Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22

Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22

14.10.2013 10:34:26
------------------ Dragonball Z: Ultimate Battle 22
Complete FAQ
By Morgan Gibbs And Matt Massee
Version 1.0
Copyright 2001-2002 MSGMMM Corporation
I would like to start this FAQ by saying that this is our least
favorite of the DBZ games on Playstation or any system for that matter. Also,
I got some of the moves on this FAQ from various people I know well. I'm on a
boredom streak so we've decide to write these FAQ's for practically no
reason. Plus, our company told us to and so here we are... Also, this game
requires a real FAQ since the instruction booklet, when translated, doesn't
cover everything in the game that is needed to be a very successful player.
By the way, if you haven't caught on by now, this game is a Japanese only
game and this is more of a translation of the manual and much, much, more.
Follow along if you are interested in becoming a DBZ master at this game.
(You must be really bored as well if you catch yourself playing this game...)
This game is based on a Japanese Television show callded Dragonball Z.
At this point in the series, all the fights are over and the 27th Tenchi
Budikai Tournament is about to take place. All the characters are ready to
fight and willing. Unlike the other DBZ games, this game has no stroy and
just takes place at the end of the series. This game is then just a fighting
game with all the characters in the DBZ series accept Pan, Chi-Chi, and
others that don't really make a big impact in the series like Yamacha, Napa,
or Chau-Z. All of this makes this game crappy...

If you want to know the whole entire story of the series, then I will
tell you. Also, I will say when certain characters come into place by giving
them capitol letters with the Caps Lock. I assume you know something about
the characters. If not, I can't help. Enjoy...

It all began ten years after GOKOU had beaten PICCOLO in the Tenchi
Budikai all those years back in Dragonball. Gokou and his son GOHAN, a little
boy son of Gokou and Chi-Chi, were going to see master Kame Senin and the
rest of the DBZ gang in a 10-year reunion. (Nobody recognized Gokou since he
wasn't a little kid anymore before. i.e. CHIBI GOKOU.) Upon this happening,
Gokou's brother Raditzu, a Saiyajin, landed on Earth to find Gokou. When
found, he told Gokou who he really was and what Gokou was out on Earth for in
the beginning. After telling him why, Raditzu took Gohan and told Gokou that
if he wanted him back, he would have to kill 100 people on earth and then
bring their bodies to Raditzu. After leaving, the gang tracked them by the
Dragonball on Gohan's hat on his head. When found, Piccolo joined Gokou in
his fight and together, they beat Raditzu in the fight with Gokou giving his
life in the process.

Next, Piccolo taunted the Saiyajin explaining the Dragonballs and their
significance and also, how they would bring Gokou back to life in about a day
or so. Raditzu had a radio on that gave the message to 2 other saiyajins
listening from accross the galaxy. They were Napa and the ruthless VEGETA.
They would leave for Earth that very day hoping to get the Dragonballs and
wish for immortality. Though Gokou was dead, he went to heaven to train with
King Kaio thanks to Kame. Everybody else trained with Kame on his continent
in the sky. When Gokou arrived at King Kaio's, he underwent many tests to
impress King Kaio and learn his techniques. When he had, he began Kaio-Ken
which was an energy raising technique and also aquired the Genki-Dama.
(Spirit Bomb.) Finally, when the Saiyajins arrived, they destroyed a city and
then proceeded to the gihest power levels which were Piccolo and Gohan, who
had some hidden power. When the fight was about to begin, KLIYLIN, Yamacha,
And TENSHIHAN joined the fight-having trained with Kame for a while. In the
beginning, Tenshihan, Yamacha, and Chau-Z risked their lives trying to beat
Napa, the weaker Saiyajin. When they failed, Piccolo risked his life for
Gohan and then died right before the arrival of Gokou. When Gokou did arrive,
He beat Napa easily and was beating Vegeta until he turned to Oozaru form.
(Big Ape/Monkey) When he did, he was beating Gokou and in the end, Gokou and
his friends beat the Saiyajin Vegeta and let him go peacefully. After Gohan
and Kliylin healed, they wanted to wish their friends back so they went to
Namek with a spacecraft from Kame to look for the Namekian Dragonballs.
Though Gokou was still healing, he eventually left for Namek too.

When the gang arrived at Namek, they noticed Vegeta somehow healed and
went their to look for the namekian Dragonballs and once again try to wish
for immortality. On Namek, a new, greater evil then ever named FREEZER was
there also looking for the Dragonballs to wish for immortality. Though all
sides looked for the Dragonballs, they each found different ones. Freezer and
Vegeta got theirs by killing innocent Namekians while Gohan and Kliylin got
theirs by saving lives and asking politley. When Freezer discovered the
presence of Gohan, Kliylin, and Vegeta, he sent his right hand man ZARBON to
take care of Vegeta and called upon his Ginew force from across the galaxy to
take care of the others and find the rest of the Dragonballs. When Zarbon
first fought Vegeta, he won and took Vegeta in and healed him for future
questioning. When Vegeta healed, he beat Zarbon since Saiyajins become
stronger with every fight... Stronger in a losing outcome. When the Ginyu
force arrived, Gohan, Kliylin, and Vegeta joined to try and defeat them.
Unfortunately, they needed Gokou's help and he wasn't there yet. When the
fight began, CAPTAIN GINEW ran away to Freezer with the Dragonballs. Gohan,
Kliylin, and Vegeta took out the Gurudo, the weakest member of the Ginew
Force. Later, everybody was beaten badly by the next, stronger member of the
force, RECOOM. After, Gokou arrived and was much stronger than ever since he
trained on the way to the planet in stringer gravity... Significantly
improving his speed and strength for the fight against Freezer. While he was
doing that, All those people killed in the Saiyajin fight trained with Kaio

