw
Circle : Inventory back
Square : Action/Select weapon and item

L1 : Run
L2 : Crouch
R1 : Quick turn 180 degrees
R2 : Evade/Dodge


Up : Walk forward
Down : Walk backwards
Left : Turn left
Right : Turn right

Triangle : Inventory forward
Cross : Fire/Quick draw
Circle : Inventory back
Square : Action/Select weapon and item

L1 : Quick turn 180 degrees
L2 : Evade/Dodge
R1 : Run
R2 : Crouch


Up : Quick turn 180 degrees
Down : Walk backwards
Left : Turn left
Right : Turn right

Triangle : Action/Select weapon and item
Cross : Fire/Quick draw
Circle : Inventory back
Square : Inventory forward

L1 : Crouch
L2 : Evade/Dodge
R1 : Walk forward
R2 : Run


5/ C H A R A C T E R S


There's a pity that Rain Qin is absent in Fear Effect although she has
been a playable character in the prequel Fear Effect 2. I'm fond of her.


Sex : Female
Height : 178cm
Weight : 57kg
Place of Birth : Hongkong
Raised and trained in the Province Military Theater, Hana is an
expert Covert Operative who specializes in infiltration. She is fluent
in the many varied dialects of the Chinese Republic. A world-class
marksman and driver, Hana is part French and part Chinese. Her orphan
upbringing conditioned Hana to be distant to those that she does not
know, and to be careful of whom she will trust. Hana and Glas have
worked together before, when Hana was doing freelance work for the
French government. A beautiful woman, Hana lives life with passion and
takes life without reservation.


Sex : Male
Height : 188cm
Weight : 95kg
Place of Birth : California, USA
Roycle Glas is ex-military. He is a highly decorated vet of a number
of conflicts that are officially denied by the US Government. Currently
a gun for hire, Glas operates on the edge of the law and will kill in
defense of himself or of his mission without hesitation. Although he is
driven by his own sense of honour, he also takes on dangerous
assignments because he needs the money. Respected by his team, Glas is
fearless, stoic and cunning. He is not your classic burnout, but he's
close. He can easily adapt to situational changes. Those who have
underestimated him usually find themselves resting peacefully under the


Sex : Male
Height : 183cm
Weight : 118kg
Place of Birth : New Australia
Please, just call him Deke.
Deke walks the fine line between aggressive and psychotic. A large,
brooding man, Deke is attractive to women, but not a pretty boy. Deke
enjoys his work immensely, through he remains haunted by the demons of
the numerous men and women he has killed. A long-time friend of Glas,
Deke is an expert in explosives and weapons. Working with Deke is like
making a deal with the devil : he's extremely effective, but he leaves a
wide wake of carnage and bloodshed. Unlike Glas, Deke is not
professionally trained. Instead, he honed his talents during many range
wars that until recently plagued New Australia.



Wee Ming is the enigmatic daughter of Mr.Lam. Having led a sheltered,
priviledged existence, little is known of Wee Ming. It is rumoured by
Mr.Lam's bodyguards that she has such an etheral beauty they are
required to turn away from Wee Ming when she enters a room, less that be
tempted by her charms. Wee Ming's incursion into the Shan Xi
Protectorate is the catalyst for out team's adventure. She holds the key
to the excitement, mystery and terror that follows.


Anyone who have played FE2 before this game, would know its true
ending : Every characters are alive, but Yim Lau Wong began a funny
laughter... What did he mean ? It's funny that the answer had been in
this first Fear Effect.
He is the King who governs the dead people in his land : the Hell. He
plans to raise the ultimate evil to the earth, by cleaning the planet
with barbaric and fear. Wee Ming, and maelstorm of Shan Xi, are all his
triumphs. What will he do next ?...


6/ W E A P O N S


No weapon equipped and no need to say anything.

(Why don't they use bare-hands ?)
Just like the veteran knife of Resident Evil series, these weapons are
always your standard weapons and your first choice when running out of
ammo. They can be used in short range. You can use it as a temporary
choice to save your life from enemies when you have no ammo. But it's
almost useless if you want to use it as a main weapon during the game.

Ammo used : Pistol Ammo
An ordinary handgun that is used like Resident Evil, shooting single
shots with justified power. This is also the most simple gun the game
can give you in each mission. Unlike Fear Effect 2, you use this gun as
often as your life in the first time when you have no other choice.
Sometimes you're forced to use it to deal with bosses. It's a pain for
those who are not expert players. But you will be able to do that if you
try. Just keep your calmness and get acquainted with it like you did in
Resident Evil (except you haven't played this series too).

Ammo used : Pistol Ammo
It holds three bullets each time with straight and stronger shot than
regular Pistol. This is a weapon for Deke only in the game. Although
it's stronger than regular Pistol, it becomes inconvenient with slow
shot and small capacity that wastes time to reload.

Ammo used : Pistol Ammo
You have this weapon when you collect two similar Pistols. Jusr like
the single one, but you hold the two and shoot at the same time, like
the M-100P in Resident Evil Code Veronica, with double power compared
with single Pistol. Currently, this weapon can be useful when you don't
have many weapons to choose.

Ammo used : Pistol Ammo
Deke's weapon, made by two single Shot Pistols with double power.

Ammo used : Auto Ammo
It's very the Uzi handgun in Fear Effect 2 which shoots auto shots
repeatedly and continually. A Hach. Pistol holds 15 bullets each time
and casts them all just for a very short time. That means it takes you a
while to reload the gun. This is not convenient when fighting enemies
which is hard for you to waste time reloading. But its power is not bad,
and it's the better choice than Pistols when you have no more weapons.
It can knock out the enemies faster than a Pistol does.

Ammo used : Auto Ammo
Made from two single Hach. Pistol with double power.

Ammo used : Rifle Ammo
It holds 38 Bullets each time. Like the Machine Gun of Resident Evil,
you use Assault Rifle to finish an enemy quickly without being hit by
them. Some of the enemies can immune to them. It can be used to defeat
dangerous enemies and bosses who attack continuosly and tremendously.
The advantage is that the Assault Rifle can stun the opponents for its
continuous shots and you can strike them until they die. Rifle Ammo is
pretty popular to find.

Ammo used : Rifle Ammo
Similar to Assault Rifle, but it is made with a better shape, less-
sounded and fast-shot.

Ammo used : Shot Shells
Along with Assault Rifle, Shotgun is a standard weapon of all playable
characters. It can be used to knock group of enemies, but the power is
not really strong. But it's very great for you to use with regular


7/ E N E M I E S


Enemies in Fear Effect are not as various as FE2. But at least they
are more lively and real than some other action games, such as Parasite
Eve series.

Location : Lam Building
Madam Chen's Hideout
Weapon : Pistol Handgun
Frequent dropped Items : Pistol Ammo, Auto Ammo, Rifle Ammo
You meet several of these guys in the Lam Building in the beginning of
the game. They protect the building from strangers' invasion, but I
think they are not good people. Just four correct handgun shots can
knock them out. You should shoot while crouching, cause you may kill
them before they crouch to shoot you. It's better to use sneak kill, by
going with crouch position. They can't spot you if you move like that,
except they see you by their eyes. Just don't stand in front of them.
It's good to attack from their back.

Location : Madam Chen's hideout
Weapon : Pistol Handgun
Frequent dropped items : Pistol Ammo
These guys are Madam Chen's guards in her hideout. Basically they are
similar to the black guards, but wiser at moving and evading to avoid
your shots. But you still can kill them easily when you have practised.

Location : Lam Building
Weapon : Assault Rifle
Frequent dropped Item : Rifle Ammo
You meet several of these guys after the disappointed appearance of
black guys in the Lam Building. They are sent to explore what happened
after your joke. Their weapons are mainly Assault Rifles. Just like
fighting the black guys, you use sneak kill with them.

Location : The village
Weapon : Knife
Frequent dropped item : None
They are the villagers who are caused demons by "blood" from Wee Ming
- the mysterious woman who is your target in this game. Wee Ming found a
body of a boy whose leg had been cut and brought him to the village.
Then the tragedy has begun. The men in the village touched the blood,
turned into demons like zombies. The others alive thought that it's all
because of Wee Ming. Anyway, this is still a mystery.
Well, these guys are just the same as the numskulls of Resident Evil.
They look like drunk people, holding a knife and cut dispiritedly. You
can easily knock them out by usual weapons. But don't let them surround
you. Sometimes they appear as a dead body who would wake up when you
pass them. So be very careful with any of them.

Location : The village
Weapon : Assault Rifle
Frequent dropped item : Rifle Ammo
These soldiers are sent to the village to rescue the villagers from
the demons. But they are afraid of the zombies and don't dare find any
of the survivors. They forbid anyone to come to their hideout, or that
person will be punished by weapons. They are similar to Lam Building
Soldiers, but in different uniform and tougher. You can attack them by
what you have, even the knife if you run out of ammo.

Location : The village
Weapon : Pair of fatal crescents
Frequent dropped item : Rifle Ammo
Maybe they are some kinds of messengers from hell. These guys appear
to warn the characters to stay away from Wee Ming because she belongs to
them. No need to say, just take them out by Assault Rifle. They seem
danger when attacking in short range, but they are all useless when you
take them out by Assault Rifle from a far distance. Just kill them as
soon as possible before they dash to you. Their advantages are the
ability to "teleport" and fast movements.

Location : The Hell
Weapon : Pair of fatal crescents
Frequent dropped items : Paper Assault Ammo, Paper Machine Ammo
Mostly the same as Black Acrobats, but a little tougher and they are

Location : Madam Chen's Hideout
Weapon : Claw
Frequent dropped items : None
They are basically human who are Madam Chen's hookers working for her.
But after Madam Chen shows her real form and kill Deke, his blood casts
everywhere and Wee Ming touches the blood. Just like the tragedy in the
village, all the hookers around are turned into demons. They attack
oeople by scratching, extremely fast and violent.

Location : The Hell
Weapon : None
Frequent dropped items : Paper Pistol Ammo, Paper Machine Ammo
They are the spirits of dead people sent to Yim Lau Wong's hell. They
move by flying around and attacks by striking ; pretty danger when
attacking in group. Just take them out by what you have, and kill them
immediately, before the others can come to confuse you.

Location : The Hell
Weapon : None
Frequent dropped item : Paper Pistol Ammo, Paper Machine Ammo
No, not the three-headed Cerberus in Greek tales. This is the name I
just call those hell dogs. They are pretty fast moving and attack by
scratching and biting. You must be fast in your action to kill them.

Location : The Brothel
Weapon : None
Frequent dropped item : Paper Pistol Ammo
They are Demon Lam's supporters in the final battle of Hana. They
annoy you desperately by fly very fast that it's easy to miss them while
shooting. You may need to kill some of them to save yourself from being
damaged too much.

