Resident Evil: The Director's Cut

Resident Evil: The Director's Cut

13.10.2013 09:25:35

By Scream 127 -

Version (0.1)
Started - 04/02/00, 18:35:04



0. Updates

1. Introduction

2. Story

3. Characters

4. Game Basics

5. Weapons Guide

6. Monster Guide

7. Item Guide

8. How To Get The Different Endings

9. Secret Stuff

10. Books and Files in the Game

11. Xplorer, Action Replay and Gameshark Codes

12. Unsolved Stuff

13. Who is dead, who is alive

14. Frequently Asked Questions Answered

15. Email Addresses

16. Web Links

17. About ME!

18. Copyright Stuff


This is my third FAQ and I decided to do one about Resident Evil Directors Cut
because I love the Resident Evil series so much. And also no one has done a
proper good FAQ for it yet.

My past FAQs are Ultima Online/Offline The Second Age and Xenogears, go check
them out.

Resident Evil DC (Director's Cut) is a great game because of the graphics and
the gore, it is a true terrifying expierence and of course it is the first and
the best in the series so far
So Lets begin the FAQ....


Resident Evil does have a really good plot with a lot of twists and surprizes in
it. You are Jill Valentine/Chris Redfield and you are part of the S.T.A.R.S
Alpha team. You have been sent into the scary place of Racoon city to find the
lost Bravo team. The Bravo team were sent in before you to investigate the
gruesome murders and disapeerance of people in the mountains. The Bravo team's
helicopter crashed so the Alpha team were sent in to investigate the crash,
solve the murders and leave. But it is not as simple as that.... If you do not
wish to know the rest of the plot for the rest of the game skip to the character
section, otherwise read on....

If you are Jill read this - For Chris's story just replace Jills name with
Chris's name. Basiclly...

You, Barry and Wesker all run into the mansion

You and Barry go off investigating

When you come back Wesker is gone

You see Forest dead

Richard dies after you give serum

You fight a massive snake it retreats

More bosses,fights and stuff

Enter the lab using wolf and eagle medals

See Wesker on picture of scientists

Wesker is part of a company called Umbrella

Umbrella made a virus that went out of control

Called T-Virus changes humans and animals into weird mutations like Zombies and

From the T-Virus Wesker made a biologial weapon named Tyrant, the tyrant is a
unstoppable monster.

Jill rescues Chris after Wesker locks him up

Wesker is either killed by tyrant or runs away, the proper ending is Wesker runs
away after Barry hits him with gun

Jill kills Tyrant for good

Everyone escapes and the lab and mansion blows up
But Umbrella has not been finished yet...

Another accident in Resi 2 by Umbrella of course makes Racoon city zombie
populated but that is a different story.

That is a VERY brief outline of the story, if you want to fully
understand it you better finish the game with my FAQ. Right?


Alpha Team -

Barry Burton - Barry is one of Chris Redfields best friends and
as a former SWAT team member he maintains and supplies weapons
for all of the S.T.A.R.S members . He is the most expierienced
member on the any team. He will help you a lot if you choose
Jill as your character. You will not see him at all as Chris.

Joseph Frost - The Vehicle specialist of the Alpha team dies very
early on in the game. Not a great character...

Chris Redfield - Chris was kicked out of the Air Force and had no
job till he met Barry Burton. As S.T.A.R.S was still in its recruiting stages
Barry hired Chris.

Jill Valentine - Quite a expiericened member of Alpha team her main specialty is
lockpicking and music playing which help a lot in the game.

Brad Vicars - Brad is a helicopter pilot and a great computer expert, you won't
see him at all Resi Evil DC but you hear his voice and he does save you in the

Albert Wesker - "the cool guy" as it says in Resi 1 DC manual, he thinks he is
cool cos of his haircut and he wears shades. He is the leader of the Alpha team.

Bravo Team -

Richard Aiken - The only thing good about him is that he gives you a radio later
on but dies soon after.

Rebecca Chambers - The youngest member of the S.T.A.R.S team, she will help you
if you are Chris by healing you.

Enrico Marini - The Bravo team leader and he dies just after you first him.

Forest Speyer - Never actually see this guy alive. But you do see his dead body
and be ready for a surpise as well.

Kenneth J.Sullivan - You see his dead decapited body on the floor after a Zombie
chewed him up.

That is all of the Characters in the whole game.


Only read this section if you are new to world of survival horror...

