Final Fantasy 9

Final Fantasy 9

13.10.2013 00:20:06
Final Fantasy IX

Eiko's Abilities Information and Translations-Version 1.0
By: Red Scarlet (

Version 1.0 11/05/00-Created FAQ for Eiko.

I keep getting a ton of emails about it, and how to view the japanischeese text
is in the paragraph right below the disclaimer.


This FAQ is for personal use only. It cannot be altered without
the consent of the FAQ's owner (me), nor published in any magazines or any
reproduced form. This FAQ is not meant for sale and is copyright 2000 Red
Scarlet. If you want to use this FAQ on your Website or page, please email me
for permission (


This FAQ was created using NJSTAR, and to view it properly, I would suggest
right clicking the page, then choose 'encoding' and choose japanischeese
Auto-Select. That is to view it on a PC with Windows, and since I don't have a
Mac, I have no idea how to do that with them. So, sorry.


Although there are a couple of Menued versions of the ability lists and the
like, I have yet to see anything actually explaining what all of them do.
Usually, there is just a name for them, and I guess you simply have to know
what they do by only the name. Well, some people do not know, so I am going to
try to throw out a helping hand again. Hopefully this'll help y'all out

Note that most of my lists are not at 100%; I apologize, as I am only going
through the game for my 2nd time at the time of writing this. Thank you.


for the Abilities, they will be listed as they look on the ability screen
first, so their placement on the actual screen of the TV/monitor will look
similar. Then the same list with their English translations follows. After
that list, each ability will be translated (to the best of my ability), then
the info about it will be displayed. Lastly, the actual equipment that must be
equipped to learn the Ability will be in there too, but note that I have
nowhere near every item, so these lists go by what I have encountered on my own
way through the game. Here we go. I am sorry for the huge delay in posting
this, and the US version comes out in a few weeks, but hey, its better late
than never, right?


ƒAƒrƒŠƒeƒC‚̃G[ƒR-Abiriti no Eeko (Eiko's Abilities)

‚‚©‚¤-Tsukau (Usable-Battle Commands; signified by a Red Diamond.)

ƒJ[ƒoƒ“ƒNƒ‹ 24 ƒtƒFƒ“ƒŠƒ‹ 30
ƒtƒFƒjƒbƒNƒX 32 ƒ}ƒfƒB[ƒ“ 54
ƒPƒAƒ‹ 6 ƒPƒAƒ‹ƒ‰ 10
ƒPƒAƒ‹ƒK 22 ƒŠƒWƒFƒl 14
ƒŒƒCƒY 8 ƒAƒŒƒCƒY 24
ƒ|ƒCƒ]ƒi 4 ƒXƒgƒi 8
ƒGƒXƒi 20 ƒVƒFƒ‹ 6
ƒvƒƒeƒX 6 ƒwƒCƒXƒg 8
ƒTƒCƒŒƒX 8 ƒ~ƒjƒ}ƒ€ 8
ƒŠƒtƒŒƒN 6 ƒŒƒrƒeƒg 6
ƒfƒXƒyƒ‹ 16 ƒtƒFƒCƒX 14
ƒWƒ…ƒGƒ‹ 4 ƒz[ƒŠ[ 36

Carbunkle 24 Fenrir 30
Phoenix 32 Madain 54
Cure 6 Cura 10
Curaga 22 Regen 14
Raise 8 Araise 24
Poisona 4 Stona 8
Esuna 20 Shell 6
Protect 6 Haste 8
Silence 8 Minimum 8
Reflect 6 Levitate 6
Dispel 16 Faith 14
Jewel 4 Holy 36

ƒJ[ƒoƒ“ƒNƒ‹-Kaabankuru (Carbunkle) MP cost: 24.
AP to learn: 35.
Summons Carbunkle, who uses ƒ‹ƒr[‚ÌŒõ-Rubii no Hikari (Ruby Light).
Casts Reflect on all party members. If Eiko equips an ƒGƒƒ‰ƒ‹ƒh-Emerarudo
(Emerald) as her accessory, Carbunkle will use ƒGƒƒ‰ƒ‹ƒh‚ÌŒõ-Emerarudo no
Hikari (Emerald Light), which casts Haste on all party members. If she equips
a ƒ_ƒCƒ„ƒ‚ƒ“ƒh-Daiyamondo (Diamond) as her accessory, Carbunkle will use
ƒ_ƒCƒ„‚Ì‚©‚ª‚â‚«-Daiya no Kagayaki (Diamond Radiance), which casts Vanish on
all party members.