When Gokou arrived on Namek, he went to the defeated people and gave
them all Senzu Beans... Even Vegeta for watching over his son. Then, Recoom
challenged Gokou and Gokou took him out in one hit. Then, the rest of the
gang went out to find the rest of the dragonballs while Gokou beat the other
members of the force with Vegeta. After beating Baata, Vegeta killed him
while Gokou let Jiisu get away-thinking he would change his ways. After,
Gokou and Vegeta went after Jiisu and found him and Captain Ginew. When the
fight began, Vegeta ditched Gokou to find the Dragonballs and use them for
himself sice Freezer had them but didn't know the password. From here, Gokou
and Ginew had some stuff happen but Gokou won in the end and was injured.
While he healed, the whole gang set out to fight Freezer. When they did,
Gohan and a young Namek Dende, unlocked the password and wished Piccolo back
to their dimension and to Namek. When there, he merged with injured Namekians
becoming more powerful. In this power he began the fight with Freezer.

The old evil dirtbag had 4 transformations, each stringer than the one
before. Piccolo held off all accept the fourth. When the fourth came, it
seemed all hope was gone. Gokou came just as Vegeta died and fought Freezer
by himself. Freezer recognized Gokou from the looks of his father Bardock
whom he killed with the Saiyajin planet Vegeta and the rest of the Saiyajins.
Gokou was losing the fight until Freezer gave Gokou some time to rest. During
this time, Freezer taunted Gokou while Gokou secretly summoned a Genki Dama.
When he used it, Freezer looked dead. After celebrating, Freezer re-appeared
from nowhere threatening Gokou. When he did this, Gokou knew he could not win
and without anything antagonizing the situation, Freezer killed Kliylin,
Gokou's best friend. (YESS!!! FREEZER ROCKS!!!)

When Kliylin died, Gokou's face turned strange. Then, Freezer shot
somthing at Gokou which Piccolo moved in front of and was hurt. Gohan took
Piccolo to safety and then, Freezer began cursing at Gokou about his friend.
When Goku heard this, the skies turned black, winds howled, and a bolt of
lightning flashed onto Gokou. Gokou screamed, his hair turned yellow, his
eyes green, and his expression was pissed! Gokou had become a Super Saiyajin!
With this new power, he defeated Freezer and nobody knew what happened to

After the fight with Freezer, a nemesis named Garlic Junior who was
immortal came to Earth after escaping his dimensional jail. Since this fight
was only a few episodes long and sucked, Gohan beat Garlic Junior and put him
back into his dimension.

Next, somebody on Earth informed Buruma, Vegeta, and the rest of the
gang that Freezer was still alive and was coming towards Earth with a greater
power. (His dad, King Cold.) When they came, another person with a Holy-Sword
came and challenged Freezer. The gang watched as the child turned Super
Saiyajin and Cut Freezer in half while disposing of King Cold with a blast to
the heart. The characters didn't know that this was the son of Buruma and
Vegeta named Trunks and was from the future. He was called Mirai Trunks,
being form the future. He waited for Gokou to come back to Earth and told him
how he was from the future and who his parents were. Gokou, shocked was also
told that he would die from a heart-disease right before another battle only
he could win. Trunks gave him medicine for it and then left to go back to the

Shortly after this, everyone began training for the fight and later on,
2 atrificial humans emerged from nowhere. They were very powerful and Gokou
began seeing signs of his heart disease and couldn't fight. Instead, he went
home to take the pill and heal up. The rest of the gang beat the weakest
android and let the other one, who was the creator of the androids themselves
escape. When they followed him, they found a lab and the android, actually
Dr. Gero in a new mechanical body, awaken the other androids who were more
powerful than the Earth had ever seen.

The fight with them was stopped shortly when another creature was
created by Dr. Gero in the future and escaped to their current time and
place. With the creature that came back was Mirai Trunks. This creature was
called CELL. This Cell was made to absorb the other andoids for their power
so they would become one and rule the world. He easily absorbed #17 and also
got #18 thanks to the dumbass Kliylin's feelings for an android. This caused
a mishap. Piccolo fused with Kame and held off Cell while Gokou, healed and
ready, trained with Gohan, Vegeta (Now a good guy.) and MIRAI TRUNKS in the
room of time and space where in one hour outside, inside, a year goes by.
After Gokou showed Gohan how to turn Super Saiyajin, everyone went down to
the surface to fight Cell accept Gokou and Gohan whom continued training.
When Vegeta and Trunks went down, they lost to him and then, Gokou and Gohan
went down. Gokou purposely lost to Cell and gave him a Senzu bean to fight
and train Gohan with while Gokou let Cell kill him. After, Gohan and cell
fought and Gokou had to give Gohan some of his soul's power to beat Cell with
a one-armed Kamehameha. After the fight all was good until Babidi came along.
In the fight, Gohan went Super Saiyajin 2.

In the next Tenchi Budikai, Gokou was given one day to live so that he
could compete due to his saving the world and all. Chi-Chi had had a son from
Gokou right after he died that she named Goten. When he came down, the God of
all Gods, KAIO-SHIN came down and asked Gokou for help in beating Babidi and
DARBURA who would try to summon an old evil back to life known as MAJIN BOO.
Gokou accepted and so the battles began. After Vegeta and GOHAN were beaten
by Darbura, Gokou went SUPER SAIYAJIN 3 messing around to easily beat
Darbura. Too late though, Majin Boo was resurrected. He then killed Babidi
when he grew sick of his orders. Buu became a good guy eventually and was
then absorbed by an evil Buu who was recreated by Babidi. This made an even
more powerful Buu. Buu became good again by becoming fond of Mr. Satan's
puppy. When two idiots killed the dog, Buu went crazy and became Evil Buu. By
now, TRUNKS was really born and was friends with Goten. They did a fusion
technique and lured the Evil Buu to the rom of time and space where they
fought. There, GOTENKS beat Buu but he regenerated somehow. Then, Piccolo
closed the room of time and space but Buu broke out with his loud voice
creating a dimensional warp. Then, Evil Buu turned everyone to candy that was
part of the DBZ gang taking all of their energy.