Controls -

UP = Go forward/push item
LEFT = Turn Left
RIGHT = Turn Right
DOWN = Go Backwards

Square = Run (You Cannot run Backwards)
Triangle = Cancel Menu
Circle = Nothing
Cross = Action Button - Talk/open doors/examine things

R1 = Draw and aim gun
L1 = Nothing
R2 = Nothing
L2 = Change Target if auto aim is on

R1+Cross = Fire your gun

Start = Opens up your inventory screen
Select = Nothing
START+SELECT = Opens up Option screen

Thats all of the controls and get used to firing as well.

Saving your Game

To save your game you need to find a ink ribbon (located round the mansion) and
a Type Writer (much rarer than Ink Ribbons).
Press X near a Typewriter to save your game. A save game takes up just one block
and you can save a max 5 times on one memory card.


Load your game from the main menu when you first load Resi 1 DC.

Inventory Screen - Acessed by pressing START

This one of the things you will be using the most. Here you can check what items
you got, examine them in 3D and combine different items. You can also tell what
your health is like by looking at that line thing in the corner if it is green
you are FINE if it is orange you are on CAUTION , if it is on Red you are on
DANGER , if so heal yourself. This line will also tell you if you are poisoned
or not. Your character can only hold 8 Items, 6 items if you play as Chris. So
watch what you pick up because you can't drop stuff and come back later for it
like real life. You have to store them in Storage boxes.

Storage Boxes -

Press X near one to open it a menu like your inventory screen will come back
from this screen you can put unwanted items in the box and wanted items in your
inventory. There are loads of Storage boxes dotted around the place. The good
thing is that say you put a Ink ribbon in the box in the main hall (even though
there is not one there) and then you went to a storage box in another room the
ink ribbon will still be in there, even though clearly it is a different box.
Did you get that? Good.

Now if you are a beginner I suggest you start off as Jill because she can carry
more stuff and take a lot more damage than Chris, she can also lockpick.

A reason to be Chris is because he is quick at drawing his weapons and that is
about it. Only be him once you finished Jills mission.

That is the end of my tutorial for Resident Evil DC. Good Luck.


This part of my FAQ tells you about EVERY weapon and who to use it on.

Pistol -

Capacity - 15 Bullets
Power - Low
Accuracy - Very Good
Ammo - Beretta Clip 15 bullets
Use on - Zombie - 3-6 Shots
Dog - 3-5 Shots
Get it - Start with it (jill) Pick it up at main hall (Chris)

Shotgun -

Capacity - 7 Shells
Power - High
Accuracy - Low at long range
Ammo - Shotgun Shells 7 Shells
Use On - Zombie - 1 Shot (stand close and aim up)
Snake - 6-8 Shots
Hunters - 3-5 Shots
Get It - Replace with Broken Shotgun in Living room

Bazooka - Jill Only Weapon

Capacity - Six rounds
Power - High
Accuracy - Very low at long range
Ammo - Grenade Rounds,Flame Rounds,Explosive Rounds and Acid
Use On - Everything you ever encounter except bees and crows
Get It - From dead Forest on balcony

Colt Python -

Capacity - Six Rounds
Power - Very High
Accuracy - Very High
Ammo - Magnum rounds Six bullets
Use on - EVERYTHING except small game like Zombies and stuff
Get It - The Deserted Room and the tiger statue room by using the red jewel.

Combat Knife -

Capacity - N/A
Power - Very Low
Accuracy - Very High
Ammo - N/A
Use On - Nothing Its Useless
Get it - You start with it, put in box staight away

Flamethower -

Capacity - 100%
Power - High
Accuracy - Crap at long range
Ammo - None in the game
Use On - Hunters 10%
Get it - On walls in Green Sewer

Rocket Launcher - The Ultimate Weapon! It Rocks!

Capacity - 2 Rockets (i think without cheating)
Power - SUPER
Accuracy - WICKED
Ammo - None
Use On - Tyrant , 1 Rocket
Get it - Brad drops it down from his helicopter near the end

Thats every weapon in Resident Evil 1 DC not a lot is there?
Resi 2 has loads.... Anyway now onto the MONSTER GUIDE!


Find out what health they got and how powerful they are

Bees -

Power - Very Low but they can Poison you!

Health - Very Low

Tactics - Just RUN! You only meet them ONCE in their entire game.

Crows -

Power - Low but they can kill you if you mess around

Health - Very Low

Tactics - RUN! If you wanna kill em use knife or pistol

Devil Dogs -

Power - Medium couple of good bites and your DEAD

Health - Medium

Tactics - Use Pistol and never turn your back on them

Hunters -

Power - High

Health - High

Tactics - The most annoying enemy in the whole game, just draw
and fire real QUICK. Use a Colt Python as well. Never Run as they could
Decapitate you and it will be game over.

