Resident Evil: The Director's Cut

Resident Evil: The Director's Cut

15.10.2013 18:53:59

Guide, exclusive to If you see it anywhere else, notify me at
once. You can contact me at This Game Guide will cover
many aspects that regard RESIDENT EVIL: DIRECTOR’S CUT DUAL SHOCK. This guide
will NOT cover the Saturn version. This is exclusively for the DIRECTOR’S CUT
DUAL SHOCK VERSION. There is no SATURN info here. PSX fans gear up for the




August 20, 2001
UPDATE: Began and finished guide.











Against zombies, use the Beretta early in the game and the Shotgun once you
beat Plant 42.

Against Hunters, use the Shotgun until you get the Magnum.

Don’t bother shooting Neptune Shark- guns are ineffective underwater.

Chimeras a re quicker than Hunters! Use the Magnum!

Try to avoid Combat Knife use!


AGE: 25
Chris is the tough guy type in the STARS Alpha Team. He likes to show off a
little, especially to Jill and Rebecca. He can’t do squat in chemistry and
musical instruments, but works really well with firearms and melee weapons.

AGE: 23
Jill is the smart type in the STARS Alpha Team. She is very good with the piano
and knows how to mix chemicals. She’s not as tough as Chris, in terms of
stamina, but a lot smarter. Works pretty well with guns and knives, but not as
good as Chris though.

AGE: 38
Barry loves his family so much. He’ll do ANYTHING to keep his family safe.
During the game, he becomes very helpful to Chris and Jill. But he seems to be
hiding a secret and Jill eventually finds out. Will he make it? You control

AGE: 18
Rebecca is the young medic of STARS Bravo Team. She is well trained and pretty
smart for her age. She is a rookie at her work, but she can be well trusted.
Her gun ability is amazingly good for her age. But she can get hurt a lot
easier than Chris and Jill. Besides Chris and Jill, she’s the only other
character you control.

AGE: 38
Wesker is the cool type guy. He wears shades and never seems to take them off.
When he gets to the mansion, he gets a little... shady. He vanishes every now
and then and refuses to talk in detail to Chris and Jill. Is there something up
his sleeve?

*4: STORY*

In July of 1998, there are murders in the forest area outside the suburb of
Raccoon City. The local police department sends in the 2 STARS (Special Tactics
and Rescue Squad) Teams, Bravo and Alpha (A and B) to investigate. Bravo Team
vanishes and Alpha Team is sent. They see a helicopter and a dog attacks them.
The dog… seems strange and it’s skin is rotten. The dog mauls Joseph Frost, an
Alpha Team member. The remaining Alpha Team members retreat into a mansion,
where they think it’s safe, yet…


As Jill lays unconscious, Claire Redfield, the sister of Chris Redfield, rides
into town to find him. Leon Kennedy rides into town on his first day of job.
Leon and Claire run into the zombies. After running from them, Claire runs into

They work together to get to a police vehicle. Claire and Leon get hold of
guns. Suddenly, their police vehicle crashes thanks to a zombie. Since the RPD
Building is nearby, they decide to meet there.

Leon and Claire take different paths to the RPD Building. They eventually meet
in the STARS Office. Leon finds a Shotgun in the STARS Office and Claire finds
a much needed Grenade Launcher in the main desk of the main lobby. Leon and
Claire decide to find any survivors so they can have more weapons to get
through the streets.

As Claire wanders, Umbrella drops a Tyrant into the RPD for an unknown reason.
Claire sees Tyrant, which she nick names Mr. X. her Grenade Launcher puts it
down though.

Claire runs into a young 12 year old named Sherry Birkin, the daughter of
William Birkin, who is now a monster. Leon runs into Ada Wong, a women looking
for her boyfriend, John. Claire and Sherry meet the RPD chief, Brian Irons. He
is strange.

Ada and Leon meet up with Ben Burtolucci. He seems to know something about
John, but isn’t cooperating. Claire and Leon run to the sewers to look for her
parents. They don’t find them, but they find a few keys for the RPD. Leon and
Ada find keys of their own.

Sherry and Claire run to the chief and discover his secret layer. On the way,
Mr. X returns several times to haunt Claire. They find out Irons was working
for Umbrella. William Birkin, now a monster, kill Irons.

Ada and Leon get back to Ben. William Birkin implanted Ben with a parasite. The
parasite escapes Ben’s body, cutting him up. Leon and Ada see the growing
parasite. Earlier, Leon found a Magnum. It and his Shotgun are very effective
against the G-Imago. The G-Imago dies.

Earlier, Claire found a Submachine Gun. It and her Grenade Launcher are
effective against William. William falls into a pit. Sherry and Claire find
their way off the RPD building via and underground sewer.

Leon and Ada find another way into the sewer. As Leon and Ada go down a lift, a
woman in a lab coat shoots Leon. Ada chases the women through the sewer. The
sniper then corners Ada.

As Claire sees Sherry fall down a drain. She looks for her and runs into a shot
Leon. Leon tells Claire to find Ada and Sherry. Claire moves ahead.

Ada and the sniper are talking. Annette Birkin is William’s hisband and
Sherry’s mother. Annette tells how Umbrella stole the virus. Then Ada pushes
Annette over the railing and she falls into a sewer.

Ada runs down into a pit and sees… a GIANT ALLIGATOR! Claire runs into where
Annette fell. She tells Annette that Sherry is in the sewer. Annette faints.

Leon wakes up. He decides to look for Ada. He eventually finds her being
attacked by an alligator. His Shotgun and Magnum put the thing down. Ada tells
Leon that John is dead. After healing his wound, Leon and Ada go to the tram
and ride it across town.

Claire finds Sherry eventually. She asks Sherry is she has G- Virus, like
Annette had told her, but she says no. As Ada and Leon ride the tram, William
Birkin attacks them. They shrug him off, though.

Sherry and Claire ride another tram to follow Ada and Leon. Ada and Leon ride
an elevator car down. During the ride, Birkin wounds Ada. Leon uses his
artillery to stop him.

Claire and Sherry reach another elevator car. Birkin, since Leon had hurt it,
is now mutating again. Mr. X interrupts Claire as she powers the place up.
Birkin is then defeated in a fight with Claire.

In the lab, Leon decides to heal Ada. He looks around and runs into Annette
Birkin. Annette is about to shoot Leon, but Birkin attacks Annette. Annette
drops a G- Sample. Leon takes it and runs into Ada, who is now threatening him.

Apparantly, Annette said Ada worked for some company out for the G- Virus. Ada
then falls down a chasm, thanks to Annette. Leon, in a rage, throws the G-
Sample over.

Claire and Sherry run into Mr. X. Words from Annette then add up on why Mr. X
is after Sherry. Sherry has the G- Virus in her pendant. Sherry and Claire use
the pendant to cause Mr. X to fall into a lava pit.

Leon gets to the escape elevator. Birkin returns, but Leon deals with him
accordingly. Claire and Sherry reach the train area separately. Suddenly, Mr. X
returns, but has grown a claw. Claire’s weapons only slow it down, but
suddenly, Ada throws a launcher to save Claire.

Claire destroys Mr. X once and for all. Claire powers up the train and Leon
comes in. The lab then explodes in a blast. In the back of the train, Birkin
returns. Claire deals with him.

But Birkin is still alive. The only solution is to destroy him in a blast. They
activate the train’s explosion sequence. Birkin is consumed in a blast.

Claire, Leon and Sherry decide to find Chris Redfield, whom back at the RPD
Building they discovered he went to Europe, decide to find him there. They run
off into the morning of September 29th, 1998.

October 1, 1998
Meanwhile, Jill is infected with the virus. Carlos decides to find a cure in
the hospital. There, Carlos discovers Nicholai is alive. Nicholai shoots UBCS
member Tyrell Patrick. Carlos dodges Nicholai and finds Jill’s cure.

Jill is cured. The Nemesis returns, but Jill can handle it again. She gets to
an escape plant. After dumping Nemesis into corrosive acids, Carlos tells her
that the town will be nuked.

Jill sees Nicholai escape in a chopper. After letting him go, Jill kills
Nemesis for the final time. Barry Burton suddenly saves Jill and Carlos just
before the town of Raccoon is nuked… Jill and Carlos have escaped. Now they
wanna kill off Umbrella!

November 1998
On an isolated island in the Atlantic, a guy named Ark Thompson sneaks into an
Umbrella controlled city. He was sent by RE2’s Leon to check up on the base and
its commander, Vincent. When Ark gets to the base, he fights Vincent. Vincent,
who was ready to get kicked out of Umbrella, spilled the T- Virus into the
island, called Sheena Island.

Ark Thompson loses his memory. The place has been zombified like Raccoon City.
Ark only has one gun for protection. After a phone call from someone he
questioned, Andy Holland, Ark thought he was Vincent. Ark goes through the
city, uncovering secrets about Umbrella and how they created Tyrants. Mr. X, a
Tyrant Claire ran into in Raccoon City, chases Ark around the island.

Ark, still thinking he’s Vincent, runs into Lott and Lily Klein. After joining
them in an escape, Umbrella sends in a “Cleaner” crew team to wipe them out.
Ark and the others eventually discover that many Mr. X were being produced on
the island.

Ark, Lott and Lily encounter a new type of Tyrant, similar to the one Chris
Redfield saw on the Spencer Estate. They slay it and finally escape, before
Vincent, the Cleaner crew and Andy Holland are consumed in a blast.

One month after the Sheena Island incident and 3 months after the Raccoon City
incident, Claire Redfield goes to Europe to find Chris. She eventually gets
captured for trespassing on Umbrella’s Paris Lab. She is taken to an island
near Antarctica and that's where RESIDENT EVIL CODE: VERONICA begins...

CODE: Veronica X first starts December 17, 1998 in Paris as Claire gains some
leads on her brother, Chris and his whereabouts. It has been 2 and a half
months since Claire and her new partner Leon escaped Raccoon City just a day
before it was bombed.

Claire and Leon traveled to Paris, once again, to gain a lead on Chris
Redfield. Unable to contact his partners Jill, Barry and Rebecca, Claire and
Leon invade Umbrella’s Paris Lab. Leon and Claire are separated because the
guards of the base see them.

Leon manages to escape during the attack, but Claire isn’t so lucky. Suddenly,
a chopper loaded with a Gatling Gun begins to attack Claire. (In the Beta
Version, Jill’s enemy from RE3 (Nicholai) is piloting the chopper.) The guards
are still chasing her. She ducks into a hallway. The guns kill the guards
chasing her.

Claire runs down the hallway, barely missing the choppers’ guns. She ends up on
the base’s rooftop. She uses a slick move to wipeout the guards. Suddenly, a
Hispanic man captures her at gunpoint. Claire is captured.

10 Days later, she is taken to an isolated Umbrella Base, called Rockfort
Island. After being told her identity number, she is butted in the head by a
rifle butt. Time passes and Claire wakes up to a huge explosion. Up above her
seemingly underground cellblock, she hears guns roaring and people screaming.
Moments later silence hits.

The door to the cellblock opens. A heavily breathing man comes in. Somehow the
guards managed to not see Claire’s lighter. She lights the lighter and she sees
the man who captured Claire at Paris. The man frees Claire and sits down
because he was wounded in the chaos above.

Claire discovers he needs Hemostat. Looking at the list, Claire finds out his
name is Rodrigo Juan Raval. As she passes through, a burning truck explodes. A
burning man goes toward Claire. It’s A ZOMBIE! It seems the attack caused a
viral leak in the area. Claire was luckily to avoid the zombies.

Claire arrives in the main hall of the prison complex. She is then attacked by
a gun. Claire sees a pistol and dispatches the gun. Apparently, Steve Burnside,
a prisoner, sees Claire and thanks her for not being a zombie. Steve runs off
for the island’s rumored airport.

Claire looks around the prison, which is now a zombie’s hell house. As she
explores the prohibited areas, Claire catches up to Steve, who is looking up on
Chris Redfield on a computer. Steve asks Claire to contact Chris to come save
them. Claire does that, though Steve wasn’t serious about the idea. Claire
can’t contact Chris directly, but she figures Leon can. She e-mails Leon to get
Chris to help them. She gives Leon the coordinates of the island and Chris
himself. Steve runs off angrily.

After finding the right keys, Claire escapes through prison’s main gate, near
where she met Steve. After finding her way up a cliff, Claire sees a military
training complex. She explores the area, but shutters block off most of the

She manages to find a Bow Gun, though. And she also sees a man get slaughtered
by a yellow zombie in a locked lab. Claire sees a picture she think may be
important later on.

She enters the palace. She finds a few locked doors. One of them is different.
It needs to be unlocked using 2 special pistols. Claire looks on the first
floor and after unlocking a strange movie, she finds the 2 guns she needs. The
movie was shot, showing 2 twins, a boy and a girl, feeding a wingless dragonfly
to a hill of ants.

Claire grabs the pistols, but then the room locks her in and the room heats up.
She inserts them back in. She decides to exit the palace to look for the
military complex’s keys elsewhere. But as she exits, she hears Steve’s scream.
She runs back to the Luger trap to see Steve caught in it.

Using the reflexes she learned in Raccoon City, she saves Steve. Steve has the
Lugers Claire needs for the door. He offers to trade for 2 fully automatic

As Claire gears up to leave, she sees Alfred Ashford, the owner of the island.
Alfred tells Claire she attacked the island. Alfred continues to shoot and miss
at Claire with his sniper rifle.

Alfred also says his grandfather founded Umbrella originally. Alfred leaves
with a death threat to Claire. Claire continues her mission to find the
military complex’s card keys.