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒ‹ƒr[-Rubii (Ruby)


ƒtƒFƒ“ƒŠƒ‹-Fenriru (Fenrir) MP cost: 30.
AP to learn: 55.
Summons the mythological wolf along with an old favorite, Titan. Together they
do the attack ‘å’n‚Ì“{‚è-Daichi no Ikari (Earth's Fury), an Earth elemental
attack. Do not use this on flying enemies; as it will miss.

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒTƒtƒ@ƒCƒA-Safaia (Sapphire)


ƒtƒFƒjƒbƒNƒX-Fenikusu (Phoenix) MP cost: 32.
AP to learn: 40.
Summons the legendary bird of rebirth. Uses “]¶‚̉Š-Tensei no Hono'o (Fire
Rebirth), a fire-based attack on all enemies, and revives all fallen allies
with about 60% of their HP.

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒtƒFƒjƒbƒNƒX‚̉H-Fenikusu no Hane (Phoenix Feather)


ƒ}ƒfƒB[ƒ“-Madiin (Madine) MP cost: 54.
AP to learn: 120.
Could be Tina's (Terra's) father from part VI, but that summon's name was
spelled ƒ}ƒfƒBƒ“ it could be, or it might not. They do look
somewhat similar in their appearance, however. When Madine appears, he uses
his ƒeƒ‰ƒz[ƒ~ƒ“ƒO-Terahooming (Terra Homing) attack, which does Holy damage to
all enemies.

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒŠƒ{ƒ“-Ribon (Ribbon)


ƒPƒAƒ‹-Kearu (Cure) MP cost: 6.
AP to learn: .
Low-level HP recovery spell.

Can be learned by equipping:


–‚–@‚̃‰ƒPƒbƒg-Mahou no Raketo (Magic Racket)


ƒVƒ‹ƒN‚Ì•ž-Shiruku no Fuku (Silk Clothing)


ƒPƒAƒ‹ƒ‰-Kearura (Cura) MP cost: 10.
AP to learn: 40.
Mid-level HP recovery spell.

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒS[ƒŒƒ€‚Ì‚Ó‚¦-Gooremu no Fue (Golem Flute)


ƒoƒŒƒbƒ^-Bareta (Barette)


ƒPƒAƒ‹ƒK-Kearuga (Curaga) MP cost: 22.
AP to learn: 80.
Highest level HP recovery spell.

Can be learned by equipping:


“VŽg‚Ì‚Ó‚¦-Tenshi no Fue (Angel Flute)


ƒŠƒWƒFƒl-Rijene (Regen) MP cost: 14.
AP to learn: 25.
The character will receive about 5% of their Max HP at regular intervals.

Can be learned by equipping:


—d¸‚̃tƒ@ƒCƒt-Yousei no Faifu (Fairy Fife)


—d¸‚̃sƒAƒX-Yousei no Piasu (Fairy Pierce)


ƒŒƒCƒY-Reizu (Raise) MP cost: 8.
AP to learn: 35.
Revives a fallen comrade in battle, and restores about 50% of their HP.

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒS[ƒŒƒ€‚Ì‚Ó‚¦-Gooremu no Fue (Golem Flute)


“]¶‚ÌŽw—Ö-Tensei no Yubiwa (Rebirth Ring)


ƒAƒŒƒCƒY-Areizu (Araise) MP cost: 24.
AP to learn: 90.
Revives a comrade in battle with full HP.