Lab Monsters -

Power - High

Health - Medium

Tactics - A tiny bit easier than hunters use Colt or Grenades but

I normally just run. And so should you


Power - High

Health - Very High

Tactics - Use V-Jolt Recipe with Chris just fight it with Jill and Barry
will save you later on.

The Snake - (BOSS) 1st Time

Power - High has abilty to poison as well

Health - High

Tactics - Either quickily run around it to get crest or kill it with the

The Snake - (BOSS) 2nd Time

Power - High has abilty to poison as well

Health - High

Tactics - Run around and shoot with Grenade launcher or Colt

Spider -

Power - Medium can poison you

Health - High

Tactics - Load a couple of Shotgun rounds into it or just run

Black Spider - (BOSS)

Power - High can also poison you

Health - High

Tactics - Flame rounds or Colt Phython

Tyrant - (BOSS) 1st Time

Power - Very High

Health - High

Tactics - Use Colt couple of times, retreat then turn and shoot keep on doing
that over and over

Tyrant - (BOSS) 2nd Time

Power - Very High

Health - Very High

Tactics - RUN around and dodge his attacks till Brad drops Rocket launcher , use
it to kill it one hit.

Zombies -

Power - Medium

Health - Low

Tactics- Keep well away and keep firing with pistol. Once your with a group of
them , stuck in a corner you are a goner...

Well thats all the monsters in the game except for the tiny snakes and the tiny
spiders but they are nothing now go on to the item guide...


This item guide covers all items and has their place in Advanced Mode (A) and
Standard mode (S)...

In alphabetcial order...

002 Key - Opens Room 002
Advanced - Beehive Place
Standard - Beehive Place

003 Key - Opens Room 003
Advanced - 002 room's bathroom
Standard - Arms Storage

Acid Rounds - Some Basooka (grenade lancher) ammo
Advanced - All round the place
Standard - All round the place

Armour Key - Opens up all doors with armour carvings on them
Advanced - On the balcony near Forest
Standard - The Greenhouse place

Battery (1) - Powers up elevator
Advanced - Hidden libary place
Standard - Shed

Battery (2) - Powers up Heliport elevator
Advanced - In the last power room with lab monsters
Standard - On the floor next to elevator

Blue Herb - Cures poison
Advanced - All round the place
Standard - All round the place

Blue Jewel - Put into the tiger statue
Advanced - Grandfather clock in the dining room
Standard - Push statue off balcony on dining room 2nd floor

Broken Shotgun - Replace working shotgun with this
Advanced - Under the stairs save room
Standard - Deserted Room near tiger statue room

Chemical - Put into the generator to poison creature
Advanced - Boiler outside
Standard - Under the stairs save room

Clip - For use with Pistol
Advanced - All round the place
Standard - All round the place

Control Room Key - Opens the control room
Advanced - Fireplace after you killed PLANT 42
Standard - 001 Bathroom

Doom Book 1 - Check it to find a Eagle medal
Advanced - Hidden room in the libary
Standard - Study room near the art gallery

Doom Book 2 - Check it to find a Wolf Medal
Advanced - I seem to forgot??? Sorry ill update this bit soon
Standard - ???

Eagle Medal - Use with wolf medal to open secret passage
Advanced - In Doom Book 1
Standard - In Doom Book 1

Empty Bottles - Use for the creation of the V-Jolt
Advanced - Near the beehive room
Standard - Near the beehive room

Emblem - Put it on the statue in secret passage near piano
Advanced - Armour room
Standard - Dining room above fireplace

Explosive Rounds - Rounds for Basooka
Advanced - All round the place
Standard - All round the place

First Aid Spray - Fully restores your health
Advanced - All round the place
Standard - All round the place

Flame Rounds - Rounds for Basooka
Advanced - All round the place
Standard - All round the place

Flare - Use to signal helicopter
Advanced - In heliport crate
Standard - In heliport crate

Radio - Hear messages from Brad
Advanced - Jill gets it from Richard , Chris gets it from Rebecca
Standard - Jill gets it from Richard , Chris gets it from Rebecca

Gold Emblem - Put this above fireplace in dining room
Advanced - In the secret passage near piano
Standard - In the secret passage near piano

Green Herb - Recovers a small bit of health
Advanced - All round the place
Standard - All round the place

Helmet Key - Opens some doors with a helmet carving
Advanced - Guardhouse Basement
Standard - Plant 42 room in fireplace

Hexagnol Crank - Use on Hexagnol holein green sewers
Advanced - Near Enrico in sewers
Standard - Near Enrico in Sewers

Ink Ribbon - Needed to save your game
Advanced - All round the place
Standard - All round the place

