Chocobo Mysterious Dungeon

Chocobo Mysterious Dungeon

15.10.2013 18:50:36
Chocobo: Mysterious Dungeon FAQ
Version 1.0
by Scott Dilley

v 0.1
first version
added some game info
hopefully fixed most spelling errors
format and Japanese ASCII hopefully fixed
added various comments
added the updated items list thanks to Ignacio de Lucas

*Note: There is Japanese ASCII in this file, and you will need to use a Japanese ASCII viewer to
see and print this text. I've also noticed that if your viewer has the ability to auto detect
Japanese and Chinese Kanji, you might have a problem with a couple of the Kanji, for example the
Rock Kanji near the end. It should be fixed by setting your viewer to Japanese only.(This is on
Njstar.) This file is best formatted in New Courier, 10 point text, best viewed in WordPad.


What can I say, Square just makes some of the best games around. Chocobo is a fantastic game. You
run around an ever changing dungeon, collecting items and new weapons, basically trying to become
more powerful, so you can defeat the increasingly powerful enemies. All the characters and items
are beautifully rendered sprites, and have that otaku look to them. The gameplay is excellent, the
sound effects are wonderful and the music is great. The spells in the game are wonderfully done,
some what reminiscent of Final Fantasy Tactics, however the summon stones and spell beads are where
the graphics are unbelievable, you just have to see someof these to believe them. And of course,
there's the CG sequences. Square keeps surprising me with how wonderful there CG is, and Chocobo's
CG scenes are the best so far IMHO. However I should warn everyone now, if you can't stand the
super cute, super deformed otaku stuff, then you'll probably get sick watching this one. On the
other hand, if you like practically everything that comes out of Japan, especially the otaku SD
stuff, then this is the game for you.


In the opening movie, you come walking into town, your side kick moogle Atra riding on you back.
You pass another chocobo at work in his garden on your way into town, and after conversing with him
for a moment you continue on your way. After your past the chocobo continues his work in the
garden, hitting a violet crystal in the ground. He picks it up to examine it, and what do you know,
his eyes start glowing an evil violet color. Later, you stop by the Gardner chocobo's house, and he
has something to show you. When you get to the door though, he promptly kicks you in and you fall
into the dungeon. And the adventure begins.


The game uses the typical ATB system from previous Final Fantasy games, but with a bit of a twist.
Your character and the enemies have a Active Time Battle system bar that appears underneath when
they are getting ready to attack. The enemy can only attack when it's bar is full, while you can
attack at any time, however it's at the expense of attack power. Attack when the bar is full, and
you get the strongest attack, but if your bar is only half full, then you only take off about half
of what you would at you strongest. Very helpful if your enemy is just about out of life, and you
want to kill it before it can make it's attack. The twist in the ATB system deals with movement and
actions. For each move or action you take,
your enemy gets to make a move or action. So if the enemy your fighting has no ranged attack, you
could sit several spaces away, wait for your bar to charge fully, then kick or cast a magic spell at
it, then run away, keeping you distance from your enemy until it's dead. However it should be noted
that if your enemy can throw a ranged attack, or cast a spell, it can do so when its ATB bar is
full, regardless whether you make a move or not. When not fighting enemies,you walk around,
exploring the dungeon around you. There are lots of traps, so it's wise to check ahead of you by
tapping your foot forward every once in a while.

Well that's the basics, so now we'll move on to the different aspects of the game that are
important to play.