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒZƒCƒŒ[ƒ“‚Ì‚Ó‚¦-Seireen no Fue (Siren Flute)


Œõ‚̃[ƒu-Hikari no Roobu (Light Robe)


ƒ|ƒCƒ]ƒi-Poizona (Poisona) MP cost: 4.
AP to learn: 15.
Cures Poison, just like a “ŏÁ‚µ-Dokukeshi (Antidote).

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒGƒAƒ‰ƒPƒbƒg-Earaketo (Air Racket)


ƒXƒgƒi-Sutona (Stona) MP cost: 8.
AP to learn: 25.
Cures Î-Ishi (Stone), just like a ‹à‚̐j-Kin no Hari (Gold Needle).

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒ}ƒ‹ƒ`ƒiƒ‰ƒPƒbƒg-Maruchinaraketo (Martina Racket)
ƒ‰ƒ~ƒA‚Ì‚Ó‚¦-Ramia no Fue (Lamia Flute)


ƒGƒXƒi-Esuna (Esuna) MP cost: 20.
AP to learn: 80.
Same as the –œ”\–ò-Bannouyaku (Remedy), this spell will cure any status
ailment, except for death. (Possibly does not cure Zombie either.)

Can be learned by equipping:


—d¸‚̃tƒ@ƒCƒt-Yousei no Faifu (Fairy Fife)
ƒZƒCƒŒ[ƒ“‚Ì‚Ó‚¦-Seireen no Fue (Siren Flute)
“VŽg‚Ì‚Ó‚¦-Tenshi no Fue (Angel Flute)


ƒ‰ƒo[ƒRƒ“ƒVƒƒƒX-Rabaakonshasu (Rubber Conscious)


ƒVƒFƒ‹-Sheru (Shell) MP cost: 6.
AP to learn: 20.
Magic damage is reduced by 50%.

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒ}ƒ‹ƒ`ƒiƒ‰ƒPƒbƒg-Maruchinaraketo (Martina Racket)
ƒ~ƒXƒŠƒ‹ƒ‰ƒPƒbƒg-Misuriruraketo (Mithril Racket)


‚à‚ß‚ñ‚̃[ƒu-Momen no Roobu (Cotton Robe)


‹à‚̃`ƒ‡[ƒJ[-Kin no Chookaa (Gold Choker)


ƒvƒƒeƒX-Purotesu (Protect) MP cost: 6.
AP to learn: .
Physical damage is reduced by 50%.

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒ~ƒXƒŠƒ‹ƒ‰ƒPƒbƒg-Misuriruraketo (Mithril Racket)


‚Æ‚ñ‚ª‚è–XŽq-Tongariboushi (Pointed Hat)


ƒfƒU[ƒgƒu[ƒc-Dezaatobuutsu (Desert Boots)


ƒwƒCƒXƒg-Heisuto (Haste) MP cost: 8.
AP to learn: 30.
AT bar goes up twice as fast, and the 'Slow' spell will be innefective against
a character.

Can be learned by equipping:


—d¸‚̃tƒ@ƒCƒt-Yousei no Faifu (Fairy Fife)


ƒGƒƒ‰ƒ‹ƒh-Emerarudo (Emerald)
ƒGƒ‹ƒƒX‚Ì‚­‚Â-Erumesu no Kutsu (Hermes' Shoes)


ƒTƒCƒŒƒX-Sairesu (Silence) MP cost: 8.
AP to learn: .
Attempts to block a target's spells.

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒ‰ƒ~ƒA‚Ì‚Ó‚¦-Ramia no Fue (Lamia Flute)
ŽiÕ‚̃‰ƒPƒbƒg-Shisai no Raketo (Priest Racket)


–‚–@‚̘r—Ö-Mahou no Udewa (Magic Armlet)


ƒ~ƒjƒ}ƒ€-Minimamu (Minimum) MP cost: 8.
AP to learn: .
Attempts to shrink a target to miniature size, leaving them with very little
attack and defense power. Also cures the minimum status ailment.