Claire sees a submarine beside the palace. She works the controls and sees it
going down. It stops. She gets out to see she’s at an underwater military

She looks around and finds an airplane she can use to get out. She needs 3
special keys to activate the plane, though. She looks around to find another
locked shutter. Looking at some maps, she sees a giant elevator behind the
shutter and remembering the maps of the military complex, she thinks the broken
elevator in the military facility’s yard leads down the airport.

To her surprise, Claire finds a key card she needs for the military complex.
Taking the submarine back to the palace, Claire continues for the military
complex. As she passes by the palace gates, she notices a smaller private
mansion on top of a hill behind the palace.

Claire eventually arrives. In the yard, she sees a giant worm attack her. Like
the dead alligator she saw in the sewers of Raccoon City, this thing is huge,
but not too smart. Claire escapes.

She gets through the locked shutters. In a room, Claire is ambushed by Alfred.
Claire chases Alfred further into the complex. In a medical room, Claire finds
the hemostat she needs for Rodrigo.

Claire gears for the prison, but she then discovers that Alfred lowered a
shutter that leads to the exit. Claire goes further. That yellow zombie that
killed the scientist then attacks her. It is a cross between a zombie and
tyrant. She shrugs them off.

Continuing, the another yellow zombie attacks her. But Steve them saves her
with the Lugers. Claire trades Steve the Lugers for the Submachine Guns.

Alfred suddenly lowers them into the complex’s basement. Steve runs ahead of
Claire and destroys a fresh set of zombies for her. Claire catches up to Steve.
Questioning him about his family, Steve runs off.

She catches up to Steve in an unstable balcony. They fall through. Suddenly, a
zombie rises and then runs toward Claire. Steve hesitates to shoot it. When it
is about to eat Claire, Steve unloads the rest of his bullets into the
creature, while yelling, “father!!!” After the zombie dies, Steve starts

He tells Claire that his father took Umbrella info and sold it. Steve and his
family were caught, his mom was killed and Steve hates his dad for doing this
to him. Claire leaves Steve to mourn his dad’s death. Apparently, Steve just
shot his zombie dad.

Claire finds Alfred’s crest in a room with the facility’s diorama. She uses it
on a little box she found earlier. She finds the last key card needed to
explore the facility. She finds a key for the airport’s plane.

Claire also finds her way into the lab where the yellow zombie killed that
scientist. Claire sees the painting she wanted. Noticing a resemblance to a
painting she saw in the facility’s diorama room, she hooks it on to the wall
where the eagle plate was. As she leaves, albinoid experiments escape the lab
and run up vents. Claire escapes before the lab is locked.

A wall in the diorama room is raised, revealing the actual diorama the wall was
hiding. She sees a key, gold colored. Claire sees that this can open a door at
the palace.

Claire races for the palace. She opens the door she wants to open and sees a
room full of paintings of Alfred’s ancestors. After looking around, Claire
finds a strange queen ant model.

Claire travels to the door with the luger engravings. Using the lugers, Claire
unlocks the door to an office. There, she discovers that Alfred has a twin
sister, Alexia, and according to Alfred’s butler, he’s seen her in Alfred’s
private house.

Claire finds her way to a bridge. Up ahead, Claire sees the private house on
the hill she’s been wanting to explore for more clues. She explores the house
and nearly runs into Alexia Ashford. She’s talking to her brother about Claire
and Steve’s destruction. They then leave.

The house has been damaged by the island’s attack, but Claire finds a key she
needs for the palace’s remaining doors. Heading back to the palace, Claire
finds another eagle plate. She then remembers a door she saw in the prison
complex that had an eagle engraving.

After looking in a slot room, Claire decides to head back to the prison. There,
she goes to the cellblock and sees a dying Rodrigo. Fortunately, Claire saves
him in time with hemostat. After thanking each other, Claire trades her lighter
for Rodrigo’s lockpick.

Claire explores the door behind the one with the eagle plate. Claire discovers
an infirmary. After confronting a powerful zombie, Claire unlocks the path to a
secret basement.

There, she finds a piano roll that fits perfectly into the piano at the palace.
Claire gears for the palace. In the yard, someone familiar attacks her: Albert
Wesker. Wesker tells Claire he attacked the island and is after Chris now. As
Claire is attacked, she notices a key she needs for the airport. Wesker tells
Claire he’ll use her to get to Chris.

Wesker, after getting a call from his men, jumps over a wall, toward the
palace’s dock. Collecting the airport key, Claire heads into the palace’s
piano. Claire finds a king ant model, like the queen model she found earlier.

Heading back to the private residence, Claire discovers the ant models where
keys to a secret lair above Alfred and Alexia’s bedrooms. Claire discovers the
final airport key and decides to find Steve and Rodrigo and leave.

Alexia Ashford attacks Claire on her way out. She has a sniper rifle like
Alfred’s. Suddenly, Steve comes in and shoots Alexia through a door. The door
is easy passage between Alexia and Alfred’s bedrooms.

Claire sees Alfred with make up on. Apparently, he’s been dressing like his
sister. Claire decides that Alexia is just Alfred’s imagination. Alfred runs
off crying. He sets off the self-destruct sequence.

Claire and Steve run to the palace gates, near where Claire was attacked by
Wesker. Steve leads Claire to the airport. Claire inserts the keys to the
plane. Unfortunately, the drawbridge is in the way of the plane. Claire
volunteers to raise it.

Claire runs to the controls and raises them. In a room she couldn’t access
before, Claire finds the keys to the shutter blocking the elevator.

Claire decides to ride the elevator up to the military complex and head back to
the plane via the palace’s submarine. She does just that. After fixing the
elevator, the 5 minute timer for the explosion begins. As Claire rides the
elevator up, Alfred releases a monster after Claire… Can it be? Yeah it’s…

Claire steps out of the elevator and as she expected, she ends up in the
military complex’s yard. Dodging the giant worm, she gears for the palace.

On her way, a fire traps Claire. Tyrant comes from the fence. Apparently, it’s
the monster Alfred released. Claire uses her bazooka she found earlier and
manages to put Tyrant down. Claire dashes passed the palace and down the
submarine into the airport.

Steve manages to pilot the plane and then the plane lifts off from an exploding
island. As the plane circles the island, the prison, palace and private mansion
are consumed in the blast, but the military complex seems to withstand it.

Not caring, Claire and Steve fly off. They apologize for everything mean they
said to each other. Suddenly, the plane rocks. In the back, Claire sees Tyrant.
Claire uses her bazooka to weaken it and then catapults it off the plane. It
looks like her encounter with Mr. X on Raccoon City did her some good.

Back on the exploding island, Alfred runs into the somehow surviving military
complex. He sees the tank and moves it to reveal a secret lift. The lift leads
to a different area of the airport. Alfred hitches a ride on one of the 2
harrier jets and flies away from the island.

On Claire’s plane, Alfred controls the plane and changes it’s direction. Steve
can’t change it so they have no choice. Hours later Steve attempts to kiss a
sleeping Claire, but fails. Moments later, the plane crashes into an Umbrella
Base in Antarctica.

Claire and Steve get off the broken plane and look around separately. Claire
finds the diary revealing that a monster named Nosferatu is trapped somewhere
in the base. Also, it seems Alfred Ashford spilled the T- Virus around the
base, so there are now zombies in the area. Looking in a private office, Claire
finds the evil monster trapped in a chair beneath wire mesh. What has Alfred
been up to?

Claire looks around and asks Steve to lift a digging car with a crane. Steve
looks at Claire and causes a gas leak in the room. Claire fixes it. Suddenly,
Alfred, still wearing make up and talking like Alexia, tries to shoot Claire,
but Steve comes in and shoots Alfred down a deep chasm.

Nosferatu suddenly feels agitated. He breaks free of his prison and runs off…
Claire grabs Alfred’s sniper rifle and Steve and Claire dig out of the room
with the digging car. They eventually get to a heliport above the base.

Nosferatu suddenly attacks Steve. Steve is KO’ed, while Claire must fight him
on his own. Using the sniper rifle, Claire punctures Nosferatu’s once human
heart and kills him. Claire rescues Steve.

They find a car and drive off to an Australian Base. Meanwhile, Alfred, nearly
dead, releases his sister from cryogenic sleep. Alfred tells Alexia to kill
Claire. Alfred then dies of blood loss.

Alexia uses her mind to attack Claire and Steve’s car. The car burns. Did
Claire and Steve survive?

Meanwhile, on Rockfort Island, Chris Redfield arrives. Leon managed to contact
him. Chris climbs a cliff and arrives in a cave. There, he sees Rodrigo. After
Rodrigo tells Chris he saw Claire and Steve leave the island, that worm Claire
saw swallows up Rodrigo.

Chris chases the worm throughout the cave. Finding some Submachine Guns, Chris
kills the thing. Rodrigo is swallowed up, but dies shortly after, giving Chris
the lighter before he dies. Chris finds his way into a lightly damaged military

Chris looks around and finds his way to Alfred’s harrier jet bay. He needs a
halberd that was on the eagle plates Claire found to open the harrier doors.

Chris finds his way to the control room. He sees Alexia Ashford singing on the
wide screen. Down in the airport where Claire boarded the plane with Steve,
Wesker is happy that Chris is finally here. He sends Hunters after Chris.

Chris finds the eagle plate Claire used to open the box. But unfortunately, it
falls down into the sewers below thanks to a giant hole caused by the
explosion. He finds his way into the lab area thanks to a hole in the wall.

Chris sees a knob-less door Claire didn’t explore. Chris decides to find a
doorknob in the basement. There, he explores a lab where the T- Virus was
leaked from.

He finds a chemical he thinks he needs for getting halberd. It’s called Clement
E. It, mixed with Clement A, can melt the alloy part of Alfred’s eagle plate.

Chris finds his doorknob and then is scanned by a scanner. Moments later,
Hunters attack Chris. Chris, using a shotgun he found, kills them. Chris sees
the scanners when he gets back to the knob-less door.

Avoiding them, Chris ends up on the other side of the broken balcony that Steve
and Claire fell through. Finding a small tank object resembling the tank
outside the facility, Chris inserts it to the little hole in the diorama. The
paintings in the room slide to reveal3 little keys needed and a turntable key.

There’s also a note from Alfred saying there’s a passage beneath the diorama
that takes Alfred from the military complex to his private residence. Chris
notices the 3 key holes and notes them.

On his way, Chris sees Albert Wesker. Wesker attacks Claire and says Claire
won’t live long and that she’s in the Antarctic with Steve and the evil Alexia.
Suddenly, Alexia Ashford appears on a screen and laugh. Wesker sees to have
super powers, as he has yellow eyes… Wesker vanishes and a yellow zombie
attacks Chris. Using his submachine guns, he kills it.

After finding his way to the main yard thanks to the turntable key, Chris sees
that he can’t get to the palace.

Taking the elevator down to the airport, Chris sees the keys Claire used to
board the plane. They also fit into the 3 key holes in Alfred’s diorama room.
Grabbing them, Chris tries to use a submarine he saw on a map to get to the

Unfortunately, the submarine somehow got docked up at the palace, so access to
the palace is impossible. Taking the 3 keys back to the diorama in the military
complex, Chris manages to find the ladder.

Following a tunnel, Chris discovers that the door leading to the private
residence is locked. But nearby, Chris sees Alfred’s private swimming pool. In
it is the eagle plate. There’s also a monster on the pool.

It’s the albinoid Claire released from the lab. It matured really fast. Chris
uses his shotgun to dispose of the electric monster. Chris grabs the eagle
plate. But Clement E alone can’t dissolve the alloy.

Chris backtracks to the basement area. He finds the final Clement A and then
mixes it with Clement E. The mixture solution causes the eagle plate to
dissolve, leaving the halberd.

Using the halberd, Chris gains access to the harrier bay. He jumps on the last
plane and flies to Antarctica.

There, Chris immediately looks for Claire. It seems that the place was filled
with ice from when Claire and Steve tried to escape. This helps Chris access
new areas.

In an area that looks like the Spencer Estate, Chris finally finds Claire.
After saving her, Claire and Chris decide to find Steve. Alexia comes and
curses at them. Claire and Chris give chase toward Alexia, but a giant tentacle
separates them.

Claire wakes to see Chris’ foot and knees injured. Chris tells Claire to find
Steve. Suddenly, they hear Steve scream. Claire chases alexia through a few

Using her guns, she kills a few of Alexia’s tentacles. Claire finally sees
Steve in a prison. It’s the room Nosferatu was stuck in. Steve tells Claire
that Alexia performed the same experiment that she performed on her own father.

Steve suddenly expands and mutates into a giant toad-like monster. It then
begins to attack Claire. Claire runs off to the exit. But since the door was
locked by Alexia, Steve begins to attack Claire.

Suddenly, a tentacle grabs and constricts Claire. Steve is about to kill
Claire, but his human personality comes back and Steve cut the tentacle. The
tentacle whacks Steve at about 50 miles an hour and Steve is flung into the

Steve tells Claire he loves her and that he can’t keep his promise of leaving
with her. Slowly, Steve dies. Claire cries and cradles over the body of Steve

During the death of Steve, Wesker calls Alexia to come with him because she has
her experiment, T- Veronica Virus, in her. Alexia then begins to burn. Her
clothing begins to shrivel. Alexia’s choker falls to the floor.

Alexia is now a gray evil mad woman. She looks like a cross between a dragonfly
and ant. Wesker gets punched across the room. He moves across, tells Alexia
he’s coming with her and then punches Alexia. Wesker sees Chris and then lets
him take care of Alexia.

Chris uses his shotgun to kill Alexia. He keeps moving and eventually 10
shotgun shells put Alexia down. Chris, judging from a file he found earlier,
thinks Alexia’s choker can access a door behind the painting above the
staircase of the mansion main hall replica.