Location : The Brothel
Weapon : None
Frequent dropped item : Paper Pistol Ammo, Paper Assault Ammo
They are the snakes cast by Wee Ming to annoy you and prevent her from
your hits. These guys dash in double or triple and they just strike and
strike you.


8/ G E N E R A L T I P S


I have advised this very carefully in Fear Effect 2 guide. But now I
must do the same care to help people who begins with this game. For me,
I think that Fear Effect is harder than Fear Effect 2 about this.
This ECG - Fear Level is not only your health, it is so-called your
Fear. There are three colours as its three levels of fear :
Fine - Green
Middle - Yellow and Orange
Danger - Red
When you are in ordinary state and you haven't fought any enemies yet,
your Fear Level keeps fine. But when you are in an area of enemies, the
Fear Level appears on the top of the screen, gradually turn to worse
colour as well as the faster sound of thumping heart. The Fear Level is
damaged when your characters "fear". "Fear" not only means being hit,
but also the characters feel nervous with enemies' appearance. When you
are out of Danger limit, you die.

The real factor is that there's no item to heal your ECG. You should
remember that your life is measured by a thing called "Fear Level", not
"health". You restore it by tranquilizing your state, called "Rush
Moment". You yourself can heal your characters by avoiding more hit
percentage or go to another place with no enemies which doesn't often
heal fully. But "Rush Moments" given by the game are different: There is
a blue flashing through your ECG which gives you the fullest level. This
full treatment often (not always) appears :
- When you begin a boss fight
- When you finish a boss fight
- When you switch to another character
- When you have completed some major missions
If you are not in any of above cases and your Fear Level is red, you
know that just one or two more hits will kill you, this will be a hard
situation requiring your greatest careful and your mind to decide to
keep playing or not. Just like Fear Effect 2, you can cause miracles
even you are going to die. When your Fear Level is dark orange of soft
red, and you fight another enemy, try to kill him WITHOUT being hit. As
I said, each time you fight an enemy, the little rush moment will appear
to heal you a little. When you finish him without being damaged and
receive the rush moment, it culd heal you a little more than the
previous state. Just continue to fight like that, your ECG will be
healed gradually and you can return to your fine state until some
moment. I feel that the ECG in FE seems more sensitive than the one in
FE2, so be careful whenever you enter a fight.

Attacking enemies is the evident work you must do with the foes. But
you will never survive long with it only. Dodging or avoiding is a very
important work while fighting and Fear Effect has given you a large
system to avoid enemies by many ways. Depending on your situations and
your enemies, choose the best way to avoid. If you are too familiar with
playing Resident Evil with unlimited ammo, so now change it. Fear Effect
2 seems easier about this, but in Fear Effect, sometimes you are forced
to situations that dodging is more important than your life. So please
practice these dodging skill if you want to play through this game.

In Resident Evil, most of the areas you come and the things you see
are almost important with clues and puzzles. But in Fear Effect 2, some
rooms that are shown to have nothing, or you can abandon some taking
places when you have known what next to do without passing it.

Better than attaking officially. As I said, enemies in Fear Effect are
mostly aware of environments (they are not stupid and dispirited as the
zombies of Resident Evil). When you attack them, they will deal with you
as you did. So it's a good plan to beat them up creepily before they
could argue with you. Crouching is a good way to do sneak kill because
the enemy won't recognize while you are moving in crouch position. Just
KEEP pressing Crouch button + Directional Buttons.

You know the Save Point by the notice in the bottom right of the
screen. In this game, just an ordinary enemy can also be a boss, because
you must fight with your Fear Level which is sensitively lost, and your
enemies are not vulgar, attacking desperately, especially when you are
new players. A rule to play Fear Effect series, even 1 or 2 : Save
frequently, save repeatedly, save everytime you have finished a step,
even it's just a small step, because you can be killed anytime and it'll
be a pain to replay again. About how to save, just step on the Save
Point. Then open your inventory, using the Cellular Phone. You'll be
asked to save or not.

You have three playable characters : Hana, Glas and Deke. Not like
some common games, these three will be switched repeatedly, as the
process is continueing to that one. Once you switch, I suggest you
should save. You can't anticipate what will happen with the other
characters. Your switched characters will be restored all Fear Level.


9/ S T O R Y L I N E


* From Eidos Interactive

When the daughter of a powerful Chinese business man disappears into
the hedonistic and dangerous Shan Xi Protectorate under mysterious
circumstances, our team of specialists infiltrate the city and attempt
to reach her first, hoping to leverage her safety for a sizable pile of
cash. We will have to search, destroy and fire-fight our way through the
archaic chaos of an alternate reality China and its inhabitants. Along
the way, we will be constantly challenged by the henchmen of the girl's
father who have no intention of letting us to get her first.

But what begins as a mercenary snatch and grab to retrieve a young
runaway instead becomes a mission more perilous and important than any
other that we could have imagined : a battle for the survival of the
planet against the King of Hell and his minions. For the deeper we delve
into the interior of the world, the more we discover that Shan Xi is
more than a claustrophobic enclave of villainy... it is also the literal
Gate to Hell.

And using Shan Xi as a staging ground, the King of Hell plans to
release the ultimate evil upon the earth... the purification of the
planet by cleansing fire. We must stop him and discover the truth behind
by seemingly innocent girl who is herself hiding a secret so terrible
that many will die before it is revealed. We're gonna need plenty of
skill, plenty of luck and plenty of ammunition.


10/ W A L K T H R O U G H


- Fear Effect is a game covered by a complex system of puzzles and
situations. Some of them are hard to solve and make you die always. I
will put them in own frames symbolized by "-----" to notice you.


Disc 1
Enemies : Black Guards, Military Soldiers
Items : Fuse, Gate Key, Red Keycard, Locker Key, Blue Keycard,
Wire Cutter, Explosive, Sign Key, Pipe


Hana is flying with Glas in a helicopter about Hongkong. She wonders
about Jin, then they decide to get off on the Lam Building to find him.
You begin with Hana.


Run to the back of the helicopter. There's a hidden Save Point near
the tail. Use it if you want. Then check the area and find a red device.
Push the switch to move the lift. Now Hana and Glas are separated and
you must go alone.

Equip your 90. Pistol. Then go sneakly (Crouch Button + Directional
Button). There are two black guards. Knock them out with your Pistol.
Then collect ammo from their bodies. Go inside, you'll find a dead end
with a ladder and a glass window. Examine the glass window, then control
Hana to shoot it. Once you broke it, you get inside. Find and grab the
Fuse, then grab the lever if you like (^_^)

Get out of the area, and now climb up the ladder. Your feet sound can
make the guard below alert. If you hurry to climb down, he may spot you
and shoot you, then the game is over. So then...

You must deceive him to look at another direction instead of the
ladder. It's better to make him pay attention to the direction which is
the opposite of the ladder. There are many ways to do this. You can run
without crouching on the top to make him hear your sound, or shoot a
random shot to a random direction. All the sounded actions can confuse
him. But when you descend, you must be sure that he will pay attention
to the other direction for a long time which is enough for you to
execute. If not, sometimes he can catch you while you're climbing, and
then everything is over. So then you must be very careful to act this
When you get down safely, kill him up with your pistol, grabbing Gate
Key and some ammo.

Run to the right, use the Gate Key to open the gate. Go sneakly and
finish the two guards here. Then you enter the office by Red Keycard you
collected from the enemies. There's another guard here to. Just kill him
out and save here if you like.

Check the current video, you see Jin who is in a very "wonderful"
situation and he needs your help. After that, you get out of the room.

There are several guards around here. Be patient to go sneakly, then
you can kill them safely. The first one you killed will drop the Hach.
Pistol. Steal it and equip soon. Check this circular hall. You can find
a lift that has no power. Remember it, then pass the fan to a blue area.
There are many guards here. If you fear, just equip the Hach. Pistol and
kill them as fast as you can. It's not so hard if you can keep your
calmness. Remember this blue area too, it'll be your puzzle. Then pass
it and go to the storeroom. Kill the guards here. Then grab the Locker
Key next to the stocks.

Return to the office and find the locker number 67. You will get Blue
Keycard and a 90. Pistol. Now you have Double 90. Pistol. (Here I want
to remind you to use the regular Pistol or Double Pistols to kill these
weak guards, don't use the Hach. Pistol or Double one because you'll
need them for the next boss fight. Try to save Auto Ammo as much as you

You can find a slide-down path next to the entrance. Just get down in
sneak position, there are three guards wandering there. Equip the Double
Pistol, knock them from the slide path that can save you from some
little shots. After that, go down to the ground and find a fuse box.
Access the Fuse in it. The power has been supplied and the lift is
operated. Go up the slide path and get to the blue area. Oh no, all the
guards who were passing this blue area were killed by the electricity
from the metal planks on the ground caused by the supplied power. And
then you are not an exception if you are careless.

Damn these planks made by metal ! Now you must use all your
carefulness to pass this little "hell". The shortest path is passing the
three planks in the middle. You are on the left side and you begin with
the left plank.
When you first get in, the left plank is fine while the central and
the right ones are being electrified. Step on the left one.
Now it's your time to pass as fast as you can. You can be killed
instantly. It has taken me 20 times to pass this hell safely. The
central plank will turn fine and the left one you are stepping on begins
to be electrfied. Run, run to the center as soon as possible. This is
the hardest part in this siuation.
Now no need to worry. The central plank and the right plank can be
fine at the same time, then you can take the rest easily. Get out and
back to the circular hall.

Now you get on the lift which has been operated and go down.

Check the box near the huge fans to get Wire Cutter. Then go inside to
a fan hallway. You can find a locked door that can't be opened now. Just
ignore it and continue. There is a guard at the entrance. Just take him
out as usual. Then go in and face another guy (all are numskulls !).

In the end, you find a door locked by Blue Keycard and a Save Point in
front of it. Save here. Then use the card to unlock. You'll get a full
Rush Moment. Jin is tied and the enemies force tie him with the bomb.
Their boss has got away when Hana comes, then you must fight the
servants. Use your Double Pistol armed at the first two guys and kill
them easily. Then with the last one who is standing next to Jin, you
should use the single Pistol for safety. Because if your shot suddenly
flies to Jin, the bomb will be exploded and game over.

The defeated guards remain some Pistol Ammo and a Hach. Pistol. Get
them, you have the Double Hach. Pistol. After knocking off the guards,
talk to Jin. Let's see how the guy fears. After that, you have 5 minutes
to take out the bomb from Jin.