Can be learned by equipping:


–‚–@‚̃‰ƒPƒbƒg-Mahou no Raketo (Magic Racket)


ƒtƒFƒU[ƒu[ƒc-Fezaabuutsu (Feather Boots)


ƒŠƒtƒŒƒN-Rifureku (Reflect) MP cost: 6.
AP to learn: .
Reflects most spells back to the caster.

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒ~ƒXƒŠƒ‹ƒ‰ƒPƒbƒg-Misuriruraketo (Mithril Racket)


ƒ‹ƒr[Rubii (Ruby)
ƒŠƒtƒŒƒNƒgƒŠƒ“ƒO-Rifurekutoringu (Reflect Ring)


ƒŒƒrƒeƒg-Rebiteto (Levitate) MP cost: 6.
AP to learn: .
Used to avoid the ƒNƒGƒCƒN-Kueiku (Quake) spell, or similar attacks. Lasts for
a very short time, however.

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒ‰ƒ~ƒA‚Ì‚Ó‚¦-Ramia no Fue (Lamia Flute)


ƒ‰ƒ~ƒA‚̃eƒCƒAƒ‰-Ramia no Tiara (Lamia Tiara)


ƒtƒFƒU[ƒu[ƒc-Fezaabuutsu (Feather Boots)


ƒfƒXƒyƒ‹-Desuperu (Dispel) MP cost: 16.
AP to learn: 35.
Will remove positive status enhancements (Haste/Regen/Reflect/Shell) from a

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒZƒCƒŒ[ƒ“‚Ì‚Ó‚¦-Seireen no Fue (Siren Flute)
‚Ë‚±‚̎胉ƒPƒbƒg-Neko no Shuraketo (Cat Paw Racket)


ƒtƒFƒCƒX-Feisu (Faith) MP cost: 14.
AP to learn:
Target's Attack Power goes up for the battle.

Can be learned by equipping:


ŽiÕ‚̃‰ƒPƒbƒg-Shisai no Raketo (Priest Racket)


ƒWƒ…ƒGƒ‹-Jueru (Jewel) MP cost: 4.
AP to learn:
Turns a weakened enemy (less than 25% HP) into a Jewel. If you've used the
Ragnarok esper in 6, the Morph command in 7, or the Card command in 8, this is
the same drill.

Can be learned by equipping:




ƒz[ƒŠ[-Hoorii (Holy) MP cost: 36.
AP to learn: 110.


‚»‚¤‚Ñ-Soubi (Equippable Abilities; signified by a Green or Blue diamond.
Green means the ability is not equipped, while a Blue repre-
sents the ability is currently equipped.)

Eiko's Equippable Abilities:

‚¢‚Â‚Å‚àƒŠƒtƒŒƒN 15 ‚¢‚Â‚Å‚àƒŒƒrƒeƒg 6
‚¢‚‚łàƒwƒCƒXƒg 9 ‚¢‚Â‚Å‚àƒŠƒWƒFƒl 10
‚¨‚Ü‚¶‚È‚¢ 12 MP10%ƒAƒbƒv 4
MP20%ƒAƒbƒv 8 ‚¢‚₵‚Ì 2
ƒŠƒtƒŒƒNŠÑ’Ê 7 ¸_“[ 10
Á”ïMP”¼Œ¸ 11 –žŒŽ‚̐S“¾ 8
”M‚¹‚¸—â‚Ü‚¹‚¸ 4 ƒŒƒxƒ‹ƒAƒbƒv 7
ƒAƒrƒŠƒeƒCƒAƒbƒv 3 ƒ‚ƒO‚Ì‚¨‚Ü‚à‚è 3
–°‚炸‚̏p 5 “Å–¡‚̏p 4
’¾–Ù‰ñ”ð‚̏p 4 ŒÅ‚܂炸‚̏p 4
ƒI[ƒgƒ|[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“ 3 Ž~‚܂炸‚̏p 4
¬—‰ñ”ð‚̏p 5 ‚¨‚¤‚¦‚ñ 12