Game Stuff

Status bar: Up at the top of the screen you'll see a line of white numbers. The first set is the
floor your on, then your current level, then your current Hit Points/total Hit Points, and finally
your stamina.
Map Display: In the bottom right hand corner is your small auto map, with the blue areas being
where you have stepped, green where you have not stepped, red dots as enemies, white dots as items
and yellow dots as stairs. Springs, traps, chests, ovens, bins, and shelves are not displayed on
the map.
ATB Bars: These appear below your character and your enemies. The longer the bar, the longer it
takes to charge for an attack. The bar appears red when there is a physical attack or kick/throw,
and blue when a spell is being cast.
Status Bubble: This is the little 'thought bubble' that appears above your head, indicating a
special status, these are listed below. These all have a limited duration.
Green Skull: Poison
Arrows Point down: ATB bar is longer
Arrows Point up: ATB bar is shorter
Dots: Silence (Can't read a book)
Water Drops: ATB bar is longer
The following don't have symbols, but you can tell when they are in effect.
Toad: Chocobo is now a toad. (you can still read books)
Stone: Chocobo turns grey and can't move for a while
Invisible: All you see is Chocobo's shadow. (monsters can't see you)
Sleep: Your Chocobo sits down and takes a nap (replenishes stamina)
Traps: There are traps lying on the floor all around the dungeon, and there are two ways to find
them. First, you can tap the floor ahead of you with your foot, or if you decide to just walk
around without looking where your going, you'll run into the trap head on.
Trap Door: Steel trap door, a chance you'll fall to the next level.
Poison Pit: Run over this and you'll become poisoned.
Mud Pit: Run into this and you'll be stuck and use stanima to get out.
Spikes: They pop up at you and cause damage.
Fire mine: Will explode if you walk over it.
Forget mine: You'll forget where you've been in the current level.
Unequip mine: Unequips everything equiped (useful if your cursed)
Slug slime: ATB bar get's longer
Invisible mine: Turn invisible
Magic circles: There are magical circles scattered around the dungeon, and they have many
different effects, but the problem is, you never know which effect it will have on you. So take
your chances and step into a circle for these different effects.
Sleep: Your Chocobo sits down and takes a nap (will replenish stamina)
Level Up: Gain a Level
Toad: Turn into a toad (can be useful if you need to cross water)
Item Level up: All equiped items gain a level.
Item Level down: All equiped item lose a level.
Teleport: You get teleported some where else.
Explosion: You get caught in a fire based explosion.
Invisible: Turn invisible
Treasure: Treasure can be found in many places around the dungeon. It can be lying on the gound,
in a chest, bookcase, picture, table, and cabinets. There are three different types of chests.
First is the unlocked kind, easy treasure here. Next we have the Magically locked kind, and to
open it you have to cast the correct spell. The spell you use depends on the spell you used the
last time. Just use the next spell down the list, and it should open. Lastly there is the kind
that uses a key, which are very difficult tofind. To open something, just run into it, if you need
to cast a spell or use a key, you'll automaticly end up in the item menu. Remember, you can only
investigate one of these places if you have a free slot in your inventory.
Buttons: Buttons can be found on the wall, they are big, red, and can't be missed. If you press
it, one of several things can happen. You'll get your hit points and/or stamina replenished,
you'll open a trap door, you'll set off the dissapering floor trap, or you'll turn on lights in the
dungeon, which will also reveal traps.
Machines: These are big boxes with little lights and gears, if you touch it, you'll be given an
option to use a spell. If you use a thunder spell on it, then it will activate, and the lights
will come on, and all traps will be revealed in the dungeon.
Stairs: Use these to go down to the next level. This is one of the two places you can save your
Springs: There are little wells scattered around the dungeon, this is where you can refill your
empty bottles and end up with a potion. What you get is random, although most times it's a Healing
Bins: These are large boxes you'll find scattered around the dungeon. When you run into it, your
inventory screen will pop up, and you can put any two items into the bin, where it will mix
together and become something else. What you get is random, so don't use any thing that's
important to you.
Ovens: These nifty things let you combine equipment, but you get to decide what you get. You can
only use this on Claws or Saddles. So say you find a claw you want, but its cursed at -1. What
you do is take a claw you don't want that's +1 and combine it with the cursed one, and voila, you
now have a normal claw of the type you want. Or combine to regular claws of the same type, and you
get one with a +1 rating. The only things to remember here are, whatever type you put in first,
is the type you will end up with, and you must have a fire book to heat the oven up. As a note, if
you combine an item it's name will appear green and a new menu choice will appear if you choose
this item from the inventory. By choosing this, you can rename an item you've made, and call it
whatever you want. Way cool.