When he escaped, Gotenks and Piccolo did as well. SSJ3 Gotenks was
about to kill Buu when all of a sudden, he lost his energy because SSJ3
drained it too fast. Later on, Buu absorbed Gohan and Gotenks and Gokou had
to try and fight him. Vegeta was given life again and him and Gokou fused
with the Potara earrings given to them by the Kaio-Shins. This created
Vegetto. Vegetto beat Buu after turning Super Saiyajin but right before
finishing him, an unknown problem came to be with the earrings causing them
to unfuse. When this happened, they were both absorbed where they fought
inside of Buu and then escaped with the bodies of those who were absorbed.
When they fiddled with Majin Boo inside, Buu went crazy becoming the
original, stupid, midles,, evil, kid buu with all the power from before and

Instead of just fighting as Vegetto, Gokou and Vegeta took turns
thinking they stood a chance. Super Saiyajin 3 Gokou began losing his energy
and then summoned a Genki Dama with Mr. Satan's help of seducing the world to
do so. Also, the original Buu came back to life and with Vegeta, distracted
Buu while Gokou summoned the Genki Dama. When complete, he threw it but it
wasn't enough. Dende then used the Dragonballs to heal Gokou and give the
Genki Dama more power. When this happened, the world was once again saved and
Gokou, being a fighter, used the Dragonballs to wish Kid Buu back to life in
the form of a nice, kind, person so he could fight him again.

And now, the next Tenchi Budikai is about to begin and this is where
the game takes place... (Although Gokou does leave to train Ubuu the new
human Buu in the end of the series.) Also, Gokou's Granddaughter, Pan, who is
Gohan and Videl's (Bedel's) daughter, was saddened that her grandfather had
to go. Thus, the end of Z and intro to GT begins with this game...
The object of this or any other fighting game is the same... to defeat
your opponent by taking down all of their life bar. The only difference
between this and that is that this game has an energy bar that you use to
perform special energy attacks...
Modes Of Play:
There are six modes and five of them are modes of play. They are below
and are also explained in brief detail for those who are confused-despite the
names being in English...

1.Player VS Computer
2.Player VS Player
3.Tournament Mode
4.Build-Up Mode
5.Build-Up Battle Mode

Before you start playing the game at all, I suggest going to the
options mode and turning off the animation. It's a HUGE waste of time and is
no big deal once you have seen it once. Unless you are somebody who has never
playes a game with cartoon or computer generated cinema before, you should
take my advice and not waste your own time...
Player VS Computer-
In this mode, you pick the character that you want and the computer
chooses an opponent for you to battle against. For Some reason, there is
actually an ending to this mode. I just consider it a practice mode.
Player VS Player-
In this mode, you and a friend go one on one in battle to see who is
better. Another thing that this mode is good for is fighting against nobody
so you can practice executing your moves before going on to the real thing...
Tournament Mode-
This mode is like a tournament mode of any other game. Unfortunately,
it is a one player mode and the computer picks who you fight in this mode. It
is an eight player elimination and the person who stands undefeated wins the
tournament. Good luck!
Build-Up Mode-
Even though I dislike this game, this mode is the reason I bought it in
the first place. In this mode, you train your character(s) against other ones
to improve your character and their attacks. The way this works is you start
out in level 0. When you beat somebody with higher level than you are, you
inherit their level. There are five blocks of characters with a maximum level
of 125. After beating every character on one block, a new character will
appear with high level. This will happen on every block. The characters are
Chibi Gokou, Kame Senin, Mr. Satan, Super Saiyajin 3 Gokou, and Gojita. (Not
Vegetto in this one...)

You can strengthen your specific attacks by using them in battle. The
attack that strengthens is the one that you finish your opponent with off and
increases based on how strong your opponent is that you take down. You can
also keep training an attack even after you've reached maximum level for your
character. Don't strengthen one attack too much unless your other attacks are
just as strong! The computer WILL find your weak point by the scond or third
block and when they start using it against you, there will be no turning back
to lower blocks to train your attacks. Translation: YOU ARE SCREWED!!!

Finally, you can save your character in a memory card for training or
fighting against another opponent in the next mode...
Build-Up Battle-
In this mode, you load up fighters from your memory card(s) and you and
a friend go at it. Almost like Player VS Player mode. Please, don't get
started with that "I'm gonna be a DBZ MASTER" Shit. Excuse me, but I'm sick
of it. If this is what you are thinking, please leave this FAQ now and take
my advice not to show your face or speak out loud in public. You make me sick
and I can't sleep anymore thanks to you people. Thanks a lot!
In the options mode, here are the controls and settings that you can
change/adjust to your playing standards...

1.Difficulty-Easy, Normal, Hard (Default is normal, I think)
2.Animation-On, Off (Default is On)
3.Controls-Default is Default below... Change them at your own risk
Default Controls, Translations, And What They Do-
Here are the controls and what they do...