You use the Wire Cutter to disarm the bomb. The bomb has three buttons
as the junctions of the wires. Just a wrong cut of yours can kill Jin at
once and game over. So be careful and do as my guide :

________ ________ ________
! __ !___R____! __ !___R____! __ !
! /1 \ !___Y____! /2 \ !___Y____! /3 \ !
! \__/ !___B____! \__/ !___B____! \__/ !
!________! !________! !________!
! ! ! ! ! !
! ! !________________Y_______________! ! !
! !__________________R_________________! !

1 : Red button
2 : Purple button
3 : Green button
R : Red wire
Y : Yellow wire
B : Blue wire

You press a button, then cut the right wires of that button. If you
do wrong, the bomb will explode at once.
+ Red button : Cut the Yellow and Red wire.
+ Purple button : Cut the Blue and Red wire.
+ Green button : Cut the Blue and Yellow wire.

Jin is rescued and tells Hana what she needs. But then the black boss
who has got away now gets back and gives Jin a shock... Jin was thrown
to the window, and Hana pursues the black boss... But she fails.

The black boss has got up by the lift and you must find another way to
chase after him. Hana has taken the Explosive from Jin. So now you find
the first door which was locked, use the Explosive to destroy it.
Remember, GET AWAY WHEN THE BOMB EXPLODES or you'll killed with no need
to say.

Then you get in the new area. You realize that this is the room where
you put the Fuse. From here, you can return to the storeroom, and then
to the circular hallway. Don't worry about the blue area. It isn't
electrified anymore when the lift has been wrecked. Go to check the
circular hallway, you'll find that the lift has no one there. And now
check the small room next to the office door. You will find a ladder
that didn't appear when you first got here. Descend it and save, because
you are going to engage a boss fight. There are two guards wandering
outside. Knock them all and you get Auto Ammo from them. Now you stop
for a while and take a look at the neon signs. Try to remember the
Chinese letters and their order. It's a puzzle too. Then you can get in
the path. Equip the double Hach. Pistol.

You must have at least 55 bullets of Auto Ammo to complete this fight
When you have just got in, the boss is busy with something and he will
welcome you soon with a Hach. Pistol. And you, I remind you to stand at
the entrance and crouch. It must be a far distance between you and the
boss. Wait until the boss has completely engaged, shoot him continuously
with the Double Hach. Pistol. Don't dodge or do anything, just shoot. If
you have enough ammo, I assure you can survive this battle without
dodging or doing anything. This is my chart :

!! !
!! ____ ____ B !
!! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! ! !
!! !____! !____! !
!! H !
!!______________________ !

H : Hana
B : Black Boss

So then good luck !


After the fight, you get the Sign Key from the boss. About the Hach.
Pistol he dropped, I remind you not to grab it now. Because you'll need
it just after this incident. Please do as I tell you. I assure that you
don't lose anything. Then you check the left machine which the boss has
done something with it, you'll be asked with a puzzle :

Jin had revealed Hana about this puzzle before he was thrown away. The
screen has four random Chinese letters and you have the mission to re-
arrange the code. Remember, the code is very the neon signs you saw
outside. You use directional buttons to solve this puzzle :
Up and Down : Change the letter.
Right and Left : Move to another letter.
When you see a letter that is wrong, just change it. Then if you want
to arrange another letter, move the frame to that letter and change.
This is the order :

_|_ _|_ /-|--- /\ _\!_!/_
|/ | |_|/ _/ |\_ _\_/_
/|\ /|\ | | / | | -!_
| \ |/|_/ _|_|__ /!\

After arrange them in correct order, you push Fire button at each of
the letter to access.

Hana gets the flash disc. But she is trapped at once...


Glas has got back to find Hana. Save at the same place if you want.
Like Hana did, you find the red device and push it. But then Glas is
attacked by a helicopter. The helicopter shoots at where Glas is, making
the place explode in a field of fire.

When you take control of Glas again, take him to the ladder and go up
as soon as possible. If you're slow, you'll be exploded into pieces.

After that, equip the Double Pistol. You are in the way where Hana
was, but instead of black guards, the soldiers are around here. Just
take them out by your weapons. Then collect the Rifle Ammo. Although now
you don't have Assault Rifle, those ammo will be useful for you later.

You get to the glass window where Hana examined and climb up the

The helicopter will fire once you touch the top. When you are
climbing, don't stand on the top of you will be shot. Just hang on the
ladder, wait until the helicopter shoots from the top to the below
ground, then you stand up as the helicopter has gone for a while. Run
quickly to the next ladder as the helicopter returns. Descend as soon as
possible. If you do promptly, Glas will take the rest and he survives.

Save here if you want. Then you grab the Pipe in the fire. Go around
to find a gas tank. Use the Pipe to broke it. Then you shoot it to
explode. Remember, STAY AWAY AFTER SHOOTING or you'll die soon. Then
Glas will get a great travel in the air...


Hana is conquered by the soldier, but then she reversed by a "great"
kick to his "weakness", and he drops a knife. If you have got the Hach.
Pistol from the Black Boss, now your only choice is to pick up the knife
and kill the soldier with it (because your weapons are all taken away).
But if you still remained the Hach. Pistol, now just pick it up and
knock out the soldier easily.

After that, grab his Assault Rifle if you like. Then go out, knock out
the guys outside and climb up the ladder. You have a precious occasion
to talk to dear Mr.Lam...


Glas drops to a huge pipe system with heat inside (don't know what
these things are used for). The heat can be made hot repeatedly and you
can only pass the pipes in ordinary state. If you step on it while it is
hot, you can be killed by its high temperature.

Wait until the pipes are back to ordinary state, run quickly, forward
the front way to a valve handle in the next area. Now you turn the valve
handle to change the heat area. And then prepare to another passion. The
heat direction is changed. When the pipes are in ordinary state, run as
quickly as you can and turn right (Glas' left) as soon as possible. Then
you stay at the right part which does not have heat anf wait for another
heat rising. Then dash to the farther pipe then it's back to ordinary
You are taken to the next area with a long heat pipe. But there's a
small pipe interrupting the long one. Just wait until it's ordinary, you
quickly run forward and turn to the small pipe to save (You must save
!). Equip your Double Pistol here. Then do the same action to go to the
end of the pipe.

A cut-scene appears and you must fight a boss :

In the beginning of the battle, you are in the right side of the area.
Try to grab the Pistol Ammo in front of you. I remind you to get it,
because later you can run out of ammo...
Back to the fight. After you get the ammo, dodge to the right side to
evade the helicopter's shot. When the helicopter touches the two flying
banners, you arm correctly at them and shoot. The dropping banner will
fly to the helicopter and spoils it. But it hasn't been defeated yet.
Now you run to the left side and do the same. Remember getting the ammo
here too. Then shoot the banners when the helicopter flies to them. This
banner will finish this tough boss.

After that, Glas jumps to the room where Jin was tied and now you must
find Hana soon. Get out and save.

There are two soldiers in the fan way. Just use sneak kill with your
Double Pistols. Then run forward. You enter the place which was ruined
by Hana. There are several soldiers and you should estimate your ammo. I
assure that some of you don't have enough ammo to attack anymore. Now
practice to be a good evader. Just pass them and go up the slide path as
soon as possible. You just get at least two shots here. Then two other
soldiers are waiting in the end of the slide path. Just ignore and dash
outside. If you do well, they won't chase you anymore, except you get
back. You have saved some ammo from that difficult passing, and now you
must face three other soldiers around the circular hallway. Use the ammo
you save to take them out. Because this is not a good place for you to
avoid. I assure that you can die by desperating to evade in this place.
So it's the best to kill all the soldiers.

Get down the ladder where Hana is caught. Mr.Lam is asking her about
what Jin told her. But then Glas has played a joke with them. Hana
luckily catches a pistol from enemies. And now, while Glas is taking the
shooting soldiers, Hana must tend to outside to fight another
helicopter. The main target is the guy on the helicopter who is shooting
the characters too.

Just remember this rule. Hana is standing at the left wall. When the
helicopter shooter shoots, she can be safe behind that wall. But if the
shooter stops shooting, the inside soldiers will shoot to the wall. That
means you nust dodge to either sides depending on the situation.

General tactic : In this battle, the Evade button is your friend. When
the helicopter shooter attacks, you dodge to the left and when he stops,
you dodge to the right. Just shoot him whenever the target is shown. Now
use this General Tactic to execute one of these ways to kill the boss :

- Tactic #1 (Ordinary tactic): Choose the moment when the helicopter
shooter stops shooting, you dash around to grab ammo. Then execute the
general tactic to kill the boss.

- Tactic #2 (Easier tactic) : You use this when you have had the Hach.
Pistol you used to kill the soldier who caught you. You don't need to
desperate to grab the ammo around. Just execute the general tactic and
shoot the boss until you're run out of ammo. Then exchange the Hach.
Pistol and play the finishing blast to him. I warranty he will be
defeated immediately.

This fight is pretty hard. But you will be able to pass it if you try.
Good luck again !

After that, Hana jumps to the helicopter, killing the pilot and takes
the control...


You receive a Rush Moment. Now just run forward to the south, run
until the "Use" note is shown on the bottom screen. Press the Action
button, Glas will hold the chopper tail and Hana takes him away safely.

Hana and Glas find Deke and they talk about the next mission. But it
seems that someone wants to destroy their plan...


Disc 2
Enemies : Village Zombies, Military Soldiers, Black Acrobats
Items : Wet Towel, Po Mon Key, Ladder Access Card, Xi Mon Key,
Train Key, Truck Key.


The characters are in a ship to the village. Let's, Miss Hana doesn't
get clothes and she just has a Wet Towel on her body (>_<). Deke
suddenly sees Wee Ming while driving. When they have just got off, the
two men, Glas and Deke hurries to chase Wee Ming, while Hana is alone,
surrounded by Village Zombies...


There's a Save Point just at your position. Save if you want. Hm... to
get out of this surrounding, just quickly equip your Pistol (Now Hana
just has a Pistol, and a Hach. Pistol with a little ammo if you have got
it in previous scenario.) Use the Pistol to confuse the Village Zombies,
then run away to the fork road.

You all see that your ammo is very little in this scenario. I advise
you to avoid the zombies as much as you can, except the game forces you
to kill them. Because later you'll face Military Soldiers who can't be
avoided, and you need tons of ammo to deal with them. So please save as
much ammo as you could. If you want to defend, take out your knife.

Two other zombies block at the fork road too. Now you must kill these
guys anyway. Because this will cause a cut-scene for you to switch

Deke and Glas are chasing Wee Ming and they come to a fork road. Glas
will take the left path, and Deke checks the right (Deke's left).


You run to a house on the way. Then a cut-scene is shown. Deke faces a
stranger and pursues him. Before being popped by Deke, the stranger has
burnt a Paper Doll that surprised Deke. Then you take control of him and
fight two Village Zombies. After that, you take control Glas who is
stopped by many piles of fire.