Torches and candles: You'll find these on the walls of the dungeon, just run into them and read a
fire book, and the room will light up so you can see your way.
Books: Ok, spells work differently than previous FF games. First, you have books. Each of the
seven different books cast a spell. You have a proficency level with each of the different spells,
which levels up by casting the spells or by using a special item. When you reach level 10, the
spell you cast with a book becomes more powerful and looks different. Each type of book is counted
as one inventory slot, regardless of how many you currently have. As a note, when you look at your
comprehension level (press start) you'll see your current level and ATB for your spells, if you
look all the way to the right you'll see numbers for each spell, this is how many points you have
to go before you level up in a spell area. There are 10 points to a level, and each time you use a
book, it goes down by 1. An additional couple of random comments. First, spells change their
appearance at level 10 and at level 30. You can choose to castlower-rank spells by just notletting
the ATB fill up. Also, you can cast a spell on all enemies within range by just pressing the R1
button when selecting a target. ThiGems: Next you have Gems. When you choose to use these they are kicked like rocks or items, so
make sure your pointed in the direction you want them to go. These are more powerful spells, like
Earthquake, Holy, Meteor, Tidal wave, and Ultima. They are the hardest to find, so use them wisely
(like on the bosses, which are very powerful.)
Spirit Stones: These faceted rocks are the coolest looking spells. These work like the summon
spells from FF. Although difficult to find, there easier to get than the beads. These are the
spells which will cause damage all creatures on the screen, as well as causing some serious damage.
Spells in this catagory include Iffrit, Ramuh, Unicorn, Shiva, and of course Bahmut.
Claws and Saddles: Claws are your weapons, Saddles are your armour, and they come in a variety of
flavors, including leather, wood, iron, steel, ice, fire, and thunder as well as others.
Rocks: These are like arrows in other games. You must equip the rocks first, than you'll be able
to throw them. They have a short Charge time on the ATB and do a decent amount of damage.
Cards: These are one time use items that have a variety of effects. There's a handy Identify item
card, for those magical items your just not sure about (items that are magical that are unkown are
displayed in yellow print, be careful equipping or using these, as you never know what could
happen). There's a teleport card that you can use to get back to town, and a card you can use to
turn into and back from a frog.
Potions: These are your typical potions, use them to gain life, remove curses and gain stanima,
but watch out for poison. The empty bottles can be refilled at a spring. When you first find a
potion in the dungeon, you won't know what it is, after you use it or use a card on it, you'll know
what it is up untill you leave the dungeon, this is the same with cards and nuts.
Nuts: Eat them, and stuff will happen, but you won't know what unless you eat them or use a card
on them. There is a nut that lowers your ATB time on books by one, and so far this is the only way
I've found that will lower your book ATB.
Necklaces: They have different abilities which take effect after they are equiped.
Telportation: When you use a teleport card, after your done at town when you go back to the
dungeon, you'll see a glowing post. Walk over this and you'll be given a choice to go to the level
you were last at or any one you've been to so far.
Death: There is no Death. When you HP reach zero you'll be returned to town and lose one level,
after which you must start the dungeon from floor one again.
The Town: This is where you can rest, buy stuff and find out things. The town grows as you
progress in the game. So far I've found:
Your house: Jump into your nest to save a game, or file stuff for later use. (talk to Atra to
begin with, later you'll just touch the file cabinets).
Chipmunk's house: He sleeps all the time.
Raccon's house: A little later in the game you'll be able to combine things here Just talk to
the raccon, and he'll ask you if you want to combine two or three items. Right now, you can only
combine two items, I haven't found whatspecial items you can combine with the claws or saddles
Fox's house: Village elder, great for information.
Here you can get a list of all items you have found in the game from the elders apprentice.
After talking to him, he'll tell you about the list, then just go to the bookshelf behind him to
access it later. There is also whatlooks to be a training/game info shelf by the elder, but I
haven't really gotten around to that part yet.
White chocobo's house: This is another storage facility, for each 2000 gill you pay, you'll
get another space of ten to store stuff you find, up to ten spaces.
Camilla's house: The Girl chocobo behind the counter will sell you stuff, Camilla will give
you info. Later you will get the plant pots, and after giving these to camilla, you can combine
nuts with potions to make new nuts. I've found the combonation to make the Book ATB level up
nut, and will give it here with the next update.
Dungeon entrance: This house you use to get into the dungeon. So far there is three dungeons
I know about;
Dungeon 1: 30 levels
Dungeon 2: 60 levels
Dungeon 3: ??? levels


