Chocobo Mysterious Dungeon

Chocobo Mysterious Dungeon

14.10.2013 10:38:17

| |
| Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon |
| Item list |
| by Ignacio de Lucas |
| |

Well, this list was almost complete a lot of time ago (about a month
after the game's release) but lazyness and other things have prevented
me from releasing it. I know, it won't be very useful by now, but I
can't lose anything releasing it.

I'm afraid I won't be able to answer mails regarding this list,
since A) I won't make a revision, so contributions are not neccesary
(yeah, I know I'm missing a lot... life's though), and B) I won't answer
any question either. I'm really sorry, but I just don't have the time.
I have included my e-mail address because... well, because I always do,
but don't use it. I'm not playing the game anymore anyway.

I compiled this little list file mostly for myself; since the
excellent FAQ by Scott Dilley explained the game's mechanics really
well, I didn't feel there was a need to make another one. But after
I had a more or less complete item list, I thought I might as well
release it for others to use.

Many of the items names / translations are taken from that FAQ.
I will assume you have read it and won't bother explaining the game's
mechanics, specially regarding fusing equipment pieces. If you have
a question, make sure you have read his FAQ first, because chances
are that the answer will be there. Both his and my FAQ can be found

Finally, for a FAQ for the Xenogears demo disc that comes with
the game, check too. Though it's quite outdated
too, so you might want to check the Xenogears FAQ itself (I'm everywhere!
MWAHAHAHAHA! :) ). In the remote chance that someone interested in that
FAQ is reading this, I haven't updated it because of exams, but if
everything goes well, K.M. will be updating until I finish them.
Otherwise, I finish exams in early July. So what, you ask? Grrrr...

One last thing. You need a Japanese ASCII viewer to display the Japanese
text within this FAQ correctly. You can get one at

On with the FAQ!

*** Fusion Fruits ***

Some of the fruits don't have an effect when eaten. Instead, they
must be fused with two claws or saddles at either the cooker's or at a
fireplace. I think the effects of these fruits deserve some more

The fuse fruits (there are two kind but I've not been able to tell
the difference) are probably the most useful. They allow you to keep the
abilities of both equipment pieces when they are fused. Let's say you
have an Arc Claw (three-way attack) and a Double Knock Claw (attacks
twice). You fuse them with the unite friut and voila, you have a
three-way, twice attacking claw. The claw you selected first will
be the "base" claw (the resulting one will keep its attack power,
speed, description and aspect). The claw's current properties will
be listed in green font below its description.

There are some subtleties to this (I will use the word claw but
all of these are also applicable to saddles).

First, a claw can only hold two different abilities.
Second, you CAN'T normally erase the added abilities of a claw,
so fusing a two-abilities claw with another one and a unite fruit
will have no additional effect. There's a special fruit that allows
you to erase the second ability of a claw.
Third, and most interesting, it IS possible to fuse a claw with
no abilities (a Mithril claw, for example) with another two claws,
(via two unite fruits), and keep the characteristics of the first
claw with the abilities of the other two. Remember the rule is that
a claw can't have more than two abilities, so if it hadn't any to
start with... Claws with no abilities have a - in their description.

Other fusing fruits include elemental fruits, which will make the
equipment piece elemental (claws will cause elemental damage, saddles
will halve that damage done to you). They work exactly as if you fused
the claw with the Flame Claw, Ice Claw, etc... Remember that it will
use up one of the two spaces a claw has for abilities.

The last and rarest fusion fruit is the level fruit. It instantly
doubles the level of the equipment piece! (after adding both pieces
levels). Say, you fuse a +15 and a +8 claws, and you will get a +46
( (15+18)*2 ) claw. The maximum level for an equipment piece is 99.

*** The Lists ***

The item explanations are in the following order : Japanese name,
English translation, (Attack or Defense power if applicable), selling
price, comments.

The reason for listing their selling prices is that the buying ones
depend on where you buy them. Also note that each +1 or -1 in claws
and saddles add or detract a 3% of the original prices, and that oiling
them adds another 2%.