Save before you pass this fire matrix :

It's not very easy, but not very hard. The fire rises up and
disappears gradually. Just wait until it COMPLETELY disappears, then
pass it. Of course, the appearance of the fire runs on an order that you
should find out before passing it. And I want to remind : When you
decide to pass, pass quickly as you can. Don't hesitate when you have
got your decision. You can run fast to make it when the fire rises so
fast. You will have to pass two camera angles of fire.

On the way, you may see some Village Zombies under the bridge. Just
ignore them and save your life from the fire first. A cit-scene will
appear when you finish, then you switch to Hana.


Now you get back to the fork road to determine your way. You run to
the area where Deke went. There would be some Village Zombies here. But
nothing in the house except some demons. Just pass it.

Continue your way. You go to another burning house, with two Village
Zombies inside. Kill them, and then grab the Po Mon Key. Now make your
way back to the fork road again. Run straight to the left path taking to
another house whose door is locked, with a lying zombie outside. He
won't wake up if you don't touch him. Then use the Po Mon Key to unlock
the door. You enter a little "hell"... Talk to the old woman. She will
tell you about the tragedy and the mystery of Wee Ming...

The old woman has mentioned about the Military train that can be used
to rescue villagers in this haunted village. Just head to the way after
the woman. A zombie may wake up to play with you. Get the 90. Pistol on
the ground if you like. Then go out.

Okay, there are two Military Soldiers outside. Just use the Double
Pistol to sneak kill them. Then head straight to the hideout. You may
see three soldiers guarding the area around the train. Just knock them
out by what you have. Then go inside, try to find a small way among a
lot of junks in the end... But Hana is suddenly conquered by a

DON'T MOVE... DON'T ACT... or he will shoot you to the death. Now
listen to me. Just open your inventory and choose "Wet Towel"... Oh no,
let's see what Hana does (>_<) !!! But then, Deke has come and played a
finishing blow to the "poor" soldier. Then Deke will take over the
train... But he is trapped either...


There are many soldiers wander around the place. They haven't
recognized you. Now equip your Double Shot Pistol. Then knock them all
out. You'll get tons of ammo after this exploring. There can be three or
four guys around. Just gradually kill them and you will get Assault
Rifle from one of them. There's a Save Point near a panel at a corner of
the room. Now check the room to find Shot Shells if you like, then find
a slide path taking up to the train.

There are three soldiers welcoming you when you just go up. Just take
your Assault Rifle and play a skilful touch. Then you go to the right
side of the train, kill two more soldiers (If you don't kill them now,
later they themselves will recognize you) and grab ammo. Now run to the
left side, play with two other soldiers and check the train carefully.
Til you find a train storage that can be entered, then Deke is locked by
a soldier. It's not over yet...

I don't know who this guy is and where he is from. But he attacks you
when you have just got in. You'll receive a full Rush Moment before
engaging the battle. Do your best with the Assault Rifle.
The opponent hides behind the boxes. You should attack in crouch
position if you can. He shoots you very tremendously. So when he does
that, just dodge to the right. Then quickly get yourself and continue to
attack. Try to dodge the shots as much as you can because they can
damage you very seriously.

After the fight, your reward is the wonderful HK V Assault. Now get
out and get revenge with the guys who locked you in. From one of them
you'll get Ladder Access Card. You go to the corner with the light in
the left side of the train. You must solve a puzzle. Use the Ladder
Access Card to begin :

You see a fuse box with many fuse holes and two movable fuses. Your
work is to move the fuses to right positions to lower the ladder.

Chart explanation :

XXXXXXX : blank hole

FFFFFFFFF : where you put the fuse

BEFORE DO THE STEPS. If not, you'll be damaged.

- 1st step : You provide power to Lock 3.

!~~~~~~~~~~~! !~~~~~~~~~~~! !~~~~~~~~~~~!
!~~~~~~~~~~~! !-----------! !~~~~~~~~~~~!
!~~~~~~~~~~~! !-----------! !~~~~~~~~~~~!
! ALARM ! ! LOCK 1 ! ! FILTER !
!~~~~~~~~~~~! !~~~~~~~~~~~! !~~~~~~~~~~~!
!~~~~~~~~~~~! !~~~~~~~~~~~! !~~~~~~~~~~~!
! CENSOR ! ! LOCK 2 ! ! WATER !
!~~~~~~~~~~~! !~~~~~~~~~~~! !~~~~~~~~~~~!
!~~~~~~~~~~~! !~~~~~~~~~~~! !~~~~~~~~~~~!
! LADDER ! ! LOCK 3 ! ! HEAT !
!~~~~~~~~~~~! !-----------! !~~~~~~~~~~~!
!~~~~~~~~~~~! !-----------! !~~~~~~~~~~~!
! FAN ! ! LOCK 4 ! ! PUMP !
!~~~~~~~~~~~! !~~~~~~~~~~~! !~~~~~~~~~~~!

- 2nd step : Lower the ladder.

!~~~~~~~~~~~! !~~~~~~~~~~~! !~~~~~~~~~~~!
!~~~~~~~~~~~! !-----------! !~~~~~~~~~~~!
!~~~~~~~~~~~! !-----------! !~~~~~~~~~~~!
! ALARM ! ! LOCK 1 ! ! FILTER !
!~~~~~~~~~~~! !~~~~~~~~~~~! !~~~~~~~~~~~!
!~~~~~~~~~~~! !~~~~~~~~~~~! !~~~~~~~~~~~!
! CENSOR ! ! LOCK 2 ! ! WATER !
!~~~~~~~~~~~! !~~~~~~~~~~~! !~~~~~~~~~~~!
!~~~~~~~~~~~! !~~~~~~~~~~~! !~~~~~~~~~~~!
! LADDER ! ! LOCK 3 ! ! HEAT !
!~~~~~~~~~~~! !-----------! !~~~~~~~~~~~!
!~~~~~~~~~~~! !-----------! !~~~~~~~~~~~!
! FAN ! ! LOCK 4 ! ! PUMP !
!~~~~~~~~~~~! !~~~~~~~~~~~! !~~~~~~~~~~~!

Then the ladder is lowered.


You climb up the ladder, then remember to save. Now you are a great
fighter : Fighting on the ceiling (^_^).

When you go, you'll be faced by a lot of black acrobats from Hell :
"Wee Ming belongs to us...". Just stand to stay at a position and shoot
them with your Assault Rifle or HK V Assault. They are not hard to kill,
just don't let them come too close to you. Remember that you are on the
ceiling, you can fall down (and game over) whenever you run out of the
bars. That's the reason why I told you to stay in a position while
fighting. Now you have nothing to do, just carefully go around the
ceiling and fight the acrobats, until a cut-scene appears when Deke says


Glas has caught Wee Ming, but then the girl escapes while he is
surrounded by Village Zombies. Just shoot them all. You'll be back to
the fork road again. Just shoot the village zombies around, until a cut-
scene of Glas appears, and you switch to Hana...


Hana is still in the military area. But she has got the costume from
the "poor" soldier to "cover" her "fatal body". Save here before you
play. At this time, maybe some players have ran out of ammo. If that's
true, try to do your best with the Knife. You go to the south west path
to kill a single soldier (This just prevents you from being sortied when
you solve the next soldiers). After that, save your game again. Then go
to the right path. There are two soldiers here. Go in crouch position
and try to kill the first soldier. Use sneak kill to knock him off
quickly because he has the Assault Rifle. Then try to grab it as fast as
you can and kill the other as soon as possible. Just try to keep you

After that, make your way and continue to the right path. You'll get
back to the house where you met the old woman. Now some soldiers have
guarded here. Just use your Assault Rifle to knock them off. Then you
pass the house, make your way return to the burning house where you got
the Po Mon Key. Many Village Zombies have been surrounded. Just be
careful on going.

When you enter the burning house, fight the lying zombie and then he
drops the Xi Mon Key. Then get back to the area where you fought the
soldiers by knife. Turn to the south west path. Run to the end.

There's a soldier and a zombie. Kill them all. You can see two doors
here. You will face many black acrobats that you can collect tons of
Rifle ammo. But be careful okay ? One of the room has the Train Key.
Search until you find it. Now make your way to the head of the train
(just next to the Save Point) and get on. Use the Train Key to access.

You can find some notes here. Check the panel and enter the codes.
Up and Down button : Change the numbers or letters.
Left and Right button : Move to another number or letter.
The codes are :

4 N 2 B
4 2 2 C
8 0 0 0

After that, Hana operates the train and begins to drive. Deke has
come, but so have the soldiers. Then you take control of Deke for a
while to finish them off.


An Assault Rifle, Shot Pistols, HK V Assault etc... everything can be
used to slash these numskulls...

But while Hana is driving to find Glas, he has appeared and ran to
her, saying that the railway is going to end til the water... It's lucky
that everyone is all right. You take control of Glas to find the way out
of here.


Save here before going. Then run to the left side, remember to avoid
the fire and head to the next area.

Equip your Double Pistols, then go forward until a soldier from the
left side sees you. Just stand there and "give" him some bullets. The
other soldier will talk to his comrade. And you, just continue and climb
the ladder, play with them with your "game". You grab Rifle Ammo and
Assault Rifle. Now equip the terrific Assault Rifle and reload
carefully, continue on the railway and turn left. You see two soldiers
at the first glance. Try to kill them up, then some other soldiers will
dash in from your back. It's not so hard, just kill up any enemy being
in your aim, then next to the others behind by rotating. You get alot of
ammo and Truck Key. Come to the truck, use the key to get on. You'll
face Wee Ming and she asks you to take her to Shan Xi to see Madam Chen
- who will answer her the questions about her true self.


Disc 3

Enemies : Black Guards, Madam Chen's guards
Items : Cooking Oil, Coin, Elevator Key, Wrench, Madam Room Key,
Lounge Key x 2, Flowers, White Vase, Black Vase, Office
Key, Meat Locker Key, Paper Madam Chen Dolls.


Our partners have come to Shan Xi, at Madam Chen's hideout. Wee Ming
wants to get in alone, but Glas'd like to go with her. Then Hana and
Deke must wait outside. But something wrong happens to Glas when Mr.Lam
is Wee Ming's father...


Now you're like a "prisoner". Save here before executing your plan.
Then check the room to find Cooking Oil. Then you search the shelf
beside until the "Use" note is shown. Use the Cooking Oil, Glas will
break the jar that startles the guard outside.