While playing, if you press triangle, then you bring up a status screen and a command menu. These
are explained as follows.

¥¢¥¤¥Æ¥à Item After chosing this option you go into the inventory screen, from here if you choose an item, you'll be given a choice of the following.

¤Ä¤«¤¦ Use Use the selected item.
¤±¤ë Kick Kick the selected item.
¤ª¤¯ Drop Drop the selected item.
¤Ï¤º¤¹ Unequip Unequip items.
̾Á° Rename Rename an item you've combined.

¤¢¤·¤â¤È ?Abilities?
Ä´¤Ů¤ë Investigate Look around the area your currently in. (find gill)
¤ä¤á¤Æ¤ª¤¯ Cancel Cancel your selection, back to main menu.

ÀßÄê Options Choose from a different options. (explanations later.)
ÆɲòLV Book Level This shows you the level of understanding for spell books.

The screen at the bottom shows your current status, which are, starting at the top left to right.
Name and points to next level up
How deep you are in the dungeon, and how much gill you have (money).
The next three lines are for your:
Claw equiped and your attack power
Saddle equiped and your defensive power
Neckalace and ? defense
And at the bottom is your ATB rating.

Items List

The item explanations are in the following order : Japanese name, English translation, (Attack or
Defense power if applicable), selling price, comments.

The reason for listing their selling prices is that the buying ones depend on where you buy
them. Also note that each +1 or -1 in claws and saddles add or detract a 3% of the original prices,
and that oiling them adds another 2%.

* Equipment List *


¿ê¼å¤Î¥Ä¥á Weakness Claw 1 412 (Causes "Weakness" on enemies)
Èé¤Î¥Ä¥á Leather Claw 3 80 -
ÌڤΥĥá Wood Claw 6 120 -
Å´¤Î¥Ä¥á Iron Claw 9 240 -
·Ú¤¤¥Ä¥á Light Claw 11 640 Shortens ATB bar
¥Ï¥¬¥Í¤Î¥Ä¥á Steel Claw 14 560 -
¥Õ¥ì¥¤¥à¥¯¥í¡¼ Flame Claw 14 480 Fire-elemental
¥¢¥¤¥¹¥¯¥í¡¼ Ice Claw 14 480 Ice-elemental
¥µ¥ó¥À¡¼¥¯¥í¡¼ Thunder Claw 14 480 Thunder-elemental
¥¦¥¤¥ó¥É¥¯¥í¡¼ Wind Claw 14 480 Wind-elemental
¥È¡¼¥É¤Î¥Ä¥á Toad Claw 14 1600 Keeps power when in "Toad" state
¥Ý¥¤¥º¥ó¥­¥é¡¼ Poison Killer 15 400 Strong against poison enemies
¥×¥é¥ó¥È¥­¥é¡¼ Plant Killer 15 400 Strong against plants
¥Õ¥í¡¼¥¿¡¼¥­¥é¡¼ Floater Killer 15 400 Strong against flying enemies
¥É¥é¥´¥ó¥­¥é¡¼ Dragon Killer 15 400 Strong against dragons
¥¸¥ã¥¤¥¢¥ó¥È¥­¥é¡¼ Giant Killer 15 400 Strong against giants
ÆǤΥĥá Poison Claw 15 640 Causes "Poison" on enemies
Àв½¤Î¥Ä¥á Petrify Claw 15 640 Causes "Stone" on enemies
̲¤ê¤Î¥Ä¥á Sleep Claw 15 640 Causes "Sleep" on enemies
ÈèÏ«¤Î¥Ä¥á Fatigue Claw 15 640 Causes "Fatigue" on enemies
º®Íð¤Î¥Ä¥á Chaos Claw 15 640 Causes "Confuse" on enemies
Â翶¤ê¤Î¥Ä¥á Big Swing Claw 20 400 Lenghtens ATB bar
¥ì¥Ů¥ë£³¥Ç¥¹¤Î¥Ä¥á Level 3 Death C. 20 640 Kill enemies with level 3, 6...
¥À¥Ö¥ë¥Î¥Ã¥¯¥¯¥í¡¼ Double Knock C. 23 1270 Attacks twice
¥ª¡¼¥À¡¼¥¯¥í¡¼ Oodaa? Claw 28 1060 ???
¥¢¡¼¥¯¥¯¥í¡¼ Arc Claw 29 1120 Three-way attack
¤è¤¯¤Ð¤ê¤Î¥Ä¥á Avarice Claw 30 320 Power down if carring many items
¤â¤í¤Ï¤Î¥Ä¥á Moroha Claw 30 720 Damages you as well
¥ß¥¹¥ê¥ë¥¯¥í¡¼ Mithril Claw 30 800 -
ÉÔÆ°¤Î¥Ä¥á Paralyze Claw 30 720 Causes "Paralyze" on enemies
¤¬¤Þ¤ó¤Î¥Ä¥á Endurance Claw 33 400 Attack power up as HP goes down
²¦¡©¤Î¥Ä¥á King ??? Claw 50 1040 -
¤Ê¤é¤Ó¤Î¥Ä¥á Rank Claw 52 480 HP Igualate ???
¥¯¥ê¥¹¥¿¥ë¤Î¥Ä¥á Crystal Claw 65 1360 -