Always Reflect 15 Always Levitate 6
Always Haste 9 Always Regen 10
Life Guard 12 MP 10% Up 4
MP 20% Up 8 Healing Touch 2
Reflect Piercing 7 Mind Relationship 10
Consume Half MP 11 Full Moon Heart 8
No Freeze/Burn 4 Level Up 7
Ability Up 3 Mog's Protection 3
Sleep Dodging Skill 5 Tasting Skill 4
Silence Dodging Skill 4 Hardness Dodging Skill 4
Auto Potion 3 Stop Dodging Skill 4
Confusion Dodging Skill 5 Support 12

‚¢‚Â‚Å‚àƒŠƒtƒŒƒN-Itsudemorifureku (Always Reflect) CP cost: 15.
AP to learn: 70.
Always have the 'Reflect' status in battle. Spells will bounce off the
Reflected character onto an opponent.

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒŠƒtƒŒƒNƒgƒŠƒ“ƒO-Rifurekutoringu (Reflect Ring)


‚¢‚Â‚Å‚àƒŒƒrƒeƒg-Itsudemorebiteto (Always Levitate) CP cost: 6.
AP to learn: 25.
Always have the 'Levitate' status in battle. The character will float; thus
being a defense against Earthquake attacks and spells.

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒtƒFƒU[ƒu[ƒc-Fezaabuutsu (Feather Boots)


‚¢‚‚łàƒwƒCƒXƒg-Itsudemoheisuto (Always Haste) CP cost: 9.
AP to learn: .
Always have the 'Haste' status in battle. AT bar goes up twice as fast, and
the 'Slow' spell will be innefective against a character with Always Haste.

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒGƒ‹ƒƒX‚Ì‚­‚Â-Erumesu no Kutsu (Hermes' Shoes)


‚¢‚Â‚Å‚àƒŠƒWƒFƒl-Itsudemorijene (Always Regen) CP cost: 10.
AP to learn: 35.
Always have the 'Regen' status in battle. The character will receive about 5%
of their Max HP at regular intervals.

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒS[ƒŒƒ€‚Ì‚Ó‚¦-Gooremu no Fue (Golem Flute)


‹à‚Ì”¯ü‚è-Kin no Kamikazari (Gold Hairpin)


Œõ‚̃[ƒu-Hikari no Roobu (Light Robe)


‚¨‚Æ‚ß‚Ì‚¢‚Ì‚è-Otome no Inori (Maiden's Prayer)
“VŽg‚̃Cƒ„ƒŠƒ“ƒO-Tenshi no Iyaringu (Angel's Earring)


‚¨‚Ü‚¶‚È‚¢-Omajinai (Life Guard) CP cost: 12.
AP to learn: 100.
Always start with the 'Reraise' status in battle. When fallen in battle for
the first time, the character will be instantly revived as if the 'Life'
spell was automatically cast. Only works one time per battle.

Can be learned by equipping:


“]¶‚ÌŽw—Ö-Tensei no Yubiwa (Rebirth Ring)


MP10%ƒAƒbƒv-MP10%appu (MP 10% Up) CP cost: 4.
AP to learn:
Maximum MP up by 10%.

Can be learned by equipping:


–‚pŽt‚Ì•ž-Majutsushi no Fuku (Mage Master's Clothes)
–‚pŽt‚̃[ƒu-Majutsushi no Roobu (Mage Master's Robe)


ƒGƒƒ‰ƒ‹ƒh-Emerarudo (Emerald)
–‚pŽt‚Ì‚­‚Â-Majutsushi no Kutsu (Mage Master's Shoes)
ƒCƒNƒXƒeƒ“ƒVƒ‡ƒ“-Ikusutenshon (Extension)


MP20%ƒAƒbƒv-MP20%appu (MP 20% Up) CP cost: 8.
AP to learn: 50.
Maximum MP up by 20%.