When the guard has got in yet, you must quickly fill the oil on a
position on the floor, NOT the holes. Let's see :

G __ ___ __ E
/ \ This is / \
\__/ ___where you \__/
filled oil

__ __ __
/ \ / \ / \
\__/ \__/ \__/

G : Glas
E : Entrance - where the guard will get in

Now you must sacrifice some of your fast reactions and fear to solve
this guy. When he just gets in, he will pursue you by bullets. So then
try to lure him to the position where oil is filled. It's not so hard.
Just try to deceive him to the oil's direction. After that, the guy will
"go to hell" and remains a 90. Pistol or bullets. Grab it, because all
your weapons and ammo have been wiped (I feel pitious for the Assault
Rifle). Get out of here, you face another guy here. He also remains you
a Pistol. Remember, equip the SINGLE Pistol and reload for SINGLE
Pistol. Just listen to me, you'll know why.


Deke worries about Glas, while Hana worries about Wee Ming more than
the Royce guy. So then Deke decides to access the hideout creepily.
At first, he must pass a matrix :


If you don't follow this way, your only way is the hell.

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! X ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! X ! X ! X ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! X ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! X ! X ! X ! !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! X ! !

X : your way


Then save your game immediately and go to the right door. You take
control of Glas again.


Now put away all your weapons, just be a Holster. Then crouch, and go
creepily to outside. You have entered the kitchen, with many cooks along
with many guards. Your mission is to pass these guys and reverse the

This is not very hard, but you must be very careful. Never stand up of
you'll be seen. Observe the cooks, wait until they work and don't talk
to each other, then go pass. Do you pay attention to the green rugs
under each cook ? They are the positions which are easiest for those
cooks to recognize you. So try to pass those rugs, never stay on them.
When you pass the first two pairs of cooks, you go to the other side
of the kitchen and you see another cook who is killing the cockroaches.
Don't pass when he is stepping on the cockroaches, just go when he's
back to work.
In the next camera angle, you see two cooks : One is making an
impolite action, the other is throwing some vegetables, just wait until
two of them complete work, then pass quickly but carefully. The cook who
is throwing vegetable may throw twice, so remember to wait for him
complete both two times.

Finally, you reach the end. Stand up (only) and push the red switch.
It will cause the gas air to be cast, confusing the people in the

When the cut-scene is ended, you are being surrounded by two guards.
Just quickly take your Pistols and kill them as soon as possible and
grab their ammo. Another guard is standing near the cooking bar. Just
shoot the frying pan to give him a "hot massage". Then go out of the
kitchen to the restaurant area. There are several guards and try to kill
them all. There's a green door which takes you to the old area. About
you, go up the small stairs and open the double door. You see Hana...


Hana decides to get in by herself. You will enter at the door Glas got
out. There are several guards around here again. So take up your weapons
and be careful with your action.

Get back to the kitchen. When you are going to get in the kitchen, try
to find a door on the left. It's the changing room. Open it and save
your game if you like. Then change your clothes into a "hooker". And get
out. (That's all !).

Now you go out of the kitchen by that way too. Go along the right
wall. Go until you see a camera angle that shows a different black door
on the wall separated the kitchen with the restaurant. Talk to the guard
inside. As a hooker, he will let you in. Go up the stairs nd turn to
Hana's left. Check that area to find a red door somewhere (not the red
door across the stairs), until you see Deke in a room...

Hana is spotted by the guard and she is forced to "serve" the men.
Then you take control of Deke. Maybe this is the last time to say good
bye to him.


Now you equip your guns and check this freaking place. Get out of your
current room. There are a lot of guards around the corridor. Make your
way to the red door which is across the stairs. Get in and find the
Coin. Thrn you find another room also in the left area which have a Save
Point and a music box. Try to check the music box and access the Coin.
You are faced a puzzle :

You see it looks like a mini stage. The performing puppet is Yim Lau
Wong - the King of Hell. Around him there are six buttons. The first
left button has nothing. But the others show the positions of the actor
in a dancing melody. That means you must use those buttons to control
Yim Lau Wong to dance in the right order. Now you press the buttons
follow the order of the numbers I mark on each button okay ?
__ __
/__\ /3 \
\__/ \__/

__ __
/2 \ Yim Lau Wong /4 \
\__/ puppet \__/

__ __
/5 \ /1 \
\__/ \__/


A secret area is opened. You find the Elevator Key here. Use it to get
down the elevator. Go straight to the waste to find a Wrench. Then try
to find some stairs in the left side from the elevator (your right hand
if you have just got back from the waste room). You get in the room in
the end of the path which is covered by gas. I don't think it's easy to
avoid, but be careful and try to reach the huge pipe in the center of
the wall and use the Wrench. You'll turn off the gas soon and a key
named "Madam Room Key". Now get on the elevator to the large area. Use
the key to unlock the red double door to "meet" Madam. Of course, Deke
has got his destiny, and now it's for Glas...


Yo, this is a bad day of Glas...

You have got back to the restaurant again. Now tons of guards will
pursue you if you don't get any care. Take up your weapon (The Shotgun
might be useful here). Try to kill all the guards wandering (of course,
you must be alive). Then back to the kitchen and find the stairs that
Hana has gone up. Then you turn right. I don't remember much, you try to
kill the guards around the purple door. One of them holds the Lounge
Key. Take the key and get in that door. Then go in the first door you
see in the screen (it is on Glas's left side).

Ehem... A hooker is "having a good time" with some guy. And of course,
Glas can't stand it. She tries asking Glas to let her go. But when the
lady has stood up, a guy appears under her bed. Now your work is to
finish him...

This guy is wise, I think. The bed is a great position for him to kill
you without being hurt. But he is not as wise as I expect. Usually he
shoots you desperately from the bed, but sometimes he will dash up for a
while to shoot. And it's time for you to hurt him. First, try to avoid
the shots he makes from the bed. These shots go follow a direction, just
observe it and try. The enemy can dash out in either left or right side
of the bed, so pay attention to that. Because he just gets out for a
very short moment. Try to execute the strategy for three times, he will

After that, you get out of the area. There's nothing more for you to
search. And it's time for Glas' destiny...


You are standing in front of the last red room in the corridor. So get
in it again to find a White Vase. Now you don't need to hide yourself
anymore. Open your weaponry and take a good gun. Let's see a hooker
defeat those idiot guards. Try to shoot all the guards in the corridor,
until one of them drops the Lounge Key (I don't remember which one,
sorry !)

Then you use Lounge Key to get in the purple door which Glas got in. A
lot of hookers gather here, looking fear. Hana asks them to go away. And
about Hlas, he has disppeared and don't hope to find him (Fear Effect's
rule). Besides, you can't get in the room where Glas has fought. Now
turn to the left (Hana's right) to find two doors. The right one is
locked, so get in the left one. You see another corridor which looks
like the first one you saw, but THEY'RE NOT THE SAME. Kill all the
guards you see, then check the fountain to find Flowers, and get out.
While going out, two other guards surround you again. Just knock them
off and grab Office Key which they drop. Use this key to unlock the
locked door.

You'll realize there's a elevator. You can think it's the same
elevator Deke has got in. Use it to get down a familiar area. Then get
in the double brown door. Fight the guards, and grab the Black Vase. Get
out, come to Madam's Room (where Deke has been hurt) again. Put on the
vases and solve a funny puzzle :

- Up and Down button : change objects
- Right and Left button : move objects
1) Put the White Vase on the left platform, the Black Vase on the right
2) Put flowers on the vases. There are several kinds of flowers and you
must choose the right ones. Pick the Flesh Sunflowers on the White Vase,
and the Wilted Calla Lily for the Black Vase. Get in and see a "great"

Deke is killed terribly, and Madam Chen "is not herself". Deke's blood
through Wee Ming has turned all the hookers into demons. Well...

Now Demon Hookers are everywhere in this hideout. You can use any
weapons to finish them up. Just be fast shooting and don't let them come
close to you.

In this large room, try to find a door next to the path to the
elevator which may take you back to the corridor. Then go along it and
get down the stairs. You see a cut-scene that "Madam Chen" is doing
something in the changing room. I don't remember, but there's a scene
that Wee Ming finds Glas who has lost his left hand somewhere and tries
to cure the wound. But he has no respond...

As Hana, you go downstairs and back to the changing room. Don't worry,
there's no Madam Chen here. Take the Meat Locker Key. Then change into
your previous clothes. Save here before you go.

Some hookers may welcome you just when you get out. Then check the
kitchen to find a white double door. Use the Meat Locker Key to unlock
it. So this is the meat storage, also where Glas is hung. Is he dead ?!

Then Hana hears a sound like running meat-cutter. You grab the Shotgun
on the ground (I think it's Glas's). Then try to search the room until
you find a blue door. Get in it. Madam Chen who is "talking" to Wee
Ming, gets a fight with you :

Your ammo is useless with Madam Chen in demon form. And you must find
a way to force her turn into the original form. There are several demon
hookers surround you when you fight Chen. Kill one of them and it will
drop a Paper Madam Chen Doll. This is the only way to hurt her. Come
close to Madam Chen and use the doll. She will temporarily turn into the
human form and you shoot her as soon as possible. She may lose 1/4 her
health. Then she turns into demon form again. Just kill a random hooker
to grab another Paper Madam Chen Doll and do the same action until you
wipe all her health.
Generally, this boss is not tough. The key is how you fight her and
avoid the annoying hookers. That's the most major.

It's strange that Madam Chen repeatedly calls Hana "Mei Yun" while
Hana continuously negates. She leads you the way to Hell and you go
along with Wee Ming.


Disc 4
Enemies : Ghosts, Cerberuses, Red Acrobats
Items : Paper Gate, Doll, Stone Scroll, Tree Branch, Stone
Three Half x 2 (Stone Willow), Paper Gate Key, Gate
Key, Moon Key, Sun Key, Stone Sword, Crank, Stone Eye


You wander in the Hell - the underground world of Yim Lau Wong. If you
are a traditional Chinese, you may understand this. If not, let me tell
you about the rule of this place. You may get a lot of key items and
ammo from your enemies and your process. But most of them are "papers",
because this is the world of the dead. Traditional Chineses think that
when they have someone die, they must burn paper things such as cars,
domestics, furnitures, etc for the dead to use and live in the other
world. So you are in the Hell and you must do the same action. Bring
those paper things to burn, you get the real things.
There are many places to burn things. The common fire branches can
burn ammo, but can't with the key items. But the big fire made by the
lightning can burn everything.


Wee Ming has been lost, and you must go alone.

You begin with a grateful trap :

I don't know is these things are easy or hard to pass. But you must be
pretty fast because they dive very immediately. Stand for a while to
find out the rising order. Then run fast through to the south edge. I
remember my rule is that you step on the first rising left stone, then
the others will rise after it and you must run through them as soon as
possible or you'll die or lose a great deal of Fear Level.

Well it's safe now. Just go along the path (What a hell !) until you
see a fork road, with three "hell" houses :

- The first house from the left has nothing.
- The central one has a ghost.
- The third one has a Save Point.