F/B = Forward / Back
U/D = Up / Down
UF/ DB = Up forward / Down

qcf= quarter circle forward = D,DF,F
qcb = quarter circle backward = B,DB,B
hcf = half circle forward = B,DB,D,DF,F
hcb =hale circle backward = F,DF,D,DB,B

Triangle=Triangle, Dunce (Fly)
Square=Square, Dunce (Punch)
X=X, Dunce (Kick)
O=O, Dunce (Shoot KI Blast)
L1=L1 (Speed-Dash Left)
R1=R1 (Speed-Dash Right)

Hold down either X, O, or Square to recharge your KI quickly. You will have
to do this quite a bit if you use mostly energy attacks. You will notice your
character will have a yellow KI field around them.

F or B + Square (when you are close to the opponent) - for a close range
attack. (Energy Release)

FireBall Attacks-

1)continuous or spread-out fireballs (depending on the character) - qcf + O
2)Medium strength energy attack - hcf + O
3)Super Energy projectile attack - qcb,F + O

Some FireBalls attacks will be unblockable and all of them, whether you
block them or not will damage you a little bit. (Some more than others.)


1)Basic block - B or DB ( you can block a kicks, punches and basic fireballs
with this but will take some damage from a medium to Super fireball)
2)Breaking a Medium/Super Fireball - Square+X ( when done right you will see
your character's arm lash out and no damage will be taken. Have to time this
one, ie when the fireball is near you.)
3)Energy Shield - qcb + O ( this will also block the fire-balls but will
cost you your Chi energy depending on the length of time)
4)Quick Step - tap B twice (you can avoid fireballs this way, again need
timing though.)
5)Run away! - R1 or L1 or Triangle ( I've found by far the best method is to
avoid the fireball by moving away quickly)

Hypermoves (RUSH)-

For most Hypermoves to work, one needs to stand close to the opponent
and the first punch or kick of the move must connect with your opponent.
Hypermoves do not use any chi energy.
Characters, Strategies To Beat Them, And Moves For Them-
SON GOKOU (Super Saiyajin)-
Gokou is the main character in DBZ if you didn't know that. They put
him in this game as Super Saiyajin and not his original. (Without codes.) To
beat him, I would suggest using KI attacks from afar and when possible,
pulling off close-range combos due to his long legs and range abilities.

Close range attack - 4 punches and a double jumping high kick
Dash elbow - qcf + S
Forward Turtle Flip - F,B,F + X
Four Dragon Kicks- hcf +X ( a direct translation)
Jump Knee Lift - DB,UF + X
Solar Flare - D,U + O
Teleport - (when blocking an attack), F + S
3 Continuous Fireballs - qcf + O
Release of Chi - B (hold), F + O (An Invisible Fireball.)
Kamehameha- hcf + O
Super Kamehameha- qcb,F + O (Stronger)
Hypermove (Meteor Smash) - hcb, F + S
Teleport Fireball - qcb, hcf + O

Gokou's first son and Chi-Chi's forst worry. He is very strong and
here, is in Super Saiyajin 2 form. In this form, he defeated cell in the
series and saved the world. (Gokou let him- you find that out in GT.) Gohan
is very fast and when fighting him, you should stay far away since he is
little and quick. When fighting him, use mainly KI Attacks and don't even try
to use any combos unless Gohan is dizzy.

Close Range Attack - Super fast multiple punches
Jet Uppercut - qcf + S
Descending Kick - (jump up), F,D + X
Dash Slider - B,DB,D + X
Back Roundhouse Kick - qcf+ X
3 Continuous Fireballs - D,DF,F + O
Invisible Fireball - B ( hold ), F + O
Masenko - hcf + O
Kamehameha - qcb,F +O (Yes, he knows it too!)
Hypermove - F,B,D,U + X
Super Turtle Ball - qcf,B + O

He is the younger son of Son Gokou and first sees his father at the
Tenchi Budikai before fighting Majin Boo. He possesses close-range attacks
and abilites so use long-range ones to defeat him.

Close Range Attack -Superfast multiple kicks.
Goten Descending Head Charge - D (hold), U + S
Back Round House Kick - B + X
Kicking Uppercut - DB, UF + X
Dash Sweep - B,DB,D + X
3 Continuous Fireballs - D,DF,F + O
Invisible Fireball - B (hold), F + O
Kamehameha - hcf + O
Super Kamehameha - qcb,F + O
Hypermove - hcb,hcf + S
Super Goten Attack - D (hold), U +O

This is the son of Vegeta from thenormal dimension, unlike Mirai
Trunks. He has great power and is friends with Goten. Together, they fuse as
Gotenks. Also, when fighting him, try not to get to close or too far. Hit him
with big attacks from a balanced, medium, range.

Close Range Attack - Superfast multiple punches followed by a kick
Dash Elbow - qcf + S
Back Roundhouse Kick - B + X
Middle Kick - qcf + X
Flash Kick Attack - B(hold), F + X
3 Continuous Fireballs - qcf + O
Air to Ground Energy ball - ( jump up ),F,D + O
Energy Ball - hcf + O ( medium strength)
Super Energy Ball - qcb,F + O
Hypermove - F,B,D,U + X
Ultimate Energy Ball - qcf,hcf +O
Double Large Energy Ball - qcf,hcf + O, O

The fusion technique of Trunks and Son Goten. This character is pretty strong
and helps fight against Majin Boo. His attacks and Meteos are very strong and
the only way to beat him with a weak character is to perform a hot and run
with a KI or a combo when he gets tired.

Close range Attack - 4 punches to the head and 1 kick
Descending Head Charge - ( jump up ), F,D + S
Multiple Punches - B(hold), F + S
Leg Sweep - D,DB,B + X
Double Upper Roundhouse Kicks - DB, UF + X
3 Continuous Fireballs - qcf + O
Combined Goten and Trunks Energy Ball - hcf + O
Superfast Multiple Fireballs - qcb,F + O
Hypermove - hcb,hcf + S
Kamikaze Ghost Attack- hcb,hcf + O

This is the Trunks that came back from the future and is therefore
known as Mirai Trunks. He is from another dimension though and helps in many
fights throughout the series until the younger version from him is near
grown. To beat him, stay airnborne and you can even take risks too.