Chris looks at the file some more and sees that Alexander Ashford was turned
into a monster thanks to Alfred and Alexia. Chris leaves the main hall and then
heads down an elevator. As Chris exited the mansion, Alexia rises. She’s still
alive. Chris is now in a room with a giant anthill.

Searching around, Chris finds the room Alexia was stored in. He plays with the
controls and then out of the tube falls Alfred Ashford’s dead body. Chris grabs
Alfred’s ring. Looking around the base a second time, Chris learns that
Nosferatu was implanted in the ice thanks to Alexia.

In the file, Alfred said Alexander Ashford was turned into a monster. Thinking
the dead Nosferatu will have the 3rd jewel to open up the painting.

Using a crane to get Nosferatu’s body, Chris grabs the 3rd jewel. Chris opens
up the painting and finds a lab. It’s where Alexander Ashford tested the T-
Veronica Virus. It also reveals Alfred and Alexia where created through
inserting a sperm cell into an embryo that belonged to Veronica, their

The lab leads to where Steve died. Unfortunately, there’s a locked door between
Chris and Claire. Claire tells Chris that Steve id dead and tells him to set
the explosion sequence like in Raccoon City and Rockfort Island. Chris does
just that.

After inserting the CODE: Veronica thanks to the file, Claire and Chris rejoin
each other. Suddenly, a tentacle separates them again. Alexia has returned.

After nearly destroying Claire, Chris shoots Alexia with an acid round and
causes her to mutate into a large monster. Claire gets away. Chris fires every
weapon he has against the giant Alexia. Suddenly, the ants beneath in the hill
start to attack Alexia.

Alexia shrugs them off by growing wings and now flying. The bulk of her body
dissolves. Chris grabs a nearby plasma rifle and shoots a ray into Alexia.
Alexia screams and then the next second, she is liquified.

Chris starts to run as explosions begin to occur. As Chris gets down to the
prison cells and to the elevator, he sees Wesker folding Claire by the neck.
Nearby, the door leading to where Steve died is open.

Wesker pushes Claire through a hole in the wall. Chris chases Wesker through a
horde of zombies and catches up to them. Chris and Claire discover Wesker took
Steve Burnside to get the T- Alexia Virus.

Claire runs off and then Chris and Wesker battle. Explosions are still rocking
the base. Wesker and Chris are separated in a blast. They vow to kill each
other next time. Chris runs to the plane and escapes the exploding base with

They apologize for leaving each other and then decide to take out Umbrella once
and for all.

Those are the spoilers for the future Resident Evils after 1.


***NOTE: This is strictly Jill’s game and differs from Chris’ greatly. Scroll
down to Chris’ game for a walkthrough. Also, in Jill’s game, Barry and Wesker
make it into the mansion, but not Chris. Also when I say turn in any direction,
do it in Jill’s perspective.

After the starting scene in the Main Hall, you are in a big dining room with
Barry. After he stops talking, arm the Handgun (Beretta) and run to the single
door in the room. It leads to the Kenneth Hall. Turn to Jill’s left and look at
the zombie eating Kenneth. Run back to the Dining Room and Barry shoots the

Go back to the Main Hall and go behind the staircase after Barry stops talking.
Now go talk to Barry again. He will give you a lockpick and tell you to look
for Chris and Wesker. After he leaves, go back to Kenneth’s body and grab the 2
Clips from him.

Go back to the Main Hall and grab the Ink Ribbons from the Typewriter. Now go
through the double doors to the right of the staircase. You are in the Blue
Room. Use the Lockpick and go through the brown door. Jill is in the Dog Hall.
Walk backwards until the dog comes. Shoot them to the floor and then kill them.
Keep going and another dog will pop through the window. Kill that one.

Near the window where the second dog jumped out, push the display case and grab
the Clip. Now go through the next door to the Long Hall. Grab the Green Herb
nearby and then go passed the locked door. Keep going passed the other door.
There’s nothing through that door, so keep going until you see yet another door
across from a set of double doors. Go through.

Jill is in the Ceiling Room. Go through the empty room to the other door. Go
through to the Shotgun Room. Grab the Shotgun from the rack and then exit back
into the Ceiling Room. There, the ceiling begins to fall. Try opening both
doors in the room. Then Barry will break the door down for you to escape.

After thanking Barry, head through the double doors. In the Exit room, kill the
zombie with the Handgun and go through the door across the locked one. Inside
is the Crow Hall. There are painting in this hallway. Press them in this order:
Newborn Child, Infant, Lively Boy, Young Man, Tired Middle Aged Man,
Bold-Looking Old Man, The End of Life. Press them in the wrong order and the
crows attack.

Pressing them in order reveals a Star Crest. Exit the room and go through the
little hall beside the locked door. It is the Exit Hall. Keep going until you
see a locked door that needs to be unlocked with 4 crests. Insert the Star
Crest and then head back to the Exit Room.

There, head through the door right of the locked one. Jill is in the Right
Stairs Hall. There, go through the door near the stairs. Jill is in the Right
Stairs Save Room. Grab the Chemical, save the game and deposit any Ink Ribbons
and the Combat Knife. Head out and up the stairs.

Climb the Stairs to the Top Right Stairs Hall. Kill all the zombies and head to
the door left of the one with the broken knob. You are in the Red Hallway. Head
left and go passed all the locked doors until you see the last door. Go
through. Jill is back in the Main Hall, on the top of the staircase.

Barry is there. He gives Jill Acid Rounds for the Bazooka and then leaves. Now
go to the door to the right of the one Jill just came through. There, go
through the Blood Hall and through the next door. Jill is now in the Forest
Balcony. There, try grabbing the Bazooka without examining the dead Forest to
avoid getting crows to attack Jill. After grabbing it, head back to the Main

There, go to the very top left door. It is the Upper Dining Room. Kill the
zombies from the distance. Then examine the statue far left of Jill. Push it up
and then right down into the Lower Dining Room.

Head through the far door. Jill is in the Upper Left Stair Hall. Kill the
zombies with the Bazooka. Then go down the stairs. In the Lower Left Stair
Hall, kill one zombie with the Bazooka and one with the Beretta. Try to
conserve ammo.

Head into the door near the stairs. It is the Left Stairs Save Room. Save the
game and heal if you must. Head out to the Lower Left Stairs Hall. Keep going,
passed the locked doors. Kill the zombie and head through the end door. You are
in the J Hall, because it’s shaped like a J. Keep going straight and turn right
to a door, killing zombies with the Bazooka (You should have maybe 2 bullets

In the Vine Room, look for a water pump left of Jill. Use the Chemical and the
Vines will die. Go and grab the Mansion Key. It is the Armor Key. Get it and
head back to the J Hall. There, turn left, and then left again and then left
again. Turn one final left and through the door into the Tiger Statue Room.

Remember that room for later. Across the Tiger Statue Room, use the Lockpick to
open the door into the Bedroom. There, grab the Clip from the bed and examine
the desk. Then, a zombie will pop from the closet behind Jill. Kill it with the
Bazooka. Then grab the Shotgun Shells. Exit and head back to the Lower Left
Stair Hall.

There, unlock the locked door with the Armor Key. Go through to the Desk Room.
as Jill, don’t grab it. Grab everything else from the desk, especially the
Shotgun Shells. Head back out to the J Hall. Now go through the door you
haven’t gone through yet.

Jill is back in the Kenneth Hall. Turn left and go to the far-left door. It is
the Music Room. Look at the shelf right of the piano and push it left. Then
grab the Music Notes from the hidden shelf and use them on the piano. Jill will
automatically play “Moonlight Sonata” and then a wall will rise, revealing a
secret room.

Now exit for now. Back in the Kenneth Hall, go back to the Dining Room. There,
look for the statue you pushed from the top area and grab the Blue Jewel. Now
look above the fireplace and grab the Emblem. You may need to unload some
stuff, like the Bazooka and Acid Rounds. So feel free to go back to the Left
Stairs Save Room to do so.

Once you have the Emblem and Blue Jewel, head back to the Tiger Statue Room and
use the Blue Jewel on the Tiger Statue. Jill will get the Wind Crest. Head back
to the Exit Hall across the whole mansion and use it on the door at the end.

Now go back to the Music Room with the Emblem. Go to the secret room and grab
the Gold Emblem. The wall you raised with the piano will lower again, so place
the Emblem in and take the Gold Emblem out. Go back to the Dining Room. There,
place the Gold Emblem above the fireplace and then the Grandfather Clock will
move aside to reveal a key- the Shield Key!

Go back to the Red Hall and open the double doors there. In the Knight Room,
push both statues over the vent holes on the ground and the press the button on
the floor. The glass on a display case will open revealing the Sun Crest. Go
back to the Exit Hall and then place the third crest. Now go back to the Red
Hall and through the single door using the Armor Key.

You are in Richard’s Room. There, talk to Richard and go back to the Left
Stairs Save Room. There, grab a Serum from the shelf and head back to Richard.
Give him the Serum and then he dies. He gives you his Radio.

Passed the dead Richard is another door. Go through to the T Room. There, use
the Shield Key on the door above the stairs. Before you go in, grab one full
healing item and the Bazooka with ACID ROUNDS ONLY. Inside, you fight the Yawn

***BOSS 1***
This boss isn’t too hard. Just pump 5 or 6 Acid Rounds into it before it dies.
If the Yawn poisons you, heal and then keep fighting. After Yawn Snake dies,
look near the hole it climbed through. Grab the Moon Crest, the final crest!
***BOSS 1***

If Jill is poisoned, she’ll collapse in the T Room. She will be taken to the
Left Stairs Save Room. She will be healed. Proceed to the Long Hall.

Once back in the Long Hall, head to the only locked door. There, kill the dogs
and then grab all the Green Herbs Jill can. Then head to the Exit Hall and
place the final crest next to the door to unlock it. FINALLY WE ARE OUT OF THAT


Jill is now in the Garden Shed. Push the ladder toward the shelves. Then climb
the ladder and grab the SQUARE Crank. Now exit to the Garden. There, kill the
dogs and proceed through the gate. In the Pond Room, go left and then turn
right and then use the SQUARE Crank to remove the water from the pond.

Go down the ladder and across the newly formed bridge and up the next ladder.
Turn left and left until Jill reaches a lift. Go down to the Waterfall Room and
kill the dogs. Examine the Waterfall- you got to find a way to get down here
without removing the water from the pond in the Pond Room. Then head through
the giant gate.

In the Entry Hall, kill the dogs and enter the Guardhouse. In the Guardhouse
Entrance, push the bat statue over the hole further in the hall to avoid vine
attacks. Now head into the room right of where the vine hole was into the save
room. There, bring the Bazooka if you have any rounds left or the Shotgun and

Since there aren’t many zombies here, bring only the Beretta fully loaded just
in case. Find the First Aid Spray on top of the shelf, too. Now exit and find
the “001” Door. Inside the 001 Room, use the Shotgun and Beretta to kill the

Use the Lockpick on the desk to get more Shotgun Shells. The grab the Red Book
on the bed. Now head into the other door in this room and you are in the 001
Bathroom. Examine the bathtub to drain it and then the C. Room Key will be
revealed. Grab it and then head back to the Guardhouse Entrance.

You don’t need to go through the double doors. Head north now and pass one
unmarked door and the 002 Door. Push the statue away and grab 3 Green Herbs you
MIGHT need. Now go through the unmarked door next to the 002 Door.

In the Wasp Room, run and hang a left until you see the wasp nest. Grab the 002
Key before they can hurt and exit back to the Guardhouse Entrance. Head back to
the 002 Door and use the 002 Key.

In the 002 Room, use the Lockpick on the desk to get another box of Shotgun
Shells. Grab the PLANT 42 REPORT file to read about the upcoming boss. Now look
at the left bookcase. Push it back and then push the right one to the left and
in front of the left bookcase.

There is now a ladder. Climb down into the Underground Tunnel. There, you have
to push the crates into the water pool to form a bridge to cross. Push the very
last crate you see into the pool. Then push the second crate you saw into the
pool. Then push the first crate you saw into the wall farthest from the ladder.
Then push it towards the pool and then into the pool.

Cross the newly formed bridge into a set of double doors half submerged with
water. You are in the Shark Room, because there are 3 sharks in the pool you
are in. Look for the wall with the 2 doors. Use the C. Room Key on the left
door and enter before the sharks can get you.

In the C. Room, look on the wall right of the door. Press the button there to
drain the water in the previous room. Now look for the red button and push it
to unlock the room next door. Go to the next room and grab the 2 boxes of
Shotgun Ammo. Grab the 2 Clips if you wasted any Beretta ammo. Get the 003 Key,

By now, you may have a full inventory, so feel free to head back to the Save
Room in the Guardhouse Entrance. But bring the Shotgun and Beretta this time.
The Bazooka may not be needed. So if you couldn’t take the 003 Key, head back
now and take it.

Now head back to the 002 Room. Head back into the Wasp Room and look for the
door to the left of the locked double doors. It’s the 003 Room. Use the 003 Key
to unlock it. Inside, look for the bookshelf. You’ll see a white book. Grab it.
It is the V-Jolt Report file. It’s unimportant to the path this guide is
taking, though.

Insert the Red Book you found a while back into the slot where the white book
was. The other shelf will move to reveal a door. Enter through. It is the Plant
42 Room. Arm the Shotgun and start firing on the giant plant.

***BOSS 2***
Keep firing the Shotgun or Beretta. Eventually, the Plant will look like it’s
dying. But then it comes back and constricts Jill with a vine. Suddenly, Barry
comes in with a Flame-thrower and destroys Plant 42! Saved by Barry!
***BOSS 2***

If you don’t want help from Barry, go to the room with a pad next to it in the
Wasp Room. Type the password “315” in the pad to unlock the door. Go through
to the V-JOLT Room. Grab the 4 Empty Bottles. You may need to return to the
Save Room.