First, I remind you to check the third house for a while. You may see
a silver branch with no fire on it. Remember it, and then go to the left
path of this fork road to explore for a while. You may find a well, a
carved ground a locked door. Now you have nothing to do here, and you
can take the right path, go until you see a bridge. Pay attention to the
white gate carved with three candles. You may get it later.

Pass the bridge, you enter another fork road. You may find another
gold branch with no fire. Remember it again, and turn to the north path
first (Hana's right hand). There are several ghosts and acrobats which
one of them will drop the Paper Gate. Continue to check this path,
you'll find a red gate which can't be entered.

Now make your way back to the first fork road and pick the left path
to go. You see the lightning create a big fire on the way. Now burn the
ammo you collected and the Paper Gate, the real gate is opened with a
cave. And then get back to there and go inside, grab the paper Assault
Rifle if you like. Find Madam Chen who has been suffering, for her greed
and vanity on the earth. Talk to her and she will ask you to give a Doll
to her daughter Mei Yun. Then you get out.

Now choose the south path to go. Many acrobats might sortie when you
step. Just knock them out by your weapons. Run until you hear a sob.
Come close til you see another cave. There are many toys inside, like a
child's room, and of course, you find girlchild at the corner. Give her
the Doll, Hana says it's her doll. But then the girl says "It's our
doll." Because she is very Hana at the age of five. Check the clock
beside the child, and you begin a puzzle about Hana's life :

You see a toy clock with 5 outside numbers : 00, 5, 18, 35, 88 and
five inside symbols : I, II, III, IIII and IIIII. Now you use this clock
to turn up Hana's age. Each time you go well, the child will turn into
Hana at that age. The current child is five years old. And now it's your
turn. Hey, remember to follow the CORRECT ORDER of which step is first,
which is next :

- Turn IIIII and I under number 5 -> Hana is 18 years old.
- Turn II and IIIII under number 18 -> Hana is 35 years old.
- Turn I and IIIII under number 35 -> Hana is 80 years old.
- Turn IIII, IIII, III, II under number 88 -> The end of Hana's life.

The old Hana's last sentence for the real Hana's question is "The
answer is in our mind." Then the real Hana gets Stone Scroll from her
head. Get out of here.

Make your way back to Madam Chen's prison. Give the Stone Scroll to
her. After some jokes, you must fight three ghosts and receive Tree
Branch. You don't lose the Stone Scroll. Get back to the first fork road
and touch the big fire made by lightning. You burn what you want and the
Tree Branch. Then use the burning Tree Branch to burn the three branches
with no fire which two of them I have mentioned above :

- The first branch is near the third house in the right.
- The second branch is just at the second fork road after passing the
- The third is far away in the the left path of the first fork road.

After that, the white gate carved with three candles are burnt. And
you enter it to talk a demon bishop (a legendary character of the Hell
in takes about hell). This guy gives you a Stone Three Half and a Paper
Gate Key and tells you to meet his brother. Then you are attacked by
several red acrobats. Get out after finishing.

Now you come to the big fire again and burn the Paper Gate Key. The
real Gate Key will be shown in the first house. You go to get it, and
reach the second fork road. Run along the south path until you find
another red gate. Use Gate Key to unlock it... You take control of


Glas has woken up in the meat storage and found the way to Hell. But
he is trapped to underground area below Hana - an ice area. Save your
game here.

You'll see the ghost of Deke wander. Just follow him. You come to a
fork road and in front of you is a huge relief of a dragon. Remember
this place, then you go to the north with a door carved some Chinese
letters. Get in it, you may face some hell hounds. Try to collect as
much as ammo if you can. Go inside til the end, you'll find Moon Key.

Make your way back to the fork road and go the south path. Use Moon
Key to unlock the door. There are a lot of ghosts in this area. The left
door can't be opened unless you have got Sun Key. Go forward, Glas will
run back when he is pursued by the ghosts. Just kill them all and
continue. In this way, you may see a dragon statue who claims to be the
Dragon of Fire when you examine it. Search til you see a plant growing
to below area, you climb down. Here you may see Deke again. Just follow
where he goes.

You will find the Sun Key on the ground, between the Dragon of Earth
and the Dragon of Heaven. If you like, make your way back to the locked
door and use the Sun Key. You'll see some ghosts, a Paper Assault Rifle
and the Dragon of Mountain in that room. Now continue your way. You find
another plant taking you up. While climbing up, you will see Deke
waiting for you above, but he's gone again (It seems that he got killed
very miserably. His head is >_<).

Search the area, you are surrounded by a lot of ghosts. This is not
very tough, but you should be fast and correct at your target. Shoot
continuously, don't let them touch you because it would be a tight
circle if you can't kill them with all your agility. You'll collect a
lot of Paper Pistol Ammo. In the end, you find another below area. Get
down. Fight the hounds, then try to examine the left mirrow : You'll see
the images of Mountain, Heaven, Earth, Water etc. Then you find a matrix
in the next area.

If you step on the right squares, you will drop down and game over.
The key to solve this puzzle is what you saw in the mirror, and the
elements of the dragons. If you try to pay attention, you see the scenes
repeat follow an order like this :

Mountain -> Heaven
Water -> Water
Water -> Fire
Heaven -> Earth

Then check the symbols on the matrix, try to find a random order that
is similar to the order of the elements. You find :



Mountain HHH HHH


Heaven HHH HHH

(The symbols in the game are vertical.)

So the order to pass the matrix is :

| | | | | |
| | | | X | X |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | X | X | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | X | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | X | X | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| X | X | | | |
-> | | | | | |


When you go to the opposite side, get the Stone Sword as soon as
possible. You can burn your ammo at the right candle. Then get back. Now
you see the matrix has shown its real way. Three ghosts from the other
side are flying to you. These guys are pretty tough. Don't go on the
bridge, just stand on the edge to shoot them for that you won't fall
down when fighting on the bridge.

After the fight, climb the plant. And make your way back to the fork
road with the Blue Dragon relief. On the way you may see Deke twice and
his last disappearance is at the Blue Dragon. Use the Stone Sword on the
relief, a secret area is opened. You go in, try to find a Save Point and
save there. When you enter a lake, you talk to "Deke"...

Formerly he is your partner, but now he is your tremendous foe. His
shape looks like himself when having got killed : He lost half his face
and now he looks like a bloody monster covered by water. He is the wave
of the lake which will destroy the grounds you are standing on following
some orders. If you don't avoid his dash promtly, you'll be damaged. The
only moment you can hurt him is when he rises up from the water for a
laugh at you. Try to use that short moment to shoot him as much as you
can. All guns can be used here.
STAGE 1 : Your field just has three grounds. I number the grounds to
show you the order :


Well, he might dash the grounds follow the order 3-2-1-2-3 and rises
up at the 1st ground.
When you damage 1/3 his health, he begins a demon cry and changes his
tactic to attack you. See Stage 2.

STAGE 2 : Your field is lengthened with more grounds :

1 2 3
Deke will use triple dash to (1-2-3) -> (3-4-1) -> (4-2-5) -> (5-3-4).
He rises up at 4th ground in the chart.
When you damage 2/3 his health, he does the same action and begins
stage 3.

STAGE 3 : Simpler than Stage 2 :

2 3 4

He dashes into (2-3-4) -> (4-3-2) -> 1
Deke is ruined in water and you grab the Stone Eye.

Seeing up, Glas sees that this area is ventilated with the well in the
area where Hana is. You take control of Hana.


When you have entered the red gate, just go forward until you see the
Black Hell Bishop - who is the brother of the white guy you saw before.
After the talk, he'll give you the other Stone Tree Half and you have
the full Stone Willow. Just like the last time, you are surrounded by
ghosts and acrobats after the cut-scene. You grab the Crank near the
throne. Nothing more to do, you can get out of here.

Make your way back to the well. Use the Crank to get the Stone Eye
which Glas put in. Then you see Glas crawl out from the well too.

After that, go straight to a locked cave I have mentioned before. On
the way, you see a funeral where Wee Ming is in too. Then there's a big
arguement between Hana and Glas when Glas tries to kill Wee Ming. Hana
believes Wee Ming and tries to help her. But Glas thinks she is the
cause of all deaths, of Deke's death and his wound. Then they are
separated in the raid...


Just take up your weapon and kill all the demons around you. Then Glas
is caught up by Mr.Lam with his arm. You take control of Hana.


You first two ghosts taking you forward. Just go straight to the last
gate. Solve the puzzle carved on it :

You have four selected symbols : A Book, an Eye, a Left Side of Tree
and a Right Side of Tree. Your work is to put these symbols onto its
position on the hell map carved on the entrance. This is it :

| |
______ | H |
| | __|______| ______
| R |______ | |------| | |
|______| || | |______ | M |
| ||______| | |------|______ |______|
|______| |------| | F | |
|______| | |
|------|------| |------|______|
| W | LF |______ ______
| | | | | |
|---|--|---|------| | | B |
| F | __|______|______|______|
| | | | | |
|------| | | | |______
|______|__|______| |
| | | F |______
| | |______| |
|______| | 3C |

*Explanation :
R : Red Gate
F : Fire branches
W : The Well
LF : The big fire made by lightnigh
B : Bridge
3C : The white gate carved with three candles
M : Madam Chen's prison
H : Hana's Life cave

- Put the Eye to the Well.
- Put the Book to Hana's Life Cave.
- Put the Left Side of Tree to the Red Gate.
- Put the Right Side of Tree to the gate carved with three candles.

The map is burnt and you are taken in.


End of Part Four.


Disc 2
Enemies : Baby fishes, Wee Minh's servants.
Bosses : Demon Lam, Demon Wee Ming
Items : Paper Money



You are in a chamber full of strange systems. Save here first. Then
check the place. Check the incinerator on the right of the entrance. You
use the Paper Doll (I don't know where it's from) to activate it. Then
it becomes heat that you can use to burn your ammo. Many enemies may
surround you when you have finished something. Now let me tell you what
to do :

- STONE EYE : Check the black system until a light letter is shown as
the "Use" note appears. Then access the Stone Eye in that moment as soon
as possible. This is the lit letter you'll see :

_ _

- STONE WILLOW : Try to find out in the area next to the left of the
black system. Access the Stone Willow into the floor which has this lit
letter :

_|_ _|_|
/|\ _|_|_
| |_|\

- STONE SCROLL : Just like the Stone Willow. You search the next left
area to find the floor which has this letter lit :


Then you are taken to another place...