Close range attack - close range explosion.
Sliding Leg Sweep -B,DB,D + X
Forward Flip - hcb + X
Double Hand Hit - B (hold) , F + S
5 Multiple Kicks - F,B,F + X
Shower of Fireballs - qcf + O
Ground Energy Discharge - B,DB,D + O attack )
Energy Ball (Burning Attack) - hcf + O
Super Energy Ball - qcb, F + O
Hypermove (Burning Hells Slasher) - F,B,D,U + S
Super Fast Multiple Fireballs - hcf,hcf + O

The Piccolo after fusing with Nail and Kame. This is the most powerful
form of him. As you may or may not know, he is from planet Namek and is
therefore known as a Namekian. To beat him, get far away and use small KI
attacks. On almost any mode, he will screw you with his close-range attacks.

Close range attack - Straight up kick
Arm Stretch - B (hold), F + S
Super Descending Kick - ( Jump up ), F,D + X
Sliding Kick - F,B,F + X
Upward Swoop - DB, UF + X
Energy Flame - F,B,F + O
3 Continuous Fireballs - qcf + O
Electric Header - DB, UF + O
Energy Missile - hcf + O
Super Energy Ball - qcb, F + O
Hypermove - F,B,D,U + S
Homing Fireballs ( perform when flying) - hcb,hcb + O

This is Gokou's best friend. Quite honestly, he's weak, stupid, and I
wish that he'd just stay dead in the series... I mean, uh, to beat him, do
anything you want because he sucks and anybody can kick his ass... (If you
lose to him, youi suck...)

Close Range attack - 4 punches followed by a kick
Forward Charge - qcf + S
Descending Gail Kick - F,B,F + X
Flowing Double Kick - B,DB,D +X
Super Sweep - (jump up ), F, D + X
3 Continous Fireballs - qcf + O
Forward Bounce ( using a fireball) - qcb + O
Solar Energy Bomb - D,U + O
Turtle Power Ball - hcf + O (same Master as SonGokou)
Energy Saw - qcb,F +O
Hypermove - hcb, F + S
Four Energy Saw - hcf,hcf + O

A friend of Gokou's and very weak I might add. He is good fro his
tricks in battle suck as the solar flare but other than that, he sucks. To
beat him, stay on the ground to avoid solar flares and being blinded. From
ther you have two choices... You can shoot KI or KI attacks. When he is
dizzy, you can use combos and such if you feel the need...

Close range attack - head butt
Multiple Hand Slap - tap S repeated
Horizontal Head Charge - F,B,F + S
Low Kick + Close punch - qcf + X (stand close)
Beam Attack - DB,UF + O
3 Continuous Fireballs - qcf + O
Upward Energy Beam -qcf + O
Solar Flare,U + O Energy Ball - hcf + O
Super Invisible Energy Ball - qcb,F + O
Hypermove (Combination Attack) - hcb, F + S
Ultimate Unblockable Energy Ball - hcb,hcf + O
Combination - hcf + S

This is Gohan in the series grown up and being a dumbass. Though he
thinks in his mind he is cool, all his classmates at school think he is a
dork accept his girlfriend, Mr. Satan's daughter, Videl. (Bedel.)

Close range attack- 5 punches
Winning Upper - qcf + S
Super Hero Punch - F,B,F + S
Descending Kick - ( Jump up), F,D, + X
Double Roundhouse Kick of Justice - qcf + X
Slow Energy Ball - qcf + O
Invisible fireball (Great Saiya Cannon) - B (hold), F + O
Turtle Power Ball - hcf + O
Super Turtle Power Ball - qcb,F + O
Hypermove (Great Dance of Justice) - hcb, F + X
Ultimate Turtle Power Ball - hcb, F + O

Kaioshin is the God of all Gods. He comes into the series to look for
help against the evil being Majin Boo. He is not that strong but is actually
very useful when you play as him. To beat him easily, stay on the opposite
terrain as him. For example, when he is in the sky, go to the ground and vice

Close range attack - Throw
Multiple Slaps - F,B,F + S ( stand close)
Side Slap - B(hold),F+ S
4 Multiple Kicks - hcf + X
3 Continuous FireBalls - qcf + O
Invisible Fireball - B ( hold), F + O
Ground Energy Discharge - B,DB,D + O
Energy Ball - hcf+ O
Super Energy Ball - qcb,F + O
Hypermove - F,B,D,U + O Telekinesis
Multiple Spread Fireballs - hcb, hcf + O

Vegeta is the next strongest Saiyajin other than Gokou in the series.
They fuse to be Vegetto and/or Gojita in the series but Vegeta is nothing but
a cold-hearted warrior. How many times he dies in the series due to his pride
is countless and proves that as cold heart is a dead one. Although he sounds
bad, he also lives up to the expectations in this game. He is very string and
has some very deadly attacks. To beat him, stay far away form him and use
combos when needed.

Close range attack - Close Explosion
Dash Elbow - qcf + S
Upward Charge - F,B,F + S
Sway Attack - B,DB,D + S (close)
Descending Kick - (Jump) , F,D + X
Upward Sliding Kick - DB,UF + X
Side Bomb - D,U + O
Upward Multiple Fireballs (Astro Fire Cannon) - qcf,B + O
Energy Ball (Big Bun Attack)- hcf + O
Super Energy Ball (Final Flash) - qcb, F + O
Vegeta Final Blast Bomb - (jump), F,UF,U,UB,B,F + O
Ultimare Fire Ball - qcb,hcf + O
Hypermove - hcb, F + X

They only put him in this game because he had a saga dedicated to him
in the series. He is a very weak character compared to the others at the end
of the series. In the game though, he is a pain in the ass. He can do all
sorts of attacks from close to long range. The only way to beat him with ease
is to stay on the opposite terrain as him and throw KI. His counters with his
tail when you try to do combos with certain characters are deadly and with
most characters, you will find combos useless...