Ok, first out water into one bottle. Then look on a shelf and put UMB. 2 into
another bottle. Combine the water and and UMB. 2 to create something called
NP-003. Then Go to another shelf and collect UMB. 4 in another empty bottle.
Combine UMB. 4 and NP-003 to make UMB. 7. Now use another bottle and collect
some more UMB. 2. Now go use another bottle and collect some UMB. 4. Combine
UMB. 2 and UMB. 4 to create Yellow 6.

Then combine Yellow 6 and UMB. 7 to create UMB. 13. Now put some water into
another empty bottle. Put some UMB. 2 into another bottle. Combine the water
and UMB. 2 to make NP-003 again. Combine NP-003 with UMB. 13 to make V-JOLT!!!

Now go back to the Shark Room and through the door you didn’t go through.
There, look for the plant root and apply the V-JOLT. The roots shrivel up. Now
go into the 003 Room and grab the Flame Rounds in the 003 Bathroom. Now go into
the Plant 42 Room. Kill Plant 42 easily with the Flame Rounds and Bazooka.

GREAT! You killed Plant 42 without Barry’s help!!!

Whichever method you use used, Plant 42 is now dead. Look in the fireplace of
the Plant 42 Room and you now have the Helmet Key, the final Mansion Key!!!

Head back to the Entrance Room. On your way, you’ll see Wesker and he’ll order
you back to the Mansion where the game started. Head back to the Waterfall Room
and up the lift to the Pond Room. Cross the bridge back to the Garden.

Head into the Garden Shed Room and into the Exit Hall. Head back into the


Upon entry, a new creature will attack Jill. When the scene is over, use the
Shotgun or Acid Rounds to kill the Hunter easily. Now head into the locked door
of the Exit Room (where Jill is now). Inside, it is the study. It’s dark in
this room, so flip the lamp switch on the desk.

Grab Doom Book 1 and look inside it with the “Check” option. Check in pages of
the book and then the Eagle Medal will be revealed! Grab the Magnum Rounds,
too! Now head back to the Right Stairs Save Room. Kill the Hunter on your way
in the Lower Right Stair Hall.

Outside the Right Stairs Save Room, Barry put a note up saying he left some
items for you. Go inside the Save Room. Inside, deposit the Eagle Medal (it’s
not needed until the end of the next area). Grab the first Aid Spray, the
Shells and the wonderful Acid Rounds.

By now, you might want to ditch the Beretta until the Lab Area. Make sure you
have the Shotgun, and Bazooka with Acid Rounds. Bring the Magnum Bullets, too.
So only carry the Magnum Bullets, Shotgun, Shells, Bazooka, Helmet Key and
First Aid Spray.

Head to the Upper Right Stair Hall. Kill the Hunter to the right with the Acid
Rounds and the other one with the Shotgun. Now go down the end of the hallway
to where you haven’t explored yet.

In the Fireplace Room, use the Helmet Key. Be warned, a boss fight is coming
up!!!!!!!!! In the Music Room 2 (the first one is the one in the Kenneth Hall),
examine the piano and then a boss fights occurs.

***BOSS 3***
Yawn is now scarred from your last battle. After fighting Plant 42, Yawn is a
wimp. Load the Acid Rounds and begin firing. If you run out, the Shotgun will
finish Yawn off. During the battle, Yawn makes a hole in the floor.
***BOSS 3***

Barry comes in after the battle. He gives Jill a rope and Jill climbs down the
hole. Barry then stupidly drops the rope. He goes to get another one! Examine
the tombstone and it slides to reveal a hidden ladder. Now go back to where
Barry dropped the rope and press X many times. Barry then comes back with
another rope. He drops it down.

Jill climbs up the new rope and Barry gives Jill and Pass Number, which is
important for later. Barry then leaves. Go down the rope and down the ladder
now. Run down the Secret Hall and kill the zombies. Grab the Shotgun Shells.
Head through the next door to Secret Hall 2. There, avoid the feasting zombies
and head through the next door to the Kitchen.

In the Kitchen, go to the corner and watch a scene of a zombie going down the
stairs. Kill the new zombie and ascend the stairs. Jill is back in the Kenneth
Hall, next to Music Room 1. Shoot the Hunters from a distance. Then head into
the Dining Room.

Passing through the Main Hall, head to the Upper Dining Room. Kill the 2
Hunters with the Shotgun and head to the Upper Left Stair Hall. Kill the
Hunters with the Shotgun. Now pass the stairs and to the door with the pad next
to it.

Jill will administer the PASS CODE Barry gave her and the door will now open.
But now use the Helmet Key for the last time (discard it) on the other locked
door in the room. Head through the door into the Red Jewel Room.

There, grab the file, the Magnum Rounds and push the ladder under the head of
the deer. Now flip the light switch and use the ladder to get the Red Jewel on
the forehead of the deer. Exit the room.

Go back to the Tiger Statue Room. Watch out for Hunters. There, use the Red
Jewel and now you can get the MAGNUM! The Magnum will kill any enemy except for
bosses (duh!) with one hit!

Go back to the door you unlocked with the Pass Code and go through. You are in
the Secret Hall 3. Keep going, killing zombies and then through the next door
to Secret Hall 4. Grab the green herbs and Blue Herb and head through the next
doors to the Dark Room.

There, grab the Explosive Rounds and Battery. Now you have every item you need
to get to the next section. But if you skip this section, you won’t get the
best ending.

Now had through the next doors in Secret Hall 4 to the Library. There, kill any
zombies and look for a desk. Unlock it with the Lockpick and grab the Magnum
Rounds. Look for the Scrapbook, too.

A door in the Library leads to another, smaller Library. In the Smaller
Library, look for the statue. Before pushing it, look for a red button and push
it to turn on the light. The light will shine on a weird colored tile, so push
the statue over it.

A shelf will move back, revealing a secret area. Grab the MO Disk.

Now go back to the Right Stair Save Room. Trace your path back to the Upper
Left Stair Hall. Head to the Main Hall. Take the upper path to the Red Hall.
Now there, go to the door at the end Jill hasn’t been in. It is the Master
Bedroom. Go through, grab the file, and then head through the next door. You
are now back in the Upper Right Stair Hall. Head down to the Right Stairs Save
Room and grab the battery, SQUARE Crank, Magnum, Magnum Bullets, Shotgun and
Shotgun Shells.

If you got the MO Disk, put it in the Item Box. Now go back to the Exit Room
and out to the Exit Hall. Go through the Garden Shed to the Garden and then to
the Pond Room.

There, cross the bridge and then head down the lift to the Waterfall Room.
There, look for another lift. Insert the Battery and then ride the lift back
up. Jill is now back in the Garden. Head back to the Pond Room.

There, use the SQUARE Crank and fill the pond with water again. Now go back to
the Garden and ride the lift down to the Waterfall Room. Now the waterfall in
the room stopped flowing because the pond is filled with water.

Before going down to the Underground Tunnels, head back into the Save Room in
the Guardhouse. Deposit the SQUARE Crank to save item space. Now go down the
ladder in the Waterfall Room.


Jill is in the Entrance Tunnel. Save the game at the Typewriter, and then head
back to the Save Room in the Guardhouse and deposit the Ribbons. Get back here
and head through the left door and you’ll see our best friend, Barry! Use the
choices, make go with Barry and take the lead. Make any other choices and the
game will end differently.

Head through the next door and let Barry kill the Hunter. Head to the right
door and you’re in the Enrico Room. Keep going and Enrico will eventually show
up, wounded.

After the sequence ends, Enrico will get shot. If you came with Barry, he’ll
stay and examine the blood. If he didn’t, just go after the Sniper. Grab the
HEX Crank that he dropped. Go back and to the Pit Room. Kill the Hunters and
head back to the Entrance Tunnel.

There, pass the Typewriter and head to the hole in the wall. Use the HEX Crank
once and then proceed down the hall. Turn left and then you’ll see a boulder.
It starts to roll. RUN! Run down the slope and into the niche you made by using
the HEX Crank. Once the boulder passes, go through the next door.

There, you will have to fight yet another boss.

***BOSS 4***
CODE: Veronica and CODE: Veronica X veterans will recognize this monster as the
Giant Spider. But like in CODE: Veronica and CODE: Veronica X, this boss is
pathetic, especially when you just fought Plant 42 and Yawn! Use the Magnum and
pop the monster until it dies.
***BOSS 4***

Then grab the Combat Knife (exactly like the one Jill began with) and start
slashing at the door covered in webs. After the webs are gone, go through the
door. It’s the Worm Tunnel.

Turn right quickly to avoid the worms. You are now in the Underground Save
Room. Save and grab everything in here. Then deposit them. Now equip Jill with
the HEX Crank, the Eagle Medal, a healing item and the Magnum and bullets.

Exit back to the Worm Tunnel. Head through the door in the other end of the
tunnel to the Exit Tunnel. Turn left and ride the lift up. You are in the other
side of the Garden. Insert the Eagle Medal into it’s respective slot in the
fountain and ride the lift back down.

Back in the Exit Tunnel, use the HEX Crank 3 times and then look for the
boulder. Run away from the second boulder and then duck into the niche near the
HEX Crank hole. Go to where the big rock was and nab the 2nd MO Disk. If you
don’t want the best ending, just grab it and insert it in the Item Box outside
the Worm Tunnel.

Now go through the door in the niche. It is the Button Room. Look for the hole
with the HEX Crank shape and use it for a block of wall to move away. Turn the
HEX Crank again for the wall to retreat. Then use the statue and push it to
where the wall would move. Use the HEX Crank again and the statue can now be
pushed over the button on the floor. Push it and a little compartment in the
room opens.

Grab Doom Book 2 and check it like Doom Book 1 from the Mansion. The Wolf Medal
will be revealed. Exit the room and head up the lift in the Exit Tunnel back to
the other side of the garden. Use the Wolf Medal on the other hole in the
fountain and then the fountain will turn into a set of stairs. Grab the Herbs
and then head down. Go down the elevator and you’re now in The Lab.


Jill is now in The Lab. She is in the Entrance Lab Room. Go down the ladder
down to the Chest Room. Grab the Shotgun from the Item Box and kill the
zombies. Grab the 2 MO Disks from the Item Box. Then look near the doors by the
stairs and grab the final MO Disk if you want the best ending. Now go down the

Jill is now in the Square Room, because it’s shaped like a Square. Turn to
Jill’s left and to the next door. Kill any zombies with the Shotgun. In the
next room, the Computer Room, look at the computer.

Type the User Name “John.” Then type the password “Ada.” Then select the B2F
selection and then enter the password “Mole.” The doors in B2F near where you
found the last MO Disk is now unlocked. Select B3F and the some doors on this
floor are now unlocked.

Go back to the Square Room and up the stairs. There, go to the Projector Room
and grab the P. Room Key. Now go back to the Square Room. Go to the double
doors with a blue light above it. Use the P. Room Key to open it.

In the Elevator Room, go to the 2nd door you see. It is the Save Room. Gear up
with the Magnum, Shotgun, Bullets for both and 2 Healing items. Now go to the
Elevator Room. Turn towards Jill’s left from the Save Room door to the Chimera
Room 1.

There, cap the Chimeras with the Magnum and turn the first right you see (from
Jill’s point). Push the button. Then head through the next door. It is Chimera
Room 2. Kill the Chimeras and then head through the next door. It is the Energy
Room. Look for a panel and then start the power for the elevator in the
Elevator Room.

Go back to the Elevator Room. Start the elevator up and then Barry comes and
follows you. When you get to the top, there’s a scene involving Wesker and

Wesker reveals his plan to capture Tyrant and destroy the entire mansion, the
labs, the guardhouse, tunnels, everything.

***NOTE: If you were with Barry when Enrico got shot in the Underground
Tunnels, Barry will KO Wesker. If Barry wasn’t with you, he won’t KO Wesker and
leaves. If Barry KOs Wesker, he’ll go into the Tyrant Room with Jill. If he
doesn’t, Wesker will go into the room with Jill instead.

However it went, Jill is now in the Tyrant Room with either Barry or Jill.
Wesker purposely releases Tyrant to go after Jill, but then Tyrant kills
Wesker. If you went with Barry, he accidentally releases Tyrant and gets KO’ed.

***BOSS 5***
Compared to Yawn and Plant 42, this boss is harder, but that’s not saying much.
Load the Magnum and then starting running. Cap Tyrant with 4 Magnum Bullets and
Tyrant falls to the ground. The ultimate bio-weapon, as many say, is the
ultimate failure.
***BOSS 5***

If you went with Wesker, collect the Master Key from his “corpse.” If you went
with Barry, he’ll wake to join Jill, but there will be no Master key to pick
up. Unlock the room with the computer near the tank Tyrant was in. Exit.

If you went with Barry, the self-destruct system will begin. If you didn’t, it
won’t. Now there will be many Chimera around the base, so keep the Magnum

To save Chris, go to the room in the Elevator Room. There, push the crates over
the vents on the floor. Then push the ladder between them over the button. Go
up the ladder and through the vent. Jill ends up in the Morgue. Here, use an MO
Disk on the little machine to get a Pass Code.

Now go back to Chimera Room 2. Look for a machine like the one you found in the
morgue and use the second MO Disk. Get another Pass Code. Go to the door right
of the stairs. Ignore the first door and go to the second one. In the Naked
Zombie Room, kill the zombies with the Shotgun and then use the final MO Disk
on the machine like the one in Chimera Room 2.

Exit the Naked Zombie Room and look for the big metal door in the corridor
outside the room. Insert all 3 Pass Codes. Then go through the next tunnel to
the Prison Cell. Chris is inside. If you went into the Tyrant Room with Wesker,
use the Master Key to unlock it and Chris is free.