Can be learned by equipping:


“VŽg‚̃Cƒ„ƒŠƒ“ƒO-Tenshi no Iyaringu (Angel's Earring)


‚¢‚₵‚Ì-Iyashino (Healing Touch) CP cost: 2.
AP to learn: 20.
When equipped, physical attacks will heal the target, rather than damage them.

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒK[ƒlƒbƒg-Gaaneto (Garnet)
ƒAƒ“ƒNƒŒƒbƒg-Ankureto (Anklet)


ƒŠƒtƒŒƒNŠÑ’Ê-Rifurekutsuranutsuu (Reflect Piercing) CP cost: 7.
AP to learn: 55.
When this Ability is equipped, Garnet's spells will hit a target even if they
have the 'Reflect' status.

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒ[ƒuƒIƒuƒ[ƒh-Roobuoburoodo (Robe of Lord)


ƒp[ƒ‹ƒ‹[ƒWƒ…-Paaruruuju (Pearl ?)


¸_“[-Seishintouu (Mind Relationship) CP cost: 10.
AP to learn: 90.
Effectiveness of magic is increased.

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒ[ƒuƒIƒuƒ[ƒh-Roobuoburoodo (Robe of Lord)


ƒƒ[ƒbƒ^‚ÌŽw—Ö-Rozeta no Yubiwa (Rosetta Ring)


Á”ïMP”¼Œ¸-Shouhi MP Hangen (Consume Half MP) CP cost: 11.
AP to learn: 120.
MP cost of spells in battle is reduced by 50%.
Can be learned by equipping:


Œõ‚̃[ƒu-Hikari no Roobu (Light Robe)


‚Ü‚à‚è‚ÌŽw—Ö-Mamori no Yubiwa (Protect Ring)


–žŒŽ‚̐S“¾-Mangetsu no Kokorotoku (Full Moon Heart) CP cost: 8.
AP to learn: .
The 'Trance' meter fills up faster when this ability is equipped, so the
character will get into Trance mode more often.

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒ_ƒ‹ƒNƒnƒbƒg-Darukuhato (Dark Hat)


ƒqƒXƒC‚̘r—Ö-Hisui no Udewa (Hisui Armlet)


‘å’n‚̈ß-Daichi no Gi (Earth Clothes)
ƒ~ƒlƒ‹ƒoƒrƒXƒ`ƒF-Minerubabisuche (Minerva Bisuche)


ƒTƒtƒ@ƒCƒA-Safaia (Sapphire)


”M‚¹‚¸—₹‚¸-Netsusezureisezu (No Freeze/Burn) CP cost: 4.
AP to learn: 20.
'Burn' and 'Freeze' status attacks are ineffective when a character is equipped
with this Ability.

Can be learned by equipping:


ŽiÕ‚Ì–XŽq-Shisai no Boushi (Priest's Hat)


ƒqƒXƒC‚̘r—Ö-Hisui no Udewa (Hisui Armlet)


ƒ_ƒCƒ„ƒ‚ƒ“ƒh-Daiyamondo (Diamond)
—d¸‚̃sƒAƒX-Yousei no Piasu (Fairy Pierce)
ƒ}ƒ_ƒCƒ“‚ÌŽw—Ö-Madain no Yubiwa (Madain Ring)


ƒŒƒxƒ‹ƒAƒbƒv-Reberuapu (Level Up) CP cost: 7.
AP to learn: 65.
Gain more Experience points from battles. (About 50% extra.)

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒGƒSƒCƒXƒg‚̘r—Ö-Egoisuto no Udewa (Egoist Armlet)


ƒp[ƒ‹ƒ‹[ƒWƒ…-Paaruruuju (Pearl ?)
—d¸‚̃sƒAƒX-Yousei no Piasu (Fairy Pierce)
ƒCƒNƒXƒeƒ“ƒVƒ‡ƒ“-Ikusutenshon (Extension)
ƒƒ[ƒbƒ^‚ÌŽw—Ö-Rozeta no Yubiwa (Rosetta Ring)


ƒAƒrƒŠƒeƒCƒAƒbƒv-Abiritiapu (Ability Up) CP cost: 3.
AP to learn: .
Gain twice the AP in battles.