¿ê¼å¤Î¥¯¥é Weakness Saddle 1 400 Level up ???
Èé¤Î¥¯¥é Leather Saddle 3 80 -
ÌڤΥ¯¥é Wood Saddle 6 120 -
Å´¤Î¥¯¥é Iron Saddle 9 240 -
±ê¤Î¥¯¥é Fire Saddle 14 480 Strong against Fire
ɹ¤Î¥¯¥é Ice Saddle 14 480 Strong against Ice
Íë¤Î¥¯¥é Thunder Saddle 14 480 Strong against Thunder
É÷¤Î¥¯¥é Wind Saddle 14 480 Strong against Wind
¥Ï¥¬¥Í¤Î¥¯¥é Steel Saddle 14 560 -
̲¤ê¤è¤±¤Î¥¯¥é Anti-Sleep S. 14 640 Protection from sleep?
º®Íð¤è¤±¤Î¥¯¥é Anti-Chaos S. 14 640 Protection from confusion?
¥¹¥í¥¦¤è¤±¤Î¥¯¥é Anti-Slow S. 14 640 Protection from slow?
¥é¥Õ¥á¥¤¥ë Love Mail 14 720 Big Monsters ???
Ì¿¤Î¥¯¥é Life Saddle 14 1520 HP Max up
ÄÀÌۤ褱¤Î¥¯¥é Anti-Silence S. 16 640 Protection from silence? (no)
¥ª¥Ë¥ª¥ó¤Î¥¯¥é Onion Saddle 18 800 ???
¤è¤¯¤Ð¤ê¤Î¥¯¥é Avarice Saddle 18 320 Def. down if carring many items
¥Ü¥à¤Î¥¯¥é Bomb Saddle 20 640 Damage ???
¤·¤ó¤­¤í¤¦¤Î¥¯¥é Mirage Saddle 20 800 Evade rate up?
¡©¤À¤á¤·¤Î¥¯¥é ??? Saddle 21 400 Damage ???
¾Ã½­¤Î¥¯¥é Deodorant Saddle 24 640 Bad breath ???
¥é¥¤¥È¥á¥¤¥ë Light Mail 24 960 Stamina use down
¥ß¥¹¥ê¥ë¥á¥¤¥ë Mithril Mail 26 800 -
²¦¡©¤Î¥¯¥é King ??? Saddle 36 1040 -
¥¢¥ß¥å¥ì¥Ã¥È¥á¥¤¥ë Amulet Mail 40 960 Curse ???
¥¯¥ê¥¹¥¿¥ë¥á¥¤¥ë Crystal Mail 52 1360 -
¸»»á¤Î¥¯¥é Genji Saddle 66 -5 800 -


¥¬¥é¥¹¤Î¼óÎ&Oring; Glass Necklace 100 Sell for money
¥ë¥Ó¡¼¤Î¼óÎ&Oring; Ruby Necklace 200 Sell for money
¥À¥¤¥¢¤Î¼óÎ&Oring; Diamond Necklace 800 Sell for money
˺¤ì¤Ê¤¤¼óÎ&Oring; Forget Necklace 500 Map ???
¥¬¡¼¥É¤Î¼óÎ&Oring; Guard Necklace 800 Raises defense
¤Á¤Ã¤Á¤ã¤Ê¼óÎ&Oring; Tiny Necklace 1800 Protects against Minimum?
¥È¡¼¥É¤Î¼óÎ&Oring; Toad Necklace 2000 Protects against Toad?
·î¤¢¤«¤ê¤Î¼óÎ&Oring; Moonlight Necklace 900 Related to Firefly ???
¥Û¥¿¥ë²Ð¤Î¼óÎ&Oring; Firefly Necklace 600 Related to Moonlight ???
¤«¤é¤Ö¤ê¤Î¼óÎ&Oring; Karaburi Necklace 150 Evade Rate Up ?
ÉÔ¹¬¤Î¼óÎ&Oring; Unhappiness Necklace 1000 Slower HP recovery
²óÉü¤Î¼óÎ&Oring; Recovery Necklace 1200 Faster HP recovery
¸ª¤³¤ê¤Î¼óÎ&Oring; Stiff Shoulders N. 200 Use stamina faster
¥¹¥¿¡¼¥ß¥é¤Î¼óÎ&Oring; Stamina Necklace 800 Use stamina slower
¤æ¤Ã¤¯¤êÆɤà¤Î¼óÎ&Oring; Slow Reading Necklace 300 Read spells slower
ÆɤߤȤê¤Î¼óÎ&Oring; Reading Necklace 300 Read spells faster
ÁáÆɤߤμóÎ&Oring; Fast Reading Necklace 600 Read spells even faster
¤Î¤ó¤Ó¤ê¤Î¼óÎ&Oring; Nonbiri Necklace 300 Kick ATB +3
¤¹¤Ð¤ä¤µ¤Î¼óÎ&Oring; Agility Necklace 300 Kick ATB -2
¥¹¥Ô¡¼¥É¤Î¼óÎ&Oring; Speed Necklace 600 Kick ATB -4