If you went in with Barry, the self-destruct sequence should be on, so the door
should be unlocked. You just save Chris!

Now if you save Chris or not, head up the stairs to the Chest Room.

If Wesker went into the Tyrant Room with you, you should see a dying Barry. If
so, Jill and if you saved him, Chris, will mourn his death. Continue for the

If Barry didn’t die, you’ll see him in the Entrance Lab Room. If he died, use
the Master Key on the double doors. If Barry is there, you can go through the

Keep going until you receive a message from Brad on the radio Richard gave you
in the start. At the end of the tunnel, grab the Battery like one you got at
the Mansion. Insert it into the slot near the elevator and then Jill (alone)
will ascend while Chris and Barry (or just Chris, or just Barry or none of them
destroy a zombie onslaught).

On the pad, find the Flare on the crate. Use it and then the helicopter will go
down to save Jill.

***NOTE: If under any circumstances Barry (Just Barry, not Chris) died, you
won’t have to fight the next boss. If Barry anyhow lived (Even if Chris wasn’t
saved) you’ll have to fight Tyrant again.

***BOSS 6***
This boss is hard. Yawn and Plant 42 are wimps compared to him. Start by firing
the Magnum and dodging and healing against Tyrant. Tyrant has a mean claw, so
watch out. Eventually, Brad Vickers will drop the ROCKET LAUNCHER down. Pick it
up and aim at Tyrant. Jill kills Tyrant!
***BOSS 6***

YAY! You beat Jill’s Game for RESIDENT EVIL: SATURN EDITION!!! Now try Chris’
game or try getting the other endings, described below!


***NOTE: This is strictly Chris’ game and differs from Jill’s greatly. Scroll
up to Jill’s game for a walkthrough. Also, in Chris’ game, Jill and Wesker make
it into the mansion, but not Barry. Also when I say turn in any direction, do
it in Chris’ perspective.

After the starting scene in the Main Hall, you are in the Lower Dining Room.
Run to the single door in the room. It leads to the Kenneth Hall. Turn to
Jill’s left and look at the zombie eating Kenneth. Run back to the Lower Dining
Room and to the Main Hall.

Go back to the Main Hall. Jill and Wesker are gone. Look for Jill’s gun, the
Beretta and arm it. Go back to Kenneth’s body and grab the 2 Clips from him. Go
back to the Main Hall and grab the Ink Ribbons from the Typewriter.

Now go climb the staircase and take the right door on the right side of the
hall. Chris is in the Blood Hall. Grab the Small Key. No go through the next
door. It is the Forest Balcony. Grab the Clip. Now go back to the Main Hall and
to the Upper Dining Room.

In the Upper Dining Room, carefully conserve ammo when popping the 2 zombies.
Look for the statue and push it up and down into the Lower Dining Room. Now go
through the next door to the Upper Left Stair Hall.

Pop the zombies carefully and then head down to the Lower Left Stair Hall.
There, kill the zombies and head through the next door to the Left Stairs Save
Room. There, you’ll see Rebecca Chambers. Look at the bed and take the Sword

Exit the room and Rebecca will ask to follow you. Say “Yes” to get the best
ending. Say “no” and Rebecca CAN end up dying when you return from the
Guardhouse, which affects the ending. Rebecca stays behind to make something.
Now we have to get back to the Main Hall. Go through the Lower Stair Hall. Kill
the zombies.

Then go to the far end door and to the J Room. Turn right and then go through
the last door and you’re back in the Kenneth Room. Turn left and use the Sword
Key on the left most door. Now go through the Lower Dining Room to the Main

Now go to the double blue doors to the Blue Room. In the Blue Room, head
through the next door into the Dog Hall using the Sword Key. Keep going until
dogs pop out. Shoot them down and try using the Knife while they’re on the

If that doesn’t work, shoot them. Keep going until another dog pops out of the
window. Kill that dog, too. Near where the second dog jumped out is a display
case. Push it to reveal a Clip. Head through the next door to the Door Room.

It’s called the Door Room because there are 4 doors in the room. Head passed
the locked door to the next door, the Bathroom. In the Bathroom, drain the tub
and grab the Desk Key (You should have 2 now).

Exit then go passed 2 more doors until you reach the double doors at the end.
Go through to the Exit Room. In the Exit Room, pop the zombies. Then head
through the door across the locked one.

Chris is in the Crow Hall. Press these paintings in order: Newborn Baby,
Infant, Lively Boy, Young Man, Tired Middle Aged Man, Bold Looking Old Man, The
End of Life. The Star Crest will be revealed. Grab it and head back to the Exit

Head left and then through the next door. Chris is inside the Exit Hall. Go all
the way down and kill the dogs. Then latch the Star Crest next to the door and
head back to the Exit Room.

In the Exit Room, go through the door you haven’t been through yet. It is the
Lower Right Stair Hall. Head through the next door to the Right Stairs Save
Room. There, grab the 2 Clips from the Item Box if you didn’t in the room where
you saw Rebecca.

Deposit the Combat Knife (I didn’t tell you to in the other Save Room). Grab
the Chemical also. Now head out and climb the stairs. Kill the zombies by the 2
doors. Then head through the far door passed the locked one.

Chris is in the Red Hall. Turn left, kill the zombies and continue down the
hallway to the far door. It leads back to the Main Hall, upper floor. From
there, head back to the Lower Dining Room and grab the Blue Jewel.

Travel back to the J Hall by going through the Kenneth Hall and go to the first
left door. Go through with the Sword Key. Inside, just grab the Clip for now.
Exit back and go to the door across the one you just entered through. It is the
Tiger Statue Room.

Inside, use the Blue Jewel and the Wind Crest. Travel back through the Main
Hall. Take the stairs up to the Red Hall and down the stairs in the Upper Left
Stair Hall. Head back to the Exit Room and then through the Exit Hall. Latch
the Wind Crest and head back to the J Room.

There, turn right from the door leading to the Lower Left Stair Hall. Follow it
to the Vine Room. There, use the Chemical on the machine near the door and
Vines die. Grab the Armor Key from the wall and any Herbs Chris needs.

Exit the room and head back to the Lower Left Stair Hall. There, go through the
locked door with the Armor Key. Inside, use the Desk Key and grab the Shotgun
Shells. Then grab the Broken Shotgun. Head back to the Bedroom.

Examine the book on the desk and then a zombie attacks. Kill it and grab the
Shotgun Shells. Travel back to the Door Room and head through the doors across
the double doors leading to the Exit Room.

Inside is the Ceiling Room. Go through the next door and grab the Shotgun. Now
replace the Broken Shotgun on the rack. Head back to the Door Room and then use
the Armor Key on the locked door.

Outside, kill the dogs and grab any Herbs you may need. Head back to the Red
Room now. There, unlock the double doors and Chris is in the Statue Room.
There, push the red statues over the vents on the floor and then press the

A glass on the case and grab the Sun Crest. Head back to the Exit Hall and
latch the Sun Crest on the door. Go back to the Kenneth Hall and to the door
you unlocked with the Sword Key (Your Sword Key should be gone now).

Inside the Music Room 1, look for the shelf near the piano and push it to
reveal Music Notes. Use them on the piano. After the embarrassing scene of
Chris not playing the piano, Rebecca comes in and volunteers to play it.

Now you just have to go around the mansion now. Make one trip around. Go
through the Blue Room, up the Right Stairs, through the Main Hall, through the
Upper Dining Room and then down to the Lower Left Stair Hall. Now head back to
the Main Hall via the Lower Dining Room.

In the Main Hall, head through the Red Hall and then through the single door.
Inside is the body of Richard. Collect the Clips from him. Now head to the
Lower Dining Hall. Grab the Emblem above the fireplace. Now travel back to the
Upper Right Stair Hall and use the Armor Key on the locked door (near the
stairs). Now the Armor Key can be discarded.

Travel back to Music Room 1 and see if Rebecca has mastered the song yet. If
she hasn’t (unlikely), go around the mansion again. By then she should have
learned to play it right.

When she does, a section of the wall rises, revealing a secret room. Go inside
and grab the Gold Emblem. The wall lowers again. Replace it with the Emblem
(Not Gold Emblem) and the wall rises. Go back to the Dining Room.

There, place the Gold Emblem above the fireplace where the Emblem used to be.
Then the clock will move. Grab the Sheild Key and head back to Richard’s body.

Passed his corpse is a door. Go through to the Blood Room. Kill the zombie. Now
arm the Shotgun. Make sure you have 2 healing items and at least 14 bullets (I
never said to use any). Go up the stairs, use the Sheild Key on the door and
discard it. Go through and you have to fight your first boss.

***BOSS 1***
Since Chris doesn’t have the Acid Rounds like Jill, his is harder. When Yawn
attacks, fire the Shotgun from a safe distance. If it gets near you, go to the
other side and continue shooting. After about 5 bullets, Yawn should die. If
you run short of Shotgun ammo, the Beretta will be able to do the rest if you
fired at least 5 Shells. Yawn will eventually die.
***BOSS 1***

After Yawn “dies”, look at the holes in the room and grab the Moon Crest. Exit.
If Chris was poisoned by the Snake, he’ll collapse.

If he is poisoned, Rebecca will come in. She has to get Serum for Chris. As
Rebecca, she has a gun with 15 bullets. Run to the Left Stairs Save Room and
grab the Serum from the shelf. Then head back to Chris. He should be healed.

After he’s healed, go to the Exit Hall and latch the Moon Crest on. You end up
in the Garden Shed! Chris is out of the mansion!


In the Garden Shed, push the ladder toward the shelf and then grab the SQUARE
Crank. Then exit through the next door to the Garden. Watch out for the dogs.
Grab the herbs.

Head through the next gate. Chris is in the Pond Room. Turn left toward the
mechanism and then use the SQUARE Crank on the machine. The pond drains. Cross
the pond to the other side. Avoid the Worms and then take the lift down.

Chris is in the Waterfall Room. Kill the dogs and then inspect the waterfall.
There’s a ladder passed it, but since you drained the pond, the water is
falling in front of it. Chris needs to refill the pond, but get here at the
same time. This puzzle is for the section after the next one.

Enter through the gate to the Entrance Hall. Kill the dogs, grab the herbs and
then enter the Guardhouse. Inside, push the nearby statue to the holes on the
floor. This will block some vines from attacking Chris.

Head through the first door to the Guardhouse Save Room. Inside, save and grab
the First Aid Spray. Pack the Shotgun, Shells, and the Beretta, fully loaded
and a Desk Key from the mansion. Deposit the SQUARE Crank.

Exit out into the Entrance Room. Across from the Save Room is the 001 Room.
Inside, use a Desk Key for Shells on the desk and kill the zombies. Grab the
Red Book and the other Desk Key. Go into the 001 Restroom and grab the C. Room

Exit to the Entrance Room. Keep going until you reach the first door. Enter
through. Chris is in the Wasp Room. Inside, turn left and grab the 002 Key.
Head out the room to the Entrance Room and then head to the door to the left.
It is the 002 Room.

Use the 002 Key to open the door and go through to the dormitory. Inside, use
the Desk Key from 001 Room and then get more Shells. Grab the Plant 42 Report
and then look at the 2 bookshelves. Push the right one forward.

Then push the left one right and then forward in front of the right one. Now go
down the new ladder. Down in the Secret Tunnel, push the 3rd crate you see into
the little pool of water. Then push the second one you into the pool. Now push
the first crate you saw into the wall farthest from the ladder.

Push it down the tunnel and into the pool of water. Cross the newly formed
bridge, into the door. Through the door, Chris is in the Shark Room. Look out
because there are 3 mean shark. Look for the wall with 2 doors.

Avoiding the sharks, use the C. Room Key to unlock the left door and go
through. In the C. Room, hit the levers to drain the water from the previous
room. Hit the red button to unlock the room next door.

In the room next door, grab 2 Clips if you need to (probably since a boss is
coming up), 2 boxes of Shells and the 003 Key. Then go back to the 002 Room.
Head to the 002 Restroom and then grab the Clip in the sink after killing the

Go back to the Wasp Room and into the 003 Door. Inside the 003 Room, look for
the shelf and grab the white book. It’s a file, not an item. Now insert the Red
Book into the bookcase. The nearby shelf will move to reveal a door.

Inside, a boss fight occurs.

***BOSS 2***
Well before the boss fight can begin, Chris will be wrapped up in a vine.
Rebecca then comes in and decides she needs to make V-JOLT.

Take Rebecca to the Wasp Room. There, go through the door with the pad next to
it. Type the code: 1245. Enter. Now follow these directions.


Go through to the V-JOLT Room. Grab the 4 Empty Bottles.

First out water into one bottle. Then look on a shelf and put UMB 2 into
another bottle. Combine the water and UMB. 2 to create something called NP-003.
Then Go to another shelf and collect UMB 4 in another empty bottle. Combine UMB
4 and NP-003 to make UMB 7. Now use another bottle and collect some more UMB 2.
Now go use another bottle and collect some UMB 4. Combine UMB 2 and UMB 4 to
create Yellow 6.

Then combine Yellow 6 and UMB. 7 to create UMB. 13. Now put some water into
another empty bottle. Put some UMB. 2 into another bottle. Combine the water
and UMB. 2 to make NP-003 again. Combine NP-003 with UMB. 13 to make V-JOLT!!!

Now go back to the Shark Room and through the door you didn’t go through.
There, look for the plant root and apply the V-JOLT. The roots shrivel up.

Control returns to Chris. Now use the Shotgun to pulverize the plant. After 10
shots, the plant goes down. Success!!!
***BOSS 2***

With Plant 42 dead, check the fireplace for the Helmet Key! The Helmet Key
opens up the rest of the doors back in the mansion!!! Let’s go!