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒOƒŠ[ƒ“ƒxƒŒ[-Guriinberee (Green Beret)


ƒVƒ‹ƒN‚̃[ƒu-Shiruku no Roobu (Silk Robe)


ƒ‰ƒsƒXƒ‰ƒYƒŠ-Rapisurazuri (Lapis Lazari)
ƒŠƒ{ƒ“-Ribon (Ribbon)


ƒ‚ƒO‚Ì‚¨‚Ü‚à‚è-Mogu no Omamori (Mog's Protection) CP cost: 3.
AP to learn: 30.
Not sure, but perhaps Mog will Protect Eiko in battles sometimes? Doesn't
lower the chance of getting fought randomly, I do know that.

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒ}ƒ_ƒCƒ“‚ÌŽw—Ö-Madain no Yubiwa (Madain Ring)
ƒŠƒ{ƒ“-Ribon (Ribbon)


–°‚炸‚̏p-Nemurazu no Jutsu (Sleep Dodging Skill) CP cost: 5.
AP to learn: .
Character is immune to sleep attacks and magic.

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒoƒ“ƒ_ƒi-Bandana (Bandanna)
ŽiÕ‚Ì–XŽq-Shisai no Boushi (Priest's Hat)


–‚pŽt‚Ì•ž-Majutsushi no Fuku (Mage Master's Cloth)
‘å’n‚̈ß-Daichi no Gi (Earth Clothes)


‚³‚ñ‚²‚ÌŽw—Ö-Sango no Yubiwa (Coral Ring)


“Å–¡‚̏p-Dokumi no Jutsu (Tasting Skill) CP cost: 4.
AP to learn: .
Character is immune to “Å-Doku (Poison) status ailments when this Ability is

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒ`ƒƒƒNƒ‰ƒoƒ“ƒh-Chakurabando (Chakra Band)


ƒKƒ‰ƒX‚̘r—Ö-Garasu no Udewa (Glass Armlet)


ƒTƒoƒCƒoƒ‹ƒxƒXƒg-Sabaibarubesuto (Survival Vest)


ƒKƒ‰ƒX‚̃oƒbƒNƒ‹-Garasu no Bakuru (Glass Buckle)


’¾–Ù‰ñ”ð‚̏p-Chinmokukaihi no Jutsu (Silence Dodging Skill) CP cost: 4.
AP to learn: .
Character is immune to ’¾–Ù-Chinmoku (Silence) status ailments when this
Ability is equipped.

Can be learned by equipping:


–‚pŽt‚Ì–XŽq-Majutsushi no Boushi (Mage Master's Hat)
‹à‚Ì”¯ü‚è-Kin no Kamikazari (Gold Hairpin)


ƒVƒ‹ƒN‚̃[ƒu-Shiruku no Roobu (Silk Robe)
”’‚̃[ƒu-Shiro no Roobu (White Robe)


ƒp[ƒ‹ƒ‹[ƒWƒ…-Paaruruuju (Pearl ?)


ŒÅ‚܂炸‚̏p-Komarazu no Jutsu (Hardness Dodging Skill) CP cost: 4.
AP to learn: .
Character is immune to Î-Ishi (Stone) status ailments when this Ability is

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒ_ƒ‹ƒNƒnƒbƒg-Darukuhato (Dark Hat)
ƒT[ƒNƒŒƒbƒg-Saakureto (Circlet)


ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ƒŠƒXƒg-Doragonrisuto (Dragon Wrist)


ƒuƒƒ“ƒY‚Ì‹¹“–‚Ä-Buronzu no Muneate (Bronze Chestplate)
•‘•‘©-Kuroshouzoku (Black Outfit)


ƒI[ƒgƒ|[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“-O-topo-shon (Auto Potion) CP cost: 3.
AP to learn: .
Use a potion in your inventory whenever attacked. Always uses the weakest
potion, so it is more effective if the regular weak potions are disposed of,
and High Potions are used instead.