Lab Key - Opens the lab door
Advanced - Crank Passage
Standard - Conference room

Lighter - Used to light candle and fireplace
Advanced - Bedroom near the room with a deer trophey on the wall
Standard - Bedroom near the room with a deer trophey on the wall

The 3 MO Disks - Needed to gain three pass codes
Advanced - Courtyard room/Small lab/Conference Room
Standard - Libary / Hex Hole Place / Near lab stairs

Moon Crest pieces - Needed to open door to outside
Advanced - One In the big snakes room in attic, one in deer room
Standard - Only One Piece - In the attic with snake

Music Notes - Needed to open secret passage
Advanced - Push the cuboard thing in piano room, on the shelf
Standard - Push the cupboard thing in piano room , on the shelf

Red Book - Needed to fill empty space on shelf in 003
Advanced - Guardhouse bar table
Standard - 002 Bedroom

Red herb - Combine with green herb for wicked effects
Advanced - All round the place
Standard - All round the place

Red Jewel - Put in tiger statue
Advanced - Deers eye in room with movable stairs
Standard - Deers eye in room with movable stairs

Serum - Use to cure poison and to help Richard
Advanced - Under the stairs save room near tiger statue
Standard - Under the stairs save room near tiger statue

Shield Key - Opens any door with shield carving
Advanced - Get it after using blue jewel at tiger statue
Standard - Dining room behind grandfather clock

Slides - Contain pictures of T-Virus created monsters
Advanced - Confernece room Desk
Standard - Small lab with Umbrella computer in

Small key - Opens some locked desks (chris only)
Advanced - All round the place
Standard - All round the place

Square Crank - Put inside a square hole
Advanced - All round the place
Standard - All round the place

Star Crest - Needed to open door to outside
Advanced - In the statue that fell of balcony in dining room
Standard - Behind that painting in Art gallery

Sun Crest - Needed to open door to outside
Advanced - Greenhouse behind small version of Plant 42
Standard - Armour room

Sword Key - Opens all doors with sword symbol (Chris Only)
Advanced - Small dining rooms hidden room
Standard - Left stairs save room

V-Jolt - Use this to Kill Plant 42
Advanced - Room near beehive
Standard - Room near beehive

Wind Crest - Needed to open the door to outside
Advanced - Behind painting in gallery
Standard - Use blue jewel on tiger statue

Wolf Medal - Used with the Eagle medal to open passage to lab
Advanced - Inside Doom Book 2
Standard - Inside Doom Book 2

Phew! That is probably every item in the game that I know about this part of the
guide took me ages!
It is now time to complete the proper game!


What you do in the game effects what the outcome at the end is for example if
say to Rebecca to stay there instead of coming with you then you will get the
bad ending. There are loads of things that effect the overall outcome but are
way to complicated to explain in a FAQ . I have nearly cracked all the endings
and I have written down how to get each one and see every scene in game. When I
have finished that mammoth task i will publish it on this section of the guide.
Until then...


There are some new secrets in the Directors Cut you know making it a great
purchase rather than a rip off money making game for Capcom. So whereever you
see Resi 1 DC for a cheap price I suggest you buy a copy. Anyway now onto the

To make the extremly hard advanced mode easier than hold left or right (can't
remember and can't be bothered to turn on psx and try out) where it says
advanced mode after a while it should turn green i think. Now this will make it
much much easier because you will get twice as many bullets or ink ribbons and
stuff like that. A normal clip holds only 15 bullets with this cheat it will
have 30 bullets GREAT!

The hardest secret to obtain but easily the best is getting the rocket launcher
with infinite ammo! Complete the game in any mode training,standard and advanced
in under 3 hours to get the rocket launcher with infinte ammo. Now kill ANYTHING
in one hit but beware you cannot aim up or down like with normal weapons that
can get annoying but you can live with it.

In advanced mode the dressing room with different costumes to change into is
already open so you do not need that god damn special key. But if for some
reason want the dressing room open in standard or training mode then you must
just watch the best ending (the one where everyone survives) and at the end of
the credits it will say you got the special key. Save your game and reload and
go to the dressing room and get changed! Works with both Jill and Chris.

With the new Resident Evil DC like Resi 2 you can now crack the screen with your
weapons this is a useless but funny cheat. Now grab a weapon I prefer shotgun
for this now stand in a screen where you can aim your gun into the exact middle
of the screen like the main hall. After you aimed FIRE! The screen will have
cracks in for a second or two. He he he!