On your way back to the mansion, Rebecca interrupts you. After she goes away,
head back to the Save Room. You’ll then see Wesker, who orders you back to the

Head out to the Waterfall Room. There, ride the lift back up to the Pond Room.
Cross the pond to the Garden. There, re-enter the mansion with the shotgun


Inside the Exit Room, you’ll see a Hunter attack Chris. Use the Shotgun to kill
it quickly. Head to the locked door in the Exit Hall and Chris is in the Desk
Room. Turn the lamp on and then grab Doom Book I. Inside is the Eagle Medal.
Grab the Magnum Rounds and then exit.

Head to the Lower Right Stair Hall and kill the Hunter. Head into the Right
Stairs Save Room. Wesker has left some supplies in the save room. Save and grab
the Shotgun Shells he’s left for you.

Deposit the Eagle Medal, Beretta and ammo. Only bring the Shotgun, Shells,
Magnum Rounds, one full healing item and Helmet Key. Travel up the Right
Stairs. Kill the Hunters and head down the hall to a room Chris hasn’t been to

Ignore this room and use the Helmet Key to access the Music Room 2. Inside,
another boss fight will occur.

***BOSS 3***
Yawn is now scarred from the last battle. But against Plant 42 Chris just
fought, this guy is wimpy. Unload the Shotgun into the creature. You should
have more than enough shells.

If Chris was poisoned in the last battle with Yawn, he can’t be poisoned again.
If he wasn’t, Chris can be poisoned. Keep firing and Yawn will eventually
dissolve into liquid.
***BOSS 3***

Chris might be poisoned now. So Rebecca will come in. She will have to get
Serum for Chris. Cautiously take her to the Left Stairs Save Room, avoiding
Hunters. If you left some Clips abound, they’ll help kill maybe 2 Hunters. Grab
the Serum from the shelf and cure Chris.

After Chris is healed, take him down the hole Yawn made. Examine the tombstone
and a ladder will be revealed. Go down the ladder. Go through the next tunnel
and avoid any zombies. Grab the Shotgun Shells. Head through the next door.

Head east, grab 2 Green Herbs and head through the kitchen door. Examine the
door in the corner. Then kill the zombie. That stairwell leads to the Kenneth
Hall, but don’t take that path yet.

Take the other door, which is really an elevator. Take it up and your in a
Secret Hall. Go through the doors. One of them has the Battery you need for the
lift in the Waterfall Room outside. If you don’t want to save Jill, skip this
next optional section.

Head through the unlocked door to the library. Inside, use the final Desk Key
(one from the Guardhouse) and unlock the desk for Magnum Bullets. Then head
through the next door to a smaller Library.

There, press the red button in a statue to light a small tile. Push a nearby
statue into that tile to reveal a hidden compartment. Grab the MO Disk.

Whether you got the MO Disk or not, we have to aim for the Kenneth Hall now. Go
back to the Kitchen via the elevator. Climb the stairs to the Kenneth Hall.

If you said no to Rebecca when you first met her, she’ll be here. Let the
Hunter kill her if you want her dead. Otherwise, save her.

There, make your way to the Left Stairs Save Room. Put the MO Disk in the Item
Box if you got it. Now go up the Left Stairs. Kill the Hunters and use the
Helmet Key on the door. Discard the Helmet Key. Go inside. Push the ladder
underneath the Deer Taxidermy and flip the switch near the door.

Grab the Red Jewel on the Deer thanks to the ladder. Go back to the Tiger
Statue Room and place the Red Jewel on the Tiger Statue. Grab the Magnum, which
can kill Hunters in one shot!

With about 50 Magnum Bullets, the Handgun is basically obsolete until the Lab
area! Now go back to the East Wing. Go to the Save Room and grab the SQUARE
Crank. Go to the Exit Hall. Then exit the mansion once and for all!


Pass through the shed to the Garden and to the Pond Room. Go across the Pond
and down to the Waterfall Room. Go to the other lift in the room and place the
Battery in the slot. Now ride the elevator up and you are back in the Garden.

Go back to the Pond Room. Use the SQUARE Crank on the machine to fill the pond
again. Now the Waterfall in the Waterfall Room has stopped flowing. To get back
to the Waterfall Room, go back to the Garden and down the other lift.

Now go back to the Guardhouse Save Room. Put the SQUARE Crank in there. Now go
back to where the waterfall was. Head down the new ladder. Head through the
left door. Grab the Flamethrower. This can save Magnum ammo.

But the previous door is now locked, so try using it on Hunters. Head through
the closest door and find Enrico. Enrico has been wounded. The Bravo Team
leader tells Chris something and then is shot.

Leave Enrico’s corpse and go back. You’ll see a HEX Crank on the way. Grab it.
Go back to the door where you got the Flamethrower. Place the Flamethower back
in the slot and go back to the entrance.

No go to the HEX Crank machine and use the HEX Crank to be able to reach the
door. Go through. You’ll see another Flamethrower, so grab that, too.

Keep going and then you’ll run into a boulder. Run away from it and then it
starts rolling. RUN to the nearest niche to avoid the boulder. Grab the magnum
Rounds and then kill the entering Hunter.

Now go through the next door to the Spider Room.

***BOSS 4***
Since you only have the Flamethrower for a few minutes, use it on the Spider.
HOLD X and the Spider can’t even move. The Magnum is also effective, but you
want to save the Magnum ammo for the Chimeras in the next section, which are
faster and tougher than HUNTERS! After it dies, you have to cut through the
***BOSS 4***

You’ll see webbing blocking a door. You can pick up the Combat Knife and hack
at it, but it will waste item space. Since you don’t have the Flamethrower for
long, use it on the webbing for a cool effect. Go through the door to the Worm

In the Worm Tunnel, go to the right door. It’s a Save Room. Grab all the items,
especially the Blue Herb if Black Tiger poisoned you. Grab the Eagle Medal from
the Item Box. Exit the Worm Tunnel.

Go to the other door in the tunnel. Then place the Flamethrower in the slot to
unlock the door. Make sure you have the Shotgun and Magnum. Inside, turn left
and ride the lift up. It’s the other side of the Garden.

Go to the fountain and place the Eagle Medal into the slot. Then ride the lift
back down. Now go to the pit and use the HEX Crank 3 times! Then go up to the
boulder. Dodge it like last time and grab the 2nd MO Disk if you want to save

Now go through the door you near the HEX Crank machine. Inside, use the HEX
Crank on the machine and a wall slab moves. Use the HEX Crank again. The wall
pushes back. Push the nearby statue to where the slab moves and use the HEX
Crank again. Now that the statue is away from the wall, push it to where the
button the on floor is. Then grab Doom Book 2 from the secret compartment.

Like Doom Book 1, open it and grab the Wolf Medal. Backtrack to the fountain
and place it in the other slot. The fountain drains and a ladder is revealed.
Go down.


We are in the final areas of the lab, so get that Magnum and Shotgun ready. In
the Entrance Room, look at the double doors and remember where they are. Go
down the ladder to the item box. There, deposit the HEX Crank and the MO Disk.

Now go to the stairs and examine the nearby door. It’s locked, but grab the MO
Disk if you want to save Jill. Deposit that into the Item Box. Go down to the
stairs into the O Room.

There, take the room to the right of the stairs (to the left in Chris’
perspective). Inside, log into the computer as the name “John.” Then on the B2
Section, enter the password “Ada.” Then unlock B3 and you’ve unlocked the

Go back to the O Room and up the stairs. Go to the door that was locked before.
Inside, grab the Lab Key and go back to the O Room. Go to the locked door right
of the Computer Room. Unlock it with the Lab Key. Enter.

Inside the Elevator Hall, pass the nearest door and go through the second door
you see. It is a Save Room. Save and equip the Magnum. Exit and turn left and
head to Power Room 1. Inside, kill the Chimeras with the Magnum. Turn the first
right you see and power up the elevator. Head through the next door. Inside,
remember the MO console if you want to save Jill.

Head through Power Room 2 to Power Room 3. There, play with one of the machines
and then the elevator in the elevator hall will be powered. Go back there and
call the elevator. Rebecca will then join you if she never was killed.

Once you’re up, Wesker will confront Chris and shoot Rebecca if she was never
dead. Then Wesker takes Chris into the next room. Inside Tyrant Room, Wesker
releases Tyrant from slumber and Tyrant “kills” Wesker. If the Hunter killed
Rebecca, Wesker will drop a Master Key.

***BOSS 5***
Compared to Plant 42 and Yawn 2, he’s easy. Simply arm the Magnum and shoot him
3 times. He doesn’t damage much, but check your health when necessary. 3-4
Magnum shots put Tyrant 002 down.
***BOSS 5***

If Wesker dropped the Master Key, pick it up. Then play with the computer to
unlock the door. Outside, if Wesker shot Rebecca, she’ll be alive thanks to a
bullet proof vest. If that Hunter killed her, she won’t be here.

If you don’t want to save Jill, you can now exit the lab. If you want to,
follow the next section.

NOTE: If Rebecca survived, she will set the lab’s explosion sequence. If she
died, she won’t, obviously. If Rebecca is dead, the lab won’t explode.

Go back to the Save Room and grab all 3 MO Disks. Go to the O Room and then to
the doors left of the stairs. Pass the first door to the second. Inside, use
the Shotgun on the zombies.

Then use a MO Disk on the console. Go back to Power Room 2 and use it on the
console. Then, with the 2 pass codes, go to the door in the Elevator Hall you
haven’t explored yet.

Inside the Gas Room, push the 2 crates above the vents on the floor. Then push
the ladder toward the open hole in the wall, between the 2 crates. Crawl
through the hole to a Morgue. Use the last MO Disk on the console. Exit the
room and you are back in the O Room. Travel to the room left of the stairs and
go to the far door. Apply the 3 pass codes and go through the door.

There’s a door in the far end. Behind it is Jill. If Rebecca was killed, use
the Master Key to open it. If she wasn’t, the door will be unlocked because the
self–destruct sequence is on. With Jill saved, head to the Entrance Room.

At the Entrance Room, if Rebecca is dead, use the Master Key on the double
doors. If Rebecca is alive, the doors are unlocked via the explosion sequence.

Take Rebecca and/or Jill (or no one if Rebecca died and you don’t want to save
Jill) through the tunnel. After a sequence from Brad, grab the Battery and
power the lift. Ride it up to the roof of the mansion (the heliport).

Above, grab the Flare and use it to signal Brad’ chopper. If Rebecca (and ONLY
Rebecca, NOT Jill) is dead, the chopper will pick you up automatically.

If Rebecca is alive (even if you didn’t save Jill), Tyrant returns.

***BOSS 6***
This boss is hard. Yawn and Plant 42 are wimps compared to him. Start by firing
the Magnum and dodging and healing against Tyrant. Tyrant has a mean claw, so
watch out. Eventually, Brad Vickers will drop the ROCKET LAUNCHER down. Pick it
up and aim at Tyrant. Chris kills Tyrant!
***BOSS 6***

YAY! You beat Chris’ Game for RESIDENT EVIL: SATURN EDITION!!! Now try Jill’s
game, or try getting the other endings, which is described below!


For playing as Jill, here are the different ending SPOILERS!!!

Jill, Chris and Barry survive the mansion explosion. Tyrant is destroyed.

Jill and Barry are OK, but Chris may have been consumed in the mansion
explosion. Tyrant is destroyed.

Jill and Chris are alive, but Barry died. The mansion doesn’t explode and
Tyrant lives.

Jill is alive, but Chris and Barry are dead. The mansion doesn’t explode and
Tyrant lives.

For playing as Chris, here are the different ending SPOILERS!!!

Chris, Jill and Rebecca survive the mansion explosion. Tyrant is destroyed.

Chris and Rebecca are OK, but Jill may have been consumed in the mansion
explosion. Tyrant is destroyed.

Chris and Jill are alive, but Rebecca died. The mansion doesn’t explode and
Tyrant lives.

Chris is alive, but Jill and Rebecca are dead. The mansion doesn’t explode and
Tyrant lives.


These are files I found. There may be more, so e-mail me ASAP! Thanks!

~ About Medical Herbs ~
As you may know, there are many plants that have medical effects. Since ancient
times, humans have been healing wounds and diseases using various plants.

In this book, we’re going to sample three herbs that grow around the Raccoon
mountains and give their outlines as examples of those plants with medical

Each herb has different colors and different effects as medical plants: the
green one recovers physical strength, the blue one neutralizes natural toxins,
while the red herb does not have any effect by itelf.

The red herb is only effective with other herbs. For example, if you mix this
herb with the herb that recovers physical strength, the recovery effect will be

By adjusting the amount and experimenting with these three herbs, you can
create various kinds of medicines but I’ll leave the details in your hands
because that’s the best way to acquire true knowledge.

NOTES: This is about the healing herbs of red, blue and green.


May 9th 1998

At night, we played Poker with Scott the guard, Alias and Steve the Researcher.
Steve was really lucky, but I think he was cheating. What a scumbag!

May 10th 1998
Today, a high ranking researcher asked me to take care of a new monster. It
looks like a gorilla without any skin. They told me to feed them live food.
When I threw in a pig, they were playing with it... tearing off the pig's legs
and pulling out the guts before they actually ate it.

May 11th 1998
Around 5 o'clock this morning, Scott came in and woke me up suddenly. He was
wearing a protection suit that looks like a space suit. He told me to put one
on as well. I heard there was an accident in the basement lab. It's no wonder,
those researchers never rest, even at night.

May 12th 1998
I've been wearing this annoying space suit since yesterday. My skin grows musty
and feels very itchy. By way or revenge, I didn't feel those dogs today. Now I
feel better.