*** General Item List ***

Green Potions

¥Ý¡¼¥·¥ç¥ó Potion 50 Recover 50 HP
¥Ï¥¤¥Ý¡¼¥·¥ç¥ó Hi-Potion 200 Recover 100 HP
¥¨¥ê¥¯¥µ Elixir Recover full HP
¥À¥á¡¼¥¸Ìô Damage Drink Halves HP
ÇúȯÌô Explosion Drink 50 Causes damage
¡©ÆÇ¡© Poison ?? 50 Cures "Poison"
Æ©ÌÀÌô Transparent Drink 100 Causes "Transparent"
ËüǽÌô Almighty Medicine 300 Heal all status ailments

Blue Potions

¥À¥¹¥Ú¥ê¤ÎÌô Dispel 150 Unequips all cursed items
Ìܤˤ¤¤¤Ìô Eye??? 100 ???
­¤«¤»¤ÎÌô Leg potion? Can charge only half bar
¼ê½õ¤±¤ÎÌô Hand Help Potion 1000 ???
˺¤ì¤ó¤Ü¤¦¤ÎÌô Forget Drink 100 Forget all identified items

Red Potions

¥Ü¥à»ß¤á¤ÎÌô Bomb Stop Potion? 50 ???
¡©¿å ?? Water 25 ???
ÆÇÌô Poison Drink 100 Causes "Poison"
¥¹¥í¥¦¤ÎÌô Slow Drink 50 Causes "Slow"
¥&Oring;¥¤¥¹¥È¤ÎÌô Haste Drink 50 Causes "Haste
Àв½ºÞ Petrification Chemical Causes "Stone"


¼±Ê̤Υ«¡¼¥É Identification Card 300 Identifies one item
³Î¿®¤Î¥«¡¼¥É Confidence Card 900 Identify all items
¥¹¥ê¥×¥ë¥«¡¼¥É Sleep Card 300 Causes "Sleep"
¥È¡¼¥É¥«¡¼¥É Toad Card 600 Causes "Toad"
¥ß¥Ë¥Þ¥à¥«¡¼¥É Minimum Card 600 Causes "Minimum"
¥³¥ó¥Õ¥å¥«¡¼¥É Confu Card 300 Causes "Confusion"
¥Þ¥Ã¥×¥«¡¼¥É Map Card 300 Reveals map for entire level
¤ï¤­¿å¥«¡¼¥É Side Water Card? 600 ???
¥Æ¥ì¥Ý¥«¡¼¥É Telepo Card 450 Teleport out of dungeon
̽³¦¤Î¥«¡¼¥É Dark World Card 450 Warp to next floor
¥ª¥¤¥ë¥«¡¼¥É Oil Card 600 Preserve equipment from rust
¥Ö¥ê¥ó¥¯¥«¡¼¥É Blink Card 300 Creates a distracting decoy

Fruits that should be eaten

¥Ê¥Ã¥È Nut 150 Recover 50 Stamina
¥é¥µ¥ó¤Î¼Â Lasan Fruit 300 Recover 100 Stamina
¤Ä¤«¤ì¤ë¼Â Fatigue Fruit 150 Lose 30 Stamina
¸µµ¤¤Î¼Â Health Fruit 300 Max Stamina + 10
¸µµ¤¤Î̵¤¤¼Â Health Down Fruit 150 Max Stamina - 10
¤ª¤¤¤·¤¤¼Â Delicious Fruit 180 Recover HP. HP Max up if full
¤´¤Á¤½¤¦¤Î¼Â Feast Fruit 330 Recover HP. HP Max up if full
¤¯¤µ¤Ã¤¿¼Â Rotten Fruit 30 Lose 10 HP
¤¤¤Î¤Á¤Î¼Â Life Fruit 450 HP Max up
¼ºÇԤμ Failure Fruit 150 HP Max down
¥ì¥Ů¥ë¥À¥¦¥ó¤Î¼Â Level Down Fruit 150 One level down
¤¹¤Ð¤ä¤µ¤Î¼Â Agility Fruit 1200 Kick ATB -1
Ãηäμ Wisdom Fruit 1200 Selected spell's ATB -1