* Equipment List *


$B?j $BHi$N%D%a(J Leather Claw 3 80 -
$BLZ$N%D%a(J Wood Claw 6 120 -
$BE4$N%D%a(J Iron Claw 9 240 -
$B7Z$$%D%a(J Light Claw 11 640 Shortens ATB bar
$B%O%,%M$N%D%a(J Steel Claw 14 560 -
$B%U%l%$%`%/%m!<(J Flame Claw 14 480 Fire-elemental
$B%"%$%9%/%m!<(J Ice Claw 14 480 Ice-elemental
$B%5%s%@!<%/%m!<(J Thunder Claw 14 480 Thunder-elemental
$B%&%$%s%I%/%m!<(J Wind Claw 14 480 Wind-elemental
$B%H!<%I$N%D%a(J Toad Claw 14 1600 Keeps power when in "Toad" state
$B%]%$%:%s%-%i!<(J Poison Killer 15 400 Strong against poison enemies
$B%W%i%s%H%-%i!<(J Plant Killer 15 400 Strong against plants
$B%U%m!<%?!<%-%i!<(J Floater Killer 15 400 Strong against flying enemies
$B%I%i%4%s%-%i!<(J Dragon Killer 15 400 Strong against dragons
$B%8%c%$%"%s%H%-%i!<(J Giant Killer 15 400 Strong against giants
$BFG$N%D%a(J Poison Claw 15 640 Causes "Poison" on enemies
$B@P2=$N%D%a(J Petrify Claw 15 640 Causes "Stone" on enemies
$BL2$j$N%D%a(J Sleep Claw 15 640 Causes "Sleep" on enemies
$BHhO+$N%D%a(J Fatigue Claw 15 640 Causes "Fatigue" on enemies
$B:.Mp$N%D%a(J Chaos Claw 15 640 Causes "Confuse" on enemies
$BBg?6$j$N%D%a(J Large Claw 20 400 Lenghtens ATB bar
$B%l%Y%k#3%G%9$N%D%a(J Level 3 Death C. 20 640 Kill enemies with level 3, 6...
$B%@%V%k%N%C%/%/%m!<(J Double Knock C. 23 1270 Attacks twice
$B%*!<%@!<%/%m!<(J Order Claw 28 1060 ???
$B%"!<%/%/%m!<(J Arc Claw 29 1120 Three-way attack
$B$h$/$P$j$N%D%a(J Avarice Claw 30 320 Power down if carring many items
$B$b$m$O$N%D%a(J Two-Edged Claw 30 720 Damages you as well
$B%_%9%j%k%/%m!<(J Mithril Claw 30 800 -
$BITF0$N%D%a(J Paralyze Claw 30 720 ???
$B$,$^$s$N%D%a(J Endurance Claw 33 400 Attack power up as HP goes down
$B2&!)$N%D%a(J King ??? Claw 50 1040 -
$B$J$i$S$N%D%a(J Rank Claw 52 480 HP Equalate ???
$B%/%j%9%?%k$N%D%a(J Crystal Claw 65 1360 -


$B?j $BHi$N%/%i(J Leather Saddle 3 80 -
$BLZ$N%/%i(J Wood Saddle 6 120 -
$BE4$N%/%i(J Iron Saddle 9 240 -
$B1j$N%/%i(J Fire Saddle 14 480 Strong against Fire
$BI9$N%/%i(J Ice Saddle 14 480 Strong against Ice
$BMk$N%/%i(J Thunder Saddle 14 480 Strong against Thunder
$BIw$N%/%i(J Wind Saddle 14 480 Strong against Wind
$B%O%,%M$N%/%i(J Steel Saddle 14 560 -
$BL2$j$h$1$N%/%i(J Anti-Sleep S. 14 640 Protection from sleep?
$B:.Mp$h$1$N%/%i(J Anti-Chaos S. 14 640 Protection from confusion?
$B%9%m%&$h$1$N%/%i(J Anti-Slow S. 14 640 Protection from slow?
$B%i%U%a%$%k(J Love Mail 14 720 Big Monsters ???
$BL?$N%/%i(J Life Saddle 14 1520 HP Max up
$BD@L[$h$1$N%/%i(J Anti-Silence S. 16 640 Protection from silence? (no)
$B%*%K%*%s$N%/%i(J Onion Saddle 18 800 ???
$B$h$/$P$j$N%/%i(J Avarice Saddle 18 320 Def. down if carring many items
$B%\%`$N%/%i(J Bomb Saddle 20 640 Damage ???
$B$7$s$-$m$&$N%/%i(J Mirage Saddle 20 800 Evade rate up?
$B!)$@$a$7$N%/%i(J ??? Saddle 21 400 Damage ???
$B>C=-$N%/%i(J Deodorant Saddle 24 640 Bad breath ???
$B%i%$%H%a%$%k(J Light Mail 24 960 Stamina use down
$B%_%9%j%k%a%$%k(J Mithril Mail 26 800 -
$B2&!)$N%/%i(J King ??? Saddle 36 1040 -
$B%"%_%e%l%C%H%a%$%k(J Amulet Mail 40 960 Curse ???
$B%/%j%9%?%k%a%$%k(J Crystal Mail 52 1360 -
$B8;;a$N%/%i(J Genji Saddle 66 800 -

Note: I'm pretty sure that I stepped on a Silence trap while wearing an
Anti-Silence necklace and I got silenced. It might mean that the saddles
don't protect against traps, though.