Hana finds Jin in the suck space. But then he shows his real self as
Yim Lau Wong - the King of Hell. He tells Hana that he just tested her
in the Lam Building rooftop, and Wee Ming and those Shan Xi Protectorate
are his triumphs. Then he shows you that Wee Ming and Glas are caught
among the demons. He summons Mr.Lam who works for him, and causes wound
on him. Mr.Lam's blood touches Wee Ming and then he turns into a long-
tongued demon. Hana and Glas argues again and now it's your choice :

The first time, Demon Lam may just cast simple thin ground flash that
you can easily avoid for its thinness. But later, when he's going to
die, the demon will power his spell, continuously casting follow an
order :
- 1st time : He casts in the center line.
- 2nd time : He casts in the two left and right sides
- 3rd and 4th time : He casts follow each line next to a space for two

After casting, he will get a rest moment, and then sometimes a Paper
Money may appear on the right side. Wee Ming had revealed about Lam's
richness when she tried to save Glas in the meat storage. Lam's money
comes from burning paper just those things for the dead. So then this is
your key to get rid of him.
You must try to get the money and burn at either left or right
candles. That's the only way to hurt him. Try to this three times. Just
get the Paper Money when you see it appear on the right. Of course, it's
not that simplicity. You are continuously annoyed by the baby fishes
flying around. Try to finish them when they annoy you too much.
When Hana dies, Wee Ming has no one protect her. So she turns into a
monster to kill whom she calls "Mr.Glas".
Wee Ming has no attack on you. But she has her servants to do that.
These servants are cast in double or triple. If you want to win this
fight, Glas must have tons of ammo or at least you know the safest way
to grab the paper ammo dropped by the monsters in the battle field. And
then you waste time to burn them while the servants continue to be cast.
You must shoot all the servants first. Try to be fast and correct. When
they are wiped, you'll have a short moment to hurt Wee Ming. Then she
casts servants again and you do the same action. Try this until she
dies. Of course it's not easy to avoid the servants' hits. But if you
practice, you may succeed.
Anyway, Hana is still the one who has the right decision to believe
Wee Ming. Glas has let Hana win when he couldn't debate with her
anymore, and then she takes over the last battle. Follow the previous
strategy of Hana.
After winning, you get the best ending.






This game has 5 different endings, instead of two opposite endings in
Fear Effect 2. Yeah, let's see...


1) Choose Hana to shoot up Glas. Then you fight Demon Lam and lose. She
falls down and Yim Lau Wong doesn't let Lam have her. She has followed
Wee Ming...
2) This is possible in Hard Mode only. You choose the middle selection.
Glas has been defeated by Hana at debating, so then he lets her finish
everything. Then Hana fights Demon Lam and loses. Then you get the same
ending as above.

GLAS : Choose Glas to shoot up Hana. Then you fight Demon Wee Ming and
lose. He dies, and Wee Ming wants everyone to look into her eyes...


HANA : Choose Hana to shoot up Glas. Then you fight Demon Lam and win.
Wee Ming says she hopes she won't see Hana anymore, and disappears into
her origin. Yim Lau Wong is angry to say : "Now you've ruined
everything...". Then Hana calls him "Jin" the last time and plays the
finishing touch. The brothel is destroyed, Hana walks away, whispering
:"Yes, I have ruined everything..."

GLAS : Choose Glas to shoot up Hana. Then you fight Demon Wee Ming and
win. Wee Ming dies, turning into a Paper Doll as the thing Yim Lau Wong
used to give birth to her. Then the brothel is collapsed, Glas has got
out, holding the Paper Doll in his hand. Yim Lau Wong is unknown. I
don't know if he dies or not...


This is possible in Hard Mode only. You choose the middle selection.
Glas has been defeated by Hana at debating, so then he lets her finish
everything. Then Hana fights Demon Lam and wins. When Yim Lau Wong wants
to kill her for having ruined everything he did, Glas knocks him out.
Then Wee Ming disappears, promising to pay for all the sacrifices of the
tragedy. The brothel is destroyed, Hana and Glas escapes. Then Glas
surprised to see his lost arm recovered as if it had never been cut.
Another surprise is that... Deke is sitting in the toilet (??!). He
doesn't remember anything, but it's true that he has been revived, for
Wee Ming has paid for all the sacrifices.


12/ C H E A T S A N D C O D E S


FEAR EFFECT'S CHEATS \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

To access these cheats, just open the Options menu. Then choose
"Credits". In the credit screen, enter the code you want.

+ INFINITE FEAR LEVEL - You get no damage from enemies' hits, but you
still die by damage situations :
L1 - Triangle - Up - Down - Circle - Circle - Triangle - Square -
Right - Square.

+ MAXIMUM AMMUNITION - You get maximum numbers of ammo : 999 for each
kind of bullets :
L1 - Triangle - Up - Down - Circle - Circle - Triangle - Square - Left
- Triangle.

+ ALL WEAPONS - All weapons of the game are present in inventory.
L1 - Triangle - Up - Down - Circle - Circle - Square - Up - Circle

+ INSTANT DEATH WITH ALL FIREARMS - Kill enemies by just one hit with
any firearms :
L1 - Triangle - Up - Down - Circle - Circle - Triangle - Square - Down
- R1.

+ INSTANT DEATH WITH MELEE WEAPONS - Kill enemies by just one hit with
Knife/Smakjack/Brass Knuckle.
L1 - Triangle - Up - Down - Circle - Circle - Triangle - Square - Down
- L1.

+ TARGET PRACTICE MODE - All enemies detection is turned off.
L1 - Triangle - Up - Down - Circle - Circle - Left - Left - L1 - L2

+ INSTANT PUZZLE SOLVE MODE - All puzzles are solved as you play.
L1 - Triangle - Up - Down - Circle - Circle - Down - Down - Down - Up

+ SUICIDE MODE - NPCs are stronger.
Down - Down - Down - Triangle - Down - Down - Down - Square - Left -

GAME SHARK CODES \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Infinite Health 80077810 0002