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒ~ƒXƒŠƒ‹ƒxƒXƒg-Misurirubesuto (Mithril Vest)
–‚pŽt‚̃[ƒu-Majutsushi no Roobu (Mage Master's Robe)
–‚l‚Ì‹¹“–‚Ä-Majin no Muneate (Mage's Chestplate)
”’‚̃[ƒu-Shiro no Roobu (White Robe)


ƒGƒ‹ƒƒX‚Ì‚­‚Â-Erumesu no Kutsu (Hermes' Shoes)
‹à‚̃`ƒ‡[ƒJ[-Kin no Chookaa (Gold Choker)
ƒCƒNƒXƒeƒ“ƒVƒ‡ƒ“-Ikusutenshon (Extension)


Ž~‚܂炸‚̏p-Shimarazu no Jutsu (Stop Dodging Skill) CP cost: 4.
AP to learn: .
Character is immune to the 'Stop' status ailment when this Ability is equipped.

Can be learned by equipping:


•“ª‹Ð-Kurozukin (Black Headtowel)
‰©‹à‚̃XƒJƒ‰[-Koukin no Sukaraa (Yellow-Gold Scraa?)


ƒTƒoƒCƒoƒ‹ƒxƒXƒg-Sabaibarubesuto (Survival Vest)
–‚l‚Ì‹¹“–‚Ä-Majin no Muneate (Mage's Chestplate)


ƒAƒ“ƒNƒŒƒbƒg-Ankureto (Anklet)


¬—‰ñ”ð‚̏p-Konrankaihi no Jutsu (Confusion Avoidance Skill) CP cost: 5.
AP to learn: .
Character is immune to ¬—-Konran (Confusion) status ailments when this
Ability is equipped.

Can be learned by equipping:


ƒ‰ƒ~ƒA‚̃eƒCƒAƒ‰-Ramia no Tiara (Lamia Tiara)
ƒOƒŠ[ƒ“ƒxƒŒ[-Guriinberee (Green Beret)
ƒT[ƒNƒŒƒbƒg-Saakureto (Circlet)


–‚–@‚̘r—Ö-Mahou no Udewa (Magic Armlet)


•‘•‘©-Kuroshouzoku (Black Outfit)


–‚pŽt‚Ì‚­‚Â-Majutsushi no Kutsu (Mage Master's Shoes)


‚¨‚¤‚¦‚ñ-Ouen (Support) CP cost: 12.
AP to learn: 150.
The attack power for Summons is higher with this Ability equipped. Please note
that you will always have to watch the long version of every summon if this is
equipped, so complainer beware...

Can be learned by equipping:


‚ӂ䂤Î‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç-Fuyuuishi no Kakera (Wealth Stone Fragment)

That's it for now, unless I get enough emails about anything else or any
additions/changes. Thank you for reading my FAQ and email with any questions
( Copyright Red Scarlet 2000

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Complete Game Script

15.Октябрь 2013
Ozma FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Secret Boss Hints

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Character Guide

11.Октябрь 2013
PAL Patch for the US NTSC Version (ADR).

15.Октябрь 2013
10.Октябрь 2008
engl. Hinweise
10.Октябрь 2008
engl. FAQ
10.Октябрь 2008
Alle Spieler auf Level 99, alle Gegenstände und Fähigkeiten.

13.Октябрь 2013
Tetra Master

13.Октябрь 2013
Boss Guide

13.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

11.Октябрь 2013
Quina's Blue Magic

17.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
English to Japanese

16.Октябрь 2013
Part 1 Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
Boss Guide

11.Октябрь 2013
PAL Patch for the European French PAL Version (TXC)

16.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the European French PAL Version.

15.Октябрь 2013
PAL Patch for the European French PAL Version (HYD)

15.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the European German PAL Version.

18.Октябрь 2013
No Nonsense Guide

13.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
Quina's Abilities

13.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018