May 13th 1998
I went to the medical room because my back is all swollen and feels itchy. They
put a big bandage on my back and the doctor told me I did not need to wear the
space suit any more. I guess I can sleep well tonight.

May 14th 1998
When I woke up this morning, I found another blister on my foot. It was
annoying and I ended up dragging my foot as I went to the dog’s pen. They have
been quiet since morning, which is unusual. I found that some of them escaped.
I'll be in real trouble if some of the higher-ups find out.

May 15th 1998
Even though I didn't feel well, I decided to go see Nancy. It's my first day
off in a long time but I was stopped by the guard on the way out. They say the
company has ordered that no one leave the grounds. I can't even make a phone
call. What kind of joke is this?!

May 16th 1998
I heard a researcher who tried to escape from this mansion was shot last night.
My entire body feels burning and itchy at night. When I was scratching the
swelling on my arms, a lump of rotten flesh dropped off. What the hell is
happening to me?

May 19th 1998
Fever gone but itchy. Hungry and eat doggy food.


My dear Alma,

The fact that you have received this letter is both a joy and sadness for me. I
could not even talk to you because of that guy in the sunglasses. Alma, be calm
and read this. I think I've told you that I moved to pharmaceutical company's
lab. They headhunted me.

Last month, there was an accident in the lab and the virus we were studying
escaped. All my colleagues who were infected by the virus are dead. To be
accurate, they've become living dead. They still wander around. Some of them
are knocking on my room door desperately right now.

But there's no sign of intelligence in their eyes. That cursed virus takes away
all humanity from the human brain. Love, Joy, sorrow, fear, humor,...
eternally. And Alma, even the memories of the days I spent with you... Yes, I'm
infected. I did everything I could, but I could only delay the progress by a
few days.

The most frightening thing is, that I forget more about you by the day. So I
chose a peaceful death, rather than become the living dead. Within an hour, I
will have entered my eternal sleep. I do hope you'll understand my decision...

Goodbye and Forever Yours,
Martin Crackhorn


4 days have passed since the accident and the plant at point 42 is growing
amazingly fast. It has been effected by the T-virus differently than other
plants have been and shows unique shape in addition to its size. Looking at the
way it behaves, it is now difficult to determine what kind of plant it was
originally. There are two ways in which Plant 42 gathers nutrition.

The first is through its root that reaches into the basement. Immediately after
the accident, a scientist went mad and broke the water tank in the basement.
Now the basement is filled with water. It is easily imaginable that some
chemical elements were blended in the water and promotes the incredibly fast
growth of Plant 42.

Another part of Plant 42 from the basement grows through the duct and hangs
down like so many bulbs from the ceiling of the first floor. Many vines come
out of those bulbs and they are the second resource for its nutrition. Once
sensing movement, Plant 42 shoots its vines around the prey and holds it. Then
it starts sucking up blood, using the suckers located at the back of its vine.
It also has some intelligence.

It blocks the door by twinning its vines around it especially when it captures
prey or is sleeping. Several staff members have already fallen victim to this.

May 21st 1998
Henry Sarton


As I started in the last report, there are some common features found in the
cells of the plant infected by the Tyrant virus. We also have found another
interesting fact through some experiments.

We found an element that destroys these rapidly in "UMB No.16", one of the
series of UMB chemicals that we used for that experiment. We named this "UMB
No.16" as "V-Jolt". In our calculation it will take less than 5 seconds to
destroy Plant 42 if we put the "V-jolt" directly on the root. You need to mix
some of the UMB series chemicals in a specific order to create a "V-Jolt".

But the UMB series chemicals may generate a poisonous gas, which is harmful to
the human body. Extreme caution should be taken when handling these chemicals.
Following are the types of UMB series chemicals and their brief

UMB No.2 Red NP-003 Purple UMB No.4 Green Yellow-6 Yellow UMB No.7 White UMB
No.13 Blue (stimulating smell) V-JOLT (UMB.No 16) Brown




July 22nd 1998 2:13 To the Head of the Security Department "X-Day" is
approaching. Complete the following orders within the week.
1. Lure members of S.T.A.R.S. into the lab and have them fight with the B.O.W.
in order to obtain data of actual battles.
2. Collect two embryos per B.O.W. type making sure to include all species
except for Tyrant.
3. Destroy the Arklay lab including all researchers and lab animals in a
manner, which will seem accidental.

White Umbrella


Raccoon Times

May 27th 1998
Animal Attack? Woman Mutilated May 20th. At around 10pm a 20-year-old young
woman's body was found by a baser-by on the left bank of Marble River in the
Older District of Raccoon City. Raccoon police assume it to be a grizzly or
other animal's doing because there are teeth marks along her mutilated arms and
left foot that show considerable power. Since she was wearing a hiking boot on
her remaining foot, it has been determined that she was attacked in the Arklay
Mountains and fell into the river. They are hurrying to identify this woman.

Raccoon Weekly
June 16th 1998
Monsters in Arklay Mountains? Some people claim they've seen monsters in the
Arklay Mountains. The monsters are supposedly about the same size as large dogs
and usually run in a pack as wolves do. This may sound like a group of ordinary
wild dogs, but these monsters are surprisingly fierce and hard to hurt. They
say these dogs won't bother you unless you wake them, so you smart readers
should stay out of the Arklay Mountains for the time being. But if you're
looking for adventure, check it out! You wanna try?

Raccoon Times
Mystery On Arklay Mountains: Mountain Road Blocked Due to excessive disasters
in the
Arklay Mountains, the city authorities have decided to block the road leading
to the foothills. At the same time, Raccoon police intend to begin the search
for lost people with the help of S.T.A.R.S. Team members. They expect great
difficulty because of the vast size of the Arklay Mountains and the primeval
forest that covers most of the area. Also people are still reporting sightings
of grotesque monsters in the mountains.


June 8th 1998
Dear Ada,

Ada, by the time you read this, I'll be something... different. Today's test
turned out to be positive, just as I expected. I feel like going crazy when I
think about becoming one of them. Ada, you are not infected and I hope you
never will be. In case you are the last one left, take the material in the
Visual Data Room and go to the Power Room to operate the Triggering System
before you escape.

And make all this public through the media. If everything is in order, all the
locks can be opened by the security system. You can access the system if you
log in with my name from the terminal in the small lab and enter the password.
The password is your name.

To unlock the door at B2 where the Visual Data Room is located, you'll need to
access with our name first and then enter another password. I've written the
code below. I'm sure you'll understand it easily. And this is my last hope - if
you find me completely changed, please kill me yourself.

Password : (It’s a weird symbol)

Yours, John


To: General Manager of Sanitation Division From : Special Committee on
Disasters Raccoon Special Research Dept

This memorandum is strictly confidential and must be destroyed as soon as it is
understood. Regarding the "T-virus" outbreak which occurred recently, this
Committee conducted a field survey. According to the results, estimates on the
amount of damage caused by the accident are considerably greater than reported
earlier. First, although it is very difficulty to obtain accurate data in terms
of actual numbers, it is thought that more than half of the researchers died
after exposure to the "T-virus".

The body count will almost likely increase since nearly all of the survivors
show symptoms peculiar to the "T-virus".

Second, our security system is still in operation. However, our special
security guard squad has been nearly destroyed. Because of that, research
information considered by our company to be top secret has been made available
to outsiders. Counter-measures should be taken as soon as possible.

Finally, many of the "subjects" from the experiments have escaped and are out
of control. We believe that some of the researchers were killed by these
"subjects" and their bodies were mutilated. By a curious coincidence, these
events are proof of the success of our research. However, there is also a very
high risk that his news may be leaked to the press if we don't act immediately.

The condition is very serious. Our operation to cover-up the situation is
difficult to attain, however we hope the problem will be solved quickly. We are
especially concerned that the State Police and S.T.A.R.S. are intervening too
quickly. We need to act on this situation as well.


"I swear by myself", declares the Lord, "that because you have done this and
have not withheld your son, your only son, (Genesis 22:16)

I will surely bless you and make your descendant as numerous as the stars in
the sky, and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession
of the cities of their enemies, (Genesis 22:17)

And through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you
have obeyed me." (Genesis 22:18)


Basement Level 1
Helicopter Port Executive and Government Officials only on helicopter port.
This restriction may not apply in case of an accident. Passage To The
Helicopter No one is allowed to enter unless they are attended by a Research
Consultant or Security Director. All others will be shot on sight. Elevator The
elevator stops during all emergencies.

Basement Level 2 Visual Data Room
Visual Data Room is within the control of Special Research Division. Keith
Arving, the Room Manager, is designated to have jurisdiction over room usage.
Basement Level 3 Prison Sanitation Division controls the usage of the prison.
Consultant Researchers (E.Smith, S.Ross, A.Wesker) must be present if virus is
used. Triple Lock Door No one is allowed to enter unless he presents all pass
code documents.

The Chief Researcher of each block must create pass code documents on the
specialized output machine. Power Room Only Headquarters Supervisors may enter.
This restriction may not apply in the Consultant Researcher has received
special instructions.

Pass-code Output Machine No one is allowed to use the pass code output machine
but the Chief Researchers.

Basement Level 4 Top Secret
Regarding the progress of "Tyrant" after the use of T-virus... (Remaining
document is unreadable)

1. "Umbrella Bio-Organic Weapon Official Report"
2. "MA-39 Cerberus"
3. "FI-3 Neptune"
4. "MA-121 Hunter"
5. "T-002 Tyrant"
6. (none)
7. "Bio-Weapon Research Institute. R and D Staff"

Something is written on the back of the picture.

"My dearest Moira and Poly. I hope you will grow up to be strong and beautiful
woman and help to cheer up mother. Your father will watching you all from


Those are all the files I found. Please tell me if you find more!


These guys are the most common monster in the game. They are slow when
attacking. They aren’t as durable as they were in RE3 and RE2, so the end
result is that they move slower.

These dogs are the faster enemies in the game. But when they are hit with
anything, they fall and stay down for a few valuable seconds. Like zombies,
they attack in a group, so the Handgun or Shotgun would be best. NOTE: The
Rocket Launcher can hit them.

Like the bats from CODE: Veronica and CODE: Veronica X, these guys are
annoying. But they CAN damage. You’ll see them in about 3 rooms so use the
Lighter to shrug them off.

These guys are pretty quick. They are a cross between zombies and Hunters. Only
weapons that emit any type of acid or fire with damage them the most- bullet
weapons aren’t effective as much. You’ll see them around the Labs.

These guys are annoying during the Guardhouse area. It’s best to run from them
because they can implant Chris and Jill with damage. Dodging them is very easy.

These guys also appear in RE3 and CODE: Veronica/ X! They are fast and can kill
Jill and Chris with a few hits. Use the Shotgun against them to take them out
quickly. Against lone ones, Magnum is best! Watch out!!!

Stay away if you can! Only Grenade Launcher guns are truly effective. Guns
don’t work all that well with these. Yuck!


These are the Trevor Notes I found on mysticcat’s FAQ, whom I guess got from These reveal about the mansion’s creators and why the mansion is
the way it is. The mansion in Antarctica is a replica of the one in RE1.
Alfred’s father and grandfather had a close relationship with Trevor and

NOTE: George Trevor and Ozwell Spencer are NOT the same people!

November 13th, 1967
After having finished my work and leaving New York I finally arrived at the
Mansion around 6.00pm. The hall is very spacious. The central stairs leading to
the second floor are also impressive. All these things make me nostalgic all
over again. Designing the plans of this place is the work I'm most proud of.
From the day I first showed the model to Ozwell E. Spencer in his office, until
the completion of the building, took me 5 years.

Spencer's orders were really difficult and I had to call upon all of my energy
and ingenuity to realize it. At first sight no one would suspect anything to be
out of the ordinary. While turning to face me, Lord Spencer shakes the white
hairs from his shoulders. He has an impressive stature, and at the first
glance, one can feel that he has a high level of self-confidence. He initially
announces me that my wife Jessica and my daughter returned to visit their aunt
Emma, who is ill, and then we lift our glasses and toast.

We are only ones to know about the numerous secrets contained within this
building. Deeply satisfied with the complicity, we taste the wine. The dining
room is amazing. There is an incredible variety of food laid out hammoniously
on a large table in mahogany wood. When someone would raise their eyes, they
could see a statue of a goddess, in "Rodin" style, on the second floor, which
seems to observe is with desire. But despite all this splendor, the banquet can
only be enjoyed by two guests (Spencer and I). We only hear the quiet clicking
noise of the clock needles. Ahhh, if only Jessica and Lisa were there.

According to Spencer, they arrived three days before me and appreciated the
house well. Lisa in particular benefited from the Spencer's kindness and was
able to use the piano among others. She reportedly played the "Moonlight
Sonata" of Beethoven (her specialty). In this evening of full moon where the
melody seemed to surpass the satellite floating above the forest, which
surrounds the house, Spencer had congratulated my wife for this superb moment.
I imagine proudly that their two faces had to illuminated with pleasure.

November 14th, 1967
Lord Spencer guided me around in the mansion. He opened the doors of several
rooms. Those rooms are decorated with the most marvelous at pieces: painting of
De Vinci, sculpture of Raphael...

In one of the rooms the eye of a stuffed beast has strangely sparkled, and in
another room armors of Middle Age Knights were aligned in good order close to
their captain. All these art pieces were collected by Lord Spencer during past
years and he deserves well to be one of the richest man on earth.

"Do you like that? I wish to use this residence as a seaside resort, for a new
company. I foresaw that, not only for the employees, but also for the guests
could use it." His project is to design an international industrial medicine
company. He told me that its company would be called "Umbrella".