Close Range attacks - knee-butt
Fast Forward Charge - F,B,F + S ( covers long distance)
Descending Head Charge - (jump up ) ,F,D + S
Forward Flip - qcb + X
3 Continuous Fireballs - qcf + O
Invisible Fireball - B (hold ), F + O
Descending Lunar chop - B,DB,D + O
Energy Ball (Death Ball) - hcf + O
Super Energy Ball (Mega Buster) - qcb,F + O
Hypermove (Psycho-Kinesis) - F,B,D,U + O
Invisible Energy Ball - hcb, F + O

She is one of the androids that destroyed Mirai Trunks' world in the
android and Cell saga. She is pretty strong. To a story standpoint, she was
turned to human when Gokou gave his life for her so she could be human.
Unfortunately for her, Kliylin seduced her and so they married. To beat her,
stay far from her and prefferably on the opposite terrain due to her quick
kick combos and KI attacks.

Close range attack - heavy punch
Horizontal Head Charge -F,B,F + S
Back Leg Sweep - B,DB,D + X (stand close)
Double Low Roundhouse Kick - F,B,F + X
Back Flip Kick (Bloody Kick) - qcf, B + X
3 Continuous Fireball - qcf + O
Ground Energy Discharge - B,DB,D + O
Energy Ball - hcf + O
Super Energy Missile - qcb,F + O
Hypermove (Bloody Drive Attack) - hcb, F + X
Close Explosion ( Flash Beam Bless) - hcb + O

This is the android Dr. Gero created to kill Gokou should the time ever
come. When it did, he was created. He was made only to kill Gokou and had a
pretty settle heart for a machine. The only catch was he died in the fight
against Cell. He is a very string and quick fighter. To beat him, stay on
opposite terrains to avoid his arm detatchment attacks and invisible laser
beams. From there, do whatever you want to ensure a given victory.

Close range attack - head-butt
Charging Punch - qcb,F + S
Body Charge - B,DB,D + S
Flying Fist ( Rocket Punch) - qcf + S ( literally!)
3 Continous Fireballs - qcf + O
Invisible Fireball - B(hold), F + O
Upward Eye Laser - DB,UF + O
Energy Ball (Mega Energy Bomb) - DB,D,DF,F + O
Arm Cannon - qcb,F + O
Hypermove (Hells Flash Combination Attack) - qcb,hcf + S
Super Arm Cannon - qcf,hcf + O

( execute these after the Rocket Punch has hit )
Reverse Rocket Punch - qcf + S
Dash Attack - qcb, F + S
Dash Tackle - B,DB,D + S

This is the perfect form of Cell after absorbing #17 and #18. This
formis very powerful in battle. In the series, he was created by Dr. Gero and
used as a war machine to rule the world. In battle, you can beat him by doing
close-range attacks because he is a tall character with mainly kicks.

Close range attack - close explosion
Forward Charge - F,B,F + S
Low Sweep + Mid Level Kick - F,B,F + X
Ascending Charge - DB,UF + X
3 Continuous Fireballs - qcf + O
Invisible Fire Ball - B (hold) , F + O
Finger Beam - B,F + O
Energy Ball - hcf + O
Turtle Power Ball - qcb,F + O
Hypermove (Perfect Cell Smash) - F,B,D,U + Square
Super Turtle Power Ball - hcb, F + O

In charge of the underworld (HELL! DUMBASS!) he helped Babidi bring
back Majin Boo. He has great power and Meteo smashes and is therefore a force
not to be close to. To win against him in battle, stay medium to long-range
away to ensure that darbura wont pull any unnessecary combos on you. (So help
you God!)

Close range attack - lightening strike
Sword Slash - qcf+ S
Double Sword Slash - qcf + X
Jumping Sword Attack - hcb + S
Medusa's Spit - B (hold), F + O
Javelin - B,F + O
Forward Slide + Contact Fireball - D,DB,B + O
Spitting Fire Ball - hcf+ O
Super Energy Ball - qcb,F + O
Hypermove (Death Frit Lancer) - B,F,D,U + S
Death Flame - hcb,hcf + O (close by)

HAHAHA! He is the ultimate evil awakened by Babidi to destroy the
world. He turns people into chocolate and then eats them to absorb their
power. He is very powerful and fat. To beat him in battle, perform close-
range attacks due to his lack of speed and endurance.

Close Range attack - Clapping in your face.
Body Bomber - DB,UF + S
Horizontal Head Charge - F,B,F + S
Descending Kick - (Jump up), F,D + X
Jumping Lower Kick - B,DB,D + X
Fireball Shower - qcf + O
Invisible Fireball - B (hold), F + O
Antenna Missile - hcf + O (turns people into candy in the comic)
Super Spitting Fireball - qcb,F + O
Hypermove - B,F,D,U + S
Boo Bomb - hcb, F + O

This is an even more powerful form of Buu that is triggered inside
Majin Boo when Mr. Satan's puppy dies. In this, he gets very pissed off
becoming more powerful and wanting to rule the world more than ever, thus
becoming more evil. To beat him in battle, stay the hell away from him and
shoot KI. He's not that hard but he follows up in his combos pretty well...