$B%,%i%9$N $B%k%S!<$N $B%@%$%"$N $BK:$l$J$$ $B%,!<%I$N $B$A$C$A$c$J $B%H!<%I$N $B7n$"$+$j$N $B%[%?%k2P$N $B$+$i$V$j$N $BIT9,$N $B2sI|$N $B8*$3$j$N $B%9%?!<%_%i$N $B$f$C$/$jFI$`$N $BFI$_$H$j$N $BAaFI$_$N $B$N$s$S$j$N $B$9$P$d$5$N $B%9%T!<%I$N

*** General Item List ***

Green Potions

$B%]!<%7%g%s(J Potion 50 Recover 50 HP
$B%O%$%]!<%7%g%s(J Hi-Potion 200 Recover 100 HP
$B%(%j%/%5(J Elixir Recover full HP
$B%@%a!<%8Lt(J Damage Drink Halves HP
$BGzH/Lt(J Explosion Drink 50 Causes damage
$B!)FG!)(J Poison ?? 50 Cures "Poison"
$BF)L@Lt(J Transparent Drink 100 Causes "Transparent"
$BK|G=Lt(J Almighty Medicine 300 Heal all status ailments

Blue Potions

$B%@%9%Z%j$NLt(J Dispel 150 Unequips all cursed items
$BL\$K$$$$Lt(J Eye??? 100 ???
$BB-$+$;$NLt(J Leg potion? Can charge only half bar
$B $BK:$l$s$\$&$NLt(J Forget Drink 100 Forget all identified items

Red Potions

$B%\%`;_$a$NLt(J Bomb Stop Potion? 50 ???
$B!)?e(J ?? Water 25 ???
$BFGLt(J Poison Drink 100 Causes "Poison"
$B%9%m%&$NLt(J Slow Drink 50 Causes "Slow"
$B%X%$%9%H$NLt(J Haste Drink 50 Causes "Haste
$B@P2=:^(J Petrification Chemical Causes "Stone"


$B<1JL$N%+!<%I(J Identification Card 300 Identifies one item
$B3N?.$N%+!<%I(J Confidence Card 900 Identify all items
$B%9%j%W%k%+!<%I(J Sleep Card 300 Causes "Sleep"
$B%H!<%I%+!<%I(J Toad Card 600 Causes "Toad"
$B%_%K%^%`%+!<%I(J Minimum Card 600 Causes "Minimum"
$B%3%s%U%e%+!<%I(J Confu Card 300 Causes "Confusion"
$B%^%C%W%+!<%I(J Map Card 300 Reveals map for entire level
$B$o$-?e%+!<%I(J Gushing Water Card 600 Refills a dry well
$B%F%l%]%+!<%I(J Telepo Card 450 Teleport out of dungeon
$BL=3&$N%+!<%I(J Underworld Card 450 Warp to next floor
$B%*%$%k%+!<%I(J Oil Card 600 Preserve equipment from rust
$B%V%j%s%/%+!<%I(J Blink Card 300 Creates a distracting decoy

Fruits that should be eaten

$B%J%C%H(J Nut 150 Recover 50 Stamina
$B%i%5%s$N $B$D$+$l$k $B855$$N $B855$$NL5$$ $B$*$$$7$$ up if full
$B$4$A$=$&$N up if full
$B$/$5$C$? $B$$$N$A$N $B<:GT$N $B%l%Y%k%@%&%s$N $B$9$P$d$5$N $BCN7C$N
Fruits that should be fused with weapons and saddles

$B%l%Y%k$N $B2P$N%?%M(J Fire Seed 450 Makes Fire-elemental
$BI9$N%?%M(J Ice Seed 450 Makes Ice-elemental
$BMk$N%?%M(J Thunder Seed 450 Makes Thunder-elemental
$BIw$N%?%M(J Wind Seed 450 Makes Wind-elemental
$B9gBN$N $B!)9g$N $B>C5n$N


$B%U%!%$%"$NK\(J Fire Book 200 Fire Damage
$B%V%j%6%I$NK\(J Blizzard Book 200 Ice Damage
$B%5%s!<%@$NK\(J Thunder Book 200 Thunder Damage
$B%(%"%m$NK\(J Aero Book 200 Air Damage
$B%G%#%`$NK\(J Dim Book 200 Dark Damage
$B%7%c%$%s$NK\(J Shine Book 200 Holy Damage
$B%I%l%$%s$NK\(J Drain Book 200 Drain HP from enemy