But I wonder why he hid as many things in his residence. He can say that he
wants to make a seaside resort but it's exaggerated. Even in the case his
actions had been led by his passion.

November 18th 1967
My family hasn't come back yet. "Is aunt Emma that sick?". I doubt it. The
telephone is not installed, which is not very convenient. I went out to second
floor terrace to clear my mind. Crows, perched on a rail, looked at me and
pushed strange croaking. I had a dark intuition. I continuously have the
strange impression of being observed... I saw an astonishing thing, in a small
court. It is a ladder leading down into an underpass, which is masked by a

"It is not my work. When was this thing built then?"

November 20th 1967
There is no trace of the shotgun my wife had offered Spencer for is birthday.
I'm smoking a cigarette in the room where a broken shotgun can be found and
estimate that it can fool people and pass for the original. I wonder who
exchanged Spencer's shotgun for this unusable shotgun and why?

Neither my wife nor my daughter have reappeared and I getting very concerned.
My rich employer informed me that my family and I couldn't remain at the
mansion any longer and when I suggested that I could join them tomorrow, he
laughed and said that it was useless to worry myself like that.

November 21st 1967
Luggage was gathered and somebody led me into a large room, without openings,
on the first floor reserved for the receptions. As the Lord hadn't arrived yet,
I was observing the painting in company of a man in a white blouse. He was one
of the three unknown men on the courtyard. "Life is rich and short".

On the painting, which was exposed on the wall, time was represented by the
life of a man, from his birth to his death. "Your family died, now" -laughed
the man while he was looking at me stylish.

Time seemed to stop. What was he talking about? At the same moment I felt a
terrible pain at the bottom of my neck, and I broke down on the floor. November
24th 1967 How could he have become this kind of man?

What happened here? And what is the objective of this company called
"Umbrella"? I was imprisoned in this room and time passed slowly. "The
objective is to keep all this as a secret, and since you are an unknown..."

One day, a man in a white blouse said this to me while bringing revolting food.
What secret is more important than a human life? Lord Spencer and me are the
two only ones to know the secrets of this manor, and if I die, he will be the
only holder of this knowledge. Is it for that reason we have these creatures
which prowl around the premises of the Manor?

I cannot remain here and be eaten of worse. It is necessary that I escape from
here. The question is to know if, since the beginning, I didn't quite simply
build my own prison. When I was creating this manor, and in accordance with
Lord Spencer's strange fascination for enigmas, I conceived a way to escape for
whoever would find himself imprisoned there. It would seem that Lord Spencer
wants to test this method on me...

At this moment, one of the countless creatures, which infest the floor and the
ceiling, fell from the ceiling onto my body. For an unknown reason, it seemed
to attract them. I jumped instinctively backwards and while getting upright I
trampled a great number of them. What are these creatures? Ants?

November 27th 1967
I finally succeeded to escape from this room. But nobody can exit from the
Manor on snap of a finger. You need the crests, the missing eye from the
Tiger's statue and the Gold Emblem. I can't occupy myself find something else!
I have no time for this.

November 28th 1967
I can't find the words for it. A plant, absurdly gigantic, fills a whole room.
God could not have created such a thing.

November 30th 1967
It is impossible to get out. It is impossible to come out of the room. A
phantom laboratory, leading into a kind of underground cave without visible
exit. And finally, I found it: One of the high-heeled shoes and the memory,
that behind all it I will find a passage. Jessica…

Was my wife and my daughter subjected to the same destiny as me? No, I will
escape at all cost, as they did before me.

December 5th 1967
My throat is dehydrated. I didn't eat for many days and I don't know how much
time I'll still resist. I am becoming insane. Why? Because I am like a rat,
hopeless trying to escape from a laboratory labyrinth. Does my fascination for
the abnormal architect of this residence was no reprehensible?

December 7th 1967
I am in a dark and wet underground secret conduit. And there, suddenly,
something monstrous opposite of me... I scrape my last match with a trembling
hand. A tombstone is here with my name engraved on it. What kind of a
psychopath would make a similar thing?

"George Trevor" isn't me? Spencer calculated since the beginning, that I would
come up to here to take my breath, and prepared my tomb. Realizing, with
success, to direct my attention away from each useful way to escape. Jessica,
please forgive me. Little time... It's the time that remains me before joining
you in paradise.

George Trevor




Well, this reveals why the mansion was abandoned and why it was a trap house.

Basically, George Trevor was a nut-bag. He built the house to hide things
valuable to Ozwell Spencer, the owner. He built traps for intruders and well,
basically went crazy because of his missing families and was never seen again…


When RESIDENT EVIL CODE: VERONICA X was released in Japan for PS2, it came with
a DVD featuring the character Albert Wesker. As you know, he survived the RE1
Mansion Incident by injecting himself with a virus. Read below and I will
analyze below.

"My name is Albert Wesker. I aspired to become a leading researcher at Umbrella
Inc. A pharmaceutical enterprise who covertly conduction Bio Organic Weapons,
better known as B.O.W., for development. But at the leader development training
ground situated in Raccoon City, I met a brilliant and talented researcher who
decided to take a different path; William Birkin.

In time I shifted my position to S.T.A.R.S., a special force unit of the
Raccoon Police Department. Umbrella, for crisis management reasons of their
illegal Bio Organic Weapons development had many of its people working in the
police department.

I became the leader of S.T.A.R.S. and conducted all sorts of intelligence
activities for Umbrella. As I continued to serve I devised my own plans and
waited for the right time moment to execute them. Then at last, opportunity

1998 - July 24th –
The freak murder incidents that had occurred in the forest near the mansion
started it all. The mansion was Umbrella's secret BOW laboratory and it was
clear that the indevelopment T-Virus was the cause of the murder. Initially,
Umbrella instructed me secretively to keep S.T.A.R.S. to the mansion, dispose
of them, then report the situation to headquarters so that their combat with
the B.O.W. could be used for data analysis allowing Umbrella a comprehensive
portrait of the B.O.W.'s combat abilities.

>From the two S.T.A.R.S. teams I first pitched in the Bravo Team. As expected,
the top elite of S.T.A.R.S. gave all they had and became useful sample data.
Then following, I geared up the Alpha Team to "search and rescue" the lost
Bravo Team. The members of Alpha Team also proved their worth and as expected
many died.

There were five survivors from the initial eleven S.T.A.R.S. members. From the
Alpha team were Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine and Barry Burton. And from the
Bravo Team were Rebecca Chambers and Enrico Marini. It was time to begin
executing my plans.

In the midst of the whole affair I could take Umbrella's ultimate Bio-Organic
Weapon, the Tyrant, and join forces with an opposing corporation of Umbrella.
To buy into that opposing corporation I would need the actual combat data of
the Tyrant. The surviving privileged members of S.T.A.R.S. were just the
perfect bait.

I decided to have one of them play the Judas and draw them to the Tyrant. That
Judas was Barry. Barry was the strong truth and justice kind and cherished his
family more than anything. His type is easy to manipulate. I just took that
most important thing away from him.

My only miscalculation was the high potential of Chris and Jill. But with the
family man Barry playing Judas the scheme went as planned. Then the winds turn
unexpectedly. I had to eliminate Enrico who found out what was behind it all. I
used Barry to get to him.

After I successfully got rid of that nuisance I awaited the sample specimen
that Barry would bring to me in the Tyrant room. I injected the virus I
obtained from Birkin in advance. If I made Umbrella believe I was dead, it made
it far more convenient to sell myself to the opposing corporation.

According to Birkin the virus had profound effects. It would put my body in a
state of temporary "death". It would then bring me back to life with super
human powers. Therefore I unleashed an awesome Tyrant from its slumber and let
it attack me. As my consciousness faded away I was certain that the whole
scheme would end in success.

Never did I imagine that S.T.A.R.S. could slay the evil creation. I lost the
Tyrant and the plan I devised which cost me my humanity ended in failure. Now
anything and anyone who stood in my way would be terminated. It's been that way
for a long time and it always will be.
At all costs I had to make S.T.A.R.S. pay.

September –
Two months had passed since the mansion incident.

To regain everything I had lost in my new organization I joined hands with Ada
Wong, a female agent who was also sent to spy on Umbrella. I knew in my bones
that the key developer was William Birkin, but what he didn't know was that
Umbrella did not play games...with anyone.

Eventually, Birkin would be assassinated, and the G-virus would be in the hands
of Umbrella. But the salvage team led by Hunk was ahead of us. By the time they
got to Birkin, he'd already injected himself with the G-virus...he became his
own creation, and decimated them. Soon after, the T-virus carried by rats
spread throughout Raccoon City, and Umbrella faced its worst scenario.

September 28th –
The good citizens became zombies, and the city had headed for its devastating
fate. Humans were no match against zombies. In the chaos, Umbrella Europe
applied a new type B.O.W., called "Nemesis". The Nemesis would hunt down and
destroy the surviving member of S.T.A.R.S., Jill. It became imperative that our
organization would also obtain the Nemesis data.

September 29th –
To cover up the whole affair, Umbrella jettisoned a Tyrant to take care of Leon
and Claire, who were trying to unveil their secrets. Then, there was a new
revelation. Birkin used to hide the findings of his studies in his daughter
Sherry's pendant.

It was very possible that the G-virus was there. While Umbrella was busy with
their cover up, we had to capture Sherry before they did. I sent Ada undercover
to seek the location of Sherry. I, the "dead man" on the other hand, had to
work in the shadows.

A spy's obligation and priority is in mission, to carry out the mission like a
machine without any emotional interference. But through her interaction and
involvement with Leon Scott Kennedy, there had been an affection growing inside
her. My instincts sensed danger. Something had to be done, quickly. My
instincts did not disappoint me.

Even though Ada almost had her hands on the G-virus, which Leon had acquired
from Sherry, that affection of her drove her to her death. But she was still of
some use. I had to save her life. My people hurried to retrieve the G-virus
that Leon threw away.

But Hunk, the only survivor of Umbrella's salvage team, was there before us.

September 30th –
Our only option left was to bring back Birkin, the monster, as the sample
specimen and have him finish Leon and Claire in order to obtain his combat

Although Birkin lost the battle to Leon and Claire, we succeeded in gathering
samples of the G-virus from his dead body.

October 1st –
In the morning the government bombed Raccoon city in an attempt to stop for the
viral outbreak. This was, of course, their feigned reason... Later, Claire left
to Europe to find her lost brother Chris, and Leon joined forces with an
underground anti-Umbrella organization.

Sherry is safe in our hands. I would never underestimate Birkin. There's
something about this little girl...”




Well, Wesker’s Report answers a few things about the Resident Evil series.

First off, we know the official events of RE1 are a mix of Chris and Jill’s
games. Jill encounters the Yawn, while Chris runs into Plant 42 and Neptune.
Chris also sees the first Hunter. Jill also sees Tyrant impale Wesker. Barry
also is the one who killed Enrico. All 5 people (Rebecca, Brad, Chris, Jill,
Barry) escape after Chris destroys Tyrant and the Spencer Mansion explodes.

Albert Wesker survived the incident by injecting himself with a special virus
that brings dead people back to life with super powers. Wesker also works for a
company called “HCF.” Wesker now owes A LOT to his company.

RE2’s events follow the Leon A/Claire B mix, with a few events pointing toward
the other one. The only major event from Claire A/Leon B is Leon fighting final
Mr. X. So Leon A/Claire B is the actual RE2 scenario.

RE2’s events show Ada falling down the chasm. It shows Ada tossing the Rocket
Launcher to Leon WITHOUT the pendant of Sherry. Also, it shows Claire powering
the escape train and Leon coming down from the “A” Scenario elevator. Ada also
survives because Wesker saved her. HUNK also got the G- Virus that Leon threw
over the chasm.

RE3’s events hint that Jill fights Nemesis and then escapes with Carlos and
Barry. Nicholai also survives.

Survivor’s events aren’t explored.

CODE: Veronica X’s events aren’t explored (duh!)

Here are the following mistakes:

RE2 area: Wesker says Leon got the G-virus from Sherry, when he really got it
from Annette.

RE3 area: It seems they mixed the endings by showing Barry’s chopper and Carlos
piloting Nicholai’s. Hmmm…

In conclusion, Wesker’s Report is a pretty good RE plot solver, when you look
deeper into the plot and ignore all the mistakes. I feel Wesker’s Report has a
bearing on the next RE. I enjoyed the report. You might, too.


Released: March 22, 1996

It’s basically the Saturn Version with better graphics, less costumes and
without the minigame.

Released: December 1997

It’s basically adding costumes, modes and slightly better graphics to the
original version.

Released: 1997

It has more costumes, uncut scenes and more costumes. It doesn’t have the mini

Released: Late 1998

It’s basically the original Director’s Cut with worse music and analog


Well, thanks for reading my FAQ. If you want to know more about the story line,
read the Plot Analysis by TWilde, which can be found here at GameFAQS

*Thanks to CJayC for posting this on

*Thanks to Capcom for remaking the game

*Thanks to Sony for letting Capcom port it- it’s the best RE1 yet

*Thanks to the people letting me know about RE1 for Saturn, especially Akuma
and Tixus from GameFAQS

*Thanks to mysticcat for the information about the Resident Evil Versions
section from his “Resident Evil: Director’s Cut” FAQ.

*My family and friends

Well, thanks for reading!

Checkout my friends’ websites:

Check out my other guides:

Resident Evil CODE: Veronica X Guide for PS2 and Dreamcast!
Silent Hill: Handgun Speed Guide!
Pokemon Crystal Guide!
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis for Dreamcast!
Resident Evil 2: Dreamcast Edition
Resident Evil 1: Saturn Version
Hopefully soon: Resident Evil2: Dual Shock Version

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Japanische Version: unendlich Ammo.

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Differneces Guide FAQ

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