Close range attack - Close explosion
Head Whip - B,F + S
Forward Charge - qcf+ S
3 Continuous fireballs - qcf+ O
Antenna Missile - hcf + O
Super Spitting Fireball - qcb,F + O
Hypermove (Liquid Bomb) - hcb,hcf + S
Fireball Shower - hcf,hcf + O

This character is a worker for freezer and at one point in the series,
stringer than Vegeta. That all changed when he beat Vegeta since Saiyajins
get stronger after every fight. Unfortunately for Zarbon, he was one of
Vegeta's first names on his shit-list. To beat him easily, just do combos
when he isn't in the air running from you.

Close range attack - 5 punches to the head
Simple Flip - D, U + X
Sliding Sweep - B,DB,D + X
Shooting Star Combination - ( jump up ),F,D + X
3 Fireballs - qcf + O ( of slightly different heights)
Eye Beam - B,DB,D + O
Energy Ball ( Star Dust Bridge) - hcf + O
Throwing Energy Ball - qcb,F + O
Hypermove - hcb,hcf + S
Spreadballs - qcf, hcf + O

This is a very powerful member of the Ginew force, Freezer's galactic
justice team. (RIIIIIIIIIGHTTTTT!) Anyway, he is an android and was made
strong enough by Freezer's mechanics and engineers to become part of the
force. In battle, he can be beaten by almost anything so stay cool.

Close Range Attack - Upward Toss
Death Driver - hcb + S ( when close) Jump up throw
Crush Down - hcf + S (when close) Throw, head hit
Ascending Charge - DB,UF + X
Forward Charge - qcf+ X
Descending Charge - (Jump up ), F,D + X
Energy Ball - hcf + O
Spitting Energy Ball - qcb,F + O
Ultra Fighting Bomber - hcb,hcf + O (like Blast Bomb)
Hypermove (Recoom Fire Gilotint Rope) -hcf,hcb + S
Power Bomb - (jump up) (close by),S+X

This is the reckoned leader of the Ginew force. He is much stronger
than all of the other members and can do a move called a body change. When
fighting him, he shouldn't be too hard and you can use almost any moves to
beat him. When his life gets low, watch out for his body change ability
though, you will thank me later...

Close Range Attack - 5 slaps
Dynamite Punch - qcb,F + S
Forward Charge - hcf + S
Ginew Throw Tackle - F,DF,D + S (close by)
Bicycle Kick - F,B,F+ X
3 Fireballs - qcf + O
Kneeling Fireball - B,DB,D + O
Throwing Energy Ball - hcf + O
Super Energy Ball(Ginew Dynamite Attack) - qcb,F + O
Hypermove - qcb,F,DF,D + X
Damage Body Change - B,hcb + O
Body Change - F,B,DB,D,DF,B + O


To play as the following characters, enter the following code at the title
screen. To do it press U,T,D,X,B,L1,F,R1... You will hear a chime when you
have done this right.
This is Son Gokou as he was as a little kid in Dragonball. He is not
very strong but has a stick! That's right! His stick given to him by grandpa
Gohan! To beat him, jump over his head constantly hitting him and going back
and forth. It's cheap, funny, and it works.

Close range attack - Throw
Stone, Paper, Scissors punches!
Stone- B,F + S
Paper - B,F + O
Scissors - B,F + X
Eight Handed Strike - hcf + S
Rod Strike - B(hold), F + S (the rod lengthens)
Descending Charge using a Fireball - (jump up ) , F,D + S
Kamehameha - hcf + O
Hypermove (Were-Ape Transformation) - hcf,hcb + S
Super Kamehameha - hcb, F + O

This is the creator of the Kamehameha and was the martial arts champion
a long time ago. When he met Gokou in the series, he decided to train him and
his friend Kliylin. When fighting him, beat him close range since he can't
dash, fly, or hit fast. This is a funny character to be, especially when he
does the Kamehameha...

Grampa Turtle cannot fly nor move quickly across the screen.

Close range attack - Throw
Teleport - F,B,F + S
Drunken Turtle Punch - qcf + S
Drunken Turtle Low Punch - F,DF,D + S
Double Kick - F,B,F + X
Drunken Turtle High Kick - qcf + X
Drunken Turtle Low Kick - F,DF,D + X
Flying Kick - qcb, F + X
Drunken Tiger Punch- D,DF, F + O
Drunken Tiger Low Punch - F,DF,D + O
Turtle Power Ball - hcf+ O
Maximum Kamehameha - qcb,F + O
Multiple Beam Attack - hcb + O
Hypermove - hcb,hcf + O (Telekinesis,spins opponent in the air)

As much as I dislike this game, Mr. Satan is my favorite character and
is HILARIOUS in the game and in the series. If you didn't know, Mr. Satan is
just a normal human with no real power unlike the rest of the characters in
this game. For example, he cannot fly, dash, or charge KI. When you hold down
the button of your choice to charge KI, he screams as if he is charging but
nothing happens at all... Also, in the series, he takes the credit for
beating cell and Evil Buu although he does nothing accept watch in amazement.
All of his moves in the game are cheap and unfair but hey, you're Mr. Satan
so you can cheat. In the game, instead of attacks, he will use bats, bombs,
missiles, and cannons to try and beat you. It's probably the funniest thing I
have ever seen in any DBZ game out. This is the funniest character to be. To
beat him, simply whoop his ass until hi dies and watch the skies for
missiles. As long as you watch your back, this should be an easy fight...

Close range attack - Close punch
Baseball Bat - X
Rolling Attack - B,DB,D + S
Forward Charge - qcf +S
Diving Jabs - qcb+ S
Hero Dance - hcb, F + S (first hit must connect)
Dynamite Kick - qcf + X
Grenade - O
Cannon- hcf+ O
Massive Missle - qcb,F + O
Failed Massive Missile - qcb,hcf + O (HAHAHAHAHAHA!)
Hypermove (Champion Dance) - hcb,hcf + S

This is Son Gokou in his 3rd Super Saiyajin State. He has long hair, no
eyebrows, and is very powerful in the game and in the series... To beat him,
run away and fight like a bitch with KI's and KI attacks.