Now here comes the second best secret of Resi 1 DC complete Advanced mode (you
can use the double item cheat if you want) in any time limit but be sure to get
the best ending for either Chris or Jill when you do it should say you got the
Colt Python with infinite ammo YES! That rocks! Save your game and reload and
start blowing hunters and zombies heads off with it! The best thing about it is
that you can use the gun to make getting the rocket launcher much easier. So get
this first if you can't get the rocket launcher.


Botany Book -
As you may know there are many plants that have medical effects. Since ancient
times, humans have been healing wounds and diseases using various plants. In
this book we're going to sample three herbs that grow around the Raccoon
mountains and give their outlines as examples of those plants with medical
properties. Each herb has different colours and effects as medical plants: the
green one recovers physhical strength , the blue one neutralizes natural toxins,
while the red herb is only effective when it is mixed with other herbs. For
example, if you mix thos herb with the herb that recovers physical strength, the
recovery effect will be tripled. by adjusting the amount and experimenting with
these three herbs , you can create various kinds of medicines but i'll leave the
details in your hands, because that's the best way to acquire true knowledge.

Fax -
To General Manager of Sanitation Division

Special Committee on Disasters Raccoon Special Research Dept.
This memorandum is strictly confidential and must be destroyed as soon as it is
understood.Regarding the T-Virus outbreak which occured recently, this committee
conducted a field survey. According to the survey results, estimates on the
amount of damage caused by the accident are considerbly greater than reported
earlier. First although it is very difficult to obtain accurate data in terms of
actual numbers.It is thought that more than half of the researchers died after
exposure to the T-Virus. The body count will most likely increase since nearly
all survivors show symptoms peculiar to the T-Virus. Second our security system
is still in operation. However our special guard squad has been nearly
destroyed. Because of that research infomation considered by our company to be
top secret has been made available to outsiders. Counter-measures should be
taken as soon as possible.Finally many of the subjects from the experiment have
escaped and are out of control. We believe that some researchers were killed by
these subjects and their bodies mutilated. By curious coincendence , these
events are proof of the success of our research. However there is also a high
risk that this news may be leaked to the press if we don't act immediately.The
Situation is very serious. Our operation to cover up the situation is difficult
to attain. however we hope to problem will be solved quickly. We are especially
concerned that State police and S.T.A.R.S are intervening to quickly. We need to
act on this situation as well.

Keepers Diary -

Orders -

Plant 42 Report -

Researchers Letter -

Scrapbook -

Security System -

V-Jolt Report -


Hopefully soon i will have Jap,US and UK codes for each cheat cartridge and
version of Resident Evil DC. And by the way the Xplorer codes also work
amazingly for the origanal Resi 1! Don't know how that is but who cares.

Xplorer - The Xplorer codes are for the UK PAL version of Resident Evil 1 DC

Infinte Rockets for Rocket Launcher -

Infinte Bullets for Colt Python -

Infinte Bullets for Pistol -

As you can see this section is nowhere near completed...

This section will be about what happens to Umbrella and stuff like whether or
not Wesker is dead. I think he is alive because when barry hit him in the head
and he fell down. when you come back later he is gone! So he must of ran off to
Umbrellas secret HQ where Chris is heading. Also what about that Mysterious
woman in a shadow at the end of Resi 2? Who is that? What about John?
And Annette Birkin? All these will hopefully be solved soon. So you will know
where every character went to.


Who is dead and who is alive after Resident Evil One DC and start of Resident
Evil 2

Barry Burton - Missing

Joseph Frost - Dead

Chris Redfield - Missing / gone to Umbrella's main HQ

Jill Valentine - Missing

Brad Vicars - Zombie

Albert Wesker - Missing (I think anyway)

Richard Aiken - Dead

Rebecca Chambers - Missing

Enrico Marini - Dead

Forest Speyer - Dead

Kenneth J.Sullivan - Dead


I am stuck what the hell do the Doom books do?

The doom books 1 and 2 have secret medals in to get them out go to the inventory
screen and check it . press X on the middle bit of the book and it should open
with the medal inside. Now put the medals in the fountain to get to the final
stage th Lab,he he he!

--------------- - My email address!

I can't seem to remember anyone elses sorry!
More people coming soon

--------- - As in my UO guide i do not know why i put this link down... - News on RPGS! - nice chat program

More Resident Evil related sites coming soon...


All Emails will be answered by me, I will only answer questions that are not
covered in this guide.

Forthcoming FAQs from me are -

Resident Evil Code Veronica
Brave Fencer Musashi
Ultima IV

In the meantime read my Ultima Online/Offline FAQ and
Xenogears FAQ. Thank You.

Scream 127







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Japanische Version: unendlich Ammo.

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