Summon Stones

$B%f%K%3!<%s$NKb@P(J Unicorn Spirit Stone 100 Recover full HP and status
$B%$%U%j!<%H$NKb@P(J Ifrit Spirit Stone 150 Fire-elemental damage
$B%7%t%!$NKb@P(J Shiva Spirit Stone 200 Ice-elemental damage
$B%i%`%&$NKb@P(J Ramuh Spirit Stone 280 Thunder-elemental damage
$B%+!<%P%s%/%k$NKb@P(J Carbuncle Spirit Stone 360 Magic defense up
$B%?%$%?%s$NKb@P(J Titan Spirit Stone 400 Earth-elemental damage
$B%U%'%K%C%/$NKb@P(J Phoenix Spirit Stone 400 Fire-elemental damage / revive
$B%*!<%G%#!<%s$NKb@P(J Odin Spirit Stone 600 Instant death attack
$B%j%t%!%$%"%5%sKb@P(J Leviathan Spirit Stone 700 Water-elemental damage
$B%P%O%`!<%H$NKb@P(J Bahamut Spirit Stone 800 Non-elemental damage
$B%A%e%]!<%s$NKb@P(J Chupon Spirit Stone 700 Multiple-elemental damage


$B%/%(%$%/$N $B%W%A%a%F%*$N $B%a%F%*$N $B%P%$%*$N $B%P%$%*%P!<%9%H$N $B%G%9$N $B%G%8%g%s$N $B%G%8%g%s%:$N $B%0%i%S%,$N $B%U%l%"$N $B%.%,%U%l%"$N $B%[!<%j!<$N $B%U%#%i%M%9$N

Other Items

$B@P(J Stone 2 Damages enemy
$B%o!<%W%9%H!<%s(J Warp Stone 250 Teleports enemy
$B%O%`%[%$%C%9%k(J Whistle 500 Recover first item from house
$BH-?"$((J Potted plant ? Give to Camilla
$B%F%l%]%\%C%/%9(J Teleport Box 1000 Teleport item to house
$BIT;W5D$J$7$*$j(J Mysterious Bookmark 1000 Gain a level on selected magic
$B%D%d=P$7%/%j!<%`(J Polishing Cream 500 Gives +1 to claw/saddle
$B%D%d>C$7%/%j!<%`(J Unpolishing Cream 500 Gives -1 to claw/saddle
$B%I%/%m(J Dokuro? (it's a Skull) 250 Lose 50 HP
$B6u$N%\%H%k(J Empty Bottle 10 Fill it at fountains

An additional couple of random comments. First, spells change their
appearance at level 10 and at level 30. You can choose to cast
lower-rank spells by just not letting the ATB fill up. Also, you can
cast a spell on all enemies within range by just pressing the R1
button when selecting a target. This is very useful as the spell's
attack power will not be lowered by a great deal.

This should be obvious, but most cards / potions can be kicked at the
enemy thus affecting them.

The whistle's usefulness comes when paired with the telepo boxes.
The idea is to teleport five objects out of the dungeon, then using
the whistle to recover the telepo boxes, since (if you had an empty
drawer at your house) the telepo boxes will be the first item in the
list. You can then teleport four more items to the drawer (remember
six spaces will be taken by the former five items and the telepo
boxes), or (as I do) teleport three of them, then using the fourth
telepo box to teleport the fifth. This way you won't stick with the
fifth telepo box all the time you're in the dungeon (I'd rather have
a sellable item).

One of the combinations that generate the Wisdom Fruit (lowers
a spells' ATB by one) that Scott Dilley's FAQ hints at is Rasan
Nut + Silence Potion. This is a pretty useful combination as the
Rasan fruit can be bougth in the store by a mere 600 gil, and the
silence potion is relatively common (and not very useful). I'm sure
there are more combinations, though.

Here's some info on the chocobo's neighbours, thanks to Mariko
Hagiwara: to be precise, you have to sell a certain amount of certain
items to make them appear.

For the chocobo family: sell about 50 Drain books.
For the fox professor: sell about 20 Minimum Cards.
For the moogle tarot lady: ???
For the raccoon: sell about 30 Underworld Cards.
The pond above the dungeon house will become less murky if you keep
selling Gushing Water Cards.
Frogs will start living in the pond if you keep selling Toad Cards.
...Or so I've heard. (^_^;

And here's some more info, this time about how to open Magic Chests
(you know, the ones with all that decoration), again from Mariko.
Keep in mind that the chests will always explode if you can't carry
any more items:

Speaking from the answers I got, they say using Drain spells to open
them is 100% effective, and other magics are 50% effective.

I've reached around floor 170 in the 3rd dungeon. From floor 100
on it just seems to repeat the 1-99 ones. I reached floor 66's boss
and it counted as already defeated (the stair had already appeared).

*** Thanks Section ***

Thanks a lot to Scott Dilley ( for making the
original CMD FAQ, without which I might not have even purchased this

And lots of thanks also to Mariko Hagiwara for a lot of help with
the items translations and effects as well as general assistance and
some tips.

That's all. I hope this was useful to you. Bye!

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Japanische Version: Evil Chocobo Battle, viele Gegenstände

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