Close range attack - 4 punches and a slam
Dash Punch - qcf + S
Descending Kick - (Jump up), F,D + X
Gale Shoot - qcb, F + X (Jump forward + double ascending kick)
Gale Shoot Reverse - qcf, B + X (Jump backward + the kicks)
Saiyajin 3 Attack - hcb + S (Stand Close)
Thousand Combination - hcf+ X
Invisible Fireball - B(hold), F + O
Kamehameha - hcf+ O
Super Kamehameha 3 - qcb,F + O
Hypermove (Teleport Meteo Smash) - B,F,D,U + S
Ultimate Kamehamehax3- hcb, F + O

For some stupid-ass reason, they put Vegetto as Gojita in this game
even though Gojita appeared in one DBZ movie and Vegetto fought Buu in the
series. He is the most powerful character in the game and to beat him, fight
like a bitch, cheaply, and if not like that, luck. He is beatable, but not
easily with an average or normal character.

Close Range attack - Throw
CannonBall Attack - hcf + S
Spinning Drop Kick - F,B,F + X
Fast Descending Kick - (Jump Up), F,D + X
Forward Kick - qcb + X ( close by )
Teleport Slider - (when Dashing R1/L1), S
Teleport Slash Down - ( when Dashing R1/L1),O
Teleport Spinning Drop Kick - (when Dashing R1/L1), X
Invisible Breath - B(hold), F + O
Slow Energy Ball - D(hold), U + O
Combined Energy Ball (Ultra Super Doughnut)- hcf + O
Final Super Turtle Energy Ball - qcb,F + O
Hypermove(Gogeta Meteor Attack)- hcf,hcb + S
Quick Ultra Ball - qcb,hcb + O ( 3x large energy balls)
Strategies For Winning The Game-
Now that you have the basics, moves, and story of the game, I will give
you some strategies towards winning the game with ease. If you want to add
something, E-Mail me at dfgibbs@attglobal.net so I can hear what you have to
say and post it.
Hit And Run Tactic-
In this tactic, simply hit the enemy unitl he can hit you and then run
awy, charge your KI if needed, and repeat until voctory is yours... When
hitting, I suggest with combinations or Meteos. If unavailable (Mr. Satan
fans!) then just use your special KI attacks.
Run, Hit, Charge Tactic-
In this tactic, keep as far away from the enemy at all times using what
you can at all times and charging your KI if need be. Depending on who your
character is, you will probably be limited to physical combos and have to
rely on KI attacks. If you are in the air, you should forget about special KI
attacks since the computer will probably dodge them anyway...
Strictly Offensive Tactic-
In this tactic, you show the computer or your opponent what you are
made of and kick their ass. (If plans succeed...) I suggest only doing this
if your character has an advantage over your opponent's. If so then proceed.
If not, then death by your own pride awaits you and I declare you suicidal...
Below are the only current cheat codes I have for this game. If you
have any I don't that work, please send them to me at dfgibbs@attglobal.net
so I can add them on for everybody's benefit. I got these from
Gamewinners.com and the Game Software Code Creator's Club at cmgsccc.com in
the japanese section of the site. Thank you for your understanding and

Gameshark Codes-

1P Infinite Life 800BE388 0190
Have All Characters 80010120 0010

Manual Cheat(s)-

Ultimate Battle 27 mode:
Press Up, Triangle, Down, X , Left, L1, Right, R1 at the title screen after
the FMV sequence.
A chime will confirm correct code entry. Another FMV sequence will be
displayed, followed by a title screen that now displays "Dragon Ball Z
Ultimate Battle 27". Ultimate Battle 27 mode allows five more fighters to be
Name Translations-
Below are some name translations I made for those of you who don't know
the American names translated to Japanese. For example, (And I wrote it both
ways in the FAQ...) Goku is Gokou. See? Simple right?

Dragonball Z-Idainaru Dragon Ball Densetsu=Dragonball Z Legends
Sayain=Saiyajin (i.e. SS Goku=SSJ Gokou)
Future Trunks=Mirai Trunks (I don't know why!)
Kyo-Shin=Kaoi-Shin or Kaioshin
Thank yous-
-BanDai for making the game
-Ourselves for thinking of and researching for the FAQ
-Funimation for making Dragonball Z
-Morgan Gibbs for writing the FAQ
-Matt Massee for making up the Cheap, effective, master in ten minutes tactic
-GameFAQS for making the production of this FAQ easy and possible
-Nabisco For Making Oreos
-Pepsi for Making Mountain Dew
-Napster For Giving Me Free S***
-Your Mama For Last Night
-Okay I'll shut up now...
Additional Information-
-------------------Updates will be frequent
-You can E-Mail us at dfgibbs@attglobal.net for questions about a game or
this game
-You can E-Mail us about comments, or even suggestions for the FAQ as well
-This is a Japanese game FAQ and you will need a modified PSX or Saturn or a
converter to play this game.
-You can talk to me on Napster (While it's still up anyway...) by adding our
names to your hot list.
-Morgan's name is still muzzled and is S-E-P-H-I-R-O-T-H...
-Matt's name is []D[][]V[][D-2Many and he is currently not muzzled...
-Copyright 2001-2002 MSGMMM Corporation
-All Rights Reserved
-Version 1.0
-Any people using this item without our or our company's consent, or using
this item for their own personal benefit, will be tried for either plagerism
or piracy towards copyright laws in our current state's federal court of law.
(Big trouble...)
-Thank you, :)

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