Fruits that should be fused with weapons and saddles

¥ì¥Ů¥ë¤Î¼Â Level Fruit 600 Doubles equipment level
²Ð¤Î¥¿¥Í Fire Seed 450 Makes Fire-elemental
ɹ¤Î¥¿¥Í Ice Seed 450 Makes Ice-elemental
Íë¤Î¥¿¥Í Thunder Seed 450 Makes Thunder-elemental
É÷¤Î¥¿¥Í Wind Seed 450 Makes Wind-elemental
¹çÂΤμ Unite Fruit 1350 Fuses both equip. abilities
¡©¹ç¤Î¼Â ??? Unite Fruit 1350 Fuses both equip. abilities
¾Ãµî¤Î¼Â Erasing fruit 750 Erases secondary ability


¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥¢¤ÎËÜ Fire Book 200 Fire Damage
¥Ö¥ê¥¶¥É¤ÎËÜ Blizzard Book 200 Ice Damage
¥µ¥ó¡¼¥À¤ÎËÜ Thunder Book 200 Thunder Damage
¥¨¥¢¥í¤ÎËÜ Aero Book 200 Air Damage
¥Ç¥£¥à¤ÎËÜ Dim Book 200 Dark Damage
¥·¥ã¥¤¥ó¤ÎËÜ Shine Book 200 Holy Damage
¥É¥ì¥¤¥ó¤ÎËÜ Drain Book 200 Drain HP from enemy

Summon Stones

¥æ¥Ë¥³¡¼¥ó¤ÎËâÀÐ Unicorn Spirit Stone 100 Recover full HP and status
¥¤¥Õ¥ê¡¼¥È¤ÎËâÀÐ Ifrit Spirit Stone 150 Fire-elemental damage
¥·¥ô¥¡¤ÎËâÀÐ Shiva Spirit Stone 200 Ice-elemental damage
¥é¥à¥¦¤ÎËâÀÐ Ramuh Spirit Stone 280 Thunder-elemental damage
¥«¡¼¥Ð¥ó¥¯¥ë¤ÎËâÀÐ Carbuncle Spirit Stone 360 Magic defense up
¥¿¥¤¥¿¥ó¤ÎËâÀÐ Titan Spirit Stone 400 Earth-elemental damage
¥Õ¥§¥Ë¥Ã¥¯¤ÎËâÀÐ Phoenix Spirit Stone 400 Fire-elemental damage / revive
¥ª¡¼¥Ç¥£¡¼¥ó¤ÎËâÀÐ Odin Spirit Stone 600 Instant death attack
¥ê¥ô¥¡¥¤¥¢¥µ¥óËâÀÐ Leviathan Spirit Stone 700 Water-elemental damage
¥Ð¥Ï¥à¡¼¥È¤ÎËâÀÐ Bahamut Spirit Stone 800 Non-elemental damage
¥Á¥å¥Ý¡¼¥ó¤ÎËâÀÐ Chupon Spirit Stone 700 Multiple-elemental damage


¥¯¥¨¥¤¥¯¤Î¼î Quake Gem 1000 Earth-elemental damage (all)
¥×¥Á¥á¥Æ¥ª¤Î¼î PuchiMeteo Gem 800 Non-elemental damage (one)
¥á¥Æ¥ª¤Î¼î Meteo Gem 1500 Non-elemental damage (all)
¥Ð¥¤¥ª¤Î¼î Bio Gem 500 Poison-elemental damage (one)
¥Ð¥¤¥ª¥Ð¡¼¥¹¥È¤Î¼î Bio Burst Gem 1000 Poison-elemental damage (all)
¥Ç¥¹¤Î¼î Death Gem 1000 Instant death (one)
¥Ç¥¸¥ç¥ó¤Î¼î Degeon Gem 1000 Instant death (one)
¥Ç¥¸¥ç¥ó¥º¤Î¼î DegeonZu Gem 1200 Instant death (all)
¥°¥é¥Ó¥¬¤Î¼î GraviGa Gem 800 Gravity damage (one)
¥Õ¥ì¥¢¤Î¼î Flare Gem 1000 Non-elemental damage (one)
¥®¥¬¥Õ¥ì¥¢¤Î¼î Gigaflare Gem 1200 Non-elemental damage (all)
¥Û¡¼¥ê¡¼¤Î¼î Holy Gem 1200 Holy-elemental damage (one)
¥Õ¥£¥é¥Í¥¹¤Î¼î Phiranes Gem 1500 ???-elemental damage