Infinite Ammo 80077810 0001

Infinite Health + Ammo 80077810 0003

Infinite Health + Ammo + Instant Death 80077810 0007

Infinite Health, Double Ammo + Instant Death 80077810 000E

Instant Death with all Firearms 80077810 0004

Double Ammo 80077810 0008

No Fear D0047D88 0068
80047D8A 2400

Stop Time D0028508 0008
8002850A 2400

Stop Countdown Time D00AFA2C 18F0
800AFA2E 2400


Have Duel 90. Pistol 8008DF10 0002
8008DF12 6363

Have SMG 8008DF14 0002
8008DF16 6363

Have Shot Pistol 8008DF18 0002
8008DF1A 6363

Have Assault Rifle 8008DF1C 0001
8008DF1E 0063

Have Shotgun 8008DF24 0001
8008DF26 0063

Have HK V Assault Rifle 8008DF28 0001
8008DF2A 0063


Have Duel 90. Pistol 8008DF94 0002
8008DF96 6363

Have SMG 8008DF98 0002
8008DF9A 6363

Have Shot Pistol 8008DF9C 0002
8008DF9E 6363

Have Assault Rifle 8008DFA0 0001
8008DFA2 0063

Have Shotgun 8008DFA8 0001
8008DFAA 0063

Have HK V Assault Rifle 8008DFAC 0001
8008DFAE 0063


Have Duel 90. Pistol 8008DF18 0002
8008DF1A 6363

Have SMG 8008DF1C 0002
8008DF1E 6363

Have Shot Pistol 8008DF20 0002
8008DF22 6363

Have Assault Rifle 8008DF24 0001
8008DF26 0063

Have Shotgun 8008DF2C 0001
8008DF2E 0063

Have HK V Assault Rifle 8008DF30 0001
8008DF32 0063


Have Stone Scroll E008DF5A 0000
3008DF5A 0001

Have Stone Willow E008DF5B 0000
3008DF5B 0001

Have Stone Eye E008DF5C 0000
3008DF5C 0001

Have Flash Disc E008DF64 0000
3008DF64 0001

Have Gate Key E008DF65 0000
3008DF65 0001

Have Sign Key E008DF66 0000
3008DF66 0001

Have Red Keycard E008DF67 0000
3008DF67 0001

Have Blue Keycard E008DF68 0000
3008DF68 0001

Have Locker Key E008DF69 0000
3008DF69 0001

Have Fuse E008DF6A 0000
3008DF6A 0001

Have Pipe E008DF6B 0000
3008DF6B 0001

Have Wire Cutter E008DF6C 0000
3008DF6C 0001

Have Explosive E008DF6D 0000
3008DF6D 0001


Have Stone Scroll E008DFDE 0000
3008DFDE 0001

Have Stone Willow E008DFDF 0000
3008DFDF 0001

Have Stone Eye E008DFE0 0000
3008DFE0 0001

Have Flash Disc E008DFE8 0000
3008DFE8 0001

Have Gate Key E008DFE9 0000
3008DFE9 0001

Have Sign Key E008DFEA 0000
3008DFEA 0001

Have Red Keycard E008DFEB 0000
3008DFEB 0001

Have Blue Keycard E008DFEC 0000
3008DFEC 0001

Have Locker Key E008DFED 0000
3008DFED 0001

Have Fuse E008DFEE 0000
3008DFEE 0001

Have Pipe E008DFEF 0000
3008DFEF 0001

Have Wire Cutter E008DFF0 0000
3008DFF0 0001

Have Explosive E008DFF1 0000
3008DFF1 0001


Have Stone Scroll E008DF5A 0000
3008DF5A 0001

Have Stone Willow E008DF5B 0000
3008DF5B 0001

Have Stone Eye E008DF5C 0000
3008DF5C 0001

Have Wet Towel E008DF64 0000
3008DF64 0001

Have Flask of Water E008DF65 0000
3008DF65 0001

Have Train Key E008DF66 0000
3008DF66 0001

Have Po Mon Key E008DF69 0000
3008DF69 0001

Have Truck Key E008DF6A 0000
3008DF6A 0001

Have Ladder Access Card E008DF6B 0000
3008DF6B 0001

Have Xi Mon Key E008DF6C 0000
3008DF6C 0001


Have Stone Scroll E008DFDE 0000
3008DFDE 0001

Have Stone Willow E008DFDF 0000
3008DFDF 0001

Have Stone Eye E008DFE0 0000
3008DFE0 0001

Have Wet Towel E008DFE8 0000
3008DFE8 0001

Have Flask of Water E008DFE9 0000
3008DFE9 0001

Have Train Key E008DFEA 0000
3008DFEA 0001

Have Po Mon Key E008DFED 0000
3008DFED 0001

Have Truck Key E008DFEE 0000
3008DFEE 0001

Have Ladder Access Card E008DFEF 0000
3008DFEF 0001

Have Xi Mon Key E008DFF0 0000
3008DFF0 0001


Have Stone Scroll E008DF62 0000
3008DF62 0001

Have Stone Willow E008DF63 0000
3008DF63 0001

Have Stone Eye E008DF64 0000
3008DF64 0001

Have Wet Towel E008DF6C 0000
3008DF6C 0001

Have Flask of Water E008DF6D 0000
3008DF6D 0001

Have Train Key E008DF6E 0000
3008DF6E 0001

Have Po Mon Key E008DF71 0000
3008DF71 0001

Have Truck Key E008DF72 0000
3008DF72 0001

Have Ladder Access Card E008DF73 0000
3008DF73 0001

Have Xi Mon Key E008DF74 0000
3008DF74 0001


Have Stone Scroll E008DF5A 0000
3008DF5A 0001

Have Stone Willow E008DF5B 0000
3008DF5B 0001

Have Stone Eye E008DF5C 0000
3008DF5C 0001

Have Coin E008DF64 0000
3008DF64 0001

Have Sunflower E008DF65 0000
3008DF65 0001

Have Hach Gun E008DF66 0000
3008DF67 0001

Have Pistol Whipper E008DF68 0000
3008DF68 0001

Have Flowers E008DF69 0000
3008DF69 0001

Have Cooking Oil E008DF6A 0000
3008DF6A 0001

Have Office Key E008DF6B 0000
3008DF6B 0001

Have Lounge Key E008DF6C 0000
3008DF6C 0001

Have Wire Cutter E008DF6D 0000
3008DF6D 0001

Have Elevator Key E008DF6E 0000
3008DF6E 0001

Have Storeroom Key E008DF6F 0000
3008DF6F 0001

Have a new desire E008DF70 0000
3008DF70 0001

Have Wrench E008DF71 0000
3008DF71 0001

Have Meat Locker Key E008DF72 0000
3008DF72 0001

Have White Vase E008DF73 0000
3008DF73 0001

Have Black Vase E008DF74 0000
3008DF74 0001

Have Red Vase E008DF75 0000
3008DF75 0001

Have Paper Madam Chen E008DF76 0000
3008DF76 0001

Have Madam Room Key E008DF77 0000
3008DF77 0001


Have Stone Scroll E008DFDE 0000
3008DFDE 0001

Have Stone Willow E008DFDF 0000
3008DFDF 0001

Have Stone Eye E008DFE0 0000
3008DFE0 0001

Have Coin E008DFE8 0000
3008DFE8 0001

Have Sunflower E008DFE9 0000
3008DFE9 0001

Have Hach Gun E008DFEA 0000
3008DFEA 0001

Have Pistol Whipper E008DFEB 0000
3008DFEB 0001

Have Flowers E008DFEC 0000
3008DFEC 0001

Have Cooking Oil E008DFED 0000
3008DFED 0001

Have Office Key E008DFEE 0000
3008DFEE 0001

Have Lounge Key E008DFEF 0000
3008DFEF 0001

Have Wire Cutter E008DFF0 0000
3008DFF0 0001

Have Elevator Key E008DFF1 0000
3008DFF1 0001

Have Storeroom Key E008DFF2 0000
3008DFF2 0001

Have a new desire E008DFF3 0000
3008DFF3 0001

Have Wrench E008DFF4 0000
3008DFF4 0001

Have Meat Locker Key E008DFF5 0000
3008DFF5 0001

Have White Vase E008DFF6 0000
3008DFF6 0001

Have Black Vase E008DFF7 0000
3008DFF7 0001

Have Red Vase E008DFF8 0000
3008DFF8 0001

Have Paper Madam Chen E008DFF9 0000
3008DFF9 0001

Have Madam Room Key E008DFFA 0000
3008DFFA 0001


Have Stone Scroll E008DF62 0000
3008DF62 0001

Have Stone Willow E008DF63 0000
3008DF63 0001

Have Stone Eye E008DF64 0000
3008DF64 0001

Have Coin E008DF6C 0000
3008DF6C 0001

Have Sunflower E008DF6D 0000
3008DF6D 0001

Have Hach Gun E008DF6E 0000
3008DF6E 0001

Have Pistol Whipper E008DF6F 0000
3008DF6F 0001

Have Flowers E008DF70 0000
3008DF70 0001

Have Cooking Oil E008DF71 0000
3008DF71 0001

Have Office Key E008DF72 0000
3008DF72 0001

Have Lounge Key E008DF73 0000
3008DF73 0001

Have Wire Cutter E008DF74 0000
3008DF74 0001

Have Elevator Key E008DF75 0000
3008DF75 0001

Have Storeroom Key E008DF76 0000
3008DF76 0001

Have a new desire E008DF77 0000
3008DF77 0001

Have Wrench E008DF78 0000
3008DF78 0001

Have Meat Locker Key E008DF79 0000
3008DF79 0001

Have White Vase E008DF7A 0000
3008DF7A 0001

Have Black Vase E008DF7B 0000
3008DF7B 0001

Have Red Vase E008DF7C 0000
3008DF7C 0001

Have Paper Madam Chen E008DF7D 0000
3008DF7D 0001

Have Madam Room Key E008DF7E 0000
3008DF7E 0001

Activate Cheat Modifier 80077810 ????


Have Stone Scroll E008DF5A 0000
3008DF5A 0001

Have Stone Willow E008DF5B 0000
3008DF5B 0001

Have Stone Eye E008DF5C 0000
3008DF5C 0001

Have Paper Gate E008DF64 0000
3008DF64 0001

Have Paper Gate Key E008DF65 0000
3008DF65 0001

Have Tree Branch E008DF66 0000
3008DF66 0001

Have Paper Pistol E008DF67 0000
3008DF67 0001

Have Paper Shotgun E008DF68 0000
3008DF68 0001

Have Paper SMG E008DF69 0000
3008DF69 0001

Have Paper Assault Rifle E008DF6A 0000
3008DF6A 0001

Have Pistol Ammo E008DF6B 0000
3008DF6B 0001

Have Shotgun Ammo E008DF6C 0000
3008DF6C 0001

Have SMG Ammo E008DF6D 0000
3008DF6D 0001

Have Assault Rifle Ammo E008DF6E 0000
3008DF6E 0001

Have Doll E008DF6F 0000
3008DF6F 0001

Have Stone Scroll E008DF70 0000
3008DF70 0001

Have burning Tree Branch E008DF71 0000
3008DF71 0001

Have Gate Key E008DF72 0000
3008DF72 0001

Have Stone Eye E008DF73 0000
3008DF73 0001

Have Stone Tree Half E008DF74 0000
3008DF74 0001

Have Stone Tree Whole E008DF75 0000
3008DF75 0001

Have Crank E008DF76 0000
3008DF76 0001


Have Stone Scroll E008DFDE 0000
3008DFDE 0001

Have Stone Willow E008DFDF 0000
3008DFDF 0001

Have Stone Eye E008DFE0 0000
3008DFE0 0001

Have Paper Gate E008DFE8 0000
3008DFE8 0001

Have Paper Gate Key E008DFE9 0000
3008DFE9 0001

Have Tree Branch E008DFEA 0000
3008DFEA 0001

Have Paper Pistol E008DFEB 0000
3008DFEB 0001

Have Paper Shotgun E008DFEC 0000
3008DFEC 0001

Have Paper SMG E008DFED 0000
3008DFED 0001

Have Paper Assault Rifle E008DFEE 0000
3008DFEE 0001

Have Pistol Ammo E008DFEF 0000
3008DFEF 0001

Have Shotgun Ammo E008DFF0 0000
3008DFF0 0001

Have SMG Ammo E008DFF1 0000
3008DFF1 0001

Have Assault Rifle Ammo E008DFF2 0000
3008DFF2 0001

Have Doll E008DFF3 0000
3008DFF3 0001

Have Stone Scroll E008DFF4 0000
3008DFF4 0001

Have burning Tree Branch E008DFF5 0000
3008DFF5 0001

Have Gate Key E008DFF6 0000
3008DFF6 0001

Have Stone Eye E008DFF7 0000
3008DFF7 0001

Have Stone Tree Half E008DFF8 0000
3008DFF8 0001

Have Stone Tree Whole E008DFF9 0000
3008DFF9 0001

Have Crank E008DFFA 0000
3008DFFA 0001


0001 - Infinite Ammo
0002 - No Fear
0004 - One-hit Death
0008 - Double Ammo
000F - All of the above


13/ M Y C O N C L U S I O N


This game is mostly as interesting as Fear Effect 2 : Retro Helix
which I have already played before beginning this one. And then I have
short conclusions about this game. It still has so many bugs that I
think needed to be repaired, then I'll compare with Fear Effect 2.

- Gameplay is good. The episodes are interesting and thrilling.
- Graphic is all right, foolowing cartoon factor which can show the
little fantasies of the game. This has been kept in Fear Effecr 2 which
is done better. Okay.
- Fun Factor is high too. You need to drill this game very much to beat
it up. And then it forces you the play repeatedly with no sorrow.

- So much loading and loading quality is bad, long and sometimes
stopped. This has been corrected partly in Fear Effect 2. It's okay for
the second version.
- Character designs are bad. Generally, worse than Fear Effect 2.
- Camera Angles aren't put very well. Some scenes can't be seen clearly.
- Too few ammo.
- There are some bugged scenes which "can't be explained", even this is
a game for mature. It shouldn't have such those impolite actions. And
this part is not corrected in Fear Effect 2. (Yeah, or because I'm too
traditional ???)

Some of the disadvantages have been repaired in Fear Effect 2, but not
all of them. I hope there would be a Fear Effect 3 to continue the
story, because the central characters Hana and Glas still survive, and
many players, including me, expect the newbie Rain Qin of Fear Effect 2
- who has been loved by many fans just at the first appearance. Of
course, it's just my wish.


14/ C R E D I T S / S P E C I A L T H A N K S


I'd like to send my thanks to those who have helped me to do this
guide :

- Kronos Digital Entertainment - for creating this game.

- Eidos Interactive - for publishing this game and providing info about
character bios and storyline.

- This game Fear Effect - for giving me a great gaming time.

- Jeff "CJC" Veasay - for posting this FAQ on GameFAQs site.

- Psxcodez and Neoseeker - for posting this FAQ on their sites.

- All the creators of Fear Effect guides in GameFAQs - for giving a base
to make guide for this complicated game.

- Cheat Code Central - for the cheats and game sharks.

- All readers who have taken views at this FAQ and had ideas to make it
better - thanks to all of you.

Again, thanks to everyone.

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15.Октябрь 2013
Gespeichert am Anfang von Disc 4.

16.Октябрь 2013

11.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

11.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL mehrsprachige Version of die US NTSC Version CD 4.

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL mehrsprachige Version of die US NTSC Version CD 1,2 und 3.

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
22.Октябрь 2014
24.Февраль 2018
25.Июнь 2019
24.Июль 2014
24.Июль 2014