Other Items

ÀÐ Stone 2 Damages enemy
¥ï¡¼¥×¥¹¥È¡¼¥ó Warp Stone 250 Teleports enemy
¥Ï¥à¥Û¥¤¥Ã¥¹¥ë Whistle 500 Recover first item from house
È­¿¢¤¨ Potted plant ? Give to Camilla
¥Æ¥ì¥Ý¥Ü¥Ã¥¯¥¹ Teleport Box 1000 Teleport item to house
ÉԻ׵Ĥʤ·¤ª¤ê Wonder's Guidebook 1000 Gain a level on selected magic
¥Ä¥ä½Ð¤·¥¯¥ê¡¼¥à Polishing Cream 500 Gives +1 to claw/saddle
¥Ä¥ä¾Ã¤·¥¯¥ê¡¼¥à Unpolishing Cream 500 Gives -1 to claw/saddle
¥É¥¯¥í Dokuro? (it's a Skull) 250 Lose 50 HP
¶õ¤Î¥Ü¥È¥ë Empty Bottle 10 Fill it at fountains

Additional comments, hints, and tips

The whistle's usefulness comes when paired with the telepo boxes.The idea is to teleport five
objects out of the dungeon, then usingthe whistle to recover the telepo boxes, since (if you had an
empty drawer at your house) the telepo boxes will be the first item in the list. You can then
teleport four more items to the drawer (remember six spaces will be taken by the former five items
and the telepo boxes), or (as I do) teleport three of them, then using the fourth telepo box to
teleport the fifth. This way you won't stick with the fifth telepo box all the time you're in the
dungeon (I'd rather have a sellable item).

One of the combinations that generate the Wisdom Fruit (lowers a spells' ATB by one)
is Rasan Nut + Silence Potion. This is a pretty useful combination as the Rasan fruit can be bougth
in the store by a mere 600 gil, and the silence potion is relatively common (and not very useful).
I'm sure there are more combinations, though.

*** Fusion Fruits ***

Some of the fruits don't have an effect when eaten. Instead, they must be fused with two claws
or saddles at either the cooker's or at a fireplace. I think the effects of these fruits deserve
some more explanation:

The fuse fruits (there are two kind but I've not been able to tell the difference) are probably
the most useful. They allow you to keep the abilities of both equipment pieces when they are fused.
Let's say you have an Arc Claw (three-way attack) and a Double Knock Claw (attacks twice). You fuse
them with the unite friut and voila, you have a three-way, twice attacking claw. The claw you
selected first will be the "base" claw (the resulting one will keep its attack power, speed,
description and aspect). The claw's current properties will be listed in green font below its

There are some subtleties to this (I will use the word claw but all of these are also applicable
to saddles).

First, a claw can only hold two different abilities.
Second, you CAN'T normally erase the added abilities of a claw, so fusing a two-abilities claw
with another one and a unite fruit will have no additional effect. There's a special fruit that
allows you to erase the second ability of a claw.
Third, and most interesting, it IS possible to fuse a claw with no abilities (a Mithril claw,
for example) with another two claws,(via two unite fruits), and keep the characteristics of the
first claw with the abilities of the other two. Remember the rule is that a claw can't have more
than two abilities, so if it hadn't any to start with... Claws with no abilities have a - in their

Other fusing fruits include elemental fruits, which will make the equipment piece elemental
(claws will cause elemental damage, saddles will halve that damage done to you). They work exactly
as if you fused the claw with the Flame Claw, Ice Claw, etc... Remember that it will use up one of
the two spaces a claw has for abilities.

The last and rarest fusion fruit is the level fruit. It instantly doubles the level of the
equipment piece! (after adding both pieces levels). Say, you fuse a +15 and a +8 claws, and you will
get a +46 ( (15+18)*2 ) claw. The maximum level for an equipment piece is 99.

The Third Dungeon

Ok, I've received alot of mail about the third dungeon, and how far it goes down, and I honestly
don't know, I've only gotten to 99 on the third dungeon, and haven't had time to get any further. I
will eventually get farther, when the new releases start to slow down. However, to give you an
idea, I've heard of some one going past level 1000, and there is some speculation on whether there
is actually and ending to the third dungeon. Square might have made the Third dungeon never ending,
so you could go back and play the game over and over without and end. Now I'm not poitive on this
point, so if anyone out there has actually finished the game, I would be happy to hear from you.


Thanks to Ignacio De Lucas for Updating and Completing the Items List, as well as some other
various information.

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If you would like to make any contributions, please E-mail me at Any
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Japanische Version: Evil Chocobo Battle, viele Gegenstände

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